Lola Magazine November/December 2016

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FOR THE ORIGINAL IN YOU. At Origin Bank, one size never fits all. We treat you like the unique individual you are, so we can custom-fit a banking solution around your needs. Page 1 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Member FDIC


38 Holiday Fashion Puttin’ On The Glitz!


71 Camping in Style Look cute and cozy by the campfire.


29 Dr. Nicole Cotter: Integrate Your Health Prepare your family for cold and flu season. 21 Health Screenings The importance of health screenings at every age. 57 Holiday Glam Makeup Tips and tricks to shine this holiday season. 84 Healthy Holidays Secrets to keeping your holidays healthy.


61 Smart Moms Toy Box Smart Shopping: Toys that teach.

101 Rainbow Babies Celebrating the Rainbow Babies. 17 Rylie Duos CRD: No Limits, Just Faith Foundation.


50 Teri Netterville: Keeping it Real Love and loss for the holidays. 88 A Friend Named Ruth The story of Joe Fertitta and his friend Ruth Fertel. 34 Drive Thru Blessings Blessings of friendship found in unexpected places. 7 Building The Future The power of educated women. 94 The Pink Ladies A tradition of heartfelt service.

HOME AND ENTERTAINING 74 Lighting Trends Light up your home with design and style.

13 Deck The Halls Steps to holiday decorating like the professionals. 25 Hostess With the Mostess The lost art of the cocktail party.


78 March of Dimes Tiny miracles bringing hope through heartache.

104 From Her Perspective Linda Tuten, Chief People and Diversity Officer for Origin Bank.

Show stopping red gown from

102 Calendar Of Events

Jewelry by



MAX’S Pawn Shop

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Bevin Sutton Hicks




We are “those people” around our house this time of year. My eight-year-old daughter starts begging to decorate the Christmas tree in September. She gets that from her momma! We do wait until after Halloween, but then our “Christmas Crazy” comes out in full force. Don’t get me wrong, we love celebrating Thanksgiving; we just like to enjoy our sparkly Christmas decorations for as long as possible. Bless my husband’s heart! He is chief of operations in our “outdoor décor department”. We girls have big plans for him this year. This really is the most wonderful time of the year, full of traditions and family, and most importantly celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. There are many aspects that go into the holiday season, so much magic, quite possibly served up with a side of stressful, and at times, a tinge of sadness. This issue of Lola Magazine covers all things the holidays will bring. Deck your halls, as Teresa Powell takes you step-by-step to decorating your home like the professionals. Our “Hostess with the Mostess”, Jessica Comegys, brings back the good old fashioned cocktail party with details that create hosting perfection. Holiday Fashion- we have you covered. Our “Puttin’ On The Glitz” fashion spread is full of gorgeous gowns and party attire that will have you sparkling from head to toe. Take a trip down memory lane with Teri Netterville as we find ways to celebrate the love ones that we so dearly miss during this special time of year. Also, you don’t want to miss Julie Hartley sharing her secrets on staying healthy, even during the hustle and bustle. As always, we are honored to bring you the talents, knowledge and stories from the remarkable women in our great state. We hope that our holiday issue of Lola Magazine brings you inspiration to make this holiday your best one yet. From all of us at Lola Magazine, we wish you many blessings and the happiest of holidays. Cheers!




Nikki Butler Joy Bishop Nicole Johnson DISTRIBUTION MANAGER




Dr. Dana Clawson, DNS, WHNP-BC Teresa Powell Ashli Davis, APRN, WHNP-BC Jessica Comegys Jodie McJunkins Dr. Nicole Cotter Teri Netterville Brittany Dye Donesa Walker Laura Fenwick Lyndsey Harris Angie Jackson Mallory Jordan Jessica Hall Julie Hartley Dr. Sanders Graf Jennifer Varnadore Megan Ellis Linda Tuten CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS

Wallace Lee Brittany Strickland Candace Chaney Sarah Baker Southern Shutter Photography Dallas Goins Jo Claire Robertson MODELS

Isabel Ensminger / Marley Blackmon Maggie Schrader / Molly Lebrun Makeup / Chanda Price / Tania Brewer ON THE COVER

The Lost Art Of The Cocktail Party White Chocolate Cranberry Cake by Caspiana Catering Décor by Ivy and Stone Home Décor and Gifts Photographer / Brittany Strickland At the home of Laurie and Scott Comegys FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION

Call 318-573-6847 September/October 2016 CORRECTION Window Wisdom Interior Designer: Sasha Malchi Photos: Sarah Baker Written by: Whitney Harmon with WWH Designs

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*Reproduction of contents without express written permission is prohibited. Lola Magazine is published bi-monthly by Stamper Marketing, LLC. 3811 Youree Drive, Shreveport, La 71105, Phone (318) 573-6847. Lola Magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any advertiser. Distribution of Lola Magazine does not constitute an endorsement of information, products and/or services. Lola Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the publications content. Nonetheless, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information, nor the absence of errors. No responsibility will be assumed. Lola Magazine is owned by Stamper Marketing, LLC. Visit us online at to subscribe.

5823 Youree Drive • Shreveport • 318-869-3123 •

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Building Building



THE POWER POWER OF OF EDUCATED EDUCATED WOMEN WOMEN •• WRITTEN WRITTEN BY BY DR. DR. DANA DANA CLAWSON CLAWSON THE In 1986, my senior year at Haughton High School, I was handed a book called “Hold On to the Moments.” The last page of the book was entitled “The Future.” Each senior Buccaneer student in my graduating class was told to contemplate our future and to answer five questions on the last page of the book. The five questions asked us to describe how we saw ourselves in one year, five years, and ten years; what our views were on

marriage; and what were our career goals. Apparently, I saw myself “going to college” in one year, and “teaching, and taking night and summer classes” in five years. In ten years, I saw myself as a “Nurse…”, and I thought my career goal was to be a “Teacher and Nurse.” Looking back at this page I literally LOL. At 17 I didn’t know my plans for the weekend, much less my future plans for a career. So, how ironic that 15 years after writing those visions of my future, I was teaching nursing, and 25 years after writing those visions of my future, I am Dean of one of the largest nursing programs in the United States. How did this happen? Think about

it for a second. How did a girl raised in the 1970s and 1980s, in the Deep South, where teachers told young girls, “You are going to make someone a good wife one day” or “You will be such a good homemaker”, or “Good thing you can type fast, you might become a secretary to a corporate executive, if you’re lucky” even begin to envision a future that involved higher education? Although my answer to these questions is not politically correct or popular, it is the truth and must be said. The only thing that enabled me to enroll in my first college course and then to apply to one of the most challenging nursing programs in Louisiana, was knowing that the same God who created the universe, created me. I also knew from a very early

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age, that the same God who placed the Earth in exactly the right place in space for the Earth to flourish, placed me in exactly the right place for me to flourish. I grew up attending Sunday School at Haughton Baptist Church , and I learned that God is a good, loving father who has a great plan for my life. I learned to seek God with all of my heart and listen for His voice to give me instruction. I learned that when I mess up, and trust me I do daily, that the same God who forgave Peter for betraying Him, would forgive me. I learned that I am not ultimately in control of my life. I learned that God’s timing is always perfect, even when I don’t see it or feel it. I learned the importance of humility, and that I am worth no less or no more than any other person. I learned that

although bad things may happen to me, either because of my own bad decisions, or the bad decisions of someone else, that God can use those things for my benefit. I learned that the more I seek Him, the better my life becomes. Essentially learning about God and growing up knowing Him, I learned that I was worthy and capable of doing whatever He had planned for me including graduating from college. If I were to write anything else, it would not be the truth. When I am asked, “ What do young women need to be successful?” My answer is they first need to know that the creator of the universe loves them. That is life-changing. In a world that tells young women they can only be something or someone if they are pretty enough, smart enough, good enough, or wealthy enough, women need to know that THEY ARE ENOUGH. Isn’t that part of the message that Jesus came to deliver? We all, including women, are worthy of Him stopping at a well to talk; worthy of him writing in the sand to a group of accusers; worthy of being His followers; and most of all worthy of His love and grace. If a woman knows she is valued and loved, she will never let others’ opinions of her or her own doubts hinder her from achieving

her divine destiny. I like the word destiny. The word destiny tells us that someone or some higher power has a plan for each of us. My destiny was influenced by a lot of people and events placed in my life at exactly the right moments. For example, in my sophomore year of high school, when I had not even considered college, a male transfer student from Michigan said to me, “Dana, you should go to college. You are really smart. I will go be a doctor and you can be my nurse.” And I said: “Ok, sounds good.” It was just the first time I had anyone tell me that I was smart enough to go to college. That one statement made me think about going to college and to save the scores from my sophomore ACT exam, just in case I might need them one day. In my first year of nursing school, and my first time going to the hospital as an associate degree student nurse, I gave a patient a complete bed bath then realized at the end of the bath, that the patient was deceased. Talk about humbling! Today, when I tell this story to nursing students, you can see the relief on their faces. They know that if I can bathe a patient who was clearly not alive and still graduate, they can too! Although I have way too many destiny moments than I can share in this

“In a world that tells young women they can only be something or someone if they are pretty enough, smart enough, good enough, or wealthy enough, women need to know that THEY ARE ENOUGH.”

article I do know that any commendable journey in life cannot be taken alone. Our life-book is divinely inspired, and that each person we interact with makes a contribution to our book. My parents wrote a lot of pages in my life-book, probably the first 18 chapters. As a child I always felt loved, cared for, and protected. My mother taught me to see the best in others, to enjoy what God gives us, and to not be so serious all the time. My father taught me to speak my mind, forgive quickly when I am hurt, to fish, to hunt, to drive a stick-shift, to change my oil, to shoot a gun, to change a tire, to work hard, to take care of what I have been given, and most importantly to remember that I am never any better than anyone else. Family, softball coaches, preachers, nurses, teachers, educators, leaders, faculty, patients, students, and my children wrote the next 30 chapters of my book. In the past 16 years, since I completed my masters degree as a women’s health nurse practitioner, we have gained increasing acceptance in the local healthcare community. However, we continue to meet obstacles which hinder us from being able to deliver all the healthcare services that our education, license and certification entitle us. Although the majority of states allow nurse practitioners to practice to the full extent of their education and license, Louisiana has been less than accepting. This year a group of Northwestern State University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice students, who were enrolled in my Healthcare Policy course traveled to Baton Rouge to help educate Louisiana policy makers about this long-needed change. Seeing those students on the steps of the capitol was a destiny moment. Another destiny moment happened in the process of earning my final

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degree at LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans while was raising two daughters, working two jobs, and driving to New Orleans every other weekend. After three years in the doctoral program, I had completed all of my doctorate course work, and only lacked completion of my dissertation to graduate. This should have only taken a year or two to complete; however, a woman named Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and rocked my world. In one weekend, my school was flooded, I lost contact with my professors, and asked myself, “What am I going to do to complete this

degree?” With the help of some inspirational people, I decided to perform my research at LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport rather than New Orleans since no one was available. Six months later, I received a phone call to come to New Orleans and meet with the new Dean. My mother rode with me, and we entered what looked like a war zone. New Orleans was hardly recognizable. The National Guard was on every street. I entered my school building and mold was growing seven feet up the walls. I had entered what

looked like an oxygen tent to speak to the Dean, who looked as if he had been fighting in this war on the front battle line. The Dean politely and professionally explained to me how the research I conducted in Shreveport would not count because the graduation process required me going through the research approval process in New Orleans. He graciously agreed to help me find a new major professor and to re-start my research. Although I understood educational processes because I was teaching undergraduate nursing at the time, I was devastated.

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When I returned to my car and could finally speak, I told my mom, “I don’t think I can do this anymore”. She was shocked, I don’t think she had ever seen me actually contemplating quitting something that was so meaningful. She looked at me and said, “…It is your choice, Dana Carol, but your daddy and I did not raise a quitter. With God nothing is impossible. Time will pass by anyway. So you can quit and always regret it, or you can work hard, finish this, and one day tell your students who are wanting to quit nursing school, how you wanted to quit

one day in New Orleans, but

doctorate student of the year.

persevering in the educational

you didn’t, and they shouldn’t

I graduated and then I hopped

system, can broaden your

either.” Who knows, some

on a plane to the island of Malta

mind and help you achieve

of those students may be the

to present my dissertation

next Florence Nightingales.

at the International Caring

your visions. Currently, I

And remember, baby, it is not

Conference. Mama was right;

always about you.”

time passed anyway. With God

Although I didn’t receive

nothing is impossible. And, I

those words from my mother

am pretty sure I have already

with a good attitude that day,


and I am pretty sure I had





am working hard to change the



system at Northwestern State University College of Nursing and School of Allied Health in Shreveport to be a place where students feel challenged to be

a smart mouth with her, I

I hope I am an example of

knew in my heart she was

what a small southern town

right. I spoke very little on

girl can achieve if she listens

the way home, and instead I

to God and perseveres. Yes,

tried to drown my sorrows

education is important for

in Waylon Jennings, Johnny

everyone, but for women,

Cash, and Rick Springfield

education is often the vehicle

care for others, and where

music. Two years later in 2009

to achieve their destiny. If I

they achieve the visions they

I was honored to be awarded

am anything, I am an example

have written in their senior









their best, where they learn to be professionals, where they are cared for but not coddled, where they feel their thinking expand, where they learn to

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Dr. Dana Clawson, DNS, WHNP-BC Dean Northwestern State University College of Nursing and School of Allied Health

Staffing Solutions • Companion Services Page 11 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


Holiday decorating is a business. I still find many

people who have never heard of it. My business started from my love of Christmas and trees. When we moved here 26 years ago I still did a Christmas tree in every room (that no longer applies). I have always had a love for the season. One night we hosted a party, and a man came up to me and said, “You should do this for a business.” In a few days I had a call from a lady asking if I would DECK HER HALLS, and that was the beginning. The first year I did two homes, the second year five homes, and here we are 25 years later doing 70 plus trees! We begin working the first week in November. I now have many elves that help, and some days we are able to do two houses. Our greatest desire is that the client would leave that morning and come home that night to a magical home filled with a glow and happiness that only Christmas lights can bring. All boxes are put away, and there is no trace of us working our magic. As much as our aching bodies hurt, there is a satisfaction in bringing Christmas joy to others. We

also do mantels, tablescapes, staircases, vignettes, and hang wreaths on front doors. We will even come back in January and take it down. We often hear questions like, “How do you start decorating a tree?”, or “How do you get so many ornaments on a tree?”, or my favorite is, “Why do your trees look so different than mine?” So I will give you some of our best tips for creating a beautiful tree. We brainstormed a little to come up with these, as after so many years they just seem rote to us. Most of these will apply to an artificial tree, as most of our clients have moved to one so they can leave it up longer and don’t have the hassle of needles dropping. However, in my opinion there is still nothing quite like the smell of a fresh tree. Another great and inexpensive way to bring the smells of Christmas into your home when using an artificial tree, is to go a few weeks before Christmas and get a package of cut greenery. Add sprigs into your garland on your mantel or staircase, even in your tree, and instantly you get that WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS SMELL!

