Listed Magazine 2021

Page 23


PHA’s Housing Resource Line B Y J O VA N B U R T O N


year ago, as a direct response to the pandemic, the Partnership for Housing Affordability (PHA) launched the Housing Resource Line (HRL) in an effort to assist Richmond households faced with housing instability. Serving as a regional connector to housing services, the HRL completed more than 7,500 calls during its first year of operation—a reflection of the severe demand for affordable housing in our community. The HRL helped illuminate exactly how severe our housing needs in the Richmond region are. The majority of callers to the program were in need of affordable rental housing options, financial assistance, and legal aid. Furthermore, nearly half of the callers were impacted by COVID-19, illustrating the clear link between health and housing. With the HRL in place, our region has more access than ever before to real-time data on housing

instability. This data will serve as a great resource for our local government partners as they seek to better serve their residents. In addition to critical data, the HRL has achieved tremendous success during its inaugural year. More than 200 households were connected to over $500,000 in financial assistance. Dozens of other callers were directed to legal representation, case management, and home repairs. These outcomes have significant benefits to our community. Not only has the HRL resulted in reduced evictions and housing instability, but also it has alleviated pressure on our public health systems and diverted police calls for service. For every dollar invested in the program, there has been a social return of $6.37—proving that upfront investments in housing have positive impacts on all aspects of our communities.


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