Renesa | Times of SVNIT - December 2021 Edition

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A creation by Renesa

December 2021 Edition

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat

Messages From Faculty Message from Director In-Charge I am delighted to know that the students of SVNIT have brought back the college newsletter “Times of SVNIT”. This newsletter from Renesa acts as a platform to highlight all the good work, i.e., achievements, events, and other activities that all the student chapters have been doing, and also showcases the commendable achievements of the individual students. Despite the unique circumstances created by COVID-19, the students of SVNIT have maintained their enthusiasm and displayed their interest in carrying out various activities of the chapters.

The offline classes have been conducted inside the campus for the final-year B.Tech. and first-year M.Tech. students this semester. The institute has called the students of M.Sc., second-year and third-year B.Tech., second-year M.Tech. and Ph.D. to report in the institute in December 2021. The offline classes for all the students (except firstyear B.Tech.) will start from 3rd January, 2022. I want the students of SVNIT to enjoy the campus and take appropriate personal and collective precautions when living, learning, working and playing.

We are ranked 47 in the Engineering category among the top technical institutes of the country by NIRF 2021. We are now in the process of submitting the relevant data to NIRF 2022 of the Ministry of Education. We hope to improve our rank in the India Rankings 2022.

The institute celebrates the Diamond Jubilee this year but remains as young at heart as ever. We remain committed to excellence and growth in every facet. The institute, on the whole, has successfully steered its path at all times, trying to expand its limits despite the unpredictable barriers. The institute aims to be a globally accepted leading academic institution that provides a more holistic and multidisciplinary education, creating knowledge, and catalyzing excellent and innovative quality research in science, engineering, and technology, contributing to the development of the nation and humanity at large.

After seeing the efforts of the students to bring out this newsletter, I am proud to have such wonderful people as students. I congratulate the entire newsletter team. Newsletters like these convey the achievements and innovative works of the students of SVNIT to the other institutes and also serve as a sort of archive for the future. I can proudly say that SVNIT Surat will continue to succeed at producing the finest engineers in the country.

Best wishes.

Prof. R. Venkata Rao

Director In-Charge - SVNIT


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Message from Deputy Director

The entire globe has been reeling under the severe influence of COVID-19 for the past two years. Our SVNIT family was also equally disturbed academically and health-wise during the same period. I hope you are keeping well with your family in this difficult situation. All the stakeholders within the campus cooperated very well and we have tried to manage the COVID situation to the best of our abilities. The campus is bursting with energy once again due to the arrival of the students. I am sure that the students on the campus are cooperating well to keep the campus safe.

I am delighted to know that the students’ chapter of Renesa - SVNIT is publishing the first-ever newsletter - Times of SVNIT under the able guidance of






institute. Being


Official Media and

Publication House of SVNIT, Renesa is doing an amazing job by introducing such magazines. This newsletter will add a new feather to the existing bunch. Renesa serves as a platform for the creative expression of thoughts through writing and design. This newsletter also serves as a guide to all the students and includes all the current affairs and important information that the students would need to know about the institute — about clubs, fests, grading system, academic regulations, and the curriculum of their respective programs. The content of this magazine is also made accessible to the people outside of SVNIT by publishing and sharing the same through online mode using social media platforms and the Renesa website.

I am sure the content of this newsletter will give good exposure to the faculty, staff and students about the culture of the institute. Its publication through the online medium will definitely improve the perception of the institute in the outside world.

With the hanging threat of Omicron and being part of the chairman task force committee, I request students, teachers and the staff to strictly follow the necessary guidelines and protocols.

I convey my best wishes and congratulations to the entire team of Renesa for bringing such a wonderful issue to the stakeholders.

Dr. P. L. Patel

Deputy Director - SVNIT

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Message from Dean Student Welfare

With the renewed beginning of college life, I am delighted to introduce the very first edition of the official newsletter of our college, Times of SVNIT. On-campus studies are guaranteed to be accompanied by a plethora of events, either organized by the institute or by our multiple student chapters. This newsletter will be a commemoration of all these events and will serve as a manual for future events. It will also showcase the glorious achievements of our students.

Despite all the online constraints and challenges, I was happy to realize that the student chapters did not go inactive. I hope that the same enthusiasm will be displayed on campus, and the events organized will be enjoyed by all. Times of SVNIT will help keep track of all the happenings and allow the students to actively plan their studies and fun. I would recommend everyone read this newsletter to stay informed about all the campus news.

After facing the restrictions of COVID-19 for more than a year, oncampus life will be a fresh beginning for all of us. I hope we can enjoy the best moments while practicing proper safety precautions. I request all of you that regardless of vaccination status, masks must be worn in all indoor as well as outdoor spaces at the Institute campus. I request all the students, teachers,











educational and enjoyable as possible.

I would like to thank the Renesa team for taking up the task of publishing this newsletter. As the official media and publication house of


institute, they have given us some great magazines in the past, and now they have successfully launched the first edition of our triannual Times of SVNIT.

Lastly, I hope this editorial finds you safe and healthy and enjoying campus life. Kindly follow all the rules and regulations and continue paving your way to a bright future. Use this newsletter to its best, and I hope you find this initiative useful and informative.

Dr. Ravi Kant

Dean (Student Welfare) - SVNIT


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Message from Faculty Advisor

The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill. Everybody around the world had a long, unforeseen vacation from their workplaces and had to cope in their own way. Many of us lost people dear to us and it seemed as if the suffering and anguish that had doomed the world would never end. Yet, the SVNIT family soldiered through the pain and continued their work diligently.

As we see the light at the end of the tunnel and the campus reopening, this seemed to be the right time to revitalize the SVNIT newsletter. Now coming out bi-annually, the Times of SVNIT aims to highlight the major events that have taken place in



few months






stalwarts of our institute.










tournaments and a catalogue of club activities, to highlighting personal achievements of the student body, this newsletter has got everything covered.

I convey my sincerest regards to the Renesa team for putting in great efforts in compiling and designing this newsletter and I do hope that the reader enjoys it.

On this note, I would like to welcome all the students back to campus and I look forward to seeing you all in class again.

Dr. Urvashi Kaushal Faculty Advisor - Renesa

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Editorial We’ve seen it all in the past 2 years – a once-lively

To ensure that the events and activities of the



college don’t go unnoticed, our Dean SW, Dr. Ravi

reduced to 15-inch screens, friendships becoming

Kant, recognized the need for a common, accessible


platform to acknowledge and feature the work of










condensed into a mere few apps.

our talented students. And who better to take up this

job than Renesa?

Student chapters had to don their thinking caps and come up with new ways of staying active. They too,

Thus, The Times of SVNIT was born. TOS promises

embraced the digital. Online events became the new

to provide an extensive coverage of all things SVNIT

normal. Although virtual meetings were an escape

from the monotony of everyday life, nothing could

bringing to you, the citizens of SVNIT, articles about

live up to the charm of face-to-face meetings.

major college events, activities of every student













So, when it seemed like yet another semester would

achievements of SVNIT students. The creativity and

whizz past our ears, an email popped up in our

hard-work of the clubs of SVNIT are chronicled in

inbox. The final-year students had been summoned

this newsletter.

to the campus, triggering a flurry of mixed emotions. While some students booked their tickets in earnest,

We would like to thank Dr. Ravi Kant for supporting

others waited.

this initiative. Additionally, we’d like to thank the Magazine Coordinators for laying the foundation for

By mid-October, students started trickling into the

future editions. Your work would go a long way to

campus. As

streamline the process of drafting and submitting

familiar voices

grew louder in


hostels, and friends met each other after what

timely reports.

seemed like a lifetime, a sense of normalcy began to seep in. However, all was not roses and sunshine.

For designing and illustrating the newsletter, we

After attending classes from the comfort of our

would like to commend the wonderful design team

rooms for well over a year, even the walk from the

of Renesa. We would like to appreciate our eagle-

hostel to the department seemed like a gruelling




Renesa the




worked to




to we

delivered the best possible newsletter.

