May 28

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May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Peter Marshall


THURSDAY, MAY 26,, 2016

Getting ready to make their entrance into the gym for commencement exercises were Class of 2016 seniors Colten Browning, Jennah Barnhart, Jaime Allred, Brittan Casey, Casey Deatherage, Brooke Holcomb and Drew Back.

Let’s Do Lu nch Together! The town of Allen is excited to announce the beginning of a summer lunch program. Every weekday from 12 noon to 1 p.m. a lunch will be provided for any child up to age 18. There are no income restrictions for this program and is open

daily by the Chickasaw Nation Summer Food program. We are excited to provide extra nutrition to our children this summer and feel fortunate Allen was chosen as a distribution site. We encourage everyone to use this service. For more information call Chickasaw Nation Services at The Allen Junior High Cheerleaders will be having (580)436-7255. a car wash at Plunk’s Car Wash on the evening of FriIf you would like to volday, May 27th, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. and the morning unteer to help us with this of Saturday, May 28th, from 9:00-1:00. to native and non-native children in the area. We will be utilizing two locations for the program on at the park pavilion at the city park and the other at the Allen Public library. The meals are provided

Cheerleader Car Wash

summer long program we will gladly sign you contact Allen City Hall up to help with the food or the Allen Library and distribution.

Blood Drive Wednesday

Blood donors this summer will not only feel good when they donate with Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI), each will also get two tickets to the Oklahoma City Zoo. The Zoo’s lively otter is featured on “You Otter Give Blood” T-shirts that will also be given to donors. Farmers State Bank of Allen, invites anyone who is healthy and 16 years or older* to save local lives Wednesday, June 01, from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

Allen Memorial Day Service & Dinner

Memorial Day services at the Allen Cemetery will be observed on Monday, May 30th, at 11:00 a.m. Speaker for the ceremony will be Dwayne Harden. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Following the ceremony, all services, both retired and active, along with their families and friends are invited to attend a hamburger/hot dog lunch, sponsored by the Allen Chamber of Commerce, in the Allen Masonic Lodge building on West Broadway.

Atwood Memorial Day Service

The Atwood Cemetery will have their Memorial Day services Sunday, May 29th, at 2:00 pm. The Nazarene Church will be in charge of the service. Donations will be accepted for the upkeep of the cemetery.

Gerty Methodist Memorial Service

The Gerty Methodist Church is holding a Memorial Day/Homecoming Service this Sunday, May 29th. Sunday School will begin at 10:00 am; the Memorial Day service starts at 11:00. Dinner will be provided following the morning worship, followed by an afternoon singing. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy Congratulation to David Morrison for being selected the 2015-16 Mustang of the Year. He the day. A special invitation is extended to all former was presented his award by Allen Board of Education president Robert Hammonds. members.

C ountry Comments


by Bill Robinson, Publisher

The Greatest Generation . . . much has been said about them but much more needs to be said. My father was a member of that generation. There is a bond among these WWII veterans unlike anything I have ever seen. I will never forget the last person my dad went to see before his death was his dear friend and comrade Carl Vinson. They were in the thick of the war and saw things that hopefully we will never have to. They were with the Daredevil Tankers of the 740th Tank Battalion. Their record was so incredible that a book “Into the Breach” has been written about them. Friendships, made during the war lasted a lifetime. After the veterans returned home they still were willing to help other vets whenever and wherever a need arose. Their generation knew how precious so many things that we take for granted are. John Ferrary was in the U.S. Navy and wrote the following letter to his niece, August 19th, 1945. Dear Annita, I am addressing this letter to you but really I am writing to you, Mother and Daddy, so this letter is for all of you. I received two of your letters and one of Mother’s this past week and I didn’t answer sooner

because I’ve been running around the countryside too much and I am lazy and tired, but here goes now. This last letter of yours was very nice; you sure are getting to be a very smart girl. I can’t wait until I hear you play the piano; also I hope your puppy takes a prize in the pet show. What’s the matter with Daddy that he can’t paint without leaving spots or putting a design on right? Wait until I see him; will I give him the raspberries. Now to tell you a little of what is going on. Now that the Japaneezers have surrendered we are working on our base getting straightened out for it is a new base and there is a lot of work. However when I have a full day off I go to a small village about three quarters of an hour’s walk through the mud where I spend the day with a family I made friends with. They are very happy to have us come up. They don’t have anything like our children have—no toys, candy or cakes—and when we bring them some small thing it is just like a Christmas to them. They are very clean, simple-living, honest and religious people. They don’t have a church and it’s too far out of the way for a priest to go there, especially now that things are still unsettled, but they have a small chapel which they named “Capella de San Rocco.” It is small and now they are trying to raise funds to build a larger one by running dances in town. On Sunday morning the people go there and say their rosary, and during the week they stop in and say a prayer. Every night the little oil lamp is lighted and if you see it at night it looks like a guiding light and haven for the traveler just as you read about in the old days. Every evening they say the “Angelus.” How these people would appreciate a church while in our land we have many and neglect to use them. With all their hardships they never have forgotten God; we could learn from them. Now I am waiting and hoping something turns up (so) that I can get home again, so for the present I send my usual love to Mother and Daddy, and a million hugs and kisses for you.

Uncle Johnny

—CC— The Greatest Generation . . . they didn’t want free phones, free college or free birth control pills; all they wanted was freedom and they were willing to give their life for it. God bless the Greatest Generation . . . and God help the new one. —CC— There are countless stories of courage in WWII. Here is one of my favorites “In Auschwitz,” reported a Protestant doctor later, “I knew of no other similar

case of such heroic love of neighbor, though I was indeed there from 1941 to 1945.” The priest, Father Maximilian Kolbe, had arrived in May of 1941, before Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, before Pearl Harbor, before the official The Allen AdvocATe

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Periodical Postage Paid at Allen, OK 74825 Published Weekly at 101 S. Easton • Allen, OK 74825

Bill & dAynA RoBinSon, PUBliSheRS diAne BRAnnAn, ediToR cindy dAviS, office MAnAgeR

