The Canadian Shorthorn Report - Fall 2022

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The Canadian Shorthorn
Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #40019886 Fall 2022
The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 2

Turning Another Page!Turning Another Page!

Purebred Shorthorns have walked on our farm for 105 years so this has been a major decision for us to make. With the possibility of back surgery coming to me to fix the numbness to my legs, we have decided to sell our remaining cows in an online sale on November 21-22, 2022. This sale will be held in conjunction with our 16th Annual Frozen in Time online sale at

We will only be offering our very best in this sale. There will be a few older cows that have been allowed to go into this sale, because of their ability to produce excellent calves and we feel they should be able to produce a few more calves yet. We have kept our numbers lower in the past few years because of the serious droughts we have had and those making this sale have proven themselves. Several females are owned jointly with Martyn Moore in England and they sell in their entirety!

HC Sparkle Delight 20B ET x

This massive female is a full sister to HC Bluebook 22B who topped our 2016 Sun Country sale at $32,000. She is defect free, myostatin free and homozygous polled. She sells bred to Fraser’s 3N Dr Pepper 132N. The calf she is carrying should be amazing! Two excellent daughters also sell!

HC Lady Margie 1E ET x

This female was bred in the famed Marellan and Royalla herds in Australia through embryos we imported. Defect free. Myostatin free and homozygous polled. She sells bred to HC Gold Card 3G ETx. Three daughters also sell.

HC Melita Rose 5K ET x

A late March 2022 heifer calf sired by HC

Free Spirit 6Y ET and from Waukaru Melita Rose 7048 x She has been a standout since day 1 and she continues to impress with lots of style, length and thickness.

HC Rene Dottie 8K ET x

She is a late March full sister to HC Hollywood 6H who topped the Sun Country sale at $24,000 in 2020 selling to Major John Gibb and family, Glenisla Shorthorns, in Scotland. She is sired by HC Bluebook 22B ET and her dam is our famed producer and donor, Frimley Rene Dottie 72R.

Hill Haven Breathtaker May 28D ET

A full sister to Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C x.

She is also defect free and myostatin free.

We will also be offering some excellent embryo and semen lots in this sale! We will only offering a few of the best heifer calves in this sale and our current crop of bulls and heifers will be developed and offered in the Sun Country Sale March 7th, 2023.

We will have complete genetic tests done on all females in this sale and we will have pictures and videos on the sale site Catalogs will be on our website soon and printed copies will be mailed upon request only.

Horseshoe Creek Farms Ltd.

Weyburn, Saskatchewan Grant & Chris Alexander, Gerald Alexander 306-861-5504 Facebook: Horseshoe Creek Shorthorns
Page 3The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022

Next Issues

Cover Photo courtesy of Randi DeBruyne McCord, Saskatchewan

And here we go again!

It was the first official day of fall a few days ago, and I have heard so many people comment that fall is their favorite time of year. When I hear anyone say this, I automatically think to myself, that this person has probably not had livestock. By this, I mean that when you are raised with livestock, fall usually means that there is a long list of jobs around the farm that need to be done before the winter snows arrive. At least that was the way around our farm. We worked hard on our farm for the entire year it seemed, but when fall arrived, we went into overdrive, trying to make sure that every bale was hauled, every fence post was in the ground before it froze, every windbreak fence was repaired and every water fountain was working properly, before the cold winter winds arrived. There were also all the other required jobs like weaning calves, processing all the cows and giving all their vaccinations and getting your show and sale cattle ready for the upcoming fall events. Getting ready for the fall shows and sales is probably the thing

I miss the most about my fall season now. As many of you know, I used to take a large show string to some of the fall shows and I also held over 30 fall production sales over the years. This was an incredible amount of work, and an incredible number of early mornings and late evenings, but I loved every minute of it! I thought of these events as my “working holiday”. From the sale catalogs I have seen so far, I am thinking there will be an amazing offering of Shorthorn genetics available this fall and that is great! I just wish I was much younger when I see the powerful offering that will be available in the next few months.

