December 3

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Allen Advocate VOLUME 69 NUMBER 10


1 SECTION (USPS 543600) 50¢


Area School Board Filings Set for Next Week Candidates for the Board of Education in Hughes

County school districts will file their Declarations of Candidacy over three days beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday, December 7th, and continuing Tuesday, December 8th, and Wednesday, December 9th, County Election Board Secretary Brandy Davis said. Davis said the official filing period ends at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9th. All candidate filings will occur at the Hughes County Election Board office, 200 N. Broadway, Suite 3, in Holdenville, Davis explained. Offices for which Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the County Election Board office includes the following: Holdenville School District – Office No. 1 (5-year term) Stuart School District – Office No. 1 (5-year term) Wetumka School District – Office No. 1 (5-year term) Calvin School District – Office No. 1 (5-year term) Calvin School District – Office No. 4 (unexpired term) Wes Watkins Technology Center – Office No. 3 (5-year term) Allen School District – Office No. 1 (5-year term) Moss School District – Office No. 1 (5-year term) Filing packets can be found on the State Election Board website: For more information, contact the Hughes County Election Board at 405-379-2174.

Atwood Christmas Dec 6th

The Atwood community will hold their annual Christmas party Sunday night, December 6th, beginning at 5:00. Santa will be there and everyone needs to bring snack foods.

Farmers State Bank Open House and Angel Tree

The Farmers State Bank will be holding their annual Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 3rd, from 9 am to 3 pm. Friends, area residents and all customers are invited to drop by and enjoy some punch and cookies with the staff. Also, beginning that day, Angels will be available. Please choose one off the lobby tree and make this Christmas happier for a youngster in the Allen area.

Santa and Shop at Home drawings

Naughty or nice, Santa loves all kids and he’s ready to make the trip to Allen to listen to wants and wishes. His schedule will have him arriving at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 12th, for a visit with youngsters at the Allen Nutrition Site. The Allen Chamber of Commerce has arranged for his visit and plans to have candy sacks on hand for him to distribute. Following his visit with the children the “Shop at Home” drawing will be held in front of the Allen Food Center. Prizes this year will include a 50” TV, two KindleFires, and a digital camera. Also to be given, and donated by the Allen Food Center, is a $100 Meat Pack.

Mustangs come home - the Allen basketball teams finally have their home opener this Fridasy hosting the teams from New Lima. Tip off for the girls contest is 6:30. Top photo Alison Sells plays defense against Calvin. Bottom photo Alycia Evans drives to the goal in a recent contest.

C ountry Comments


by Bill Robinson, Publisher

Are the modern day “gadgets” an improvement over the old time “gadgets?” Joe Queenan shares his thoughts on that issue . . . The Cutting Edge Genius Of Old Gadgets I am dying of thirst because the hapless man in front of me in line is having trouble with his debit card. The way the hapless man in front of me in line is always having trouble with his debit card. “Where do I punch in my password?” he asks the cashier. I stand behind him, bottled water in hand, dying of thirst, clutching a $5 bill. “How do I erase it if I made a mistake?” he asks the cashier. I stand behind him, clutching my bottled water and a $5 bill, dying of thirst. “Oh, I think I do want cash back,” he says. “Should I start all over?” I stand there behind him, clutching my bottled water and my $5 bill. And a thought occurs to me. What if debit cards had been invented first and cash was invented later? Wouldn’t the person who brought the long green to market be treated with the same reverence as Marconi or Edison or Gutenberg? “Wait a minute! There’s no password required?” a shocked debit-card user might say, disbelievingly, using cash for the first time. “No. You just hand them a piece of paper and they give you change.” “And there’s no way you can swipe the bill the wrong way? And there’s no way your request can be denied because you don’t have enough cash in your bank account? And there are no overdraft fees?” “No, no and no.” “And there’s no way some perfidious cabal of depraved Eastern European gangsters can steal your password and empty your bank account, reducing you

to abject penury?” “No way.” “Gee. Why didn’t somebody think of that sooner?” This is the very crux of the enigma. If cash had been invented after debit cards, the public would welcome it as one of the great time-saving innovations of all time. They might feel the same way about the telephone. “ Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that there’s a device that not only allows me, but requires me, to actually talk to my girlfriend, instead of texting her?” “That’s what I’m telling you.” “So I can hear her voice? Actually hear her sultry, smoky, breathy voice while she’s thousands of miles away?” “That’s right.” “So I can scream at my kid when he tells me that he’s backpacking through Iraq with a bunch of garishly attired mimes and a perky Swiss lutenist? Instead of texting him MEGO? Or LOL?” “ You heard it here first.” “ And I won’t get repetitive stress syndrome or arthritis in my fingers or blisters on my thumb by talking to people on the phone?”

“Precisely.” “And I won’t accidentally type ‘I wish you were her’ when I meant to type ‘I wish you were here,’ thereby bringing my fledgling romance to an abrupt and rather tragic demise?” “The technology was devised specifically to preclude such mishaps.” “Gee. Why didn’t somebody invent that before?” There are many, many devices or traditions or foods superseded by exciting new inventions that in some ways are inferior to the thing they rendered obsolete. What if Caesar salads had been invented after kale? What if sound systems with powerful speakers and booming bass had been invented after tinny MP3 players? What if department stores where you can actually try on the shoes had been invented after online shopping? What if Mustangs followed Priuses, and ice cream arrived after frozen yogurt? What if real beer that packs a wallop and actually has a detectable taste had been invented after lite beer? Wouldn’t everyone stand up and pay attention? Let’s not even talk about lovingly crafted, beautifully illustrated, limited editions of “Romeo and Juliet” being invented after e-books. Let’s just leave that topic alone. — Joe Queenan The Wall Street Journal —CC— Christmas time is so special to so many . . . especially those that know what it is like to not have toys, food or . . . freedom . . . On Dec. 6, 1942, 10 German soldiers marched into Rekowka, a Polish village 90 miles south of Warsaw. They’d received a tip from some locals that two families, the Skoczylas and Kosiorows, were sheltering Jews. When the Germans apprehended the families in their shared house, all but four of its inhabitants were at home. The soldiers spotted a trapdoor in the kitchen, which opened to a small, but empty, hiding place. They demanded that the families reveal the whereabouts of the stowaways, but nobody would talk. The soldiers took them to the barn behind the house, locked them inside and burned them alive. When two of the boys tried to escape, they were shot in the back. Almost 72 years later, in August 2014, a cultural investigator named Jonny Daniels lifted that trapdoor for the first time since the surviving family members sealed it off years ago. He lowered himself down a ladder into a dark, damp space, with no light source and a floor covered with straw. He didn’t know it at the time, but he had uncovered the only known World War II hiding place for Jews that has remained intact and undisturbed since the end of the war. On Thursday, after a year of negotiations and research, the space became an official heritage site in Poland, the only one of its kind. The hope is that by featuring the haven, shadows cast over Poland in the wake of the war will be lightened by the humanity of families like the Skoczylas and Kosiorows. A great-grandson of Holocaust survivors, Mr. Daniels is the founder of “From the Depths”, a nonprofit organization that locates tombstones poached from Jewish cemeteries to pave roads or construct walls, in an effort to weave back together the torn tapestry of Eastern European Jewish life. Mr. Daniels and his team were working in the town of Zwolen in 2014 when they heard rumors about a Polish family in a nearby village whose members had sacrificed themselves for the Jews they hid. Mr. Daniels looked into the site’s history. The entire Kosiorow family burned in the barn, but the descendants of the surviving Skoczylas sons live on the farm today. Martin Skoczylas, the 33-year-old grandson of one of the survivors, showed Mr. Daniels the spot, and recounted that all 10 Jews hiding in the basement were miraculously absent for the raid – they would leave on occasion to look for food in the woods. After that day in 1942, no one knows what became of them. Mr. Skoczylas and his family later assumed they had seen the barn fire and fled. “It is my dream,” Mr. Skoczylas said, “that we will be able to fin and meet descendants of the Jews that they saved.” An unlikely scenario, given the three years they would have had to survive before the war ended, but the family is still hopeful. “My family helped Jews, but did not expect anything in return,” said Mr. Skoczylas. “They did not think about the danger involved or the possible consequences.” Such an act of self-sacrifice might seem stunning today, but others did the same. Sir Nicholas Winton saved 669 children by sending them by train from Prague to London before the borders closed in 1939, but his story came to light only when a family friend leaked it to the

