Discover Germany, Issue 119, July 2024

Page 81

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Dear Reader,

It’s July, so chances are you’ve already planned your summer holiday. Recently, I’ve come across a rather interesting poll, conducted by According to it, the most popular international destinations for German travellers for the summer of 2024 come as no surprise: whether it's a beach vacation or a city trip, Germans are predominantly drawn to the Mediterranean. In our cover feature, we explore what countries Germans are flocking to the most this summer, while exploring how sustainability comes into play.

Another highlight in our new July issue is an interview with Felix Finkbeiner. In 2007, when he was only nine years old, he decided that more action had to be taken to counteract climate change. Thus, he initiated the initiative ‘Plant-for-the-Planet’. What started off as a school project, turned into a global movement that is on course to restore one trillion trees. We chatted to him about the progress of his impressive project, and more.

Other topics covered in our latest issue are a special theme on top travel trends, a closer look at our Destination of the Month, the Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel, a closer look at meetings, conferences and event locations, the ‘4 Peaks Alta Badia’ challenge, a guide to German business culture, top hotels, innovative interior designers, creative businesses, and much, much more.

Sit back, relax and thanks for reading!

JULY 2024



Humans are creatures of habit - this also seems to apply to Germans booking their summer holidays. We’re taking a closer look at this year’s top destinations and find a penchant for sustainable travel.



For some design inspiration for 2024, read this special theme and meet some inspiring companies and their products.


Looking for your next adventurous holiday or in need of r a relaxing break? We’ve got you covered in this special theme where we introduce some of this year’s top travel hits that should be on anyone’s bucket list.


Find out more about the top meeting, conference and event locations and hosts in the DACH region in this special theme.



KAPPLER stands for unique medical practice design, based on the three principles: “Love for detail”, “Form follows function” and “They who stop getting better, stop being good”. The goal is to create practices that become oases of well-being.


In 2007, a nine-year-old boy from Germany decided that more action had to be taken to counteract climate change. Thus, he initiated the initiative ‘Plant-forthe-Planet’. What started off as a school project, turned into a global movement that is on course to restore one trillion trees.


At the Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel, the environment itself counts as a luxury – enjoyed right outside the front door in the heart of the Seiser Alm, at 1,750 meters above sea level and in the middle of a nature reserve.


Located in the very heart of the vibrant capital Berlin, near Kurfürstendamm, ALICE Rooftop & Garden offers an exclusive event concept.


Germany's most traditional and bestknown casino is much more than just a gaming house. Founded by a clever French entrepreneur, immortalised by a brilliant Russian poet laureate, loved by Marlene Dietrich - the casino has resided in the Kurhaus in Baden-Baden at the foot of the Black Forest for almost 200 years.


Adventure, adrenaline and breathtaking views: This is what awaits those who accept the ‘4 Peaks Alta Badia’ challenge.


Ever wondered what to know and say when doing business in Germany? We’ve got you covered.



Whether you are searching for trendy interior items or unique fashion pieces, be sure to take a look at our Design section.


Top-notch wineries and a column from the managing director of The WineBarn, a multi-award-winning wine merchant –this is our Wine & Dine section.


Hotels, destinations and exciting things to do – our Travel section gives you some much-needed travel inspiration.


Our business section takes a closer look at businesses from across the DACH region.


Discover Germany, Austria & Switzerland’s Culture Calendar is your perfect guide to what not to miss in July.


This month, long-term Berlin resident Cornelia Brelowski writes about the pleasure of visiting a vernissage in the city.

Fashion Finds

This summer not only brings hot temperatures but also hot colours! A look at Lena Hoschek's catwalk from the Fresco collection shows: It's going to be colourful! The Austrian designer is known for her patterns and modern designs that uphold age-old traditions and traditional craftsmanship at the same time.

The ‘D'este’ dress is perfect when you’re looking for an airy piece that makes a statement. The dress shines in a beautiful yellow hue and is decorated with a floral pattern. Inspired by the Italian noble family and art patrons D'este, the lush maxi dress features a flounce and elbow-length puff sleeves. £655.

The ‘Franca’ belt is an impressive accessory that will enhance your look with sophistication and style. Made from high-quality black leather, this belt is characterized by special raffia details on the edge that give it a unique touch. £298.

The ‘Cannes’ dress is made of 55% linen and 45% viscose. The relatively heavy linen fabric is decorated with a coral-coloured floral print and reminds the designer of the wild 70s. The retro look is rounded off by a V-neckline with collar, short sleeves and a long row of coconut buttons. £587.

The ‘Donna

dress is made of 85% linen and 15% polyamide and comes with a very wide, square neckline inspired by the Renaissance period. £732.

The it-piece of the season: This corset will stand out in any situation. Pair up with a long, flowy skirt for a romantic look or pair with some jeans for a more modern flair. £390.

The ‘Aeki’ bag is the perfect companion for everyday use. Made from high-quality cotton and recycled polyester, it offers ample storage space for all your essentials, all while ensuring comfortable carrying. £213.


Dedicated to Design

Create your own peaceful outdoor paradise! Focused on natural elements, plush seating, and vibrant plants, the ‘Serene Gardens’ trend transforms any outdoor space into a calming retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Ambient lighting, gentle water features, and eco-friendly touches complete the serene atmosphere, making it the perfect place to escape and unwind during the summer months.


Lighting can really make or break a garden setting. Choose whimsical fairy lights and small lanterns for a cosy look. Battery lantern £19.99, outdoor fairy lights £7.99 and black wicker solar lantern bundle £99.99.

The fabulous Murcia Fire Pit will give your garden some serious wow factor! Load up with logs, keep the chill away and enjoy watching the sun go down whilst creating a cosy mood... perfect for family gatherings, group events, parties or weddings. £299.

For 130 years, the Feuerhand Baby Special 276 Hurricane Lantern has been a reliable companion in the dark. For its anniversary, the iconic lantern made in Germany is now experiencing a modernized re-release as LED model. Its dimmable light source bathes places of well-being outdoors and indoors in a warm white light. £67.

The lounge sofa ‘Siena Due’ by AMAZONAS, a German garden furniture brand, combines stylish design with sustainable materials. The super thick, soft, water-repellent and extra quick-drying padding guarantees perfect relaxation. £859.

With a Morroccan-inspired tile design in soothing shades of terracotta and Mediterranean blue, the Souk Wall Mounted Water Feature will bring a relaxing touch to your garden. £255.

Made from the highest quality terracotta, these pots stand the test of time. Complete with a Tuscan-style finish, these are timeless and add a classic look to any garden space. £180.

This stylish Italian designed table in olive is strong and durable. The table top has an interesting perforated hole pattern with a matt and slightly textured finish. £600.


Design trends of 2024

For some lifestyle and design inspiration for 2024, read the following special theme and meet some inspiring companies and their products.



Casa Padrino's reinterpretation of Baroque originals is a classic, innovative luxury.

From luxurious furniture for home and garden to bathroom furniture, magnificent fountains or large-scale sculptures for indoor and outdoor use: Casa Padrino is THE hotspot par excellence for glamorous home accessories.

Since 2007, Casa Padrino has been inspiring its customers by reimagining old favourites. “Our range includes detailed replicas of historical originals that can only be admired in museums,” say owners Dr Sina and Marvin Schertl. “We manufacture our pieces using highquality craftsmanship, traditional methods as well as the same original materials, i.e., mainly beech or oak. Our items are refined with real marble or bronze or brass applications enhanced with gold or silver foil.”

Casa Padrino's creations are a source of inspiration not only for grand hotels, but also for designers and museums, as Sina Schertl confirms: “We have delivered to Gucci, Roberto Cavalli and Christian Louboutin. And anyone who has visited the Cité de l'Histoire in Paris will have noticed the historic Louis XIV-style carriage that was manufactured in our workshop.”

In recent years, the exclusive creations have also been on display at events at the Cannes Film Festival, where they have been the centre of attraction for many film stars.


Klassischer, innovativer Luxus - das ist Casa Padrino mit seinen Neuinterpretationen barocker Originale.

Ob luxuriöse Wohnmöbel für Haus und Garten, Badmöbel, prachtvolle Springbrunnen oder riesige Skulpturen für den Außen- und Innenbereich: Casa Padrino ist DER Hotspot schlechthin für charmante Wohnaccessoires.

Bereits seit 2007 begeistert Casa Padrino seine Kundinnen und Kunden mit charmanten Neuinterpretationen alter Originale. „Unser Sortiment umfasst unter anderem detailgetreue Repliken historischer Originale, die nur noch in Museen zu sehen sind”, so die Inhaber Dr. Sina und Marvin Schertl. „Diese fertigen wir wie früher, nämlich in hochwertiger Handarbeit und aus den gleichen Materialien, hauptsächlich also Buche oder Eiche. Wir veredeln die Stücke mit echtem Marmor oder Bronze- oder Messingapplikationen, die mit Blattgold oder Blattsilber aufgewertet werden.”

Die Kreationen von Casa Padrino begeistern nicht nur Grandhotels, sondern auch Designer oder Museen, wie Sina Schertl bestätigt: „Wir haben bereits an Gucci, Roberto Cavalli oder auch Christian Louboutin geliefert. Und wer schon einmal das Museum Cité de l’Histoire in Paris besucht hat, dem ist sicher die historische Kutsche im Stil Ludwigs XIV. aufgefallen - die stammt aus unserem Haus.”

In den vergangenen Jahren waren die exklusiven Kreationen außerdem bei Events auf den Filmfestspielen in Cannes zu sehen, wo sie die bewundernden Blicke der Stars auf sich gezogen haben.



Hochwertige Materialien. Einzigartiges Design. Möbel für draußen in faszinierender Schönheit ‚besitzen’: Das ist idyl. Exklusivität und Anspruch müssen nicht mehr in den eigenen vier Wänden enden. Weil idyl für die Natur gemacht ist, die diesen DesignOutdoormöbeln aber nichts anhaben kann. Genauso wenig wie der Zeitgeist. Weil Schönheit die beste Basis für Nachhaltigkeit schafft, indem wahres Design kurzlebige Trends überwindet, um so lange an Ihrer Seite zu bleiben. Warum sollten wir draußen weniger schön wohnen, als wir es drin tun?

Designklassiker von heute im Bereich der Inneneinrichtung waren auch mal neu am Markt. Nun setzt eine junge deutsche Marke mit skandinavischem Flair, kurz und unprätentiös idyl genannt, die Weichen, die Designklassiker für morgen – jetzt für den Außenbereich – zu schaffen.

Der Trend, anspruchsvolle Einrichtungskonzepte auch im Außenbereich des Zuhauses zu verwirklichen, gewinnt die vergangenen Jahre an neuer Qualität und Bedeutung. Doch bisher fehlte gerade Designfreundinnen und -freunden die Möglichkeit, anspruchsvolle Möblierungen für den Außenbereich zu finden – zum ansprechenden Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis. Idyl schließt diese Lücke des exklusiven Einrichtungssegments nun mit einem frischen skan-

dinavischen Wind im gehobenen, jedoch nicht abgehobenen, Preissegment.

Die idyl Kollektion umfasst hochwertige Tische und Stühle, die so bequem und harmonisch erscheinen, dass sie selbst im Ambiente manchen Wohnraumes eine gute Figur machen könnten. Großzügige Loungekonzepte ermöglichen die Entspannung wie auf dem Sofa – nur unter dem freien Sternenhimmel an lauen Sommernächten. Die Möglichkeit, durch passende Outdoorkissen, Pflanztröge und extrem großzügige und robuste Schirme noch mehr Akzente im idyl-Look zu setzen, begeistert eine immer größer werdende Fanbase der noch jungen Marke.

Was idyl anbietet, entsteht tatsächlich in Handarbeit. So werden die Stühle von Hand

geknüpft, meisterlich und wunderschön. Und so bequem, dass es fast schon schade ist, dass man nur immer draußen sitzen kann. Die Liebe zum Detail ist fühlbar – und die Mission, etwas so Altbekanntes wie Outdoormöbel neu und schöner als jemals zuvor neu zu denken. Aus Materialien, die zum größten Teil einfach recycled werden können.

Sebastian Schlüter, seines Zeichens Produktmanager der idyl-Kollektion: „Wir machen mit idyl Outdoormöbel für morgen. und übermorgen. Wir bei idyl haben die Vision, das Wohnen draußen zu revolutionieren.“ Und das scheint zu gelingen. Die Kollektion in edlen erdigen, natürlichen Tönen schlägt eine harmonische Brücke zur Natur. Authentisch, nachhaltig und direkt. „Daher sind wir auch nicht ans andere Ende der Welt geflogen, um unsere Möbel zu fotografieren. Sondern haben in einem einzigartigen Konzept faszinierende Welten ins Studio geholt“, fährt Annemarie Panzner-Peyr, die idyl-Brandmanagerin, fort.

Tatsächlich: Einer Traumwelt entsprungen scheint das idyl-Marken- und -Designkonzept, geschaffen von der bekannten Brand- und Designagentur Attacke aus Ulm. Dieses wurde inzwischen mit mehreren weltweit renommierten Designawards honoriert. Die Marke ist in Deutschland bei insgesamt 26 exklusiven Handelspartnern erhältlich.

idyl entdecken oder kaufen: /

the essence of outdoorliving.

idyl hautnah

händler in deiner nähe findest du auf schönheit, handarbeit und design das schnelle trends überdauert? vielleicht die nachhaltigste art design-möbel für draußen zu bauen. lerne idyl jetzt überall kennen – die neue faszinierende brand für design-outdoormöbel.


Helping Brands ‘Make Sense’.

Every day, we experience a flood of brand messages through marketing, logos, claims, imagery, product design and campaigns. However, a brand is more than a pure visual identity. It should incorporate both the identity and values of an enterprise through a row of synchronized stimuli because human beings experience their environment with all senses.

“Brand building and -identity are subject to constant change because the brand is part of societal surroundings and tendencies”, explains Guido Beck, founder and owner of the agency BECKDESIGN. For more than three decades, the interdisciplinary BECKDESIGN team has perfected brand building and development.

Here, brand projects are realized with a comprehensive, holistic view of the human senses. Logo, font, colours and imagery have indisputably formed part of a brand identity for decades, but contemporary and future medial possibilities dictate that brands become an all-encompassing experience for all senses:

“For us, sound, music, motion and an individual font are part of a ‘sensible brand’. Thus, the identity-shaping and emotional elements of the brand experience become more palpable.”

In the acoustical sector, BECKDESIGN has tackled the task to make brands as recognizable as a film or series by way of a Corporate Sound Library (CSL): “The CSL functions like a soundtrack for an enterprise. From sound logo to brand history film, from product trailer to event intro, we make acoustic recognition possible throughout the entire Audio/Video content of an enterprise – an acoustic brand experience recognizable for each and every client.”

The ‘acoustic tool box’ of a brand is easy to apply for both in-house and external motion designers. Costly application licensing as well as legal consequences of incorrect use become redundant and the individual CSL can be easily expanded for the steadily growing social media sector, if needed via a subscription model.

The development of an individual font family adds plus points to the theme of recognizability. A corporate font is also financially worthwhile, as font licensing for all computer systems and digital platforms no longer applies. In addition, possibilities for individual, recognizable graphical elements such as patterns, logos or special characters, can be easily integrated into the font and made efficiently accessible via keyboard shortcuts.

All information on corporate sound, corporate fonts and corporate design projects can be found at:

Overview of different font styles.


Wie Marken ‚Sinn-voller‘ werden.

Jeden Tag erleben wir unzählige Markenbotschaften. In der Werbung, mit Logos, Claims, durch Bildwelten, Produktdesign und Kampagnen. Dabei ist eine Marke aber mehr als nur eine reine visuelle Identität. Eine Marke verkörpert die Identität und Werte eines Unternehmens durch eine Reihe von aufeinander abgestimmte Anreize. Denn der Mensch nimmt seine Umgebung mit allen Sinnen wahr.

„Das Thema Markenbildung und Markenidentität unterliegt einem ständigen Wandel. Weil die Marke ein Teil der sie umgebenden Gesellschaft und Strömungen ist“, so Guido Beck, Gründer und Inhaber der Agentur BECKDESIGN. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren befasst man sich hier in einem interdisziplinären Team mit dem Aufbau und der Weiterentwicklung von Marken.

Hier realisiert man Marken-Projekte mit einer umfassenden Sicht auf die menschlichen Sinne. Logo, Schriftzug, Farb- und Bildwelt sind seit

Jahrzehnten unstrittig Bestandteile einer Markenidentität, doch in der Gegenwart und Zukunft der medialen Möglichkeiten müssen Marken mit allen Sinnen erlebbar werden. „Für uns gehören der Klang, die Musik, die Bewegung und eine eigene Schrift zu einer „Sinn-vollen“ Marke dazu. So werden die identitätsstiftenden und emotionalen Elemente der Sinneswahrnehmung für die Brands stärker fühlbar.“

Im akustischen Sektor hat sich BECKDESIGN unter dem Begriff „Corporate Sound Library“ (CSL) zur Aufgabe gemacht, Marken wie einen Spielfilm oder eine Serie zu betrachten. „Die CSL ist der Soundtrack für ein Unternehmen. Wir möchten, dass sich vom Soundlogo bis zum Unternehmensfilm, von den Produkt-Trailern bis zum Eventintro eine musikalisch, klangliche Wiedererkennung durch den gesamten Audio/Video-Content der Marke zieht. Für Kunden und Kundinnen entsteht so ein akustisch wiedererkennbares Markenerlebnis.“

Der akustische Baukasten für eine Marke ist einfach für alle internen und externen MotionDesigner zu verwenden. Eine teure Lizenzierung für den Einsatz entfällt genauso wie die rechtlichen Konsequenzen einer falschen Nutzung. Für den stetig wachsenden Social Media Bereich kann die eigene CSL erweitert werden, je nach Bedarf auch als Abo-Modell.