I am now at the age where my head still wants to do these things but my body is screaming “absolutely no way!” I am pretty sure these thoughts will be with me until I am planted in the ground and it is fortunate that we have memories to fall back on. Even now, when my workload is more relaxed, I still go over

in my head on virtually a daily basis, a list of things I need to do before winter arrives.

I do understand fully what these people mean when they talk about their love of the fall season. The turning of the leaves, the cooler temperatures, the disappearance of insects in the air, gathering the bounties of harvest, are all wonderful things that fall brings. I get it and I like these parts of fall however I think the workload I have carried for most of my life has not provided me with the proper opportunity to enjoy these things as much as I would like.

Changing gears a bit, some of you probably saw a post I made a few weeks ago on the ”Shorthorn Breeders of Canada“ Facebook page. My neighbor, Derrell Rodine, stopped in one day and mentioned that his daughter Heather (Rodine) Persson had been teaching a course at McGill University in Montreal and had been to a restaurant there that featured Shorthorn beef on their menu. Heather is a former Saskatchewan Shorthorn Lassie and she is now the Chief Communications Officer at the University of Saskatchewan after several years of being Editorin Chief of the Regina Leader Post and Saskatoon Star Phoenix. I was pleasantly surprised to hear this, and I said that I had only ever saw Shorthorn Beef promoted on a menu at a small café/bar in rural Ireland. Derrell said that he did not know the name of this restaurant which prompted me to post it on Facebook to see if anyone could help name this restaurant. It did not take long before the Royalys Restaurant at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel was named. I was very pleased to see that this restaurant proudly promoting Shorthorn beef on their menu, was a high-end restaurant in Montreal.

Since hearing about this restaurant, several questions have come to my mind. How did this restaurant decide on featuring Shorthorn beef? Where do

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 4 Publications Mail Agreement #40019886 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: The Canadian Shorthorn Report Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 Phone 306-757-6133 Fax 306-525-5852 Email Grant Alexander 306-861-5504 Saskatchewan Livestock Association Belinda Wagner 306-757-6133
January 2023 Deadline - December 15 Publication - January 15 Spring 2023 Deadline - February 1 Publication - March 1 Herd Reference 2023 Deadline - July 1 Publication - August 1 Fall 2023 Deadline - September 15 Publication - October 15 Advertising Rates Full Page $450 2/3 Page 340 1/2 Page 275 1/3 Page 220 1/4 Page ................................ 180 1/6 Page ................................ 150 Business Card $65 or $180 yearly Colour extra. Subscriptions 1 Year (Canada) .................... $24 1 Year (U.S.) $30 US 1 Year (Foreign) $55 GST is applicable on all feesBN 107956021

they source their Shorthorn beef from?

Is it Canadian Shorthorn beef that is featured? There have been so many other questions that have crossed my mind. I do think that as Shorthorn breeders we need to investigate this further and find out the answers. I cannot even imagine what the possibilities would be if this breed could get a few more restaurants across this country to promote and serve Shorthorn beef. This is a tremendous opportunity to promote and advance our breed.

How many Shorthorn breeders even realize that the World Steak Challenge in the UK was won three years in a row by Shorthorn beef? This contest has had beef submitted from beef suppliers from several countries, to try to win the best steak in the world. This contest was cancelled during Covid; however I

recently have seen an article announcing that it was going to be held again. Maybe the Shorthorn breed can make it four in a row! Now that would be an amazing feat!

In our own case, we offer some Shorthorn beef each year from animals we have produced on our farm. Most of our customers say that it is the best beef they have ever had. This is because it is Shorthorn beef, not because it was raised on our farm. Every time we offer some of this beef, the orders come and we have never had a single person question what we charge for it. I have often thought we could sell it at whatever price we decided to price it at. Quality always brings a premium just as it does in selling live breeding stock. As most of you already know, this breed does so many things right but the problem

is that many others in the beef industry do not realize what Shorthorns can offer them. The job of doing this promotion falls on each and every breeder, as well as the breed association. If we leave it to someone else doing this work, it probably will not happen.

Let’s get ready to celebrate a wonderful Shorthorn fall season. There is so much to be thankful for with record high commercial calf prices, good feed supplies and more top-quality Shorthorn genetics than ever before. And I will try to take a few extra minutes every day to enjoy the fall colours!

