REDSTAR Magazine June 2014

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黄岛的农民 岛城清茶馆 咖啡艺术家

Qingdao’s Seaside Boardwalk (ACT 2) World Cup Watch Spots The Science of Extreme The Mandarin Mix in Business 漫步海滨栈道(下部) 世界杯观战地 极限帆船的秘密 红星时代广告DM 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 8388-2269 青岛市南京路100号3-401 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2012-0014号


Weifang Pullman (AD)

Also by REDSTAR The Best of Qingdao -



Creative Services -

Qingdao Education Portal - Jieling Liu & Jesse Fletcher traipse through traditional teahouse culture p.12

REDSTAR investigates brewers of your morning addiction p.20



Jordan Eckenrode proves you can have your Jianbing Guozi and eat it p.23

Lisa Gay encounters the beautiful Bai people of Dali p.46

China’s Live Music Monitor -



Sign up for weekly events/ promotions updates at Follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat to keep up to date with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other REDSTAR/ Qingdao related news. Use your Wechat QR scanner to scan this code. 关注红星官方微信账号,知晓岛城最新活动、促 销及其他岛城/红星相关资讯。快来用微信扫一扫 吧!

Creative Team 策划团队 Ian Burns, Aaron Bird, Jieling Liu, Apple Tan, Mika Wang, Zoe Zheng, David Chen, Teodora Lazarova, Rosanne Goedhart, Monica Pizzato, Preston Bu, Justin Waulters, Mark Lewis, Lu Liu, Yue Zhou, Michelle Lu, Yuanyuan Li, Yihan Yuan. Advertising Enquiries 广告征订 (+86 532) 8097-0521 / 8388-2269 Publication Enquiries 出版物咨询

Creative 100 Industry Park, Room 401 Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 青岛市南京路100号 创意100产业园3-401

Cover Photo © Qing Yan 阎青


Along the Boardwalk 37 The Aviator of Tsingtao (Act 2) 岛城飞行家


A scenic stroll for the terminally restless 路很长,景很美

The swashbuckling adventures of Qingdao’s first German pilot 德国飞行员Gunther的青岛大冒险

30 Extreme 40 Racing Cat 40 Is fluent Chinese


The how behind these boats explained 速度与激情背后的秘密

Needed for Business? 在华捞金得先把中文说溜吗?


The power of speaking in tongues 论语言能力的重要性

54 Travel & Hotels 出行&酒店 65 Cafes & Bars 咖啡酒吧 59 Sights 旅游景点 69 Recreation 休闲娱乐 60 Dining 餐饮美食 71 Shopping 购物

/ CITY // 广告 • 城市

广告 • 城市


is the number of Extreme 40 catamarans that exist in the entire world. 12 of these and their crews paid a recent visit to Qingdao to race in Act 3 of the Extreme Racing Series.

全世界现存的极限40双体船的数量。其中,于五月初来到青岛 参加极限40帆船系列赛的,就有12艘。


million is the number of students that took the Gaokao in June 2013 according to the Ministry of Education. This infamous exam determines admission for almost all the country’s universities. Yeah…no pressure.



Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V They May not be able to Fly but 谁说猪不会跳水 Pig farmers in Hunan Province are training pigs to dive and swim as the meat produced from them are of better quality and taste.

Don’t be TOO Good Looking Beijing police recently ran a fake casting call for models to catch foreigners living on illegal visas and which led to more than 60 perfectly proportioned arrests. 近日,北京警方扣留了逾60名外籍 模特,原因系非法逗留。她们皆持旅游签 证,依法例,是不能工作的。

That’s a Bit Extreme 外滩摩托飞跃秀

A competitor practices his motorcycle parking skills during a presentation at the World Extreme Games in Shanghai. 据悉,2014年世界极限运动大赛四 月底在沪开赛。图为澳大利亚籍选手带来 的极限摩托表演。

Follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat

Keep up to date with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other Redstar/ Qingdao related news. Use your Wechat QR scanner to scan this code.

关注红星官方微信账号,知晓岛城最新活动、促销及 其他岛城/红星相关资讯。快来用微信扫一扫吧! 06


is the number of career matches that China’s famous tennis player Li Na has won. Only 11 other female players in the world have achieved this.

迄今为止,中国女子网球界的传奇人物——李娜赢得 的比赛数。世界上,仅有其他11名女运动员做到过。

Chang Says What?

L 长得好看也要守法

据报道,湖南农民将饲养的土猪赶 往高台进行跳水锻炼,以此提高猪的免疫 力,增加猪的进食量和生长速度,提高猪 肉的品质和口感。

million people watched the final match of the FIFA World Cup held in Germany in 2006.

据教育部官方统计 数据,2013年6月参加高 考的学生总人数(以百万 为单位)。虽说高考一直 遭人诟病,但其仍是几乎 全中国所有大学招生录取 的唯一标准。说没有压 力,是不可能的。

ast week, I invited my colleague to play tenpin bowling at Liging Hotel. He had two awful black eyes. I was shocked and asked him what happened. He told me that he was on his way back home last night. He saw a lady standing in front of him. Her dress was caught in her bum crack. So he pulled it out. the lady turned around and smack him in the eye. Then I asked him, “How did you get the other black eye?” He said, “Since she hit me, I knew she didn’t like it, so I put it back.”


hursday morning, my wife woke up and told me, “Honey, I had a dream in which you bought me the most beautiful diamond ring. What does that mean.” I told her, “We will know tonight.” My wife could hardly think of anything else the whole day and could wait for me to return home. In the evening, I came back home with a small package. My wife was so thrilled and opened

it up. Then she found a book entitled “Meaning of Dreams”.

上周,我邀一位同事 一起去某酒店打保龄球。 他两只眼睛肿得吓人,我 问他怎么了。他告诉我, 昨晚,他在回家的路上看 到了一个女的。那女的裙 摆夹在臀缝了,出于好 意,他帮她把裙摆拉了出 来,没想到那女的转身给 了他一记耳光,恰巧打在 他一只眼睛上。然后,我 又问他,“那你另一只眼 睛怎么弄的?”他回答 说,“她打了我之后,我 知道自己做错了,于是 又把裙摆塞进了她的臀 缝。” 周四早上,我妻子 醒来之后对我说:“亲爱 的,我昨晚做了个梦,梦 见你给我买了一枚最漂亮 的钻石戒指。这有什么兆 头呢?”我告诉她:“我 们今晚就能知道了。”我 妻子白天什么都不想了, 满心期待着晚上我下班回 家。晚上,我带着一个小 包装盒回到家,妻子满怀 欣喜地打开了它。结果让 她大失所望,里面装的是 本《周公解梦》。


// CITY /


Judy Stone

Upload your photos to and if yours is chosen, you’ll win a 200 元 voucher for The Diner.

Taidong Markets 台东市场



/ CITY // 广告 • 城市

Vox Populi

广告 • 地方 We sent our resident Brazilian, Monica Pizzato with Michelle lu on the streets to ask, ‘What comes to mind when you think about Brazil, besides the World Cup and football?’ She and her family sat down and weighed the responses. 我们派出了当家巴西花旦Monica和Michelle Lu,到大街上问行人:“提到巴西这个国家,除了世 界杯和足球之外,你会想到些什么呢?”面对各种神回复,她和家人一本正经地作出了评论。


Jill Gao, 24, English teacher 高倩,24岁,英语老师

BBQ, hot girls, dance. 我能想到巴西烤肉,热辣的女孩和劲舞。

Kristina, Russia, 25, student Kristina,俄罗斯人,25岁,学生

Wow I can think about some, such as, Adriana Lima, Fast and Furious 5, Gisele Bundchen, Cristo Redentor, high-level crimes, next Olympic Game host country. 我印象中的有阿德瑞娜利玛(维多利亚的 秘密名模)、《速度与激情5》、吉赛尔邦辰( 国际名模)、里约热内卢基督像、高犯罪率和 下一届奥运会举办地。 THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: Wow, our top models! Yeah, Rio is a classic for movies. And crimes: such a pity for this beautiful country. Football: Go Brazil! Olympic Games: Go China! 哇哦,这是我们最棒的超模们!当然,里 约是拍摄电影的绝佳之选。至于犯罪:一个发 生在这个美丽国家的遗憾。说到足球,我们为 巴西欢呼!提到奥运会,我们为中国点赞!

THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: The best, that’s a lie, “Ai, se eu te pego!” 那当然是最棒的啦,当然我是瞎说的啦, 哈哈,《Ai, se eu te pego》(巴西神曲,字 面意思是假如我捕获/抓住了你)!

Ryan Dowd, America, 33, English teacher 慕容瑞芮,美国人,33岁,英语教师

When I think of Brazil, 3 things come into my mind: 1.All the little labels on our fruit in the USA that says imported from Brazil. 2.Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, really every martial artist in the USA is now obsessed with Brazilian Jiujitsu, almost as if everyone in Brazil is going around putting each other in headlocks. Lol… 3.The rainforest. Are there still people living there? Anyway God saves the rainforest. 提到巴西,我立马会想到以下三件事: 1.美国所有水果上的小标签,上面都写着 从巴西进口 2.巴西柔术。美国武术家对巴西柔术非常 痴迷,不夸张地说,他们觉得巴西每个人都会 和对方来几下摔跤,哈哈 3.热带雨林。现在还有人住在热带雨林里 吗?愿上帝保佑这片净土。

Gary Xue, 29, freelancer 小薛,29岁,自由职业

Rio1 & 2, samba. 《里约大冒险》第一和第二部,桑巴舞。 THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: It’s easier to find a blue chicken than a blue macaw. 找一只蓝色的鸡可比找金刚鹦鹉简单多 了!

THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: 1.Really? Good to know! 2.We are more like Kung Fu Panda style! 3.Yes, we still have natives living there. Even with this horrible situation, rainforest still one of the most beautiful places at our country 1. 真的吗?很高兴你让我们知道! 2. 我们更倾向于功夫熊猫风格:专注于 食物! 3. 是的,依然有原住民居住在那儿。即使 在当今如此恶劣的环境下,热带雨林依然是我 们国家最美的地方之一。

Granny Wang, 80, retiree 王奶奶,80岁,退休人员

I’m not that young any more, so I get the news from newspaper, I know that country is a good place to live. 我年纪大了,看报纸的时候我知道巴西这 个国家是个不错的居住地。


THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: China is also a very good place for living, young lady! 我觉得中国也是个适宜居住的地方,年 轻人!

THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: Here in China they are also good but in our country they are… well, bigger. Like… a lot. 其实中国的烤肉也不错,但在巴西,呃,更大 块,更多!哈哈!


Jill Jiang, 13, Grade 7 student All I know is BBQ. 我所知道的只有巴西烤肉。

Pedro Gao, 28, manager 高宇,28岁,经理

PTU, drug, guns. 巴西机动部队,毒品,军火。 THE PIZZATO FAMLIy: Hmm, what’s PTU? The best drug: caipirinha! Cheers! And let’s change the subject. 嗯,PTU是什么?最好的毒品是卡布琳 娜鸡尾酒! 干杯吧!我看我们还是换个话题比 较好。 Photo © Monica Pizzato

Riesling on the Rise 于力萨 斟赏美酒


ith Lisas Restaurant’s (Chenghai Yi Lu) special Riesling-paired set menu, you’ll be amazed by the perfect match between German Riesling and fine food. Two types of sets will be available from June 2 -15, featuring two Riesling wines and exquisite German cuisine. Early reservations will get a free glass of Riesling Secco. Traditional German dishes such as Schweinsbraten are available for reservations (6 persons minimum) made 48hours in advance. Likewise you will be able to taste the wine on its own, by the glass or the bottle. Four Courses Set: 198元 per person Includes one soup, two appetizers, one main courses, three wines (Riesling and other German wines) Six Courses Set: 298元 per person Includes one soup, two appetizers, two main courses, four wines (Riesling and other German wines) and one dessert “Riesling week” is celebrating its debut in mainland China this June, aiming to raise awareness of the great taste of German Riesling as well as wine and food pairings.

For the address please see listings. 力萨地中海餐厅(澄海 一路店)最近新推“雷司令 周”套餐,时间为6月2日至 15日。大家可以大饱口福, 一尝香气满溢的传统德国 菜,还可以饮用德国原装进 口的雷司令葡萄酒。 这次促销活动有两款套 餐可选,一款有四道菜,另 一款有六道。每款套餐都搭 配有两款雷司令以及其他品 种的德国葡萄酒。提前预订 的话,还可以免费获赠一杯 德国葡萄汽酒。要是提前两 天预订(六位以上),你还 可以让大厨专门为你烧制传 统的德国菜,像巴伐利亚脆 皮猪腿肉等,流口水了吧。

菜单中出现的四款德国酒, 单杯或整瓶点都可以。 四道菜套餐是198元每 位。菜单包括了一份浓汤、 两道开胃菜、一道主菜和三 款德国葡萄酒(包括雷司 令)。 六道菜套餐则是298元 每位。菜式包括一份浓汤、 两道开胃菜、两道主菜和四 款德国葡萄酒(包括雷司 令),以及一份餐后甜点。 今年是德国雷司令周 首次登陆中国大陆,青岛亦 有幸成为了其中一座举办城 市。该活动旨在增加人们对 不同类型雷司令葡萄酒的认 识,在品尝美酒的同时,了 解一些关于如何搭配葡萄酒 方面的知识。



2014 FIFA

World Cup Brazil 2014巴西世界杯


nless you’ve been hiding under a rock or have been living in a sensory deprivation tank you’ll be aware that the 2014 World Cup is being played in Brazil. Below are the main dates and match times (listed in 24-hour time) REDSTAR prepared for you. Unfortunately due to China and Brazil’s relative time zones you might find yourself watching a key match at 4am.

除非你入洞闭关了好几年,又或者是被魔法变走了你的知觉;否则的话你 一定知道,巴西世界杯马上就要开始了!看看以下赛程和红星推荐的世界杯观 赛地,准备好凌晨四点占好位置看球吧!

Starting Thursday June 13 (The dates are Beijing Standard Time)

Jornalista Mário Filho, Rio de Janeiro Match starts at 3:00am 从北京时间6月13日开始

Match: Brazil x Croatia Place: Arena de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Match at 4:00am

比赛:主队巴西:客队克罗地亚 场地:圣保罗竞技场 时间:凌晨4点

June 13 to June 27 Group stage – 48 matches All matches start between 12:00am and 9:00am

6月13日至6月27日 小组赛,共48场比赛 所有比赛均在深夜12点和早上9点之 间进行转播

June 29 to July 2 Second Stage – 8 matches All matches start at 12:00am and 4:00am

6月29日至7月2日 1/8决赛,共8场比赛 所有比赛均在深夜12点和凌晨4点进 行转播

July 5 to July 6 Quarter-Finals All matches start at 12:00am and 4:00am

7月5日至7月6日 (1/4决赛) 所有比赛均在深夜12点和凌晨4点进 行转播

July 9 to July 10 Semi-Finals Both matches are at 4:00am July 13 Play-Offs for Third Place Position Estadio Nacional, Brasilia Match at 4am July 14 – Final – The Big One Venue: Maracanã – Estádio

7月9日至7月10日 (半决赛) 两场比赛均在凌晨4点进行转播 7月13日 (季军赛) 场地:巴西利亚,葡萄牙国家体育场 在凌晨4点进行转播 7月14日 (决赛) 场地:里约热内卢,马里奥·费劳 运动场 在凌晨3点进行转播


/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

Where to Watch 上哪看世界杯


o you have a serious soccer problem? Not much you can do except apologise to your partner and plan for regular absences from work for the next month and a half. Here’s where you can go to watch your favourite team play. 球瘾难解?在家半夜看球影响贤内老小安 寝?来看看以下红星为你推荐的世界杯观赛地 吧。

Loong Bar Loong Bar’s doors will be open throughout the World Cup and offers a projector and three television sets to watch matches on. If you let them know in advance if you’re passing by with a group of mates, they can arrange a table for you with custom drinks. And don’t forget: if your shirt matches the winning team, Loong Bar will shout you free drinks to celebrate your team’s victory! 世界杯期间,Loong吧将为岛城的球迷全 程直播比赛;酒吧配有一个投影幕,三个电视 屏。如果组团观赛的话,可以提前联系Loong 吧预约观看时间,酒吧还会为观赛团定制酒 水。额外惊喜:如果你身穿的队服和赢球的队 伍一致的话,有机会得到Loong吧提供的免费 欢庆酒!

