Discover Benelux, Issue 33, September 2016

Page 64

Discover Benelux | Creating Brand Experiences | Top Belgian Creative & Digital Agencies


Long before the world had heard of social media like Facebook, LDV United realised the importance of creating fans when building and growing brands. Since 1991, this creative agency has been distilling the key benefits of their clients’ offerings and communicating them to their target customers in a clear and concise way. With new brands arising every day, it is more important than ever for businesses to clearly convey what they are about and claim a spot in their field. That can only be done by being both relevant and distinctive. That is what creates fans for brands, believes LDV. But what makes a brand distinctive in its niche, does not necessarily make it interesting for its target customers. 64 | Issue 33 | September 2016

“A company’s newest technological innovation may be cutting-edge for the sector, but if it doesn’t have a clear benefit for its customers it’s not the right thing to communicate,” LDV United managing director Petra De Roos says. That is why LDV always goes in search of the link between the brand’s message and its customer’s needs. “For every brand we work with, we go in search of that one thing that will draw the customer’s attention - their trigger,” De Roos continues.

Connecting offer and need One way the agency achieves this is by pairing each brand with a team that consists at least partially of employees that are part of the brand’s target group. That means, for example, that a business

targeting parents will always be helped by a team of which some of the members have kids. “Once, we even asked the parents of our employees to join a focus group,” De Roos says. It only shows how important it is for LDV to understand the desires and problems of the audience their client is trying to reach. Because every team assigned to a project does not only have the right skills but also the right personal frame of reference, LDV manages to establish a true connection between a business’s offer and how that can make a difference in the customer’s life. This allows the agency to create a campaign that clearly communicates the brand’s message, whether that is in print, on the radio or online.

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