Palmetto Aviation Spring 2023

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Palmetto Aviation South Carolina Aviation Association 2023 Spring Edition Aiken Regional Airport Equestrian Pursuits,The Masters & More IN THIS ISSUE … Aviation Week is April 23-29 Women in Aviation Annual Conference Recap

SC Aviation Association Update

Thank you to the SC Aviation Association Conference Committee, 2023 sponsors and exhibitors, the Beacon Association Management team and everyone that helped make the SCAA Annual Conference a tremendous success! This was the first time the conference was hosted in Spartanburg. Over 300 individuals attended the conference, enjoying a diverse and informative conference program as well as some great aviation community fellowship. Conference highlights included:

• The 2023 Hall of Fame Banquet honoring Bud Coward and Michael Miller with induction into the SC Aviation Hall of Fame for their contributions to aviation and the state of South Carolina;

• Former SC Aeronautics Executive Director and current Greenville Downtown Airport Manager James Stephens receiving the Order of the Palmetto with remarks from SC Aeronautics Commission Chairman Delphin Gantt;

• Retired Greenville Downtown Airport Director Joe Frasher being honored with an SCAA Lifetime Achievement Award;

• The 2nd Annual SCAA Scholarship Silent Auction raising $4,475 for the SCAA Scholarship Fund and the live painting of Charles Lindbergh by artist Jared Emerson raising an additional $5,000 for the scholarship fund. Combined with proceeds from the golf outing, over $12,0000 was raised for the scholarship fund;

• Education sessions from industry leaders and key updates were provided by FAA Southern Region Regional Administrator Michael O’Harra, FAA Southern Region Airports Division Director Steven Hicks, FAA Atlanta Airports District Office Manager Parks Preston, SC Aeronautics Executive Director Gary Siegfried, and SCAA lobbyist Ben Homeyer.

Homeyer provided information on a couple of items pertaining to airports and the aviation community under consideration. Document 5134 updates Title 55 to codify existing procedures used by the Division of Aeronautics regarding airport funding and adjacent land use compatibility. Bill S.459, Alcohol Sales at Airports, will provide commercial airports additional flexibility in their terminal food and beverage concession programs regarding alcohol sales and consumption in the post TSA screening portions of the terminal. Most importantly, Homeyer discussed the SC Aeronautics funding request submitted for the FY24 state budget and what we as airports and the aviation community of South Carolina can do to help encourage its approval. SC Aeronautics, led by Gary Siegfried, has requested $100 million in the FY24 state budget to help support both com-

mercial and general aviation airports. Last year was a historical success with $50 million in funding being approved for the six commercial service airports and setting aside dedicated funding for counties that currently do not have an airport. FY23 marked a significant increase from the previous $250,000 in annual funding for commercial airports that only started in FY22. The goal this year is to not only renew the $50 million investment towards commercial service airports, but to convince legislators to make airport funding an annual reoccurring commitment and to add an additional $50 million in investment for runway rehab and reconstruction at general aviation airports.

South Carolina continues to lag behind other southeastern states when it comes to airport investment. North Carolina provided $124 million in funding for its 10 commercial service airports and 62 general aviation airports in 2021. Florida provided over $190 million in funding for its 21 commercial service airports and 84 general aviation airports. Prior to last year’s $50 million one-time investment, South Carolina was only trailed by the state of Alabama when it came to airport funding in the southeast. If South Carolina desires to be competitive when it comes to aviation and aerospace sectors, the state needs to make the commitment to invest in its airports and aviation infrastructure. Without financial support, South Carolina will fall further behind its neighboring states and be unable to compete when it comes to aviation infrastructure.

In 2021, the SCAA community teamed together to promote S.675, which increased revenue to SC Aeronautics to help fund more airport capital projects. Together we saw what SCAA teamwork can do. But we are not done. Once again, we need to rally together and push our state legislative bodies to pass this year’s funding request, make the commercial service airport investment fund an annual reoccurring investment and make a strong commitment to permanent aviation investment for all airports.

