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he history of the

Belfast and District Motor Club from 1906

to present day Believe and Deliver

The 20s 19


Re-establishing A



reunion and general meeting of the B&D Motor Club was held in May 1920 in the Eglinton and Winston Hotel, Belfast for the purpose of “re-establishing this well-known sporting club which, like many others, had lay in obeyance during several years of the war”. AGM


The Chair was occupied by Mr J K Millar who referred to the club being in existence for a considerable number of years but had not held regular competitions during 1917, 1918 or 1919, chiefly for reasons of the country being at war. He indicated that the club was now meeting under much more favourable circumstances.

At the subsequent Club meeting on 20 May 1920, an ambitious fixture list for the ensuing year was arranged.

A proposal was made by Mr Stewart and seconded by Mr Stevenson that the club should be restarted and this was unanimously agreed by all present. The election of principal officers took place, President:

Mr J K Millar

Honorary Secretary:

James E M Brown

Honorary Treasurer:

Mr William McCormick ?

Honorary Solicitor:

Mr James Barr

5 June 12 June 30 June 7 July 28-31 July 14 August 21 August 4 September 18 September

Open Hill Climb Club Reliability Run for Jaffe Cup Open Hill Climb Open Hill Climb for B&D Motor Cycle Cup Inter-Club event Petrol Consumption Test Open Reliability Run for Premier Cup Open Hill Climb Magilligan Speed Trials

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB 5 June Was reported that glorious weather favoured the first event of the year for the Club when the hill climb took place at Red Brae on 5 June. There was a good attendance but unfotunately many did not favour the running of the event on the time principle compared to the previous knockout system. The hill climb, open to all members of the Ulster Centre and affiliated clubs, is reported to have provided some keen competition and fine riding. Of the 23 entrants, 18 started. Tom Mallon was involved in an incident involving a horse almost at the top of the climb and was entitled to another try. Results on the day were as follows: Class A – Novices 1st W E Beck (2¼ New Hudson); 2nd J McBride (3½ Sunbeam) and 3rd W Hutchinson (3½ Rudge) Class B – Club Members not connected with the motorcycle trade 1st W E Beck (2¼ New Hudson); 2nd J McBride (3½ Sunbeam) and 3rd W Meek (7-9 Indian). Class C – Open 1st Tom Mallon (3½ Sunbeam); 2nd W Linton (3½ Rudge) and 3rd J McBride (3½ Sunbeam). The special prize for fastest time, presented by Mr J C Barr, won by J Meek (7-8 Indian).

Hill climb, Carnmoney 30 June 1920

Reliability Trial Jaffe Cup 15 July 1920

Class A: J Agnew; Class B: Murray Anderson; Special prize: J Boston

The Reliability Trial scheduled for 12 June (subsequently moved to 15 July) was discussed at length by the Club and it was agreed by 6 votes to 2 that the distance should be reduced to 100 miles. This may be the introduction to the distance popular for road races in later years such as the Cookstown 100, Comber 100 and Dundrod 100.

Open Hill Climb, Carnmoney 7 July 1920 The Club ran an open hill climb at Carnmoney on the evening of Wednesday 7 July. The first prize was the Belfast and District Cup and gold medal and the second and third prizes gold and silver medals respectively. A special prize was also made available for the fastest time of the day. The Ireland’s Saturday Night (10 July 1920) reports: “Some excellent speed work was witnessed and when the handicap was worked out, Ernie Thompson proved to be the winner of the cup. Paget Bell (Norton) was second and J Boston (Triumph was third. Jimmy Shaw, who sits on the scratch mark, made the fastest time of the day, covering the distance in 34 seconds dead. Afterwards, another impromptu handicap was run off the knock-out principle. In the first round, Paget Bell had the honour of beating Tom Mallon on his Sunbeam but in the final, he fell victim to Ernie Thompson, who thus scored his second victory.” Belfast and District Cup and gold medal Ernie Thompson, (3½ Rudge); Gold medal Paget Bell, (3½ Norton); Silver medal James Boston, (4 Triumph). Special prize for fastest time: J W Shaw, (3½ Norton). Knock-out race: 1. Ernie Thompson, (3½ Rudge).

The course for the event was proposed as Belfast, Larne, Cushendall, Ballymena and back to Belfast. However, if the course was to cover 200 miles, then the route would be Belfast – Ballymena – Coleraine – Portrush – Giant’s Causeway – Ballintoy – Ballycastle –Larne – Belfast. The latter course was agreed and 12 out of the 14 entrants competed. A substantial report on the event was made in The Irish Motor on 23 July, 1920 which read as follows: “The Reliability Run for the Jaffe Cup took place on Thursday 15th. The course was from Fortwilliam Park, Antrim Road, via Antrim, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Portrush and Causeway, where a stop of 1¾ hours was made for lunch. The return journey was via Ballintoy up Knocksaughey into Ballycastle, then Coast Road to Larne, thence to Fortwilliam Park, Shore Road. Sharp to time the first competitor, S Wallace (8 h.p. Rex and sidecar) started off, followed by the others at 2 minute intervals. By 9.30 the last competitor had departed. The day was threatening, but fortunately heavy rain kept off, the only discomfort the riders having to contend with being a slight shower, and the roads were in good condition. The first control was at the Pentagon, in Ballymena, where the first competitor was due at 10.18. The control was in charge of Mr Robert

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Wright, honorary secretary of the Ballymena Club and all the competitors were in good time.

run of 41 miles to Larne. In Larne, a stop of 10 minutes was allowed at Bailie and Gawn’s garage and the last stage entered on.

The Ballymoney control was in the hands of Mr J C Foster.

Messrs. Eldridge (the Irish representatives of the B.S.A. company), D Robb and J E M Brown had charge of the finishing post, where the first man was due at 6.32. Sharp to time, the Rex appeared and was slowly but surely piloted home by S Wallace, who cut the line with his front wheel just as the second hand reached the minute. The next man, T Branagh (4½ Quadiant) was 30 seconds late in reaching the line and James Newell, who rode the only A.B.C. reached it 4 seconds early.

At Portrush were there was a stop of 15 minutes to enable the competitors to fill up with petrol and oil, Mr Stewart officiated and saw the riders off on the last stage of the outward journey. At the Causeway they were met by Mr Kane, an old member of the Club. The machines were left there whilst lunch was taken. At 2.26 the start on the homeward journey was made. The only test hill was Knocksaughey, and the observers report showed that one competitor had not followed the course. This hill was responsible for loss of marks to two of the competitors, James Stewart (4 Douglas and sidecar) having the misfortune to temporarily seize his engine. It was immediately freed, but the stop cost him valuable marks which knocked him out of the running for the cup. The other failure was S Brown on a 3½ J.H. and sidecar. He eventually made ascent and whilst careering down on the other side came to grief, his machine jumping a stone wall, and landing in a field. He was fortunately not badly hurt and signaled the other riders to proceed. J A Forsythe, riding a 3½ Sunbeam and sidecar, had a narrow shave and while swerving to avoid colliding with a Rolls Royce car, parted one of the sidecar connections. This caused a stop for repairs but he made Ballycastle control on time. Mr Scarlett had charge at Ballycastle and sent the competitors off on the next stage, a non-stop

The following is a list of starters and the number of marks lost by each:

1. S Wallace (8 Rex sc) no error 2. Ernie Thompson (4 Douglas) 2 marks lost 3. James McBride (3½ Sunbeam) 3 marks lost 4. James Stewart (4 Douglas sc) 4 marks lost 5. James A Newell (3 A.B.C.) 5 marks lost 6. William Hamilton (4½ B.S.A.) 6 marks lost 7. Harry Crawford ( 4 Douglas sc) 7 marks lost 8. T Branagh (4½ Quadrant sc) 10 marks lost 9. W Brown (8 Sunbeam sc) 11 marks lost 10. Thos G Lindsay (2¾ Verus) 13 marks lost 11. J A Forsythe (3½ Sunbeam sc) 2 1 marks lost 12. S Brown (3½ J.H. sc) did not finish This is Sammy Wallace’s first win of the cup and we heartily congratulate him. The conditions although not overstrenuous were such as to make riders careful of the little things which matter. For example, no competitor was allowed to leave the course or to leave the saddle, nor was the sidecar passenger allowed to leave the sidecar. Turning in the road or

racing up to controls was also debarred and competitors were not allowed to have company in the way of another vehicle for the purpose of assistance. This rule is capable of being broken unintentionally for instance a non-competitor rode along with a competitor during the entire route and while no assistance was necessary, or would have been accepted, it was misleading to the observer on the test hill as no fewer than three non-competitive machines were reported on.” It is interesting to note that James E M Brown, Honorary Secretary of the Belfast and District Motor Club, also appears to have simultaneously held a position in The Irish Motor, 16 Chichester Street, Belfast as correspondence shows that entrance fees for the B&D events were to be received by him at that address.

Re-establishing Reliability Trial, Premier Cup 21 August 1920

Belfast Garage Gutted 4 September 1920

Hill Climb, Carnmoney 4 September 1920

There was a poor entry for the reliability trial, with only eight being received and one of these did not start.

At 3.52 this morning the garage of Mr Tom Mallon, cycle agent, which is situated in Elisa Street, was completely gutted by fire, the damage being estimated at £6,000. The property destroyed included three Sunbeam motor cycles, the racer which Mr Mallon was to have ridden in the Magilligan trials today. There is no doubt that the burning was wanton. At 8.30, when the place was closed, everything was correct, and now the building and contents are reduced to debris.

Although the entries for the hill climb were again fewer than hoped, the event proved to be very enjoyable. The Ireland’s Saturday Night (11 September 1920) reports:

The seven competitors, of which five were in side-cars, started at Balmoral Showgrounds and travelled through Lisburn, Hillsborough, Dromore, Banbridge, Newry, Warrenpoint, Rostrevor, Kilkeel, Newcastle, Dundrum, Downpatrick, Killyleagh, Comber, back to Bangor and finished at Dundela Church near Belfast. It was reported in the Ireland’s Saturday Night (28 August 1920) that the weather had been very wet in the week before the event and this had helped to lay the dust on the roads which improved the course considerably. In Warrenpoint, Kearney was unfortunate enough to puncture a tyre. Tom Mallon took the wrong course leaving Rostrevor and therefore suffered a penalty for leaving the subscribed route. Mussen had a good run up to Killyleagh but then did not arrive in Bangor, presumably suffering from engine trouble somewhere en-route. Tom Mallon had been hopeful of winning the cup outright, having won it twice before but the eventual winner was declared as J Stewart on a 2¾ Douglas. 1st and cup: S Wallace (8 Rex, sc.); 2: J Branagh (4 Quadrant. sc.)

“The contests were carried out under the auspices of the Belfast and District Motor Cycle Club. The course was in excellent condition and the arrangements were of the customary efficient order associated with events carried out by the club, whose officials were most energetic and contributed largely to the enjoyableness of the proceedings.” A Ladie’s Class was included in the event for the first time. Class A:

1. Miss Sayers (2¾ Venus); 2. F A Newell (3½ Rudge); 3. S M Adams (2½ Venus).

Class B:

1. S M Adams (2½ Venus); 2. J Ewart (3½ Rudge); 3. J M Brown (2¾ Venus).

Class C: 1. Miss Sayers (2¾ Venus); (ladies’ event) 2. Miss Lee (2¼ Levis).

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Smoker and Prize Distribution Arrangements were made to hold the Club’s smoker and prize distribution on Thursday 25 November in the Cafe Royal, Wellington Place, Belfast. A press cutting (Ireland’s Saturday Night, 6 November 1920) regarding the event reports that: “A handsome exclusive design has been secured for the club medals and they form very attractive prizes. The medal is circular in shape, with the figure of a racing motor-cyclist on one side surmounted by a ribbon scroll bearing the name of the club. These medals, together with the cups and other trophies are on display in the window of Messrs R McDowell and Co Ltd, High Street.”

Mr George B Hanna, BL, MP was invited to preside at the smoker and an interesting entertainment programme was arranged, the artists including Miss Florence M Watters, Miss Lilian Savage, Miss Agnes Crawford and Mr W H S Brown. Tickets for the event were to be 3/6 each. The club, after lying dormant during the war, was reorganised during the past year with events beginning in June, and has had a most successful season. There was large attendance of ladies and gentlemen belonging to the club. After an enjoyable tea the loyal toast was given and accorded musical honours. The chairman said he was glad to be associated with that club, for he knew the members were real good sports. In coming to be present on that occasion he knew he would meet those who were possessed of all those good qualities that are inculcated by the pursuit of true sport. He understood that the animation of the club was practically suspended during the war, and if the members were not riding races many of them and many of their friends were riding in the “big race.” and using with great advantage to King and country all of those good qualaties that they had learned and practised during the time they were with the club before war caused its activities to temporarily cease. (Applause.)

He desired to congratulate them on the success of the club. He was assured by the secretary that they had a membership of over 80, and he saw no reason why it should not reach 800. There was not any section of the public more circumscribed by the laws of the country than motorists, and no people more good natured. He thought that motorists realised the circumstances under which those whose duty it was to provide decent roads have had to labour for the past few years. The Antrim County Council were alive to the requirements of the of roads, and in that respect he would counsel patience in regard the matter. (Applause.) The prizes having been distributed to the successful competitors, whose names have already been published, the toasts of the prize donors, Ulster Centre M.C.U.I. and the prize winners were enthusiastically honoured. At intervals during the evening an interesting and enjoyable musical programme was contributed, the artistes including Miss Florence McWatters, Miss Agnes Crawford, Messrs W H S Brown, J E M Brown, and the chairman. The hon. secretary of the club (Mr J E M Brown) was made the recipient of a tangible token of esteem, and the proceedings concluded. Belfast News-Letter Friday 26 November 1920






The Annual General Meeting was held on 24 February 1921 in Ye Olde Castle Restaurant, Belfast. In the chair on this occasion was Mr J C Barr who acted as Honorary Solicitor for the Club. The secretary reported that the Club had enjoyed a highly successful year in 1920 and, in the end, the balance sheet was also in a satisfactory state.

An early list of members for the 1921 season shows a healthy membership of 59, all paying 10/subscription. The majority of members were from Belfast, but a few from further afield – Hillsborough (Mr William J White); Ballymena (Mr Joseph Craig); Crawfordsburn (Mr T G Lindsay); Templepatrick (Mr F A Newell) and Bangor (Mr Alexander R Jamieson).

There were welcome donations to the prize fund by Mr David Robb (£1.5s.0d) and also the sum of £5.2s.2d by the late members of the Belfast and North of Ireland Motor Cycle Club which had recently ceased to exist. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Robb and the donors (interesting as Mr Robb was on the committee of the B&D Club at the time).

At a meeting held on 13 April 1921 in the YMCA, Mountpottinger, a further sixteen names were proposed for membership which included W J Chambers and H Chambers, Donegall Pass, Belfast who at that time were leading motorcycle and car dealers in the city). This took the total membership to 75.



Mr J K Millar ?

Honorary Secretary:

Mr J E M Brown ?

Honorary Treasurer:

Mr William McCormick ?

Honorary Solicitor:

Mr James Barr

On 15 March 1921, a meeting considered the programme of events for the year ahead and it was agreed that the following events would be staged: 28 March 30 April May 11 June 6 July 14 July 27 August 10 September

Hill Climb at Red Brae Reliability Trial at Carnmoney Hill Climb for Belfast & District Motor Cycle Cup Paper Chase Hill Climb at Carnmoney Reliability Trial for the Jaffe Cup Reliability Trial for the Premier Cup Hill Climb at Red Brae

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Saturday 16 April It was proposed that a Hill Climb should take place at Red Brae, Carrickfergus on 28 March to include the following classes: A: up to 350 cc (for those who have not won a Hill Climb to date) B: open for machines up to 350 cc C: unlimited (open to club members only) D: unlimited E: open side car event (combined weight not less than 20 stone) The first event was to commence at noon and entry fees were set at 3/6 for members and 5/- for nonmembers. Prizes were to be £1. 10s.0d for first place; £1 for second and 10/- for third. In addition, £1.1s.0d would be awarded to the fastest side car outfit. Arrangements were made for Mr D Robb to act as Starter, Mr J Millar and Mr J McBride were to be judges at the top of the climb and five stewards were named. The secretary was instructed to obtain badges for the stewards, sets of numbers for competitors, flagpoles, streamers, etc. Records show that the hill climb on 28 March was in fact postponed due to poor weather. It subsequently was rescheduled to take place on Saturday 16 April and was reported upon in the press as follows: “The postponed hill climb under the auspices of the Belfast and District Motor Club, which took place at Red Brae, Carrickfergus, on Saturday last was a great success. There was a splendid attendance of spectators ranged along the slopes of the hill and when it is stated that the great majority of the 79 entrants turned up, it can be realized that they were well rewarded for their journey. Some excellent riding was seen and it was only in the side­ car event that any thinness was noticeable. In this competition, only three started but as against this, it must be remembered that

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB most of the entrants were competing in the solo classes. J McBride, riding a Sunbeam, was the victim of rather an unfortunate accident. He developed a wobble at speed and coming off, hurt his shoulder rather badly. All his club mates and friends will join in wishing him a speedy recovery. The arrangements for the hill climb were excellently carried out. Mr D Robb acted efficiently as starter and Mr J Miller and Mr J McBride as judges, while they had the assistance of a capable and willing band of stewards. The following are the official results:Class A: Open for machines up to 350cc – for those who have never won a prize in a hill climb: 1, M Andrews (2¼ New Imperial); 2, A E Gregg (2¾ Douglas); 3, R D Wadsworth (2¾ Verus). Class B: Open for machines up to 350cc: 1, S Adams (2¾ Verus); 2, M Andrews (2¼ New Imperial); 3, A E Gregg (2¾ Douglas). Class C: For machines unlimited, confined to members of the Club: 1, J W Shaw (3½ Norton); 2, H McGimpsey (3½ BSA); 3, W J White (3½ Norton). Class D: Open for machines unlimited: 1, W J White (3½ Norton); 2, W C Campbell (3½ Norton); 3, S Adams (2¾ Verus). Class E: Open sidecar event unlimited: 1, W Simms (4 Norton); 2, W J Chambers (7 AJS); 3, S Wallace (8 Acme). Special prize for fastest time in this class – W J Chambers.”

It was decided to reschedule the Reliability Trial which was due to take place on 30 April to 7 May and that it would start from the City Hall at 2pm. Fees of 15 shillings and 11 shillings were agreed for the purchase of bunting, poles and ropes although the Club does not have a record of the results.

Re-establishing Flying Kilo Speed Trial 2 July 1921 The reliability trial due to take place on 25 June was abandoned “owing to counter attractions elsewhere” and the Club decided to hold a speed event for motor cycles and side car machines on 2 July 1921, “provided a suitable place could be got inside the twenty mile radius of Belfast, the distance of same not to exceed one mile. Mr Millar stated that he knew of at least one place suitable but refused to say where it was. The matter was left in his hands.” It transpired that the location chosen by the Club for the Flying Kilo Speed Trial was Aldergrove. A newspaper cutting about the event was carefully retained in the minute book of the Club, stating that “The flying kilo handicaps promoted by the Belfast and District Motor Club can be written down as a complete success. The course was a straight stretch of road running alongside the Aldergrove aerodrome, beautifully situated on the shore of Lough Neagh. The road is one that has been laid down by the War Office on the latest scientific lines and was consequently in excellent condition for racing. The entries for

Jaffe Cup Reliability Run 13 July 1921 the three classes were very satisfactory and the big crowd that lined the course proved how attractive motor cycling speed contests are to the general public.” In Class A (machines up to 350cc), nine competitors competed 1, H Crawford (2¾ Pax) in a net time of 29.4 seconds (following a 9 second penalty). In Class B, fourteen competed 1, J Boston (4 Triumph) in a net time of 17.8 seconds (9 second penalty). In Class C, fifteen competitors competed 1, J Boston (4 Triumph) in a net time of 27.4 seconds (8 second penalty). The fastest time of the day over the mile course was recorded by W Campbell (3½ Norton). He had a scratch score of 30.8 secs.

The Club had a busy season, with the Reliability Run for the Jaffe Cup taking place in the week following the speed trial. The event started at Fortwilliam Park, Antrim Road at 9am sharp on Wednesday 13 July 1921. The route was via Ballymena, Ballymoney, Portrush to Kane’s Hotel, Giant’s Causeway, where there would be a lunch stop of 1¾ hours. The return journey was via Ballintoy, ascending the hill at Knocksaughey into Ballycastle, the Coast Road to Larne and finishing at Fortwilliam Park, Shore Road, Belfast. Sammy Wallace was the first home, being awarded the Jaffe Cup and a gold medal. A further Reliability Trial was scheduled for Saturday 6 August over a distance of 82 miles, starting from the City Hall and passing through Lisburn and Dromore to Banbridge, Newcastle, Downpatrick, Comber to the foot of the Rocky Road terminating with a Flexibility Test. Unfortunately this event had to be abandoned as only seven entries were received. Following the successful running of the open competition for the Premier Cup on 27 August 1921, the season was brought to a close by a speed trial on Aldergrove Road on Saturday 8 October.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Larne Times, Saturday, October 15 1921. Aldergrove “Flying Kilo” Competitions. Pictures sho-(1) The scene at the push off for the flying start. (2) J. McBride on his (3½ Sunbeam), winner of the big event. with him is T. Mallon. second. (3) T. Bennett, winner of the lightweight class, who made a fine performance on a (2¼ Diamond).





George Boyle Hanna was born in Ballymena Co Antrim on 17 December 1877. Educated at Gracehill Academy, Ballymena Academy and Trinity College, Dublin. Formerly a solicitor. Called to the Irish Bar 1920. King’s Counsel 1933. Member of Antrim Country Council from 1908 to 1921. An Independent Unionist member of the UK Parliament for East Antrim from 1919 to 1922 when he stood down. An Ulster Unionist member. Sat for Antrim from 1921 – 1929 and for the Lame Division from 1929 until he was appointed County Court Judge for County Tyrone on 29 April 1937. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs from 16 April 1925 to 29 April 1937. County Court Judge for County Tyrone and Chairman of Quarter Sessions from 1937 until his death on 30 October 1938.


James Augustine Duff, born in Glasgow 27 September 1872. Educated at the Board School, Glasgow and the West of Scotland Technical College. Former member of Belfast City Council. Justice of the Peace for Belfast. Chairman of Belfast City Council Education Committee. An Ulster Unionist member. Sat for Belfast, East from 1921 until 1925 when he was defeated. High Sheriff of Belfast 1923. President of the St Andrews Society from 1925-26. President of the Belfast Scottish Association. Died 4 March 1943.



The following officers were elected for the year 1922 at the Annual General Meeting held on 31 January of that year in Ye Olde Castle Restaurant, Belfast:

An ambitious list of fixtures for the 1922 season included eight events, commencing on Easter Monday with an Open Hill Climb at Red Brae and ending with a speed trial on 9 September (which was subsequently abandoned).


Mr George B Hanna, BL, MP1


Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

Hon Secretary:

Mr George C Hewitt

Hon Treasurer:

Mr E Crowe


Mr S Wallace, Mr J K Miller, Mr W McKee, Mr T Branagh, Mr Jas Boston, Mr H Crawford

Hon Solicitor:

Mr J C Barr

S Hutchinson, Jas A Duff2, William Jaffe, W H Alexander, H Ferguson and Mr T Moles

The Committee was charged with the task of making arrangements for new headquarters – the reason for this unclear – considering the fixtures for the coming season and to appoint delegates to the MCUI. At the next Club meeting on 7 February, the Treasurer was instructed to send a cheque for 37 shillings to the MCUI for affiliation fee of 54 members for the 1921 season.