Until next time, Grant

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 5

Canadian Shorthorn Association Board of Directors


Ray Armbruster

Rossburn, MB

Ph: 204-859-2088 Cell: 431-761-4477

President Elect

Bob Merkley

Aldergrove, BC

Phone 604-607-7733 Cell 778-240-7233

Directors Dan Stephenson

Okotoks, AB

Phone 403-938-4112 Cell 587-436-2224

Richard Moellenbeck

Box 47, Englefeld, SK S0K 1N0 Ph:306-287-3420 Cell: 306-287-7904

Dale Asser

Duntroon, ON Cell 705-444-9403

Dennis Cox Compton, QC

Phone 819-837-2086 Fax 819-820-5080

Marvin Peters Springfield, PE Phone 902-315-2939

Canadian Shorthorn Association

Belinda Wagner, Secretary-Treasurer Email

Shayla Chappell

Member & Registry Services

Phone 306-757-2212 Fax 306-525-5852

2nd Floor, Canada Centre Building REAL District, Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 Office hours - M-F - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

CSA N ew S ...

As I put pen to paper I am saying, “Where has the summer gone?” But overall, there are many positives to be thankful for. In most areas feed supplies, pastures and water supplies have significantly improved since 2021. We are also seeing commercially stronger markets which are desperately needed for the whole beef industry.

This summer has seen the return of activities such as summer shows and fairs that leads us into the fall season with a full slate of all the major shows back in full swing starting with Manitoba AG EX, followed by Farm Fair in Edmonton, the 100th Anniversary of the Toronto Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and wrapping up with Canadian Western Agribition in Regina. Also, very positive to see the Shorthorn sales across Canada with many seeing decades of continuity. We are also seeing some new sales starting up this fall. These are very positive signs and a testament to how far the Shorthorn Breed has come. Best of luck to consignors and thanks to everyone that participates in shows and sales this year.

The resolutions discussed at the 2022 AGM were voted on by a membership mail-in vote. I can tell you that all the amendments regarding the changes and updating the constitution on removing wording dealing with the Lincoln Red separation as well as allowing notices, meetings and voting electronically were passed. The amendment regarding adding mandatory Myostatin testing to sires was defeated. These amendments that were voted on are presently at AG

Canada for review and approval. My own thoughts on the myostatin testing is that we should not be complacent as we have become more aware and knowledgeable in managing the pros and cons of myostatin, with tools to test and having the ability to communicate and make decisions. There is an article in this magazine responding to the letter to the editor from the last issue and more information on testing can be found on our website. The website can also provide information on memberships, registrations, all forms, coming events, shows and sales and all contact information if you need assistance.

As you may know by now we are proceeding with the Shorthorn steer test at the Manitoba Bull Test Station. November 14-18 is our main period to take in steers for the trial. The trial will be about a 200-day test which we can gain raw data and information and results on gain and performance as well as carcass data. This will give us accurate promotional information. For more information contact myself Ray Armbruster at 204-859-2088, or Richard Moellenbeck 306-287-3420, cell 306287-7904,

Lastly, I would like to honour our late Queen Elizabeth the 11, a lifelong supporter of agriculture and livestock and who lived a life of dignity and service. 

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 6
Show your Shorthorn Pride and brand them purple!
The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 7 Jewels of the Prairie Female Sale Jewels of the Prairie Female Sale Managed by Jack Auction Group Richard Bramley 204 867 7511 Brennin Jack 306 641 9285 Barn 1 Keystone center Brandon MB. December 7th at 4pm Consigned are: ~ 17 open heifers ~ 21 bred heifers (both commercial & purebred) ~ Embryos ~ 1 herd sire prospect! Let’s have a sale! Contact Blair Williamson 519-808-0516 or or Like Ontario Shorthorns on Facebook Saturday, November 19, 2022 - 1pm Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON Offering: Bred and Open Females along with Show Prospects OSA FALL CLASSIC SALE
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The myostatin condition or defect as it is also referred to, continues to come up frequently in discussion. It was a topic at this year’s AGM in Manitoba and views on both sides of the issue were discussed in earnest. The resulting bylaw amendment vote to include or not include myostatin (along with all other known genetic conditions/defects) as a required test on sires (as TH currently is) was voted down by the memberships’ write in ballots. While mandatory testing would, by CSA rule, have guaranteed myostatin data be available on all bulls, the absence of a mandatory breed rule does not eliminate the ability of every breeder interested in knowing the status of their animals to find it out themselves. The good news is that it is not expensive to do the tests and red flag data is readily available on our Digital Beef registry.