21 Donghai Xi Lu 东海西路21号 8386-2667 / Sitting Bull 毅牛烤排馆 The Sitting Bull will offer three generous sized screen televisions to help indulge your World Cup cravings. As well as this, they’ll be offering a Lucky Draw during June 12 and July 13. Not only that, June 12 - 28 there’ll be a “Guess the Winning Team” competition to win free Sitting Bull vouchers. Well…what more could you ask for…? 10

广告 • 地方


十号烤场于世界杯比赛期间会通宵营业, 三台大屏液晶电视,加上两台投影仪,室内室 外全包抄。特价啤酒优惠贯穿比赛始终,喊累 了多来几瓶。

Ground floor, Maidao Homeland, Maidao Lu 麦岛路,麦岛家园内 6688-9985

毅牛烤排馆安排了三台大屏液晶电视,等 待你的光临。不仅是视觉享受一流,他们在6 月12日至7月13日还有幸运抽奖等着你。6月12 至28日是猜球队比赛,猜中胜出队,就有机会 获取毅牛的丰厚现金券。待遇优厚至此,夫复 何求!?

138 Zhangzhou Lu 漳州路138号 8571-7103 ssLPG 老菲吧 Qingdao’s penultimate sports bar, LPG will be broadcasting all World Cup matches including multiple matches on different screens. From Sunday to Thursday matches starting at 12am will be broadcasted and on Fridays and Saturdays, matches starting at 12am and 3am will also be shown no problem. However, those matches starting at 6am will require a minimum audience of ten people for it to be screened. And if that doesn’t get you in the mood, 10元 Tequila shots will be offered every night. Nice. 人人知晓熟悉的老菲吧又怎么会错过这场 盛事?他们店内各个角落都安置有大屏电视。 周日至周日,深夜12点准时转播;无论是12点 还是3点开赛,都准能看到。不过,有些早上6 点开赛的回合,则需要至少10人才能转播了。 看球没兴趣?那10元每杯的龙舌兰总能对上你 的胃口了吧。

162 Jiangxi Lu 江西路162号 8593-6566 Lucyland BBQ & Restaurant

A Feast of The Westin Hotel Lobby Lounge 青岛威斯汀酒店大堂吧 If you’re looking for a slightly more upmarket bar to hang at during the World Cup, try the Westin Hotel’s Lobby Lounge. While there you can enjoy a free flow of select draft beer for 118元 (+15% surcharge). They’ll also be broadcasting and re-broadcasting different football matches.

fire & ice


要是想找高大上一点的地方,那就来青岛 威斯汀酒店五层的大堂吧。6月13日-7月13日 世界杯期间,每天下午5点半至晚上11点,精 选扎啤无限畅饮只需要118元+15%服务费。现 场大屏幕将转播足球赛事,穿着不同国家球服 的服务员穿梭其中,错觉会让你以为自己在巴 西世界杯现场呢。


Deja Vu’s Lucyland BBQ & Restaurant will be open all night during the World Cup and has three big screen TVs along with two projectors and indoor and outdoor setups. There will also be specials of beer offered throughout the matches if you get thirsty from cursing the referee or cheering your team. 离岸酒吧有着遍布全场的大屏幕,欣赏足 球赛事绝对刺激你的视觉神经。6月12日-7月 13日来离岸酒吧看世界杯深夜12点至凌晨1点 扎啤免费畅饮;凌晨1点至早晨6点全场啤酒半 价。真正的欢乐时光!

11 Zengcheng Lu (opposite the Qingdao East Municipal Hospital) 增城路11号(市立医院东院对面) 8588-9898

1 Restaurant is located on the first floor of Himalayas Qingdao, a 10-minute walk distance from the Guoxin stadium. The place is well lit, tastefully decorated, with comfortable yellow sofa seats and white chairs. From savory ribs, roasted ducks to lamb chops, foie gras and stove-top pizzas, its dinner buffet offers an extensive range of local and western cuisine, with chefs busy preparing and placing them piping hot into the red porcelain chaffers. Fresh salads and seafood like oysters, salmon, crab legs are also offered at the central section. It was my first time experiencing grilling over lava rocks. Lava rocks cook food more evenly as they reflect and retain heat when grilling, which also adds a smoky flavour to the food. Right next to the drink station with free flow of juices, beers and wines, there’s an ice cream stand, with milk, fresh fruit, raisins and other dressings… stir-fried in a -35 degree cold plate. Be sure to save room for visits to the dessert bar, where their house-made macaroons, cheese cakes, mango mousses will satisfy you. 198元 for all these! On the other side of the hotel lobby, Z1 Lounge is an excellent place for meet-ups or to unwind after a busy day. With ocean and mountain themed interior, chillout music, as well as cocktails like Blue Margarita, Apple Martini, the Z1 Lounge will make your day.

8 Hongkong Zhong Lu 香港中路8号 6777-1888 Liberum 离岸酒吧 At the Liberum, you’ll be able to watch live Cup matches on the big screens dotted around the bar. Between June 12 - July 13 from 12am to 1am there will be free draft beer served. Between 1am and 6am all beer is 50% off…truly a Happy Hour for everyone.


If you’re searching for a new dining destination, the Z1 Restaurant is worth trying out. Follow Preston Bu on a low-calorie organic journey.

步佳淳来到Z1全日 餐厅搜寻新的美食体 验。在那里他饱尝了 一顿既丰盛又低卡健 康的自助大餐。 Photo © Steven Hsiu

Z1全日餐厅位于青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒 店一层,从国信体育馆步行只需十分钟就 到了。餐厅的灯饰以暖色调为主,黄白搭 配的餐桌和沙发座椅摆放在餐区两边,既 舒适又现代。这里既提供现煎的羊排、鹅 肝、明炉披萨等西餐菜式,也可以尝到梅 菜扣排骨、烤鸭、爽口小炒等中式美味。 餐区中央的海鲜区还有新鲜的生蚝、帝王 蟹腿、三文鱼等让你一饱口福。 这是我第一次尝到火山石烧烤,利 用火山石的导热性、稳定性,不仅能使食 物在烧烤过程中受热均匀,还加了一点烟 熏的味道。饮品区有各种果汁、啤酒和葡 萄酒,让你在享用美食的同时也能喝得尽 兴,不过请留一点肚子给餐后甜点:甜度 适中的手工马卡龙、奶香浓郁的芝士蛋 糕,还有零下35度炒冰淇淋,牛奶加果 粒、葡萄干等自选配料,在极低的温度下 融合,炒制成入口即化的冰淇淋。如此丰 盛,也只需198元每位。 酒店大堂的另一侧是Z1酒廊。装潢 以海洋、渔村和崂山主题,加上轻松的音 乐,还有各种特调鸡尾酒(如蓝色玛格丽 特、苹果马天尼),相当适合朋友小聚。


/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

广告 • 地方

Tea Hour (Part 2)



With its relaxing and comforting hot steam, soothing aroma and refreshing taste, tea is back in fashion again. Jieling Liu and Jesse Fletcher check out more teahouses in town and bring you The Tea Hour Part 2.

水雾氤氲、宁静放松的茶馆;沁人心 脾、淡味回甘的茶香,毋庸置疑, 喝茶又重新成为了都市人生活的潮 流。Jieling和Jesse继续走访了以下三 家独具风格的茶馆。

Minqingge Teahouse

闽清阁茶文化会所 Located along the 1388 Qingdao Culture Street in the Fushansuo Area, this twostory spacious teahouse with an old fashioned yet classy vibe has earned itself a steady stream of customers. Although the second floor has better lighting compared to the first, Minqingge is styled using traditional Chinese aesthetics, while at the same time providing diversity in each of its different tearooms by putting small decorations on the walls and around corners. All the rooms are equipped with TV, air conditioning and Wi-Fi. There's also a stage on the second floor, where Chinese opera enthusiasts perform every weekend. Jesse and I picked a bright traditionally styled room. Ms. Ka, a teacher at this teahouse for the tea waitresses, was happy to be our tea host. While she was making tea, she shared with us loads of knowledge on how teas are produced, preserved, categorised and tea tasting methods. A good tea host can make even the simplest and most modest teahouse glow. Some of the more popular teas are Gongting Pu'er (宫廷普洱, Pu'er of the 12

Imperial Court), Jin Jun Mei (金骏眉, Lapsang Souchong Black Tea), Laoshan Green Tea and Da Hong Pao (大红袍, a rare Oolong tea from Wuyi mountain in Fujian). Besides tea rooms, there's also a large corner for the presentation and sales of all kinds of tea from modest to high quality, especially Pu'er. Jieling Liu

Xiangbo Caotang


Way out on the outskirts, where the city’s construction is just barely making a dent in the surrounding mountainsides, there isn’t much of what you would call diversion. In fact it’s definitely the last place you would expect to find a refined teahouse, and yet it’s exactly where you will find Xiangbo Caotang, hidden in the outer city wastelands. This is a teahouse to really escape to as none of Qingdao’s city atmosphere makes it this far out. Inside it feels like an exotic oasis created for the sole purpose of rest and relaxation. The teahouses’ traditional design of various rooms and seating is retained here but is also joined with the present with its excellent taste in architecture and design. Staying here feels both distinctive and familiar, an impressive balancing act. But it was how nature was incorporated into the teahouse that really caught my attention. Almost everything is growing (both outside and inside) from the fish and turtles in the front pond to the small plants growing out of room walls. From every seat in this teahouse, something living and breathing can be seen. Songbirds fly freely among the rocks, water, and flora filling the central atrium, sometimes flitting over to eavesdrop on your party’s conversation.

For these reasons Xiangbo Caotang is by far the most unique teahouse Jieling and I have visited in Qingdao while absolutely maintaining the traditions of Chinese tea culture. Jesse Fletcher 往北,再往北,到了一个四处都有建 筑项目从草丛中拔地而起的地方,你就能 找到这家城市边郊的最后一家茶馆了。这 家格调清雅精致的茶馆,就像是隐藏在沙 漠中的一小片绿洲。岛城的城市中心效应 还没辐射到这里,要是说需要躲开城市的 灯红酒绿、忙忙碌碌的话,来这里就最适 合不过了。这里简直就是一个纯粹为放松 和休憩而精心打造的幽居。 香柏草堂的房间和陈设传统而清新, 这里的一木一石都透露出背后不凡的设计 理念及创作者对建筑的理解。这里让人感 觉既独特又亲近舒适,能在两者间处理得 如此平衡,设计师绝不简单。不过这里最 吸引我注意力的,是香柏草堂中自然之物 的大面积铺陈,以及这些花草虫鱼与茶两 者的完美融合。每一株植物都在蓬勃生 长,油绿油绿的;草堂前院的池子里,乌 龟和金鱼自由游动;就连草堂的外墙,都 满满地被葱绿覆盖。每一单间、每一雅座 之间隙,你都可以看见生命的痕迹。闭合 的建筑内,几只散养的小鸟自在飞窜于枝 叶之间,时而几声吱叫,试图加入我们的 闲聊中来。 就这一点特征,香柏草堂可以说是我 们在岛城转悠过的最特别的茶馆,而且极 好地保存了中国茶文化的传统。



我们选了一间明亮、传统风格较浓郁 的单间,卡姐——这里的教授茶道茶艺的 老师,为我们泡茶。悠然叹茶的同时,还 为我们讲述有关茶的制作、保存、分类等 知识以及品茶之礼。好的茶艺师,能使即 便简陋的茶馆也蓬荜生辉。

Sanshengyuan located on Aomen Lu close to the May Fourth Square is hard to miss if you walk your way from Nanjing Lu straight to the seaside. Looking at its outside you'd think it was a fancy mansion in some Chinese drama set in ancient China. With three layers of cornices covered with colourful bricks - it looks impressive. As you walk inside you will see rockeries set in a pond, incense burning here and there, old and heavy furniture made from sandalwood, and artwork hanging on the walls. This must be the most luxurious and expensive teahouse in Qingdao. I asked a clerk, and she told me that all the artworks are authentic and have been produced by famous Chinese artists such as Fan Zeng and Xu Beihong. There are also old woodcarvings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties (At least they claimed it to be so).

这里比较受顾客欢迎的茶是宫廷普 洱、金骏眉、崂山绿茶及福建的大红袍。 闽清阁除了茶室之外,还有展示和出售茶 叶的茶超市。在这里,中国各个时期的普 洱制品,还有高中低档的普洱,都可以在 此见到。

The teahouse is actually on the second floor and all the teas are excellent without saying. Why you ask? This place runs on an exclusive membership system, with a sign-up fee starting at 30,000元. But if you're not intimidated

这家茶馆位于传统中国文化气息浓厚 的浮山所1388文化街内,分上下两层, 二楼光线明亮,一楼则稍欠些。整体装修 风格古典优雅,房间的风格多样:包括苏 州园林、日式榻榻米、现代简洁时尚等风 格。每个房间都配备有电视、空调和Wifi, 单间很多。周末还有来自本土的相声组 织——青岛曲艺社,在二楼的舞台上进行 相声表演。


and want to try it out at least once, well then, the smallest room here is 1200元 (plus a 10% service charge). And that doesn’t include the cost of your tea. So, come with a full wallet, or bring your VIP clients here and impress them for your business…and get your company to pay for it. Jieling Liu 位于澳门路67号、靠近五四广场的 三生缘茶馆,店面看似一座中国古代电 视剧中的府邸,三层飞檐彩阁显得相当 的庄严华彩。推门进去,水池、假山、 千百年沉香、檀香等珍贵木材制成的家 具和艺术品多不胜数,一大批中国名人 的字画挂在墙上,这里或许算是青岛最 奢华昂贵的茶馆了吧。细问店员,这里 的画作都是真迹,如华人大师范增和徐 悲鸿的原版作品,在这里就可以找到。 此外还有明清时期保留下来的家具和雕 刻艺术品。 二楼是可以坐下来细品艺术,畅谈 人生的茶座,茶品好得自然毋用多说。 这里主要的顾客都是会员,会员费最低 是3万元。想去体验一次也可以,要一间 最迷你的茶间,盛惠1200元(服务费另 收10%)。想叹尝一杯这里“高大上” 的茶,那就先把荷包装得鼓鼓的吧。对 于成功的商务人士,来这里招待你的重 要客户,确实衬得上档次(然后记得回 公司报销茶水费)。


/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

广告 • 地方

Along the Boardwalk (Act 2)


With the summer weather (more or less) here there’s never a better time to get out and explore Qingdao’s Seaside Boardwalk. REDSTAR’s Mark Lewis talks the walk in Act 2 of Along the Boardwalk. 夏日来袭,无论到哪儿都热。既然这样,不如跟Mark 接着走下去,至少还有海风为你降降温。漫步栈道下半 部,精彩继续。


onderfully scenic, Qingdao’s Seaside Boardwalk is roughly 40km in length and follows the coastline beginning west of Zhanqiao Pier at Tuandao Cape and finishing at Shilaoren Beach. This month we complete Act 2


of our Boardwalk walk, starting at the crimson monument of May 4th Square and head towards Zhanqiao Pier. 青岛海滨栈道全程约40公 里,西起栈桥,东至石老人海水 浴场,沿途景色迷人。我们从五 四广场出发,伴着阵阵海风,一 路前行,最后到达终点。


We begin our journey at the easyto-spot crimson May Four Square monument.

从五月的风出发,我们开启了此次 栈道之旅。


A fifteen-minute walk along the Boardwalk will take you past Music Square where you can see locals trying their luck at catching something edible. 沿着栈道大概走15分钟,就 到了音乐广场。在那儿,你可以 看到一些当地人倚在海边的栏杆 上钓鱼,运气好的话也许能钓上 几条吧。



继续走,快到太平角的途中,有一家古色古香的咖啡吧叫“一杯沧海”, 点上一杯咖啡,小憩一下,地上还铺着虎皮毯呢。

紧接着就到了太平角。欣赏一下挂在路边的鱼干,边走边 继续欣赏栈道的迷人风光。

Almost half way between the No.3 and No.2 Bathing Beaches and before Taiping Cape is a quaint little café called Yi Bei Cang Hai. Not a bad place for a break, check out the authentic Tiger skin rug on the floor.

Just before the No.2 Bathing Beach is Taiping Cape, which features a beautiful scenic stretch of the Boardwalk, complete with seafood gently drying in the sun.



After a short stroll along the avenue of columns, you’ll reach the No.3 Bathing Beach. Looking back you’ll see a nice view of the CBD. Enjoy the moment. 经过一根根华表柱,很快就到了第三海水浴场。转过 身,林立的高楼,繁华的街景,尽收眼底。

Beautifully understated, the No.2 Bathing Beach next to Badaguan is regularly frequented by wedding photographers and ocean swimmers. 八大关旁边就 是第二海水浴场,经 常可以看到新人们在 礁石或沙滩上拍婚纱 照,还可以看到很多 洗海澡的人。

Photo © Mark Lewis



/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

广告 • 地方


Past the No.1 Bathing Beach, the Boardwalk takes you through Lu Xun Gong Yuan.




Little Qingdao Island is an interesting detour. To get to it you have to cross a sea walled bridge (10元).

不远处可以看到小青岛,可以沿琴屿路经大堤上岛观光,很有意思 (费用:10元)。


The “Big Brother” of Qingdao’s city beaches is the No.1 Bathing Beach - the western end features a fully equipped outdoor gym and BBQ area – manly men’s world. 青岛海水浴场的老大哥当属“一浴”了,浴场最西 边有很多户外运动设施,还可以露天烧烤——踢球,吃烤 肉,哈啤酒!


