Every Person Matters Campaign 2023

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Every person matters A £4 million fundraising campaign to reach every person who needs us

Every person matters to us Welcome from our campaign co-chairs We are both so excited to be co-chairing the Every Person Matters Campaign! The work of Royal Trinity Hospice is more vital than ever and expanding and enhancing Trinity’s care will serve thousands in our community for years to come.

The urgent need The increasing demand for hospice care is being fuelled by a range of factors such as greater life expectancy, rising cancer and dementia cases and strains on our hospitals. By 2030 demand for Trinity’s care will grow by 55% and by 2040 the number of people over 85 years old in the UK will double.

These are astonishing figures but behind each one is a unique person and Trinity aims to be alongside every one. A great measure of our drive comes from having a close personal connection to the people at Trinity and the unrivalled services they provide. We’ve each had a loved one cared for by the hospice, experiencing the staff’s tremendous sensitivity and professionalism and the dignity that patients receive as a result.

The goal To make sure that every person in our community can receive this free care, the team has developed a comprehensive plan. The approach reaches boldly across real and perceived barriers and enhances Trinity’s services. Add to this the soaring cost to provide world-class care along with real funding cuts and we have a significant financial need before us. We are seeking to raise £4 million over the next 3 years to meet this challenge. While the sum is large, we are confident that with your support we can succeed and ensure Trinity’s net of care is cast wider than ever. We invite you to learn more and join us on the journey.

Rahul Moodgal and Matt Passante Campaign co-chairs 2

About Trinity Royal Trinity Hospice is the only adult hospice and dedicated provider of specialist palliative care for south west and central London. As a charity, we must raise over £12m each year to deliver all our services, completely free of charge, to every person and carer who needs us. Each day our hospice team provides compassionate end of life care to people living with a serious lifelimiting illness. We deliver individualised care based

on each person’s unique needs, focusing on their comfort, dignity, and quality of life from the moment of their diagnosis to a good death under our care and to the bereavement support we offer those closest to them. Trinity’s care is provided on our 26-bed inpatient unit, through a range of outpatient services at the hospice, and by our at-home community palliative care team.

Our care in numbers 2022/23 2,651




– the number of patients and carers receiving our support.

– the increase in home nursing visits since 2019 (pre-pandemic).

– the proportion of our patients cared for in their own home.

– the average number of people we are supporting at any one time.


19 and 107



– the number of bereavement support sessions people benefited from.

– our youngest and oldest patient.

– the proportion of our running costs met by the NHS.

– the total cost this year to run our charity.


A growing need for Trinity’s care We are proud of the care we have provided to our community for over 130 years, but demand for our services is growing as people live longer and with more complex needs. This, combined with the rising cost of providing our services, is starting to impact Trinity’s capacity to care for those who need our support. The number of over-85 year olds in the UK is set to double by 2050. By 2040, up to 1.6m people in the UK will be living with dementia, an increase of 700,000. We have seen a 188% rise in out of hours calls to our service since 2018. Behind these statistics are real people. Every person matters and we are determined to reach everyone who could benefit from the specialist support only we can offer. We are proud of what we do, but we know we must do more to respond to the growing demand for our services.

“ By 2030, the number of people needing end of life care in England is expected to rise by 55% with rates of cancer and dementia being leading factors.” Sue Ryder, 2021


How we will meet this urgent need We have a plan to enhance and expand our free services over the next three years. We will reach more people who urgently need us without compromising on the high quality of our care. From May 2023, we have introduced a range of new and enhanced services. Our Every Person Matters Campaign will fund these over the next three years.

The impact of our plan Our goal is to support over 4,500 patients and carers per year by 2027.

We will provide more support to people at an earlier stage following a terminal diagnosis.

We will make it easier for people to access our care and respond faster to people in crisis.

We will prevent more avoidable hospital admissions and enable more people to stay at home.

“ We want to be there for everyone who needs us – and keep people out of hospital, wherever possible.” Emily Carter, Chief Executive


Introducing our new services Care Coordination Service A new centralised team will bring together our highly skilled clinicians and administrators to run our services more efficiently, increasing the number of people we can care for. We will expand the work of our award-winning Wandsworth Care Coordination Service to every Trinity patient and carer in our catchment area. Funding needed over 3 years – £1,050,000

24/7 Rapid Response Team “ For those living at home with advanced illness, a deterioration in health can happen at any time of the day or night. It is delays and lack of resources that gives the carer so much anxiety, so much worry and so much stress. When you want care, you want it now; tomorrow or next week is no good.” Marie Curie, Better End of Life Report 2022

A dedicated team will provide an urgent home visiting service to community patients experiencing crisis at any time of the day or night, within 2 hours if needed. 600 patients a year will benefit from this service, with our team intervening to stabilise their condition, avoid a hospital admission and stay safely at home. From 2025, this service will be supported by a Trinity ambulance. Funding needed over 3 years – £2,200,000


Virtual Support Service A new service supporting 300 community patients a year whose complex needs would often result in an admission to our inpatient unit or a hospital. Led by one of our highly skilled medical consultants, our support will enable patients to stay at home for longer. With daily specialist review and input into symptom management, we will support six community patients at any time, with regular virtual monitoring and home visits from a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and palliative care assistants when required. Funding needed over 3 years – £250,000