The recent letter to the editor in The Shorthorn Report outlining one breeder’s difficulties with myostatin affected calves has prompted this article. The following is intended only to be a refresher on the tools available to all breeders to manage all conditions/defects, including myostatin,

if they want to. The information provided can be used to make individual breeder decisions on how to manage a positive or possibly positive result. We have the tools; we just need to know how to use them if we choose to.

At this time, it is appropriate to reiterate the fact that myostatin is not inherently negative, let alone deadly or destructive. In fact, cattle breeders worldwide and not just Shorthorn breeders, actively and purposely manage myostatin in their herds for the beneficial qualities it brings to an animal’s carcass quality and volume. Negative issues ranging from moderate to severe physical deformities or calving problems can arise in progeny with two sets of a disruptive myostatin variant i.e.; on both the dam and sire side. Breeders who successfully utilize the myostatin condition to their benefit do so by minimizing the doubling up of the disruptive variants in their breeding programs. (Please see article from 2017 published in The Shorthorn Report which summarizes the condition in detail) formsandresources

Neogen Condition/Defect Testing:

The cost of a stand-alone test for Myostatin is $30 which is very reasonable. The other defect tests on their own are $25 each. However, if you choose to also test for all conditions/ defects as well as parentage and get the GE-EPD, for enhanced EPDs, the cost of that combo test is only $80 which is a very good deal.

Digital Beef DNA Tab:

Valuable information on an animal’s condition/defect status can be found by clicking on the DNA tab once you have signed in and entered your animal’s ID. When you reach the DNA page you will see all of the commonly known Shorthorn conditions/defects listed as well as parentage testing data (see sample charts below). If an animal has been tested the result will be next to the condition/ defect. If it has not been tested, it will be blank. If the sire and dam are both tested free of a condition/defect, it will show free by pedigree. If ‘possible’ shows next to a name, that is an indication that somewhere back in the animal’s pedigree there is a relative that tested positive, so

Free of Myostatin by Pedigree

Free of Myostatin

Possible for E226 variant

Positive for E226 variant

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 10

Count on Predictable Genetics


this is an indicator of a possible condition/ defect. Please be aware: POSSIBLE is NOT the same as POSITIVE… it is just a notice of a possibility. As virtually all conditions/defects are linked genetically, the ‘possible’ flag is meant to be nothing more than an extra clue or fact to help breeders in making a decision on whether or not to pursue testing on that animal. It is not an answer in any way on its own.

As helpful as this tab may appear, it is also far from being a foolproof tool. If you do not see a possible it does not mean the animal is negative or free. If

none of an animal’s ancestry have ever been tested then the status cannot be postulated either way – only a test on the animal will tell. You may therefore feel that the information is so hit and miss why bother to consider it? But the good news is that more and more prominent breeders in Canada are regularly testing their bulls as well as some or all of their cow herds. In the not-too-distant future as more data becomes available, the number of animals with ancestry that have never been tested will be growing smaller and smaller. As a result, the DNA tab will become more useful.

In conclusion, herd management is an individual responsibility and we can feel good that our association has provided tools to help do some of the work inexpensively and quite simply.

