Achieve Autumn 2017 Edition

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Contents Apprenticeship Reforms


Apprenticeships 04 the N Brown way Salford City College 06 amongst Skills for Business Awards shortlist




Salford City College and Salford Royal win big at National Awards


Apprenticeships = Opportunity


Building a Salford future for young people


Building for the future: recruitment partnership helps youngsters secure jobs


14 Apprentice nominated for National MPA Award 15 Alex Whittle: apprentice success story 16 Project 2000 17 Make the most

of your money! Cash hacks for apprentices

18 Number one in

Greater Manchester

19 Careers in

hospitality & services

20 Pet Medics:

Shining a light on animal care and apprenticeship development



0161 631 5555


2017 will, in our sector, be forever remembered as the year of the Apprenticeship Reforms. 2017 will, in our sector, be forever remembered as the year of the Apprenticeship Reforms. This year the nation started getting very serious about apprenticeships. Like the majority of other providers up and down the country, we have worked tirelessly to develop new apprenticeship standards, design new processes and implement new pricing policies. We are passionate about apprenticeships and are determined to make sure they work for our apprentices and our employers. As a college we now have more apprentices then ever before, and have launched an ambitious plan to ensure our growth continues (See Project 2000: page 16). Our success rates are excellent and employer and apprenticeship feedback is very strong.

Debbie Ward

Allan Milne

Head of Apprenticeships & Partnerships, Senior Leadership

Head of Apprenticeship & Business Development

2018 promises to be full of continued challenge and excitement. The Apprenticeship Reforms will challenge us for another couple of years. We must continue to ensure our apprentices and employers, as our key customers, are at the heart of all we do. We celebrated our apprenticeship team staff awards recently. It was a great occasion where we recognised the amazing work undertaken by our staff. In a year that has seen unprecedented change in the sector, they have performed superbly. More apprentices than ever before have started and achieved apprenticeships at Salford City College because of them.

Chris Wiley Head of Apprenticeship Delivery

From our support functions, sales and recruitment, delivery and management, each and every staff member has contributed to a great year. The theme for the awards was Topgun: the best of the best - they certainly are! Here’s to 2018 being even more successful!






0161 631 5555

Salford City College:


Raring to go with the Apprenticeship Reforms The Apprenticeship Reforms, designed to place Apprenticeship provision at the heart of employment based training activity will come into effect from April 2017 with significant benefits and opportunities for employers in all sectors. Influential speakers suggest they are the biggest changes to Apprenticeship provision we will see for a lifetime, and really will make a huge difference to the educational landscape. The reforms are based around four key areas: 1.

Introduction of Apprenticeship Standards:

Employers up and down the country have been ripping up the old Apprenticeship frameworks and redesigning exactly what skills, attitudes and behaviours Apprentices require to succeed! Apprenticeship frameworks will gradually be removed by 2020, leaving the sector with a wide range of Apprenticeship Standards designed by industry, for industry. Apprenticeship Standards can include a wide variety of different training and development activity, to fit particular requirements in different sectors, but all will conclude in an ‘end assessment’, where Apprentices will have to prove they have the skills required. 2.

The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy:

To support the creation of a world class Apprenticeship sector, the Apprenticeship Levy will be introduced by HRMC in April 2017. Because of a £15,000 subsidy for all companies, the levy will only affect companies with a PAYE bill of over £250,000 per month (£3million per year). Where a company returns a PAYE bill of over £250,000 per month to HRMC, a 0.5% levy will be imposed on that PAYE bill, with the levy added into a digital account for that company to spend on Apprenticeship

training. The funds will remain in that digital account for 24 months for the company to use, thereafter, it will be recouped into the public purse to support other Apprenticeship provision. 3.

Funding Reforms:

Significant changes in Apprenticeship funding will see a much simpler landscape for providers. From April 2017, Apprenticeship frameworks and standards will be placed in one of fifteen predetermined bands. Where employers pay the Apprenticeship Levy and have sufficient continuous funds in their ‘pot’ they will pay 100% of the costs. Where employers don’t pay an Apprentice Levy, they will enter the market place as a ‘co-investment’ organisation. The government will pay a whopping 90% of their Apprenticeship training costs, with the company left to commit to the remaining 10%. The predetermined bands will guide the price charged for Apprenticeships, but employers are free to negotiate where they see fit. Small companies (under 50 employees) who support a 16-18 year old into an Apprenticeship will not pay any of the Apprenticeship costs. 4.