Aviators have long used the term CAVU as an unofficial meteorology term which means “Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited.” I am calling on all SCAA members and airports to come together, tell our story, explain the need and encourage your legislators to support the needed investment in our airports. By doing so, we can ensure S.C. Aviation’s Ceiling and Visibility is Unlimited. CAVU!

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Terry Connorton passed the gavel to Kevin Howell at the SCAA Annual Conference in Spartanburg in February.

South Carolina Aeronautics Commission Update

The 125th South Carolina General Assembly is in session, which for us here at Aeronautics means a number of things. Most importantly for the aviation community is that this means budget season. If you were at the South Carolina Aviation Association conference in February, you heard some of this information but for those who weren’t there, here is a summary of what we are hoping to accomplish in our FY 2024 budget.

Aeronautics has several budget requests in the upcoming state budget. Some are fairly small, while others will have a significant impact on the statewide airport system if they are included in the budget.

The first impactful request is to double Aeronautics spending authorization from $7.25 million to $14.5 million. This request is due to an increase in State Aviation Fund (SAF) revenue. As you all know, Senate Bill 675 directed all airline property taxes to the SAF. This combined with an increase in aviation fuel tax means that our revenue stream has increased significantly this year and we anticipate that this will continue. We are asking that we be allowed to spend this revenue coming into the SAF, putting it into important capital improvements at your airports.

Also, Aeronautics has requested a special legislative allocation of $100 million for capital investing in the statewide airport system. This request has two components; $50 million to be distributed to commercial service airports and $50 million to be used for the secondary runway rehabilitation program, which addresses runways at general aviation airports that are not eligible for FAA funding.

Along with the budget requests, there are also some new regulations working their way through the legislative process.

House Bill 3138 Abandoned and Derelict Aircraft. This is a bill that has been proposed in recent years but has not yet been successfully passed. This bill gives airport managers a method to dispose of abandoned aircraft that are located on their airports. This would allow airports to make available hangars or tie-downs for aircraft that are actively flying. Aeronautics has reviewed and commented on the bill and feel that it will give safeguards to airplane owners while allowing for airport managers to deal with inactive airplanes if they need to.

Senate Bill 459 Alcohol Sales at Airports. This bill will allow people who are on the secure side of TSA screening to purchase and consume alcohol throughout the secure area. Currently, if people purchase a drink, they must stay within the area of the bar or restaurant where it was purchased. The purpose of this bill is to provide convenience to travelers who want to purchase an alcoholic beverage and enjoy it while waiting at their gate.

Doc. No. 5134, Promulgation of Regulations. This effort is a result of a legislative oversight process that Aeronautics went through a couple years ago. One of the findings was that Aeronautics should codify rules for disbursement of funding from the state aviation fund. In addition, these regulations provide the Commission with the authority to enact regulations addressing hazards in the vicinity of public use airports in the state. These regulations also address the requirements of Section 55-13-5 that establish coordination between the Commission and local governments for the purpose of managing compatible land use near public use airports. The main point of this effort is to formulize rules that we are already operating under, helping Aeronautics to protect pilots, the public and the significant investment that have been made in our airports.

As we work to increase aviation funding, please help us keep legislators and the public aware of the impacts our airports and aviation education initiative make here in South Carolina. Remember that SC Aviation Week has been moved to April 23-28, 2023. Watch your email, the SCAA website, and social media channels for news about upcoming events and we look forward to seeing you then.

Blue Skies!

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FAA Foreign Object Debris Program

As defined in AC 150/5210-24, Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Management, FOD is any object, live or not, located in an inappropriate location in the airport environment that has the capacity to injure airport or air carrier personnel and damage aircraft.

The presence of FOD is a continuing concern at our nation’s airports. FOD creates safety hazards and can ultimately impact safe operations by damaging aircraft. Airports, Airlines, and the General Aviation community have taken the necessary steps to minimize FOD by engaging in successful FOD management programs, as per AC 150/5210-24.

