Agenda for 11th April 2013

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CESUGA Architecture Thesis Preparation AGENDA for 11th April 2013

AGENDA for 11th APRIL 2013

AGENDA for 11th APRIL 2013 Architecture Thesis Preparation (5th year) THURSDAY 11th APRIL 10.00-12.00....................................................8 students: 15 min/student 12.00-12.30............................................................................Coffee break 12.30-14.00.....................................................6 students: 15 min/student 14.00-15.30.......................................................................................Lunch 15.30-17.30........................................ ............ 8 students: 15 min/student 17.30-18.00..............................Evaluation (Chris Boyle & Silvia Blanco)

AGENDA for 11th APRIL 2013 Architecture Thesis Preparation (5th year)

THURSDAY, 11th APRIL 10.00-12.00.............................................................................................................................................................................................. González Lestón, Ana Rehabilitation of a space´s memory Álvarez Gallego, Isabel Geometry in the heart of architecture Amarelo Pena, Laura The Saint James’ Way in 21st Century: Pilgrim Hostel "Embassy of the World" Bárcena Bescansa, Carlos Copper mine of Touro: regeneration of the industrial landscape Barcia García, Hugo Designing with carbon fiber Barrós Calvete, Ana Cultural Landscapes as territory regeneration

Collarte Abad, Luis Lucas The Carretas Asylum: addings on restoration Domenech López, Carlos Emilio Rehabilitation and evolution of cloisters in Spain

12.00-12.30 Coffee break 12.30-14.00.................................................................................................................................................................................

Fernández Rodríguez, Juan Jesús Santiago de Compostela: Trade, urbanism and public space Figueira Serrano, Gustavo Structures in Series by torsioned directrix González Souto, Néstor The building as a score López Chao, Vicente Adrián Structure and design: the tunnel frame

Lorente Martínez, Héctor Psychological aspects introduced by the Gestalt in the architecture Menéndez Nistal, Luis The land for who it´ s worked by

14.30-15.30 Lunch 15.30-17.30..................................................................................................................................................................................... Pardiñas Pereira, Felipe Modern Style in Santiago de Compostela. A vanguard through the eyes of tradition Pombar Guillán, Javier Discontinuous Concrete Slabs Prieto González-Cañedo, Modesto Eduardo Railway, city and environmental adaptation Riobó Souto, Miguel Integrated Urban Regeneration. From the empty space to the human space in social housing neighborhoods.

Rodríguez Pedrosa, José Urban regeneration and multifunctional land use Seoane Centeno, Óscar Specialized spaces for contemporary theater Soriano Martínez, Borja NATURE as a PART of the city, not APART Torea Olego, Ezequiel Aleixo From the space to the mind: The architecture of knowledge

17.30-18.00 Comments and discussion (Chris Boyle and Silvia Blanco)

Ă lvarez Gallego, Isabel The main objective of my final year project is to design a structure that shares the principle that the aesthetic is stable; in other words, to attempt a structure without calculation, based only on logic and geometry. In this sense, this graduate thesis analyses structures from the point of view of geometry. For that reason, I consider in-depth various key periods throughout history that show this relationship. The challenge begins with the study of the ideal and transcendental forms. The Romanesque and Gothic imply examining the evolution from active mass systems to articulated systems. The idea to focus in particular on these two styles is due to the fact that they can see how the geometry gradually leads to elements derived from compositions proven during previous generations. Moreover, in the case of the Romanesque style there is a special relation with the project theme: the Painting Pavilion of St. James. The aim is to design a building that houses a pictorial sample of the Camino de Santiago. The Romanesque is the principal style featured along the Way, with the Cathedral as the culmination of this artistic movement. The geometric shapes that define the Romanesque, and they become more slender in the Gothic, are transformed throughout history. Since the early twentieth century, there is a twofold divergence: on the one hand, increasingly simple and repetitive geometric shapes are used, related to the scale of man, with the proportions and rhythm; while on the other hand, some structures become very complex, derived from the observation of nature and admiration for the work of Spanish architect Antoni GaudĂ­. Hence, the analysis of the applications of fractal theory to architecture is a fundamental part of the research. In summary, the thesis is divided into five chapters, and completed with the conclusions, bibliography and the abstract. The conclusions obtained have helped to design the Painting Pavilion of St. James, as the research and project are one and the same and both represent a journey through the history of geometry and transcendent forms.