If you too walk too quickly you might miss this comfy hole-in-the-wall retro café – the perfect place to rest with a cup of something before continuing onwards. 别走得太快,要不就错过了时间胶囊咖啡馆,进去喝点东西,看看海景,歇一 会儿再上路。


After skirting around the Naval Museum (and a major construction site) the Boardwalk continues past the Tian Hou Gong Temple. You’ll now see Zhanqiao Pier in the distance. 沿途还可以去海军博物馆转 转,之后便来到了天后宫,远远 地就可以看到栈桥。


At last you’ve reached the iconic Zhanqiao Pier and the recently re-landscaped No.6 Bathing Beach. Further along is Zhongshan Lu where you can find plenty of places to eat.

终点就在前方,路上你会经过标 志性的栈桥和重新划分后的第六海水浴 场。如果饿的话,中山路两侧有很多饭 馆可以选择。


The Boardwalk eventually terminates at Tuandao Cape.

最后,我们在团岛的轮渡 口岸结束了此次海滨栈道行。



/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

广告 • 地方

Invasion of the

New Kid on the Block 悠游食住唐岛湾

Chickenbeers 畅哈 啤酒

Huangdao has seen a lot of growth in the last couple of years and doesn’t seem to be halting any time soon. REDSTAR investigates a welcome addition to its main strip.

大啖 炸鸡


ast winter, Korea was unexpectedly overcome by an extraterrestrial appetite for two of mankind's greatest inventions: fried chicken and beer. It all began when a K-drama actress (who played a K-drama actress in a K-drama) suggested to her heartthrob 400-year-old alien boyfriend (in the TV show, not real life) that they eat chicken and beer. The phrase "chicken and beer" (or chimaek in Korean) went gastronomically viral in Korea, but could not be contained within the peninsula. Soon, the phenomenon spread over to China, where people's love for chicken and beer was so intense that (according to Tencent News) it caused near miscarriages, heart attacks, and hospitalizations in a few cases. But while the much-loved K-drama has unfortunately come to an end, the craze for poultry and grog in East Asia persists. For many Westerners, it may seem ludicrous to make such a fuss over soulful staples like fried chicken and beer. But differences do exist within the Korean version of the dish, and they far predate the K-drama generated meme. For example, Korean fried chicken is often fried twice, with seasoning sessions occurring before and in between frying. As Julia Moskin notes in her article, "Koreans Share Their Secret for Chicken With a Crunch", this method of preparation renders the skin especially thin, far more delicate than Western versions. The Korean recipe also calls for the use of younger chickens, maximizing the tenderness of the meat. 18

While Korean fried chicken has existed in China for years, it has seen new life since the K-drama induced mania. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal notes the significant demographic shift from Korean to Chinese at many restaurants in Beijing (Lin, 2014). Although the capital boasts some of the oldest chicken and beer restaurants, more chimek joints have started popping up in other major cities. Qingdao even has a few that have been around for a while, though they are mostly in Chengyang. Recently, Hong Kong Gardens has been cashing in on the chimaek fever, with the newest establishment being In Seoul (In首尔, located on the square above Taigu in Hong Kong Gardens). It's been some time since all this chicken and beer mania began, but it appears that the fad has survived the winter and is here to stay in China. All it took were the words, "It's snowing outside; we should have fried chicken and beer", from the mouth of a K-drama star to hypnotize the stomachs of millions. Now, if we could only get "tacos and margaritas" to go viral, our summers would be complete. Nick Manthey

年冬天,“炸鸡+啤酒”的组合风 靡全韩国。这都源于韩剧《来自星 星的你》的热播。剧中女演员千颂 伊(全智贤饰演)向她深爱的都教 授(金秀贤饰演,是一个从外太空来到400年前 的朝鲜并一直生活到现代的外星人)提议:“下 初雪,要喝啤酒吃炸鸡。”“下雪了,怎么能 没有炸鸡和啤酒?”这句台词在这个冬天以闪


电之势散布开来,韩国人甚至还造出了新名词 叫“鸡啤”(chimaek),以此表示炸鸡和啤 酒的混搭。很快,这一潮流在中国受到追捧, 这一搭配虽说“浪漫”但却不科学,据腾讯新 闻报道,几例流产、心脏病发作、住院治疗就 是由于喝啤酒吃炸鸡导致的。尽管《来自星星 的你》已经完结了,喝啤酒吃炸鸡却成为时尚 留存了下来。 在大多数西方人看来,在像炸鸡、啤酒 这样普通的食物上小题大做未免有些可笑。但 韩国的炸鸡却是做出了花样,且早在该韩剧热 播前,炸鸡店就遍布各街区。韩式炸鸡一般都 要炸两次,在炸前或炸的间歇涂上特制的酱 料。Julia Moskin在她的文章中就曾说过,“韩 国人做炸鸡的秘诀就在于炸”。这样的方法能 去除鸡皮内大部分脂肪,使炸出来的鸡皮比一 般炸鸡来得薄和香脆,鸡肉也往往多汁鲜嫩, 比西式炸鸡更美味。此外选材多是嫩鸡肉。 韩式炸鸡进入中国已经有几个年头了, 这部剧的热播再次让韩式炸鸡火了起来。《华 尔街日报》中的一篇文章提到,北京各大餐馆 纷纷引进韩国厨师。尽管北京很早就出现了一 批“鸡啤”餐馆,其他城市的却是最近才相 继涌现出来,青岛的城阳区就出现了几家。 最近,香港花园附近的饭馆也瞄准“鸡啤”商 机,太古广场就新开了一家叫“在首尔”的餐 馆。 喝啤酒吃炸鸡这个风尚出现已有一段时间 了,但似乎大家它热度一直不减。千颂伊的一 句“初雪的时候,喝啤酒吃炸鸡最好了。”让 无数人的胃动了心。现在,如果“炸玉米饼+ 玛格丽塔酒”也能以此之势风靡,我们的夏天 就美满了。

与青岛隔海相望的黄岛,近些 年来发展迅速且势头不减。本 期红星带大家去那儿,看看又 多了哪些好去处。


he Howard Johnson Kanda Plaza boasts the customary hallmarks of any good hotel, though its all-day buffet is definitely worth mentioning. With a casual yet stylish décor, the dining area offers an international range of cuisines, crafted with imported and local goods. Gorge on your western favorites or try some sashimi freshly made by their dedicated chefs. If it’s Chinese food you’re after then be sure to taste their contemporary take on Shandong cuisine such as Fried Clams, Qingdao style! Better yet, try all of their fresh seafood, including local whelks, conch and artic prawns. Finish your meal with coffee and dessert then take a quick stroll down to Tangdao Bay. The Howard Johnson Kanda Plaza Qingdao is but a mere 20 minute drive from downtown Qingdao and with summer soon upon us what better way to spend the weekend then a trip to Huangdao.

青岛康大豪生大酒店作为西海岸国际五 星酒店的新星,酒店的自助餐尤其值得一提。 餐厅的设计简约又不失品味,提供各式中西菜 肴,原材料取自当地,也有进口的。大家既可 以品尝到经典的西式菜品,也可以来上几片由 大厨现切新鲜生鱼片,喜欢中餐的朋友也可以 选择地道的鲁菜,比如青岛风味的辣炒蛤蜊, 以及海螺、大虾等各种刚打捞上来的海鲜。餐 后尝一下甜点,配上一杯咖啡,接着就可以去 唐岛湾吹吹海风,看看海景。从青岛市区开车 到黄岛仅需20分钟,炎炎夏季将至,周末带上 家人去黄岛避暑是一个不错的选择。

Photo © Steven Hsiu


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

广告 • 特辑


Xing Gang or Gary is the owner and chief barista of D’Coffee which he opened as a coffee house and gallery for his collection of photographs. Gary left a six-year career at a logistics company to study coffee making with the Aeleen training school. After almost two months, he earned his Level 1 certificate from the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe and opened D’Coffee in January of this year. Gary whipped up a favourite called a “Li zhaou” mocha by using Kahlua liqueur and milk in an Americano, served hot. A similar flavour to an American S’more, it brought back many campfire memories. D’Coffee is located southbound along Xuzhou Lu opposite the Le Meridien Hotel. 幸刚,英文名Gary,豆影咖啡馆的老板和咖啡师。Gary原先在 一家软件公司工作了6年,之后出于对咖啡的热爱,他辞掉工作,在 Aeleen咖啡师培训学校学习制作咖啡。在两个月的学习之后,他获得 了欧洲精品咖啡协会初級(Level 1)咖啡师资格证书,并于今年一月份 开了这家摄影主题的咖啡馆。Gary自创的名为“丽娇”的摩卡咖啡极 受欢迎,通过添加力娇酒、牛奶,调制而成,口感丰富,让人意犹未 尽。豆影咖啡馆位于徐州路南,在万达艾美酒店对面。

Caffeine Dealers

Matt Trow a New Zealander is owner and chief barista at the LUCA Garden Café & Bistro and has had a long love story with coffee that tore him away university studies and landed him barista and coffee-roasting positions with some of New Zealand’s top brands. He traveled to Beijing to teach coffee roasting three years ago and ended up meeting wife Hong Yan and has been in China since. The décor of LUCA captures Matt’s personality: eclectic grunge art with a hint of rock-n-roll, blended with an artful touch of ocean side relaxation.

为你调 咖啡的人

新西兰人Matt是“路过花园咖啡“的老 板和咖啡师。出于对咖啡的热爱,他离开了大 学校园,在新西兰一些知名的咖啡馆当起了咖 啡师和咖啡烘培师。三年前,他去北京做咖啡 烘焙培训时,遇见了他生命中的另一半——洪 晏,至此他就定居中国了。“路过花园咖啡” 的室内装潢很好地体现了Matt的个性:不拘一 格的摇滚个性和自由浪漫的情怀。

Stormy Taylor and “Glacier” Dong Xiao Bing tour of some of Qingdao’s best caffeine dens to find out more about the people behind the coffee counter.

喜欢咖啡的你,知道岛城有哪些特色 咖啡馆吗?Stormy和小冰将带我们来 一次岛城咖啡馆之旅,去倾听吧台后 那些人的故事。


he word “barista” comes from the Italian word for “bartender” as the person making coffee is often seen behind a bar or counter. The artistry that goes into making coffee is not only a skill, but a reflection of the person making it which led me to explore some of Qingdao’s best places for a cuppa, and to find out more about the people behind the counter and what led them to the coffee business.

“Barista”(咖啡师)这个词来源于意大利语,相当于英 语中的“bartender”(调酒师),得名的原因在于大多数 咖啡师都是在吧台或柜台后站着工作的。调咖啡不仅是一门 手艺,还反映着调制者的性情。这一切都吸引着我去探寻岛 城出色的咖啡馆和咖啡师。 20

Qu Weishun of ORCAFFE Specialty Coffee Institude is largely self-taught. At 19 he set out to learn everything about making coffee and is now a Technical Judge at the China Barista Championships. He applies artistry to his brews as well as the essence of Feng Shui; balancing flavours in harmony with different moods. He demonstrated this philosophy to me by serving up an iced-Americano with a hint of orange flavour to illustrate his mood (cool and sweet). Located north of the Hisense Plaza on the opposite side of the street, be warned: you won’t find ORCAFFE Specialty Coffee Institude easily. But if you call ahead, his assistant Tina will guide you. 曲维顺,欧卡精品咖啡学院的培训师。在19岁时,他开始自学有 关咖啡的一切,现在他已是世界咖啡师大赛中国区选拔赛的一名技术裁 判。他的咖啡创意很好地体现了艺术性与哲思,例如他能做出“心情咖 啡”——不同的口感代表不同的心情。他给我做的,是一杯橘子味的冰 镇美式咖啡,这代表了他现在清新、甜蜜的心情。欧卡精品咖啡学院位 于海信广场左边,需要过马路。位置较隐蔽,但如果你提前打电话,他 的助手Tina会出来迎接你。

Lao Gao owner of the Shapu Café was unavailable during my coffee tour. Instead his trusted manager, Vicki, brewed a standard cappuccino and explained the process of their signature drink “Dutch Coffee”. Soaked in cold water for eight hours, cold extraction lets the flavour seep out of the coffee bean with less caffeine. Thus, Dutch coffee is a preferred drink for lovers of cold-coffees and decaf-drinkers. Shapu Café also provides a garden oasis from the city and an impressive collection of books to borrow at your leisure. 老高,沙朴庭院咖啡的老板。去的时候老板不在店里, 经理Vicki接待了我,给我制作了杯卡布奇诺并向我介绍了他 们店的招牌咖啡“特调荷兰冰滴咖啡”的制作秘诀:冷水萃 取长达8小时,使得咖啡散发出浓郁的香味,减少咖啡因的渗 入。这款咖啡深受喜爱冰咖啡和低因咖啡一族的欢迎。庭院式 的装修风格,简约而不简单;此外还有许多书可以借阅。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

广告 • 特辑 Vadim Pushkarev from Russia was the youngest barista on my coffee tour but is, in my opinion, a “Coffee Chemist”. He can be found serving up hot and cold delights inside the IVY Coffee shop, located in Marina City’s coffee alley. Since he was 12, Vadim had been studying Chinese, but quit Qingdao University when he fell in love with coffee. In his opinion, slow-drip coffee is the most challenging to perfect as many variables can affect the flavor. He made for me a Flower Pot Coffee, called “Pan Zai” which was like Christmas in my mouth: mint leaf, Oreo cookie, and milkcoffee. 俄罗斯小伙Vadim,是我这次探寻所遇 见的最年轻的咖啡师,在我看来,他可以称 得上是一个“咖啡研发师”,整天忙碌在艾 薇咖啡馆(百丽广场)的吧台后面。他12岁 就开始学中文,由于醉心于咖啡制作,他从 青岛大学退学,成为了一名全职的咖啡师。 在他看来,慢滴漏式咖啡是最具挑战性的, 因为很多因素会影响到它的口感。他为我做 了一杯名为“盆栽”的咖啡,含在嘴里,各 种味道轻触我的味蕾:薄荷味、奥利奥饼干 的味道,还有奶香味。

Last but not least was An Lei, aka “Allen” a barista at Coffee Plus who has been training on the job for a little over a year. Previously, he studied commerce at the Qingdao Huang Hai College, and quit to pursue his love of making coffee. He brewed a ladies’ favorite called the “Rainbow Coffee” – a layered coffee of strawberry syrup, hot milk, espresso, and milk foam, topped with a caramel design. Coffee Plus is located across the street from the Wanda Plaza on Yanji Lu.

Searching for

the Perfect Jianbing Guozi 舌尖上的 煎饼果子


I haven’t been in China long but during my stay I have eaten countless jianbing guozis, so I consider myself an expert on the subject and I have made it a personal goal to find the perfect and most delicious jianbing guozi.

虽然我在中国待的时间不 算太长,但在这期间, 连自己都不知道吃了多 少煎饼果子。我自认 为在这方面称得上是 专家,而且我暗自定 下了一个目标:寻找 最完美最好吃的煎饼 果子。


ianbing guozi originated in Tianjin and is a common street snack that consists of a crunchy fried dough center with lettuce, sauce, sausages, and spices all wrapped in a thin crape like pancake blended with egg. Usually they are cooked on a round hot plate where the cooker spreads dough barter to make a thin pancake. Then wraps it up with the ingredients previously mentioned in a burrito-like fashion. It is the quickest and tastiest snack to eat on the go and is found just about everywhere in China.

最后一位出色的咖啡师是 Allen。他接受了一年多的培训,现 在是Coffee Plus的一名咖啡师。 先 前,他是青岛黄海学院贸易专业的一 名学生,因对咖啡的热爱,退学后开 始了在咖啡路上的追逐。他研制了一 款深受女士们喜欢的咖啡——“彩虹 咖啡”。利用草莓果汁、热牛奶、特 浓咖啡、奶泡达到分层效果,最上面 铺的是一层焦糖。Coffee Plus位于延 吉路万达广场对面。

Aside from catching a major buzz from this tour, I learned that it is not the decoration or ingredients that makes a coffee special - but the artistry, passion, and personality of the person behind the counter.