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Tree Height:

1) Always have the right height tree for your room. This is a must for a good look. The rule of thumb is to always buy a tree that is at least 6 inches lower than your ceiling height. So if you have 8-9 foot ceilings, you should buy a seven and a half foot tree. We run into problems occasionally when someone has moved, and their tree does not fit their new place. If you need more height to your tree, you can always put it on a wooden box and cover the box with a beautiful tree skirt.


2) ALWAYS check to be sure the tree is placed properly in the stand and all screws are secured before you begin to decorate. This will save you many headaches. Another help would be to set up your tree a couple of days before trimming it, so the branches can fall out - a huge time saver. Trust me on this one.


3) : One of the hard things in life. There are so many different ones to choose from now. After you choose the kind that fits your look, be sure you have enough. My rule is 100 lights per foot height of the tree. Some people put less, but if anything I would put more. So on a seven foot tree, I would have AT LEAST 700 lights but probably 1,000. I also suggest you never attach more than three strands end to end. Starting from the top or bottom is just a matter of preference. If a strand is burned out, we do not take it off; we just cover it up with a new strand. People spend hours trying to untangle a strand of dead lights when in the end no one will ever see the dead strand. My best tip is, THERE IS NO SUCH THING as TOO MANY LIGHTS.


4) One of our most inexpensive tips I have where you get lots of bang for your buck is taking the tops off of cheap shiny glass balls and sticking them on the limb all thru the interior of the tree. You will get a fuller tree and lots of light off these balls. Use multi sized ornaments and multi colors. We do this before we start hanging the beautiful ornaments. I can promise this will make a more beautiful tree with lots of shimmer.

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5) The more textures on a tree, the more beautiful your tree will be. Use any and everything. By that I mean use lots of different ribbons, sticks, holiday floral stems, floral mesh, feathers, and ornaments of all shapes and sizes. Use things from nature like pinecones, berries and greenery as fillers. Add crystal and shiny glass ornaments. Vary the weight of ornaments. Anything light can bounce off will enhance your tree. Nothing has to be symmetrical. Sometimes we will wire several ornaments together to make a statement. We do many different theme trees throughout the season such as one filled with old stockings, one filled with gorgeous velvet fairies, snowman trees, gingerbread trees, Christopher Radko trees, trees filled with collected Santa’s, iced fruit trees, and Mickey Mouse trees. Metal ornaments and decorations have become very popular. Ornaments DO NOT have to be expensive. Some of my favorite ornaments came from Walmart or Big Lots. Look everywhere. One of our favorite trees comes from the look of Chip and Joanna from Fixer Upper. They have a style of their own. By far the most popular tree is just an old fashioned tree full of ornaments from over the decades. We mix all colors, some that you would find strange. One of my favorite trees is full of bronze and turquoise accented with gold and silver. That touch of blue is stunning. We also suggest if you have small children, do a separate tree of the theme they choose on a smaller tree. There are some cute options.


6) This is probably the tip that makes our trees stand out THE MOST. We use no hooks, as we wrap the ornament to the branch, so there is NO DROP. The no drop look totally changes the look of a tree. You see no string, so you see the ornament. As for ornament placement, there is no set rule. We just start, stand back, and keep adding. I know that sounds random, but to me that is part of the beauty of the tree. Classy clutter.

All Sides:

7) Always decorate the sides full, and go around through the back. The back does not have to be as heavy, but nothing is more ugly than the back of the tree being empty.


8) are quite controversial. Some people still want the standard angel or star. Just be sure it’s the size that coordinates with your tree. Many times we do a bow using as many as 10 different ribbons. Some people like no topper and want us just to work the tree to the top. This is really your preference.

Wrapping Paper

and ribbons for a 9) Always color coordinate your super classy look. If you don’t have a tree skirt, you can use fabric or a throw.

Do not Stress

10) - Start early so you can enjoy the REASON for the SEASON. One of my favorite parts of my business is I can make the rules. Several years ago I decided that each year we would do one house totally free to someone fighting a horrible disease. This year we have a very special lady fighting leukemia. I am so excited to be able to lessen her load and hopefully make her home as beautiful as she would if energy allowed. Make your tree your unique look. If you need help to make some MAGIC you can always call Teresa’s Trees, and the elves will suddenly appear. We can use your ornaments, or we can add to your things and give you a new look. Making magic is our specialty. My Elf: Jacob Pickett

Contact me at 318-426 -4695, or message me on Facebook. Pictures of some of our trees are on my FB page Teresa’s Baskets and Bows.

We only have a couple of spots open. Some homes we have been decorating for 20 years.

We consider each client Family

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CRD: No Limits Foundation


or we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepares in advance for us to do.” ~Ephesians 2:10 Eight-year-old Rylie Dous, a third grader at Benton Elementary School, wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She has an eye for fashion, loves horseback riding and Disney World, and thinks her little brother, Nathan, is “ok most of the time”. Rylie, in many ways, is like most girls her age, yet she far from anything ordinary. Rylie Dous comes with a force and a faith that is like no other. Rylie is challenged, to a degree, due to a congenital disorder of movement and muscle tone known as Cerebral Palsy. She uses a shiny blue walker with bright Aztec print details to help with mobility. Although Cerebral Palsy is a challenge she takes on daily, it does not slow her down in the least. Rylie is a perfect example of the words that she proudly shares with everyone she meets, “If you believe in God, all things are possible”. In 2015 Rylie began noticing other children during her doctor’s visits that were not equipped with walkers and wheelchairs. This struck a chord in Rylie’s heart. At the time she did not understand

Riley and her family visit Disney World why these other children with a disability did not have the medical equipment, like she did, to help with their mobility. Due to expenses, low insurance reimbursements and high deductibles, many families who care for children with disabilities cannot afford the equipment they need. Her realization that these kids did not have all of the equipment that she was blessed to have, bothered Rylie. She continued to pray for the children, as Rylie does, but this little warrior wanted to do more. Rylie came to her mom, Jessica, and told her that she wanted to start a foundation to help

kids like herself. Jessica gave her the idea of raising funds to build a handicap accessible playground. Rylie responded with wisdom beyond her years, “Momma, if you could not walk and needed a wheelchair, would you rather someone build you a playground or buy you a wheelchair?”. “Strong willed is an understatement for Rylie”, her mother will say. Rylie knew what she wanted to do, and there was not a person who could change her mind. Rylie and her friends immediately began designing t-shirts for her new foundation, The CRD — No Limits

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Foundation. “CRD” standing for her initials, Caroline Rylie Dous. Jessica worried that just the funds from t-shirt sales would not be enough to help as much as Rylie had envisioned. Although the workload of putting together a 5-K would be tough, Jessica felt God’s calling to make it happen. They began planning a 5-k run in honor of Rylie’s determination to give back. The “No Limits-Just Faith” 5-k race in June 2016 was one of the most successful first annual 5-k runs in the area. With t-shirt sales, profits from the race and donations, The CRD Foundation has raised nearly twenty-thousand dollars to help kids like Rylie. The foundation has provided a zip-zac chair for a little girl with Spina Bifida. They were able to give an i-pad to a little boy suffering with cancer for fine motor therapy. With the help of the Pay It Forward Foundation they built a ramp and porch to gain handicap accessibility for another child in our area. Her long term goal with her CRDNo Limits Foundation is to eventually build a playground for disabled children. This is a goal that without doubt, Rylie will accomplish. Rylie is proud that she is helping other children. She is little girl doing

BIG things. The best part is, she is just getting started. Rylie does not look at her disability as a barrier between her and everything she wants to do in her life. She looks forward to being a part of a softball team this spring and wants to be a cheerleader in the future. Rylie is a beautiful child with strawberry blonde hair and a sweet smile, but she is so much more than what meets the eye. She is one of the most inspirational people you could ever meet. Not only has this spunky little girl done amazing things to help other children, but she also has restored faith in many whose lives she has touched. One may think this pretty eightyear-old with a shiny blue walker is disabled, but in all

honesty, she is the complete opposite. She is bigger than any obstacle that she may facebigger than a disability. At only eight, leading by example, Rylie Dour lives a life where “With GOD all things are possible”, a life with absolutely “No Limits”. Pictured at Left: Riley, her mom Jessica and her little brother Nathan Pictured Above: Riley’s “No Limits, Just Faith” 5k race

Written by: Bevin Hicks

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Womens’ health...matters.

Ashli Davis is a women’s health nurse practitioner. After graduating from Loyola College Prep, she attended Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge for prerequisite nursing courses. She graduated from Louisiana State University Health Science Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, with a bachelor’s of science in nursing in 2001.

Annual well-woman exams are essential to maintaining a healthy you now and in the future. Oftentimes females forgo their own wellness in lieu of taking care of others. Wellness and health prevention is difficult to maintain in today’s busy lifestyles. We often are too busy to find time to schedule a “check-up”. “We feel fine, therefore we are fine”. This is not accurate by any means. Wellness and health maintenance are achieved by regular checkups and health screenings. When looking at the

disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke. Women of any age can have heart disease, yet the risk increases significantly with age. High blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol (“bad

statistics regarding women’s health, the most recognizable factors are disease prevention and health maintenance. Health promotion and disease prevention are of utmost importance when talking about women’s health. With a little health maintenance, we as females can lead a very healthy life and prevent the top causes of death. Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular

heart disease. About half of Americans (49%) have at least one of these three risk factors. Several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease such as diabetes, overweight/obesity, poor diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use. How do I know if I have heart disease? Heart disease often has no symptoms, but there are

“don’t be too busy to schedule a proper check-up.” cholesterol”), and smoking are the main risk factors for

Ashli was a labor and delivery nurse for twelve years. She then obtained her master’s degree and training as a nurse practitioner at Northwestern State University in 2012. She is board certified through the National Certification Corporation. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society and Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses. She has practiced as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner for four years at OB GYN Associates of Shreveport. She enjoys caring for women throughout the lifespan. She focuses her practice in disease prevention and health maintenance. Ashli is married and is the mother of two children, a ten-yearold daughter and a sevenyear-old son.

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some signs. Chest or arm pain or discomfort can be a symptom of heart disease and a warning sign of a heart attack. Shortness of breathe, dizziness, nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), abnormal heartbeats, or feelings very tired also are signs. Talk with your doctor if you’re having any of these symptoms. To reduce your chances of getting heart disease it’s important to have routine health screenings. Routine health screenings include: Have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure has no symptoms so it’s important to have your blood pressure checked by a health care professional. Having uncontrolled blood pressure can result in heart disease. Talk to your healthcare provider about whether you should be tested for diabetes. Having uncontrolled diabetes raises your chances of heart disease.

Ways to start taking control of your heart health include: Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases your risk for heart disease. Losing weight can help lower your total cholesterol and LDL (“bad cholesterol”) levels. Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) to see if you are at a healthy weight. If not, try making small changes like eating an apple instead of potato chips, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking farther away from the entrance to your office, the grocery store, or the mall.

Quit smoking. Limit alcohol intake to one drink a day. Lower your stress level and find healthy ways to cope with stress.

Eat better and make healthy food choices.

What do my cholesterol numbers mean? So what do you do when you have elevated cholesterol? You need to focus on changing your lifestyle in order to attempt to lower your cholesterol.

Total cholesterol level - Lower is better and less than 200mg/dL is best.

Less than


240 mg/dL

200 mg/dL


and above



1. HDL (“good”) cholesterol - higher is better. More than 60 mg/dL is best. 2. LDL (“bad”) cholesterol - lower is better. Less than 100 mg/dL is best. 3. Triglycerides - lower is better. Less than 150 mg/dL is best.

Eat foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.

