Rose Review_Fall 2018

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The Rose Review Fall 2018


he Rose Institute is hard at 2 - Student Management Report work in the Fall 2018 semester. 3 - Miller Texas Report As usual, the first thing we did was 4- A Conversation with Prof. Sinclair to hire new research assistants. This 5 - Project Updates year, 60 students applied and 11 were selected—nine freshmen and 6 - New Hires two sophomores—after an extensive 9 - Summer Updates process of group and individual 12 - In Memoriam interviews. Throughout the Fall, the new hires will be undergoing training and will be designing and executing their own The senior staff and student management of the Rose small-scale individual research projects. At the end of have also been working with the Board of Governors the semester, they will be presenting their projects. to formulate a plan for how the Institute can play a constructive role in the post-2020 redistricting Facing another election year, the Institute just released process. While the planning is not completed, several its newest edition of the “Video Voter” series, with an strong possibilities have emerged, including a report informational video on each of California’s eleven ballot on population projections in California, educational initiatives. In conjunction with the Institute for Local webinars and conferences for local officials, a reprise Government, the Rose Institute is preparing to release of the Institute’s Redistricting in America website, the first four informative videos for local government development of a new website focusing on key officials and staff. This first set will examine issues of redistricting-related court decisions, informational ethics and procedure, such as the Brown Act. videos on redistricting, and internship opportunities for students on off-campus redistricting projects. Other projects include: • A Fall 2018 edition of the Inland Empire Outlook The Rose Institute is also continuing its speaker including several pieces of student research. programming this semester. With journalist Tony Mecia, • The 2017 Kosmont-Rose Institute Cost of Doing Business we have begun a three-speaker series at the Athenaeum Survey, which is nearing completion. on the subject of state and local policy issues • A planned update of the “competitive districts” surrounding legalization of marijuana. The Institute project examining campaign spending in California also co-sponsored an Ath talk by Amanda Renteria, legislative elections. 2018 candidate for governor of California. Jack Pitney • Two completed crime projects supervised by Rose will be talking about the midterm elections on October Faculty Fellows Joseph Bessette (CMC) and Jennifer 25, while Bob Stern and our own Prof. Ken Miller will Walsh (Azusa Pacific). be examining the statewide ballot initiatives at a dinner • A completed project on how recent federal law has Athenaeum on October 30. affected tribal courts. • A research project on delegate selection methods Our collaboration with the Lowe Institute continues, used by both major parties in each state in preparation and we have begun planning for our March 12 “Inland for the 2020 primaries and caucuses. Empire Vision 2019” conference following up on our • Research for Prof. Miller’s upcoming book successful conference at Roberts Pavilion last March. comparing politics and policy in California and Texas. We are looking forward to an exciting year. ROSE REVIEW | 1

Student Management Report Nick Fedorochko ’19 and Alec Lopata ’19


tudent management started off the semester early, getting back in advance of classes to begin preparing for the hiring process. This year we innovated and improved upon the hiring process, reaching out to students in new ways to inform them about the Research Assistant opportunity. We also hosted a résumé and cover letter workshop, at the suggestion of former Student Manager Melissa Muller ’18, which was widely attended and wellreceived. Overall, we experienced more than a 70% increase in applications over last year, and felt that the quality of the applications was its highest in recent memory. We hired 11 students, composed of nine first year students and two second year students. Our new hires come from a variety of backgrounds with exposure to state and local politics from California, Texas, Louisiana, Iowa, Colorado, and Connecticut. We are excited to watch them develop as researchers and students, and are thrilled to be able to offer them a robust new hire training curriculum. We owe particular thanks to this year’s New Hire Manager, Bryn Miller ’19 for being so helpful in our hiring process, and for arranging a great curriculum for this year’s incoming class. Returning Research Assistants have been staffed on projects, and we are inspired by the work they have been doing. This semester, the Rose Institute has made some changes to the project management process, including the creation of project manager “town halls” where project managers can collaborate, coordinate, and communicate with institutional team managers and student management. Project managers are also using an openly-distributed master project calendar to ensure they meet deadlines and that our communications and design teams can manage their workload more efficiently. Video Voter has been well-received, and we are excited by the high quality of the videos and the research behind them. Our communications team has been proactive in marketing them to students, the media, and advocacy organizations, and we look forward to measuring their impact as we approach the election. Aside from Video Voter, the Rose Institute has also released a set of papers on federalism under the Trump administration, on the tribal courts system, and on obstacles to single-payer healthcare in California. Some projects that we are excited about include Redistricting, which has a significantly larger team ahead of the 2020 census and subsequent redistricting, and Competitive Districts, which is on track to release a white paper on the 2016 election cycle by the end of the semester. We are happy to see the results of Prop. 64 research in the Inland Empire Outlook , and are thrilled to announce student interest in developing projects on the cost of healthcare in California, and on fiscal analysis. Student management is excited for the rest of our tenure to unfold, and looks forward to continuing to offer our students an unparalleled research experience at Claremont McKenna while making a meaningful impact on public policy in California.