For more information on genetic conditions you can visit this page on our website. geneticconditions

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 11
On offer at the Ontario Shorthorn Association FALL CLASSIC November 19, 2022 - Maple Hill Auctions, Walkerton, ON Heifers from our top cow families and great predictable sires 07K - Hector x Rose family • 12K - Crimson 72H x Silver Rose family 24K - Fast Rider x Mona Lisa family • 31K - Fast Rider x Jane family 39K - Lehne Alexander 2D x Julia family GLENCOE, ON Gordon & Sally Crawford 519-870-2396 Reed, Jane, Shelby & Josie Crawford 519-857-7333 Crawfdown Lucy 03K Grand Champion Female for Shelby

In Memory... George Brown

This summer we lost a pillar of the cattle industry. George Brown of Glenrothes Farm at Beaverton, Ontario passed away peacefully in his 93rd year. The phrase “he died with his boots on” is particularly fitting for George. He was unloading hay just a few short weeks ago. He is now at rest and reunited with his beloved wife Audrey.

BROWN: George Douglas. Born September 6, 1929. Died August 29, 2022.George passed away peacefully surrounded by his children and, as he wished, on his beloved Glenrothes Farm where he was born almost 93 years ago. Partner in life for 65 years with his dearly loved wife Audrey who predeceased him in 2017. Loved and admired father to Nancy Brown Andison and husband Michael and to Douglas Brown and wife Yvonne. Adored grandfather to Julian (Emily) and Jordan (Annie) Brown and to Nicholas and Patrick Andison and great grandfather to George Ernest Brown. Cherished brother of Eunice Jewel and Lois McEachern and the late Norma Wright and Lorne Brown.

George attended school in Beaverton, Ontario where he and Audrey became high school sweethearts. He went on to attend Toronto Normal School, graduating as a teacher at 19 years of age and beginning his teaching career in a oneroom school at Bagotville, where he agreed to also be the school janitor so he could earn extra money to marry Audrey. George and Audrey married in 1952 and moved to Pickering where George continued to teach school. He retired from

In Memory... Gavin Graham

It is with great sadness that the family of Gavin Graham, 43, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, announces his passing on September 8th, 2022, after a hardfought battle with cancer.

Gavin was born on August 7th, 1979, to James “Jim” and Connie Graham in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Gavin grew up on a mixed farm in Lone Rock, Saskatchewan with a close-knit extended family. In his youth he was active in 4-H and loved reading encyclopedias. Gavin went on to complete Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan before moving to New Brunswick in 2006.

In 2009, Gavin married Luella and they went on to have three children, Lennox (9), Vesta (6), and Wilton (4). Gavin was a loyal Saskatchewan Roughrider fan and took instilling Rider pride in his children very seriously.

teaching in 1984 after a 35-year career, having built lifelong friendships with both fellow teachers and former students.

In 1961, George purchased the family farm and embarked on building his prize-winning purebred Shorthorn herd over the next 60 years, winning top honours at local, regional, and national shows. Annually, the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair was a highlight where Glenrothes cattle have excelled for 50 years. George sold cattle to Shorthorn breeders across Canada and internationally and he and Audrey built many special friendships through their cattle related activities, traveling in Canada, the USA and Scotland and hosting World Shorthorn Conference tours at Glenrothes Farm.

Always a community supporter, George volunteered throughout his life leading youth sports, activities, and clubs and as a board member or active participant in agricultural organizations, community life, and the church.

An exceptionally intelligent, well informed, kind, and friendly soul, George was a lifelong learner, a highly respected teacher, and well-regarded cattleman. He loved music, dancing, poetry, nature, science, sports, and time spent with family and friends.

Gavin had an excellent work ethic and took pride in his job as a Weed Management Specialist for the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture. He led an active weed research and farmer extension program for New Brunswick farmers. He was also an active member and served on the boards for both the New Brunswick Institute of Agrologists and the Canadian Weed Science Society.

In his free time, Gavin enjoyed always wearing green and cheering loudly for the Riders, entering ratings into his Untappd beer app, trying new foods on his travel adventures, as well as playing and coaching curling.

He is survived by his wife, Luella Graham; children, Lennox, Vesta, and Wilton; parents, James “Jim” and Connie Graham, two brothers,Philip and Kirk and sister Barbara.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, or to your local 4-H Club.

