February 4

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Allen Advocate VOLUME 69 NUMBER 18


Allen School Board Election is Tuesday

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Allen School District voters face a big decision this next Tuesday . . . three candidates are seeking the 5-year term on the Board for Seat #1. All voters are urged to go to their polling places and cast ballots for their choice of representative. All polling places in the District will be open so voters should report to their regular voting sites. Vying for the position are Jami Rinehart, Charlie Beavers and the incumbent Jeff Maloy. All three are long-time Allen residents and have strong ties to the community and school.

Chamber Banquet Tickets on Sale

Allen Chamber of Commerce will have their annual banquet on February 23rd, at 7:00 pm, in the Allen School cafeteria; the menu will be grilled pork loin, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, yeast rolls, salad and dessert. Tickets can be purchased from the Allen Advocate, Farmers State Bank or Charles and Betty Speir, the cost of tickets are $10.00. Come out and support your community and have an evening of good food and fellowship with your neighbors. Things will be a little different this year. As usual we will have lots of great door prizes, but added this year will be live entertainment featuring “RT N’ THE 44s.” R.T. Valine and his wife Jackie have recently moved to our community from California and we are hoping they love it as much as all of us do. This is our chance to make them feel welcome and a part of our town. RT played and sang at Rocky Top Winery on New Years Eve and was a big hit. So, come out and listen to some old time country music and support your community.

Masonic Breakfast Saturday

Join the Allen Masonic Lodge for breakfast Saturday, February 6th, from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m., at the Lodge on West Broadway. The breakfast fund-raisers are held the first Saturday of each month with a menu of sausage, biscuits, gravy, scrambled eggs, hash browns and coffee. The meal will be served free of charge but donations will be accepted and greatly appreciated.

Becket Burris showed off his basketball skills during the Allen Pre-K ‘Little Dribblers’ performance last week during halftime of the Allen vs Sasakwa girls game.

Seniors to be honored Friday Before the action on the court begins this Friday evening, February 5 th , eleven Allen basketball players will be honored for their years of dedicated practice and playing. The 2015-16 Senior Night

ceremony begins at 6:00 p.m. before the locals take on the Stonewall Longhorns. Members of the girls’ team to be honored are Charlea Leonard, Alycia Evans, Alison Sells, Ken-

nedy Prentice, Hannah Heck, Brooke Holcomb and stat keeper Kelly Osborne. Mustangs to be honored are Drew Back, Christian Henry, Fernando Medina and Tommy Lee Peay.

City Council Considers Street Closure The Allen City council met Monday, February 1 for their monthly meeting. All members, Mike Todd, Rhonda Skelton, Dianna Brannan, Del-

wayne Johnson and Joy Anderson. City manager Doug Stinson and minutes clerk Pam Crabtree were also present.

ing Program is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs and

provides one-to-one and Wesley, Lindsay and Dagroup 4-H mentoring ac- vid enrolled in the Tribal tivities for Native Ameri- 4-H program in 2012 as can youth. continued page 3

After the previous minutes and claims were approved the council was addressed by a citizen concerned about a dilapicontinued Page 7

Calvin students honored as mentors T h r e e C a l v i n H i g h S ch ool seniors were among the sixty-six outstanding Oklahoma Mentors honored during the fourth annual Oklahoma Mentor Day at the Capitol, presented recently by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence and its David and Molly Boren Mentoring Initiative. T hose honored were David Yonker, Lindsay Carter and Wesley Bain. The three students were honored as mentors for the 4-H Tribal Youth Mentoring Program. The students became involved in Calvin 4-H when they were in elementary school and have grown to become mentors themselves and give back to the organization, said Debbie Wilson, extension program assistant for 4-H

Tribal Youth. Each of the students has been active in 4-H at the local, county, district and state levels. The 4-H Tribal Mentor-

Calvin students Wesley Bain, Lindsay Carter and David Yonker were honored for their 4-H Tribal Mentoring program

C ountry Comments


by Bill Robinson, Publisher

Valentine’s Day is just a little over one week away. That is a day everybody enjoys and looks forward to . . . well, almost everybody . . . The Baby Jesus, Tom Turkey and Cupid are about to be given the heave-ho at a Minnesota elementary school to be more inclusive of their ethnically diverse student population. Bruce Vento Elementary School, in St. Paul, has decided to stop celebrating Valentine’s Day along with other “dominant holidays” including Thanksgiving and Christmas. “My personal feeling is we need to find a way to honor and engage in holidays that are inclusive of our student population,” Principal Scott Masini wrote in a letter to parents. The Star-Tribune reports the letter was surfaced on a private Facebook page titled, “Supporting St. Paul Students and Teachers.” “I have come to the difficult decision to discontinue the celebration of the dominant holidays until we can come to a better understanding of how the dominant view will suppress someone else’s view,” the principal noted. The Star-Tribune reports Masini made the decision to can the holidays in consultation with his staff. “One of the concerns that I have,” he wrote, “…is whether or not this practice is encroaching on the educational opportunities of others and threatening the culture of tolerance and respect for all.” The holiday hullabaloo has generated plenty of outrage across the Twin Cities. Get a load of some of the local headlines: · St. Paul school kisses Valentine’s Day, other ‘dominant holidays,’ goodbye · St. Paul School Mulls Dropping Holiday Celebrations

· Valentine’s Day ban touches off wider debate on school celebrations · PC Grinch Breaks Cupid’s Heart (okay that was my headline, but still…) Even the folks at Minnesota Public Radio got riled up – and they’re not exactly a bastion of conservative thought. “A St. Paul school is putting a stake in the very heart of Valentine’s Day,” Bob Collins wrote. The principal told me via email that it was “truly not a story” – and then referred me to the district for further clarification. Saint Paul Public Schools released a statement to the Star-Tribune that certainly seemed to defend the principal’s ban on heart-shaped candies. “Because Saint Paul Public Schools is a diverse district that is filled with families from around the world we strive to respect all cultures and all students,” they wrote. “We recognize that not every student celebrates or participates in some or all holidays. We have a board policy that discourages programs and festivities that celebrate observances unless they are required by law.” It sounds to me like the St. Paul area is infected with a case of ethnic sensitivity – a diagnosis confirmed by the district spokesperson. She explained to me that their schools include many, many cultures – students from around the world – including a very large Somali population. That’s all well and good, but the children live in America now. They are presumably Americans. As such they and their families should be acclimating to the American way of life. They no longer live in Somalia. They live in the United States. And in the United States we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving and Christmas. Of course, there could be another reason behind the holiday ban. Perhaps no one wanted to be Principal Masini’s Valentine. Or maybe Santa Claus left a lump of coal in his Christmas stocking? Or maybe, just maybe, he got the short end of the wishbone? —CC— Speaking of Valentine’s Day, I am going to get Dayna a box of delicious chocolates. Yes, I might eat a few of them but the main reason I am getting them for her is because chocolate is good for her health. A study of some 21,000 people older than 12 years found that those who ate the most chocolate a day – up to 3.5 ounces – had a 14 percent lower risk of heart disease and a 23 percent lower risk of stroke than those who ate no chocolate, according to HealthDay. The research suggests that the more chocolate an adult eats, the better the heart and stroke outcomes. “People who ate the most chocolate had a 29 percent reduced risk of heart disease and a 21 percent reduced risk of stroke, compared with those who ate the least. They also were 45 percent less likely to die from heart disease, heart attack or stroke. British researchers published the study in the medical journal Heart. —CC— Art Linkletter enjoyed asking kids questions about their mom’s and dad’s engagement or marriage. Valentine’s Day seemed the perfect time to share some of his favorites . . . A little girl began her story: “My dad had a roommate and my mother had a roommate and they went around together, so they finally arranged a blind date for my mother and dad.” “Was it love at first sight?” “In a way.” “What way?” “My dad loved my mother’s new car.” Automobiles play quite a part in marriage apparently, because the youngsters tell me of a number of “hit and run” romances. To wit: “My mother was wheeling her two babies down the street and this man kept driving around the block whistling and flirting. He finally found a parking place, and they got married in March and had me in April.” “My dad was always hanging around where my mother lived because her grandma liked him and wanted my mother to marry him. But she never like him very much, and probably would never have married him except that he finally got a new hot rod.” How many parents have yelped with pained surprise when they heard family jokes repeated as the gospel truth by the youngsters who tell me everything? I would have enjoyed peeking out through the TV tube into the faces of the mother and dad who were immortalized by this answer: “My dad worked at a vegetable market and my mother used to come in and pinch the vegetables. Every time