Amarelo Pena, Laura

The research work is connected with the chosen issues of my final career project: the design of a pilgrim hostel within the city of Santiago de Compostela. The objective of my research work is to understand this kind of facilities and to have evolved from that the tomb of the Apostle Saint James the Greater to the current time. Therefore, I ask myself the next question: How must this type of facilities be built in the 21st century? To answer this question, the work is divided in different parts. In the first of them, the history of The Saint James’ Way is explained to the present. The second section focus on the concept of hostel, with particular reference to the buildings which served as the guide and, also, the pilgrims were accommodated throughout their itinerary: the signals and the hospitality. Finally, the third point focus on studying the applicable and existing regulations for this kind of facilities. This chapter also sets an analysis of previous projects, not only new plant but also rehabilitation projects, building in the last decades of the 20th century, in other words, the period from 1993 to the present day. On the one hand, these facilities were developed into a consolidated program of The Santiago Way from the Galician administration that promoted the Xacobeo’93 and, of course, it involved the building of a larger number of inns in the Autonomous Community, some of which were designed by the most outstanding Galician architects. On the other hand, these works have common characteristics with the project I try to design; therefore I will be able to establish an action strategy through its analysis. In conclusion, the purpose is to design a pilgrim hostel based on the features in the 21st century and, to establish action strategies for the improvement of a unique program for the pilgrim hostel’s design.

Bรกrcena Bescansa, Carlos

Industry has since its beginnings modified the landscape, and with the abandonment of industrial sites, these have often become wastelands. Some of these leave behind buildings that form an important part of the site and of the landscape, but in the case of some industrial sites as some landfills and surface mines, there are no buildings left. It is especially in mines where the terrain has been modified the most, and we can see them from different perspectives and dimensions. The spatial dimension refers to the scale of the mine, which goes from the inside to the roads that connect it to the surroundings and the pollution they may leave and flow along rivers, while the temporal dimension attends the evolution of the mines through time and how the landscape is constantly evolving, and the perceptual landscape, which is about the perception of the mine by the senses and is related to the different colors, contrasts, forms, and the memory. All of these dimensions can tell about the landscape of the wasteland for its further recycling. The recycling of wastelands by the study of the landscape was already treated in the 60s, and 70s by artists of the lands artsuch as Robert Smithson, and keep now being an interesting topic of study, being now around the world many sites that have been recovered for a different use. All of these take advantage of the previous state of abandonment of the site for the development of the new state, as it is with the design of the metropolitan park of the abandoned copper mine of Touro. The design of the metropolitan park of Touro and its circuit takes advantage of the singular characteristics of the mine as it is now at the same time as it remodels parts that have been damaged by pollution. The activities in the site and circuit are complemented by lookout points, places to relax, a camping site, and a restaurant, while the environmental recovery is based on continuing the current plant, but making some changes.

Barcia GarcĂ­a, Hugo

The objective of this work is to investigate the processes and methods used in the production and design of carbon fiber objects in order to find a set of guidelines for architectural design in this material. The dissertation it's about getting a rational and consistent design with the chosen material both on the formal and structural construction and that satisfies the requirements of my degree project. Given the nature of the research, the work will address other fields and disciplines related to design. However, the main objective is to know how to apply this synthetic material currently in the construction of buildings, and their particular properties can adapt to it. Ultimately, the final objective of the thesis is to apply the data obtained in the investigation to spatial and constructive development of a specific project. This thesis is based on a very specific focus. This approach is defined as the examination of existing precedents carbon fiber, and then applying that knowledge in architectural design in relation to space, form, and construction. In conclusion, this is a material that has perfect qualities to be exploited by the architecture and create a new way of designing. Carbon fiber has been introduced in each of the fields of design except for the architecture, but it is something that will change with cheaper material and especially with the knowledge of it, which was the purpose of this work. We must learn to design and build whit new materials to bring architecture to the next level just in the same way it happened in his time with steel and glass.