Die Entwicklung einer eigenen Schriftfamilie ergibt nicht nur Pluspunkte beim Thema der eigenständigen Wiedererkennbarkeit. Ein Corporate Font punktet auch in finanzieller Hinsicht, weil die Lizenzierung von Schriften auf allen Computersystemen und Digitalplattformen entfällt. Hinzu kommen Möglichkeiten, eigene, wiederkehrende grafische Elemente (Patterns, Logos, Sonderzeichen) in die Schriftart zu integrieren und so über Tastaturkürzel effektiv zugänglich zu machen.

Alle Informationen zu Corporate Sound, Corporate Fonts und Corporate Design Projekte findet man unter:

Team bei der Arbeit.
Detailliertes Logodesign
Guido Beck, Gründer und Inhaber.
Detaillayout eines Buchstabens.


Established in 2019, Mattermake is an architecture and design studio that works at the intersection of architecture, computational design and digital manufacturing. Owner and founder Steve De Micoli talks about the studio’s designs and ideas.

“I always found myself happiest and most productive in the workshop. Materials have an honesty about them, they tell you what they are capable of. For me, design is always a collaboration between material and design intent - a collaboration that I, as a designer, try to shape in the best possible way,” underlines Steve, who, before opening his studio had become increasingly frustrated that his profession had become so removed from the actual building process. “Submitting drawing packages, a task that has become so common in our profession, made me feel alienated from the actual creative process. Mattermake changes this and the creative process provides new impact.”


ing the users’ environment. “Mattermake is split into three departments,” explains De Micoli, “namely Architecture and Interiors, Fabrication and Building Technologies. This approach allows us to design AND manufacture our ideas and designs ourselves.”

A unique selling point indeed, as the combination of design and manufacture not only

allows Mattermake to work with third-party designers or contractors. It also makes the studio a one-stop shop that can take on a wide range of projects, from residential, commercial or retail to child-friendly spaces.

As a result, Mattermake’s client and project portfolio is correspondingly broad and varied. One of their current projects is a collaboration with a multinational IT company. The aim is the creation of a design that reflects the company’s excellence while taking into account the neurodiversity of its workforce.

“In this project, we are designing task-oriented, uplifting spaces with bespoke and carefully thought-through office furniture that saves up to 35% of the available office space. Adapted to the staff’s needs, the workspaces are extremely flexible, encouraging creativity and a proactive mindset. On projects like this, the close collaboration between our interior design and technical departments is incredibly useful, as it creates a new perspective, a fresh look at the way buildings and objects are designed. That’s a huge advantage!”

A team of 18 multidisciplinary experts is responsible for Mattermake’s designs - designs that create a sense of wonder while enhanc- TEXT: SILKE HENKELE

Photo: Sean Mallia
Photo: Mattermake


Mattermake’s ability to cater for a wide range of industries is also demonstrated by one of its most recent projects, Cinema Visiona, a recently completed home cinema project that won the studio the German Design Award in the category ‘Excellent Architecture’. The project was praised for its ‘unusual interpretation of a seating landscape in cinemas’ and applauded by the jury as ‘an extraordinary project that inspires’.

“Cinema Visiona,” explains De Micoli, “is an example of the unlimited possibilities of the holistic design process that we promote. At Mattermake, the architect is not only the designer, but also the manufacturer, the craftsperson as well as the contractor. This, in a way, democratises innovation as it opens up the possibility of innovation to a wider audience, while design solutions can be specifically adapted to local needs.” Mattermake’s approach and designs are therefore not just about exploring new, innovative forms; the studio is an active creator of innovative uses of space, aesthetics and human experiences.

A current project very close to Mattermake’s heart is Sikka, a collaboration with Zibel, a Maltese NGO. What is Sikka? “Sikka,” says Steve, “is a programme that can be described

as social housing for marine life. The background is this: While the hundreds of tonnes of debris that has been washed up and removed from the Maltese coast is a threat to nature and people alike, they have also become a new habitat for marine life. So while car tyres, trawling equipment etc. have to be removed from the sea, this step also disrupts these new micro-habitats.

Mattermake has developed a series of modular structures to be installed along Malta’s coast to provide a sustainable solution to accelerate the creation of environmentally friendly habitats for marine organisms to colonise.”


With such a colourful and truly diverse range of projects, Mattermake is currently in the process of restructuring its studio to become a more impact-driven company. Other stimulating ideas are already being discussed.

“Well, the housing crisis and the lack of affordable living space is prevalent in many cities and countries around the world. We are currently looking at developing micro-living and affordable housing projects for the so-called ‘stretched classes’. We would like to develop a series of designs and projects - also with an international client base - to enable this particular lower-middle class to get on the property ladder in an affordable way, while enjoying a high level of comfort.”

Photo: Sean Mallia
Photo: Sean Mallia
Photo: Mattermake
Photo: Sean Mallia
Photo: Mattermake


Since decades, Kappler is known for their unique and innovative practice designs and carpentry. Based in the Black Forest, the family business operates based on three core principles: attention to detail, form follows function, and being authentic. The goal –creating practices that feel like comfortable oases.

To differentiate themselves, KAPPLER’s expectations for each design is not only to look aesthetically pleasing, but it must serve a function first and foremost. “Every Design must fix a problem and not just look pretty. Our innovation in this space has allowed us to constantly create new ideas which change the industry, the lives of our clients and ultimately the patient experience. We don’t settle unless we create a space that truly makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable.” Julia Kappler explains.

Medical Practices are rarely synonymous with Design. But KAPPLER has been able to truly create functional spaces that also feel comfortable. Spaces that not only help patients feel less anxious, but also create trust. Health also means well-being, and this is what each medical space should reflect.

KAPPLER started as a small carpenter shop back in 1947, founded by Berta and Erwin Kappler as the first generation of the family business. Today, more than 70 years later, Kappler has become a world-renowned brand in the healthcare design industry, synonymous with elegant and timeless design. From dental offices to plastic surgery – function & design are merged to create spaces of trust and well-being.

KAPPLER’s Clients across the world differentiate themselves heavily from the norm. Julia states: “One thing we always hear clients say is: “I want something special. I want to be different than others.” – This is exactly what we stand for: We create practices that are functional to improve the doctor's workflow and profitability, and at the same time we ensure the space reflects their personality. Design is more than just walls, furniture and colours – we create spaces that make everyone feel special.”

Better designs, and better workflows based on new innovations to improve practices around the globe. That’s the goal for the future. “Design is so much more than what you can see. Our goal is to further improve all aspects of design and workflows through innovation and technology. We want to create spaces that turn each doctor visit into an experience. An experience so special, you want to tell your friends about it.” concludes Julia Kappler.

AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin, waiting area.
AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin.


KAPPLER steht seit Jahrzehnten für einzigartige und innovative Praxisausstattungen. Das Familienunternehmen aus dem Schwarzwald basiert auf drei Prinzipien: Liebe zum Detail, Form folgt Funktion und Einzigartig sein. Das Ziel – Praxen erschaffen, die zu Wohlfühl-Oasen werden.

KAPPLER steht seit Jahrzehnten für einzigartige und innovative Praxisausstattungen. Das Familienunternehmen aus dem Schwarzwald basiert auf drei Prinzipien: Liebe zum Detail, Form folgt Funktion und Einzigartig sein. Das Ziel – Praxen erschaffen, die zu Wohlfühl-Oasen werden.

Um sich von anderen abzuheben, muss jedes Design von KAPPLER allerdings nicht nur das volle ästhetische Potential, sondern in erster Linie auch funktionale Aufgaben erfüllen, wie Julia Kappler erklärt: „Jedes Design muss ein Problem lösen und nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend sein. Unsere Innovationskraft ermöglicht es uns, stets neue Ideen zu verwirklichen, die den Markt verändern und nicht nur das Leben unserer Kunden bereichert, son-

dern auch das der Patienten. Praxen in denen sich jeder wohl fühlt. Das ist unser Anspruch.“

Praxen gelten selten als Orte, die man mit Design identifiziert. Doch KAPPLER schafft es aus funktionalen Praxen gleichzeitig Oasen des Wohlfühlens zu erschaffen. Orte, an denen der Arztbesuch nicht nur Angst nimmt, sondern auch Vertrauen schafft. Gesundheit bedeutet auch Wohlbefinden, und das sollte in jeder Praxis reflektiert sein.

KAPPLER begann als kleine Schreinerei im Jahr 1947, gegründet von Berta und Erwin Kappler als erste Generation des Familienunternehmens. Heute, über 70 Jahre später, hat KAPPLER weltweit einen Namen in der Medizinbranche, der synonym mit elegantem und zeitlosem Design steht. Von der Zahnarztpraxis zum Schönheitschirurgen – Funktion & Design werden stets so vereint, dass Vertrautheit und Wohlbefinden geschaffen werden.

KAPPLER-Kunden zeichnen sich vor allem durch den Hang zur Individualität aus, wie Julia Kappler erläutert: „Ein Satz, den wir von unseren Kunden immer wieder hören, lautet: ‚Ich möchte etwas Besonderes. Ich möchte anders sein als die anderen.‘ – Genau das ist

unser Ziel: Wir gestalten Praxen, die nicht nur die Arbeit unserer Kunden unterstützen, sondern auch deren Persönlichkeit widerspiegeln. Design und Planung sind weit mehr als nur Wände, Möbel und Farben – wir schaffen Orte, an denen man sich wohl fühlt. Vom Arzt bis hin zum Patienten.“

Auch in den nächsten zwei Jahren wird sich KAPPLER weiter auf Innovation im Design + Workflow konzentrieren, um Praxen zu optimieren: „Design ist so viel mehr als das, was man sieht. Ziel ist es, alle Aspekte des Designs weiterhin zu verbessern, und durch Innovation und Technologien Orte zu schaffen, die den Besuch beim Arzt zum Erlebnis machen, von dem man sogar seinen Freunden erzählen möchte.“

AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin.
AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin.
AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin, Empfangsbereich.
AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin, Flur.

Jetzt entspannt Frischluftlösungen für Ihr Zuhause entdecken.


A winery, boutique hotel, restaurant and wine bar all under one roof? The beautiful Draiser Hof makes it possible and welcomes everyone on the scenic estate.

Located in the picturesque Rheingau, the Draiser Hof is a true haven for wine lovers and foodies. At the renowned VDP. Weingut Baron Knyphausen, one of Germany's top 200 wineries, the focus is of course on Riesling, but also on Spätburgunder, Roter Riesling and the traditional Historischer Rebensatz.

“Our goal is to be a place where everyone feels welcome,” says Frederik zu Knyphausen, who runs the estate in its eighth generation. Those who appreciate a relaxed atmosphere and fine wines will feel right at home here. From Monday to Friday, the 1818 Gutsrestaurant & Weinbar offers culinary delights for any palate. Head chef Daniel Nöller spoils his guests with an innovative menu where fresh vegetables take centre stage, complemented by selected meat and fish dishes. “Hessian classics meet influences from around the world – fusion cuisine at its best,” Marketing Director Ayla Serbes adds.

On weekends and public holidays, the trendy Weinlounge1141 attracts visitors from near and far with live music and hearty meals.

On top of its gastronomy, the Draiser Hof also offers classy accommodation in its charming boutique hotel as well as conference rooms for up to 90 people. The estate is also a highly popular wedding venue and hosts Germany’s second-largest indie-pop festival called Heimspiel Knyphausen.

At Draiser Hof, tradition meets modern entertainment – which makes it well worth a visit.


Weingut, Gutshotel, Restaurant und Weinbar unter einem Dach? Der wunderschöne Draiser Hof macht es möglich und heißt alle herzlich willkommen.

Der Draiser Hof im malerischen Rheingau ist ein wahres Paradies für Weinliebhaber und Genießer. Hier im VDP. Weingut Baron Knyphausen, das zu den besten 200 Weingütern Deutschlands zählt, dreht sich natürlich alles um den Riesling, aber auch um den Spätburgunder, Roter Riesling und den Historischen Rebensatz.

„Unser Ziel ist es, ein Ort für Jedermann zu sein“, sagt Frederik zu Knyphausen, der das Anwesen in der achten Generation führt. Wer ein entspanntes Ambiente und gute Tropfen zu schätzen weiß, ist hier genau richtig. Von Montag bis Freitag bietet das 1818 Gutsrestaurant & Weinbar kulinarische Erlebnisse für jeden Geschmack. Chefkoch Daniel Nöller verwöhnt die Gäste mit einer innovativen Speisekarte, bei der frisches Gemüse im Mittelpunkt steht, ergänzt durch ausgewählte Fleisch- und Fischgerichte. „Hessische Klassiker treffen auf Einflüsse der ganzen Welt – Fusion Kitchen at its best“, fügt Marketing-Leiterin Ayla Serbes hinzu.

Die coole Weinlounge1141 lockt hingegen am Wochenende und an den Feiertagen Besucher von nah und fern mit Live-Musik und herzhafter Rheingauer Küche.

Neben der Gastronomie bietet der Draiser Hof auch stilvolle Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in seinem charmanten Gutshotel sowie Tagungsräume für bis zu 90 Personen. Der Hof ist zudem eine absolut beliebte Hochzeitslocation und Veranstaltungsort für das zweitgrößte Indie-Pop Festival Deutschlands: Das Heimspiel Knyphausen!

Hier verbindet sich Tradition mit modernem Genuss – ein Besuch lohnt sich.

Weingut Baron Knyphausen.
Frederik and Johanna - Baron & Baroness Knyphausen.

Yet according to the German Wine Institute (DWI), vineyards on steep slopes account for only around 14% of the nation’s vineyards. To be considered a ‘steep’, a vineyard must have a slope of more than 30 degrees. For those adventurous travellers who hike along these steep slopes, it’s hard to imagine how it would be possible to work them.


But these steep slopes bring many benefits to the wine, which is of course, a reflection of its origin. South-facing slopes particularly, benefit from more intense sunshine, and as such, the soil retains this heat for longer creating ideal climatic conditions. The creation of terraced slopes also prevents soil erosion during heavy rain events, which have become increasingly common in recent times.


Due to the dry, warm microclimate the terraced slopes are very beneficial for biological diversity, forming vital habitats for rare or protected animals and plants. Some of them have adapted to viticultural cultivation over the years. Scientific studies have shown that after the creation of transverse terraces, the biodiversity and the occurrence of butterflies and insects in the vineyards increase significantly. For example, during a study of the Moselle Valley 178 species of wild bees and 58 species of butterflies were found. Terraces that are supported by dry stone walls are even legally protected as designated biotopes.


How Germany’s landscape shapes its wine

The breathtakingly beautiful vineyard slopes of Germany’s winemaking valleys are synonymous with the country’s winemaking identity, and attract thousands of wine tourists every year.

1,600 hours on steep slopes, depending on the level of mechanisation.

Dedication and passion are required to work these lands, but when you taste what originates from these vineyards, you can see why the winemakers commit to this labour of love. The WineBarn, an exclusively German wine merchant based in the UK recommend two of the very best VDP wines from the terraced slopes of the river Mosel...


melty dry white wine, with spicy notes. The grapes for this Riesling were sourced from several terraced vineyards around the village, all of which had slate-rich soil. Farmed sustainably and carefully harvested by hand, the grapes were then gently pressed. The wine was fermented using natural yeast and had long contact on the lees. Tamlyn Currin, described this Riesling as, "A selec-

tion from their terraced vineyards. Herbal nose (dill). Strict. Austere. Salty."

2022 Flussterrassen (River Terrace) Riesling off-dry

£19.80 per bottle

This Riesling has exciting fresh fruit flavours of juicy pineapple, combined with the effervescence of grapefruit and sweetness of mirabelle. Its lively fruitiness is balanced by its delicate character. This off-dry white wine has a fine minerality, which perfects and

round off the taste. The wine's fruity freshness not only refines aromatic main courses but also harmonises perfectly with specialities cheese. Tamlyn Currin, talented wine writer for Jancis Robinson, described this Riesling as, "Like the Mineralschiefer, there is a leafiness and a touch of crushed hemp seeds. It tastes basically dry, with the halbtrocken being expressed in peachiness rather than sweetness. The acidity carries it well."