Continued Page 3

Second Grade Turkey Recipes THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, DECEMBER 3, 2015 -PAGE 3

Here, in their own words, are how Mrs. Mills and Mrs. McGee’s 2nd grade students prepare the turkey for Thanksgiving . . . Clay Chitwood – My Dad kills the turkey with a bow, then he’ll bring it home in are mudding truck. It is a 4x4. The turkey useuilly is 50 pounds. We set the time to ninety. Me and my dad eat it. Jared Coody – My dad get it at whall mart. We whay it, whays 10. We cook it. We put it in the uven for 7:00. Triston Fuller – My dad would kill a turkey or buy a turkey from Walmart. Then he will heat it in the oven to 500 temperature. Then he stuff it with grees. Me and dad and Olivia eat it. Sata Harjo – My mom will get the turkey at the store. My mom weighs the turky when she’s don getting it. The turky is three pouns. When we get home we cook it in the uven. My family will help me eat the turky when it is don. Autumn Johnson - My dad gets it at wamart. You got to weight it. It weighed 65-pounds. You stuff it. I stuff it with ham. I cook it and eat it with my Mom, chirs, dad and my cousins.

Hannah Johnson - My nana get the turkey form the city. My nana has it in the chichin [kitchen] and my nana cock it in the stove. My familys eat it. Kadence Johnson - My Dad buys turkey at the store then we stuff it with meat then we put it in a cooker then we cook it for an hour then finally my family and I eat it. A ddison Prentice My dad will kill it in the woods. It may weight 80 pounds. We will skin it and set temperature. We will cook it. Then eat it with everybody. Landen Rippee - My dad he shoots it. Bring it home puts it in the uven then we cook it at 7:30. We wait at the table, then we get redy, then we eat it and finish. Alyssa Royalty - My Dad will stuff it with chicken and cook the temperature at 390 in the ufin then my Mom and Dad, Dillon, Ansley, Ryan and me eat the turkey. Patricia Sanford - My Dad gets it and then we put it in about 60 minits and then we sirve it. My mom, Dad and my sister Cobin Smith - My uncle gets it. Then we brang it home. And we skin it. Then we cook it. And we eat it.


C Comments from Page 2

by Bill Robinson, Publisher

BBC in 1988. Later that year, he was featured on a episode of BBC’s “That’s Life!” When the show’s host asked the studio audience, “Is there anyone here who owes their life to Nicholas Winton?” everyone rose. He died earlier this month at age 106, and there are a reported 6,000 descendants of the children he saved. Rafal Nadolny, the conservator of monuments in Poland’s Mazovia province, hurried along the paperwork. “I think that this kind of place, which is a material trace of the events surrounding the Second World War, deserves special protection and . . . future generations will be able to personally touch such a site.” (In 1999, a similar space was unearthed behind a cupboard in a Warsaw flat and registered with the conservation office, but tenants destroyed it in 2013 and faced up to 10 years in prison.) Mr. Skoczylas is as eager to share his family’s story as he is overwhelmed by its emotional repercussions. When Mr. Daniels invited Mr. Skoczylas into the crawl space last year, he was met with hesitation and then a no. “It was too heavy for them,” Mr. Daniels remembers. “Martin came down a few steps but then went right back up, his face was white.” The tension felt by the Skoczylas family, Mr. Daniels explained, bubbled over in 2012 when President Obama referred to a “Polish death camp” during a ceremony at the White House honoring the late Jan Karski, a hero of Polish resistance to the Nazis. Mr. Skoczylas bristled at the statement: “Doesn’t he know so many people were killed here because they helped the Jews?” — Jessica Kasmer-Jacobs The Wall Street Journal So many of us in the United States have no idea how fortunate we are.

Emma Tomb - My granma and me go to the stor at ada. The stor is beenz that’s where we get it after that we go home and we get the guts on and heats. We put ledes then we cook it. Addysen Vincent - My Mom will get the turkey at walmart. The turkey weighs 3 poundxs. When we get home we ill put it in the uven. My mom set it to 390. After we cook it my famliy eats it. Bryar Wilson - My dad cilt the turkey then he skins it then my mom washes it and then she cooks it and then we eat it and my mom, dad, mamma and dabra and unc bubabu. Cherish Woodward My nana gets the turkey from the city. My nana whase it in the cichin. My nana cook it in the stove. My family’s eat it. M athew Johnson First my dad buys the turkey. Next we weigh the turkey. Then we cook the turkey. Last we eat the turkey. Adrian, Jason, Malissa, Katlin, Emily. Sam Daniel - First you put jam in it. Then you cook for 100ºF for 1 hour. Last you eat it. Kamden Adams - Take bons off. Take skin off. Cook it for 2 or 3 minuts. Aftar eat it. Last weegt it. Taylor Batey - Hunt it. Shoot it. Cook it at 25ºF for 10 menits. Cut it and eat it. I love turkey. Tatay Bear - I will shoot it. Then we will skin it. We will put it 100 menits.

Then we will eat it. Kayd Bell - First you cut out the back bone. Then you put it in the oven and cook it for 1 hour on 325ºF. Last you let it freese overnight and the next day pre-cook it for thirty minutes 100ºF. Jaycee Boolin - Put it in the pan. Than put it in the uvin at 350ºF for 5 minus. Last I eat it. Will Brand - First I stuff it with butter and with salt. Then I put it in the oven at 106ºF for four minutes. Then I share with my family. Blake Campbell - First I hunt it. Then I cook it and then put it on 100 for a hour. Last I eat it. Jessica Craddock - First you buy it. Then you put it in the oven for 2 hours at 100 digrees. Last you eat it. Breanna Davis - I put sesers on it. I turn the over on. Put it in the over for 40 at 360º. Next I eat it! Morgan Davis - First I would get it at the stor. Then I would go home. Last I would cook it at 99º for 10 hours. Now eat it. Lexani Edwards - First you buy it. Then you put it in the oven for 1 hour and 99ºF. Last you eat it.

A lexis Friday - First pluck out the feathers. Then cut it up. Last put it in the oven at 110ºF for 20 minuts. Finally eat it. David Gragert - First you hunt for the turkey. Then you cook it at 50 degreas ferinhite and cook it for 2 hours. Last you eat it for Thanksgiving. Mallory Keeney - Hunt the turkey. Way the turkey and cook the turkey for 6 minits at 5ºF. Then let it cool down. Then you can eat it. Delilah Ramirez - First you take out the fat. Then you put it in the oven for two minets and put the stufing in it. Put it on 130ºF. Put it in the oven for two hours. Last you check on it. Then we can eat it. Jakob Roby - First we buy it. Then we put it in the oven. We cooc it in the oven for 81ºF. Last we eat it. Kailey Trump - First hunt a turky. Then skin the turky. Last put the turky in the uven for 100ºF for 2 hours. Then we eat it. Jason Johnson - First get it at the growshreestorw. Then I put it in the ofven and sat the time to 110 and wait. Last we eat.