The introduction of the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS):

The final element of the reforms will also see the addition of the DAS to the Apprenticeship market place. Eventually the DAS will control all transactions between employers and training providers, however, initially for the first year it will only manage transactions on behalf of those with a levy fund. The DAS will enable to employers to manage their own Apprenticeship provision, selecting the training providers who best fit their business needs. It will also be a fantastic resource which employers can turn to and find out information on apprenticeship provision and process.

Debbie Ward, Director of Apprenticeships & Community Learning at Salford City College is excited about what lies ahead, she said,“The Apprenticeship Reforms will ensure fantastic opportunities ahead for Apprenticeship providers, particularly the stronger ones with great quality. The reforms place control into the hands of employers, and obviously they will only want to work with the best providers, who can deliver the best training and development for their Apprentices” Increased flexibilities on those who can undertake Apprenticeships will also ensure employers benefit. Previously individuals who had successfully obtained a degree could not be supported onto an Apprenticeship, but post April 2017, as long as that individually requires significant re-skilling, they can participate. Giving the significance of the Apprenticeship Reforms, Salford City College are working hard to ensure they support all employers with further information and details. The following resource/events are available: •

Free consultancy to business on the impact of the Apprenticeship Reforms to their business

Increased information on Salford City College website and Apprentice Levy Calculator

Event on the 18 November 2016 in partnership with The Morson Group & Salford City Council aimed at Apprenticeship Levy paying organisations.

A further Salford City College event in February 2017 for employers who will be affected by the reforms.

For further information on any of the above, please call 0161 631 5555 to speak to a member of the Apprenticeship team.

Information correct at time of print.


Apprenticeship Reforms Update There is no doubt about it, apprenticeships are here to stay! Backed by all political parties as one of the key ways to harness and develop the skills of the nation, the breadth and range of apprenticeship provision is better than ever before. Earlier this year, we provided a summary of the Apprenticeship Reforms sweeping across the sector (see left). As we come to the end of the year, now is a great time to reflect on the positive impact they are making.


in scope for the levy are on-board as the growing range of apprenticeships available make the levy incredibly attractive. If you are in scope, and not on board give us a call!

Employer groups up and down the country continue to develop and shape new apprenticeship provision. New standards will ensure apprentices have the skills they need to be a success in their chosen sector. Many new standards are available, and at Salford City College we are delivering a range of them. Likewise, many new standards are still in development. What is certain is that the final products are superb. They offer providers the chance to work with employers closer than ever before, demanding commitment from all involved. All standards will contain an end point assessment (EPA), all of which differ by sector and apprenticeship type. Some are skills tests, some interviews, and others are written exams or presentations. What we know is that the EPA’s drive up the quality of apprenticeship delivery, ensuring all apprentices absolutely possess the skills and knowledge they need to move forward.

THE APPRENTICESHIP LEVY A key element of the reforms, and perhaps the element with the highest profile is the Apprenticeship Levy.

FUNDING REFORMS The simplified funding arrangements introduced from the 1st May 2017 have made understanding apprenticeship funding clearer. Those in scope for the Apprenticeship Levy, and with sufficient funds pay 100% of the costs. Employers not in scope pay 10%, with the Government picking up the balance. Small companies who employ a 16-18 year old apprentice pay nothing. At Salford City College, we have created a new role, Apprenticeship Finance and Partnership Coordinator, to work with employers every day to support them. This has been very popular with employers, with some great feedback received to date.


Any company with a PAYE bill of over £250k per month pays 0.5% of that into a digital account, via HMRC. This money remains in their digital account, and can only be used to pay for apprenticeship training for their employees.

The Digital Apprenticeship Service enables employers to interact with training providers like never before. They have control and full visibility of the funding mechanisms and transactions that support their staff. Currently only Apprenticeship Levy companies can access the DAS, but before long all apprentices will be managed via the system.

