Winter 2023 Issue

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Palmetto South Carolina Aviation Association 2023 Winter Edition Aviation In this Issue Conference Details Hartsville Airport New SC Breakfast Club Schedule

We are told we should not live in the past, but there is no harm in the occasional visit.

That is what I did when I realized this would be my last editorial column for Palmetto Aviation. My visit to the past happened quite by accident. I was looking into South Carolina aviation history while planning my trip to every airport in the State last year, and there it was in The South Carolina State Library digital collections.

I knew Palmetto Aviation had been published for a while but did not realize its first recorded existence was an issue published on July 15, 1938. There was a gap in production during World War II, and then production resumed on November 17, 1947.

As I read these newsletters typed by a mechanical machine with inserted black-white photos, it was a journey into the South Carolina’s aviation past authored by people that made it what it is today.

Reading through these newsletters, I was interested to learn that our predecessors worked on similar issues that we have today. There were stories on Aviation Safety, Civil Aviation Administration (the precursor to the FAA) updates, airport events, state funding for the SC Aeronautics Commission, accident reports, and the people that made state aviation news over the last nearly 85 years. The technological advances of the time also fueled aviation growth through the years.

I imagine someone looking back at this issue of Palmetto Aviation 85 years from now in the year 2107. That person will see all of us as the individuals and organziations who laid the groundwork for South Carolina aviation in the future.

The people that serve on the South Carolina Aviation Association board of directors are passionate volunteers who make decisions by listening to members. We are committed to providing a service to all those interested in the improvement and general welfare of aviation in South Carolina.

As a board, our discussions are always around the future, and we make decisions based on what we know as a collective group. However, when making decisions for the future, we can look first into the past. What problems arose and why? How might you take what you have learned from the past and apply it now to the future?

The aviation industry has learned a lot from its mistakes and has applied that learning over the decades. So what will define the next 20+ years in aviation and possible challenges for the South Carolina Aviation Association?

• Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will become an increasingly important topic in managing our airspace and airports.

• High technology using artificial intelligence is becoming the norm within aviation, whether we like it or not.

• With the dependence on technology comes the challenge of cyber security; how do we prevent hackers at our airports, planes, and the ATC system?

• Aviation and airports will face environmental challenges concerning sustainable development and climate change.

As my term ends as president of the association, I would like to remind all of us that we will all be part of a long, proud history. For those who come after us, let’s learn from our predecessors in what we do today and leave it better than we found it.

-Terry Connorton

Page 2 Palmetto Aviation SC Aviation Association Update

South Carolina Aeronautics Commission Update

As we begin a new year, I am reflecting on 2022, the things I am thankful for and what I look forward to in 2023. It has also caused me to think about all the changes we have seen here at Aeronautics over the last several years, but especially in the last 12 months.

First, some things I am thankful for … Certainly friends, family, coworkers, health, our aviation community are all high on my list. I’m also thankful for challenges and opportunities, which brings me to looking ahead to 2023.

As you are probably all aware, the last year has brought many changes to South Carolina Aeronautics. After 10 years with Aeronautics and eight years as Director, James Stephens has moved on to become Director at Greenville Downtown Airport. We appreciate all the great work James did for South Carolina’s airports and we will miss him here at Aeronautics. There is no question that James’ hard work has left the Aeronautics Division in a far better position than when he started.

In addition to James moving on, some of you may not be aware that Ericka Thomas has also left Aeronautics for a tremendous opportunity with the Department of Energy. Losing James and Ericka within a couple weeks of each other was certainly a tough hit, but we understand their reasons and we wish them well. We just filled Ericka’s position, so look for an introduction coming soon.

With James’ departure , there was an opening at the Director position which I have stepped into in the interim role. Although this is officially interim capacity right now, my intent is to stay on as long as the Commission and you all will have me, and I look forward to continuing to work with you on your development projects.

When I arrived at Aeronautics at the beginning of 2016, I certainly never imagined that my career would lead me to the front office of a state agency. Although I am not a pilot, I have always had a passion for airports, and I have been blessed to have spent almost my entire career in the aviation sector––twentyfour years as a consultant, two years at an airport and now six years at Aeronautics. I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of great mentors along the way, people that have helped shape who I am today, and I will pull from their influences to lead this agency to the best of my abilities.