Devotion of the Week

David had no fear of being honest. He faced life with an openness that allowed him to vent his feelings, state his fears, express his desires, and claim God’s promises. “Keep me safe, O God!” is the way David begins Psalm 16. And then states immediately that he, at that moment, came to Him for refuge: “In you I take refuge.” He did not say that he took refuge in God in the past or that he planned on taking refuge in God in the future. Indeed not. Something was threatening him at that very moment and he immediately went to God for help. Sometimes we wait before we go to God with our needs. We believe that we are capable of handling our fears and failures by ourselves. We often think that we can cover up our mistakes and faults. But there is nothing in us or about us or has come from us that is beyond God’s love, mercy and power. He knows who we are, sees us as we are and understands what we are going through and is waiting for our call for help. The word keep as used in this Psalm can also be interpreted to mean watch over – as a shepherd watches over his flock, or as a guard who keeps watch over the prisoners he is charged to control and contain. David knew the responsibilities of shepherds firsthand. If anything happened to the sheep, the shepherd would be held accountable He also knew, as a king, that if prisoners escaped, an entire kingdom could be damaged or destroyed. David knew Who to trust! Seeds of Hope

Smile of the Week A book I’d ordered arrived in the mail. I unwrapped it and flipped through its pages. My 21-year-old son, Sean, was at the other end of the table, gesturing as if he wanted to see the book. I started to hand it to him, when he stopped me. “No, I’ll take the trash,” Sean said. “What would I do with a book?”

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fall of France. Polish born, he was forty-seven, but not terribly well. Twice in his life he had been in a TB sanitorium. There he had a name. At Auschwitz he had a number: 16670. Commandant Fritsch told a subordinate named Krott what to do with Father Kolbe and other priests with him. “Take these useless creatures and parasites of society and show them what work means.” It didn’t matter to them that Father Kolbe was the founder of the Knights of the Immaculata, a world-wide organization dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The priest’s fellow prisoners included Miecislaus Koscielniak, an artist. Koscielniak remember the Feast of Corpus Christi that June of 1941. “Father Kolbe spoke of the great and almighty God, of the suffering by which God prepared us for a better life. He exhorted us to manly forbearance, for even these trials pass. Since there is a divine justice and providence, we need not lose heart.” Father Kolbe also told his fellow prisoners: “No, no, they will not kill our souls . . . We will not give up. And when we die, then we die pure and peaceful, resigned to God in our hearts.” Thus he preached. But this was no restorative religious retreat. It still was Auschwitz. His wardens gave him the dirtiest jobs because he was so openly a priest. They set dogs on him to make him work faster. They beat him and left him for dead under some brush. He wound up in the camp infirmary. There, said a fellow priest, Father Conrad Szweda, “Father Kolbe’s face was lined with scars, his eyes lifeless, the fever burned in his body so that his mouth dried out; he could no longer speak.” But his condition did improve somewhat. And when it did, said Father Szweda, “With manliness and with full resignation he bore his sufferings. Often he replied, ‘For Jesus Christ I am prepared to suffer still more.’” One day, Krott had loaded up the Franciscan priest with more wood than he could possibly carry, then ordered him to run. Father Kolbe tried. He tried to run with all the wood, but he tripped and fell heavily. He was then kicked in the face and stomach and hit with a club. His illness didn’t really go away. He was placed in the typhus ward at the infirmary. Here, said Father Szweda, “It was easier for me to speak with him. His bed was at the chief entrance to the hall. He gave conditional absolution to each dead person who passed him. Often he heard confessions, prayed with the others . . .” One time, Szweda brought him tea, but Father Kolbe turned it down. “Why should I be the exception?,” he said. “The others don’t have it.” June passed, July came on. “At the end of July 1941, we were together in Block 20, the infirmary,” wrote a fellow prisoner, Dr. Joseph Stemler. “Like many others I crawled at night on the bare floor to the bed of Father Maximilian. The greeting was moving. We exchanged some impressions on the frightening crematorium. He encouraged me, then I confessed. Discouragement and doubt overwhelmed me; I still wanted to live. He helped me strengthen my belief in the victory of good. ‘Hate is not creative; love is creative.’ He whispered to me.” Soon, his fever not yet fully abated, he was transferred to Block 12, with the infirm and the fatally ill as companions. They were considered good for nothing as workers. Here, the Protestant doctor came to know “the Servant of God as a man of unusual ways and extraordinary character.” While spiritually “healthy,” Father Kolbe “had much to suffer bodily,” said the doctor. “Tuberculosis consumed him.” Even so, he was “calm,” always waiting for the doctor to treat others before stepping forward himself. He repeatedly sacrificed himself for others. His health again improving a bit, the Franciscan priest next was moved to Block 14, to join prisoners assigned to farm labor. Only one more move remained ahead for Father Kolbe. The final drama of his life began one morning as the prisoners from Block 14 shuffled off to their day’s harvesting work. That day one of the farm-working prisoners ran off, escaped. His fellows could have rejoiced for him, and perhaps did . . . but what would befall them as a consequence? At Auschwitz, the rule was, ten prisoners executed for every escapee who stayed at large. Father Kolbe certainly knew that by chance, by God’s will, he was in the eye of such a storm. That night, the inmates of Block 14 were not allowed to go to supper. The next morning, they were called out, ordered to stand in formation but told to remain there as the prisoners from other blocks went off to work. The

storm was gathering. They stood in their formation under the hot sun until given a half-hour lunch break about three o’clock. They were then forced to remain in their ranks until evening. By then several of the prisoners had collapsed. Now there would be a roll call, and the missing man would still be missing. It was a moment demanding the personal attention of Commandant Fritsch. After a subordinate named Palitsch announced that ten from Block 14 must die, Fritsch personally moved through the ranks pointing his finger at one man here, another there, until all of the doomed ten had been chosen. Only human, many of those spared the random choice were relieved. Even so, the separation of the ten from the ranks was an ordeal to witness. One especially. A Polish army sergeant, Francis Gajowniczek. “My poor wife!” he wailed. “My poor children! What will happen to my family?” That was when Father Kolbe acted. “After the selection of the ten prisoners,” said Dr. Nicetus Wlodarski, an onlooking fellow prisoner, “Father Maximilian slipped out of line, took off his cap, and placed himself before the commandant. Astounded, Fritsch asked