Steep sloped vineyards are labour-intensive and costly to maintain. While it only takes around 200 to 250 hours to cultivate one hectare of vineyards on flat plains, it takes 800 to

2022 Riesling Von Den Terrassen dry

£27.99 per bottle

This dry Riesling has a deep minerality reflective of its terroir. It is an extremely dense and

The WineBarn is a multi-award-winning wine merchant that specialises in exclusively German wine and has been bringing pure drinking pleasure to the UK for over 24 years. Their elegant wines have been selected to cover a range of styles – from the affordable to the luxury, from dry to sweet and from fresh to full-bodied, ensuring there’s something to suit all tastes and pair with any cuisine.

To find your new favourite German wine, contact The WineBarn for a personal recommendation.


Call: 0044 1962 761 215


Iris Ellmann, Managing Director of The WineBarn.
Photo: Iris Ellmann
The Knebel winery cultivates almost four hectares of vineyards on the steepest slopes of Terrassenmoselle in the Mosel wine-making region of Germany.
Photo: Peter Bender


While neighbouring Frankfurt is a hub for business and finance, Wiesbaden is more about the quiet life. The combination of a self-made businessman turned art lover and one of the world’s most eminent architects has now given the historic spa town a new landmark with serious visitor appeal.

Exterior of the museum.
Photo: Helbig Marburger

What do you do on business trips when on a rainy Sunday there’s nothing much to do? In the 1970s and 1980s when frequently travelling abroad for work Reinhard Ernst started visiting museums. Born in 1945 and with no previous background or education in art, he soon realised that the works that most spoke to him were abstract paintings that allowed him to make his own decisions about what he saw: “The Mona Lisa is the Mona Lisa, there is nothing to interpret. But abstract paintings gave and still give me the chance to find my own interpretation.”


Over time, enjoying abstract art in museums led to buying it and the businessman acquired his first paintings for 20 and 50 Deutsch Marks around 40 years ago. Today, he has a private collection of more than 960 works by European, American and Japanese artists – and now also his very own museum dedicated exclusively to showcasing their abstract art spanning a period from 1945 to the present. This June, the Museum Reinhard Ernst (mre) opened in Wiesbaden, right on the city’s grand Wilhemstraße. It is, quite

literally, a stand-out addition to this genteel town, one of Europe’s oldest spa towns with 26 hot springs bubbling up from the earth in the middle of the city centre.


The mre’s striking white cube-like structure is the only European museum of the Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki. The Pritzker Prize winner, who died only a few weeks before the mre’s opening on 23 June at the age of 95, is known for spectacular museum buildings, including the Yerba Buena Centre for the Arts in San Francisco and the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, as well as the “4 World Trade Center” tower at New York’s Ground Zero. The story of how the eminent architect’s tenth museum building came to be not in one of the world’s capitals but in that of the federal state of Hesse in Germany is quite remarkable.

Wiesbaden-based Ernst, who successfully built up and eventually sold two companies in the high-precision drive technology sector, had wanted to make his collection accessible to the public for some time. The idea to build a museum showcasing aspects of his

collection as well as hosting special exhibitions was born. In 2016, the Reinhard & Sonja Ernst Foundation, set up in 2004 by Ernst and his wife, proposed to the city of Wiesbaden to build and operate a museum, all funded through the foundation and at zero expense to the taxpayer. After a public consultation process, the project was approved and a property at Wilhelmstraße 1 was made available to the Reinhard & Sonja Ernst Foundation with a 99-year leasehold agreement.

Art education programme for children. Photo: Robert Lichtenberg
Photo: Robert Lichtenberg

For the museum’s design, Ernst only ever considered Fumihiko Maki whom he had met decades ago through his Japanese business associations and developed a friendship with. With the mre, which cost around 80 million euros, the late architect created a museum specifically tailored to the needs of Ernst’s collection of often large-format abstract art, with up to 13-metre-high rooms. The three-storey building with a total area of 9,700 square metres provides altogether 2,500 square metres of exhibition space and features a stunning fully glazed courtyard open to the top. It is fitting that the museum’s first special exhibition, “Fumihiko Maki and Maki & Associates: Towards Humane Architecture”, is dedicated to the building’s architect, who did not live to see the opening of his tenth museum anymore.


Alongside changing special exhibitions on the ground floor, the permanent exhibition on the building’s first and second floor is all about

Ernst’s collection. For its first presentation, 60 pieces have been selected that highlight the entrepreneur’s great love of colour that has driven and shaped the look of his collection, including works by Katharina Grosse, Karl Otto Götz, Hans Hartung, Lee Krasner, Morris Louis, Frank Stella, Atsuko Tanaka, Robert Motherwell and his favourite painter, Helen Frankenthaler. With 43 of her colour-soaked paintings, Ernst has the world’s largest private collection of works by the US painter who is recognised as one of the great American artists of the 20th century.


Refreshingly, Ernst has only ever bought paintings that he liked at first sight, irrespective of any value considerations that drive many collectors. Following his “gut feeling” and clearly a naturally good eye for quality that he honed over many years of viewing and immersing himself in art turns out not to have been the worst of strategies, as the resulting collection has a rare and unique profile, as attested by art experts, that features some of the most important 20th and 21st centuries artists.

For Wiesbaden, Ernst’s belief that, while they might own the works of art, collectors should make them accessible to the public, has resulted in a museum that puts the city firmly on the agenda of international architecture and art lovers who – another refreshing aspect – will have to wait until 12 pm before entering as mornings are reserved exclusively for school classes to roam the light and open space full of colour.

Fumihiko Maki.
Reinhard and Sonja Ernst.
Photo: Tanja Nitzke
Reinhard Ernst and museum director Dr. Oliver Kornhoff. Photo: Tanja Nitzke
Photo: Helbig Marburger
Photo: Helbig Marburger
Felix Finkbeiner, founder of Plant-for-the-Planet.


In 2007, a nine-year-old boy from Germany decided that more action had to be taken to counteract climate change. Thus, he initiated the initiative ‘Plant-for-the-Planet’. What started off as a school project, turned into a global movement that is on course to restore one trillion trees.


Discover Germany: How did Plant-for-thePlanet come to life?

Felix Finkbeiner: “In 2007, when I was 9 years old, I had to prepare a presentation on the climate crisis for school. During this preparation, I learned about Wangari Maathai, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient. I found her work so inspiring that I thought that all children around the world should plant a million trees in every country. My teacher and classmates were excited about this idea and so we planted the first tree in the school yard. A journalist wrote about this in the local newspaper and another school decided to also plant a tree. Then another school nearby joined in by planting some trees too and a student at that school created a website: a ranking of local schools by how many trees they had planted. And it became a challenge and lots of children started participating. That was the beginning of Plantfor-the-Planet. Four years later I was invited to give a speech at the United Nations. By this time, I had found out that one million trees per country would not be enough to make a real impact on the climate crisis. So we appealed for one trillion trees.”

Discover Germany: What has happened since? How many trees have been planted so far?

Felix Finkbeiner: “In the beginning, we focused exclusively on the empowerment of

children. Planting actions have always been a fundamental part of each Plant-for-the-Planet academy, but a lot of the donations we collected we passed on to restoration projects in the global south. Starting in 2015, we began restoring ecosystems at scale. We started our first personal project on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. There we have planted more than 12 million trees since 2015. Later projects in Spain and Ghana followed. In 2012 though, we created The Change Chocolate. The fairtrade chocolate is sold in many supermarkets in Germany and Austria. All profits of the chocolate fund the work of our organization. Soon

we will plant the 10 millionth tree, just through the sale of the chocolate. In 2018 we also began developing software for forest conservation and restoration – now one of our major focal areas.”

Discover Germany: What do you love most about your work?

Felix Finkbeiner: “I love to be able to have a real impact. It is great to see all the children and youth who are inspired by our movement to get active against the climate crisis. How they speak up and empower other children and how they plant trees. And I really love the work we do in Mexico, Ghana and Spain. All those trees that we plant there, the wonderful ecosystems that we help to protect. And finally, I enjoy working with so many creative people developing apps and tools that improve the restoration work of so many organizations around the world.”

Felix Finkbeiner with a biologist, taking soil samples on the project site in Mexico.

Discover Germany: Your ultimate goal is to restore 1 trillion trees. Why is that number important?

Felix Finkbeiner: “There used to be six trillion trees on Earth. Half of these have already been cut down mostly to gain land for agriculture, but also for a variety of other reasons like the need for firewood and timber or for industrial purposes. At the same time, the world population has grown immensely. So we cannot realistically bring back 3 trillion trees. A series of studies in the past years have shown that there is enough degraded land for an additional one trillion trees. Importantly: we don’t need to plant all these trees. There are a lot of other effective restoration techniques that we can use to bring back forests. Our goal is not to plant one trillion trees but to restore forests with one trillion trees.”

Discover Germany: How exactly do your restoration projects work? What do you focus on? How do local communities get involved?

Felix Finkbeiner: “Each of our three projects follows a different approach, which is closely related to the geographic area, where they are located and the needs of the community. In Yucatán in Mexico, for example, we are work-

ing to restore the forest landscapes in and around the San Felipe Bacalar Natural Protected Area, as well as the Balam-Kú nature reserve and Calakmul Biosphere Reserves. Our sites have suffered different levels of degradation: Some areas are recently abandoned cattle pastures with only a few scattered trees left. Other areas were never fully deforested, but either economically valuable trees have been logged or significant proportions of the forest were destroyed by fires, leaving behind relatively species-poor vegetation. In other areas, the forest is still full of many species, and we are either conserving it or letting it regenerate on its own. We decided to work in Mexico as it is part of the mega-biodiverse areas in the world - a so-called biodiversity hotspot. Also, trees in the tropics grow a lot faster than trees in Europe do. This way they absorb more carbon dioxide in a shorter period of time and help us battle the climate crisis.”

Discover Germany: Can you explain the importance of the restoration project in Mexico? What is being done currently?

Felix Finkbeiner: “In addition to the main restoration work In Mexico, we are also conducting several field experiments with our research partner universities to improve forest restoration work worldwide. For example, we are

trying to find out which planting density is the most effective in restoring tropical dry forests and how this is influenced by the quality of the soil. In another experiment, we are investigating if we can accelerate the restoration of dry tropical forests by increasing the supply of nitrogen by adapting the species mix. All research focuses on rapidly restoring biodiverse forests. You can find out more about our research experiments on our website.

Discover Germany: How important is cooperation and collaboration to Plant-for-the-Planet?

Felix Finkbeiner: “Cooperation and collaboration are absolutely crucial for us. We know that we can’t restore the one trillion trees all by ourselves. That’s why we developed the restoration platform On this platform, restoration projects can present themselves, make their work transparent and collect donations. The platform is completely free for the organizations, the only requirement is that the projects meet certain restoration quality standards, which we established together with specialists and scholars. We also develop software to improve forest restoration, like the apps TreeMapper, FireAlert and Tracer, which help monitor the development of forests, protect projects sites from wildfires or help farm-

Team members of Plant-for-the-Planet's forest restoration project in Mexico.
Team members of Plant-for-the-Planet's forest restoration project in Mexico.
Plant-for-the-Planet is continuously rising the number of tree species planted in its ecosystem restoration projects. Many seeds are hand-collected by the team as the species are not cultivated for economic reasons.
Plant-for-the-Planet is continuously rising the number of tree species planted in its ecosystem restoration projects. Many seeds are hand-collected by the team as the species are not cultivated for economic reasons.
Plant-for-the-Planet is continuously rising the number of tree species planted in its ecosystem restoration projects. Many seeds are hand-collected by the team as the species are not cultivated for economic reasons.

ers to comply with the EU regulation against deforestation. We also provide free restoration advice for projects.”

Discover Germany: What do you hope for Plant-for-the-Planet in the future?

Felix Finkbeiner: “In 2021, 140 of the world's governments promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030. It's a tough goal to meet, but not impossible. Plant-for-the-Planet’s goal is to help make sure this comes true. We will do so by restoring and protecting forests, by enabling others to restore forests and by empowering young people to fight the climate crisis.”

Discover Germany: What else is planned for the remainder of 2024? Any exciting plans?

Felix Finkbeiner: “In the beginning of 2024 we introduced the software Tracer, which we developed to help smallholder farmers to comply with the rules of the EU regulation for deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR). The EUDR is an ambitious piece of legislation taking forest protection to another level: all companies trading goods in the EU, which contain cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy, and

wood have to prove that their products do not originate from recently deforested areas or contribute to forest degradation. Complying with this requirement is very difficult for large companies and agricultural enterprises. But coffee and cocoa is produced by smallholder farmers, and many of them don’t even know about the regulation yet, although it will be enforced on December 30, 2024. The Tracer software is free and helps farmers to digitally map their farms. The software uses satellite data to check whether a forest was cut down after 2020. The farmers can save the data and

submit it to their customers or cooperatives. In the fall we will make the software available in an app, making it even more accessible for users with smartphones. Of course, our main goal is to protect the forest, but if we educate the farmers about the regulation and make a tool like Tracer available to them, the chances of survival for the forests are a lot better. And the farmers can continue trading with the EU. But we have even more great things coming up this fall: we will present a complete revamp of TreeMapper our forest monitoring app, we will plant the 10 millionth tree funded by the Change Chocolate, and we will present a major update to our academy curriculum.”

Discover Germany: What is the best piece of environmental advice you can give? What can we all do to be more sustainable?

Felix Finkbeiner: “It is important that we all keep in mind that we need to cut down our greenhouse gas emissions. Everyone can contribute and make an effort: you can ride your bike more often, use public transport and try to fly less. The most effective thing you can do to protect the world's forests is to reduce your meat consumption, especially beef.”

Felix at a planting action as part of a Plant-for-the-Planet academy.
The team of Plant-for-the-Planet Mexico working during planting season.


Humans are creatures of habit - this also seems to apply to Germans booking their summer holidays. The most popular international destinations for German travellers for the summer of 2024 come as no surprise: whether it's a beach vacation or a city trip, Germans are predominantly drawn to the Mediterranean. And they seem to have a preference for sustainable travel.

Photo: Sylt Marketing, Monica Gumm

A recent analysis of search queries on between 22 and 29 April 2024 for accommodation for stays between 1 June and 1 September 2024 has revealed the top summer travel destinations for Germans. The top international destination for Germans in the summer of 2024 is, of course, Spain. Surprisingly Palma de Mallorca is insecond place, while Barcelona is first. Third in line in Antalya in Turkey, followed by Paris, Italy’s Bibione, Istanbul, Vienna, Rimini, London and, last but not least, Amsterdam.

Solo travellers, on the other hand, favour Alicante as their top travel destination this year, followed by Barcelona, Paris, Vienna, London, Palma de Mallorca, Lisbon, Istanbul, New York and Rome. For those seeking a trip within the borders of Germany, travellers love city trips this summer, while others seek a relaxing beach break in the north of the country. Their favourite summer destination is Berlin, followed by Hamburg, Munich, Binz, Cologne, the island of Norderney, Dresden, Timmendorfer Strand, Kühlungsborn, and Warnemünde.


Another survey, also conducted by Booking. com, has revealed the current attitudes, pri-

orities and influences regarding sustainable travel. The annual survey shows a continued desire and awareness for greater sustainability - eight out of ten (80%) of German travellers confirm that sustainable travel is important to them. But new evidence reveals that a sense of fatigue may be emerging around the world as travellers face ongoing challenges in making more sustainable choices.

The current survey shows that more than half (59%) of German respondents think more sustainable travel is important, but it is not the main criterion for them when planning or booking trips. Around a third (34%) of Germans even report that they are tired of constantly hearing about climate change. Against this backdrop, it is more important than ever to take action together to ensure progress towards a more sustainable travel industry remains a priority.


60% of German travellers say they want to travel more sustainably in the next 12 months. This may be because respondents believe they are doing the right thing (36%) or because travellers feel guilty when they make a less sustainable decision (38%). However, a sense of disillusionment with more sustainable travel choices could work against these intentions. This year, the sustainability study is examining new areas for the first time. The survey shows that some travellers do not recognize the importance of being more aware of their impact: more than a quarter (27%) of German respondents believe that the damage already occurring is irreversible and that their travel decisions are influenced by it won't change anything. In fact, 27% of Ger-

Photo: Sylt Marketing, Christian Kerber
Photo: Tourismusverband Werfenweng/Schartner
Photo: Sabine Braun, Sylt Marketing
Photo: Laura Müller, Sylt Marketing

man respondents also do not believe that climate change is as serious as it is portrayed - a dismissal of the problem that may well have an impact on travel plans.

Additionally, some believe their travel time is too valuable to make sustainability a priority when making decisions (28%). Seeing that sustainability is not being implemented also contributes to the feeling of powerlessness: more than a quarter (27%) of travellers feel it is pointless to behave more sustainably in a destination that does not implement sustainability measures itself.

Despite the emerging frustrations, travellers who make more mindful choices are also finding that more sustainable travel experiences actually bring them value. New themes

in this year's report found that almost half (49%) of German travellers are the best version of themselves when they travel sustainably and they take that positivity home with them. 50% are inspired by sustainable measures on the go to act more sustainably in everyday life. Of those who practised sustainable behaviour during their travels, 91% found it enriching, taking part in tours or activities to have authentic, local and cultural experiences. This was equally rewarding for 89% who shopped in small, independent stores and 86% who planned their trips so they could get around on foot, by bike or by public transport.