Living Well Service We will intervene earlier in a person’s end of life journey and educate and empower them to better manage their own condition by supporting their physical, emotional, and psychological needs. This is a tailored outpatient programme offering appointments, activities, and group sessions at the hospice. Services will include art therapy, physiotherapy, welfare advice, counselling, and bereavement support. A patient benefiting from our Art Therapy Service

Funding needed over 3 years – £450,000 7

Anita’s story: how our new services will make a difference to patients who need urgent care Anita* has stage four ovarian cancer. Her GP referred her to Trinity’s Community Nursing team. At her home in Hammersmith, Anita is experiencing nausea and severe pain but does not want to go to hospital, preferring to stay where she is, with her family. Our new services


1. Referral

Anita’s wish to be cared for at home is met and she dies comfortably surrounded by her family.

Anita’s GP refers her to Trinity’s Care Coordination Service. A Trinity Community Nurse visits Anita at home the same day, sets up a syringe pump to help relieve pain and places her on the Trinity Virtual Support team’s caseload. 2. Assessment A Trinity Palliative Care Assistant visits Anita the next morning to support the Trinity Doctor’s virtual assessment via a video call. During the video call there are concerns that Anita’s condition is deteriorating. They request a Trinity Rapid Response Nurse visit that day.

Trinity’s team supports Anita throughout the whole process and prevented an avoidable, unwanted and costly hospital admission. Anita’s family feels supported and accepts Trinity’s offer of bereavement counselling.

3. Response The Rapid Response Nurse makes an urgent visit to Anita and stabilises her condition. They assess that she has only days to live and a Trinity Community Nurse visits Anita, administering medication and supporting her family. A Palliative Care Assistant provides Anita with ongoing personal care. A few days later, Anita dies peacefully at home, surrounded by her family and with the support of Trinity’s care team. 8

* To protect our patients’ privacy, Anita’s story is a collection of different experiences.

Measuring impact and success We will closely track the impact of our new services over the next three years. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR



YEAR 1 TARGET 2023/24

YEAR 2 TARGET 2024/25

YEAR 3 TARGET 2025/26


7-day 8am to 8pm community service.

7-day 8am to 8pm community service expanded to 24/7 Community Service.

7-day service 8am to 8pm.

7-day 8am to 8pm service expanded to 24/7.

24/7 community service in full operation.


2,250 patients and 400 carers supported per year.

3,000 patients and 1,500 carers supported per year by 2026. Representing a 69% increase in care.

2,500 patients and 900 carers supported.

2,750 patients and 1,100 carers.

3,000 patients and 1,500 carers.


36% of patients die in preferred place.

85% of patients die in preferred place.

50% of patients die in preferred place.

75% of patients die in preferred place.

85% of patients die in preferred place.


No crisis service currently available in the community.

4,400 rapid response interventions delivered per year.

1,400 interventions.

3,700 interventions.

4,400 interventions.


58% of urgent community patients supported within 48 hours.

95% patients are assessed by the Rapid Response Team within 2 hours.

65% of patients.

75% of patients.

95% of patients.

We are committed to extending our reach across all our diverse communities and will monitor factors such as: 1

Uptake of service by London borough.


Diversity of patients accessing services in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. 9

How you can make every person matter We must raise £4 million over the next three years to transform our services and meet the growing demand for our free end of life care. We can only do this with your support.































We have devised a scale of giving which shows the level of gifts required to reach our target. We can offer you the opportunity to spread your gift over a three-year pledge period, paid on a regular basis, to make it easier to give generously.



















Tax effective giving







As Trinity is a charity, we can claim an extra 25p on every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you – making your gift go further.













This is your opportunity to acknowledge that every person does matter and to help lay the foundation for the future of these services.

For more information, please speak to your financial advisor.




Giving and recognition opportunities £150,000 will fund two of our most senior community nurse specialists for a year, caring for over 70 people at home at any one time.

£100,000 will fund three months of our Rapid Response Team, reaching patients in crisis.

Other ways to support the campaign We appreciate any financial gift or pledge you can make towards this vital project. There are also other ways you and others can help: Introduce our charity to friends, families and other contacts. Create opportunities with corporate partners and local businesses. Introduce us to grant-making Trusts and Foundations.

£75,000 will fund the most senior doctor running our Virtual Support Service for a year.

Host a fundraising briefing and information event of your own. Donate shares to the campaign.

£50,000 will fund our two palliative care assistants

in our Rapid Response Team, providing urgent in-person care at any time of the day or night.

£25,000 will fund the specialist dietician in our Living

Well Service for a year, helping patients struggling to eat and drink.

Please support this urgent campaign and help us be there for everyone who needs us.

A range of recognition opportunities are available, and we look forward to discussing the benefits you could provide by supporting our Every Person Matters Campaign. 11

Every person matters

Contact the Campaign Office to pledge your support and to hear more Philip Cuthell Campaign Manager, Royal Trinity Hospice

30 Clapham Common North Side, London SW4 0RN enquiries@royaltrinityhospice.london www.royaltrinityhospice.london

pcuthell@royaltrinityhospice.london 020 7787 1000 (Ext 431)

@RoyalTrinityHospice @TrinityHospice @royaltrinityhospice @trinity-hospice

Charity no: 1013945

Company no: 2679845

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