Easter Monday 6 May 27 May 18 June 15 July 19 August 26 August 9 September

Open Hill Climb at Red Brae Carrickfergus Reliability Trial Hill Climb Speed Trial Reliability Trial 50 Mile Road Race at Greengraves (subject to permit) Reliability Trial Speed Trial

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 17 April Class A: Open for machines up to 350cc – for those who have never won a prize in a hill climb or speed trial: Heat winners – First trial: J Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 11secs; F Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 11secs; T G Harrison (2¼ Verus) 6secs; H Burnside (2¼ New Imperial) 2secs; J F Harris (2¼ Verus) 6secs a bye. Second trial: Burnside, Harrison and F Andrews a bye. Final: 1, F Andrews, 2, Harrison, 3, Burnside Class B: For machines unlimited, confined to members of the Club: Heat winners – First trial: H Chambers (2¼ A.J.S. O.H.V.) 8secs; S Adams (2¼ Verus O.H.V.) 20secs; R Price (2¼ Pax) 28secs; J Forsythe (3½ Sunbeam) 9secs; F Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 35secs; N P Metcalfe (8 Enfield) 16secs; S Wallace (2¾ Rex Acme O.H.V.) 22secs; H McGimpsey (2¼ New Imperial) 25secs. Second trial: Adams, Forsythe, F Andrews and McGimpsey. Final: 1, F Andrews, 2, Adams 3, McGimpsey.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Class C: Open scratch event, unlimited c.c.: Heat winners – First trial: J W Shaw (3½ Norton); H Chambers (2¼ A.J.S.); T Malon (3½ Sunbeam); Joseph Craig (3½ Norton); V Gilmour (3½ Triumph); J Forsythe (3½ Sunbeam). Second trial: Forsythe, Craig and Shaw. Final: 1, J Craig, 2, J Shaw Class D: Open for machines unlimited c.c.: 1, F Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 35secs; 2, T G Harrison (2¼ Verus) 28secs; 3, Joseph Craig (3½ Norton) 3secs.

Reliability Trial 6 May 1922 The second event of the year was a Reliability Trial which took place on 13 May, a week later than originally planned. The trial was over a distance of 65 miles, starting at the Tram Terminus on the Castlereagh Road to Lurgan (via Lisburn and Moira), Banbridge, Dromara, Ballynahinch, Saintfield, Ballygowan and Comber to Dunleady Hill, Dundonald where the competition was to end with a flexibility test on the aforementioned hill. The flexibility test was popular at the time, testing the machines’ capability and performance in both slow and fast conditions.

Class E: Open for machines up to 350 c.c.: 1, F Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 27secs; 2, T G Harrison (2¼ Verus) 21secs; 3, H McGimpsey (2¼ New Imperial) 17secs.

SEQUEL TO RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Alfred Joseph Davis, wearing the uniform of a private in the Irish Guards, was brought up in custody on Sunday afternoon, at Carrickfergus, charged with having stolen a Douglas motorbicycle, the property of Mr. John Iivine Chapman, of Anahilt, Co. Down. The theft is alleged to have taken place at Mile Bush, Carrickfergus, during a hill-climbing contest at Red Brae on Easter Monday last. Accused, who disposed of the bicycle in Liverpool to a dealer, was afterwards traced to London, and arrested. A remand for eight day’s was granted. Larne Times - Saturday 23 September 1922

The Club held an Open Reliability Trial on 13 May. There was a good turnout of competitors at Castlereagh. (2) J Wallace (Brough Superior) at the start. He took second place. (1) Ladies are not excluded from these competitions. A fair Sunbeam enthusiast starting off. (3) The officials (L to R)-Mr I Boston, Mr E Crowe, Mr I K Millar (Chairman). Mr. G Hewitt (Hon. Secretary). (4) Another lady competitor pushing off Belfast Telegraph - Tuesday 16 May 1922

Re-establishing Speed Trials at Clandeboye 27 May 1922

Prize Giving for 1922

The Club had a hill-climbing competition, arranged to take place at Carnmoney, on Saturday afternoon, but owing to the fact that a fete was being held almost at the top of the hill, the venue was transferred to Clandeboye, where a series of speed trials were decided over the half mile course utilised the previous Saturday by the North Down club. There was a good attendance and some excellent speeds were seen, though none of the riders succeeded in beating the time put up by “Tommy” Stewart on his Douglas the week previously.

Class D—Open (unlimited), for those who never won a prize in a hill-climbing or speed trial 1. D Lindsay, 2¼ Massey-Aran (8sec.), gross time 37sec.; 2. D Shaw, 2¼ Velocette (8sec.), gross time 38.4sec.

The following are the details:— Class A—Open for two-stroke machines of unlimited capacity, for those who never won a prize in a hill-climbing or speed trial 1. B Shaw, 2½ Velocette (1sec.), gross time 40.2sec.; 2. J Brown, 3-h.p. Ivy (sec.). gross time 44.2sec.

The winners of A, B, and C were penalised three seconds, leaving the result as before.

Class B—Open for machines up to 350 c.c. 1. D Lindsay, 2¼ Massey-Aran (8sec.), gross time 39.2sec.; 2. H McGimpsey, 2¾ New Imperial (2sec.), gross time 34.8sec.; 3. James Andrews, 2¼ New Imperial (2sec.), gross time 35.2sec. Class C—Open (unlimlted): 1. N P Metcalfe, 8-h.p. Enceld (scratch), gross time 31.8sec.; 2. T Mallon, 3½ Sunbeam (scratch), gross time 32.2sec.; 3. F Brownlee, 2¼ Holroyd (6sec.), gross time 38.4sec.

Class E 1. D Lindsay (2¼ Massey-Aran); 2. J Thompson (3½ Sunbeam); 3. McCrum (3½ Duzneo).

When arranging the customary annual social and prize distribution, a discussion arose at the Club about whether the function should be held as concerns were expressed about the level of support which would be provided by Club members but everyone present at the meeting gave a commitment to attend. It was therefore agreed that the event would take place on Monday 22 January 1923 in The Shaftesbury. It was noted that George B Hanna was unable to act as Chair on the night and Alderman James A Duff MP was to be invited to preside over the proceedings.

North Down Herald and County Down Independent Saturday 3 June 1922

This medal was presented by the Belfast and District Motor Club to J Thompson for 2nd place (Class E) in the Speed Trial Clandeboye

Alternative caption by John Savage: Tom Mallon (500 Sunbeam) at Quarry Corner during the 1922 ‘Greengraves 50’ Photo by W K Brown of Newtownards.


‘Greengraves 50’ tram lines was conducive to the presence of an immense number of spectators and this is confirmed in the press cutting retained in the Club minute book (probably from Ireland’s Saturday Night) which reads as follows:

W P Metcalfe at Red Quarry Comer – Motor Cycling magazine, 30 August 1922

50 Mile Road Race at Greengraves – 19 August 1922 The Club was successful in gaining the necessary permit to run the 50 mile road race over a triangular 3.9 mile course, starting from the ‘red quarries’ between Dundonald and Newtownards, and proceeding via the old road eastwards, thence by a left turn to the watering trough at the head of the ‘Glen’ and down hill to the start. The course is described in The Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist (9 August 1922) as “very sporting, comprising some steepish hills, a few very hard comers, and one or two bends, deceptive enough to delude an inexperienced hand to attempting their negotiation all out.” The Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist (23 August 1922) points out that the fact that the venue for the race was within two miles of the

“Though the entry for the Belfast and District Motor Club’s fifty mile handicap race on Saturday last left something to be desired, the event was on the whole highly successful and thoroughly enjoyable to the large crowd of spectators who watched its progress at various points along the course of almost four miles in length. Fourteen out of sixteen entrants started but trouble of various descriptions soon eliminated a large percentage of these, and only six completed the distance. Jimmy Shaw on his motor broke a valve and retired after completing two laps. His brother on his Velocette had to adopt a similar course owing to plug trouble, whilst Dale, Harris, Creighton, Price, Anderson and Brown were rendered hors de combat by one cause and another. The winner was eventually found in W P Metcalfe on his Brough Superior who rode a splendid race and gained a tremendous advantage by the magnificent acceleration of his machine after rounding the few bad comers on the course. The final placings were as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

W P Metcalfe, 995cc Brough, 30 secs J Andrews, 249cc New Imperial, 14 mins W Caughey, 350cc Mohawk, 13 mins H McGimpsey, 349cc New Imperial, 10 mins T Mallon, 499cc Sunbeam, 2 mins D Hunter, 350cc Massey Arran, 8 mins

M 55 56 61 62 65 70

S 04 32 17 40 17 00

Mr Metcalfe was awarded first prize (£10), with J Andrews receiving £6 as second prize and the third placed competitor, W Caughey, £3”.




AGM/Prize Presentation 22 January 1923 Alderman J A Duff, MP, presiding at the Club AGM, in the Shaftesbury. on Monday evening, said he believed the roads were going to be one of the chief concerns of municipal corporations and of the Northern Parliament. They were a small people in the Six Counties, and one of the first things that would have to be properly thought out was better inter-communication between the different parts of the province. Some of them were dreaming visions of the time when the roads throughout the Six Counties would be of such a nature that motor cycling on the roads would be as steady and as comfortable as motor cycling on the track, but when that would come about they did not know. The future was in the motor car and the motor cycle, and he could assure them that there were many minds concentrating on the problem of making the roads better than they were. Congratulating the club on the success that had attended it, Alderman Duff said six competitions were held during the year, composed of one hill climb, two speed trials, and three reliability trials. The hill climb was held on Easter Monday at Red Brae. Five of the events were decided, and one of the members of the club, Mr F Andrews, accomplished the wonderful feat of winning four first prizes. Mr Andrews was one of those men who entered into sport with the right spirit, and they were there to honour him along with the rest of the competitors. The prizes were gracefully distributed by Mrs J C Barr. There was a fine array of trophies. including

the Jaffe and Premier Cups, which were won outright by Mr S Wallace. During the evening enjoyable musical selections were contributed by Miss Barr, Mr J Holmes and Mr W T Uprichard, the accompaniments being played by Miss L Pepper. At the conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the chairman and artistes, on the motion of Mr J C Barr, hon. solicitor, seconded by Mr. James Millar (chairman of committee). With the prize-giving ceremony for 1922 over, it was recorded that the Club had made significant progress during that year and was in a healthy financial position. President:

Alderman James A Duff MP


Mr Mr Mr Mr

Hon Secretary:

Mr G C Hewitt

Hon Treasurer:

Mr E Crowe

Hon SolicitorL

Mr J C Barr


Messrs Price and W Wilson

C E Jacob, Mr W G James, S Hutchinson, Mr W Jaffe, T Moles MP and J M Andrews

Belfast Telegraph Tuesday 23 January 1923

It was agreed in March 1923 to accept the offer of the MCUI to have the Club Headquarters at 3 Brunswick Street, Belfast and to pay an annual rent of £8 for this property.

BALLYCULLEN HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 2 April The Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist reported in detail on the first event of the motor cycling season in the North of Ireland, the annual Easter Monday hill climb organised by the Belfast and District Motor Club, saying that it was looked forward to by club members and followers with interest for two reasons. Firstly due to the handicapping being done by the handicappers of the Ulster Centre of the Motor Cycle Union and secondly because the venue was changed from Red Brae near Carrickfergus to Ballycullen, a hill on the old Newtownards to Belfast road. The article continues: “The acclivity was just over a kilometre in length and comprised a sharp, somewhat steep right-hand curve about one hundred yards from the start, followed by alternate stretches of steep and easy gradient ending on a level stretch, with another steep incline on which to pull up. A good entry materialized, eighty-nine starters being dispatched in the various events. A side-car race failed to attract the necessary quota of entries and was abandoned. The road surface was excellent and on the whole not too dusty but the crowd was unanimously described as the most unreasonable body ever seen at a hill climb. Despite all the efforts of the police, marshals, officials and the appeals of all concerned, the spectators insisted on crowding right across the road in the actual path of the competitors. No blame can be attached to the organizers as they did all that could be done and the only thing that appears possible under such circumstances is to abandon the event altogether. It was remarkably fortunate that no accident occurred, except in the case of J

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Andrews, a New Imperial rider, who had just won his tie and was pulling up when he collided with a machine coming towards the top of the hill. Beyond slight abrasions and shock, no serious damage was done.

Class E (up to 350cc for riders who have never won a first prize) 1st C Sleator (2¾ Mohawk) 3sec; 2nd M Scott (2¾ Raleigh) 2sec; 3rd D Hunter (2¾ Henley) 3sec.

The dark horse of the day was found in J Brown, an Ivy two-stroke rider, who had persistent bad luck last season but had during the winter created new life in his engine and beat the handicappers by seconds. Despite his luck in this way, the demon had it after all as his magneto chain vanished in the semi-final of the 1st Class when he had nearly finished and deleted him from that event. He did pull off a popular win in Class B but broke his frame in so doing.”

The officials were— Chief marshal: Mr W Phillips; Official starter: Mr J K Miller; Members steward: L Crowe; Judges: T Pullin and H Crawford; Clerk of the Course: Ceorge C Hewitt.

The results on the day were: Class A (up to 350cc) 1st D Hunter (2¾ Henley) 9sec; 2nd D E Harris (2¾ Sheffield-Henderson) 6sec; 3rd C Sleator (2¾ Mohawk) 9sec. Class B (unlimited, members only) 1st J Brown (3 Ivy) 33sec; 2nd N P Metcalfe (8 Brough Superior) 2sec; 3rd W Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 12sec. Class C (open, scratch) 1st N P Metcalfe (8 Brough Superior); 2nd S A Dale (2¾ New Scale); 3rd J W Shaw (3½ Norton) Class D (unlimited, open) 1st W Andrews (2¼ New Imperial) 12sec; 2nd R McKibbin (3 ABC) 11sec; 3rd N P Metcalfe (8 Brough Superior) 2sec. D Hunter winner of machines up to 350cc

Re-establishing Red Brae postponed from 5th to 12th May Reliability Trial 2 June 1923 A reliability trial was organised, the course being from the rear of Belfast City Hall to Antrim (via Horseshoe, passing Clady Comer round the Grand Prix course); Antrim to Moorfields (via Randalstown and Ballymena); Moorfields to Grays Lane via Ballynure, Red Brae and Carrickfergus – a distance of approximately 65 miles, concluding with a flexibility test on Grays Lane of 100 yards, 50 yards slow climb and 50 yards fast climb. The following prizes were offered, as provided by the British Cycle and Motorcycle Manufacturers Union: 1st Silver Bowl 2nd Silver Vase Union 3rd 4 x AC Plugs (Sphinx) 4th 2 x KLG HSI Plugs 5th 1 x tin Miracle Oil

to the value of £3.3s.0d to the value of £2.2s.0d (value £1.0s.0d) (value 12/-) (value 4/6)

The event was postponed until 7 July 1923. 1, Sam Wallace, 8 Brough Superior; 2, W. Cropper; 3, T H Pullin; 4, T Hall, 2¾ AJS; 5, W Gunning.

J C Barr Cup, Reliability Trial 13 October 1923 During the course of the year, the Club Solicitor presented a cup to the Club to be known as the J C Barr Cup which was to be competed for annually in reliability trials of not less than 70 miles. J. C. Barr Cup and replica and gold medal 1, T Hall, 2¾ AJS; 2, S Wallace, 8 Brough Superior; 3, H R Thompson. Special prize presented by Mr Sam Wallace won by James Forsythe. Inter-Club Competition On the same date, the Club held an Inter-Club competition between four participating Clubs (Belfast & District MCC, Knock MCC, Ballynahinch MCC and Ulster MCC). Each team consisted of three riders who had to be competing individually on the day. Team prize won by S Wallace, T Hall and W Phillips (Belfast and District Motor Club).

Reliability Run of Combined Belfast Clubs 26 December The first winter reliability run the combined Belfast motor clubs took place yesterday over an 80-mil® course in County Down. The start was from the rear the City Hall, where the starters received instructions to proceed to the top of the Cregagh Road, from where a trail was laid. Those competing were unaware of the course they had to negotiate, which was by way of the “Rocky Road” to Gilnahirk, through Ballystockart and Crossnacreevy to Comber for the first check. The second section was from Comber to Newtownards and thence to Ballywalter via Greyabbey. There was a second check at Ballywaiter, and here an adjournment of two hours for luncheon was made. The homeward journey was from Ballywalter to Kilbright, Carrowdore and Millisle, to Bangor (for the third check), and thence over the Holywood hills and past the Waterworks there, the finish being at the Forster Green Hospital, Ormeau Road. There were two observed “hills” which had to be climbed without a stop – the first at Gilnahirk and the second above Hollywood – and the entire course was a very difficult one, likely to cause competitors considerable trouble in its negotiation. Of the entries received 43 came under the starter’s orders (31 solo, 9 sidecar and 3 cycle cars), and there was an animated scene at the City Hall for some time prior to ten o’clock, when the preliminaries of numbering and arranging times were being carried out. Mr M A Kissack, the trials secretary, had

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB everything in good order, and the competitors were sent off at half-minute intervals from ten o’clock onwards to where Mr Billy Chambers had started the “long trail.” The duties of observers at the hills were carried out by Messrs W Simms, A Waddell and T Magee, and those of the checkers by Messrs S J Brownlee, W Gunning and W Kissack. The starters included such well-known riders as H Chambers, J Forsythe, T Stewart, Jimmy Shaw, J H Gass, J Brown, H McGimpsey, W Crawford, H T Megaw, T H Pullan and W R Boyd. Northern Whig Thursday 27 December 1923

The result:All but eleven of the competitors finished, and 31 qualified for certificates of merit, These seven riders were each awarded a Goldcentred medal. T. Stewart, 4 h.p. Triumph; J B Minnis, 2¾ Raleigh and K Matthews, 3½ Sunbeam got through without losing a mark; J Kirkwood, 2¾ A.J.S. and W Cropper, 3½ Triumph lost only two marks; H Chambers, 3½ B.S.A. and A Ferguson, 3½ Triumph lost three marks. Silver medals were awarded to W R Boyd, 3½ Norton lost 7 marks; H Bryson, 7 h.p. sidecar lost 7 marks; W Duitgan, 4 h.p. Triumph; J. Gass, 2¼ Rover and H Hogg, 4 h.p. Triumph lost 9 marks; C Duffin, 3½ Scott and W Patterson, 4 h.p. Triumph lost 10 marks each. Belfast News-Letter Monday 31 December 1923




Annual Social and Prize Distribution 7 January

AGM and Smoker 31 January 1924

As was customary, the prize-giving for the previous season was held early in the year. The annual social took place on Monday 7 January 1924 in the Shaftesbury, Donegall Place and it was decided to have a dance immediately following the prize distribution. ‘Window bills’ were printed to advertise the event with ticket prices set at 3/6 for ladies and 4/6 for gents. The Mr A Williams’ orchestra was engaged for the dance at a cost of £2.

The annual general meeting of the Club was held is Thompson’s Restaurant. Mr J C Barr, hon solicitor to the club, presided over a good attendance. The Chairman apologised for the absence of Aldermen J A Duff, MP, president of the Club. Continuing, he was glad to say that the club had never been in a more flourishing condition. For such a satisfactory state of affairs great credit was due to Mr G Hewitt, hon secretary, and the committee of the club. The annual report submitted by Mr Hewitt stated that for last year a programme of five open events had been arranged, but, owing to unforeseen circumstances, two of these were not decided. Pleasure was expressed at the fact that Mr Norman P Metcalfe is making steady progress towards recovery from the serious accident which befel him on the eve of the Ulster Grand Prix. On the motion of Mr E Crowe, seconded by Mr W Gunning, the report was adopted.

The members of the Club combined their annual prize distribution with a very enjoyable dance in the Shaftesbury Restaurant, Belfast. this evening. Though the company was not large, —even many of those who were to receive prizes failing to appear—the evening was a thorough success, and the members and friends made up in enthusiasm what they lacked in numbers. After an excellent tea, the chair was taken by the High Sheriff (Alderman J A Duff, MP), President of the club, who congratulated the members on the success to which they had attained during the past season and wished them further success during 1924. Having paid a tribute to the generous support given to the club by Mr J C Barr, Honorary solicitor, the High Sheriff concluded, amid applause, by promising to become a contributor to the prize list during the coming season. The prizes were presented to the successful competitors by Mrs Duff. On the motion of Mr J C Barr a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs Duff for presenting the prizes. After the lady had suitably replied, Mr E Dawson had rendered a song in pleasing manner, after which dancing commenced, the company thoroughly enjoying themselves to music supplied by W A Williams’ band. Mr W Murray performed the duties of M.C.

The financial statement presented by Mr E Crowe, hon treasurer, showed a credit balance of over £30, almost double that of last year. On the motion of Mr J K Miller, seconded by Mr W Murray, the financial statement was adopted.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Events On the motion of Mr. Barr, seconded by Mr Miller, Alderman J A Duff, was unanimously re-elected president of the Club.

The delegates to the Ulster Centre were instructed to make efforts to secure the revival of the Irish End-to-End Reliability Trial this year.


Alderman James A Duff MP


Sir William Turner (Lord Mayor), J M Andrews MP, T Moles MP, Messrs C E Jacobs and S Hutchinson

On the conclusion of the business meeting, an enjoyable “smoker” evening was held. when Mr G Hewitt was made the recipient of tokens of appreciation of his services as hon. secretary during the past three years.

Hon Secretary:

Mr W Phillips

Hon Treasurer:

Mr S Wallace


J K Millar, J Brown, W Murray, G Hewitt, W McKee, B Weir, E Crowe and J McKillen

Hon SolicitorL

Mr J C Barr


Messrs Price and W Wilson

Delegates to the Ulster Centre of the M.C.U.I. Messrs S Wallace, J K Miller, and T M Pullin. A vote of thanks was accorded to Messrs Wilson and Price for their services as auditors during the past year.

An enjoyable musical programme was contributed by Messrs J Holness, G and H McClenaghan, E Dawson, E Rosbotham, G Fawcett, C Tyrrell and W Pierpont Alderman Duff, M.P., who arrived at a later stage of the proceedings, thanked the members for having re-elected him to the position of president of the Club, and expressed the hope that at the close of the current year the club might find itself in an even more prosperous position than it was in at present. On the motion of Mr J C Barr, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the committee of the Club for the entertainment provided during the evening.

Interestingly, the road racing scene which had started with the 50-mile championship at Greengraves (Newtownards) in 1922, was not rerun until the 1925 season. Attempts were made by the Club to arrange a 100 mile road race during the course of the season but these were thwarted by difficulties in gaining the appropriate permission to use the roads. Easter Monday 24 May 27 September (abandoned)

Open Hill Climb (Red Brae) Reliability Trial Reliability Trial (J C Barr Cup) 100-mile Road Race

Controversy with the MCUI (UC) There was some controversy at the outset of the season, with the MCUI allocating Easter Monday to the Ballynahinch Motor Cycle Club. Delegates of the Belfast and District MCC attended the Annual General Meeting of the MCUI to address this matter and, after a ‘heated debate’, the representative for Ballynahinch agreed to advise his committee to find another date in favour of the older Club.