Miller Texas Research Update Charlie Harris ’19


Credit: Wikimedia Commons

ssociate Director Kenneth Miller spent the 2017-18 academic year on sabbatical as a visiting scholar at the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. His research was funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation. CMC is committed to supporting the research of faculty members, and part of that commitment is allowing them to take sabbaticals so that they can focus exclusively on their academic work. Prof. Miller’s primary research has focused on the political development of California as it has become the leading progressive state in the country, and his sabbatical gave him an opportunity to add a comparative dimension to that work. Since Texas is the leading conservative state, he hoped the contrast between the two would help illuminate what sets states on particular political trajectories. Prof. Miller made the most of his time in the Lone Star State by immersing himself in its culture and history. He crisscrossed the state and visited Austin, San Antonio, Houston, El Paso, the West Texas oil fields, Hill Country, and the Pan Handle. As he toured Texas, he met with prominent political individuals from both parties. Although he was based in Dallas, he also made plenty of trips to Austin to interview government leaders including the Speaker of the House, the Governor’s Chief of Staff, and other prominent staff members. In addition to his field work, Prof. Miller conducted archival research to understand the history of the state and find data about its political evolution. On a personal note, Prof. Miller’s wife, Kimberly, has family living in Dallas so he enjoyed spending time with them as well. Prof. Miller is now writing a book based on his research in Texas. The first half of the book looks at why California and Texas ended up on divergent political paths. He uses historical research combined with contemporary analysis to examine potential causes. The second half takes a look at policy priorities for the two states and compares their approach on issues like taxation, organized labor, energy, the environment, and social issues. The book is schedule to be published by the end of 2019. After a productive time away from Claremont, Prof. Miller is excited to back at the Rose and is excited for the year ahead.


Conversation with Professor Sinclair Lindsay Burton ’19


he Rose Institute congratulates Andrew Sinclair on his return to CMC. Professor Sinclair graduated CMC in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Government. He then went on to earn both his Master’s and Ph.D. in Social Science from the California Institute of Technology. Professor Sinclair then taught on the faculty of the NYU Warner Graduate School of Public Service and served as both as their Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Quantitative Methods Curriculum Coordinator. His research explores American Politics and Political Methodology.

Professor Andrew Sinclair Photo Credit: Zach Wong '19

Q: Are you enjoying the experience of teaching at your alma mater? I am delighted -absolutely delighted -to be at CMC. I had a really good experience atP NYU, with tremendous colleagues and great students. For many reasons, though, this was the right place for me, and it is fun to be back.