Meanwhile, the campus was getting a makeover. A 500-seater hostel building and a new administrative

Lastly, we’d like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to

building sprouted up. A swathe of new streetlights

you, the reader, for always supporting Renesa in its

brightened up the roads. And the Ravechi store had

ventures and for your ever-enthusiastic response.

a new address - the ground floor of the New



comments on this edition and meeting you all on









With 2nd and 3rd year students flocking into the campus, the once-empty hostels, messes, and roads

Sumant S. Dangi and Shivansh Shandilya

filled up practically overnight. Life finally returned

Chief Editors




Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Table of Contents Messages From Faculty...................................................................................01 Editorial...............................................................................................................05 ACM.....................................................................................................................07 CEV.......................................................................................................................09 LAC......................................................................................................................11 SCOSH................................................................................................................13 SAE.......................................................................................................................15 CHRD...................................................................................................................17 MADHATTERS................................................................................................23 EES.......................................................................................................................24 CES.......................................................................................................................27 Drishti.................................................................................................................29 SPICMACAY.....................................................................................................30 NSS.......................................................................................................................31 IETE.....................................................................................................................35 MLSA...................................................................................................................36 Physics Club.......................................................................................................37 AIChE - ChES ...................................................................................................40 Tech Converge...................................................................................................45 Student’s Achievement...................................................................................49 Contributors......................................................................................................52

Cover Design By: Yash Paresh Bhardava

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Association for



Computing Machinery

Epiphany 11.0

Guide to Open Source

Epiphany has always stood out in the

“Every individual in the world has a unique contribution.”


– Jack Kornfield







for developers, it would


to “open





October 16th coding



This is a pocket skill that every developer in the modern

. It was a competitive

world needs. Open source projects are those that are open










Codeforces platform, consisting of 8



developers’ profile.











as an







time of 3 hours to solve and submit the

solution. We




This event held by ACM-NIT Surat on 10th September

registrations from several colleges all



guide to contributing. Path and perks of contributing were








cash prizes of 3,000 Rs. ,




2,000 Rs.,

and 1,000 Rs. for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd







presented. Speakers were also able to share their own experience with

contributing, giving




complete picture.

positions respectively.

Various open-source programs were talked about in the Since




event and the GSoC ‘21 experience was shared. Finally, to

large, the contestants were able to see

give the attendees hands-on experience with contributing,


a small session was held for the basic commands on Git/






the platform to help them improve


their problem-solving concepts.

In the end, the attendees were well versed with basic Git Our team intends to work harder and

commands and were on the lookout for more open-source


programs to help practice their skills.










the of



Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Node.JS and MongoDB Workshop

Inception 6.0

In the world of merry and fun quotes, a "software developer" is sometimes defined as "An organism that turns caffeine into software." And some key features in the file of backend development are Node.js and MongoDB. Building backend applications is one of the most vital elements in the checklist of the modern development world.

Inception is a string of one of the best competitive coding events conducted by ACM NIT-SURAT. We are proud to share that Inception 6.0 was successfully held on the 4th of September, 2021. It was a bifold event with Inception 6.0 organized exclusively for 2nd-year students and Inception 6.0(Mirror) for 3rd and final-year students.

Hence, to give the students students a deeper insight into the development world, ACM NIT-Surat conducted a workshop on Building Backend Applications using Node.js & MongoDB, on the 23rd of October 2021.

The onset of the workshop was an introduction of backend applications, followed by providing a hands-on experience from the speakers. Various subjects from the installation of the starter-kit for Node.js and MongoDB to building a complete backend application were delivered. The workshop concluded with an interactive Q&A session, solving the doubts of the attendees.

The content was delivered to 100+ attendees, attendees, from which everyone got an amazing kick-start for the backend development journey, And we are looking forward to hosting many more informative events like this one.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

The participants were supposed to solve 6 competitive coding problems in a 3 hour time span. At the end of the event, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position holders from 2nd-year were given a prize of 1500 Rs., 1000 Rs., and 500 Rs. respectively.

The event aimed to polish the coding skills of the students and the time constraint helped the students handle the pressure and still steadily keep working to reach the goal. Inception 6.0 saw enthusiastic participation and we are geared to come up with more interesting events for the students of SVNIT.


Cutting Edge

Visionaries Talk on Cloud Engineering

Role of Individual in Waste Management

Cloud technology is an emerging technology, revolutionizing IT infrastructure and flexibility. As the future of cloud computing is taking off, there are thousands of possibilities beginning to form. However, the question remains, "How can one make a career in cloud technology?"

Under this year's Swachhta Pakhwada, every student chapter conducted an event concerning the importance of "Swachhta." So, CEV organized a session on "Role of individuals in Waste Management." The talk was delivered by Dr. K.D Yadav (Associate Professor, Civil Engineer Department, SVNIT) on 18th September 2021, 5:00 PM onwards on G-Meet.

A talk by Namrata Chaurasia (Cloud Architect, Microsoft) was organized on 30th of October for our college students to give them a glimpse of this new emerging technology. She covered Career Prospects in cloud architecture, future scopes, and opportunities. This talk was a guiding light for those who want a career in this field. There was a good reception of well over 60 participants. The event was conducted over Google Meet.


The noteworthy guests for this session were Dr. P.L Patel (Deputy Director, SVNIT Dr. A.K Jana(Associate Professor, ChED, SVNIT) Abhishek Acharya (Assistant Professor, Electronics Engineering G.J Joshi(HOD, Civil Engineering Department)

We hosted a total of 70 attendees in this session. Dr. K.D Yadav provided insights on Waste Management/Waste Disposa Processes related to collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of wast Categories for waste classificatio Benefits of waste disposal

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Case Study

with curious minds, starting from first-years to industry-experts alumni.

An exclusive event for the members of CEV to test their skills, where participants were

We have


FinShaastra: if your interests lies in finance,





study based on case problems of 1-3 pages

economics, financial markets etc.

in PDF format. Illustrations and references

Yantrika: for tech geeks working on web or

were not necessary. 1 day was given to study

app development, blockchain, data science

and analyze the problem statement.

and other tech domains.






Everyone was provided with different case

acumen, interested in consulting, business


case studies and data analysis.







organized so that everyone could see and


observe each other's reports and problem



mathematics, civil, electrical, chemical etc.









Even if you are a jack of all trades and just want to be a part of general GDs and talks, we have the proper channels for you. Join the channels you want to, and go on to build the team for your next start-up.

Scan the QR code or click the link below to be part of the growing CEV community.



“One cannot achieve new heights by taking the same old ways.”











hesitate to share it with your creative friends outside SVNIT as well!


additions. We hope to benefit the students and keep them acquainted with the latest developments.

CEV has always been a community more than a student chapter. To make the space more exciting, we CEV heartily invite you all to our discord server, where you guys can discuss with us, share with us and build with us! We aspire to build a strong community

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Literary Affairs Committee Intra-LAC Events LAC conducts a range of events for their members to help them develop their communication skills. One such event was The LAC ki Sabha, conducted on 18th August, this intra-LAC event served the participants with an experience of working together towards figuring out a solution for a situation through a group discussion. It was a unique group discussion where participants were given a problem to which a solution was found and then a Sabha was called where everyone gathered and discussed the solutions.

LAC also conducts several workshops. One such workshop on debating was organized on 28th August to enlighten novice as well as intermediate debaters. Experienced debaters Akanksha Jain and Krishna Sai gave pointers to guide the new members. They mentioned reasoning and logic to be the essential prerequisite of a good debate. The sole purpose of debating is not winning but understanding different perspectives.

Another notable intra-chapter activity was a discussion session on Indian mythologies where the participants discussed different perspectives. The discussion began with multiple interpretations of the epic Mahabharata and ventured through the rational reasons behind different stories.

Moreover, members of the committee also participated in the IIM-A MUN, NIT Agartala poemmaking competition, and NITAP Debate competition. 11

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

LAC Boardroom The LAC Boardroom was a successful college-wide event with many opportunities to learn and grow wherein 120 students participated. The participants were given different roles such as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technical Officer, Chief Legal Officer of different multinational companies, and an agenda to discuss & make decisions that are best for the company by giving their suggestions while sticking to their respective roles.