In South Carolina, Keat Pruszenski and the SCAA Safety Committee have been working to make our state a safe place to land by tracking and recognizing participation in a statewide FOD prevention/detection program. Highlights of this program include:

• SC Aeronautics Commission procuring FOD sweepers for each of our 58 publicly owned public use airports.

• Currently, 41 airports are participating in active FOD sweeping.

• Airports are scheduling and holding FOD walks and inviting airport users and local communities to participate.

• Airports are identifying FOD Bosses—individuals who “own” FOD programs and commit to keeping an airport FOD-free.

General aviation and commercial service airports are leaning into the FOD program by using FOD sweepers, building FOD detection and elimination programs, and designating one or more individuals to head up their efforts.

The statewide FOD sweeper program began when Terry Connorton, Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport director, procured a device and began using it at his airport. He loaned the sweeper out to neighboring Greenville Downtown Airport. Word spread, leading the SC Aeronautics Commission to develop a statewide program that allotted one sweeper to every publicly owned public use airport in the state. View a slideshow of the FOD sweeper in use at Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport.

Saluda County Airport received a FOD sweeper in 2021. Saluda County Emergency Management Assistant Director and Airport Manager Jill Warren calls the SC Aeronautics Commission-provided FOD sweeper a game changer. “Prior to using the FOD sweeper, it would take a couple of hours to ride around the airports paved areas, visually identify, and pick up FOD. The sweeper has reduced the time spent cleaning up FOD and does a much better job as it picks up the smallest pieces. We are very grateful to the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission for providing us with the sweeper.” View the Saluda County FOD Sweeper in action. Notice the “pop” of dust when debris is collected.

Access these links in Leo’s online safety report at

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Safety Update
Berube, CFI, CFI-I, MEI, FAASTeam Representative
Keat Pruszenski Saluda County Airport’s sweeper has reduced the time spent cleaning up FOD. Get details on SCAA’s FOD Program.

At the Hilton Head Island Airport, the operations department, led by Chief of Operations Charles Neeson, manages the airport FOD program. Understanding the effects of FOD hazards to aircraft encompasses all personnel including, airport staff, general aviation tenants and terminal employees. Keeping a diligent schedule and promoting awareness is key to eliminating the threat of foreign object injection or damage to equipment.

As part of the airport training program, all airport personnel who have access to any part of the airfield including, taxiway, runways, hangar areas and aircraft aprons, receive initial and re-occurring training including the importance, effects, and elimination of FOD and the consequences if FOD is not removed. To increase attention to the FOD program, training coincides with airport driver training and security badge renewal. The re-occurring training stresses the safety of passengers, hazards to equipment and the costs associated with FOD damage.

During each airfield inspection, airfield maintenance or training, all hands are observant for FOD, hazards and any other dangers that could affect aircraft ingestion during takeoff, landing or taxiing.

FOD inspections are done monthly with the FOD sweeper on Alpha and Foxtrot taxiways as well as the runway and general aviation and commercial ramps. All FOD retrieved is inspected for “hard FOD” items including pins, nuts, screws or any other part or piece that could be ingested or cause damage. If the hard FOD can be identified to an aircraft, all efforts to inform the aircraft pilot or owner is made. Watch the HXD sweeper on patrol.

All scheduled and unscheduled FOD inspections are annotated on the airport’s work order tracker for compliance with FAA part 139 inspection.

Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport’s FOD program is extremely successful as well. Airport Director Chris Eversmann said, “We keep FOD on the front burner.” Airport users, whether based at CUB or a visitor, are asked to pick up and properly dispose of FOD when they see it. These efforts are supplemented with monthly sweeping from the Richland County Department of Public Works. The airport proudly shares it continuous, diligent, and thorough anti-FOD campaign on its website

As these airports and every public airport across our state fight FOD and make South Carolina a safe place to land, each airport user is asked to be ever vigilant. Remove FOD when you encounter it, and encourage your fellow aviation enthusiasts to do the same. Everyone can be a part of this mission!