煎饼果子发源于天津, 是一种常见的街头小吃。松 脆的油煎薄饼,配上生菜、 火腿肠,再加上酱汁和香 料,最后卷进一张薄薄的鸡蛋 饼里。摊主们先把面糊倒在圆 形的炉子上,再把它摊成一张薄 煎饼,然后像做墨西哥卷饼一样 把之前提到过的原料卷在一起。 煎饼果子可以算是最快捷最美味 一种路边小吃了,在中国几乎随 处可见。

这次岛城咖啡馆之旅,让我回味的不仅是异彩纷呈的咖啡,更让我体会到,让一家咖啡店或咖啡与众不同的,不是店里的装饰或制作原 料,而是艺术创作、激情、咖啡的研制和咖啡师的个性。


Photo © Monica Pizzato


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

广告 • 特辑

Kou Liu Xiang on Nanjing Lu 南京路口留香 Kou Liu Xiang is like the McDonalds of jianbing guozi because you can find the chain anywhere, including Jusco, and it’s always consistent and good. I usually order what I call ‘the Monster’ it costs 10 RMB and it comes loaded with two eggs, a hot dog, and strip of greasy fried chicken. It is delicious as it is filling. The first time I ate it I didn't like it; it seemed like I was biting into a soggy diaper. However, it grew on me and it is my go to if I need to have a quick bite.

Snack Street in Hong Kong Gardens 香港花园小吃街 Hong Kong Gardens is jammed pack full of food spots and restaurants. Anyone can find something they like there. In the snack street section there a window grill next to BBQ restaurant that makes a dynamic jianbing guozi. It's an old fashion countryside style that makes this one so unique. The dough batter is thick so the pancake shell is soft and chewy. There are plenty of green onions and lettuce giving it a righteous crunch-factor. It’s packs full of flavor and each bite is great until it’s all gone. The

最终评定:总体来说是很不错 的煎饼果子,强烈推荐。

Next to a mala tang restaurant in Taigu Square is a little hut that grills up jianbing guozi. This on has to be one of the worst I have ever eaten. It was different because it had black sesame seeds and green onions on the outer shell. The pancake was extremely doughy so it felt like a wet noodle that was wrapped around a minimum amount of vegetables and bland tasting sauce. I truly believe that every jinabing guozi is special in its own

way, however this one is as generic as they come. Final Verdict: Forgettable. 紧挨着太古广场的一家 麻辣烫店,有一个小巷,里 面也有卖煎饼果子的。这里 是我吃过的最差的之一。与 别的地方不同,煎饼上会撒 一些黑芝麻粒和葱花,而且 又湿又生,卷着尽可能少的 蔬菜和乏味的酱汁。我坚信 所有煎饼果子都有它独特的 风味,然而这一个和别人说 的一样平庸。 最终评定:容易被遗忘。

TaiDong Markets


Final Verdict: A great jianbing guozi at a convenient location. Two thumps ups.

In the roaring crowds and endless shops of Taidong there is a large number of street food vendors selling snacks. The jianbing guozi here is not bad but nothing to write home to your folks about. It’s crunchy for sure but the guozi (crunchy substance inside) looks as dry and flavorless as it taste. The best part about this snack is that they put plenty of green onions, chives, and other herbs to spice it up. The sauce is a little tangy which gives the jianbing guozi a little extra kick of flavor.

香港花园是各种餐馆和小吃的 聚集地。所有人都能在这里找到他 们想要的。在小吃街部分,紧挨着 烤肉餐馆,有一个窗口出售的煎饼 果子。古老的乡村风格是这一家很 独特。这里的面糊很稠,所以煎饼 外壳很软,有些难嚼,里面有许多 葱花和生菜,所以很有嚼劲。它味 道很足,一直到吃完都很美味。它 唯一的不足是太咸了,就像青岛的 大多数食物一样。 最终评定:这家的煎饼果子非常不 错,地理位置也很方便,竖两个大 拇指。

海边小推车 On the beach sidewalk between May 4 Square and Number 3 beach (near Music Square) there are a few jianbing guozi carts. Everything about this jianbing guozi screamed cheaply done. The fried crunchy center tasted stale and flavorless, and the sauce was foul. The jianbing guozi with that nasty sauce was like licking up an oil spot on a dirty parking garage. They weren’t gratuitous with the lettuce too. The only nice

口留香就像是煎饼果子界 的麦当劳,因为你可以在任何 地方找到它的连锁店,包括佳 世客,品质始终如一。我通常 会点一份我称之为“怪兽”的 十元餐,里面加两个鸡蛋,一 根热狗和几根炸鸡柳。正如它 塞得满满的一样,很美味。第 一次吃时我不喜欢它;感觉似 乎咬了一口湿湿的尿布。现在 我已经逐渐开始接受这种煎饼 果子,如果赶时间的话,就买 它了。

TaiGu Square 太古广场

only drawback, like most foods in Qingdao, it is a little too salty.

Beachside Stand


Final Verdict: An overall good jianbing guozi that is highly recommended.

thing about it is you can eat and people watch on the seaside walk. Final Verdict: To put it nicely it was all around disappointing. 在五四广场和第三海水 浴场(靠近音乐广场)之间的 海边栈道上,有几个卖煎饼果 子的小车。不用尝就知道肯定 不怎么好吃。果子既不新鲜又 没味道,酱汁就更不用提了, 感觉像是停车场地上的油渍, 居然连生菜也需要另外加钱。 它唯一的优点是你可以边走边 吃,让不知情的路人眼馋。 最终评定:说得客气点儿,所 有方面都令人失望。


Qingda Yi Lu

Final Verdict: My fist jianbing guozi love and my personal favorite, which may be the best in Qingdao.

Behind Qingdao University lays Qingda Yi Lu, which is the mecca of cheap street food. Here there is cart that sells the best jianbing guozi in Qingdao. Maybe I think it’s the best because it’s the first place I ever had jianbing guozi so it has a special place in my heart. The vegetables are fresh and plentiful and the fried guozi inside is the best I have ever tasted. It is extremely crunchy and each bite is a blast of crispy heavenliness. The only drawback is that the sauce is a little bit too sour. I have even found myself taking a 20 RMB cab ride just for this delicacy.

青岛大学后面的青大一路是街 边小吃的圣地。这里有一辆出售青岛 最好煎饼果子的小车。我之所以认为 这里的是最好的,也许是因为这是我 平生第一次吃煎饼果子的地方,它在 我心中有独特的地位。这里的蔬菜新 鲜而且充足,里面的果子是我吃过最 好的,极其松脆,每一口都会带给我 天堂般的享受。唯一的缺点是酱汁稍 微酸一点儿。我甚至愿意花20元打 车去那儿,只为尝一口这份美味。


Final Verdict: A good jianbing guozi but falls short of being great because lack of quality ingredients 在台东喧嚣的人群和商 店中,可以看到许多沿街叫卖 的摊贩。这里的煎饼果子还不 错,但没有太出众的。果子( 里边的松脆薄饼)很脆,但是 尝起来和看起来一样干且无 味。最好的部分是他们放了许 多葱花和其它佐料,闻起来香 气四溢。有点辛辣的酱汁赋予 了煎饼果子一种独特的风味。 最终评定:还算不错,配料质 量还可以再好一点。

最终评定:我的煎饼果子初恋和最 爱,或许是青岛最好的。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

Hangzhou Delicacy within Arm’s Reach

杭帮美味, 半天即达


ast July, a new rail line was completed connecting Hangzhou to Qingdao with a bullet train service. West Lake, Leifeng Pagoda and the Xixi National Wetlands, in Hangzhou, can now be reached within only half of a day’s journey. Going for a relaxing weekend in Hangzhou has never been easier or more popular. Hangzhou has also been known as the breadbasket of the south for hundreds of years. For foodies, Hangzhou Cuisine has its own unique niche - the tastes are light, and the focus more on the original fragrance of the food, applying only minute amounts of oil and dressings. West Lake Vinegar Fish, Longjing Tea Prawns, Dongpo's Braised Pork, Stuffed Orange with Crab Meat… all these are non-Hangzhounese’s favorite local dishes in Hangzhou. In Qingdao, there has also been a bunch of restaurants, featuring Hangzhou Cuisine, opening up. The Sansanyue Restaurant on Gutian Lu for example, claiming to be an extension of Hangzhou’s local brand - the Grandma's Restaurant, tempts foodies with its West Lake Vinegar Fish and Deep Fried Jingle Bells (tofu skin rolls). Another one is the Jiangnan Hui Restaurant at Thumb Plaza – with their signature dish Grandma’s Braised Pork and Green Tea Flavoured Chicken.


Here’s Mud in Your Eye

广告 • 特辑


浮山版 速度与激情

A fair for Hangzhou Cuisine was held early last month in Qingdao, in which the organisers announced good news: Louwailou, the Grandma's Restaurant and four other high ranking local brands in Hangzhou are launching their branches in Qingdao in conjunction with Qingdaonese brands such as Liangyou and Laochuanfu. Foodies, get your forks ready! Jieling liu

Recently Qingdao hosted the latest stage of the BOS Northern China downhill race series, and not even the fickle weather could dampen the enthusiasm of these mountain bikers.

年7月,杭州和青岛开通了 直达高铁,杭州至青岛只 需7个多小时。到西湖畔悠 闲游走,度个周末自此也 变得流行起来。

万众瞩目的2014 BOS华北速降联赛青岛站的比赛于近 日拉开帷幕。虽然天气变化无常,但这丝毫没有影响参 赛者的热情。 Photo © Qing Yan 阎青

杭州素有江南鱼米之乡的美称。 在吃货的眼里,杭帮菜有其独特的地 位。杭州人的饮食口味偏清淡,杭帮菜 也因此更注重原汁原味,烹饪时轻油 腻、轻调味,口感鲜嫩、纯香。西湖醋 鱼、龙井虾仁、东坡焖肉、蟹酿橙等, 都是游客必尝的杭州传统名菜。 青岛近年来也出现了一些专为杭 帮菜粉丝而开的餐馆,例如古田路上的 三三悦餐厅,号称是由杭州老牌子—— 外婆家的厨师团队打造的一家店,可 以吃到西湖醋鱼、炸响铃等菜品。此外 还有证大大拇指广场的江南荟,主推外 婆红烧肉、咸肉笋干、茶香鸡等菜式。 不仅是坊间吃货对杭帮菜痴迷;5 月中旬,“寻味江南·杭帮美食”美食 推介交流活动在青岛举办。杭州楼外 楼、外婆家等6家餐饮企业,将在今明 两年与岛城的老船夫、良友饮食等6家 餐饮企业结成姊妹酒店,将正宗杭帮菜 带入岛城。


ountain biking is another one of those extreme sports for the adrenaline junkie that tests nerves, skills and reflexes.

Held at Qingdao’s own Mount Fushan, almost 80 riders competed and came from all over including Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Qin Huang Dao, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Singapore, Italy, Germany and France with the youngest competitor being as old as 14. The trail for the Qingdao stage was designed and constructed over the course of the year by a motely yet experienced crew of mountain bikers that were keen for a more “challenging” course; and the final results were impressive. Large wooden berms allowing riders to “fly” through corners, high level jumps, and wooden obstacles that challenged the nerves of even the best trail builders in North America.

The Qingdao race stage came shortly after the Jinan stage which was held only last month, and while Jinan’s course was a comparatively long trail that tested a rider’s endurance, Qingdao’s track was the complete opposite, in that it was designed to challenge a rider’s skill level and nerve. The first practice day saw perfect weather although many of the riders commented that the track was just a little too dry. The next day, this complaint was addressed when the heavens opened up and a deluge of rain followed turning the trail into a slip and slide. Understandably more than a few riders pulled out due to safety concerns but the majority held firm in their intent to have some good clean fun on this mud soaked track. Riders were split into two groups with the B-Group setting off first closely followed by the more skilled A-Group. It the end,

riders from Qingdao dominated the Group B podium with Liu Xiao Bin coming in first and Zhang Jing Kun placing second with up and coming talent Cui Sheng Chao in third – impressive considering that Cui took up mountain bike riding only a month ago. The Group A podium was led by the unstoppable Laurent Gravier – a Frenchman who has become tour de force in the China downhill race scene, Hangzhou’s Jiang Si Yuan came in second followed by Xu Yi from Suzhou in third. Of course, being in Qingdao the traditional champagne celebration was replaced by a few bottles of Tsingdao Beer. The race now heads over to Yunding in Hubei in July for the next stage and then back to Qingdao in September and will be concluded in Jinan in early October.


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

Formula One Sailing

广告 • 特辑



New Zealander Jonathan “Jono” Macbeth is a veteran in the professional sailing community and has competed in several world-class competitions including the America’s Cup. He is currently Team Manager for the JP Morgan crew who are competing in the Extreme 40 racing series. He took a break from his busy schedule to speak with REDSTAR.

2014极限40帆船系列赛第三站于五月初在青岛拉开帷幕。来自新西 兰的Jonathan Macbeth (小名“Jono”),是职业帆船界的一员 老将,迄今为止,他已参加过多项世界级帆船比赛,包括美洲杯帆船 赛。此次,Jonathan担任J.P摩根大通队的经理人,红星有幸采访到 了他。 Photo © Qing Yan 阎青

地骑行也是一项极限运动,它考验 着参赛者的胆量、技能和反应能 力。

青岛站的比赛在浮山举行,大约有80人 参赛,他们来自全国各地,如北京、杭州、上 海、秦皇岛、成都;还有国外,如新加坡、意 大利、德国和法国。其中,年龄最小的参赛者 仅14岁。 青岛站比赛的路线难度异常大,是由一批 富有山地骑行经验又不断追求挑战的山地骑行 爱好者设计和搭建的:宽大的斜坡设计、高挡 板设计、重重障碍物的设置等,这些都考验着 设计者的智慧。如果北美最好的山地车赛路线

设计师看到,他们也会赞赏不已吧。 上个月济南站比赛结束后,接力棒交到了 青岛手中。济南站的比赛路线相对来说较长, 旨在考验参赛者的耐力;而青岛站则完全相 反,旨在考验参赛者的山地骑行技术和胆量。 场地适应的第一天,天气很不错,不过 仍然有许多人认为地太干燥了。可第二天,天 公不作美,下起了大雨,雨水把地面冲刷得泥 泞不堪。有些人出于安全考虑放弃了比赛,这 是可以理解的;大多数参赛者即使在烂泥中骑 行,也乐此不疲。

出发,能力较强的A组紧跟在后面。最后,B组 的一、二、三名均被青岛本地人包揽了:刘晓 斌是第一个到达的,张京坤紧随其后,第三名 是崔盛超。令人难以置信的是,盛超一个月前 才开始山地骑行运动。 A组结果咋样呢?来自法国的Laurent Gravier是第一个到达的,来自杭州的蒋思源是 第二个到达的,第三个到达的是来自苏州的徐 毅。还等什么?让我们举杯畅饮吧,在青岛, 当然是用青啤庆贺胜利啦。 比赛7月将会在湖北云顶继续,9月重回青 岛,10月初在济南结束。


Photo © Steven Hsiu

REDSTAR: How’d it feel out there today? How’d the [JP Morgan] crew go? Jonathan Macbeth: Well… we didn’t have the greatest of days as it was quite challenging conditions - but its good to be back here in Qingdao and racing again. RS: When was the last time you were here in Qingdao? JM: I was here three years ago, I think, and it was quite windy then. We had four boats capsized in a day. RS: What do you think of Qingdao as a venue? JM: I think it’s really good and I really enjoyed it last time I was here. It’s got quite a good mix of open water sailing and harbour sailing and it’s challenging especially when the breeze comes through the buildings and makes it tough for the sailors. So it’s tricky…but that’s what sailing’s all about: testing people and testing sailors. RS: You’ve been racing for a while - any disasters? Have you been unlucky? JM: In 2011 we had four boats capsize in one day which is pretty exciting stuff and then we had big crash in Singapore when one boat landed on top of another. Catamaran sailing isn’t for the


Photo © Qing Yan 阎青

faint of heart (chuckle) and things can get out of control pretty quickly. RS: I’m always amazed how close some of the boats get to each other. JM: There are a lot of really good sailors here and that what they’re paid to do - to get the boats close and keep the tolerances small. RS: Have you (JP Morgan Crew) been sailing together long? JM: Not at all - this is only our third regatta, but that’s part of the challenge for us this year, sailing together as a group. They’re all amazing sailors in their own right but sometimes when you bring people together it takes a while to form those relationships and to get that trust and communication going between people. RS: How often do you practice? JM: With this circuit once we finish a regatta they (the boats) get put into a container and are sent to the next venue. So we never really get a lot of time to practice. We usually have one day before the regatta and then that’s it. RS: Every time you move to the next venue you take an Extreme 40 and put it back

together doesn’t it feel a little different? JM: We’re quite strict on the measurements when we’re taking it apart and putting it back together as you want to come back to the same playing field each time. RS: Thanks very much for your time…it was great seeing you out there today. JM: Thanks.

红星:对今天的比赛感觉怎样? 对自己队的表现还满意吗? Jono:还可以吧……比赛困难重 重,我们没有取得特别骄人的成 绩。但是很高兴再次回到青岛,再 次投入比赛。 红星:上次来青岛是什么时候? Jono:三年前,如果我没记错的 话。当时风很大,一天之内就有四 条船被掀翻了。 红星:您觉得在青岛比赛如何? Jono:很棒!我很享受上一次在 这的比赛。水面航行和港口航行相 结合的赛道,很具挑战性,尤其起 风的时候,对参赛者来说,可算是 不小的考验。总之,不容易,但这 就是帆船比赛的魅力所在:考验着 人类,考验着帆船爱好者。 红星:在您的帆船职业生涯中,有 遇到过什么灾难或不幸吗?

