Regency Centers - 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report

Page 62


Statement of Verification Scope Regency Centers (also referred to as “Responsible Party”) engaged Cventure LLC (also referred to as “Verifier”) to conduct a verification review of Regency’s 2020 Corporate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory and several other environmental metrics reported. This verification review included the associated supporting evidence detailing specific GHG and other environmental metrics in source documents, over the reporting period January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 inclusive, and all activities under Regency Centers’ operational control. This includes Regency’s 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report, and their Corporate Responsibility Data Management Plan 2021. All of the above elements are collectively referred to as the “Assertion” for the purposes of this statement. The Responsible Party is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the information within the Assertion. The Verifier’s responsibility is to express a conclusion as to whether anything has come to our attention to suggest that the Assertion is not fairly stated, as measured against suitable and acceptable criteria; in this case, in accordance with generally accepted GHG accounting and reporting standards (i.e., The Greenhouse Gas Protocol, A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition, WRI/WBCSD, March 2004). Independence Cventure’s managers are independent, experienced verification practitioners who were not involved in the preparation of any of Regency’s GHG emissions inventory and other environmental metrics data and results as reported in the Assertion. We did not participate in any associated GHG emissions and other environmental metrics data collection, management, and reporting activities; nor the development of characteristic data or associated activity data and emissions estimates, and any subsequent assertions made by Regency Centers. Cventure has not provided any services to the Responsible Party which could compromise our independence as a third party verifier. Cventure disclaims any liability for any decision made by third parties based on this Verification Statement.

o Irrigation Like-for-Like (L4L) % differences from 2019 to 2020, based on GRE analyses and reporting: o GHG emissions o Energy usage: ▪ Electricity ▪ Natural Gas o Water total consumption o Waste diversion