from Page 2

him, ‘What does this Polish pig want?” Pointing to Gajowniczek, Father Kolbe in effect condemned himself. “I am a Catholic priest from Poland,” he said. “I would like to take his place, because he has a wife and children.” Obviously startled, Fritsch hesitated a moment, then with a wave of his hand gave his assent. “Away,” he said. Thus, a saint was created. As the sergeant with a family returned to the ranks of Block 14, Father Kolbe joined the condemned men now transferred to the underground cells of Block 11, where, naked, all ten would be held under the sentence of starvation to death. As was his established pattern, Father Kolbe to the end offered his fellows physical and spiritual comfort. Bruno Borgowiec, by his own description, was the appointed “secretary and interpreter in this subterranean bunker.” Thus he often was with the guards in visits to the death cells—when a prisoner died, “I had to record the identity number of the deceased or translate questions and answers in conversations with the prisoners.” Over the next two weeks, denied both food and drink, “one after the other” of the doomed ten died, Borgowiec said. All this time, Father Kolbe “did not whine, neither did he murmur.” Those still surviving were so weak they could only whisper their prayers with him. But he “was still standing or kneeling in the middle of the cell and looking calmly at those entering, while the others were already lying on the ground.” Three weeks passed, and now the cells were in demand for new victims. Father Kolbe and three of his original companions still lived. That apparently wouldn’t do. On August 14, all four were injected in the left arm with a lethal dose of carbolic acid. It is not a date often mentioned in histories or chronologies of World War II, but on October 10, 1982, Polish-born Pope John Paul II of the Roman Catholic Church, completed a long preparatory process by declaring his fellow Pole, Father Maximilian Kolbe, a saint. Based upon The Hero of Auschwitz: The Story of Saint maximilian Kolbe, OFM, CONV., The Knight of the Immaculata (Prow Books/Franciscan Marytown Press, Libertyville, IL, undated).

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Threads of Life ••• Seasonal Weather •••

by Cleo LeVally

We keep having a lot of rain. It is the most I remember for awhile. The lakes continue to be full. The flowers in the flowerbeds keep being beat back. The grass and weeds just keep on growing. When it dries up some I will

have to begin pulling the grass and weeds out of the flowerbeds. For the past several weeks the beds have been too wet to get this done. It is okay however because I remember a lot of springs when we really


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needed rain like we have been having and I can remember the times our lakes have really been low, so I will take this. We have also had some storms with this weather. When the reports began to come in, I thought it was a good time to check to see if I had flashlights, candles, etc., in case they would be needed. I have two old coal oil lamps that I have had for years. I keep them around in case our electricity goes out and they will be needed. They are quite old. I have had them for years and have only used them once. I kept kerosene around for a few years but have not done that recently, so I put a candle in one so that I would have it ready in case it was needed. Occasionally I look at it on the shelf where it is stored, just to be sure that it is still there and ready. I t was about twenty years ago that a tornado came through Healdton and damaged some roofs; it was that high. Only one house was blown from its foundation but many, many had roof damage. Many trees in the yards were really twisted around and so every yard has gobs of limbs and debris to be cleaned up. The next day after the storm, members from the Seventh Day Adventist Church were in our community, with others, repairing roofs that had been damaged. Plate glass windows of the businesses on Main Street were blown out. At one business the plate glass was gone from the window and the merchandise that had been on display was gone; swept completely out. Near the back wall of the window was a Bible on a stand and the Bible had not been damaged. This, to me, was

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After the storm, I took a photograph of that Bible a clear fact, that God was in the window. I keep it in that storm. He was not near my desk and look at going to let that Bible be it often. It was in Healddestroyed. ton.

Atwood Church of the Nazarene

Sunday was a great day for the kids. School is out and they are making big plans for the summer. Hopefully that includes church camp and Bible School. Our Bible School will be held June 6-10 from 9-11:30. The theme is CAVE QUEST: “Following Jesus-The light of the World.” Plan on bringing your children and grandchildren. If they need a ride, call: 580-9862163. Sunday June 5th, Clancy Davis will be singing in our morning worship service at 11:00. Following the singing we will have a luncheon. Everyone is invited. Our special this morning, “Amazing Grace”, was sung by Sara Chapman. Bro. Larry’s message was taken from Psalm 8: 1-9 and entitled “Consider the Majesty of God.” God’s awesome power is on display throughout the universe. He has enabled mankind to discover and do amazing things. God gave us intellect and creative abilities. Nothing we have or will ever do will surprise or diminish God. Perhaps the most amazing reality of our creation is the capacity to consider the unseen. I’m talking about that which can only be seen through the eyes of faith. Faith can do what science will never be able to do. Failure to consider our Creator leaves our race confused, frustrated and lost. He, above all else, is worthy of our consideration. Some will spend the rest of their lives trying to acquire more property and recognition. There is nothing inherently wrong with these pursuits. A life spent without knowing God, however influential, will end in disappointment. A life spent pursuing God will bring a sense of significance here and joy beyond measure hereafter. Life in the majestic presence of God will be the reward of our faith. Sunday, May 29th, we will have Memorial Day services at the Atwood Cemetery at 2:00. We will be taking donations for the upkeep.

Chickasaw Nation Accepting Summer Semester Applications

The Chickasaw Nation Department of Education is now accepting applications for higher education grants and scholarships for the summer semester. Application deadline is June 15. Chickasaw students participating in an undergraduate, graduate or doctoral program from an accredited college are eligible to receive assistance with tuition, books and fees. Part-time and full-time students are eligible to apply. Students must complete a Programs, Grants and Scholarship application and provide an official high school or college transcript and schedule of classes. Applications are available on highered For more information, contact education services at (580) 421-7711. Voter Registration Deadline is Friday, June 3rd. Friday, June 3rd, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the June 28th Primary Election. Persons who are United States citizens, residents of Oklahoma, and at least 18 years old may apply to become registered voters. Those who aren’t registered or need to change their registration may apply by filling out and mailing an Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form in time for it to be postmarked no later than midnight Friday, June 3rd. Applications postmarked after that time will be accepted and processed, but not until after the Primary Election, to be held June 28th. The County Election Board responds in writing to every person who submits an application for voter registration. The response is either a voter identification card listing the new voter’s precinct number and polling place location or a letter that explains the reason or reasons the application for voter registration was not approved. Any person who has submitted a voter registration application and who has not received a response within 30 days should contact the County Election Board office at 580-332-4534.