“With many travellers retaining some optimism and desire for more positive impact, the industry has a huge opportunity to accelerate its deployment and make these

decisions easier for everyone,” said Danielle D'Silva, Head of Sustainability at Booking. com. “It’s important that we continue to ensure more sustainable options are available – but also that they are easy to understand and trustworthy. We believe that continuing education, clear and consistent standards, and credible third-party certifications of recognized sustainability measures can help travel experiences. And while signs of some frustration on the part of travellers should be cause for concern, they also remind us to remain focused on the important work that makes a difference not only for travelers, but also for communities around the world.”


A sustainable German destination which also ranked in the top 10 of German travellers seeking a local getaway is Norderney, located in the North Sea, which belongs to the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage. Norderney enchants its visitors with an eclectic mix of majestic nature, inspiring vastness, modern lifestyle, cultural diversity, creative concepts for health, fitness and balance, and last but not least, an overall relaxed atmosphere. With its various beaches and excellent water quality, it is easy to imagine why the island is Germany’s oldest North Sea spa resort. For two hundred years this was the spot for emperors to unwind. Today, Norderney places great importance on nature conservation with approximately 80 per cent of terrestrial area and 100 per cent of the marine area being protected. Renewable energy is promoted on the entire island and 99 per cent of its public

Norderney. Photo: Klaus Dinkla / Staatsbad Norderney GmbH
Photo: Sylt Marketing, Andreas Hub
Werfenweng. Photo: Tourismusverband Werfenweng/Schartner

buildings and services use green energy and CO2-neutral gas.


Located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Wadden Sea, Germany’s North Sea islands have it all. Sylt, often referred to as the ‘Queen of the North Sea’, has a burgeoning reputation as a top summer tourist destination due to the fact it has something for everyone. If its great nightlife and water sports are not for you, the island’s west coast boasts 40 kilometres of picture-perfect beaches accompanied by its famous ‘Rotes Kliff’ (Red Cliff) where you could easily lose a week with a good book and a few bottles of red.

Nature and environmental protection have long been a top priority here, more than half of the island is under a special protectorate. The Wadden Sea off Sylt is even part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and is therefore officially one of the most important natural monuments in the world. The climate is not stingy with its charms either: in the breezes that the North Sea wind blows on land, the minerals and trace elements of the seawater, finely atomized by the surf, float. Almost forty kilometers of sandy beach border the west-

ern coast. Plenty of opportunity for a long hike or for a bold jump into the refreshing surf.


But it is not only nature lovers that can enjoy sustainable destinations - far from it. This year, Hamburg, for example, has been named the seventh most sustainable city on the planet by the Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index. Overall, European cities dominate the top of the Index. Notably all four German cities included in the index – Frankfurt, Munich,

Hamburg, and Berlin – claim spots in the top 10, buoyed by achievements in water sanitation and waste management, and low greenhouse gas emissions.

In the future, double-checking our holiday destination’s impact on its environment will most certainly increase to becoming a major part of choosing where to go. In order to still be able to breathe crisp air in the Alps, to enjoy a bath in healthy lakes, or to have a fresh bite of a ripe apple right from the tree, we need to do our bit to protect our planet.

Photo: Sylt Marketing
Photo: Sylt Marketing, Martin Elsen


There are places that captivate with their atmosphere. There are places that convince with their leisure facilities. And there are places like Bad Bellingen.

Situated in one of the sunniest regions in Germany, Bad Bellingen offers both: a relaxed feel-good atmosphere and plenty of exciting leisure activities. Everyone enjoys Bad Bellingen!

In the Balinea thermal baths, to which the town owes its title of 'Bad', visitors can experience the healing power of one of the best thermal waters in Germany. A stay here is healing for both body and soul.

Bad Bellingen's spa park invites adults to take a relaxing walk, while children enjoy a mini-Golf adventure or the large playground.

Guests who like to be active will be delighted by the extensive cycle path network in Bad Bellingen and the surrounding area, which invites you to go on exciting cycle tours. Canoeing and rafting are also offered, as well as, trips to the surrounding area, for example to Freiburg or Basel. Everything for everyone to enjoy!

Curious to find out more? Then save the date of 27 July, when Bad Bellingen celebrates the Festival of Lights in the spa gardens. Thousands of lanterns will illuminate the park and immerse the area in a magical light.

A unique experience for both young and old that will bring a big smile to everyone's face.


Es gibt Orte, die verzaubern durch ihre Atmosphäre. Es gibt Orte, die überzeugen durch ihr Freizeitangebot. Und es gibt Orte wie Bad Bellingen.

In einer der sonnenreichsten Regionen Deutschlands gelegen, bietet Bad Bellingen beides: eine entspannte Wohlfühlatmosphäre und spannende Freizeitangebote. In Bad Bellingen fühlt sich jeder wohl!

In den Balinea Thermen, denen der Ort sein Prädikat ‚Heilbad’ verdankt, erfahren Besucher:innen die heilende Kraft eines des besten Thermalwassers Deutschlands. Ein Aufenthalt hier ist Balsam für Körper und Seele.

Der Kurpark Bad Bellingens lädt Erwachsene zum entspannten Schlendern ein, Kinder können sich beim Abenteuer-Minigolf oder auf dem großen Spielplatz austoben.

Gäste, die gerne aktiv sind, freuen sich über das gut ausgebaute Radwegenetz in Bad Bellingen und Umgebung, das zu spannenden Radtouren einlädt. Kanu- und Raftingangebote, Ausflüge in die nahe Umgebung, zum Beispiel nach Freiburg oder Basel, und vieles mehr locken die Gäste.

Neugierig geworden? Dann den 27. Juli vormerken, wenn Bad Bellingen im Kurpark Lichterfest feiert. Tausende Lampions werden dann den Park erleuchten und das Areal in ein magisches Licht tauchen.

Ein einmaliges Erlebnis für Jung und Alt, das jedem ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubert.


In Harmonie mit der Natur und mit allen Sinnen erleben – das verspricht Hotel Krone in der schönen Südpfalz. Seit über 200 Jahren werden hier Gäste auf authentisch pfälzische Art herzlich willkommen geheißen.

Das Hotel Krone im historischen Tabakdorf Hayna ist ein herrlicher Ort für Genießer, Familien und Erholungssuchende. In malerischer Umgebung unweit der Weinstraße kann man perfekt die Seele baumeln und sich verwöhnen lassen. Alle Zimmer und Suiten sind individuell und mit viel Liebe zum Detail eingerichtet. Entspannung pur bietet der

moderne Wellnessbereich mit Innenpool, Whirlpool, ganzjährig beheiztem Außenpool und einer Saunalandschaft, welche eine finnische Sauna, ein Dampfbad, eine Kräutersauna und eine Salzsteingrotte bietet.

Auch für Aktivurlauber ist Hotel Krone perfekt. Egal, ob auspowerndes Training im Fitnessraum, Schwimmen im Innenoder Außenpool oder eine MountainbikeTour durch den Pfälzer Wald – hier findet jeder einen Weg Körper und Geist wieder in Einklang zu bringen. Auch E-Bikes kann man direkt im Hotel mieten.

Das Restaurant Pfälzer Stuben sorgt für das kulinarische Wohl und zählt jedes Jahr zu den besten Restaurants Deutschlands. Auf den Tellern trifft Tradition und Moderne zusammen, wobei jede einzelne Zutat

Instagram: @cosytimesceramics.kerteminde

mit Bedacht ausgewählt wird. Unter der Küchenleitung von Fabio Daneluzzi dürfen sich die Gäste auf Pfälzer Köstlichkeiten gepaart mit italienischen Einflüssen auf höchstem Niveau freuen.

Getreu nach dem Motto ‚Daheim auf Zeit‘ heißt die Gastgeberfamilie Schlindwein, Kuntz und Daneluzzi alle herzlich willkommen und sorgt für eine heimelige Atmosphäre. Schon die Koffer gepackt?



At the Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel, the environment itself counts as luxury – enjoyed right outside the front door in the heart of the Seiser Alm, at 1,750 meters above sea level and in the middle of a nature reserve.

The 4-star Eco-Hotel opened in 2011 and is open all year round to anyone who seeks the seclusion and freedom of the magical Dolomite Alps. The extensive alpine meadows are a paradise through all seasons, framed by a unique backdrop of imposing mountains.

“Our guests are mostly people who enjoy the peace of a stay in nature, be it passive or active”, explains owner Hannes Rabanser. For the former, pool, panoramic views and SPA invite to relax, for the latter, there is a large choice of guided activities such as hiking, mountain biking, skiing, winter hiking, tobogganing, as well as winter fat-bike tours.

“Our secret is the close vicinity to nature and staying small with only 31 rooms”, reveals

Hannes Rabanser, “the luxury of the environment forms part of our concept.” The Seiser Alm by the way counts as the most beautiful alpine pasture in Europe.

Building a new hotel at 1,752 m above sea level took both courage and nerve. The idea to create a U-shaped complex based on the

UNESCO Biosphere Program with a modern design and biological building materials was eventually tackled by South Tyrolean architect Hugo Demetz. All rooms are furnished with local larch and stone pine wood, the essential oils of which lower the heart rate and guarantee relaxation. After an active day in nature, both the indoor- and heated outdoor pool beckon with oxygen-enriched water, along with an invigorating sauna world and spa treatments with authentic Tirler Alm products. The gourmet cuisine meanwhile conjures up tasty dishes also for those with intolerances, spoiling guests with delicious 5-course evening menus. The holistic concept has reaped many awards and certificates, e. g. the Italian ECARF seal of quality for allergy friendliness, the Green Travel Award, the Best Sleep Hotel certificate, as well as the World Luxury Hotel Award.

Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel.


Im Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel zählt die Umgebung ebenso wie die Unterbringung zum Luxus, mit einer einzigartigen Lage im Herzen der Seiser Alm in Südtirol, mitten im Naturschutzgebiet.

“Das 4-Sterne Biohotel startete zur Wintersaison 2011/12 für Menschen, die den Frieden und die Freiheit der magischen Dolomiten hautnah erleben wollen. Eingerahmt von gewaltigen Bergmassiven bieten die weit schweifenden Almwiesen zu jeder Jahreszeit ein erlebenswertes Naturparadies.

„Wir sind für alle Gäste, die Ruhe suchen und sich gern aktiv oder passiv in der Natur aufhalten, von Mitte Mai bis April (Ende Wintersaison) durchgehend geöffnet“, erklärt Eigentümer Hannes Rabanser. Für die Ersteren locken Innen- und beheizter Außenpool mit Panoramaaussicht sowie ein Spa-Bereich zum Entspannen – für die

Letzteren steht eine Palette an geführten Aktivitäten zur Auswahl, von Natur- und Pflanzenwanderungen über Mountainbiking, Skifahren, Winterwandern und Rodeln bis zu Fat-Bike Touren. „Für unser naturnahes, einzigartiges Konzept bleiben wir bei einer überschaubaren Größe von 31 Zimmern, und haben versucht, den Luxus der Umgebung mit ins Konzept aufzunehmen.“ Das ist nicht verwunderlich, denn die Seiser Alm zählt als die Schönste in Europa.

Ein neues Hotel auf 1.752 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel zu bauen, erforderte Nerven, Zeit und Geduld. Letztendlich wagte sich der Südtiroler Architekt und Hotelspezialist Hugo

Demetz an den Auftrag, auf dem ehemaligen Gelände einer Jugendherberge einen Komplex in U-form zu gestalten, der mit modernem Design und biologischen Baumaterialien auf dem UNESCO Biosphären-Programm basiert. So sind zum Beispiel alle Zimmer des Hotels mit örtlichen Hölzern wie Lärche und Zirbelkiefer ausgestattet, deren ätherische Öle entspannend und schlaffördernd wirken. Nach einem Tag in der Natur lässt es sich wunderbar im mit Sauerstoff angereicherten, warmem Wasser des Innen- und Außenpools entspannen, des weiteren locken Sauna und Spa-Bereich mit authentischen Tirler Alm-Pflegeprodukten und -Anwendungen. Die Gourmetküche wartet am Abend mit 5-Gänge-Menüs auf, und vermag es, auch Gäste mit Unverträglichkeiten zu verwöhnen. Das ganzheitliche Konzept des Tirler Dolomites Living Hotel hat bereits eine Reihe an Auszeichnungen bekommen, so zum Beispiel das italienische ECARF-Siegel für Allergiefreundlichkeit, den Green Travel Award sowie das Best Sleep Hotel Zertifikat, und nicht zuletzt den World Luxury Hotel Award.

AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin, Empfangsbereich.
AIVA Institut für Vitalität und Ästhetik Berlin, Flur.


Located in the very heart of the vibrant capital Berlin, near Kurfürstendamm, ALICE Rooftop & Garden offers an exclusive event concept.

The top location on the roof terrace on the 5th floor of the interior design hotspot LIVING BERLIN offers 600 square metres of unique event space.

Enjoy the warm summer nights on the roof terrace with delicious food and cocktails? Set new corporate goals in the air-conditioned indoor area with its own PA and sound system?. Private parties, corporate events, receptions, summer parties, Christmas markets or film premieres - ALICE Rooftop & Garden hosts memorable events.

ALICE offers total privacy as hosts always book the entire venue. This means that your event won’t be disturbed by walk-in guests or parallel events.

The dedicated organisation team offers attractive packages that

include most essential services. Tailor-made packages are also available to suit the individual needs of the host.

Anyone who has ever experienced an event at ALICE Rooftop & Garden will be convinced: The best events take place high above the rooftops of Berlin!


Mitten im Herzen der pulsierenden Hauptstadt Berlin, unweit des Kurfürstendamms, überzeugt das ALICE Rooftop & Garden mit einem exklusiven Eventkonzept.

Die Top-Location auf der Dachterrasse in der 5. Etage des Interior DesignHotspots LIVING BERLIN bietet auf 600 qm exklusives Eventfeeling pur.

In lauen Sommernächten entspannt auf der Dachterrasse leckeres Essen und Cocktails genießen? Oder im klimatisierten Innenbereich mit eigener Beschallungs- und Soundanlage die Unternehmensziele neu ausrichten? Ob private Feiern, Firmenevents, Empfänge, Sommerfeste, Weihnachtsmärkte oder Filmpremieren - im ALICE Rooftop & Garden werden Anlässe zu Events, an die man sich gerne erinnert.

Das ALICE bietet eine angenehme Privatsphäre, denn hier bucht man immer die gesamte Location. Laufpublikum oder Parallelveranstaltungen werden die eigene Veranstaltung daher nicht stören.

Das engagierte Organisationsteam bietet attraktive Packages an, in

denen die wichtigsten Leistungen bereits enthalten sind. Natürlich gibt es auch individuelle Angebote, die perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse der Gastgeber zugeschnitten sind.

Wer einmal ein Event im ALICE Rooftop & Garden erlebt hat, wird überzeugt sein: Veranstaltungen? Nur noch hoch über den Dächern Berlins!


If you are interested in reliable news from the world of gambling, you can rely on

Founded in 1998 by former professional gambler Reinhold Schmitt, is Europe's largest information portal on all aspects of gambling.

“With we offer a platform where the most important news from the gambling industry can be easily accessed. We conduct interviews with the most important players in the industry and report on major tournaments. In addition to the latest news, such as relevant court decisions or the most important regulatory changes, we publish exclusive news from our partners, branch-specific job vacancies as well as events, and also report on relevant trade fairs and conferences,” relates Ulli Schmitt, the current managing director and son of the founder.

This diversity of topics makes the ideal platform for B2C and B2B customers, including casinos, state lotteries, slot machine manufacturers, sports betting providers and addiction prevention organisations. is characterised by its highly topical, cross-sector and, above all, neutral content. Partners and customers can rely on a comprehensive presentation.

The quality and reliability of the information platform is regularly confirmed by the highest authorities, as Schmitt points out: “ is regularly mentioned at relevant conferences and in legal articles. Our platform has also been referred to in court decisions.”


Wer sich für seriöse Neuigkeiten aus der Welt des Glücksspiels interessiert, kann sich auf verlassen.

1998 vom ehemaligen Profispieler Reinhold Schmitt gegründet, ist heute Europas größtes Informationsportal rund um das Thema Glücksspiel.

„Mit bieten wir eine Plattform, auf der die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten aus der Glücksspielbranche einfach und übersichtlich abrufbar sind. Wir führen Interviews mit den wichtigsten Playern der Branche und berichten über große Turniere. Neben aktuell recherchierten Nachrichten wie relevanten Gerichtsurteilen oder den wichtigsten regulatorischen Änderungen veröffentlichen wir exklusive Branchennews unserer Partner, stellen branchenspezifische Stellenangebote und einen umfangreichen Veranstaltungskalender online und berichten außerdem über Messen und Konferenzen der Branche”, so Ulli Schmitt, der heutige Geschäftsführer und Sohn des Gründers.

Mit dieser thematischen Vielfalt ist die optimale Plattform für B2C- und B2B-Kunden, zu denen Spielbanken ebenso gehören wie staatliche Lotterien, Automatenhersteller Sportwettenanbieter und Einrichtungen der Suchtprävention.

Was dabei besonders auszeichnet, ist die hochaktuelle, branchenübergreifende und vor allem neutrale Berichterstattung. Partner und Kunden können sich darauf verlassen, umfassend präsentiert zu werden.

