Your Questions About Arabic Women Dating

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Your Questions About Arabic Women Dating

Mary asks…

Dating arabic woman found out she is bisexual? I’m dating Arabic woman. She told me last night she is bisexual, I am Muslim and cannot stand for this. She asked me if I want to have three way with her friend. I said no, never. I really like her and don’t want to ruin our relationship for this. She has asked me 3 times since last night. She says I’m being boring. I care for her alot and feel disappointed. What should I do?

Shahni answers: OMG, that’s really bad. Stay away from her, you don’t want this woman to be your future wife or even the mother of your children. But if you really like her, tell her honestly about your thought on her being bisexual and that you can’t complete with her if she remains so.

Sandra asks…


This question is for my Muslim/Arabic women. I’m a black male in my young 20s and thinking about converting? to Islam. I understand that most Muslim women are Arabic and im completely fine with dating /marrying one. Are Arabic women racist, or even attracted to black men?

Shahni answers: No …they are not! People in the Muslim religion come in different shapes, sizes and races.

David asks…

Is the McNair situation indicative of the fact that Black men should not date Arabic women? Apparently, he was cheating on her, and she shot him point-blank 4 times while he was sleeping, and then proceeded to lie beside his body & shoot herself CRAZY


Shahni answers: Most arab women i know do not find black men attractive so no one is going to lose any sleep. Go date your own women since many of them are single.

Steven asks…

Why So much hate and hostility from fellow Moroccans (women) and even arabic women in general? The only time I dated an Arabic girl was back in highschool and that was only to a dance. When I was 18 I went moved to the US. for school. NYC to be exact, I love it here, love the lifestyle; it’s different more my flow. I prefer to date outside of my race. My preference is latina women.

I get a great deal of hate, rudeness and plain bullshit from moroccan women when they find out I’m not dating one of them? they even started targeting my girlfriend. Shit has got to stop. They even go as far as bashing my girlfriends race. Somebody want to help me understand why some of them (in my case: MOST) are so damn hostile?


neither my gf or any of my exs have been muslim nevada smith–> not in this life time

Shahni answers: I guess they are narrow minded. They are JEALOUS esp. If you’re a nice and good looking guy then they think ‘he is going to waste’ lol he should be with someone of his own race. Its the same thing when a decent, successful black man dates a white woman. Black women get jealous. I think its rather racist. A guy can date who ever he wants. Plus mixed race children are open minded, more understanding of other cultures etc. (and better looking in general) loool. I think its pathetic. But dont generalise, not all women are stupid like that. Lol

Jenny asks…

I’m a american woman dating a arabic man? I’ve been dating this wonderful man for about 2months. He treats me wonderfully, buys me everything & anything. We’ve never slept together. The other day, he told me that he is married.I was crushed. He told me he’s not happy, I’m his love, he cant leave he has a small child. (the same story, i’m sure every woman hears) he told me that he couldnt lie to me anymore cause he loves me so much. Now, he is talking about having me as his 2nd wife.ANd, that if we say a few words together (at home) that we will be married.I’ve never heard of such a


thing in my life.(not, that I’m even believing any of this either) but, can anyone help me out here with this.I’m totally confused, since he has been but wonderful to me and we’ve never slept together.I dont understand what he has to gain from all this.And, I dont know if he can actually have a 2nd wife.please help. thanks

Shahni answers: Gosh….the adventures of dating an arabic man. No thanks!! Consider that the women in his country have no rights, are totally under the control of a man (their father then their husband), that marriages are arranged, and women are viewed as being alive to serve men. He may be smart enough to realize that an american woman would not allow him to exercise the same control. And this waiting to sleep with you may be part of his ploy. Women are sometimes placed on a pedestal and treated well–but never really taken seriously b/c of their inferior status. Americans don’t have multiple marriages (maybe the mormons do in Utah) and I doubt you’re going to be happy being second. Read about his culture and educate yourself. This is a serious choice you’re making. No wonder you’re confused–rightly so!! He’s got the money to spend….so it’s not like he is making a huge sacrifice to wine and dine you. I’ll bet his wealthy butt doesn’t even worry about working or paying the bills. He may be looking for a visa to stay in this country too. Beware is my advice.

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