Listed Magazine 2020

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President’s Letter BY WAYNE GAUTHIER


hat a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, I shared that our theme for 2020 would revolve around clarity—“See the Future and Bring it into Focus.” I don’t know about you, but I have never experienced a year with less clarity and more uncertainty. To live in a COVID world is to live with uncertainty and then, with agility, to adapt accordingly. I could not be prouder of how our Association adapted to the challenging circumstances of 2020 to serve our members so incredibly well.

training, and an on-demand MLS Road Rules class. Successfully meeting the continuing education and MLS training needs of our members quickly became a major focus in 2020.

When the pandemic hit and we wondered whether or not we would be allowed to practice real estate, our staff worked behind the scenes with local and state officials to impress upon them that a thriving real estate market is the linchpin of a healthy economy. While REALTORS® in other states were prevented from practicing, we were able to keep working. A temporary and dramatic market disruption in the spring gave way to a rapid summer rebound. Many of our members have shared with me that 2020 was one of their best years.

While everything felt different about this year, thankfully some things remained the same. We continued to demonstrate a commitment to professionalism, with members participating in our newly launched Circle of Excellence program. We continued to be generous in our charitable giving—donating over $60,000 to eleven educational nonprofits. And members continued to give to RPAC; for that, I am truly grateful.

As we protected your ability to practice, we worked quickly to help you adjust to a new normal— developing COVID-related Standard Forms, producing multiple videos providing legal advice, setting up a virtual REALTOR® Store, promoting the use of Showing Time to schedule safe, socially distanced Open Houses, and providing virtual CE classes, free technology

Although we were unable to hold REALTORfest, we were able to have some fun with a virtual Outstanding Production celebration—featuring swag bags chocked full of goodies and a virtual happy hour/seminar with Leigh Brown. Many thanks to our Sponsors who made this event happen.

Without a doubt, this was not the year I envisioned. Nevertheless, it was an honor to lead RAR. I tip my hat to my fellow officers, the Board of Directors, and the staff who kept smiles on their faces as they navigated so many challenges and achieved so many firsts. As I look to a new year, I am pleased to pass the baton of leadership to our 2021 President, Libby Gatewood. Whatever the future holds, together, we are prepared to meet it and excel in it.



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