Q: You had an interesting dual major while you were a student. How has your background in mathematics influenced your research and teaching? Around the time I was getting close to finishing high school and starting to think about plans for college, my oldest sister -Betsy Sinclair -had recently started a PhD program at Caltech. Math was my least favorite subject in school, starting in about second grade. Still, Betsy showed me a bit of what she was learning in her political science courses and explained that if I wanted to get to do that, I'd better be a math major like she had been. So I signed up to be a math major. As usual, she was right. While quantitative approaches are not the only way to study interesting problems in political science, they are certainly useful. I think quantitative tools help me get better answers to the questions I find important. I am still by far the worst mathematician in the family (my other sister, Laura Sinclair, holds a PhD in physics), but I did eventually learn to like math. At the Wagner School at NYU, I taught both graduate and undergraduate quantitative methods courses for public policy -and finally started to actually enjoy it. My own experiences as a student, though, continue to inform the way I teach quantitative subjects. Since math did not come easily or naturally to me, I think it is a lot easier to relate with the next generation of students who also find this material important but hard. Q: What sorts of research projects are you currently working on? At the moment, Betsy Sinclair (WashU) and I, along with Michael Alvarez (Caltech) and Christian Grose (USC), are writing a book about California elections. This is building on some earlier research I did, including some projects with Ian O'Grady (Rose Alumnus, CMC '15). In 2012, California switched to a "top-two" election system -yielding this year two Democrats on the ballot for the November U.S. Senate election. I'm interested in how changes to election laws can impact the whole of the public policy process. Broadly, I'm still working on the same questions that brought me to CMC as a student: why is it so hard for the government to make good policy choices? What sorts of changes to the rules would help make government function, in some way, better? These are some of the great questions of political science, so that should keep me fairly busy. Q: I know that you just got back, but I am curious. What is your dream course to teach here at CMC? Someday I'd love to run a course on political simulations. I've been working on building an international relations board game (for years) which simulates the political challenges leading up to the Second World War. It's not really my main area of academic effort at the moment, but this would be fun to do. I did teach a small history and politics seminar at NYU on this as I was building the last edition of the game (because I was working on the game), which made it seem really possible to eventually do it.


Project Updates

Competitive Districts


- Sophia Helland ’20

- Rachel Alaynick ’20

This semester, the Competitive Districts Project is analyzing 2016 election data from California Assembly and Senate races. We have finished collecting data from the 2016 cycle and plan to finish the white paper by the end of the year. The project will continue to examine campaign expenditures and independent expenditures, and it will also look at contribution data for the first time. The project relies on data from the Cal-Access campaign finance database, which is publicly available on the California Secretary of State’s website. We will be looking to answer questions about how donations are spent, which professions are the most likely to donate money to a campaign, whether outside organizations are more likely to spend money on Democrats or Republicans, and create a spending timeline of campaign expenditures.

The redistricting project is wrapping up its analysis of federal gerrymandering standards, which will result in a report and one-page fact sheet. These materials will cover how the standards have been formed through court cases and legislation. Then, the redistricting team will project population growth in California and analyze how the population changes will affect the size and number of districts. Following this report, the Rose will host a webinar series that details statutory changes to the Independent Redistricting Commission and how to navigate those changes.

Video Voter

True Time Served

- Will Frankel ’21

- Sophia Helland ’20

Video Voter: A Guide to California Ballot Measures is designed to help voters make informed decisions on each of the measures on the California general election ballot. The non-partisan project explains each proposition with an educational video and a brief written analysis. Both make clear what a yes or no vote means, present major arguments from both proponents and opponents, and identify main supporters and opponents. The videos are uploaded to the Rose Institute's website and Claremont McKenna's YouTube channel with both Spanish and English subtitles.

Last semester, the True Time Served project focused on collecting data about the average length of stay in local jails in order to create a more accurate estimate about the true length of time individuals are incarcerated for a particular crime. Prison time served and probation are reported by all states, but there is currently no national estimate for jail time served. We found data on jail time served for several large states, including Pennsylvania, Tennessee, New York, and California. This semester, we are beginning our calculations of true time served, taking into account probation, jail time served, and prison time served.


2018 New Hires Photo Credit: Zach Wong'19

Katherine P. Adelman ’21

Katherine is from San Antonio, Texas, studying Government and Economics with a Public Policy Sequence. On campus, she is involved in Claremont Women in Business and CMC Survivor, which one can find airing on YouTube this fall. From a young age, Katherine has been invested in the local politics of her hometown, attending meetings with many civic leaders to gain perspective on the inner workings of local politics. Her goals for this semester are to win CMC Survivor, finish re-watching the West Wing, and learn everything about California politics she can.

Calder B. Altman ’22

Calder is from New Orleans, Louisiana, and is planning on majoring in history and government. He is interested in state and local government because he views government as a force for good. He is specifically interested in environmental and gun policy and the issues and history surrounding race. Calder is also a member of the CMC’s Model United Nations team, plays with the Claremont Colleges’ frisbee team, and is a cook in the Athenaeum kitchen. In his free time, he enjoys playing ping pong, board games, and baking.

