EPR Newsletter Issue 8

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Are you ready?

Monday 26 February 2024 53 DAYSTOGO

Issue 8

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) programme newsletter.

Last week, we held our first Digital Health Forum with System C giving us an exciting look to the future at the capabilities of EPR If you weren’t able to join us then you can view the recordings on the intranet This week’s newsletter aims to provide some extra information about what our Change Agents should be doing to complete their action plans to get ready for Go Live, and introduce you to Nancy Skinner, Business Change Workstream Lead and Sally Orrell, Business Change Manager who can help with any of your questions

Business Continuity Plans

There will be a series of workshops and onsite testing of the downtime business continuity plans, ahead of the operational dress rehearsal on Tuesday 5 March, when SemaHelix will be down for around 3 hours for essential server maintenance. These will be taking place on Wednesday 28 February at RSH

For more information, email emma-jane.beattie@nhs.net


We need more floorwalkers and admin colleagues to ensure a smooth transition from SemaHelix to CareFlow. You will be given all training necessary before Go Live weekend If you are already on the bank we can allocate your shift through the bank, if you are on a substantive contract we can allocate the shift as overtime More information is available on the intranet

For more information, email Sath.eprprogrammepmo@nhs.net

Have you completed your training?

Congratulations to those divisions who have achieved the mid February target of 60%. The target for the end of February is 70% compliance so it is crucial that you continue to complete any required EPR training If you have completed your mandatory training through LMS then you can apply for CareFlow sandpit environment This will allow you to practise in your own time to become more confident before Go Live You can request this via IT Self Service

Floorwalkers will be coming to your department shortly so keep an eye out and have your questions ready. If you are struggling to complete your training, email the team on sath.ittrainingteam@nhs.net.

Nigel Lee, Director of Strategy and Partnerships Joshua Pagden, Chief Nursing Information Officer Rebecca Gallimore, Director of Digital Transformation Dr Shakawan Ismaeel, Chief Clinical Information Officer Dr Sevina Tzortzis, Chief Clinical Information Officer

Change Agents

Nancy Skinner (Business Change Workstream Lead) and Sally Orrell (Business Change Manager)

Nancy and Sally are the leads for the Business Change workstream in the EPR Programme As well as working closely with the Change Agents, the Business Change Team is here to understand the changes in process that new systems bring, and how the EPR Team can support colleagues during these changes through mitigations such as training, communication and risk/hazard management.

Sally said: “The Business Change Team is a vital asset to the EPR Programme The team engages with the end users to help you understand how new systems will impact your way of working and try and make any changes and transitions as smooth as possible

“The concept of Change Agents is new within the Trust for the PAS project, and we ’ ve been asked by quite a few people “why now?” The answer is that the implementation of CareFlow is the biggest digital transformational change the Trust has been through. We need eyes and ears on the ground to help us understand how people are feeling, where the pinch points are and how we can support users during cutover and go live

“The support and enthusiasm we ’ ve seen from the Change Agents has been fantastic, it’s been wonderful to see so many people wanting to get involved in such an important change”

Change Agents - did you know ?

We need all Change Agents to attend an onboarding session

In order to become a Change Agent, you must attend an onboarding session, to receive the information you will need Change Agents are not expected to be a Super User on the system – you will be there to have a high level understanding of the changes and the knowledge of where to signpost

There are still chances to do your Change Agent onboarding – we are running specific drop in sessions for the Medicine and Emergency Care Division on Wednesday 28 February, 1-5pm in Room C, Education Centre at PRH and Thursday 29 February 1-4pm in the Improvement Hub, Mytton Restaurant at RSH. Managers can email sath.askepr@nhs.net to request onboarding sessions for their departments

If you have completed your onboarding, we need you to start work on your action plan This includes:

Making your department aware that you are it’s Change Agent

Raising awareness of the key changes that are happening in April

Encouraging colleagues to complete training

We are here to support you every step of the way. If you’re a Change Agent and need any more information or support, email sath askepr@nhs net

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