Country Comments from Page 2

she’d pinch a vegetable, my dad would pinch her until they couldn’t stand it any longer and got married.” Here is an odd-sized lot that must have gotten a lot of mileage before friends and family mercifully desisted: “My mother fell over another man into my father’s lap at a party. Somehow they got acquainted, and later they decided to have some babies so they got married.” A nd here’s a double handful of assorted reports on how Dad met Mom and Mom got Dad: My daddy and mommy met on a cloud over Los Angeles. Then what happened? I was born on another cloud. H ow did you all get down here? I came down with a raindrop and they had a double parachute. *** My folks met in a night club. What was your father doing? He was a bartender.

And your mother? She was attending a PTA meeting. *** M y folks were cousins in Massachusetts, but when they came out to California they had to get married. There’s some sort of law out here. *** How am I supposed to know? I was just a little baby when they were married. *** Well, this strange man sat down on the bus next to a strange woman, and he said: “Will you marry me?” and she said “Yes,” and they went home and had me. *** One little lad remarked that they had a brand new daddy around their house. When I asked if he knew how his mother had met him, he told us a real whizzer: “ It all happened one morning when the doorbell rang while Mommy was taking her bath.” He stopped to gulp. And at this point I could have inserted a ten minute commercial

The Allen AdvocATe

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Periodical Postage Paid at Allen, OK 74825 Published Weekly at 101 S. Easton • Allen, OK 74825

Bill & dAynA RoBinSon, PUBliSheRS diAne BRAnnAn, ediToR cindy dAviS, office MAnAgeR

Devotion of the Week Have you ever felt like an alien? Being an alien usually comes with an uncomfortable feeling that you don’t belong in a particular situation or place. When we are in a situation where everyone else seems at home, but we don’t, there is the natural tendency to withdraw within ourselves. But being an alien (or alienated from something) isn’t something new. Nearly 100 times in the Old Testament, aliens (or Gentile foreigners from other nations) are spoken of in terms of their relationship to Israel. But when we get to the New Testament, we discover that Christians are referred to as aliens in two different ways. First, we are the aliens (Gentiles) referred to in the Old Testament who are now aliens “no longer” but fellow citizens of the kingdom with believing Jews (Ephesians 2:19). Secondly, all the body of Christ is referred to as aliens—strangers, sojourners, and pilgrims (Hebrews 11:13; I Peter 2:11)—on this earth. Why? Because our true citizenship is in heavenly places. If you ever feel uncomfortable in this world, a bit out of place, you should—because this world is not your home. This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. Traditional gospel song

Smile of the Week

My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, “Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?” I mentally polished my halo while I asked, “No, how are we alike” “You’re both old,” he replied. Postmaster send change of address to:

The Allen AdvocATe 101 S. Easton Allen, OK 74825


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for any client under the sun and we wouldn’t have lost a viewer. “ My little sister went to the door,” he finally continued, “and there was a strange man standing there. He said he’d like to see my mother. So sister let him!” N o further footnotes were need to write finis to this bathtub romance. The subject of remarriage is not a touch one with the children. They come right out and wish for a new daddy or mother with no “ifs”, “ands”, or “buts.” I once asked a little girl: “What kind of a man would you like to have your mother marry?” She said: “I’m not sure, but I think a millionaire.” A nother frank guest said: “My mother’s busy looking everywhere for a man.” “ Where is the best chance to find one?” “So far, it’s best around Santa Monica, she says. But the trouble with most of them is that they drink or something.” “That’s too bad,” I consoled him. “Oh, she doesn’t give up easy. She had one a few weeks ago that was just about perfect except for two little things.” “What were those?” “He didn’t like her. And he was already married.”

Calvin Mentors Honored


Thank You

The family of Myrtle Stephens Pyburn so greatly appreciates all the food, flowers, visits and kind thoughts and words from her community family of Allen, Oklahoma. The people of this town have been so wonderful during the last few months giving love and support when she needed it the most. Myrtle’s passing will not just affect us but the whole community as well. Please accept our thanks in loving memory of our beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. We will all miss her so much.

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from Page 1

mentees and became mentors two year ago, serving younger students in fifth through eighth grade. “ They help with our after-school program, attend field trips, 4-H events and summer camps to help with their mentees and serve as group mentors for our entire 4-H group,” Debbie said. “Their leadership and dedication to the Calvin 4-H Program has been outstanding!” Wesley and Lindsay are planning to attend college after graduation, while David plans to join the workforce. “They are great examples of young people following the 4-H motto and ‘making the best better,’” Debbie added. The goal of Oklahoma Mentor Day is to recognize outstanding mentors from all types of youth mentoring organizations around the state and to provide fun, educational activities for the honorees and their mentees to share, said Beverly Woodrome, director of the Boren Mentoring Initiative. “Mentor Day also draws attention to the value of mentoring and the tremendous impact that mentors make in their mentees’ lives.”

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Threads of Life by Cleo LeVally

We will be having a Presidential Election this year and there is now and will be in the next few months a lot of campaign ads and information about the various other elections. For instance, one of them in the county where I live will be a county elections about our VoTech School. Not about a candidate for office but I think about

••• Political Party •••

some of the programs they offer. I will have to read more about it. For those who are running for Federal office, there will be maybe a run-off and then the General Election for Federal spots. I am not exactly sure how it works, but the popular vote is not the final vote. There is something called

3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt

the electoral votes in each state that is the final vote. I think the popular vote lets those who vote the electoral vote know what the choice is. It will be a busy year. Yet, the number who turn out to vote does not come near to the average number who are registered to vote.