Jono:2011年,一天中就有四条 船被掀翻了,尽管危险但很刺激。 在新加坡的时候,我们的船与别的 船撞上了,上下叠罗汉。帆船比赛 不适合有心脏病的人(笑着说道) ,因为局面很容易就会失控。 红星:我一直很吃惊,为什么一些 帆船互相挨得那么近? Jono:他们都是一些顶级的帆船 选手,互相较量着,不让对方有超 过的机会。 红星:队员们(J.P摩根大通队) 一起比赛的时间长吗? Jono:并不长。这是我们组队以 来的第三次比赛。这也是我们今年 面临的挑战之一。就个体而言,他 们都是非常出色的帆船选手,但作 为一个团队,他们还需要更多地交 流和磨合。 红星:你们训练的机会多吗? Jono:就此次巡回比赛来说,一 站比赛结束后,我们的帆船会被拆 卸后装在集装箱里,被运往下一个 站。因此,我们并没多少时间训 练,只是比赛前一天练练手。 红星:当到达下一个站,再重新组 装帆船,不会出现差错吗? Jono:我们在拆卸的时候,都要 进行严格的测量。重新组装后的帆 船将会和原来一模一样。 红星:最后,谢谢您接受我们的采 访,很高兴进一步了解了您和您的 船队。 Jono:不客气。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

广告 • 特辑

Extreme 40 Racing Catamaran 极限40双体船

The Extreme 40’s sails are made with the same light-weight concept as the other components. They are comprised of laminated Mylar with Kevlar and carbon fiber reinforcement. In the spirit of fair competition, all sales are made at the same time, and teams are only allowed to buy two sets each year.

Mainsail 主帆

The primary source of power 帆船的动力源泉

Gennaker 前桅大帆

Unfurled when sailing downwind 顺风航行时撑起


he Extreme 40 racing catamaran was developed with one main goal in mind: to make sail racing more accessible to the general public. The design of these boats makes them agile enough to race close to shore; at speeds that are exciting enough to make the racing a spectator sport.

These light-weight carbon fiber components make the Extreme 40 extremely agile and capable of pushing the limits of near-shore-racing. In fact, each of these watercrafts weighs a mere 1400KG and has a top speed of 56KPH. Text & Illustration by Justin Waulters

Jib 三角帆

Used for upwind sailing 用于逆风航行

极限40双体船的设计最主要的目的是提高比赛的观赏性,轻盈的船身使其能尽可能地沿岸行驶, 便于观众近距离观赛;船速的提高让比赛更加刺激,更具冲击感。


轻质的碳纤维部件让极限40帆船的船身十分灵活,可以达到近岸行驶的极限。事实上,每 艘船的重量仅有1.4吨,最快船速可达56千米每小时。

极限40帆船的船帆同样采用轻 质材料,由碳纤维和聚酰胺纤维混 合成线,夹于塑料薄膜中。为了比 赛的公平,赛船于统一时间发售, 每个船队每年只允许购买两艘。

When these boats collide, the wreckage is similar to that of a racecar. The damage is likely to put the boats out of the race. But, only for the day: the team is capable of repairing even some of the worst damage overnight, and having everything ready for the water (and the cameras) the next day. 两船一旦相撞,后果不亚于两 辆赛车相撞,这两艘船基本上只能退 出当天的比赛。不过,即便损伤再严 重,船队也仅需要一天就能修好(包 括外观),第二天即可继续比赛。

Analytics Device 数据分析设备

Each boat is equipped with GPS sensors that allow its every move to be recorded. All of the data is then used by announcers, teams, and online viewers to more accurately understand what is happening on the water. All of the data is stored online and can be replayed, with several views, including a 3D representation of the race. Visit to check it out.

Rudders 舵

Allow the boat to be steered 掌控整条船

Daggerboard 活动披水板

Prevents sideways travel 防止船向一侧倾斜

Boom 吊杆

Helps pull sails in and out 用于延伸、收放风帆。

Trampoline 弹簧垫

Hulls 船体

The main parts of the catamaran contacting the water (40ft each) 双体船与水面接触的主要部分(每个长40英 尺/12.2米)


Mast 桅杆

Supports and helps control the mainsail (2 sections totaling 62ft) 用于支持并有助于提高主帆性能 (由两部分组成,高62英尺/18.9米)

To provide the sailors a surface large enough to manipulate this catamaran’s massive sails, a tough, light-weight nylon mesh is stretched between the two hulls.

每艘船都安装有卫星定位传感 器,记录下其一举一动。所有数据均 在线储存,既可以用于广播员的实时 播报,船队的自我评估,还可以让在 线的粉丝利用三维可视化图像等方 式,准确解读水上的比赛进程。有兴 趣的话,不妨访问 体验一下。

紧紧连接船体两侧,由轻质尼龙网布制成, 给船员提供足够大的空间来操控巨帆。



EVENTS 活动 International Children’s Day 国际儿童节

Qingdao Campus Music Festival Qingdao University Haiyue Square, 1-9pm

Got an event to promote? Get it on this calender!



Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Liu Donghong’s Folk Tour 9pm Downtown Bar


第二届青岛校园音乐节 青岛大学海月广场




Angelinas Angel's Night

Angelinas Latin Thursday



FRI 五 AV Okubo 9pm Downtown Bar AV大久保

SAT 六 THE BOOZE BUS 2:30pm REDSTAR, Creative100

Three Piglets 10:30am & 2:30pm Grand Theatre


卡通儿童剧《三只小猪》 青岛大剧院

Children Play: The Little Dolphin 2:30pm & 7:30pm Grand Theatre

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 String Quartet: The Sound of Eurasia 7:30pm Grand Theatre


欧亚之声四重奏 青岛大剧院

Zhang Yide’s Folk Night 8:30-11pm King’s Head Bar

Qingdao International Jewelry Fair Convention Center 2014青岛国际珠宝首 饰展览 青岛国际会展中心

张艺德个人音乐节 国王头像吧

Qingdao International Jewelry Fair Convention Center

Luobing’s Folk Tour 9pm Downtown Bar 洛兵民谣

儿童剧《海豚小哆菲》 青岛大剧院

Joe Hisaishi Piano Concert 7:30pm Grand Theatre

Angelinas Angel's Night

Angelinas Latin Thursday



Zhang Weiwei & Guo Long’s Folk Tour 8:30-11pm Shun Yi Experimental Theatre

World Blood Donor Day 世界献血日

张玮玮郭龙巡演 SY实验剧场

School-off Rock Night 9pm Downtown Bar




12pm-9pm TRAST 阳台吧

Qingdao Campus Music Festival Is Here Again! 青岛校园音乐节 又来啦! 1 June // 1-9pm Haiyue Square, Qingdao University Fushan Campus 6月1日 // 下午1点-晚9点 青岛大学海月广场


16 17 18 19 20 21 22

MON 一 International Olympic Day 国际奥林匹克日



(Beijing Rock Band) The Slap 9pm Downtown Bar

International 3D Printing Fair 19 th - 22nd International Expo Center


世界3D打印技术博览会 青岛国际会展中心

Angelinas Latin Thursday 安吉丽娜拉丁之夜

台湾国乐团巡演 青岛大剧院


sure you and your friends check it out on International Children’s Day! Jieling Liu 今年是青岛校园音乐节举办 的第二年。目前已有超过十支乐 队和个人确定参演,风格上包括 金属、朋克、实验噪音、华丽金 属、旋死和民谣等等,所有乐队 都是免费义演。校园音乐节总是 年轻音乐人才现身、跟大众见面 的好机会。热爱音乐、想追逐音 乐梦想的年轻人应该得到支持。 六一儿童节,去嗨玩一天吧!

For their Qingdao Tour, they are bringing their new album – Dynasty to their fans. The producer of this album is Andy Gill, the lead guitar player of Gang of Four. With such a qualified leader, the quality of the album is naturally assured. Tickets: 50 元 for early birds; 60元 for buying on site. For tickets or more info on the event please contact 186 6170-6950. Jieling Liu AV大久保乐队玩的是摇滚 风,是那种去了现场会让你跳个 不停、音乐停了也还要继续嗨几 个小时的音乐。2006年他们于 武汉组队,成员出身并无刚硬背 景,全凭队员合作努力,才赚得

Lace Party 9pm Downtown Bar 蕾丝派对


(Chinese Band) Xiyou Jay Chou's 2014 World Tour 9pm 7:30pm Downtown Bar Guoxin Stadium 西游乐队

爱尔兰踢踏舞 《足尖风暴》 青岛大剧院

Baroque Music Concert 7:30pm Grand Theatre 巴洛克之夜音乐会 青岛大剧院


(Chinese Ballet) The Red Detachment of Women 7:30pm Grand Theatre 芭蕾舞剧 《红色娘子军》 青岛大剧院

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 耳光乐队

Angelinas Angel's Night 安吉丽娜天使之夜

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

周杰伦世界巡演 国信体育馆


Puccini’s Opera 7:30pm Grand Theatre 普契尼歌剧 青岛大剧院



ormed in the industrial city of Wuhan in 2006, AV Okubo is a band that came from a modest background but carrying a lot of character and passion. And their music has a magic that keeps you dancing even after it stops. In the beginning AV Okubo played a lot of cover songs such as To Hell with Poverty, a song from the English post-punk group Gang of Four.

Irish Tap Dance 7:30pm Grand Theatre

Father’s Day

09 10 11 12 13 14 15



Taiwan Traditional Music Orchestra 7:30pm Grand Theatre


Dimo’s Tour 9pm Downtown Bar

Free Gelato Day


Angelinas Latin Thursday

久石让钢琴演奏会 青岛大剧院

2014青岛国际珠宝首 饰展览 青岛国际会展中心

his is the second annual Qingdao Campus Music Festival. So far there are more than ten musicians and musician groups signed up to perform. Styles include metal, rock, punk, experimental and folk. All the performances have free entry. It’s a good chance for young people with a passion for music and talent to come out and meet with like-minded people, and show support for pursuing their dreams. So be

Angelinas Angel's Night

The Slap

Kikujirō's Summer



25 June // 9pm Downtown Bar

7 June // 7:30pm Grand Theatre

6月25日 // 晚9点 裆烫吧

AV Okubo AV大久保 6 June // 9pm Downtown Bar 6月6日 // 晚9点 裆烫吧

今日成绩。刚出道时,常以翻唱 为主。著名的Gang of Four乐队 那首《To Hell with Poverty》, 被他们唱了个烂熟。 新出专辑名为《一品国际》, 制作人亦是Gang of Four乐队的 吉他手:AndyGill。有优秀的前辈 监督,唱片品质自然坚挺。不相 信的话,来裆烫吧现场看看你就 知道了。预售票50元;现场票60 元。买票请电联186 6170-6950。


hinese Rock Band The Slap was formed in 1998. Vocalist and composer Zhao Yuepeng has been deeply influenced by traditional Chinese literature, operas and poems, therefore their musical style has a strong characteristic of local Chinese slang and Chinese folk. It’s earthy, simple and sometimes witty. Tickets: 60元 for early birds; 80元 for buying on site. For tickets or more information on the event please contact 186 61706950. Jieling Liu

耳光乐队1998年成立,主唱和词曲作者赵越 鹏酷爱绘画和中国古典文学、古诗词和传统地方戏 曲,在他的创作风格影响下,乐队音乐风格以中国 地方俚语为基调,以另类方戏摇滚乐融合中国民族 曲、曲艺为特色,乐风相当的朴实、接地气,歌词 简单而不失诙谐。代表作:《艺术男儿当自强》、 《鸿鹄志》、《相忘于江湖》等。预售票60元;现 场票80元。买票请电联186 6170-6950。

6月7日 // 晚7点半 青岛大剧院


he name Joe Hisaishi might not be familiar to you, but his music might be. As the composer for most of Hayao Miyazaki’s animated works, Joe Hisaishi is no less important than the protagonists in Hayao’s works. His music has magic that can touch the furthest reaches of an audience’s heart.

performed by Qingdao’s top musicians. Be sure not miss this! Jieling Liu 久石让的音乐很多人都不陌生。作为 大部分宫崎骏动画作品的配乐和作曲家, 久石让的分量并不比宫崎骏动画片的主角 轻。久石让的音乐,有一种能勾起人们内 心深处那份纯真的力量。

The musicians performing include Chinese Pianist Tan Xiaotang (champion of the 2004 International Pianist Competition), violinist Liu Xiao (champion of the CCTV National Violinist Competition), cellist Zhu Mu (associate professor of the Central Conservatory of Music). Together they formed an orchestra named Totoro. And finally you will have the chance to listen almost all of the soundtracks from Hayao Miyazaki’s animated works

这场登台多次的久石让钢琴曲龙猫 乐队梦幻之旅演奏会,由龙猫乐队倾情表 演。该乐队由包括钢琴家谭小棠(2004 年日本国际钢琴比赛冠军)、小提琴家刘 霄(CCTV小提琴大赛冠军)、大提琴家 朱牧(中央音乐学院大提琴副教授)等在 内的当今中国顶尖的青年音乐家组成。这 场演奏会将主要为观众带来经典动画片《 天空之城》、《菊次郎的夏天》《龙猫》 、《千与千寻》、《魔女宅急便》以及 《The Rain》等的经典动漫音乐作品。


/ EVENTS // 广告 • 活动

广告 • 活动



ang Meng started his Tango studies in 2007 following a number of famous Tango dancers in America and Argentine, such as Chicho Frumboli, Horacio Godoy and Julio Balmaceda. He was recruited into the Tango Cabaret, a professional Argentine Tango group and has since combined the traditional Argentine Tango style with American inspired dance. He has successfully taught dancers from Los Angles, Vancouver, Shanghai and Nanjing. Wang Mend is finally making his way to Qingdao and this time, he's hosting a two-day course from 14-15 June. The course consists of 5 main sections, including the introduction of three major styles of Tango - Salon, Milonguero and Nuevo, musicality and steps, strength, extension, timing and Milonga sequence. For fees and schedules please contact Zhang Bing at 189 5325-2363. Jieling Liu

A Tribute To The City 礼献城市公益行 June – October, 2014 The MixC Mall 2014年6-10月 青岛万象城


he brand new shopping mall, the MixC Mall, is finally revealing itself to the city this summer. From June 17 – July 17, you can go to the Horticultural Expo by taking one of their free bus services that will be transiting back and forth. There will be two buses travelling to the Expo four times a week. From June 20, you can also try out their free Bicycle Rental Service and set aside a spare afternoon to enjoy the cool breeze along the coast at a slow comfortable pace. And in October, the MixC Mall will be hosting both a Half Marathon and a full Marathon “Fun Run” in partnership with the city's Sports Bureau. You can get more information on it by following their official Wechat: qingdaomixc, or call 6656-3333.

青岛万象城从上月底开 始,举办一系列的礼献城市 公益行活动,其中包括免费 大巴游世园。从这个月17日 起至7月17日,市民可以免费 乘坐由万象城提供的免费巴 士,便利地在市区和世园会之 间往返;本月20日,万象城 的公共自行车免费租用系统 也将正式投入使用,向全市市 民及游客提供免费自行车,倡 导绿色出行。十月份,万象 城还将与体育局合作,举办 半程/全程马拉松趣味跑。更 多信息,请关注万象城官方 微信:qingdaomixc,或致电 6656-3333问询。 34

Tango on 探戈跳起来 14-15 June // 2-6pm Fanxing Arts Training School (49 Xintian Lu) 6月14-15日 // 下午2-6点 凡星艺术培训学校(新田路49号)

自2007年起,王萌在阿根廷以及美国师从多位国 际级探戈大师,包括著名的Chicho Frumboli,Horacio Godoy及Julio Balmaceda,并在2008年入选职业阿根 廷探戈舞团Tango Cabaret。王萌的舞蹈风格结合了传 统阿根廷探戈的优雅稳重以及欧美风格的新潮理念。 至今,王萌已相继培养了洛杉矶、温哥华、上海以及 南京的众多舞者。 这次的课程内容主要包括探戈三大 派别介绍、音乐性与实用步伐、力量与控制、延伸与 时间性等实用知识和练习。了解更多详情请联系玛莎 老师189 5325-2363。

Qingdao Real Estate Developments 岛城房地产前景探析 Lu Bai, Managing Director, JLL Qingdao 25 June // 6pm Qingdao International Business Association 嘉宾:仲量联行青岛分公司总监白路 6月25日 // 晚6点 青岛国际商务协会

Tap it up!