EAT MORE: • • • • •

Fish, poultry (chicken, turkey--breast meat or drumstick is best), and lean meats (round, sirloin, tenderloin). Broil, bake, roast, or poach foods. Remove the fat and skin before eating. Skim (fat-free) or low-fat (1%) milk and cheeses, and low-fat or nonfat yogurt. Fruits and vegetables (try for 5 a day) Cereals, breads, rice, and pasta made from whole grains (such as “whole-wheat” or “whole-grain” bread and pasta, rye bread, brown rice, and oatmeal)

EAT LESS: • • • •

Organ meats (liver, kidney, brains) Egg yolks Fats (butter, lard) and oils Packaged and processed foods

Get moving! Exercise can help lower LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and raise HDL (“good cholesterol”).

Take your medicine. If your doctor has prescribed medicine to lower your cholesterol, take it exactly as prescribed.

LDL (bad) cholesterol - Lower is better. Less than 100mg/dL is best.


Less than 100 mg/dL


100-129 mg/dL


130-159 mg/dL


160-189 mg/dL


190 mg/dL and above

Small changes equal a big difference! PagePage 21 | 21 LOLA | LOLA MAGAZINE MAGAZINE | November-December | November-December Page 3 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy normal body tissue. Lung, breast and colon cancer are the three most widespread cancers among women. The number of new cases of cancer can be reduced and many cancer deaths can be prevented by regular health maintenance and routine screenings. Research shows that screening for many types of cancers as recommended helps prevent these diseases by finding precancerous lesions so they can be treated before they become cancerous. In the female population, routine screenings for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancers can help find these diseases at an early stage, when treatment works best. A person’s cancer risk can be reduced with healthy lifestyle choices like avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol use, protecting your skin from the sun, avoiding indoor tanning, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, keeping a healthy weight, and being physically active. Studies have shown that exercise and lack of obesity in adolescence significantly delays the onset of breast cancer, including onset in high-risk women who carry genetic mutations for the disease. It is very important as females to take care of ourselves and put our health as a top priority in our daily lives. In addition to healthy lifestyle practices, routine screenings and health evaluations are important in early detection of cancer. Screening for breast cancer includes monthly self- breast exams and routine mammograms. The main goal of performing self- breast exams is to become familiar with how your breasts feel and what is “normal” for you. Examine your breasts periodically and see a health care professional if you feel or see any changes that do not go away after one menstrual cycle. Mammogram is an X-ray image of your breast used to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms play an important role in early breast cancer detection and help decrease breast cancer deaths. Mammography correctly identifies about 84 percent of women who truly have breast cancer. The American Cancer Society (2015) recommends women aged 40 to 44 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screenings with mammogram if they wish to do so. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ACOG, (2011) also recommends starting at age 40 with screening for breast cancer with mammogram annually. Some insurance providers will cover a screening mammogram at age 35. It is important for each individual female to discuss her breast cancer risk with her healthcare provider in order to develop the most appropriate breast cancer screening schedule. Some breast cancer cases are caused by a mutation in the BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 genes, which can be inherited. Hereditary breast cancer makes up approximately 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancer. The first step to determine if you could possibly

Cancer and what you need to know. have a genetic mutation that puts you at increased risk of cancer is educating yourself about your family’s history of cancer. The second step is to discuss your family history of cancer with your health care provider or genetic counselor. A plan will then be developed to proceed in disease prevention and health maintenance. Screening for colon cancer is done through colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is a visual inspection of the interior of the colon with a flexible, lighted tube inserted through the rectum. The American Cancer society recommends females that do not have an increased risk factor for colon cancer begin colon cancer screening at age 50. Females that have an increased risk of colon cancer may begin screening earlier than age 50. This will be determined by your medical history and family medical history. The American Cancer Society believes that preventing colorectal cancer (and not just finding it early) should be a major reason for getting tested. What happens when polyps are found on a screening colonoscopy? The polyps are removed during the procedure because polyps have the potential to turn into cancer. Having polyps found and removed prevents people from getting colorectal cancer. Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosis among gynecologic cancers in the United States. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix. The good news about cervical cancer is that with appropriate vaccination and routine screening, cervical cancer can be prevented or detected at very early stages. The Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer. HPV can be detected in about 99.7 percent of cervical cancers. The HPV vaccine helps prevent most cervical cancers. The CDC recommends the HPV vaccination for girls starting at age 11 or 12 so they are protected before ever being exposed to the virus. Girls are able to receive the vaccine until they are 26 years old. Cervical cancer screening is done through pap smear, which is a collection of cells from the cervix. The American Cancer Society (ACS), the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP), and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) have released new guidelines for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. Based on the newest guidelines, cervical cancer screening through pap smear begins at age 21. Depending on the results of your pap smear, your healthcare provider will determine how often you will have cervical cancer screening. Even if you are not having a pap smear collected every year, it is still important to have a gynecological exam once every year. The most important aspect of women’s healthcare is health promotion and disease prevention. The leading causes of death for females can be detected early if the patient is having routine screenings and regular “check ups”. The female in today’s society needs to take the time for herself and make sure her health is a priority.

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Don’t miss these important milestones... AGE: 21-29

AGE: 30-39

AGE: 40-49

AGE: 50-65

AGE: 65+

• Gardasil vaccine (if have not received already) • Monthly self-breast exams • Clinical breast exam every year • Pelvic exam every year • Pap smear every 3 years • Blood pressure screening every 2 years

• Monthly self-breast exams • Clinical breast exam every year • Screening mammogram at age 35 (depending on risk factors and provider recommendation) • Pelvic exam every year • Pap smear and HPV testing every 3-5 years • Blood pressure screening every year • Cholesterol screening every 5 years (starting at age 35 or sooner w/risk factors)

• Monthly self-breast exams • Clinical breast exam every year • Mammogram every year • Pelvic exam every year • Pap smear and HPV testing every 3-5 years • Diabetes screening every year (starting at age 45 or sooner w/ risk factors) • Blood pressure screening every year • Cholesterol screening every year

• Monthly self-breast exams • Clinical breast exam every year • Mammogram every year • Pelvic exam every year • Pap smear and HPV testing every 3-5 years • Colonoscopy every 10 years • Fecal occult blood test every year • Bone density exam every 3-5 years • Diabetes screening every year • Blood pressure screening every year • Cholesterol screening every year

• Monthly self-breast exams • Clinical breast exam every year • Mammogram every year • Pelvic exam every year • Pap smear every 3-5 years (depending pap smear history) • Colonoscopy every 10 years • Fecal occult blood test every year • Bone density every 3-5 years • Diabetes screening every year • Blood pressure screening every year • Cholesterol screening every year

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• Comprehensive Service • Manual Therapy • Sports Injuries • Trigger Point Therapy • Pediatric Orthopedics • Pre & Postoperative Care • Women’s Health • Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill


Happy Holidays PagePage 23 | 23 LOLA | LOLA MAGAZINE MAGAZINE | November-December | November-December Page 5 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

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 MEN U 

Pecan & Pear Baked Brie with Apple Frisée Salad & Crostini

We all have the fancy champagne glasses collecting dust

in our display cabinets, and the “little black dress” hanging in our closets with the tags intact, waiting to make its debut. So often we tell our friends “we need to get together soon”, yet we wait for a special occasion. Why does it have to be a special occasion? What happened to a good, old fashioned cocktail party? The art of hosting that our grandparents mastered in the 50’s and 60’s. We invite you to bring back the lost art of the cocktail party. Reach inside your inner “Hostess with the Mostess” and pull out all your pretty things. Hosting is an art form in itself and should not be underestimated. A proper hostess works the room, introduces people, and makes certain that everyone feels at home. The key to any great party is for the host to have as much fun as the guests; otherwise, your time is better spent at a restaurant. We need to restore the cocktail party to its previous glory! Here are a few tips to bring back the nostalgia of a classic cocktail party. When entertaining, preparation is vital. Checklists are a great way to keep you on track. Deciding what to serve will dictate the flow of the party. Cocktail parties are traditionally heavy hors d’oeuvres and presentation is key! Don’t take on too much which means don’t try to be superwoman. It’s okay to have your party catered. A good caterer can allow you to enjoy yourself and be a stress-free hostess. Be unique; serve your guests thoughtful food and drink with attention to

Oysters Mignonette Caviar w/Creme Fraîche & Vodka Shooter Roasted Artichoke & Mushroom Bruschetta Buratta with Garlicky Cherry Tomatoes Curried Pumpkin Soup served with Curried Goat Cheese French Macarons Pumpkin Gingerbread Tartlets -White Chocolate Cranberry Cake Spiked Gourmet Eggnog Rosemary Rosé Champagne Cocktails

detail. Request that your guests dress to impress. Bring out that fine china and crystal we so rarely use. You may not have a jazz trio playing in the corner, but you cannot beat “Ol’ Blue Eyes” playing in the background. Remember to have plenty of ice for cocktails on the rocks. When you throw a good cocktail party – you are offering a little hospitality to your guests. Show them your best and a swinging good time. Most importantly, enjoy yourself!

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These are great make ahead recipes! Chill Rosemary Cheddar Shortbread shortbread dough and soup a few days in 1 stick (4 ounces) unsalted butter, room 3. Add 1 tablespoon of water to help bring the dough together. temperature advance. Slice and bake savory cookies the 3 ounces grated Parmesan (grate it yourself 4. Flatten the dough and wrap it in the best flavor) plastic wrap. Chill until firm, at morning of and warm soup right before ¼forteaspoon kosher salt least 30 minutes. party time! Make eggnog the night before; ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 5. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees ½ teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves F. the afternoon of the party whip and fold in ½ teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary 6. Roll the dough to ¼ - ½ inch 1¼ cups all-purpose flour thick. Use a cookie cutter to egg whites. 1 tablespoon water

Spiked Eggnog Serves 15-20 12 egg yolks 1 1/2 cup sugar 1 quart 2% milk 1 quart heavy cream 6 cups bourbon 4 cups cognac 1/8 cup Jamaican dark rum 1 tablespoon freshly grated nutmeg 12 egg whites 1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1 1/2 cups sugar and continue to beat

until it is completely dissolved. Add the milk, cream, bourbon, cognac, nutmeg and stir to combine. 2. Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat to soft peaks. With the mixer still running gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. 3. Fold the egg whites into the mixture. Chill and serve with rum drizzle and nutmeg sprinkle.

1. Place the butter in a stand mixer with the paddle attachment and mix on medium-low until creamy. 2. Add the parmesan, salt, pepper, herbs and flour one at a time until evenly combined.

Jessica Comegys, owner of Caspiana Catering has been a professional chef for ten years with an eye for detail and a talent for taste. She and her husband Lloyd have one son, William (2), who is her inspiration behind Sweet William Patisserie & Kitchen. Sweet Williams is in the works and much to be anticipated. Jessica provides healthy prepared meal and at home catering that is truly a treat.

make small crackers, re-rolling the dough as needed. (An alternative method is to chill the dough in the shape of a log and then slice it). 7. Place the crackers on a sheet pan and bake for approximately 2225 minutes.

Curried Pumpkin Soup CASHEW CREME 1 tbsp cooking oil 1 cup cashews, soaked for 30 1 medium yellow onion, sliced thin minutes in hot water 3-4 garlic cloves, minced ½ cup warm water 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 2 tsp apple cider vinegar 6 cups chopped fresh pumpkin ½ tsp salt 2 cups chopped carrots CURRIED PUMPKIN SEEDS 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 cup fresh pumpkin seeds 1 teaspoon cumin ½ teaspoon olive oil 4 cups vegetable broth 1 teaspoon curry powder salt and pepper to taste salt & pepper 1. In a large pot heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onions and sauté for 5-7 minutes, until onions are translucent. 2. Add minced garlic and ginger and sauté for another minute until fragrant. 3. Stir in pumpkin, carrots, curry and cumin. 4. Add vegetable broth. Bring to a boil then reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. 5. Remove from heat and allow soup to cool. 6. Meanwhile combine all the ingredients for the cashew creme in a high-powered blender and puree until completely smooth. Set aside. 7. Once the soup has cooled, blend in a food processor or blender until smooth (you may need to do this in two batches). Return the soup pot. Stir in half the cashew creme. Serve with more cashew cream and curried pumpkin seeds.

Tis the Season to check out our


Starts November 7 See what our elf, “Bracket”, is up to and find out when Santa will be at our office @

/GeauxSmile 814 Pierremont Road, Shreveport, LA 71106 | 129 East 5th Street, Natchitoches, LA 71457

318.861.0700 |

Page 28 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


Your Health

with Dr. Nicole Cotter

Dr. Nicole Cotter is a rheumatologist currently practicing medicine in Shreveport, Louisiana. She is board-certified in Rheumatology and

Your Guide to

Cold & Flu Season

With the cold and flu season fast approaching, people are

looking for ways to stay healthy. Many Americans turn to complementary and alternative approaches in the hopes of preventing and treating these illnesses. There is a plethora of information on the internet about supplements, botanicals, and alternative treatments that claim to protect from or rid a person

Internal Medicine and is studying Integrative Medicine through the

of the cold and flu. In this installment of Integrate Your Health, I

Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Cotter believes that an

hope to guide you through a few of the more common alternative

integrative approach to health is ideal. When not in clinic, you can

treatments for the cold and flu, separate fact from fiction, and

find her reading, running, cooking with her husband or chasing her

help you make the most effective choices this season.

two kids.