David Almaraz-Roman ’22

David hails from Whittier, California, and he intends to major in Government. In high school, David pursued his love for government by interning for Congresswoman Linda Sanchez and Assembly Majority Leader Ian Calderon. At the Rose, David hopes to research education policy and fiscal analysis. His passion for education has been shaped by his time teaching code to elementary students, mentoring at-risk high school students, and organizing ‘Operation College’ to support underrepresented minorities through college applications. At CMC, David enjoys early morning workouts at Roberts and the warm cookies at Collins.


2018 New Hires (continued) Maria J. Gastelum Vera ’22

Maria is first-generation American from Whittier, California hoping to study Government and Public Policy. Her interest in law and politics stem from the two summers she spent as a legal intern, as well as from the campaigns she’s had the pleasure of working on in her hometown. Maria looks forward to pursuing research in the fields of immigration, criminal policy, and voter engagement, with the hopes of making politics more accessible to all in her community. In her free time, you can find her listening to political podcasts, reading anything by Sandra Cisneros, or re-watching episodes of The West Wing.

Maya Ghosh ’22

Maya hails from Dallas, Texas, and is hoping to major in Environment, Economics, and Politics. She developed a passion for politics due to her intense love for reading the Economist and listening to the podcast Deep State Radio. In high school, she pursued this passion by leading her school’s Political Action Club and environmental group, and by interning for Colin Allred’s congressional campaign. At CMC she also works for the Roberts Environmental Center, Mock Trial, The Forum and the Athenaeum’s kitchen staff. In her spare time she enjoys running, backpacking, road-tripping and watching football.

Anna E. Green ’21

Anna is a sophomore from Fairfield, CT pursuing a major in Government. After working for local, state, and federal governmental offices, she is excited to be joining the Rose Institute as a Research Assistant. On campus, Anna also works as a tour guide in the Office of Admission and as an interviewer for the Free Food (for Thought) podcast. In her free time, Anna loves exploring Southern California, binge-watching political dramas on Netflix, searching for new coffee shops, and spending time with friends.

Nandini Jayaram ’22

Nandini is from Bettendorf, Iowa and is majoring in Economics with a Financial Economics Sequence. In high school, Nandini was an active member of the State of Iowa Youth Advisory Council (SIYAC), where she and 23 members across the state drafted and pursued bills through Iowa state legislature. Nandini also interned for U.S. Representative Dave Loebsack, which sparked her interest in learning more about local campaigns. She hopes to hone her research skills and better understand state and local government in California at the Rose. In her free time, you can find Nandini singing, doing hot yoga, or watching a new TV show.


2018 New Hires (continued) Gait W. Nairn ’22

Gait is from the Central Valley of Northern California. As a high school student, Gait garnered an interest in politics through his debate and mock trial teams. Participating in American Legion Boys State allowed Gait to explore the opportunities and complexities of state and local government on a hands-on level. At the Rose Institute, Gait hopes to acquire valuable skills in policy research, specifically looking at the dichotomy between the vast interests of California. On campus, Gait is an Army ROTC cadet, and is an attorney on the mock trial team. In his free time, Gait plays Spikeball, spends far too much time watching Suits, and enjoys hanging out with friends.

Robin M. Peterson ’22

Robin is from Boulder, Colorado, majoring in Government. In high school, she worked on registering her peers to vote and working with local legislators on laws surrounding voting rights for ex-felons. At the Rose, Robin hopes to pursue research on policy related to gun control or sustainability. Outside of the Rose, she enjoys annotating her pocket Constitution, pole vaulting, and re-watching Madam Secretary. If she’s not struggling with Introductory Arabic, she’s either serving in uniform as an ROTC Cadet or trying to catch up on sleep.

Adhitya Venkatraman ’22

Adhitya is from San Jose, California and plans to major in Economics and Government. Adhitya gained an interest in politics from a healthy combination of the Daily Show and high school speech and debate. He previously served as a policy aide for his home in District 8 of San Jose and interned at East Palo Alto Community Legal Services, helping to expunge criminal records. These experiences helped Adhitya narrow his interest in public policy to affordable housing and criminal rehabilitation. Outside of the Rose Institute, Adhitya is an avid baker, amateur magician, and beanie enthusiast.