Jay Chau’s 2014 World Tour 周杰伦2014世界巡演 28 June // 7:30pm Guoxin Stadium 6月28日 // 晚7点半 国信体育馆


or Jay Chau, allow me to tell you a joke about parsley: there are two attitudes when it comes to parsley – love, or hate, nothing in between. Indeed, most people either love Jay Chau for his talent and creative mind, or hate him for his signature way of singing (or mumbling). After all, not everybody likes novel things that are mixed around – rock, rap, folk, and Chinese. Therefore, if you’re not a fan of Jay Chau, move on! But if you are: drop the magazine and go buy your tickets now! Jieling Liu 对于周杰伦,允许我借用一下关于香菜的评 价:世界上只有两种人,一种喜欢吃香菜的,一种痛 恨吃香菜的(开个玩笑)。确实,对于周董,大部分 人也是爱憎分明。毕竟他已经不是新人了,他跟方文 山玩遍的中国风和各种摇滚、Rap、噪音混搭,也不 是什么新鲜事了。因此,粉丝们,爱周董,就去看他 在国信体育馆的演唱会吧!



22 June // 7:30pm

t must have been Grand Theatre quite impressive 6月22日 // 晚7点半 night for those who 青岛大剧院 had the chance to see the Irish dance play – The Riverdance. And seeing the numerous comments and acclamations, the troupe has decided to return to Qingdao – with a new play called The Footstorm. The play is directed by Kim Galvin, a talented graduate from the Royal Ballet School and directed the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. As well as this most of the troupe that performned The Riverdance will be reappearing in The Footstorm. The Footstorm is mixture of love, team spirit and time tunnel crossing. Tickets range from 180元. Jieling Liu

还记得去年那场震撼欢乐的爱尔兰踢踏舞《大 河之舞》吗?这台舞蹈推出三年之后,原创团队又编 排创作了这一台剧——《足尖风暴》。导演是曾就读 于皇家芭蕾学校(Royal Ballet School)、执导2012 伦敦奥运会和残奥会闭幕式的金加文Kim Galvin,演 出舞团为爱尔兰革新舞团,团员基本都是《大河之 舞》的原班舞蹈家;《足尖风暴》一改惯用的舞蹈叙 事风格,集合了现在流行的穿越、拯救、团结、爱情 等流行元素。票价: 180元起。


hoose an answer below: The Qingdao real estate market is

请在以下选项中选择一个答案: 青岛的房地产市场是:

a) lucrative b) astounding c) developing rapidly d) on the brink of stagnation e) terrifying f) all of the above

a) 利润丰厚的 b) 惊人的 c) 发展迅速的 d) 处在停滞的边缘 e) 可怕的 f) 所有上述

For the correct answer, you'll need to attend QIBA's June meeting, where their speaker will be Lu Bai, Managing Director of JLL Qingdao. Attendees will get a fascinating peek into this tectonic market, provided by international experts on commercial, residential, and industrial real estate.

想知道正确答案的话,来 参加青岛国际商务协会本月举 行的商务沙龙吧。这次他们请 到了仲量联行青岛分公司的总 监白路,来为会员们介绍和分 析青岛房地产市场的最新数据 和表现,包括商业、住宅和工 业地产几个领域。

The event will begin with the QIBA Networking event from 6-7pm, followed by Mr. Bai's presentation. QIBA is Qingdao's most dynamic association of international businesspeople; providing insightful presentations and high-powered networking at the Intercontinental Hotel every month. Attendance is free for paid annual members, or ¥180 for guests. For more, email

活动在傍晚六点开始, 先是一个小时的相互认识和交 流,接着是白先生为大家准备 的演讲。青岛国际商务协会是 岛城商务人士拓展生意、扩大 社交圈子、迎接更多潜在商机 的平台,每月均举办演讲和社 交活动。年费会员参加活动免 费,非会员每位180元。更多 信息请发送电邮至info@QIBAglobal.com问询。


/ CULTURE // 广告 • 文化


广告 • 文化

Black Coal, Thin Ice 《白日焰火》 It's also a challenge for those who reflexively view Chinese art films as state-of-the-nation reports, since the movie makes no overt "statements" about modern China. Instead, it channels film noir with its shadowy environments (shot in Harbin) and prevailing unease—an absurdist vision of the world as irrational and out of wack. So if the central mystery isn't entirely fulfilling, that might be the point: the really important mysteries are the unsolvable ones. Josh Martin

《白日焰火》开头便以一系列扣人心弦而 又谜团重重的事件使影片达到高潮:久分居的 妻子答应与张自力(廖凡 饰)最后一次鱼水之 欢;一桩有点奇怪的凶杀案,肢解了的尸块在 一天之内在省内的各个煤厂里被发现;1999年 的碎尸案,在追捕嫌疑犯的过程由于张自力没 有给两个疑犯戴手铐,让他们捡枪杀死了名同 事,而他由于防卫过当将两名疑犯给击毙,这 个打击让他失去刑警的岗位被调到一个煤厂去 当保卫。镜头一转,男人开着车进入隧道,五 年后一个骑摩托车的男人出现。


lack Coal, Thin Ice peaks early, with a stream of compelling but barely explained events. A man (Liao Fan) has a last fling with his estranged girlfriend; a dismembered corpse is uncovered in coal shipments; police officers (including Zhang Zili, the man from the first scene) shoot it out with a pair of suspects. The narrative then jumps ahead, in a bravura sequence where a car enters a tunnel and emerges five years later as a man on a motorbike. That's not to dismiss the remaining 90odd minutes, which follow Zhang as he investigates new murders with links to the first victim's widow (Gwei Lun-mei). But Black Coal falls between conventional crime drama and art house formalism, alongside other recent films like Mystery and People Mountain People Sea. While it takes the intriguing step of exposing the killer early on—the real mystery is his motive and relationship to the widow— these supporting characters are sketchily drawn. The film succeeds through its off-kilter atmosphere, not plot and characterization.


影片接下90分钟围绕五年 后张自力调查再次掀起的碎尸 案展开。洗衣店寡妇(桂纶镁 饰)——五年前误认为被杀害的 煤矿工人梁志军的妻子,张自 力在与其交往过程中逐渐发现 了碎尸案的真相。但是该影片并 未脱离老式犯罪题材和文艺片的 套路,新近上映的类似影片还有 《浮城谜事》、《人山人海》。 影片过早揭示杀手身份,使真相 更加扑朔迷离——真正的谜团在 于他杀人的意图以及他与寡妇的 关系——这些主要人物跃然于荧 屏。影片成功之处在于它紧张失 衡的氛围,而不是它的情节和人 物性格刻画。 对于那些将中国文艺片看作 是刻画中国现实的人来说,这部 影片或许很难看懂。因为这部影片 并未对中国现代社会做出任何明显 描绘。然而,它用阴暗的场景(故 事背景设在哈尔滨)和持续紧张不 安的心理开了悬疑电影之先河。以 一种荒谬的眼光看待世界,仿佛世 界是非理性和没有生机的。如果一 次观影,并不能完全参透核心的谜 团,那么这种解释更贴切:真正核 心的迷团是不能够被解开的。

Directed by Diao Yinan 导演:刁亦男

While it takes the intriguing step of exposing the killer early on— the real mystery is his motive and relationship to the widow— these supporting characters are sketchily drawn. The film succeeds through its off-kilter atmosphere, not plot and characterization.



The Aviator of Tsingtao 《在青岛的德国飞行员》


unther Plüschow's 1916 memoir— newly reissued by Taiwanese e-book publisher Camphor Press— is what would've once been called a "ripping yarn." The story is so implausible that Camphor's helpful introduction must assure us it actually happened. A summary: a naval officer is sent to Qingdao with a primitive monoplane and serves as the German concession's one-man air force. He arrives just ahead of World War I, whereupon the city is besieged by the Japanese and the British. Plüschow becomes the defenders' eye in the sky, reconnoitering enemy positions in the face of superior Japanese aircraft. His only defenses are a pistol and some improvised coffee-can bombs. Exciting stuff, yet the Siege of Qingdao is only the start of Plüschow's narrative. He flees ahead of the advancing Japanese, dodges arrest in Nanjing, is fêted as a celebrity in the U.S., gets caught by the British in Gibraltar, and finally becomes the only German in either world war to escape an English POW camp and return to the European mainland. With all this ground to cover, Qingdao itself gets the short shrift. Plüschow's few impressions of the city make it sound like a European resort transplanted to East Asia. To hear him tell it, the population was divided neatly into German soldiers, English tourists, and Chinese workers, the last of whom he endlessly condescends. And Plüschow is so keen to show courage under fire that he invents pretexts to do so, which makes the siege come off like a minor nuisance. (One self-assigned mission: to drop a sarcastic letter on a Japanese base.) Given his indifference

Gunther Plüschow

作者:Gunther Plüschow(德)

to the native population, this cockiness feels a lot like callousness. In Plüschow's defense, he never professes any real interest in China, and never claims special insight into its people. For him, China was just another temporary posting. This at least makes him more forthright than modern writers who think a few weeks in the country qualifies them as new Marco Polos. The Aviator of Tsingtao has little to say about Qingdao—or Tsingtao, for that matter—but as an adventure tale, it justifies its electronic resurrection. The new ebook edition of The Aviator of Tsingtao can be purchased at Amazon. com or the Camphor Press website (camphorpress. com). Josh Martin

Gunther Plüschow's 写于1916年的回忆录—— 《在青岛的德国飞行员》,曾极有可能是一本 广受好评的畅销书。今年三月份,台湾电子书 出版商Camphor Press再版了此书。作者的经 历是如此令人难以置信,以至于再版时,不得 不在前言中专门向读者证实该事件的真实性。 故事梗概:一个海军军官乘单翼机,被派 往青岛(当时德国的租借地),作为德租界的 一人空军部队。他在一战爆发前不久到达,当 时青岛正处于日军和英军包围下。Plüschow 驾驶着简陋的单翼机,冒着生命危险,在空中 侦察着敌军的一举一动。日军装备精良,而他 只有一把手枪和几个简易的炸弹。读到这里, 有没有感觉很刺激?然而敌军的包围圈只是 Plüschow冒险经历的开始而已。后来,他在 日军占领前飞离了青岛,在南京躲过了追捕, 在美国被当作名流接待,在直布罗陀被英军俘 虏,再后来成功脱逃,成为唯一从英国战俘营 逃出并且安全回到欧洲大陆的德国士兵。

已。据作者说,当时在青岛主要有德国士兵、 英国游客和中国工人,其中中国工人是他最瞧 不起的。Plüschow极力想在战争中表现英勇, 在他眼里日,英军的包围只不过小事一桩。( 他给自己分配的任务之一:在日军基地空投讥 讽信。)由于他对青岛民众的冷漠,他的骄傲 自大更像是麻木不仁。在青岛防卫日英军的过 程中,他从来没有公开表示过对中国的兴趣, 也没有想深入了解中国国民的愿望。因为对他 来说,中国只是他的暂时派驻地而已。在这一 点上,他是坦诚的,不像当今的作家们,在一 个国家呆了几个礼拜,就自诩为“马可波罗二 世”。 就青岛这个地方而言,书中寥寥几笔;但 就一个冒险故事来说,它将在再版的电子书中 重获生机。 再版的电子书可在亚马逊或Camphor Press(官网上买到。

这一冒险经历是如此引人入胜,以至于 青岛本身就被忽略了。书中对青岛着笔不多, 让人似乎觉得这仅是欧洲人在东亚的度假地而


/ CULTURE // 广告 • 文化

广告 • 文化

A Local Farmer

I had thought that some farmers would be dissatisfied with their present lives. The city was surrounding them, their land was disappearing, and their villages were being razed. But they all told me they were content with what they had. And it began to make sense. If you didn't know if you would live for another year as a young person and now you struggled choosing which supermarket to buy food from, how could you not be content with your present life?

黄岛农民的 田园牧歌

I was curious if Nian had ever daydreamed about starting his own restaurant or some other entrepreneurial endeavor. He told me he didn't. Farming was his life. That was all he knew. He didn't know enough to start his own business, and he had no desire to do that anyways. He was happy with his life as a farmer.

Paul Finkbeiner’s chats with a local farmer at Lingshanwei, Huangdao.

When I grew up, my grandparents always liked to give me some wise, practical advice on how to live life. And I asked Nian what he would say to the younger generation.

走访黄岛灵山卫的Paul Finkbeiner 采访了当地的农 民。这一路他有过疑惑,有 过思考,也对中国农民有了 新的认识。


xcuse me sir," I said in my stilted Chinese. "Can I take a picture of you? I'm a photographer interested in local village life." He looked up, resting his chin on his hoe. "I can't understand you. What do you want?" This was going to be a long day. I was visiting Lingshanwei, a village with one main street and hundreds of one-story, red-tiled houses with their own individualized courtyards for hanging laundry or growing vegetables. On the outskirts of the village was more than 2mu (1300 square meters) of land where farmers planted staples such as wheat and soybeans and green vegetables such as Chinese chives and cabbage. Apparently the farmland had been much larger several years ago, but with villages being demolished and new apartments replacing them, the land was gradually being subsumed by real estate. Modernity had caught up with this village.


"I'd want them to have a better life than me," he said. "I wouldn't want them to be a farmer or factory worker. I'd want them to have a free life where they could do what they want."

Su Zheng Nian , a 77-year-old veteran farmer, told me he used to farm 6 mu with his three children. Usually they planted enough for their own survival, and when there was a plentiful harvest, they would sell some of the produce in a city nearby. Now Nian only had 2mu to farm. But for him, that was enough. I was impressed that he still farmed the land. At that age, I think I would gladly go into retirement. But he continues to come to the land, till the earth, and prepare for the next harvest. He said that aside from the winter months, he wakes up at 4am, walks to his farmland, and works until noon. Then he eats lunch, rests briefly, and comes back to the land where he works until he can't see his hands anymore. For farmers in China, there is no such thing as a day off. There is always something to do, and when the harvest comes, there is always too much to do. Nian told me that sometimes other villagers would help fellow farmers with the harvest. But usually he did the harvest himself. I'm not sure if that was because he had free labor (his children) or prided himself on his own self-achievement.

Whatever the reason, he certainly didn't lack determination. I know that American farmers have their own difficulties back home, but for Chinese farmers, farming was a struggle for their own survival for decades. Another villager told me that in his twenties, he didn't have enough money to buy clothes or even to eat food sometimes. A decade later, after marriage and a family, he fought for his family's survival. On a good day, he would make 2 jiao. In his forties, the government allotted him a portion of the land, and since then, his family hasn't starved. Now he told me he was satisfied with his life. He had 500,000 RMB in the bank, and his basic needs were met. He couldn't ask for anything more than that. Nian told me a similar story too. As a young man, he rarely had enough food to eat and would often starve. Now he had more than enough to eat. Besides, he had a healthy family and a house. What else would he possibly want? He told me he was satisfied with his life.

For a man who seemed practical and down-to-earth, his advice seemed somewhat idealistic. But I could understand it. Most parents want their children to be happy with their lives and to choose jobs they love. Although it doesn't always seem to work out that way. I respected Chinese farmers like Nian. Their life was one dictated by the seasons and ruled by the weather. It was a hard life where they often had just enough for their family and nothing more. Their weathered faces had endured the sun's unrelenting gaze and the wind's cold fury. They had survived droughts and floods and witnessed China's tumultuous development.


For farmers in China, there is no such thing as a day off. There is always something to do, and when the harvest comes, there is always too much to do.

我知道美国的农民也有自己的难处,但 是对中国农民来说,种地就是他们几十年来 的生存之本。另一个村民告诉我,在20多岁 时,他没有钱来买衣服,甚至没钱买吃的。 十年后,他结婚生子,有了自己的家庭,开 始努力挣钱养家。幸运的话,他一天能挣两 毛钱。在他四十岁的时候,政府分配给了他 一些农田。从那时起,他家里人就没有挨过 饿。现在他跟我说,他对自己的生活很满 意。他的银行账户里有50万的存款,而且他 的日常所需都得到了满足。他觉得他对生活 已经别无所求了。

中国农民从来没有休息的那一 天。地里永远有干不完的活, 收获的时候,要干的活更是没 有尽头。

苏正年的故事也差不多。年轻的时候, 他基本没有吃饱过,经常挨饿。现在他生活 蒸蒸日上,吃饭早就不是问题了。除此之 外,他有个美满的家庭,健康的家人,住在 自己的房子里。他还能要求什么呢?他说他 对现在的生活很满意。


他抬起头,下巴放在锄头上,“我听不 懂你在说什么,你想干嘛?”

我曾经觉得会有些农民对现在的生活不 满。城市一步步在逼近,他们的土地在渐渐 消失,他们生活的村子也不再是以前的样子 了。但是,他们都对现在的生活很满意。仔 细想想,他们这样也不无道理。如果你在年 轻的时候历尽艰辛,日子过一天算一天,而 现在却生活滋润,每天纠结的事情不过是去 哪个超市买东西吃的话,你还会对现在的生 活心存不满吗?

