Dean Corgey

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02 DE FEB - 09 DE FEB | 2017





Commissioner from the port of Houston


02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017



In loving memory of Mr. José G. Esparza


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By: Jose Saenz


ur experience in making your company grow is what gets things done. Welcome to the future of advertising brought to you in the present by creativity itself. AdverSavvy team of international professionals can guide any company towards the greatness it deserves, no matter how big or small, and in a timely fashion.

FOUNDED BY: José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza /1993/ PO BOX 1805 CYPRESS TEXAS 77410 Phone: (713)880-1133 Fax: (713)880-2322 PUBLISHERS




MICHAEL A. ESPARZA Los contenidos periodísticos que se incluyen en este resumen informativo son propiedad intelectual y responsabilidad exclusiva de los medios emisores y de sus autores y no representan de manera alguna la opinion de la revista ¡Que Onda!

DISTRIBUTION NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keeping a high standard and devotingly opposes any type of misleading advertising.

CLOSE EDITION Friday 5:00pm OFFICE HOURS 9:00 am - 6:00pm Monday - Friday DEADLINES Friday 12:00 am Ads containing special art, photos or proof will be required a week in advance. Cancellations should be made in writing and receiven five (5) day in advance of publication date. Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados Copyright 2007

The peace of mind that our clients share is our goal and our commitment, and the success they achieve is the result of smart knowledge. Coined by the company head of Adversavvy, smart knowledge is the result of experience, dedication, and vision. It takes meticulous planning and desire to be the best at what you do, because what you do is who you are. Let us lead your company into the future by marketing it now. Our proven methods are cutting-edge in digital media and advertising, setting us apart from the competition. Results do not lie, and neither do quarterly profits. Let us increase your quarterly profits, because you owe it to yourself to be the best at what you do. Be Savvy, or better: Be AdverSavvy


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02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017





hapter 37 Receives Chapter Platinum Leadership Award

Houston, Texas — The national office of SCORE “Mentors to America’s Small Business” honored SCORE Houston – Chapter 37 with its Chapter Platinum Leadership Award. The award recognizes SCORE Houston for its outstanding leadership, commitment, and exemplary services in maintaining its chapter standards of operation in fiscal year 2016. SCORE Houston – Chapter 37 has received this award the past 5 years.


e descubrio en Veracruz por un analis falso, de un aparato sin registro sanitario, comprado en China y que entró en el país ilegal. La secretaría de Salud mexicana dijo este martes que el Gobierno estatal compró en 2011 hasta 70,000 dispositivos pirata para la detección del VIH y que incluye 16.8 toneladas de medicamentos. Con el Gobierno de Javier Duarte se perdio por malversación y lavado de dinero, la corrupción había llegado hasta los laboratorios de sangre.

tonio Nemi, realizó a este diario. “Hemos registrado la compra de 70.000 piezas de kit de detección rápida de VIH falsas, compradas en China y que entraron de manera ilegal en el país”.

A sumar una economía en bancarrota, por robar dinero público, el aumento de la violencia y la pobreza, una inmensa bola de deuda y una red de empresas fantasma pilotada por un gobernador que tenía escondidos 23 millones de pesos y monedas de oro en cajas de cartón repartidas por sus mansiones.

No han podido confirmar el año de la compra de los medicamentos . Podrían remontarse al Gobernador anterior, Fidel Herrera, acusado también como responsable del ffaude. Herrera tambien dician que tenia relaciones con los narcotraficantes, y tambien renunció y paso a su cargo de cónsul en Barcelona para defenderse y hacer “política interna”.

El fraude podría alcanzar también al Gobernador anterior, Fidel Herrera, que renunció recientemente a su cargo de cónsul en Barcelona y El nuevo gobernador, el panista Miguel Ángel Yunes Denunció que en los centros de oncología del estado les daba a los niños agua destilada en vez de medicamentos. El regulador sanitario mexicano sí confirmó sin embargo la denuncia que el exsecretario de Salud con Duarte entre marzo de 2013 y octubre de 2014, An-

Más de la mitad del material ha sido incautado por los agentes de la Cofepris. El resto –más de 20,000 dispositivos tambien se perdieron y el regulador presume que deben estar distribuidos y en uso dentro de las 11 delegaciones del Estado.

No se sabe si la operación está relacionada con la red de 21 empresas fantasma que con la cobertura de secretarías estatales defraudó 35 millones de dólares. “… Probablemente puedan concluir en delito penal”, dijo Sánchez y Tépoz. El exgobernador Duarte, está siendo perseguido por la Interpol en 190 países, acusado de los delitos de delincuencia organizada y lavado de dinero.

SCORE Houston has been a part of the local small business community since 1965. In Fiscal Year 2016, the chapter’s volunteers provided free face-to-face mentoring and low-cost workshops for several thousand aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. “We are honored to receive recognition from the national office of SCORE”, says SCORE Houston President Dick Rybacki. “Our 100+ volunteers have a passion for business. They are committed to the success of small businesses in the 9 county greater Houston, Texas area”. For more information about starting or managing a small business, call (713) 487-6565. Visit SCORE Houston on the Web at www. Volunteering with SCORE Q: I’m at the age of retirement and have an opportunity to sell my business, or I have a business but want to help people start or build a business as a way of paying it forward. Any advice? A: Why not spend some of your time helping promising entrepreneurs start or run their own small businesses? You could share your business expertise, give back to your community, gain satisfaction from seeing others succeed and connect with like-minded people by volunteering with SCORE. Each year, SCORE counselors touch thousands of lives, generously sharing their knowledge and experience so that entrepreneurs can realize their dreams of business success. Nationwide over 11,000 men and women in 389 SCORE offices donate their time and talent to assist America’s small businesses. At SCORE Houston, volunteers provide