Editor’s Note:

Congratulations to Leo Berube, who was named the FAASTeam Representative of the Year by the FAA South Carolina Flight Standards District Office. Well done, Leo!

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Richland County’s Department of Public Works sweeper. Yearly FOD found at Greenville Downtown Airport. Greenville Downtown Airport shares its weekly FOD collection with airport tenants and users.


Article by: Jayne Baker, SCAA

The City of Aiken gained a reputation during the first hundred years as a place for a splendid time to be had. Those words still hold true today. Equestrians began bringing horses for pleasure, and grand cottages and stables popped up everywhere. Aiken is also nestled just 20 minutes down the road from the nation’s most prestigious golf course, Augusta National. With a short drive to the course, Aiken has become a destination for golfers around the globe. It’s quite evident that business is bustling at the Aiken Regional Airport. Equestrians, golfers, and travelers found the Southern small-town charm and sophistication they were looking for and are flying into Aiken throughout the year to get away from it all.

Aiken Regional is home base to nearly a hundred piston, turboprop and jet aircraft combined and is run by Aiken Aviation Enterprises. The airport has become a predominantly destination airport. Most transient aircraft flying into the Aiken Regional Airport are flying in for business and recreation. Two runways are available for operations: Runway 01/19 is 3,800 feet long and 75 feet wide, and Runway 07/25 is 5,500 feet long and 100 feet wide.

“Aiken has a thriving equestrian industry and there several top rated private and public golf courses in the area, drawing the corporate and private aircraft into the airport,” stated Mike Laver, President, and Owner of Aiken Aviation Enterprises.

The Masters Golf Tournament generates the highest volume of general aviation traffic to Aiken Regional Airport each year. The airport handles over 1,250 total operations during the nine-day period.

“Business has increased over the years. With the airport being near The Master’s golf course, golfers flock here, but visitors also love Aiken for the small town feel and its Southern hospitality. Our airport used to be a well-kept secret, but not anymore,” said Laver.

Aiken Aviation FBO Activities Include:

• Flight Line Services Sale and into plane delivery of Jet A and 100LL fuels

• Customer services scheduling transient aircraft and all FBO services (fuel, lav, catering), car rental, and hotel accommodations

Aiken Aviation was established in April of 1997 as the Fixed Base Operator of what is now the Aiken Regional Airport (KAIK) in Aiken, S.C. The airport is owned by the City of Aiken, and Aiken Aviation is the sole FBO on the field.

• Individual and corporate hanger rentals

• Maintenance via Carolina Turbine Support and Carolina Aviation (as a sub-lessee)

• Aiken Flyers flight club as sub-lessee

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Aiken offers the Southern small-town charm and sophistication that travelers are looking for. The Aiken area has grown to welcome every equestrian discipline known. The Masters Golf Tournament generates the highest volume of general aviaiton traffic to Aiken Regional Airport each year.



WEEK - APRIL 23-29, 2023

South Carolina’s Aviation Week highlights economic development through airport improvement and expansion, celebrates education opportunities by connecting communities to local airports, and recognizes legislative support of the state’s airport system and aviation industry. Airports across the state are encouraged to participate by planning an event that reflects these goals. Each year, SCAA works with a select number of airports to plan large-scale events designed to foster community, media, and legislative engagement.

This year’s Aviation Week is April 23-29. Check out the events already planned for this year’s Aviation Week ... if you want to spotlight your airport, email details to

SouthCarolina AviationWeek SeeYou at theTop

























Aviation Week.

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Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport hosted a ribbon cutting during last year’s The Lindbergh Gala took place at Converse University. Media outlets covered the high school discovery flights at Fairfield County Airport.
APRIL 23-29, 2023

March is International Women’s Month and, therefore it seemed fitting to highlight South Carolina’s Women in Aviation. Women have been flying powered aircraft since1908, but prior to 1970, most women were restricted to working privately or in support roles in the aviation industry. Women’s participation in the field of aviation has increased over the years but the number of women in aviation remains low compared to men. Check out these Q&A interviews with four remarkable women in aviation in our state. They are great role-models who are all working to spread the word to youth, especially girls, about career opportunities in the aviation industry. Happy International Women’s Month to these, and all, women aviators!