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 21 April “For Monday’s Hill Climb, more ideal conditions could hardly be imagined or desired. The weather for once was perfect, the old familiar surface of Red Brae was in good condition though some competitors reported it as being somewhat bumpy in parts. The entries for the five classes reached the remarkable total of 85, and of these, I think there was only one nonstarter. The large crowd which lined the slopes of the hill had in consequence an ample reward for their journey. One competent to estimate told me that there must have been at least 3,000 people present. One feature about which I heard comments from more than one experienced rider was the rather obvious over-gearing of the smaller machines. Red Brae is no easy hill upon which to compete on the knock-out principle and I would strongly advise our younger and less experienced riders when preparing for the next event at that venue to have a little preliminary practice on the hill and to find out the most suitable gear for the maintenance of engine revolutions over the entire distance. Far too many machines on Monday slowed and laboured when they came to the steeper portion and, needless to say, by the time the riders had coaxed them to pick up the apposing mount was in a position practically unassailable. To the Belfast and District Club and all those who worked so hard in official capacities, I would like to extend my hearty congratulations on the success of the event.”

The results of the Hill Climb were: Class A (open for machines of unlimited capacity for those who had never won a first prize in any hill climb or speed event) – 1st W J McCracken 2¾ New Scale (11 secs); 2nd W Caughey 2¾ Orbit (17 secs); 3rd J Maxwell 3½ Norton (6 secs). Sixteen competed. Class B (open for machines up to 250cc) – 1st G Andrews 2¼ New Imperial (14 secs); 2nd C A Sleator 2¼ Excelsior (scratch); 3rd R Price 2¼ Excelsior (scratch). Six competed. Class C (open for machines up to 350cc) – 1st C Reid, 2¾ Dot (7 secs); 2nd H Chambers 2¾ AJS (scratch); 3rd J Andrews, 2¼ New Imperial (14 secs). Eighteen competed. Class D (open for machines of unlimited capacity) 1st C Duffin, 3½ Scott (19 secs); 2nd J Maxwell, 3½ Norton (5 secs); 3rd J Brown, 2¾ Dot (27 secs). Twenty competed. Class E ( for machines of unlimited capacity, confined to members of the club) – 1st W Caughey, 2¾ Orbit (20 secs); 2nd I D A Heys, 3½ Sunbeam (9 secs); 3rd R Matthews, 3½ Sunbeam (18 secs). At a meeting in the Club Headquarters at 3 Brunswick Street on 29 May 1924, it was agreed to order 300 new Rule Books from Brown & Sons at a cost of £2.12s.6d. Notification was received from the MCUI that the current club headquarters would no longer be available from August that year.

Reliability Trial, 24 May 1924 A Reliability Trial took place on 24 May 1924 for which first, second and third prizes were not awarded as no competitor secured the necessary marks. Mr Tom Stewart, 3½ Triumph, secured 95 marks and was the only rider to qualify for a gold medal. A report of the trial in Ireland’s Saturday Night indicates that there was a tremendous thunderstorm during the event. Needless to say, the storm did not make the riders’ task any easier, although the article explains that the inhabitants of the area were not deterred by the weather. They were amazed when Billy Chambers put his sidecar at the slope, which was just about wide enough for its width and was deeply holed for the entire length by the process of conveying stones from a nearby quarry on vehicles resembling sleighs (which were locally known as ‘slipes’). “Incredulity turned to admiration as the little BSA steadily worked its way up, often with the wheels at most precarious angles on either bank, and the admiration increased as the surviving competitors proceeded to take their machines along the same track in a series of contortions which a few years before would not have been seen outside a circus.” Out of a total entry of twenty, thirteen riders started and of these only one did not finish, J McKillen on a 4¼ Excelsior having retired at the Whiterock Road after persistent trouble with a slipping clutch. Sam Wallace had an adventurous day – outside Carnmoney, his sidecar wheel became detached while he was pushing his Montgomery along at a good pace and only splendid driving averted a serious smash for himself and his passenger. He finished, however, with his sidecar detached which made him ineligible for any award.



The Open Reliability Trial Tom Stewart coming first on a 3½ Triumph, in front of James Forsyth (3½ Sunbeam) and Sam Wallace (Montgomery and sidecar). J. C. Barr Cup 1, T Stewart, 3½ Triumph; 2, J Forsyth, 3½ Sunbeam; 3, Sam Wallace, Montgomery and sidecar; 4. T B Minnis. Special awards: W J Coates and J Innis. Gold medal: W A Kissick.

An Annual General Meeting took place on 11 December 1924 in Thompson’s Restaurant, Donegall Place, Belfast, Alderman J A Duff, MP (outgoing President), presiding over a large attendance.

Reliability Trial, 25 October 1924 Sam Wallace was the winner with W J Coates and James Forsyth taking 2nd and 3rd places respectively. Confined Reliability Trial— 1, Sam Wallace, Montgomery and sidecar; 2, W J Coates; 3, J Forsyth, 3½ Sunbeam; 4, T H Pullin. Special awards—J Hunter and J Robinson. Open Reliability Trial was run under very adverse weather conditions, and the trail laid by Mr W J Chambers so severe that only one competitor – T. Stewart was successful in gaining a prize.

The treasurer’s report showed a credit balance of £99 odd, as compared with £31 odd for the preceding year. Alderman Duff congratulated the club on the magnificent successes achieved. Not only, he said, had the credit balance been trebled, but in addition the membership of the club was also almost trebled. That success was, to a large degree, due to Mr Sam Wallace, Hon. Treasurer of the Club. Alderman Duff, proceeding, said that experiments were continually being made by the authorities with a view to finding some method of making the existing roads durable, and he believed that the new concrete roads were likely to be a thorough success. The chairman extended a hearty welcome to Mr Sam Hutchinson, Dublin, vice president of the Belfast and District Motor Club. On the motion of Alderman Duff, seconded by Mr J C Barr, Mr J E Clark was unanimously elected president of the club for the ensuing year.

The following officers were appointed for 1925: President:

Mr G C Clark

Vice Presidents: The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of Belfast (Alderman Sir William Turner), Right Hon. Thomas Moles, M.P., Right Hon. J M Andrews, M.P., Captain the Hon. Herbert Dixon, M.P., Alderman James Duff. M.P., and Messrs C W Jacob, Sam Hutchinson, W J Andrews, T W Murphy, P C Welch, J Holland, R G Cook, W McKee, J Gallagher and D Harding. Chairman:

Mr R M McLardy

Hon Secretary:

Mr W Phillips

Hon Treasurer:

Mr Sam Wallace

Hon Solicitor:

Mr J C Barr

Hon Auditors:

Messrs C Price and W Wilson


Messrs J K Miller, G C Hewitt, W Murray, J McKillen, J Brown, R McLardy, J Stewart, W Armstrong, W J Coates and W McKinstry

Delegates to the M.C.U.I.: Messrs Wallace, Miller, Stewart and Armstrong.

Re-establishing MCUI Inter-Club Team Trial and Reliability Trial Mr Sam Hutchinson, in the course of a short speech, said the manner in which the Belfast and District Club was conducted during the past year was worthy of the highest praise. The club had now the second greatest membership of any motor cycling club in Ireland, and he hoped that the progress would be maintained and that in 1925 it would be the first club in Ireland. At the conclusion of the meeting prizes won during the past year were handed to the successful competitors by Mr Hutchinson. During the evening an enjoyable musical programme, arranged by Mr George Hewitt, was contributed by the following artists:—Messrs J Bailie, T Carney, Livy and Shaw (Missouri Troupe), George Fawcett, C Tyrell, E Rosbotham and J Longmore, the accompanist being Mr T Wilson. In the course of the proceedings Mr J K Millar, one of the foundation members the club, was made the recipient of a handsome token of appreciation from the members for his services on behalf of motor cycling ranging from the year 1906. Jimmie replied, saying that he had been one of the founder members of the club and had been connected with it in dark days and bright. He was glad to see that it had come into the position which, in his opinion, its long history merited. Club records indicate that the club had that year enjoyed the most successful season of its nineteen year’s existence. Membership had increased from 49 to 133 during the course of the year and the Club’s financial position had also improved. Ballymena Weekly Telegraph - Saturday 20 December 1924

The final event of the 1924 season was run by the MCUl in their Inter Club Team Trial and Reliability Trial on Boxing Day. The club entered a team of riders consisting of S Wallace, W J Coates and T H Pullin and special mention was made of Sam Wallace’s excellent performance on that occasion.







With a strong team and a good financial status, the Club entered the 1925 season on a high. The situation was further improved by the augmentation of the annual prize fund and the donation of new silverware for presentation.

The events for the Easter Monday 9 May 1925 6 June 1925 1 August 1925

Prizes available for the season At the first club meeting of the season, Mr and Mrs W J Coates presented what was described as a ‘massive silver cup’ to the club for open competition. It was the unanimous decision of the club that the cup should be known as the Coates Cup with the stipulation that it be won three times not necessarily in succession. The club was also honoured to receive a handsome silver cup for open competition from Messrs McDowell & Company, the well-known High Street jewellers. The club’s prize fund for 1925 was further supplemented by the award of the following through the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union Ltd:

Club Emblem It was unanimously agreed in February 1925 that the colours of royal blue and white should be adopted as the Club’s colours. However, at the following meeting held in April of that year, Mr H C Brown proposed that this resolution should be rescinded and that the club emblem should be the Belfast coat of arms in black upon an emerald green background – and this was agreed.

Value £. s. d

1 Silver Cup (Triumph Cycle Co Ltd)

5. 5. 0

1 Chain Rivet Extractor (Coventry Chain Co Ltd)

5. 0

1 Silver Bowl (Union Fund)

3. 3. 0

1 Motor Cycle Cover (W &A Bates Ltd)


1 Pillion Seat (Tan Sad Ltd)

1. 7. 6

2 Sparking Plugs (AC Sphinx Sparking Plug Co Ltd)


year were planned as follows Hill Climb at Red Brae 50 Mile Championship Series Coates Reliability Trial 100 Mile Road Race

The Clandeboye Incident Bad luck fell on the North Down Club in 1925 as a consequence of an accident during an event held at Clandeboye, County Down in April 1923. A spectator was fatally injured by a motorcyclist during the event and a lawsuit was subsequently pursued against the North Down Club. It was found that the competition was held on the public highway without the sanction of the proper authority and the Club was liable to pay substantial damages of £350 (equivalent to at least £11,820 at today’s value). The Belfast & District Club ran a sweepstake and were able to donate £63 (which would nowadays be worth £2,127) to the North Down Club in defraying the costs of their unsuccessful law suit arising from the Clandeboye incident. Unfortunately, despite assistance from many quarters, the costs incurred by the North Down Club signalled the beginning of its decline and the club ceased to exist in 1926. This situation led to the subsequent involvement of the B&D Club in running the Carrowdore event which it first staged in 1927.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB This is a photo that was given to Larry Devlin many years ago. It is Carrowdore Main Street on April 25 1925, and we see the first rider, Harold Walker on a 3½ (350) side-valve A.J.S. and riding number 1 as handicap limit man, about to move off. The circuit for this very first Carrowdore race was exactly as used for the final one, and Mr Walker the very first rider to start a race there, the promoters being the North Down MCC. It was a 60-miler, hence titled the North Down “60”.

The North Down “Sixty” The very first Carrowdore race

It is interesting to note that The Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist reported on 15 April 1925 that the North Down Club would run a 55 mile road race at Carrowdore, County Down. It states that there was a tremendous amount of interest being taken in the event in the neighbourhood, as this is the first speed event ever held in the Ards peninsula. The event was later billed as the ‘North Down Sixty’ over a 57.3 mile course starting in Carrowdore village.

The same publication reported very enthusiastically about the event, stating that there were 37 starters, including Gordon Burney representing Dublin, J Craig, J F Dinsmore, H Chambers, H McGimpsey, N M Scott and three of the Andrews brothers, which promised a good race. H Chambers won the event, with Gordon Burney on 42 seconds behindin second place. The fastest lap was recorded by J Craig who covered the 5.3 miles in 5 minutes, 30 seconds.

Death of James Stewart Club headquarters moved to 41 Chichester Street in April 1925. It was with great sadness that in this month, members learned of the death of James Stewart, a former committee member of the Club. It was decided that a mourning ribbon should be attached to the armbands of officials at the Easter Monday event as a mark of respect. The Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist (15 April 1925) reported on the death of James Stewart as follows: “Motor cycling in the North of Ireland has suffered a severe blow in the loss it has sustained through the death of one of its foremost exponents and staunchest adherents, Mr James Stewart. When the power-driven two-wheeler was in its development stage, “Jimmy” played no mean part in popularizing it in Ireland, by providing practical proofs of its possibilities. He had served a previous apprenticeship on the push cycle, and the transition was perhaps more natural to him than it would be to the modem exponent, who, eschewing the humbler form or locomotion, begins at once on a combination. I am safe in saying that there was not in the North of Ireland a more genial, kindly individual. He was ever ready to give advice or assistance to those in need and was, as a result of his long experience, eminently qualified to do so.”

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 13 April Red Brae was arranged as the first fixture of the season, with the Club for the first time taking out an insurance policy to cover the club and Antrim County Council for the event up to £10,000. Results Class A: Open for machines up 250 c.c. 1st H McGimpsey, 2¼ New Imperial, (scratch); 2nd James Forsyth, 2¼ Diamond, (5secs.); 3rd J Creighton, 2¼ Cotton, (10secs.). Class B: Open for machines up 350 c.c. 1st W Smyth, 2¾ Enfield, (16secs.) 2nd J Anderson, 2¾ Dot, (2secs.); 3rd C A Reid, 2¾ Dot, (2secs.). Class C: Unlimited c.c. (private owners) 1st E P Mathews, 3½ Norton (16secs.) 2nd P B Webb, 3½ Norton, (5secs.); 3rd E G Lammey, 2¾ Res Acme, (17secs.). Class D: Sidecar (unlimited) 1st W G Davis, 3½ Norton, (8secs.); 2nd W Roberts, 4 Norton, (scratch); 3rd C B Kelly, 3 Dot (5secs.). Special prize for fastest time in this event (presented by Mr. J. K. Millar)—W. G. Davis, 76.2secs. Class E: Machines of unlimited c.c. 1st J Anderson, 2¾ Dot, (7secs.); 2nd J Fusco, 2¾ Chater Lea, (15secs.); 3rd H McGimpsey, 2¼ New Imperial, (12secs.). Class F: Unlimited c.c. (confined) 1st J Fusco, 2¾ Chater Lea, (15secs.); 2nd J Craig, 3½ Norton, (scratch); 3rd H McGimpsey, 2¼ New Imperial, (12secs.). Fastest time of the day: J Craig, 60.4secs. The officials in attendance were:— Starters: R McLardy, D Boyd, W Murray and W Phillips; Stewards: D Boyd, R H Wright and W Murray; Judges: J K Millar and T H Pullin; Chief Marshals: W J Chambers and G Bowman; Clerk of Course: W J Coates, Officials in charge of the telephone: Messrs Edwards, Dalzell and Innes. Belfast News-Letter - Wednesday 15 April 1925

50 Mile Championship Series The Club agreed to apply to the MCUI for the 50 Miles National and Ulster Championships and in the event of this being granted, they would run, in conjunction with the championship, a one mile timed trial with a 1st prize value of £2.0s.0d. The prizes for the 50 mile handicap would be taken from those provided by the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union and Mr James Brown kindly presented a special prize for the best performance (on time) by an unplaced rider. Four events took place concurrently on 9 May 1925 at Magilligan Strand – a Flying Mile in 4 classes; 50 Miles National Championship in 4 classes; 50 Miles Ulster Championship in 4 classes and a 50 Miles Open Handicap. It states in the flyer for the event that “For those wishing to go by Rail, the Midland Railway Co. have kindly agreed to run a Special Train from Coleraine to Downhill in connection with the 9.30am from Belfast and arriving at Downhill at 11.45. Belfast to Castlerock Day Excursion Tickets (First Class 6/6, Third Class 4/- return) will be available to Downhill Station, returning by 6.15 from Downhill. Accommodation for Motor Cycles will be provided at Single Fare for return journey.” The following are the details: FLYING MlLE— Class A, machines up to 250 c.c. 1, J G Burney (Dublin), 2¼ Enfield; 54.6secs. 2, (tied) G Brockerton, 2¼ Excelsior and H McGimpsey, 2¼ New Imperial; 55.8secs. 3, W J Thompson, 2¼ Cotton; 58secs.

Class B, machines 251 to 350 c.c. 1, J Simpson (Wolverhampton), 2¾ A.J.S. 40secs; 2, E Mundy (Birmingham), 2¾ New Hudson; 43.2secs. 3, J G Burney (Dublin), 2¾ Enfield; 43.6secs. Class C, machines 351 c.c. to 600 c.c. 1, E Munday (Birmingham), 3½ New Hudson; 41.6secs. 2, J Craig (Ballymena), 3½ Norton; 43.8secs. 3, G B. Woodburn (Derry), 3½ Norton; 45.4secs. Class D, machines over 600 c.c. 1, S Woods, Dublin, 8 h.p. New Imperial, 42.2secs. 2, C McClean, Coleraine, 8 h.p. Dot Jap, 44.2sccs. 3, R Matthews, 8 h.p. Brough Superior, 48.4secs. 50 MILES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Class A, machines up to 250 c.c. 1, G Brockerton, Belfast, 2¼ Excelsior, 60m. 50.2s. 2, T Stewart, Belfast, 2¼ Enfield, 61m. 4s. Class B, machines 251 to 350 c.c. 1, W Andrews, Belfast, 2¾ New Imperial, 49m. 43s. 2, T Moles, Belfast, 2¾ A.J.S., 50m. 11.4s. 3, W J McCurdy, 2¾ A.J.S., 53m. 0.4s. Class C, machines 351 to 600 c.c. 1, C Mundy (Biimingham), 3½ New Hudson, 43m. 37s. 2, J W Shaw (Belfast), 3½ Norton, 44m. 27.6s. 3, G Briggs (Dublin), 3½ Montgomery, 49m. 34.2s. Class D, machines over 600 c.c. 1, S Woods. Dublin, 8 h.p. New Imperial, 40m. 50.8s. 2, K Matthews, Bangor, 8 h.p. Brough Superior, 52m. 29.2s.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Coates Reliability Trial 50 MILES ULSTER Class A, machines up to 250 c.c. 1, G Brockerton, 2¼ Excelsior. 2, T Stewart, 2¼ Enfield. Class B, machines 251 to 350 c.c. 1, W Andrews, 2¾ New Imperial. 2, T Moles, 2¾ A.J.S. 3, W J McCurdy, 2¾ A.J.S. Class C, machines 351 to 600 c.c. 1, J W Shaw (Belfast), 3½ Norton. Class D, machines over 600 c.c. 1, K Matthews, Bangor, 8 h.p. Brough Superior. 50 MILES HANDICAP 1, E Mundy. 3½ New Hudson (6m. 30s); net time, 37m. 7s. 2, G Brockerton, 2¼ Excelsior (22m.); net time, 38m. 50.2s. 3, W Andrews, 2¾ New imperial (10m.); net time. 39m. 43s. 4, T Moles, 2¾ A.J.S. (10m.); net time, 40m. 11.4s. 5, K J Lammey, 2¾ Rex Acme (20m); net time, 40m. 13s. Special prize presented by Mr. James Brown for best performance on time by an unplaced rider in the handicap event—S Woods. Woods and Mundy. though qualifying easily for the national championship in their respective classes, were ineligible to win the Ulster Championship owing to the rule of the Ulster Centre, which states that entrants for these events must be domiciled within the area over which that body has jurisdiction.

The handsome silver cup presented lo the Club by Mr and Mrs J Coates, will be competed for next Saturday for the first time when a 12 hour reliability trial will be held. The course will be almost 180 miles in length. Starting from the rear of the City Hall the competitors will proceed via Randalstown, Toome, Maghera and to Alexander Arms Hotel, Limavady. After dinner the run will be resumed to Cushendall Bridge via Dungiven, Downhill, Coleraine, Bushmills, Ballintoy, Ballycastle, and Cushendun. The journey after tea will be via Carnlough, Glenarm, Larne, Ballyclare and Glengormley to Fortwilliam Park Gates and Shore Road. There will he seven open checks, with two observed sections, Knocksaughey and from Ballyvoy to Cushendun Bridge, while a flexibility test (100 yards slow and 100 yards fast) will take place on the lower reaches of Knocksaughey. In conjunction with the trial a team competition will be held. The Coates Cup with valuable replica

will be awarded lo the winner, there will prizes for the second and third, gold medals for those, apart from the first, second, and third prizewinners, who secure 96 marks or over, and silver medals for those securing from 90 to 95 marks. Gold breast pins will awarded to the members of the winning team. Teams will he of three riders. The first annual twelve hour Coates Reliability Trial for the Coates Challenge Cup was held on Saturday 6 June 1925. Sam Wallace came first on a 4hp Montgomery and sidecar, with T H Pullin second on an 8hp Brough Superior and sidecar, with the third prize won by T Stewart on an 8hp Enfield and sidecar. Coates Cup— 1, S Wallace; 2, T H Pullin; 3. T Stewart. Gold medals: F Freeman, J H Gass, H E Broderick, J Forsythe, F W Conn, J K Miller, J McKillen, J Innes, B Hutcheson, T V Craig and G Brockerton. Silver medals: R Matthews, J Brown and H Canning.

Re-establishing McDowell Cup Reliability Trial 1 August

Barr Cup Reliability Trial 3 October

Annual Prize Distribution 21 December

The 100 Mile Road Race originally arranged for 1 August was postponed to a later date owing to the number of fixtures of a similar nature being held around that time.

A Reliability Trial for the Barr Cup took place on 3 October, with W J Coates winning the trophy, Tom Stewart in second place and Sam Wallace third.

It was decided to hold a whist drive following the annual prize giving on 21 December 1925. Tickets were to be 2/- for gents and 1/6 for ladies and it was agreed that double tickets were to be issued free of charge to all prize winners. Amongst other arrangements made for the evening, it was decided that whiskey should be provided for the chairman; etc during the prize distribution. One of the members was duly charged with the task of obtaining two bottles of spirit and one syphon of soda and to take charge of these on the night!

Instead the first Reliability Trial for the McDowell Cup. was run. Despite the fact that the event started in a downpour of rain, sixteen entrants competed in the event. The first half of the run was from the rear of the City Hall through Newtownards, Greyabbey and Kircubbin to Portaferry. An open check at Portaferry was followed by the luncheon stop and then the journey was resumed by way of Ballyhalbert, Ballywalter, Millisle, Donaghadee and Bangor home. Tom Stewart (2¾ Enfield), H E Broderick (5hp Raleigh and sidecar) and T H Pullin (8hp Brough Superior and sidecar) tied for first place, having lost no marks at either open or sealed checks. The placings were eventually agreed as McDowell Cup (confined to Club members) 1, T Stewart; 2, H E Broderick; 3, J H Pullin; 4, J K Miller; 5, J McKillen; 6, G Irwin. Booby prize: E P Matthews.

