Inspector Mackay

M. Agostinelli
E. Evans Cicconi
P. Traferro


M. Agostinelli
E. Evans Cicconi
P. Traferro
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Elizabeth Evans Cicconi
Paola Traferro
Illustrated by: Andrea Da Rold
Editorial staff : Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari
Graphic dept.: Simona Albonetti
Illustrations: Andrea Da Rold
Referenze fotografiche: iStock photo, Shutterstock, photographic archive Gruppo Ed. Raffaello
Printed in Italy by : Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello
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© 2023
Raffaello Libri S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 21 60037 - Monte San Vito (AN)
1 Read the text and complete. Use the words in the box. There is one word you do not need.
floor – mystery – red – suspects – police – di cult
Do you like detective stories? They are really exciting. This one is about a crime: a famous professor and writer has been found on the …………....................…….. of his study. He is in a coma. Someone has hit him! But why?
Nobody could hurt Professor Whittley. It is very surprising for the .
There are just few but it seems they all have a cast-iron alibi.
The case is …………....................…….. to solve for Inspector Mackay and his assistant Lieutenant Harding. So, why don’t you help them solve this inexplicable ?
2 Match the words with their meanings.
1. crime
2. mystery
4. detective story
5. inspector
a. a story where a crime must be solved
b. a police officer
c. a situation where investigation is involved
d. something difficult to explain or understand
e. an action which breaks the law
3 Who are these famous detectives? Match their names (1-4) with the pictures (A-D).
4 Who are their creators? Complete the sentences. Watch out! A writer created two characters.
Agatha Christie – G. K. Chesterton – Arthur Conan Doyle
1. ............................................................................. created Miss Marple.
2. created Sherlock Holmes.
3. ............................................................................. created Father Brown.
4. created Hercule Poirot.
Inspector Mackay is the head of the Criminal Investigation Department at Scotland Yard. According to his assistants, he’s a genius in his field and he can solve any case.
Yesterday morning, very early, around 3 a.m. he was awoken by a call.
to take off: partire (ma anche decollare) field: campo to awake (awoke – awoken): svegliarsi
It was his assistant, Lieutenant Harding.
“Yes?” answered Mackay half asleep, “What’s going on Harding?”
“Inspector, a man has been found severely wounded. It’s Prof. Whittley, the famous author of detective stories.”
“Where is he now?”
“He’s in hospital, but it’s impossible to talk to him. He’s in a coma.”
“Well, that’s a pity.”
liutenant: tenente
wounded: ferito
pity: peccato
“Yes, I know Inspector. The doctors say it will be months before he gets out of the coma.”
“Where did it happen?” asked Mackay.
“In his flat in Notting Hill.” replied Harding.
“When did it happen?”
“According to the doctors, he was hit this morning between 1:30 and 2 a.m.”
“Ah, I see. OK, give me a couple of minutes. Meet you there”.
In half an hour Mackay was at the crime scene.
to get out: uscire
1 After reading Part 1, complete the summary linked to its first lines.
1. Inspector ……………………………….. is great at solving …………................………....……..…...
2. His assistant called him very early, around to give him a news.
3. Prof was and he is now in …………………................………....……..…... He’s not dead but he’s in a ……………………...………...
2 Match the words with their meanings.
a. contacting someone by phone
b. a place where an offence has happened
c. a place where you live
d. two things
e. boss - chief
f. a state of usually long unconsciousness
g. a great intelligent person
forensic scientists: scienziati
found out: scoperto
hammer: martello
hill: collina hit: colpito
I’ve heard them: li ho sentiti
left: lasciato
mark: segno
neighbour: vicino di casa
parade: parata
picked up: raccolto
(to) quarrel: litigare
(to) rush: affrettarsi
samples: esempi, campioni
(to) scan: scansionare
She must be in her fifties:
Lei deve avere sui 50 anni.
sheets: fogli
side: lato
sleeping pill: sonnifero
sore throat: mal di gola
(to) spend: trascorrere still: ancora
the busiest: il più caotico
They have known each other since they were children: Si conoscono da quando erano bambini.
thief: ladro
though: sebbene
through: attraverso
upside-down: una rovesciata
victorian townhouses: residenze vittoriane
was found: fu trovato
western: occidentale
wounded: ferito
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Il famoso scrittore Prof. Whittley viene trovato seriamente ferito, nella sua abitazione al centro di Londra. Chi può essere stato?
Linguaggio semplice e calibrato al livello di studio della lingua A1/A2
Attività di comprensione del testo ed esercizi di riflessione linguistica
Approfondimenti culturali, CLIL e di educazione civica (Agenda 2030)
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Il caso, difficile da risolvere, verrà districato dall’ispettore Mackay, che aiutato dall’assistente Harris e dal cagnolino Ollie, giungerà alla verità. € 8,50