How long have you worked in aviation? I have been in aviation for almost 11 years. I graduated from Auburn University, and soon after graduation I started my career at the Georgia Department of Transportation as an Aviation Project Manager. I was the state aviation planner for a couple of years and then spent some time on the consulting side as a planner and project manager. My job at GSP is my first position on the airport/owner side.

How did you get into this occupation? I went to college planning to graduate with a degree in Professional Flight Management with the goal of being an airline pilot. This was around 2008, and the recession hit. The timing for me didn’t work out. I changed gears and started looking into airport management. I am happy I did. I find my career very rewarding and look forward to the future. I still fly on the side as a CFI/CFII and I am part owner of a Piper Lance.

What do you love about aviation? I have been passionate about airports and airplanes since I was little. My dad took me to our local airport and asked if I wanted to learn how to fly when I was 14 years old. Nineteen years later, I’m still amazed at this industry. I love how aviation connects us to each other. Some of my best memories involve flying or working at airports.

Who is your idol in aviation? Eileen Collins. She was the first female to serve as pilot of the Space Shuttle. She was also the first female to serve as commander of a shuttle mission.

How long have you worked in aviation? My first aviation job, at age 22, was at Butler Aviation as an Aircraft Marshaller in Louisville, Kentucky for UPS.  I stayed home to be with my children for 10 years and then got back into aviation at Columbia Metropolitan Airport in Airport Operations. I worked in the operations position for 8 years and then decided to go back to school. I received a bachelor’s degree in professional Aeronautics with a minor in Airport Management from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. I worked in Airport Operations at Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport and Augusta Regional Bushfield for several years and then accepted a position at Fairfield County Airport where I am now the Airport Director.

How did you get into this occupation? I started loving aviation when I was a kid. My dad was an Air Traffic Controller and private pilot, so I was immersed early in aviation. I’ve been flying since I was 19 years old but did not get my private pilot’s license until I was 38.

What do you love about aviation? I love all aspects of aviation! I’ve hit a lot of avenues in aviation … I’m a pilot and now an Airport Director. Aviation is a very dynamic field to work in; it is ever changing. Every day is different and never boring, and that’s what I love about it.

Who is your idol in aviation? The WASP group are my aviation idols. Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) was a civilian women pilots’ organization, and the members were United States federal civil service employees. Members of WASP became trained pilots who tested aircraft, ferried aircraft and trained other pilots. These  women proved that they could fly almost every type of aircraft in the U.S. military arsenal at the time, including the heaviest bombers and fastest fighters. Their pilot training became the same as their male counterparts. I was able to meet one of these women in Florida many years ago, and this was a very special time for me. Today, in aviation, the industry is changing … the number of women in the industry is increasing and the frame of mind is changing. Women are proving that they do have a place in aviation and can be just as viable as men.

Katie Eleam Project Manager at Greenville, Spartanburg International Airport (GSP) Denise Bryan, Airport Director, Fairfield County Airport

How long have you worked in aviation? I’ve been in aviation since 2008, and I moved into a management role with the Saluda County Airport in 2009.

How did you get into this occupation? I first began my aviation career assisting Saluda County with their airport grants. One thing led to another, and they were looking for someone to manage certain tasks, and I volunteered. I honestly thought that I was just filling in while they found a manager to take over. And here I am still in this role 14 years later.

What do you love about aviation? I love meeting all the different people that come through the airport. Several times a year, I get to meet and greet the Marines that fly in. I also love that I am not sitting behind a desk all day. Just today, I was working on fuel checks outside of the building. I never thought that aviation was a passion of mine. I don’t have a pilot’s license, but I absolutely love working in aviation!

