Sixth Form Information Booklet for Parents 2021-2022

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Sixth Form Information 2021

Welcome to Sixth Form Dear Students and Parents, I wish you a warm welcome to the Royal High Sixth Form. I do hope you find this booklet useful and informative. It contains a wealth of practical details to guide you through your time here. Should you need further information, a wide range of people are here to help you. May your time in the Sixth Form be as exciting, enriching and successful as it possibly can be. If you have any further questions, just ask.


Mr Luke Benedict Head of Sixth Form

Head of Sixth Form

Mr Luke Benedict

Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Mrs Katherine Newman

IB Coordinator

Ms Jude Taylor

Head of Higher Education

Mr Tim Hardcastle

Head of Boarding

Mrs Emma Custodio

Gloucester House Boarding

Mrs Abbi Pullen

Head of Careers

Mrs Melanie Whalley

Sixth Form Coordinator

Mrs Tory Charlton

01225 731020

Royal High School Bath Lansdown Road, Bath BA1 5SZ Telephone (01225) 313877 or 313873 Email



Mrs Kate Reynolds

Personal Assistant to the Head

Mrs Becca Prutton

01225 731001

Head of Sixth Form

Mr Luke Benedict

Deputy Head, Academic

Mr Hadrian Briggs

Mrs Elizabeth Cunningham

Assistant Head, Co-Curricular

Mrs Julie Hughes

Assistant Head, Curriculum

Mr James Moyle

Deputy Head, Pastoral

Covid-19 Disclaimer While the information in this document is relevant and useful despite changing Covid-19 restrictions, there will inevitably be changes to some policies and procedures due to government guidance and any restrictions in place. We will always keep parents informed of these as promptly as possible.




Most communication within the Sixth Form is via e-mail. Please ensure that you inform Mrs Tory Charlton, the Sixth Form Co-ordinator, if you change your e-mail address.

We aim to:

All letters e-mailed home can also be found on our internal website, Firefly, where you will also find newsletters, the school calendar, sports fixtures, music lessons and much more. On Firefly you can also access information such as reports, attendance data, timetables and important information about trips and events.

Lead in girls’ education and be recognised as providing an outstanding day and boarding education, specifically tailored to the needs of girls in the 21st century.

Sustain a high performance culture where each member of staff is committed to working towards the vision for the school and is accountable for their contribution.

Embed social responsibility through strong links with the community and offer a range of opportunities for girls to engage in service and leadership.

Drive innovation by encouraging and engaging in modern, innovative thinking and the implementation of new ideas inside and outside the classroom.

Be an exceptional school community which values staff and treats girls as individuals, enabling them to flourish in every area (academic, social, emotional, moral, spiritual and cultural).

Encourage every girl to be a force for positive change as they take their place in the global environment.

If you know your account login details, the site can be accessed from the log-in button at the top of the school website, If you are unaware of your account details, or need a password reset, please e-mail Mr James Moyle. You may also like to keep up to date with School and Sixth Form news through social networking sites.


Twitter Instagram





The Girls’ Day School Trust Royal High School Bath is proud to be a GDST school. The GDST is the UK’s leading network of independent girls’ schools. It educates approximately 8% of all girls at UK independent schools. There are about 20,000 pupils in 23 schools and 2 academies throughout England and Wales. The GDST believes that each girl is unique and that she should be supported, encouraged and channelled to reach her full potential.

School Governing Board (SGB) Chair of Governors Mr Richard Hall BSc Hons, FRSA Vice Chair Mrs Stella Pirie OBE, FCA, FCT, BA (Econ) Hons

Miss Lynda Bevan BA Hons, PGCE Mrs Marilyn Cass MA, BA Hons, PGCE Mrs Gill McLay Mrs Samantha Newton LLB Hons, LPC Prof Dr Catherine Rigby FAHA Dr Chris Stephens

RHS is the only GDST school to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) alongside A Levels and is also the only GDST school to offer boarding. The GDST is the legal proprietor of RHS and the address of the GDST Head Office is: 10 Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DH. The telephone number is 020 7393 6666.