今天注定是漫长的一天。我来到灵山卫 村,想探访一下当地人的生活。这个只有一 条主干道的村子,几百户村民住的都是带院 子的红瓦平房。院子里晾着衣服,有的还种 着菜。

我好奇的问苏正年,他有没有过自己 开餐厅或是做点其他生意的想法,他说他没 有想过。他说他只知道种地,不懂怎么做生 意,也不想做生意。他觉得当个农民就挺好 的。

村子外面,是两三亩的农田。那里不仅 种着小麦和大豆,还种着葱和白菜。

我小的时候,我爷爷总是喜欢给我讲一 些生活的哲理。所以我问苏正年先生他对年 轻人有什么建议。

好意思,先生”我用蹩脚 的中文问他,“我能给你 照张相吗?我是个摄影 师,对这里的生活很感兴


显然,几年前农田的面积比现在大多 了。但是,随着村子的拆迁,新开发的公寓 楼逐渐取代了这些农田。这个村子也开始了 走向了现代化。 今年77岁高龄的退伍老兵苏正年告诉 我,过去他和家里的三个孩子一起种家里的 六亩地。一般他们种的东西都能够自己吃。 要是碰上好收成,他们会把丰收的果实卖到 市里去。现在,他家里只有两亩地了。不 过,对他来说,两亩地也够了。

Theirs was a hard life but a satisfying one too. Each year they witnessed the fruits of their labor. And now they had more than enough to eat. They had families who loved them and a house to shelter them.

我很意外,他到了这个年纪了还在种 地。如果我到了他的年纪,我想我应该会退 休享福去了。但他还是天天在地里耕耘,准 备着下一季的丰收。他说,除了冬天,他一 般都是早上四点起床,走到地里,干活干到 正午。然后回家吃午饭,午休一会儿,然后 再回到地里干活,天黑了再回家。

As I walked through the village, looking for a villager willing to be photographed, I saw some men squatting on stools, playing mahjong. Down the alley, a group of women were chatting together, probably about the local gossip. Their lives were not idyllic by any means, nor were they easy. But for them, it was a good life.

中国农民从来没有休息的那一天。地里 永远有干不完的活,收获的时候,要干的活 更是没有尽头。苏先生跟我说,有时候其他 的村民会帮别人收割庄稼。但是他一般都自 己收。我不知道是不是因为他有免费劳动力 (他的孩子)的缘故,还是他对于自己种的 庄稼有一种自豪感。不管是什么原因,他一 定要自己来收割庄稼。

“我希望他们能过得比我好。”他 说,“我不希望他们去当农民或是工人,我 希望他们能够活得自由自在,做自己想做的 事情。” 对他这样老实的庄稼人来说,这个建议 似乎有些理想主义,但是我能够理解。很多 家长都希望孩子能够活得开心,做他们想做 的事情,尽管常常事与愿违。 我敬重像苏先生这样的中国农民。他们 的人生和自然息息相关,看天吃饭,日出而 作日落而息。生活虽苦,却能够供养家人。 他们饱经风霜的脸上留下了岁月的痕迹。他 们经历过干旱,经历过洪涝,也见证了中国 发展的剧变。 他们的生活苦中有甜。每年他们都丰收 着自己的劳动结出的果实。现在他们衣食无 忧,有自己的家,还有爱他们的家人,生活 十分美满。 我走在村子里,寻找愿意拍照的村民。 村子里,有几个男人坐在凳子上在打麻将。 村子的小路上,几个女人在聊天,估计是在 聊些邻里的八卦吧。虽然,他们的生活怎么 看都不像田园诗里描写的那般悠闲自在、轻 松惬意,但对他们来说,一切足矣。


/ BUSINESS // 广告 • 商务

广告 • 商务 //

Do foreigners need to speak fluent Chinese to be successful when doing Business in China? 在华捞金得先把中文说溜吗? James McTavish discusses if speaking Chinese is a prerequisite for Business success as an entrepreneur or employee in China and gives some tips for improving your Mandarin skills. 在中国创业或者工作时,流利的中文是先决条件吗?James 今天将与你讨论这个话题,并将就如 何提高普通话水平分享几个小贴士。


here are still very few successful foreign entrepreneurs in China that are making a good profit. Can you name five of them? It’s not easy. Chris Devonshire-Ellis from England, the Founder of Dezan Shira & Associates is definitely one hugely successful entrepreneur in China. Although he is now living overseas and developing new markets his firm has 11 offices in China including one in Qingdao and several hundred employees. Mr Devonshire-Ellis lived in China for more than 20 years but according to his blog and website he speaks very little Chinese. This article will explore if speaking Chinese is essential for Business success in China. Benefits of speaking good


Chinese when doing Business in China

Disadvantages of speaking good Chinese

• Much easier to get things done. • No need for an interpreter. • Save money. • Save time. • Less stressful. • You can communicate directly with your suppliers/clients/employees who don’t speak English, this is obviously hugely important. • By knowing the language you should have a better understanding of the culture which will help you to build relationships with Chinese people.

How can there be disadvantages to speaking Chinese in China I hear you say! This may sound counterintuitive but read on and you will understand what I mean. • It can sometimes be tiring and stressful speaking Chinese all the time when it’s not your native language. • You get treated like a local and don’t benefit so much from the “foreigner factor “ • Clients will bargain harder with you like Chinese do – sometimes if you speak in English and give Chinese clients a brochure in English you can charge a higher price for your goods or services as foreign goods and services are often bought and sold at a premium.

• You somehow lose your advantage as a foreigner – if I call potential clients in Chinese I get spoken to like I’m Chinese. “ What do you want? “, “ who are you? “, “ I don’t know you! “, but if I call foreign companies in China using English I will get a much warmer reception as they may think I’m a potential foreign client. Three simple tips to improve your Chinese


Know your goals – Why do you want to improve your Chinese? To communicate better with your colleagues or with people on the street? Do you want to take an HSK exam? Do you want to read and write or just speak Chinese? Be clear about your goals and give them a meaning. For example if you are married to a Chinese person it will help you to understand what your wife and son/daughter are saying to each other. This is a big motivation to improve your Chinese! My goal is to deliver soft skills training seminars in Chinese in the future. My speaking and listening are not bad but my reading and writing ability are a long way behind. Therefore currently I’m working hard to improve my Chinese reading and writing skills.


Commitment – If you want to improve your Chinese you must make some sort of commitment in terms of your time and possibly financially. For example: • Sign up for some classes in a school or University. • Pay for online lessons with a tutor on Skype. • Pay for a subscription to some online software such as the fantastic to improving your writing or a Chinese reading tool like to help you read online articles. Everyone is busy! But if you are serious about improving your Chinese you have to find the time to fit it in to your weekly schedule.


Immerse yourself and get out of your comfort zone – many foreigners have a Chinese wife/husband who act as their interpreter for them so even after several years in China they are unable to communicate in Chinese. You are here in China and have the opportunity to speak Chinese everyday. Even if your level is quite low you should talk to people in restaurants, shops or on the street and you will be amazed how quickly you improve. It sounds simple but I’m surprised about how many people are too worried about making mistakes that they hardly ever communicate in Chinese. In conclusion, if you are in China as an entrepreneur or employee learning some Chinese will definitely enrich your experience and make life easier (note the use of the word easier rather than easy!). However, even if you can speak Chinese it’s important to know when not to use it and benefit from the special treatment many of us are lucky to receive by the so called foreigner factor. As Confucius said “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. “ So get out there and start practicing your Chinese! Happy studying.

中国,能真正成功赚大钱 的外国企业家并不多。你 能说出来其中五位吗? 不太容易吧。协力商业 顾问(Dezan Shira & Associates) 的创始人Chris Devonshire-Ellis是英 国人,他绝对可以说是其中之一。尽 管他现在不在中国定居,并且正在开 发新的市场,不过他的公司在中国有 11个办事处,其中包括在青岛的办事 处,并雇有几百位员工。 Devonshire-Ellis在中国生活了 20多年,但从他的博客和网站来看, 他似乎并不会说多少中文。本文将与 你探讨在中国做生意时,会说中文是 否对你的事业有重大影响。

会说中文对在华创业的好处 ·完成一些事情更容易 ·不需要雇用翻译人员 ·省钱 ·节省时间 ·压力较小 ·可与不会讲英语的供应商、客 户、员工直接沟通 ·还可以帮你更好地理解中国文化 (反过来促进人际关系的建立)

中文说得流利的不好之处 你很可能会说,在中国会讲中文 怎么会有不好之处呢!这听起来可能 有违直觉,但读下去你就会明白我的 意思了。 ·如果中文不是你的母语,那总是 在讲中文的话,你会觉得很累。 ·你没法从自己的“外国人”身 份上获得好处。打电话给中国的 潜在客户时,如果我用中文讲电 话,得到的回答会是:“你想要 什么?”,“你是谁?”“我不认识 你!”;但如果我用英语打电话给 在中国的外国公司,他们会把我当 做潜在外国客户,热情接待我。 ·客户会跟你更加讨价还价。如果 你说英语,用英文宣传册,那么你 的外国商品或服务往往可以卖得高 价,利润也就更高。



知道你的目标——你为什么想提 高你的中文水平?你与你的同事 还是路人更容易沟通?你想参加HSK 考试吗?你想读和写还是说中文?清 楚自己的目标,给这个目标加一个意 义。例如,如果你和一个中国人结婚 了,中文可以帮助你了解你的妻儿在 说什么。这会是你提高中文水平的一 大动力! 我的目标是未来能提供中文的软 技能培训。我的口语和听力还不错,


但是我的阅读和写作能力还有很大的 空间待提高。因此,我正在努力提高 我的中文阅读和写作。


保证练习——如果你想提高你 的中文,你必须定期练习(甚 至花钱去练习)。例如: ·在学校或大学报名参加课程 ·在Skype上付费找一位在线课程 导师 ·付费订阅一些在线软件。比 如:www.scritter.com就很奇妙, 有帮助提高你写作或阅读的工具, 再比如 可以 帮助你阅读在线文章。 每个人都很忙,但如果真想提高 你的中文,你必须每周都计划好,找 一定的时间来练习。


把自己投入进去,走出你的舒 适区。在中国,有许多外国人 让中国妻子/丈夫充当他们的翻译, 所以即使在中国待了好几年,他们也 还是无法用中文与人交流。你人在中 国,每天都有说中文的机会。即使你 的水平很低,你也应该跟人在餐馆, 商店甚至大街上用中文沟通,很快你 就会惊讶于你中文提高的速度。这听 起来简单,但让我惊讶的是,有很多 人由于担心犯错误而很少跟人用中文 交流。 总之,在中国,如果你是一位创 业者或者公司员工,学点中文肯定会 丰富你的经验,让生活更轻松(请注 意用词,更轻松,而不是轻松!)。 不过,即使你能说中文,知道什么时 候该用,什么时候不该用也是很重要 的。我们中的许多人都很幸运,能从 所谓的“外国人”身份上得到一些特 殊待遇。 荀子说过:“不闻不若闻之,闻 之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之 不若行之;学至于行之而止矣。”所 以从现在开始,走出去,练习你的中 文!快乐地学习吧!

James McTavish is the Managing Director and Lead Trainer at Captivate Training & Consulting. If you’re interested in finding out more about doing business in China, email James at: businessenglish88@ 安泰是青岛凯泰尔(英国)培 训咨询管理有限公司的总经理兼 高级培训师。如果你对本文的话 题有更多想法,不妨发送电邮至 与安泰一起讨论。





路 江



山路 峨嵋


路 江西



雀 石

Qingdao 青岛

Huangdao 黄岛

200 400 600 800 1000m

Golden Beach 金沙滩

© REDSTAR Times Media

to Silver Sands Beach













银沙 滩路




银 沙 滩 路





51 52 53 54 55

52 53 54 55

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61


Qingshuiwu Japanese 51 Howard Johnson Kangda Xiangyin Japanese Plaza Qingdao O A Niuchang Japanese D AN 52 Wyndham Grand Qingdao HU Yicun Korean 53 Haidu Hotel Luigi's Pizza 54 Jinjiang Inn Big Pizza 55 Marco Polo Hotel Flavors 56 Hotel Ibis The Oriental Express 57 Blue Horizon Golden Hotel Henri's Pizzeria&Bakery 58 Motel 8 Carme Rino 59 Harvest Hotel India-Thai Restaurant 60 Haixiang Hotel 环 岛路



Kaili’s Club The Oriental Saloon Sailing Bar Knuckles


Rona Café

Shopping 51 52 53 54 55



LU 银沙 滩路



Dawanlai Porridge Jiuxianfang BBQ Donglaishun Haiyiyuan Lao Sichuan

International Dining


闹中取静的黄岛拥有岛城最好的沙滩,近年来 也是忙碌、繁华、新兴的商业城市中一处不那么紧 要的安静角落。然而最近,随着城市基础设施的建 设,这一寂静的郊区正在逐渐迈入新纪元。 黄岛地区现在有了一座连接青岛市中心的海 底隧道,将旅途时间缩短了大约20多分钟,或多 或少取代了轮渡码头的地位。黄岛南通胶南,胶 南由世界上最长的跨海大桥(41.58.5公里,建成于 2011年6月)与东部的市中心相连。 当地最具吸引力的无疑是金沙滩景区和银沙滩 景区,这里沙质好、天然未经破坏、绵长延展,是 青岛市中心任何一个沙滩景区都无法比拟的。 对于当地居民和外来游客,黄岛的繁华区环 绕着坐落在长江中路的佳世客和麦凯乐。两座大 型购物中心充分满足了中西方人士的购物需求。

Help us improve this map, send your listings to

Silver Sands Beach Bar & Nightlife银沙滩 51 Catch 22 Cafés

Chinese Dining

UAN DA OL U环 岛 路

For residents and visitors, Huangdao activity orbits Jusco and Mykal, both located at the very centre of Changjiang Zhong Lu. Both have a decent selection of consumables for Western and Eastern tastes.

交通旅游信息: 过桥费: ¥50 (七座以下);过隧道: 20元 (七座以下) 乘坐公交2元 隧道公交1路: 山东科技大学黄岛校区到青医附院 (05:00-20:00) 隧道公交2路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到天泰体育场 (薛家岛 05:30-21:00,天泰体育场 06:05-21:35) 隧道公交3路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到利津路客运站 (薛家岛 06:20-21:30,利津路 05:50-21:00) 隧道公交4路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到四方长途 汽车站(薛家岛 06:20-21:30,四方长途 汽车站05:50-21:00)

环 岛 路

Travel info: Bridge toll: ¥50, tunnel toll ¥20 (or bus it for ¥2) (passenger car ≤7 seats)

The top tourist attractions are without doubt Golden and Silver beaches, each with longer, sandier and less-spoilt stretches than any of those in Qingdao's downtown.

江 东 路


路 滩

Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口


The district now has a direct link to Qingdao's old town - the Jiaozhouwan tunnel has cut journey times to around 20 minutes and more or less put the old ferry terminal out of business. Jiaonan, to the north, is linked to the eastern municipality by the longest bridge in the world (41.58km, completed in June 2011).



to Rizhao

Despite boasting the best beaches in Qingdao Municipality, Huangdao has for recent years played a quiet second fiddle to the hustle, bustle and commercialism of the downtown area. Recently however, changes in the city's infrastructure are set to fling this sleepy suburb into the 21st century.


LU 漓江

to Golden Beach



东 路



路 西 江 U漓












路 里山




LU江 长

to Tunnel Entrance


51 5552 55 53 53


路 山


L长 U江



萧山 U AN L

山 武夷

路 山南




路 中 U江 53 L 长 G




路 里山


51 52








U 江 AN L






56 53





山 紫金 LU



U冈 N L井



路 嵋山




春 富




江 浦 黄


江路 U三

路 仑山





路 行山

55 AN U










I LU 紫


N LU 庐




G L钱 U塘














LU 五

青岛大学医学院附属医院 Q IANTA N




to The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College


U 陵江 G XI L嘉

路 东



to Xuejiadao Ferry








路 香江

to Metro Cash and Carry

LU 榕








渥太华 路





路 上海


山路 U 太行







Liqun Baililai Market Jusco Jiajiayuan Huacai Violin Studio

Recreation 51 52

Huangdao Art Centre Shiyou Daxue Stadium

QICC contact: 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu Huang Dao Qu 经济技术开发区太行山路72号

C100 AD

/ TRAVEL // 广告 • 旅游

广告 • 旅游


遇见大理 Encountering the Bai People in Dali The beauty of Dali lies not only in the serene nature, but also in its diverse combination of races. Lisa Gay visits the Bai people, the main minority in Dali, follows their footprints and captures some charming smiles in her lens. 大理的美,不仅在于美丽的风景,更在于美丽的人们。这里聚居着许多少数民族,颇有民族特色。Lisa Gay拜访 了大理的主要少数民族——白族,让我们追随她的脚步去看看那些动人的笑容吧!


he Kingdom of Dali may now be reduced to a small village partially bounded by stone walls, but it once occupied a much larger space on the Chinese mainland. Besides occupying much of Yunnan, it also encompassed a great deal of neighboring Guizhou, Sichuan and even dipped into Southeast Asia. The ancient Buddhist kingdom founded by the minority Bai people lasted hundreds of years—and it’s easy to understand why. Mistcovered hills slope into a deep valley, with


a large, ear-shaped lake pooling at the very bottom. Not only does this make for beautiful photography, it’s relatively simple to defend. This protective landscape repelled invaders for 300 years, which, it must be said, is longer than most Chinese dynasties. Only the persistence of the Mongolian forces of Kublai Kahn put a temporary stop to the activities of the Bai people. They razed the entire old city—what you see today dates mostly from the Ming Dynasty, although a few scattered relics remain. Probably the most

famous sight of Dali is the Three Pagodas, a trio of white pagodas that jut into the sky, casting shadows on the hills just behind. They can be seen from miles around, often with wispy clouds coiling around the top. At the front is the Qianxun pagoda—it actually dates to the Nanzhao Kingdom, another minority-ruled kingdom centered in this valley. The two smaller pagodas were built a few hundred years later when the Kingdom of Dali was at its height.