The scramble to work out levy amounts and understand the process has been frantic but the majority of companies

For further information on the Apprenticeship Reforms, or to organise a free consultation contact 0161 631 5555. 3


Apprenticeships the N Brown Way Developing great talent is essential

Salford City College are delighted to be supporting N Brown, one of the UK’s leading online retailers, in implementing their new talent development strategy. Aligned to the apprenticeship reforms, N Brown, best known for brands such as JD Williams, Jacamo and Simply Be, have invested significant effort and energy into making sure one of the key reforms, the apprenticeship levy, works in harmony with how they want to develop their staff and culture. With a planned roll out of apprenticeship provision across all areas of their business, N Brown plan to develop both new and current staff. They have selected the most appropriate apprenticeship programmes for their skill development needs, and procured a small number of providers who best fit with their culture and values. Allan Milne, Head of Apprenticeship and Business Development at Salford City College is delighted with the developing partnership. He said: “N Brown is a leading online fashion retailer, with over 140-years of experience. 4

“A critical element of the partnership has been ensuring that we truly understand the N Brown culture, values and methods, so we can integrate this into our delivery programmes.” Salford City College staff have spent time in all areas of the N Brown business fostering this understanding. Allan along with Chris Wiley, Head of Apprenticeship Delivery, have even spent time in one of the N Brown call centres, observing international communications with customers from the United States.


Clare Jay, Apprentice Lead at N Brown commented: “At N Brown we take talent development incredible seriously. In a competitive marketplace, our people really do make a huge difference to our business. It is vital that we continually invest in the skills our business needs to be successful.“ “Apprenticeships offer a great way for us to develop new and existing staff. Our partnership with Salford City College is exciting and innovative.” If you think an apprenticeship might be for you, why not contact the Salford City College Apprenticeships Team on 0161 631 5555, or via email at

For more information on N Brown, visit



Salford City College amongst Skills for Business Awards shortlist Apprenticeships at Salford City College have been nominated twice within the Education Business Partnership of the Year Award category, at the 2017 Skills for Business Awards. Their first nomination is alongside Pendleton Together, part of the Together Housing Group, a regeneration programme that has already been recognised for its work in building the skills of the community. Salford City College and the organisation work together to provide apprenticeships for people in Salford, within the housing and construction industry. Their aim is to ‘inspire young people to think seriously about a career in the sector’, and to provide employment opportunities for them. Thanks to the partnership 35 local businesses have been re-engaged with apprenticeship programmes which has helped almost 100 people find sustainable employment. The college’s second nomination was for their partnership with Morson Group. The organisation is celebrated for being one of the largest providers of apprenticeships in the area, generating opportunities in a range of sectors including rail, finance, administration, IT, management and recruitment. When asked about the nominations, Debbie Ward, Director Apprenticeships and Community, Salford City College said: “Successful partnerships with employers are massively important in delivering our aspiration of providing outstanding apprenticeships. “We are delighted that several of our clients have been recognised by these awards for the amazing opportunities they provide to apprentices, as well as ourselves.” The Skills for Business Awards, now in their fourth year, recognise and celebrate the direct impact learning has on businesses, individuals and communities in Greater Manchester. Apprenticeships at Salford City College also work closely with Seddon, with whom they’ve worked in partnership with since 2011. The college have nominated Seddon for the Large Business of the Year Award, which they have been shortlisted for. This year’s event will be held at the Emirates Old Trafford on November 30, and are being hosted in partnership with Pearson, the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network.


Below: John Jordan, Employment and Skills Coordinator for Pendleton Together with Allan Milne, Head of Apprenticeship and Business Development at Salford City College with the Festival of Learning Award.


Salford City College and Salford Royal prove their partnership is a healthy one after big win at National Awards


alford City College and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust have won the Partnership and Collaboration Award at the Health Education England National Awards. The two have teamed up to create the Salford Royal Sector Based Work Programme, a course which aims to help get unemployed people into long-term careers. Teamwork is at the heart of the partnership. From recruitment through to completion of the programme and creating employment opportunities for the participants. Both organisations must work together closely, sharing delivery, supporting work placements, developing knowledge and generally making a difference to the lives of those signed up. Their work together has been so successful it has seen 100% of their first cohort enter employment. Debbie Ward, Director of Apprenticeships and Community, Salford City College, said this about the win:

“Salford City College are delighted to win the Health Education England Partnership and Collaboration Award in partnership with Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. This unique programme has been running for a number years under the Sector Based Work Academy model and has made such a difference to so many lives. “The college deliver a four-week classroom element enabling the students to complete and achieve a Level 1 Diploma in Health and Social Care, which is followed by a 10-week work placement at the Trust.

