April 7

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Voters Say No


Allen School District voters said a very emphatic “No!” in response to the bond proposal election Tuesday, April 5th. The final tally showed 100 (33%) for and 204 opposed (67%). Allen School administration acknowledged disappointment but did state this was a learning experience. Current plans are to revamp the proposal, prioritizing the school needs, and bring the issue back to the voters later this year. “Overcrowding in our Elementary and Middle School buildings is the number one priority, followed by improvements to the gymnasium. Safe rooms are definitely a must. Allen has been very fortunate to have always avoided major storm damage in the past, but no one knows what the future holds and we must be prepared to protect our students if the need arises,” said board member Cindy Davis. “Allen hasn’t needed a major construction bond since the building of the ‘new’ gym (which is nearly 40 years old) and what is commonly call the high-tech building. That building, which currently houses the Allen Junior High, doesn’t meet the basic needs of the students and by adding a building to the elementary complex, that age group can be moved to a location better suited to their needs. “Input from the community is definitely needed and appreciated. All ideas and concerns will be taken into consideration before the bond proposal is reissued.” Individual precinct voting was as follows: Coal County had no turnout; Atwood, 10 for, 15 against; Gerty, 4 yes, 11 no; Hughes County-Allen, 28 for, 37 against; Hughes County absentee, 1 yes, 3 no; Pontotoc County-Allen, 51 yes, 114 no; Happyland, 4 yes, 24 no; Pontotoc County absentee, 2 yes.

Gerty Bingo Saturday

The Gerty Community will be hosting their monthly Bingo Night on Saturday, April 9th. Door open at 6:00 pm and the concession stand will be serving a dinner featuring ham, baked beans, salad and dessert for $5. Bingo begins at 7:00. Cards are $1 each or 6 for $5. All proceeds from the evening will be used for the th Kelly Osborne cast her first ever ballot during the Allen School Bond Elec4 of July fireworks display. Everyone is welcome to tion this past Tuesday. attend.

The Allen Junior High Lady Mustangs won the Runner-Up plaque in last week’s Davis JH Tournament. The girls lost the championship game to Sulphur in a 11-12 decision. Pictured, left to right, are Madalen Clifford, Emily Sells, Riley Koonce, Emma Peay, Kaylyn Rowsey, Madison Dohlman, McKenzie LaPlante, Taylor Tollett, Kinlee Cundiff, Laura Ahrends, Katey Reed and Alyssa Maloy. The girls are coached by Cady Byrnes.

Work Day of Softball field Saturday from 8 to 12 bring a strong back and maybe a few tools so we can clean and spruce up the fields for a T-Ball tournament to be held here on Saturday April 16

C ountry Comments


by Bill Robinson, Publisher

First, I want to share my favorite story of the week ... Seventy-year-old Wayne went for his annual physical. All of his tests came back with normal results. Dr. Smith said, “Wayne, everything looks great physically. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with yourself, and do you have a good relationship with God.” Wayne replied, “God and I are very close. He knows I have poor eyesight, so he’s fixed it so that when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (poof!) the light goes on when I go, and then (poof!) the light

goes off when I’m done” “ Wow,” commented Dr. Smith, “that’s incredible!” L ater in the day, Dr. Smith called Wayne’s wife, “Pat,” he said, “Wayne is just fine. Physically he’s great, but I had to call because I’m in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night and (poof!), the light goes on in the bathroom, and then (poof!) the light goes off?” Pat exclaimed, “That old fool! He’s going to the bathroom in the refrigerator again!” —CC— O ne of our readers Lic# PM001011

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had the opportunity to read a portion of the inaugural address Donald Trump is working on . . . My Fellow Americans This is a great day for me personally. You’re very smart to have voted for me because I’m going to do positive things for this country, starting with this mall I’m looking out over. For starters, I don’t know why this is called a “mall.” Where I come from, New York City--which happens to be the greatest city in the world, and the reason I say that is that I built most of it, and I only build quality, so I think I know what I’m talking about--a mall doesn’t look like this. Where are the shops? I see grass, ponds, an obelisk. This is not Cairo. I don’t know how much the government paid for the Washington Monument--and I have no problem with George Washington, but he wasn’t a businessman--they overpaid. You’ve got a 560-foot tall structure sitting on some of the most prime real estate in the country, incredible views, including of my new home. People would pay a lot for a duplex co-op in a building like that. I would charge fifteen hundred, two thousand dollars a square foot, and I’d get it. No wonder this government is trillions in debt. With foreign policy, the same. I’m a businessman. Other countries want to do business with us, I’m all for it. Trade, great. I have no problems with people trading with us, but it’s going to be fair trade, by which I mean we come out on top. Or they can sell their TVs and cheeses to someone else. Maybe North Korea could use them. Again, it’s not complicated. Missiles? Very simple--you aim one at us, I fire 100 at you. So don’t go there. That about covers it. I have to go, because the important senators and congressmen are giving me a lavish luncheon in the rotunda. I understand they’re serving a lot of shrimp, much better food than they’ve had in Congress for a long time. Basically they’re trying to impress me so I won’t cancel their highway projects and ethanol subsidies. I know how they do things. Now they’re going to find out how I do things. By the way, I’ve directed the Treasury to issue a couple billion extra in $100 chips. Enjoy yourselves. It’s the dawn of a very great era. Christopher Buckley Wall Street Journal The Allen AdvocATe Hopefully we willUSPS be able to get more of his notes 543600 and if so we willPostage share them. Periodical Paid at Allen, OK 74825 Published Weekly at —CC— S. Easton • Allen, OK 74825 Speaking 101 of the 2016 Presidential Race, Tim Wildmon writes . . . Bill & dAynA RoBinSon, PUBliSheRS As you know, 2016 is a presidential election year. diAne BRAnnAn, ediToR Every four c years we say this is the most important indy dAviS, office MAnAgeR election we have had since whenever and I’m sure we Devotion therisk Week believe it every time. So atofthe of sounding cliché, JoAnn was watching her grandfather mulch the I will this:hisInsmiling terms pansies. of getting our out-of-control soilsay around “PaPa,” she asked, federal government under control again, will find “may I please have the yellow one withwe a purple out face?” if enough Americans understand (or careherabout) “Of course, my dear,” he said, handing a flower with a stem that was once near the center of this in November. It may very well be the most critical the plant. election in our country’s history. presidential After carefully examining its intricate details I’m that thetake far left secular sheconvinced said, “Here, now it back and “progressives” put it where are itdriven our country was.” to “I “fundamentally can’t do that, my transform” dear,” he replied. “It came fromboth the heart the plant and there no way away from ourofConstitution and isour Judeoto put itmoral back.”value system. While this movement Christian Words are like pansy. They fromlevel, the I gets things done onthat a worldly and come tangible heart. Whatever we say or whatever anyone else believe underlying why it exists basically says the comes from the reason heart and words onceisspoken spiritual. I believe Satan himself trying to bring down can never be returned to their is source. Our words either help or harm, do good or cause damage, build America. up expression or tear down,“fundamentally bring out the besttransform” in people orwas makeused The them fearful to act. by Barack Obama when he was running for president How wise of David to want his words and in 2008. I don’t think most to Americans understood what thoughts to be pleasing God. God wants us to he meant by that, but Him, he clearly mind. love Him, worship serve had Himan andagenda please in Him. But if we not know we willhas never be able to Here are fivedothings thisHim president done to further Him. Andagenda: we cannot know Him unless we his honor transformative study His Word and allow pro-abortion its message to president penetrate in 1. He has been the most our minds. historyThen, by far. man godly is absolutely stoneas This we think thoughtscallous we willand speak godly words and do godly deeds that come from godly hearts and our lives will be pleasing to Him. Whatever is inTour heart will eventually come out in he A llen AdvocATe our lives! Seeds ofUSPS Hope 543600

Smile of the Week

Periodical Postage Paid at Allen, OK 74825

I was showing my kids an old rotary phone when Published Weekly at my nine-year-old asked, “How did you text on it?” 101 S. Easton • Allen, OK 74825 My 15-year-old daughter roared with laughter, until a thought occurred to her: “Wait, where did you Billcontacts?” & dAynA RoBinSon, PUBliSheRS store your diAne BRAnnAn, ediToR Postmaster changeM ofAnAgeR address to: cindy dAviSsend , office

The Allen AdvocATe Devotion of the Week

101 S. JoAnn was watching herEaston grandfather mulch the Allen, OK 74825 soil around his smiling pansies. “PaPa,” she asked, “may I please have the yellow one with a purple 580-857-2687 face?” “Of course, my dear,” he said, handing her a flower with a RAde stemAthat the center of in T ReA,was oneonce yeARnear $25.00 the(iplant. nclUdeS coAl, PonToToc And hUgheS coUnTieS.) After carefully examining its intricate details elSewheRe in oklAhoMA, one yeAR $28.00 she said, “Here, now and put it where , oneit yback eAR $30.00 oUT of STATetake it was.” “Iocan’t do that, my dear,” he replied. “It nline SUBScRiPTionS: $22.00 came from the heart of the plant and there is no way allennewspaper.com to put it back.” Words are like that pansy. They come from the

Country Comments THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, APRIL 7, 2016 -PAGE 3

hearted on the matter of killing unborn babies in their mother’s womb. This is in direct opposition to God’s moral law. 2. He pushed for homosexual “marriage,” and the Supreme Court obliged when it changed the definition of marriage from one man and one woman to include two men. He also advocates for this lifestyle every chance he gets. This is in direct opposition to God’s moral law. 3. He has overseen an increase in our country’s debt from $10 trillion to nearly $20 trillion. This has put us on a road to economic ruin from which we may never recover. This is in direct opposition t o G o d ’s f i n a n c i a l principles. 4. He promotes and defends Islam at every opportunity. Now 30% of Americans believe him to be a secret Muslim. Islam is in direct opposition to what the Bible teaches about who God is. 5. He is in constant conflict with Israel, our closest ally in the tumultuous Middle East, ignoring her plea for the U.S. not to sign a nuclear arms agreement with Iran who has sworn to wipe her off the face of the