Barrós Calvete, Ana

As the years passed by, natural landscapes had become a way to regenerate lands in a state of decay. There are several international organizations that, in the last half of the XX century, have attempted to define the categories that include this landscapes. From the four established by the Natural Park Service in 1982 (Historic site, Historic designed landscape, historic vernacular landscape y ethnographic landscape) to the ones that UNESCO recognized in 1992 (Clearly defined landscape, organically evolved landscape y associative cultural landscape) all of them have were used as a precedent for the creation of this parks. The most part of this projects were developed in the United States. That’s because the great extension of their industrial heritage, and to the efforts of the National Park Service. Either way, in Europe is more common projects like mining, farming or river parks. By analyzing the most significant projects it can be obtained a first conclusion: one of the main factors for the economic development on different territories is the smart management of the resources, because it attracts tourism and possible investments, while it creates activities and jobs, but above all reinforces the self-esteem of the community that lives there. In this dissertation, I studied the farming park of Baix Llobregat, in Cataluña. This is a very representative example of cultural landscape in Europe, as in all the river course we can find several types of landscapes, from the mining and industrial colonies at the high part of the river, to the agricultural terrains at the delta of the Llobregat river. Santiago de Compostela is known because of the Path of Santiago de Compostela, but it also has some natural areas around the city that have been suffering several problems. One of these areas is Brañas do Sar, which is known to be one of the natural areas close to the city with many heritage elements, but it also has serious problems, such as pollution of the river, a big urban pressure and that it acts as a barrier between the surrounding areas, causing connection problems between them.

Collarte Abad, Luis Lucas

The objective of this paper is to explain the rehabilitation in the Asylum of Carretas in Santiago de Compostela. A complex of buildings from different periods and styles, that due to the large number of interventions that have been carried out on them, lack sense of unity in their composition. The various modifications and additions over the years, have buried the original buildings, failing to highlight, or unify them. The study of the theories of restoration from Stilistico Restoration of Viollet-Le-Duc and "unconversion" of Ruskin to Critical Restoration of Pane and Brandi, through the Modern Restoration of Boito, are referred to in the second section, to establish the basis on which we will study the actions made in the building and will propose the new actions. After analyzing previous actions and the current state, is concluded that the vast majority are hiding the value of the property and impairing the operation and maintenance of the building and there is no greater proof that the facility closing in 2002. The proposed intervention seeks the functionality of the building and the enhancement of its different parts, by eliminating additions, creating modern structural systems that can be modified without great harm and the implementation of a clear and functional communication system, that will put architectural elements in value. After reviewing the proposal is concluded that despite seeking an intervention approximate to Modern Restoration of Boito, the intervention can be best described by the Critic Restoration of Pane and Brandi and as defined in the Letter of Venice.

Domenech López, Carlos Emilio

The main objectives to gain an insight into the comprehension of that evolution and the rehabilitation methods that architects used, also, to know how to prepare my own Project whilst at the same time, obtaining information of examples, studying and analyzing. Moreover, my intention is to conserve this thesis in the future to check it for later projects. Consequently, I use it to expand that knowledge to other kind of projects. The organization will be: - An analysis of the original cloister, starting with the origin, naming examples of different projects. -Next, I will then going to explain the evolution of these cloisters with some examples of rehabilitation projects by various architects. - Finally, I will do a detailed analysis of three examples in three rehabilitation projects: Rehabilitation including a change of use. Rehabilitation including a change of materials. Rehabilitations as conservation of original buildings. After finishing these analyses, I’m doing a report of the rehabilitation of the old San Roque`s Hospital, including after this my purpose of a new building. I’m currently working on compiling information from different books and webs, writing short texts for future their future inclusion on the final result of the thesis project.