Where girls learn without limits 5

Term dates Autumn Term 2021 Friday 3 September

Y7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 New EAL Boarders Return

Sunday 5 September

Boarders Return

Monday 6 September

Autumn Term Begins for Prep, Y7, 10, 12 & 13 and New Y8 & Y9

Tuesday 7 September

Autumn Term Begins for All Students

Friday 24 September

Closed Exeat begins 4.00pm

Sunday 26 September

Boarders Return

Friday 22 October

Half Term Begins (3.30pm Prep, 4.00pm Senior)

Sunday 7 November

Boarders Return

Monday 8 November

Term Resumes

Friday 19 November

Closed Exeat begins 4.00pm

Sunday 21 November

Boarders Return

Wednesday 15 December

Autumn Term Ends (12.20pm for Nursery/Reception and 12.40pm Prep/Senior)

Spring Term 2022


Tuesday 4 January

Boarders Return

Wednesday 5 January

Spring Term Begins for All Students

Friday 21 January

Closed Exeat begins 4.00pm

Sunday 23 January

Boarders Return

Friday 18 February

Half Term Begins (3.30pm Prep, 4.00pm Senior)

Sunday 27 February

Boarders Return

Monday 28 February

Term Resumes

Wednesday 6 April

Spring Term Ends (3.30pm Prep, 4.00pm Senior)

Summer Term 2022 Sunday 24 April

Boarders Return

Monday 25 April

Summer Term Begins for All Students

Friday 29 April

Bank Holiday Exeat begins (12.40pm Prep and Y7-12, 3.30pm Y13)

Monday 2 May

Bank Holiday Boarders Return

Friday 27 May

Half Term Begins (3.30pm Prep, 4.00pm Senior)

Monday 6 June

Staff Inset Day (Prep & Seniors) Boarders Return

Tuesday 7 June

Term Resumes

Friday 8 July

Summer Term Ends (3.30pm Prep, 4.00pm Senior)

Sixth Form Day 8.00

Earliest arrival at school


Lesson 1


Lesson 2




Lesson 3


Lesson 4a / Lunch / Clubs and Activities




Lesson 4


Lesson 5


End of Day / After School Activities

Sixth Form students register when they arrive by scanning a QR code on their phone or laptop. Registration also takes place at the start of each lesson. Should a student need to leave the Sixth Form during the day, such as for a driving lesson or medical appointment, they should sign out using the QR code once again.


Absence Students are expected to be in school for 8.30am and must register with the QR code. In the case of lateness or an ordinary one-day absence owing to ill-health, parents must telephone the school or email as soon as possible. Any irregularities or concerns about this information will be followed up by the appropriate staff. All absences from lessons will be recorded electronically. Requests for an extended period of absence that is more than two days should be directed to the Head (

Bring your own device (BYOD) The Sixth Form operates a ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) policy for girls in Year 12 and 13. Please follow the guidance sent separately which can also be found on Firefly.

House system

The tutor system is one of the strengths of the Sixth Form.

The school has four Houses, Austen (red), Bronte (blue), Du Pré (green) and Wollstonecraft (yellow), to one of which each girl is allocated when she joins the school.

Tutoring is on an individual basis, with each student seeing her tutor once every two weeks at which time the tutor will discuss the student’s work, progress and academic well-being.

In the Sixth Form there are two House Prefects for each house who work hard to promote a ‘House consciousness’ by organising a range of activities both in the Sixth Form and in the main school.

The tutor also supports the student in her UCAS application and her wider commitments, both within the school and beyond.

Sports, Dance and Drama competitions are held between the Houses during the year and the winners gain House points.

Sixth Form Tutor System

A record of tutorials is kept on the network. Student attendance is compulsory and contact with parents or


guardians is sought if a student misses two consecutive sessions. Students are required to attend an interview with the Head of Sixth Form to explain the reasons for missed tutorials.

At the end of the school year the House with the most points is awarded the House Shield.

