Living Well and Outpatient Services

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Living Well & Outpatient Services

Information for patients, families and friends

Living well

Making the most of each day by living well

Living Well is our programme of support, care, and activities specifically for patients under Trinity ’s care who are living at home or other locations within the community such as care homes, nursing homes and temporary accommodation. It is a programme for outpatients, but the activities take place on site at Royal Trinity Hospice.

Who can attend a Living Well session?

Patients who are currently registered with Trinity, and have been referred to the programme after an assessment by one of our clinicians. Your GP, specialist nurse or other healthcare professional will work with you and the team to identify which of the sessions may be of value to you and work best for your personal needs.

Each activity lasts a set number of weeks, so if you are referred for either group sessions or 1:1 support, you will be told how many sessions you will be invited to attend. If you are concerned about getting to the hospice, we may be able to help with transport, please ask for help

Move with Trinity exercise group

Run by our expert physiotherapists, “Move with Trinity ” will support patients to maintain and improve their activity and exercise tolerance, muscle strength, co-ordination, balance, and posture as well as managing symptoms such as breathlessness, pain, and fatigue At the group you will take part in a circuit of activities with exercises tailored for each patient

Breathlessness group

The goal of the group is to support patients to feel more in control of their breathlessness, as well as educating carers to support their loved one more effectively. This group is for patients who are significantly impacted or distressed by their breathlessness on a daily basis. Patients are welcome to attend with their carers, a friend or family member.


Our physiotherapy team can support patients to control their symptoms including ; breathlessness management, pain, mobility issues, transfers, and help to increase exercise tolerance and muscle strengthening. The sessions are 1:1 and last up to an hour. The number of sessions will be decided with you by the therapist, based around your own goals and needs.

Fatigue management group

Fatigue can be described as overwhelming tiredness, weakness, or lack of energy This group is for patients experiencing fatigue because of their illness or treatments. Run by our occupational therapy team, participants will gain knowledge of the causes of fatigue, learning new effective selfmanagement strategies for this difficult symptom. Patients are welcome to attend with their carers, a friend or family member

Occupational therapy

Attending 1:1 sessions with an occupational therapist to help provide you with information and techniques to improve your safety, independence, and quality of day to day life Discussing a range of solutions available can also help manage fatigue and anxiety These sessions may be in addition to, or instead of other group activities led by our occupational therapy team.

Dietetic service

The Dietetic service is for patients who have a specific need around their nutrition as well as carers to access advice and support Individualised dietetic support for patients and their carers is available to address any difficult physical or emotional difficulties related to diet and nutrition in a supportive environment.

Eating and drinking can become difficult and be a source of anxiety especially in the course of illness changing. Early identification and management of poor appetite and weight loss can support you to maximise your quality of life including engaging in important activities to support living well. If you are having problems with eating and drinking , please speak to your Trinity nurse about the dietetic service

Relaxation group

Using a variety of gentle music, aromatherapy, guided relaxation, visualisation and breathing exercises, this group is helpful for people who struggle to calm their mind. Over three sessions, participants will learn various relaxation techniques to help manage anxiety and insomnia. NB: This group is not suitable for patients who find scented aromas aggravate their symptoms.

Mindful movement group

The mindful movement group consists of a short series of gentle seated movement followed by a guided mindfulness session. Together, the movement and mindfulness elements should motivate increased movement, encouraging calm and gentle breathing , leading to relaxation. This group is suitable for patients with a certain amount of mobility who would like to maintain and/or improve their mobility. It is not suitable for patients who are using oxygen or those with acute breathlessness.

Complementary therapy

Our complementary therapist and trained volunteer complementary therapists offer a range of 1:1 therapies including massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki and acupuncture, helping support patients manage their symptoms and promote relaxation.

Welfare benefits clinic

Our Welfare Benefits Advisor can provide you, or your carer with information and advice on topics such as income, money worries, disability benefits, Council Tax benefits, discounts and exemption, Housing Benefit and Concessionary travel (Disabled Parking badge, Taxicard, Freedom Passes) Our advisor can also help you with housing , tenancy queries, homelessness, Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney.

Carer’s clinic

This clinic aims to focus purely on the carer and look at their needs and support. It gives them the opportunity to ask questions or talk about their own emotional/mental health and also to ask medical/ health questions, this can be difficult as often the patient is present and they don’t want to raise questions around subjects such as end of life care

It is a space with no agenda but we do complete an assessment with the carer beforehand which can identity any issues they might want to bring.

For more information visit:

To arrange to take part in the programme, please contact Trinity ’s Admissions & Referrals team on 020 7787 1062 or to arrange an initial assessment

If you are a healthcare professional and would like to refer a patient for any of the support and care listed, please contact us on 020 7787 1062 or

How to contact Trinity

Royal Trinity Hospice

30 Clapham Common North Side

London SW4 0RN

Call 020 7787 1000





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For full details see our privacy policy:

Charity no. 1013945

Date of publication April 2023

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