As we roll into 2023, airport funding continues to be an ongoing challenge. That being said, FY 2023 is the first year that Aeronautics gets to claim all of the Airline Property Tax (thanks to everyone’s hard work in the successful passing of Senate Bill 675), and we are in a far better financial position than ever before.

Although we are in a good financial position, our airports have significant needs. In fact, calendar year 2022 saw a record number of state grants written, with 56 grants totaling $11.4 million in state funding. Compare this to the previous five years, when Aeronautics wrote an average of 27 grants at an average of $2.5 million in state aid per year. Despite all of this, we know that the airports have more projects than money, and we all need to keep spreading the message that airport funding is a priority if we are to be positioned to compete with our neighboring states for economic opportunities.

Along with all the challenges come opportunities. For example, the FY 2023 State Budget included a substantial investment from the General Fund for commercial service airports. We are very grateful that our legislature recognizes the importance of our commercial airports, and we thank them for this funding.

As I write this, we are working on distributing these funds and hope that this is the start of a trend rather than a one-time allocation.

To wrap this all up, I just want to reiterate that I am grateful for this opportunity to lead Aeronautics, and thankful for all of you in our South Carolina aviation community. I look forward to 2023’s challenges and opportunities, as well as continuing to improve the vital part of our national transportation system that our airports represent.

Fair skies.

Page 3 Palmetto Aviation
-Gary Siegfried

Protecting the Pitot-Static System making Safety a Habit

In the early 18th century, the concept of measuring liquid flow speed is credited to French mathematician, Henri Pitot. Pitot observed, measured and recorded water flow rates of the River Seine in northern France using a simple tube formed from copper. Later in the 19th century, French hydraulic engineer, Henry Darcy, enhanced the original pitot concept while researching fluid dynamics. Today, pitot-static systems are utilized in aircraft, wind tunnel testing and for numerous industrial applications.

Three aircraft instruments requiring pitot-static input are the airspeed indicator, altimeter and the vertical speed indicator. The small opening at the front of the pitot tube allows total pressure to enter the pressure chamber. Total pressure consists of dynamic pressure plus static pressure. Essentially, there are two pitot-static configurations used on aircraft today. Many high-wing airplanes have a separate pitot tube and a separate static port. The standard pitot tube typically hangs under a wing and has a separate static port located at some point along the fuselage and is flush mounted. By contrast, many low-wing airplanes sport a pitot mast also called a pitot blade. The mast design integrates both the pitot and static port within a single module. These components require minimal maintenance; however, it is crucial to keep the pitot tube and static port(s) clear of all debris. Before each flight, be certain to drain aircraft static systems on those aircraft equipped with static drains. This line item is typically not included on most aircraft checklists. So, refer to the aircraft manufacturers’ static line diagram and recommendations for your specific airplane make and model.

The pitot-static system provides important data critical to safe aircraft operations. When parking an airplane, it is essential to consistently protect the pitot from all possible contamination. A pitot tube cover should fit securely over the pitot to prevent dirt, debris and nesting insects from obstructing the pitot tube and static chamber. Covering the pitot tube is an essential post flight activity whether an aircraft is tied down on the ramp or stored safety inside a hangar. University of Florida entomologists observed and documented mud daubers constructing a nest in less than three hours. So while you’re enjoying lunch at the airport cafe, mud daubers may be taking up residence inside the pitot tube chamber. During winter months, neglecting to properly install a pitot tube cover can result in frost, ice or snow entering and blocking the static chamber. Even a partially blocked pitot system in flight can cause unreliable and erratic instrument readings resulting in a tragic accident.

