GBR Annual Report 2017

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INTRODUCTION ith only two members on board, the GBR Music department was established in 2009 at the very first GBR session in Sandton, Johannesburg (RSA). Even though the journey was not an easy one, through the Grace of the Almighty God we have seen enormous growth and favour no mortal man can explain.

PROGRESS TO DATE In 2016 we had a privilege of getting new members in the team who are well acclimatised with the art of music. We can boldly declare that God has honoured us with members who are willing to learn and understand the vision of GBR and run with it. Not only are these individuals willing to get involved in the musical side of thing but also in the admin side thereof. It was in the same year (2016) that the organizers of GBR TV show “A New Thing” entrusted us with the mandate to compose and record a theme song which will be played when the show starts and ends.

Credit must surely be given where it is due, therefore; no individual may disjointedly claim the glory in the composition of the theme song as this was a collective work from the team members. In preparation to “A New Thing” season 3, the GBR worship team has been working tirelessly to safeguard the quality of music to be recorded as part of the show. Not only are we honoured as the team to be involved in this inordinate project but we are also grateful to be recognised and appreciated for the work we are doing for the Lord. We understand and embrace the importance of the Annual Prayer Camp as the GBR culture which takes place at the beginning of every year at the Mountain of the Lord (formerly known as Drakensberg). We had an opportunity to minister to the Almighty at the camp site with some of the songs composed and sang by our very own team members as part of the season 3 preparations.

pihsroW & cisuM



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