One Pharmacist’s View I told my little sister Linda Kay that I was getting a little suspicious of dad. Kay and I were both allergic to bee stings (her worse than me) and it seemed to me that dad wasn’t very concerned about it. “Aw, they won’t hurt you,” he sputtered after mom got on his case like a “setting hen.” Kay eventually had to carry Benadryl with her all the time after that. We both complained loud and often as we watched his “hobby” expand from 2 or 3 hives to 15. One hive’s bees had a bad attitude. D ad used my forced slave labor to help him with the hives. He would put on his bee suit and I would hold the device as we stole honey from the non-cooperative bees. I wouldn’t wear a beesuit as one time I experimented with one as I was cleaning up around the hives. Of course, some got in and stung me. I about tore up the bee suit and the orchard getting out of the protective gear. I had stings and my eyes swelled shut. Unlike Kay, I never had trouble getting my breath as a result

Running fast and raising bees

of stings. But I was wary of the bees and hated to mow the orchard (dad’s pride and joy) and never did manage it without a few stings. I hated and dreaded the job. Kay had quit mowing out there a long time before. Dad was often called to come and collect a “wad” of bees that were swarming at some location where they were absolutely unwelcome. I imagine that he pictured himself as a hero as he fearlessly took his bare hands and dragged the bees into a box. Dad being a hardened Democrat loved these free bees. It was free stuff, a serendipity. He always had an empty hive waiting for these “free” bees. That was, I suppose, how he managed to capture that hive that Kay and I so hated. The middle hive. We didn’t know anything about African Bees back then so we just call it the “Mean Bee Hive.” In spite of all my bellyaching and whining I have to reluctantly admit Dad was right; that the

bee stings except those mean ones, didn’t really hurt all that bad. After the initial sting, which lasts a few seconds, there was little or no pain. Swelling, yes. Thus when I was told one afternoon to mow the orchard he added, “and get close up this time.” I did. And of course, I got more than my nerves could handle. A strike force of the mean bees came out and stung me on my hands and arms enough that I backed away. But it wasn’t enough. The bees stayed on in my hair and forehead and ears and shirt and then explored new areas to make their point. I couldn’t get away. I ran to a hydrant in the back yard and lay on my back and turned the water on trying to wash the bees out of my hair. This was the last straw for me as well as the bees. I had already lost my shirt and pants and skivies. Every bee had a poke at me before they retreated. Their pleasure was in my panic. I still had problems. I

Light from God’s Word

Mark Legg Allen Church of Christ

D o you believe God hears our prayers? He has promised to hear and grant prayer requests that are according to His will. His word says, “This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14-15) U nfortunately, there seems to be a growing intolerance of Christianity and Christian practices in our nation. God’s will is being consistently ignored and even treated with contempt, not only by individuals, but by the highest authorities and courts in our nation. The nation of United States of America was founded upon belief in God, but it appears that as a people and as a nation we have now taken an aggressive posture against God. God’s word plainly condemns the practice of kill-

feared my dad, too, so I “girded my loins” as they would say in the Bible and went back to my still running lawnmower and eventually finished the job. Later mom found many of the painful stingers still in my head and wherever, and yanked ‘em out. Mom promised me I would not be working out there anymore and the “mean” hive was as of now, outlawed. The next morning, a school day, I woke up nearly blind. My eyes would hardly open. Swelled shut I guess you could say. I had a test that day in Mr. Roberts Oklahoma History and knew

I needed to go. Besides, I looked real funny and wanted to show off my new look. Sadly, Mr. Roberts, took one look at me and said something like “I have hard enough a time looking at you anyway, and I’m not looking at you today. Go home.” I did and in time to see dad loading up the outlaw bees and haul them away. Mom had spoken--and hers as always, was a final word. Have a great weekend and go to church this Sunday. No bees there. Wayne Bullard, DPh

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ing unborn children and all Christians to join in a Hours 10-10 Sun - Thurs defines marriage as be- special period of prayer. 10 - midnight Closed Wednesday ing between a man and a Fri & Sat & Sundays woman. In addition, there or use our convenient seems to be a growing Golf Cart Entrance approval and acceptance of immorality and dishonesty. Good people have been deceived and led 1/4 Mile East of Allen Quick Pic - Hwy 1 into thinking and practices (580)857-2991 contrary to God’s will by Open 8 to 5 Monday - Friday the Devil, the deceiver Special Prayers and enemy of all manFor The United States kind. (Revelation 12:9) and The Elections Surely, it is past time for Wednesday, June 1, 2016, Christians to call upon at the Church of Christ God in the struggle against 413 E. Broadway, Allen Satan and his deceptions. Everyone is Invited – 7 Thus, we are calling upon Tim Costner,D.V.M PM

2 to 4

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After spending years together, time was fast approaching to say good-bye to Allen High School classmates. Sharing a moment were Charlea Leonard, Kennedy Prentice, Alison Sells, Taryn Wofford and Emily Nelson.

Allen High School Honor Roll 2015-16 Second Semester Superintendent’s Roll (All A’s)

Jaime Allred, Drew Back, Austin Bailey, Jennah Barnhart, Kellyn Black, Hannah Brill, Kaylee Brill, Samuel Brown, Faith Caldwell, Meegan Costner, Laney Deaton, Taelor Diener, Isabel Finney, Auston Hamilton, Autumn Hamilton, Samantha Hammonds, Wesley Harden, Hannah Heck, Christian Henry, Shaylee Hopkins, Joseph Howshar, Tanner Jarrett, Taylor Johnson, Josiah Jones, Grace Laden, Chisum Lee, Charlea Leonard, Katie Manuel, Kaley McNeely, Kaden Mills, Emily Nelson, Kelly Osborne, Jensen Peay, Kennedy Prentice, Hannah Reeves, Chelsea Riley, Kaitlynn Roby, Brandon Roniss, Laramie Gunner Holder and Hannah Heck shared a moment before graduating this past Sanders, Alison Sells, Emily Smith, Tadyn Walker, Garrett Wallis, Chelsea Wedlow, Tanner Wofford, Saturday, May 21st. Taryn Wofford Principal’s Roll (A’s & B’s) Jonathan Bailey, James Barlow, Rush Black, Colten Browning, Cole Bryen, Stevi Caldwell, Brittan Casey, Braylee Dickeron, Aaron Dockrey, Tucker Elliott, Alycia Evans, Dustyn Frazier, Matthew Frazier, Colton Frederick, Coleten Griffith, Brooklyn Heck, Kaylee Huffstutlar, Tiffany Johnson, Kyla Lawler, Michael Lindsey, Hailey Masterson, Brendan McClure, Mikael Morrison, Christopher Nelson, Tara Osborne, Sydney Payne, Tommy Peay, Tiffany Richardson, Bradley Rinehart, Oke-Tw’Sha Roberts, Michael Roniss, Hunter Simpson, Kordell Sloan, Rhyle Sutton, Tyler 3rd Annual Mustang Color Run 5k Thompson, Kyla Williams