Die Qualität und Seriosität der Informationsplattform wird regelmäßig von höchsten Stellen bestätigt, wie Schmitt betont: „ wird regelmäßig auf branchenrelevanten Konferenzen und in juristischen Fachartikeln erwähnt. Auch in Urteilsbegründungen wurde bereits auf unsere Plattform verwiesen.”


Germany's most traditional and best-known casino is much more than just a gaming house. Founded by a clever French entrepreneur, immortalised by a brilliant Russian poet laureate, loved by Marlene Dietrich - the casino has resided in the Kurhaus in BadenBaden at the foot of the Black Forest for almost 200 years.

Nestled amidst the Black Forest, the casino is intimate and cosmopolitan, yet traditional and casual at the same time. While Baden-Baden is more than a city, the casino is much more than a gaming house. Both combine to create a lifestyle of gambling and glamour. Here connoisseurs will find everything their heart desires, so it's no wonder that the UNESCO World Heritage Committee named BadenBaden a world heritage site in July 2021 along with ten other 'Great Spas of Europe'.

Casino Baden-Baden is a perfect ensemble of history and it-place for people with aspiration, a desire for lifestyle and fun playing. The fascinating gaming rooms call for 'Faites vos jeux' with roulette, blackjack and poker as well as 150 slot machines in the basement. Every visit is also a culinary highlight: in the casino restaurant THE GRILL, national and international gourmets will find the best of sushi and beef and enjoy warm summer

nights on the stylish, illuminated terrace with fine wines and trendy cocktails.

In the in-house Club Bernstein, you can experience a winning night without placing a bet, whether on the dance floor or simply enjoying the elegant atmosphere. Exquisite drinks, an impressive champagne menu and an international DJ line-up guarantee glamorous parties with good vibes and good music - the club in Casino Baden-Baden has long been one of the top addresses in the club scene.

The entertainment offerings in the casino are diverse. Whether it be classical concerts as part of the festival in Baden-Baden, upclose concerts with international stars such as James Bay or Calum Scott, spectacular award ceremonies or readings with wellknown authors - the five chandeliers in the Florentine Hall offer a fascinating setting with history, style and elegance.

The historic gaming rooms in combination with its modern extensions are also a sought-after and popular backdrop for photo shoots for well-known magazines and settings for film shoots. The Salon Pompadour is very popular as a location for weddings.

Baden-Baden stands for 'the good-goodlife' like no other travel destination. Whether you’re seeking a weekend hideaway, horse racing, urban retreat, culture, entertainment or back to nature - together with the casino, Frieder Burda Museum, festival hall, theatre, and thermal baths, it is a place to be for cosmopolitan guests.

Wintergarten. Photo: Torben Beeg
Reading with Wladimir Kaminer.
Photo: Jan Bürgermeister


Deutschlands traditionsreichstes und bekanntestes Casino ist weit mehr als eine Spielbank. Von einem cleveren französischen Unternehmer gegründet, von einem genialen russischen Dichterfürsten verewigt, von Marlene Dietrich geliebt – seit fast 200 Jahren residiert das Casino im Kurhaus von Baden-Baden am Fuße des Schwarzwaldes.

Doch ‚Black Forest‘ wäre nicht Schwarzwald, wenn Baden-Baden und das Casino nicht gleichzeitig intim und weltoffen, traditionsbewusst und lässig wären. BadenBaden ist mehr als eine Stadt; das Casino mehr als eine Spielbank. Beide vereinen sich zu einem Lebensgefühl aus Glücksspiel und Glamour. Hier finden Genießer alles, was das Herz begehrt. Kein Wunder also, dass das WelterbeKomitee der UNESCO im Juli 2021 BadenBaden zusammen mit zehn weiteren ‚Great Spas of Europe‘ zum Welterbe ernannt hat.

Im Casino Baden-Baden dreht sich traditionell die Kugel – ein perfektes Ensemble aus History und It-Place für Menschen mit Anspruch, Lust auf Lifestyle und Spaß am Spiel. In den faszinierenden Spielsälen heißt es ‚Faites vos jeux‘ mit Roulette, Black Jack und Poker sowie 150 Spielautomaten im Untergeschoß. Auch kulinarisch ist jeder Besuch ein Hauptgewinn: Im Casino-Restaurant THE GRILL finden nationale aber auch internationale Gourmets das Beste von Sushi und Beef und genießen laue Sommernächte auf der stylischen, illuminierten Terrasse mit erlesenen Weinen und angesagten Cocktails.

Im hauseigenen Club Bernstein gewinnt man, ohne zu setzen, auf dem Dancefloor oder beim Sehen und Gesehen werden. Erlesene Drinks, eine beeindruckende ChampagnerKarte sowie ein internationales DJ-Line-Up garantieren glamouröse Partys mit good vibes und good music – der Club im Casino BadenBaden zählt längst zu den Top-Adressen der Club-Szene.

Das Entertainment-Angebot im Casino ist vielfältig. Ob klassische Konzerte im Rahmen der Festspiele in Baden-Baden, Hautnahkonzerte mit internationalen Stars wie James Bay oder Calum Scott, spektakuläre Award-Verleihungen oder Lesungen mit bekannten Autoren – die fünf Kronleuchter im Florentiner Saal bieten einen faszinierenden Rahmen mit Geschichte, Stil und Eleganz.

Die historischen Spielsäle in Kombination mit modernen Anbauten sind eine nachgefragte und beliebte Kulisse für Fotoshootings bekannter Magazine und Settings für Filmaufnahmen. Der Salon Pompadour erfreut sich als Location für Trauungen großer Beliebtheit.

Baden-Baden steht für ‚the good-good-life‘ wie kaum eine zweite Travel-Destination. Ob Weekend-Hideaway, Pferderennen, Urban Retreat, Kultur, Entertainment oder Back to nature – zusammen mit dem Casino, Museum Frieder Burda, Festspielhaus, Theater und den Thermalbädern ein Place-tobe für kosmopolitische Gäste.

Club Bernstein. Foto: Jan Bürgermeister
Wintergarten. Foto: Torben Beeg
Restaurant THE GRILL. Foto: Jan Bürgermeister
Rezeption. Foto: Torben Beeg
Salon Pompadour. Foto: Torben Beeg


Find your happy

Looking for your next adventurous holiday or are in need for a relaxing break? We’ve got you covered on the next pages where we introduce some of this year’s top travel hits that should be on anyone’s bucket list.



From vibrant coral reefs to adventurous drift dives – in the Maldives, every diver can fulfil their underwater dreams, thanks to Prodivers.

Prodivers was founded in 1988 on Kuredu Island Resort in the Maldives by two Swedes: Lars Petre, also a co-owner of the Kuredu Island Resort, and Staffan Hansson, who brought his diving expertise and still serves as Managing Director today. Prodivers is now well-established with over 35 years of operation, and has grown across seven dive bases on a selection of 3 to 5 star resorts across the Maldives.

The Maldives are globally renowned for their outstanding dive sites as well as the rich diversity of marine life, offering everything from relaxing coral reefs in the atolls to breathtaking drop-offs and thrilling drift dives. Whether you dream of sharks, turtles, rays or colourful reef fish – Prodivers has got every diver covered.

Prodivers provides a diverse programme of unique experiences for both newer and more seasoned divers, such as dives with rebreathers, underwater scooters, full-face masks or in side-mount style. Years of experience, well-trained and friendly staff, and carefully planned diving activities ensure unforgettable experiences for diving enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels. Prodivers also boasts the only hyperbaric chamber with a permanent diving doctor in the northern region of the Maldives, making it one of the safest places to dive.

From introductory dives for beginners through to professional instructor courses, Prodivers offers the perfect adventure in the breath-taking underwater world of the Maldives.


Von leuchtenden Korallenriffen bis hin zu abenteuerlichen Strömungstauchgängen – auf den Malediven findet dank Prodivers jeder Taucher sein persönliches Highlight.

Prodivers wurde 1988 zusammen mit dem Kuredu Island Resort auf den Malediven gegründet - und zwar von den zwei Schweden Lars Petre, der auch Miteigentümer des Kuredu Island Resorts ist, und Staffan Hansson, der als Managing Director und Tauchlehrer sein Fachwissen einbrachte. Heute ist Prodivers eine feste Größe in der Branche und bietet einzigartige Erlebnisse für Tauchbegeisterte.

Die Malediven sind weltweit für ihre herausragenden Tauchreviere sowie die Vielfalt der Meeresbewohner bekannt und Prodivers hat von spannenden Korallenriffen im Atoll über atemberaubende Steilwände und nervenkitzelnden Strömungstauchgänge alles im Programm. Egal, ob man also von Haien, Schildkröten, Rochen oder bunten Rifffischen träumt – Prodivers hat für jeden Taucher das Richtige.

Mit sieben Basen auf den Malediven, und einer Auswahl von 3- bis 5-Sterne-Resorts bietet Prodivers ein vielfältiges Programm, das sowohl Anfänger als auch erfahrene Taucher begeistert. Die jahrelange Erfahrung, das geschulte und freundliche Team sowie die gut geplanten Tauchaktivitäten sorgen für unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Man kann mit Kreislaufgeräten, Scootern, Fullface Mask oder im Sidemount-Stil tauchen. Zudem verfügt Prodivers über die einzige Dekompressionskammer mit einem permanenten Taucherarzt in der nördlichen Region.

Von einfachen Tauchgängen für Neulinge bis hin zur Tauchlehrerausbildung: bei Prodivers findet jeder das perfekte Abenteuer in der atemberaubenden Unterwasserwelt der Malediven.

Hurawalhi Island Resort Maldives. Photo: Hurawalhi Island Resort Grey reef shark. Turtles.
A manta ray.


Fancy exploring the world Down Under beyond the typical tourist destinations? With TravelEssence, the perfect holiday awaits.

When it comes to crafting the perfect holiday, TravelEssence stands out with its specialised focus on Australia and New Zealand. Known for their attention to detail and extensive knowledge, TravelEssence ensures every aspect of your trip is meticulously planned to match your individual preferences. “Just tell us how you like to travel, and our specialists will carefully recommend the best options for you”, says Marketing Manager Alexandra Anger. “We offer the largest range of hand-selected boutique accommodations, local guides and special activities in Australia and New Zealand.”

The team of travel experts caters to anyone from solo travellers and couples to families and friends travelling together. The process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your interests and desires. This is followed by a detailed planning phase to create a bespoke itinerary together, incorporating local insights and hidden gems. Afterwards, TravelEssence handles all bookings and logistics, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

What highlights do they recommend? It’s hard to choose, as Alexandra Anger explains: “We have so many places in Australia and New Zealand that are our favourites. It all comes down to what you would like to see and experience and the best time to travel to specific regions.” Whatever you fancy, relying on the local knowledge and expertise of an experienced travel company like TravelEssence will ultimately make all the difference.


Lust, die Welt Down Under jenseits von ausgetretenen Touristenpfaden zu erkunden? Mit TravelEssence wird der perfekte Urlaub in die Realität umgesetzt.

Wenn es darum geht, den perfekten Urlaub zu gestalten, setzt sich TravelEssence mit seinem spezialisierten Fokus auf Australien und Neuseeland klar ab. Bekannt für die Liebe zum Detail, gepaart mit umfangreichem Wissen, sorgt TravelEssence dafür, dass jeder Aspekt einer Reise sorgfältig geplant wird - genau nach den eigenen Vorstellungen. „Sagen Sie uns einfach, wie Sie reisen möchten, und unsere Spezialisten erklären Ihnen sorgfältig die besten Optionen“, sagt Marketing Managerin Alexandra Anger. „Wir bieten die größte Auswahl an handverlesenen Boutique-Unterkünften, lokalen Guides und besonderen Aktivitäten in Australien und Neuseeland.“

Das Reiseexperten-Team betreut sowohl Paare als auch Alleinreisende, Familien und gemeinsam verreisende Freunde. Am Anfang gibt es eine ausführliche Beratung, um die Interessen und Wünsche der Reisenden zu verstehen. Es folgt eine detaillierte Planungsphase, um gemeinsam eine maßgeschneiderte Reiseroute zu erstellen, die Insider-Tipps von TravelEssence mit einbezieht. Danach übernimmt das Reiseunternehmen alle Buchungen und die Logistik, um von Anfang bis Ende eine reibungslose Reise zu gewährleisten.

Welche Highlights empfiehlt das Team? Schwer zu sagen, wie Alexandra Anger erklärt: „Wir haben so viele Lieblingsorte in Australien und Neuseeland. Es kommt ganz darauf an, was Sie sehen und erleben möchten und wann die beste Reisezeit für bestimmte Regionen ist.“ Egal wonach einem ist, auf die Ortskenntnisse und die Expertise eines erfahrenen Reiseunternehmens wie TravelEssence zu vertrauen, macht letztendlich den entscheidenden Unterschied. /

Experience the vibrant Aboriginal culture.
Experience the vibrant Maori culture surrounded by nature.
Observing koalas in the wild.
Explore New Zealand's diverse landscape on a road trip.


If you are looking for the ultimate golf experience, look no further than Italia Golf & More! With offices in Switzerland, Tuscany and Mallorca, the tour operator organises exclusive golf holidays worldwide.

“For us, the experience starts with our personal customer service,” relates co-owner and COO Jochen Gehlert. “We are familiar with most of the destinations in our portfolio and know what we can recommend.”

This applies to places all over the world! Italia Golf & More organises trips to the most beautiful golf resorts in the most beautiful places in the world: from Italy and Spain to the United Arab Emirates or the Dominican Republik, golf enthusiasts are spoilt for choice.

Golf & More is synonymous with holidays of the highest standard at the best prices. “Our portfolio is hand-picked,” stresses Gehlert. “We review our partners once a year to ensure that we only offer those that meet our high standards.”

Once the dream destination has been found, Gehlert's team is happy to help with further travel arrangements. “On request, we can book tee times at the courses, organise airport transfers, car hire, excursionseverything that makes a golf holiday even more enjoyable.”

By the way, guests travelling to Italy or Majorca are in for a very special surprise. What might that be? Best to ask Italia Golf & More now!


Wer das ultimative Golferlebnis sucht, ist bei Italia Golf & More an der richtigen Adresse. Der Reiseveranstalter mit Sitz in der Schweiz, der Toskana und auf Mallorca organisiert seit fast 30 Jahren exklusive Golfreisen in alle Welt.

„Bei uns fängt das Erlebnis Golf bereits bei der Beratung an”, betont Miteigentümer und COO Jochen Gehlert. „Wir kennen die meisten Destinationen in unserem Angebot selbst und wissen, was wir empfehlen können.”

Und das weltweit! Denn Italia Golf & More vermittelt Reisen zu den schönsten Golfresorts an den schönsten Plätzen der Erde: Von Italien über Spanien bis hin zu den Arabischen Emiraten oder die Dominikanische Republik haben Golfbegeisterte hier die wunderbare Qual der Wahl.

Golf & More steht dabei auch immer für Reisen auf höchstem Niveau zu den besten Preisen. „Unser Angebot ist handverlesen,” so Gehlert. „Wir überprüfen unsere Partner einmal jährlich, sodass wirklich nur die im Angebot bleiben, die unseren hohen Ansprüchen genügen.”

Ist das Traumziel gefunden, hilft Gehlerts Team gerne bei der weiteren Reiseplanung. „Auf Wunsch reservieren wir die gewünschte Teetime auf den Golfplätzen, organisieren den Flughafentransfer, Mietwagen, Ausflüge, eben alles, was den Golfurlaub noch schöner macht.”

Auf Gäste, die nach Italien oder nach Mallorca reisen, wartet übrigens eine ganz besondere Überraschung. Welche das ist? Am besten gleich nachfragen!

Bogogno Golf Resort

4 nights at the resort with breakfast.

Welcome aperitivo at the bar.

1 bottle of wine on arrival.

3 green fees per player with buggy.

Located in Piedmont, Italy, it is a prestigious golf resort offering two 18-hole courses, with breathtaking views of the Alps and spectacular natural surroundings, it provides a high quality golfing experience, combining technical challenges with a very pleasant environment.

Perelada Spa y Golf Resort

4 nights at the resort with breakfast.

1 bottle of Perelada sparkling wine.

1 dinner at L Oliviera Restaurant with wine pairing.

Tour of the Perelada Castle Museum and wine cellar. Access to the Spa and Perelada Casino.

2 green fees per player with trolley.

Located in the province of Girona, Catalonia. Offers a combination of first-class golf facilities, spa, wellness services and luxury accommodation. The 18-hole golf course, which stretches along an undulating landscape, surrounded by vineyards and Mediterranean vegetation.

Lindner Golf Resort Portal Nous

5 nights with breakfast at the resort.

2 green fees per player at (Arabella) Golf Club Son Muntaner and Son Vida.

1 green fee per player at Golf Bendinat. Rental car.

Located on the enchanting island of Mallorca. The resort combines comfort and elegance with firstclass facilities, including a luxury spa, gourmet restaurants and spacious rooms. A few minutes from several golf courses.

