Discover Germany, Switzerland & Austria
FAIRY TALE DAYS OF BERLIN (2 – 19 NOVEMBER) Step into the realm of magic during the Berlin Fairy Tale Days. This cherished event breathes life into beloved childhood stories, promising enchantment for both young and old. This year's theme, ‘arguing and forgiving’, adds depth to the tales.
29TH GENEVA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (3 – 12 NOVEMBER) Prepare for grand international premieres, informative master classes, and networking galore at the legendary Geneva International 116
Issue 11 1
November 2023
Culture Calendar
Film Festival (GIFF). Dive into the world of cinema, television and digital art - a must for film aficionados.
INTERNATIONAL A CAPPELLA FESTIVAL VOICE MANIA, VIENNA (3 – 30 NOVEMBER) Celebrating its 25th anniversary, Voice Mania in Vienna offers a diverse musical experience, from pop and rock to jazz and world music. In the heart of the city, vocal ensembles and soloists create a harmonious celebration of cappella music, with new acts each year.
CARNIVAL SEASON KICK-OFF, COLOGNE (11 NOVEMBER) On the iconic date of 11/11, Cologne ignites the carnival season with a spectacular celebration. Thousands of carnival enthusiasts don elaborate costumes, turning the city into a ‘carnivaltastic madhouse’. It's a chance to witness the stars of the German carnival scene. 1111__sessionseroeffnung
PLAZA CULINARIA, FREIBURG (10 – 12 NOVEMBER) Savour the flavours at Plaza Culinaria, one of South Germany's top food fairs. With over