Let's go! - Holiday book 2

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Revise your English Discover English-speaking countries

Scuola secondaria di primo grado


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Revise your English Discover English-speaking countries

Scuola secondaria di primo grado

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Let's go to Malta

Hi friends! It’s June and school is over. We are over the moon! Now, we out more about some English-speaking countries. Some places known, others are not!

Five students like you are ready to take you to five beautiful countries. Aiden from the city of Valletta, the capital of Malta wants to show you his island which is in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. has a lot of small towns. The Grand Harbour is the port of Valletta. It is a natural harbour with docks, Piers and fortifications. Valletta is very old. Jean Parisot de la Valette, the Grandmaster of the Order of Saint John is its founder. Look! Aiden, your first guide, is ready to leave. Enjoy your visit!

Lets'go to Malta 1

3 Completa le seguenti frasi con alcune parole dell’esercizio 2.

1. Mr Ryan was the of the company.

2. The Grand ……………………………. is the port of Valletta.

3. Malta is an in the Mediterranean Sea.

4. Let’s go to the British museum to about Egyptian culture.

5. Martin is from London, ……………………………. his cousin Joe.

6. Look at Tom! He is because he has got a new tablet.

7. Florence is a Italian city.

4 2 Ascolta e controlla.

5 Leggi le opinioni di alcuni membri della famiglia di Aiden (1-4) su Malta e collegale alle frasi legate all’esercizio 1 (A-F). Fai attenzione, c’è una frase in più! 0 è un esempio.

0. “I’m from the capital city of Malta.” Aiden F

1. “In Valletta, we have a big harbour. I’m going there now.” Laura, Aiden’s Mum

2. “Our fortified port has got piers and docks. I’m taking a photo of it now.” John, Aiden’s Dad

3. “I live in St. Julian’s, a small town. I like snorkelling.” Richard, Aiden’s friend

4. “The Grandmaster of the Order of Saint John is a very important historical figure for us.” Jill, Aiden’s sister

a. The founder of Malta is Jean Parisot de la Valette, the Grandmaster of the Order of Saint John.

b. Malta has a lot of small villages.

c. Malta is in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

d. The Grand Harbour is the port of Valletta.

e. The port of Valletta is a harbour with docks, piers, and fortifications.

f. Aiden is from the city of Valletta, the capital of Malta.


Physical appearance

1 3 Ascolta le descrizioni e scrivi i nomi nei riquadri.

2 Abbina i vocaboli inglesi (1-14) al loro corrispettivo italiano.

1. old mezza età

2. young anziano

3. middle-aged giovane

4. glasses orecchini

5. beard occhiali

6. moustache barba

7. earrings baffi

8. long hair calvo/a

9. short hair

10. curly hair

11. wavy hair

12. shoulder-length hair

13. straight hair

14. bald

capelli lunghi

capelli corti

capelli di lunghezza media

capelli ricci

capelli lisci

capelli ondulati

What’s the weather like?

3 Quando siamo in vacanza è importante essere sempre informati sulle condizioni del tempo. Osserva le icone e abbina ciascuna parola all’immagine corrispondente.

1. It’s raining.

2. It’s snowing.

3. It’s sunny.

4. It’s foggy.

5. It’s cloudy.

6. It’s windy.

4 Leggi e completa il cruciverba.

1. Take an umbrella. It’s !

2. Look! It’s . All the trees are white!

3. I can’t see the top of the building! It’s too ...................................

4. It’s really today. I can’t even see my hands!

5. On a day you can fly a kite.

6. It’s really and hot today! It’s beach time!

5 2 1 4 3 5 Rispondi alle domande. What are your favourite weather conditions? Why?

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Il Present Simple si usa per indicare azioni abituali o permanenti.

I play tennis every day!

Il Present Continuous si usa per indicare azioni in corso o temporanee.

I’m playing basketball now

Il Present Simple e il Present Continuous sono spesso accompagnati da espressioni temporali. Present Simple: always, never, often... Present Continuous: now, at the moment...