FernĂĄndez RodrĂ­guez, Juan JesĂşs The way we consume affects the structure of our cities. During the medieval period, shops were created under the dwellings, and the daily shopping was a route around the town which gave residents the opportunity to interact. This way of shopping still takes place in traditional European cities. However, 20th century US cities spread out residential buildings and destroyed the traditional high street by creating shopping malls. These malls are posited as public spaces, but they are merely imitations and their sole objective is to encourage shopping, not interaction. This dissertation aims to analyze the relationship between urbanism and trade. It is divided into three phases: first, to understand how consumerism contributed to the evolution of commercial architecture; second, to analyze how these changes affect the city; and thirdly, to comprehend how these changes affect historic centers, focusing on the case of Santiago. The historic city of Santiago is losing its residential function. This is partly due to the lack of shops for local residents, the difficulties traders have to unload and store their goods, the poor parking system and the insufficient communication with the other neighborhoods. Creating an effective retail trade network requires all the necessary infrastructures to serve existing businesses: goods distribution centers, loading and unloading areas and new parking areas and stores. This logistics network comprises a number of elements located on the edge of the historic centre whose uses will complement and support existing buildings. My chosen site is located in the old town market, where the complementary uses are a warehouse and distribution centre, a supermarket, a tasting centre and a kindergarten. My ultimate objective is to modernize the old town in order to ensure its survival as a living town and not an amusement park.

Figueira Serrano, Gustavo The research is closely related to the Final Project, the dissertation emerges from the analysis of similar typologies and finally the attempt to find a specific solution for this. The project is a mediatheque located on the South campus of Santiago de Compostela. The building enhances for his geometry, seemingly complex in a whole, but arises from a simple geometric succession. The mediatheque is under this series of frames, that all are different, as they rotate fitted in a circumference. Since all the structural elements are different, the calculation of each one requires an individual calculation. That’s why the intention is based to make a simple formula that allows us to calculate all the elements based on just one variable. The thesis report will start analyzing different kinds of examples with some common characteristics with the project, arranged serially structures, the analysis will start with the main ideas, in order to analyze the geometric after this. After that the dissertation will advance analyzing the geometry of the project, and it will finish with the mathematic resolution for the structure with only one variable. The dissertation theme is completely related with the project, as the dissertation emerges directly from it, and the final result will be the application of the research in the project. And this will confirm the utility of the research. Finally, as a conclusion of the thesis, some annexes will be attached with all the calculations of the project’s structure, using the information of the thesis.

Gonz谩lez Lest贸n, Ana The main objective of this research work is to reach a site's analytical basis in order to deduce from that mechanisms that could help to develop the project proposal. Based on the evolution of an urban space over time and up until the present day, my goal is to make use of the chosen urban space and to transmit its fundamental virtues to preserve them in the future. I decided to organize the work through three investigation methods. Firstly I evaluated the current situation of the chosen urban space and identified in what way society interacts with it. Secondly, taking three different perspectives of rehabilitation strategies as a basis, I extrapolated the fundamentals of each one to the project taking conclusions from each one. Thirdly, taking into account the previous analysis and the possible proposals I developed a project design within a dialogue of change; that a space, a city and a society take a part in an evolution process, and transformation, mutability and change are part of it. In conclusion, this work shows my vision of how the rehabilitation of a space's memory can take place.

González Souto, Néstor

The objective of my thesis is to study the extent to which music is related to architecture and to apply the results to my own project. It begins with an explanation of mathematical aspects in music throughout history, from the Greeks till Xenakis, paying special attention to the discovery of harmonic proportions and musical scales, and how they were explained in buildings. The next stage consists of an analysis of several music terms, which once transferred to architecture acquire a new role and allow us to see the building as a “musical unit”, in a return to the time when music seemed to rule the universe. Those terms are beats, rhythms and silences in order to explain modulation; undulations and the contrasts they create with the previous ones, which are finally brought together to create a symphony. The most striking conclusion reached is the considerable influence music can have on architecture. After applying all those terms to my building, it can not only be seen as a musical unit, but also works as a symphony ready to be played by anyone who visits it. Depending on the itinerary they follow and the time they spend visiting it, it changes completely and helps to increase the sense of being in an interactive building; after all, music, as well as architecture, is a matter of taste.