Service held for Myrtle Pyburn

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Services for Myrtle Marie Pyburn, 79, of Allen were 1:00 p.m. Monday, February 1 st, at the Allen First Baptist Church, Revs. Chad Kaminski and Buddy Drake officiated. Burial followed at Allen Cemetery. M rs. Pyburn passed away Friday, January 29, 2016, at her home. She was born April 26, 1936 in North Carolina to Gaston and Bertha Duncan Pait. She attended school in North Carolina. She married Billy Gene Stephens in 1951. He preceded her in death April 12, 1997. She later married Jack William Pyburn in 2004. He preceded her in death April 8, 2013. Mrs. Pyburn worked at the Allen School cafeteria and later with the Allen Nutrition Site. She was a

Edra Mae Stevens, 97, went home to be with the Lord on January 25, 2016. Edra was born on September 29, 1918 in Allen to William Frank and Zephie Naomi (Akin) Richardson. T he family moved to Lexington where she lived for many years, graduating from Lexington High School in 1938. She married Wyman, the love of her life for 59 years, on May 30, 1942. Shortly thereafter they moved to


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member of the Allen First Baptist Church. S urvivors include a daughter, De Etta Hughes and her husband Doug of Overland Park, Kansas; three sons, Bill Stephens and wife Bonnie, Joe Stephens and wife Sara, all of Allen, and Jackie Stephens, of Ada; ten grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. S he was preceded in death by her parents, her husbands, and three brothers, Raymond Pait, Johnnie Pait and Durwood Pait. B earers were Justin “Bubba” Stephens, Brett Stephens, Tim Hughes, Keith Mowdy, Calem Woodward and Josh Marshall. Services were under the direction of Criswell Funeral Home, Ada.

Rites held for Edra Stevens



Most people register as either a Democrat or a Republican but do not have to vote a straight party line. Each vote seems to be for a person of choice. Some people who are registered as an Independent or another party do not get to vote in every election. Then that election is not the final one. I think that

vote determines how the electoral vote goes. The electoral vote is the one counted for the candidates. I have always made it a point that I vote in all elections. It is important for us to exercise our vote. If we do, then we have a right to agree or disagree as to how the winner acts when they are in office. Study the issues of each candidate. Be informed.

for more information

Oklahoma City and in August of 1952 found a home in Del City. H aving survived the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression and World War II, Edra was an independent woman who lived along in the only home she ever owned until her final trip to the hospital. Edra is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Wyman L. Stevens; and sister, Maurine WilliamsSt. Claire. S urvivors include her children, Gary Stevens and wife Beverly, and Paul Stevens and wife Ruth; nephews Keith Williams, David Williams and wife Carlene; grandchildren, Zachary Stevens, David Stevens, Ethan Stevens, Cheri McKinney and husband Giovanni, Samuel Stevens, Angela Stevens and Katrina Stevens; great-grandchild Alexis Conrad; and her poodle Muffin. A memorial service was held Saturday, January 30 th, at Sooner Baptist church.


One Pharmacist’s View Some years ago, two of my grandsons were given an ice cream treat from their dad at McDonalds. One boy was 2 years old and the other was about 8 and autistic. The 8 year old ate his treat with gusto and then he saw little brother still licking and enjoying his treat. He, without any regrets, took his brother’s treat and proceeded to eat

Socialism at work

it. Little brother, not in a sharing mood took action to get his treat back. Before my son could stop the car and referee the fight the treat was destroyed. Both boys had left their child seats as the melee progressed. A trooper stopped and chewed my

Light from God’s Word

Mark Legg

“ Yo u p e o p l e t h i n k you are the only ones right and all others are wrong!” Now, wait a minute! Doesn’t every church think they are correct in their beliefs? Isn’t each church separated from other churches because they hold distinct beliefs which they believe to be correct? If the members of a church take the position that they are correct and all others are wrong, it is a very dangerous and self-righteous attitude! I sn’t Jesus Christ the source of truth? He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) And, Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Yet, many of the Jewish people had closed their ears to His teaching, believing they already knew everything and thus, they did not learn the truth. (See Matthew 13:14-16). Division among Christians has often been caused by one group believing they have learned the truth. Then, they write a creed and those licensed to preach in that body must all profess loyalty to their creed. As the source of truth is Jesus Christ, should we not all profess loyalty to Him and search to understand and obey His teachings? We must recognize that the truth is found in the words of Jesus and continually study with open minds, always seeking to know the truth. If we allow our beliefs to crystallize and become fixed so that we never question or make a fresh examination of them, we could be holding to error. When there are good, honest people who disagree with us, surely we should recognize that we may be in error and search afresh the teaching of Jesus Christ.

son out for failing to better control the boys and gave him a ticket (kids out of their seats). The whole thing was caused by envy and greed. P olitically speaking, Americans are in conflict with themselves. We seem to want more of what the other guy has but we sure don’t want to give that same guy any of ours. I’m speaking of sharing the wealth through taxes. Everyone agrees we need smoother and better highways, an up-to-date well funded educational system and health care for everyone. But the problem always comes back to this: “Who pays?” The other guy? That’s why, in Oklahoma, the old saying: “The only good tax is a tax on the other guy” has so much truth in it. Our quest for lower and lower taxes has taken a nasty turn. Production taxes on oil have been reduced, income taxes on the higher end income payers have been reduced as have other taxes. The result might not have been so noticeable but the collapse in the oil industry catches us with a billion dollar budget shortfall here in Oklahoma. That’s a lot of money and cutbacks in our schools, welfare, highway programs and state services are hurting not only state employees, but those who depend on those services. At times such as this, it’s real easy to say “Let’s just raise taxes.” That’s where the rub comes in. No one wants to pay more. Cut out the fat and waste!

Failing that, tax the other guy. There are real crosswinds on these political problems. One problem, heralded by Socialist Bernie Sanders indicates just how much our younger voters have drifted toward more free government service. Bernie preaches “rights” of everyone to free medical care, free college education and I don’t know what all. David Deming, a professor of arts and sciences at the University of Oklahoma takes a dim view of all this. Curing all our ills with heavy taxation (taking the other fellow’s stuff away from him to provide more stuff for themselves)

exposes gross shortcomings in our educational system. Socialism, he says, doesn’t work and points to the recent failure of the Soviet Union and the present situation in Venezuela (who adopted socialism in 1999) now finds itself in poverty. Grocery shelves in supermarkets are bare. Poverty crime and corruption have all increased dramatically. Yet, here in this day and time, young Americans think socialism is the answer to our problems. Go figure. Have a good weekend and be sure and go to church this Sunday. And try not to steal from your brother. Or anyone else. Wayne Bullard, DPh waynebullard@sbcglobal.net

ECU Honor Roll Having a 4.0 gpa is difficult but 471 students achieved the goal and were named to the East Central University President’s Honor Roll for the 2015 Fall Semester. Among them were three students from Allen. At least 12 credit hours must be completed successfully during the semester to be included. Congratulations to: Jordan Remis-Crumb, Tyler Grant Rowsey and Atty Todd. Outstanding academic work during the 2015 fall semester also earned six Allen and one Calvin student listings on the Dean’s Honor Roll for students at East Central University. The Deans’ Honor Roll lists students who have at least a 3.33 gpa. Those listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll are: Chance Allred, Holly Edens, Marissa Fortner, Felicia Gilliam, Benjamin Munday, and Tiffany Postoak, all of Allen, and Ashley Lacey of Calvin.

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AllenWeekSchool Menu of February 8 th

Monday Breakfast — Muffins, Cereal, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Corn Dog, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk Tuesday Breakfast – Scrambled Eggs, Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Italian Chicken Subs, Roasted Potatoes, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk Wednesday Breakfast – Donut, Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Chili, Pinto Beans, Fritos, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk Thursday Breakfast – Cinnamon Roll, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Chicken Wrap, Carrot Sticks, Sun Chips, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk Friday Breakfast – Biscuit & Gravy, Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Pizza, Italian Salad, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk

Jessica Spencer on OBU Honor Roll

Allen resident, Jessica Spencer, a junior psychology pre-counseling major, was named to Oklahoma Baptist Univer sity’s Dean’s Honor Roll for the fall 2015 semester Those who achieved a grade point average between 3.4 and 3.69 are listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll.


