Round Table Southern Africa Inkundla April Issue 2019

Page 13

Saturday came knocking and though slightly quieter than the days before, the NNCA's spirits were still high. Whilst the tablers settled in to the AGM, the legs made their way to the Pool Party. Summonsed by the entertainment crew to start the karaoke with "Sweet by Pshyco", it was evident that our spirit flames were not yet doused by all that ARTSA had to offer. Fuelled with sweet-shots, finger foods and an accidental aerial show by the Flacons, the tanks were full our tablers and legs were ready to have a blast. Dressed to the nines, all dapper and proud - the President's banquet reiterated what being a tabler is all about. Noteworthy moments for us as an area were most definitely our sheer excitement at the official handover to our 2019/2020 ARTSA Treasurer, Francois Minnie and our 19/20 Area Chairman, Kevin Boonzaaier. Further exhilaration for the NNCA, the nomination for project of the Year -Ballito 221's Guinness World Record Attempt Braai, not to mention the jaw dropping projects that have been convened throughout 2018/2019 by tablers across the country. Past President Spidey Knepshuld's award created goose bumps and teary eyes were all around with the axing of the 41'ers. Incoming President Alan Malan's mike drop speech left many with food for thought and enough reason to continue striving for excellence. Once concluded, one final spin through the Hard-Core Hut flagged the end of our 2019 ARTSA journey. Western Province have raised the bar and we congratulate them on a record book ARTSA , it's safe to say that the NNCA tablers and legs were present and proud and we are most definitely counting the days to the 2020 ARTSA in Mpumalanga. Whether we flip it, fly it, stick it, tag it or share it, the Natal North Coast Area gets the rondel out there #soosboude.

NNCA pro Martin vd Linde 13 | P a g e


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