confidential one-to-one and team business counseling and low-cost training workshops and seminars in English and in Spanish. In addition, many counselors are virtual volunteers, providing email counseling directly from their homes or offices. SCORE members cannot get paid for the services they provide to our small business clients. Counselors come from a variety of occupations and backgrounds. Both retired and working professionals are welcome in SCORE. Many volunteers owned small businesses for years while others worked for large corporations. Whatever their background, SCORE counselors share a belief that small business owners are more likely to succeed if they have a business mentor to guide them. We currently are seeking new members of diverse backgrounds and experiences to complement our current team of over 132 volunteers in the Houston area. Our members choose from a variety of ways to contribute to our mission; but, a most of our counselors are focused primarily on helping aspiring entrepreneurs develop their business plans and launch their first business. Many work with clients to find the financing needed to start or expand a small business. Others are involved in organizing client educational sessions, carrying out our chapter treasury and accounting activities, managing our internal computer network, publishing newsletters, or other administrative functions. New members go through an orientation program to get familiar with SCORE and comfortable with the counseling process. All members stay up-to-date by attending regular monthly training sessions. In Houston, we share offices and work closely with the Small Business Administration. We have several satellite locations throughout the city. Check out our website, If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please email us at tony.morales@scorevolunteer. org, or . You can also call our office at 713-487-6565 and leave a message for our volunteer coordinator to call you. Sponsored by

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




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QUE ONDA, DIOS? Por: Jose Saenz



ymphs must go through five blood feedings to become an adult. Hundreds come out of one egg, set to go off every four to ten days by the dozen. The adults do a creepy dance on the host as they feed called the “traumatic inception”, in which the male adult will pin down the female and insert his spiky genitalia, piercing through her exoskeleton in the abdomen area and injecting his seed. Adult insects can live for up to a year with no blood meal. They track you from your carbon dioxide in your breath. Once bitten, you do not feel a thing because their saliva has a numbing agent like the mosquito. It did something to the test subjects from which they could not recover. This weapon, code named “Demons in my head”, designed for enemy barracks or dorm areas where maximum number of combatants sleep. This form of psychological warfare causes loss of morale, sleep deprivation-caused hysteria, hallucinations, panic, and eventually mutiny and dissention of ranks. They were all terrified to go to sleep. Jason had just showered when he realized that he had someone there with him the night before, and now there was no one. Not even a morning session or a note. How rude, but he could not even remember her name as if he was drugged. He felt a groggy, confused feeling and a touch of a hangover. However, as he went into the analyzation of the past day he seemed to notice some welts on his face that looked like bite marks…except that they

were already blistering and they were sliding off his face as if liquefied.” Oh my God”, he thought as he had the most intense daytime hallucination of a secret military weapon, complete with blueprints, molecular designs, and specs. The enemy was now dugin and had now fully occupied sovereign territory. After implementing procedures for containment, it was a losing battle. The chemicals were having little effect on the eggs going off every few days, which were obvious because he would wake up, or even after an entire night awake, he would find hideous bite marks all over his body from head to toe. He never saw or felt anything biting him, although he saw the enemy at first, but then gradually got rid of the visible ones. He ended up throwing away most furniture and continued with the chemical warfare. He was brutally attacked every time he would spray the chemicals, all over his body by the next day, mostly on his face. He never saw one biting him, and he never slept. Soon he was delirious but eventually used enough chemicals to kill them and become sterile. Jason finally remembered the girl’s name, Ginger, who was there the night before only because she left her purse under the couch. Inside was an empty vial, but he knew it was not empty. He went straight to her house and tossed the open vial into her mail slot on her front door. He snickered to himself as he saw her memory disappear in his rearview mirror. Karma is a bitch, he thought.


n la Junta de Educación de Texas, profesores pidieron que elimine estudios de ciencia a nivel secundaria que esta en contra de la teoría de la evolución y los alumnos consideran si Dios creó el universo. Este cambio podría desvalorizar la libertad escolar y el pensamiento independiente en Texas, el segundo estado más grande de Estados Unidos. La manera como Texas enseña la evolución a más de 5,3 millones de alumnos en las escuelas públicas ha causado controversia durante años, despues de las cortes federales en contra de que se concede el creacionismo y la teoría del diseño inteligente. La Junta Educativa del estado eliminó en 2009 un requisito establecido 20 años, ordenando que en las clases de ciencia se enseñaran “las fortalezas y las debilidades” de la teoría de la evolución. Incluyeron la regla de que los estudiantes aprendan “todos los ángulos” de la teoría científica. Dijeron que ese aspecto apoyara el pensamiento crítico, pero los oponentes dicen que tenía como propósito cerrar las lecciones sobre la evolución. Un panel de maestros y expertos en Texas ha recomendado eliminar ese elemento porque causa confusión y que causa que la ideología religiosa se imponga sobre la ciencia. La junta escuchó muchas horas de testimonios de profesores e investigadores que criticaron el plan de estudios, así como de activistas que lo apoyan. El panel empiezan esta semana votaciones

preliminares sobre este plan. “El establecimiento de nuestros objetivos educativos no debe basarse en las encuestas de opinión”, le dijo a la junta Arturo de Lozanne, profesor de biociencia molecular en la Universidad de Texas. Paso un momento de tensión cuando la exprofesora Tanya Estes pidió eliminar “el creacionismo de nuestro plan de estudios de ciencias”. David Bradley, republicano de Beaumont, le exigió que “por favor señale” dónde aparece el “creacionismo” en el plan de estudios de Texas. Los planes de estudio no mencionan específicamente el creacionismo, pero los oponentes afirman que en la práctica tienen el efecto de desafiar la evolución. Además del término “todos los ángulos”, paneles de expertos también han recomendado eliminar la enseñanza en el currículo de fósiles y que dicen los sectores religiosos conservadores que los estudiantes dejarían de considerar una fuerza superior. Barbara Cargill, republicana de la junta, dijo que el sector del petróleo y el gas ha pedido que la materia de fósiles se enseñe en las aulas en Texas. “Ellos consideran importante que nuestros chicos necesitan aprender más sobre el currículo de fósiles y necesitan hacerse preguntas sobre lo que existe”, dijo Cargill. En las lecciones de la vida no hay respustas distinctas, y uno tiene que pesar todo junto, y luego saber que aunque sea realidad de cada persona, tiene que haber algo mas grande que nuestras dudas. Buena arrima, Jose.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