In the first round, participants were assigned the roles to discuss the feasibility of manufacturing and launching EVs in India by Tesla Motors. All the required details of the agendas were well researched. Additionally, the viewpoints of the various roles were provided forehand.

In the second round, selected candidates were given another agenda about Disney's acquisition of Fox Studio. After the eventful discussion, we got our three winners;


U19CE049 Shreya Gupta 2nd U20ME034 Dhruvraj Chudasma 3rd U20EC124 Aditi Pandey LAC Boardroom was yet another group discussion, but with innovative ideas that allowed participants to explore the various roles and responsibilities.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Society for Cultivation of Science and Humanities

Prakriti On August 14, 2021, SCOSH organized Prakriti, an event that gave a diverse audience from 8th to 12th grade students throughout the country, a platform to express scientific knowledge. This event promoted SCOSH’s motto of creating a human stack exchange through which we share our knowledge and nurture scientific temperament.


A total of four events were conducted. Dr Vipul Kheraj and Dr Urvashi Kaushal gave young minds interactive sessions in science and humanities.

A series of events were conducted before Prakriti, involving games related to science to keep the participants hooked and hinted towards the main event. The second round consisted of a rapid quiz, followed by a picture quiz. Reel Time Science, the most loved event of SCOSH, was saved for the end. It tested the participants on science in action movies that seldom go unnoticed.

The response of students was overwhelming, with 250+ registrations from all over India. First rankers in all the events were awarded cash prizes and certificates. This event marked great success as the first event on the calendar and gave SCOSH national recognition.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Python Workshop


SCOSH organized and conducted a college-wide Python Workshop on 4th and 5th September 2021 on Microsoft Teams. This workshop aimed to give all the data science enthusiasts and novices a platform to explore and learn some of the tools and software used in the field.

On 24th October 2021, SCOSH, in collaboration with Renesa, conducted a nationwide event BEYOND - Being Yearn on New Delusions, on Google Meet. This event aimed to explore deeper into the world of science, allowing participants to blend their knowledge of scientific theories and creativity to develop astonishing plots that will enhance one’s outlook on life.

The instructor, Mr. Suryam Gupta, particularly focused on two libraries in the programming language Python; NumPy and pandas, used extensively in data science and data analysis.

The students learned what and why the aforementioned are used, followed by its coding and implementation on Google Colab. Practical applications, dealing with datasets, and real-life world examples were given as well. They were also asked to follow along with the codes for a better understanding, along with on-the-spot doubt solving. In addition, an assignment was provided to check their problem-solving skills.

The final day was concluded with our keynote speaker, Mr. Ashwany Verma, who gave his insights on the importance of Python, roadmap to data science, requirements and process of applying for internships and jobs, and took on several questions the audience had.

All the participants were awarded certificates. The workshop was marked as a success considering the staggering 250+ registrations.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

400 participants registered for the event. They were given 4 scientific concepts, out of which they would ‘twist’ 2 of them. With their ingenious thinking and scientific expertise, they came up with an abstract fictional story. Based on this story, the competition simmered down to the selected nine teams, who continued their idea and established one final scientific plot.

The judges of both the clubs, evaluating them on the twist in scientific theories as well as their creative thinking and presentation skills, declared three winners. These were Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (Surat), Delhi Technological University (New Delhi), and Government Engineering College (Daman), and certificates and cash prizes were duly awarded. The event was an overall success in the long list of SCOSH’s triumphs.


Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Phoenix Racing Phoenix Aero

BLOG by Phoenix Aero :

QUARTER REPORT of Phoenix Racing :

Team Phoenix Aero launched its blog at the beginning of September 2021. The main purpose of the blog is to help gain knowledge, insights and educate students on recent or past research related to aeronautics, aerospace and aeromodelling.

This quarter mainly involved the recruitment of a new batch and their subsequent training. The main activities conducted for the recruits included department-wise research and its documentation in the format of reports. All work was done in groups, hence promoting brainstorming, discussion and debate. The entire activity lasted six weeks - one week for each major automotive department (Powertrain 1, Powertrain 2, Electrical, Chassis, Brakes, Suspension & Steering).

The blog will be posted on the first week of every month. Each team member will get an opportunity to do their own research and contribute to the blog.

With the help of this blog, Phoenix Aero aims to build a community of like-minded people interested in aeromodelling and aviation and they wish to spread their knowledge to a wide audience.


With regular meetings and constant messages, the team has managed to thrive even after a year of staying at home which is undeniably unconducive to automotive innovation and manufacturing. The team’s main focus, now, is achieving new heights in terms of design and optimisation of performance. For this, the team has attended several national and international level webinars in the past months and has continued to carry out designing a Formula Student vehicle virtually.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

COMPETITIONS PARTICIPATED BPP: In this event, teams are to develop a comprehensive business model which demonstrates a product featuring the designed racecar. Phoenix Racing presented an automotive specific software that comes with its own sister game software. The game was set to support VR and unique customisation features.

The team worked hard in the areas of product development, market research, etc. They performed well and got good remarks from the judges. The overall AIR was 12.

EDP: The objective of Formula Bharat Virtuals is to evaluate the students’ engineering process and efforts that went into designing a vehicle.

The event evaluates the result of a 10 month team effort. Reviews obtained in this event are important for the successor team to improve the team’s design procedure and documentation skills.

Phoenix Racing ranked 19 in this event.

Rev-it: In Rev-it, racers had the opportunity to apply their engineering knowledge in the field of vehicle dynamics and vehicle control to obtain the shortest lap time in 3 events. Phoenix Racing showcased splendid driving capabilities on one of the most powerful vehicles - LOTUS 98T, selected for this challenge.

Drag: 16 out of 62 participants

Hill climb: 17 out of 54 participants

Endurance: Made it into semi-finals

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Centre for Human Resource Development

Malang : Dance Jam The dance club of SVNIT conducted The Dance Jam, this year virtually. It was a theme based group dance competition and one of the three main group dance events held by Malang. The event witnessed the participation of over 70 dancers. The participants were split into 6 teams and each team was assigned a unique theme with the help of a spin wheel. The teams were supposed to come up with a team name and make a 2:30 minute upto 4:30 minute-long video justifying the theme. They were given a period of 3 weeks.

The videos were released on Malang’s social media channels – Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, over the span of a week, starting from 11th Sept, 21 to 16th Sept, 21. The teams were given three days for publicity.

The event was a success and saw a very good response, despite being an online event. Malang wishes to organize more such events because the spirit of dance should never die, even if it is virtual.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Akriti : Watercolor workshop

Raag : Dis-Tunes

The Art Club of SVNIT held an online watercolor workshop on August 8, 2021. Mrs. Mamta Mishra, a well-known artist, served as the workshop's host. The session was conducted on Google Meet Platform. The event witnessed a participation of 35+ students.

Dis-tunes was conducted by Raag: The Music Club of SVNIT in September 2021. It was an open-for-all solo singing competition. Participants had to submit 1 minute long videos of themselves singing. They had the freedom to sing in any language as well as play 1-2 instruments. Music production and any kind of audio editing were prohibited.

The host, Mamta Mishra, began the session with primary colors, the color wheel, and the fundamentals. She next went over several washes, such as simple, graded, variegated, and so on. Then, she moved on to some fun areas like glazing, wet effects, brush work, and so on. She taught subtraction and lifting by creating a little, lovely artwork. She finished by going over the attendees’ questions.

The lovely workshop session came to an end thereafter. Throughout the year, Akriti plans to host numerous additional workshops on various genres and events.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

The deadline for the entries was 19th September, after which the entries were uploaded on the official Instagram page of Raag-CHRD. The entries were judged by 2021 graduate RAAG members based on the scale, texture, rhythm, tempo, creativity, and likes on Instagram.

This event was first conducted in 2020 to keep music enthusiasts active during the lockdown.

This year, 25+ students participated and Raag hopes to organize more such musical events throughout the year.


Kirdaar : Dashavataar


The Drama club of SVNIT, i.e, Kirdaar


conducted an event called “Dashavataar” on

organized a virtual event “Suramya” on 14th

15th August 2021 which was performed by

November 2021. The main concept of this

the 3rd year Students of our college. The

event was a poetic play where all the teams

screening of the event took place via the

got different genres of Navrasas like Hasya,


Shringar and Veer.