Area Birthdays Registration Form

Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

May 30 — Jagger Caldwell May 31 — Judy Johnson June 1 — June Vinson June 5 — Lainey Ford June 7 — Carmen Alcaida June 11 — Chris Allgeier June 12 — Becky Boyd, Nicholas Boyles

Gender: Male / Female

(circle one)

Age: (on race day) ______

Activity: Running / Walking

(circle one)

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State/Province: __________________ Zip/Postal __________ Code: ___________________ Country: ______________________________ Employer______________ Phone: (_____)____________________ Email:_____________________________________________

Mustang Color Run June 18th • 8 p.m. Shirt Size:






3rd Annual Mustang Color Run Allen, Ok June 18, 2016 7:00 p.m. T-Shirt with Paid Entry by June 1, 2016.....

Registrations is $30 • Either register online or drop off form at the Allen Advocate or Mika Strong 3rd Annual Mustang Color Run 5k PAYMENT: Secure online payment with debit/credit card: http:/

Registration Form


Te Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ xt

Gender: Male / Female

(circle one)

Age: (on race day) ______

Activity: Running / Walking

(circle one)

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State/Province: __________________ Zip/Postal __________

I know that running a “color”5K run is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I know that although protection will be provided, there will be a possibility of hazards on the course. I assume the risk of running on a designated trail during the run. I also assume any and all other risks associated with running this event including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other runners, any allergic reactions to the thrown color, water, mud, the effects of weather, and the conditions of the roads, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Futhermore, I agree to yield to all emergency vehicles. Knowing these facts and in consideration for your accepting my entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue, and waive and release and discharge any and all of their agents, assigns, or anyone acting for or on their behalf from any and all claims or liability of death, personal injury, or property damage of any kind nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown. I will not hold 924 RACE PRODUCTIONS LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES. I AGREE Sign here: _________________________________________________ Parent signature if under 18:

Code: ___________________ Country: ______________________________ Employer______________


or register in online at

Phone: (_____)____________________ Email:_____________________________________________ Shirt Size:






3rd Annual Mustang Color Run Allen, Ok June 18, 2016 7:00 p.m. T-Shirt with Paid Entry by June 1, 2016.....

Race Shirt


Alex Doran, Alycia Evans, Wyatt Deaton, Christian Henry and Jesse Huckeby were ready to say good-bye to high school and face the future Saturday as they pre- “Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women pared to enter the gym for commencement.

in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.” - President Harry S. Truman

Brittan Casey and Ashton Huffstutlar shared a pre-graduation moment in their caps and gowns this past weekend. Both girls will be leaving for college this fall.

To honor our fallen heroes and loved ones we will close Saturday May 28 thru Monday, May 30.

Ada’s Full Service Jeweler Open Monday - Friday 10 to 5:30 Saturday 10 to 5

100 E. Main • Ada (580)332-0457





“Accessible Care, Close to Home” JoDee Miller was both happy and sad to see her high school career end with graduation this past Saturday.

100 McDougal Drive -Holdenville, Ok-74848

J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center

1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma • (580)436-3992 Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sun 12 to 6 p.m.

Now thru Monday May 30


High School Principal Michael James presented a 2016 Valedictorian plaque to Auston Hamilton during Saturday’s commencement ceremony.

2016 AHS senior Kelly Osborne received her diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg during the graduation ceremony Saturday, May 21st.

Tyler Rinehart

2016 AHS senior Tommy Lee Peay received his diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg during the graduation ceremony Saturday, May 21st.

2016 AHS senior Bradley Rinehart received his diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg during the graduation ceremony Saturday, May 21st.

Allen Nutrition Site

Tyler Cooper

Week of May 30th

Monday MEMORIAL DAY! Tuesday Baked Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, English Peas, Hot Roll, Margarine, Peanut Butter Pie, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Wednesday Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Broccoli & Cheese Soup, Pork & Beans, Crackers, Carrot Cake, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Thursday Hamburger Steal with Onions & Mushroom Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Biscuits, Gravy, Chocolate Chip Cookies, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Friday Chili topped with Grated Cheese, Coleslaw, Breaded Okra, Cornbread, Margarine, Cottage Cheese & Pear Half, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea

High School Principal Michael James presented a 2016 Valedictorian plaque to Christian Henry during Saturday’s commencement ceremony.


2016 AHS senior Cole Bryen received his diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg

2016 AHS senior Kaley McNeely received her diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg during the graduation ceremony Saturday, May 21st.

Thank You

I would like to thank everyone in Allen and

the surrounding communities for allowing me to serve as your Physician over the years. I have practiced medicine in the same location for the last 19 years and have enjoyed being a part of this wonderful community. Although I am excited about this new opportunity to now work in Seminole, I am sad to no longer be working in Allen. I would love to continue to provide medical care to any of my patients who do not mind the short drive to Seminole. I will finish my practice in Allen on June 1, 2016, and will begin practicing medicine in Seminole on June 27, 2016. My new business address and phone will be: 2401 W Wrangler Blvd, Seminole, OK, 74868, 405-303-4611. Thank you again for allowing me to serve this area for so many years. M. Michelle Barlow, DO

2016 AHS senior Fernando Medina received his diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg.

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2016 AHS senior Laura LaFave received her diploma from Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg during the graduation ceremony Saturday, May 21st.