First of all, I think it is important to discuss what a cold and the flu actually are. Both of these illnesses are caused by viruses – little infectious agents that require a host to replicate. Cold and flu viruses are spread through the air and close personal contact. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between a cold and the flu because they can both cause symptoms like fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough and body aches; however, a cold tends to be milder. Flu symptoms can range from mild to severe and the flu has the potential for complications. Typically, people with either a cold or the flu recover within two weeks. The Centers for Disease Control says that adults average 2-3 colds per year1. The best way to prevent a cold is to stay healthy, wash your hands, and stay away from people who you know are sick. It is important to do those things for flu prevention as well, in addition to getting your flu vaccination. If you think you may have the flu, see your doctor. There are tests that can be done to determine whether or not you have the flu and whether antiviral medication is indicated. Antiviral medicines, when given to someone with the flu in the first two days of being sick, can lessen flu symptoms, decrease the amount of time you are sick (by about 1-2 days), and possibly reduce your chance of flu complications. The best treatment for a cold is plenty of rest and fluids. Remember that cold and flu are caused by viruses, so antibiotics (which kill bacteria) will not help to treat these viral infections. Treatment is primarily supportive, meaning treatment of the symptoms until the virus goes away. Over the counter medicines and complementary treatments may ease symptoms.

Supplements Because there is no cure for these viruses, people often seek alternative solutions for prevention and treatment. The supplement aisle can be a daunting place, full of names you’ve never heard of and pills you don’t know if you should take. Let’s look at a few common supplements used by adults for prevention or treatment of colds and flu and where they may be helpful: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential compound that we obtain from our diets. It is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Many people choose to take vitamin C in pill form during the winter months to prevent the common cold. Unfortunately, the data does not support this practice. A large review of scientific research concluded that Vitamin C does not prevent the common cold but it may decrease the length of time a cold lasts and make some people feel better during the cold2. Because vitamin C is safe when taken at correct doses, it may be worth trying to see if it helps you personally during a cold. Rather than supplementing with a pill, it may be a good idea to simply increase your intake of Vitamin C-rich foods. Echinacea is a flowering plant often used in herbal medicine for treatment of the common cold. Like Vitamin C, people take this as a supplement during the winter months for prevention and

treatment of viral illnesses. Echinacea has been studied for both prevention and treatment of the cold and flu, but the results are mixed. Although it may not help in cold prevention, taking echinacea in adequate doses at the first sign of illness may shorten the amount of time you have symptoms of a cold3. Astragalus is a shrubby legume whose root has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years and it just may be the herb to take for cold prevention. It is thought to be an “immune booster” and often recommended for the prevention of colds, flu and upper respiratory infections. Extracts of the astragalus root appear to improve the function of the blood cells that help fight infection. One Chinese study showed that astragalus helped prevent colds and upper respiratory infections3. You can take astragalus throughout the cold season

Aromatherapy is another alternative measure that is popular during cold and flu season. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants to promote health. While there is not strong data to support the use of essential oils for

prevention and treatment of cold and flu, essential oils have the potential to help manage some cold and flu symptoms. If used correctly, aromatherapy is safe. However, there are reports of toxicity, particularly in children, so caution must


to help ward off infection, but give your body a break during the rest of the year. If you are looking for an herb to help your symptoms once you get a cold, andrographis may be a good choice. It is an herbaceous plant that has been shown to decrease the severity and duration of upper respiratory infection symptoms4. Although andrographis may also decrease the risk of developing a cold, more studies are needed to make any conclusions where prevention is concerned. Although particular alternative treatments have not been shown to prevent the flu, elderberry syrup has been shown to reduce the symptoms and duration of influenza when it is given in the first 2 days from the start of symptoms5. Elderberry syrup appears to be safe, but you should not eat unripe berries or products made from other parts of the Elder plant.

be used. People get into trouble when they try to substitute aromatherapy for necessary medical care or when administering essential oils incorrectly. I do not recommend using essential oils internally without the help of a highly

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trained aromatherapist and a discussion with your doctor. Some common essential oils used for general respiratory tract infections are eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender. Blends of several oils may be better than the use of a single oil. Here are a few suggestions for using essential oils when you have a cold: Get an essential oil diffuser and use the recommended amount of essential oil to run the diffuser in your home during the day or night. Create a steam to treat congestion. Add 3-5 drops of either eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil into a bowl of justboiled water (always take great precautions to prevent injury and burns). Put a towel over your head that will also cover the bowl, close your eyes, and lower your face over the bowl at least 10 inches from the water. Inhale slowly and deeply for a few minutes, coming up for air as needed.

Place 10 drops (total) of peppermint, eucalyptus or a combination of the two essential oils into 1 ounce of carrier oil or lotion (coconut or almond oil, for example). Rub a bit of the mixture onto your chest before bed. Do not apply essential oils directly onto skin without first diluting in a carrier oil. Place 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil into your bathwater to help with body aches. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the essential oil first in a carrier oil. There are so many more essential oil combinations that you may find helpful. If aromatherapy is of interest to you, I would encourage you to do some more research and find the most appropriate oils for your ailment and that suit you personally. The best things that you can do to stay well during cold and flu season are to eat well, sleep enough, exercise, reduce stress and wash your hands. Remember that supplements are just that…supplements to your already hopefully healthy lifestyle

and traditional medical regimen. If you choose to take supplements, it is always wise to disclose and discuss them with your doctor. Herbs, like pharmaceuticals, can interact with other drugs and are contraindicated in some medical conditions. I hope you all stay warm and well this winter! 1. “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. March 16, 2016. http:// 2. Hemilä, H., and E. Chalker. “Vitamin C for Preventing and Treating the Common Cold.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Reviews, January 31, 2013. 3. Johnson, Rebecca L., and Steven Foster. National Geographic Guide to Medicinal Herbs: The World’s Most Effective Healing Plants. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2010. 4. Saxena, R.c., et al. “A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Evaluation of Extract of Andrographis Paniculata (KalmCold™) in Patients with Uncomplicated Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.” Phytomedicine 17, no. 3-4 (2010): 178-85. 5. Zakay-Rones, Zichria, et al. “Inhibition of Several Strains of Influenza Virus in Vitro and Reduction of Symptoms by an Elderberry Extract (Sambucus Nigra L.) during an Outbreak of Influenza B Panama.” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 1, no. 4 (1995): 361-69.

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Drive-Thru Blessings:

A Celebrity Disciple



he is acquainted with Mark and Ruth and John and many others. However, they are not just acquaintances because she

knows everything about them. They are books of the Bible. April Stills is famous! When I tell her those words, she laughs and puts her head down and says “It’s all about HIM. I just want to touch people’s lives so his glory can be seen.” She doesn’t just work at McDonalds handing you an order. She provides you with spiritual food. For five years, going to McDonald’s drive-thru on Line Avenue every other Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. prior to my volunteer shift at my children’s school, Caddo Middle Magnet was a norm. The warm, scratchy voice would take my order of an egg white delight, no meat, and a large diet Dr. Pepper. A few visits later that voice, April, and I became drive-thru friends. We would joke about her coif du jour and her North Face jackets and she always ended our time with, “Have a blessed day!” One day was different.

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April handed me my order and said “He said you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord always . . . ’ The sting in my eye pinched me. Could she see I was sad? Of course not, as my vampire eye issues always keep me in shades. “…for the Lord Jehovah is your everlasting strength. Have a Blessed day!” My hand is shaking holding my receipt. “Wait, April, what verse is that?” She says from the drive-thru window, “Isaiah 26:3-4” Scribbling Isaiah 26:3-4 on the receipt as I drive to my shift, googling the scripture, reading it and feeling the divine intervention, the sadness was yanked out of me. I was trying to fix something only He could. Everything changed. Later we exchange phone numbers. Her texts arrive daily. ‘Words of Wisdom: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) Have a blessed day!” I call her Words of Wisdom – WOWS. Copy, paste and forward-to Robin whose mom is ill; to Kimberly,

a divorcee’ with three children and a business to operate; to Mary Caroline who loves the LORD so steadfastly she is happy to receive. The list is endless of the copying, pasting and forwarding. Her blessings bless many folks. April Stills channels Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the nun from Wall Street, whose daily purpose was, “to do the will of God, to do it in the manner He wills and to do it because it is His will.” April and I are lunching and scripture rolls off her tongue like another language. It is not preachy. It sounds like Spanish. Suzanne and Grady Golden agree. “She is a lovely person, strong in her faith. We met her in the drive-thru years ago. We don’t even order, she knows what we want as soon as she hears our voice.” I concur, “I know too that Grady gets an English muffin, Canadian bacon, strawberry jam, water and milk because she told me!” She states that at 20 years old she began studying the Bible. She wakes at 2:00 a.m. every day and prays until 4:00 a.m. and, “God, what do I read? Please help me understand and acknowledge, and let me speak through you.” At 5:00 am she goes to work, and the drive-thru blessings begin. At lunch, the hostess walks by. “This is Megan. She and her honey come through every morning for coffee!” Then Ronnie, the bus boy, walks by and she knows him too! I say. “Told you you were famous!!” April quotes Luke 1:28 –‘The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” She

continues to give the attention back to Him where it should be and emphasizes “ . . .What He pours into me, I’m pouring out.” How many people do you touch every day?” I ask. “Maybe 50 . . .” she states. “It is my job to serve Him as it says in Romans 12:11-13 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” When she was pregnant with her son, Matthison Isaiah, now 2, she went into the hospital 18 weeks before he was due. “It was hard being in the hospital and not being independent. I would wake up at 5 a.m. and pray to Mathison, still in my belly. There were two other girls in the hospital like me,” she remembers “and they looked at me and said, “What we gonna do now?’” She vehemently says, “There are no problems because He is the solution.” April laments on the state of the world where there is hatred and cold hearts. We are not ignorant of the floods, violence and problems in this world. She simply brings our purpose back to “love thy neighbor.” April exemplifies loving anyone that crosses her path. If you are hungry for a burger or for spiritual food, love and protection, then drive thru McDonalds on Line Avenue. Go ahead, order a Big Mac with a side of April. April lives in Shreveport with her husband, Mathew and son, Matthison.

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Beautiful gold beaded gown from

PUTTIN’ ON THE GLITZ (Clinton, Mississippi)

Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Lovely gold and white ball gown from

PUTTIN’ ON THE GLITZ (Clinton, Mississippi)

Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Silver fringe cocktail dress from IMELDA’S

Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Stunning pink gown from IMELDA’S

Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Short gold beaded cocktail dress from HARPER HOUSE

Jewelry by


Black lace romper from


Jewelry and shoes by


Gorgeous gold and cream lace gown from

PUTTIN’ ON THE GLITZ (Clinton, Mississippi)

Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Stunning black and blue two piece gown from


Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Flowing two piece dress with colorful embroidery from


Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Breath taking two piece beaded gown from PUTTIN’ ON THE GLITZ (Clinton, Mississippi)

Jewelry by

MAX’S Pawn Shop

Page 47 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


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Private appointments available. Page 48 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Page 49 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


and Loss during the


Keeping it Real with Teri Netterville

If you remain open to God’s Grace, it can become

the conductor of your life as you travel on this

journey of faith.

Teri Netterville and her family, Christmas 2009

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The holiday season is, once again, upon us and my gosh, how this time of year conjures up so many feelings in each of us. For some, it means going into the attic and pulling out all of the annual decorations that immediately washes the spirit in sweet nostalgia. Holiday dinners will be planned. Party invitations will begin showing up in mailboxes. And other festivities hosted by your community will be promoted on your local television channels. It is among the most fun and glorious times of the year. However, there is another side to this most special time of year that is hardly ever broached, yet is experienced by so very many of us. It is this time of year when many brace themselves for a holiday without a cherished loved one. Sometimes, a loved one is absent from your family during this time of year due to work or other logistic and complicated obligations. Some have a loved one a million miles away due to their innate desire to fight for our country and the moral principles it was founded upon. There are also many who are experiencing the absence of a loved one from their table due to a terrible misunderstanding or an unfortunate circumstance that sadly tore them apart. And then there are those who are desperately clinging to what’s left of life as they know it as they learn to navigate through the darkest time of their lives. They are being forced to move forward after the painful loss of a precious love in their life. The emptiness they are feeling becomes magnified and almost too much to bear during the holidays.

is so relevant to this world...and their loved one never wants us to forget them. I remember being stricken with worry about this very thing after my father died, so for that first Christmas after his death, I hosted a “Heavenly Ornament Exchange.” At this Christmas party, I hosted about thirty friends, whom I knew had lost a loved one. I asked each friend to bring an ornament that represented their loved one who had passed on to the other side. I had them draw numbers from a basket...and whatever number they drew, they were instructed to pick the coordinating number on the ornament that was displayed with the others around my Christmas tree. (I placed numbers on each ornament as they came in.) Each guest would then hold up the treasured ornament and read the short note attached. This note briefly explained who the person was that the ornament was meant to symbolize. And then they read the reason why. For example, if I brought a red bird ornament to the exchange, I could write something as simple as, “My beloved grandmother During this special time of thanksgiving, Gracie loved red I am full of gratitude for LOVE. birds so much. She used to tell me that if one crosses your path that hard. And I am so sorry about that. One of the greatest fears for those means you are to have good luck that who have lost a treasured love is the day. I now think of her every time I fear that the world might forget. My see a red bird.” I would sign my name and the gosh, the idea that people might forget how special... person reading the note would show how relevant your loved one is to this my ornament and read my note aloud. They would then get to keep that world is almost terrifying. And this goes for the baby born ornament forever. And every year they hung that without a heartbeat from the mother’s loving womb, to the elderly soul who ornament on their Christmas tree, they lived to be 110 years old! Each soul would remember my loved one. Many feel gypped. They feel slighted. They feel robbed....and quite frankly, many can’t help but feel anger about the unfairness of it all. And it is unfair. So incredibly unfair. I have great empathy and compassion for those of you who are being forced to face this hard part of life and loss...especially during the holidays. I’ve been there. It hurts. And it stinks. But I do have some good news for those of you experiencing loss for the first time during this time. When you’ve been through a few holiday seasons without your loved one/s who have passed on, you are able to look back at the process with better clarity and greater perspective. And for me, it seems only fitting that I share that perspective with you in great hopes that it can somehow soothe a wounded soul or the broken spirit of one who is experiencing loss during this holiday season for the first time. First of all, let me acknowledge that the pain and heartache you are experiencing is very real. Gosh, it’s

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It was a simple way to remember a loved one during the holidays and share something sweet without it being uncomfortable for anyone. I now wonder why I didn’t continue to make this a sweet yearly tradition. I might have to pick that back up because it was really fun. Laughter emanated my home that night. There are so many fears that we experience after we lose someone we love. And yet, some of the fears we most worry about never even happened. A FEW FEARS: The fear of never experiencing real joy again. The fear of not being able to laugh at the same things you once laughed at. The fear of Thanksgiving and Christmas not feeling as special

anymore. Those fears and many others were lessoned by this reality: some of the greatest discoveries about yourself and about your life actually happen during the times you think might be the worst of your life. JOYOUS DISCOVERIES: People come through. They just do. God sends in His troops to give us a tangible sense of His presence when we need it the very most. And it is the best feeling in the world. Eventually, genuine laughter passes through the lips again and it feels like a gift from heaven. Laughter is key. It becomes the cure for grief. Joy eventually takes hold of your soul and this sometimes happens when you least expect it.