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 12
The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 13 We will be offering offspring of these sires in the Jewels of the Prairie Female Sale December 7th and also in the Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale in the spring. Visitors always welcome. Birdtail Shorthorns Ray and Susan Armbruster Rossburn, MB 204 859 2088 Birdtail Copyright 20C Birdtail EI Ideal 1D Birdtail Everyday 50E Birdtail Frontier 41C

Canadian Junior Shorthorn Association Board of Directors

President: Samantha Lundy

Collingwood, ON

Vice-President: Royce Moellenbeck Englefeld, SK

Secretary: Taylor Carlson

Elm Creek, MB

Directors: Jessica Davey Saskatoon, SK

Samuel Dempsey West Brome, QC

Evan Patriquin

Thorhild, AB

Brooke Van De Voorde Meeting Creek, AB

Nolan Vandersluis

Elm Creek, MB

CJSA Update...

This is a short little message for all our enthusiastic Junior members across Canada about upcoming deadlines and events.

Don’t forget that Canadian Shorthorn Scholarship applications are due November 1. There are two available –one for $1000 and one for $500. The application form is on the website or email us at juniors@canadianshorthorn. com for details – it’s a pretty simple process and you can’t win if you don’t apply.

Our 2023 Shorthorn Stars Leadership Forum will be held in Calgary February 4th and 5th, details are to come but get ready for some fun filled days of learning, meeting new people and helping to build our Junior program and breed! Also note that Manitoba will be the place to be next summer for our


National Junior Shorthorn show – stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages for more information on the show coming soon.

If anyone has any questions about joining our Canadian Junior Shorthorn Board of Directors, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Director nominations are due January 31. The Canadian Junior Shorthorn Association board provides juniors with the experience of meeting new people, building industry connections, enhancing decisionmaking skills, and helping build confidence. Of all the benefits of being a junior board director don’t forget about the best part, taking responsibility and planning events for your fellow juniors across Canada.

I look forward to seeing many of you out at the shows and sales this fall!

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 14
Shorthorn Association Belinda Wagner, Secretary-Treasurer 2nd Floor, Canada Centre Building REAL District, Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 Phone 306-757-2212 Fax 306-525-5852 Email Website Office hours - M-F - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
ApplybyNovember1st foryourchanceatthetwo scholarshipsavailablethis year-$1000forfirstand $500 for second!
Landon Schutz
Yellowhead County, AB Taylor Carlson, Elm Creek, MB to last year’s Scholarship winners!

Six strategies for recruiting employees...

When I visit with cattlemen and cattlewomen, they are excited to tell me about their calf crop, maybe even brag that they believe this is the best set of calves to hit the ground or boast about a new herd sire they purchased and what changes may result. Rarely do they focus on talking about the long hours and hard work that comes with their profession because they know it’s part of the ranching and farming lifestyle; however, now, what I hear frequently is the difficulty of finding ranch/ farm employees. Sourcing and hiring labor is a hurdle that is wearing on cattlemen. The long days get longer with fewer hands around to do the work, leaving some cattlemen facing the decision to cut down on numbers and impacting their longterm goals.

In today’s workplace climate, the focus has shifted from intense scrutiny of the employee to the spotlight now shining on the employer. A ranch manager told me he had to shift his mindset - “it’s not just me out there trying to find men and women to come and work on the ranch; it is them deciding if this is a place they want to work.” People want to know if the new role will be a good fit before relocating themselves and their families. Let’s face it: great employees are not just waiting around without work; they are in demand and can be selective in choosing an employer with a reputation for providing a culture where people feel valued and want to work.

Here are a few suggestions to help shift your mindset in the hiring and recruitment process:

1. Be brand worthy. Your cow herd may be known for its superior phenotype or above-average EPDs, but what is the human resource side of your business known for? Have you created an environment as a preferred employer with a culture that has branded your business as a place where talented, trustworthy, hard-working people want to work? Traditionally, employers ask for employee references to gain further insight into their work history and credentials. Today, employees are asking for references about the management. Word travels fast among the livestock community. If you or your business has the reputation of not being the best place to work, it will be more challenging to recruit the type of talent you desire.

2. Be responsive. Think about how you feel when you don’t get a returned phone call or an email you have been waiting for. Potential employees will feel the same way. A lack of response is discouraging and raises red flags about how you will communicate with them once they are hired. Remember, if you don’t see someone as a candidate for the current role, they may be better suited for a future position or know someone perfect for the job. Determine a hiring timeline to help you stay focused and prevent any oversight of failing to communicate with candidates.