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IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. JD-2016-9 In the Matter of AUSTIN FORBES, DOB: 11/16/2006, ELI GOFORTH STATLER, DOB: 02/03/2012, Alleged Deprived Children as Defined by the Laws of the State of Oklahoma SUMMONS AND NOTICE Mother: Jessica Marie Forbes You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the above styled and numbered case, alleging that the above named child is deprived, as described more fully in the attached Petition. The attached Petition is hereby made a part of this Summons and Notice and incorporated by reference. The Petitioner prays that the above named child be adjudicated deprived and dealt with according to law, and for all proper orders and relief. That this matter will be heard at a hearing upon the Petition on the 22nd day of June, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., in the District Court, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before Judge at which time and place you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why order and judgment in the proceedings should not be entered as in the Petition prayed, and you are hereby summoned and notified to be present at said time and place and to bring and have with you the above named child, if child be in your custody or control, and you and each of you will in no wise omit, under penalty of law. Failure to appear without reasonable cause may result in you being held in contempt of court and a warrant being issued for your arrest pursuant to Title 10A O.S. §22-107(G). You are advised that the respondent parents, guardian or custodian, and respondent child is entitled to be represented by an attorney at each and every stage of the proceedings and if the parties are unable because of lack of present financial resources to obtain an attorney, they are entitled, upon demonstrating this fact to the Court’s satisfaction, to a Courtappointed attorney at no expense to such parties. Petitioner prays that the child be brought before the Court and dealt with in accordance with the Oklahoma Children’s Code, Title 10A O.S. §11-101 et seq., and that the State of Oklahoma reserves the right to seek a termination of parental rights and the parents may be ordered to pay child support if the juvenile is placed outside the home. Failure to respond to this summons or to appear at this Hearing constitutes consent to the adjudication of the children as deprived and may ultimately result in the loss of custody of the children or the termination of parental rights to the children. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23 day of May, 2016. Karen Dunnigan Court Clerk By: s) G. Pingleton Deputy (SEAL) (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. JD-2014-31 In the Matter of GABRIEL CONRAD, DOB: 05/18/2014, Alleged Deprived Child as Defined by the Laws of the State of Oklahoma SUMMONS AND NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, COUNTY OF PONTOTOC TO: Mother: Emerald Street, 1100 KERR LAB RD APT 1A, ADA, OK 74820 You are hereby notified that a PETITION TO TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS has been filed in the above styled and numbered case, alleging that the above named child has been adjudicated deprived, and that the State alleges your rights, parental rights may be terminated under Title 10A under the Oklahoma statutes. The attached Petition is hereby made a part of this Notice and incorporated by reference. That this matter will be heard at a hearing upon the Motion on the 22nd day of June, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., in the District Court for Pontotoc County, located at 120 W. 13th St., Ada, Oklahoma, at which time and place you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why order and judgment in the proceedings should not be entered as in the Motion prayed, and you are hereby summoned and notified to be present at said time and place. You are advised that the respondent parents, guardian or custodian, and respondent child are entitled to be represented by an attorney at each and every stage of the proceedings and if the parties are unable because of lack of present financial resources to obtain an attorney, they are entitled, upon demonstrating this fact to the Court’s satisfaction, to a Courtappointed attorney at no expense to such parties. The duty of the parent to support his or her minor child will not be terminated except for adoption. Failure to personally appear at this Hearing constitutes consent to the termination of your parental rights to this child or these children. If you fail to appear on the date and time specified, you may lose all legal rights as a parent to the child or children named in the Petition or Motion attached to this Notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2 day of May 2016. Karen Dunnigan Court Clerk By: s) G. Pingleton Deputy (SEAL) (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. JD-2016-9 In the Matter of AUSTIN FORBES, DOB: 11/16/2006, ELI GOFORTH STATLER, DOB: 02/03/2012, Alleged Deprived Children as Defined by the Laws of the State of Oklahoma SUMMONS AND NOTICE Father: Solomon Dane Statler You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the above styled and numbered case, alleging that the above named child is deprived, as described more fully in the attached Petition. The attached Petition is hereby made a part of this Summons and Notice and incorporated by reference. The Petitioner prays that the above named child be adjudicated deprived and dealt with according to law, and for all proper orders and relief. That this matter will be heard at a hearing upon the Petition on the 22nd day of June, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., in the District Court, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before Judge at which time and place you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why order and judgment in the proceedings should not be entered as in the Petition prayed, and you are hereby summoned and notified to be present at said time and place and to bring and have with you the above named child, if child be in your custody or control, and you and each of you will in no wise omit, under penalty of law. Failure to appear without reasonable cause may result in you being held in contempt of court and a warrant being issued for your arrest pursuant to Title 10A O.S. §22-107(G). You are advised that the respondent parents, guardian or custodian, and respondent child is entitled to be represented by an attorney at each and every stage of the proceedings and if the parties are unable because of lack of present financial resources to obtain an attorney, they are entitled, upon demonstrating this fact to the Court’s satisfaction, to a Courtappointed attorney at no expense to such parties. Petitioner prays that the child be brought before the Court and dealt with in accordance with the Oklahoma Children’s Code, Title 10A O.S. §11-101 et seq., and that the State of Oklahoma reserves the right to seek a termination of parental rights and the parents may be ordered to pay child support if the juvenile is placed outside the home. Failure to respond to this summons or to appear at this Hearing constitutes consent to the adjudication of the children as deprived and may ultimately result in the loss of custody of the children or the termination of parental rights to the children. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23 day of May, 2016. Karen Dunnigan Court Clerk By: s) G. Pingleton Deputy (SEAL) (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. JD-2015-20 In the Matter of JAEMEN WARRIOR, DOB: 10/05/2007, MERCEE JOHNSON, DOB: 08/03/2005, Alleged Deprived Children as Defined by the Laws of the State of Oklahoma SUMMONS AND NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, COUNTY OF PONTOTOC TO: Mother: Amanda Warrior You are hereby notified that a PETITION TO TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS has been filed in the above styled and numbered case, alleging that the above named child has been adjudicated deprived, and that the State alleges your rights, parental rights may be terminated under Title 10A under the Oklahoma statutes. The attached Petition is hereby made a part of this Notice and incorporated by reference. That this matter will be heard at a hearing upon the Motion on the 22nd day of June, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., in the District Court for Pontotoc County, located at 120 W. 13th St., Ada, Oklahoma, at which time and place you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why order and judgment in the proceedings should not be entered as in the Motion prayed, and you are hereby summoned and notified to be present at said time and place. You are advised that the respondent parents, guardian or custodian, and respondent child are entitled to be represented by an attorney at each and every stage of the proceedings and if the parties are unable because of lack of present financial resources to obtain an attorney, they are entitled, upon demonstrating this fact to the Court’s satisfaction, to a Courtappointed attorney at no expense to such parties. The duty of the parent to support his or her minor child will not be terminated except for adoption. Failure to personally appear at this Hearing constitutes consent to the termination of your parental rights to this child or these children. If you fail to appear on the date and time specified, you may lose all legal rights as a parent to the child or children named in the Petition or Motion attached to this Notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2 day of May 2016. Karen Dunnigan Court Clerk By: s) G. Pingleton Deputy (SEAL) (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. JD-2015-20 In the Matter of JAEMEN WARRIOR, DOB: 10/05/2007, MERCEE JOHNSON, DOB: 08/03/2005, Alleged Deprived Children as Defined by the Laws of the State of Oklahoma SUMMONS AND NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, COUNTY OF PONTOTOC TO: Father of Mercee: Unknown You are hereby notified that a PETITION TO TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS has been filed in the above styled and numbered case, alleging that the above named child has been adjudicated deprived, and that the State alleges your rights, parental rights may be terminated under Title 10A under the Oklahoma statutes. The attached Petition is hereby made a part of this Notice and incorporated by reference. That this matter will be heard at a hearing upon the Motion on the 22nd day of June, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., in the District Court for Pontotoc County, located at 120 W. 13th St., Ada, Oklahoma, at which time and place you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why order and judgment in the proceedings should not be entered as in the Motion prayed, and you are hereby summoned and notified to be present at said time and place. You are advised that the respondent parents, guardian or custodian, and respondent child are entitled to be represented by an attorney at each and every stage of the proceedings and if the parties are unable because of lack of present financial resources to obtain an attorney, they are entitled, upon demonstrating this fact to the Court’s satisfaction, to a Courtappointed attorney at no expense to such parties. The duty of the parent to support his or her minor child will not be terminated except for adoption. Failure to personally appear at this Hearing constitutes consent to the termination of your parental rights to this child or these children. If you fail to appear on the date and time specified, you may lose all legal rights as a parent to the child or children named in the Petition or Motion attached to this Notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2 day of May 2016. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk By: s) G. Pingleton Deputy (SEAL) (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-44 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT R. THRONE, deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS, DEVISEES AND LEGATEES Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of Albert R. Throne, deceased, that on the 23rd day of May, 2016, Belinda L. Runnells and Roy E. Throne produced in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, an instrument in writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of said Albert R. Throne, and also filed in said Court their Petition, together with the Will, praying for the probate of the Will and asking that Letters Testamentary issue to Belinda L. Runnells and Roy E. Throne as Personal Representatives named in the Will, and for a judicial determination of the heirs, devisees and legatees of said Decedent. Pursuant to an Order of this Court made on this date, notice is hereby given that on the 7th of June, 2016, at 3:00 o’clock P.M., the Petition will be heard in District Courtroom #315, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of May, 2016. s/ S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT GREGORY S. TAYLOR Att for Personal Representative 115 S. Broadway P.O. Box 1737 Ada, Oklahoma 74821 (580)332-7717 (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. FD-2016-72 In the Matter of the Dissolution of Marriage of JOHN B. DERRICK, JR., Petitioner, and DEBBIE JEAN DERRICK, Respondent. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Debbie Jean Derrick TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued for divorce in the above named Court by the Petitioner, John B. Derrick, Jr., alleging that a state of irreconcilable incompatibility has arisen, by reason of which he is entitled to a decree of divorce and other relief as requested in the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage filed herein. You must answer the Petition on or before the 14th day of June, 2016, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered for said Petitioner granting the relief requested. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court this 25 day of May, 2016. Karen Dunnigan Pontotoc County Court Clerk By: P. Weaver Deputy (SEAL) Prepared by: Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA#16678 P.O. Box 190 1320 Stone Bridge, Suite A Ada, OK 74821-0190 Telephone (580) 332-7200 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, June 2 and 9, 2016)


