REDIT Mobility - english version

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REDIT Mobility is a collaboration project promoted by REDIT to encompass the technological capabilities of the 11 technology institutes of the Valencia Region in terms of intelligent and sustainable mobility.

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Biomechanics Institute of Valencia


REDIT Mobility

The Biomechanics Institute (IBV) develops and transfers scientific knowledge and technologies to improve people’s health, well-being and quality of life, adding value to companies and the social and economic environment. It operates globally in multiple areas and sectors and is especially active in intelligent mobility and smart cities, including the automotive and railway sectors.


Mobility is increasingly inclusive, placing users and operators in the focal point for city design and bus transport vehicle design. The Biomechanics Institute (IBV) collaborates with mobility agents, from infrastructure and communication managers and designers all the way through to manufacturers of vehicles such as trams, buses and even airplanes, including their components. Moreover, in sectors undergoing continuous transformation such as the automotive industry, the IBV analyses the impact of materials, concepts and systems on drivers, passengers and other users interacting with the vehicle to ensure value chain benefits and market acceptance. The IBV’s work areas include the integration of human factors in automobiles, transportation means and infrastructure, the design and validation of infrastructure elements using virtual reality techniques and prototypes, and the integration of people in design processes: Ergonomic design of interiors such as cabins, driving compartments and passenger areas, and areas for people with reduced mobility, using advanced simulation tools (Blenders). Human factors in vehicle design through studies in driving simulators (HAV) and instrumented vehicles (IBV Imolab), allowing field data to be successfully obtained. Passenger, driver or pedestrian monitoring systems: determination of movement patterns and physiological signals. Field studies on comfort conditions, ergonomics and adaptation of vehicles and infrastructure to users.

Innovation in user experiences (UX) through virtual and mixed reality techniques in the Imolab Virtual laboratory emulating the possibility of interaction with infrastructure from phases well before the detailed design stage. Analysis of human emotions for a more empathetic and safer autonomous car (SUaaVE project SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicles). Improving the response, sensitivity and acceptance of autonomous vehicles, ensuring they adapt better to the needs of occupants, pedestrians and other drivers.Ergonomic design of interiors such as cabins, driving compartments and passenger areas, and areas for people with reduced mobility, using advanced simulation tools (Blenders).


The aim of the project – coordinated by IBV – is the launch of a smart mobility laboratory allowing for the development of innovative solutions. At Imolab, a distributed smart mobility laboratory has been developed thanks to an R&D action undertaken by IBV together with AIDIMME, AIMPLAS, ITE, ITENE and ITI. It covers infrastructures for mobility (ITENE, AIDIMME and AIMPLAS), people’s needs and expectations (IBV), energy (ITE) and communications (ITI). Imolab comprises laboratories in each participating centre, a virtual reality laboratory (Virtual Imolab) at the IBV and the deployment of laboratories in real conditions (Living Imolab).


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Metal-Mechanics, Furniture, Packaging and Related Industries Technology Institute


REDIT Mobility

The AIDIMME Technology Institute covers all aspects of industrial processes, from raw materials to packaging and transportation systems. It works with manufacturers of automobiles, aircraft, ships, railways, and their suppliers, in different areas such as chrome and paint, corrosion, lighting, manufacturing of 3D parts, robotics and AI, among other capabilities described below (QR).


AIDIMME is active in research and development of innovative technologies and solutions to improve mobility and accessibility. It is committed to focusing on improving people’s autonomy and quality of life through the design and implementation of autonomous, intelligent and safe technologies. Its work areas are:


Incorporation of Additive Manufacturing technologies (metals and polymers) in product and tool design. Optimization of product design and validation processes incorporating calculation and simulation using CAE tools in static and dynamic multiphysics environments. Validation of operating and design conditions through the instrumentation of products and equipment in service. Functionalization of coatings using nanoparticles. Development of new coatings using sol-gel technology (thickness reduction, corrosion resistance, mechanical resistance, contaminant absorption...). Digitalization of industrial processes, sensorization, monitoring, automation, robotization, equipment control and design of Big Data and Machine Learning solutions. Reduction of environmental impacts through the application of advanced management tools: Ecodesign, LCA, ecolabelling, environmental product declaration (EPD), disassembly and recyclability, carbon footprint, water footprint, green purchasing criteria. Development of new applications for materials