Page 4 Palmetto Aviation Safety Update
Leo Berube, CFI, CFI-I, MEI, FAASTeam Representative Beechcraft Bonanza Pitot Tube Beechcraft Duchess Pitot Mast Pitot-Static System and Instruments

Over the years, we’ve all seen a variety of homemade pitot tube covers on various aircraft ranging from yellow tennis balls to smiling rubber ducks and various plastic farm animals. One pilot used synthetic material leftover from his wife’s most recent craft project to make a pitot tube cover for his classic high wing Cessna. The airplane wings were bright white like his new pitot cover. During his preflight inspection, the pilot failed to remove the white pitot cover. This was like looking for a polar bear in a snow storm. No color contrast. On takeoff, the pilot also neglected to observe the airspeed indicator as the airplane accelerated and rotated. Only then did he discover his error. Looking out the left window, the pilot saw the white pitot tube cover still in place underneath the white Cessna wing. The pilot remained in the traffic pattern and returned to make an embarrassing landing. Another aircraft owner fabricated a temporary pitot cover but learned a hard and expensive lesson. The thin plastic material he selected to use was incompatible with heat. Pitot tubes get very hot. The clear wrapping completely melted over the pitot tube like glaze on a donut. So, please consider standardizing all control locks, gust locks, cowl covers and pitot tube covers with highly conspicuous “Remove Before Flight” red streamers. Some years ago, I recall seeing an old Beechcraft Barron with a makeshift control lock. The pilot inserted an oil-soaked, wooden handle screwdriver in the control column. Imagine the consequences of forgetting to remove this during preflight, especially on a dark night.





14 CFR 25.1323

University of Florida, Department of Entomology

• During preflight, take care when installing and removing pitot tube covers.

• Avoid disturbing the critical alignment of the pitot tube with the airplane’s wing.

• Store the pitot tube cover so that it is not exposed to dirt, oil, lint, chemicals or other contaminants. If the inside of the pitot tube cover is compromised, then the entire pitot-static system will also be compromised.

• When washing and waxing the airplane, prevent static port clogging by temporarily covering the static ports with a long strip of brightly color painters’ tape. Avoid spraying water directly into the pitot tube and static ports. Be certain to remove the painters’ tape upon completion.

• Standardize all control locks, gust locks, cowl covers and pitot tube covers with highly conspicuous and durable “Remove Before Flight” RED streamers.

Page 5 Palmetto Aviation
Keyhole Wasp on Dash-8 Pitot Probe
Not a Good Idea
-Leo Berube


Steve Townes, a Life Member of SCAA; Founder of Ranger Aerospace in, Greenville, SC; and CEO of ACL Airshop with cargo support operations at 55 global airports, received the South Carolina “Order of the Palmetto” Award from the Governor’s office.

Known for his advocacy on aerospace workforce development as the inaugural Chairman of “SC Aerospace,”and the 9 new aviation high schools spawned in the past five years as a result, and his tireless industry leadership role for aerospace growth and investment in South Carolina, Townes accept- ed and said, “This is really about the thousands of employees we have had over the past 25 years, and a host of fellow leaders who joined the call for bringing more young talent into our industry here.”


The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) Foundation inducted Hugh Oldham, of Anderson, South Carolina, into the Air Show Hall of Fame. He was recognized at the ICAS Chairman’s Banquet on December 15, 2022, in Las Vegas.

Oldham was involved in the air show business for nearly 60 years as an announcer and a sound system provider. Still, the legacy he leaves our industry comes from his work as a safety advocate, columnist, mentor and leader. Whether in his monthly magazine columns, his role as a member of the ICAS Board of Directors, or during conversations about the future of our business, Hugh passionately and consistently advocated for a more robust, more sustainable, safer air show industry for more than half a century.

The 2022 inductees join a prestigious group of more than 70 air show legends, including Bob Hoover, Leo Loudenslager, Bevo Howard, Betty Skelton, Duane Cole, Charlie Hillard, Paul Poberezny, Art Scholl, Curtis Pitts, Jimmy Franklin, and Bill Barber.


The South Carolina Flight Standard District Office presented the Master Pilot Awards on January 17, 2023. Congratulations to David Anderson of Irmo, South Carolina, and Steve Crimm of Gilbert, South Carolina. This prestigious award is presented to individuals with 50 or more years of civil and military piloting experience or 50 or more years combined experience in both piloting and aircraft operations. Congratulations!