To get a discount, contact us using the code: DISCOVERGOLF&MORE


Top venues for spectacular events

The recently published Meeting- & EventBarometer 2023/2024, produced by the German National Tourist Board, the GCB German Convention Bureau and the EVVC European Association of Event Centres, examines Germany’s event market annually and this year reveals some interesting insights into the event and congress sector.


According to analyses by IPK International, carried out on behalf of the GNTB in 2023, the number of international business trips from Europe to Germany increased by 20 percent year-on-year from 9.2 million to 11.1 million, reaching 83 percent of the 2019 pre-Covid level. Including overseas markets, the business travel segment grew by 23 percent to 13.5 million trips. In 2023, Germany remains by far the number one business travel destination for Europeans and, with growth of 20 percent compared to 2022, is further expanding its top position compared to the development of all international business trips from Europe to other countries (plus 15 percent).

Petra Hedorfer, chairwoman of the GNTB's executive board, commented: “Within the market for business trips from Europe to Germany, all segments were on the rise in 2023. The number of promotable business trips rose by 15 percent compared to 2022 to 6.3 million, constituting a market share of 57 percent. Classic business travel increased at an above-average rate of 28 percent to 4.7 million, equalling a market share of 43 percent. This confirms the immense importance of communication and face-to-face meetings in all segments of the business travel market. Within the promotable business travel segment, congresses/conferences remain the strongest MICE segment with an increase of seven percent and a 37 percent share of the business travel market. Trade fairs/exhibitions and incentive trips have recovered significantly after the pandemic-related can-

cellations, with market shares of 13 and seven percent respectively."


The upward trend in the German events market continues stronger than expected. At 2.15 million, the real volume of in-person events in 2023 reached 74.4 percent of the 2019 level. This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 24.7 percent. 1.8 million events were organised as in-person-only events, while 328,000 were designed as hybrid events with in-person and online attendance options.

Looking at the number of attendees, the growth becomes even more evident: 311 million in-person attendees in 2023 (2022: 184.5 million) correspond to a 68.5 percent growth and 73.5 percent of the 2019 level. Rising demand from abroad is contributing to the positive market development: The proportion of international attendees at in-person events has gone up from 3.9 percent in 2022 to an average of 6.2 percent in 2023. At 9.1 percent, it is highest at business events.


At 57.5 percent, seminars, meetings and congresses were by far the most important type of event organised in German venues in 2023. The shift towards larger events with 101 or more attendees already observed in 2022 and the corresponding decline in smaller events with up to 100 attendees continued

last year: The share of seminars, meetings and congresses increased by between 3.6 percentage points and 0.2 percentage points in all size categories from 101 to over 5,000 attendees. The share of smaller events with up to 50 attendees and up to 100 attendees fell by 6.7 percentage points and 2.6 percentage points respectively. At the same time, these two size categories still account for three-quarters (75.3 percent) of all seminars, meetings and congresses taking place in German event spaces.

At just under 50 percent, companies are the most important organiser group of business events. This illustrates their continued importance in the communication mix of organisations. In terms of origin, German event organisers are a solid business base for business event venue providers: 93.7 percent of all organisations come from Germany. Internationally, the direct European neighbours in particular are strong source markets. At the same time, the USA, UK and China are also increasingly playing a role again.


Organisers and suppliers are in agreement and confident when it comes to growth prospects, expecting further growth for 2024 based on the current situation. 89 percent of organisers assess the event planning situation as (very) good. Three-quarters of providers (76 percent) rate the booking situation for the coming months as (very) good. In-person-only events are expected to grow in particular as is the number of in-person attendees. "This assessment from event organisers and venue providers shows the continued relevance of business events as places where people meet to develop solutions for the big issues of our time, also because our working world is becoming increasingly virtual and people are longing for personal, human encounters, face-to-face networking and community building," said Matthias Schultze, managing director of the GCB German Convention Bureau. "The results of the Meeting & EventBarometer 2023/2024 show that Germany is a resilient and future-proof destination for business events,” he concluded.

Find out more about the top meeting, conference and event locations and hosts in this special theme.


Die Complexity Management Academy auf dem RWTH Aachen University Campus ist die führende Anlaufstelle für Unternehmen, die ihre Fähigkeiten im Innovations- und Komplexitätsmanagement stärken möchten. Am 12. und 13. November 2024 richtet sie wieder den beliebten Complexity Management Congress im Tivoli-Fußballstadion in Aachen aus.

Durch ein Netzwerk aus Industrie- und Forschungsexperten bietet die Complexity Management Academy umfassende Unterstützung bei der Bewältigung von produkt- und prozessinduzierter Komplexität sowie der Umsetzung von Innovationsinitiativen. Das breite Portfolio an zertifizierten Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen und Schulungsansätzen bringt sowohl Theorie als auch Praxiswissen in Unternehmen.

„Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass innovative und wegweisende Lösungen im Komplexitätsund Innnovationsmanagement nur durch den Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit in einem starken Netzwerk entwickelt werden“, erklärt Alexander Keuper, Geschäftsführer. „Aus diesem

Grund haben wir den Complexity Management Congress ins Leben gerufen, der in diesem Jahr bereits zum zehnten Mal stattfindet.“

Diese Plattform ermöglicht den branchenübergreifenden Austausch zu aktuellen Themen wie innovativen Produktportfolios, datengetriebenem Komplexitätsmanagement und der Entwicklung zukünftiger Produktarchitekturen.

„Neben dem Austausch und Networking können sich die Teilnehmenden auf Top Speaker*innen vom C-Level bis in die operative Ebene aus unterschiedlichen Branchen und auf zahlreiche Case Studies mit Best Practice Beispielen freuen“, so Alexander Keuper. Die Industrieausstellung stellt spannende Firmen

vor, die Lösungen von KI-gestützter Datenanalysesoftware über PLM-Systeme, CPQ- und Konfigurationsmanagementsoftware bis hin zu Product- und Processmining anbieten.

Mit 130-150 Teilnehmenden aus etwa 100 Unternehmen bietet der Kongress eine einzigartige Gelegenheit zum Networking und Wissenstransfer, die man nicht verpassen sollte.

Vortrag Prof. Günther Schuh, Complexity Management Congress 2023.



Two of the most renowned premium brands of Marriott International offer the utmost comfort under one roof: From modern rooms and a great range of culinary delights to modern meeting rooms, the Frankfurt Airport Marriott Hotel & Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotel & Conference Center ensure every wish is catered for.

Located directly at Frankfurt Airport and connected to Terminal 1 by a pedestrian bridge, the Frankfurt Airport Marriott Hotel & Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotel & Conference Center boast top comfort in the airport’s ‘pole position’.

“Our guests can look forward to many exclusive offers,” Marketing Manager Catherine Ludwig says. In addition to a total of 1,017 rooms, an incredible range of culinary highlights awaits the guests. They can choose from international cuisine at Flavors with its own dry-ageing cabinet, to regional specialities at the Tavern, and exclusive cocktails at The Bar.

“Our large conference centre is used by both hotels,” Catherine Ludwig explains. “We have 58 conference and meeting rooms, most of which were modernised in 2021 and offer natural light as well as all the amenities of a modern conference centre. Spacious break-out lounges are the ideal place for creative breaks and productive group discussions.” The rooms of various sizes are suitable for groups ranging from six to 1,200 people.

The experienced event team and the meeting concierge, who takes care of the needs of conference guests on-site, ensure that every event runs smoothly.

Zwei der bekanntesten Premium-Marken von Marriott International bieten unter einem Dach höchsten Komfort: Von modernen Zimmern über vielfältige kulinarische Genüsse bis hin zu modernen Tagungsräumen bleiben im Frankfurt Airport Marriott Hotel & Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotel & Conference Center keine Wünsche offen.

Direkt am Frankfurter Flughafen gelegen und durch eine Fußgängerbrücke mit Terminal 1 verbunden, punkten das Frankfurt Airport Marriott Hotel & Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotel & Conference Center mit top Komfort in „Pole Position“ zum Flughafen.

„Unsere Gäste können sich auf viele exklusive Angebote freuen“, erzählt Marketing Manager Catherine Ludwig. Neben den insgesamt 1017 Zimmern ist auch das kulinarische Angebot überaus vielfältig: Von der internationalen Küche im Flavors mit eigenem Dry-Age-Reifeschrank, regionalen Spezialitäten in der Taverne bis hin zu exklusiven Cocktails in The Bar.

„Das sehr große Konferenzzentrum wird von beiden Hotels genutzt“, erklärt Catherine Ludwig. „Wir haben 58 Konferenz- und Tagungsräume, von denen die meisten im Jahr 2021 modernisiert wurden, und die Tageslicht sowie alle Annehmlichkeiten eines modernen Konferenzzentrums bieten. Großzügige Break-Out-Lounges sind der ideale Platz für kreative Pausen und produktive Gruppengespräche.“ Die unterschiedlich großen Räume eignen sich dabei für Gruppen zwischen sechs und 1200 Personen.

Das erfahrene Event-Team und der Meeting Concierge, der sich um die Belange der Tagungsgäste vor Ort kümmert, sorgen dafür, dass jede Veranstaltung reibungslos verläuft.

Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotel & Conference Center, Club King Room.
The Eatery kitchen and bar. SkyLoft.
Marriott & Sheraton Frankfurt Airport Hotels. Studio 1+2.


Celebrate life’s beauty in the breathtaking palm garden high above the roofs of the city in the luxurious Rheinloft Cologne.

From the Mediterranean roof garden to the two high-quality live cooking areas – the Rheinloft Cologne makes event dreams come true. The exclusive venue measures a total of 1,000 square metres and benefits from a spectacular backdrop, plenty of privacy and a lot of character. “Our philosophy is based on the ambition to realise places and experiences of outstanding quality - we want to ‘create magic’, founder and owner Jürgen F. Wippermann says. His fullservice agency expertly provides high-quality events with individual and exclusive concepts.

The 600-square-metre roof garden is a popular hotspot for elite business and networking in a relaxed atmosphere. The 360-degree panoramic view allows guests to look at the city from all angles, spotting various sights of the ancient Roman city. “Our trademark is a cosmopolitan, contemporary interior,” senior event manager Daria Gubenko adds. “Traditional meets modern, classic elegance meets urban flair.”

Thanks to the division and spaciousness, the venue is extremely versatile. The superb location right in Cologne’s city centre (extremely close to the central train station) with an underground car park further guarantee easy accessibility. “We also recently constructed an additional subterranean art gallery with an integrated wine lounge in vaults from the German Wilhelminian era,” Wippermann tells us.


Zelebrieren Sie im atemberaubenden Palmengarten hoch über den Dächern der Stadt die schönen Seiten des Lebens im luxuriösen Rheinloft Cologne.

Vom mediterranen Dachgarten bis zu den zwei hochwertig ausgestatteten Live-Cooking Areas: Das Rheinloft Cologne im pulsierenden Zentrum von Köln lässt wirklich keine Wünsche offen. Auf insgesamt über 1.000 Quadratmetern bietet die exklusive Event-Location vor spektakulärer Kulisse privates Ambiente mit viel Charakter. „Unsere Philosophie ist geprägt von dem Anspruch, Orte und Erlebnisse von herausragender Qualität in Szene zu setzen – wir wollen Magie kreieren“, sagt Gründer und Inhaber Jürgen F. Wippermann, der mit seiner Full-Service Agentur gekonnt für hochwertige Events mit individuellen und exklusiven Konzepten sorgt.

Der 600 Quadratmeter große, mediterrane Dachgarten ist ein begehrter Hotspot für entspanntes Business und Networking auf allerhöchstem Niveau. Dank des 360 Grad-Rundumlaufs kann man hier in alle vier Himmelsrichtungen schauen und die Sehenswürdigkeiten der alten Römerstadt auf sich wirken lassen. „Das Markenzeichen des Rheinloft Cologne ist ein kosmopolitisches, zeitgemäßes Interieur”, sagt Senior Eventmanagerin Daria Gubenko. „Tradition trifft auf Modernität, klassische Eleganz auf urbanes Flair.”

Die Location ist durch Zuschnitt und Weitläufigkeit extrem wandelbar. Dank der hervorragenden und zentralen Lage im Zentrum Kölns direkt in der Altstadt (in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Hauptbahnhof) und mit Tiefgarage, ist die Event-Location auch von überall her bequem zu erreichen. „Wir haben zusätzlich eine unterirdische, spektakuläre KunstGalerie mit integrierter Wein-Lounge in Gewölbekellern aus der Gründerzeit gebaut“, verrät Wippermann.

Rheinloft Cologne.
Rheinloft Cologne.
Rheinloft Cologne.
Rheinloft Cologne.




Deep down below Cologne there's this special place: La Volta - an underground event venue including an art gallery and integrated wine lounge in exposed historic vaults from the Wilhelminian era.

Discovered and completely renovated by Jürgen F. Wippermann, who now owns a second event venue luxury brand in addition to the Rheinloft in the old town, La Volta offers guests an authentic art and pleasure journey. “We create an atmosphere that is in harmony with the lifestyle of the region: classic, traditional and, at the same time, contemporary and urban,” explains Wippermann. The interior, content and communication of the venue have a strong design appeal, from the furniture and the special lighting to the decades-old Bordeaux and Champagne icons.

This venue is aimed at pleasure lovers, entrepreneurs, decision-makers and business-minded people who have high quality standards. “Our new brand is young, fresh, stylish and, above all, urban,” comments Wippermann. “We want to give our guests an unforgettable stay.”

La Volta can be rented exclusively for a variety of tastings, private events, incentives or a special business meeting. “We always welcome our guests on a personal level, focusing on the pillars of our philosophy: authenticity, hospitality and enjoyment,” promises senior event manager Daria Gubenko. Or if you want to get to know this exclusive place in advance, according to Gubenko, the agency regularly organises public events such as vernissages, wine tastings and networking events, which can also be enjoyed by solo participants.


Tief unter der Erde von Köln liegt das La Volta - eine unterirdische Veranstaltungslocation mit Kunstgalerie und integrierter WeinLounge in freigelegten historischen Gewölben aus der Gründerzeit.

Entdeckt und komplett kernsaniert hat diese Perle Jürgen F. Wippermann, dem neben dem Rheinloft in der Altstadt nun eine zweite Location-Luxusmarke gehört. In La Volta geht der Gast auf eine Kunst- und Genussreise in einem authentischen Ambiente. „Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, die im Einklang steht mit dem Lebensgefühl der Region: Klassisch, traditionell und zugleich zeitgenössisch und urban”, erklärt Wippermann. Interieur, Content und Kommunikation der Location haben einen starken Design-Appeal, vom Mobiliar und der besonderen Lichtinszenierung, bis hin zu jahrzehntealten Bordeauxund Champagnerikonen.

Die Location richtet sich an Genussliebhaber, Unternehmer, Entscheider, businessaffine Menschen, die einen hohen Qualitätsanspruch haben. „Unsere neue Marke ist jung, frisch, stylisch und vor allem urban”, kommentiert Wippermann. „Wir wollen unseren Gästen einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt ermöglichen.”

Gemietet werden kann das La Volta exklusiv für verschiedenste Verköstigungen, private Anlässe, Incentives oder ein besonderes Business-Meeting. „Wir begegnen unseren Gästen auf Augenhöhe, fokussiert auf den Säulen unserer Philosophie: Authentizität, Gastlichkeit und Genuss”, verspricht Senior Eventmanagerin Daria Gubenko. Oder falls Sie diesen exklusiven Ort vorab kennenlernen wollen veranstaltet die Agentur, laut Gubenko, regelmäßig öffentliche Veranstaltungen wie zum Beispiel Vernissagen, Wine-Tastings und Networking Events, an denen auch Einzelpersonen teilnehmen können.

La Volta - art & wine gallery. La Volta - art & wine gallery.
La Volta - art & wine gallery.



Since its opening in March 2024, the ILIS Congress Center has established itself as a premier venue for significant national and international events.

If you seek a venue that stands out, ILIS Congress Center offers everything you need: unlimited possibilities, versatile and airy spaces, top-notch services, and much more.

Situated in Western Greece near the Ilia plain and overlooking the Ionian Sea, the center enjoys a prime location. The surrounding sandy beaches and clear blue waters provide an exceptional setting for events, adding a touch of true grandeur.

The facilities at the ILIS Congress Center can accommodate events ranging from intimate gatherings of 50 to grand assemblies of up to 3,000 guests, making it suitable for a diverse array of occasions.

For those looking to extend their experience, the nearby Aldemar Olympian Village resort offers luxurious accommodations, perfect for unwinding in style after a day at the congress center.

Most notably, the ILIS Congress Center is a beacon of sustainability. It utilizes geothermal energy, thermal façades, and its own photovoltaic power station, ensuring that every event is not only memorable but also environmentally responsible.


Seit seiner Eröffnung im März 2024 hat sich das ILIS Congress Center als eine hochkarätige Location für bedeutende nationale und internationale Events etabliert.

Mit dem ILIS Congress Center hat die Suche nach einem exklusiven Veranstaltungsort ein Ende! Dieser Ort bietet alles, was eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltung ausmacht: unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten, vielseitige und großzügige Veranstaltungsflächen, erstklassigen Service und vieles mehr.