(metallic, polymers, wood and derivatives) and coatings (organic and metallic): • Chemical composition of materials and more sustainable production processes. • Reduction of VOC and odour emissions. • Improved behaviour against fire. • Improvement of behaviour in aggressive conditions and ageing: temperature, humidity, corrosion, solar radiation, vibration. Tests according to manufacturer specifications (Volkswagen, General Motors, Mercedes and BMW) and international standards in the mobility sector, UNE EN ISO 17025. Analysis, evaluation and approval of packaging and containers according to manufacturer standards (Nissan, Mercedes, Renault)


AIDIMME participates in the Imolab project, along with five other technology institutes, to promote the creation of a distributed smart mobility laboratory allowing demonstrators to be used to test prototypes of mobility products and services in urban and dynamic environments. Within this framework, AIDIMME has created a mobile device (AGV with manipulator robot simulating a last mile vehicle) which is geolocated via nodes forming a mesh network that monitors both its position and the various sensors it may carry on board.


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Technology Centre specialized in ICT


REDIT Mobility

ITI is the private Technology Centre specialized in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). Its mission focuses on the development of R&D&I applied to the needs and problems of companies, seeking technological solutions that respond to social and economic challenges, improve industrial competitiveness, and promote a more intelligent and sustainable society. CAPACIDADES Y LÍNEAS DE TRABAJO

Since its inception in 1994, ITI’s work has been closely linked to technologies enabling the use of intelligent analysis of information, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning or Cloud Computing. Currently, with a staff of over 300 people working on data mining, ITI is a benchmark technology centre on the national level and one of the leaders at the European level in these technologies, considered to be revolutionary contributions to the present and future economy and society. ITI’s experience in the mobility sector dates back more than two decades. During this time, this technology centre has benefited from opportunities provided by technology to make successful advances, among others, in: Optimización de rutas de transporte Optimization of transport routes Technologies for vehicle-infrastructure connectivity Sharing and use of data throughout the supply chain Intelligent perception systems for autonomous driving Software verification in critical mobility systems


smarter mobility. Along these lines, ITI participates in the Imolab project, developing robust beacon technology for elements on public roads, allowing live data to be exchanged between elements located within a limited radius of action. Based on this technology, ITI has developed an innovative demonstrator, consisting of a replica cockpit, allowing for experimentation with the application of beacon technology in 4 different use cases: Smart traffic light: showing light-change countdown and status of traffic lights, as well as the distance and suggested speed for crossing on green. Deployment of works: displaying information related to road works, indicating distance and emitting acoustic and visual signals. V16 beacon: integrated into a V16 emergency light signal, converting it into a visual and telematic beacon. POI (Point Of Interest) beacon: allowing for the sending of information about an electric station indicating live price information. This innovation is part of the Imolab project, whose objective is to define and develop an intelligent and distributed mobility laboratory, and promote the development and evolution of innovative solutions in the field of mobility, financed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) and FEDER funds and in which IBV, ITE, AIDIMME, AIMPLAS, ITENE and ITI have participated conjointly.

Connectivity between the different actors in the transport sector is a key step for the development of


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Packaging, Transport and Logistics Technology Centre Smart mobile locker Last mile delivery to the consumer

Contenedor Container

Pantalla interactiva Interactive screen

Sistema de lectura de códigos Code reading system


REDIT Mobility

ITENE has been offering custom ready-to-market solutions for almost 30 years for companies in the value chain of the four major areas in which it works: materials and technologies for the circular economy, safety, design and functionality of containers and packaging, security and environmental monitoring and transportation technologies, mobility and digital transformation.


ITENE works at the forefront of logistics and digital innovation. Its capabilities cover aspects such as the optimization of supply chains all the way through to the implementation of sustainable, smart connected mobility solutions, and AI, introducing the development of digital twins and machine learning applications. Its objective is to drive digital transformation and facilitate the actual implementation of sustainable logistics practices to create a positive impact on society and the environment. Its work areas are:

Sistema de anclaje System for anchoring the container

Cajones individuales Individual boxes

Definition of logistics and mobility models and implementation of sustainable and connected solutions (electric, connected, autonomous vehicle, etc.) in applications for these processes. The institute has a transport simulation centre providing capabilities for reproducing the real conditions of the distribution cycle, which include evaluation and validation of packaging, approval of containers and packaging for the transport of lithium batteries and simulation of transportation to recreate real conditions in the distribution cycle. It has an electronics and industrial scaling laboratory in which it carries

out the design and development of custom sensorization systems such as pitch and roll, pressure, registration of transport and distribution conditions. Evaluation of shelf life and best usage conditions for lithium batteries, through the simulation of charge and discharge cycles in different scenarios.