Kolbi Clark and the Allen Pre-K preformed last week at the Allen Basketball Sasakwa game.

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Allen City Council February Meeting from Page 1 dated home next door to her. The citizen provided a series of pictures and asked the council to try to work on a solution for the clean up of the property. It was noted the property owner had previously been notified but no further action was taken. The board assured the citizen that the proper abatement procedures would be conducted to help rectify the eyesore. She said she would check back in a few months to check on progress of the action. The yearly library budget was presented. The proposed material budget for the year breaks down as follows $900 for general office/supplies. $900 Reading programs, $1000 youth book acquisitions, $1,000 adult book acquisitions, $900 circulation program, $500 equipment for a total of $5,200. The budget for the 2015-2016 was approved. Allen School Superintendent along with a project manager, an architect and engineer presented a proposed closure and vacating of two streets in the school campus, Richmond from the alley to Lexington and Denver also from the alley to Lexington. A discussion of the need to close the streets strictly for the safety of children crossing the streets and the need to protect them from through traffic was noted. Council members noted that it has been closed during school hours for many years was met with the fact that the school wants to erect permanent barriers closing the streets to all traffic at all times. Assistant Fire Chief Mike McCarn who as also at the meeting discussed the need to be able to get fire trucks or ambulances to the buildings with fire trucks in the case of an emergency. It was agreed that the matter needed more input and a possible public hearing to discuss the routing of traffic around the school if the barriers are erected. The actions was tabled without calling for a vote. In the fire department reports it was noted that the

department has made quite a few runs this month and have also attended some training courses and have a storm spotter training class upcoming plus others on the horizon. Mike McCarn discussed the trouble with the fire siren on the water tower getting stuck on the on position and that the repair man is to be in town during the next week. A request was made to build an office inside the fire department. The building is currently one big open warehouse and there is a need to provide a place for meetings, trainings and file keeping and other administrative tasks. Police Chief Billy Sanford presented the monthly report and introduced new officer Derek Stewart to the council. As far as vehicle upkeep two tires were purchased for the white charger this month. During the month the municipal citations written were: driving in a manner unreasonable or improper, 2 failures to stop at stop sign, 4 no insurance, 1 failure to maintain lane, 2 driving under suspension, 1 defective equipment, 1 harboring a vicious animal, 1 failure to signal, 10 speeding, 1 failure to yield, 5 expired tag and 2 expired drivers licenses. District citations written were: possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, 2 possession of drug paraphernalia, 1 defective equipment, possession of a CDS, failure to have interlock. It was reported that the auditor had all the files and is ready to start preparing the yearly audit. Old business discussed with more discussions with attorneys about possible zoning laws and a continuation of the annexation of area properties. In the public works meeting it was reported the lagoon sludge removal had been completed. City manager Stinson attended a recent county commissioners meeting to observe the annexation of water lines by a rural water


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Lady Mustangs fall 50-47 to Asher

by HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent The Allen Lady Mustangs fell 50-47 to the hosting Asher Lady Indians last Tuesday night. The 3-point heartbreaker was the first time Coach Jeremy Strong’s girls were on the short side of the final score. The Lady Mustangs were 15-0 before taking the initial loss. A review of the stat sheet tells the story. Allen was made 8 of 9 free throws while the hosting team shot 22 free throws and knocked down 18 of them. The charity stripe provided the Lady Indians a 10-point scoring advantage in a game they won by only three points. The two teams were tied

at 9-9 in the first quarter. Asher then pulled ahead 26-22 going into the halftime break. Allen came out in the third quarter and pulled to within 38-36. However, the Lady Indians edged the visitors 12-11 in the final period to salvage the 50-47 verdict. The Lady Mustangs finished with six field goals, nine treys and a near-perfect 8 of 9 on free throw chances. Asher countered with 10 field goals, four treys and 18 of 22 free throws. Alison Sells was a longrange scoring machine for Allen. Sells knocked down eight of her team’s nine treys to account for her game-best 24 points. She made three in the first quarter, one in the second quarter, two in the third

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quarter and two in the fourth quarter. Kennedy Prentice just missed double figures in scoring with 9 points. Faith Caldwell and Charlea Leonard added 6 points each and Sunzie Harrison scored the other 2 points. The first loss of the campaign was tough. However, Allen came back on Thursday and started a new win streak. The Lady Mustangs pounded the visiting Sasakwa Lady Vikings 91-35. The contest was not a contest. Allen outscored the Lady Vokings 26-7 in the first quarter and 23-8 in the second. That sent the home team to halftime with a commanding 49-15 lead. The third quarter was more of the same. AHS outscored Sasakwa 25-8 to extend the lead to 7423. The Lady Mustangs also won the final quarter

scoring effort 17-12 to secure the 56-point win at 91-35. Alison Sells led the scoring parade again with a 23-point performance. Three others joined Sells in the double-digit scoring column. Charlea Leonard pumped in 19 points. Faith Caldwell was close back with 17 points. Hannah

Heck dropped in 10 to join the double-digit plateau. Sunzie Harrison just missed double figures in scoring with 9 points. Four others who added offense to the win. Alycia Evans scored 5 points and Chelsea Wedlow added 4 while Oke-Tw’sha Roberts and Meegan Costner rounded out the list with 2 points each. --AT A GLANCE

Jan. 26 @ Asher Asher 50, Allen 47 Allen - 9 - 13 - 14 - 11 - (47) Asher - 9 - 17 - 12 - 12 - (50) Allen scoring: Alison Sells 24, Kennedy Prentice 9, Faith Caldwell 6, Charlea Leonard 6 and Sunzie Harrison 2. --Jan. 28 @ Allen Allen 91, Sasakwa 35 Sasak - 7 - 8 - 8 - 12 - (35) Allen - 26 - 23 - 25 - 17 - (91) Allen scoring: Alison Sells 23, Charlea Leonard 19, Faith Caldwell 17, Hannah Heck 10, Sunzie Harrison 9, Alecia Evans 5, Chelsea Wedlow 4, Oke-Tw’sha Roberts 2 and Meegan Costner 2. ---

Mustangs notch more basketball wins Allen defeats Asher Indians and Sasakwa Vikings

By HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent The Allen Mustangs rolled two a pair of victory last week in high school basketball action. Allen scored a 31-point victory at Asher on Tuesday evening. And, on Thursday, the Mustangs notched a 12-point win over the visiting Sasakwa Vikings. Coach Greg Mills’ AHS squad used the back to back wins to improve the record to 11-6 on the season. The Mustangs took on the Hartshorne Miners on Monday in a make-up challenge of the game that was postponed in January. Allen is scheduled to play at home on Tuesday. The Stonewall Longhorns will come to town for a conference showdown. The Mustangs will wrap up the week on Friday with a trip to Seminole County to play the Bowlegs Bison. Last Tuesday, Allen took control early at Asher. The Mustangs raced away to a 19-2 lead in the first quarter. The advantage swelled to 38-9 at the half. Allen also outscored the home team 11-4 in the third quarter to built a 4913 cushion. The Indians outscored Allen 13-8 in the final period, but still lost by a count of 57-26. The Mustangs used 10 scorers to dismantle Asher. Ty Brown was the ringleader with a team high

