Your Questions About How To Do Cute Emo Makeup

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Your Questions About How To Do Cute Emo Makeup

William asks…

help needed!!?? ok so i recently got a new bf and he looks exactly like alex evans without the makeup and piercings!! not kidding and he’s not really emo cuz he’s like always a fun person to be around but im like a total prep exept i always listen to his music, in fact i like have his ipod, oops! but c anyway all of my friends and the guys in my “crowd/clique” are all like ur too good for him and all this crap but i really! really like him and he’s oh soooo addorabllllleeeeee!!!!!!! so help pls. what should i do p.s. we used to hang out in like totally different crowds and if it helps google alex evans and c how cute he is cuz thats wat my bf seriously looks like without the makeup and piercings xoxo thnx lots <3 k this is not exaclty sk8er boi or w/e its kinda like hott looking kind of like a little bit of emo dressing boi

vangin answers: Who cares what they think if you like him and he makes you happy then tell ur so called friends that they’re being jerks by not letting u be happy


Lisa asks…

How Do You Make A Private School Uniform Cuter? Ok I’m in 8th grade at this annoying private school! I’m Not trying to look cute for the guys in my class…..Its all for after school… You, seee I do drama after school and the most gorgeous guy in the world graduated from my school last year BUT>>>>>>>BUT He stilll comes back to help with the Drama show!! (and were on crew together) We sorta had something last year….but it died…. AND NOW HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. But wee still talk alot….soo its stupid but i want to try to win him over..See hes the type of guy thats dark and plays guitar and listens to metal music… and people call me “emo” and “goth’…those are labels but thats what my style is like. AND HE SAYS HE LIKES IT!!! so my uniform is this -Blue long sleeve button down collar shirt -(Mostly) black with red green and white, plaid skirt. - Knee Highs (Black or Navy Only) or Dark Tights or white ankle sock(that look bad) (I normally wear Knee Highs) NOT ALLOWED STUFF Makeup (you can get away with a little, but i never wear it) No Bracelets or necklaces ( I normally get away with a Black Veil Brides necklace) (but you can wear them at drama) No big ear rings (I don’t have my ears pierced) No hair dye and altering uniform in extreme ways no different sock colors no under shirts you can see you get demerits for super short skirts!!! SO HELP PLZZZZ!!!! THANK YOU!!!


vangin answers: He has a girlfriend, don’t be an asshole. I’m Not trying to look cute for the guys in my class…. Just one guy in particular. What’s the diff? You’re in 8th grade (making you what, 13? 14?) and he’s graduated. So you like him so much you’re trying to get him arrested? Don’t be an asshole.

Mark asks…

i need help!!? alright i have a few things. 1. how do i do my hair like all the “emo/scene” people i dont like to call em that but i cant think of how else to explain it. 2. were do i get affordable skinny jeans? like the cute ones not the ones that go down really far. 3. what is the best makeup for covering up pimples? and makeing eyes look really big? please answer i need to know =]] thank you <3


vangin answers: I know i’m not supposed to admit it, but I am scene. 1. When you get you’re hair cut get: short choppy layers on top, razored and long layers on the bottom, and if you have thick hair get it thinned out ALOT. 2. Either Aeropostale, i get like all mine from there, everyonce and a while Pacsun has a sale, and Bealls sells skinny jeans, in all colors, and they aren’t expensive. 3. Get concealer, i have RIMMEL london concealer, and you get “eye widener” you can get it at they have eye widener for a dollar. HOPE I HELPED!!<33

Betty asks…

My parents just dont understand my look…? SO i am in love with the whol emo look and stuff like andy sixx and escaoe the fate you know all those cute bands. I mean i dont like putting labels on people b ut if it helps you answer the question thats the look i like. I like to tease my hair they tell me it looks stupid and like a black persons hair lol. I keep telling them to just lay off and to stop because it hurts my feelings but they just keep yelling at me for it. I like to wear my eye makeup darker but wenever we go out someplace my mom is like you look ridiculous if you’re going to do cat eyes do them right. I want to get numerous piercings but wen i even bring it up to my mom she just completely shuts me out. My dad has no problem with me getting piercings or anything but my mom is just being insane and crazy. What can i say to her to make her realize that this is how i choose to be and its what makes me happy. I just dont understand how she can be so judgemental about me


getting piercings. I cry alot because she doesnt listen to me or evn consider letting me get a piercing. I have told her that I would pay for them. Uhhhh its just super hard and she says shes sorry for making me feel bad when i cry in front of her but she just continues. What can i say to her??? I call her prejudice all the time but she is like i take offense to that im not prejudice. I have come down to point where i am just going to start piercing myself. I mean i COMPLETELY see where she is comming from with her views and everything but why cant she just accept the fact that i want to be different and get piercings. It’s not even like i dress all that emoish. I wear pretty normal clothes. Thank you i aprreciate the whore comment thank you very much. You seem to be a little bitchy yourself. Just sayin

vangin answers: Honey you seem quite young I didn’t get my first facial piercing till I was 15 going on 16. Than I got my Monroe and redid my nose last year. A few months ago sum odd months after turning 18 I got my dimples pierced. And three weeks ago I got my belly done. It is a financial responsibility Between buying the body jewelry and the piercing itself can run a pretty penny. And you have to take great care of the piercings. If I was you talk to your dad maybe he may help you change your mums mind. A piercing isn’t something that has to last forever and if you show that you can take care of your body mod.. Maybe she might go for it. Do research, print out papers for her to read ,show your work, and tell her I really want this and I’m welling to do this the rite way. What do you want anyway? I mean some piercings are more taboo than others. My dad said he hated my dimples piercing and said it was worse than my tattoo. If its something more main stream maybe you mum might be more agreeable. Also understand some piercings don’t look rite on some people so get a fake and take it for a test drive before you get it done. Hope I helped and good luck dear..

Mandy asks…


How to pull of a goth look in under 50 minutes!!?? So, here’s the thing, I can’t go shopping. I have approx. 50 minutes to get changed. I need to know how to pull off a goth look! My only clean black article of clothing are my shoes. I already have my hair done that way, my makeup as well. But my wardrobe is full of blue jeans (The darkest pair is bell-bottoms) and bright colored shirts with “cute” prints on them. Help me!! I have a brother but he will never let me borrow his clothes! Oh yeah, my only jacket is navy. How can I pull off a goth/emo look? (I know I said goth but it’s kind of emo) The look does not have to be like the people you see on television. It’s a very complicated story I don’t have time to tell you. I can’t dye anything…

vangin answers: Hair and makeup is VERY important it can make it or break it when it comes to goth-like but you said you’ve already done it so i hope so Goth and such is very much a dark black mysterious look so if you want random people to recognize u as a goth wear as dark as possible if you dont have a black shirt, wear a black vest and cut of a pair of tights and use them as arm warmers black tights, the shoes IF you dont have dark colored clothes make sure to cut your clothes to make them look messy and if you really want to go classic goth you can find inspiration in the 1800 style so white blouse works as well – you can put some ketchup on it to make it look like blood stains. Or just go with the darkest top u can find and draw a broken heart or such on it wear baggy tees and tight skinny jeans


cut wholes and draw lines along your neck ( kind of like a tree branch) to give that spooky look – just like the lead singer in bauhaus or draw spiders/ spider webs on you with eyeliner seriously if you cant go dark go edgy and bloody or classy and poetic. All you have to think is theatrical and broken hearted good luck

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