J. C. Barr Cup: 1, J Coates; 2, T Stewart; 3, S Wallace. Gold medal: S Osborne. Silver medals: T Hall, G Irwin, J Rossi, J Kirkwood and J H Gass. Special award presented by Mr. S. Wallace for best performance by a competitor who fails to gain a gold or silver medal: R J Edgar. Death of Herbert Chambers The Club extended their deepest sympathy to the family of its late member, Mr Herbert Chambers, when they learned of his death in October 1925.

The annual social meeting and distribution of prizes in connection with tho Belfast and District Motor Club—which is really a motor cycle club was held last night in Ye Olde Castle Restaurant. After tea, tbe chair was taken by Mr J C Barr, the club’s hon. solicitor, who explained that Alderman Duff, who was to have presided, was unable to attend. Apologies for absence had also been received from Mr T W Murphy and Mr Sam Hutchinson, Dublin. Mr Barr extended the club’s thanks to the firms and gentlemen who had assisted them by presenting

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB prizes during the past year. He also referred to the assistance received from other clubs on various occasions, and to the friendly rivalry and fellowship existing between the clubs. At the request of the club’s hon. secretary, Mr W Phillips, the prizes won during the year were presented by Mrs Barr. Mr R H Wright expressed the club’s thanks to Mrs Barr for presenting the prizes, and asked her acceptance of a souvenir of the occasion. Mrs Barr having replied, a whist drive was held, the following being the prize winners— Ladies: 1, Mrs Christie; 2, Miss E McCormack. Men: 1, Mr E Campbell; 2, Mr F E MacDonald. Mrs G Hewitt distributed the whist prizes and Mr P C Welsh acted as M.C. Belfast News-Letter - Tuesday 22 December 1925

B & D Annual social and prize giving – 21 December 1925

Re-establishing SEVERE ULSTER TRIAL. Boxing Day Run. CHASING THE TRAIL LAYER. Over miles of the worst roads and laneways to be found in North Down and around Belfast, through thawing snow, mud and water, across ice and foot-deep drifts the entrants for tho motor cycle reliability trial of the Ulster Centre, Motor Cycla Union Ireland, ploughed their weary, yet cheery, way on Boxing Day. Only eleven the twenty-four riders who set out upon tho journey completed the course, and for the first time in the history of the sport in Ulster not one rider was u to time throughout the trial. Gold medals were to have been awarded to those completing the run without loss of marks, silvers to those losing five or less and bronzes to those losing ten or less, but the first open check above Ligoneil found every rider late, the only one remaining in the running for even the humblest medal being Sam Wallace, who was between eight and nine minutes late. Until the reports of the checkers and observers over tho course have all been received the result of trial will bo in doubt, but from the returns in the hands of the Centre secretary, Mr K H Wright, at a late hour last night, and judging from the opinions of non-competitors round the route, it appears likely that Sam Wallace will be returned the winner, with Gordon Burney, the well-known Dublin racing motor cyclist, second. Wallace rode Brough Superior and sidecar and Burney an 8 h.p. Enfield combination. The trial was the severest ever held in Ulster. “It was as bad as a Scott scramble,” said one of the competitors to the “Belfast News-Letter’s” motorcycling representative The Scott scramble, it may explained, being England’s most gruelling motorcycle event, run over ploughed fields and obstacles of a nerve-shaking and machine-smashing description.

Of the 29 entrants, 24 started from the rear of the City Hall at ten o’clock on Saturday morning. Rhe route lay via Cregagh, Dunmurry. Whiterock, city boundary above Ligoniel, Lisburn, Drumbo, Ballynahinch, Saintfield, and Comber, finishing at the watertrough on the Castlereagh Rood—which looks simple enough paper; but the very worst roads possible had been selected—farmyard tracks and laneways while the previous days weather had added to the difficulties of an already severe course. Many of the survivors said it was the moat hectic day they had ever spent awheel.

F J Johnston (New Hudson), George Joiner (Scott Squirrel), H Gass (Rover), C Brown (A.J.S.) and J Burnley (Henley) failed to reach the first check, and at that stage J Forsythe (Sunbeam), J Dubois (Ariel), J Kirkwood (A.J.S ) and T Hall had retired.

TRAIL-LAYER’S ADVENTURES. Ninety minutes before the start of the trial Mr J K Miller, chairman of the Belfast and District Motor Club, left by car to lay the trail and his adventures were almost as exciting as those of the competitors Twice his motor skidded completely round on the ice and on one of those occasions Mr Miller was thrown out. Despite his hour and half start, the trail-iayer was overtaken by Gordon Burney near Lisburn. He got ahead during the competitors’ stop at the Lisburn check, and between Bannnlll Brae and Ballynahinch was passed by Burney and Sam Wallace, who actually reached the County Down town before the trail had been laid to that point. The rest of the trail had been laid by Messrs Broderick and Cupples.

Sam Wallace, the man nearest to time, was 8 to 9 minutes late, and the three next best—Burney, T Stewart, and S Q Osborne, of Irish end to end fame—were 15 to 18 minutes out, while almost all the others were half-an-hour or more behind time.

The first observed hill was the Rocky Road at Cregagh. which presented little difficulty, but Crows’ Glen and the Whiterock were different propositions. The road was very slippery here and T Hall (A.J.S.) came off cutting his leg. F White (B.S.A.) failed, but made a good climb at his second attempt, and T Stewart, on one the new model Douglases was also reported to have stopped. Burney, Wallace, H McKee (Scott), and T T Gilbert (Matchless) were extraordlnarily good and C Duffin (P. and P.) was also good.

As stated everyone was behind ime. The rules of reliability trials are framed to keep the speeds of the competutors down to 20 miles per hour, usually a matter of difficulty to the sporting spirits taking part, but on Saturday it was found possible even to average the legal limit.

The section between Ligoniel and Lisburn was very treacherous, parts the road almost impassible and there are many unofficial reports of machines being dead stuck in places. By the time Lisburn was reached the number of starters had been reduced by half. G M Smith, on the smallest machine in the trial, a Diamond; H McGaw (Norton) and E J Lammey (Rex Acme) retired at the check here. R Price (Brough Superior S.C.) is understood to have dropped out about this stage. BANK AND FENCE CHARGED. It was fortunate for the men on solo machines that the Auto Cycle Union’s example had been followed and no penalty prescribed for “foot slogging,” for on Bannhill Brae, like other parts of the course, it was difficult to remain upright at times. Here McKee charged the bank but went on, while Norman Scott (Matchless) hit the fence, but incurred no loss of marks as he did not stop. J Mack (A.J.S.) got through the worst part of the section, but stopped

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB at the water splash. Burney and Wallace came through at racing pace, and Stanley Stewart (8 h.p. Enfield S.C.), with the only lady passenger in the trial, made a clean climb. T Stewart, C Duffin and S Q Osborne were good. The other observed sections were Leggagowan, a bumpy stretch with a twisty hill, and Skennan Lane. There were some failures on the former, but the majority of the competitors found the latter fairly easy. The following checked in at the finish:— H McKee (Scott), F White (B.S.A. s.c.), T T Gilbert (Matchless), G Burney (8 Sports Enfield, s.c.), S Q Osborne (Douglas), T Stewart (Douglas), J Mack (A.J.S.), Stanley Stewart (8 Enfield, s.c.), S Wallace (8 Brough Superior, s.c.), C Duffin (P. and P.) and N Scott (Matchless).

Souvenir medal presented to J K Millar, trail layer, Boxing Day Trial 1925






The twentieth Annual General Meeting of the Club took place in Thompson’s Restaurant, Donegall Place, Belfast on 28 January 1926. Mr J C Barr took the Chair and a detailed report of the club’s activities in 1925 was rewarded with applause from the members. The end of year accounts demonstrated a favourable balance of £7.7s.ld.

At the first committee meeting of the year, held on 2 February, the list of fixtures for the year was discussed. It was agreed that the following events should be held:


Mr P C Welsh


Messrs G C Clark, Alderman Duff, T W Murphy, Sir William Turner (Lord Mayor), W J Andrews, Captain Herbert Dixon, J C Holt, D Harding, W McKee, J Gallagher, C E Jacob and R G Cook

Hon Secretary:

Mr H E Broderick

Hon Treasurer:

Mr S Wallace


J K Millar, R McLardy, W Armstrong, W J Coates, G Brockerton, G Hewitt, W McKinstry, H C Brown, E P Matthews, G Joiner and J Hunter

Hon Solicitor:

Mr J C Barr

Hon Auditors:

Messrs Wilson and Cupples

Easter Monday 29 May 26 June 2 October

Hill Climb at Red Brae 50 Miles Championship at Magilligan Strand (to be applied for) Coates Cup Event Barr Cup Event

First Female Club Member It is interesting to note that at the meeting on 10 February 1926, the first female is named in the minute book as being elected to become a Club member – Miss Heininger.

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 5 April Easter Monday Hill Climb The customary arrangements were made for the Easter Monday Hill Climb, with Lame Borough Council granting permission for the use of the road and prize money being secured through members. The police officer in charge of wireless in the RUC kindly offered the loan of telephone materials, etc. for the event. Officials were appointed amongst the club members – clerk of course; chief marshalls; starters; stewards; judges and a press steward. Illegal Practicing It was agreed prior to the event that “intending competitors proved to have practiced in such a manner as to cause annoyance or danger to the general public may be precluded from entering the event. The police will have the Club’s fullest support in any action they may take to prevent unseemly practicing.” Insurance Cover Probably as a result of the Clandeboye incident the year before, the issue of insurance for the event was considered at length by the club, with quotes being sought from a number of companies and Mr Waring’s offer from the Royal Insurance Company was accepted at £4.10s.0d for £5,000 cover for the club and the same level of cover for the Borough Council at the same amount.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB On race day there was a splendid attendance including a number of prominent Dublin motor cyclists. Stanley Woods and C P V Tanner were there as competitors, while amongst the spectators were Mr T W Murphy, secretary of the M.C.U.I. Championship Committee, and the well-known rider, Gordon Burney. A feature was the number of newcomers to the sporting side of motor cycling who figured in the programme, and several of them proved very successful. D Cupples, a young member of a well known racing family, secured a first and a second place; while W. S. Cheema, although not conspicuous in the results, gave a plucky display, and should be heard of in the future. Stanley Woods and Harry McGimpsey, as a matter of fact, were the only front-rank racing men to gain places. The gradient at Red Brae varies considerably, and it is usually the rider who has studied closely the problem of gearing who proves successful. It was obvious in the first event, which was for those who had never won a first prize, that, many of the younger competitors were too highly geared for the steepest part the hill, and runaway victories were obtained in almost every heat. It was also plain that one of the principal rules in hill climbs—that a rider should remain on the side of the road on which he starts— had been overlooked many competitors. This resulted in claims for “baulks” etc., but when the judges investigated the complaints it was discovered, with the exception of one case, that the rider making the protest had been trying to pass his opponent on the wrong side. Fastest time of the day was shared by Stanley Woods and Bob Matthews, who were on the only two 8-h.p. machines taking part. Each of them returned 54.6 secs, as his best time, this being equal almost to 66 miles per hour. When running off a bye in the first round of the concluding event the well-known

Belfast rider, J W Shaw, made an attempt on the time record, but failed, clocking 57.4 secs. Six events had been arranged for the meeting, but owing to the small number of entries the 250 cc, or 21/4-h.p., and the side-car classes were abandoned. The entries for the other events, however, constituted a record. Class A: confined to those who had not won a first prise in any hill-climb. The first round was devoid of anything in the nature of an exciting finish, but J Gibson had a narrow win from W G Henry in the second round. The only other interesting finish was that in which J Blackburne beat Gibson, who was riding well for one at his first competition. In the runoff to decide third place G Joiner had a severe crash. While endeavouring to pass his opponent his fool-rest caught the bank, and Joiner was thrown, dislocating his shoulder. Fastest time in the event was made by James Brown (1min. 14secs). Results:— First round — W Earney, 2¾ Montgomery (h/cap allowance 15secs), beat R Warnock, 2¾ New imperial (15secs); James Brown, 2¾ Rex Acme (21secs) beat J McNaul, 2¾ Rover (20secs); M Dubois, 2¾ Chater Lea (12secs) beat M Gill, 3½ Norton (1sec); W S Cheema, 2¾ Raleigh (19secs) beat A Mawhinney, 2¾ Chater Lea (12secs); J White, 3½ Norton (scratch) beat J McFarlane 2¾ A.J.S. (12secs); W J Henry, 2¾ A.J.S. (12secs) beat W J Stanford, 2¾ Raleigh (18secs); J Gibson, 3½ Montgomery (3secs) beat H Bridgham, 2¾ Veloce (10secs); R Buick, 2¾ A.J.S. (side valve) (25secs) beat W Mayne, 2¾ H.R.D. (9secs);

Re-establishing J Blackburne, 2¾ Matchless (5secs) beat A Oliver, 2¼ Rover (30secs); D Cupples 2¾ A.J.S. (19secs), beat A E Lyons, 2¾ Raleigh (16secs); G McKenzie 2¾ A.J.S. (side valve) (25secs) beat V Francis, 2¾ New Gerrard (7secs); M. Hoy. 2¾ New Gerrard (15secs) beat E Paden 2¾ Dot (20secs); G Joiner, 2¾ New Hudson (12secs) and E J Finucane, 2¾ H.R.D. (1sec) received byes. Fastest time of round: J White, 1min. 6secs. Second round— Brown beat Earney; Cheema beat Dubois; Gibson beat Henry; Blackburne beat Buick; Cupples beat McKenzie; Joiner and Hoy received byes; Finucane retired. Fastest time of round: Brown, 1min. 4secs. Third round— Joiner beat Cheema; Blackburne beat Gibson; Cupples beat Hoy; Brown a bye. Fastest time of round: Blackburne, 1min. 7secs. Semi-finals— Brown beat Joiner; Cupples beat Blackburne. Fastest time of round: Brown, 1min. 13.2secs. Final— Brown beat Cupples (1min. 5.6secs.). To decide third place Blackburne beat Joiner (1min. 8.4secs.).

Class B: open to machines not exceeding 350 c.c. Closer finishes were seen in this class. J Forsythe was actually catching T McFarlane when the latter crossed the line a few yards in front, while the duel up the straight between W Crosett and McFarlane in the third round was the most exciting incident up to that point. In the semi final W S Cheema was narrowly beaten by M Dubois. Another neck and neck race was seen in the final between D Cupples and Dubois. Fastest time in this class was made by H. McGimpsey (1min. 0.6secs.). Results:— First Round— E Paden, 2¾ Dot (20secs) beat V Francis, 2¾ New Gerrard (7secs); R Warnock, 2¾ New Imperial (15secs) beat A E Lyons, 2¾ Raleigh (16secs); W Stanford, 2¾ Raleigh (18secs) beat M Hoy, 2¾ New Gerrard (15secs); D Cupples, 2¾ A.J.S. (19secs), beat W Mayne, 2¾ H.R.D. (9secs); J T Anderson, 2¾ Dot (1sec) beat F A McNeill, 2¾ H.R.D. (1sec); I McFarlane, 2¾ A.J.S. (12secs) beat J Forsythe, 2¾ Sunbeam (scratch); W Crossett, 2¾ A.J.S. (6secs) beat Jack Brown, 2¾ Dot (3secs); W S Cheema, 2¾ Raleigh (19secs) beat E J Finucane, 2¾ H.R.D. (1sec); J Fusco, 2¾ New Imperial (4secs) beat A Mawhinney, 2¾ Chater Lea (12secs); H McGimpsey, 2¾ New Imperial (scratch) beat W J Mulholland, 2¾ New Gerrard (8secs); M Dubois, 2¾ Chater Lea (16sees) beat J Blackburne, 2¾ Matchless (5secs); James Brown, 2¾ Rex Acme (21secs) beat W Service, 2¾ New Imperial (9secs); W J Henry, 2¾ A.J.S. (12secs.) and T Stewart, 2¾ Royal Enfield (scratch) walked over. Fastest time of round: McGimp»ey, 1m. 0.6secs.

Second round— Warnock beat Paden; Cupples beat Stanford; McFarlane beat Anderson; Crossett beat Henry; Cheema beat Stewart; McGimpsey beat Fusco; James Brown beat Dubois, but was disqualified for crossing. Fastest time of round: McGimpsey, 1min. 1.4secs. Third round — Cupples beat Warnock; Crossett beat McFarlane; Cheema beat McGimpsey; Dubois bye. Fastest time of round: Crossett, 1min. 3.6secs. Semi-finals— Cupples beat Crossett; Dubois beat Cheema. Fastest time of round: Dubois, 1min. 10.4secs. Final— Cupples beat Dubois (1min. 12secs.). To decide third place— Cheema beat Crossett (1min. 12.4secs.). Class C: Class confined to club members with engines of any c.c.— Woods and Matthews met again in this class this time Woods had his revenge. The only other item of interest was Matthews’ ride in the first round, when he equalled Stanley Woods’s 54.6secs., the best time the day. Results:— First round— Stanley Woods, 8 New Imperial (scr.) beat W Service, 2¾ New Imperial (14secs); R S Gilbert, 2¾ New Hudson (4secs) beat J Fusco, 2¾ New Imperial (9secs); W Earney, 2¾ Montgomery (20secs) beat W S Cbeema, 2¾ Raleigh (24secs);

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB M Dubois, 2¾ Chater Lea (21secs) beat T Stewart, 2¾ Royal Enfield (5secs); W Mayne, 2¾ H.R.D. (14secs) beat W J Mulholland, 2¾ New Gerrard (13secs); R Buick, 2¾ A.J.S. (side valve) (30secs) beat Jack Brown, 2¾ Dot (8secs); R Matthews, 8 Brough Superior (scr.) beat J Gibson, 2¾ Montgomery (8secs); J Shaw, 3½ Norton (scr.) and J. Forsythe, 2¾ Sunbeam (5secs) received byes, Fastest time of round: Matthews, 54.6secs: Shaw, 57.4secs. Second round — Earney beat Gilbert: Dubois beat Forsythe: Buick beat Mayne: Matthews beat Shaw: Woods, bye. Fastest time of round: Woods 55.6secs.: Matthews, 56.2secs Third round— Woods beat Matthews; Buick beat Dubois; Earney a bye. Fastest time of round: Woods, 55secs. Semi-finals— Earney beat Woods (1min. 13secs.); Buick a bye. Final— Buick beat Earney (1min. 17secs.) Class D: Open to machines of any c.c..— With the three fastest men of the meeting taking part —Stanley Woods, Matthews and J W Shaw— this proved an interesting event. In the first heat the Dublin rider, C P V Tanner and F A McNeill fought an exciting finish, and subsequently Matthews passed J T Anderson, who had started 6 seconds before him, some yards from the finishing point. The closest finish of the day was that in

which J Forsythe and J White figured, the former getting the decision ‘by a tyre’. A duel between Woods and Matthews in the second round was won by the Bangor man. Both started from scratch, and in sight of the judges Woods developed a wobble, which continued for some yards. He made the fastest time for this event (54.6secs.). Results:— First Round— C P V Tanner, 3½ H.R.D. (2secs) beat F A McNeill, 2¾ H.R.D. (6secs); W Crossett, 2¾ A.J.S. (11secs) beat R S Gilbert, 3½ New Hudson (4secs); R Matthews, 8 Brough Superior (scr.) beat J T Anderson, 2¾ Dot (6secs); Stanley Woods, 8 New Imperial (scr.) beat J Fusco, 2¾ New Imperial (9secs); J Gibson, 3½ Montgomery (8secs) beat M Gill, 3½ Norton (4secs); H McGimpsey, 2¾ New Imperial (5secs) beat Jack Brown, 2¾ Dot (8secs); J Blackburne, 2¾ Matchless (10secs) beat J W Shaw, 3½ Norton (scr.); J Forsythe, 2¾ Sunbeam (5secs) beat J White, 3½ Norton (5secs); C Duffin, 3½ Scott (21secs) beat E J Finucane, 2¾ H.R.D. (6secs); A E Lyons 2¾ Raleigh (21secs) beat W S Cheema, 2¾ Raleigh (24secs); M Dubois, 2¾ Chater Lea (21secs) beat T Stewart, 2¾ Enfield (5secs); D Cupples, 2¾ A.J.S. (24secs) beat J Mulholland, 2¾ New Gerrard (13secs). Fastest time of round: Woods, 54.6secs.; Matthews, 58.8secs.; Tanner, 1m. 0.8secs. Second round— Crossett beat Tanner; Matthews beat Woods; McGimpsey beat Gibson; Blackburne beat Forsythe; Lyons beat Duffin;

Cupples beat Dubois. Fastest time of round: Matthews, 56.6secs. Third round— Crossett beat Matthews; McGimpsey beat Blackburne; Lyons beat Cupples. Fastest time of round: McGimpsey, 1min. 1.8secs. Semi-finals— Crossett beat McGimpsey (1min 4.6secs,); Lyons a bye. Final— Lyons beat Crossett (1min. 10secs.). Officials were— Starters: Messrs R McLardy, J K Millar and R H Wright; Stewards: Messrs D A Boyd, McLardy and Millar; Starter’s Stewards: Messrs G Hewitt and E P Matthews; Press Steward: Mr H C Brown; Judges: Messrs F R. St. Lawrence Tyrrell, P C Walsh, J C Barr, R Condell, T Pullin and W Phillips; Chief Marshals: Major Mallet, R E and Captain Pinder, M.B.E.; Clerk of Course: Mr H E Broderick; Assistant Chief Marshals: Mr J Jamison and Mr J Brown, Machine Steward: Mr C A R Shillington Belfast News-Letter - Tuesday 06 April 1926

Re-establishing New Circuit of Ulster 14 April At a club meeting held on 14 April 1926, the secretary briefly explained his conception of the establishment of the Circuit of Ulster and expressed a desire to be permitted to present the first batch of handlebar badges. The meeting agreed to establish the test and appointed Messrs McLardy, Broderick, Miller and Joiner to formulate a code to present to the committee. The subgroup presented the regulations one week later. The agreed route was from Belfast, Downpatrick*, Newry*, Caledon, Aughnacloy*, Enniskillen*, Ballinamallard, Drumquin*, Strabane, Derry*, Coleraine*, Ballymoney*, Ballymena* and back to Belfast with checks at the marked stops (*). The route between checks was not specified since the shortest possible instance had been accepted for totaling. A suggested route was to be provided on the route card for competitor’s guidance. Mr J R Bainbridge and Mr T Stewart, were the first club members to attempt the Circuit of Ulster and later that month, Messrs S Q Osborne, N Scott and Denis Boyd also satisfactorily completed the course. All were awarded badges.

Three Strikes and You’re Out! It was noted in mid-May that Mr W J Coates had missed three meetings in succession and it was agreed that the rules should be adhered to and Mr W Phillips was therefore appointed to take his place on the committee.