Who is your idol in aviation? When it comes to aviation, I look up to Mr. Phil Hodgens, our FBO. I have a lot of respect for him, and he has done a lot to help me out with the airport.

How long have you worked in aviation?

I have been at the Challenger Learning Center of Richland One since 2011.

How did you get into this occupation?

I have always loved aerospace. When I was a child, my father was stationed in Virginia, so my family spent many Saturdays exploring the various museums of the Smithsonian. The Air and Space Museum was one of my favorites. (My father was a pilot, so it was one of his favorites, too.) My parents nurtured my enthusiasm for all things aerospace … planning a family trip to Kennedy Space Center, attending every air show within driving distance, visiting Gibbes Planetarium. When Richland One advertised the Lead Flight Director position, it seemed like a natural fit.

What do you love about aviation?

My favorite part of aviation in South Carolina is the community. That community welcomed me when I first started at Challenger and has supported our mission of inspiring students to pursue STEM careers ever since.

Who is your idol in aviation?

Chuck Yeager

Is there anything that you would like to add?

I would like to add a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have been involved with me and Challenger in some way. Whether you were the person who taught me the difference between VFR and IFR, you sponsored a summer camp scholarship, you donated your time to talk to students about careers in aviation or you allowed a student to volunteer on your aircraft restoration team (you can see how this list could get very long…), thank you for sharing your enthusiasm, your expertise and your time to help us inspire the next generation of aviators.

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On February 15-17, 2023, more than 300 airport operators, consultants, pilots and corporate partners traveled to Spartanburg, South Carolina, for SCAA’s Annual Conference, which featured updates from the FAA and SC Aeronautics Commission, as well as economic updates, an urban air mobility discussion, the South Carolina CORE/NASA initiative and more.

The 2024 Annual Conference will be held in Myrtle Beach, on February 14-16.

Among the great education and networking, some noteworthy moments happened, including the moment when James D. Stephens was awarded the Order of the Palmetto by SC Aeronautics Commission Chair Delphin A. Gantt, Jr. Stephens was recognized for his achievements as the former Executive Director of the SC Aeronautics Commission.

Congratulations to Joe Frasher on his SCAA Lifetime Achievement Award! Joe, pictured on the left, is the former director of Greenville Downtown Airport. He was honored for his service to the association and industry at the SCAA Annual Conference. Enjoy your retirement, Joe!

This year’s spouse program featured a flowering arranging tutorial at The Flower Bar in Spartanburg.

Airport representatives are always among the best dressed at the SCAA Annual Conference. Pictured clockwise from bottom left. Larry Haynes, Spenser Donaldson, Thomas Thomas, Paul Eubanks, Joey Preston, Chip Maier and Jonathan Goodman.

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During the Hall of Fame Banquet sponsored by Talbert & Bright, artist Jared Emerson created a live painting of Charles Lindbergh, who landed in Spartanburg in 1927, during his US tour commemorating his transatlantic flight that same year. The painting was auctioned live to benefit the SCAA Scholarship Fund. When combined with the Silent Auction and generous contributions from attendees, more than $12,000 was raised for the Scholarship program at the conference. At the 2023 SCAA Annual Conference, two premier aviators were inducted into the S.C. Aviation Hall of Fame: The Honorable Ira E. “Bud” Coward, II, and Col. (Ret.) Michael Miller. Coward is pictured with his commemorative plaque, presented by Terry Connorton, SCAA Past President. Col. Miller was represented by his children, Laura Smoak and Christopher Miller. In the background is a portrait of Charles Lindbergh, which was painted live by artist Jared Emerson. Bamberg County
Page 11 Palmetto Aviation THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS
SCAA Conference sponsors, exhibitors and attendees enjoyed multiple receptions and networking opportunities.


The South Carolina Aviation Association proudly announces its new directors and executive committee for the 2023-2024 year.