Earth. I’m not an “Israel right or wrong” person, but it is a special place and a special people in the eyes of God, and it is in America’s best interest to stand with Israel. This brings me back to the importance of the 2016 presidential race. It is my hope and prayer that we elect a godly president who fully appreciates our history and our Constitution, a president who will promote the Judeo-Christian value system again. This would make a huge difference in shaping the future for our children and grandchildren. I want to see a solidly conservative candidate who will take on the liberal candidate and be able to contrast the monumental difference between constitutional conservatism and secular progressivism. I believe America in many ways is like a very sick person who is about to die if proper medicine and treatment are not quickly administered. The medicine: a Christian revival that brings millions of people to Jesus Christ. The treatment: for Christians to stand against evil and for righteousness in government and other places in the name of the

understands that the fear would be transformed Lord. Someone once said that, of God is the beginning back into a nation that as believers, it is our job of wisdom. Pray that we honors God. to pray as if everything depends on God and work Time to Service your as if everything depends Furnace on us. That may not be exactly theologically for a care-free winter correct, but you get the idea. God reigns, but He gives us responsibility to do what we can as His agents of change. The time to elect the right person to challenge the secular liberals in November is now, during the primary season. Brett, Danielle, Ryan, Ty & Ely O’Daniel Pray that God will raise up someone who

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Allen Historical Society Meeting

The Allen Historical Society will have their regular monthly business meeting next Tuesday, April 12th. Everyone is invited to attend. The meeting will be held at the Allen First Baptist Church fellowship hall at 6:00 PM.


Allen School Menu


Allen Nutrition Site Week of April 11th

Monday Cheeseburgers with Tomato, Onion, Pickle & Lettuce, Tator Tots, Mustard, Mayo, Ketchup, Chocolate Delight, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Tuesday Pork Patties, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cabbage, Hot Roll, Margarine, Stewed Cinnamon Apples, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Wednesday Goulash, Squash, Broccoli Salad, bread Sticks, Margarine, Ice Box Cake, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Thursday Fish, Macaroni & Cheese, Beets, Cheese Biscuits, Tartar Sauce, Dirt Cake, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Friday Beans & Ham, Tomato Relish, Fresh Onion, Spinach, Cornbread, Margarine, Coconut Cream Pie, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea

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Week of April 11th

Monday Breakfast – Pancake on a Stick, Fruit, Juice, Milk, Cereal, Toast Lunch – Chili, Fritos, Pinto Beans, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk Tuesday Breakfast – Breakfast English Muffin with Egg Patty, Sausage & Cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk, Cereal, Toast Lunch – Chicken Strips, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Dinner Roll, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk Wednesday Breakfast – Waffle, Scrambled Eggs, Fruit, Juice, Milk, Cereal, Toast Lunch – BBQ Pork Loin, Roasted Carrots, Green Beans, Dinner Roll, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk Thursday Breakfast – Sausage, Fruit, Juice, Milk, Cereal, Toast Lunch – Lasagna, Breadstick, Roasted Broccoli, Salad Bar, Milk Friday Breakfast – Biscuit & Gravy, Fruit, Juice, Milk, Cereal, Toast Lunch – Hamburger, Baby Carrots, Ruffles, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk

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Sample text goes here.


Threads of Life ••• Comic Strip Blonde •••

by Cleo LeVally

Many years ago my sister had a roommate who was a writer for the Chic Young Comic Strip Blondie. When this writer died, many of her writings were left in two filing cabinets at the home of my sister. When my sister died, I went to California to get her house ready to sell and

found the filing cabinet that contained this roommates writings. Every time one of her ideas was published, she received a full comic strip page with that comic strip on it. Also in the files with these documents are Threadsmany

greeting cards to her from Chic Young, the author of Blondie at the time. Also the year, week and date that Chic Young died, every comic strip on that page had something about Chic Young. Each of the comic strips had something about going to an anniversary part for Chic Young. For several comic strips an idea for the party was mentioned. Some were about invitations to

the party and others were about actually showing up for the party. I have a copy of those pages of the comic strips. On 9-2-05, Hagar The Horrible featured several comic strip characters. Hagar had built a Dagwood Sandwich. Dagwood was reaching for it when Hagar held him back and told him to ‘Get Your Own.’ Two drawers of my fil-

No foolin’, it’s already April. This is a month that seems to flip the season change switch on, off, on, off…..on…..off……on… off…..on… I have a few tomato plants that caught my attention the other day. “Go ahead and buy us,” they said. “We’ll only need to stay on your porch a couple of days. It’s going to be an early spring this year and besides, we’re a bargain.” Easily influenced, I bought their story and they are still camping out on our porch demanding to be carried over to a sunny spot and then wanting to be set back out of the wind. T hey will be moving out to the garden soon, but not quite yet. On April 17th the theme for our fellowship meal will be called Poor Man’s Dinner because it is scheduled for the day after the income taxes are due to be filed. If we bring covered dishes to go with the beans and cornbread I’m sure there will be a feast for for everyone. Come and join us. I can’t guarantee fried potatoes, but you never know. On April 16th, the Men’s BBQ Retreat will be held at the Adkisson Ranch south of Seminole. It is scheduled to begin at 2:00 that afternoon and to end at 8:30. Tom Spillman did

the honors for the special music portion of the worship service and sang “The Scarlet Purple Robe.” It is another beautiful old song with a beautiful gospel message, and Tom sings these classy classic songs so well! Kevin Duck was our speaker this Sunday, and as it turned out, his sermon expanded and reinforced last Sunday’s message on the power of the Holy Spirit, which Darius Emerson had brought. He based his message on several passages of scripture beginning with Hebrews 2:14-18. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that a few followers of Jesus changed their world. If today’s church will be receptive to the Holy Spirit it can change a world that desperately needs God. The amazing power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that every Christian can access if they will. Jesus put on a fleshly body and came to live in our world. On this earth we are beset by temptations, and Jesus was tempted, too. Prayer was a daily practice with Jesus, and when He was tempted He was prepared to resist those temptations through the power of the Holy Spirit.

ing cabinet have card after card of these files, each with an idea for a comic strip. Many times I have pulled cards from that file and just sat and read them, trying to figure out how that particular idea could get in one of those comic strips. I wish these files could be utilized. There are some wonderful ideas in them. And it is interesting to see how the comic strip was published twenty years ago.

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Before he was taken up into heaven, Jesus told the disciples it was better that He return to heaven because only then could the Holy Spirit come to them. His assured them that having the Holy Spirit with them would be even better than for him to physically remain on earth with them. The Power that raised Jesus is the same Power that lives in us today. It is only through the Holy Spirit that Christians can see the Kingdom things around us. What if we Christians were to partake of the Holy Spirit as we are meant to? How would we change, how would our churches change, and how would the world around us change? Remember, it was the Holy Spirit who, in only a few days, changed Peter from a man who three times denied being a follower of Jesus into a man who preached a powerful gospel message before a huge crowd at Pentecost. Service in the power of the Holy Spirit is a continual learning experience, and it is in this kind of service that we find comfort, joy, peace, guidance, and the amazing power to do whatever God asks us to do.

Atwood Nazarene

Sunday we had our monthly breakfast before church. As usual we had a good crowd even though some forgot. We have many on the prayer list, but we are seeing some amazing answers to prayer. God still listens when we call on him. Our special for the day, “The God of the Mountain” was sung by our group. They always do an outstanding job. Bro. Larry’s message was taken from Acts 5:25-32 and entitled “We Are Witnesses!” When the soldiers came for Jesus, the disciples were frightened into silence. After they were filled with the Only Spirit, they were willing to stand up, speak, teach, and even go to jail. They now had an inward power they had never known. The Apostles knew all too well that these men could do them great harm. They could have done to them what they did to Jesus. In spite of the possibility of great personal harm, they persisted in telling their story. These were now men were on a mission. Their aim was to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. They had been with Jesus right up to the crucifixion and the resurrection. The Holy Spirit had filled them with the presence and power of Jesus. The Holy Spirit gave them the power to be the witnesses for Christ. We can be filled with that same power from on high.


One Pharmacist’s View Ain’t the computer wonderful? Without it I might have forgotten what Tuesday was. It was “BEST FRIEND DAY.” I woke up on BFD thinking “what a marvelous thing: A day set aside to remember our best friend.” I ran some names through my sleepy brain and thought of several people over the years who had been friends, even best friends. But there weren’t many. I was still sleepy so I went into the breakfast room and found MY rolodex. This fat little file contains hundreds of names, addresses and phone numbers. “How fortunate I am to have so many friends” I thought to myself as I started rolling this little gadget around. The little cards are getting yellow with age now and some, written in pencil or weak ball-point pens, are fading and hard to read. I went through all of them but

Best Friend Day

realized that each familiar name I turned up was either dead or something. People move around a lot, I mused as I started through the myriad of names in my creaky old rolodex. “I need to get a new one of these things and transfer all these name over and leave out the dead ones. I know that would take a lot of time and thought and if I did that I wouldn’t need a rolodex anymore--just a little small pocket address book.” I decided to not do that right now and instead have a nap. I woke up and still had the “My Best Friend Day” on my mind. I went back to the little wheeled address gadget and this time I went to the “F” file. F is for friends. There was but one name there and it was Virgil Guy. His card was alone. Surely, I thought,

there must be others. But there wasn’t. O ur friendship started even before I moved to Allen. In the early 60s he and his brother Bill Guy published the Allen and Stonewall papers. Virgil was in charge of the Stonewall Leader. A fter I become a main street businessman in Allen, he and Jackie closed the Stonewall paper down and took over the Allen Advocate. My family and his all became best friends. Virgil always encouraged me to write. Just about what I didn’t know but I did send him news items. I called them “Inter-street-memos” and they usually contained my insights of the news behind the news and he, being smarter than he looks, hardly ever published any of

Light from God’s Word

Mark Legg

Will everyone who feels they are saved really be saved? According to the Christian Apologist, C. S. Lewis, there will be three surprises in heaven: “who’s there,” “Who’s not there,” and “You’re there.” However, Jesus seems to indicate that some who feel they will be there, will not be there! He said, “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in

Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matt 7:22-23) In this passage, is not Jesus speaking of people who felt they would be saved? They had been busy doing religious activities in the name of Jesus – prophesying, preaching and good works. They assumed they would be accepted into heaven! To other people, they must have looked like genuine Christians. However, apparently they had not done those religious things according to “the will of my Father in heaven.” (Verse 21) Does this mean that to

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be saved, something is necessary in addition to “feeling” we are saved? Is man to be judged by his own feelings? We will be judged by Jesus. He said, “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him — the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” (John 12:48) The Apostle Paul wrote, “let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” (1 Cor 10:12) Surely, we must always be striving (Luke 13:24) to do the will of God so we will be saved. We must honestly, humbly and seriously study God’s word and not assume that we are guaranteed salvation just because of what we feel or think.