Page 6 Palmetto Aviation AIRPORT & AVIATION NEWS
(Left) Steve Townes (Right) State Rep. Bobby Cox (SC-R) Presenting the Order of the Palmetto, the state’s highest civilian honor conferred by the Governor.


Fueled by ingenuity and innovation, Hartsville is one of the most dynamic small cities in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina. The City of Hartsville focuses on cultivating an atmosphere that businesses, residents, and visitors can be proud of by using economic development and promotional strategies. One of their growth strategies was to renovate the Hartsville Regional Airport.

Hartsville Regional Airport is a city and public use airport, located at 1083 Hartfield Airport Road, just 3 miles northwest of the central business district in Hartsville. From the mid-70s, the airport operated in an old bank building; to say the least, the airport desperately needed updating.

To accomplish their goals, the City of Hartsville, the Airport Advisory Committee and Senator Gerald Malloy put together a dynamic plan and received approval for the S.C. renovation project and funding from both the city and the FAA. Talbert & Bright and Mashburn Construction started renovation in September 2020 and completed construction in May 2021.

Since the opening of the new building and the hiring of RiseAero, LLC, as the FBO service provider in 2021, the airport has greatly impacted the Hartsville community. The airport now houses 19 aircraft, six enclosed hangers and 10 shade hangers.

“The construction of the new terminal building and the excitement RiseAero has brought to our airport has allowed us to reach new heights and endless possibilities. Hartsville Regional is a major key to economic development, and we plan to capitalize on the momentum the new terminal building has brought to the airport and the Hartsville com- munity,” said Brandon Brown, Director of Business Services at the City of Hartsville.

Hartsville Regional Airport is soaring to new heights with new business from the community and from fly-ins.

“Hartsville Airport has seen three times the numbers in aviation and general business. Meetings are being held at the airport and there’s more traffic overall, especially from downtown Hartsville businesses. Now, Hartsville Regional serves as the heart of the economic industry in Hartsville,” said Mark DeFields, FBO Service Provider, RiseAero LLC.

Hartsville Regional is quite active in the community; they are currently training 22 flight students and host the Boy Scouts/ EEA Young Eagles Chapter a few times a year. Other airport events include the Poker Run, and Wings Over Hartsville airshow, which recent- ly had 300 people in attendance. With the improve- ments and the city’s support, the Hartsville Airport was excited to host the South Carolina Breakfast Club in December, and looks forward to many other future aviation events.

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This plaque is on display at the airport. The newly renovated Hartsville Regional Airport terminal building An outside sign welcomes pilots to Hartsville.


Registration & Exhibitor Set-up

Scholarship Fund Silent Auction Opens

FAA One-on-Ones (by appointment)

Welcome Reception with Exhibitors

Dinner on Your Own

Thursday, February 16

Breakfast with Exhibitors (Sponsored by Parrish & Partners)

Welcome and Announcements with Live Ads

FAA Annual Update

SC Aeronautics Commission Annual Update

Break with Exhibitors

Preparing the State of SC for Urban Air Mobility

Pick Up Lunch (Sponsored by WK Dickson & Co.)

Keynote Speaker

Break with Exhibitors

Economic Development Case Study - Georgetown

Spouse Program

Airport Development Update

Break with Exhibitors

SC Core Initiatives

Airports Open Discussion

Hall of Fame Reception (Sponsored by Talbert & Bright)

Silent Auction Closes

Hall of Fame Banquet (Sponsored by Talbert & Bright)

Hospitality Suite (Sponsored by Holt Consulting Company)

Friday, February 17

Breakfast with Exhibitors

Welcome and FAA Awards

Aviation Education Grants Showcase

Funding Airport Growth Closing Remarks & Giveaways

(Sponsored by ADC Engineering)