13 points. Tommy Peay was a close second with 12 points. Brendan McClure added 7 points and Josiah Jones tallied 6. Additional scoring included Tucker Elliott and Hunter Simpson with 4 points each and Tadyn Walker, Fernando Medina and Jordan Stick scored 3 points each. Christian Henry rounded out the list with 2 points. On Thursday, Allen hosted the Sasakwa Vikings and dribbled away to a 61-49 win. It was the first quarter that determined the outcome of this game. The Mustangs built a 23-8 lead over Sasakwa. The strong start secured a 15-point cushion over the Vikings. Sasakwa earned an 1816 scoring edge in the

second quarter and a 1210 advantage in the third quarter. The Mustangs entered the fourth quarter with a 49-38 lead. They outscored the Indians 12-11 to secure the 61-49 win. Christian Henry led the way to victory with 18 points. Ty Brown followed with 13 points. Josiah Jones was third on the team with 10 points. Tommy Peay just missed double figures in scoring with 9 points. Brendan McClure and Tadyn Walker finished with 4 points each. Kaden Mills provided the other 3 points. For Coach Mills, these latest two wins were both impressive. He’s hoping to see more similar success this week as the Mustangs move closer to the playoffs. --AT A GLANCE

Jan. 26 @ Asher Allen 57, Asher 26 All - 19 - 19 - 11 - 8 - (57) Ash - 2 - 7 - 4 - 13 - (26) Allen Scoring: Ty Brown 13, Tommy Peay 12, Brendan McClure 7, Josiah Jones 6, Tucker Elliott 4, Hunter Simpson 4, Tadyn Walker 3, Fernando Medina 3, Jordan Stick 3 and Christian Henry 2. --Jan. 28 @ Allen Allen 61, Sasakwa 49 All - 23 - 16 - 10 - 12 - (61) Sas - 8 - 18 - 12 - 11 - (49) Allen Scoring: Christian Henry 18, Ty Brown 13, Josiah Jones 10, Tommy Peay 9, Brendan McClure 4, Tadyn Walker 4 and Kaden Mills 3. ---

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IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-08 In the Matter of the Estates of HOUSTON STICK SR., 4/4 Chickasaw, NE (PF Chickasaw 532; PM Chickasaw 368; MGF Chickasaw 4826) and MARTHA (PUNLUSTE) STICK, ¾ Seminole/Chickasaw, NE (PF Seminole 154; PM Chickasaw 4764) and MARTHA ANN (STICK) HAWKINS, ¾ Chickasaw/Seminole NE (PGF Chickasaw 522; PGM Chickasaw 368; MGF Seminole 154; MGM Chickasaw 4764), Deceased. ORDER FOR AND NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Thalia Walton has filed in this Court, a Petition for Letters of Administration, Appointment of herself as personal representative and for determination of heirs in the above-captioned estate; said hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of the Court for the 24th day of February, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Courtroom of said Court in the County Courthouse at Ada, in the County and State aforesaid, and all persons interested in said Estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have why the petition should not be granted. Dated this 28 day of January, 3016. S. Kessinger Judge of the District Court Prepared for Entry: s) Niki Lindsey, OBA#19344 Oklahoma Indian Legal Services, Inc. P.O. Box 2600 Ada, OK74821-2600 T: 580-272-0038 F: 580-272-0665 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4, 2016)



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IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-10 In the Matter of the Estate of LILLY KAY WYNN, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS Notice is hereby given to all heirs of Lilly Kay Wynn, Deceased (the “Decedent”), that on the 2nd day of February, 2016, Wendell Wynn (the “Petitioner”) filed a Petition for Letters of Administration, Appointment of Personal Representative, and Determination of Heirs (the “Petition”), praying that (i) Letters of Administration be issued to the Petitioner as Personal Representative of the Estate of Lilly Kay Wynn, Deceased, to serve without bond, and (ii) the identity of all heirs of the Decedent be judicially determined. Pursuant to an Order of the Court, notice is hereby given that the 16th day of February, 2016, at 9:30 o’clock a.m., has been appointed as the time for hearing the Petition in the District Courtroom of the Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand this 2nd day of February, 2016. S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC

Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 1488 121 South Broadway Avenue Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 Attorneys for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2016-13 In the Matter of the Petition of Kay Gamble Faulkner to Change Her Name. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that Kay Gamble Faulkner has filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, her Petition to have his/her name changed from Kay Gamble Faulkner to Linda Kay Gamble and that said matter has been scheduled for hearing before the Judge of said court on February 16, 2016, at 10:4 o’clock A.M. in the Pontotoc County, Ada, Oklahoma. Any person may file a written protest in this case at any time prior to the date set for hearing as provided by 12 O.S. §1633. DATED this February 2, 2016. KAREN DUNNIGAN, Court Clerk By: P. Weaver Deputy Kay Gamble Faulkner, Pro Se 1115 E. 15th Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4, 2016)



NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE In accordance with Title 37, Section 522, Jacob Baxter, an individual, hereby publishes notice of his intent to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Wholesaler License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That he intends, if granted such license to operate as a wholesaler establishment with business premises located at 1427 N. Country Club Rd, Suite D, in Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, under the business name of Stranger and Ghost Wholesale. Dated this 3rd day of February, 2016. Signed: Jacob Baxter County of Pontotoc State of Oklahoma Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared: Jacob Baxter, to me know to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. s) Cynthia G. Derryberry Commission Expires: 02/22/2019 #07001857 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4 and 11, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2015-79 In the Matter of the Estate of FLOYD R. MORGAN, Deceased. NOTICE FOR HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, PETITION FOR ORDER ALLOWING FINAL ACCOUNT, DETERMINATION OF HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Floyd Terry Morgan, Personal Representative of the Estate of Floyd R. Morgan, Deceased (the “Personal Representative”), having filed in this Court a Final Account and Petition for Order Allowing Final Account, Determination of Heirs and Distribution, the hearing of the same has been fixed for the 18th day of February, 2016, at 11:30 o’clock a.m., before this Court in the District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in the Estate are notified then and there to appear, the heirs of the Decedent determined, the Estate distributed to the heirs, devisees, and legatees, and the Personal Representative discharged. DATED this 27th day of January, 2016. S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 1488 Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 Attorneys for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4 and 11, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-07 In the Matter of the Estate of DEEDRA JEAN JEFFERSON, 31/32 Chickasaw/ Choctaw, NE Deceased. ORDER FOR AND NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Marion Eugene Jefferson has caused to be filed in this Court, a Petition for Letters of Administration, Appointment of himself as personal representative and for determination of heirs in the above-captioned estate; said hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of the Court for the 24th day of February, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Courtroom of said Court in the County Courthouse at Ada, in the County and State aforesaid, and all persons interested in said Estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have why the petition should not be granted. Dated this 28 day of January, 3016. S. Kessinger Judge of the District Court Prepared for Entry: s) Niki Lindsey, OBA#19344 Oklahoma Indian Legal Services, Inc. P.O. Box 2600 Ada, Oklahoma 74821-2600 T: 580-272-0038 F: 580-272-0665 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4, 2016)