In Westgriechenland, nahe der Elis-Ebene gelegen, befindet sich das Kongresszentrum in erstklassiger Lage. Der freie Blick auf das Ionische Meer, die umliegenden Sandstrände und das kristallblaue Wasser bilden den perfekten Rahmen für Veranstaltungen der Extraklasse.

Das ILIS Congress Center bietet Platz für kleinere Veranstaltungen von bis zu 50 Gästen bis hin zu Großveranstaltungen mit bis zu 3.000 Gästen und eignet sich somit für die unterschiedlichsten Anlässe.

Für das ultimative Erlebnis bietet das in unmittelbarer Nähe gelegene Aldemar Olympian Village Resort luxuriöse Unterkünfte, in denen man sich nach einem Tag im Kongresszentrum stilvoll erholen kann.

Darüber hinaus ist das ILIS Congress Center ein Beispiel für Nachhaltigkeit. Erdwärme, thermische Fassaden und eine eigene Photovoltaikanlage sorgen dafür, dass jede Veranstaltung nicht nur unvergesslich, sondern auch nachhaltig ist.


With creative menus and comprehensive service, the charming team at Wild & Wiese sets new standards in the events industry, making every occasion a memorable experience.

As a full-service agency based in Berlin, Wild & Wiese has over a decade of experience under its belt. Founded by Christian Wilke the company blends a love for nature and regional delicacies with high-end culinary experiences. "I discovered my passion for cooking and hosting at an early age," he says. "After hosting numerous dinners for friends and family, they encouraged me to pursue this passion professionally." Today, his company surprises with innovative recipes and creative twists on classic dishes. It stands for unique events with a focus on sustainability and quality.

Wild & Wiese not only offers excellent catering but also provides location scouting, concept development and event production. This should come as no surprise given Christian Wilke's extensive background as an event and marketing manager in the automotive and music industries. Whether it's a gala dinner, sum-

mer party, product launch or influencer event, the team ensures every detail is executed flawlessly. "We focus on personal, bespoke service. Every project is individually planned and perfectly tailored to our clients' needs," Christian Wilke adds. "However, our main focus remains on outstanding food and bespoke menus that

make every event special." From finger food to flying buffets to six-course dinners, Wild & Wiese makes every culinary dream come true.

At the heart of Wild & Wiese is its dedicated team. Each member brings unique skills and passion that contribute to the success of every event. Head Chef Rainer Fleske enthuses: "What I love about Wild & Wiese is the creative freedom I have and the openness for innovative ideas."

At Wild & Wiese sustainability is not just a buzzword but a practiced principle. The company places great importance on regional and seasonal ingredients, ensuring the highest quality. "Happy and satisfied customers are our daily motivation," Christian Wilke states.

For those seeking something special and wanting to treat their guests to a culinary highlight, Wild & Wiese is the perfect partner.

Photo: Katharina Bohm
Christian Wilke.
Photo: Franz Pyka




Mit kreativen Menüs und umfassendem Service setzt das sympathische Team von Wild & Wiese neue Maßstäbe in der Eventbranche. So wird jedes Event zum unvergesslichen Erlebnis.

Als Berliner Full-Service Agentur blickt Wild & Wiese auf über zehn Jahre Erfahrung zurück. Gegründet von Christian Wilke verbindet das Unternehmen die Liebe zur Natur und regionalen Köstlichkeiten mit hochkarätigen kulinarischen Erlebnissen. „Schon früh entdeckte ich meine Leidenschaft für das Kochen und das Gastgebersein“, erzählt er. „Nachdem ich viele Dinner im kleinen Bekanntenkreis veranstaltet hatte, motivierten mich Freunde, diese Leidenschaft beruflich zu verfolgen.“ Heute überrascht sein Unternehmen mit innovativen Rezepten und kreativen Twists von klassischen Gerichten und steht für einzigartige Events, bei denen Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität im Vordergrund stehen.

Wild & Wiese bietet nicht nur exzellentes Catering, sondern auch Location Scouting, Konzeptentwicklung und Eventproduktion, was naheliegt da Christian Wilke selbst lange als Event- und Marketingmanager in der Automobil- und Musikbranche tätig war. Egal, ob Gala Dinner, Sommerfest, Product Launch oder Influencer Event – das

Team sorgt dafür, dass jedes Detail perfekt umgesetzt wird. „Wir setzen auf persönliche, maßgeschneiderte Betreuung. Jeder Auftrag wird individuell geplant und perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden abgestimmt,“ so Christian Wilke. „Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt jedoch nach wie vor auf hervorragendem Essen und maßgeschneiderten Menüs, die jedes Event zu etwas Besonderem machen.“ Von Fingerfood über Flying Buffet bis hin zum gesetzten 6-Gang Dinner, Wild & Wiese erfüllt jeden kulinarischen Wunsch.

Das Herzstück von Wild & Wiese ist das engagierte Team. Jeder Mitarbeiter bringt einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Leidenschaften mit, die zum Erfolg jedes Events beitragen. Chef de Cuisine Rainer Fleske schwärmt: „An Wild & Wiese liebe ich, dass ich viel Gestaltungsspielraum habe und stets ein offenes Ohr für innovative Ideen finde.“

Nachhaltigkeit ist bei Wild & Wiese kein Schlagwort, sondern gelebte Praxis. Das

Unternehmen legt großen Wert auf regionale und saisonale Zutaten, die höchste Qualität garantieren. „Glückliche und satte Kunden sind unsere tägliche Motivation“, sagt Christian Wilke.

Für alle, die das Besondere suchen und ihre Gäste kulinarisch verwöhnen möchten, ist Wild & Wiese der perfekte Partner.

Foto: Anne Freitag
Foto: Clemens Porikys
Foto: Katharina Bohm



Switzerland, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and unparalleled hospitality, provides the perfect setting for seminars, conferences and retreats. The Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau (SCIB) is a robust partner for event planners, swiftly finding the ideal venue - with a particular emphasis on sustainability.

“The success of meeting planners is measured by the results of a meeting,” says Bernhard Rhyn, SCIB Project Manager Business Events.

“Be it team building, developing an innovative product, or imparting lasting knowledge.”

Choosing the right location is crucial, and that's where the Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau, as part of Switzerland Tourism, excels: you can easily select the perfect venue for any event from over 800 options.

The free SCIB event planner is likely the most comprehensive directory of venues in Switzerland. “Whether it's a historic site in the old town, a modern conference centre with views of the Alps, or a remote cabin for

more intensive retreats, the choice is virtually endless,” Bernhard Rhyn highlights. Despite the vast selection, the numerous filter functions help you find the right location quickly.

A special focus is placed on the sustainability of events, as the SCIB event planner lists 250 locations certified with the Swisstainable label. This label signifies a commitment to

environmental and social responsibility –an increasingly important criterion when selecting an event venue. With a simple click, you can ensure you choose a certified sustainable event space.

In addition to venues, the SCIB event planner offers over 840 group experiences across Switzerland, ranging from cosy activities like communal cooking over a fire and entertaining city tours to adventurous experiences like climbing or building a rope bridge over a gorge in the Swiss mountains.

No matter what you choose, one thing is

clear: those seeking unique event locations will find more than they could ever wish for in Switzerland.

Basel Exhibition Centre. Photo: Jan Geerk


Die Schweiz, bekannt für ihre atemberaubende Natur und unvergleichliche Gastfreundschaft, bietet den idealen Rahmen für Seminare, Kongresse und Klausuren. Das Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau (SCIB) steht Eventplanern dabei als starker Partner zur Seite und findet im Handumdrehen die perfekte Location - mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit.

„Der Erfolg von Meetingplanerinnen und -planern wird daran gemessen, welche Resultate ein Meeting hervorgebracht hat”, sagt Bernhard Rhyn, SCIB Project Manager Business Events. „Sei es das Zusammenschweissen des Teams, die Entwicklung eines innovativen Produkts oder die bleibende Vermittlung von Wissen." Die Wahl der richtigen Location spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle und genau hier kommt das Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau als Teil von Schweiz Tourismus ins Spiel: Aus über 800 Möglichkeiten kann man bequem die perfekte Location für Veranstaltungen jeglicher Art auswählen.

Der kostenlose SCIB-Event-Planer ist wohl das umfassendste Verzeichnis für Lokalitäten in der Schweiz. „Ob eine historische Stätte in der Altstadt, ein modernes Kongresszentrum mit Blick auf die Alpen oder eine abgelegene Hütte für intensivere Klausuren – die Auswahl ist schier endlos“, betont Bernhard Rhyn. Trotz der großen Auswahl kann man, dank vieler Filterfunktionen, schnell die passende Location finden.

Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Nachhaltigkeit der Veranstaltungen, denn der SCIB Event-Planer listet 250 Locations, die mit dem Swisstainable Label ausgezeichnet sind. Dieses wichtige Label steht für die Verantwortung gegenüber Umwelt und Gesellschaft –ein immer wichtiger werdendes Kriterium bei der Auswahl einer Event-Location. Mit einem einfachen Klick kann man also sicher gehen, dass man eine zertifiziert nachhaltige Eventstätte auswählt.

Zusätzlich zu den Venues bietet der SCIBEvent-Planer auch noch über 840 Gruppenerlebnisse in der ganzen Schweiz, von gemüt-

lichen Aktivitäten wie gemeinsames Kochen über Feuer oder unterhaltsame Stadtführungen bis hin zu abenteuerlichen Erlebnissen wie Klettern oder dem Bau einer Seilbrücke über eine Schlucht in den Schweizer Bergen.

Egal, für was man sich entscheidet, eins ist

klar: Wer auf der Suche nach einzigartigen Event-Locations ist, wird in der Schweiz mehr als fündig.

Seebad Enge. Foto: Mattias Nutt
Sonnenaufgang auf dem Pilatus Berg. Foto: Pilatus Bahnen
Lucerne Business Group. Foto: Janic Halioua
PCMA Event Lausanne. Foto: Mattias Nutt


Connecting. Collaborating. Conversing. The World Conference Center Bonn is an extraordinary venue right on the picturesque Rhine, inviting guests to exchange ideas in an inspiring setting.

The World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), comprising the former German Bundestag plenary building and the main building, is perfect for events of all kinds, accommodating up to 7,000 people. Whether it's large-scale congresses, product presentations, galas or interactive trade fairs, the possibilities are endless. The WCCB is not just an ideal event location but, more importantly, a place to exchange ideas and knowledge.

Modern events require state-of-the-art technology. Equipped with cutting-edge media technology, the WCCB continues to set new standards across the board. This not only allows for impressive presentations but it’s also crucial for hybrid events that connect participants worldwide.

The World Conference Center Bonn offers more than just a venue for events. True to its motto 'Connecting. Collaborating. Conversing.', it is a space for interaction, networking and the exchange of knowledge. The WCCB team is an experienced partner, ensuring the smooth execution of successful events.


Connecting. Collaborating. Conversing. Das World Conference Center Bonn ist ein außergewöhnlicher Veranstaltungsort direkt am wunderschönen Rhein, der zum Ideen-Austausch und Dialog einlädt.

Das World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), das aus dem ehemaligen Plenargebäude des deutschen Bundestages und dem Hauptgebäude besteht, ist perfekt für Veranstaltungen jeglicher Art und bietet Platz für bis zu 7000 Personen.

Ob groß angelegte Kongresse, Produktpräsentationen, Gala oder interaktive Messe – die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu grenzenlos. Das WCCB ist nicht nur ein idealer Veranstaltungsort, sondern vor allem ein Ort für den Austausch von Ideen und Wissen.

Moderne Veranstaltungen erfordern modernste Technologie. Auch hier setzt das WCCB neue Maßstäbe, indem es mit hochmoderner Medientechnik ausgestattet ist. Dies ermöglicht nicht nur beeindruckende Präsentationen, sondern auch hybride Veranstaltungen, die Teilnehmer weltweit miteinander verbinden.

Das World Conference Center Bonn bietet dabei nicht nur Raum für Veranstaltungen, sondern entsprechend des Mottos ‚Connecting. Collaborating. Conversing.‘ einen Raum für Interaktion, Networking und Wissensaustausch. Das Team des WCCB steht dabei als erfahrener Partner zur Seite, um gemeinsam erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen durchzuführen.

World Conference Center Bonn, ground floor.
World Conference Center Bonn, New York hall.
World Conference Center Bonn, plenary hall.




Trekking, hiking, free climbing, bike touring or paragliding are just some of the activities that can be enjoyed in the heart of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage site. In the region of Alta Badia you can safely experience precious moments of pleasure in the mountains. While winter attracts ski and snowboard enthusiasts, summer can be equally enjoyed in the region with extensive natural landscapes at the foot of majestic peaks, sustainability and hospitality, centuries-old traditions, fine dining and excellent wines.

Expert mountaineers, however, flock to the region looking for new challenges during a somewhat different experience: The 4 Peaks Alta Badia challenge. The aim is to climb the four peaks Sas dla Crusc (Sasso Santa Croce) 2,907m, Sasso delle Dieci (Cima Dieci) 3,026m, Lavarella 3,055m and Conturines 3,064m on the edge of the Fanes-Sennes-Prags Nature Park in the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage site. “For lovers of the Dolomites and more fit walkers, this is a lovely challenge and we recommend it,” read a review by Krystina Dvorak from the Czech Republic on the official website of the 4 Peaks Challenge.

These demanding hiking tours take excursionists literally up hill and down dale. Climbers follow well-maintained trails, paths and some via ferratas up to the peaks through, while some exposed, unsecured sections of the route add an extra sense of adventure. For those who want to avoid exposures there is an alternative longer path available.

The ascent of these four mountains is to be attempted only by experienced climbers, as these peaks cannot be reached just on easy well-sign-posted paths, but also via routes with some very exposed sections.

As proof of your achievement, you will get a pass which must be stamped every time you reach one of the four summits. All those who complete all four summits in two or more days bear the title ‘Alta Badia Finisher’. And those who succeed in climbing the four peaks within a single day will be named ‘Alta Badia Mountaineer’ and be granted a place of honour on the online ‘Wall of Fame’. Participants can also take home a diploma and a medal as a memento.


From the village of Badia, participants take the La Crusc/Santa Croce lifts up to the La Crusc/Santa Croce sanctuary at the foot of the Sas dla Crusc mountain where path no. 7 starts, which after 2.8 km and 1:30 hours of walking leads to the Ju dla Crusc ridge on 2.612 m. They continue for 1 hour for 1.9 km on path no. 7B to reach the Sas dla Crusc.

The second peak is a short distance away: after 1.6 km and about 45 minutes of walking they reach the Piza dales Diesc (Cima Dieci mountain). The last section involves a short via ferrata. Participants return along the same path no. 7B until they are back at the Ju dla Crusc ridge. From this point on, two different route options are possible for reaching the other two peaks.

Itinerary No. 1 is shorter but more exposed and is recommended for expert climbers.

Starting at the Ju dla Crusc ridge, the route continue son path no. 7 and then no. 12 via the Forcela Medesc where the path is exposed and recommended only for more experienced rock climbers. After around 3:30 hours, they reach the summit of the Lavarela. A further major effort is required to reach the last summit via path no. 12B which after 1 hour and a last section of via ferrata leads to the summit of the Conturines mountain, the highest of the four peaks, which requires considerable technical skills, strength and character.

The adventure, however, is not yet over even after the 4 peaks have been climbed: another 3:15 hours remain to cover 9 km of route to the Fanes/Ju dal'Ega meadows, first on path no. 12B then on no. 11, which leads to the Col de Locia mountain and finally to the Capanna Alpina mountain hut, where there is a hut, ample parking and a taxi service. This route has a total duration of 11 hours, with a total distance of 25.40 km, a total climb of 1,969 metres and a cumulative descent of 2,293 metres.

Itinerary No. 2, on the other hand, is slightly longer and less exposed which is perfect for more cautious climbers. Starting at the Ju


Duration: 11 hours

Distance: 25.4 km

Height difference: 1,969 m

Starting height: 2,045 m

Maximum height: 3,064 m

dla Crusc ridge, participants continue on path no. 7 and then no. 12 in the direction of the Fanes plateau, passing by the Lavarella and Fanes mountain huts. They then take path no. 11 which leads to the Lé de Limo lake and the Gran Fanes mountain hut until they reach the little Ju dal'Ega ridge. From here they continue 4.6 km upwards on path no. 12B for 2:30 hours until they arrive first at the summit of the Lavarela and, after a final section which involves a via ferrata, they reach the summit of the Conturines mountain.

From this point, the path returns to that of itinerary no. 1 to reach the Capanna Alpi-

na mountain hut. This tour with the variant has a total duration of approx. 14 hours, with a total distance of 34.50 km, a total climb of 2,396 metres and a cumulative descent of 2,718 metres.

Armin Craffonara, a mountaineer from Badia who participated in the 4 Peaks Challenge in 2019, said: “The long tour is really beautiful. It’s a real spectacle for all lovers of wild nature. You do have to pay attention though; the length of the long tour is not for everyone. I’ve made a lot of trips in the Dolomites, but I think that this is really at the top of the list!”