This particular event was a pre-scripted play

Total of three teams participated in this

based on a TV- serial named Lapataganj. In

event consisting of 11 members each. The

the show, Lapataganj, the story is inspired

screening took place at 3 pm with a panel of

by the writings of Sharad Joshi, who was a

judges which consisted of three alumni of

Hindi satirist. The story is set in an

the club. All the teams' videos were played in

imaginary small town called Lapataganj

the Meet and were simultaneously judged.

(meaning a lost place). The stories make the

Wagon wheels and public polls were used to

viewers laugh, while simultaneously making

decide who would go first, second, third, etc.




them empathize with the situations people face in their daily lives.

The Best Play of Suramya was presented to "Team Alfaaz - Pehlu Pyaar Ke" and the best

The trailer of Dashavataar was released on

actors for the event were Krupa Vaghamshi

the official Instagram handle of Kirdaar on

& Deeya Wanjare. The event concluded with

11th August 2021. The genre of the play

a vote of thanks by the Kirdaar heads and

was "Farce". After completion of a particular

ended successfully.

scene, the actors switched their characters,

so we witnessed amazing versatility from the actors. During the event, alumni of SVNIT, Mr. Jay Shah, Ms. Apurva Jaiswar and Mr. Lokottam Jha were invited as guests. It was an amazing experience for everyone.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

OFFSTAGE SVNIT’s dramatics club KIRDAAR organized a virtual Drama event “OFF STAGE” on 29 August 2021. This year’s event off-stage’s main theme was “ WHAT IF? ” a question that asks someone to imagine what might happen or what might have happened.

There were 5 teams, each team had 12 students from 2nd year and 3rd year seniors as mentors. The teams were randomized and random topics were assigned to each team to remain fair and make the event more exciting. Each team presented their video on a Google meet which was judged by the committee. 2021 Graduates, Somya Mudgal, Advait Avadhane, and Shivang Vyas, were the 3 judges, who judged the teams according to the judging criteria provided beforehand. There were four types of rewards: best actor, best-scripted play, bestedited play, and overall best play.

About 100 people were involved in this event. The memories made here will be mesmerized forever. Drama is a form of art which holds the power to engross the audience, bundle them in a web of emotions and leave them a memory to cherish forever - with this thought, we concluded the event.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Convex : Photography workshop On 28th August 2021, Convex: The Photography Club of SVNIT conducted a college-wide photography workshop. This particular workshop was focused on Mobile Photography and the guest speaker was Mr. Khush Kalavadia. Khush Kalavadia is a prolific photographer with years of experience in his arsenal. He demonstrated multiple facets to capture the purple beauty of the world, without the need of any heavy gear, just a smartphone and a good eye.

The workshop gave the audience an insight into various manual photography settings like shutter speed, ISO, aperture followed by its application which was demonstrated via a simulation software. Participants were also introduced to several camera tricks which would augment their skills in photography. The speaker also suggested a few Manual Photography applications for both Android as well as IOS users. The workshop concluded with a question-and-answer session.

The event saw 80-100 participants and proved to be an enriching experience for everyone involved. Convex aims to organise similar workshops, distributed across a spectrum of genres in the upcoming academic year.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Cinephilia : Cinewood


In the month of July, Cinewood, a short film-making team event was started by the film making Club of SVNIT: CINEPHILIA.

After choosing the teams, each team had to present their synopses before the 8th of August 2021.

From 7th October 2021, CHRD hosted an Online Quiz competition ‘NAV - TRIVIATRI’. An Exhilarating series of daily quizzes for the 9 days of Navratri, each day with a unique and fun topic ranging from IPL, movies, logos, our very own CHRD, cartoons, advertisements to pop-culture etc.

All the production houses introduced themselves in the official group of Cinephilia. 4 teams pitched their synopsis and the producers chose the project they wanted to work on. The process of scriptwriting and shooting followed. All the teams had to submit their final product by the 7th of September.

On 10th September 2021, all 4 short films premiered on YouTube and simultaneously got judged on Google Meet. After a brief discussion between the judges, the winner and runner-up were announced Vetal’s B-237 won the event and Cine Crew’s Rahul Sharma Ki Prem Kahani finished as runnerup.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

All the participants were divided in groups for efficiency and better interaction with the host. The Hosts played a keen role in preventing the event from turning into a boring school quiz.

The favorite feature about the quiz was the platform, KAHOOT ! The shape-shifting leader-boards after every round, the ticking timer, the anticipation of who would answer which question first - gave all of us a good adrenaline rush.

Each member played for the pride of their club. Though it wasn’t even close as dancing in circles on “Dholida Dhol re Vagad” but, it was special for each of us as we came and sat for 20 minutes every evening like a small family and cheered and booed with smiles as wide the sky.

Which made our Navratri feel complete!



Man of Chores

Nazar Na Lage

Madhatters released a brand new short film on the 29th of October. The film follows the press conference of a hardworking yet underappreciated Aditya, the titular character. The idea behind the script was to highlight domestic drudgery and its effects on the young guys and girls living with their parents. The lead character is someone living his dream; the dream of being recognized for his fair share of efforts in day-to-day tasks. The conference takes place on one particularly adventurous day. Although Aditya has his highs and lows of the day, he is strongheaded about it. And like every other Man of Chores, he knows that tomorrow he will have to wake up and do these tasks again.

After the release of the last episode of ‘How Not to Talk to Anyone’ in late November 2020, Madhatters made a comeback with a brand new short film ‘Nazar Na Lage’. It was published on 15th August with the single motive to make you laugh, whilst letting you know about the effect of “nazar”. Packed with comedy and some family drama, the film centers around an all too relatable family and their nosy aunt. The family’s desperate efforts to avert her “nazar” transpire into a suspenseful ending. Now it is up to the audience to decide whether they are superstitious or not. With a month in the making, the video was a collaborative effort of writers, actors, directors, and editors working on it from different countries. Shooting and editing became some specific challenges which the team had to overcome with countless video calls and audio recordings. The film is available on Madhatters’ Instagram and Youtube pages. Written by Aditya Sreenivas and Karthik Sunil, this film is a satire that pokes fun at society’s unnecessary interest in other people’s businesses. Do check it out!

Written by Krishna Shreeram and Alok Kumar, the skit is very relatable and natural. It effectively captures the emotions where one feels like they should be recognized for their daily household grind. The film is available on Madhatter’s Instagram and Youtube handles.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Electrical Engineering Society RECHARGE

Some things are inevitable in nature; eclipses, change of seasons, seniors graduating. Another inevitability is the recruitment of new talent for student chapters. Thus, the Electrical Engineering Society conducted its recruitment drive - RECHARGE 2021 on 14th August 2021.

Despite the fact that this is a departmental student chapter, recruiting was open to all branches this year. Application forms were circulated through various social media platforms to raise awareness. The team intended to reach out to as many people as possible. The application form included questions about the applicant's goals and interests. Everyone was also given an option of choosing their preference among the available committees; technical, creative, finance, publicity, and informal.

Next up was the interview round where the core committee interviewed applicants on the basis of their choice . Candidates were chosen based on the evaluation of their skill and confidence.. Then they were assigned to the committee that best fit their interests and knowledge through intensive brainstorming sessions by the core committee.

The event resulted in the recruitment of talented, enthusiastic, and dedicated executives of EES from various branches. By doing so, EES set the benchmark of being the first departmental student chapter to overcome the limitations of departmental boundaries.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Quizyapa The Electrical Engineering Society firmly believes in the power of knowledge and is ever so inclined to make it fun. That is how 'QUIZYAPA' was born in 2016, and it has been a glorious ride since then. Throughout the years the event has garnered increasing participation and grown to become the biggest quizzing event of our institute.