L贸pez Chao, Vicente Adri谩n

This research project aims to obtain an in-depth insight into the tunnel frame for its possible optimization in any field when designing and constructing a space. Descriptive methodology is used in order to understand this structural element from three perspectives: formal, functional and technical characteristics. Once these concepts are clear, an analytical method is applied, based on three aspects of the tunnel frame, namely spatial transversality, constructive sincerity and spatial complexity, defining and investigating their properties in existing works. These parameters are based on the conceptual understanding of the element as a tunnel. - Spatial transversality. The fundamental feature of this structure is the need for connection, at a minimum of two points. - Constructive sincerity. This concept is implied by working with structural parts that make up the space. - Spatial complexity. A two-fold procedure is necessary when creating a building using the proposed methodology: twinning parts or using them as a container, and using the vacuum as an element in architectural composition. This study will be useful in the process of my final project: a University student club in Santiago de Compostela, of which we expect a parallelism with nature. The use of an element like tunnel frame will provide many spatial possibilities and obtain a building in harmony with the environment.

Lorente MartĂ­nez, HĂŠctor

This investigation deals with the psychological aspects introduced by the Gestalt in the architecture. With this, my objective is to investigate the hidden values of perception in order to reach the spatial detail and definition of the form. Once studied, I will try to analyze how the influence of the light is present in every one of the examples studied and then I will analyze some of the most important cases of the same. To do this I start explaining the basis for the Gestalt theory to see the status of the issue and describing briefly the most important points of his study. Then I will write a text link between psychology and architecture where I try to collect items that can be seen in both psychology and architecture. Once here can explain to what extent each of these interfere selected points with analysis of each stressing the importance of light in each one of them. Once explained the points I will select some buildings where light and perception are the most important and then proceed with the analysis of the same. After the analysis I will continue with a conclusion in which explain the essence of the stated above adding a brief comparison between the built in times past and present highlighting the essence of space and seeing that although the materials change the perception has changed. Finally write literature sources where I got the information. I am currently with the introduction of the content of the dissertation.

MenĂŠndez Nistal, Luis

In this work is tried to give one solution of the social problems that exist nowadays in our society, the abandonment of the field, overcoat in our region, Galicia, which is characterized by his wealth to rural level. The main intention why this topic was chosen is none other than the concern about trying to find the right solution for people to understand the problem we are talking about, because many times we are not aware of the damage suffered by rural communities and the wonder that people lost not being in contact with rural areas. Many people are not interested in this, but the way I wrote it give a simpler view with which many people can pass better understand the problem and in many cases can relate to what here is drawn. For this we made a number of points with which we intend to explain step by step the entire problem. First talking about Galicia to understand what it is, talk about the rural areas, then the structure of the property that it exists, that is a very important point to understand the work, later speaking of the landscapes that exist in our territory to finally go on to the highlight, which is where we talk about the problems of rural dependence on the city and vice versa in order to get dates that provide us solutions to finally explain the conclusions from a point of view more personal. In conclusion I must say that in my point of view, the lack of services in rural areas and the growth of the city, eating everything in its path, are to blame for social rejection to rural places. In many cities, its growth plans but never takes into account the surrounding areas. Cities absorb not only space but also the people and traditions of many places, sometimes eating small groups that gave rise to the city.

Pardi単as Pereira, Felipe

The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of the modernist architecture in Santiago de Compostela This city absorbed usefully the Modern Style in peripheral areas between 1905 y1925. Elements and forms related to this aesthetic movement manifested so late compared to other european cities, and this movement was more related to population growth with a strong industrialization. The spread of modernist architecture in Santiago de Compostela did not respond to a collective feeling that trying to create a distinct style, as happened in Catalonia, where the bourgeoisie became this style in a national sentiment. What happened in Santiago panorama was a dialogue between a very rooted constructive tradition and a new international language, incorporating isolated modernist ornamental elements within distinctly eclectic compositions. This series of traditions, very rooted in the end of the century architecture, caused certain reticence to the emergence of a new compositional style. The different varieties of international modernism came to Galicia in a context in which the eclecticism was the preferred style of the local bourgeoisie. In addition to a deeply rooted eclecticism, the modernist influence had to live with a series of local preexisting elements such as the use of galleries and bay windows. In summary, we can say that this ephemeral architectural movement worried by ornamental and aesthetic issues that innovation in the structures treatment and interior spaces. We can conclude that defining aesthetic elements of Santiago Modern Style were: the traditional stonework incorporation, the use of masonry covered with cement or plaster, and the introduction of galleries and bay windows.