PO Box 80994

Charleston, SC 29416

The 2023-2024 SCAA Executive Committee members include President Kevin Howell, Senior Vice President/COO of Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport; Vice-President Ryan Hounshell, Operations Manager at Holt Consulting, Treasurer James Stephens, Director at Greenville Downtown Airport; and Past-President, Terry Connorton, Director of the Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport.

1-877-FLY SCAA (359-7222)

Paul Moses retired from the SCAA Board of Directors and James Stephens with Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport joined the Board for a three-year term.


Returning Board of Directors members include:

Chris Birkmeyer, P.E. - WK Dickson

Denise Bryan, C.M. - Fairfield County Airport

Andy Busbee, P.E. – Michael Baker International

Barbara Clark – Jasper County Council

Steve Crimm - Pilot

Katie Eleam, C.M. – Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport

Chris Eversmann, P.E., A.A.E. - Jim Hamilton - L.B. Owens Airport

Zach Nelson, MPA – McFarland Johnson

Thank you to SCAA’s board members, who volunteer their time and talents to lead the association in pursuit of its mission:

South Carolina Aviation Association actively promotes aviation growth through airport development and safety to meet the air transportation and economic development needs of South Carolina.

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SCAA Union Terry Connorton, Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport Director, now serves as the past-president of SCAA. Kevin Howell, C.M., Senior Vice President/COO of Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport, is president of the association. Ryan Hounshell, P.E., Operations Manager at Holt Consulting Company, will serve as the organization’s vice-president. James Stephens, C.M., Director at Greenville Downtown Memorial Airport, serves as treasurer of the association.


In Feburary, awards were given out at the Concorde Battery IA Renewal Seminar. FAA SC FSDO presented Henry Williamson with the SC FSDO AMT award and AMT student, Ethan Sellers, received a $1,000 college scholarship. Congratulations to both winners, Mr. Williamson and Mr. Sellers!


In March, the McCormick County Airport hosted high school students from the McCormick County School District. The district received a grant to enhance learning opportunities for families in the community. Four sessions were held with staff from the Clemson Extension Service, McCormick County, and the S19 Volunteer Team. Activities focused on the basics of flight, rockets, drones and a flying demonstration by SCAA Commissioner, Skeets Cooper. The airport also had a fly-in by Grant Ziebell with his kit-built aircraft. The S19 Volunteer Team consists of Scott Breeden, Mike Finney and Grant Ziebell.

On behalf of Governor Henry McMaster, the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission (SCAC) Chairman, Delphin A. Gantt, Jr. presented James D. Stephens, Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) Director, the Order of the Palmetto at the South Carolina Aviation Association Annual Conference on February 16, 2023. Stephens received the award for his efforts promoting aviation for the state as the Executive Director of the SCAC.

The Order of the Palmetto is the state’s highest civilian honor awarded to South Carolinians for a lifetime of service and achievements of national or statewide significance. Governor John C. West gave the first award in the summer of 1971 to recognize outstanding achievements in service to the state. The award is reviewed by a non-partisan panel using an established criteria and a nomination process.

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Fifteen students participated in learning opportunities. Skeets Cooper demonstrating flying. Ethan Sellers received a college scholarship at the Seminar. Henry Williamson pictured with the FAA SC FSDO and with his wife, Hilda. JAMES STEPHENS PRESENTED THE ORDER OF THE PALMETTO Stephens’ family joined him on stage to receive his prestigious award.

SCAA Scholarship Application

The South Carolina Aviation Association scholarship program promotes the aviation industry in South Carolina through limited financial assistance for South Carolina residents who are pursuing or will pursue a career in the aviation industry. Residents who attend, or will attend, an educational institution inside or outside of the state are eligible to apply. Recent scholarships have been provided at a level of $1,000. Awards are paid to the institution/school.

I have read and understand the scholarship program description, I further state that all the information given below is accurate, to the best of my knowledge. Signed______________________________________________________

Your application must be accompanied by:

(a) One (1) letter of recommendation from an SCAA member.