ITENE forma parte del proyecto Red Integra, lo que le otorga la acreditación de “Centro de Excelencia Cervera”. En este marco, trabaja con otros centros en el desarrollo de la conducción autónoma y conectada en un entorno de seguridad, tanto para los ocupantes de los vehículos como otros usuarios de la vía pública, teniendo en cuenta la aplicación de los vehículos autónomos en la distribución urbana de mercancías. Para ello, está desarrollando un contenedor inteligente que se integra en vehículos autónomos destinado al reparto de paquetería ligera en áreas industriales.


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Energy Technology Institute


REDIT Mobility

The Energy Technology Institute (ITE) is a technology centre with international clout in the field of energy. It has over 30 years of experience in the sector, dedicated to improving the competitiveness of companies through the transfer of technology and applied knowledge, with sustainable mobility being one of its strategic lines.


Sustainable mobility is one of the strategic lines of the ITE, which has extensive experience in the field of electric mobility, energy storage systems: batteries, hydrogen, electric mobility installations, smart charging and communications. ITE covers the entire value chain of battery manufacturing from material, engineering, manufacturing and testing, second life and recycling, all the way through to final application. In the field of electromobility, ITE addresses everything from services linked to the network, such as smartcharging strategies including V1G and V2G, to interoperability and the integration of the stations themselves. Currently, it is the only Spanish company with OCPP certification in the OCA in its version 1.6 and 2.0.1 for charging station management systems. In addition, it has an intelligent charging laboratory to manage the flexibility offered by charging stations in relation to the electrical grid, providing services such as: OCPP 1.6 and 2.0.1 precertification service OCPP, OCPI and OSCP communications development stack. Smart charging models for domestic or tertiary use. With V1G and V2G. Technical advice on electric mobility. Additional services: predictive station maintenance. The ITE has high-level technological infrastructure and capabilities such as the BatteryLab Laboratory, which provides companies with technological advice, verification laboratories, product certification and training. Its work areas are:

New sustainable materials and components in the automotive and storage environment (batteries, hydrogen). Scaling and cell production. Engineering associated with batteries (cells, battery pack) and their processes. Development of control electronics, BMSs, EMSs. Digital twins for production processes. Charging infrastructure and communications. Smartcharging. Second life and recycling of components (batteries). Postmortem studies of batteries. LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) Electric mobility solutions and tools based on other sources such as hydrogen.


EON “Reacondicionamiento de las baterías de litio provenientes del ámbito de la movilidad a partir de un diagnóstico avanzado”, centra su investigación en la búsqueda de soluciones que faciliten el reacondicionamiento de las baterías. Para ello, se comienza con el diagnóstico de la batería, permitiendo establecer la estrategia de reparación o reemplazo de sus componentes. Por otro lado, se trabaja en el establecimiento de criterios de diseño de las baterías pensando ya en su reacondicionamiento. Este proyecto está financiado por IVACE y fondos FEDER.


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Plastics Technology Institute


REDIT Mobility

AIMPLAS is a technology centre for plastics innovation committed to providing value to companies, which in turn can create wealth and quality employment, responding to social challenges in relation to plastics to improve people's quality of life and ensure environmental sustainability.


AIMPLAS works to address the main challenges facing companies in the mobility sector, including automotive, aeronautical, railway, nautical, aerospace and defence companies. Its work areas are: Development of plastic materials that reduce the weight of transport means and reduce CO2 emissions. Innovation in materials with advanced properties such as fire resistance, electrical or thermal conductivity, anti-freeze coatings or flame retardant solutions. Ecodesign of products through the development of new biobased plastics, easily recyclable or with a high incorporation of recycled plastic. Mechanical and chemical recycling systems for different components allowing for a minimal environmental impact from the mobility sector. Specific solutions for the automotive industry, such as efficient heating systems, self-cleaning surfaces, materials for lightweight battery casings for electric vehicles, materials for electromagnetic shielding, or integration of sensors in plastic parts to improve safety and passenger/ vehicle interaction.

Analysis and testing services in accordance with the specifications of automobile manufacturers, with laboratories approved by Volkswagen, Renault and Daimler, and accredited by UNE-EN ISO 17025. Wide range of tests for the control and characterization of materials in the automotive industry such as accelerated artificial ageing, flame resistance, identification and characterization of polymers, additives and fillers, fogging tests, tests on painted parts or the determination of the thermal, physical, mechanical and optical properties of automotive materials and products.