Boarding in the Sixth Form Year 12 and 13 boarders live together in our beautifully furnished Sixth Form boarding house with the care, guidance and support of highly experienced residential house staff. Gloucester House is the boarders’ home away from home and is comprised of a fantastically strong and diverse community of overseas and UK based students. At Sixth Form, boarding offers great benefits in preparing girls for life beyond school and we consider the house to be a stepping stone to university and beyond. It is a house based on trust and respect where we encourage independence, self-motivation and organisation, and we build in as much flexibility as possible to enable our boarders to live a full and active student life, both within the whole school community and the fantastic city of Bath. However, the students benefit from the safety net of twenty-four-hour access to staff whose number one priority is the health, happiness and overall wellbeing of the boarders. House staff know each girl as an individual and, by working closely with the Head of Sixth, subject teachers and the Sixth Form tutors, we support the girls’ personal development in all areas. House staff also develop and encourage good links with boarding parents to provide a crucial link between home and school.

views are different from their own and, from time to time, to compromise on their own preferences, as well as standing up for their own beliefs. These are all skills that stand our students in good stead as they move on. Put simply, RHS boarders benefit from the opportunity of living in a thriving international community before embarking on their journey into the working world.

Flexible Boarding We offer flexible boarding options through the school, alongside full and weekly boarding. This includes regular one or two night a week stays, as well as longer blocks of time. Please note that there are not always spaces available but we will always try to accommodate girls. If this is something you are interested in, please do contact Abbi Pullen, who heads up Gloucester House, to talk through options and arrange a visit.

Boarders learn to get on with a wide range of people, to respect those whose


Leadership There are a wide variety of leadership opportunities in the Sixth Form. The leadership team, chosen in the Spring Term of Year 12, is made up of Prefects, who carry out a number of duties around the school, and Mentors, who work with tutor groups at Key Stage 3. The leadership team has a considerable degree of autonomy and fresh ideas as to how to improve the experience of students in the Sixth Form are always welcomed. The Head Girl, together with her two deputies, manage the leadership team, reporting to the Head with whom they meet weekly. In addition to the above, girls have the opportunity to set up clubs, take part in debates, represent the school in the MUN competition, run Culture Club or present Litlunch sessions. The opportunities for making a mark are wide and varied.

Study periods Students are expected to remain on site for the whole of the school day. During periods where there are no formal lessons scheduled, they should use their time to study, read and research. Supervised study runs once a week on a Thursday after school, from 4pm-6pm in W5.


As the name implies, this is a chance to work under silent, supervised conditions enabling students to finish homework before going home. Students are strongly encouraged to attend. They should book into the sessions by informing Tory who will keep a record of their attendance.

Dress code The dress code in the Sixth Form is designed to allow girls to dress smartly and to take pride in their appearance. Girls must wear a jacket with a dress, skirt or smart trousers. Jackets may be removed during lessons. Formal shoes such as brogues, loafers, pumps or smart boots must be worn. Sportswear of any type, including trainers, is not permitted.

Student Parking There is no space for student parking on site. The on-road parking outside the Sixth Form has a four hour parking restriction. We take no responsibility for cars parked nearby or the transport arrangements of the students. Parents are strongly advised to monitor the travel plans of their daughters.

Sixth Form facilities The Sixth Form library, fully stocked with subject-based texts and a good selection of contemporary and classic fiction, is open from 8.30am to 4.30pm every day. A designated librarian, Miss Julia Mercer, is on hand to advise students with their reading and research. The library is an excellent space in which to work, and also offers a wide range of academic magazines, journals, DVDs in several languages and daily newspapers, as well as excellent online academic resources. Separate study rooms are also available in which to work quietly. The Common Room, Conservatory and Sixth Form garden provide spaces in which to relax and socialise, replete with board games, table football and table tennis to encourage time away from screens. Lunch is served in the Sixth Form Cafe and is paid in advance via Parent Pay. Girls are informed of the lunch timetable on a termly basis.

Higher education We pride ourselves on the effectiveness of the Higher Education and UCAS support we offer. The process is overseen by the Head of HE Support, Mr Tim Hardcastle. The Next Steps Evening in the Spring term of Year 12 formally launches the application cycle, followed up by two

HE Application Days and an Academic Evening for parents in the summer term. Students are offered interview practice through small group workshops and on a one-to-one basis. On Results Days in July and August, students discover whether they have been accepted into their chosen university. As always, we provide expertise and practical support on this day. Intensive guidance and support for girls considering Oxbridge is also available. This includes guidance on Personal Statement writing and interview techniques as well as the opportunity to attend the GDST Oxbridge Conference in June.