worker and develop skills and experience ready for employment in a worthwhile career. The progression from the programme into employment with the Trust is excellent, with 100% of the last cohort gaining employment.” The programme helps those who are ready for work, and receiving benefits, to secure employment. Inner city Salford is one of the most deprived urban areas in the UK. Unemployment is high, NEET levels are the second worst in the UK and educational attainment is poor. The population is growing rapidly, partly because of the wealth created by MediaCityUK. The programme is a way of creating a skilled workforce that helps the Trust to meet their immediate and future recruitment needs, as well as supporting local residents who want to improve their situation and the lives of themselves and their families. Participants are carefully selected, ensuring they are not only Salford residents but are caring individuals with clear motivation, drive and readiness to step into the world of work, in a healthcare setting. Most participants are long-term unemployed and some have never worked. Most are mothers, the majority are single mothers. The participants are passionate and determined, their lives are complicated and hectic, they need help to adapt to the strict routines of working life. All staff involved, from both the college and the Trust, understand their challenges. If you, or someone you know, is interested in hearing more about the Salford Royal Sector Based Work Programme, then they can call Salford City College’s Apprenticeships Team on: 0161 631 5555.

“The participants grow in confidence, gain a much greater understanding of the role of clinical support



APPRENTICES Apprenticeships are available in 1500 job roles, covering more than 170 industries

Salford City College are number one for apprenticeships in Greater Manchester



92% of former apprentices felt their apprenticeship had a positive impact on their career

Apprenticeship success rates at Salford City College are 14% above the national average

There are approximately half a million apprentices across the UK, with the figure rising each year 9 out of 10 apprentices are satisfied with their apprenticeship overall


Earn while you learn. Did you know in an apprenticeship you are not only gaining a qualification, but you will actually receive a wage for your time?

Combine work & study

Apprenticeships can be in almost anything, from construction to healthcare

+ 2,600

More than 2,600 employers were involved in creating the new apprenticeship standards



EMPLOYERS APPRENTICESHIPS = OPPORTUNITY As a college we employ 20 apprentices of our own. They work throughout our business and have a brilliant work ethic!



Salford City College have 1200 apprentices who work for around 400 different employers

The Apprenticeship Levy will support employers to develop new and exciting talent within your business!

Employers scored Salford City College staff 9.31/10 for the professionalism of their delivery

Employers scored Salford City College 9.24/10 for the overall quality of apprentice training







Building a Salford future for young people Eleven young people have found jobs and apprenticeships in the fast moving construction world, thanks to a unique Salford partnership.

They’re the first recruits to ‘graduate’ from Build Salford, a 16-week training programme which aims to help local people reap the benefits of the city’s current building boom. Build Salford brings together some of the biggest and best construction and social housing organisations in Salford, and is managed by Salford City College and supported by Salford City Council. The project, a legacy from the successful Pendleton Together and Build Ordsall traineeships, provided the Salford candidates with a wide range of industry practice, including substantial work experience, guest lectures, site visits and crucial construction focused training. Salix Homes, as lead sponsor provided financial support, construction resources and staffing expertise, along with many other firms and organisations including Seddon, Keepmoat Regeneration, Keepmoat Homes, Caseys, Galliford Try, Together Housing, Great Places and Clarion. Councillor Lisa Stone, Lead Member for Children’s and Young People’s Services believes the project was a huge success, she said:

On site: the young apprentices with their mentors 10


‘’Salford is experiencing one of the biggest building booms in the country. Schemes like Build Salford help young people tap into that opportunity through real work experience with leaders in the industry and training. “It’s invaluable in helping our talented young people build a great future for themselves.”

For further information on joining Build Salford 2, or if you are keen to find out more about apprenticeships in construction or other sectors, please call the Salford City College Apprenticeship Team on 0161 631 5555, or email

Allan Milne, Assistant Director of Apprenticeships at Salford City College is incredibly proud of the scheme and the trainees. He said:

“The trainees have taken advantage of this great opportunity provided by some of our excellent employer partners. The vast majority have secured the chance to develop a career in an amazing sector.” The partnership has unanimously agreed that the success of Build Salford should not stop here, with Build Salford 2 already in the pipeline for early 2018.