AIMPLAS, through the Jospel initiative, has patented an efficient heating system based on the Joule effect. Thanks to this initiative, energy-efficient air conditioning is now possible to reduce energy used for passenger comfort in electric cars by over 30%. With lower weight and better cabin insulation, it also achieves optimized thermal management that extends the useful life of the electric vehicle's battery.


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Children’s and Leisure Products Technology Institute


REDIT Mobility

The AIJU technology centre was founded in 1985 with the aim of stimulating innovation in the children’s sector, consumer products, electrical, automotive, plastic transformation, moulds and matrices, among others.


AIJU works in different fields such as: Development of advanced materials for conventional manufacturing technologies (injection, rotomoulding, thermoforming, extrusion-blow moulding...) Development of new formulations of biopolymers tailored to the requirements of companies (bio-plastics, biodegradable, bio-based, etc.) and functional plastic materials (electrical conductivity with nano-charges, specific haptics with a tailored menu, fire-retardants, antimicrobials, etc.). Development of custom formulations for polymeric materials through extrusioncompounding (materials with nanofillers, electrical conductivity, antimicrobials, biopolymers, recycled materials, filaments for 3D printing, specific haptics, custom materials menu...). Additive manufacturing using material extrusion (MEX), ultraviolet light photopolymerization (VPP), binder spraying (BJT) or powder bed fusion (PBF) to obtain prototype moulds, functional or aesthetic prototypes, short series of parts custom finishes and products.

Optimization of traditional processes (injection, blowing, thermoforming, rotomoulding, extrusionblowing, etc.). Identification and characterization tests for thermoplastic materials, digitalization and adhesion in consumer products.


The LIFE superbiodiesel project “Production of advanced biodiesel from animal waste using supercritical technologies” aims to demonstrate on a pilot-plant scale the production of two types of biofuels from animal fat waste. These biofuels will be obtained thanks to supercritical conditions using a new catalytic technology. This will enable technical, environmental and economic advantages to be achieved compared to traditional processe


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Textiles Technology Institute Low-weight textile structures

Sustainable transport Urban mobility

Composites structural health monitoring

R&D on intelligent textile-based sensorized structures

Smart cities Functional fabrics Environmental sensors Brightness Heatable Photovoltaic Antennas

Improvement of quality of life indexes

Smart textiles


REDIT Mobility

AITEX is a centre for research, innovation and advanced technical services that provides solutions to companies and people, generating opportunities for the present and future development of the textile, clothing, transportation and cosmetics sectors.

Sectors Smart cities Urban mobility


The AITEX centre has been researching and innovating for several years now in the field of mobility—aeronautics, automotive, railways and nautical— sectors that are moving closer towards a model for sustainability, digitalization, connectivity, innovation and reduction of emissions and weight. Its work areas are: Research into materials guaranteeing the safety, ergonomics and comfort of materials and spaces for mobility. AITEX works with fibres used in floors, walls, ceilings, seat upholstery, blankets and cushions intended to prevent the formation of smoke and increased toxicity levels in the event of an indoor fire. The centre places its laboratories at the service of companies for the design and development of mobility components and carries out tests using European and international standards to ensure their quality, durability and resistance, safety and user comfort.


The aim of the Citisens R&D project is to develop textile structures, textiles in combination with other composite materials, with the capacity to monitor a series of parameters, as well as develop integrable actuators on textile materials in order to improve safety, comfort, quality of life and the efficiency of services for citizens from the point of view of mobility.


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Footwear Technology Institute


REDIT Mobility

INESCOP, the Footwear Technology Institute, is an entity specialized in research and innovation applied to footwear and its value chain in a variety of areas, such as advanced materials, adhesive unions, comfort and health, sustainability and the digital industry.


INESCOP has specialized professionals who form multidisciplinary teams to address issues from a fully holistic perspective. It has accredited laboratories and relevant scientifictechnical equipment used for the analysis and characterization of materials such as leather, polymers and adhesive joints and coatings, among others. INESCOP’s experience in 3D design and the development of comfortable footwear also generates a direct link in the design of ergonomic and comfort elements in the field of mobility, integrating sustainability and environmental impact through ecodesign or recycling/recovery of waste. It also specializes in enabling technologies, such as robotics, contributing to the flexibility of production chains. INESCOP’s expertise in different areas of the supply chain for the sustainable mobility sector makes it a technological ally of companies for the development of sustainable products through more flexible and respectful manufacturing processes. Its work areas are: Innovation in materials and technologies that enable functionalization.