3. Be fair. Research the going rate of compensation for the role. Employees will have done their homework by asking around in their network. A fair value will represent your devotion to finding a qualified candidate. What other compensations or benefits are offered (housing, meals, transportation, vacation time)? What about cattle or other livestock like horses? Will there be an opportunity to run livestock with the ranch herd or rent a pasture nearby? Your goal is to build a solid, trusting, respectful, long-lasting relationship with your new employee. Transparency and clarity while discussing monetary and nonmonetary issues are imperative; this is probably the number one issue I hear ranch managers and owners say causes a rift between them and employees. Frequently, we are so peopleoriented and practical in agriculture that we don’t take the business side of arrangements seriously enough. The discussion turns to, “that was not articulated or written down.”

4. Be Prepared. Develop a job description, which at minimum, outlines the skills, experiences, knowledge, and expectations for success – the core competencies. This document demonstrates your dedication to finding the right candidate, is helpful as you promote the position across your network and is a valuable guideline to reference during the interview, training, and evaluation. Don’t oversell the position - doing so can lead to frustration, disappointment, low morale, and employee departure.

5. Be Social. Utilize social media (Facebook, Instagram, ranch’s website) in recruitment and highlight your operation’s values and working style. Post photos such as ranch activities, scenery, or the people involved, to tell your ranch story, reinforcing your brand and reputation. It also gives a window into the type of work a potential employee might do. People want to work for a place that is proud of the ranch and the work its employees do. Liking and following other posts also reflects on the character and values of your operation as well.

6. Be Connected. Inform those you do business with (banker, veterinarian, feed store, fellow ranchers) that you are looking to recruit a new employee. They are familiar with your values, culture, and business goals and can pre-screen potential candidates for you. Encourage them to share the names of candidates with you at any time, even when you may not have an opening. Maintaining a list of potential future employees can come in handy when sudden changes occur or other seasonal work surfaces. Support 4-H or other local agricultural organizations by offering an intern-related position to source talent, plus, showing your support to the livestock and agricultural community keeps your ranch top of mind.

In the end, your motto should be, “it’s my job to work hard to make this a positive place to work if I want to recruit the right kind of employee.”

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 15




King St, Caledon, ON L7C 0R3

Cell: 647-400-2844

Cell: 519-400-3160

Cell: 416-274-7124

Prospect Hill

Les & Shelley Peterson


Kettleview Shorthorns

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 16 Half Diamond Double R Ranch Renwick’s Orville, Eleanor & Family Box 607, Melita, MB R0M 1L0 204-522-8686 Email: BODMIN George & Elizabeth Procter RR #5 Brussels, ON N0G 1H0 PH 519-887-9206 FAX 519-887-9880 email - For all your printing needs (306) 525-8796 Philip Burgess and Family “Committed to Shorthorns” 1519 Highway #1 Falmouth, NS B0P 1L0 902-798-5174 (h) 902-790-2985 (c) Green Grove Visit us at the farm or at RAISING QUALITY SHORTHORNS FOR OVER 50 YEARS
Box 64 Meeting Creek, AB T0B 2Z0 SHORTHORNS
The Shelley’s Ronald, Carol and family Fax: (519) 335-3939 4631 Perth Road 178, RR #2 Gorrie, ON N0G 1X0 Tel: (519) 335-3679 Est. 1901 Box 597, Rossburn, MB. R0J 1V0 Phone/fax 204 859 2088
Shorthorns Ray & Susan Armbruster R.R. 3 Mannville, AB T0B 2W0 6 1/2 miles South of Mannville on Hwy 881 Doug & Karen Hess & family Ph/Fax: (780) 763-2209 Dennis & Marlene Cox, Jeremiah, Joseph, Jessica Ph: 819-837-2086
JJJ P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Ph: 403.946.4551 Fax: 403.946.5093 Embryo Transplants Ltd. Dr. Christine Ewert Hill (306)452-7867 (C) • (306)452-3803 (H) Box 31, Redvers, SK S0C 2H0
David’s Jessica’s Joanne’s
Alberta’s Finest Bull & Heifer Sale March 18, 2023 Agriplex - Stettler, AB For more info:


Alvin Johnson Box 27 Brownvale, AB T0H 0L0 Ph/Fax 780-618-9044

Coming Events ...