Ulster Reliability Championship 29 May 1926 The Ulster Reliability Championship was allotted to the club for 29 May and a 130-mile long course was approved in County Antrim. Over a severe 130 mile course in County Antrim, the first Ulster motor cycling Reliability Championship was held on Saturday, the solo class being won by T Stewart (2¾ Douglas), and the sidecar class by J Kirkwood (3½ AJS combination). Stewart gave a fine display of riding throughout the trial, and when the checkers’ and observers’ returns were examined it was seen that he and J Forsythe (2¾ Sunbeam) had surpassed the other solo men at every stage. Had it not been for Forsythe’s failure on “Miller’s Pride”, an observed hill near Waterford the secret check would have had to be utilised to decide which of them should be champion. Other notable aolo riders were S Q Osborne (3½ Rudge), the only competitor besides Stewart to master “Miller’s Pride”. H McKee (3½ Scott), who did not, like Stewart and Forsythe, make a clean climb of the Annoy observed section, but who, nevertheless, was the only other competitor who actually kept moving there. D Cupples (2¾ A.J.S.), who rode carefully and well for a youth of 16; J H Gass (2¾ Rover); E Anderson (2¾ A.J.S.); F P Johnstone (2¾ New Hudson) and T Hall (2¾ A.J.S.). The sidecar championship lost much of its interest when Sam Wallace (8 Brough Superior), who had won the Irish reliabiltiy championship on Monday last, retired at Ballycastle with tyre trouble. Before that stage two other combination drivers had retired, so that only two remained – Kirkwood and J Warnork (6 B S.A.). Each lost the maximum of marks at Armoy and “Miller’s Pride” so that the championship was decided on the checkers’

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB returns, Warnock being 50 seconds late at the finishing stage. In the opinion of experienced trials riders, the competition was the severest of its kind ever held in the North. Most of the route led over hitherto uncovered sections, and the trail layer, Mr J K Miller, was the only man who had covered the course in its entirety before. It was a splendid championship course, and the winners fully deserve the titles which they will carry for one year. THE START Leaving the Antrim Road end of Fortwilliam Park at minute intervals between 1 p.m. and 2 o’clock, the riders proceeded via Glengormley and Ballyclare to Broughahane, where, after 23 miles of comparatively easy going the first check was taken. Here J R Thompson, Ballymoney (3½ Triumph) was one minute too early; J Blackburne (2¾ Matchless) was 30secs. out, and H McKee also lost a mark. These errors were probably due in every case to inaccuracy in figuring out the correct time of arrival. Another 22½ miles took the riders to the Armoy check, and here J R Thompson was a minute late. H Bridgham (2¾ Veloce) had retired somewhere in this section. After Armoy the trail led down a narrow path, about 200 yards long and with a slippery, bumpy surface which made feet on rests riding an impossibility. This path led to a water splash, some yards wide and about a foot deep, egress from which was by 30 yards of a shallow stream, This section was not officially observed, but a “News-Letter” repreaentative spent an interesting half hour in this section “watching the fun”. T Hall, the first rider to reach the splash, stopped in the middle, but carried on without much difficulty. J H Gass made a neat crossing and D Cupples, the youngest rider in the

trial, was plucky, with feet on rests coming along the stream. J Blackburne nearly came off in the gully before reaching the splash, and E Anderson repeated that performance after wild skidding. S Wallace took the splash slowly and perfectly. Wearing a nonchalant expression and smoking a cigarette, T. V. Craig, Bangor (3½ Dunelt and sidecar) was seen bumping his tedious way down the gully. At the top F P Johnston and S Q Osborne missed the trail and had to turn back, fortunatelv before they had travelled many yards. THE COLONIAL SECTION. Soon after the water-splash the riders encountered an observed colonial section, after which only two clean sheets remained, and those belonged to T Stewart and J Forsythe. With the exception of Stewart, Forsythe and H McKee, who lost 5 marks for foot slogging, everyone stopped on this section, while J R Thompson appears to have left the course. As Thompson is a Ballymoney man with some knowledge of the local topography, one would assume, this circumstance is surprising. J C Craig, Randalstown (3½ Norton and sidecar) retired near this place with clutch trouble, while serious tyre bursts put S Wallace and T V Craig out of the running near the same place. Thus three of the five competitors for the sidecar championship were eliminated within a few minutes and the remaining two, J Kirkwood and J Warnock, were equal in marks, having lost 10 each at the Armoy observed colonial section. Some more rough going was followed by the Ballycastle check, where T Hall was 20 secs. late (this, incidentally, lost him a bronat medal), and J Dubois (3½ Ariel) was 8 minutes out. By main road the distance between Ballycastle

and Cushendall is 15¾ miles, but with the aid of tricky little sections of lanes, fields, water splash and a stretch known as Gilmore’s Gulch.” the trail took the competitors over 20½ miles before they reached the tea stop. A terrible rainstorm, just the wild downpour one would associate with such a place as the picturesque Antrim Glens, overtook the riders some miles from Cushendall, with the result that they were thoroughly drenched when they arrived. J H Gass was two minutes late. J Blackburne was also at fault; and C Trotter (3½ Triumph) arrived by the wrong route, having gone off the course and retired. After tea, a starting from cold test was held, Mr T H Pullin (Larne) being the timekeeper. Competitors using a kick-starter were allowed 12 seconds in which have their engines running while those who pushed their machines to start them were allowed 90 yards. After starting, competitors had to travel 100 yards, at the end of which they encountered Black’s Hotel Hill, which was observed. No marks were lost either in the starting test or on this hill. “MILLER’S PRIDE” Then followed the tit-bit of the trial, an observed hill, named “Miller’s Pride” in honour of the discoverer Mr J K Miller, the competitions organisor of the Belfast and District Club. This was a sort of sheep-path with enormous stones sticking up in places. It had very severe gradients in parts, the worst probably at a nasty hairpin bend. J R Thompson (3½ Triumph) was splendid at the hairpin, but stopped further up. The two combination drivers, J Kirkwood and J Warnock, were also good at the hairpin, while T Stewart (2¾ Douglas) rode as only a man of his ability can. It may be mentioned that Kirkwood could legitimately

Re-establishing have claimed a baulk, but, instead of stopping, he “screwed” his machine round the solo man who had stopped, and continued his climb. J Forsyth made a plucky attempt, but ‘‘conked out” in the hedge. J H and H McKee were quite good, although footslogging as they passed the hairpin. So far, we have only dealt with the hairpin. Further up the hill, everyone stopped except T Stewart and S Q Osborne. “Sammy” Osborne is a rider whose dashing methods are sometimes open to criticism, but he thoroughly deserves praise for the way he performed on the upper portion of this hill. He was the only rider who entered the field at the top with his feet on the rests, and with Stewart, he shared the honour of keeping moving all the time. Stewart, however, was the “star” performer. J Warnock, whose B.S.A. combination had not exactly the stamp of an advance 1927 model, also should be mentioned for making a very good attempt to master “Miller’s Pride”. This hill was at Waterfoot, and between that village and Glenarm Mr W Simms took a secret check on the Coast Roed. As it happened, it was not necessary to utilise this check to decide the awards. STORMY WEATHER. J Blackburne was the only rider caught out at the Glenarm check. By-roads took the competitors over 21 miles of country to Glenoe, a wild place lying in the hills to the north of Ballycarry. A storm was raging here, and the riders, gathered underneath a tree outside the check, presented the appearance of men who had been bathing with their clothes on. J H Gass and D Cupples dropped a mark at the Glenoe check, and J Blackburne was again out, having dropped points at every check throughout the trial with one exception. No one failed on Glenoe Brae, which was observed, and fifteen

more miles of riding, mostly in the rain, took the competitors to the finish at Glengormley. It had been intended to observe Ballyduff Brae, but owing to the terrible weather this was wiped out, and the concluding portion of the trial was considerably modified. J Warnock, however, climbed Ballyduff Brae in his endeavour faithfully to observe the route card’s instructions. There was a good attendance at Glengormley to see the close of the trial. Evidently the rain had washed away the trail in the last few miles, as the riders arrived by two different routes, and under the circumstances the committee did not take this factor into consideration in deciding the awards. Only one rider was late here. J Warnock being 50 seconds out, and but for that 50 seconds the secret check would have determined whether he or Kirkwood should have been side-car champion. A meeting of the committee of the Belfast and District Club was held at their headquarters, 41 Chichester Street, as soon as the trial concluded. Arrangements had been made for the collection of the various reports and returns as the trial proceeded, and as a result it was possible to decide the awards a few hours after the finish – a record piece of work in such a big trial. Ulster Champion Solo Class: 1, Mr T Stewart, 2¾ E.W.Douglas, who lost 5 marks for foot slogging on “Miller’s Pride” (Total lost: 5 marks) Ulster Champion Sidecar Class: 1, Mr J Kirkwood, 3½ AJS and sidecar, who lost 10 marks for stopping on the Armoy observed colonial section, and 10 for stopping on “Miller’s Pride” (Total lost: 20 marks)

Silver medal: Mr J Forsythe, 2¾ Sunbeam, who lost 10 marks for stopping on “Miller’s Pride” (Total lost: 10 marks) Bronze medal: S A Osborne, 3½ Rudge (lost:15 marks); H McKee, 3½ Scott (lost 16 marks); E Anderson, 2¾ AJS (lost 20 marks); F P Johnston, 2¾ New Hudson (lost 20 marks). Special silver medal. It was also decided to award a silver medal to Mr E P Matthews, who rode over most of the course with Mr J K Miller laying the trail from his pillion seat. The car which carried the bags of dye was, of course, unable to follow the severe portions of the route. The trail layers had an arduous task, especially when their car broke down at the top of the mountains between Ballycastle and Cushendall. Mr W Chambers then came to the rescue with an A.J.S. and sidecar, but in the concluding miles of the trial the leading riders caught up the trail layers on occasions. The organisation of the trial was largely in the hands of Mr H E Broderick, secretary of the Belfast and District Club, while Mr J K Miller was responsible for the route and other matters connected therewith. At Armoy and Ballycastle the checking was done by members of the Ballymoney Club, who also looked after the observed section, while the Larne club supplied checkers for Glenarm, Cushendall, Glenoe, and observed sections in those districts. Mr W Simms, of the Ulster club, took the secret check. Mr G Kennedy officiated at Broughshane. Messrs W McKee and H H Palmer were at the finish, and Mr C Duffin (Knock M.C.C.) was in charge of

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Ulster Championship Protest Upheld the arrangements for the machines at Cushendall, where an R.A.C. scout, Mr J Brockerton, assisted. Thus, with the assistance of the other Ulster motor cycle clubs and outside helpers, the committee of the Belfast and District were free to exercise a general supervision. Mr P C Welsh, the president of the club, sent off the riders at the start, and by his presence at Cushendall and other places on the course, gave encouragement to the committee, who greatly appreciated his company and his help. THE COMPETITORS Complete list of the competitors: T Hall, 2¾ A.J.S.; J Dubois, 3½ Ariel; J C Craig, Norton S.C; J H Gass, 2¼ Rover; J R Thompson, 3½ Triumph; G Savage, 2¾ Rudge; D Cupples, 2¾ A.J.S.; J Kirkwood, 3½ A.J.S. S.C.; J Blackburne, 2¾ Matchless; E Anderson, 2¾ A.J.S.; H McKee, 3½ Scott: S Wallace, 8 Brough. S.C.; H Bridgham, 2¾ Veloce; T Stewart, 2¾ Douglas; T V Craig, 3½ Dunelt S.C.; J Warnock, 6 B.S.A. S.C; F P Johnston, 2¾ New Hudson; J Forsythe, 2¾ Sunbeam; S Q Osborne 3½ Rudge; C Trotter, 3½ Triumph.

Result: Name T. Hall J Dubois J C Craig J H Gass J R Thompson G A Savage D Cupples J Kirkwood J Blackburne E Anderson H McKee S Wallace H Bridgham T Stewart T V Craig J Warnock F P Johnston J Forsythe S Q Osborne C Trotter

Marks Lost On Miller’s time. Armoy. P ride. TotaL 1 10 10 21 8 10 10 28 Retired 4 10 10 24 2 10 10 22 Retired 1 10 10 21 – 10 10 20 5 10 10 25 – 10 10 20 1 5 10 16 Retired Retired – – 5 5 Retired 1 10 10 21 – 10 10 20 – – 10 10 – 10 5 15 Retired

No marks were lost on the other observed sections. The competitors represented the cream of Ulster reliability riders, and included men from Ballymoney, Randalstown, Bangor, and other places in the province. News-Letter Congratulated At the Belfast and District Club’s committee meeting on Saturday night a resolution was passed congratulating the “Belfast New-Letter” on its enterprise sending a representative over the tnal course with the competitors. Belfast News-Letter - Monday 31 May 1926.

The protest lodged by J Warnock, Ballymoney, against the result of the side-car class in the Ulster reliability championship, has been considered by the stewards of the event and upheld. Accordingly, Warnock, who drove a 6 h.p. B.S.A. combination in the trial, becomes the Ulster side-car champion for this year. At meeting of the Belfast and District Club committee which followed the trial it was found that the only two side-car drivers to finish had failed on the observed sections at Armoy and Waterfoot, but, whereas J Kirkwood (3½ A.J.S. and side-car) had been on time at all the checks, Warnock lost a mark for being 50 seconds late at Glengormley, where the trial finished. The side-car championship was then awarded to Kirkwood. Subsequently Warnock protested against that decision on the grounds that he was the only sidecar driver to ascend Ballyduff Brae. Kirkwood, it appeared, had reached Ballyduff Brae before the trail-layer, and consequently had no trail to lead him up the hill. Belfast News-Letter - Thursday 10 June 1926

Re-establishing CIRCUIT OF ULSTER The first lady to complete the Club’s “Circuit of Ulster” test is Miss Rena Smith, Londonderry, who rode over the 270 miles course on a 2¾ New Gerrard. Her journey started and finished in Londonderry. Miss Smith is the seventh motor cyclist to undertake the journey. Belfast News-Letter - Thursday 10 June 1926 Joint Reliability Trial 21 August A special joint meeting with North Down Committee took place on 29 July 1926 to discuss Joint Reliability Trials on 21 August that year. It was decided to offer the Coates Cup for open competition, the McDowell Cup for members of the B&D Club and the McMullan Cup for members of the North Down Club. It was agreed that entrance fees should be 2/6 for the McDowell and McMullan Cup events and 7/6 for the Coates Cup event for members and 10/- for nonmembers. The competition for the Coates Cup was to be held over a course 120 miles long, to include every check and observed section covered and any secret check or other test found advisable. For the purposes of the competitions for the confined trials, the complete course was to be divided as follows: The McDowell Cup (confined to members of the Belfast and District Club) to be decided on the marks awarded for the first half of the complete

course, and the McMullan Cup (confined to members of the North Down Club) for the second half of the complete course. The results of the competition were as follows: Coates Cup: 1st Mr S Q Osborne (3½ Rudge); 2nd Mr T Stewart (EW Douglas); 3rd Mr J Kirkwood (3½ AJS sidecar) Silver medal: S Wallace Bronze medal: J Owens; R G McLardy; J M Anderson; J Boal; F P Johnston; R W O’Shea and S G Kennedy McDowell Cup: 1st Mr S Q Osborne; 2nd Mr T Stewart Bronze medal: C J Keenan and Miss R Smith Mr T V Craig’s prize for the best unplaced rider taking part in his first trial was awarded to J M Anderson McMullan Cup: 1st Mr S Wallace (8 Brough Superior); 2nd Mr J Owens (P Triumph) A special prize was contributed by committees of both clubs to the value of £3 for Miss Rene Smyth of Derry who ‘displayed courage in finishing in spite of a great deal of trouble’.

Reliability Trial October 1926 A deputation from Queen’s Island Club attended a committee meeting held on 20 September 1926, requesting that their club should be permitted to utilize the arrangements put in place for the Barr Cup for their own confined trials. This was agreed and a friendly team competition was also proposed, with five members from each club nominated and the first three to count. Barr Cup Trial 2 October The Club held its annual trial for the J C Barr Cup over a severe 80-miles course in Co. Down. For some years the Barr Cup event has enjoyed a reputation of being the season’s “most sporting trial.” Whether, in view of the severity of the Ulster Reliability Championship and Coates Cup routes, it is still entitled to that distinction is matter of opinion. There is no doubt, however, that Saturday’s trial imposed a strain upon the physical resources of the competitors, while their machines, particularly the crank cases, were put through searching test. It may be said that the sidecar drivers were faced with the greater task, as two ’’laneways” of terrible surface made riding to the 20 miles per hour average almost an impossibility. One of the “laneways” – the term implies a compliment – was over a mile in length, and consisted in parts of footpaths through fields, cart tracks, and sections that must have been difficult even for a pedestrian. In places the machines had to he lifted over rocks and boulders, and in others the ‘roadway’ was so narrow that for considerable distances progress was only possible with the sidecar wheel in the air, or on the top of a ditch. Meanwhile the driver’s right handlebar scraped through whin bushes and hedges. The nature of the course was known to more

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB experienced trial riders, and consequently it was not surprising that only two sidecar driven faced the starter. One of these was Harold C Brown, who was taking part in his first trial, his machine being small powered 2¾ O.K. The other, Stanley Stewart, is a more experienced driver, but the fact that his passenger was a lady must have been a disadvantage. His machine was a heavy one – an 8 h.p. Royal Enfield – and in helping lift it over boulders, etc., his passenger had a task of difficulty for a woman. Nevertheless, in playing her part in the trial she showed pluck and endurance, and must be termed a “heroine” of the Barr Cup. Of course in some ways, the sidecar drivers were at an advantage. They were less liable than the solo men to fall off at the rough parts while, at the observed sections, their chances of failure were probably slighter. Starting at 2 p.m., the riders were sent off at minute intervals from Pirrie Park by Mr P C Welsh, the popular president of the Club. Mr J C Barr, the donor of the trophy, was also present, while the secretary of the club, Mr H E Broderick, assisted by Miss Rene Smyth, the Londonderry girl rider, acted in the capacity of watch sealer, number steward, etc. The Queen’s Island club were running a confined trial for the W R F Boyd Shield over the same course, but generally the joint events, apart from the awards, were in the nature of one trial. On leaving Pirrie Park, the riders travelled up the Cregagh Road to the Rocky Road, which was observed, but presented few difficulties. J Brown (2¾ A.J.S.) had engine trouble, however. The route then led down the side of the Forster Green Hospital, across the Saintfield Road, through Newtownbreda village, and round by Purdysburn to the Mealough, which was also observed. Few, if any, failures

were recorded here, but shortly after leaving it the riders encountered a rock-strewn path, which looked like the dried-up bed of a river. Here, H C Brown knocked out his crank drain plug with serious results to his engine, an oil-cooled Bradshaw. When it seized, he and his passengei pushed the combination two miles to a private garage, where some oil was procured. By twisting and hilly roads, the route led by Drumbo, Lisnode and Magheraknock, to Ballynahinch, the open check in the Square being reached by little used paths. Then came switchback by-roads past the Grove, Pillarhill and Dreehill, to the Rib, which was also observed. S Q Osborne (3½ Rudge) and A E Lyons (2¾ Raleigh) had tyre trouble on the mountains above Dromara, but made up lost time rapidly. The water splash at the Rib was not too deep, but at other places F P Johnston (2¾ New Hudson) and a number of others failed, while H C Brown was reported as having allowed his front wheel to stop for a fraction of a second. Two hundred yards from the Rib, Stanley Stewart had a puncture, which was really hard luck, when was going so well. The districts of Legananny and Benraw were passed, and then followed the piece de resistance of the trial, the pathway already referred to. As it was not officiallv observed the full tale of tragedy will never be known. By Lowtown the competitors reached McBride’s Cross, when the second check was taken. Good roads took the riders to Katesbridge and bad roads Banbridge. Worse roads followed before Dromore (third check) was reached; but the run home by Hillsborough and Lisburn to Balmoral was easy. Hugh Megaw (3½ Norton) was another rider to have tyre trouble, his misfortune coming a few miles on the Banbridge side of Dromore. A secret check was

taken by Messrs W Simms and A Waddell between Dromore and Hillsborough, and at the finish Messrs T Pullin and Harry Palmer officiated. The result will not be known until the committees of the responsible clubs have considered the various returns, but at the finish it was thought that Tommy Hall (2¾ A.J.S.) was the likely winner of the principal award. The starters and their machines were as follow:F P Johnston (2¾ New Hudson), J Stewart (Royal Enfield and sidecar), T Stewart (5 Dunelt), W L Burns (2¾ Sunbeam), G Joiner (2¾ New Hudson), Harold C Brown (2¾ O.K. and sidecar), N M Scott (2½ Levis), L A Brown (Norton), J K Sherwood (2¾ B.S.A.), G McGimpsey (2¾ A.J.S.), A E Lyons (2¾ Raleigh), T Hall (2¾ A.J.S.), H Bridgham (2½ Royal Enfield), S Q Osborne (3½ Rudge), J Brown (2¾ A.J.S.), R Birch (2¾ A.J.S.), L V Harris (2¾ Caltborpe), George A Savage (2½ Rudge) and H Megaw (3½ Norton). Belfast News-Letter - Monday 04 October 1926 The results were: Barr Cup: 1st T Hall; 2nd S Q Osborne; 3rd J M Anderson; 4th J K Sherwood Silver medal: T Stewart; N M Scott; L V Harris and L A Brown Bronze medal: G Joiner; G A Savage; A E Lyons and J Brown Non trade inter club contest: Queen’s Island MCC (T Hall, W L Burns and J Sherwood) Boyd Shield: 1st T Hall; 2nd W L Burns; 3rd J Sherwood

Re-establishing Bad Luck at Amateur TT It was noted at a club meeting in September that the B&D Team which competed in the Amateur TT in the Isle of Man had not been successful. The club secretary was instructed to write to each team member (Messrs Cupples, Bridgham and Hewson) to sympathise with them in their ill-luck.

Social and Prize Distribution 1 October A social evening took place on Friday 1 October in Thompson’s Restaurant at which the Circuit of Ulster Badges were distributed. It was held on novel grounds, described as an ‘indoor open event’, all ‘competitors’ being due at the first open check at the tea-table at 7.30pm. Once the meal was over, a novel competition in the form of an ‘unreliability trial’ was held, with everyone present being eligible to compete. Route cards were supplied and also sealed envelopes which contained the marks secured by each rider at the various sections. The winners were those who lost the least number of marks. First place was awarded to Miss Rene Smyth of Derry and Mr S Q Osborne was second. Tributes were paid to Mr Ted Stuart who died as the result of an accident in the Ulster Grand Prix and Mr P C Welsh in the chair referred to Mr J Forsythe and Mr D Cupples who had recently been injured at Magilligan Strand.

Handlebar badges for the Circuit of Ulster were awarded to: Major Circuit: Miss Rene Smyth (New Gerrard); Angus McLardy (Morris Cowley); George McKenzie (2¾ AJS); C Keenan (Morris Cowley); T Brennan (New Gerrard); G Trimble (New Gerrard); E P Matthews (Levis); H Broderick (2¾ Montgomery) Ordinary Circuit: Miss Rene Smith; J R Bainbridge (2¾ AJS); T Stewart (Duvelt); Stanley Stewart (Triumph); Denis Boyd (Douglas); S Q Osborne (Rudge); J Jones (Massey); T Jones (Morgan); J McNeill (Triumph); N M Scott (Levis) Mr Broderick, hon. secretary, said Miss Smyth had been very plucky to complete both circuits. The performances of McNeill and Boyd were also praiseworthy. McNeill had ridden a 15-year-old Triumph and Boyd an 11-year-old Douglas. A programme of music was contributed by the Dixie Minstrels, Mr A E Gwyther, and Mr A McMinn. Belfast News-Letter - Saturday 02 October 1926.