University open days Students are encouraged to attend university open days, whether during term time or holidays. Up to three ‘out’ days can take place in the Spring term of Year 12, two in the Autumn term of Year 13, and two ‘post-holder’ days towards the end of Year 13. Due to Covid, many university open days are being delivered virtually; girls are welcome to attend.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) All A Level students are encouraged to complete the EPQ. In the first term of Year 12 there are twenty hours of directed time – that is, lessons with teachers – in which students learn how to research a topic, manage their time, use libraries effectively, make notes, avoid plagiarism and create references. For students who decide to complete the course, ten additional teacher-led hours are available as well as time for personal study, writing and reflection. Everything is completed by the end of Year 12. For more information, visit http:// aqa-certificate/EPQ-7993

Extra curricular activities A rich variety of extra-curricular activities takes place before school


starts, at lunchtime or after school as well as at weekends. Each term an activities fair takes place which allows students to find out what is on offer. Mrs Julie Hughes is Assistant Head, Co-curricular and can be contacted via email: Peripatetic lessons in Music can be arranged via the Head of Music, Mr Mark Bradbury (m.bradbury@rhsb. Speech and Drama lessons are also available; please contact our Head of Drama, Mrs Ishani Thorpe ( for further information.

The Tripos Launched in September 2019 and administered by Mr Ben Lacey, the Tripos is a school-run qualification that forms an exciting strand within the extracurricular activities offered within the Sixth Form. It comprises three elements: Civitas, that is, volunteering in order to help others; Conatas, a challenge element; Curiositas, a strand designed to promote an inquisitive mindset. The aim of the Tripos is to promote engagement and ambition beyond the limits of the curriculum. The Tripos will be awarded to girls who fulfil set criteria in each of the three strands. For more information, please contact Mr Lacey (

Sixth Form support


Who can a student talk to about worries or concerns? The happiness and wellbeing of our students is of paramount importance. Tutors and other members of staff are here to listen and help.

We have a range of policies in place to provide guidance and assurance to students, parents and staff alike. Should you have any questions about our policies please contact:

Additionally, certain staff have a special role in the school to support each student should she have a concern or difficulty:

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Sister Purchase, School Nurse

Sister Bossina, School Nurse

Sister Hawkes, School Nurse Mrs Cowell, The Student Welfare Coordinator Miss Charlotte Disley, School Counsellor Mrs Liz Tremblay, School Counsellor In addition, there are approximately 30 members of staff who act as Wellbeing Angels for students who are experiencing tough times. They can be identified by their bumble bee badges as well as on posters around the school.

General (including the Complaints Procedure) Curriculum and Extra-curricular Activities (including Health and Safety on Educational Visits) Assessment (including Specific Learning Difficulties and External Examinations) Pastoral Care (including Safeguarding Young People) Discipline (including Alcohol, Smoking and Illegal Substances).

Parents can apply to the School Office for a paper copy of any policy or view on our website, via this QR code.

PSHEE Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education A rich programme of PSHEE sessions takes place each fortnight when girls are introduced to essential skills such as interview techniques, personal safety and financial planning as well as being able to listen to a range of speakers. These sessions are designed to help students become successful and confident individuals both in Higher Education and the work place.


Physical education The aim of the PE provision for the Sixth Form is to encourage physical fitness, and offer a range of activities which can be accessed by all. Students participate each week in a range of sporting activities, led by PE staff and external coaches. 1st team practice for hockey in the Autumn term and netball in the Spring term take place from 1.00pm to 3.00pm on Tuesday and after school on Monday. For more information, contact the Director of Sport, Miss Heidi Baber (

Mobile devices Girls must take note of the following rules regarding mobile devices: The school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of mobile devices that are brought into school. If students do bring such devices we recommend that: • • • • •


They are locked away when not required and never left in an unattended bag They have a protective cover A passcode is enabled to prevent other students misusing the device Location services are enabled so that if it is lost, it may be tracked or disabled. Mobiles devices must be switched off during lessons, unless the teacher has given express permission for them to be used.

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Mobile devices should never be taken into a changing room or toilet. Mobile devices must never be taken into an examination room. Candidates found with phones during exams risk facing serious sanctions from the examination board. Pupils are not allowed to film or record (or share these recordings online) other girls or staff on their devices without gaining their permission first. Girls should not walk around while looking at their mobile screen, for their own safety. Any pupil found accessing websites with inappropriate content will be dealt with according to the Behaviour Policy.