Page 8 Palmetto Aviation 1 2 3 5 2 Wednesday, February 15 7:30 am - 8:15 am 8:30 am - 9:15 am 9:15 am - 10:00 am 10:00 am - 10:45 am 10:45 am - 11:00 am 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm - 12:20 pm 12:20 pm - 1:05 pm 1:05 pm - 1:35 pm 1:35 pm - 2:20 pm 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 2:20 pm - 3:05 pm 3:05 pm - 3:20 pm 3:20 pm - 4:05 pm 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:30 am 8:30 am - 8:50 am 8:50 am - 9:20 am 9:20 am -10:05 am 10:05 am - 10:35 am
Registration Rates 1/7/2023 - 1/31/2023 $400 MEMBER $450 NON-MEMBER Late/Onsite Registration 2/1/2023 - 2/17/2023 $500 MEMBER $550 NON-MEMBER Spouse Registration $250 Attendee registration includes access to the full conference agenda, meals and receptions. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm 10:00 am 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 6:30 pm - 7:30pm 7:00 pm

Education Descriptions

Wednesday, February 15

2:00 - 5:00 pm • FAA One-on-Ones

Agenda Highlights

Back by popular demand! Take 25 minutes and meet with an FAA planner and engineer about the challenges you face your airport. Appointment times are limited, so email to secure yours.

Thursday, February 16

9:15 - 10:45 am • FAA and SCAC Annual Updates

Hear from Federal Aviation Administration and SC Aeronautics Commission on how aviation fared in 2022 and what is in store for 2023.

11:00 - 12:00 pm • Preparing the State of South Carolina for Urban Air Mobility

The Electric Vertical Take Off and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles are coming to a state near you ... and it is time to prepare. Join this panel of knowledgeable aviation professionals for a lively and active discussion of the activities needed to prepare our state for eVTOL or Urban Air Mobility vehicles.

12:20 pm - 1:05 pm • Keynote: Truths and Myths about Today’s Workplace

This session will be provocative and entertaining while it takes you on a journey from the past to the present to identify the truths and myths affecting the way we manage ourselves in today’s work environment. Through stories, facts, evidence, and observations you will learn to look at yourself and your work environment differently. This session promises to make you say “I never thought of that” and will encourage you to do just one thing differently as a result of what you learn.

1:35 - 2:20 pm

• Economic Development Showcase: Georgetown County Airport

Like many South Carolina airports, GGE has available under-utilized land. Also like many airports, it demonstrated the need for a plan to achieve self-sustainability. By thinking outside traditional boxes to include considering Economic Development, investment and jobs creation, it created and is developing that available land into an aviation industrial park. Airport personnel teamed up with the county administrator, county council and the airport commission to collectively change the way the county views and operates the airport.

2:20 - 3:05 pm • Airport Development Update

Join Austin Wagler from SC Aeronautics Commission for an update on airport development issues.

Friday, February 17

9:20 - 10:05 am • Funding Airport Growth

Learn key and innovative ways to fund airport projects.

Special Events and Sessions

Play golf and support a great cause! Proceeds from golf will benefit the SCAA Scholarship Fund. Golf will occur at Carolina Country Club, and players/teams are responsible for their own transportation. SCAA will schedule tee times for players and teams. Registration includes a round of golf, cart and boxed lunch. Carolina Country Club has limited rental clubs available for $50.

$150 – Individual / $600 – Team

Silent Auction items will be on display and open for bidding throughout the Conference. Don’t miss your last chance to bid on your favorite items during the Thursday evening reception. Silent Auction proceeds will benefit the SCAA Scholarship Fund, which is committed to furthering aviation by providing financial assistance to South Carolina residents pursuing a career in aviation.

Page 9 Palmetto Aviation 6 7 8 REGISTER ONLINE AT
Golf at The Carolina Country Club The Flower Bar: An Interactive Floral Studio & Wine Bar Our guests will learn how to make their own beautiful flower arrangements with the help of owner Melissa Frotten. Melissa will help you design a seasonal arrangement that is uniquely yours while providing a fun, interactive workshop. Spouse Program at The Flower Barn Scholarship Silent Auction Last Chance Bidding Thursday, Feb. 16 Thursday, Feb. 16 Wednesday, Feb. 15