Love is stronger than death. You can rely on that. That bond between your loved one and you remains with you all the days of your life. If you remain open to God’s Grace, it can become the conductor of your life as you travel on this journey of faith. In time, you will realize that moving forward in life with joy and happiness in your heart, is the ultimate gift to your loved one. This is the greatest way you can continue their great legacy here on earth. During this special time of thanksgiving, I am full of gratitude for LOVE. Love really does conquer all. And that, my friends, is keeping it real.

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Join us for


3-6 and 9-Close

Tuesday-Thursday and

All Day Sunday

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1. THE TORCH – the bartender creates the signature smoke by torching a plank of wood and trapping it inside a glass

2. THE MUDDLING – cherry and citrus are gently crushed just enough to bring out their flavors in simple syrup

3. THE RUM - a long pull of Pilar 24, the Tejas rum of choice, is added to the mix


Everyone has a go-to cocktail – whether stiff or fruity, on the rocks or frozen, we all have that drink that always goes down just right at the end of a long day or the beginning of a fun weekend. While we would never ask you to forsake your tried and true, we all need a little adventure now and then. When Weston McElwee planned Tejas, his new restaurant on Line Avenue, he wanted to bring back the flavors and style of vintage drinks, while adding a little Tejas twang. One such creation is the Smoked Rum Old Fashioned – a drink that elevates both rum, the original “sailor’s drink”, and Mad Men’s favorite cocktail. The Old Fashioned, as you might know, is traditionally made with bourbon or whiskey – sugars, bitters, and citrus round out the necessaries, and this classic is served. The Smoky Rum Old Fashioned takes its inspiration from this time-honored veteran, but ups the drama factor by switching the whisky for rum and adding cherry flavors and smoke tricks to the mix. So there you have it. If you want to add a little drama and a lot of flavor to your go-to list, visit Tejas and ask for the Smoky Rum Old Fashioned. And while you’re at it, try their Parmesan Truffle Fries from the bar menu – a great pairing with this smoky beverage.

4. THE SMOKE – the drink is transferred to the smokeimbued glass Page 55 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Page 56 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Tips and Tricks Brittany Dye - Makeup artist from Monroe shares her magic makeup tips to help you shine at all your holiday events.

For a more subtle highlight and contour, I prefer to use powders in different shades. Lighter shade in the center of the forehead and under the eyes, and a darker powder to contour cheeks and forehead.

“Baking� is a great way to give the face an airbrushed look. After applying and blending concealer, apply a heavy layer of loose translucent powder. Let it set for 3-5 minutes. Dust the excess away for a flawless finish.

Applying false lashes can be intimidating on your first try. Let the glue set on the lash band for 1 minute before applying to you eye. This will allow the glue to become tacky and avoid sliding during application.

Using white liner in the waterline of your eye will make your eyes appear bigger and brighter. Adding black will give a smokier, dramatic look.

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When creating a winged liner start by drawing a straight line from the outer corner of your upper lash. The length of this line will determine how dramatic your look will be. Draw a straight line from the wing to the inner corner of your eye. Fill in the space between the line you drew and the line of your lashes.

Brittany is a freelance makeup artist from West Monroe, Louisiana, with over 5 years of experience in the industry. She works year round creating countless looks for wedding parties and other special events. She recently had the pleasure of being awarded Best of the Delta.

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Smarter Games & Toys


Cognitive skills can change! Kids can get smarter and so can adults through simple interventions such as brain training and simply by playing games that challenge their thinking processes both online and family game style! The key to everything is intensity and moderation. Think of exercise for the body. A benefit can be had from a friendly game of volleyball or soccer in the front yard or a daily swim in the pool however, a greater benefit is had if it is intentional and regular. This doesn’t mean that you have to play the same games over and over-quite the opposite! To challenge the brain, up the ante each time the game is played by using a timer or counting or change to different games with the same skill set in mind. For example, a great game of tictac-toe can be played by most anyone, and it can be challenging by just a little tweak such as having to count to five while making the play on your turn and having to do it within that count of five or by a simple change of playing it with numbers or letters instead of Xs and Os. Let’s explore the benefits and tweaks to make the games a little more exciting and challenging for true brain growth in a few of the “regular” games we have around the house on the holidays. Uno is a great game of numbers and can be made much more beneficial to the brain by simply adding a

counting or speed to it. This game works the short term memory, processing speed and number/letter recognition while having fun as well as a myriad of other skills such as attention and focus. By simply adding a timing factor to it, the intensity is raised to challenge even the best player. If an adult who is quite skilled is playing with a child, the adult could have to make a decision by counting aloud to 3 and playing while the child gets to count to 10 while playing. -This playing. This evens the playing field and makes it a mental challenge for both players as well as a fun laugh when someone loses a turn for not playing quick enough! Another fun game of strategy is checkers. I love getting those big mats with the enormous checkers out to play with all the nieces and nephews! Challenge the game up a level by using the same timing activity mentioned above or making a rhyme ongoing. First player must say a food, then the next player on his/her turn must list another food of the same food group, color, or rhyme a word with it. Most everyone can remember the old Rhythm game-snap, snap, clap, clap, rhythm; name some kinds of ice cream…. Well, this game is a classic oldie but a goodie! This game has turned into a new game of categorizing like Scattergories and five second rule. These games are

great for boosting that long term memory recall. One can always play the easy homemade game of alphabet in the car on long trips or at a family game time. Name animals that start with letters of the alphabet-A: Anteater, B: Bear, etc. recalling what all the previous persons listed on every fifth letter adds to the challenge. The main point is that game time with the family creates memories, relationship, fun conversation, social engagement and grows the brain at the same time. Games are always great gifts to purchase and last long beyond the moment! Classic games can be bought, made, enhanced or embellished very simply. Get your game on and plan a fun family holiday time! LearningRx is happy to give you a list of games on the next page, as well as to make a downloadable game gift pack available to any who come by or ask. LearningRx is also having a Smart Toy Box giveaway in December. Sign up and one lucky family will enjoy game time with a winning box full of games. Additionally, a great gift to give is the Gift of LearningRx brain training/ assessments (Assessments are discounted this month to $195-regular price is $299 and Brain Training Special Trial packages are only $299 for 6 hours). With any assessment booked in November and December, the parent/client will receive a wrapped game for giving.

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Register toWin

FREE SMART GAME w/ purchase of a LearningRx Brain Skills Assessment JUST


Simply fill out this form and drop it off at LearningRx to be entered into the drawing to win a “Smart Family Game box.” 8856 Youree Drive, Suite D, Shreveport, LA 71105 | 318.797.8523

One-on-one brain training helps you think faster, learn easier, and perform better.





Give theGiftof


When You Mention Code: GIFT Regularly $299, expires 1/31/17



When a child struggles to learn, it’s essential to know WHY. A LearningRx brain skills assessment will identify the cause of the struggle, then customize a brain training program to improve your child’s skills in school, at home, and in life.

We are here to help.

8856 Youree Dr., Ste. D, Shreveport | 318.797.8523 |

Page 61 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Smart Family Game Box

A box filled with games and activities that build brain skills in children and adults of any age. (Valued at $350)

Best Games by Category BOARD GAMES:




5 second Rule, Checkers/Chess, SET, Scattergories Card Game, Scrabble Slam Card Game, Uno, Punderdome, Blokus, Taboo, Spot It, Farkle, Catchphrase, Scrimish, KerPlunk, Connect 4, ThinkFun Rush Hour, Phase10, Rummikub, Sequence, Masterpiece Tetris, etc. For a complete list, see a specialist at LearningExpress Toys, or Come by LearningRx to get a GamePack list.

Mindcraft, Tetris, Brain Games, games that involve strategy such as Starcraft or others that mimic real world decision making can be beneficial on a moderate level such as Flight Simulator , Farm Simulator and Sim City. See www.raisesmartkid. com for a complete list.

Rhyme Zone, Chain of Thought, Bejeweled, Proverbidioms. Try www.LearningWorks for which can individualize the best apps for your child.

Alphabet Game, card games like Uno, Spot It, Catchphrase electronic, IQFit, Total Brian Workout book, Simon electronic. A complete list as well as a Game Pack is available for free download at shreveport.

Shreveport-Bossier’s "Must-See" Shop Gifts for All Ages

Christmas Ornaments & Decor • Ladies Accessories & Jewelry Mark Roberts Fairies • Sparkly GingerSnap Jewelry

Things you've never seen before!

2429 Line Ave (318) 227-1213 OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY Page 62 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

HOMEMADE GAMES: Memory, the pattern game, opposite day, tell a creative story in just 7 words, I spy, counting backwards, spelling words backwards, recreating a room visually… for a complete list, see Pinterest Post by LearningRx.


It’s a

g n i onogramming h T n r e h M Sout

Makes EVERYTHING better

Want it on your shirt? On your hat? How about your child’s backpack or even that wedding gift you just bought for a friend? We’re talking about a monogram. Here, in the South, monogramming has not only become a trend but also the norm. From sorority jerseys and little girls’ dresses to nap mats, professional attire and wine glasses – displaying your

initials, name and company logo on your favorite belongings is just what you do. It is also a way to remind us of our heritage – for ages, monograms have been popular on family heirlooms like Bibles, linens and handkerchiefs. The Southern Magnolias know the importance of monogramming here in the boot. Both from Shreveport, Laura McElroy Fenwick and Lyndsey Iles Harris left their day jobs in oil and gas during the summer of 2014 to focus on something totally different – a creative outlet and a business they knew would take off. What began as two passionate moms and one machine embroidering children’s

clothing, has grown to include baby and wedding gifts, business logos, school uniforms, garden flags, hats and linens, vinyl decals for cars, water bottles and wine glasses, and etched glass dishware and platters. You can find their monograms and appliques featured in children’s shops in Shreveport, and are available for purchase via Facebook, Instagram, website, or phone. As these two women continue their passion for personalization, they’ll happily put your own stamp on your style. Because, well, everything just seems better with a monogram on it.

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Holly Donaldson, Kristina HatďŹ eld, Melody English, and Cindy Dunn invite you to stop by their showroom and see the newest additions to lighting and plumbing. Page 64 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

A leader in plumbing fixtures, LCRThe Plumbing Warehouse, is excited to announce the addition of lighting to their showroom.

For the ease of homeowners, LCR is proud to offer a one stop shop for all plumbing and lighting needs.