ICT and e-safety Internet access is an integral part of a dynamic learning environment. We have created ‘acceptable use’ guidelines to ensure safe, sensible and responsible usage to protect everyone in school. Pupils must: • Only use ICT (on our systems or their own devices) in school for school purposes. This includes the use of the internet, email, digital video, mobile technologies etc.). • Login only as themselves. • Respect the privacy and copyright of others’ material. • Not download or install software on school ICT equipment without permission. • Not post or try to access or download offensive, illegal or aggressive material.

Not try to bypass the internet filtering system.

The following websites provide some useful information on e-safety for girls and parents: ThinkuKnow Provides information on how to keep you and your family safe online. Look particularly at the parents area of the website. CEOP – The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre www.ceoppoliceuk/safety-centre Visit if you are concerned about something that has happened online and wish to report it. Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) If you have found any material you believe to be illegal, you can report it on this site. Students are also responsible for the ‘housekeeping’ in their network storage area and e-mail account. Students are reminded that storage space is not unlimited, so large files ought only to be kept if they are of immediate educational use. Computer storage areas (and removable media) are treated like lockers; if staff have reason to suspect that the acceptable use policy has not been followed, then staff may review files and communications to look for such evidence. Students cannot expect files stored on servers or disks will always be private. Students are encouraged to be economical in their use of resources.

Printing, internet time and network storage space all have a cost and students must not waste resources. Each student is allocated a printing ‘credit limit’ for the year. Inappropriate use of IT will be dealt with accordingly.

Anti-Bullying In our school community everyone has agreed that bullying of any kind is totally unacceptable. Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can also take the form of a one-off incident. Victims feel distress, fear or isolation and often find it difficult to defend themselves against such aggressive forms of behaviour. Bullying can manifest itself in various forms and may be verbal (eg. namecalling, spreading rumours), physical (pushing, damaging possessions), emotional (deliberate isolation, making someone uncomfortable because of religion, sexuality, disability, appearance) or through the misuse of technology (offensive text messages, misuse of social networking sites). Incidents that take place outside school are also monitored and the school may feel it is appropriate to take action in certain instances such as events on a bus to or from school. Any reported incident involving bullying is taken very seriously. Full details of the planned implementation of the policy can be obtained from the School Office.


The Sixth Form reserves the right to use the sanction of temporary or permanent exclusion in a case of bullying.

Standards of behaviour The Sixth Form is a place where the values of respect, tolerance and endeavour are nurtured. It is expected that all members of the Sixth Form, students and staff, will contribute to this ethos. It is a place of work and all members of the Sixth Form are expected to behave, interact and dress with this in mind. Behaviour that does not meet the standards outlined above will be dealt with promptly, fairly and directly.

Alcohol, drugs and tobacco


Reward and sanctions We want every student to feel appreciated and successful in all they achieve. When a student produces outstanding work or demonstrates impressive commitment, a letter of commendation will be sent home either by the Head or the Head of Sixth Form. If a student causes concerns for failing to complete work or to attend compulsory events such as PSHEE or Sixth Form assemblies, she will be given a warning which is recorded by her tutor and by the Head of Sixth Form. The warning is a way of acknowledging formally that there is a problem that needs to be resolved, by handing in missed work or by improving behaviour.

Alcohol, drugs and tobacco are forbidden. Failure to comply with this rule is regarded as a very serious matter and may result in exclusion.

If the situation does not improve, parents may be invited in to discuss the matter and the student put into a Thursday detention to complete any missing work.

Working relationships

Guidelines for trips

In line with the above statement, relationships in the Sixth Form should be conducted in a spirit of respect and courtesy. Physical and verbal demonstrations of feeling, either of anger or intimacy, are unacceptable. All students are expected to treat each other and staff with respect. Staff are expected to treat their students fairly and candidly.

When your daughter joins the Sixth Form you are required to fill in a parental/guardian consent for visits which will be used for her whole time in the Sixth Form. This is a GDST requirement. Without this form a student cannot go on any trips. Should any details change (i.e. contact/medical details) please inform the school office by email (royalhigh@ or by letter. When a student is invited to go on a trip, a letter with all the relevant details will be sent via Firefly.