Pombar Guillรกn, Javier

Rather than obtaining a general tool for calculus or to providing an insight into a previously unexplored field, the objective of this research project is to offer a direct resolution to the problem posed by the project solution. The thesis and the final project are inextricably linked and all the results or solutions found here are directly applied and tested in the design of the project. The study is based on a trial and error method that is in continuous evolution, applied to the use of a modulo and concrete slabs. The research is divided into three stages. The first stage will be the analysis, which is based on the comparison and decomposition of several precedents and the examination of series of slabs, starting from a simple shape in order to end up with larger composition based on a more complex union between them. This is followed by the synthesis phase in which all the solutions obtained are processed. For the purpose of this thesis, the process will be concluded when a structure suitable for supporting as rationally as possible the concrete slabs for the building roof is found. Finally, we focus on the verification phase, establishing simple rules for calculating such structures by linear methods. After all the phases are completed, all the conclusions found in this thesis will be applied and developed in the structural system used in the Final Year Project, in an attempt to prove the validity of the results obtained and the feasibility of their application. The conclusion is the need for the use of larger and thicker slabs supported only at the center instead of an arrangement of smaller slabs held by a secondary structure.

Prieto GonzĂĄlez-CaĂąedo, Modesto Eduardo

Train stations are configured as an important place in the metropolitan cities in Europe. As nodes in transport networks, they create large flows of passengers that offer a great opportunity for the commercial development of the cities. As a result, in many cases, stations become a new center thereof. Designers and planners put great effort into creating great program units around stations giving utmost importance to the power of attraction with these great spaces, relying on mixing a large number of functions and land uses. Others have considered this magnet at a regional or metropolitan. Therefore, the accessibility and functionality are taken as starting point for the habitability indicates that center should have. However, this information is not sufficient for the redesign of the area of a train station. We must also take into account the public space that surrounds it, the way it has to be within the existing urban fabric. However, generally, the design of the space around this central point often neglected and not considered as a public space to regenerate. In my research behold all these factors, trying to understand the operation of these facilities in order to act on them. In short, the aim of my thesis is to investigate the historical relationship between the train and the cities. This analysis will allow me to develop my project, as I am speaking in Santiago train station, trying to improve the public space and the connection between areas that are not currently connected.

Riob贸 Souto, Miguel

The aim of my study is to treat the urban regeneration of urban plans of social housing, through a integral reform that turn around the public space, such as a socializing and regenerator axis of a pre-existing territory, and therefore, answer questions about how we should treat the inherited city to grant a sustainable and socially character. This research is completely related to the topic of my project, since the project takes as its fundamental axis the urban regeneration of a degraded social housing estate, such as the neighborhood of Vite. Urban strategies ended materializing and defining the project, as a method of potency the social urban relationships, just now nonexistent. Therefore it is necessary to structure the work into three blocks based on; study and understanding of the concepts of social housing and social neighborhood; analysis of different functional cases of urban regeneration of these social housing estates, and a propositional last part that consists in establishing a series of strategies to make this urban regeneration works successful. After studying in what ways has evolved the historical treatment of social concepts in housing and urban development, I am immersed in the study of different strategic models of urban regeneration of different residential areas degraded, as a method and support of propositional strategies that finally ended with a reactivation of Vite neighborhood.