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them. Sometimes he would send me a note and ask me to write something about a specific town topic and I would. One of them concerned our town’s dump--a festering sore of trash the city maintained out at the end of camper road. This story was reprinted in the Daily Oklahoman the next week. Virgil and I both served on the school board and both went through some hard times doing so. Talk about mud-slinging! I was practically indicted and sent to prison for selling Allen School buses in Mexico. Virgil, too, was slandered as the town drunk and common criminal. Somehow we both survived these attacks and I never went to jail and Virgil didn’t drink.

Oh yeah. I never sold any of those buses either--although it now seems like a good idea. Like so many best friends, Virgil and his family sold their business and moved away. But I left his little card in my file and just upgraded his address as needed. Now a days I have a lot of friends (I think) in Allen and because of these articles I am able to stay in touch with many of them. It makes my day to hear from my readers and especially those I’ve known so long. Who knows? I may have to edge in some other little card right next to Virgil’s--there in the “F” file. H ave a good week and don’t forget to go to church Sunday. Maybe you’ll find another name to add to your “F” file.

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Maddison Crabtree found one of the $2 prize eggs at the Allen Easter Egg Hunt. Congratulations!

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Out & About

Don and Julie Bowman and children, Kylie, Lila and Jesse, had a Spring Break visit from Saundra Neely of Perkins. The kids especially enjoyed time with their grandmother. —O&A— Sam and Rogina Manuel, along with Katie and her friend Emily Nelson, enjoyed a Spring Break trip to Medicine Park and then on to the Wichita Wildlife Refuge in southwest Oklahoma. Scott Manuel and his girlfriend enjoyed the week in Mexico. —O&A— Alden and Kelly Kidwell had a good weekend fishing trip to Lake Arbuckle. Accompanying them were his parents, Loy and Janice Kidwell of Ada. —O&A— Glenda Ferguson, along with her daughter and family, Donna and Chris Dale and sons, enjoyed the sites of Branson, Missouri during Spring Break. Highlights of their trip included the theatrical production of Moses, and a stop at Cold Stone Creamery. —O&A— Deanese Grigsby of Joshua, Texas was out & about during a recent weekend. She spent a night with her parents, Donny and Judy Johnson. —O&A— Will Kaminski traveled to Choteau to spend part of his Spring Break holiday with grandparents, Skip and Denise Neese. —O&A— Jim and Chris McDonald enjoyed an Easter weekend visit from their grandchildren, Cadence, Owen, Hendley and Jonathan from Dallas. The kids were accompanied by their parents, Andy and Beth, Matt and Cecilia. Also visiting was son Josh and his fiancée, Annetta. Chris enjoyed a few days during the past month in south Texas with her brother, Larry and Vicki. Also staying there were her daughters-in-law, Cecilia and Beth McDonald. The highlight of the stay was attending a baby show honoring her soon-to-arrive grandchild and its mother, Savanna McDonald. —O&A— Out & about recently, visiting his parents, Hank and Janice Deaton, his grandmother Thelma Goddard, and their daughter, Jacklyn and Connor Johnson, were Kenny and Julie Deaton, Justin and Jeff, from Alex, Oklahoma. —O&A— Loy and Janis Kidwell of Ada, along with Tommy, Kimberlee and Braxton Kidwell from Geary, Ben and Davene Vernon and Della Tremble of Pampa, Texas, Cody Payne from Allen, Amber Castino and Kami and fiancé Jaron Ballagh of Ada, Samantha Manuel with son Jaxson, Katie Manuel, Aaron Manuel, Emily Nelson, Scott Manuel, Karissa York, Rogina Manuel and Sammy Manuel all enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt hosted by Jason Payne and Rebecca Kidwell. The highlight of the hunt was when Becca found the prize egg – containing an engagement ring. Jason then knelt and asked her to marry him . . . she said “Yes!”



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Rayne Wofford had a great time finding eggs at the Allen Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt. Rayne is the son of Chuck and Lacey Wofford.

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Out & About Allen

Kaylee and Lainey Ford enjoyed spending a couple of days recently with their grandparents, Darrell and Margie Ford, in Sand Springs. They ate lots of good food and enjoyed a visit to the museum. —O&A— Lou Yargee and Sharon Kendrick had a visit this past weekend from Lou’s sister, Leota and Alexander Allen of Mesquite, Texas. —O&A— Bonnie Reich of Seminole was out & about during Spring Break, visiting her daughter and family, Geri and Lewis Johnson and children. —O&A— Spending Easter Sunday with Margaret Johnson were her two sons and their families, Jimmy and Candy Johnson and Melissa from Ada, and Denny and Kandi Johnson and Nic of Cushing.

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Ryleigh Tate had a very successful day at the Easter Egg Hunt in the Allen City Park on March 19th.

Brinley Nemecek had little help from her dad at the Easter Egg hunt at the park.



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Allen earns third place in Gumbo Classic Mustang baseballers secure wins in four of six games

By HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent The Allen Mustangs were very busy and very productive in their last six high school baseball games. Coach Steven Caldwell’s Mustangs won four of the six outings including a third-place finish in the Gumbo Classic baseball tournament at Dewar High School. On March 29, Allen recorded a 10-0 victory over the visiting New Lima Falcons. However, the Mustangs turned around in the late game and suffered a 7-2 loss to Silo. On Thursday, Allen launched play in the tournament at Dewar. The Mustangs took down the Eufaula Ironheads on a narrow 5-4 count. Allen moved on to the semi-finals to face the Preston Pirates. The Mustangs played hard but ended up losing a 9-3 decision

to the Okmulgee County squad. On Saturday, Allen played the Depew Hornets in the third-place game March 29

at the Gumbo Classic. The Mustangs stepped up and pounded the Hornets 12-6. On Monday evening,


Allen 10, New Lima 0 NewL - 000 0 - (0-1-3) Allen - 521 2 - (10-12-0) Allen pitching Ty Brown, 4 innings, 0 runs, 1 hits, 0 walks, 3 strikeouts -- Allen hitting Tommy Peay, 2-3, 2 runs, Tadyn Walker, 2-3, 2 runs Colton Frederick, 2-2, 1 run Rush Black, 1 run Tucker Elliott, 2-3, 2 doubles, 2 runs, 3 RBI Tanner Wofford, 1 RBI Josiah Jones, 1-3, 1 run Jake Linker, 2-3, 2 RBI Drew Back, 1-2, 1 run Team totals: 12-24, 10 runs, 6 RBI --March 29 Silo 7, Allen 2 Silo - 000 340 0 - (7-5-0) Alln - 200 000 0 - (2-6-2) Allen pitching Tucker, 5 inning, 7 runs, 4 hits, 3 walks, 8 strikeouts Colton Frederick, 2 innings, 0 runs, 1 hits, 0 walks, 2 strikeouts 1 Team totals: 7 innings, 7 runs, 4 hits, 3 walks, 10 strikeouts --Allen hitting Tommy Peay, 1-4 Tadyn Walker, 1-4, 1 run Colton Frederick, 1-3,

Allen made the trip to Weleetka to take on the Outlaws in diamond action. The Mustangs rolled to a 7-0 shutout victory in

Okfuskee County. Here are the official figures from the games in which Allen battled to four wins and a pair of losses:

Rush Black, 1 run Tucker Elliott, 1 walk Josiah Jones, 1-3, double, 1 RBI Ty Brown, 1-3 Jake Linker, 1-3 Team totals: 6-2, 2 runs, 1 RBI, 3 walks --Gumbo Classic March 31 @ Dewar Allen 5, Eufaula 4 Eufa - 310 000 0 - (4-3-2) Allen - 220 100 x - (5-4-3) Allen pitching Josiah Jones, 4.1 innings, 4 runs, 3 hits, 4 walks, 3 strikeouts Colton Frederick, 2.2 innings, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 walks, 1 strikeout Team totals: 7 innings, 4 runs, 3 hits, 4 walks, 4 strikeouts Allen hitting Tommy Peay, 2-2, home run, 2 runs, 2 RBI, 1 walk Tadyn Walker, 1 run Colton Frederick, 1-2, double, 1 RBI Rush Black, 1 run’ Josiah Jones, 1-2, double, 1 RBI, 1 walk Drew Back, 1 run Team totals: 4-23, 5 runs, 4 hits, 4 RBI, 3 walks

