A pinch of pepper
− the modern interpretation of an old craft
Consumers are more and more conscious of the quality of their food. Zurich-based traditional butcher Keller sets an example and offers a wide variety of high-quality, yummy sausages and meat products. “My grandfather Armin Keller established our butcher’s shop in 1934 and, to some degree, we still use his recipes today,” recounts Urs Keller, manager of Keller Butchers. Aware of the timelessness of tradition, Keller Butchers stands out via a high regard of the product as well as a traditional understanding of the butcher’s trade. Keller continues: “Yes, we are proud to be a traditional enterprise. That notwithstanding, we are constantly developing new ideas and products. You may safely say that we are creative traditionalists who pass on their know-how and love of the product from generation to generation.” Next to the high-quality meat products that Keller Butchers primarily obtains from Switzerland and partially from e.g. Australia, Ireland, USA or South America, it is the shop’s very own specialities which makes its sales mix so particular. “We feel 62 | Issue 69 | December 2018
obliged to our long-standing tradition. We have, however, enhanced my grandfather’s recipes to better match the zeitgeist which likes its food a little bit spicier than in the past. Our very own ‘Wiedikerli’ are known beyond Zurich’s borders and are one of our highlights. Named after the district in which Keller Butchers is located, our Wiedikerli sausages, relished in its pure version, refined with fennel or with peperoncini, or, alternatively, made from veal, are incredibly popular with our customers and are savoured by an evergrowing crowd of fans,” says Keller. Quality speaks for itself. Meat products and sausages not only are popular with private households, but also with gastronomical premises from around Zurich. “Restaurants, cafés, hotels and restaurant chains count amongst our many commercial customers - proof for us that our
products are highly esteemed by the professionals also,” Keller says proudly. Yet, Keller Butchers does not want to rest on its laurels. “In 2019, we will celebrate our Wiedikerli’s 25th anniversary. We will therefore launch new creations particularly suited for summer barbecues and are already looking forward to our customers’ reactions!”