RodrĂ­guez Pedrosa, JosĂŠ

The present document takes as an object of study the development of a work of investigation (dissertation) on a particular question on the basis of the topic proposed: Urban regeneration, multiple soils. Due to the project that I try to carry out, and that consists of the design of a students' residence close to the Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, the work will meet complemented with the theoretical development of the investigation, which will help me to reorganize and regenerate one of the zones of the same one. Due to the importance of the concepts, it is required an explanation about the main objectives of the dissertation:

-Urban regeneration: it is the most relevant topic and the one that will document of clear form the project idea. I try to reorganize and to regenerate thanks to the same one an area badly planned that presents a great problem of urban development. By means of the use of a multiple soil, that is to say that the same project takes charge solving different aspects as the rolled, pedestrian traffic and the own development of the students' residence, I try to solve the existing difficulties. - Development of a strategy: any urban development project is based on the idea of creating a previous strategy, which is the one that marks the guidelines of the development of the idea and therefore of the project. Taking of parallel form the project development with the theoretical development of the investigation it will serve me to study different examples and to be able to concentrate on strategies that are carried out to create own mine.

Seoane Centeno, Ă“scar

Drama is a complex art form, and is highly conditioned by agents like relation of performers with public or scenography used, but above all by the architectural features of the room where representation will take place, which will condition everything else. Therefore, the architectural features of the room must be defined taking into account the types of drama and staging to which it is intended. A conflictive space will alter the way in which the viewer perceives the work represented, and reality conceived by the dramatist. This fact is even more evident in contemporary theater, as it is a drama directed to the inner world of the viewer, and his deepest subjectivity. In order to shape a suitable representation spaces for contemporary theater, we have studied the basics of theater from its origins as precedent, to focus then the study on the theater of the twentieth century and its scenic requirements. The new staging, as well as the writings of contemporary actors, directors and dramatists, will lead to the conclusion that the ideal room for the new theater is neutral, versatile, without distinction between audience and stage, and very flexible.

Soriano MartĂ­nez, Borja

This paper attempts to change the concept of "city", explained through the relationship between nature and man in Santiago de Compostela. Nature as a part of the city, not apart. With this title I want to emphasize from the beginning my point of view. I understand that nature must be a natural support for the city. A part of it charge to alleviate it, which must be maintained despite continuous urban growth. To carry out this investigation I used ideological movements of modern urbanism that are supporting this theory and have realized this reality. Appear here concepts as cultural landscape, mosaic floor, or ecological corridor, explained over work. These concepts speak about understand the nature not only as a mere stage, but also as an element that sets up the city. Once the technical concepts explained in the first thematic block, we must know how to identify and promote a cultural landscape. It is therefore very important an exhaustive analysis of the place and what happens in it. Only then we will know how to intervene to maintain its values, its essence and its message. Therefore, in the second and third thematic block I explain the state of nature in Galicia over recent years varying scales until arriving at Santiago metropolitan area. Soil is a mirror of society and its historical moments. Migrations, economics, tradition, evolution, are concepts that can show how varied the use of land. After knowing the technical concepts and the place, you can begin to act. The third thematic section begins by explaining the development of a metropolitan park, designed by me and proposed in the Sarela River natural network. This design responds to needs, potential and existing problems. The dissertation explains the strategies, represented in floor plans. Throughout this block I change the scale of the intervention ending in a punctual act: the development of an architectural project, a meeting pot.

Torea Olego, Ezequiel Aleixo

Ever since its origins, architecture has always been connected with the architect’s capacity to create a space that meets certain needs. However, as Plato shows in the Allegory of the Cave, knowledge depends directly on the space; namely the mind is built by the space. When designing a Research Centre we must know how it works in accordance with the Scientific Method to identify each research step with a particular space, and each space must be designed in order to influence our knowledge in a specific way. This thesis also studies the best characteristics of these spaces and ends by demonstrating how all these aspects can be grouped in a single building. The design solution for a Research Centre contains the precise environment capable of stimulating inspiration and activity: a library were diffuse lighting and flexible division can be combined with the storage of books; some administration spaces with a studied corporate structure inside an open-plan; a laboratory with the state-of-art lighting and ventilation technology within a flexible order; and finally some meeting points including corridors with different conditions in order to be adapted to any use. In conclusion, spaces with these characteristics will provide optimum conditions for research projects and also further the knowledge of those that work there.

A Coru単a 11 de abril de 2013

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