Gumbo Classic


Allen pitching April 1 @ Dewar Tommy Peay, 4.2 innings, 9 runs, Preston 9, CYAN Allen 3 5 hits, 5 walks, 6 strikeouts MAGENTA YELLOW BL Prest - 104 040 0 - (9-6-0) Tadyb Walker, 2-1 innings, 0 runs, Allen - 000 120 0 - (3-3-6) 1 hit, 0 walks, 1 strikeout Team totals: 7 innings, 9 runs, 6 hits, 5 walks, 7 strikeouts --Allen hitting Tommy Peay, 1-4, 1 run Colton Frederick, 1-4, double, 2 RBI Ty Brown, 1-2, double, 1 RBI Team totals: 3-21, 3 runs, 3 RBI, 4 walks --Gumbo Classic April 2 @ Dewar Allen 12, Depew 6 Allen - 300 043 2 - (12-11-3) Depe - 001 112 1 - (6-8-7) Allen pitching Tucker Elliott, 5 innings, 3 runs, 5 hits, 3 walks, 9 strikeouts Colton Frederick, 2 innings, 3 runs, 3 hits, 1 walk, 3 strikeouts Team totals: 7 innings, 6 runs, 8 hits, 4 walks, 12 strikeouts --Allen hitting Tommy Peay, 2-5, 1 RBI Drew Back, Tadyn Walker, 3-5, double, 2 runs, 2 RBI Colton Frederick, 1-4, 1 walk Rush Black, 3 runs Tucker Elliott, 2-3, home run, 3 runs, 2 RBI, 2 walks Tanner Wofford, 1-3, 1 run, 1 RBI, 1 walk Aaron Dockery, 1 run, 2 RBI Josiah Jones, 2-5, double, 2 runs Team totals: 11-38, 12 runs, 8 RBI, 4 walks --April 4 @ Weleetka Allen 7, Weleetka 0 Allen - 102 004 0 - (7-9-2) Wele - 000 000 0 - (0-2-3) Allen pitching Josiah Jones, 7 innings, 0 runs, 2 hits, 1 walk, 10 strikeouts --Allen hitting Tommy Peay, 2-4, 2 runs, 1 RBI Drew Back, 2-3, 1 run, 2 RBI Colton Frederick, 2-4, 1 run, 3 RBI Tucker Elliott, 1 walk Josiah Jones, 1-3, 1 run, 1 walk Tadyn Walker, 1 RBI Tanner Wofford, 2-3, 1 run Ty Brown, 1 run, 1 walk Team totals 9-29, 7 runs, 7 RBI, 3 walks ---


Jo Dawna Smith to receive DIANA Award

exemplifies in her daily life the wholesome and inspiring qualities of love, faith and courage. Jo Dawna, born and raised in Holdenville, is the daughter of the late J.D. and Maxine Welch. She is the granddaughter of the late Bill and Lelier Evett and great-granddaughter of the late T.A. and Claudia Olivo. Jo Dawna graduated from Holdenville High School with the class of 1969. She attended East Central University, where she was active on the Student Senate, PanhelA well-known local edu- lenic Council, Chi Omega cator has been named as the Sorority, and Wesley Founda2016 Epsilon Sigma Alpha tion. She graduated in three DIANA Award recipient. years with a double major in Jo Dawna Smith has been Psychology/Sociology and selected by Holdenville’s minor in Speech/History. Beta Beta Chapter of ESA Jo Dawna met Jerry Smith, to receive this annual award. a Vietnam veteran that had The DIANA Award is given returned to East Central Unieach year to a woman in the versity to continue his educacommunity who has unself- tion. They married on August ishly given of herself to a 3, 1974 in Barnard Memorial remarkable degree in some United Methodist Church of area of service which ben- Holdenville. Three weeks efits others . . . a woman who

Thad Holcomb

Mike Cantrell

(405) 323-6401 (cell) (405) 567-4767 (home)

later she began her teaching career at Ardmore High School as their World History and Government teacher. Continuing her education at East Central University, Oklahoma State University, and Oklahoma University, Jo Dawna received her Master’s Degree in Counseling in August, 1976. She then became the Holdenville High School counselor. Over the years she has served as Counselor at every school site, serving thousands of Holdenville students until her full retirement in May, 2014 from Reed Elementary. While serving as counselor she was active in Oklahoma Education Association, Oklahoma Counseling Association, and Great Expectations. Jo Dawna was selected Oklahoma Counselor of the Year for 2004. Since her retirement, Jo Dawna regularly volunteers at Reed Elementary to read and offer counseling services.


(918) 752-7765 (cell) (918) 367-1515 (home)

(405) 379-7211



• Saturday, April 16, 2016 • Noon •

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Consignments Include: Breeding Bulls (10) 18-20 mos Angus Bulls (Sired by sons of MF Net Return, SAV Bismark and Buford Bluestem) (3) 24 mos Sim/Maine/Angus Bulls (Sired by Monopoly Sons) (10) 18-24 mos Sim-Angus Bulls (Pollard or Express Ranch Genetics) (6) 16-36 mos Charolais Bulls (5) 24 mos Horned Hereford Bulls (1) 20 mos Beefmaster Bull Absolutely the stoutest line-up of service age bulls ever offered at HLM! Outstanding Genetics from outstanding programs! Pairs and Bred Cows (55) Angus and BWF Heifer Pairs. Jan/Feb born Angus sired calves by side! Big, Stout heifer pairs! (70) Angus Heifer Pairs. Outstanding Angus sired calves by side! Quality set! (26) Red Angus Heifer Pairs. Fancy Red Angus calves by side! Front pasture set! (20) BWF Heifer Pairs. Tremendous first calf pairs with stout Angus sired calves by side! (35) 2-5 yr Red Angus Pairs and Heavy Bred Cows. Nice cows carrying the service of Red Angus and Angus Bulls! (40) 3-5 yr Angus/ BWF Pairs and Heavy Bred Cows. Outstanding cows carrying the service of Angus bulls! (20) 2-4 yr Blk/BWF Cows. Nice set of bred cows and pairs bred to Black bulls! (45) Mixed Running Age Pairs and Bred Cows. Bred Black Simmental! Calf raisers! Complete Dispersal! (23) 5 yr Angus Fall Calving Cows. Bred to outstanding Davis Ranch Angus bulls! (65) 3-5 yr Angus and Red Angus Fall Calving Cows. Bred to Angus and Sim-Angus bulls. Very nice! (79) 3-7 yr Angus/BWF/Red Angus Cows. Cows bred to outstanding Angus and Red Angus bulls! Bred Heifers (21) Angus Heifers. Big stout 1150# heifers! Bred to LBW Angus bulls! (Homer Sons) (30) Angus/BWF/Char Cross Heifers. Bred to outstanding LBW Angus bulls! One raising! (9) Angus Heifers. Fancy Northern heifers! Bred to LBW Angus bulls. For more information or to consign contact: Mike Cantrell 405-323-6401 or Thad Holcomb 918-752-7765 Holdenville Livestock Market 405-379-7211

Jo Dawna is an active member of Chi Omega alumni, Hughes County Retired Educators, American Association of University Women, and serves on the Holdenville Library Board. She is a lay servant of the Methodist Church and a current Sunday school teacher. Her service in the past has included mission trips to Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and Mexico, as well as missions throughout the United States. Jo Dawna’s concern for the young of Holdenville continues to be a priority. She is constantly working on positive projects that

will benefit all kids such as the Summer Arts Program, Wednesday night youth activities, Students with a Mission (S.W.A.M.), story-telling, Vacation Bible School, etc. Jo Dawna wants to return to Holdenville some of the love and support it has given her over the years. “Pay it Forward!” is her creed. The local ESA chapter will be honoring Mrs. Smith with a reception and tea on Sunday, April 17, 2016 from 2 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. at the HSPS Art Center, 111 North Broadway in Holdenville. Her friends, family and the community are invited to share this special time with her.


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2016-20 BRIAN L. SMITH, Plaintiff, v. The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of JOHN BROWN, A Full Blood Chickasaw Indian, Roll No. 141, Deceased, Defendants. ALIAS NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of JOHN BROWN, Full Blood Chickasaw Indian, Roll No. 141, Deceased GREETINGS: You and each of you will hereby take notice that you have been sued in the above named court by the above named Plaintiff and you must answer his Petition filed therein on or before the 19 day of May, 2016, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered accordingly adjudging that the Plaintiff, Brian L. Smith, is the legal and equitable owner, in possession and entitled to possession of the following described real property and premises situated in Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: The S/2 of SE/4 of NW/4 of SW/4 of Section 23, Township 4 North, Range 7 East, less a strip, piece or parcel of land beginning at the SE Corner of said in the S/2 of SE/4 of NW/4 of SW/4 of Section 23, Township 4 North, Range 7 East, thence West along the South Line of said S/2 of SE/4 NW/4 SW/4 a distance of 316.23 feet, thence Northeasterly on a Curve to the Right having a radius of 2039.86 feet a distance of 31.39 feet, thence N68º47’20”E a distance of 305.47 feet to a point on the East Line of said S/2 SE/4 NW/4 SW/4, thence South along said East Line a distance of 114.00 feet to point of beginning, containing 4.96 Acres, more or less and quieting and confirming Plaintiff’s title and possession therein and adjudging that you have no valid claim of right, title, lien or interest in and to any of the above described real property, and forever baring and enjoining you, and each of you, and all persons claiming by, through or under you, from now or hereafter asserting or attempting to assert any claim of right, title, lien or interest in or to said above described real property adverse to the Plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to which the court deems just and proper. DATED this 28th day of March, 2016. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk By: s) Pat Weaver Deputy Court Clerk Deresa Gray, OBA#19110 Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 1463 805 East Main Street Ada, Oklahoma 74821 Phone: 580/272-9300 Fax: 580/272-9301 (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 31, April 7 and 14, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CJ-2016-11 Honorable Judge Steven Kessinger FIRST UNITED BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, v. V I C TO R A C O S TA ; U n k n o w n Spouse, if any, of VICTOR ACOSTA; Unknown Tenants, if any, of 807 Charles Drive, Ada, Oklahoma, Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Victor Acosta, Unknown Spouse of Victor Acosta, being all of the Defendants and persons holding or claiming interest or lien in the subject property. Take notice that you have been sued by Plaintiff, First United Bank and Trust Company, and that you must answer the Petition of said Plaintiff on file in said cause on or before May 25, 2016 (which is at least 41 days from the date of first publication), or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered against you, awarding the Plaintiff a first mortgage lien upon the following described real estate situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, to-wit: Lot Two (2), Block Two (2), Thompson-Howard Addition to the City of Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof; locally known as: 807 Charles Drive, Ada, OK 74820 for the sum of $83,716.81, with 4.12500% interest per annum thereon, or as adjusted by the Note and Mortgage, from the July 1st, 2015, until paid; said abstract and title expense; corporate advances, if any, escrow advances, if any; the further sum of a reasonable attorney’s fee, and the costs of said suit and foreclosing your interest in the property and ordering said property sold with or without appraisement as Plaintiff may elect, all of which you will take due notice. WITNESS my hand and official seal in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, this 28 day of March, 2016. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk By: s) S. Brady (SEAL) J o a n n e L a f o n t a n t - D o o l e y, OBA#30143 Klatt, Augustine, Sayer, Treinen & Rastede, P.C. 5909 NW Expressway, Suite 274 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Telephone: (405) 470-1398 Fax: (319) 232-6341 Attorney for Plaintiff (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 31, April 7 and 14, 2016)