Seddon Class of 2017 - 15 apprentices in partnership with Salford City College

Building for the Future: Recruitment Partnership Helps Youngsters Secure Jobs Award-winning builder and developer Seddon has employed five new trainees as part of a successful recruitment partnership. The family-run business, which is headquartered in Bolton, has hired three apprentices and two former work experience candidates under the sector-based work academy (SBWA) scheme. The apprentices, aged between 16 and 25, beat 700 applicants to land the coveted roles at one of the North West’s biggest employers in the construction industry. A further two joined Seddon, which scooped the Bolton and Bury Apprenticeship Award last year for its commitment to helping unemployed young people secure work in administrative positions following successful work experience placements. Kat Healey, Training Manager at Seddon, said: "Seddon’s commitment to training the next generation of construction workers is a strong as ever. "The sector is coming out of a recession and it is our dedication to apprenticeships that has put us ahead of our competitors – allowing us to build our teams and ensure against the skills shortage.” 12

The SBWA initiative, which is run in conjunction with Seddon, JobCentre Plus and Apprenticeships at Salford City College, is part of a drive to deliver on-site training and support to unemployed young people across the UK. Candidates who successfully complete a two-week training course and work experience placement are guaranteed a job interview. Suzanne Cross, Employer Resource Manager at JobCentre Plus, said: "We are extremely proud of the relationship we have developed with Seddon. The company has delivered successful apprenticeship programmes, which have helped many young people to secure work and establish careers in their chosen fields. "It’s an invaluable step into working life and the company gives apprentices the chance to progress.” Allan Milne, Head of Apprenticeships and Business Development at Salford City College added: "Salford City College is incredibly proud to support Seddon in a wide range of training initiative and apprenticeship programmes. "The sector-based work academies offer a real chance for individuals to better themselves and develop careers in construction, working for a great organisation like Seddon.”



Apprentice nominated for National MPA Award

“It’s the best experience I could ever have dreamt of and I’ve been so lucky. Portsmouth to Salford is a long way and it was scary, but it’s so worth it for the right job. If it was easy to move everyone would be doing it, it just shows how passionate and committed you are to be willing to move and change your life.” Salford City College offer a range of apprenticeship opportunities and partner with hundreds of employers. For more information contact their admissions team on 0161 631 5000.

Emily Barr had no idea what she would accomplish when she made out her application for an apprenticeship at ITV’s Coronation Street, through Salford City College. Now, the 19-year-old is not only working in the heart of MediaCityUK, on the set of one of the country’s biggest soaps, but this summer she was nominated for a national award for her work and achievements. The Salford City College apprentice, whose aspirations to work in the media as an offline editor brought her to the media capital of the country, was nominated for The Apprentice Award at the Manchester Publicity Awards (MPA). Emily was up against four other apprentices, also from creative areas, but was the only person from ITV to be nominated for an award this year. Victoria Bradley-Smith, Operations Team Organiser for Coronation Street, who nominated Emily for the MPA said: “From day one Emily embraced the ITV core values and has helped create world-class content at Coronation Street. She continues to impress us with her knowledge and eagerness within her role to learn new processes and take on bigger responsibilities.

“I am confident to give her roles normally reserved for more senior edit assistants and believe that she will go far with her ambition to become a craft editor.” Emily uprooted from her home in Portsmouth and moved 300-miles north for the role. She battled it out for the apprenticeship, having been chosen out of 200 applicants, and she couldn’t feel luckier about the where she has landed. Emily said: 14

Emily Barr pictured on the Coronation Street set



Salford City College apprentice becomes the youngest employee at the Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust 17-year-old Alex Whittle, from Tyldesley, has secured an apprenticeship at the Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in their communications and public relations department, through Salford City College. Alex became the youngest employee at the Trust after being placed there in June by the college’s apprenticeship team. She will go on to gain a Diploma in Creative and Digital Media from Salford City College, all whilst working and earning a salary. The young apprentice said: “When it came to what I wanted to do after my GCSE’s I didn’t like the idea of sitting in a classroom for six hours a day, as I am very much a get up and go person. “I didn’t want the debt of university and lectures don’t appeal to me, as I prefer to learn how to do things myself rather than always being in a classroom environment.” Apprenticeships provide an avenue for students where they can ‘earn while they learn’. Working in their chosen profession in a trainee role, learning on the job as oppose to in a classroom. They are assigned an assessor from the college and set assessments based on the work they do during their employment, which provides evidence for their qualification.

