Your Questions About Eye Makeup Designs Halloween

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Your Questions About Eye Makeup Designs Halloween

Daniel asks…

What is the best kind of makeup for a red riding hood costume? For Halloween I was thinking of being Red riding hood and I was wondering if there are any good makeup tips, videos or anything that looks cool? I also like to do eye designs but I don’t know what kind to do. Can anyone help me?!

Shahni answers: Your should do red and black eyeshadow with a wing:) be more heavy on the eyeshadow, not the eyeliner & mascara

Robert asks…


Looking for cool eyeliner designs that run from edge of eye down face or something really exotic, Help? I’m loooking for some cool makeup ideas for Halloween! Hey thanks for all the quick replies I really like jen360 response ( gZ5Tmc/R_u3ONnzf4I/AAAAAAAACu8/8vTN4-HvO0c/s1600-h/swirl_eyeliner.jpg) So I’m looking for something like that Thanks!

Shahni answers: Http://

Ken asks…

Can anyone give me some ideas for Halloween makeup? I’m already working on my Halloween costume for this year (it’s really big and I’m making it by hand), but I need some inspiration for my makeup. I already know that I’m going to paint my face white and draw some really cool designs on my face in black (Pointed lips, cat-liner eyes, tear drops, ect.) Can anyone think of any designs, or give me a link to a mask that looks cool, or something? Please and thank you!


PS: Rest assured that my costume makeup is complete meant for the purpose it serves and will not harm me in any way.

Shahni answers: Google: Yahoo Images halloween make-up tips

Linda asks‌

What can I do as makeup for my halloween costume? my costume is really weird and awesome. it’s this black unitard with silver flamey designs all over it. it has this hood thing that looks like a huge and silver crescent moon on the head. i want to somehow paint around my eyes with black and silver face paints. i want it to look awesome. any ideas? pics please!!! this is my costume. its awesome, isnt it? i dont like the makeup, tho.


Shahni answers: Since you said it looked like a moon you should put sliver paint around your eye in the shape of a crescent and a black circle around the other eye and put on black lipstick with sliver lip liner or you could put the circle in sliver go with a slier and black theme.

Carol asks‌

Girls:Do You Wear Makeup? I do, I just started to wear it more often.I just did this for Halloween:

Shahni answers: Omg thats so kewl wut u did i wish i could do zebra print. I just wear liquid eyeliner @ mascara thats it 4 me i wish my mom would let me wear more. *sigh* O_o


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