Pontotoc County Commissioners Proceedings

March 2016 March 7, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on March 3, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Josh Littlefield, Carl Lewis, Michelle Powell, Pat Jones, Jeff Davenport, Chad Letellier, and Glenda Gonderman. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve February 29, 2016 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to open Public Hearing. All aye. Pat Jones with SODA explained that the CDBG Program provides assistance for the low to moderate income to obtain community development funds. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to close Public Hearing. All aye. General meeting opened. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table the signing of the SODA leverage sheets. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-46, applying for FY 2016 CDBG. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve the FY 2016 Citizens’ Participation Plan with the exception of match funds. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve the Chairman of the Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners signing all application documents as needed. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve SODA administrating FY 2016 CDBG once the grant is awarded and contract signed. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #16-47, request from Kevin Postoak to rezone property on HWY 99 from A-1 General Agriculture District to C-2 General Commercial District. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #16-48, request from Kent Hamilton to rezone property on the NE corner of the intersection of County Road 3530 and Sandy Creek Drive from A-2 Suburban District to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Memorandum of Understanding concerning critical findings, load postings, and bridge closing recommendations. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-49, acknowledging receipt of ODOT Memorandum of Understanding concerning critical findings, load postings, and bridge closing recommendations. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve the following utility crossing application for permit submitted by Gene McCurdy: County Road 3590 and County Road 1555 (District #1) water line crossing All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve the following requisitioning officers and receiving agents: District #1: Requisitioning Officers G a r y Starns and Johnny Claborn Receiving Agents Charlie Pogue and Joe Myers District #2: Requisitioning Officers Randy Floyd and James Randell Receiving Agents Lewis Whitwell and Ricky Estes All aye. Opened bid #8, purchasing one or more SCBA Air Systems. The following bids were submitted: Casco Industries $21,560.00 Northern Safety and Industrial $26,383.88 Chief Fire and Safety $21,780.00 Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to award bid #8, purchasing one or more SCBA Air Systems to Casco Industries in the amount of $21,560.00. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve amended Fire Tax Purchase request from Allen VFD to Sign Source for signage on a truck. Amount will need to be increased from $475.50 to $826.00. All aye. Approved claims. Approved transfer: ZTVFRAN2 to ZTVFRAN3 $21,560.00 Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 4289-4295, 4308 General 4296-4298 ZAP 4299 ZSF 4300 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 124, P E C, 39.34, REMITTANCE; 125, P E C, 67.00, SPLY; 126, P E C, 61.34, REMITTANCE; GENERAL: 1109, COUNTY CLERKS & DEPUTIES ASSOC, 150.00, REGISTRATION; 1110, ADA NEWS, 131.00, PUBLICATION; 1111, ADA NEWS, 28.00, SPLY; 1112, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 27.47, SPLY; 1113, U S POSTMASTER, 74.00, POSTAGE; 1114, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 212.50, REMITTANCE; 1115, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 31.41, SPLY; 1116, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 139.78, REMITTANCE; 1117, J B LUMBER, 13.12, SPLY; 1118, LAMBERT MECHANICAL INC, 1425.00, SPLY; 1119, LOCKE SUPPLY, 8.61, SPLY; 1120, OFFICE DEPOT, 75.65, SPLY; 1121, O G & E, 83.03, REMITTANCE; 1122, O G & E, 2368.86, REMITTANCE; 1123, OKLAHOMA DEPT OF LABOR, 25.00, REMITTANCE; 1124, P E C, 25.44, REMITTANCE; 1125, ROLAND LANCASTER PLUMBING, 725.00, SERVICE; 1126, OWENS, JAMES M, 29.16, TRAVEL; 1127, RHODES, FREDDIE E, 70.20, TRAVEL; 1128, STAPLES, 515.08, SPLY; 1129, CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1130, ST JOSEPH S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1131, ADA MASONIC HALL LODGE, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1132, ALLEN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1133, OIL CENTER PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1134, OWL CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1135, CENTER FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1136, HAPPYLAND FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1137, UNION HILL BAPTIST CHURCH, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1138, CITY OF ADA- CUSTODIAN, 20.00, REMITTANCE; HIGHWAY: 2005, C & M PROPANE, 689.00, SPLY; 2006, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 284.23, SPLY; 2007, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 2552.25, SPLY; 2008, HASKELL LEMON CONSTRUCTION CO, 1897.39, SPLY; 2009, NAPA OF ADA, 380.99, SPLY; 2010, NAPA OF ADA, 149.08, SPLY; 2011, NAPA OF ADA, 114.60, SPLY; 2012, P E C, 746.85, REMITTANCE; 2013, RED ROCK PIT, 119.34, SPLY; 2014, RED ROCK PIT, 389.73, SPLY; 2015, RED ROCK PIT, 328.80, SPLY; 2016, RED ROCK PIT,

525.66, SPLY; 2017, RURAL WATER DIST #7, 23.00, REMITTANCE; 2018, STAPLES, 22.99, SPLY; 2019, SUMMIT TRUCK GROUP, 80.45, SPLY; 2020, WYCHE QUARRY, 560.00, SPLY; 2021, WYCHE QUARRY, 615.00, SPLY; 2022, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 85.32, TRAVEL; 2023, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 322.28, SPLY; 2024, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 897.60, SPLY; 2025, OK TAX COMMISSION, 12.50, REMITTANCE; 2026, P E C, 333.66, REMITTANCE; 2027, RHYNES SURPLUS, 106.92, SPLY; 2028, RURAL WATER DIST #8, 27.70, REMITTANCE; 2029, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT, 50.00, SPLY; 2030, SIGN SOURCE, 28.00, SPLY; 2031, T & W TIRE, 35.00, SPLY; 2032, A T & T, 71.11, REMITTANCE; 2033, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 181.90, SPLY; 2034, DC IGNITION, 265.00, SPLY; 2035, DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE, 467.00, SPLY; 2036, FITTSTONE INC, 936.75, SPLY; 2037, HALL S AUTO, 707.56, SPLY; 2038, JOHNSON, KEN, 218.75, REMITTANCE; 2039, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 103.91, SPLY; 2040, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 205.90, SPLY; 2041, NAPA OF ADA, 11.41, SPLY; 2042, RED ROCK PIT, 179.97, SPLY; 2043, RED ROCK PIT, 240.63, SPLY; 2044, RED ROCK PIT, 174.99, SPLY; 2045, ROFF PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, 30.44, REMITTANCE; 2046, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 94.11, SPLY; 2047, WYCHE QUARRY, 150.00, SPLY; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 252, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1608.60, SPLY; 253, STAPLES, 98.38, SPLY; 254, SUPER LUBE, 40.43, SPLY; 255, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 146.09, SPLY; HEALTH: 200, HARJO, ANGELA, 259.20, TRAVEL; 201, SMITH, LARISSA, 70.20, TRAVEL; 202, STOLIBY, KAREN, 99.36, TRAVEL; 203, A T & T, 1074.29, SPLY; 204, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 421.28, SPLY; 205, O G & E, 752.75, SPLY; 206, SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP, 91.50, SPLY; 207, U S CELLULAR, 217.32, SPLY; 208, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 6.39, SPLY; 209, MEDLINE, 252.84, SPLY; RESALE PROPERTY: 100, COUNTY TREASURERS ASSOCIATION, 225.00, TRAVEL; 101, HALL, PAULA K, 114.48, TRAVEL; 102, W P S INC, 611.86, SPLY; SHERIFF FEES: 515, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 501.52, SPLY; 516, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 15.00, SPLY; 517, BATES ELECTRONICS, 288.84, SPLY; 518, BLUE BOOK, 196.95, SPLY; 519, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 1069.00, SPLY; 520, NAPA OF ADA, 13.98, SPLY; 521, NAPA OF ADA, 183.92, SPLY; 522, VERSATILE NETWORKS, 2693.67, SPLY; 523, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 2429.47, SPLY; 524, BATES ELECTRONICS, 225.00, SPLY; 525, I C S, 901.00, SPLY; COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 60, OSU CTP, 75.00, REGISTRATION; AGRI PLEX: 288, A T & T, 61.99, REMITTANCE; 289, HISLE BROS. INC., 14.24, SPLY; 290, J B LUMBER, 196.39, SPLY; 291, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 38.00, SPLY; 292, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 10.36, SPLY; 293, O G & E, 54.12, REMITTANCE; 294, O G & E, 2449.91, REMITTANCE; 295, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT, 80.00, SPLY; 296, SUPERIOR SIGN SHOP, 500.00, SPLY; ZSALESTAX: 235, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 929.10, SERVICE; 236, O G & E, 2015.85, REMITTANCE; 237, TURN KEY HEALTH CLINICS LLC, 12500.00, SPLY; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 72, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 129.00, SPLY; ZCOMMISSARY: 13, NICKERSON PLUMBING, 1238.50, SPLY;” Approved February 2016 monthly reports: Treasurer Election Board Health Department Assessor Agri-Plex County Clerk Allocations of Alcoholic Beverage Tax to Cities and Towns of Pontotoc, OK Approved March 2016 monthly appropriations: Highway..................................$344,633.11 CAR . ...................................... $17,318.25 Resale Property....................... $13,689.17 Law Library................................ $1,726.73 Visual Inspection.................................... $Mortgage Tax Cert........................ $560.00 Mechanic’s Liens....................... $1,574.00 Agri-Plex.................................. $16,385.50 Victim Rights`......................................... $Preventive Child Abuse.......................... $Court Clerk Trust.................................... $Drug Court Sentencing........................... $911.................................................. $49.00 Preservation Fees..................... $2,750.00 REAP...................................................... $Court Clerk Revolving................ $4,217.08 Juvenile Drug Court................. $23,333.36 Flood Plain Management........................ $Assessor’s Revolving................... $861.00 Lodging Tax............................. $24,093.60 Sales Tax Proceeds............... $367,415.54 Emergency Management....................... $Dept. of Environmental Quality............... $Hazmat Planning Grant.......................... $County Reward Fund.............................. $Pontotoc Co. EducatFacility Authority.... $DARE...................................................... $Commissary............................. $13,757.03 Sheriff’s Fees........................... $59,286.00 CDBG..................................................... $Health Department....................... $302.65 Excess Resale........................................ $County Use Tax....................... $28,186.53 Fire Tax.................................... $78,726.97 County Fire Use Tax.................. $7,687.23 Permit Fees...............................................$TOTALS.............................. $1,006,552.75 Commissioners requested changes be made to February 16, 2016 meeting minutes before approval of monthly meeting minutes publication. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to recess meeting until approximately 1:00 PM to visit and assess property in regards to a Petition filed by Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company (OG&E) seeking to take, appropriate, and acquire by condemnation a certain permanent utility easement. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to reconvene meeting. All aye. As a result of the conversation with the District Attorney, the Commissioners were not required to visit the property and the matter was resolved. Randy Floyd and Tammy Brown will be attending an OPEH&W meeting on March 17, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the ACCO building in Oklahoma City. Under discussion will be major changes to the benefits and rates package for the upcoming Pontotoc County FY 2016-2017 benefit program. Collins, Zorn & Wagner P.C. Attorneys at Law have sent a request for OPEN records for Case: Larryn Rayburn vs. Pontotoc County claim #GCLEL066236. At this time, a TORT Claim has not been filed. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve the following emergency Fire Tax Purchase request from Allen VFD: Douglas Construction LLC repairs to truck for oil leak and brakes $1,700.00 and winch All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye.