Oct 26-29 Manitoba Ag Ex Show, Brandon, MB

Nov 1-5 ....... Lloydminster Stockade Roundup Show, Lloydminster, SK

Nov 6 Royal Winter Fair National Shorthorn Show, Toronto, ON

Nov 11 Farmfair International Shorthorn Show, Edmonton, AB

Nov 14-18 Delivery days for CSA Steer Finishing Trial, Douglas, MB

Nov 18-19 Ist Annual Canadian Premier Shorthorn Show & Sale, Olds, AB

Nov 19 ........ Ontario Fall Classic Sale, Walkerton, ON

Nov 21-22 Horseshoe Creek “Frozen in Time” and Herd Dispersal Online Sale, Weyburn, SK

Dec 1 Canadian Western Agribition Shorthorn Sale, Regina, SK Dec 2 Canadian Western Agribition Shorthorn Show, Regina, SK

Dec 4 .......... 4’s Company Sale, Camrose, AB

Dec 7 Jewels of the Prairies Female Sale, Brandon, MB

Dec 7-8 Muridale Online Heritage Sale, Swift Current, SK

Dec 15 ........ Shorthorn Alliance Sale, Saskatoon, SK

Mar 4-6 On Target Online Shorthorn Sale, Radville, SK

Mar 7 Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

Mar 18 Alberta’s Finest Bull & Heifer Sale, Stettler, AB

Apr 6 Who’s Your Daddy Sale, Saskatoon, SK

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 17
This Space Could be Yours!

Canadian Shorthorn Association Steer Finishing Trial

CSA, in conjunction with Manitoba Bull Test Station, will be conducting a Steer Test at Douglas, Manitoba

Take-in dates are November 14-18.

Some of the fixed costs:

• Membership to MBCPA $10.00

• Nomination per head $25.00 (put to initial feed costs)

• Yardage .85 cents per day per head

**Feed costs paid monthly

- The Test station is flexible as to pen size, we obviously want as many as possible, but manager is willing to work with numbers we can accumulate.

- Targeting about a 200 day test. We prefer that steers have a least one set of vaccinations. They will be boostered upon arrival.

- We would like to see the core group of 6-7 weights, a little flexibility to lighter or heavier, with heavier being preferred.

- Emphasize good quality, going ahead animals. Any number will be accepted, 1 or more.

If interested let Ray Armbruster or Richard Moellenbeck know soon so vaccines can be ordered and delivery date assistance can be arranged.

Ray Armbruster 204-859-2088 Cell: 431-761-4477

Richard Moellenbeck 306-287-3420 Cell: 306-287-7904

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022Page 18

Female Sale

Prairie Female Sale

The Canadian SHORTHORN REPORT - Fall 2022 Page 19 Box 4, Site 11 Swift Current, SK S9H 3X7 Scot 306-741-6833 Russell 306-741-1727 Casey 306-677-7102 Tanner 306-677-7755 2nd Annual Muridale Heritage Sale December 7-8, 2022 online at DLMS Farmgate Selling 30 Purebred & 25 Commercial Shorthorn Bred Heifers Muridale Shorthorns You are welcome to come view the herd anytime. Goose 7J ET AGR Hector X Muridale Goose 76Y Songstress 67J Muridale Gainer 302G X Muridale Songstress 17D Also Selling 5 Blue Roan Bred Heifers at Canadian Western Agribition Commercial Sale December 3 The Manitoba Shorthorn Association Presents the 1st Annual Featuring purebreds, commercials and frozen genetics! Sale managed by Jack Auction Auction Jewels of the Prairie
Jewels of the
Wednesday December 7th 4:00pm Barn 1 at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, MB Broadcast online with DLMS Please contact Lesley Hedley 204-573-1939 or Grayson Ross 204-851-2293 for more info!

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