Alex continued: “I am very much supported where I work and I am surrounded by people who want me to be the best that I can be and help develop my skills. “The traditional degree route wasn’t for me but I am hoping, with my manager’s support, to complete my degree whilst working here. “Eventually I hope to move up in the industry itself, whether this is opening up my own business or becoming a communications officer or manager sometime in the future.” Lorraine Hesketh, Communications and PR Manager at the Trust said: “Alex joining us has been a great learning experience for the rest of the team and we are really pleased to have been given this opportunity to welcome Alex to the family. “I would certainly encourage other managers to really consider taking on an apprentice, as in the short time Alex has been with us she has really become a valued and well-respected colleague.” Learning and Development Manager, Anne Forrest, who implemented the apprenticeship programme at the Trust, said: “We are really pleased that Alex is finding her apprenticeship so worthwhile. “Undertaking an apprenticeship is a rewarding experience and can open the doors for young people to gain a foothold in the career of their choice.” If you think an apprenticeship might be for you, why not contact the Salford City College Apprenticeships Team on 0161 631 5555, or via email at





Salford City College have launched an ambitious apprenticeship growth strategy, with the ultimate goal of having 2000 apprentices on programme by 2021.

The college only began providing its own apprenticeship programmes in 2009 and has already delivered on Project 1000, with well over 1200 apprentices currently in programmes. Debbie Ward, Head of Apprenticeships, Community and Partnerships is delighted with recent progress, but recognises that there is still much to do. She said:

“Salford City College has ambitious plans in the apprenticeship market place. It is critical that we offer local people the best possible career opportunities, and apprenticeships are a great way to do this.” For the second year in succession, Salford City College has ranked number one amongst Further Education Colleges in Greater Manchester for their apprenticeship provision. They have managed this, as well as their remarkable growth, by always


maintaining the highest quality of provision. Debbie added:

“We have partnerships with many of the best employers in the area and are always looking to expand on this. We want to work with the best employers, no matter what their size, who recognise the value apprentices can have on their business. “Apprentices offer a great way to bring new skills and expertise to any business.” The plethora of talent available from across the college for employers to select from has certainly contributed to this growth. They have thousands of brilliant and talented students at various stages of their education, many of whom choose to progress into apprenticeships following their full time studies. For more information contact






CASH HACKS FOR APPRENTICES As an apprentice you’ll have the opportunity to #EarnWhileYouLearn. Something most studying towards a qualification won’t get chance to do. That said, it can be tricky to get your salary to stretch. But, as an apprentice you’re entitled to more than you might think moneywise, such as discounted and free travel provisions, reduced price merchandise, as well as other subsidiaries and bursaries. Here are a few to get you started:

STUDENT DISCOUNT As an apprentice you are entitled to student discount in the form on the NUS Apprentice Extra Card. Like all students you’ll be entitled to student discount in a range of high-street stores, eateries, on public transport and even at the cinema. For just £11 for a 12-month membership, you’ll receive countless offers and discounts. Get yours here:

COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNT If you’re an apprentice, or live with an apprentice, you may be entitled to 25% off your council tax bill. If there are only apprentices and trainees living in a property, then you could be entitled to a 50% discount. To find out go to:

APPRENTICE BIKE TO WORK SCHEME Apprentices across Manchester may be eligible to receive a free recycled bike, cycling accessories, safety equipment including lights and a helmet and even cycling training and bike maintenance courses as part of the apprentice bike to work scheme. To be eligible you must live in Greater Manchester, be an apprentice and your apprenticeship provider must support the scheme.


Transport for Greater Manchester and the Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Hub are piloting a FREE 28day travel pass for apprentices. Those eligible can now apply for a pass as part of the pilot scheme, which is running until the end of March 2018. Apprentices will qualify for the pass, which covers all travel on buses and the Metrolink, if they apply within the first 6-months of their apprenticeship. If the scheme is successful there are plans to roll out a long-term travel provision across the region. To see if you are eligible go to: apprentices

16-25 RAILCARD Though not specifically for apprentices, if you are 16-25 years old, and use the train on a regular basis, the 16-25 railcard could be for you. For just £30 you’ll receive a third of rail travel for a year. Get one here:

WORKING TAX CREDITS When it comes to apprenticeships and working tax credits, things can get tricky. But, generally if you are 25 or over and work for at least 30 hours a week, it could be worth looking into. If you think you might be entitled then you should contact the tax credit helpline directly to explain your situation: 0345 300 3900 If you are currently an apprentice, or thinking of an apprenticeship and have any questions or concerns, please get in touch at: and one of our friendly team will endeavour to help.