March 14, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on March 10, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Roy Weber, Carl Lewis, Glenda Gonderman, and Chad Letellier. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve March 7, 2016 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #16-50, Chickasaw Nation Cooperative Agreement for John Deere Road. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #16-51, Chickasaw Nation Cooperative Agreement for Burk Road. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-52, Chickasaw Nation Cooperative Agreement for John Price Road. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-53, Chickasaw Nation Cooperative Agreement for Tower Road. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-54, Chickasaw Nation Cooperative Agreement for Homer Road. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve the following utility crossing application for permit: County Road 1500 District #1 All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve removing Jeff Epperly as a receiving agent for Call-A-Ride and add Marlon Smith as receiving agent effective March 14, 2016. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to remove Tara Ray as requisitioning officer and add Jeff Epperly and Randy Floyd as the requisitioning officers. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve Jeff Epperly’s promotion to Director of Call-A-Ride with an increase in pay to $2,000.00. All aye. Lula VFD obtained two quotes for garage doors with openers: Overhead Doors $14,990.00 Nobility Door Company$14,950.00 Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve quote from Nobility Door Company for $14,950.00. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Union Valley VFD Fire Tax Purchase request: Great Plains Inc. fire equipment $1,136.95.00 All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve Francis VFD Fire Tax Purchase request: Casco IndusCBA Air Systems $21,560.00 All aye. Approved transfer: ZTVLULA2 to ZTVLULA3......... $14,950.00 SCT2 to SCT1............................ $3,000.00 Approved blanket purchase orders for payment: HWY 4385 General 4386-4387 ZSF 4388-4394 ZSALESTAX 4395 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 127, SIGN SOURCE, 826.00, SPLY; 128, ALLEN S GROCERY, 89.93, REMITTANCE; GENERAL: 1139, MCDANIEL, JUSTIN T, 147.96, TRAVEL; 1140, WALKER, BECKY, 298.08, TRAVEL; 1141, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 338.86, REMITTANCE; 1142, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 60.11, SPLY; 1143, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 274.99, SPLY; 1144, CABLE ONE, 94.95, SPLY; 1145, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 150.35, REMITTANCE; 1146, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 55.00, SPLY; 1147, CULLIGAN, 254.91, SPLY; 1148, J B LUMBER, 83.80, SPLY; 1149, OK DEPT OF LABOR, 100.00, REMITTANCE; 1150, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 140.00, SPLY; 1151, CABLE ONE, 71.75, REMITTANCE; 1152, STAPLES, 293.97, SPLY; HIGHWAY: 2049, B & S SANITATION, 46.00, REMITTANCE; 2050, FITTSTONE INC, 650.86, REMITTANCE; 2051, HOOTEN OIL CO., 2644.00, SPLY; 2052, J B LUMBER, 31.65, SPLY; 2053, NAPA OF ADA, 102.24, SPLY; 2054, NAPA OF ADA, 91.49, SPLY; 2055, RED ROCK PIT, 299.22, SPLY; 2056, RED ROCK PIT, 115.53, SPLY; 2057, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2058, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 23.95, SPLY; 2059, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 68.43, SPLY; 2060, WARREN CAT, 902.50, SPLY; 2061, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 104.76, TRAVEL; 2062, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, REMITTANCE; 2063, FITTSTONE INC, 766.31, SPLY; 2064, FITTSTONE INC, 772.38, SPLY; 2065, FITTSTONE INC, 772.81, SPLY; 2066, FITTSTONE INC, 96.25, SPLY; 2067, FITTSTONE INC, 936.00, SPLY; 2068, FITTSTONE INC, 377.14, SPLY; 2069, FITTSTONE INC, 388.75, SPLY; 2070, FITTSTONE INC, 289.12, SPLY; 2071, FITTSTONE INC, 489.88, SPLY; 2072, GRISSOMS, 76.88, SPLY; 2073, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 1209.20, SPLY; 2074, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1930.50, SPLY; 2075, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2076, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 218.60, SPLY; 2077, WARREN CAT, 805.48, SPLY; 2078, WARREN CAT, 54.14, SUPPLY; 2079, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, REMITTANCE; 2080, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 181.90, SPLY; 2081, FITTSTONE INC, 288.01, SPLY; 2082, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 103.50, SPLY; 2083, O G & E, 87.74, REMITTANCE; 2084, RED ROCK PIT, 427.80, SPLY; 2085, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2086, SEAL MASTERS INC, 2979.24, SPLY; 2087, SHAW MACHINE, 79.50, SPLY; 2088, WARREN CAT, 201.09, SPLY; 2089, WARREN CAT, 89.89, SPLY; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 256, EPPERLY, JEFFERY DON, 30.00, TRAVEL; 257, SMITH, ANNA LEE, 45.00, TRAVEL; 258, WILKERSON, KEITH ALAN, 45.00, TRAVEL; 259, A T & T, 237.35, REMITTANCE; 260, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 87.47, REMITTANCE; 261, B & S SANITATION, 46.00, REMITTANCE; 262, O G & E, 198.15, REMITTANCE; 263, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 150.00, SPLY; HEALTH: 210, UMB BANK CORP TRUST & ESCROW SER, 23167.96, REMITTANCE; RESALE PROPERTY: 103, COPELINS OFFICE CENTER, 111.80, SPLY; 104, W P S INC, 65.00, SPLY; SHERIFF FEES: 526, ZUBAIR A KHAN, 84.00, TRANSP JUV; 527, STEVE STANFORD, 36.00, TRANSP JUV; 528, TODD YOUNG, 180.00, TRANSP JUV; 529, ADA OUTDOORS, 930.00, SPLY; 530, CABLE ONE, 131.50, SPLY; 531, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 80.14, SPLY; 532, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 13.72, SPLY; 533, CULLIGAN, 283.85, SPLY; 534, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 421.00, SPLY; 535, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 350.00, SPLY; 536, FUELMAN OF SOUTHERN OK, 2834.55, SPLY; 537, SUPER LUBE, 287.39, SPLY; 538, QUALITY CUSTOM UPFITTERS, 14449.26, SPLY; 539, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 947.94, SPLY; 540, CABLE ONE, 206.63, SPLY; 541, XEROX CORPORATION, 944.00, SPLY; COUNTY