(b) Your high school transcript (or GED equivalent), confirming your GPA and senior or graduate status.

(c) Your college transcript (if already enrolled), confirming your GPA and full-time enrollment status.

(d) A brief paragraph concerning your request for scholarship.

(e) A brief paragraph that outlines your educational goals and career plans.

Please Print

*The information marked with * is only needed if you have not yet graduated or you recently graduated high school.

Graduation Date______________

Referring Member ___________________________________ Phone________________________________

Please list any academic institutions you have attended or specialized aviation-oriented technical or military training you have received: Program or Institution Address Dates Attended

Return completed application to SCAA, PO Box 80994, Charleston, SC 29416 or email to by April 30

Last Name__________________________ First Name _________________________ Middle Initial______ Address____________________________________ City_____________________ State____ Zip_________ Telephone__________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________ Legal Residence: State____ County__________________ High School _______________________________________________________________________________
*High School Class Rank______ *Grade Point Average _______ *Expected Graduation Date ________ College/Technical School Selection____________________________________________________________ Academic Discipline ________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ Telephone____________________________ City __________________________________________ State___________________ Zip_______________ Acceptance Date_____________ Semester Start Date______________ Est.
Revised 12/16/21 Page 14 Palmetto Aviation



Every other Sunday since 1938, pilots and aviation enthusiasts have met for breakfast at an airport somewhere in South Carolina and a few surrounding states – missing only events during World War II when aircraft fuel was not available. The Breakfast Club resumed meetings two years later and continues to this day.

Following is a schedule of the remaining dates for 2023. Please visit for updates.

April 2 Lee County Airport – Butters Field

April 16 Broxton Bridge Plantation

April 30 Palmetto Air Plantation

May 7 Rock Hill – York County Airport

May 21 Jim Hamilton – L.B. Owens Airport

June 4 Aiken Regional Airport

June 11 Greenwood County Airport

June 25 Florence Regional Airport

July 9 Mid-Carolina Regional Airport

July 23 Spar tanburg Downtown Memorial Airport

Aug. 6 Berkeley County Airport

Aug. 20 Triple Tree Aerodrome

Aug. 27 Ridgeland-Claude Dean Airport

Sept. 10 Anderson Regional Airport

Sept. 17 Laurens County Airport

Oct. 1 Kershaw County Airport

Oct. 15 Sumter County Airport

Oct. 29 Orangeburg Municipal Airport

Nov. 12 Conway – Horry County Airport

Nov. 26 Fairfield County Airport

Dec. 10 Har tsville Regional Airport



PO Box 80994, Charleston, SC, 29416

(P) 1-877-FLY-SCAA // (E)


__ $250 Airport Membership

(Includes 8 members)

__ $450 Corporate Membership

(Includes 10 members, logo in all newsletters & email spotlight)

__ $40 Individual Membership

__ $25 Student Membership

Total ____________

Membership Category

Circle the category that best describes you:

Pilot Government Official*

FBO Consultant

Vendor Airport Director/Manager

*Includes airport commission member, state, federal, or other government agencies.

Please include any additional descriptions that apply to you on the line below. (Examples: Commissioner, Commission Chair, Airport, Executive Director, Manager, FBO, Consultant, Vendor, Pilot, etc.)

Name ________________________________________

Airport or Company ____________________________

Address ______________________________________

City/State/Zip _________________________________

Phone _______________________________________ Email ________________________________________

Circle your method of payment: Check Visa MC Amex Invoice Me CC#__________________________________________

Exp. Date _____________________________________

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___ Please send me a printed copy of Palmetto Aviation

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Photo Credit: Scott Crosby Photo Credit: Valerie Anderson Photo Credit: Valerie Anderson Photo Credit: Scott Crosby

PO Box 80994

PO Box 80994

Charleston, SC 29416

Charleston, SC 29416

1-877-FLY SCAA (359-7222)

1-877-FLY SCAA (359-7222)

Union County Airport - Shelton Field

Page 16 Palmetto Aviation
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