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ow important is energy? Is cheap energy worth the health of the planet and our kids? Energy needs and short-term economic growth are set against our children’s health and future. This is about the oil and gas extraction technologies called hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” that help to quench our exponentially increasing thirst for electricity and fuel. Welcome to the modern age where you have to be plugged in. Pro-fracking supporters describe the modern miracle of America’s new energy independence, a reality unheard of just a decade ago. They say the oil and gas boom around the U.S. has helped the economy at a time of need. Prices at the pump have plummeted, but there may be a few safety issues and techniques not yet perfected, got to work out the kinks. Fracking protesters, meanwhile, show images of flammable water flowing from a home faucet, and the double-crossed landowner helpless in the face of aggressive Big Energy. The ugly rigs rising up in the tranquility of America’s farm, pasture, and suburban lands. The stench of unknown and undisclosed chemicals, sickness, fresh water problems, looming illnesses, and death.

Air quality, health, and energy PRO FRACKING: Increasing reliance on natural gas, rather than coal, is indisputably creating widespread public

health benefits, as the burning of natural gas produces fewer harmful particles in the air. The major new supply of natural gas produced through fracking is displacing the burning of coal, which each year contributes to the early death of thousands of people. Coal made up about 50 percent of U.S. electricity generation in 2008, 37 percent by 2012; meanwhile, natural gas went from about 20 percent to about 30 percent during that same period. In particular, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced dramatically. Fracking saves lives, and it saves them right now and not at some date well into the future. CON FRACKING: Air quality dynamics around fracking operations are generally unknown and cumulative health impacts of fracking for nearby residents and workers as well. Some of the available research evidence suggests there may be under-appreciated problems with ozone. Natural gas is not a purely clean and renewable source of energy, and so its benefits are only compare to coal burning, which is terrible for the air quality and ozone. ISSUE: The extraction process results in some greenhouse gas emissions leakage. PRO FRACKING: At the plant level, natural gas produces only somewhere between 44 and 50 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions compared with burning of coal. The number-one priority must be to reduce the reliance on coal. CON FRACKING: Research from Cornell has suggested that leaked methane “– a powerful greenhouse gas – from wells essentially wipes out any greenhouse gas benefits of natural gas derived from fracking”. Other points in possible leakage are distribution and transmission. Falling natural gas prices will only encourage more energy use, cancelling any “cleaner” benefits of gas. The embrace of cheap natural gas will undercut incentives to

invest in solar, wind, and other renewables, which would reduce the risk of catastrophic melting of the glaciers.

Drinking water wars Fayetteville Shale, Arkansas. This April another study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirmed that high-volume hydraulic fracturing techniques can contaminate drinking water. There have been numerous reports by citizens across the country of fouled tap water; it is a fact that some of the tap water has even turned bubbly and flammable because of increased methane. Well blowouts have happened. One in five chemicals that are involved in the fracking process are trade secrets. All of this drilling, producing these economic incentives, leaves the enforcement of fines to have little impact. Infrastructure, resources, and communities Fracking is hugely water-intensive: A well can require anywhere from two- to 20-million gallons of water, with another 25 percent used for operations such as drilling and extraction, which

can affect local water sources. The big, trucks tear up the roads with over hundreds of trips back and forth. It is likely to have tens of thousands of sealed (or not so much), and abandoned wells all over the U.S. landscape, many of which will need to be monitored, reinforced, and maintained. Earthquakes: Seismic worries Scientists are only just beginning to understand what we are doing to our local geologies, and the 2014 Annual Reviews of Environment and Resources paper notes: “between 1967 and 2000, geologists observed a steady background rate of 21 earthquakes of 3.0 Mw or greater in the central United States per year. Starting in 2001, when shale gas and other unconventional energy sources began to grow, the rate rose steadily to [approximately] 100 such earthquakes annually, with 188 in 2011 alone.” New research on seismology in places such as Texas and Oklahoma suggests an increase in earthquakes, and even in places that never have witnessed an earthquake like Tennessee. Turning the ground into Swiss cheese from the drilling will de-stabilize the crust and cause seismic as well as erosion issues.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




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CAMBIOS EN PROCESOS Nacional de AbogaMIGRATORIOS ladosAsociación de Inmigración (AILA), dijo


i usted está procesando su green card o cualquier otro beneficio migratorio o si es poseedor de una visa de no inmigrante que requiere renovación cada cierto tiempo (por ejemplo una visa H, O, P o L), una de las recientes órdenes ejecutivas del presidente Donald Trump le afectará muy pronto, con posibles retrasos y más requisitos para calificar. Este tema se ha discutido muy poco en los medios, ya que estas cláusulas están en la misma orden que restringe la entrada de refugiados y de personas de siete países de mayoría musulmana: toda la cobertura noticiosa se ha concentrado en estos temas. Pero las secciones 4 y 8 de la misma orden están causando preocupación en la comunidad legal, ya que hacen cambios substanciales al procesamiento de visas en las embajadas y consulados estadounidenses y también al “vetting” o condiciones para la aprobación de beneficios migratorios.

“Podemos anticipar que ambos cambios tendrán un efecto negativo en los tiempos de procesamiento”, señaló David Nayzad, abogado especialista en inmigración y ciudadanía con oficinas en Los Angeles. “Es decir, habrá más retrasos en USCIS para diversos procesos migratorios, largas colas para entrevistas en consulados y atasco en la frontera, si es que se obliga a CBP a aplicar este tipo de “screening” o revisiones adicionales en los puertos de entrada”. Entrevistas en los consulados y aprobación de visas Los afectados más inmediatos son las personas que están procesando visas de no inmigrante en consulados en el exterior y particularmente aquellos que están en este país y que deben renovar una visa existente, dijeron este martes expertos en ley migratoria. Greg Chen, director de defensa de