The Plumbing Warehouse 235 Lynbrook Blvd. Shreveport, LA 71106 Phone: (318) 671-1500 • Fax: (318) 671-8500 Page 65 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


ONE WINNER Fa b u l o u s P r i z e s

Lola Magazine wants to stuff your stocking this holiday season with The Great Lola Day Giveaway One lucky winner will receive over $3,500 in gifts for the season! Simply register at these participating locations locations) (See or visit our website for your chance to take home this amazing giveaway!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Lola Max’s Pawn Shop

er n in er w v ky e o s c u eiv ift l g e c in on! On ill re 0 eas 0 w s 5 , e h $3for t

Page 66 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

14 Karat White Gold Bezel Set Diamond Drop. 0.5 Carat. VALUE: $1500 ❆ 8510 LINWOOD AVE ❆ ❆ 505 E WASHINGTON ST ❆ ❆ 2520 JEWELLA AVE ❆ ❆ 926 BENTON RD ❆

Elite Family Dentistry 40 Units of Botox Value: $480 ❆ 2001 E 70TH ST #108, SHREVEPORT, LA 71105 ❆ ❆ 2160 AIRLINE DR B, BOSSIER CITY, LA 71111 ❆

Lang & Blackwood Orthodontics

Chill + Heal

Sonicare Toothbrush Value: $150

A Gift For You: $135 Value

Includes: 1 whole body cryotherapy and choice of CHILL Facial or CHILL Spot and choice of NORMATIC or LED Light

King Hardware and Gifts

Large Tyler Candle Laundry Detergent ❆ 4834 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

Mrs. McGregor’s Garden

Sassafras Gift Boutique

Sage and Walnut Lafco Candle ❆ 3240 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71104 ❆

Chianti Restaurant

Iridescent Pink Panche Earrings ❆ 9824 MANSFIELD RD, SHREVEPORT, LA 71118 ❆


Morrison Supply Company

$50 Gift Card ❆ 6535 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

$50 Gift Card ❆ 102 W PARK AVE, RUSTON, LA 71270 ❆

2 30 Oz YETI Tumblers

John Pickens Custom Clothiers

Ladies in Waiting

The Art Of Shaving Kit ❆ 6022 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

$50 Gift Card ❆ 7735 E KINGS HWY, SHREVEPORT, LA 71115 ❆


Harper House Boutique

Fringe Crossbody Purse ❆ 4832 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

Glenwood Tea Room

$50 Gift Card ❆ 4801 LINE AVE #16, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

The Hall Tree

Lash Loft

$50 Gift Card ❆ 3310 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71104 ❆

$50 Gift Card ❆ 600 FRONT ST, NATCHITOCHES, LA 71457 ❆

$50 Gift Card

Corner Collection on Line

$50 Gift Card ❆ 8320 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

The Enchanted Garden

Counter Culture

$50 Gift Card ❆ 6360 YOUREE DR A2, SHREVEPORT, LA 71105 ❆ ❆ 203 E KINGS HWY, SHREVEPORT, LA 71104 ❆ ❆ 4080 AIRLINE DR, BOSSIER CITY, LA 71111 ❆ ❆ 4800 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

$50 Gift Card ❆ 2429 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71104 ❆

Eustis Mortgage Corporation $50 Gift Card to Mrs. McGregor’s Garden

Simply Chic Boutique $50 Gift Card ❆ 5803 YOUREE DR #400, SHREVEPORT, LA 71105 ❆

Tejas Kitchen Bar Patio

$50 Gift Card ❆ 855 PIERREMONT RD #149, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

Sleek Physique

1 Month Free Classes ❆ 6607 LINE AVE, SHREVEPORT, LA 71106 ❆

Page 67 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

The Paper Tulip

$50 Gift Card ❆ 5823 YOUREE DR, SHREVEPORT, LA 71105 ❆

The Southern Magnolias Monogramming and Appliqué $50 Gift Card

Mama’s Love Photography FREE Mini Session MAMASLOVEPHOTOGRAPHY.COM

Caspiana Catering


es Priz











Richard Creative

$50 Gift Card Towards Custom Christmas Card design, printing, & envelope addressing



Castle Peak Crossfit

2 Gift cards for 10 FREE Classes at the gym

Britt Elizabeth Photography $50 Gift Card towards a photo session

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1 0 2 Pa r k Av e • D o w n t o w n Ru s t o n 318-255-1864 b a l d w i n s a n t i q u e j e w e l ry . c o m

h o l i d ay s p a r k l e Page 69 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

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Be Comfortable & Cozy with Style

The Great Outdoors is calling!

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Get your camping boots out, ladies. The Great Outdoors is calling!

Louisiana girls know how to dress for the occasion, even if it’s a weekend relaxing at The Camp. Leave the makeup behind, grab your favorite hat, and kick back by the camp fire.

Be cozy & comfortable with style!

ABOVE : Navy and Crème Patagonia, PATTON’S

Hunter Green Sweater Pullover, The North Face Baseball Hat, PATTON’S


Page 72 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Aztec Patagonia PATTON’S

Purple Hunter Rain Boots

Purple Hooded Velour Pullover

Camo T-Shirt paired with a long sleeve plaid shirt around waist


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TWO WORDS: LAYERED LIGHTING. Whether you’re remodeling or building a new home, getting the lighting right in the kitchen is a must! Incorporating the four main categories of lighting - ambient, task, accent, and decorative- not only creates a kitchen that’s functional, but also creates a great look. Start with ambient lighting, which provides an area with overall illumination. Think can lights. The next layer would be task lights, such as under cabinet lighting, to illuminate your countertops and work area. Add in accent lighting in glass front cabinets or wall sconces. And lastly, use chandeliers or pendants above islands, breakfast tables, and kitchen windows, which are the finishing touch— like the perfect pair of earrings. Here is a list of Angie and Mallory’s Dos & Don’ts to make the light of your life much easier!


DO’S ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

◊ ◊ ◊

Do make sure to consider all light sources (including natural light). Do keep function and aesthetic in mind. Do add a dimmer if possible. Do ditch the old traditional can light and opt for new one piece LED versions that can last up to 32years. Do use LEDs for under cabinet fixtures to improve energy efficiency. Do use dimmable tape lights - they are pricey but look great and last forever. Do consider separate controls for lights for maximum efficiency and flexibility. (Each type of light should definitely be on a different switch!)

Do take the time to really plan your lighting in the kitchen. Do mix styles and finishes in the kitchen. Your light fixture should complement your faucet not match it. Do collect ideas from Pintrest, Houzz, local shops, etc. before you make a purchase!

DO mount a pendant or chandelier 32”-36” above the height of the table or island.

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◊ ◊

Don’t ignore the importance of the brightness of your light bulbs! Warm light is the best- we use a soft light of 2700 kelvin. Don’t center your chandelier in your room – Center it over your table!


Don’t forget over cabinet lighting. If you have at least 12” above your cabinet’s you should consider over cabinet lighting Don’t decorate with light. You shouldn’t pick a light fixture solely on its look. Also consider its lighting distribution. Don’t just install recessed down lights everywhere. Builder spec lights can be inexpensive and are often laid out in a grid, but that alone is not enough light for the space. Don’t use fluorescents in the kitchen… there are too many new options out there for bright light without the industrial feel.

DON’T be scared that a fixture is too big. Trust your designer or a knowledgeable salesperson.

Inspiring you since 1995. Interiors. C lothing. G ifts

3240 Line Avenue Shreveport, LA. 71104 (318) 221-8955 10am-5pm Mon-Sat

Page 76 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

s Family ayware HappyfromHtheolKingidHard

Come See



Nov. 25,26 Dec. 3,10,20,21,23 Uptown Shopping Center 4834 Line Ave | 318-861-4585 Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5:30 • Sun 12-4

Shreveport’s Oldest Hardware Store, Since 1955

Page 77 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


MISSION To improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality

March of Dimes helps moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. If something goes wrong, we offer information and comfort to families while researching the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them. We work to give every baby a fighting chance.

FROM POLIO TO PREMATURITY It was his personal experience with polio that inspired President Franklin Roosevelt to found the March of Dimes in 1938 to defeat the crippling disease. Success came in the form of a vaccine, and there has not been a single outbreak of polio in our country in more than 30 years. For the March of Dimes, the polio vaccine was only the beginning. In the decades to follow, March of Dimes helped to stamp out rubella, pushed for regionalized newborn intensive care, funded the development of surfactant therapy and other lifesaving treatments, promoted folic acid to prevent neural tube defects and brought newborn screening to every baby. Researchers are working hard to find causes, treatments and preventions for the serious problems that threaten babies’ health. Just as March of Dimes funded Dr. Jonas Salk’s effort decades ago to develop an effective polio vaccine, today they support grantees working in the areas of developmental biology, birth defects and premature birth.

The March of Dimes continues to work to prevent stories like that of the Gale family. Here is their story as told by Angela Gale: It has been almost five years since we had to say goodbye to Samantha. Our pregnancy with Samantha had been full of tests because I was already over 35. Early in the pregnancy with her, I had a blood clot and had been told I might go into premature labor. I felt great throughout my pregnancy and continued to follow my normal routine and did not think twice about it. I never would have guessed that I would have her at 24 weeks; weighing just 13 ounces. I know this heartbreak and joy is part of our story to share. We spent months at the hospital everyday anxiously waiting for the day we could take her home. There were some very scary moments throughout our stay. Samantha’s biggest obstacle was her lungs. The doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists worked around the clock to care for her. We formed lifelong bonds with them and carry so many memories. More times than I can count we would have questions or concerns, and the nurses would sit there with tears in their eyes because they could not give us the answer that we most wanted-a definite answer that our baby Angela amd Vic Gale with would live a long life. baby Samantha. I know that she would not have made it past a few weeks had not so many discoveries been made in the medical field with premature babies.

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After 220 days in the hospital, we went home with a feeding tube and oxygen. We had prayed and dreamed of the moment when we could finally take her home, but it proved to be a huge challenge. As it happens with newborns, we rarely slept. Only she wasn’t a newborn. She was almost 10 months old. That time at home showed us just how difficult it is both as a new parent and taking care of someone with health issues. Vic and I were stretched in ways we did not even know was possible; yet, we were so blessed. Parents often say they cannot imagine losing a child and neither could we until it actually happened. We had to say goodbye to Samantha. When we lost her, neither Vic nor I knew how we would ever move on. We were struggling to adjust to all of the changes and force ourselves to move on when we found out we were pregnant again. We actually had just had blood tests to make sure we could carry another baby when we found out we were pregnant. It was such a wonderful surprise. I sat on the floor and cried for hours both from grief and the relief that we could get pregnant again. We were nervous but overjoyed that we had another baby on the way. I went back and forth between worrying

constantly and being at peace with the pregnancy. I had been pretty careful in my pregnancy with Samantha. With Sara’s pregnancy, I knew things would progress as they should. The perinatal doctors and my OB-GYN were wonderful. They answered all of our endless questions. They had several suggestions that we followed to ensure as much as humanly possible that Sara was a full-term baby. I remember hitting that 24-week mark and being overjoyed that Sara was healthy. We were still grieving Samantha but tried to stay focused on this beautiful gift that we had been given. Sara is now an amazing four year-old. She is strongwilled, funny, and keeps us on our toes. We talk about Samantha quite often and although Sara does not understand much of it, we continue to celebrate her life as well as the amazing gift we have been given through Samantha. While trying to find pictures for this article, Sara came and sat beside me and we watched videos and looked at pictures of Samantha. Sara wanted to watch the video over and over again. She thought Samantha was so funny and loved that they both shared a love for pacifiers. She even asked to sleep with hers that night. I will always wonder about the relationship they

would have shared as sisters and the journey their life would have taken together. Life does not always turn out the way you plan it, but I am grateful for two amazing daughters who have forever changed us with their stories. Not only are we blessed by their lives, but we are blessed by the numerous people who took care of us, loved us, and prayed with us along the way. In 2017, the March of Dimes will launch its Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait (HBWW) program in Louisiana. This will include Shreveport, the city with the highest preterm birth rate in the country. Overall, the state has six confirmed sites within a nine-parish region. HBWW is an initiative to encourage healthy, full-term births. Through education of women and health care providers, quality improvement activities with hospitals, and awareness activities, Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait helps reduce the number of nonmedically necessary labor inductions and elective cesarean sections before 39 weeks gestation, and emphasizes that the last few weeks of pregnancy are key for an infant’s development. The hospitals along with their clinics and other community partners will also focus on other known interventions such as the use

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The Gale family pictured with daughter Sara

of progesterone injections for women with a history of prior preterm birth and education around birth spacing. The collaborative has support from the state Maternal Child Health Department and health units as well. In addition, March of Dimes is partnering with the State of Louisiana’s Bureau of Family Health’s Maternal and Child Health Department on CityMatch, a cohort specifically looking at health equity as it relates to prematurity and infant mortality. With the help of state data and investigative evaluation reports, best practices will be selected and implemented within these high-risk parishes. With community leaders, patients and national attention from both CityMatch and March of Dimes, we are working to give every baby a fighting chance within Louisiana, specifically in the Shreveport/Bossier City area.

Thursday, November 17 is World Prematurity Day Wear purple to raise awareness and to raise healthy babies

Page 80 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

It may be MORE

than just a


Sleep apnea

is a dangerous condition that can effect your health and you may not even know that you or your partner have it.

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The good news is sleep apnea and snoring can now be treated using a comfortable oral appliance that can lead to a blissful sleep.

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318-741-6778 318-797-3362 Most Major Insurances Accepted 81 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December GOODPageSLEEP SOLVES EVERYTHING.

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Page 82 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


Knicely Done



ho says that you can’t have it all? Everyone longs for the character of historic homes and the charm of an older neighborhood; yet we love the reliability and luxury of new construction. Homes built with modern day construction in historic neighborhoods do not come along very often, but the home at 845 Oneonta Street

in South Highlands truly has it all. This beautiful 5 bedroom, 4 ½ bath, new construction, DREAM HOME gives you the best of both worlds. This modern traditional style home built by Knicely Builders features top of the line fixtures including the stunning, large island in the kitchen and Viking appliances. The cabinets are shaker style

with modern hardware, painted a shade lighter than the walls to contrast the white quartz counter tops and the white subway tile backsplash. The master bath features a freestanding tub and oversized shower fit for a king. The custom closet is the finishing touch to a luxurious master bath suite. This 5,683 square foot home features 3 more large bedrooms


Lila Knicely

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Page 83 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

upstairs, including a colossal bonus room, and one guest suite downstairs. The back entry of the home spotlights a large mudroom with built in desk and catch-all and so much more. This is a once in a lifetime home built to last for generations to come, in the heart of Shreveport’s historic South Highland neighborhood!

Hints for Keeping Your

Holidays Do your holidays leave you in a holiDAZE?