Phillip "Felipe" D. Williams ’22

Felipe is an Inland Empire native from Fontana, California planning on majoring in Government. As a first-year student, he is very excited to be joining the Rose Institute team. Passionate about politics and local governance, Felipe served as the co-chairman of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council for his hometown and was involved in efforts to increase teenage engagement with civic affairs. On campus, he is an ROTC cadet, serves as an ASCMC senator, and is a member of the Model UN team. In his free time, Felipe enjoys hiking,reading, obsessively binge watching The West Wing, consuming copious amounts of In-n-Out hamburgers, and spending time with friends and family.


Summer Updates Charlie Harris ’19 spent his summer working for Governor Steve Bullock in Helena, Montana. Spending the summer in Montana has given him an entirely new perspective on how state governments operate. All of his research at the Rose has focused on California, so he is excited to use his experience in Helena to strengthen his work by giving him a larger comparative context. In the office, Charlie did everything from constituent work, to policy research, and he even got to staff the Governor and Lieutenant Governor at a few events. Elena Castellanos ’21 was a 2018 recipient of the Appel Fellowship. For her project, she researched various Latino immigrant cultural enclaves across the United States by interviewing community members, museum directors, and academics. Her work took her to New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles. During her travels, she also stopped in Ottumwa, Iowa to conduct field research with Professor Shields for his upcoming book on Trump’s Democrats. Jake Leischner ’21 spent his summer in his hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico interning on Michelle Lujan Grisham's campaign for governor. As a communications intern, Jake created graphics, drafted social media posts, staffed candidates at events, and did anything else that was needed to promote the campaign message. Zane Tolchinsky ’20 spent his summer in Chicago working at North Pond Restaurant in Lincoln Park and assisting with his mother, Debra Tolchinsky, on her upcoming film, True Memories and Other Falsehoods.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Harris '19

Zach Wong ’19 interned for an educational nonprofit in Bogotá, Colombia for the first two months of the summer, and joined the campaign of Peter Roskam (IL-6) for the last month. In Bogotá, Zach expanded on the data analysis skills he first acquired at the Rose Institute while analyzing outcomes and feedback data from pilot schools to evaluate the efficacy of educational models. Back in Illinois, Zach did the hard work of campaigning in a competitive election, canvassing voters and planning communications strategy. Naseem Nazari ’21 worked in New York City with Pratham USA, a nonprofit committed to education development in India. She worked as a digital marketing intern, running all social media platforms and running analyses on the reach and impact of Pratham’s social media presence.

Photo courtesy of Naseem Nazari '21

Photo courtesy of Jake Leischner '21

Johnson Lin ’21 is a founding member of Tasl, a tech startup that builds customized mobile applications for college campuses and other communities. He spent this summer helping build and prepare the app for implementation at CMC in the fall. On the side, Johnson has also been conducting research for a literature review with Professor Bessette for the Bureau of Justice. Sophia Helland ’20 spent the summer in Los Angeles interning for Gavin Newsom’s campaign for California Governor. As an intern, Sophia gained experience with voter contact, town halls, and the workings of a statewide campaign. After spending so much time researching state politics, she was excited to have the opportunity to influence it!

Photo courtesy of Sophia Helland '20


Summer Updates (Continued)

Photo courtesy of Nandeeni Patel '21

Nandeeni Patel ’21 was a 2018 recipient of the Appel Fellowship. For two months, Nandeeni was in Gujarat, India studying the relationship between government, education, and religion in her grandfather’s hometown.

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Burton '19

Lindsay Burton ’19 spent her summer in the popular vacation spots of Fort Knox, Kentucky and Fort Bragg, North Carolina to participate in Army ROTC cadet training. As part of her officer commissioning requirements, Lindsay was activated for the month of June at Fort Knox where she conducted Infantry field training exercises as a test for her leadership capabilities as a future platoon leader. Following this, she remained activated and re-stationed at Fort Bragg for the month of July where she trained in the Special Operations Forces 95th Civil Affairs Brigade.


Bryn Miller ’19 interned with the State Department in the Public Diplomacy section of the U.S. Embassy in Quito, Ecuador. Her section facilitates programs focused on education, English learning, entrepreneurship, and exchange in communities across Ecuador. Bryn enjoyed working on the Embassy's grants program, helping out with Vice President Mike Pence's visit, and getting out of the office to see public diplomacy in action. The highlight of her summer was going back to her camp counselor roots for a week at the Embassy's annual English summer camp.