Mrs. J. C. Welsh, wife of the President, presenting the Coates Cup to Mr. S. A. Osborne at the annual prize distribution in Ye Old Castle Restaurant, Belfast Published: Thursday 13 January 1927 Newspaper: Belfast Telegraph

Prize Distribution 12 January 1927


The annual prize distribution was held in Ye Olde Castle Restaurant. After tea, the chair was taken by the president, Mr P C Welsh, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., who said the club had always been famed for its clever organisation of its reliability trials. A great deal of the credit was due to the competitions organiser, Mr J K Miller, who might be described as Ulster’s veteran motor cyclist. They were fortunate in having such men as Mr R McLardy and Mr W Armstrong on their committee, and to Mr H E Broderick, the secretary, was due to a great extent the present position of the club. The Club is the oldest in the country, having been founded in 1906, and they were proud of the fact that one of their members Mr Sam Wallace, was the sidecar reliability champion of Ireland. On behalf of the members he thanked all who had assisted during the year, particularly Mr W White and Mr W Simms of the Ulster Club, and Mr T Pullin and his colleagues of the Larne Club. “I have been present at two of your trials during the year,” concluded Mr Welsh, “and I am satisfied that the prize winners thoroughly deserve their awards. Mr J Barr, hon. solicitor of the club, called upon Mrs Welsh to distribute the prizes. Mr R McLardy, chairman of the committee, thanked Mrs Welsh, and on the motion of Mr R H Wright, seconded by Mr W Phillips, a vote of thanks was passed to the chairman and Mr Barr.

“The wiseacres have remarked that a year from now the Belfast and District Club will be no more, but those who take a wide, unprejudiced view of the Club’s position must come to the conclusion that such prognostications cannot be inspired by any commendaole regard for the Club or the truth”. This piquant observation was contained in the annual report of the Club, which Mr. Harold C. Brown (the hon. acting secretary) presented at the annual meeting held in Thompson’s Restaurant, when Mr. P. C. Welsh presided over a large attendance of members.

A whist-drive and dance followed, the prize winners in the former being: Men. 1. Mr Brown; 2. Mr W S Cheema; 3. Mr T Wilson.Booby: Mr A E Lyons. Ladies. 1. Miss Gaw; 2. Miss L Smyth; 3. Miss M Corry. Booby. Miss R Browne. Belfast News-Letter - Thursday 13 January 1927

The report also stated that, in common with other Ulster clubs, the membership had decreased, but the prospects were much better than at this time last year, and with the return of more prosperous conditions to the city the Club should soon regain its former strength. A satisfactory financial statement, showing a balance in hand of £7 7s, was submitted by Mr S Wallace (hon. treasurer). A sum of £54 11s 5d was spent in prizes.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB The reports were adopted on the motion of Mr J C Barr, seconded Mr W Armstrong. President:

Mr P C Welsh


Messrs G C Clark, T W Murphy, Alderman Duff, W J Andrews, Sir William Turner (Lord Mayor), Cllr S Donald Cheyne (High Sheriff elect), J Gallagher, Captain Herbert Dixon, J C Holt, D Harding, W McKee, C E Jacob and R G Cook


Mr R McLardy

Vice Chairman:

Mr W Phillips

Hon Secretary:

Mr Harold C Brown

Assist. Secretary: Mr G C Hewitt Comp Secretary: Mr J K Miller Hon Treasurer:

Mr S Wallace


E P Matthews, J Hunter, W Armstrong, J H Bainbridge, J Innis, J McKillen, T Henry and T V Craig

Hon Solicitor:

Mr J C Barr

Messrs W Armstrong, S Wallace, and Harold C Brown were appointed delegates to the Ulster Centre, the Chairman (Mr R McLardy) being an honorary member.

The following alterations to the rules, moved by the Hon. Secretary, were approved;— Rule 4 to read: “That the Club be managed by a committee consisting of the officers and eight members, all of whom shall be elected at the annual meeting. The delegates to the Ulster Centre, M.C.U.I., shall be elected from the Committee. Five shall form a quorum of the Committee”. Rule 5 to read: “That the officers of the Club shall consist of president, hon. solicitor, chairman, vicechairman, secretary, assistant secretary, competitions’ secretary, and treasurer”. The Chairman expressed pleasure at the presence of Mr R Condell, J.P. (Chairman of the Ulster Club). Mr Condell said that during the past two or three years he had made it his business to work for cooperation and comradeship amongst the three city clubs. If at any time the Ulster Club could be of any assistance to the Belfast and District Club he could promise that it would be willingly given. (Applause) The Secretary announced that if the new Committee applied for the National Championships this year there was little doubt but that they would be allotted to the Club. Northern Whig - Saturday 29 January 1927 Events 18 April Hill Climb at Red Brae 21 May National and Ulster Championships, Coates Cup and inter-centre team contest (if allotted date) 25 June McDowell Cup 13/20 August Welsh Cup 1 October Barr Cup Trial A team was nominated to enter the Senior TT Race in the Isle of Man – J W Shaw, J Craig and S Woods.

The Irish Reliability Championships At a meeting of the committee of the Club, held last night at 71, Chichester Street, Belfast. Messrs J K Miller (competitions organiser), S Wallace (treasurer), Harold C Brown (secretary) and J Hunter were appointed a sub-committee to draw provisional rules for the Irish reliability championships trial, which is to be run under the club’s auspices on 14th May. After endorsement by the club committee the rules will be sent to the championship committee of the Motor Cycle Union Ireland for final approval. It was recommended to the sub-committee that they should consider the incorporation of the brake and acceleration test used by the Cork and District Club, which ran the championship last year. The reduction of the length of the trial from 200 to 180 miles was suggested, and tho inclusion of a dinner stop of an hour and a quarter and tea stop of threequarters of an hour was also mooted. Several other matters in connection with the trial were discussed, and a provisional estimate of the cost of running the event, amounting to almost £40 was presented by the treasurer. It was reported that the road at Red Brae, where the club is to hold a hillclimb on Easter Monday, was in good condition. It was decided that any intending competitor proved to have practised the bill in such a manner as to cause annoyance or danger to the public might be precluded from taking part in the event and that the police should have the full support of the club in any action taken against such offenders. Belfast News-Letter - Thursday 03 March 1927

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 18 April Arrangements were made for the Easter Monday Hill Climb at Red Brae and there was a minor dispute about the entry fees with some wishing them to remain at 3/6 for club members and 5/- for others and others voting to increase them to 4/- and 5/6 respectively. It was eventually agreed to let the current fees stand. It was agreed to insert on the entry forms that any rider taking his hands off the handlebars in the course of a race should be immediately disqualified and that the club had the right to handicap a rider for a win. Forty motor cyclists, collectively responsible for 110 entries. The number of entries constituted a record. Four events comprised the programme, novices, club members, and competitors on machines up to 350 c.c. and of any c.c. respectively being catered for. A fifth event, for sidecar machines, had be cancelled owing to a paucity of entries, the poor support lent by combination drivers making it evident that speed events do not appeal to them. This being the first big event of the season, the handicapping was quite good, there being no runaway victories. David Black, Londonderry, however, gave the promoters rather a shock with the acceleration of his New Gerrard and secured three prizes – a first, a second and a third – in the three events for which he was entered. S M Hunter (348 New Henley) was another who at first appeared to be too generously treated with 17 seconds allowance, but as he only secured second place the Handicapping Committee appears to have calculated his speed discreetly. Another of the men with generous allowances, M J Young, on a side valve A.J.S., who had 19 seconds got amongst the prize-winners in the two events for which he was entered. The honours of the meeting, however, went to J W Shaw and T Stewart, two local agents with reputations already made. Shaw, on his 490 c.c. Norton, made fastest time of the day, and won the event open to all comers, machines of any cubic capacity. His time for the hill, 55secs., represents a speed of 65.45 miles per hour, and

almost equals the record jointly put by Stanley Woods and Robert Matthews last year at 54.6secs. Stewart won the event for machines under 350 c.c. and secured second places in the class confined to club members and that open to all comers, any c.c. He also made second fastest time, 58.6secs., which beats the previous best for the 350 c.c. class, 60.6secs., made Harry McGimpsey last year. Rain had made the hill greasy in places, and there were a few awkward skids during the starting of the competitions in the first event. Soon afterwards the sun shone, and the road dried, making high speeds safer. Class A: confined to those who had not won a first prise in any hill-climb. The first round produced nothing sensational, but the second showed that the limit men were “hotter” than had been expected. The only close finish was that between J H Blackburn (348 Velocette) and Harrie Palmer, who was riding a 348 Matchless entered by Blackburn, “a wheel” separated them as they passed the judges. In the second round V Clarke (248 Cotton) had the misfortune to have his front chain break before he had gone 50 yards. Results:— Third Round— D Black, 346 New Gerrard (15 sees.) beat F Freeman, 347 Sunbeam (6secs.); W J Young, 348 side valve A.J.S. (19 secs.) beat V Clarke, 348 Cotton (13 secsj; S M Hunter, 348 Henley (17 secs.) beat W Magowan, 347 Sunbeam (7 secs.); J H Blackburn, 348 Velocette (3 secs.) walked over W Boston, 348 Dot Blackburne (14 secs.). Semi-finals— Black beat Young; Hunter beat Blackburn. Final— Black beat Hunter. To decide third place— Young beat Blackburn Class B: Open to all comers, any c.c. In view of their successes in the previous event,

Black’s handicap allowance was ‘docked’ 2secs. and Hunter’s 1sec. while S Q Osborne, 348 Calthorpe, was granted an extra 2secs. allowance. After reaching the semi-finals, Harry McGimpsey had hard luck in losing his second gear, and in consequence his subsequent performances were seriously affected. Results:— Third Round— H McGimpsey, 344 New Imperial (5secs.) beat S M Hunter, 348 Henley (17secs.); J W Shaw, 490 Norton (scratch) beat W S Cheema, 348 Raleigh (10secs.); D Black, 347 New Gerrard (12secs.) beat W Magowan, 347 Sunbeam (8secs.); T Stewart, 344 Royal Enfield (5secs.) beat J McGimpsey, 344 New Imperial (9secs.). Semi-finals— Shaw beat McGimpsey; Stewart beat Black. Final— Shaw beat Stewart. To decide third place— Black beat McGimpsey Class C: Open to all comers, not exceeding 350 c.c. J W Shaw brought out a 348 Velocette in this event, but found it too much to concede 10secs. to the luck-starred Black in the first round. W Magowan now began to show well on his 347 two-port Sunbeam, but could not get amongst the prize winners. It was in this event that Stewart made his fast run of 58.6secs. Results:— Third Round— W Magowan, 347 Sunbeam (8secs.) beat W F Rusk, 349 Orbit (90secs.); T Stewart, 344 Royal Enfield (3secs.) beat A Mawhinney, 349 A.J.S. (6 secs.); D Black, 347 New Gerrard (10secs.) beat J H Blackburn, 348 Velocette (2secs.); J Mawhinney, 349 A.J.S. (10secs.) beat A E Lyons, 348 Raleigh (9secs.) Semi-final— Stewart beat Magowan; Black beat Mawhinney.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Final— Stewart beat Black. To decide third place— Mawhinney beat Magowan. Class E: Confined to Club members, any c.c. Neither S Q Osborne nor J McGimpsey started. In the second round Tommy Stewart avenged his defeat by J W Shaw in the previous event. Results:— Third Round— W Magowan, 347 Sunbeam (8secs.) beat S M Hunter, 348 Henley (17secs.); T Stewart, 344 Royal Enfield (5secs.) beat E G Lammey, 248 Excelsior (20secs.); M J Young, 348 A.J.S. (20secs.) bye. Semi-finals— Magowan beat Young; Stewart bye. Final— Magowan beat Stewart. For second place— Stewart beat Young. Belfast News-Letter - Tuesday 19 April 1927

Stewards of meeting: Messrs B Martin, R McLardy and W Armstrong; Judges: Messrs P C Welsh, J C Barr, T W Murphy, W Phillips and T H Pullin; Starters: Messrs W Simms and R McLardy; Starter’s Stewards: Messrs E P Matthews and G C Hewitt; Chief Marshal: Mr S J Russell; Assistant Chief Marshalls: T Henry, J McKillen and J Brown; Timekeepers: Messrs J K Millar, B H Wright and T H Pullin; Telephone Steward: Mr J Innes; Programme Steward: Mr S Wallace; Red Cross Officer: Mr T Henry; Clerk of Course: Mr Harold C Brown. The secretary, Mr Brown, stated that R.A.C, guides and A. A. scouts would be present to assist in regulating the traflic.

Championship Trial 14 May Ulster M.C.U.I. Centre Discuss Belfast Motor Club’s Trial. “We are of the opinion that the trial was satisfactory in every way”. In these words Mr. David A. Boyd, the chairman, summed up the discussion at the monthly meeting of the Ulster Centre of the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland yesterday evening, relating to allegations of improper management in connection with the championship trial organised the Belfast and District Motor Club on May 14th last. Complaints were not put forward by any the competitors taking part, but the Centre deemed it advisable to have a full and frank discussing of the subject owing to certain rumours which had been circulated. The discussion enabled the representatives of the Belfast and District Club to state facts which completely vindicated their position, and a resolution, approving of the manner in which the trial had been carried out, was passed unanimously. The Chairman, who stiongly condemned wild talk having a detrimental effect on the sport in which they were interested, expressed the opinion of the entire meeting when he said that the proper method of voicing legitimate complaints was to protest in the manner provided in the open competition rules of the Centre, which gave adequate scope for the ventilation of grievances and the rectification of any defects in organisation. Northern Whig - Thursday 04 August 1927

Reliability Trial 20 August 1927 A confined reliability trial took place on 20 August over an 80 mile course with the results being: Class A: 1st J K Miller (4 Triumph) (Club Chairman); 2nd T Hall (2¾ AJS); 3rd J Innes (2¾ Massey) Three competitors tied for third place (J Innes, G Hewitt and J McKillen) but they sportingly drew straws for the position with the above result. Circuit of Ulster In August, a further two riders completed the major Circuit of Ulster (Mr J B Gallagher from Banbridge and Mr W H Adair from Templepatrick) and the secretary was instructed to forward handlebar badges to these riders.


Insurance to the value of £5,000 was arranged to cover both the Club and the County Council. Advertisements were to be placed in Ireland’s Saturday Night on 17 September.

St n

Carrowdore Village Farmhouse Corner Ne w

Ballyboley Corner

5.4 miles


New Road Corner

rd Ca y Rd

Carrowdore ‘Hundred’ E Brooks, a member of tho Royal Ulster Constabulary in Belfast, riding 348 c.c. Raleigh, won the 75.45 miles road race organised by the


The race would start at 3.30pm with roads closing one hour earlier at 2.30pm. 2,500 programmes (6d each) were printed. In the weeks before the race, the residents of Carrowdore village donated a gold medal for first place and a fourth place prize of £1.0.0.

This portion proved the undoing of Jimmy Shaw, the well known Belfast rider, when he held a good position in the race. Riding with typical judgement and skill, Shaw had ridden into sixth place on the tenth lap, and had reduced the advantage of the leader (J Hayes, 490 Norton)—to whom he was conceding 19 mins.— to 8 mins. 29 secs. Brooks, who was in second place, and to whom he was granting 9mins., was 3 mins. 25 secs. ahead, and T F Murphy, (490 Toreador), who ultimately finished


An extra special meeting was held on 25 August to discuss the forthcoming 80 mile road race. It was decided that the prizes for the event would be as follows: 1st place The Welsh Cup (perpetual trophy) kindly donated by P C Welsh and £8.0.0; 2nd place £5.0.0; 3rd place £3.0.0, with the fastest time prize at £2.0.0.

The course, which consisted of 5.3 mile laps, did not lend itself to particularly high speeds. There were four right-angle bends with two less acute ones, to negotiate, while between Dunover and Carney corners there was nasty double bend, all of which militated against fast speeds. The surface on the whole was fairly good, but a stretch of about one and a half miles between Ballyboley and Cardy crossroads required very careful riding on account of its switchback nature. Some of the fast men rose several feet in the air when coming off the rises.


A proposal was made at a meeting on 6 July 1927 to apply to Down County Council for permission to hold a road race on the Clandeboye course, as an alternative to the Carrowdore course. The records do not indicate why, but the venue of Clandeboye initially proposed was altered to the Carrowdore and hence the first of the famous motorcycle road races at Carrowdore was staged on 1 October 1927.

Club at Carrowdore. Off a 9 minute mark he rode a consistent race throughout to cover the distance in 92 mins. 57 secs.

Ma ns e

First B&D 80 Mile Road Race – Carrowdore

Cardy Corner

Bomb Hole

Dunover Corner

Dunover Rd

Left to right – W Boston, E Brooks and T F Murphy, who were second, first and third respectively, in the Carrowdore road race. Photograph which appeared in Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist, 5 October 1927

third, was only 52 secs in front. Shaw’s prospects at that period were bright, and he looked a probable winner for he was averaging approximately 5 mins. 19 secs., to the lap. compared with Brooks’ 8mins, and Hayes’s 6.2 mins. Had he known his favourable position he would undoubtedly have slackened speed, but, being unaware of it, he proceeded to traverse the switchback at his usual rate, with the result that the head lug of his frame snapped, and he had to retire, much to the disappointment of his many admirers. He afterwards said that the piece of road referred to was about the worst he had ever ridden on. THE FASTEST LAPS. The timekeeper’s and lap scorers’ “stand” a closed ’bus—was not ideally situated for the recording and docketing of times. The somewhat obscured view, and the rapidity with which the competitors “lapped’’ the small circuit, made the work of the scorers difficult, and under the circumstances they performed their exacting task in a most creditable manner. The docketing system for the recording of

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB the times was liable to err; but that it was carried out with a minimum of mistakes is a tribute to the officials concerned. From a hasty survey of the officially returned times, Shaw was at first credited with doing the fastest lap—his tenth, in 5 mins. 14 secs. —but closer inspection revealed the fact that on three occasions this was substantially lowered. “Harry” McGimpsey (344 New Imperial), the Bangor expert opened with a fine lap time of 4 mins. 50 secs., and it was most unfortunate that he had also to be recorded amongst the “retirers” after doing it. This excellent performance was, however, even further reduced by J H Blackburn (348 Velocette), another brilliant rider, also on his first lap, to 4 mins. 16 secs. Prior to his seventh lap his time varied only from 5.34 (returned on his second and seventh circuits) to 5.51 on his fourth. Whilst on the eighth round he slowed down considerably, and at length, when he again made his appearance, he pulled up a few yards before the starting line and commenced to work with his engine. After a lapse of several minutes he re-started, but he again experienced trouble, and eventually gave up. Much was expected Gordon Burney (346 Royal Enfield), the Dublin representative, and to a point it looked though there was going to be a splendid duel between him and Blackburn and Shaw. His sixth round was by far his fastest—4 mins. 58 secs.—but it only heralded his retirement on the eighth, after a slow ride of 7.1 on the lap previous. He averaged 5.51 on the other laps. H G Tyrell-Smith, another Dublin man. riding a 498 Rudge Whitworth—who, along with A de Gourley (490 Norton) and Shaw constituted the scratch men—was also eliminated early. Two laps of 5.23 and 5.48 were his only contributions. Gourley was more fortunate, and would have been amongst the finishers had he not been, along with others, flagged retire after the first five riders had completed the course. He was well in the running during the first three laps, when he returned 5.59, 5.48 and 5.47 respectively. His next circuit was a very slow one of 6 mins. 51 secs., and evidently the

Re-establishing trouble developed, for he was 30mins, before he again crossed the line. His sixth lap was also over 6 mins., but after that he made much faster times, with the exception of the eighth. His best lap time was 5.39, returned on the ninth. G Brockerton, a Coleraine man, on his big 980 Zenith did not have much opportunity of reaching the maximum speeds between the bends. He was late in starting, and took over 9 mins. on the first lap. His next two circuits were much faster, being done in 5.48 and 5.42 respectively. He stopped on the fourth and did not cross the line again for 12 mins., whilst he was also slow the fifth. After that he rode skilfully and consistently to finish fifth in the race. His best lap was the thirteenth, which covered in 5 mins. 15 secs. THE RACE DESCRIBED. L Donnan, (550 Triumph) was a non-starter, so that J Brown, (348 A.J.S.) was the first man to set off. He was followed 8 mins, later by M J Young, (348 A.J.S.) and S Hunter, (348 New Henley). Brown had gone through again before Young was sent off and maintained his lead until the third lap, when he retired, and his place was taken by J Hayes, (490 Norton). The Norton man was riding an excellent race, and he held the premier position for no fewer than nine laps. At the end of the fourth circuit E Paden, (348 New Gerrard) had forced his way up from fourth to second place. He was then only 3 secs. behind the leader and was followed by T Murphy, Belfast, mounted on a 490 Toreador, 4 mins. 1 sec. later. C Duffin, (486 Scott), J Stephens, (490 Excelsior) and S M Gox, (496 New Hudson) were next in order. There was no change in the three leading positions on the completion of the fifth lap. Hayes had increased his lead to 3 mins. 38 secs., whilst 1 min. 30 secs, separated Paden and

Murphy. Stephens was now in the fourth position with Cox and Brooks (the ultimate winner) next. Paden having retired, Murphy moved in behind the leader on the sixth circuit with a leeway of 4 mins. 52 secs. Stephens had also moved up, whilst for the first time W J Mulholland, (348 New Gerrard) appeared amongst the first four. Brooks and Cox had changed places, the former riding fifth and 7 mins. 16 secs. in the rear of Hayes. Hayes and Murphy continued to lead the field during the seventh and eighth laps, with about the same distance still between them. Mulholland and Brooks both put in good laps, with the result that Stephens was relegated to fifth position, with Cox sixth. The only change on the eighth lap was the advancement Cox to fifth place, with W Boston, (246 Bex Acme) close behind. Brooks on the ninth circuit had ridden into second position, with Mulholland third and Cox fourth. Murphy had dropped back behind Cox, with Boston in the rear. On the tenth lap Shaw, who had been gradually wearing down the leaders, overhauled Boston and rode into sixth place. Hayes, the leader, then held a lead over the Belfast crack of 8 mins. 29 secs. The advantage of the other four varied from 3 mins. 25 secs. (Brooks) to 1 min. 52 secs. (Murphy). Hayes and Brooks were etill in front during the eleventh circuit. Cox and Mulholland had changed their positions, the former riding third. Murphy held his own, and with Shaw out of the race Boston again moved to sixth. A slow lap by Brooks deposed him from second to fifth position on the twelfth lap, while Mulbolland and Murphy followed Hayes in the order mentioned. Brooks was now fifth, with W J Donaghy, (490 P. and M.) sixth. It was then evident that a close finish was likely. Hayes had a lead of 4 mins. 28 secs. over Mulholland, and a bare 7 secs. separated the latter and Murphy. Boston and Brooks passed through 4 secs. and 6 secs. respectively behind Murphy. The thirteenth lap saw Brooks and Boston force their way to the front, with

Hayes third, Murphy fourth, W J Donaghy fifth, and Brockerton sixth. Brooks held a lead of 19 secs. over Boston, and 44 secs. over Hayes. During the remaining two laps Brooks never lost his advantage, and finished the course 1 min. 11 secs. before Boston. Murphy followed 1 min. 34 secs. later. At the conclusion the race Mrs P C Welsh, wife of the president of the club, distributed the prizes. Results: Actual Time. 1, E Brooks, (348 Raleigh), Belfast 92 57 2, W Boston, (246 Rex Acme), Bangor 95 09 3, T F Murphy, (490 Toreador), Belfast 101 34 4, W J Donaghy, (490 P. & M.), Belfast 96 19 5, G Brockerton, (980 Zenith), Coleraine

Net Time. 83 57 85 09 86 34 89 19

Brooks, in addition to the Walsh Cup, also received a gold medal presented by the residents of the district for the fastest time for machines up to 350c.c. Donaghy also received a gold medal presented by the residents of Carrowdore for the fastest time for machines over 350c.c. Marcus J Young, (348 A.J.S.), who crashed at a corner on his first lap, was removed to Newtownards Hospital, where he was found to be suffering from a dislocated shoulder. Belfast News-Letter - Monday 03 October 1927

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Barr Cup Reliability Trial 22 October 1927 Card lent to the Club courtesy of the family of the late J K Miller.