Office parties, family gatherings, last-minute shopping and wrapping presents until well past midnight sound familiar? It is easy to see how the average person will gain five to seven pounds during this season. The holidays are not a reason to push “pause” on your healthy lifestyle. Remember to set realistic goals and aim for progress, not perfection. Here are the top ways to maintain and not gain during the holidays.

Savvy Swaps Julie Hartley RD, LDN, CHHC Registered Dietitian/ Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach and Exercise/Yoga instructor, who leads workshops on Functional Nutrition and Wellness for Willis Knighton Health Systems. She has over 20 years experience in the area of preventative medicine and enjoys working with individuals, groups and corporate organizations.

You don’t have to deprive yourself to get through the holidays. Instead, make simple swaps to the calorie-laden, holiday dishes, and you can enjoy your season without giving up a pant size. Potluck dinners make the perfect opportunity to “sneak” in a healthy veggie dish or that new chicken recipe you’ve been dying to prepare. Set yourself up for success by bringing the veggie plate! This way, you can control the food instead of letting it control you.

Make a Plan

You’ve heard it said- “make a plan or plan to fail.” During the holidays, it is especially important to make this your mantra. Create eating guidelines for each of your holiday events. Plan to eat lean, clean and green, the days before and after the party and schedule in an additional workout to offset those extra calories. To make sure you are staying on plan, track your progress. Studies show that people who write down everything they eat, lose twice as much weight as those who don’t journal. While you’re writing down your food, make sure you weigh and measure yourself once weekly and write those numbers down too. We can change what we measure. Planning and journaling are the difference between maintaining and gaining this season.

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Healthy Feasting and Fasting

Your body needs three to four hours to properly digest food before going to bed. Abstaining from food for at least 12 hours has many benefits, including helping your body detox while you sleep. Setting your food curfew for 7 p.m. means breakfast would not start before 7 a.m.; 8 p.m. works well on weekends. Since the majority of our calories are eaten after 5 p.m., this time frame will help you keep your feasting to a minimum. During the hours you are eating, write down your calorie goal for the day and be sure to stay within these numbers.

Get some Zzzzz

Here’s what we know about sleep; it builds muscle, facilitates fat burning, reduces cravings and hunger and gives us better appetite control. It has as much impact on weight as food and exercise. With this stress-filled time of the year, a good night’s sleep doesn’t just happen. It is important to practice good sleep hygiene to get restorative health benefits. Try turning off devices and lights at least 30 minutes before bed, lower the temperature to a cool 68 degrees, and take an Epsom salt bath right before bedtime, to get the best quality sleep. And if you needed more reasons to move, exercise during the day, translates into better sleep at night.

2 for 1

Alcohol intake increases dramatically during the holidays and can wreak havoc on your health. Dehydration is a main culprit for the dreaded hangovers, and lack of energy after a night of indulgence. If you won’t stick to sparkling water (which would be my first recommendation) try this tip: For every glass of wine or shot of tequila you drink, have two glasses of water to match. You’ll meet your water quota and halt your cravings of both food and drinks. You’ll thank me in the morning!

Move It

Juggling all the activities during the holidays might mean exercise takes a backseat. Don’t let that happen. Bump up your exercise when there are lots of parties happening. Add an extra walk or yoga class to what you are already doing. The holidays are also a great time to hire a trainer to keep you accountable and exercising regularly.

Pomegranate Sparkler 3/4 cup sparkling water 1. 1 1/4 cup white wine 2 tablespoons pomegranate juice 1 lime, juiced and sliced 2. Slivered mint leaves Garnish with 3-5 pomegranate seeds per glass

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Chill two wine glasses. Divide sparkling water, juice and wine between the glasses. Moisten the lip of both glasses with lime, squeeze juice into glasses, and add slices of lime. Serves 2

Shaved Brussel Sprout Salad with Apples, Bacon and Walnuts 1 pound Brussel Sprouts, washed and trimmed 1Granny Smith Apple 1 Red Onion 1 Cup Chopped Walnuts 2 slices, nitrate-free bacon, cooked to crispy DRESSING: 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoon grade B maple syrup 3 tablespoons Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. Shave sprouts by using the thinnest blade on mandolin or a sharp knife to slice each sprout thinly. 2. Slice the apple and red onion in same manner. Combine in a large bowl then crumble bacon on top. 3. Next, toast the walnuts in a skillet over medium until lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Add to bowl and toss. 4. Whisk together all ingredients for dressing except olive oil. Add oil in last and slow while whisking. 5. Pour finished dressing over salad and toss until well coated. 6. Best when refrigerated for up to 30 minutes before serving.

Superfood Pumpkin Chili 1 1/2 pounds grass-fed beef or lean ground turkey 1 medium yellow onion, chopped 1 (16-oz.) can organic pumpkin puree (can also sub 1 sweet potato, mashed) 1 (28-oz.) can organic diced tomatoes 3 cloves garlic, pressed 1 medium red bell pepper, chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 tablespoons Braggs apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 tablespoon raw local honey 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper or chipotle seasoning 1/2 teaspoon paprika or smoked paprika 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

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1. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add meat; cook and crumble till no longer pink then transfer to a large slow cooker. 2. Add remaining ingredients and stir. 3. Cover and cook on HIGH for 2 or 3 hours. 4. If you would like your chili thinner, just add a splash of water.

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A Friend Named Ruth Local restauranteur Joe Fertitta tells the story of his time in New Orleans as a young man working at Brennen’s Restaurant in 1965.


would look forward to getting off his night shift at Brennen’s and going down to his favorite restaurant to have a steak. Joe lights up when he talks about Ruth, the petite, yet feisty woman that served up the best steak in New Orleans for five dollars each. He would enjoy his dinner and visit with his new friend. He knew then, there was something special about this lady named Ruth, and it was not just her steaks. Joe’s friend Ruth had decided to open her steak

restaurant after realizing she would need to earn more income in order to send her two sons to college. She bought the sixty seat restaurant, Chris’s Steak House, on Broad Street in New Orleans for eighteen thousand dollars. Ruth took part in every aspect of the business from butchering meat to serving her loyal patrons. She staffed her small restaurant with an allfemale staff. She was a believer in single mothers, being one herself. She knew single

mothers were dedicated, hard workers, because she knew mothers worked hard for their children. Her restaurant quickly became the place to be in New Orleans, not only for the great food and drink, but because Ruth made everyone feel at home. Her place was always full of local politicians, athletes, businessmen and local celebrities. Ruth herself had become a local celebrity. Meanwhile, Joe moved from New Orleans back to his hometown of

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Shreveport. He opened his restaurant L’Italy in 1970. Joe had much success with L’ Italy, but decided to take a position as the food and beverage director for Louisiana Downs in 1977. During his time at the race track, Joe was lucky enough to run into his old friend Ruth. Ruth was one of the first female horse trainers in the state of Louisiana. Ruth called him soon after to see if he would be interested in leasing his property at 6301 Line Ave. Joe met with Ruth, TJ Morgan

Ruth Fertel, one of the most successful women restaurateurs of our time.

and Walter Monsour in 1978. He agreed to lease his building to the restaurant moguls. Ruth had become quite a success after meeting Joe in 1965. Ruth

along with her franchising partners opened the location in Shreveport in 1978 known as Ruth Chris’s Steakhouse. This was one of over eighty

A Gift


present locations around the country. In 1986 oil prices went down in Shreveport. Her ten-year lease for the building had been fulfilled so they decided to close the Shreveport location for more profitable possibilities. Joe and Ruth remained friends throughout her life. He cherishes the friendship that he shared with this 110 pound, fireball of a woman. Joe smiles when he says that he has never met anyone quite like Ruth Fertel. Her charm and “grab the bull by the horns” spirit was unmatched. In 2001, a few months before Ruth passed away, she made a trip up to Shreveport to have dinner at her old friend Joe’s restaurant, Fertitta’s 6301 (now Anvil). Joe recalls her

sitting in the back room of his restaurant enjoying her steak and wine as Ruth always had. “She never gave up on life”, Joe said. Even though she had fallen ill, she had the same grit and determination that she possessed in 1965, while serving Joe Fertitta the steaks that made her a true legend. Ruth Fertel, born a poor Louisiana girl, went from making draperies for extra income to one of the most successful women restaurateurs of our time. Joe particularly remembers Ruth always saying “There is good wine. There is better wine, but the best wine is MORE wine”. Ruth wanted MORE of everything in her life, and as the story is told, MORE is what she got.

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Page 89 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

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• No gooey mess associated with Until recently, the their teeth as they normally about 12 months, which is impression materials perfect smile was typically would, which allows for tip- significantly shorter than the • Breathe swallow as you normally top oralwould hygiene. And since duration of traditional metal achieved andthrough bulky, • No unpleasant metal taste or smell Invisalign is made of smooth, braces! It really is that simple. uncomfortable, braces. Traditionally, Invisalign Metal braces were especially comfortable plastic, patients had only been used to treat don’t have to worry about seen as “unsightly” for adults, FAST irritation in the mouth caused minor orthodontic issues, because oftonscreen en interfered • View 3Dthey scans with your dentist but improvements in modern by bulky wires and brackets. with professional, social, and immediately Invisalign straightens teeth technology now allow it to personal lives, which caused COMFORTABLE • Faster of your personalized by using a set of custom-made be used to treat almost every them todelivery put offtimes orthodontic it— Let’s face ® op with st to • No gooey mess associated Invisalign treatment plan sy ea aligner trays that are designed type of orthodontic case. With treatment as a whole… it’s notand n reflex whe your gag d lle -fi impression materials op specifi cally for the patient, and Invisalign, the orthodontist they ultimately missed out on go getting a on made! al impressi nt The Wand de and experience is by gradually achieving the and smileswallow they’ve as they •ATE Breathe you work normally would shifting knowledge ACCUR the key to a successful outcome, teeth into their desired place. always wanted. • No or smell • Allows forunpleasant a precise fittaste of crowns, bridges, Sanders Graf is the Unlike traditional braces, there and Dr. Thanks and to modern implants, Invisalign clear aligners The Scan technology, the world of are no metal brackets or wires by far the most experienced andFAST retainers orthodontics has changed – a new set of aligners is worn • Viewthe 3D need scansto onscreen with your dentist • Eliminates retake impressions drastically, and with the power every week until treatment is odel The 3D M immediately face it— of Invisalign, adults and teens complete! On average, most t easy to stop Faster times of adults your personalized wear Invisalign for can •finally getdelivery the beautiful, ® straightInvisalign teeth they’ve always plan gag reflex when treatment dreamed of without the hassle g a goop-filled visible metal ACCUR ATE braces! In l impressionofmade! For Dental Patients fact, Invisalign patients have • Allows for a precise fit of crowns, bridges, reported a 96% satisfaction implants, and Invisalign clear aligners rate,are and out the of 10 patients y, old-school impressions no 9 longer The Wand and retainers on. With state-of-the-art technology and the said they in North America Your dentist uses the iTero to capture images of your tooth ve dentist office that’s providing your treatment, • Eliminates the need would recommend theto retake impressions

Invisalign orthodontist in the area!. Utilizing the iTero Element, the newest and most efficient digital scanner on the market, patients at Graf Orthdontics don’t even need to take impressions to get started. Regardless of your age, Dr. Graf can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of in the most comfortable and discreet way possible! .

No Goop. No Gag. No Worries!


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great—and comfortable—first impression

treatment to their friends and Tero® scanner has never been easier. family. © 2016 Align Technology Inc. One of the top benefits of rights reserved scanner allowsAll your dentist to take a digital Invisalign thatofitthe is virtually M20452 Rev. A is n—a highly accurate, digital 3D image invisible. Mostandpeople won’t characteristics of your tooth surfaces gum e iTero scanner is alleven about keeping you notice when Invisalign For Dental Patients ble while delivering precise imagery,are without appliances being worn, filled impression tray that makes you gag! making them a seamless fit to any modern lifestyle. s it more comfortable, but taking a digital scan Additionally, they are also ew crown, bridge, or Invisalign® aligners is quick, removable, which ws you to spend less time at the dentist’s office means patients can brush and floss time enjoying your new©smile! 2016 Align Technology Inc.

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No Goop. No Gag. No Worries!

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surfaces and gum tissue

The Scan You and your dentist can follow the scanning progress on the computer screen

The 3D Model The completed scan is sent to the computer, which builds a 3D model of your tooth surfaces and gum tissue

All rights reserved M20452 Rev. A

Page 93 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

The Pink Ladies


It is in giving that we receive.