que cuando los estadounidenses se den cuenta de lo que significan estos cambios, “verán que Donald Trump ha puesto una enorme traba en el sistema de visas para viajes” que afectará a negocios y familias de este país, tanto como a extranjeras. El período de tiempo que tomar renovar una visa de no inmigrante en un consulado comenzará a aumentar de inmediato, dijeron expertos, debido a que la orden de Trump emitida el viernes requiere que los oficiales consulares entrevisten a TODOS los que están renovando visas, aunque estos sean los llamados “bajo riesgo”. El abogado Nayzad recomienda a personas que deban renovar visas que comiencen el proceso con un año de antelación al vencimiento de la misma. “Tal y como están las cosas hoy en día, la extensión de algunas visas toma 6 meses. Esto podría alargar aún más el tiempo que llevará el proceso”, indicó. “Además, recomiendo solicitar en persona y no por medio de papeleo”. No está claro el efecto que este nuevo proceso tendrá en las personas de países limítrofes (Canadá y México) que tienen visas como la TN, relacionada con el Tratado de Libre Comercio , y que usualmente renovaban sus visas al salir y entrar de nuevo al país, indicó el abogado Angelo Paparelli, también de Los Angeles. “Hay una regla de revalidación automática de ciertas visas que evita que las personas deban pasar por el consulado o entrevistarse. Puede que estos cambios afecten este proceso”, dijo Paparelli. Se recomienda que las personas con este tipo de visas consulten a sus asesores legales u organizaciones comunitarias antes de tratar de renovar sus visas o salir del país. Anteriormente, las personas con una visa previamente aprobada que pedían una

extensión y que no tenían problemas de cumplimiento de la ley o eran ancianos o menores de edad, podrían pedir sus extensiones por medio del “Visa Interview Waiver Program”, sin volver a pasar por una entrevista en la oficina consular. La orden ejecutiva emitida el viernes pasado elimina de inmediato el Programa de Exención de Entrevista para Visas, obligando a todos los solicitantes, incluso a los que son de bajo riesgo y sólo esperan renovaciones, a pedir una entrevista y exponerse a la expiración de su visa si no lo hacen con tiempo suficiente. Ante la acumulación de casos, indicó Paparelli, las entrevistas “pueden terminar siendo más cortas” y la seguridad disminuirá en vez de aumentar. La orden requiere la contratación de más personal para el Consular Fellows Program, personal consultar con conocimiento de idiomas que serían entrenados para hacer estas entrevistas. Esto preocupa al abogado. “Primero, esto tomará tiempo y recursos. La medida ha sido implementada de inmediato así que abrumará a los consulados y causará problemas en negocios que dependen de personas con estas visas”, apuntó. “Y luego, le va a dar mucha autoridad a un grupo de “fellows” rápidamente entrenados, que ganan un menor salario, para hacer decisiones de vida o muerte”. Chen, de AILA, indicó que el efecto de estos cambios se hará sentir de inmediato para negocios y familias estadounidenses. “Este nuevo requisito de entrevistar en persona a todos los que

renuevan visados va a imponer grandes costos, va a afectar a negocios y retrasar las operaciones de las oficinas del Departamento de Estado en todo el mundo”, dijo Chen. “El Presidente Trump se ha jactado siempre de ser un empresario global, pero lo que está haciendo es cerrar el país al mundo, poner muchas dificultades para visas, viajeros y negocios internacionales”. Requieren probar que un inmigrantes será un “miembro productivo de la sociedad” La sección 4 de la misma orden ejecutiva dirige a varias agencias federales, incluyendo DHS y FBI a participar en el diseño de un nuevo “standard” para seleccionar a los migrantes que deban recibir un beneficio migratorio. Algunos abogados creen que estas secciones posiblemente exceden la autoridad del presidente, ya que hacen cambios en la forma en que se otorga inmigración legal y esto debe ser legislado y no cambiado por orden ejecutiva. De ahora en adelante, los solicitantes de un beneficio, por ejemplo una tarjeta de residencia, deberán demostrar que “van a convertirse en un miembro positivo de la sociedad o a hacer una contribución que está en el interés nacional de Estados Unidos”. Este es un estándar que no está contemplado por la ley actual, que mide variables mucho más específicas, como por ejemplo, si la persona “no se convertirá en una carga para la sociedad” (si tiene la forma de mantenerse o alguien que la mantenga). Por el momento, este nuevo estándar no debería aplicarse a casos pendientes, ya que la orden sólo pide un reporte sobre cómo cambiar estos requisitos, pero el asunto ya está causando preocupación.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017





By: Jose Saenz

or thousands of years prior to the invention of the printing press, all works of writing could only be copied by hand or by inefficient forms of block printing, time-consuming and very expensive for the common people. The printing press dramatically reduced the time and expense of copying works, and paved the way for the “downloading” of knowledge.

By: Jose Saenz


aving a home-based business can be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Single mothers are the nurturers and educators of our kids, and home based businesses are the perfect jobs for the flexibility that single mothers need. Raising our kids properly is our responsibility as parents, and it is more important than ever to spend quality time with our kids as much as possible. Homebased businesses make it possible to overcome several obstacles that single mothers so often face. Women that are single mothers are learning to empower themselves by working from home. The cost of day care for kids has increased steadily because of the

demand, so having a home-based business can help free up money to buy things like clothes or nutritious food, instead of junk food. When you are a single mother, every little amount of money saved really helps. The education of our kids is critical for our future. A homebased business can also be two jobs. Some people chose to school their kids at home, and being home allows for education and discipline, which is not a requirement for public school teachers for the latter. Having a homebased business is beneficial to single mothers, and at the same time the success stories help to strengthen our country starting with our little leaders of tomorrow, our children.