NOTICE TO SELL COUNTY PROPERTY (Acquired at Resale) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the receipt of bid, that I, Glenda Gonderman, County Treasurer of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, will on the 22nd day of February, 2016, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at my office in Ada Oklahoma sell separately the hereinafter described tracts, parcels, or lots of land, all situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and heretofore acquired by said county at the resale authorized by 68 O.S. Sec3125. Following the description of each property offered for sale is the name of the bidder and the amount bid as follows: Description: Lots 8 & 9 Block 2 North Hammond Heights #2 Bidder: Alonzo Albert Amount Bid: $100.00 Description: Lot 10 Block 2 North Hammond Heights #2 Bidder: Alonzo Albert Amount Bid: $100.00 Description: Lot 3 Block 3 North Hammond Heights #2 Bidder: Alonzo Albert Amount Bid: $100.00 Description: Lot 7 Block 3 North Hammond Heights #2 Bidder: Alonzo Albert Amount Bid: $100.00 Description: Lot 2 Block 6 North Hammond Heights #2 Bidder: Alonzo Albert Amount Bid: $100.00 Description: Lots 1-3 Block 10 North Hammond Hts Bidder: Alonzo Albert Amount Bid: $100.00 The said properties will be separately sold to the highest competitive bidder, for cash in hand, or to the original bidder at the amount bid if there be no higher bid offered, subject to the approval of the Pontotoc County Board of County Commissioners. The apportioned cost of advertisement and other expense incident to the said sale shall be paid by the purchaser, in addition to the amount bid upon said properties. Witness my hand this 28th day of January, 2016. signed: Glenda Gonderman Pontotoc County Treasurer (Published in The Allen Advocate on January 28, February 4 and 11, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PG-2016-1 In the Matter of the Guardianship of HONEY ELIZABETH BUSHNELL, DOB 3/20/99, GWENDOLYN ALMIRA THOMPSON, DOB 3/6/01, and ALAENA RAE DEGENAR, DOB 8/20/02, Minor Children. SUMMONS ELLEN SHARP to: Dustin Busnell, father of Honey Bushnell, Rocky Thompson, father of Gwendolyn Thompson, and John Degenar, father of Alaena Degenar YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Guardianship has been filed in the Court requesting that Ellen Sharp be named Guardian of each of the above named children. YOU ARE THEREFORE ORDERED TO APPEAR at the courtroom of the Pontotoc County District Court in Ada, Oklahoma on the 23rd day of February, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. and to there remain subject to the call of the Court until discharged so that you may be advised of the allegations contained in the Petition and may answer that you admit or deny the allegations of the Petition. You may seek the advice of an attorney on any matter relating to this action at your own expense, or upon application to the Court, may be eligible for courtappointed attorney. Failure to respond to this Summons or to appear at this Hearing constitutes a denial of interest which may result, without further notice, to the Petition being granted. (SEAL) s) L. Jackson - Pontotoc County Court Clerk Meagan E. Brooking Attorney at Law 100 East 13th, PO Box 1711 Ada, OK 74821 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA PB-2016-04 In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Raymond McCutcheon, Deceased. COMBINED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO: All persons interested in the Estate of Charles Raymond McCutcheon: You are hereby notified that on January 21, 2016, the Petitioner, Betty J. McCutcheon, (1100 S. Johnston, Ada, Oklahoma 74820), filed in the District Court of County, a Petition for Summary Administration. The Petitioner has alleged that Charles Raymond McCutcheon, age 78, died on February 2, 2015, domiciled and residing in Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and that the total value of the decedent’s property in Oklahoma is less than $200,000.00 . On January 26, 2016, the Court appointed Betty J. McCutcheon as Special Personal Representative of decedent’s estate. In an Order for Combined Notice entered on January 26, 2016, the Court found that it should dispense with the regular estate proceedings prescribed by law, appoint a Special Personal Representative instanter, order notice to creditors and issue an order for hearing upon the Petition for Summary Administration, the final accounting and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution. Pursuant to the Order for Combined Notice, all creditors having claims against Charles Raymond McCutcheon, deceased, are required to present the same, with a description of all security interest and other collateral, if any, held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the Petitioner, Betty J. McCutcheon, 1100 S. Johnston, Ada, Oklahoma 74820,on or before the presentment date of February 25, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. The claim of any creditor not shown in the petition will be barred unless the claim is presented to the Special Personal Representative on or before the presentment date. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on April 1, 2016, at 9:30 o’clock A.M. at the Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before the Judge of the District Court. At the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Petition for Summary Administration and the final account and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution of the estate by the Petitioner. The final account and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution will be filed herein on or before March 11, 2016. You are hereby advised that you must file objections to the Petition for Summary Administration and the final account and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution at least ten (10) days before the hearing and send a copy to the Petitioner, Betty J. McCutcheon, 1100 S. Johnston, Ada, Oklahoma 74820, or you will be deemed to have waived any objections. If you have no objections, you need not appear at the hearing nor make any filings with the Court. If an objection is filed at least ten (10) days before the hearing, the Court will determine at the hearing whether the will attached to the petition shall be admitted to probate, whether summary proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed. Steven Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT (Published in The Allen Advocate on January 28 and February 4, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2011-244 Joyce Jeannine Steele, Norma Jean Coplin and Paul A. Coplin, Plaintiffs, vs. The Unknown Successors, Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns, Immediate and Remote, of George Underwood, Full-blood Chickasaw Indian Roll No.42; et al., Defendants. THIRD ALIAS NOTICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TO: Suzanne Summers Ducom, formerly Moser: Mary Frances Long, nee Williamson; Dana Ellis Deatherage; Tyrell Deaver; Andre Lamont Deaver; Joe Freeman; James Bryon Tompkins; David Tompkins; Angel Palmer; Suzan Lee Douglas Shown Harjo; Francine Nicole Douglas Ramirez; Cate Star Douglas; Denise-Jean Douglas; Freeland Douglas Wilson; Gregory Wilson Ahmadian; Julie Ann Wilson Bullard; Kenneth Thomas Wilson, II; Matthew Todd Wilson; Derrick Douglas; Donna Douglas; Stanley E. Douglas; Douglas Stanton Little; Kathryn Douglas Wilson; Debra Douglas Marlow; Richard Douglas; Amber Rae Buckley; Sara Von Buckley; LaKeta Thompson; Rodney Factor; Terry Factor; Mark Factor; Eren Kendall Moore; Vickie Thurston; Darlene Nicole Tatum; Ardell Brown; James Carson Clark; Tim Clark; Jo Ann Deaville; Bill Gray; Tamara Kay Blackmon; Robert D. Kennedy; Patti Gonzales; Preston Smith; Andrew Deaver; Richard Brown; James L. George; and Raymond Douglas, Jr., If living, and if Dead, their Unknown Successors, Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns; You are hereby notified that Plaintiffs Joyce Jeannine Steele, Norma Jean Coplin and Paul A. Coplin have filed their Second Amended Petition against you in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2011-244 to judicially determine the deaths and heirships of certain predecessors in title to the real property, to determine the current owners of said real property and their ownership shares, to quiet title in the owners identified in the Petition and to partition the following described property located in Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: SURFACE AND SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY The South 200 feet of the SW/4 of NE/4 and all of the SE/4 of NE/4 and all of that part of the South 200 feet of SE/4 of NW/4 lying East of the Oklahoma City, Ada, and Atoka Railroad; and All of the NE/4 of SE/4 and all that part of the NW/4 of SE/4 lying East of the Oklahoma City, Ada, and Atoka Railroad; and All that part of the NE/4 of NE/4 of SW/4 lying East of the Oklahoma City, Ada, and Atoka Railroad; All in Section 11, Township 3 North, Range 6 East, containing 116 acres, more or less. and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiffs are fractional owners of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiffs’ Second Amended Petition and to determine the deaths of: George Underwood, Full-blood Chickasaw Indian Roll No.42; Simon Perry, Full Blood Chickasaw Indian Roll No.720; Casey Perry, Half-blood Chickasaw Indian; Eddie Williamson, nee Perry,¾-blood Chickasaw Indian; Rena George, formerly Sweezy, nee Perry, ¾-blood Chickasaw Indian; Amanda Deatherage, nee Perry, ¾-blood Chickasaw Indian; Kevin Floyd Deatherage; Lily Bigsnake, nee Perry, ¾-blood Chickasaw Indian; Josie Oliver, nee Perry, ¾-blood Chickasaw Indian; Hiawatha Eugene Perry, ¾-blood Chickasaw Indian; Gary J. Long; Mary Curtis Eaves; Frances Perry Johnson; William Howard Douglas, Jr.; Yvonne Gail Deaver; Albert Perry, Jr., ½ -blood Chickasaw Indian; Paul Hayden; Billy Lloyd Phillips; Alma Holmes, formerly Perry; Eren Kendall Nance; Samuel James Clark; Samuel Joe Clark; Donald Ray Clark; Darla Kay Brown; Guy C. Perry; Eva Perry Clark; Dennis Gene Douglas; Dan Edward Palmer, Jr.; Gene A. Clark; Billy Joe Perry; Jennie Ruth Seymour; Bonnie Ruth Gray; Lucy Perry Nelson; Albert Perry, Sr.; Bob Kennedy aka Robert Joe Kennedy; Jeri Maw aka Geraldine Maw; Bonnie Clark Brown; All Deceased, And determining who were the particular persons who took or were entitled to take the above described real property of the said Decedents, and forever barring and enjoining the Defendants from asserting any right, title lien, estate, encumbrance, claim assessment or interest, in law or in equity, in and to the real property involved herein, except as set forth in the Second Amended petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the Petition filed herein on or before the 8th day of March, 2016, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiffs and against you, and establishing that Plaintiffs are the fractional owners of the property, and all other relief requested all as more particularly set out in their Petition. DATED this 15th day of January, 2016 KAREN DUNNIGAN, Court Clerk Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma BY: Deputy KURT B. SWEENEY, OBA #17455 Sweeney, Draper & Christopher PLLC P.O. Box 190 1320 Stone Bridge, Suite A, Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-7200 FAX (580) 332-7201 Attorney for Plaintiffs (Published in The Allen Advocate on January 21, 28 and February 4, 2016)