Photo courtesy of Bryn Miller '19

Melanie Wolfe ’20 was in Washington, D.C. working with Running Start, a nonprofit that works to engage young women in politics. Melanie got to work with an amazing crew of interns from across the country, wearing hats ranging from researcher to grant writer to camp counselor during Running Start’s Young Women’s Political Leadership program for high school students held at Georgetown University each June.

Summer Updates (Continued)

Photo courtesy of Alec Lopata '19

Alec Lopata ’19 spent his summer at home in the Chicago area working at two different internships, which kept him very busy! He spent the majority of his week working as an Issues Team Intern with Organizing for Action, a grassroots organizing nonprofit started after the Obama re-election campaign to defend President Obama's legacy. He helped with launching and running OFA's first ever election-focused program, and was able to do a lot of interesting research assignments related to that. He also worked as a Policy Development Intern with his local State Senator, Julie Morrison, helping her research and write new legislation.

Will Frankel ’21 spent his summer in Washington, D.C. as a Government Affairs Intern and Lloyd Meeds Policy Fellow at K&L Gates, LLP. His work portfolio included research and advocacy on state and local issues like education, maritime policy, and election security. He also participated in the American Enterprise Institute’s Summer Honors Program, studying constitutional law for a week with Professor John Yoo.

Photo courtesy of Will Frankel '21

Photo courtesy of Bruno Youn '19

Bruno Youn ’19 worked from his hometown of Seal Beach, CA, for Resistance Labs, a small political organization that recruits Democratic candidates for down-ballot offices in red states and generates turnout for events and elections. He has become familiar with a smattering of things, from SQL to a texting platform called Hustle.

Photo courtesy of Zenaida Huerta '20

Zenaida Huerta ’20 blended her passions for public policy and politics this summer. As the 2018 Rose Institute-Townsend Fellow, she interned for Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones in Sacramento. During her internship, she learned about the healthcare conglomerate and American antitrust law. When the department held a hearing about the proposed CVSAetna merger, Zenaida helped research the proposed acquisition’s impact on consumers in areas of market competition, costs of premiums, Medicare Part D, and more. Additionally, she learned about California’s housing crisis when she helped organize a panel with tenants rights activists to discuss the repeal of CostaHawkins, a November ballot initiative.


In Memoriam

W. Richard Cramer passed away on June 20, 2018. He was an alumnus of Claremont McKenna College, class of 1953. He served on the CMC Board of Trustees (19872006). He was a longtime friend of the Rose Institute and was a vital member of its Board of Governors for two decades.

Photo credit: CMC

The Rose Institute is grateful for Mr. Cramer’s valuable time, guidance, and generous contributions supporting the Institute and its student research programs.

Tom Hofeller, was co-founder and senior technical consultant of the Rose Institute. He was later named assistant director and then, after completion of his PhD, associate director. Mr. Hofeller led the Institute in the design and development of California’s first computerized geo-political database. Under Mr. Hofeller’s guidance CMC students participated in every aspect of the Institute's work, from data input through data analysis to data sales. Statewide databases for other states were built in those years, including Photo credit: Texas, Pennsylvania and Illinois. By 1980 more than 40 CMC students were working in different areas of the Institute’s entrepreneurial business. Mr. Hofeller's work was vital to the Institute’s founding and growth, and the many Institute alumni are a wonderful legacy. Throughout his decades in Washington, Mr. Hofeller always stayed close to the Rose Institute and CMC. Mr. Hofeller’s fame came from his national work and his national biographies all mention his frequent appearances at the conferences held by the National Conference of State Legislatures. Mr. Hofeller passed away on August 16, 2018 at age 75.


STUDENT STAFF Nick Fedorochko ’19 Student Manager Alec Lopata ’19 Associate Student Manager Publication Staff: Elena Castellanos ’21 Zenaida Huerta ’20 Naseem Nazari ’21 Zach Wong ’19


T he mission of the Rose Institute is to enhance the education of students at Claremont McKenna Colleg e, to produce high quality research, and to promote public understanding on issues of state and local g over nment, politics, and policy, with an emphasis on Califor nia.

Andrew E. Busch, PhD

Administrative Assistant


Ken Miller, JD, PhD Associate Director

Bipasa Nadon, JD Assistant Director

Marionette Moore

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