Johan Gutenberg receives credit for creating the first printing press in 1450, and output of printed books skyrocketed into the hundreds of millions of copies during the following century. Information influenced every major cultural and political revolution for centuries. Religious philosophy, like that of Protestant reformer Martin Luther, were able to shape the history of the Western World, through the sale of hundreds of thousands of copies of printed work. No less significant was the impact of the printing press on scientific development as, for the first time, scientists could both educate and learn from an international community of peers through publication. From posters to business cards and to full marketing campaigns and even from envelopes to office supplies like reams of paper other forms of printing, Galactica Print can be your printing ally for all your company’s needs. It can be monochrome printing or color printing. It can be printing on plain paper or on glossy paper, or even on apparels used as office uniforms. Printing has also an important

role in giving a new dimension to the presentation of promotional gift articles. No company old or new will deny the importance and effect of imprinted promotional accessories in increasing their sales. Every company knows the benefits of promoting their services to expand their business, and to increase their visibility in the market. These imprinted personalized gift articles used for the purpose of promotion are quite capable of increasing the list of clientele for any company while increasing the sale of product. The imprinted personalized items certainly do have greater impact on the client as compare to plain item. The color printed materials like posters and stickers draw the attention of many and help in advertising the business. The use of eye-catching designs and proper color combinations can have a very constructive effect on clientele. Vibrant colors makes the printed material look more interesting while Color printing helps to leave a long lasting impression on clients. Business cards are the most effective promotional tools. A high quality of printing and professional look of the card plays a very important role in creating a good impression on one’s potential clients. When a company has correspondence with their client, they would prefer a letterhead with their company logo printed on it to promote themselves. This is both history and future: The miracle of printing is the gift that keeps on giving. Give to your company.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017



SHIP & SHIELD ANTHONY TORRES THE VIKING PUB & FEAST INTERVIEW Gabriel: Anthony, tell us a little bit about you. Anthony: I am from Puerto Rico. I sing bachata. I started in salsa and just kind of fell into the bachata scene, Gabriel: Where did you start your career? Did you start in Puerto Rico or did you start it here? Anthony: I can say that my professional career was started here in Houston about 10 years ago.


pen now in the Midtown/ Montrose area... A full service restaurant and bar with a Viking theme complete with a Viking Ship as a bar and Viking shields as tables. Enter the arched gates from West Gray to a relaxing patio with a Viking fire pit and a stand-up game bar with Hnefatafl (the Viking Kings game), and two chess boards. A 32 foot Bocce court is also nestled on the side of the building. Seating for dinner and appetizers is abundant on the patio. Walking the steps to the porch you will pass additional seating on the left and two dartboards on the right before you enter the rustic wooden front door where you are immediately greeted by a hand carved dragon head atop a 35 foot Viking Longboat. As you walk through the rustic wooden foyer with a handmade antler chandelier and wood burning fireplace, you will enter the bar and have a seat at the long boat which is sided with handcrafted Viking shields. A full bar with Scandinavian spirits, vodkas, meads, ciders and draft beer is

available for your enjoyment along with a select scotch list pillaged from the British Isles. The dining room is candle-lit with a Viking long table and various other handcrafted shields as tables—no two tables are alike. More antler chandeliers grace the room along with a large Feast Table. The menu is currently under development and will feature a multitude of wild game dishes including elk, caribou, reindeer, wild boar, rabbit and our featured dish “Odin’s Eye” a hard boiled egg wrapped in Norwegian smoked salmon, breaded, deep fried and placed on a bed of field greens. Our signature sandwich is an open faced wild boar sandwich covered with sauteed cabbage with shallots and dried cranberries. Delicious! Dinner will be served from 5 until 10 Sunday through Thursday and until 11pm on Friday and Saturday. Eventually we will offer a Saturday and Sunday brunch. Appetizers will be available throughout operating hours. We look forward to serving you!

Gabriel: What made you get into the music business? Anthony: My father, my grandfather, everyone in my family on my dad’s side is a musician. My dad plays saxophone and sings, my uncles all play percussion. Music was in the blood. I was 20 when I started. Gabriel: Do you write your own songs, or do you produce? Anthony: I do write my own songs and my own lyrics. I also have a writer that I work with out in Florida. He writes with me, sometimes we write together, sometimes I write on my own. I have other artists that help with production, such as Tony Love’s producer Gabriel: Your PR told me that you’re about to a duet with Juan Gabriel. How did that happen? Anthony: Yeah. Obviously, you have to get approval for any song you do that’s a cover. So we get our licensing done to do a cover. I look up to him, I look up to his voice. And I figured, hey, what better way than to do one of the songs that isn’t really heard often, but when you think it, you think Juan Gabriel? Gabriel: What is your plan for 2017? What do you want to achieve? AAnthony: 2017’s going to be a big year. We are doing the release of this song. We are also doing the release of my album in May. We are doing a CD release party in Chicago. We have several places that I’ll be flying to out of the country. We’re looking at Italy, Poland, and we got a few concerts lined up maybe in Canada as well. Gabriel: So you’re not just in the United States? You are playing internationally? Anthony: Yeah, 3 months ago, I was in Poland. We did 2 sold-out concerts there, they have a huge bachata following. Gabriel: Do you mainly do bachata and salsa? Anthony: Yeah, mainly bachata. I started out doing salsa, had an opportunity to do a cover that did very well. It started getting played internationally. I think the first place it played was in Israel. There’s a Spanish station out there and they were the first ones to get it out of the US. At that time, I had a lot of support from the Houston market as well. It was on Mega 101, 104.9, and it just kind of spread. Eventually it was no longer “Anthony Torres, el salsero”. It was “El bachatero de Houston.” Gabriel: Do you do a lot of local concerts? Anthony: I do. Gabriel: What do you normally play? Anthony: You know, sometimes, I get together with a combo. We have local musicians that I know and work with. For a long time, we would get together at special events. I also have my back dancers, so we just recently performed for the Houston Dynamo. We performed right before the team