Sponsor Levels

SCAA Annual Conference

February 15-17, 2023 • Spartanburg Marriott • Spartanburg


• Your branded logo on every hotel room key card

• Exclusive Hall of Fame Banquet sponsor

• Includes a reserved table at event

• Live ad

• Photo opportunity with speaker and honoree(s)

• Special recognition on agenda

• One exhibitor table

• Two Conference registrations

• Logo recognition on SCAA website

• Recognition on SCAA social media outlets

• Logo recognition on signage at the event

• Recognition on SCAA mobile app

• Recognition in Palmetto Aviation newsletter

• Attendee contact list

CAPTAIN - $5,000

• Exclusive major event sponsor of Thursday Lunch or Thursday Hospitality Suite or non-exclusive event sponsor of Wednesday Welcome Reception

• One exhibitor table

• Includes a head table at event if applicable

• Live ad

• One Conference registration

• Logo recognition on SCAA website

• Recognition on SCAA social media outlets

• Logo recognition on signage at the event

• Recognition on SCAA mobile app

• Recognition in Palmetto Aviation newsletter

• Attendee contact list


• Event sponsor such as giveaways, Thursday breakfast or Friday breakfast

• One exhibitor table

• Includes one registration

• Live ad

• Logo recognition on website

• Recognition on SCAA social media outlets

• Logo recognition on signage at the event

• Recognition on SCAA mobile app

• Recognition in Palmetto Aviation newsletter

• Attendee contact list


• Sponsor of SCAA mobile app, lanyard or WiFi

• One Conference registration

• Live ad

• Logo recognition on website

• Recognition on SCAA social media outlets

• Logo recognition on signage at the event

• Recognition on SCAA mobile app

• Recognition in Palmetto Aviation newsletter

• Attendee contact list


• Non-exclusive sponsor of refreshment breaks

• Live Ad

• Recognition on website

• Recognition on SCAA social media outlets

• Logo recognition on signage at the event

• Recognition on SCAA mobile app

• Recognition in Palmetto Aviation newsletter

• Attendee contact list

AVIATOR - $500

• Recognition on website

• Live Ad

• Recognition on all SCAA social media outlets

• Recognition on signage at the event

• Recognition on SCAA mobile app

• Recognition in Palmetto Aviation newsletter

• Attendee contact list


$1,000 Member / $1,450 Non Member

• One Conference registration

• Skirted table, two chairs, wastebasket


110v electricity connection


Per person, full Conference access

Page 10 Palmetto Aviation
Page 11 Page 11 Palmetto Aviation Scan this code to register for the 2023 SCAA Annual Conference. Thank You To Our 2023 Annual Conference Sponsors Thank You To Our 2023 Annual Conference Exhibitors

Established in 1991, the South Carolina Aviation Hall of Fame honors pioneers and leaders in the aviation industry who have made significant contributions to the development, advancement or promotion of aviation and have close ties to the state of South Carolina. The Hall of Fame Inductees will be recognized at the SCAA Hall of Fame Banquet on Thursday, February 16, 2023, at the Spartanburg Marriott in coordination with the 2023 SCAA Annual Conference. The 2023 South Carolina Aviation Hall of Fame Inductees are...

Honorable Ira Ellis “Bud” Coward, II Elite Aviator

Ira Ellis “Bud” Coward, II, started his aviation career early at the age of 17; he was active in the South Carolina Wing of the Civil Air Patrol through high school and was appointed the Cadet Commander of the Aiken Composite Squadron. Coward obtained a commercial pilot certificate, became certified flight instructor, and achieved the coveted Air Transport Pilot certification.

Coward graduated from The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, was commissioned as a US Air Force 2nd Lieutenant in 1970. He served on active duty from 1972 – 1976 in Laughlin, Texas and Newport News, Virginia. Following his active service, he was assigned as an Air Force Reserve Officer to the 437 th Civil Engineering Squadron at Charleston AFB. After 28 years of service, he retired honorably in 1998.

Coward was the executive director of the South Carolina Division of Aeronautics from 1999 - 2004. During his tenure, the division developed the Comprehensive Aviation Information Reporting System (CAIRNS), extensively revised South Carolina Title 55 governing the Division of Aeronautics and public airports, and he participated in executing the first Memorandum of Understanding with the FAA SC Flight Standards District Office.