The Medical Centre The Medical Centre is based in the main school and is run by Sister Purchase, Sister Bossina and Sister Hawkes, supported by the School Doctor. A medical room, The Lavender Room, is also available exclusively for Sixth Form students. Girls may use this if unwell or need some quiet time during the school day and it is monitored by Sixth Form staff. This room is also used for Sixth Form drop-in clinics run by Sister Purchase every Thursday between 10.00am and 11.00am.

Contacting the Sister on duty If you wish to speak to the Sister on duty regarding your daughter, you can contact her by telephone via the school, by letter, and email or in person by appointment. In accordance with the School Doctor’s and Nurse’s professional obligations, medical information about Students, regardless of their age, will remain confidential. However, it is recognised that on occasions the Doctor and Nurse may liaise with the Head and other academic staff, Boarding staff and parents/ guardians, and that information, ideally with the Student’s prior consent, will be passed on as necessary. With all medical and nursing matters, the Doctor and Nurse will respect a Student’s medical confidentiality, except on the very rare occasions when, having failed to persuade the student, or her authorised representative, to give consent to share information that

the doctor or nurse considers is in the student’s better interests or necessary for the protection of the wider school community, to breach confidence as have a duty of care to pass information to a relevant person or body. Sister Rebecca Purchase 01225 731007 / 07810 697369

Immunisations All routine immunisations for students are undertaken by your own GP and not through school. Please ensure that you inform us of dates of boosters for our school records. Please ensure your daughter’s medical record has up to date immunisation dates, obtained via your GP.

The Service we provide We hope that your daughter will start her school day fit and well. However, if she becomes unwell during the course of the day, we are available to provide first aid and basic care for her until we are able to contact you. Day students living within the locality will already be registered with a General Practitioner and it is expected that for routine medical matters the GP will be consulted for appropriate advice. Boarding students will be registered with the School Doctor and the Medical Centre are able to arrange appointments and consultations on a student’s behalf. However, if you have any worries about your daughter’s health that may affect her while she is at school, we


would be happy to discuss them with you and provide any necessary help and support. Please do not send your daughter into school if unwell. If your daughter has a chronic health problem, suffers from a prolonged illness, or has to be admitted to hospital, please let us know so that we can offer her appropriate support on her return to school. If medication is required during the school day by a student, this must be brought to the Medical Centre for safe keeping at the start of the day. Medicines should be sent in their original container (not repackaged or relabelled) including the prescriber’s instructions for administration. Arrangements for collection of the medicine at the end of the day must also be clearly stated. Please complete the Administration of Medication in School form on Firefly. No medication should be carried in school by students except Diabetic medication, Inhalers and Adrenaline pens. If your daughter suffers from asthma and uses an inhaler, please ensure a spare named inhaler is provided to be kept in the Medical Centre for emergency and trips / sporting fixtures.

Health checks We offer all new students a school health check which is carried out by the School Sisters.


The health check comprises a short examination of height and weight, an eye test and the opportunity for your daughter to express any health worries she may have. Your written consent is requested on the Pupil Health Assessment form which you are requested to fill in prior to your daughter commencing at the Royal High School.

Financial matters Royal High School operates an internet payment system for parents called Parentpay. This is completely separate from the school fees which are administered directly from the GDST. All chargeable activities that your daughter takes part in must be paid for through our Parentpay portal. It is important that this happens in advance of the activity so that we are able to secure a place for your daughter and ensure that we have all the necessary staffing in place for her safety. Unfortunately, if payment is not made then your daughter will not be able to participate. All students will be billed £20 at the start of Year 12 and Year 13 as a ‘sub’. This pays for a variety of extras during their two years in Sixth Form including functions and parties, Christmas festivities, and keeping Common Room well stocked.

How to make a complaint In our school we want to be able to talk openly and honestly with each other about issues. However, if you and your family feel that a matter hasn’t been resolved then you are entitled to make a complaint and the school has a complaints procedure which is made available to all families. In addition, boarders have the right to make a complaint to the Office of the Children’s Commissioner: by telephone, 0800 528 0731 or by email

Travel and Transport Our comprehensive transport network provides girls with quick, trouble-free journeys to school. We have bus routes running across Bath and the wider area including Tetbury, East Bristol, Chew Valley, Midsomer Norton, Frome, Shaftesbury and Chippenham. Find out more at our dedicated web portal, via this QR code, where you can also make bookings and payments for the service.


Girls making their mark


Royal High School Bath Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5SZ 01225 313877 @royalhighbath

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