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Special weaned Calf ✶ & Yearling Sale ✶ Sale Results for Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015 Receipts: 2885 Cattle


Prague 16 Angus/BWF-352#@$260.00 Holdenville 25 Angus/Red Angus-405#@$242.00 Holdenville 13 Angus/BWF - 435#@$252.50 Paden 15 Black/Red - 475#@$240.00 Centrahoma 25 Angus/Red Angus - 457#@$242.00 Prague 69 Angus/BWF/Char - $462#@$242.00 Holdenville 10 Angus/BWF - 435#@$252.50 Holdenville 27 Black/Red - 422#@$241.00 Stuart 14 X-Bred - 477#@$223.00 Holdenville 17 Angus/Sim-Angus - 524#@$232.00 Stuart 14 X-Bred - 477#@$223.00 Holdenville 17 Angus/Sim-Angus - 524#@$232.00 Holdenville 44 Angus/BWF - 529#@$229.00 Holdenville 21 Angus - 568#@$216.00 Shawnee 42 X-Bred - 522#@$196.00 Prague 83 Angus/BWF/Char - 572#@$202.00 Paden 66 Angus/Char - 601#@$198.00 Prague 82 Angus/BWF/Char - 624#@$189.00 Boley 33 X-Bred-684#@$176.00 Paden 30 Angus/Char-759#@$174.00 Konawa 66 Black/Red (fleshy) - 829#@$164.25 Stuart 58 Black/Char (fleshy) - 903#@$158.50


Shawnee 12 Black/Red - 346#@$225.00 Prague 17 Black/Red - 418#@$211.00 Holdenville 14 Angus - 417#@$214.00 Holdenville 14 Angus - 406#@$217.00 Prague 96 Angus/BWF/RWF - 475#@$209.00 Prague 27 Angus/BWF/Char - 474#@$209.00 Centrahoma 28 Angus/Red Angus - 495#@$199.00 Holdenville 19 Angus/BWF - 509#@$194.00 Holdenville 9 Angus - 537#@$185.00 Prague 65 Angus/BWF - 555#@$180.00 Prague 16 Angus - 607#@$176.00 Okmulgee 13 Black/Char - 630#@$173.00 Piedmont 12 Black - 637#@$171.00 Stuart 32 CharX 680#@$175.00 Stuart 40 CharX - 766#@$166.00 Cromwell 27 Black - 733#@$169.00

**Next Special Weaned Calf and Yearling Sale scheduled for Thurs. Feb 18, 2016

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Threads of Life by Cleo LeVally

by Cleo Emerson LeVally The past few months some of the subscriptions to magazines I have been taking for years have come up for renewal and I am not renewing any of them. The reason being is that the content has changed so much they are (to me) not worth renewing. I have not read very many of the articles in those magazines for a long while. For instance, I have been a subscriber to the Reader’s Digest magazine for as long as I can remember. My favorite article in the magazine was the Book Length novel. That was discontinues several years ago and I have continued to

••• Changes •••

subscribe to the magazine. In recent times the magazine has changed to short articles. Some are very short. Some are (maybe a page or a page and one half in length and some have four to eight articles on a two page spread. For instance, this month, there is one article on one page with a picture. The article is sixty-four words long in three sentences and it is complete on one page, with the picture. Most articles in that one issue are one page to a page and one half long and there is only one article over three pages and the subject of that article is about hard to swallow foods. It is about someone

who had gotten choked on a cantaloupe. Over the years I have saved a file box with articles of The Reader’s Digest. They are copies of this magazine that have the full-length novels in them. The stories are some I liked at the time and wanted to keep. I do not think I will miss copies of

Bob Gadberry Passes Away

Robert “Bob” Gadberry was born south of Allen Oklahoma on December 23, 1935 to Sam and Lucille Douglas Gadberry. He passed November 30, 2015 in Fort Worth, Texas. He graduated from Allen and attended Oklahoma A&M Tech. Bob served in the Oklahoma National Guard. On March 12, 1954 he married Reta Nickell. Bob retired from AT&T after 32 years of service. The treatment of employees by big companies was a cause to which he devoted himself for 20 years. He was very active in the Communication Workers of America where he started as a Union Steward. At the time of his retirement, he had risen to the position of State President. Robert had a passion for youth and baseball which he brought together as a coach for Little League baseball for 11 years, serving as a role model for a generation of young men. A long with his wife, he invested in real estate

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the magazine as it is being published now. Our world as we have known it, is changing a bit faster than I like. Every monthly magazine I have been subscribing to has changed. Books that are being checked out of our libraries are also undergoing a change. Many of

the books on the library shelves have not been checked out in the past ten years and they are being pulled off the shelves. They are being offered for sale to the public at a vast discount. Those people who still like books can get some real bargains for this change in the reading habits of people. Some real bargains for this change in the reading habits of people.

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throughout his life. He took great pride in his craftsmanship and performed the remodeling himself. Robert was a master fisherman and he passed his passion to his children. Family vacations were dedicated to the next big fishing experience across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Robert was preceded in death by his oldest son, Douglas on August 6, 2015; his parents Sam and Lucille; and grandparents, Samuel Veto and Annie Black Douglas. H e is survived by his wife of 62 years, Reta; sister, Paula Erickson; brother-in-law, Glen Nickell and wife, Carolyn; Doug’s widow, Patti; his sons, Darrell and Derek and his wife, Sabra; seven

grandchildren, Dustin, Taylor, Quinn, Ryan, Nichole, Mason and Jason; four great-grandchildren, Taigan, Reese, Oliver and Hudson with two more expected soon; and a big bunch of beloved cousins. Bob’s family was most important in his life and we are surely going to miss him. Visitation will be at 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 5th, until service time in J.E. Keever Mortuary Chapel of Ennis, Texas. A celebration of his life will take place at 2 p.m. on Saturday, December 5th, in the J.E. Keever Mortuary Chapel with Scot Brazell officiating. Private interment will follow in Myrtle Cemetery under the direction of J.E. Keever Mortuary, Inc.

This Week at Allen High School “Have a Mustang Day” rd Thursday, December 3 – Friday, December 11th

Thursday, December 3rd • JS Basketball Game- Home v. Vanoss @ Friday, December 4th • Talent Search @ 9:30 • HS Basketball Game- Home v. New Lima @ Monday, December 7th • HS Basketball PCT Tournament- @ Tupelo Tuesday, December 8th • HS Basketball PCT Tournament- @ Tupelo Wednesday, December 9th • HS Basketball PCT Tournament- @ Tupelo • District STAR event in McAlester Thursday, December 10th • HS Basketball PCT Tournament- @ Tupelo Friday, December 11th • HS Basketball PCT Tournament- @ Tupelo

AllenWeek Nutrition Site of December 7 th

Monday Chicken Strips, Scalloped Potatoes, Tossed Salad, Dinner Roll, Gravy, Salad Dressing, Fruit Cocktail, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Tuesday Mushroom Onion Smothered Pork Pattie, Smashed Potatoes, English Peas, Cornbread or Rolls, Margarine, Stewed Apples, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Wednesday Cabbage Frit Salad with Turkey strips, Cheese Strips, Deviled Eggs, Toasted Parmesan Bread, Stewed Apples, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Thursday California Zucchini Bake with Hamburger Meat, Seasoned Carrots, Tossed Salad, Bread Sticks, Salad Dressing, Bread Pudding, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Friday Beef Stew, Cornbread, Margarine, Fruit Cocktail, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea


One Pharmacist’s View It’s sort of strange — doing Thanksgiving in Branson but the theme is all Christmas. Never mind all that. Thanksgiving sort of introduces the Christmas season. How early can it start? When I was a kid I wanted Christmas to last as long as it could. Before Christmas there was the anticipation of the gifts you were to get and the mystery of what was in a box or better still, what Santa would bring. The Santa mystery sort of bit the dust for me in 1943. My next door neighbor friend Letha Mae Moore confided that she had found out who Santa really was. It didn’t take