Colonel Michael Martin Miller began his aviation career in 1955 while attending US Air Force basic training Geneva, New York. After completing flight training on several aircraft, Col. Miller returned to Columbia and the SC Air National Guard (SCANG). Deploying to Moron, Spain, he flew with SCANG during the Berlin Crisis in November 1961. Upon his return to McEntire AFB, he remained on active duty.

In 1964, Col. Miller voluntarily deployed to Southeast Asia to fly with the South Vietnamese Air Force, where on a mission to protect a downed aircraft, he took on intense ground fire. The damage caused a fuel leak, forcing Miller to land on a dirt strip in the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. Upon inspection, the aircraft showed 19 bullet holes. Miller was awarded the Silver Star for his gallant actions.

After his combat tour, Col. Miller was selected to The Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration team, where he served from 1966 to 1969. He also worked on assignment with the Pentagon, then volunteered to return to combat in Southeast Asia in 1972. He served as University of Virginia USAF ROTC Commander, Base Commander at Izmir Air Base in Turkey, and Vice Wing Commander of the 507 th Tactical Air Control Wing at Shaw AFB in Sumter, South Carolina.

Upon military retirement in 1981, Miller became a F-16 flight simulator instructor at Shaw AFB and MacDill AFB.

Page 12 Palmetto Aviation
Honorable Ira Ellis “Bud” Coward, II Col. (Ret.) Michael Miller Col. (Ret.) Michael Miller

South Carolina Airport Safety Fair A Success!

SCAA and South Carolina Aeronautics Commission joined together on Nov. 5 to host the S.C. Airport Safety & Innovation Fair in the SCAC hangar. Airport administrators gathered in West Columbia to learn about the safety solutions and innovative products that keep South Carolina’s airports safe and operating efficiently.

Thank you to South Carolina Aeronautics Commission and staff for use of the hangar and your expertise in bringing this event together.

Thank you to the following airports and agencies for joining us for the event:

Aiken Regional Airport

Barnwell Regional Airport

Butters Field/Lee County Airport

Greenville Downtown Airport

Greenwood County Airport

Hampton County Airport

Jim Hamilton-LB Owens Airport

Lowcountry Regional Airport

McCormick County Airport

Myrtle Beach International Airport

Ridgeland - Claude Dean Airport

Rock Hill-York County Airport

Santee Cooper Regional Airport/Clarendon County

South Carolina Technology & Aviation Center

Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport

Union County Airport

Thank you to our exhibitors for supporting SCAA and for sharing innovative airport safety information:

1 Volt Associates

Airport Monitoring Systems

HUB City Farmers Market

Pace Pavement Technologies, Inc.

Smart Sign 2 Go

South Carolina Research Authority


USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services


South Carolina Breakfast Club 2023 Schedule

Feb. 5 Beaufort Executive Airport

Feb. 19 Georgetown County Airport

Mar. 5 Mount Pleasant Regional Airport

Mar. 19 Columbia Metropolitan Airport

April 2 Lee County Airport – Butters Field

April 16 Broxton Bridge Plantation

April 30 Palmetto Air Plantation

May 7 Rock Hill – York County Airport

May 21 Jim Hamilton – L.B. Owens Airport

June 4 Aiken Regional Airport

June 11 Greenwood County Airport

June 25 Florence Regional Airport

July 9 Mid-Carolina Regional Airport

July 23 Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport

Aug. 6 Berkeley County Airport

Aug. 20 Triple Tree Aerodrome

Aug. 27 Ridgeland-Claude Dean Airport

SCAA has produced a myriad of videos that highlight South Carolina Airports and the aviation industry’s impact on economic development, education, legislation and more. Whether you want to know more about how an airport impacts its local community or how aviation makes business possible, SCAA has exciting content for you to discover.

Visit to explore these informative videos.