Continuing the legacy, this year, we created history by launching the first-ever advertisement campaign promoting QUIZYAPA 2021 and setting a new standard in marketing and publicity. The advertisement campaigns were quirky with TV show references and fresh jokes to attract huge crowds. After college elections and the test of democracy, it was the optimal time to test future engineers and see how they fare in the waters of obscure questions. With the participation of more than 160 students, on 8th August 2021, the quiz covered questions from a wide range of themes and patterns in the first round, which was conducted on a computeradaptable Google form. In the final round, the qualifying competitors competed for the prize money. With the aid of EES core committee members, the final round was held on Kahoot, and smooth conduct was observed.

The positive response from the event was heartwarming. It encouraged the team to continue hosting such exhilarating events. We strive to make them better than ever before as well as provide novel opportunities to engage through events.


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Guest Lecture by Dr. Madan Mohan From wheels to horse carts, gasoline engines to electric automobiles, technology is always evolving and leaping forward. As future engineers, we need to stay up to date on the newest developments, and who better to guide us than an industrial expert?

Dr. Madhan Mohan, Hitachi ABB Power Grids' R & D team head for grid and power quality solutions, is a specialist in electric cars. He has published papers in six international journals, has spoken at over 20 conferences, and also holds a patent. We were ecstatic to have him as the speaker at this thought-provoking and instructive seminar. Call it the mercy of Tesla or the real potential it holds, electric vehicles are the future. The presentation mostly focused on flash charging methods for electric buses. Following the discussion, we all came to the opinion that flash charging technology is a very suitable solution for Indian metropolises.

After the presentation, the session was open for Questioning. Active participation was observed from the audience. The future of electric vehicles in India was discussed and the role we as engineering students can play in it. All recent technological developments were the hot topic.

Finally, the members of the committee expressed their gratitude towards Dr. Mohan for his presentation and interaction with the participants. The society guarantees to bring maximum devotion to the table and conduct more such sessions in the future.

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Civil Engineering Society

CREATIVE JUNKIES : Being the oldest student chapter of SVNIT, Civil Engineering Society focuses on holistic development. To stimulate student’s creativity, team CES conducted Creative Junkies as an opportunity for the current sophomore batch to showcase their writing and designing skills. The event was open for all the branches and was conducted over a span of 3 days, 21st to 23rd July 2021 with a cumulative of 29 students as the attendees. This event aims for the students to use their understanding, awareness and creativity to visually and verbally construe the topics “Get to Know the Stock Market”, “The Year 2050 as I see it” and “Circular Economy and Capitalism”.

Details of the winnersPosition


Admission No. Poster Designing


Anish Kumar



Eeshan Bhargava



Sauparnika Nair


Special Mention

Shlok Raval


Creative Writing



Manish Lalwani



Ashutosh Srivastava



Ved Patel


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It was certain that August was set to be invigorating as it still had the energy for an additional intriguing CES Clash of CAD. COC was an online competition based on the popular Autodesk AutoCAD software, one of the leading commercial software in computer-aided design and drafting.

“All dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Mr. Pinak, Alumni of SVNIT Civil Department proved these words right when he cleared the UPPSC 2020 with 49th rank and got selected as Deputy Collector. In his college days, He was awarded a silver medal for his excellence in academics.

The competition aimed to reinforce as well as assess the drafting and designing skills of the participants. The event was held in 2 stages and was organized on 28th August 2021 with a total of 67 registrations and 34 participants. Round 1 consisted of multiplechoice questions conducted on Kahoot. Round 2 was a drafting round where participants had to solve the given problem using AutoCAD within 2 hrs.

The winners were awarded monetary prizes worth ₹2500/-

Details of the winnersPosition


Admission No.


Dhruv Chudasma



Tanisha Jain



Siddharth Sharma


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

In his interview, having questioned the motivation to choose this path, he answered that he felt that he was not doing anything for society even after achieving financial stability. His bad experience with the system motivated him to prepare for UPPSC and UPSC to make a change. “Risk is something that you pay for success.” He had taken a huge risk by leaving a well-paying job and could not afford to fail. According to him, it’s okay to feel demotivated, but it is essential to recover quickly and get back on track, and it is crucial to plan your day the night before.

Mr. Pinak’s words of motivation taught us that even though we face hurdles, if we pursue our goal with sheer determination, we can excel in it.

The transcript of the interview can be found on the official CES website.



MINI PROJECTS : Team Drishti conducted online mini projects from 18th August to 18th September. Second-year students who were interested to join Drishti participated in the event. They were divided into teams based on their interests in the problem statements provided by Drishti. The problem statements revolved around various fields like mechanics, electronics, AI/ML, aerodynamics, civil, and chemical.

This event gave insights to second-year students about the work Drishti members do during their two years in the club. They were guided to learn various software like Solidworks, MATLAB, Proteus, ROS GAZEBO, ANSYS, KiCAD, SewerGEMS. Then for the remaining three weeks, they worked on 16 different projects like robotic arms, olympic winner prediction, pyrolysis, teleoperation in ROS, separate sanitary sewer system, etc.

The event concluded with the respective project teams giving presentations and explaining what they did in the 1-month duration. The students shared their experience of working in a team, managing deadlines, and how the theoretical concepts differ from the reallife aspects. They were then briefed about the process of joining the Drishti team so that they can work on the major projects in their second and third year.


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Raag Rang Workshop From 29th-31st October 2021, SPIC MACAY SVNIT conducted RAAG RANG - a three-day virtual Hindustani classical music workshop. The participants were guided by Shri Kumar Mardur who is a renowned personality in the field of Hindustani classical music.

On the first day of the workshop, Kumar Ji taught the Aaroh-Avroh and Pakad along with a bandish of the Raag Bhupali. He also instructed the students about the Kan Swar and the way of singing it.

The second day started with Kumar ji teaching the aalap of the ‘Sthayi and Antra’ of the Bandish. He patiently listened to every participant and helped them correct their mistakes, if any. On the last day of the workshop, the participants learned the ‘Taan’ of the Bandish of Raag Bhupali.

The workshop witnessed the presence of almost 60 participants and proved to be a good learning experience for everyone who participated. We hope that SPICMACAY SVNIT organizes more such workshops and enriches the heritage and pride of our country.

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National Service Scheme (NSS) ENVIRONMENT DAY: To better explain the topic of environmental conservation, we hosted a webinar on Microsoft Teams and invited honourable speakers and key guests: Dr. Arvind Kumar Mungray and Dr. Gurwinder Singh. They shared their perspectives and explained why management is imperative. Dr. Gurwinder Singh provided us with an overview of many environmental conservation strategies, such as pollution reduction, that can be implemented in everyday life.

Dr. Arvind Kumar Mungray provided us with a thorough overview of sustainable development strategies, including numerous models that can be applied, important sustainable development goals, and the Urisol startup idea.

Later, first-year students gave a presentation on how to make organic fertiliser, waste management, and the soil quality needed for thriving plants, among other topics.

The presentation was followed with a poem recitation by Chanchal Kumar Jaiswal named “Prakriti ki Aapman”

As the meeting concluded, the pledge for environment conservation was read in unison. Dr. Bade Mukund provided his opinions and guidance on the program. A vote of thanks was delivered by Shivank Joshi. Questions related to the topic were answered satisfactorily at the end. 31

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INDEPENDENCE DAY NSS-SVNIT hosted a webinar to discuss and raise awareness about the internal-external security problem. The following were the esteemed speakers and chief guests:

1. Debasis Chakraborty, Ph.D. (DRDO scientist and IIT, Bombay prof)

2. Trishneet Arora, No. 2 (CEO TACSecurities)

The webinar was held on 15th August.

Prof. Debasis Chakraborty gave us a brief background of the country's DRDO-Missile Laboratory.

He also gave us a quick overview of several missiles, including their ranges and types. Agni, Prithvi, Dhanush, Astra, LRSAM, QRSAM, MPATGM, Bhramos, BMD, and HSTDV were all discussed.

He clearly described where India is in terms of missile technology on a global scale. He pushed India's youth to go deeper into this field and persuade it to be their path. He discussed details about weapon systems, aerodynamics, flying structures, CFD, and solid and liquid propulsion.

An interactive Q&A session was also organised where guests could ask questions and clarify doubts.