CLERK MECH LIENS: 61, COUNTY CLERKS & DEPUTIES ASSOC, 150.00, DUES; AGRI PLEX: 297, KIMBERLYN D TEACHEY, 200.00, REMITTANCE; 298, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 227.63, SPLY; 299, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 482.15, SPLY; 300, CABLE ONE, 74.50, REMITTANCE; 301, CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA, 1611.56, REMITTANCE; 302, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 406.75, SPLY; 303, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 335.09, SPLY; 304, CULLIGAN, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 305, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 870.00, SPLY; 306, HISLE BROS. INC., 383.59, SPLY; 307, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 77.00, SPLY; 308, RHYNES SURPLUS, 48.00, SPLY; 309, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 27.00, SPLY; 310, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 60.00, SPLY; ZLODGE: 85, DEPENDABLE HEAT & AIR INC, 12745.00, SPLY; ZSALESTAX: 238, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 3412.73, SPLY; 239, GUDERIANS, 9725.96, SPLY; 240, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 288665.54, REMITTANCE; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 73, KAESER & BLAIR INC, 624.27, SPLY; 74, PAGE PLUS, 11.90, REMITTANCE; 75, SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LP, 37.99, SPLY; 76, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 507.92, SPLY;” Chad Letellier presented a letter from NOAA that approved Pontotoc County to be Storm Safe for three more years. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to adjourn. All aye. March 21, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on March 18, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Roy Weber, Troy Gammon, Jeff Davenport, Glenda Gonderman, Daniel West, Claude Bess, Chad Letellier, John Christian, and Carl Lewis. Review and possibly March 14, 2016 meeting minutes. No action. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table contract with James R. Neal for damages from Seaway Crude Pipeline. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table By-Laws of Circuit Engineering District #4. Roberts and Starns aye. Opened bid #9, purchasing a skid unit. Bids were as follows: Chief Fire & Safety $38,141.00 Casco Industries $38,381.00 Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table bid #9, purchasing a skid unit (Happyland VFD). Starns and Roberts aye. Opened bid #10, sale of a 1995 Ford singlecab truck. The following bid was submitted: Daniel West $1,014.50 Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table bid #10, sale of a 1995 Ford single-cab truck. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Calvin Prince as requisitioning officer and Kristy Schweitzer as receiving agent for Juvenile Drug Court. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve transfers: ZFLOOD2 to ZFLOOD1A $500.00 R2 to R1C $319.26 Starns and Roberts aye. Approved blanket purchase orders: General 4483 ZSF 4484 MD 4485-4496 ZFIRE 4497-4506 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 129, CASCO INDUSTRIES INC, 544.75, SPLY; 130, T & W TIRE, 2553.00, SPLY; 131, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 25.00, REMITTANCE; GENERAL: 1153, A T & T SERVICES INC, 265.69, REMITTANCE; 1154, A T & T SERVICES INC, 74.66, REMITTANCE; 1155, O S U COOP EXTENSION SERV, 6358.00, SPLY; 1156, KELLEY, JANNA L EDWARDS, 252.72, TRAVEL; 1157, A T & T SERVICES INC, 79.70, REMITTANCE; 1158, A T & T SERVICES INC, 116.77, REMITTANCE; 1159, CABLE ONE, 138.00, SPLY; 1160, OFFICE DEPOT, 147.25, SPLY; 1161, A T & T SERVICES INC, 62.81, REMITTANCE; 1162, CABLE ONE, 68.27, SPLY; 1163, J P COOKE CO, 129.50, SPLY; 1164, A T & T SERVICES INC, 1775.14, REMITTANCE; 1165, ADA, CITY OF, 700.00, REMITTANCE; 1166, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 1167, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 1168, MILLER OFFICE, 33.70, SPLY; 1169, STAPLES, 124.76, SPLY; 1170, A T & T SERVICES INC, 90.81, REMITTANCE; HIGHWAY: 2090, STARNS, GARY, 313.62, TRAVEL; 2091, A T & T SERVICES INC, 205.75, REMITTANCE; 2092, ALLEN TIRE LLC, 816.00, SPLY; 2093, J B LUMBER, 29.16, SPLY; 2094, NAPA OF ADA, 497.49, SPLY; 2095, PRUITT COMPANY, 44.90, SPLY; 2096, MIKE GRAHAM AUCTIONEERS, 50000.00, SPLY; 2097, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 855.36, SPLY; 2098, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 1712.23, SPLY; 2099, WARREN CAT, 369.25, SPLY; 2100, NACO, 257.50, TRAVEL; 2101, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 78.47, SPLY; 2102, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 219.87, REMITTANCE; 2103, FITTSTONE INC, 2345.72, SPLY; 2104, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1846.00, SPLY; 2105, LOCKE SUPPLY, 36.83, SPLY; 2106, LOCKE SUPPLY, 239.60, SPLY; 2107, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 214.90, SPLY; 2108, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 78.86, SPLY; 2109, O G & E, 196.45, REMITTANCE; 2110, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 387.60, SPLY; 2111, STONEWALL PUBLIC WORKS AUTH., 48.12, REMITTANCE; 2112, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 187.73, SPLY; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 264, STAPLES, 65.75, SPLY; 265, STAPLES, 199.98, SPLY; 266, STAPLES, 159.99, SPLY; HEALTH: 211, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 178.72, SPLY; 212, CABLE ONE, 75.13, SPLY; 213, CUMMINS SOUTHERN PLAINS, 420.00, SPLY; 214, NAPA OF ADA, 119.00, SPLY; 215, STANLEY SYSTEMS, 246.03, SPLY; 216, OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH, 17916.67, REMITTANCE; 217, SUPPLY WORKS, 388.53, SPLY; SHERIFF FEES: 542, A T & T MOBILITY, 920.85, REMITTANCE; 543, BATTERY CENTER, 50.00, REMITTANCE; 544, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 519.11, SPLY; 545, GEORGE SMITH SALVAGE, 211.14, SPLY; 546, MID AMERICAN AUTO GROUP, 257.64, SPLY; 547, NAPA OF ADA, 159.22, SPLY; 548, NICHOLS DOLLAR SAVER, 559.35, SPLY; 549, SHRED IT, 264.96, SPLY; 550, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 65.00, SPLY; 551, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 7929.29, SPLY; COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 62, AMERICINN MCALESTER, 166.00, HOTEL; 63, BOLIN, BRENDA JO, 185.96, TRAVEL; AGRI PLEX: 311, A T & T SERVICES INC, 96.67, REMITTANCE; 312, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 87.00, SPLY; 313, RHYNES SURPLUS, 29.98, SPLY; 314, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 41.24, SPLY; 315, J B LUMBER, 202.80, SPLY; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 77, A T & T SERVICES INC, 60.01, REMITTANCE; 78, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 8.75, SPLY; 79, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 7.50, SPLY;” Approved monthly reports: Sheriff’s Office

Jail Reports for Sheriff’s Office Chad Letellier, Emergency Management Director explained the Hazard Mitigation Funding has a grant application available for the preservation of records project in order to be prepared for a disaster. Letellier submitted a letter of intent with a quote of $183,000.00 for the County Clerk’s office by a vendor that provides these services. The project start date requested would be January 1, 2017. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to adjourn. Roberts and Starns aye. March 28, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on March 24, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Chad Letellier, Roy Weber, Troy Gammon, Mary Garber, Danny Coats, Lori Wightman, James Lampkin, Carl Lewis, Cody Holcomb, Glenda Gonderman, and Claude Bess. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve March 14, 2016 and March 21, 2016 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve contract with James R. Neal for damages from Seaway Crude Pipeline. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-55, accepting By-Laws of Circuit Engineering District #4 (CED #4). All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve OTC Claim Form for the Five (5) Year Manufacturer’s Exemption for SOLO Cup Operating Corporation. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to award bid #9, purchasing a skid unit (Happyland VFD) to Casco Industries in the amount of $38,381.00. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to award bid #10, sale of a 1995 Ford single-cab truck (Happyland VFD) to Daniel West in the amount of $1,014.50. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve the following Fire Tax Purchase request for Vanoss VFD: Casco Industries SCBA Air Packs $21,560.00 All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve the following Fire Tax Purchase request for Vanoss VFD: Wilson Tiretires $1,195.26 All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve the following Fire Tax Purchase request for Happyland VFD: Casco Industries skid unit $38,381.00 All aye. Approved claims. Approved transfer: E2 to E3 $500.00 Approved blanket purchase orders: General4598-4599, 4613-4615 HWY 4600-4602 ZSF 4603-4607, 4609-4611 ZCOMM 4608 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 132, SHIPMAN COMMUNICATIONS, 1141.00, SPLY; 133, WELCH STATE BANK, 2041.07, LEASE; 134, A T & T, 56.72, REMITTANCE; 135, T D S TELECOM, 79.90, REMITTANCE; 136, T D S TELECOM, 86.07, REMITTANCE; GENERAL: 1171, THOMSON WEST, 262.00, SPLY; 1172, A T & T, 91.62, REMITTANCE; 1173, CABLE ONE, 83.00, REMITTANCE; 1174, STAPLES, 108.49, SPLY; 1175, PITNEY BOWES, 171.00, SPLY; 1176, PITNEY BOWES, 122.38, SPLY; 1177, COMANCHE COUNTY REGIONAL JUVENILE DETENTION CENTE, 560.00, JUV DET; 1178, COMMUNITYWORKS, 1533.42, REMITTANCE; 1179, CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA, 429.20, REMITTANCE; 1180, MILLER OFFICE, 45.94, SPLY; 1181, OFFICE DEPOT, 41.37, SPLY; 1182, FLINN, ELDON, 69.26, TRAVEL; HIGHWAY: 2113, CLARION INN, 79.00, TRAVEL; 2114, BATES ELECTRONICS, 50.93, SPLY; 2115, DOLESE BROS, 766.56, SPLY; 2116, KEEFER SUPPLY, 38.65, SPLY; 2117, LOCKE SUPPLY, 400.31, SPLY; 2118, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 17.66, SPLY; 2119, YELLOW HOUSE MACHINERY, 28.50, SPLY; 2120, U S CELLULAR, 148.26, REMITTANCE; 2121, VISION BANK, 3138.17, LEASE; 2122, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 106.92, TRAVEL; 2123, A T & T SERVICES INC, 62.76, REMITTANCE; 2124, HISLE BROS. INC., 437.00, SPLY; 2125, KEMPER REFRIGERATION, 309.58, SPLY; 2126, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 29.48, SPLY; 2127, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1621.61, SPLY; 2128, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 266.97, SPLY; 2129, T & W TIRE, 318.94, SPLY; 2130, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2131, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2132, FIRST UNITED BANK, 1791.12, LEASE; 2133, VISION BANK, 2675.18, LEASE; 2134, A T & T, 73.05, REMITTANCE; 2135, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 181.90, SPLY; 2136, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 181.90, SPLY; 2137, DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE, 121.95, SPLY; 2138, ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS, 3535.78, SPLY; 2139, FITTSTONE INC, 193.31, SPLY; 2140, FITTSTONE INC, 388.64, SPLY; 2141, FITTSTONE INC, 886.32, SPLY; 2142, HOLT CARPET, 234.00, SPLY; 2143, NAPA OF ADA, 14.72, SPLY; 2144, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 181.64, SPLY; 2145, T D S TELECOM, 149.98, REMITTANCE; 2146, U S CELLULAR, 123.12, REMITTANCE; 2147, WARREN CAT, 269.04, SPLY; 2148, WARREN CAT, 269.04, SPLY; 2149, WYCHE QUARRY, 375.00, SPLY; 2150, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2151, EMPIRE FINANCIAL SERVICES, 1882.41, LEASE; 2152, VISION BANK, 8693.79, LEASE; 2153, WELCH STATE BANK, 1033.03, LEASE; HEALTH: 218, HANSEN, KELLIANNE, 386.64, TRAVEL; 219, A T & T, 1066.65, REMITTANCE; 220, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 250.56, REMITTANCE; 221, PITNEY BOWES, 326.97, SPLY; 222, STAPLES, 349.35, SPLY; 223, STAPLES, 277.88, SPLY; 224, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 44.00, REMITTANCE; 225, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 75.92, SPLY; RESALE PROPERTY: 105, PITNEY BOWES, 1309.02, POSTAGE; 106, W P S INC, 495.10, SPLY; SHERIFF FEES: 552, ADA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY, 210.00, SPLY; 553, ADA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY, 280.88, SPLY; 554, ADA MINI STORAGE, 100.00, SPLY; 555, MODERN MARKETING, 3339.28, SPLY; 556, STAPLES, 759.49, SPLY; 557, U S CELLULAR, 98.93, SPLY; 558, ZIENTEK, MICHAEL, 800.00, REMITTANCE; 559, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 80.14, SPLY; 560, HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES, 810.53, SPLY; 561, STAPLES, 356.54, SPLY; COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 64, OSU CTP, 75.00, REGISTRATION; 65, SNIDER, SHELLEY LUEREAN, 71.28, TRAVEL; AGRI PLEX: 316, LOCKE SUPPLY, 58.97, SPLY; 317, O G & E, 66.97, REMITTANCE; 318, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 92.25, SPLY; 319, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, REMITTANCE; ZSALESTAX: 241, O G & E, 2149.42, SPLY; 242, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA,