1 Completa il seguente brano, utilizzando la forma corretta del Present Simple o del Present Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

Aiden is a student from Malta. In Summer, he usually (get up) (1) at 9 a.m. Then, he (have) (2) a shower and (get dressed) (3) After that, he (have) (4) breakfast at home with his sister Jill. But today he (have) (5) breakfast at Debbie’s café with his best friend Richard, while Jill (have) (6) hers outside in the garden.

2 Trasforma le seguenti frasi in affermative ( ✔), negative ( ✗) o interrogative ( ?). Fai attenzione ai tempi verbali.

1. Aiden likes going to Golden Bay. (✗)

2. Richard is playing football now. (?)

3. Jill and Richard usually read detective stories. (?) ..........................................................................................................

4. They aren’t having breakfast at the moment. (✔)

Lets'go to Malta

3 Leggi le risposte poi scrivi le domande utilizzando il Present Simple o il Present Continuous.

1. Where ?

I usually spend my summer holidays in Malta.

2. Who ?

I go to Malta with my family.

3. Where ?

We usually stay in a beautiful hotel near Golden Bay.

4. What ?

I am doing homework now.

5. What ?

I’m looking for my keys. I can’t find then!

4 Completa le cinque conversazioni. Scegli la risposta corretta (a-b-c-d) per le domande 1-5. Solo una risposta è corretta. La conversazione 0 è un esempio.

0. What do you do on Sundays?

a I am going to the cinema.

b I go to the cinema at the moment.

c I am going to the cinema now.

d I go to the cinema on Sundays.

1. What are you doing now?

a I’m downloading a video.

b I download a video.

c I download a video now.

d I’m downloading a video every day.

2. What does your mum do?

a She’s a Maths teacher.

b She bakes a cake.

c She does a cake.

d She is baking a cake.

3. Are you playing football?

a Yes, I do.

b Yes, we do.

c Yes, I am.

d Yes, I’m.

4. Does Tom study Japanese?

a No, he does.

b No, he doesn’t.

c No, he isn’t.

d No, he is.

5. How often do they play tennis?

a They play tennis now.

b They are playing tennis every day.

c They play tennis every day.

d They are usually playing tennis.

Present continuous for future plans

Il present continuous viene utilizzato anche per parlare di azioni che abbiamo programmato di realizzare in futuro. Ricorda che è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come tonight, tomorrow, next week

5 Collega le immagini sui programmi per la domenica di alcuni ragazzi (A-F) con le frasi (1-6).

1. Luke is meeting his friends at the park later.

2. Mrs Lee is having lunch with her best friend tomorrow.

3. Ben is playing the guitar with his friends tonight.

4. Mike is starting his homework in two hours.

5. Kate is playing tennis this morning.

6. Toby is going to the swimming pool in the afternoon.

6 Ora tocca a te. Quali sono i tuoi piani per domani? Le seguenti domande possono aiutarti a rispondere: Where are you going tomorrow? Who are you going with? What are you doing?

Tomorrow I

Preparazione alla prova INVALSI d’Inglese e all’Esame di Stato per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado

pp. 128

ISBN 978-88-472-3424-6

1 8,00




Lezioni di CLIL e Civiltà dei paesi di lingua inglese per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado

pp. 192 ISBN 978-88-472-3488-8

1 13,90

(D.P.R. 6-10-1978, n° 627, art.4. n° 6).

(vendita e

(D.P.R. 26-10-1972, n° 633, art. 2 lett. d). Esente da bolla di accompagnamento

Revise your English Discover English-speaking countries

Ripasso e consolidamento della lingua e viaggio alla scoperta dei paesi di lingua inglese per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado

LET'S GO ! è un interessante viaggio nei paesi di lingua inglese e al tempo stesso un ottimo strumento di ripasso e potenziamento della lingua. Con Let’s go! in classe 2a andiamo alla scoperta di Malta, Gibilterra, Repubblica di Irlanda, Canada, Nuova Zelanda. E inoltre: attività, giochi linguistici e brevi letture; esercizi in stile INVALSI; sezione di ripasso grammaticale; pagine di approfondimento culturale; revision test; glossario inglese – italiano; ascolti con l’app Raffaello Player

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