Dr. Bade Mukund spoke on recent trends and technology near the end of the session.

The webinar was concluded by a vote of thanks offered by Dr. Bade Mukund.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

NSS DAY Every year on September 24, India celebrates National Service Scheme Day (NSS Day). The National Service Scheme (NSS) was inaugurated on this day back in 1969, during Mahatma Gandhi’s Centenary year. It included 40,000 student volunteers from 37 institutes .

It is important for everyone to be aware of mental health and its impact on our society.

For this purpose we had presentations from different participating institutions. Our presentation included detailed information of what exactly comes under the term ‘mental health’, symptoms of mental health issues, and how to overcome mental health issues. After the presentation a small Q/A session was held .


Army officer, navy officers came as chief guests and told about how mental health issues can be resolved by different methods.

NIT Calicut, IIT Roorkee, VIT, L.H.S Nation, DJ Sanghvi also presented their views on the topic .

NGOs like UPHAAR Foundation and BROWS gave a brief view on their working.

A concert was held by the students of DJ Sanghvi college.

dedication and their high spirits to always give their best and were rewarded for the same.

The winner set the record for the longest plank of 3 minutes and 26 seconds which was cheered by everyone.

Commemorating the birthday of Major Dhyan Chand, a special meeting was organised by the NSS team on August 29th. Students enjoyed discussing various sports and eminent players of India who have brought glory to our nation through their achievements in their sport.

Overall, everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly as it brought young athletes together who harmonized under n the common theme of sports.

NATIONAL SPORTS DAY We may celebrate sports day for a single day but the joyride starts a week prior. Students from every department came to participate in this exciting celebration conducted by NSS.

To keep participants enthused, NSS kicked off the pomp by sharing various inspiring videos and challenges on their social media handles.

Plank Challenge:

The plank challenge posted on social media was a major attraction among students which brought many participants who shared their videos which highlighted their 33

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UNITY DAY CELEBRATION NSS SVNIT organized an event on 30 October 2021 to celebrate Unity Day and to pay respects to our Iron Man SARDAR VALLABHBHAI PATEL on his 146th birthday. A quiz competition was also organized.

Members of NSS SVNIT presented PPTs on national idols in the field of science and technology.

After the presentations, a quiz was organised in which questions were asked from the presentations. The quiz was organised on KAHOOT!

The winners of the quiz were:

1st position: Pratibha

2nd position: Shreya

3rd position: Dhru

CLEANLINESS WORKSHOP With a view to spread awareness about physical and mental cleanliness which proved its importance during COVID-19, NSS organized the “Cleanliness Inside Out” webinar.


Mr. Srinidhi K. (Deputy Managed Training and Development, J Watmull Global Hospital Research & Centre, Mount Abu, Rajasthan. )

Our Chief Guests:

2) Prof. S. R. Gandhi, Director

3) Prof. P. L. Patel, Deputy Director

4) Dr. Bade Mukund

5) Prof. A.K Jana

6) Dr. Neha Sharma

The workshop was conducted on 13th September 2021.

Prof. S.R. Gandhi appreciated the enthusiasm of students and professors for conducting and attending the session.

Prof. Prem Lal Patel welcomed all and thanked the coordinators of this workshop. He also talked about the importance of physical cleanliness as well as mental cleanliness.

Mr. Srinidhi K. shared the information about the reason for the gathering and the future aspect of the mission.

He gave us an insight on cleanliness; the importance of it from outside and inside. He also talked about the importance of meditation and guided the participants through a meditation session.

Prof. A.K. Jana delivered a vote of thanks to the coordinators of the event. The workshop concluded with the national anthem by Ms. Madhuri Sharma.

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Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers


Mindscape 23rd















the was

organized for students of all years and branches. The quiz consisted of three rounds, the first two of which were










October 24th. The event witnessed the participation of a total of 21 teams.

The first round was held on the KAHOOT! Platform. It split the participants into 2 quizzes of MCQ questions - one technical and one non-technical based. Round 2 consisted of a series of visual questions. It was held via Google














Google Meet. To keep things interesting, it included an alliance







allied teams were more likely to receive higher marks. Technical asked.















committee members spun the wheel of fortune for the type of question to be given to the participating team, and








major goal of this event was to provide students with a better understanding





while having fun.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors


Let’s Flutter with Flutter Flutter



Introduction to Web Dev :



This was the introductory event of the MLSA Club,

software development kit created

and we are proud to receive a massive response from

by Google. It is used to develop


cross-platform applications from a

participating in this session. We started by showcasing

single codebase. Now, nearly half a

the mission and scope of the club and headed over to

million developers use Flutter to

have an engrossing session on REACT, a prevalent


library among developers.









Instead of writing code for every

The event was held on 18th September 2021 on

platform, a single code-base can

Microsoft Teams. The event engaged the participants

compile applications for different

for 2 hours. By the end of the event, the participants

platforms. This was the motivation

had learned the core concepts which were presented

to conduct an event focused on

and were also familiar with various other technology

enlightening the audience on this

scopes. The interactive event gained lots of positive


feedback in the end from the learner’s side.




conducted a two-day virtual event

The session was held to enhance interest in the minds

on this topic on the 16th and 17th

of young developers and help them reach their very


first milestone in web development. REACT is a very










Microsoft on





beginner-friendly, easy to learn, must-have skill when



it comes to web development.



Many developers from the core team came forward

Flutter, such as all basic data types,

with their explanations and demonstrations of the


library and implemented them.



Day 2 showcased a live interactive

We were thrilled by the massive response and got all

session on flutter concepts with

geared up to strive and bring more interesting events


in the future.




coding by the core team.

The event was held to introduce cross-platform development using flutter.





audience was fluent with Dart and Flutter




excited and eager to build more Flutter apps in the future.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Physics Club

Mathematica Worshop

Sarabhai Lecture Series: Talk 1

On 7th and 8th August 2021, a 2day Mathematica workshop was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Vikash Kumar Ojha. On the first day, theory and specifications of Mathematica were addressed. Dr. Vikash assigned the participants with a tutorial, to be solved within the session to gain firsthand knowledge of the new software. Students raised various doubts during the tutorial session, which Dr. Vikash enthusiastically answered. He was glad to solve them and welcomed further questions from the audience. He individually guided everyone in the meet by asking the students to share the screen and show the problem where they were stuck. He explained various concepts in the process of solving the questions. In the third session, participants solved more questions, and then some concepts and problems related to quantum mechanics were addressed. Dr. Yogesh Sonvane was also present in the session for solving doubts about quantum mechanics. Lastly, Dr. Yogesh Sonvane explained how to construct a 3D plot, and then the session was finally concluded.

The first talk of the online Sarabhai Lecture series, presented by Dr. Soumya Bagchi from IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, was a fantastic start attracting many physics enthusiasts from over the country as the professor narrated the story about the "Journey of the Humble Nucleus". Dr. Soumya Bagchi talked about how we can stare into the whole universe by looking into an atomic nucleus with a radius that is almost a trillionth of a meter! Showing that science fiction may not just be fiction for too long, he gave us a lucid insight into the stability of elements. He shared a fun way to visualise these concepts using LEGO blocks implemented at the RICKEN facility in Tokyo, Japan. He talked about Halo nuclei and how they provided an insight into the Shell Model of The Atomic Nucleus discovery, which fetched the Nobel Prize for Maria Goeppert Mayer in 1963. He explained the strange behaviour of higher nuclei in the Island of Inversion and their correlation with the Halo nuclei. Dr. Bagchi also explained the procedures employed by scientists at GSL, Germany, to create exotic and unstable nuclei. He engaged in interesting discussions with the audience and enthusiastically answered their questions.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Sarabhai Lecture Series: Talk 2 The second talk of the “Sarabhai Online Lecture Series” conducted on September 11, 2021 by Dr. C.S. Unnikrishnan was a fascinating peek into the world of “Gravitational Waves: The New Wave in Physics, Technology and Astronomy”. The talk attracted almost a hundred physics enthusiasts across the country. Starting with the classical description of gravitation given by Newton, Dr. Unnikrishnan talked about general relativity and how the mad genius Einstein had predicted the presence of gravitational waves in 1960. He spoke about the efforts of various experimentalists across the world for over 60 years to prove the presence of gravitational waves. He gave us a bird’s eye view of the construction of the detectors which were able to catch a faint sound that lasted less than 200 milliseconds, confirming the existence of gravitational waves. He presented the future avenue for research in gravitational physics in India, which inspired the audience towards research. This interactive session concluded with Prof. Unnikrishnan engaging in intriguing discussions about gravitation with the audience. We are grateful for the continued support of the administration, which made this session a complete success.

