Jewels and the Pathway by Jayem

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by Jayem

Ed. Note: The following is Jayem’s response to a participant in the current Jewels of the Christ Mind correspondence program. Remembering that real growth always begins by ‘disturbing’ the status quo of our present level of consciousness, we felt our readers might benefit from this response as so many of us have, whether we are in the current Jewels group, or not. The student’s quandary was a temporary constriction around perceived new kinds of discipline and ‘methods’ the Course introduces. This ‘method’ is precisely what Jeshua taught to those who were ready to go deeper in the journey of purification, of ‘incarnating’ Spirit. Remember that Holy Spirit cannot give you what you are yet fearful of receiving. Thus, we awaken in certain ‘stages’, or ‘phase transitions’. It proceeds from: a) Hearing the Word – a new level of higher illumination is allowed into the mind, b) A period of integration/’translating’ the new thoughts into a basis from which we view things, to... c) Ripeness for continued growth – by descending deeper into what yet ‘lies sleeping’ in the depth of the soul. There are ‘methods, practices, and teachings’

germane to each phase transition.

Jeshua referred to this PathWay as “...the deepest work the soul can do...” and a necessary work to fully awaken, to ‘become the living Word’. It begins with Way of Mastery (which enfolds all the key truths of A Course in Miracles – his first step in restoring the pathway He originally gave) yet goes beyond it almost immediately, as he introduces the importance of breath, and equates it with the Holy Spirit in the human domain:

“Thus, if you do not breathe fully, what have you truly said to the Holy Spirit?”

Jeshua clearly knows, and leads, the way perfectly, if we are willing to follow.


From Way of Mastery, he slowly took me/us into this original Aramaic as found essentially in His teachings that can still be found in the Bible, albeit poorly translated out of ignorance of both language and the level of meaning, for Aramaic can speak to at least 7 levels of consciousness at the same time! These Aramaic teachings are: The Lord’s Prayer and The Beatitudes. This Course – Jewels of the Christ Mind, is actually based in a living practice of the key elements and, because it reaches deeper into the unconscious depths of our being than, say, ACIM or WOM and therefore elicits deeper/ higher illuminations that are revealed as ‘jewels’, this learning prepares us to open at new depths, and thus be capable of fully entering the powerful practices of The Lord’s Prayer and The Beatitudes. At each key phase transition of the soul’s purification and awakening, there is “disorientation”, and fear comes up, and mind generates fear- based thoughts. If you look closely, your thought “I had my method” shows you had become attached to/comfortable with a certain plateau, UNAWARE of what is still defended against, and yet calls for the penetration of Love more deeply. The answer of Holy Spirit is given in the last sentence, and is the ‘correction’ to the level of resistance arising, which makes

Again, allow the disorientation, and remain in feeling presence, bringing breath to it... you do not yet notice how the breath ‘breaks’, and you return to mind, and to methods you are already comfortable in. Stay at the edge, observing how mind begins to generate thoughts, even thoughts of ‘how it will work with this.

The gift of Holy Spirit comes at the edge of presence and breath, and feeling, observing, witnessing, allowing, all without moving a muscle from the mind. In the end, it transcends beyond all methods... into the pure enfolding witness stage of Christ Mind. The body opens in depths and ways that just cannot be known until we go through it. Suddenly, ACIM, and even the Way of Mastery is like a child’s play, and The Lord’s Prayer suddenly is met with an simple, ‘of course’, and The Beatitudes which are a journey and phase transition themselves deposit the soul in a silence and emptiness that is vast and unborn, and all things are enfolded in immediate feeling embrace by... Love... and love alone. It is palpable, even visceral, while the body lasts, and Home is finally and directly known. This is where the teaching, “I and my Father are One”, finally opens completely as the only possibility, that has always been, and never been lost... not as a thought, belief, or even sporadic intuition, but remains as the Ground of all moments. Here is the “peace beyond all understanding”.

It all comes down to a matter of trust in the One Teacher, and the Holy Perfection unfolding as our very journey. Opening, again, and yet again not resting content by retreating to what we have already discovered and integrated. Again, this very work of the Jewels of the Christ Mind IS the advent, or opening into this final phase transition, that will end at the end of the Beatitude Way. Jeshua clearly knows, and leads, the way perfectly, if we are willing to follow. Stay at the edge of exactly the thoughts/ feelings arising, don’t move, and don’t do anything, but stay, in feeling communion, with breath. Enter them intimately. This is to heal and transfigure the world itself through the most subtle level of death and rebirth. Because it is the deepest work the soul can engage, it is ALSO the place of greatest temptation to stop, split off, or be sure we are already done!

Walk on... jayem b

There is a very, very real journey into Reality. It is true that at each major phase transition,

Martin Luther King, Jr

Once you sense you are connected to God, the journey within the Kingdom has begun, not ended. There is depth to discover, to enfold, to embody and thus extend.

we will feel we have ‘found it’, ‘gotten it’, and will resist further growth, further stages of disturbance/disorientation.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the staircase.

the mind contract into perceiving it was already ‘done’.


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