Pre-K Students of the Week

Pre-K Student of the Week from Mrs. Harris’ class is Laira Beth Rippee. Laira was born September 18, 2010 in Ada, Oklahoma. Her family is Mom, Dad, brothers Aaron, Nathan, Jacob, Landen and Logen, Nanny, Memaw, and Papa John. Laira’s favorite book is “Cat in the Hat”; her favorite food is chicken; and her pet is named Callie. Her friends are Landry, Ryder and Sophie. She likes to play and draw. Someday Laira wants to read books. She is excited about going to school.

Pre-K Student of the Week from Mrs. Laxton’s class is Sophia Grace Shires. Sophia was born January 11, 2011 in the Ada, Oklahoma. Her family is dad Chance, mom Jerrica, and brother Van Shires. Sophia’s favorite book is a fairy tale book; her favorite food is Mac & Cheese. Her friends are Bryer, Sophia Smith, and her Mom, Dad and brother. She likes to play at home in the centers, play cars, and dance. Someday Sophia wants to cut grown-up’s or pets’ hair. She is excited about school.

Out & About

Freddie and Deann Johnson made trip to Coalgate this past Saturday to watch their grandson, Jakob Hisaw, show his calf in a local livestock show. —O&A— Jerry and Norma Milner, accompanied by their daughter Debbie Wilson of Holdenville, traveled to Oklahoma City this past weekend where they visited in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Milne. While in OKC they also visited at the Heart Hospital with sister-in-law, Arlene Rinehart, who has recently undergone bypass surgery. —O&A— This past Thursday Martha Files and Betty Finney visited in Ada with her aunt, Mary Lou Manuel. Mrs. Manuel is current a resident in Jan Frances Care Center. Also visiting at that time was Betty’s uncle, C.C. Manuel, who turned 91 in January. Mary Lou is a young 89. On Friday they visited in Holdenville with nephew James and Brenda Welch and enjoyed a visit with Mary Olivo and Leta Battershell at Heritage Village Nursing Home. Ms. Battershell asked about Allen and all her friends here. Betty also visited with old friends Don and Regina. —CC— Lainey Ford is recuperating at home following a stay in the Chickasaw Health Center, Ada. —O&A— C h r i s a n d A m a n d a Allgeier, Evan and Caleb of Edmond were out & about over the weekend visiting her parents, Harold and Cindy Davis. Joining in the visit were Dan Davis and Maegan Russell of Ada.

trip where they dug a wa—O&A— G lendene Griffin en- ter well and built two huts. joyed a four day stay in The pastor had established Norman with her daugh- an orphanage there a few ter, Leah Kay and Todd years ago which serves the Tidwell. She returned children one good meal a day. Virgil got to do a home on Sunday. lot of teaching to the chil—O&A— T he Gerty Methodist dren, who immediately Church enjoyed listening named him “Grandpa” in to Virgil Franks of Ada their native language. He brought pictures and crafts this ZONES: past Sunday as heSW, NW, SE shared the story of his mis- for everyone to see. Virgil’s daughter, Jensionfor trip to Africa. of Virgil week JANUARY 10, 2016 nifer and Dewayne Daniel went2x2 during his vacation ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. family, fromdownload the Allen Pump Stathe line ads and for this weeklive at here in Allen. tion.www.okpress.com/ocan - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE —O&A— Virgil, his pastor, and two other men made the

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Atwood Church of the Nazarene

Sunday was a beautiful day. The children even got to play outside. God is good. Our special for the day “ He’ll Pilot Me.” was sung by the Atwood group. Tochie sang the lead and did a beautiful job. Bro. Larry’s text was taken from Luke 4:14-21 and entitled “Living in the Power of the Spirit.” Living in the power of the spirit begins with a habit of obedience. Jesus, even as a young boy, made the things of God a priority in his life. Those who make a difference in the Kingdom of God do not do so by accident. As he became more aware of who he was he became more convinced of what he must do. He was always in the place where the Father could speak. Those who make spirituality a priority will grow. He makes the world of God come alive. The same Spirit who inspired the Word of God will interpret it. Understanding is greatly enhanced by a personal relationship with the Author. As we spend time in the Word we become more engaged with it. The word of god is not designed to simply inform us. it is given to transform us. These ancient words had the power to inspire the young man Jesus. They informed him of his heritage and his purpose. The things necessary and important to him are even more important to us. We need to read the Bible, pray, and we need to fellowship with other Christians. If we lack a clear sense of direction and purpose perhaps we need to get into the Word. Sunday night we had the Fifth Sunday singing at our church. We rotate these singings with other churches so we had a big crowd. We had several groups, but my personal favorites are the teens that sang. J. W. Wainscott from the Cowboy Church sang “I Won’t Have to Worry Anymore,” and Kelsey Sherry sang with Sara “ Bless the Lord.” It’s always good to get our teens involved.