was going to play. It was amazing, it was a great feeling. Gabriel: Did you play that concert with playback? Anthony: Yeah, we did that with playback, but we had my backup dancers for the whole show. Gabriel: Have you done anything for the Astros or the Rockets? Anthony: I haven’t done anything for them yet, that’s definitely something I want to do. I’m trying to get into the Super Bowl this year, but it’s hard, there is a lot of great talent. Gabriel: Yeah, it took me 6 months to do this. Anthony: I believe it! Yeah, it’s just a lot of competition. They aren’t doing the pre-game like they did previously. They’re just doing a week-long event before the Super Bowl. So we didn’t take advantage of that. Gabriel: Do you have an opportunity with the Rodeo? Anthony: We haven’t tried the Rodeo. That’s going to be something I didn’t want to try this year because the album is not ready yet. I want to come in when I have a full album and I’m ready to rock and roll. Gabriel: What would you like to recommend our readers about the music business? A brand new person who wants to sing? What do you recommend them to do or not to do? Anthony: Never give up. Never, never give up, keep fighting, keep going. There is going to be a lot of people who will tell you no. I’ve had more than my fair share of people who have told me no. But I’ve never given up. I’ve always believed in myself and really, if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone to believe in you? Gabriel: What about not to do? Anthony: Don’t be naive. There’s a lot of things that won’t be told to you, so do your research and don’t believe everything people tell you. In music, it is a tough business. There are a lot of crooked people out there. There are a lot of people who want to take advantage of you, so you want to make sure that you look at everything. Dot all your I’s, cross all your Ts. Have your attorney with you at all times and just do the right thing. If you’re doing music, make sure to get your music copyrighted. There are things out there that people don’t tell you about. You don’t just sell thousands of records from one day to the next. it takes a lot of hard work, a lot of dedicated, and a lot of money. Gabriel: Are you self-financed? Anthony: I am self-funding my own project. I’ve gone through the whole crowd raising thing, but at the end of the day, you have to have the discipline to save the money and do it yourself. In the end, it’s going to help you control your finances better. If you do make it and you’re making millions of dollars, you can control that finance better if you’re able to set up yourself. You value it more and t means more when you work for it.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017



MIDTOWN BAIL BONDS ¡QOM!: Today is Tuesday, January 17; I’m here with Mr. Al Rucker, with Bail bonds company, Midtown Bail Bonds Company. How are you Mr. Rucker? Al Rucker: I’m good.

¡QOM!: Can you please tell me a little bit about your family background? Al Rucker: Well, I’m the oldest, of six; I have two brothers, three sisters. We’re originally from Frankfurt. My dad was in the service, we travelled, so I lived in Frankfurt, Germany and I lived in Hawaii. When my mother and father separated, we moved to Houston, so I’ve been in Houston ever since I was 12 years old. I have been married with my wife for 26 years. We have two boys, 24 and 20. All of us are involved in the business, which makes it a family-owned business. Currently we have three locations, 2204 Austin is our corporate location, 6602 West Fuqua, is our Missouri City office, and Richmond, Texas. ¡QOM!: Wonderful Mr. Rucker. One question, how did you get involved in the bail bonds business? What was your background before you got involved in the… and how did you get involved? Al Rucker: Well, in Corporate America I was in finance. I left Corporate America in 2001, and started my own real estate and mortgage company. So we did that from 2001 to 2006, in 2006 I started doing bail bonds on the side. And, how I got started in bail bonds was, I represented a lot of entertainers. So, those entertainers were always going to jail, so I had to call a friend of mine who was in the bail bonds business at that time, and he was bonding a lot of my entertainer friends out. So one day he said to me “you ever thought about getting into the bail bonds?” so I was like “nah, I never thought about that”, now mind you that I was doing real estate. So I was doing bail bonds on the side, so when the real estate market completely crashed, I dove into bail bonds full time. ¡QOM!: Great, great, great. So, you started with this location? Which one was your first location? Al Rucker: My first location was in Missouri city, actually, this year makes our tenth year for Midtown. ¡QOM!: Oh wonderful, wonderful. Al Rucker: Yeah, yeah. Altogether I have been in the bonding business for fourteen years. Prior to Midtown, I was partnered with a guy in FORT BEND for four years ¡QOM!: Great. Mr. Rucker, can you explain to us the process of a regular bond? What happens after the guy, the wife, or the person makes the phone call to your company, what is the next process? Al Rucker: What we do is, when they call our office, the agent takes the information, looks up the defendant, sees what jail he/she is in, calls the co-signer back or the person that’s called and gives them all the information and a price quote on what it’s going to cost them to do the bond. Once the client comes in, they fill out some paperwork. The paperwork is a general application, basically asking: name, address, phone number, stuff like that just to verify that you know the person that you’re bonding out. Once we go through that process, we require a few pieces of information, proof of residence (to verify you live in our city limits and not out of town) of the employment (if employed), and a form of identification. At that point, we process the bond; get the defendant out, within two to four hours. The time frame could change depending on jail location and county. ¡QOM!: What happens when you bail a person out, and then the guy does not show up to court?

Al Rucker: Well, it becomes a situation where if that happens, and it happens a lot, in the bail bond business you’re going to have what we call bond jumping… ¡QOM!: Bond jumping? Al Rucker: Yeah, bond jumping, or somebody may just forgot to go to court. So, it’s two things we do, we try to identify which one it is, if it’s a defendant who’s deliberately missing court, or someone who forgot to go to court. If they forgot… ¡QOM!: Like a mistake or something… Al Rucker: Yeah, if they forgot to go to court, we can normally get that court date rolled over. ¡QOM!: Reset… Al Rucker: Reset, or rolled over to the next day. If it’s a situation where the defendant is actually jumping bond, or running, then at that point, we contact the co-signer, the co-signer is really our customer, so we call them and we ask them, do you know where “such and such” is or where they have been? If they don’t know then we get our bounty hunters involved. ¡QOM!: Bounty hunters? Oh, okay… so they go hunting the guy? Al Rucker: Yeah, they start looking for the missing defendant, find them, the defendant is then apprehended and taken back to jail. Interviewer Are you very flexible with payment plans for the customers? Say the bond is $50,000, so it’s, normally, what, 10%? Al Rucker: Yeah, normally 10%. ¡QOM!: So, What if the guy only has $2,000? Al Rucker: We will definitely work with him. ¡QOM!: You work with him on a payment plan? Are you flexible with that? Al Rucker: Yeah, we’re very flexible with that, because we know at the time, you know, most people are not going to have an extra $5,000 or $2,000, or even $1,000 sitting on the side, so what we do is, ask them we tailor their payment plan based on their payment schedule whether they get paid from their job or government assistance. So if they get paid once a month, we put the payment plan designed for that, if they get paid twice a month, we design a payment for that. Normally, if the bond is $50,000 like you say, we will ask for a certain percentage of that now. ¡QOM!: Okay, wonderful. Do you have bilingual staff? Al Rucker: Yes, yes. I have a full office that’s completely bilingual, just our Richmond location, and each location that I have has a bilingual speaking person. ¡QOM!: Wonderful, wonderful. Mr. Rucker, one of the questions that we like to ask is: What makes you different from other bail bonds? If someone gets in trouble, why should they call Midtown Bail Bonds? What’s the reason? Al Rucker: I think the main reason why we recommend people call us is because, for one, we have between myself and my whole staff, roughly about 40-50 years worth of experience. Number two, we understand the emergency or the situation that’s going on, so we know how to calm the customer down, give them great customer service, be very, very clear on what’s going on, we walk them from point A to point B. On a lot of bonding companies, you come in, they take your money, bond the person out, and they really don’t follow up with you and make sure the thing is being taken care of. So we always act as if we’re like your attorney, you know, as much as your attorney is involved in your case, we are involved in your case, and we keep step by step on what’s going on. ¡QOM!: Wonderful, wonderful. That was my