Register online or at the ticket office of the La Crusc/Santa Croce chairlift, sign the information form, and collect your 4 Peaks Alta Badia kit at a cost of €35.00, which includes the 4 Peaks Card, a tour map, a briefcase, a bandana, a headband, an ecological pen and a sticker, or the 4 Peaks Alta Badia Kit + T-shirt Salewa for €55.00. Also make sure that you are ready to take on this special challenge physically; it’s not for everybody.



Manchmal vergessen wir uns selbst im Karriere/Freizeit/Beziehungs-Stress und sind erschöpft und unzufrieden. Dabei kann es leichter und energievoller gehen.

Wie das geht, zeigt Ernährungsprofilerin

Annett Hansen, in dem sie gemeinsam mit ihren Kunden den persönlichen Energie- und Gesundheitscode auf Basis von drei Ebenen entschlüsselt.

Der Weg zurück zu mehr Leichtigkeit, Energie und Gesundheit umfasst die drei Level ‚Eat. Feel. und Flow.‘: Wie versorge ich meinen Körper optimal mit der besten Qualität an Nahrung (Eat)? Welche wahren Bedürfnisse haben mein Körper und ich und wie

gewinne ich Vertrauen in mein Körpergefühl (Feel)? Wie erlange ich meine Intuition zurück und verbinde mich mit meiner inneren Stimme (Flow), um in Harmonie mit mir in Freude das Leben genießen zu können?

Hierzu stützt sich die integrative Ernährungsexpertin (TCM und Ernährungswissenschaft) in ihren ganzheitlichen Beratungen auf lange Jahre der Erfahrung. Insbesondere widmet sich die Studienrätin Frauen in der Mitte des Lebens, die nach Jahren erfolgreicher Karriereentwicklung lernen wollen, bewusster mit sich, ihrem Körper und ihrem Leben umzugehen: „Mit der 5-ElementeLehre, Human Design und Gene Keys kann der Mensch erkennen, welche Bedürfnisse er bisher, etwa aufgrund gesellschaftlicher Normen, nicht ausgelebt hat, und findet seinen persönlichen Gesundheitscode.“

Abgesehen von ihren OnlineAngeboten erarbeitet die ärztlich geprüfte Gesundheitsexpertin demnächst ganztägige ‚Experience-Workshops‘ für und mit Unternehmen. Im Ritz Carlton Berlin ist zudem das 1:1 Special Experience ‚Healthy Me Breakfast‘ geplant, für alle Fragen rund um ‚Eat. Feel. und Flow‘. Die Übernachtung mit modernem Luxus ist inklusive: „Damit das Wertvollste, nämlich man selbst, entsprechend wertgeschätzt wird.“

Annett Hansen, Ernährungsprofilerin. Foto: Viola Haderlein
Annett Hansen, Ernährungsprofilerin. Foto: Dominik Pfau


During the research phase for this article, I asked a high-ranking bank manager how she would define German Business Culture in a nutshell, and she promptly stated: “Be honest, be friendly. Tell me something of interest, be clear about what the goal of the conversation is – and you’re in.”

Photo: Paul Fiedler via Unsplash

There is nothing wrong with pleasantries and niceties, but it should be clear why an introduction is happening and where the conversation is heading. In Germany, any attempt of schmoozing might be frowned upon, if not immediately raise suspicion. sums up these aspects of German Business Culture as follows: “Business is taken seriously and German values such as fairness, loyalty, punctuality, professionalism, and reliability should be reciprocated.”


A clear no-no and probably most frequent faux-pas in German Business Culture concerns presents, as my real-life source informs me. Much as in the rest of Europe, this has lately become such a hot iron due to legal issues, that the upper limit for a company gift is – and yes you are reading this right – a whopping € 10. This quirky rule can bring a dilemma to the office: May HR provide brand cookies at the mingling? According to my source, the solution often is the ‘Bahlsen’ family package, as it provides variety within strict financial limits. But please do not consider bringing the cookies yourself, even if they are handmade by your associate’s grandmother.

Likewise, in case you thought of presenting your new business partner with a fancy fountain pen or anything engraved above the € 10 value, please refrain. It will present not a gift but a problem to your counterpart, as they may experience an unpleasant moment having to decline your thoughtful souvenir. It will have dawned on you by now, that gifts are not a good idea, with one exception: Ethics and social responsibility are highly regarded in German Business Culture. That way, a charity donation in your client’s name e. g. around Christmas time might be something to consider.


While in some corners of the world, sneakers and a loose shirt may suffice for an effort, do consider inspecting your wardrobe before embarking on a business trip to Germany. In times of start-up culture, things may in general have gone towards the casual side. However, it is always better to make sure

you know the dress code of the company you are visiting (if unsure, drop an Email to HR and ask for the style guide). In the majority of workplaces, German Business Culture asks for a formal dress code: Men generally wear a suit and tie, whilst women wear trousers or a skirt and blouse, sometimes topped with a blazer. In the capital’s media firms, PR agencies and tech start-ups, you may find that people dress informally for work. This however should not be considered a given in an introductory meeting on your first day, nor is it the norm in other cities. Casually professional is your safest bet in Berlin, while I

would still advise you to make upfront inquiries in case you will meet officials or managers from the middle to higher level. As for Frankfurt or Hamburg – count on your suit and temperate colours.


Not being punctual in Germany shows disinterest and discourtesy to anyone who dragged themselves out of bed, even after a long night of negotiations. Make punctuality a priority, and turn up with plenty of time to look for the room in which you are expected.

Photo: Norbert Braun via Unsplash

Please remember, communication in meetings and indeed anywhere else during a business event is formal and employees speak to each other politely but efficiently, as my source pointed out above. Some of the first name culture may have leaked into the German mind, especially in the start-up world, however – if unsure, better stick to the formal title and the surname. Don’t leave before the meeting or workshop has officially ended: German work ethics mean turning up on time and completing your day's work. Fair conditions are the reward.


With the pandemic being over, the good old handshake is back in the game. It is performed with the right hand, while the left needs to be outside of your pocket (!). This rule may have its limits for, say, Asian business partners, who prefer no direct physical contact, but it does make a difference in Germany. During the handshake, be sure to make eye contact. The whole ritual is trust-building and I still deemed the most polite way to greet each other in the German business world.

Kisses on the cheek however are a not the thing in German Business Culture, even if you are French and charming. It is fair to say that even at informal gatherings, the handshake is common as a greeting, especially between genders. Personal physical space should also be granted – it is a courtesy in Germany to keep a polite distance from your

counterpart while talking to them. Italian and French visitors may find this custom awkward if not a little off-putting, while British business travelers may be more used to it. The handshake by the way is firm and rather strong than weak, which is German body language for: You can trust me to be honest.

Photo: René Ranisch via Unsplash
Photo: Cowomen via Unsplash
Photo: Craig Cooper via Unsplash


All negotiations should be performed in a fair, open and transparent manner. Statements should be backed up with data and fair prices should be offered or requested respectively. To Germans, any form of bluffing or bargaining will be considered dishonest and may end the deal immediately and in the negative.

Are you here to offer a product to the German market? Whatever your pitch, please know that the quality of the product should be immediately obvious. German sales strategies are strongly product-oriented, built on the confidence that a good product will sell, and that quality speaks for itself. Also, Germans place a high premium on customer satisfaction by paying

close attention to their customer’s needs. That way, the best pitch will be to demonstrate your product features and production processes transparently, instead of dwelling too much on a marketing story. Indeed, casually quoting Steve Jobs with “A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them”, might come across as a tad dishonest in Germany.

It may at this point not surprise you that in contemporary German Business Culture, any whiff of bullying is much frowned upon, even if packaged as a negotiation skill. Not only due to the much-improved gender balance over the past decade, German Business Culture today nourishes a nuanced and human-centered approach while skipping on pushy or domineering practices and attitudes.


In Germany, work and social life are clearly separate worlds. The ‘after-work drink’ at the Pub is not common here. Instead, everyone works their full hours and then drives home or elsewhere to start their social part of the day. There is usually no leaking of one world into the other, and a business lunch or dinner will be exactly what the term indicates. Handshake and punctuality by the way are as important in German social life as in the business world, Berlin being the notorious exception to the rule of course. But even in the easy-going capital, your first approach to all encounters, business or otherwise, should be honest, transparent and straightforward. Your experience will be the better for it.

Photo: krakenimages via Unsplash

Culture Calendar

Fabulous food festivals, vibrant street art and numerous open-air concerts fill July’s packed event calendar - perfect for those long summer nights. We cannot wait to dive right in!

ImPulsTanz, Dada Masilo / The Dance Factory (ZA), Dada Masilo’s HAMLET. Photo: Lauge Sorensen



This iconic beer festival transforms the brewery’s court into a vibrant open-air celebration in the heart of Vienna. Featuring fine brews, live music and delicious street food, it's the perfect way to enjoy the summer. If you're feeling adventurous, don't miss out on unique experiences like beer yoga, brewery tours or visiting the culinary mile. Plus, you can look forward to more than 20 freshly tapped beer varieties.


(5 - 7 JULY)

The vibrant Caliente! Festival in Zurich is one of Europe's largest Latin-themed festivals. Summer 2024 will transform Zurich's most colourful district into a lively "Barrio," reminiscent of a Caribbean or South American city. Visitors can look forward to a celebration of life filled with fiestas, colourful shows and a Mercado Mundial with a Street Food Garden.


(11 JULY – 11 AUGUST)

For one month, Vienna hosts the ImPulsTanz Festival, one of Europe's largest contemporary dance festivals. This event features a diverse array of performances, workshops and new artistic expressions from interna-

tional dance companies. It's a must-see for dance enthusiasts, offering cutting-edge techniques and styles from renowned choreographers and emerging talents.


(17 – 20 JULY)

This fun-filled musical extravaganza is one of Switzerland’s most beloved festivals. This year’s impressive line-up includes Burna Boy, Nelly Furtado, and Stormzy. Set in a remote location accessible only by cable car or a scenic hike, the unique mountain vibes make this event truly unforgettable.


- 20 JULY)

Berlin’s beloved Botanical Garden invites guests to experience a magical night amidst its stunning grounds. Picture beautifully lit flower beds, breathtaking light shows, mystical creatures, and a variety of live performances. For a truly enchanting evening, this is the place to be.

Gurtenfestival. Photo: Gurtenfestival / Manuel Lopez
Ottakringer Bierfestival. Photos: Ottakringer Brauerei
Botanical Night, Botanical Garden, Berlin. Photo: David Marschalsky
Caliente! Festival. Photo: Carlo Murbach


The renowned Salzburg Festival consistently poses thought-provoking questions about human existence. This year's program includes a meticulously curated selection of opera, drama, and concert performances. Highlights include the iconic play 'Jedermann' by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, staged in the cathedral square with Philipp Hochmair in the title role.


Looking for some laughter? The Vienna Cabaret Festival is just the ticket. Known for its refined comedy in a majestic setting, this popular event takes place in a beautiful courtyard during breezy summer evenings. And don't worry about the weather—it's rainproof, so the fun never stops.


Set on the scenic German island of Norderney, the Summertime Festival features five days of open-air concerts. Enjoy the unique northern beach atmosphere as top performers like Jan Delay with his band DISKO No. 1, Sportfreunde Stiller, and PUR take the stage against a stunning maritime backdrop. Get ready for a week of unforgettable fun.

Masks in front of the Festival Hall, Salzburg Festival. Photo: Luigi Caputo
ImPulsTanz, William Forsythe (US), Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time, Nr. 2, Installation.
Photo: Dominik Mentzos
Summertime @ Norderney. Photo: Summertime @ Norderney
Ottakringer Bierfestival. Photos: Ottakringer Brauerei

The art of the vernissage

A vernissage in Berlin can lead to a real find, a nice glass of wine, and an interesting conversation with a stranger.

It will get hot in July – hopefully not ‘climatecrisis’ hot, but certainly the city will heat up enough during the day so that in the evening, everybody can sit around in open-air cafés with public viewing, and watch the European Championships.

However, the Championships will sadly be over by mid-month and by then, you may look for another form of relaxed input, preferably happening outside of a building (please note that in Berlin, air conditioning is not yet a given, but we’re working on it). Now, you can either sit or stand around in front of a pub, bar or café, or you can do so with a little more aplomb, say in front of a gallery.

The peripheral plus point of a vernissage is at least one free drink, but yes, there is also a good chance of meeting interesting people and discovering an artist you might actually like. To be able to do so, you can either rely on your artsy friends or go straight to the listings, e. g. on or on www.artatberlin. com, where you will find both vernissages (blue) and finissages (red), as well as running shows, fairs and events (black).

Once you have chosen one or more options in your relative vicinity (who knows what awaits you), you put on the outfit that

pleases you most (remember, Berlin allows anything and everything concerning street fashion, even during fashion week), slip on your sneakers (in case you intend to stand throughout the evening), or your strappy sandals (it’s hot) and head out for cultural input, a glass of bubbly and hopefully some interesting conversation. Side note: You can also opt for the cool, aloof posture of course, but nowadays this attitude is not likely to make as many friends as in, say, 1989.

I for one make it a rule to seek out the artist or gallerist directly and pump them for information: What do we see, why executed in this way and by benefit of what inspiration? The key at a Berlin vernissage is to be open and interested, not necessarily the size of the purse. In fact, Berlin openings tend to draw a democratic mix of people, who are open to a good chat, especially if you show genuine interest.

Do your round and take in the art on display. Then, exchange a few kind and profound words with the artist, and share your immediate impressions with the gallerist or a bystander.

Finally, take your bubbly, step in front of the gallery and just start enjoying the atmosphere of a warm Berlin night, with

interesting people to watch, relishing in the feeling of being part of the crowd.

is a writer and jour-

who lives in Berlin. With her main field of interest being art and design, she enjoys observing her history-laden home town in all its quirky details and ever-changing shape and culture. Apart from writing, the author also engages in English language theatre, the art of which she learned in London.

Berlin exhibition. Photo: Nk Ni on Unsplash
Cornelia Brelowski
Photo: Coline Matthee

Kick-off time

As I’m writing this, the kick-off to the European Football Championship in Germany is only a few days away and by the time you’re reading this, Euro 2024 will still be around, so let’s talk football this month. At least, kind of, because I won’t be talking about the chances of the German team nor those of the English or the Scottish one. Instead, I’ll focus for a moment on the English and Scottish fans travelling to Germany for the tournament. Because according to the great British tabloid press, they will face an array of risks and dangers on their German football adventure.

The English edition of The Sun, for instance, warned England fans looking for somewhere to stay in Frankfurt for the team’s match against Denmark against booking a hotel in the streets around the city’s rail station, labelling the neighbourhood either “zombie land” or “Germany's most dangerous slum”. Ah, The Sun, such a wonderful way with words. You can always trust them to never ever exaggerate things. I mean, they just wouldn’t, would they?

Meanwhile, the Scottish edition of The Sun has some words of advice as well for fans travelling to Munich for the opening match against Germany. They didn’t make out any slums but instead identified a considerable danger from mosquitoes! 50 different species of “sneaky midges” are said to be rampant in the Bavarian capital, including some with

Discover Germany Issue 119, July 2024

Published 07.2024

ISSN 2051-7718

Published by Scan Magazine Ltd.

Print Stibo Complete

Executive Editor

Thomas Winther

Creative Director

Mads E. Petersen

exotic names such as “Asian tiger mosquito” or “Korean bush mosquito”. Allegedly, they are extra sneaky in the Olympic Park, site of an open-air screening for fans without tickets.

And as The Sun is a beacon of serious, factfounded journalism, they dug up a Dr Alison Blackwell for their article to voice such warnings. Dr Alison happens to be the director of a large British insect repellent company, who might have an interest in as many of her products as possible but let’s not dwell on that for the moment. According to Blackwell, Munich midges are “more sophisticated’” than their Scottish counterparts (love it!). More precisely: “They break the skin like a hypodermic syringe and suck up the blood. It’s not usually until the next day that you know you’ve been bitten." One dreads to think what those nasty little Bavarian beasts, shame on them, could do to traditionally dressed Sottish fans in kilts exposing sensitive body pants. Again, let’s not dwell on that for now.

But it’s not just tabloids who have provided words of advice around Euro 2024 in Germany. The British government’s warning to travelling fans that German beer is stronger than UK beer also made the headlines. In reaction to that the spokesman of the “Tartan Army” told the German sports news site SPOX that many Scottish football fans have already been to Germany and especially


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Cover Photo

Sylt from the air.

Photo: Sylt Marketing, Martin Elsen

to the Oktoberfest, so “hopefully everyone is aware of the strength of German beer.” Well, despite all these German dangers, I am confident that the English and Scottish fans will survive the country’s “most dangerous slum” and “sneaky midges”. Whether their teams will “survive” their encounters with German footballers … that’s an altogether different matter. Let me just say: Good luck to everyone and may the better team, win!

translator and communications consultant. She is also the face behind, a German travel and tourism guide and blog that was set up together with UK




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travel writer Andrew Eames in 2010.

Glück hat viele Facetten

Ob kostbare Ich-Zeit oder Momente mit unseren Liebsten. Die PRIMAVERA Körperpflege mit Zitrone und Tonka oder die Raumdüfte mit Mandarine, Grapefruit und Tonka schaffen die richtige Atmosphäre, um Glücksgefühle zu erleben.



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