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2014-77 In the Matter of the Estate of CLEVELAND LAVOID ROBERTSON, Deceased. COMBINED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE OF HEARING UPON THE FINAL ACCOUNTING AND PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP, DISTRIBUTION, AND DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given to all interested parties and creditors of Cleveland Lavoid Robertson, deceased, that: Cleveland Lavoid Robertson, deceased, died intestate on the 24 th day of December 2012, leaving an Oklahoma estate valued at less than $150,000.00, and consisting of real property in Murray County and Johnston County. The decedent’s estate is to be distributed as follows: an undivided 1/2 interest to Sheryl Charoenpon, 7161 Sunset Circle, Kingston, OK 73439; and undivided 1/8 interest each to Ashley Charoenpon, Alexandera Charoenpon, Noah Timmons, and Robert Lyon, all in accordance with Oklahoma’s intestate distribution scheme. The final account will be filed at least five days prior to the final hearing. Any person receiving this notice or any interested party may file objections to the petition and/or final account at any time before the final hearing and must send a copy to the petitioner or that person will be deemed to have waived any objections to the petition. The hearing on the final accounting and Petition shall take place on the 30th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. in the Court Room of the Honorable Steven Kessinger, Judge of the District Court, at the Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma. All creditors having claims against Cleveland Lavoid Robertson, deceased, are required to present the same with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to Sheryl Charoenpon, c/o Peary L. Robertson, P.O. Box 2336, Seminole, OK 74818, on or before the following presentment date of the 7th day of March, 2016, or thirty (30) days from the date of first publication, whichever date is later, or the same will be forever barred. Dated this 1 st day of February, 2016. s) Steve Kessinger Judge of the District Court Peary L. Robertson, OBA#22895 Robertson Law Office, PLLC P.O. Box 2336 Seminole, OK 74818 Tel: (405) 382-7300 Fax: (405) 382-2887 Attorney for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 4 and 11, 2016)


School Book Fair

Are you “Feelin’ Groovy?” You will be if you come to the Allen School’s book fair. “Feelin’ Groovy – Peace, Love, Books” is the theme for this year’s event which will be held February 17th thru 25th from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm (except Friday, February 19th, when school is not in session). Sunday, January 21st, will be Family Visit Time from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. All proceeds benefit the school library and classrooms.

Allen Sorority have busy month

The Allen chapter of Beta Sigma Phi enjoyed the first meeting of the New Year on January 7th. Hostess Jill Kaminski served up some pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans and some Oreo dessert. Those there to enjoy the festivities were Sue Boyd, Terry Riddle, Tammy Frederick, Marilyn Coulson, Lyn Anderson, Tanya Caldwell, Cindi Sanders, Cindy Davis, Karla Cramer, Christina Hurt, Jennifer Smith and Danielle O’Daniel. A short meeting followed dinner as well as a training session on the history of Beta Sigma Phi. Hostess Sue Boyd hosted the Beta Sigma Phi for a meeting on January 21st. Sue served up Pirate Soup, Frito Chili Pie and chocolate cake and apple pie. Those attending were Cindy Davis, Tammy Frederick, Wilma Harden, Cindi Sanders, Karla Kramer, Jill Kaminski, Jennifer Smith and Danielle O’Daniel. There was also a short meeting and some more Beta Sigma Phi Training.

Masonic Breakfast Saturday

Join the Allen Masonic Lodge for breakfast Saturday, February 6th, from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m., at the Lodge on West Broadway. The breakfast fund-raisers are held the first Saturday of each month with a menu of sausage, biscuits, gravy, scrambled eggs, hash browns and coffee.

Atwood FBC News S unday School attendance was 40% higher this week, the weather was better than perfect for the last day of January, and I was able to kick the walking boot and wear a regular pair of decent looking shoes to church! Along with asking that the Lord bless the services, you can’t ask for a much better way to start a Sunday morning. Next Sunday, February th 7 , the men will cook and serve breakfast in the fellowship hall at 9:00. This is a cooked from scratch kind of breakfast, not stale doughnuts and cookies and mud-thick coffee, so come enjoy the food and

the good conversation. Tom Spillman did a particularly nice job of singing “He Reached down His Hand for Me” this Sunday. Throughout eternity we can be thankful that Jesus reached down to help us back to a right relationship with God. All we have to do is trust Him and let Him lift us up so that we can walk through life with Him. J a m e s H a m m o n d s switched from his song leader hat to his speaking hat and brought a message about spiritual warfare. He began by saying that Jesus was a spiritual warrior who steadfastly endured what had to be endured and courageously


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stood up for what was right until his battle mission against Satan was accomplished. Matthew 10:34-36 and Luke 12:2030: Jesus came to bring peace between Believers and God, which can bring war between Believers and the worldly. It can even mean that Believers have to stand fast against the expectations and pressures of family. Mark 2930: Believers will have to endure much, but Jesus is with us, and the day is coming when He will finish the War victoriously. According to Paul’s description of the Armor of God, every part of it is used for defense except one. The Sword of Spirit, which is the Word of God, is our offensive weapon in the battle against Satan and worldly forces. We need to know what the Bible says and memorize parts of it so that we can successfully complete our assigned missions. Like battle buddies in the military, we need a Bible buddy so that we can combine forces to stay in the word of God. Bible buddies can also encourage one another to stand firm when we need to—and to move forward when God is calling us to step out on faith. Soldiers make the sacrifices necessary to accomplish their missions.

Believers may have to sacrifice such things as money, the time and work needed to care for people, or time away from entertainment to study the Bible and attend church. T he list could go on. Oddly enough, though, these usually turn out not to be sacrifices at all because God pays us back so abundantly. Personal observation: While there

are parallels between being a military soldier and being a soldier of spiritual warfare, there are important differences, too. One is that, unlike government and military hierarchies, God doesn’t make mistakes. Another is that God’s rewards and retirement plan is way above and beyond any retirement plan ever devised on earth.

Out and About Allen

Richard and Tammy Frederick joined her family in Gainesville, Texas last Saturday to celebrate January birthdays. Four were honored – Andy Cooper, Brandon Edmunds, Tyler Montgomery and Haley Brown. Enjoying lots of laughter, fun and good food along with Richard and Tammy were Andy and Dhana Cooper, Shannon Brown and Lloyd Payne, Tyler and Kayla Montgomery, Clayton Cooper and Dusti Tatum, Hunter Brown, Brandon Edmunds and Haley Brown.

Allen Nutrition Site Week of February 8th

Monday Fish, Baked Potato Wedges, Pea Salad, Hush Puppy Cornbread, Tartar Sauce, Ketchup, Cherry Dump Cake, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Tuesday Lasagna, Broccoli/Cauliflower Mix, Tossed Salad, Garlic Bread, Salad dressing, Lemon Pie, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Wednesday Stir Fry Chicken, Beets, Bread Sticks, Margarine, Fruit Gelatin, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Thursday Frito Chili Pie with Cheese, Ranch Style Beans, 5-Cup Salad, Mustard, Relish, Cookies, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Friday Chicken & Dumplings, Tossed Salad, Baked Okra, Crackers, Salad Dressing, Carrot Cake, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea


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Blue Bell


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10 Pack



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Shurfine Butter or Theater

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20 Pack

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30 oz Jar

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Shurfine Vitamin D

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24 oz

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Miracle Whip Milk




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Split Chicken Breast

$4.29 Varieties



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