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Sarabhai Lecture Series: Talk 3

Sarabhai Lecture Series: Talk 4

The third talk of the Online Sarabhai Lecture Series conducted on October 11, 2021 attracted many physics enthusiasts from across the country to tour the “Exotic World of Neutron Stars” with Dr. Sudip Bhattacharyya as our guide.

The fourth talk of the Sarabhai Online Lecture Series by Dr. Manoneeta Chakraborty from IIT Indore, on "Observing Black Holes and Understanding their imprints" was a whopping success attracting many physics enthusiasts from all over the nation.

Dr. Sudip Bhattacharya talked about how every phenomenon that physicists wanted to study could be studied in this body, from particle-particle interactions to curvature of space-time by massive bodies. He spoke about how the neutron stars were used to put the theory of general relativity to rigorous tests before being accepted entirely by all physicists—amazing us that this body can fit into a city. He briefed us about what nature’s laboratory is made of and how it works. Then we glimpsed at the history of research in the field of neutron stars from its discovery to applications. Dr. Bhattacharya explained how a body, lightyears apart, can affect our lives and how we would not have existed if it was not for the presence of these neutron stars. He also showed us the current progress in research in neutron stars and the planned future. In the end, all of us engaged in exciting discussions related to the topic.


Dr. Chakraborty explained how different physicists interpreted black holes differently and touched on the unpleasant problem of singularities and the practical solutions. She explained the parameters used to study the physics of black holes and the effect their rotation has on the event horizon. Dr. Manoneeta emphasized the importance of studying black holes and the questions that physicists are still seeking answers to in this field. She talked about the effect of black holes on light rays and even derived the Schwarzschild radius of black holes; which gives us insights into the dimensions of black holes and event horizons. She described various observational techniques employed in black hole research and their challenges. She ended her amazing talk with an exciting interaction with the audience, answering their questions while encouraging them to pursue research.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

AIChE - Chemical Engineering Society

ChES Orientation Chemical




Eureka 4.0 initiative began with an introductory

had organized an introductory

orientation for the sophomore students on 9 August

orientation on 19 July, 2021 at 4

2021, virtually at 18:00 (IST) on the Google Meet

PM virtually on Google Meet



Eureka's goal is to offer students a taste of how It was hosted by the President,

research is carried out on the ground level so that they

Vice President, Student Advisor,

may take the initiative to further explore their









Meghal Desai and co chairman

It also encompassed how the event would take place


with the timeline being laid. The event included





participation from students of other branches as well.

Sarita Kalla.

Students acknowledged the event to be informative This orientation was conducted

and gave positive feedback.

to familiarize students with the community, and the working of the student chapter and also to facilitate integrate

our the





society by providing awareness about




The meeting was concluded by Sheetal Maheshwari (President) and








address and vote of thanks. The interactive event was held at a large








everyone. Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Internship Talks :

Webinar on Entrepreneurship

ChES along with Training and Placement Coordinators organized an Internship Talk on 20 August 2021, at 5.30 PM on Microsoft Team virtually. Individuals gave details on the selection process, interviews, and their projects.

On the 18th of September 2021, at 4.30 PM on Microsoft Team virtually, ChES organised a webinar titled "Entrepreneurship through the perspective of a Chemical Engineer."

Participants learnt how to communicate with mentors in internships, as well as about how to deal with research, calculation and simulation tasks.

This talk focused on relevant information for both Core and Non-Core students inquisitive about internships. Around 100 students attended the esteemed event.

In a nutshell, everyone got satisfactory answers to all their concerns and inquiries. Sheetal Maheshwari, the President of ChES, concluded the session on a positive note and extended willingness to assist in the future.

Mr. Ujas Khunt, Founder of Chemical Partners India, addressed the webinar as the keynote speaker. Engineers are known to be wily when it comes to anything they get their hands on. It's rare to find a connection between Chemical Engineering and Entrepreneurship.

When something is rare, challenges are bound to arise. To establish a startup, one must be patient, confident and willing to endure numerous failures in exchange for a little amount of success. The webinar emphasized the significance of a Chemical Engineer's ability to apply their talents in attaining milestones through International Marketing and Strategy Development. It also addressed the benefits and drawbacks of entrepreneurship.

The prestigious webinar was attended by around 50 students from SVNIT as well as other colleges. At the end of the webinar, the students had a remarkable and engaging session with all their doubts regarding the field of entrepreneurship satisfied by the speaker.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

DWSIM Workshop AIChE - Chemical Engineering Society, conducted a two-day session to enlighten everyone with the essentials of the DWSIM Simulation Software on 9th and 10th October 2021 on the Google Meet platform.

DWSIM is an open-source compliant chemical process simulator used in complex data analysis involving advanced models and operations.

Aayushi Gupta, the Student Advisor of ChES and the former FOSSEE Summer Fellow 2021 at IIT Bombay under Chemical Process Simulation - DWSIM and OpenModelica along with Bharvi Patel, member of the Technical Committee and former FOSSEE Semester-long Summer Intern 2021 at IIT Bombay were the facilitators of the event.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Around 60 students from various colleges attended the session. The session started with a simulation of mixers, separators, splitters, and heat exchangers before moving on to the heart of Chemical Engineering: columns for distillation. The second half of the event concentrated on how reactions occur in the design of chemical industries, covering all aspects of Chemical Engineering.

By interacting with exhibitors at the end of the session, participants were also able to alleviate their doubts.


Flowsheet Design Competition AIChE - ChES had a colossal competition for designing flowsheets following a successful DWSIM workshop held between October 14-16, 2021.

Around 45 students competed in the flowsheet design competition to develop their skills and showed a remarkable desire to win the incredible event.

It aims to improve process simulation abilities and grasp the fundamentals of industrial plant design.

The top 10 shortlisted candidates were called in for the interview round. Winners ar Parthik Sojitra - U19CH02 Drashti Mehta - U20CH05 Het Shah - U20CH102

Students from all institutions were welcome to attend and were given a Google form to fill out in order to register themselves on or before October 13, 2021, by 23:59.

Participants were given two problem statements to design and process the simulation, they had to submit their flowsheets before 16th October 2021 by 23:59.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

FOSSEE Flowsheet Submission Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat ranked first on a national level in the competition. The students of the Chemical Engineering department submitted 37 DWSIM flowsheets accounting for the highest submissions from all the colleges of the nation.

DWSIM is an open-source compliant chemical process simulator used in complex data analysis involving advanced models and operations. The candidate has to design a proposal of the process describing it in detail. Once the idea gets accepted, he/she can submit the completed flowsheet with an abstract. This activity is organized by the FOSSEE project which is funded by the National Mission on Education Through ICT, Ministry of Education, Government of India.

ChES conducted a workshop on DWSIM Simulation Software followed by a Flow Sheet Designing Competition. This encouraged students to further explore the simulation field of Chemical Engineering.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Outstanding Student Chapter Award 2020-21 AIChE Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Student Chapter, India (AIChE ChES SVNIT) received the Outstanding Student Chapter Award 2020-21 which is awarded annually to those student chapters that show an exceptional level of participation, enthusiasm, program quality, professionalism, and involvement in the university and community.

Our student chapter had shown outstanding participation by member students and faculty along with conducting a variety of activities & events, including career guidance, community outreach, and departmental activities.

The award will be presented during AIChE Annual Student Conference at Boston on 7 Nov 2021.



GRE and Masters Abroad Tech Convergence had organized a talk session on the topic of "GRE AND MASTERS ABROAD."

Questions were asked to the guest speakers on behalf of the entire audience which were collected through the Google Form circulated during the time of registration of the event.