Thanksgiving at Branson

much coaching for her to share that it was her daddy. One can only imagine how let down I was to find that Bill Moore (a somewhat short little baldheaded guy) was Santa. She told me to keep it a secret so I did. I imagine that down in Centrahoma there are people who still didn’t know that Bill Moore was Santa Claus. Finding this out was somewhat like Christmas morning after you survey your gifts — including the one from Santa. Of course, there is no way that a gift in hand can live up to the

imaginations of what is, to see the Pressley’s. A what ought to be, and what phone call from the Branit turned out to be. The son Belle informed us that living room, no longer a the show on the Riverboat bright room of a decorated was sold out. I think they tree and sparkly lights and were lying and had just wrapped presents con- heard about how rowdy taining who knows what we were. — now it is just another T hen the rains come. messy room. The tree is And several aggressive barren except for one gift. games of dominoes took We always had a gift or place. And I don’t mind two left over. Probably reporting that I won most for someone who didn’t of them. We had a good show up. Perhaps it’s still time in Branson and now laying around somewhere that everyone has gone in the garbage heaps of Centrahoma. O n Christmas morning we left early to go see Grandma and Grandpa Bullard. After a few minutes of listening to Grandpa grouse about how much people wasted on Christmas (when they 1/4 Mile East of Allen Quick Pic - Hwy 1 hide from God and deny could have been paying (580)857-2991 Cell (580)421-5936 their guilt? The Apostle off their bills, or better Open 8 to 5 Monday - Friday John wrote, “If we say we yet, saving that money have no sin, we deceive in the bank) the spirit of ourselves” and, “if we Christmas ebbed away — confess our sins, he is rescued only by the arrival faithful and just to forgive of Uncle Herman’s family WE NOW CARRY COMFORTIS BRAND us.” (1 John 1:8-9) ARGE MALL NIMALS and Aunt Willie’s. They Who do we respect the had kids and we made the We have a variety of most – the one who con- most of the day before it products to keep your fesses sin and repents or was time for us to all go animals safe! the one who continues home and clean up the to deceive himself and mess in our own living Tim Costner, will not acknowledge his rooms but never to lament D.V.M guilt? It takes courage over how much had been to do right! Anyone can spent. cowardly run and hide! Fast forward to 2015 and we did our usual, too. We 401 E Hwy 1 • (580)857-1234 drove up to Branson and Drive thru - walk up - outhouse Puzzle Page 8 took in some Christmas shows and on Thanksgiving Day all of us went to a - BBQ Sand Steakhouse and enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast. Noth- Salads, Slaw ing to cook. Nothing to - Frito Pie 2 to 4 wash. No garbage to haul. Hot Dog / Links Hours Just good food and a lot 10-10 Sun - Thurs - Sno-Cones of fellowship. We alsoFriday, The Store and Clinic will be closed July 3 Closed 10 - midnight Wednesday Fri & Sat enjoyed theDay Christmas for the Independence Holiday, 2015 & Sundays shows out at Silver Dollar or use our convenient City and some of us went Golf Cart Entrance

Light from God’s Word

Allen Vet Clinic


Mark Legg

- Minister Allen church of Christ

“What can I do?” She asked with tears welling up in her eyes? There were lines of pain on her face and forehead. From her conception by unwed parents to the recent divorce from her second husband, her 45 years had been filled with pain and disappointment. She had conceived a daughter out of marriage and then married a man who was not her daughter’s father. Sitting in the church office, she revealed one unhappy detail of her life after another and confessed, “I have made a mess of my life.” “I know I need to repent and return to the Lord,” she said, “but I am too ashamed!” Guilt is painful! None of us want to face and admit our sins! Some try to hide from guilt. We may deceive ourselves, looking for ways to justify our actions or to blame others or to even blame God. But, who are we fooling? Have we forgotten that our every action is known to God and that we will appear before Him in judgment? We may deceive ourselves and fool some people, but God knows the truth. This lady found the courage to repent and return to God. However, are there not many like her who keep running, trying to

their own way, it’s just a little more than quiet here in the Bullard house. But it’s a nice kind of quiet. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that you look forward to Christmas, like we do — full of the Christmas spirit. H a v e a g o o d w e e k and don’t forget to go to Church Sunday. Wayne Bullard, DPh

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Allen Man Attends Annual Tribal Nations Conference at the White House

Allen resident, Assistant Seminole Chief Lewis Johnson has returned from the annual White House Tribal Nations Conference of Native American leaders held in Washington DC. Johnson, along with representatives from other tribal nations, met with President Obama and his cabinet members for the three-day conference, November 4th thru 6th. T he conference covered issues of interest to all Nations, such as protecting and advancing nation-to-nation relations, strengthening tribal economics, healthcare, education opportunities for native youth, and restoring tribal homelands into trust. Speakers at the conference included secretaries from the Department of the Interior, Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agricul-

ture, Health and Human Services, and the Departments of the Interior, Justice, Education, and Labor, as well as the Council on Environmental Quality, Office of Personnel Management, the Small Business Administration, and the Office of Science & Technology Policy. Lewis and Geri Johnson and their family moved to Allen this summer and are making their home on East Broadway. Johnson has decades of experience and service to the citizens of the Seminole Nation. He served two consecutive terms on the Seminole Nation General Council and served as Band Chief for the Tallahassee Band before being elected as Assistant Chief of the Nation. H is philosophy for growth of the Native American community is a belief that unity leads

Out & About

Shawn and Jennifer Taylor and Bella and Bentley spent Friday night and Saturday with Grandma Aggie Taylor. They all enjoyed dinner at Joe and Mary Taylor’s home. Some others attending were Wayne and Benita Cooksey and Dora Wilson of Ada; Don and Julie Knighten of Red Oak; Gary and Daniella Knighten of Oklahoma City; Rebecca and Hunter of Sulphur; and Mary’s greatuncle from Arkansas. —O&A— Agnes Taylor also reports she had a wonderful visit from Shawn and Jennifer with Bella and Bentley over the weekend. And of course, Jennifer spent a lot of time cooking for the crew. —O&A— The Allen Community Thanksgiving Service this past Sunday was enjoyed by many but especially by Linda Knighten. She was reunited with an old friend, Janet Barnett-Langston, wife of the Allen United Methodist pastor Bob Langston. She and Janet first met a long time ago but had lost touch over the years. Linda also enjoyed a special visit with Janet’s mother, Maxine Bottonberg of Bartlesville.

Allen School Menu Week of December 7th Monday

Breakfast – Muffins, Cereal, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Spaghetti & Meat Sauce, Breadstick, Green Beans, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk

Tuesday Breakfast – Scrambled eggs, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Chicken Wrap, Sunchips, carrot Sticks, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk

Wednesday Breakfast – Donut, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Beef Enchilada, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Chips & Salsa, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk

Thursday Breakfast – Cinnamon Roll, Yogurt, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Chicken & Noodles, Dinner Roll, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk

Friday Breakfast – Breakfast Burrito, Salsa, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Pizza, Caesar Salad, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk

to strength and power, but with power come responsibility. “We as Seminole people have a unique governmental structure in which our constitution gives us the right to direct our destiny. We have the voice and power to hold our tribal officials accountable for the advancement and the betterment of the people through continual program growth and establishment of a diversified master plan for economic prosperity, which will lead to job opportunities.”

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Masonic Breakfast Saturday

Join the Allen Masonic Lodge for breakfast Saturday, December 5th, from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m., at the Lodge on West Broadway. The breakfast fund-raisers are held the first Saturday of each month with a menu of sausage, biscuits, gravy, scrambled eggs, hash browns and coffee. The meal will be served free of charge but donations will be accepted and greatly appreciated.

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Lady Mustangs get busy following break Allen used scrimmages and practices to prepare for this week

By HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent The Allen Lady Mustangs are busy putting in the basketball work. The AHS ladies did not let a holiday break take away much time from the mission at hand. On November 19, Allen opened with season with a double-digit victory over the Calvin Lady Bulldogs.

The Thanksgiving break followed last week. The time away from classes could have disrupted the flow of the action for AHS. However, the girls stayed busy over the holiday. On Tuesday, Step 2 Game 2 - arrived for the basketball journey. The evening was to feature a December 1 road game at Wanette. Looking ahead, there will be more game action