Sept. 10 Anderson Regional Airport

Sept. 17 Laurens County Airport

Oct. 1 Kershaw County Airport

Oct. 15 Sumter County Airport

Oct. 29 Orangeburg Municipal Airport

Nov. 12 Conway – Horry County Airport

Nov. 26 Fairfield County Airport

Dec. 10 Hartsville Regional Airport

Page 13 Page 13 Palmetto Aviation
Photo taken during the SC Airport Safety Fair, held at SCAC. SCAA Video Library


Veteran pilots Major General (retired) Les Eisner (l) and Commissioner Emeritus Jim Hamilton exchanged their personal coins with each other at the Jim Hamilton Owens field airport on Friday, November 18. MG Eisner is the former deputy adjutant general of the South Carolina National Guard. Hamilton is retired from the Owens Field Airport. The coins were presented to each other for the years of loyalty and friendship and working together to make the skies over Columbia a safe place to fly.


In the fall, a class from George’s Creek Baptist Church School, in Easley, South Carolina, learned about aviation from Papa Skeets. There were 21 students and 7 adults that visited the Pickens County Airport to learn about airplanes, eat ice cream and play at the airport park.

“We were so excited to host these kids! It is a great honor to pass on an excitement for aviation to the next generation. Skeets did a great job of engaging these kids by talking to them on the radio and allowing them to climb into his airplane after the demo flight,” said Carlos Salinas, Airport Administrator at Pickens County Airport.

The Pickens County Airport is a county-owned public-use airport located four miles south of the central business district of Pickens, in Pickens County, South Carolina.

If your airport is hosting an event, email to include it on our calendar.

Page 14 Palmetto Aviation AVIATION NEWS
Photo by Phillip Jones Photos courtsey of Skeets Cooper

On behalf of the SCAA Board of Directors, we want to recognize those who served on a committee in 2022 and encourage members to participate in a committee in 2023.

Amanda Aldea, CRAFT Flight Training

Connie Anderson, Florence Regional Airport

Leo Berube, Flightpath, LLC

Chris Birkmeyer, ADC Engineering

Denise Bryan, Fairfield County Airport

Andy Busbee, Michael Baker International

Terry Connorton, Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport

Steve Crimm, Pilot

Scott Crosby, SC Breakfast Club

Rose Dobson-Elliott, Hampton County Airport

David Edwards, Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport

Katie Eleam, Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport

Chris Eversmann, Jim Hamilton - L.B. Owens Airport

Jill Gilbert, Holt Consulting Company

Steve Gould, Rock Hill-York County Airport

Mike Gula, Columbia Metropolitan Airport

Nick Harrington, Mead and Hunt

Ken Holt, Holt Consulting Company

Rob Hoover, Greenville Downtown Airport

Ryan Hounshell, Holt Consulting Company

Kevin Howell, Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport

Greg Jones, ADC Engineering

Chip Maier, Bamberg County Airport

Jack Mayfield, Goodwin Mills Cawood

Jon McCalmont, Parrish and Partners

Katie Meyers, Parrish and Partners

Frank Murray, Columbia Metropolitan Airport

Zach Nelson, McFarland Johnson

Scott Newsome, Private Pilot

Judi Olmstead, Myrtle Beach International Airport

Hernan Pena, Charleston International Airport

Keat Pruszenski, FOD Boss

Jon Rembold, Hilton Head Island and Beaufort Executive Airports

Gary Seigfried, SC Aeronautics Commission

David Smith, SC Aeronautics Commission

James Stephens, Greenville Downtown Airport

Laura Stevens, Parrish and Partners

Peter Stonefield, APECS Aerospace

Scott Van Moppes, Myrtle Beach International Airport



PO Box 80994, Charleston, SC, 29416

(P) 1-877-FLY-SCAA // (E)


__ $250 Airport Membership

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__ $450 Corporate Membership

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__ $40

Individual Membership

__ $25 Student Membership

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Page 15 Palmetto Aviation

PO Box 80994

PO Box 80994

Charleston, SC 29416

Charleston, SC 29416

1-877-FLY SCAA (359-7222)

1-877-FLY SCAA (359-7222)

Union County Airport - Shelton Field

Page 16 Palmetto Aviation
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