Find out more: 17


Salford City College is not only the Top Performing General Further Education (GFE) College in Greater Manchester for the second year running, but has also been placed number one for apprenticeships.

This is an especially significant success for the college as it prides itself on the partnerships it has made with employers across Greater Manchester. The college works with hundreds of employers to provide a range of training frameworks for young and adult apprentices starting their career or developing their skills in their professional role. Some of these incredible partners include, Morson Group, Seddon, Salix Homes, Keepmoat Homes, the NHS, Salford City Council and a new partnership with N Brown Group (see page 4 for more).

The college came out on top, being named Number One Further Education College for Apprenticeships, with an overall achievement rate in 2015 - 2016 of 78.4%. Each year data from the Department for Education is released and can be used to name the best performing colleges in each area. The 2016 - 2017 success rates are even stronger at 80% but as of yet comparative data is not yet available. Debbie Ward, Director of Apprenticeships and Community, said:

“We are delighted with the results, the team have worked incredibly hard with some amazing apprentices and employers over the last year to ensure quality provision is delivered from start to finish. “It's fantastic to see this reflected in the achievement rates for both overall and timely performance, putting us top of the table of FE college apprenticeship providers in GM.”











BECOME A CATERING OR HOSPITALITY APPRENTICE ...and take your first step onto the career ladder. ‘85% of hospitality and tourism businesses in Greater Manchester feel that apprenticeships are suited to the sector and 78% feel they can offer work experience to young people.’ Requirements: • Team player • Attention to detail • Good communication skills • Good interpersonal skills • Charismatic • Creative • Passionate about customer service • Resilient

A CAREER IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: If you are interested in having a career in the fast-paced and innovative hospitality industry, whether that’s in professional cookery, customer service, food and beverage service, management or leadership, an apprenticeship could be for you.


Restaurant Manager

Craft Chef

Hotel Manager

Operations Director

Executive Chef

Catering Manager

HOSPITALITY PATHWAYS: A career in catering and hospitality can take you all over the world, whether you want to be a chef, floor manager or work in food and beverage services, there are opportunities in everything from five-star hotels and Michelin starred restaurants, to working on cruise ships, at exclusive high profile events, and there is even the opportunity of opening your own independent business whether that is a pub, a bar, a restaurant or a hotel. Hospitality specialists are needed everywhere, and the advantage of completing an apprenticeship as oppose to purely gaining experience is the qualification you will receive. Whilst the sector is well-known for training up their employees, often from scratch, only 3% of that training actually leads to a nationally recognised qualification.





Pet Medics: Shining a light on animal care and apprenticeship development Liam Sutton, Apprentice Administration Assistant at Pet Medics, one of the leading Greater Manchester chains of veterinary surgeons, has been offered a full-time role with the company.

“Liam works to a really high standard, and we are really pleased with him. We have opened up a new practice in Bury and Liam will be learning more about the technical aspects of our business to support this site. He is an asset to our business and is in demand across all of our venues.”

After completing his apprenticeship, the company confirmed Liam would be invited to stay on as they believe he has a big future with them.

Both Liam and Sue were extremely complimentary about Pet Medics and the support that Liam has been given. Sue said:

Liam started at Pet Medics in November 2016, and like many new apprentices was reserved in his new role. However, his training assessor, Sue Dore, says he has grown both in confidence and ability throughout his apprenticeship. She commented:

“Supportive employers are critical to all apprentices. Liam has been extremely fortunate in that Pet Medics have backed him 100% and given him a great platform to begin his working career.”

“Liam is a great apprentice, he has worked really hard to develop his skills. His confidence is now fantastic and he is a great ambassador for his company Pet Medics, who have supported him superbly.” Liam initially considered a career in art, as it was one of his passions, but then decided that an apprenticeship in administration was for him. He is enthusiastic about his role and intends to work hard to further his career and ‘climb the ladder’ with Pet Medics. His manager, Louise Cooksey is delighted with his progress, she said:


If you are keen to find out more about apprenticeships in professional and financial services or other sectors, please call the Salford City College Apprenticeship Team on 0161 631 5555, or email

WHICH SECTOR? We will work with you to find a suitable employer – earn while you learn!


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