Kennedy Prentice and the Lady Mustangs host New Lima at home Friday night. Next week the teams are in the Conference Tournament in Tupelo. Boys open at 5:50 against Asher and the Lady Mustangs will face Tupelo at 7:10, both on Monday

on Friday, December 4. That’s when New Lima comes calling for a varsity contest. There should be little rust or any lack of conditioning when the teams take to the court. That’s because Coach Jeremy Strong is pacing his girls on their drive through the 2015-2016 campaign. The Lady Mustangs stayed active last week during the fall break. “We had a couple of scrimmages with bigger schools,� the coach said. “And we had a few practices to try to stay in shape as be we could.� Allen went to Eufaula on Monday to scrimmage with the Eufaula and Jay. “I wanted to play against a physical team, and athletic team, and that’s what they were. They are a good shooting team and they take care of the ball well,� Coach Strong said. “And they make you play hard. We needed to see that. Anytime you can see that, it’s good.� The Allen girls impressed their coach against Eufaula and Jay. “I thought we looked pretty good,� he said. “There’s always room for improvement but overall I thought it was a good day! On Tuesday, the Lady Mustangs returned home to host a scrimmage with Holdenville. AHS had another nice showing against their opponent

from Hughes County. “It was some more of the same kind of stuff we had done at Eufaula the day before,� the coach said. “We were looking to stay in the gym and keep working. We did work on a few different plans and a few different looks, You know each one of those teams is going to give us a different look, a different man (defense), a different zone, a different full-court press. We just wanted to work on some execution.� Now it’s time to hit stride for the players. The girls will be lead by the starters. The first-team girls will include seniors Kennedy Prentice, Alison Sells, Hannah Heck, Charlea Leonard and junior Faith Caldwell. “They will be the first five on the court,� Coach Strong said. It is important for all of players to work daily to improve their skills. The climb this season from Class A to Class 2A will take an adjustment - especially if Allen plans to make a long run in the playoffs. Success has not been easy. However, the Lady Mustangs prove each season to be equal to the task against quality opposition. Why should the season be different from previous campaigns? “I think it’s a lot like last year,� the coach said. “Since we moved up to 2A the playoffs are going to be a little bit different - a

little bit of a question mark for us. We know what to expect. It’s just a matter of getting out there and taking care of business. “It’s about regularly facing a more physical style of play. Not that Class A was ever not physical. When you get there in Class A and play against the top teams, you are going to see physical teams. But in the playoffs in 2A it seems like everybody is going to have a physical team. There won’t be any give-me’s.� Luckily, the 2015-2016 campaign will be more Lady Mustangs suiting up for the games. “We have some added depth this year,� Coach Strong said. “I think we are going to be able to start off by playing eight girls on offense and grow up to 10. Of course that depends on how the game goes. But I am looking forward to some added depth this year.� Allen’s next game will come this Friday evening against the New Lima Falconettes. It will be a good time to show off some of that depth. However, there is work to be done to get the victory over the Seminole County squad. “I think New Lima will have a solid team,� the coach said. “I believe they’ll be improved from last year. I look to have a good game against them and I expect my girls to be ready.�

ing four players to fill the void. The trick now is to figure out which players fit best in the starting assignments and the often-used reserves. The coach still has some thinking to do about which players will step onto the court first this week. “I’ll be honest with you, right now I don’t know who my starting five are,� the veteran coach said. “And it will change. We are looking to play several kids ... and whoever is playing well that night we’ll try to keep out there on the floor a little longer. I feel pretty good about this because I haven’t had depth like this in a while.� The confidence he has in

his squad is reflected in his outlook on the season. “I feel like we can compete with anybody that we play against - and in our conference for sure. As we get floor time we are going to get better and better and better.� The coach looks for good things over the next three months. “It is early, but I do feel real good about our kids,� he said. “We are practicing hard and there’s lot of positives out there right now.� Allen is 1-0 on the season. The Mustangs recorded a 76-30 victory over the Calvin Bulldogs during their Nov. 19 game at Calvin.

Mustangs eager for coming games

Coach Greg Mills planning to use Allen’s new depth By HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent

The Allen Mustangs are eager to get into the fullblown basketball season. With the Thanksgiving break in their rear-view mirror, they can look forward to playing quite a few games over a short period of time. Coach Greg Mills is just as excited as his players. He expects to make full use of his new depth during the 2015-2016 season. “We are looking forward to the season and getting to play a few games in a row,� he said. This week, the Mustangs are scheduled to

play twice. Allen was set to return to game action on December 1. AHS was going to Wanette to play the Tigers. The Mustangs will play again this Friday (December 4). Allen will host the visiting New Lima Falcons. Last week, the coach used some holiday time to prep his players with a Monday scrimmage and a pair of practice sessions on Tuesday and Friday. Allen hosted Coalgate in a varsity boys’ basketball scrimmage on Monday. Coach Mills used the session to play quite a few of the Mustangs. “I just wanted to get some more kids time on the floor and have them play together,� he said.

“We are trying to play 10 to 12 kids this year. We want them to play pretty regularly. I know there’s just one game but we’re looking to have a little depth. I’m trying to get them to play together a little bit.� The coach was happy with his players on Monday. “I just wanted to see if we were hustling and playing hard,� he said. “We accomplished that. We played several quarters against them (Coalgate Wildcats) and it was about equal.� The headline for this year’s team is the added depth. Mustangs lost only two players from last season’s roster. This season’s freshman class is provid-


Sixty members of the Allen High School Chapter of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recently attended the Southeast District-4 Leadership Meeting at McAlester, Oklahoma. FCCLA members heard from the motivational group Project Elevate and learned about state FCCLA updates. Meegan Costner a member of the Allen FCCLA Chapter serves as a District Officer and reported during the meeting about her experience at FCCLA Rookie Camp and encouraged the District to attend this coming year. Allen was very well represented at this meeting and our members had a great time.

The Allen Advocate PO Box 465 - Allen OK 74825-0465 (580)857-2687 • e-mail Dayna Robinson - Owner

Allen FCCLA Members Participate in Dallas Meeting

More than 2,800 students and advisors converged for inspiration as Family, Career and Community Leaders of American (FCCLA) brought more than 2,800 of its student leaders, members and advisors to the Omni Dallas Hotel and Resort November 20th through 22nd to participate in the National Cluster Meetings. Taryn Wofford, Brooke Holcomb, Jamie Allred, Kellyn Black, Grace Laden, Kaitlynn Roby and Meegan Costner represented Allen High School FCCLA at this Conference.

Hughes County Court Records MISDEMEANORS Justin Brown—driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol Kevin Brown—domestic assault and battery in presence of minor Jimmy Roshawn Mason—breaking and entering with unlawful intent Jeremy Carl Olivarez— driving under the influence by a person under 21 Diana Kay Stanford— breaking and entering with unlawful intent

The meetings provided an opportunity for students and advisors to come together for fun and to listen to inspiring speakers, as well as to expand leadership skills, sharpen talents and explore career pathways. The theme of this year’s conference was “Empower Mepower” and attendees were challenged to Empower others through Empowering themselves, MEpower,

first. “Our students did a great job of representing our school and club and I am so happy that we were able learn and grow from this conference” said FCCLA advisor Ashlan Anderson. “We would also like to say a special thank you to our school for allowing us the opportunity to travel to Dallas, Texas and participate in this great leadership opportunity.”


December 4 — Tyrell Gragert December 6 — Chisum Henry, Taylor Ross December 7 — Doug Peay, Lisa Peay December 8 — Julie Mills December 11 — Brian Knighten December 12 — Tanna Walker, Don Goddard, Laken Goddard, Lindsey Goddard, Connor Wilson December 13 — Tyler F. Raney December 14 — Kelley Goddard, Shayna Ross, Danny McDougal, Becky Hefley *Anniversary **Deceased Names & Dates Supplied by the Allen School Library Calendar