Photo © Lisa Gay


/ TRAVEL // 广告 • 旅游

That these religious structures should be Dali’s most famous tourist site is apt; the Bai people were early adopters of Buddhism. The Bai minority helped spread the Indian religion to the Han people—and the city became a safe haven during various religious upheavals. Unfortunately, you aren’t able to climb up Qianxun pagoda, and the entrance to the Three Pagodas (120元) is rather pricey. From the pagodas, the land slopes gently down towards the old town, and ultimately to the Erhai Lake, named for the earlobe-esque curves of the shore. While huge cruise ships ply the waters, we’d recommended a familyowned boat, or even a cormorant fishing boat (with a short demo with this fish-catching birds) if you can. These are usually available for hire at Erhai Lake Park in Xiaguan. The boats will typically take you to a few islands on the lake, where you can watch local markets or explore temples. Don’t miss the chance to climb the Sky Mirror Pavilion during the evening to catch colorful sunset reflected off the surface of Erhai Lake and the mirrors built into the top tiers of Luoquan Temple. 48

广告 • 旅游

Alternatively, you can spend the time cycling along the shoreline of Erhai. The best route is perhaps north from Caicun village (just south of Old Dali), riding up Xizhou, an old village with outstanding Qing-era architecture. On the way, you can cycle through tiny fishing villages dotting the shoreline, with surprisingly great food, friendly locals in traditional costume, and vivid scenes of everyday life. If you’re lucky, you’ll be invited to imbibe the three-course tea in a local home, but most often, you’ll partake as part of a tour group or museum trip in Xizhou. The first course is bitter, then sweet, finally finishing with a peculiar aftertaste. This supposedly represents their philosophy on life—not too shabby if you think about it. And as you might expect in a lakefront town, the seafood in Dali is excellent. Most restaurants will display the catch of the day out front, along with a hodge-podge of local vegetables. Many lack menus, so just point to what you want, and they’ll bring it out. Perhaps the most surprising item on the menu is cheese. Street venders tend to hawk a type of cheese that is deep-fried and sold with a sweet sauce, though the pan-fried

cheese sizzled up in local restaurants is incredibly flavorful … and addictive. Walk off all that cheese with a hike up Cangshan Mountains, which has a wellmaintained path over 8,000 feet high that has stunning views over Erhai Lake and the interior canyons. There are cable cars going up at either end, so don’t make the mistake of buying a round-trip ticket. You probably won’t want to make the four-hour return trip back! Once you’ve explored Cangshan Mountains, it’s time to rest in Dali’s laid-back old town. While it’s not all ceded over to tourists (thankfully), there are plenty of chill little cafes and restaurants inside the Old Town, especially around the aptly named Foreigner’s Street. If you’re backpacking around Yunnan, this is probably one of the better spots to stick around for two or three days. It’s not a complete tourist trap like Lijiang—and for some unknown reason, Chinese tourists tend to stay in Dali’s New Town. This makes for a rather peaceful town at night—spend it by having a microbrewed beer at the Bad Monkey Bar (59 Renmin Lu) or by kicking back and watching the stars in your courtyard hostel.

日的大理疆土广袤,现在却只剩下 一个由石头围起来的小村庄。曾几 何时,大理国不仅横跨云南省,还 占据了贵州省和四川省的大部分地 区,甚至还包括东南亚地区。

可以说, 大理最有名的景点就是这些宗 教建筑了。白族人是内地最早接受佛教的人 群,并在印度教传入汉族的过程中起到了一定 的作用。后来,大理成了各种宗教剧变的避风 港。

大理国是由信奉佛教的西南少数民族—— 白族建立起来的,前后历经几百年的风雨。原 因很简单:它位于山谷深处,山间云雾缭绕, 底部有个耳朵状的大湖,不仅风景优美,而且 易守难攻。这样有利的地形使大理国在三百年 间免招外族的侵略,因而历时比中原很多王朝 都要长。

可惜的是,千寻塔目前楼梯已坏,游人无 法攀登。而崇圣三塔的门票则高达120元。

直到忽必烈的蒙古大军猛攻,白族人的统 治才暂时告一段落。蒙古大军几乎摧毁了大理 城的一切。目前仅存部分大多是明王朝时期重 建的,战争的痕迹仍依稀可见。 大理最有名的景点应该要属崇圣寺三塔 了。崇圣寺三塔背靠苍山,面临洱海,由一大 二小三座佛塔组成,呈鼎立之态。远远望去, 在蓝天白云的衬托下,三塔雄浑而壮丽。 崇圣三塔最前面的是千寻塔——其实,千 寻塔是南诏国的建筑。南诏国是另一个西南少 数民族王国,位于大理盆地中心。另外两座小 塔于几百年后建成,当时的大理国正处在鼎盛 时期。

大理依山而建,三塔最高,顺着山势而 下,就是大理老城,再下面是洱海。洱海是由 西洱河塌陷形成的高原湖泊,外形如同耳朵, 故名洱海。虽然洱海边有很多游船,但我们建 议乘坐当地人的船只,或者租个鸬鹚渔船来游 湖(可以看看当地人是怎么用鸬鹚捕鱼的)。 这样的船,在下关码头就可以租到。 租好船后,船主一般会带你游玩湖上的 几个小岛,在那里你可以逛逛岛上的市场和寺 庙。太阳下山前一定要去爬爬天镜阁,在那里 你不仅可以看到落日余晖倒映在湖面上,还可 以看到罗筌寺塔顶上镶嵌的镜子。 在洱海湖边骑单车也是个不错的选择。 从才村出发,一直骑到充满清代建筑特色的喜 州。沿途可以参观湖边星罗棋布的小渔村:热 情好客的当地人多身着传统民族服饰,用美味 的食物招待客人,一派生动活泼的生活景象。 在喜州,游客通常都是跟团去逛博物馆。 幸运的话,会有当地人邀请你去他家喝茶。当


地人饮茶分三道,第一道茶略苦,第二道茶甘 甜,第三道茶品的则是余味。这种品茶的方式 也反映了他们的人生哲学——凡事要三思。 毕竟城里有湖,所以大理的海鲜都很不 错。很多餐厅都会提供新鲜的海鲜和蔬菜,供 客人选择。很多餐厅都没有现成的菜单,客人 现场点什么,他们就做什么。 最令人意外的小吃莫过于奶酪了。本地餐 厅的油炸奶酪好吃到爆,简直叫人上瘾!就连 街边小贩卖的蘸着甜酱吃的油炸奶酪,一样十 分美味。 吃完美味的奶酪,你还可以去爬爬苍山。 苍山高达8000英尺(约2438米),山顶风光 无限,山林峡谷尽收眼底。上山下山也可以乘 坐索道代步。不过,个人不建议买双程票,因 为你肯定不想下山的四小时都在索道上度过。 游完苍山,是时候好好回城歇歇了。值得 庆幸的是,这里的游客没有想象中的那么多。 大理古城里,尤其是“洋人街”上,有不少安 静的小咖啡馆和餐厅。如果你是云南游的背包 客,不妨在大理老城里待上一两天,好好感受 下古城魅力。这里不像丽江,没有什么宰客的 黑店。不知道为什么,中国游客更喜欢待在大 理新城。所以,大理的老城晚上还是比较清静 的。你可以在坏猴子酒吧(人民路58号)里点 一杯他们自酿的啤酒,也可以在青年旅舍的院 子里歇息,欣赏夜空中美丽的繁星。


广告 • 教育


Rén Pà Chū Míng Zhū Pà Zhuàng

人怕出名猪怕壮 Meaning: you don't want to be too famous, because that might bring you more trouble; just like a pig doesn't want to grow too big because then it will be killed. 人出了名容易招致麻烦,就像猪长肥了就要被宰杀一 样。所以人怕太出名,猪也怕长得太壮。

Chinese Restaurant Survival Guide (Level 2)



o you survived Level 1 of our Restaurant Survival Guide from the last issue? Jieling Liu ups the ante and continues to share some useful Chinese cooking terms to help you navigate your Chinese restaurant dining experience in a dignified manner. 1. dùn 木瓜炖雪蛤 (mù guā dùn xuě há, papaya stewed/braised with hasma) A useful term for braised (or stewed) food. 2. zhá 脆炸响铃 (cuì zhà xiǎng líng, deep fried “jingle bells” / tofu skin rolls) If you want something deep fried with a lot of oil and screw the cholesterol count use zhá.

3. jú 芝士焗龙虾 (zhī shì jú lóng xiā, Baked lobster with cheese) Means baked can be applied to a variety of dishes. But not bread. 4. liáng bàn 凉拌黄花菜 (liáng bàn huáng huā cài, coldstirred lily bud / lily bud salad) Literally means “cold-stirred” used when describing salads with cold ingredients. Logical really. 5. kao 烤鱿鱼 (kǎo yóu yú, grilled / baked squid) Grilled or baked great term to know when you’re hanging around those outdoor BBQ places that spring up like mushrooms after a heavy rain in the summer.



here are two versions of the legend on how the Pig became a Zodiac animal. One was that when the Emperor of Heaven was deciding on the Zodiac animals in heaven, people were suffering from drought, and not a single grain was available to be harvested. The Pig saw how hungry all the people were, so he let the people cut off his four feet as food. That day, all the other animals arrived in Heaven, but the Pig was not able to show up on time. People told the Emperor of Heaven that the Pig sacrificed his four legs for them, so he couldn't fight for a position to be a Zodiac animal. The Emperor of Heaven was moved and decided to make an exception. The Pig has since become one of the twelve Zodiac animals. The other legend says that the Pig became one of the twelve animals through his own efforts. When the Emperor of Heaven decided to choose the Zodiac animals in Heaven, he made a rule that all the animals must arrive at a certain time, the twelve animals that arrived first would be chosen. The pig knew he was clumsy, so he got

up at midnight and rushed all the way to Heaven. It was so far and so many obstacles on the way blocked him so he was the last one to arrive and he almost collapsed. The Emperor of Heaven was deeply moved by the Pig’s effort, so in the end he let the Pig enter the gate of Heaven and the Pig finally became the last of the twelve animals.

猪是怎么被选上十二生肖 的其中之一的呢?民间流传着这 样两种说法。一是在天宫排生肖 那天,人们遭遇旱灾,粮食颗粒 无收,猪看到人们如此饥饿,便 让人们砍下了它的四只脚作为食 物。这天其它动物都到达了天 宫,而猪并没有到。当人们摆脱 饥饿时,并没有忘记猪的恩情。 对玉帝说,猪为了人们,舍弃四 肢,没有去争生肖之位。这事感 动了玉帝,于是破例让猪成为了 生肖。 另一种说法是:在天宫排生 肖那天,玉帝规定了必须在某个 时辰到达天宫,首先到达的十二 种动物为生肖,猪自知体笨行走 慢,便半夜起床赶去当生肖。由 于路途遥远,障碍也多,猪拼死 拼活才爬到南天门,此时排生肖 的时辰已过,但猪苦苦央求,最 后终于感动了天神,把猪放进南 天门,当上了最后一名生肖。

Example 例句:

Rén pà chū míng zhū pà zhuàng, very rich people and those with high social status usually tend to act low-key. 人怕出名猪怕壮,真正有财富、有地位的人,通常都倾向于行为 低调。

So you think these cooking methods are easy to use? Well why not prove it by sending us a picture of you making one or more of these dishes or make a sentence using one of these cooking terms! If you do you’ll be entered in a draw to win one of five 150 RMB vouchers from the Sunset Lounge on top of the Old Observatory International Youth Hostel. Email aaron@

Rén pà chū míng zhū pà zhuàng, zhēn zhèng yǒu cái fù, yǒu dì wèi de rén, tōng cháng dōu qīng xiàng yú xíng wéi dī diào. Tianyan Chinese Language Centre International & Professional 135 8927-8775 See listings for address


广告 //

The Life of Anna Weston

‘Successful education can shape a young person and bring the best out them’. Anna Weston is the first student to grow and flourish all the way through secondary education from Year 7 to Year 13 at YCIS. Seven years in the international school is of great significance for a teenager. We would like to bring you to the world of Anna. 52

Do you remember when you started at YCIS and how old were you? I joined YCIS when I was 11 years old and it was in the year of 2007. What differences did you recognize between your old school and YCIS? I was studying in another Qingdao international school before YCIS opened its campus in the city. As I am from England, I found the National Curriculum of England to be easier for the transition having moved to China. YCIS is more organized in terms of the teaching and learning structure, and each student’s target setting (by which I mean different levels of learning ability) could be met at YCIS. In addition, I received greater opportunity to learn Chinese and Chinese culture; hence my Chinese development was much stronger than at the old school. My parents and I attended an information session right after we were aware of the opening of YCIS, we instantly made the decision. For me, it was more of missing the previous friends than a better education when I was young. But after establishing the culture difference, I started to make new friends at YCIS from all over the world. Which teachers do you think you will remember for the rest of your life? The teachers are great at YCIS; there are a few I remember the most. In Year 7, my homeroom teacher Mr. Dyer, who was from New Zealand, always liked to play jokes on us, he made learning become so interesting. In Year 9, Mr. Warren, who was from Canada, he was the one who brought all my grades up and pushed me to succeed and believe in myself. Mr. Manuel is the one teacher who made me realize what I want to do in life and tells me everyday to not let anything hold you back from your dream. I will remember all the amazing teachers.

Is there a lesson that stands out to you and influenced you? My favorite quote is ‘Be unique and don’t die a copy’. This influences me by teaching everyone is different in their own way and that is what makes us human. It is reflected in many lessons that I had at YCIS. What are the values that you will take with you on your new phase of life? At YCIS, we are always provided with different opportunities to give back to the community. One of our school mottos is ‘Align with Love and Charity’; I would love to continue helping the less fortunate people no matter where I am. Academically, I did the worldrecognized Cambridge IGCSE and A Level programme, which gave


which is Character Education. We are taught specific character traits that can develop our personalities; the way we look on life and it shapes us into future caring citizen of the world. It brings out the best of personal qualities. Everyday at school, I feel

all over the world. In addition we also have World Classroom on the school calendar. We get to explore the world through trips with hands-on experiences. Within a big network, resources can be shared and experiences can be gained.

it has taught me different aspects of life, I appreciate that I am becoming a person with critical thinking skills and the confidence to make my own decision towards life.

What messages would you give to other teenagers in Qingdao? As globalization is taking place, the boundaries between countries and cultures are getting less obvious. To become competitive in the future world, one has to embrace culture experiences, communication skills, etc. Please don’t live in a shell, go and join events that are happening in the community, like the Youth Club organized by Qingdao International Community Centre (QICC), the Redstar activities, etc. The only way you can get around Qingdao is by learning the language. Experiencing Chinese culture is part of my life; I will miss Qingdao after I move to Sydney.

me a wider opportunity to have a choice of any University around the world. (Whereas if you do AP, you can only look at the American Universities.) What do you hope to do after graduation? To be in the hotel and resort management industry has always been my dream and it will start when I go to University in Sydney, Australia. I love to travel, I love being social and when I did the work experience at Sheraton Hotel, I realized how good I could be in the industry. Which aspects of YCIS life have significantly shaped you? There’s a unique programme within the YCIS curriculum,

My Chinese communication skills have added more value to the person I have become today. Through learning the language, I get to explore and cherish more about my 10 years’ life in China. It has widened my horizon and brought me to a whole new world. How beneficial has it been to be in a school as part of a network? Every year the network of YCIS will have a charity concert, named Seeds of Hope, in a city where there’s a YCIS school. Lucky enough, I have participated in three Seeds of Hope concerts so far and it always feels special and I’m proud to be part of the big YCIS network. I enjoy being a member of a big family like YCIS, and the family members are from

All the staff and families of YCIS congratulate Anna and wish her the very best; the alumni network will be looking forward to seeing Anna’s advances in her University and career.


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