Continued Page 11


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IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-19 In the Matter of the Estate of OLA MAE REDDINGER, Chickasaw, NE, (PF 2272), Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors having claims against Ola Mae Reddinger, deceased, are required to present the same, with the necessary supporting documents, to the undersigned attorney for Personal Representative at the office of the attorney for the Personal Representative on or before the 21st day of May, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. s) Niki Lindsey Attorney for Personal Representative Niki Lindsey, OBA#19344 Oklahoma Indian Legal Service, Inc. P.O. Box 2600 Ada, Oklahoma 74821 T: (580) 272-0038 F: (580) 272-0665 (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 31 and April 7, 2016)



IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2011-46 In the Matter of the Estate of BARBARA JEAN MOON, Deceased. NOTICE FOR HEARING PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRS, FINAL DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION, AND DISCHARGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Billy Ray Moon, Personal Representative of the Estate of Barbara Jean Moon, Deceased (the “Personal Representative”), having filed in this Court a Petition for Determination of Heirs, Final Decree of Distribution, and Discharge of the Personal Representative, the hearing of the same has been fixed for the 18th day of April, 2016, at 8:30 o’clock a.m., before this Court in the District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in the Estate are notified then and there to appear, the heirs of the Decedent determined, the Estate distributed to the heirs, devisees, and legatees, and the Personal Representative discharged. DATED this 28th day of March, 2016. S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 1488 121 South Broadway Avenue Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 ATTORNEYS FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 31 and April 7, 2016)

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IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2016-29 KIM JOHNSON and KATHLEEN JOHNSON, Plaintiffs, vs. The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of NORA COLLINS a/k/a NOAH COLLINS, Full-Blood Chickasaw Indian, Roll No. 304, deceased, Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of NOAH COLLINS a/k/a NORA Collins, Full-Blood Chickasaw Indian, Roll No. 304, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 22nd day of March, 2016 Plaintiffs, KIM JOHNSON and KATHLEEN JOHNSON filed suit against you in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2016-29 to quiet title to the following described property in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, to-wit: The NE/4 NW/4 SW/4 and the NW/4 NE/4 SW/4 of Section 8, Township 3 North, Range 8 East, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiffs are the owners of said property, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiffs’ petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 10th of May, 2016, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiffs and against you, and establishing that Plaintiffs are the owners of the property, all as more particularly set out in their petition. s) P. Weaver Court Clerk (SEAL) Johnny Sandmann, OBA#32110 Complete Legal 28 North Main, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 24, 31 and April 7, 2016)


NOTICE OF FILING PERIOD FOR ELECTION OF DISTRICT DIRECTOR TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: Notice is hereby given that any person who is a registered voter and a resident of the Pontotoc County Conservation District and has entered into or will enter into a Cooperator Agreement with the Directors of said District, may have their name placed on the official ballot of the District Director Election of said District for Position Number 3 by filing a Notification and Declaration of Candidacy with said District located at 1328 Cradduck Road, Ada, Oklahoma 74820 between the dates of May 2 through 13, 2016. Notification and Declaration of Candidacy forms may be obtained at the above location and must be returned to the same location before close of business on the last day of the filing period. The Election will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. s) Bill Clark Board of Directors Representative s) Robin Armstrong ATTEST: District Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on April 7 and 14,2016)

Commissioners Proceedings from Page 10

795.70, REMITTANCE; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 80, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 137.00, SPLY; 81, CABLE ONE, 167.91, REMITTANCE; ZJUV: 1, PONTOTOC CO JUV DRUG COURT, 24378.52, REMITTANCE;” Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve March 2016 payroll. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve February 2016 monthly meeting minutes for publication. All aye. Discussion by Lori Wightman, Mercy Hospital President, regarding EMS funding. Roberts asked who bears the burden for insurance and Medicare? City of Ada had set up a Trust Fund for the Sales Tax and administered those funds for Valley View Regional Hospital, which is now Mercy Hospital. The contract between the City of Ada and Mercy was made last August with the understanding it would expire in one (1) year. Pontotoc County Justice Center is going to need the extra funding due to the Department of Corrections prisoners being taken away, resulting in a losing a source of funding. In 2011, Chad Letellier, Emergency Management Director, stated that he and previous EMS Directors, Eugene Dixon and Cap Williams, made several attempts to talk to Valley View Regional Hospital (VVRH) about the 522 District in conjunction with utilities. They were never able to get a response. Letellier reported that 42% of the grant for the County Clerk’s Preservation of Records is done and continuing the process. Sprint is upgrading their antennas on an existing tower located at 2151 Richland Drive Ada, OK. This work will consist of adding three antennas to their lease antenna platform on the tower. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to rescind Fire Tax Purchase request (bid #5) by Happyland VFD to the County Commissioners for a brush truck bed purchased from Cooper Creek Manufacturing in the amount of $52,950.00. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye. The foregoing are the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners for the month of March 2016 of the County Commissioners Journal No. 14. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Gary Starns, Chairman - Justin Roberts, Member - Randy Floyd, Member ATTEST: Tammy Brown County Clerk (Published in The Allen Advocate on April 7, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2016-37 In the Matter of the Application of Christopher Donnelly and Nicole Donnelly, Co-Guardians of the Person and Property of HAYDEN ALLAN KOSLER, a minor Child. NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that Hayden Allan Kosler, minor child, by Christopher and Nicole Donnelly, his court-appointed co-guardians and Next Friends, pursuant to 12 O.S. § 1632 et seq., has filed in the above Court a Petition to have their names changed from Hayden Allan Kosler to Hayden Allan Donnelly, and that the same will be heard by the undersigned Judge of the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, on the 29th day of April, 2016, at 10:00 o’clock, A.M., in the District Courtroom of the Pontotoc County Courthouse located in Ada, Oklahoma, and that any person may file a written protest in the case prior to the date set for the hearing or they may appear and show cause why said name change should not be made by the Court. s/ S. KESSINGER JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Prepared by: s/ Kurt B. Sweeney Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA# 17455 Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, PLLC P.O. Box 190 Ada, Oklahoma 74821 (580) 332-7200 FAX (580) 332-7201 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on April 7, 2016)


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2014-64 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CAROL ANN HARRISON, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR ORDER ALLOWING ACCOUNT, APPROVING ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND COSTS AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S FEE, AND DETERMINING HEIRS, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that Ada Title & Trust Company, Personal Representative of the Estate of Carol Ann Harrison, deceased, filed in this Court its First and Final Account of its administration of said estate and Petition for Order allowing said account, approving attorneys’ fees and costs and personal representative’s fee, and determining heirs, distribution and discharge. Pursuant to an Order of this Court made on this date, notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of April, 2016, at 10:30 A.M., said account and petition will be heard before the undersigned Judge in the District Court of Pontotoc County, located at 120 W. 13th Street, Ada, Oklahoma. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, the attorney’s fees and costs and personal representative’s fees allowed and approved, the heirs of said Carol Ann Harrison, deceased, determined and said estate distributed as stated in the Petition, and the Personal Representative discharged. Dated this 4th day of April 2016. s/ Steven Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Bryan W. Morris, OBA #14591 Sheila Southard, OBA# 21830 BRALY, BRALY, SPEED & MORRIS, PLLC 201 W. 14th Street Ada, OK 74820 Tel: (580) 436-0871 Fax: (580) 436-0889 ATTORNEYS FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Published in The Allen Advocate on April 7 and 14, 2016)

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2 4 99

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Dog Food


48 oz bottle

35-40 cnt pkg






3 1



10 cnt



1 Lb carton

Lean Boneless Sirloin

Pork Chops


King Cotton

Sliced Bacon





12 oz Pkg

Link Sausage Shurfine

Pimento Cheese Spread


12 oz Pkg

99 Lb



12 oz Pkg

Shurfine 18 cnt

Corn Dogs

2 6 79


1 Lb


Hormel ‘Little Sizzlers’




Tip Steak





89 Sirloin


12 oz Pkg


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USDA Boneless

Smoked Meat Franks Sauage $ 97 ¢ original or polish

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59 3 Lb Box

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