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Out & About Allen

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Lou Yargey spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Noble with her sister, Linda Berry. —O&A— BrayCee Wilson, former Allen resident, was out & about visiting with Barbara McPherson during the Thanksgiving week. The ladies spent their time shopping, watching movies, and going out to eat. —O&A— E njoying Thanksgiving in Alex with Kenny, Julie and Jeffrey Deaton were his parents, Hank and Janice Deaton, grandmother, Thelma Goddard, her parents, James and Jan Moore, the Chad Kaminski family, Don Goddard, Justin Deaton, and Connor and Jacklyn Deaton. —O&A— A gnes Taylor had a houseful of company during the Thanksgiving holiday. The daughtersin-law, granddaughters, aunts and nieces brought wonderful dishes of food to share. A ttending were Joe, Mary, Jesse and Devin Taylor of Allen, Lane and Sue Taylor of Ada, Danielle and Preston Marshall of Oklahoma city, Tommy, Casey and Emily of Ada, Peggy Taylor of Vamoosa, David and Melissa Taylor of Vamoosa, Brandon, Cyndi, Madison and Justin Taylor of Moore, Betty Johnson of Oklahoma City and her son Nathan and Evaughna of Shawnee, Blair Johnson of Edmond, and Melissa Taylor’s dad from Antlers. —O&A— Doreen Mitchell enjoyed Thanksgiving at Lake Kiowa, Texas with Robert and Janet Mitchell, Lindsay and Chas Fields, Jay and Juli McCready, EB McCready, and Connie McCready, all of Plano, Texas. —O&A— G lenda Ferguson was thrilled to attend the baptism of her grandson, Devon Haney, at the First Baptist Church of Holdenville on Sunday. —O&A— G ospel singer David Phelps performed his Christmas Classics Concert this past weekend in Tulsa. Among those attending were Mark and Cathy Huitt, Margaret Johnson, Glenda Ferguson and Carol Cook. While in Tulsa, the Huitts celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary. —O&A— R osie, Eddie, Brandi and Tiffany Postoak, Jake, Brenda, Dani and Kala Stephens, and Chad and Maddie Milne made a trip to Benton, Arkansas for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping

with Mark, Wanda, Rose and Ben McGuire, and Kelsey Kaufman. —O&A— On November 19th, Shirley Peay, Betty Carter, Billie Elmore and Juanita Matthews gathered at an Ada restaurant to celebrate Shirley’s and Betty’s birthdays. —O&A— Juanita Matthews was out & about for an early Thanksgiving on November 23rd. Guests in the home of her daughter, Christina Hurt, and grandchildren Kelsey and Christopher. —O&A— J.B. and Paula Nelson, along with Heather Nelson of Pawhuska and Steven Nelson of Ada, spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Branson, Missouri with J.B.’s parents, Jim and Nancy Nelson of Effingham, Illinois. They enjoyed seeing the pretty lights, lots of good food, and visiting. —O&A— Derek and Amber Ford hosted their family’s Thanksgiving this year. A traditional meal was served complete with turkey, ham and all the trimmings. Enjoying the day were Darrell and Margie Ford of Sand Springs, Caleb, Brooke, Lauren and Claire Baber, Derek, Heather, Addison and Kingston Prentice, and Brad Prentice. —O&A— J olie Taylor and her family were out & about from Katy, Texas, during the recent holiday. They were guests of her parents, Danny and Linda Taylor. —O&A— H oliday guests in the home of Harold and Cathy Akins were brothers, Gary Hodo of Tulsa and Tom Hodo of Tulsa. —O&A— Mark and Robyn Legg enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday by going to visit with Tammy and Scott Stephens. Also visiting were Ross and Danni Legg, Rebecca and Mike Decker, Ronda Trumbly, Derek and Marrisa Davis, Tristan Wallace, Dustin Davis and Kylie Jim, Alex and Haileigh Legg, Paige, Kasey and Taylor Decker and great-granddaughter Scottlynn Davis. Also present were Scott’s parents, Allen and V Stephens, and his sister and family, Sarah and Mike Boyd, Kate and Audrey. —O&A— Diane Miller of Tulsa made the trip to Allen on Wednesday to pick up her step-mother Fay Rinehart and return to Tulsa for the Thanksgiving holiday. Their special dinner was

enjoyed at the home of Jeff and Lynette Erwin and London, along with Rocky and Mindy James, Addison and Hudson, Goldie Rinehart of McAlester, and Lyn’s mother Cassandra. Visiting with at the Miller home with Fay and Diane were Annette James and J’Dana. Fay returned home Saturday. —O&A— Donny and Judy Johnson accompanied grandson Brock Grigsby, a student at ECU in Ada, home to Joshua, Texas for the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of Kevin and Deanese Grigsby. Also enjoying the Grigsby hospitality were Gage Grigsby, Sam, Melonie, Tiffany and Taylor Johnson, and Dick and Pat Grigsby and Debbie Grigsby of Plano, Texas. —O&A— T he McDonald clan gathered for a traditional family Thanksgiving at the home of James and Chris. All five sons were present with their families and friends. E njoying the holiday together were Andy, Beth, Cadence, Owen and Hendley McDonald from Dallas, Texas; Matt, Cecilia and Jonathan McDonald, also from Daddas; Josh McDonald from Tulsa with his fiancée Annetta

Doyle of Oklahoma City; R.L. Vinson and Teri HigMicah and Savanna Mc- gins. Donald of Austin, Texas; —O&A— and Jacob McDonald and Guests at the home of his friend, Elise, from Joy Nickell for ThanksgivAustin. ing dinner were Peggy and —O&A— Bill Stamper of Yukon, the T hanksgiving holiday Jerry Nickell family of visitors of Carl and June Maud, and Brian Nickell, Findand localLynn products for gift giving at Vinson, andperfect Allen. Debbie Vinson were Ron —O&A— and Londa Litke of Dun Paul, Shirlene and Jencan, Johnny, Christina and nie Evett had company in Kambree Thompson of from Hot Springs, ArkanTuttle, Rhonda Pachucki sas for the Thanksgiving of Oklahoma City,run Josh holiday. 2x2 ads may anywhere in your newspaper. and Melissa Pachucki O u t & a b o u t w e r e download the line ads for this week at from Chandler, Gail Pa- Shirlene’s daughter CHOOSE THE AD SIZ chucki of Wisconsin, Cris, tal,-son Ray, and grandson Alison, Ethan and Parker Gavin Breshears, as well Vinson, and Pam Bennett, as family friend James Brian, Cayna and Mak- Lyon. Even though it was enna Lowe, all of Norman. rainy, everyone had a great Visiting from Allen were time.

ZONES: SE for week of November 29, 2015

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IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2015-148 ADA DEALERSHIP LAND ACQUISITION, LLC, Plaintiff, Vs. The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of GEORGE ELLIOTT SMITH, LEONA LOUISE WELCH, PAULINE S. HARBERT, and JEAN KATHRYN SMITH, all Deceased; JERRY DOLLINS, if living, and if Deceased his Unknown Successors; DAVID HEATH SMITH; WALTER IAN SMITH; DEREK MANN SMITH; and The State of Oklahoma, ex. rel. The Oklahoma Tax Commission; Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of GEORGE ELLIOTT SMITH, LEONA LOUISE WELCH, PAULINE S. HARBERT, and JEAN KATHRYN SMITH, all Deceased; and JERRY DOLLINS, if living, and if Deceased his Unknown Successors. TAKE NOTICE that you and each of you, have been sued by the above named Plaintiff in the above entitled action in the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, and that you must answer the Petition filed by Plaintiff in said cause on or before the 18th day of January, 2016, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants above named in said action, quieting title to the following described real property located in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma: A part of the E/2 of E/2 of SW/4 of Section 28, Township 4 North, Range 6 East, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 499.2 feet West and 569.4 feet North of the Southeast corner of the NE/4 of SE/4 of SW/4 of said Section 28; thence N00º09’25”W a distance of 271 feet; thence N89º50’35”E a distance of 150 feet; thence S00º09’25”E a distance of 31.1 feet; thence S89º50’35”W a distance of 20 feet; thence S00º09’25”E a distance of 365.7 feet; thence N45º51’25”W a distance of 181 feet to the point of beginning, The same tract being more accurately and correctly described as: A part of the E/2 of E/2 of SW/4 of Section 28, Township 4 North, Range 6 East, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the NE/4 of SE/4 of SW/4 of said Section 28; thence S00º10’59”E along the East line of said NE/4 of SE/4 of SW/4 a distance of 85.00 feet; thence S 89º49’11”W a distance of 492.42 feet to the point of beginning; thence N00º09’25”W a distance of 271 feet; thence N89º50’35”E a distance of 150 feet; thence S00º09’25”E a distance of 31.1 feet; thence S 89º50’35”W a distance of 20 feet; thence S00º09’25”E a distance of 365.7 feet; thence N46º05’51”W a distance of 180.91 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.01 acre, more or less. WITNESS my hand and seal this 30th day of November, 2015. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk Pontotoc County, Oklahoma By: B. Myers Deputy (SEAL) Barry G. Burkhart, OBA#14092 120 South Broadway Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-2800 (580) 332-2811 (fax) Attorney for Plaintiff (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3, 10 and 17, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA No. P-2015-84 In the Matter of the Estate of NORVIN GENE NESSEL, Deceased. ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR SALE It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the verified Petition of Debra Kay Nessel, Personal Representative of the estate of Norvin Gene Nessel, deceased, on file herein, that it is in the best interests of the estate to sell the real property, belonging to said estate, and described in said Petition, for the following reasons and purposes: 1. There is no cash or funds to pay the debts, property taxes, and other costs and expenses of administration of this estate and said real property is a burden to maintain. THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED by the Court that all persons interested in the estate of the said Norvin Gene Nessel, deceased, appear before the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, in the Court room thereof, in the City of Ada, Oklahoma, on the 15th day of December, at 1:30 o’clock p. m., then and there to show cause, if any they have, why an Order, as prayed for in said Petition should not be granted to the Personal Representative to sell real property of said deceased, at either public or private sale, for the reasons and purposes mentioned in said Petition, as she shall judge to be for the best interest of the estate and of all parties interested therein. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED by the Court that Notice of said hearing be mailed to all heirs, legatees, devisees, or guardians thereof, with postage thereon prepaid, at their last known addresses, and that a copy of this Order to show cause be published one time in some newspaper published in this County, which notice shall not be less than ten days before the time fixed for said hearing. DATED this 1st day of December, 2015. s/ S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA #17455 Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, PLLC P. O. Box 190 Ada, OK 74821-0190 Attorney for Personal Representative

(Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2015-149 In the Matter of the Petition of Pamela Michelle Brooks to Change Her Name. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that Pamela Michelle Brooks has filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, her Petition to have her name changed from Pamela Michelle Brooks to Pamela Michelle Ditto and that said matter has been scheduled for hearing before the Judge of said court on December 14, 2015, at 9:30 o’clock A.M. in the Pontotoc County, Ada, Oklahoma. Any person may file a written protest in this case at any time prior to the date set for hearing as provided by 12 O.S. §1633. DATED this December 1, 2015. KAREN DUNNIGAN, Court Clerk By: B. Myers, Deputy Pamela Michelle Brooks P.O. Box 224 Roff, Oklahoma 74865-0224 580-465-6854 (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3, 2015)


Town of Stonewall Ordinance 15-003 An Ordinance providing for the regulation, registering, and permitting of Golf Carts and All Terrain Vehicles being operated within the limits of the Town of Stonewall, Oklahoma, by adding Sections 20-1121 to Chpt. 20, Traffic, Article 11, Miscellaneous Regulations. Be it ordained by the Mayor and the Board of Trustees of the Town of Stonewall and declaring an emergency on this date. Proposed Ordinance 15-003; Chpt. 20, Traffic: Article 11, Miscellaneous Regulations; Section 20-1121: 20-1121-1: Definitions 20-1121-2: Permits 20-1121-3: Operation of Golf Carts and All-Terrain Vehicles allowed 20-1121-4: Times of operation 20-1121-5: Crossing intersecting highways 20-1121-6: Application of traffic laws Because unregulated golf carts and all-terrain vehicles are being driven upon the local streets of the town of Stonewall and may cause personal injuries or damage to property, an emergency is hereby declared. 20-1121-1: Definitions For the purpose of this Ordinance, golf carts and all-terrain vehicles are motorized flotation-tired vehicles with three or more low pressure tires that are limited in engine displacement of 800 or less cubic centimeters or battery powered and total dry weight of 800 pounds or less. The town streets of the town of Stonewall include all locally maintained streets or roads, but do not include state roads and highways. 20-1121-2: Permits The operation of golf carts and all-terrain vehicles upon the local streets of the town of Stonewall shall be allowed only after a permit for use of a golf cart or all-terrain vehicle has been obtained from the town of Stonewall. The permit fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per year per vehicle. The term of the permit shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year to be prorated by the remaining quarters in the year when the permit is purchased. The issuance of the permit is subject to the following requirements: The applying party must execute an indemnifying agreement whereby the applying party will be bound to indemnify the town of Stonewall from any damages suffered by the applying party or any third party for personal injuries or injuries or damage to property resulting from the operation of a golf cart or all-terrain vehicle. The applying party shall not operate a golf cart or all-terrain vehicle on any property leased by third parties. The permit shall be displayed upon the golf cart or all-terrain vehicle in an open and conspicuous manner. 20-1121-3: Operation of Golf Carts and All-Terrain Vehicles allowed Golf carts and all-terrain vehicles may be operated, with a permit, on the designated roadways of the town of Stonewall. 20-1121-4: Times of operation Golf carts and all-terrain vehicles may only be operated on designated roadways from sunrise to sunset. They shall not be operated in inclement weather or when visibility is impaired by weather, smoke, fog or other conditions or at any time when there is insufficient light to see clearly persons and vehicles on the roadway at a distance of 500 feet. 20-1121-5: Crossing intersecting highways The operator of a golf cart or all-terrain vehicle, under permit, may cross any street or highway intersecting a designated roadway. 20-1121-6: Application of traffic laws Every person operating a motorized golf cart or all-terrain vehicle upon designated roadways have all the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any vehicle lawfully licensed upon Oklahoma roads and highways, except where those provisions cannot reasonably be applied to golf carts and all-terrain vehicles. All drivers operating a motorized golf cart or all-terrain vehicle upon designated roadways must be at age sixteen (16) and over and be in possession of a current and valid state driver’s license. Approved during the regular meeting by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Stonewall this 12th day of November, 2015. s) Tim Mills, Mayor Date: 11-18-15 (Published in The Allen Advocate on November 26 and December 3, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2015-79 In the Matter of the Estate of FLOYD R. MORGAN, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors and All Persons Interested in the Estate of Floyd R. Morgan, Deceased All creditors and persons having claims against Floyd R. Morgan, Deceased, are required to present the same, with the description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor or person with respect to such claim, to the undersigned Personal Representative, being Floyd Terry Morgan, in care of Susie Bolin Summers, Esq., Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC, Attorneys at Law, Post Office Box 1488, 121 South Broadway Avenue, Ada, Oklahoma 74821, on or before the presentment date of January 22, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. DATED this 20th day of November, 2015. Floyd Terry Morgan Floyd Terry Morgan, Personal Representative Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 1488 121 South Broadway Avenue Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 ATTORNEYS FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Published in The Allen Advocate on November 26 and December 3, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2014-46 In the Matter of the Estates of BOBBY J.E. HALLMARK and JOHN EDWARD HALLMARK, Both Deceased. Amended NOTICE FOR HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, PETITION FOR ORDER ALLOWING FINAL ACCOUNT, DETERMINATION OF HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sandra Lee Roberts, Personal Representative of the Estates of Bobby J.E. Hallmark and John Edward Hallmark, Both Deceased (the “Personal Representative”), having filed in this Court a Final Account and Petition for Order Allowing Final Account, Determination of Heirs and Distribution, the hearing of the same has been fixed for the 21st day of December, 2015, at 8:30 o’clock a.m., before this Court in the District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in the Estates are notified then and there to appear, the heirs of the Decedents determined, the Estates distributed to the heirs, devisees, and legatees, and the Personal Representative discharged. DATED this 25th day of November, 2015. S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 1488 Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 Attorneys for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3 and 10, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA No. PB-2015-23 In the Matter of the Estate of Billie M. Kellogg, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT, PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP, FOR DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE Notice is given that Kelly Kellogg, personal representative of the estate of Billie M. Kellogg, deceased, has filed in this Court a Final Account and Petition for Determination of Heirship, for Distribution and Discharge, and the hearing of the same has been fixed for 11:00 o’clock a.m. on the 22nd day of December, 2015, in the District Courtroom of the Pontotoc County Courthouse situated in Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said account should not be settled and allowed, the heirs of said deceased determined, said estate distributed, and the personal representative discharged. Witness my hand this 1st day of December, 2015. /s/ S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT JAMES R. SCRIVNER, P.C. 120 East 14th Street Post Office Box 1373 Ada, Oklahoma 74821-1373 Attorney for the Estate (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3 and 10, 2015)