Statement of Verification

Methodology We conducted our verification review of Regency Centers’ associated supporting documentation, and believe that our This verification level is appropriate for basic reporting purposes, including s 2020 GHG emissions inventory in accordance with Tier II of work provides a reasonable basis for our conclusion. April 2021 other external communications, and voluntary efforts for which there are no the ERT standard: “Corporate Greenhouse Gas Verification GHG emissions compliance, as is the case for Regency Centers. It is inten Guideline”, a CDP- and GRESB-approved verification The intended users of this statement include Regency determinations and enable assessments of entity-wide performance of GHG standard, including its associated modules for verifying Centers’ stakeholders and members of the public. Regency Centers initiatives by Regency. GHG emissions, activity data, reporting boundaries, and One Independent characteristic data. The following other environmental Conclusion Drive We planned and performed our work to provide a limited level of assurance parameters were also verified as part of this 2020 Regency Suite 114 Based on our overall verification review and assessment other environmental parameters datafinds in thethat Assertion are Centers materially correct Centers verification program: procedures undertaken, Cventure Regency Jacksonville, FL information 32202 disclosed on environmental and energy performance, •D irect (Scope 1) and Indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions, has the corporate responsibility reporting systems, and data and with r Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Cventure reviewed Regency Centers’ including: collection and management processes in place, necessary to Assertion documentation, and believe that our work provides a reasonable • Scope 2: Location-Based Scope demonstrate the reliability of their GHG and environmental basis for o • Scope 2: Market-Based performance information, including degree of disclosure The intended usersreferred of this statement include RegencyParty”) Centers’ stakeholder Regency Centers (also as “Responsible • Total Scope 1 + Scope 2 transparency and accuracy to of calculations and reporting. engaged C • Indirect energy consumption (i.e., electricity consumption)“Verifier”) Cventure also finds that the Regency (January Conclusion to conduct a verification reviewFY2020 of Regency’s 2020 Corporat • Optional Scope 3 GHG emissions: 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020) GHG emissions inventory Based on our overall verification review and assessment procedures undert emissions inventory and several other environmental metrics reported • Waste generated in operations conforms to generally accepted GHG accounting standards, Regency Centers has the corporate responsibility reporting systems, and da the associated evidence detailing specific GHG and other e • Total waste disposed, diverted, and recycled and that supporting their GHG emissions and other environmental management processes in place, necessary to demonstrate the reliability o • Total water withdrawal/consumption: metrics performance information are complete and accurate. documents, over the reporting period January 1, 2020 to December 31 performance information, including degree of disclosure transparency and a • Water usage under Regency Centers’ operational This includes Regency’s reporting.has Cventure also that control. thethat Regency FY2020 1, 2020 – • Irrigation Nothing come to ourfinds attention causes us to (January emissions conforms to generallymisstated. accepted GHG •L ike-for-Like (L4L) % differences from 2019 to 2020, basedReport,believe thatinventory the Assertion is materially The accounting and their Corporate Responsibility Data Management Planstand 20 on GRESB definitions for L4L analyses and reporting: GHG emissions estimates and other environmental metrics emissions and other environmental metrics performance information are co collectively referred to as the “Assertion” for the purposes of this statem • GHG emissions data were calculated and presented in a consistent and Nothing has manner, come to our that causes to and believe that the Asserti • Energy usage: transparent andattention were found bepreparation aus fair accurate The Responsible Party is estimates responsible forto the anddata presenta The GHG emissions and other environmental metrics were c - Electricity representation of Regency’s actual conditions, and were Assertion. The Verifier’s responsibility is to express a conclusion as to consistent and transparent manner, and were found to be a fair and accurat - Natural Gas free from material misstatements or omissions. Cventure has • Water total consumption found no evidence that thefree GHG emissions and environmental actual conditions, were from misstatements omissions. attention to suggest thatand the Assertion ismaterial not fairly stated, asor measured • Waste diversion metrics data, disclosures, and declarations, as reported in the evidence that the GHG emissions and environmental metrics data, disclosu criteria; in this case, in accordance with generally accepted GHG acco Regency Centers 2020 Centers Corporate Responsibility Report, areReport, are reported in the Regency 2020 Corporate Responsibility (i.e., The Greenhouse Gas Protocol, A Corporate Accounting and Rep This verification level is appropriate for basic reporting not materially correct; and is nonot evidence that the Assertion evidence that the Assertion consistent with Regency Centers’ actual c purposes, including stakeholder reporting and other external is not consistent with Regency Centers’ actual corporate WRI/WBCSD, 2004). position,March with a limited level of assurance. communications, and voluntary efforts for which there are responsibility position, with a limited level of assurance. no imminent requirements for GHG emissions compliance, Independence as is the case for Regency Centers. It is intended to support baseline determinations and enable assessments of entity- Cventure’s managers are independent, experienced verification practi wide performance of GHG/energy use/waste reduction preparation of any of Regency’s GHG emissions inventory and other e initiatives by Regency. results as reported in the Assertion. We did not participate in any asso

We planned and performed our work to provide a limited environmental metrics data collection, management, and reporting act level of assurance that the GHG emissions and other Kevin L. Johnson characteristic data or associated activity data and emissions estimates Kevin L. Johnson environmental parameters data in the Assertion are materially Lead Verifier, Manager Member made byLead Regency Centers. Cventure has not provided any services t Verifier, Manager Member correct, with respect to the quality of disclosed information Cventure LLC Cventure LLC our independence as a third party verifier. Cventur on environmental and energy performance, and with reviewcould compromise criteria based on The Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Cventure decisionApril made by third parties based on this Verification Statement. 2021 reviewed Regency Centers’ Assertion and





We conducted our verification review of Regency Centers’ 2020 GHG with Tier II of the ERT standard: “Corporate Greenhouse Gas Verifica verification standard, including its associated ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP GRI INDEX modu ETHICS AND GOVERNANCEGRESB-approved activity data, reporting boundaries, and characteristic data. The follow

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Articles inside

GRI Content Index

pages 38-51

Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)*

pages 33-37

Waste Management and Water Conservation

page 32

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

page 30

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

page 29

Upholding High Standards of Business Conduct and Business Continuity Management

pages 26-27

Sustainable Operations and Resource Use

page 28

Board of Directors

page 25

Our Contributions

page 20

Tenant and Center Experience

pages 23-24

Local Economic Impacts

page 22

Community Engagement

page 19

Health and Wellness

pages 17-18

Talent Attraction and Retention

page 15

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

page 16

Regency’s Approach to Corporate Responsibility

page 8

UN Sustainable Development Goals

pages 13-14

Regency’s 2020 Performance and 2021 Goals

pages 11-12

Stakeholder Engagement

page 9
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