The course included five sections as the copy of the actual route card shows. It was agreed that the first placed rider would receive the Barr Cup and a replica to keep; 2nd place £2.l0s.0d; 3rd place £1.10s.0d; 4th place £1.0s.0d. The prizes were awarded as follows: Barr Cup and replica; 1st L A Brown 3½ TT Panther 2nd C F Montgomery 3½ AJS & sidecar £2.l0s.0d; 3rd T Hill 2¾ AJS & sidecar £1.l0s.0d; 4th J Hunter 3¾ Scott £1.0s.0d Bronze medals: G A Savage and W L Burns.

MCUI(UC) Boxing Day Trial The final event of the year was the Boxing Day trial for which the Club decided to nominate a team to take part. The names were agreed as T Hall, J Hunter, J Boal and S Wallace. The year concluded with a prize night on 29 December which was followed by a supper and dance in Ye Olde Castle Restaurant.




AGM 9 January A successful year’s work, in which more events had been held than formerly, was reported by the retiring secretary, Mr E P Mathews, at the annual meeting of the Club. held at the headquarters. 98 Donegall Pass, Mr P C Welsh (President) in the chair.

At the AGM, the following officers were appointed for 1928:

Reference was made to the success of various events—the Red Brae Hill Climb, the National Reliability Championships, two Confined Reliability Trials, the Barr Cup Trial and the Carrowdore Road Races — and thanks were returned to all those who had contributed prizes including the Motor Cycle Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Union, Mr J Kennedy, Captain the Rt Hon Herbert Dixon. D.L., M.P., Mr C E Jacob, Mr H McCormick and Mr E H Rand. Also to Mr W J Chambers and the residents in and around Carrowdore, and the police at Carrickfergus, Newtownards and Greyabbey. The death of Mr James Gibson, a member of the Club, who was injured in a road race, was also referred to, and a vote of condolence with his relatives was passed in silence. It was also stated that during the year 41 committee meetings had been held. Mr S Wallace, hon treasurer, submitted the financial statement, which showed that the year was started with a credit balance of £7 7s, and was closed with a debit balance of £8 8s 1d. A sum of £14 4s, however, was due to the Club while Circuit of Ulster badges on hand were valued at £10 3s 6d. Both reports were adopted, reference being made to tbe work of the treasurer and secretary, the latter of whom was compelled to resign through pressure of business.


Mr P C Welsh


Mr R M McLardy

Vice Chairman:

Mr J McKillen

Hon Secretary:

Mr T Spence

Asst Secretary:

Mr Angus McLardy

Hon Treasurer:

Mr Sam Wallace

Hon Solicitor:

Mr J C Barr

Competition Sec: Mr J K Miller Committee:

Messrs T Henry, J Hunter, W Armstrong, E P Mathews, G C Hewitt, J Robinson, J H Smith and G Brockerton

Messrs J C Barr, R McCann J.P. and P S Brady were added to the list of vice-presidents. Delegates to the M.C.U.I.: Messrs S Wallace, T Spence and R McLardy. Events It was proposed that the Club would run the following events over the course of the year: Easter Monday, 9 April 12 or 19 May 29 September 13 October

Red Brae Hill Climb Coates Cup Carrowdore Road Race Barr Cup

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 9 April A rather serious accident occurred before the start of the event. Two of the competitors who were making trial runs one being on the ascent and the other descending, came into collision and had to be removed to Belfast. D Black, a Derry rider, sustained a compound fracture of the leg, but the other rider, E J Watson, Belfast, was not so badly injured. An interesting note is recorded in the March minutes of the Club indicating that the Secretary was liaising with the GOC, Victoria Barracks regarding the use of military telephones for the Easter Monday event. By 3 April, 112 solo entries and 6 sidecar entries had been received but unfortunately, very poor weather on the day meant that he event had to be postponed. The Committee have arranged, subject the permission of the Antrim Conuty Council being granted, to run off the balance of their Easter Monday programme on 9th May. It is proposed start running off the first event at 5 p.m., and there will be an additional hours light it is hoped to complete the programme by 9 p.m. The Committee wish it to be known that under no circumstances whatsoever will riders allowed to practise tbe course immediately previous to the races starting. Owing to the inclemency of the weather. the annual hill climb of the Club, at Red Brae was abandoned after the opening event had been decided. The hill was naturally greasy, but was otherwise in fine order. The fastest time of 59secs. was made by S Q Osborne (495 A.J.S.), when riding for second place, while J Woodside, the winner, on a 348 Velocette, was three seconds slower. These compare not unfavourably with J W Shaw’s time of 55secs. last year. Stanley Woods and R Matthews jointly hold the record for the course, 54.6secs.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB As far as the actual racing was concerned, everything passed without untowards incident. Some idea of the conditions may be obtained when it is stated that it took over two hours to run off the only event decided. An attempt was made to hold the sidecar event, but only two competitors climbed the hill. Class A (Open to those who have never won a first prize. any c.c.)— First Heat— B G Corry, 496 Matchless (2secs) beat M Moncrieff, 490 Norton (2secs); J Gordon, 346 Excelsior (7secs.) w.o.; E J Watson, 498 Triumph (3secs) scratch; S M Hunter. 348 New Henley (9secs) beat John Brown, 348 Cotton (8secs); F Freemen, 347 Sunbeam (6secs) beat M McQuigg, 248 Zenith (8secs); W Sullivan, 172 Francis Barnett (22secs) beat T S Gillespie, 348 Calthorpe (7secs); J Drummond. 490 Norton (2secs) beat J Delaney, 348 A.J.S. (9secs); R Watson, 490 Norton (2secs) beat T Browne, 344 New Imperial (8secs); J Woodside. 348 Velocette (4secs) beat J Mawhinney, 348 Zenith (6secs); F Nicholl 344 H.R.D. (8secs) beat R B Patterson, 348 O.E.C. (8secs); H W Nosreme, 348 A.J.S. (6secs) beat J Dolan, 348 Velocette (5secs); S Osborne, 498 A.J.S. (scratch) beat W Johnson. 496 Excelsior (4secs). Second Round— Corry (1min 8 sec) beat Gordon; Freeman (1min 18sec) beat Sullivan; Hunter (1min 12sec) beat Drummond; Woodside (59.6sec) beat Watson; Osborne (1min. 0.4sec) beat Nosreme. Semi Finals— Corry (1min 8.2sec) beat Freeman;

Woodside (1min 2.2sec) beat Hunter; Osborne a bye. Final— Woodside (1min 1sec) beat Corry; Woodside (1min 0.2sec) beat Osborne. Decider for second place— Osborne (59sec) beat Corry. Placings 1, Woodside, 2, Osborne; 3, Corry Side-car Class (any c.c.)— R Eames, 588 Norton. 1min. 22.2secs., and J B H Tate, 490 Norton, 1min. 14secs. Hill Climb, Red Brae 9 May Hill climbing at terrific speed is a spectacle which never fails to appeal to the thrillseeker, and the many hundreds of motor cycle enthusiasts who lined Red Brae, a moderately steep hill outside Carrickfergus, witnessed some first-class sport and not a few remarkable times. The occasion was the completion of the Club’s hill climb, which had to be abandoned on Easter Monday owing to heavy rain. Three classes. all for solo machines, attracted upwards of 70 competitors, some from as far distant as Dublin. Glorious weather favoured the meeting, and the condition of the road gave no cause for complaint, save, perhaps, the dust, clouds of which enveloped the man who was unfortunate enough to have to start a few seconds behind his rival. Two and a half hours proved ample for the disposal of all three classes, and this, coupled with commendably brief intervals between races, was a tribute to the organising body. George Brockerton, one of the best-known Ulster speedmen, was the star performer, for not only did he steer his big Zenith to victory in two classes, but

Re-establishing also made the fastest climb of the day—52.4secs.— and was easily the most consistent man in the saddle. While many considered his time a record, such was not the case, the course on this occasion being 98 yards under the full mile. There were 20 starters in the open unlimited event, and Brockerton was an easy winner, with D G Corry second. Jimmy Shaw, on a 490 Norton, made the second fastest ascent in this class with 55.8secs. In the event for machines not exceeding 350 c.c. Jack Anderson, the winner, climbed in 60.4 secs, in the semi-final, against H McGimpsey, and also in the final, when opposed by Lammey, on a 344 Cotton. Brockerton was again the shining light in the confined to club members’ event, unlimited c.c., which he pulled off with several seconds to spare in each heat. Open to all comers, any c.c. — 1, G Brockerton (990 Zenith) (scratch); 2, G Corry (496 Matchless) (8secs); 3, E Brooks 348 Raleigh) (10secs) Open to all comers, not over 350 c.c.— 1, T J Anderson (348 AJ.S.) (1sec); 2, E G Lammey (348 Cotton) (3secs): 3, H McGimpsey (344 New Imperial) (1sec). Confined to members of club, any c.c.— 1, G Brockerton (990 Zenith) (scratch); 2, J Drummond (490 Norton) (secs.); 3, W Magowan (347 Sunbeam) (8secs).

Reliability Trial - Coates and McDowell Cups 25 August 1928 It was originally decided to hold the McDowell Cup on 11 August 1928 as a confined social run but it was later agreed to run an Open Reliability Trial for both the McDowell and Coates Cups. Seventeen motor cyclists competed in the Club’s annual reliability trial. There were two trophies— namely, the Coates Cup. for the open competition, and the McDowell Cup, confined to members of the Club. Starting from the rear the City Hall, the route was via Dundonald and thence to a sign post at Saintfield. The other sections were to Annahilt Post Office, to Dromore. and to Forster Green’s Hospital, secret checks taken on the route to Annahilt and during the last section. The officials were:— Starter: Mr R McLardy. Secret checkers: Mr W Simms and Mr Waddell; Steward of the trial: Mr F P Johnston. The secretarial arrangements were carried out by: Mr A McLardy.

The competitors, who included one woman were T Stewart, J Kirkwood, E W Martin, J K Miller, J Hunter, J Hughes, S Wallace, R G McLardy, Mrs H Palmer, T Hall, J Forsvthe, H McKee, H Chambers, J Dubois, R Shannon, J Roberts and E P Matthews. The results of the events held on the day were as follows: Coates Cup: 1st Mr S Wallace; 2nd Mr H McKee; 3rd Mr J K Miller McDowell Cup: 1st Mr S Wallace; 2nd Mr J K Miller; 3rd Mr J Hunter Bronze medals were awarded to all competitors who finished, who included: T Stewart, G W Martin, T Hall and J Kirkwood.

CARROWDORE ‘HUNDRED’ 29 September St M ai n nse Rd





Ballyferris Cross Roads

y Rd

The course for the race was altered to cut out the Ballyboley-Dunover section, the surface of which had caused so many problems for riders in the previous year. Instead, the riders were to go

Ballyboley Corner


rd Ca

Five thousand pounds worth of insurance was put in place at a cost of £5.I0s. Fifteen hundred programmes were printed by Dorrian & Hodgett. ‘Mex’ (petrol stations) agreed to advertise on the front cover and the ‘Dirt Track Association’ on the back, bringing in a combined income to the Club of £8.3s.0d.


Carrow dore Rd

Duno ver Rd

8.4 miles Ca rr ow

Miller’s Corner do


Tullykevin Rd

In early September, assurances were received from the Council (Roads Section) that the road surface and all pot holes would be repaired in time for the race. A small committee headed by Messrs J Boyle, W Morrison and W Dunn liaised with residents in the area surrounding the course, many of whom were subscribing to prizes as they had done in the preceding year. In fact, the Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist (19 September 1928) commends local farmers and residents for donating a very considerable sum of money for the purchase of two perpetual cups (The Resident Challenge Cups) to be awarded annually to the rider of a machine up to 350cc making the fastest time in his class and the other for the fastest time for a rider of a machine over that capacity. The cups, with replicas, were to be presented annually so long as the race continued to be held at Carrowdore or in the immediate vicinity.

Carrowdore Village Ga


In June, the Club was still awaiting permission from Down County Council for the Carrowdore road race but this was duly granted in August and arrangements for the race commenced along the same lines as for the previous year.







Ballywalter Rd

straight on to Greyabbey and along the Ballywalter Road to Dunover, thence joining the original course. Twelve laps of the altered course constituted a total race distance of 100 miles. Despite the assurances of Down County Council about repairing the road surface, the Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist notes that “The road surface is generally fair but not outstanding. Portions of the road are none too good and speeds of a sensational character can hardly be anticipated. With the intense local interest taken by the Carrowdore District Farmers’ Society, it is expected that something will be done next year to provide a course really worthy of the importance of the race.” The level of interest in the event was substantial with 31 entries, and a notable entry was that of Percy Hunt, recent winner of the Senior Amateur Road Race Championship in the Isle of Man, who broke Stanley Wood’s lap record in the process. Hunt’s participation in the Carrowdore was truly a feather in the Club’s cap! Others include R G S le Fanu, New Imperial; H G Tyrell-Smith, Rudge; J G Burnley, Royal Enfield; J W Shaw, Velocette; J Anderson, A.J.S., and other local riders. Arrangements are now completed for the Club’s 100 mile road race, over 12 laps. The race will be run on handicap, and prizes will be as follows: First, Welsh Perpetual Challenge Trophv (presented by the President of the Club. Mr P C Welsh) and £9; second, £6; third, £3; fourth, £1. A Challenge cup and replica for each of the fastest time for machines up to 350c.c. class and also over 350c.c. class (presented by the residents around the course). The following is an excerpt of the race report from the Irish Cyclist & Motor Cyclist (3 October 1928).

Re-establishing “On Saturday afternoon, motorcycling enthusiasts in the North had, in the Carrowdore ‘Hundred’, one of the best races run during the year. They also had the pleasure of seeing Percy Hunt, winner of two Amateur Road Race Championships, give a convincing display of his riding ability by running from virtual scratch position, clean through the field, spread over time allowances up to thirty-five minutes. H G Tyrell Smith (Dublin), who was on the actual scratch line, one minute behind the Englishman, clipped 13 seconds from the latter’s lead in the first lap, but engine trouble spoiled what looked from the first to be the possibilities of a most thrilling race. The speed of the winner was 59.76 miles per hour; low in comparison with the Grand Prix, but a wonderful performance considering the difficulty of the circuit, the fastest lap being completed (by Percy Hunt) at 60.98 miles per hour.

the lead which he retained until the end of the fourth lap when S Hunter (Henley) took command until the end of the ninth lap. At the half distance, Shaw had come up to under eight minutes behind the leader, being in ninth position and Brockerton being fourth. Hunt, at this stage, was close behind Shaw and actually passed him at the end of the seventh lap. On the eighth lap, Hunt was within sight of Brockerton and on the ninth time round, he led by twenty seconds and was in second place, two minutes behind the leader. On the tenth lap, Hunter hauled down his colours being passed by Hunt, who was now in front of the field, Brockerton half a minute behind, and Shaw within twenty seconds of Brockerton. Hunt was well away on his own and finished a comparatively easy winner by over one and a half minutes from Brockerton, with Shaw eleven seconds later.

There was a great duel from start to fmish between G Brockerton and J W Shaw, the latter, on a Velocette, giving the Zenith rider a minute start. By really brilliant riding, Shaw managed to reduce the minute to less than eleven seconds when the full journey was done, but despite Jimmy’s popularity, the crowd were not averse to seeing the Coleraine rider getting something out of a race. Brockerton’ s handling of the big machine was a splendid exhibition and each time he passed, he gave an impression of terrific speed and power. Shaw collected the honours in the 350cc class with an average speed of 57.08 mph.

The organisation of the race was excellent and, except for a slight delay in the start might have been described as almost perfect. Consternation on the outskirts of the village of Carrowdore was caused by the advent of a·cow on the course. Fortunately, none of the very fast riders were in sight and the erring bovine was driven into the first convenient field until the end of the race.”

Twenty-nine of the thirty entrants faced the starter, S V Harris (172 James); the veteran James Brown (Dot) and J W Hunter (ss Norton) had the race to themselves for fifteen minutes. Then S Hunter (Henley) took up the running. JW Hunter led for a lap, then Harris took

OUTLINE OF RACE Despatched fifteen minutes after L V Harris (172 James), J W Hunter (490 Norton S.S.), and J Brown (248 Dot), S. Hunter on a 348 New Henley wrested the lead from the first named in the fifth lap, and, when he eventually challenged Brockerton on the seventh circuit, he held an advantage of 5mins. 7secs., though his allowance of 20 minutes was rapidly disappearing. J G Burney, of Dublin (344 Royal Enfield), was now lying third, with J H Blackburn, Banbridge, (348 Velocette), Hunt and

Shaw filling the fourth, fifth, and sixth positions, respectively. The next lap—the eighth—saw Brockerton displaced bv Burney, but the latter’s improvement was short-lived, for he had to retire at the end of the circuit. Hunter continued to lead the field, but Hunt was in hot pursuit, having moved into second place, with Brockerton, Shaw, and Blackburn close behind. On the completion of another lap (the tenth), Hunt was in front, and Hunter had dropped to fourth position, Brockerton and Shaw having passed him. Blackburn went into Hunter’s place on the eleventh circuit, and thereafter the placings remained unchanged until the end. The scratch man was H G Tyrell Smith, the young Dublin University student, who, on a Rudge machine, attained a speed of 100 miles per hour at Athy last week. He had to retire, however, after the first lap. owing to engine trouble. Although there were several spills, the riders concerned escaped without serious injury. Unfortunately, when B G Corry’s Matchless skidded at Ballymurphy on his first lap. a woman had both her legs fractured, whilst her husband sustained slight injuries to his head. At the close of the race, Mrs Welsh, wife of Mr P C Welsh, president of the club, distributed the prizes.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Result: Actual Net Speed H M S H M S MPH 1 P. Hunt (490 Norton) 1 40 00 1 39 00 59.76 2 G Brockerton (980 Zenith) Coleraine 1 45 31 1 40 31 56.63 3 J W Shaw (348 Velocette) Belfast 1 44 42 1 40 42 55.16 4 J H Blackburn (348 Velocette) Banbridge 1 50 09 1 43 54 54.75 5 S Hunter (348 New Henley) 2 04 18 1 44 18 48.15 6 J Kirkwood (498 A.J.S.) 1 50 01 1 44 31 54.31 7 W Boston (246 Rex Acme) Bangor 1 58 09 1 48 09 8 R B S Le Fanu (246 New Imperial) Dublin 2 05 00 1 50 00 9 B G Lammey (346 Rex Acme) 2 00 52 1 50 52 10 T Murphy (346 Excelsior) Belfast 2 05 29 1 01 29 Fastest time 350 c.c. class— J W Shaw, 1h. 40m. 42s. net. (57.08 mph) Over 350 c.c. class— P Hunt, 1h. 39m. 00s. net. (59.76 mph) Fastest lap – 8m. 10s. by Hunt H G Tyrell-Smith, Dublin (496 c.c. RudgeWhitworth), who was scratch, retired after completing one lap in 8mins. 19secs. Ten riders out of the 30 starters finished the course; three did eleven laps, and one ten laps. Mrs P C Welsh, wife the Club President, handed over the prizes at the conclusion of the race, Mr McLardy, Chairman, presiding.

The officials were:— President: Mr P C Welsh; Chairman: Mr R McLardy; Starters: Mr W Simms and Mr A Waddell; Timekeepers: Messrs R McCann, J.P., J K Miller, T Pullin, J.P. and S J Hardy; Chiei Marshal: Mr W J Chambers; Deputy Chief Marshals: Messrs R Condell, S J Russell and J Best; Clerk of Course: Mr A McLardy. The successful running of the event was marred, however, by an unfortunate accident which occurred during the race. B G Corry, one of the competitors, ran off the road about a mile from the start at Ballymurphy (Smithy Nook), colliding with a lady spectator who sustained compound fractures of both legs. Her husband was also knocked down but his injuries were comparatively slight. Corry was unhurt but retired from the race. It is believed that in attempting to pass another rider, he got too close to the gutter of the road and wobbled, ploughing into the two spectators. The lady, who was later identified as Mrs Johnstone of Ballydrain, was immediately moved to Newtownards Hospital where her condition was stated to be serious. On 2 October, the Club President, Mr Welsh, reported to a routine meeting of the Club that he had been to visit Mrs Johnstone on behalf of the members. It is understood that Mrs Johnstone subsequently lost a leg and remained very ill for a number of months before she unfortunately died in early December 1928. An inquest into the accident took place which returned a verdict of accidental death, no blame being apportioned to the motorcyclist or to the club.

COUNTY OF DOWN, CLOSING OF PUBLIC ROADS ON SATURDAY, 29th SEPT, 1928. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. on the application of the Belfast and District Motor Club, an Order has been made by the County Council of the Couhty of Down under Section I. of the Motor Vehicles Rood Raves Act (Northern Ireland), 1922, with the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs (N.I.), and subject to compliance by said Club with the provisions of the said Order and of the Regulations of the County Council in that behalf. dated 13th May, 1927, granting permission for the holding of Races with Motor Vehicles in said County on SATURDAY, 29th SEPTEMBER, 1928, and for the CLOSING OF THE FOLLOWING ROADS TO THE PUBLIC for such purpose between the hours of TWO o’clock, p.m. and SEVEN o’clock, p.m.. on said date, viz.:— The Millisle to Greyabbey Road south from the point of its intersection with the Ganoway Dam Road at Carrowdore to the point of its intersection with the Greyabbey to Ballywalter Road (Route B.5) at Greyabbey, thence east along the Greyabbey to Ballywalter Road (Route B.5) to its intersection with the Tullykevin Road, thence north along the Tullykevin Road to its intersection with the Miller’s Corner to Ballywalter Road. thence east along the Miller’s Corner to Ballywalter Road to its intersection with the Dunover Branch Road, thence north along the Dunover Branch Road to the junction cf the Ballyferris Cross Road with the Ganoway Dam Road, and thence west along the Ganoway Dam Road to point of commencement.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN. that the Public will not be permitted to use, with or without vehicles, or go or remain on the said Roads or any of them during the said hours between which such roads shall be closed as aforesaid. BY ORDER

Re-establishing Reliability Trial, Barr Cup 13 October 1928 The route went through Mealough, Muck Brae, Carr School, Ballynahinch, McBride’s Cross, Dromore to Balmoral and there was also to be a secret check .