Lien Sale: 11-27-2015 @8:00am VIN#JSLGNDA072121874, 2007 Suzuki, MC Location: 12521 St. Hwy 3W Ada, OK 74820 Contact: Robbie Smith, 580-332-2250 (Published in The Allen Advocate on November 12, 19 and 26, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA PB-2015-86 In the Matter of the Estate of SANDY LYNN BENNETT, Deceased. COMBINED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO: All persons interested in the Estate of Sandy Lynn Bennett: You are hereby notified that on November 23, 2015, the Petitioner, Robin Carol Clark, filed in the District Court of County, a Petition for Summary Administration. The Petitioner has alleged that Sandy Lynn Bennett, age 48, died on July 19, 2015, domiciled and residing in Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and that the total value of the decedent’s property in Oklahoma is less than $50,000.00. In an Order for Combined Notice entered on November 23, 2015, the Court found that it should dispense with the regular estate proceedings prescribed by law, appoint a Special Personal Representative instanter, order notice to creditors and issue an order for hearing upon the Petition for Summary Administration, the final accounting and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution. Pursuant to the Order for Combined Notice, all creditors having claims against Sandy Lynn Bennett, deceased, are required to present the same, with a description of all security interest and other collateral, if any, held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the Petitioner, Robin Carol Clark, c/o Robert W. gray, P.O. Box 2487, Ada, Oklahoma 74821-2487, on or before the presentment date of December 23, 2015, or the same will be forever barred. The claim of any creditor not shown in the petition will be barred unless the claim is presented to the Special Personal Representative on or before the presentment date. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on February 2, 2016, at 1:00 o’clock p.m. at the Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma before the Judge of the District Court. At the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Petition for Summary administration and the final account and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution of the estate by the Petitioner. The final account and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution will be filed herein on or before January 13, 2016. You are hereby advised that you must file objections to the Petition for Summary Administration and the final account and petition for determination of heirs, legatees and devisees and distribution at least ten (10) days before the hearing and send a copy to the Petitioner’s attorney, c/o Robert W. Gray, P.O. Box 2487, Ada, Oklahoma 74821-2487, or you will be deemed to have waived any objections. If you have no objections, you need not appear at the hearing nor make any filings with the Court. If an objection is filed at least ten (10) days before the hearing, the Court will determine at the hearing whether the will attached to the petition shall be admitted to probate, whether summary proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed. Steve Kessinger Judge of the District Court (Published in The Allen Advocate on November 26 and December 3, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA PB-15-90 In the Matter of the Estate of BOYCE RICKNER COLEMAN, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested in the Estate of Boyce Rickner Coleman, Deceased, that there has been produced and filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, an instrument in writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Boyce Rickner Coleman, Deceased, with a Petition praying for the probate of the Will and asking that Letters Testamentary be issued to Susan Coleman as Personal Representative, and for a judicial determination of the heirs, devisees and legatees of said decedent. NOTICE is also given that on the 21 day of December, 2015, at 10:30 o’clock a.m., the Petition will be heard in the District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same. DATED this 2nd day of December, 2015. S. Kessinger Judge of the District Court Thomas W. Newmaster, OBA#6651 Attorney at Law Suite 304, American Building P.O. Box 1777 Ada, Oklahoma 74821-1777 (580) 332-6858 Telephone (580) 332-0931 Facsimile (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3, 2015)


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INDEPENDENT REPAIR SHOP in Holdenville looking for a Service technician/Mechanic or recent graduate from automotive votech to work in busy automotive repair facility. Must have tools, drivers license, and pass drug test. Ask for Al, (405) 379-3169. (12)

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Carolyn’s Hair Shop 580-559-9826 Call for an Appointment ~~~

Anyone having interest in a 1963 Chev truck, VIN#3K144S13700, contact Floyd Hunter 580-272-7001. Sale Date: December 11, 2015. (Published in The Allen Advocate on November 26, December 3 and 10, 2015)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CASE NO. PB-15-85 In the Matter of the Estate of BUFORD DWAYNE TOLLETT, Deceased. ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING The Petition For Letters Of Execution, Appointment Of Personal Representative, And Determination Of Heirs, Devisees And Legatees in the above-titled cause filed by TYWANNA KAY TOLLETT is set for hearing on the 11 day of December, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. in front of the Honorable Judge Kessinger at the Pontotoc County Courthouse, 120 W. 13th Street, Ada, Oklahoma. Any response to this motion must be filed with the Oklahoma County Court Clerk no less than five (5) days prior to the date and time set for hearing. IT IS SO ORDERED! S. Kessinger District Judge Approved: s) Laura A. Calvery OBA#30031 Assistant Municipal Counselor 200 N. Walker Ave., 4th Floor Oklahoma City, OK 74103 (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 3 and 10, 2015)


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IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. P-2015-66 In the Matter of the Estate of DORIS LAVONE SPRUILL, Deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an Order of the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, made on the 23rd day of November, 2015, in this cause, the Personal Representative of the estate of Doris Lavone Spruill, deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation of said Court, on or after the 7th day of December, 2015, at 5:00 o’clock p.m. all the right, title and interest of the said Doris Lavone Spruill, deceased, in and to the following described real property situated in Pontotoc County, County, State of Oklahoma, to wit: Surface only in all of Lot 11, Block 42, Commercial Addition to the Town of Allen, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma Bids must be in writing and may be left at the law office of Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, P.L.L.C., 1320 Stonebridge, Suite A, Ada, OK 74820. DATED this 23rd day of November, 2015. s/ Kurt B. Sweeney Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA #17455 Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, P.L.L.C. P.O. Box 190 1320 Stonebridge, Suite A Ada, Oklahoma 74821-0190 Attorney for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on November 26 and December 3, 2015)

WE BUY LAND Contact Walnut Creek Property Investments, LLC Manager: Gary Coffee Phone: (405)596-9365

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Fresh Frozen Fryer



24 oz Bottle



- Green Bean cut or French sliced - Corn - Peas - Mixed Veg

3 10

Breakfast Bowls





16 oz Bag

1 Lb Pkg


14.515.2 oz Can

Bagged Sweet

¢ Yellow



A&W, 7-Up, R.C., Sunkist




Shredded or Chunk


Butter Quarters

Liquid Creamer

2 2 4 99 1 Lb


2 1

Cabbage 99 3 Lb Bag






8 oz Pkg


Crisp Green



Skillet Meals Clorox Liquid

Bath Tissue

5.26.4 oz

Fancy Navel




32 oz Bottle


Sport Drink 99 Gatorade

¢ lb

USDA Choice Certified Hereford Boneless Beef

Sirloin Tip Roast



Fresh 73% Fat Free

3 1

99 Lb

Our own homemade Pure pork


49 lb

with beans



Corn Dogs

99 lb



99 20 oz Pkg

Fast Fixin’




1 4




Our own homemade

All beef Chili original or

Pork Chops

family pack

Guston Stack Pack



16 oz

Bone-in Sirloin

‘ sold in 10 Lb tubes’

Ground Beef

14 Lb Bag



15.2-16.25 oz


100 oz Jug



99 8

Gravy Train

64 oz



12 roll Pkg



Coffee Mate

6 4 5 5 $ 99 Liquid $ 49 $ 99 Dog 1 Detergent 9 Food 7 Ritz $ $ Dry Roasted $ 88 1 2 4 Crackers 2 5 Peanuts



2 Liter Bottles


Salted or Unsalted

99 5 Lb



16.5 oz


Tator Tots or Crinkle Cut Potatoes

2 5 79 Baby



2 6 89


Frozen Vegetables


7 oz Pkg

Cake Mixes


All $3.49 Varities


Sausage or Bacon


Fritos & Cheetos $






24 oz Loaf

2 6 99 $

Del Monte

Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist

Jimmy Dean


Whole, 2%, 1% or Skim


Shurfine Squeeze

Shurfine White Sandwich

Shurfine Grade ‘A’ Vitamin D

Drumsticks or MILK Thighs ¢

12 pack cans

Prices Valid Thursday, December 3 thru Wednesday, December 9 Senior Citizen Discount Day is Wednesdays • Hunt Bro. Pizza


Chicken Breast

99 3 Lb Box

Strips • Nuggets • Popcorn



99 20-24 oz pkg

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