Out & About

The McNeelys had family in from Texas this past weekend to honor daughter Kaley on her graduation from Allen High School. Following the Saturday morning commencement exercises, they celebrated with a cookout. Kaley will be attending ECU in the fall after earning several academic scholarships. Hosting the event were Kaley’s parents, Charles and Silvia McNeely, and the guests include Charles McNeely and Darla Davis of Texas, Josh McNeely who is attending the Texas Bible College, and Autumn McNeely and David Taliferfo of Norman. The family is now busy preparing for daughter Autumn’s wedding. She will be getting married next weekend in Norman. —O&A— Donnie and Wilda Pipkin attended the graduation at UCO earlier this month to watch their granddaughter, Hailey Ray, receive her Masters degree in Speech Pathology. One of only 27 accepted to the speech program, Hailey graduated with a 4.0 gpa. After the ceremony the family enjoyed lunch at B.J.’s in Stillwater and, later that evening, gathered at Pearl’s Oyster Bar in Bricktown. Among those attended the graduation with the Pipkins were Kurt and Donnietta Ray of Ada, Christie Woodman, Hannah and Caleb of Blanchard, and Courtney McMullen of Yukon. —O&A— Visiting Frances Griffin this past Sunday were her daughter, Brenda Manuel, and Jaime and Joy Ortega and sons William and Kyle, all from Oklahoma City. —O&A— Joy Nickell enjoyed a day in Ada recently with her sister-in-law and nephew, Pat Johnson and Dwayne. They had a delicious lunch at Prairie Kitchen. —O&A— Carl and June Vinson’s weekend included a visit from Josh and Christina Thompson and Kambree of Tuttle. —O&A— Fay Rinehart was taken to the Holdenville General Hospital ER following a fall at her home. After receiving stitches, she returned home. Frances Griffin was taken by ambulance to the Mercy Hospital, Ada, following a fall in her home. She sustained a head injury and, after treatment, was released to return home. —O&A— Our apology to Nate Johnson. Nate turned 16 on Monday, May 16th, and was guest of honor at a family gathering with the Lawler family as guests. Unfortunately we gave birthday wishes last week to his brother. —O&A— Brenda Frazier traveled to Oklahoma City this past Friday to join Carl Friedman and his sister, Roz Berg, from Toledo, Ohio as they attended the graduation of James Friedman from OU Medical School. James received his Masters of Science Degree in Medical Doeimetry. Saturday all medical students were hooded in a special program. Also attending were Lillian, Zara and Harper Friedman. —O&A— Out & about recently to visit with Glendene Griffin were her daughter, Leah Kay Tidwell, Matthew and Kelsey, of Norman. They were here to celebrate a late Mother’s Day and presented Glendene with flowers and a gift. —O&A— A family dinner honored Bradley Rinehart for his AHS graduation Saturday. The dinner was hosted by his parents, Willis and Jami Rinehart. In attendance were his grandparents, Lesley and Arlene Ada, grandfather Larry Morrison Do 2x2Rinehart ads mayofrun anywhere in your newspaper. fromdownload Ham Lake, Minnesota, grandmother the line ads for this week at Jackie Morrison of Allen, Mike and Peachie Cross, Sheila - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE C Champ of Allen, Rhonda Spray of Atwood, and many cousins and friends. —O&A—