Belfast Telegraph - October 1 1928

Barr Cup and a replica: 1, T Hall (Douglas and sidecar); 2, J Kirkwood (B.S.A. and sidecar); 3, S Wallace (P. and M and sidecar); 4, T Stewart (31/2 Triumph). Gold medals— H McKee (Sunbeam), H D Walsh (Rudge) and J Boal (Velocette). Silver medals— J A Brown (P. and M.), T Hunter (New Henley). W G Tyrell-Smyth (Rudge Whitworth), C Duffin (Rudge Whitworth). George Savage (Rudge). H H Palmer (Matchless) and H McPhillimey (Dunelt). Bronze medal— James Boyd (A.J.S.).

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB 1928 Annual Social and Prize Giving The annual prize distribution was set to take place on 4 December 1928 in the Rosemary Hall in Belfast. Three hundred tickets were printed for the event and records indicate that it was a great success. AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held at the headquarters, Donegall Pass, Belfast, Mr P C Welsh (President) occupying the chair. The report, which was read by the Secretary (Mr A McLardy), stated that the season just closed was one of the most successful in the history the club. The membership had been well maintained and showed a slight increase compared with last year. During the year four open competition events were run off—the Red Brae hill climb, Coates Cup reliability trial, Barr Cup reliability trial, and the 100 Miles road race at Carrowdore. The club events were the McDowell Cup reliability trial, and a speed-judging competition for the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Traders Union prizes. Mr T Hall having won the Barr Cup outright, it now became his property. Thanks were expressed to the Rt. Hon. Herbert Dixon, M.P., Messrs P C Welsh, J C Barr, Robert McLardy, J C Holland and E Rand, and the Cycle Traders’ Union for their gifts of prizes, etc.; to the residents of Carrowdore and district for presenting two silver Challenge Cups and replicas for annual competition. It was also reported that Mr T Hall, one the most successful competitive members of the club, had offered a silver Challenge Cup for future annual competitions amongst the officials and novices of the club.

Mr T Henry, proposing the adoption of the report, paid tribute to the work of Mr McLardy, hon. secretary. Mr J McKillen seconded.

A resolution was passed unanimously gratefully accepting the offer of Mr T Hall to present a cup for future competition.

The Chairman, in supporting the resolution, stated that it was with considerable pride he, as President, looked back on the past year. Their club was a very old established one, and it was gratifying to see that it was still in a highly prosperous condition. The report showed the energy with which the work had been carried on, and with a continuance of that energy and enthusiasm he looked forward with confidence to the future.

On the motion of Mr Robert McCann, J.P., seconded by Mr J Joiner, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the outgoing office-bearers and committee, and was suitably acknowledged by Messrs P C Welsh and R A McLardy.

Election of office-bearers: President:

Mr J C Barr

Vice President:

Mr P C Welsh


Mr R M McLardy

Vice Chairman:

Mr T Pullin

Hon Secretary:

Mr Angus McLardy

Comp & Asst Sec: Mr J Innis Hon Treasurer:

Mr Sam Wallace


Messrs T Henry and J M Smyth


Messrs T Henry, J Hunter, J McKillen, H Brown, J Finlay, W Phillips, J M Smyth, and E P Mathews

Hon. Vice Presidents: Rt. Hon. Herbert Dixon, M.P., Sir George Clark, Major Workman, Messrs. J C Holland, R McCann, J.P., W J Andrews, P S Brady, E R and T W Murphy, J Pack-Beresford, D.L., J Robb, W J Chambers, W Morrison and James Boyle. Delegates to the M.C.U.I.: Messrs. R McLardy, S Wallace and A McLardy.

A resolution of thanks having been passed to the Press for its co-operation during the year, the meeting terminated. Belfast News-Letter - Thursday 13 December 1928 1928 Boxing Day Trial The Club decided to enter a team for the usual Boxing Day Trial, organised by the MCUI(UC). The nominated team consisted of T Hall, J Hunter, L A Brown and S Wallace.





Whist Drive 11 February

A number of events were proposed to take place in 1929 and the MCUI was contacted for permits as follows:

Members attended a whist drive in the Shaftesbury, Donegall Place on 11th February. At the interval a sympathetic reference was made by Mr R McCann, J.P., vice-president, to the death of Mr J C Barr, president and hon. solicitor of the club, and said that there had not been time to send out notices postponing the whist drive.

Easter Monday 11 May 10 August 24 August 28 September

Red Brae Hill Climb Reliability Trial for Coates Cup Officials Trial Reliability Trial for Barr Cup Carrowdore Road Race

Death of J C Barr The year started with a sad note when the Club learned in February of the death of Mr J C Barr, who had acted as the Club Solicitor since 1911 and who had recently been elected as President. James Barr had played a very large part in the early development of the Club and contributed greatly to the sport. He would be sorely missed. The Club was compelled to take steps to replace their long-serving member and in March, Mr J Morris accepted the position of Club Solicitor and Mr P Welsh took over as President for the remainder of the year.

Mr P C Welsh acted as M.C., and Mrs Welsh distributed the prizes, which were provided by the vice-presidents and members of the committee. The winners were:— Ladies—1, Miss Whitford; 2, Miss Worth; 3, Mrs Brown. Gentlemen—1, Mr W J McCrum; 2, Mr A Leath; 3, Mr A Moss. Consolation and travelling prizes were also awarded. There was ballot during the evening, the draw being made by Miss Whitford, and she herself drew the winning ticket — No. 13. Belfast Telegraph - Tuesday 12 February 1929

RED BRAE HILL CLIMB Easter Monday 1 April Some fine sport was witnessed at the annual hill climb of the Club at Red Brae, Carrickfergus. Larger crowds than ever were present, but they encroached on to the course so much at times that the marshals had to threaten to abandon the climb Three out of the four events were won by J Hunter (348 New Henley), who was in fine riding form. In the fourth event Hunter was beaten on the line in the first round by George Brockerton (Zenith), who is thought to have established a new record for the hill. The telephonic service—due, no doubt, to a break in the wires caused by spectators—gave up early in the programme, and Brockerton’s time, as near as could be reckoned, was returned at 55secs, as compared with the record of 54.6secs. standing in the names of Stanley Woods and R Matthews. It is thought that the Zenith rider was faster than recorded, but in the absence of absolutely accurate timing the old record stands. The results in detail were:— Class C: confined to those who had not won a first prise in any hill-climb. First round — John Armstrong, 490 Sunbeam (11secs. handicap) beat S Pritchard, 344 New Imperial (14): M Moncrieff, 490 Norton (8) beat H Close, 348 Calthorpe (14): F J Drummond, 490 Norton (scr.) beat M Dubai, 493 Raleigh (10); W A Drummond, 490 Norton (6) beat W I Boston, 248 Rex Acme (21); M McQuigg, 248 Zenith (24) beat Jack Armstrong, 596 Douglas (20); E Brooks, 346 Raleigh (16) beat R Watson, 490 Norton (8); F Freeman, 493 Sunbeam (6) beat W Sullivan, 248 New Imperial (24); C Brockerton, 490 Excelsior (5) beat S M Hunter, 348 Calthorpe (15);

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB J C Breakey, 344 Dot (17) beat H Taggart, 394 Excelsior (14); J Gordon, 344 Excelsior (13) beat L Campbell, 980 Zenith (4); J Hunter, 348 New Henley (19) beat B G Corry, 495 Matchless (1). Second round— Moncrieff beat Armstrong; Boston beat Drummond; Brooks beat McQuigg; C Brockerton beat Freeman; Breakey beat Gordon; Hunter a bye. Third round— Boston beat Moncrieff; Brooks beat Brockerton; Hunter beat Breakey. Semi-final— E Brooks beat W. Boston. J Hunter a bye. Final placings 1, J Hunter: 2, E Brooks; 3, W Boston. Time, 1min. 10secs. Class B: Open to machines of any c.c..— First round— T Browne, 348 Rex (18), beat John Armstrong; Moncrieff beat Dubois; H McGimpsev, 344 Rex (8), beat W A Drummond; Boston beat McQuigg; Brooks beat Jack Armstrong; Watson beat Freeman; Hunter beat Sullivan; Breakey beat Taggart; Gordon beat W J McCracken, 348 Velo (7); G Brockerton (4) beat Hunter; C Brockerton beat Corry; F J Drummond a bye.

Second round— T Browne beat M Moncrieff; T J Drummond beat H McGimpsey; W Boston beat E Brooks; R Watson beat S M Hunter; J C Breakey beat J Gordon; C Brockerton beat G Brockerton. Third round— T Browne beat F J Drummond; R Watson beat W Boston; J C Breakey beat C Brockerton. Semi-final— T Browne beat R Watson; J C Breaker a bye. Final placings 1, J C Breaker; 2, T Browne; 3, R Watson. Time: 1min. 10secs. Class C: open to machines not exceeding 350 c.c. First round— McGimpsey (scr.) beat Close (6); Brooks (7) beat McQuigg (16); Gordon (5) beat Breakey (9); McCracken (1) beat Taggart (8); Hunter (11) beat Boston (13). Second round— Brooks beat McGimpsey; Hunter beat Gordon; McCracken a bye. Third round— Hunter beat Brooks; Hunter beat McCracken. Final placings 1, Hunter; 2, Brooks; 3, McCracken. Time, 1min. 25secs. Class D: Class confined to club members with engines of any c.c.— First round— W A Drummond beat Dubois; W Gimpsey beat F J Drummond;

Re-establishing Boston beat Freeman; Gordon beat S M Hunter; J Hunter beat Geo Brockerton (490 Excelsior). Second round— Drummond beat McGimpsey; Gordon heat Boston; J. Hunter a bye. Third round— Gordon beat Drummond; Hunter beat Gordon. Final Placings 1, Hunter; 2, Gordon; 3, W A Drummond.

Larne Times - Saturday 13 April 1929

Northern Whig - Tuesday 02 April 1929

Coates Cup Reliability Trial 11 May In early May, the Club received permission from the MCUl(UC) to hold the Coates Cup Reliability Trial. Arrangements were put in place for the event which would start and finish in Belfast on 11 May with the route taking in Larne, Glenarm, Cushendall and Broughshane. Annual reliability trial for the Coates Cup took place on Saturday over course of some 88 miles, from Belfast through the County Antrim. The first section had be completed at miles per hour, the second at miles per hour, while there was also secret check, in the third section the average speed required was miles per hour, and the average sliced on the homeward journey was 24 miles per hour. The starters were:—S Wallace (P. & M. and s.c), C Duffin (Rudge), T Stewart (Royal Enfield), T Price (Douglas), J Kirkwood (B.S.A. and s.c.), May A V Palmer (Velocette), J A Forsythe (Sunbeam and s.c.), H McKee (Sunbeam), H T Harick (Sunbeam), E W Martin (Rudge), J Vincent (Sunbeam), S A Kerr (Velocette), G A Savage (Triumph), J Boal (Velocette), J Boyd (AJ.S.), T Hall (A.J.S.), F Freeman (Sunbeam), H H Palmer (Matchless), J Hunter (New Henley), F White (B.S.A. and s.c.), S M Hunter (New Hudson), W J Irwin (Rudge) and G E Pritchard (Norton). Only three of the twenty-three riders who set out from Belfast in the eighty-eight mile trial for the Coates’ Cup on Saturday afternoon negotiated Dunmourne Mountain without error. They were J Kirkwood (B.S.A. and sidecar), H H Palmer (Matchless) and T Hall (A.J.S.) and they probably will provide the prize winners.

The first section, which had to be covered at 24 m.p.h., passed through Glengormley and Ballynure to Larne, whence the riders proceeded over the mountain to Glenarm. This section the riders, who were tied to a speed of 22.5 m.p.h., had to face a secret check. They were, however, well on time, and Sam Wallace (P. & M. and sidecar) was dead on, but failed to negotiate tbe observed Dunmourne Mountain in the subsequent section (which brought the competitors to Cushendall). and his chances of success were nullified. Parkmore, Cross Road Station, and Martinstown were touched on the journey to Broughshane, and the route home—on which a second secret check was taken—was via Lisnamurrikan School, the Battery, and Glengormley to Fortwilliam Park, Shore Road. Neither Fred White (B.S A. and sidecar) nor G E Pritchard (Norton) finished. All went as planned and T Hall won the event, being awarded the Coates Cup and a replica to keep. H H Palmer came second and J Kirkwood, third. Coates Cup— 1. T Hall (cup and replica): 2. H Palmer; 3. J Kirkwood. Second class awards — C Duffin, T Stewart, T Price, Mrs Palmer, J Forsythe, H McKee, E W Martin, J Vincent, S A Kerr, J Boyd, J Boal, J Hunter, W J Irwin.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Other Events during the year

Belfast Officials’ and Novices’ Trial 3 August

McDowell Cup – Saturday 31 August

The Club was considering organising a speed event during the summer but it proved too difficult to identify a suitable course.

The first open reliability trial for the Officials’ Cup, presented by Mr T Hall.

The route for the forthcoming Confined Trial for the McDowell Cup (open to cycles, cars and motorcycles) would start at Castlereagh Road to Portaferry via Ballygowan, Comber and Newtownards, then on to Greyabbey and Kircubbin (sealed velopes in this section). From Portaferry, the route would go to Bangor via Cloughey, Ballyhalbert, Ballywalter and Donaghadee (sealed envelope and secret check), with the Bangor to Belfast home run being a non-stop section. The finish was at Dundela Church, Strandtown. The course was 70-80 miles in length and the event was to run over main roads at 20mph.

The cup originally donated to the Club by the late J C Barr had been won outright in 1928. It was proposed that a new Barr Cup should be purchased and the Reliability Trial for this award should be postponed until 19 October. Mr G Strachan, whom we presume must have been a personal friend of Mr Barr, promised the Club £10 towards the cost of a memorial trophy. Mr Welsh also provided £2.2s.0d towards its cost. The trophy was ordered in November 1928 at a cost of £20 from Messrs Sharman and Neill on condition that replicas would not exceed £3 each.

Only seven competitors put in an appearance on Saturday afternoon for the trial. The trial was of novel type, open only to those who had acted in an official capacity in connection with the different clubs under the jurisdiction of the Ulster Centre. M.C.U.I., and was open to solo, side-car machines, and three-wheel cycle cars. Novices of the promoting club were also eligible to compete. The trial was over a distance of 68 milea. starting at the Castlereagh tram terminus, and embracing Dundonald, Bailywalter, Comber and Carryduff. There were two secret checks, and an interval was allowed at Ballywalter for tea. The riders were—J K Miller (Norton), W Phillips (Massey), G Pritchard (Norton), J McKillin (Excelsior and s.c.), E Stewart (Triumph and s.c.), A McLardy (Panchett) secretary of the Club; and J McNeill (P.V.M. and s.c.). Results as follows:– Officials’ Cup— 1. J K Millar; 2. J McNeill; 3. W Phillips; 4. J McKibben. Consolation prize—E Stewart.

Whilst the event took place on 31 August, it was recorded in September that the event needed to be re-run at a later date. Further prizes provided by British Trader’s Union In September, the Club received notification from the British Trader’s Union that they had granted the following prizes: One silver gilt plaque

to the value of £4.1Os

One domestic clock

(worth £2.lOs)

Two KLG racing plugs

(£1.l 0s)

Two HS 3 plugs


Two HS 4 plugs


CARROWDORE ‘HUNDRED’ 28 September Club records show that two buses were acquired at a cost of £4.10s, seating a total of 63 people, to assist in conveying people from Belfast to the Carrowdore road race. There were 39 entrants for the event in 1929, of which 35 started. Quite a number of crashes occurred during the event, with perhaps the worst one involving Stanley Woods, who made a fresh lap record for the Carrowdore course of nearly 65 miles per hour. On the third lap, at the twisty section near Dunover, his machine was reported to have leapt into the air, coming down sideways. Woods rolled over several times, sustaining abrasions about his head and a slightly damaged leg, and was forced to retire at the end of the lap. Of the 35 only twelve succeeded in finishing the 100 mile course, thirteen of the remainder failing to complete more than half the distance. E G Lammey (350 Rex Acme), Moneymore, the winner, averaged 54.53 m.p.h., as against 60 m.p.h. by P Hunt last year. The roads comprising the course generally were good, but the riders experienced a certain amount of bumpiness in parts. The race was void of anything in the nature of serious accidents, and although Stanley Woods, the popular Dublin rider, sustained slight head injuries in the early stages he was able to watch the remainder of the race after receiving first-aid treatment. When rounding a bend in the third lap he struck the bank, and before he could steady his machine he dropped into a dip in the road and was thrown.

PROGRESS OF THE RACE. G Graham (348 Calthorpe), the limit man, led the thirty-five riders until the end of the seventh lap, when he was displaced by both E G Lammey (350 Rex Acnie) and P Walls (499 Rudge). The two lastnamed riders continued in front until the completion of the tenth with H McGimpsey (348 Rex Acme) 2min. 12secs. behind Walls, third. Walls who was 1min. 48secs. behind Lammey, had averaged 59.28 m.p.h. for the tenth lap, against the leader’s 54.68 m.p.h., but the hopes of an exciting finish vanished when Walls dropped out in the next round. The race, which had started promptly at three o’clock, finished just a minute before five o’clock. Only twelve riders completed the full journey, with E G Lammey winning the race. The results were as follows: 1st E G Lammey, (348 Rex-Acme) (19m) (winning £10.0.0) Actual time. 1hr. 50min. 21.8ecs., averaging 54.53 m.p.h. net time. 1hr. 31min. 21.8secs. 2nd H McGimpsey, (348 Rex Acme) Bangor, (12m) (£6.0.0) 1hr. 46min. 12.6sec.; net, 1hr. 34min. 12.6sec; average 56.27 m.p.h. 3rd A de Gourley, (348 Velocette) Crossgar, (7m) (£3.0.0) 1hr. 41min. 29.4sec.; net, 1hr. 34min. 29.4sec.; average 58.88 m.p.h. 4th J W Shaw, (348 Velocette) Belfast, (5m) (£1.0.0) 1hr. 41mln. 2.2sec.; net, 1hr. 36min. 2.2sec.: av. 59.15 m.p.h. 5. T Stewart (246 O. K. Supreme). Belfast. 1hr. 51min. 22sec.; net. 1hr. 38min. 22sec.: av. 53.66 m.p.h, 6. J T Anderson (348 A.J.S.), Belfast. 1hr. 44mln. 22.4sec.; net, 1hr. 39min. 22.4sec.; av. 57.26 m.p.h. 7. G Brockerton (490 Excelsior), Coleraine.

1hr. 44min. 41sec.; net, 1hr. 40min. 41sec.; av., 55.12 m.p.h. 8. B Hoey (499 Rudge), 1hr. 50min. 5.4sec.; net, 1hr. 41min. 5.4sec.: av. 54.29 m.p.h. 9. S Jeffers (340 Rudge), 1hr. 53min. 18sec.; net, 1hr. 41min. 48sec.: av. 53.10 ni.p.h. 10. S Q Osborne (498 A.J.S.), 1hr. 50min. 44.8sec.; net. 1hr. 45min. 14.8sec.; av. 54.48 m.p.h. 11. M Dubois (348 Raleigh). 2hr. 11min. 36.2sec.; net. 1hr. 47min. 36.2sec.; av. 45.59 m.p.h. 12. T Price (348 Douglas), 2hr. 2min. 6.2sec.; net, 1hr. 50min. 36.2sec.; av. 49.14 m.p.h. A new lap record was established by Stanley Woods, Dublin (Norton), who averaged 64.81 m.p.h. in his second circuit. He had previously done 62.51 m.p.h. but the accident causing his retirement lost the race of much of its interest. Fastest 350 cc lap, A de Gourley, 8m 7s (61.4 mph) Fastest time under 350 cc—J W Shaw (348 Velocette). 1hr. 41min. 2.2sec.; av. 59.15 m.p.h. Fastest time over 350 c.c.—George Brockerton (490 Excelsior). 1hr. 44mln. 41sec.; av. 55.12 m.p.h. The officials were— President: Mr P C Welsh; Chairman: Mr R McLardy: Stewards: Messrs R H Wright (M.C.U.I.), J McKillen and W Phillips: Starters: Messrs W Simms and A Waddell; Chief marshal: Mr T Chambers; Timekeepers: Messrs J K Miller, R McCann, J.P., J Fisher and R J Hardy; Chief lap scorer: Mr T H Pullin; Clerk of the course and Hon. secretary: Mr A McLardy.

BELFAST AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB Barr Perpetual Memorial Trophy Trial 19 October It was agreed that a trial for this trophy should be held on 19 October with the prizes being: 1st Barr Memorial Cup and replica 2nd Silver gilt plaque value £4.lOs) 3rd Clock (£2.5s.0) 4th Drum of oil (donated by Mr Rand) Took place over a course of 75 miles from the Castlereagh tram terminus to Lisburn. Seventeen competitors were engaged and thorough!v enjoyed the trial, and it was the best held this year. The trail, which was exceptionally well laid covered new ground. The starters were:—T Hall (A.J.S.); E W Martin (Rudge); H McKee (Sunbeam); T Price (Douglas); C Duffin (Rudge); R G.McLardy (Panchette); F Clarke (Excelsior); J Boal (Velocette); G A Savage (Triumph); T Stewart (Triumph); H H Palmer (Matchless); S A Kerr (Velocette); H J Harick (Sunbeam); J Kirkwood (B.S.A. and sidecar); J Vincent (Sunbeam and sidecar); L V Harris (Enfield and sidecar); T Anderson (B.S.A. and sidecar). The following were the officials:— Starter: C McLardy; Open checks: W J White, L A Brown, M Smyth, E Stewart and F Duffin; Secret checks: W Simms and W Waddell; Observers: R Hewitt, T Pullin, J Hunter, T Henry and S Gill. The trail was laid by: J McNeil, J K Miller J Innis and R Matthews. J K Miller and T Pullin laid the course for the trial. ? On the day, C Duffin tied for first place with J Boal, each to hold the trophy for six months and both awarded a replica.

Dance and prize distribution 16 December Barr Trophy— 1. J Boal and C Duffin, tie; 2. T Price; 3. T Stewart: 4. J Vincent. First-class award— G A Savage. Second class— T Hall, E W Martin, H McKee, H Palmer, S A Kerr, J T Anderson. Third class — H I Harick.

Locksley Hall was booked at a cost of £5.5s.0d for the distribution of prizes followed by a dance, to be held between 8pm and 1am. It was recorded that it would cost £1 per head for tea.

Re-run of McDowell Cup Trial 9 November

Captain Herbert Dixon, D.L., M.P., proposing a vote of thanks to Miss Barr, which was seconded Mr R McLardy, said the Club had performed a wonderful act putting up a challenge cup in memory of Mr Barr. It would keep before, not only Club members, but to all Ulster the name of a man who was a shining light in all things connected with motor cycling. The dance music was played by the Midnight Revellers, under the direction of Mr P A Pullen.

It was agreed in October 1929 that the second run of the McDowell Trial should take place on Saturday 9 November and this duly took place with McDowell Cup— 1. F Clarke; 2. J Hunter; 3. C McLardy.

Mr P C Welsh presiding. The prizes were handed over by Miss Barr, daughter the late president, Mr J C Barr. Mr Welsh said they had had a very successful year and the Club had become much stronger. Referring to the death of Mr Barr, he said members would never be able to realise how much they had lost. A vote of condolence with the family was passed in silence.

The Club also took steps to arrange insurance for its growing collection of trophies and cups (valued at £150) through Mr Waring at a cost of 12/6.

The 30s 19

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