Below are some of the questions and their responses from the guest speakers.

Q. Why should one choose to do a master’s abroad rather than in IITs?

Colleges abroad pay more, give more facilities, and are less competitive to get into, while IITs are very competitive and the learning outcome is not as good as foreign universities.

Q. What should be a good GRE score to get betterranked universities?

315-325 will be good enough to get into betterranked universities across the world.

Q. In which semester should we start applying to universities?

6th or 7th semester and before December and January because most of the universities end their admission process by this time.

Q. How to know the reputation of certain courses in universities?

You can see the local ranking list as well as the world ranking list of the universities on Google.

Finally, Heemin Shah expressed his gratitude to the speakers with a vote of thanks.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Workshop Series: AI-ML

Workshop Series: R0S2

To give the right intuition of the AI-ML, “Tech Converge” organized a workshop titled “Decrypting the AI-ML hype and how artificial intelligence is reshaping the World?” covering the following topics:-

In the field of robotics, the open-source Robot Operating System (ROS) has given rise to a new generation of robotics applications—applications that move well beyond lab experiments and hobbyists’ dreams. ROS is a set of software libraries and tools that help in building robot applications. To introduce new robotics enthusiasts to the software application’s latest version, ROS 2 and its setup, Tech Converge arranged a two-part online workshop under the “Getting Started” series on 11 September 2021. Three students from the third year, Prakhar Dubey (ECE), Harsh Agarwal (EE), and Arnav Gupta (CH) conducted this worthwhile workshop.

What is Machine Learning? How does Machine Learning work? Types of Machine Learning Why is Machine Learning important? Use Case of Machine Learning Machine Learning Prerequisite

This was organized on 12 September 2021. Three students from the third year, Himanshu Pandey (EE), Raghav Khandelwal (CH), and Taksh Panchal (ME) conducted this worthwhile workshop.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Pathway to IIM On the event day, Tech Converge organized a talk session on the topic of "CAT PREPARATION". The session began at 7 pm. The event began with a few general questions and the introductions of the speakers. After that, they moved to breakout rooms so that students could interact with speakers one-on-one. Students in the rooms asked a variety of questions, including how to prepare for an exam, when to begin studying, MBA in India vs MBA outside of India, subject knowledge with MS vs business knowledge with MBA, what is the difference between MBA and PGDM, the best strategy for taking a CAT mock, and so on. Speakers discussed their personal experiences with attendees, including their current studies, CAT preparation, and other life events. All of the attendees' queries were answered by the speakers. Finally, the TechConverge head expressed his gratitude to the speakers with a vote of appreciation.


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Placement Talks with Alumni On 14 August 2021, Tech Converge conducted a webinar, “Placement Talks With Alumni” to address the queries of students regarding placements and internships. Two SVNIT alumni Kaushik Agarwal and Rajat Singh, from the Mechanical Engineering branch were invited to shed light on the placement scenario in SVNIT. They shared their placement experience with the attendees and resolved common doubts associated with resume making, interview preparation for core and non-core companies, technical and aptitude preparation strategies. Over 170 students from all departments attended this insightful event. On 21 August 2021, Tech Converge conducted a webinar, “Placement Talks With Alumni” to address the queries of students regarding placements and internships. Two SVNIT alumni Soumya Mudgal Ma’am and Nilay Pandya Sir, from the Electrical branch, were invited to shed light on the placement scenario in SVNIT. They shared their placement experience with the attendees and resolved common doubts associated with resume making, interview preparation for core and non-core companies, technical and aptitude preparation strategies and CAT Exam Preparation. Over 100 students from all departments attended this insightful event.

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Student Achievements A “home-run” at MIMAMSA Every year IISER Pune organises a gigantic science quiz for undergraduate





participants from all over the nation - from IITs, IISc, NISER and NITS. The competition is synonymous with strenuous, and it is divided into two rounds - Prelims and Qualifiers. In Prelims, teams have to face an online exam based on the four disciplines of science - Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and in the Qualifiers, they’ll be facing “brain-racking” quizzing sections. One can imagine the expertise required and stress handled, but even amongst the grueling clouds, the stars of the SVNIT team composed of Aryan Shah, Tarang Pansuriya, Harsh Verma, and Pranav Abegaonkar blazed brightly. They aced the Prelims, shortlisting themselves for the Qualifiers. Later on, based on the aggregate scores they were declared as zonal toppers of the Gujarat region. In fact, SVNIT was the only NIT to hold that title in 2021.

Certificate Link:

Contributing to the world of inventions Modern society is pacing at the speed of light. Inventions and Patents are being created every millisecond, as we speed our way into the future. And amidst the storms of inventions and patents, an SVNIT student has shone through the clouds. Naresh Ramesh Sawale, published a patent in the national journal for the invention of the title "Computer and embedded computing platform based front foot no-ball detector using the stump camera with image processing approach and method". Certificate Link (Pg 228) :


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Automating the future at Robofest Gujarat 2.0 No organisation has worked as diligently as GUJCOST (Gujarat Council of Science and Technology) to promote STEM fields and mingle them with the start-up and entrepreneurial spirit. And one such effort of theirs is - Robofest Gujarat 2.0. This competition was extremely diverse, offering students to participate at three different levels in seven categories of robots. And the team of SVNIT - Amit Kumar Panigrahi, Dasadia Kush, Pratham Choukse, Dheerendra Prajapati, Neel Majethiya submitted a proposal for a pipe-climbing robot under the supervision of Dr. Harshit K Dave. The proposal was so enthralling and exciting that they won the ideation stage, and the design patent was published in a journal, as well as standing amongst the top 3 teams that were offered to build a prototype by the Gujarat government. Certificate Link:

Bringing back the Indian Classics Amidst the lightning-paced development in the field of Science and Technology, one could potentially drift away from art and more specifically Indian art. An SVNIT student went ahead and brought the allure of the Harmonium instrument into the limelight by winning the Gujarat state Level Harmonium competition held on 24th September in Rajkot, Gujarat.

Certificate Link:

Times of SVNIT - December 2021


Ninja-bot sworn to protect the environment An Industrial disaster is an engineer’s nightmare, and to tackle this nightmare, students of SVNIT placed their foot in the game. Dr. Harshit K. Dave, Mitesh Gandhi, Tejas Agrawal, Janavi Popat, Shine Priyan, Harsh Kakadiya, and Dravi Makwana created a layout patent Mini Ninja, which reveals appropriate packages alongside the commercial surroundings for poisonous fuel line leakage detection, in which it's far tough to attain locations, like pipes and holes because of its small size. It has heavy additives positioned on the bottom, mainly to a general low middle of gravity height. This prevents the robot from toppling. It additionally performs a high function at some point of inevitable herbal occurrences and failures to stumble on the fuel line and alert the human beings around. Certificate Link:

SVNIT <3 Open-Source Continuing SVNIT’s tradition of contributing to Open Source Projects, SVNIT student - Prashant Dodiya completed Google Summer of Code 2021 contributing to the open source project “Mircofarm for Everybody” for Wefield e.V. under the umbrella of coala Association e.V. ( static analyzer). This project was aimed to create a tool that allows anyone to become a market gardener, given some space. Certificate Link:


Times of SVNIT - December 2021

Contributors Layout and Design Abhinav Pandey

Vishwa Menpara

Fahad Khatuda

Freya Parekh

Dev Jariwala

Sauparnika Nair

Nishant Singh

Manish Goyal

Yash Paresh Bhardava

Prasang Maheshwari

Tanishka Sonavane

Editing and Compilation Sumant Singh Dangi

Akanksha Dayal

Vishvesh Trivedi

Shivansh Shandilya

Jayesh Pandey

Krish Sajnani

Karthik Sunil

Omkar Ojas Kanade

Krishna Shreeram

Tanmay Dadhania

Rohit Rajesh Yelnare

Pranjali Aditi

Supal Padmashali

Anirudh Peri

Ragni Trivedi

Akshita Gupta

Neelav Bhatiya

Siddarth Sreevatsa


Times of SVNIT - December 2021


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Tech Converge

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