Twenty-five years ago I took the elevator to the third

Molly Fleming, LCSW

floor of CHRISTUS Schumpert Medical Center and

Jeanie Permenter

found my way to the newborn nursery. It was my first

Marjorie Barnes

Executive Director Oncology CHRISTUS

day as a volunteer candy striper, and I couldn’t have

Jennifer M. Varnadore

Shreveport-Bossier Health System

Tricia Turner Bea Minniear

been more excited. Nursery nurses Angela and Janet

Dorothy Troudt

took me under their wing every Wednesday afternoon

Betty Nash

for the next four years and allowed me to spend time with the tiniest of all patients. Those newborn babies needed quite a bit of attention! What began as my need for service hours turned into a love of health care and a passion for volunteering. Page 94 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Jennifer Varnadore

Joy! Fulfilling Rewarding Fun Smiles & Love

I have vivid memories of opting for scrubs instead of the traditional pink and white uniform and playing a role on the nursery care team. I helped bathe and feed the babies, stocked the supply cabinets and changed the bassinets. I was able to see how giving of my time and energy was giving back to someone else. Since that time all of my jobs and volunteering efforts have been in a hospital setting. By volunteering as a teenager, it gave me the opportunity to help people and provide care in a way that was fitting for me. I was also very connected even as a teenager to the faith-

based care and the CHRISTUS mission of extending the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. I never imagined one day I would be working for CHRISTUS Health Shreveport-Bossier as the Executive Director of Oncology – I really felt like I was coming back home. When I started at the CHRISTUS Cancer Treatment Center, I immediately saw the

impact the volunteers had on the patients and associates. These men and women give their time to serve our ministry and mission of extending the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. I had a glimpse of that passion as a teenager, and now I see the impact as I work alongside the volunteers every day caring for our patients. The volunteers who serve at the CHRISTUS Cancer Treatment Center help with healing our patients both

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spiritually and mentally. They care for our patients by providing milkshakes, warm blankets and fresh flowers. They refill coffee stations and candy bowls. They round with magazine carts and pet therapy dogs. More than providing these little luxuries, the volunteers help our patients feel like themselves throughout the treatment process by holding a patient’s hand during treatment or being a shoulder to cry on or a cheerleader to lift spirits. Recently, I spent time visiting with a former candy striper and several other CHRISTUS Cancer Treatment

Internet local volunteer opportunities (because she said you can’t find a phone book anymore!). One was recruited by Sister Sharon, director of volunteers, while attending a sunflower festival. And, another has been coming to volunteer every week for the past 26 years. They all love Volunteer Marjorie Barnes has served as a Pink Lady for 26 years. visiting with patients. The opportunity to Center volunteers. These “pink ladies” all have different volunteer at the Cancer Center stories as to how they arrived spoke to many due to the loss at CHRISTUS, but each one of family members to cancer has a similar passion—to give or from their own personal back. Bea Minniear, Marjorie journey with cancer. Each one of these ladies Barnes, Dorothy Troudt, Jeanie Permenter, and Tricia described to me how much Turner visited with me and they get from the patients. One stated that she will shared their stories. One researched on the never be able to measure up

to our patients because of their fighting spirit and the challenges they face daily. Volunteering fills a spot in the busy lives of these ladies. They are blessed in their lives outside of volunteering, and they enjoy being here and spreading joy to all of our patients at CHRISTUS Health Shreveport-Bossier. Whether you’re skilled at data entry, have an interest in organizing, possess an outgoing personality or have a knack for knitting, volunteers at CHRISTUS Health Shreveport-Bossier can make a difference. Volunteers serve in a variety of roles in the health system. Volunteers come in all ages, from our 92-year-old retiree to the 15- to 18-year-old high

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school students who serve during the summer as part of our Junior Volunteer Program. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, please call 318-681-4280. When I asked the “pink ladies”





volunteer experience at the CHRISTUS Cancer Treatment Center these are the words I heard: joy, fun, fulfilling, rewarding, smiles and love. My word for them is amazing! Our volunteers throughout the health system are an inspiration to our patients, associates, and community. I am so proud to have served as a volunteer as a teenager, and I am honored to work with them today.

Delicious Do-Overs What do you do with all those holiday leftovers? Sure, you can reheat them the next day and reminisce the savoring taste of last nights heavy sitting Thanksgiving feast, but wouldn't it be nice to transform that in a completely different meal with little to no effort? Here is an "oh my gosh mom, that was delish!" leftover recipes that will leave your family saying "thank you for not making us eat leftovers again!'

by Megan Ellis

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Turkey & Sweet Potato Shepherds Pie THE TOPPING: 3 cups leftover yams or sweet potato casserole Preferably unsweetened sweet potatoes work better, but I’m sure there is a marshmallow and/ or brown sugar in there somewhere so just try to work around it (only a few care about their macros on holidays). 3 cloves of garlic diced 1 tbs of smoked paprika 1 tsp fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup coconut or almond milk (either one will do) salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup organic low sodium chicken broth


THE FILLING: 5 cups diced turkey 1tsp olive oil 1 medium onion diced 1 celery stalk diced 2 garlic cloves diced 10 oz bag of frozen mixed veggies 1 cup organic low sodium chicken broth 2 tsp gravy (leftovers)

5. Make sure to do the same with the topping as well, making sure everything is smooth and evenly covered on top of the filling.

1. In Large sauté pan, combine all ingredients on low heat and let simmer for 5-7 minutes stirring occasionally. DIRECTIONS FOR FILLING: 1. Preheat oven to 400 2. In large sauté pan, combine olive oil, garlic, onion, and celery. Cook until onion is browned then add chicken broth and mixed veggies. Let simmer for 5 minutes. 3. Add turkey and gravy to the mix and stir until completely blended. 4. In a large baking dish, place filling in bottom of pan making sure it is covered and even throughout pan.

6. Place in the oven for 7-10 minutes 7. Sprinkle a little smoked paprika and grated asiago cheese on top and place back in the oven for 2 minutes. 8. ENJOY!

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Page 100 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

omewhere S over the

Rainbow Dedicated to the Moms & Dads who have loved and lost a child too early

It started with a horrible car accident and now sings with a poignant twang in my heart. My daughter’s name is Hannah Brielle, and I haven’t met her in this life. The hurt from the loss of my child has never gone away but has been relegated to the anchor of my rainbow. The rainbow is special because it signifies God’s promises after a storm, and that is exactly what my sons are to me. My sons are my rainbows seen through my tears after the storm and pain from the loss of my little girl. Psalms 139:13 says that God formed the delicate, innermost parts of each child’s body and knit them together in the mother’s womb meaning that God knows each child and his/her unique purpose in life. I’ll never understand why my little girl is not here in my arms growing as a woman of God upon this earth, but I do know that the God who formed her purposed her for my life. I know that tragedy and accidents happen, and it was one of these that took Hannah from my life, but as God does, He sent my double rainbow in the blessings of my sons. Triumph over tragedy doesn’t mean there is not pain. Triumph means that I can see the glory in the end and know that in truth, the moments I had with her though few and faint made me ever so grateful for the rainbow babies I birthed. Miscarriage for whatever reason or cause is a painful and often unexpressed loss that has been hidden for many years. I’ll always remember that the days and weeks after were followed by story after story of moms in my family

and my husband’s family sharing of their loss in early to late pregnancy and of the older generation sharing of the loss of babies born and gone too quickly. These stories, each of them special in the mother’s heart, had rarely if ever been told because the pain was great and the mourning very private. The fathers of these babies suffered also in their quiet ways, but the mothers held a sense of guilt and confusion as to why their bodies betrayed these babies. I too suffered with this and, it was not until I was expecting my first “rainbow baby” that I understood my body. When I became pregnant again, my body started the miscarrying process all over and through this quick awareness of what was happening, I immediately consulted my doctor. I was now classified as a high risk pregnancy as I had a condition known as RH+factor which essentially means that my husband’s blood type which the baby took was not compatible with mine, and my immune system was fighting the baby as an alien invader aiming to cause problems. Shots and intervention allowed a healthy baby boy to be born to a very grateful and thankful set of parents. Every holiday and special occasion I still think and wonder about my sweet baby girl, and I taught both my boys they have a sister in heaven. The pain doesn’t ever go away, but through my tears I see my “rainbows”-my now nearly grown baby boys, and I know that God blessed me. Somewhere over the rainbow my pot of gold, Hannah Brielle, who would be 19 years old, awaits me in God’s presence.

Page 101 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


Shreveport-Bossier Parish Taceaux and Artspace

State Fair of Louisiana

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 6PM 318 Restaurant Week: Tattoos, Taceauxs and Tequila


Gavin DeGraw and Andy Grammer WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 8PM Shreveport Municipal Auditorium

“The Toad Prince” Puppet Show

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 9-10 A.M THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 11 A.M.-12 P.M. The Riverview Theater

James and the Giant Peach, Jr.

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3  SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 THURSDAY-FRIDAY 7:00-8:30 P. M. SATURDAY 2:00-3:30 P.M. AND 7:00-8:30 P.M. Emmett Hook Center

Olivia Newton John

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 8PM Riverdome at Horseshoe Casino

Dwight Yoakam

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 8PM Riverdome at Horseshoe Casino

Donny and Marie Osmond Tis the Season to check out our


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 8PM Riverdome at Horseshoe Casino

Aaron Neville

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 8PM Margaritaville, Bossier City

The Fab Four Starts November 7 See what our elf, “Bracket”, is up to and find out when Santa will be at our office @

/GeauxSmile 814 Pierremont Road, Shreveport, LA 71106 | 129 East 5th Street, Natchitoches, LA 71457

318.861.0700 |

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 8PM Margaritaville, Bossier City

Disney on Ice


Jeff Dunham

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 7:30 CenturyLink Center

Casting Crowns

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 7PM CenturyLink Center

Maxwell and Mary J. Blige: King and Queen of Hearts Tour SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 7:30PM CenturyLink Center

Shreveport/Bossier Holiday Classic SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2:00 P.M.- 4:30 P.M.-7:00 P.M. CenturyLink Center

Les Boutique De Noel/ The Great Outdoors


Page 102 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 2647 S. Service Road,

Piney Hills Harmony Chorus

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 212 North Vienna St.,

Happy Holiday Market SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 2372 HWY 33,

The Bristol Hills And The Lousy Annas Live At Sundown Tavern

Lincoln Lights Up The Pines

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Railroad Park

La Tech Football Game Vs. UTSA

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Joe Aillet Stadium


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 212 North Vienna St.

Big Creek Trade Days FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25  SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 327 California Plant Road,

Big Dog Trail Run

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 211 Parish Park Road

Lincoln Lights Up The Pines





Love And Theft Live In Concert

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2467 S. Service Rd.

Big Creek Trade Days FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9  SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 327 California Plant Road


Big Creek Trade Days

Veterans Day Celebration



SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 2001 N. Trenton St.,



Holiday Arts Tour

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Loyal Blue Weekends



SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 111 E. Park Ave.,

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11  SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 327 California Plant Road,






Frankie Ballard Live In Concert



TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1  SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 School of the Performing Arts,

It’s A Wonderful Life



Monroe My Mini Masur Drop In Activity

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2-5PM Masur Museum of Art

Holiday Kids’ Fest

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 10:00AM-4:00PM Venue: RiverMarket Address: 316 South Grand

g n i p p o h SAND ays HOURS D




Santa’s Christmas Village

MONDAY NOVEMBER 21  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22 THURSDAY- FRIDAY 5:00PM-8:00PM; SATURDAY 10:00AM-8:00PM; SUNDAY 1:00PM-6:00PM Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum

Holiday Lights

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21  SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 5PM Downtown Monroe and West Monroe DeSiard and Trenton Streets

For more information visit

Page 103 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

Linda n e t u T The HR profession has been demanding, challenging, sometimes gut-wrenching, but ultimately rewarding. It’s certainly never been dull! I’m blessed to have one of the best HR jobs you could ask for as Chief People & Diversity Officer of Origin Bank. I’m fortunate to have an exceptional team and terrific work partners. We’ve had tremendous growth during the nine plus years I’ve been here and there are always new challenges, new regulations, changing workforce dynamics and HR issues to address. There have been rewarding times of helping others succeed and of finding solutions that create wins for the employees and the company. In the various jobs I’ve had throughout my career, there have also been terminations, plant closures, and reductions in force that literally tear at your heart. One of my favorite managers, Wayne Parker, challenged and encouraged me to tackle labor relations when we worked for Willamette Industries. Confrontation, though necessary in some situations, is not


something I enjoy. So labor relations seemed like a big hairy bear, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to wrestle it! With Wayne’s encouragement, great training opportunities, and the help of several wise mentors, I was the first female at Willamette to act as company spokesperson in numerous contract negotiations. I was definitely stretched in those years and learned so much about myself. Looking back at those accomplishments, I’m grateful I pushed through my fears and ventured down that daunting road. Significant travel was required for that job, and my two wonderful daughters were young at the time. As a mother, I often stressed over missing school programs, games, or other special events. We had many conversations about the demands of work, and they know they are much more important to me than a career. In addition to the challenges of working motherhood, I realize in hindsight how much the perception of how a “Southern lady” should act resulted in many

Chief People and Diversity Officer of Origin Bank internal challenges for me in my career. It’s interesting that men and women, especially in my generation and those that came before, expect certain behaviors from each other, and if either steps outside the norm, others often view that behavior harshly. While men are expected to be aggressive and to take charge, assertive women are often viewed as witchy when they offer differing opinions or push back to strongly defend a position or belief. For me, it was often like walking a tightrope as I ventured into primarily maledominated arenas. My faith has been a constant source of strength. As beautifully stated in my favorite hymn, Amazing Grace; “The Lord hath promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures.” I was richly blessed with parents who had deep faith, patriotism, and an incredible





themselves in a manner that reflected honor, integrity and respect for everyone, regardless of their race or station in life. My mother was an amazing woman; strong, competent, an Army nurse in WWII, and a tremendous role

“For me, I often felt like I was walking a tightrope as I ventured into primarily male-dominated arenas”

Page 104 | LOLA MAGAZINE | November-December

model. She had a servant’s heart and instilled a love of reading in her three children. I was raised to treat everyone respectfully and fairly. I was taught to learn as much as I could and to give more than was required of me. That upbringing has served me well. I would encourage everyone to find a career they can be passionate about. Strive to be the very best you can be at anything you undertake, value others, and learn from your mistakes. Hopefully you can then look back with few regrets.

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