Characterization of advanced materials. Analysis and improvements in the circularity of materials (ecodesign, recycling, recovery, etc.). Development of customized robotic solutions to improve flexibility in the production chain.


The general aim of the Handybot II project is to develop the potential provided by robotic hands and implement this in the automation of repetitive processes within production chains, combining virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Specifically, this is to achieve independent operation of the robotic system through algorithms that allow autonomous gripping and positioning, which contributes to the digitalization of production chains, generating new digital professional profiles.


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Ceramics Technology Institute

Computer/ electric vehicle batteries

Sustainable mobility Separation process

Relithiated LCO/NMC cathode

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Degraded LCO/ NMC cathode


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Used batteries



New battery manufacture

REDIT Mobility

ITC, the Institute of Ceramics Technology, has extensive experience in carrying out applied scientific research projects, technological development, innovation and technical advice and providing services demanded by companies in the ceramics and related sectors. It also undertakes extensive research in the field of recovering by-products from different industrial sectors, for use as either ceramic raw materials or for their revaluation in other industrial sectors, such as the automotive industry.


ITC carries out research on the recycling of materials for the recovery of critical raw materials. Specifically, the recovery of the active cathode material, an essential part of lithium-ion batteries, allowing the electric car industry to give a second life to recovered materials and, thanks to this, provide better viability to this type of transport suffering as it does from a shortage of raw materials, and also causing a serious environmental problem in wastes generated at the end of their useful life. Moreover, ITC also has capabilities for the development of autonomous mobile equipment for implementation in small and medium-sized companies that need to perform logistics tasks. Some of its work areas are: Research for the regeneration of active cathode material from lithium-ion batteries at the end of their useful life for subsequent use in the manufacture of new lithium-ion batteries. Development of automated processes for the separation of components from discarded lithium-ion batteries.

Creation of a platform facilitating the deployment, planning, management and supervision of fleets of mobile or portable manipulator robots in small and medium-sized companies, to execute logistics tasks in industrial environments. Robot fleet monitoring and supervision services.


Within the framework of the Batecat project, funded by IVACE, this centre has achieved the direct regeneration of the active material of the cathode of lithium-ion batteries at the end of their useful life for subsequent use in the manufacture of new lithiumion batteries. The active material from the cathode is separated using an automatic process patented by ITC that allows its implementation on an industrial scale and, subsequently, it is subjected to a physicalchemical regeneration process, with the results being validated through electrochemical tests.


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AINIA Technology Centre


REDIT Mobility

AINIA provides companies with differentiated innovation solutions with technological rigour. Among others, it works with the agri-food, chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, packaging and energy sectors. Its technology range includes answers to five challenges: foods of the future, food quality and safety, health and well-being, green transition and digital transformation.


AINIA structures its technological offerings around five challenges for companies and society: food of the future, food quality and safety, health and wellbeing, green transition and digital transformation. The green transition challenge includes the field of biorefineries, in which AINIA specializes in the development of processes and technologies that allow value to be generated from waste and byproducts produced by a variety of manufacturing industries. In particular, the agri-food industry generates organic by-products, both biodegradable and lignocellulosic, which are raw materials for biorefinery processes, including anaerobic digestion and other biotechnological and physicochemical processes, allowing for a reduction of the carbon footprint and paving the way towards the transition to the green and circular economy. These biorefinery processes enable bioproducts to be obtained that are applicable in sustainable mobility solutions, such as biofuels and biomaterials. AINIA is a major player in the development of biorefineries for the transformation of agri-food waste into valuable products.

Its lines of work in this field are: Production and upgrading of biomethane as vehicular gas. Innovations in capturing and transforming greenhouse gases. Recovery of cellulosic materials from waste.


The AD-Visor project seeks to ensure the comprehensive recovery of waste to obtain products with added value and renewable fuels. AD-Visor represents a comprehensive recovery system for slaughterhouse waste (animal by-products not intended for human consumption (sandach), and sewage sludge, to produce bioplastics and biomethane as vehicle fuel. Non-invasive technologies are incorporated to control foams in anaerobic digesters, as well as development of the bioprocess through pure cultures for the production of bioplastics (mcl-PHAs).


REDIT Technology Park Avda. Leonardo Da Vinci 48 46980 Paterna (Valencia) SPAIN Tel. (+34) 96 136 66 88

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