Your Privacy: what you need to know about the information we keep about you

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Your privacy: what you need to know about the information we keep about you

Information for children and young people

When Trinity offers you any kind of help when someone you love is seriously ill or dies, it ’s important for us to collect certain information about you and your circumstances. Sometimes this is very personal information that you would not want anyone else to know about which is why it ’s important that you know what we do with the information we have about you. This leaflet will tell you about how we keep your personal information, which is also called personal data, safe. If you would like someone to help you understand it, you can ask a member of the team at Trinity.

What information do we collect and why?

We will ask for information about you and your family or carers so we can make sure we are providing the right support to you at the right time

The information we will have will include:

contact details such as your name, address, email address, telephone number and emergency contact information;

sensitive personal data such as your gender, race, ethnicity and religion, if it is appropriate for us to do so;

medical information including details of any physical health or mental health conditions, medications, previous treatments and records of care that you may have received by other health and social care organisations.

We collect this information so we can provide help when you need it This is part of Trinity ’s role as a provider of healthcare contracted by the NHS

What do we do with your personal information?

We receive information about you from a range of people. Sometimes this is information that you or a parent or carer tells us directly in a face to face meeting. Other times it comes from other professionals who are working with you and your family, such as a GP (doctor) or social worker.

We keep your information safe using passwords and data encryption so it does not get lost or shared with the wrong people

At times we may ask you to agree to allow us to share information about you with other people who look after you, such as your GP or your school. We might do this to make sure we can give you the best care and support. Other than that, we will not give out any information about you unless we are worried about your safety or someone else’s safety, or if the law requires us to pass the information on. Either way, we will always try to tell you first before this happens.

We will keep your data for a period of 8 years after we have stopped supporting you

This is a requirement for all health records.

What are your rights?

This leaflet is based on Data Protection laws which tell Trinity and other organisations how we should look after and share your information. These laws give you the right to have a look at any data that we may hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if it is wrong or incomplete

You are also allowed to ask us to restrict how we use your data, or ask us to delete it once we no longer need to use it. You have a right to challenge us about how we use your data, and we can talk to you about what this means. You can also ask us to transfer your information to another IT system safely

If you have any questions about the data that Trinity holds about you or if you want to complain about how we handle personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer at Trinity, Jason Coleman on: or 020 7787 1000 or write to him at:

Royal Trinity Hospice, 30 Clapham Common Northside, London


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can write to the Information Commissioner at:

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire

SK9 5AF or call 01625 545700

How to contact Trinity

Royal Trinity Hospice

30 Clapham Common North Side

London SW4 0RN

Call 020 7787 1000





If you would like this information in a different format, such as large print, please speak to the Communications team on 020 7787 1000 or email

Royal Trinity Hospice will always store your personal details securely

For full details see our privacy policy:

Charity no. 1013945

Date of publication March 2020

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