ZONES: SE for week of May 22, 2016

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NOTICE TO SELL COUNTY PROPERTY (Acquired at Resale) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the receipt of bid, that I, Glenda Gonderman, County Treasurer of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, will on the 6th day of June 2016, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at my office in Ada, Oklahoma, sell separately the hereinafter described tracts, parcels, or lots of land, all situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and heretofore acquired by said county at the resale authorized by 68 O.S. Sec3125. Following the description of each property separately offered for sale is the name of the bidder and the amount bid as follows: Description: Lots 8 & 9 Block 2 North Hammonds Heights #2 Bidder: Thomas Anderson Amount Bid: $50.00 *** Description: Lot 10 Block 2 North Hammonds Heights #2 Bidder: Thomas Anderson Amount Bid: $50.00 *** The said properties will be separately sold to the highest competitive bidder, for cash in hand, or to the original bidder at the amount bid if there be no higher bid offered, subject to the approval of the Pontotoc County Board of County Commissioners. The apportioned cost of advertisement and other expense incident to the said sale shall be paid by the purchaser, in addition to the amount bid upon said properties. Witness my hand this 12th day of May, 2016. Signed: Glenda Gonderman Pontotoc County Treasurer (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12, 19 and 26, 2016)

Brett, Danielle, Ryan, Ty & Ely O’Daniel


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-37 In the Matter of the Estate of BARBARA JEANNE McMEANS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors and All Persons Interested in the Estate of Barbara Jeanne McMeans, Deceased All creditors and persons having claims against Barbara Jeanne McMeans, Deceased, are required to present the same, with the description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor or person with respect to such claim, to the undersigned Personal Representative, being J. L. McMeans, in care of Susie Bolin Summers, Esq., Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC, Attorneys at Law, Post Office Box 1488, 121 South Broadway Avenue, Ada, Oklahoma 74821, on or before the presentment date of July 18, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. DATED this 16th day of May, 2016. J. L. McMeans J. L. McMeans, Personal Representative Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 1488 121 South Broadway Avenue Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 ATTORNEYS FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 19 and 26, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-16-34 In the Matter of the Determination of Death and Heirship of CYNTHIA ANN McCOSAR, now BUFFALOHEAD, 31/32 Chickasaw/Creek, Deceased. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The unknown successors, claimants and unknown heirs of Cynthia Ann McCosar, now Buffalohead, deceased. You have been sued by Petition alleging that Cynthia Ann McCosar, now Buffalohead, died intestate on the 28th day of June, 2012, a resident of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, seized of an estate of restricted property, more particularly described in the Petition on file herein and any other property which decedent may have owned in a restricted status. The Petition further alleges that there has been no administration of the estate of Cynthia Ann McCosar, now Buffalohead, deceased; decedent’s heirs have not been determined; this Court has jurisdiction of said matter; petitioner seeks determination of the death and heirship of Cynthia Ann McCosar now Buffalohead, deceased. This matter is set for hearing in the District Court, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma on the 7th day of July, 2016, at 2:30 p.m., and all unknown successors and heirs of said decedent are directed to answer at said time and submit to this Court any evidence that is competent to establish heirship of said decedent, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. s) S. Kessinger Judge of the District Court s) Niki Lindsey, OBA#19344 Oklahoma Indian Legal Services, Inc. P.O. Box 2600 Ada, OK 74821-2600 T: (580) 272-0038 F: (580) 272-0665 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 26, June 2 and 9, 2016)


For Sale


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Senior Citizen Discount Day is Downtown Allen • 857-2627 •Store Hours Wednesdays 8 to 7 Monday - Saturday : Sundays 12 to 6 • Hunt Bro. Fresh Express Old Fashioned Lay’s Pizza

Fresh Frozen Fryer

Potato Chips

Leg Quarters



Cole Slaw




10 Lb Bag


14 oz

$4.29 Varieties

Tender Crust


Original, Turkey, or Smokehouse

Hamburger or Hot Dog

69 99 ¢ 12 oz pkg

Blue Bell



Meat Franks


8 cnt Pkg


Soft Drinks Potato

25 12 pk cans

Sandwich Bread



24 oz loaf

12 pack cans



Shurfine White


1/2 gal all rims




4 3 10

$ 99 Shurfine



Coke, Dr Pepper or Sprite

Ice Cream

Paper Plates

35 $

11 oz bag




Drinking Miracle Whip Water or 99 48 $ $ $ 99 24 pk pkg Mayo





4 1

30 oz

Kraft Ranch Style or Mountain Dew Kool-Aid Dill & Sweet Sierra Mist or Bush’s Pinto BBQ Sauce Packets 2 Quart Beans Pepsi Relish 29 ¢ $ 10 oz $ $ 69 $ Reg $2.19 Vlassic


3 10 12 pk



15-16 oz

18 oz bottle


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Watermelon Tomatoes

Kraft Philadelphia

Cream Cheese





Red Diamond

Sour Cream





Banana Fudge or Hawaiian Punch

• Ranch • French • Green Chili • Jalapeno

25 1 25 23 2 $


8 oz


Country Style

12 oz for


Ground Beef

1 1

Sold in 10Lb Tubes

$ 29 $ Lb

Smoked Sausage

25 $

13-14 oz assorted pkg



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29 12 oz pkg



29 8 oz Tub

Pork Steak






Covered Wagon


Whipped Topping



Family Pack Sold in 4 LB Pkgs


Cool Whip

Fresh Sliced




1 Lb Carton

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Pork Ribs





16 oz carton


59 2 5

Bomb Pops








L / XL Roma

Red Seedless

39 2 1 99 ¢


Premium Cello

Super Select



Pilgrim’s Chunky

99 10 Lb Box

Chicken Salad



12 oz pkg


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