next question, attorney. Do you, when a client comes in with a minor problem or major problem, do you also do recommendations to get an attorney, or do you also recommend what you should do, you should go see this guy, he’s good? Or you let them, just, hey, find your own attorney? Al Rucker: Well, by law, we can’t recommend an attorney, but we do have clients come in, and they may have an attorney, and they may ask us questions about the attorney… ¡QOM!: If you know an attorney… Al Rucker: By law we can’t recommend an attorney, but at the same time, you know, someone comes in with their attorney, or we may tell them “hey, look, based on this case, you may wanna go in and find you an attorney” or something like that, but we can’t specifically name, “go talk to this particular guy”, based on laws they set up for the bail bonds, we can’t do it. ¡QOM!: One more question Mr. Rucker, What would you recommend the Hispanic community about crime? Al Rucker What would I recommend? ¡QOM!: What would you recommend not to do, or well, of course, not to do, but What are your recommendations to people staying out of trouble? Al Rucker: Yeah, well, we definitely want people, you know, we are in the bond business, how we make our living is based on bonds, but it’s not the fact that we want people to

go out and commit crimes we know because it’s a need, so it’s one of those situations, you know it’s like car insurance, you need it, but you don’t wanna use it. Same thing, we recommend, from everybody, you know, try not to do anything that’s criminal. The way the system is set up, we believe, once you’re in the system, it’s basically one foot in, one foot out, and then, unfortunately a lot of minorities in the city, they get caught in the system, and it can be very expensive, it’s a very expensive situation, from, defending yourself, getting a bond, it takes a toll on your financials, it takes a toll on your family, and at the same time, you know, if you lose a case, you could be taken away from your family, and most important to us is making sure that family stays together. ¡QOM!: Wonderful, one more. I’m sorry but, one more question that I have. On persons from another country, they get bonded because they were drinking or they got in a fight into a club, or domestic violence, anything like that, can you help someone without papers? Al Rucker: Yes, a big percentage of our bonds in certain locations, especially our Richmond locations, are defendants that are over here that may not have their papers at that time, so we do immigration bonds, we do work with immigration attorneys to help get that defendant out, so we definitely can work on any of those matters. We’ve done bonds for people from all over the place, we’ve done bonds from, our people that are Hispanic, Mexican residence, and we have people that have African residence, so we are able to do immigration bonds from anywhere around the world. ¡QOM!: Well Mr. Rucker thank you so much for your time, I appreciate it, thank you so much. For more information on Midtown Bail Bonds please visit.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017






ean Corgey was reappointed to the Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority today by Houston City Council. He was originally appointed by the council on Jan. 16, 2013. Mr. Corgey serves on the Pension and Benefits Committee of the Port Commission.

New Orleans, Jacksonville, Mobile, Port Everglades and San Juan.

Mr. Corgey has 40 years of maritime experience, including working as a merchant mariner, elected union official, regulatory advisory board member and maritime industry advocate. He has been vice president of the Seafarers International Union (SIU), responsible for the Gulf Coast region, since 1990.

Mr. Corgey is a trustee for the Seafarers Pension Plan, Seafarers Health and Benefits Plan, Joint Employment Fund, Training/Safety Fund and Transportation Institute.

He supervises SIU activities ranging from Charleston, S.C., to Brownsville, Texas, including Puerto Rico and hiring halls and offices in Houston,

He oversees a staff of 25 representatives and administrative assistants while representing 7,500 members. He also serves as vice president of the international union

1He serves as a vice president of the Texas AFL-CIO; as secretary-treasurer of the West Gulf Ports Council of the AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Department; and on the executive board of the Harris County AFL-CIO. He is a member of the National Defense Transportation Associ-


ation, American Maritime Partnership and the Navy League of the United States. He is a past member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Area Maritime Security Committee for the Port of Houston/Galveston and served as chairman of the City of Houston Ethics Committee. He served on the U.S. Coast Guard Towing Safety Advisory Committee and the board of the Houston Maritime Association. Mr. Corgey is also active in other civic and humanitarian pursuits.

A graduate of Houston’s Milby High School, Mr. Corgey attended Southwest Texas State University. He graduated from an apprentice program at the Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education in Piney Point, Maryland, earning a chief engineer’s license. He is married to Theresa Mangiameli Corgey and they have two adult sons and four grandchildren. Port Commissioners serve two-year terms without pay. Source:



or more than 100 years, the Port of Houston Authority has owned and operated the public wharves and terminals of Port Houston – the nation’s largest port for foreign waterborne tonnage and an essential economic engine for the Houston region, the state of Texas, and the nation. It supports the creation of nearly 1.175 million jobs in Texas and 2.7 million jobs nationwide, and economic activity totaling almost $265 billion in Texas – 16 percent of Texas’ total gross domestic product – and more than $617 billion in economic impact across the nation. For more information, visit Port Houston’s website at:


02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




e encontré con una amiga y con voz entre cortada me dijo: “María, no sé qué hacer con mi hija, come demasiado y por ser tan gordita se siente menos que sus amiguitas”. Sus palabras, me tocaron profundamente, pues en mi adolescencia yo también estaba rechonchita y me sentía acomplejada. Rápidamente, caí en cuenta que su hija tenía problemas de autoestima ¡y con tan sólo seis años de edad! Es fundamental que los niños posean una excelente autoestima y como madre o padre tú eres responsable de esto. Si un niño aprende el valor de amor propio se convertirá en un adulto saludable emocionalmente. He aquí unos consejos de cómo desarrollar una excelente autoestima en tus hijos: “Ojo” con lo que dices, ellos oyen todo: Creerán todo, aún cuando se trate de un chiste. Si


María DE TAL PALO Marín TAL ASTILLA dices: ¡Mi gorda! o ¡Qué bruto eres!, ten por seguro que pensará que son así. Abrazos y besos: Todos los días dile cuánto lo quieres, además de dedicarle tiempo; hacer las tareas no es suficiente; corran bicicleta juntos o vean su programa favorito.

mamá que se queja todo el día, o si ven a unos papás que comen todo y no hacen ejercicios eso es lo que van a imitar.

Por eso, le dije a mi amiga, que si quería que su niña venciera el sobrepeso una de las mejores formas de contar con buena autoestima es tener padres que la posean. Entonces, para que reflexionará le pregunté: ¿Cómo está tu autoestima?.

Explícales qué deben hacer en lugar de decirles NO: esto fortalece su autoestima. En vez de decirle: no grites”, mejor dile: “baja la voz”. En lugar de decirle: “no tires la puerta”, mejor explícale: “cierra la puerta con cuidado”. Hazle sentir que es muy importante: los niños pueden hacer tareas como recoger sus juguetes y echar la ropa sucia en el canasto. Los niños que ayudan a sus padres se sienten importantes y a la vez súper apreciados. No digas nada negativo de ti mismo: Si escuchan a una

María Marín motivadora internacional. Siguela en Facebook mariamarin Twitter @maria_marin IG mariamarinmotivation Visita:

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




Elena Tamez



así es, Jean Paul Gaultier se declara como un enamorado mas de los países Latinoamericanos entre ellos Brasil, Mexico y Argentina y ha recorrido estos tres países con un propósito en particular; lanzar el reality JPG Loves LatinAmerica que consistió en sus viajes por países Latinoamericanos. Su jornada comenzó el 16 de Octubre y terminó el 26 de Octubre en Argentina. La premier de cada parada estuvo disponible para sus seguidores por snapchat, sin embargo el reality como tal no ha sido lanzado. Durante estos 10 días Jean Paul Gaultier visitó Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Buenos Aires, Argentina y la Ciudad de Mexico. El diseñador, visito diferentes locaciones muy especiales y se hizo acompañar de modelos y amigas usando como portal Snapchat donde todo parecía solo un plan de vacaciones mas y en las tomas se veía a las modelos bailando, tomando selfies y simplemente disfrutando de los destinos.

Sin duda, el diseñador esta abriendo camino a su trabajo y haciendo presencia en estas regiones estratégicas que según el reporte de A. T. Kearney, son puntos potenciales y mercados emergentes que están teniendo cierto crecimiento; además ciertos factores están empujando a estas economías a consumir desde dentro del país y han consumido mas artículos de lujo de manera interna últimamente. ¿Ustedes que opinan? ¿Será que vamos a comenzar a ver estos países Latinoamericanos de diferente manera a nivel global? Y si esto sucede ¿El Latino será capaz de defender este potencial? En Stylepolitan siempre hemos creído en las fortalezas de cada país y en la diversidad. Por favor, síguenos en las redes sociales para que enteres cuando será lanzado este Reality y de muchísimo mas contenido exclusivo. Sigue a Stylepolitan en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram y déjanos tus comentarios para saber si vamos por buen camino o simplemente nos digas que te gustaría leer en el futuro.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




Noticias via



OX Deportes anunció hoy que Mario Quintero Lara, líder del reconocido grupo mexicano Los Tucanes de Tijuana, será la imagen del video de apertura para Super Bowl LI. FOX Deportes, el canal que hizo historia en la NFL al transmitir el Super Bowl XLVIII —la primera emisión en español para los Estados Unidos—, está listo para ofrecer una cobertura sin precedentes al ser la cadena de televisión exclusiva en español que transmitirá el Super Bowl LI, el domingo 5 de febrero desde el

estadio NRG en Houston, Texas. La presentación de la edición XLVIII significó el récord de audiencia para un evento distinto al futbol; en 2017 la historia continuará, ya que por primera ocasión, la ceremonia de los NFL Honors será transmitida en español. Mario Quintero y FOX Deportes se unen por primera vez con este proyecto. El video fue grabado en los estudios de Los Tucanes de Tijuana y demuestra la pasión que la comunidad Hispana siente por los deportes.

Acerca de Los Tucanes de Tijuana Grupo norteño que lidera Quintero, lleva una trayectoria de 29 años estando posicionados en los primeros lugares de música regional mexicana tanto en el mercado mexicano como en el americano. Llevan más de 14 millones de “discos vendidos en el mundo durante su carrera artística y son la agrupación que en la historia de la música contemporánea ha sido capaz de colocar hasta 6 títulos en una sola lista Billboard TOP LATIN ALBUMS en los primeros lugares,” además de haber sido ganadores de un Grammy Latino (“Biografía Los Tucanes de Tijuana” Telepaisa). Acerca de FOX Deportes Lanzada en 1996, FOX Deportes, una división de FOX Sports, es la primera cadena deportiva en Español en los Estados

Unidos. Ahora llegando a más de 22 millones de hogares con cable y satélite, de los cuáles más de 6.3 millones son Hispanos, FOX Deportes ha sido el líder suministrador de programación deportiva en Español de la nación por casi 20 años. FOX Deportes presenta un portafolio diverso de propiedades, y ostenta más de 2,100 horas de programación exclusiva en vivo incluyendo juegos de pre y post temporada de la NFL, la temporada regular de la MLB, el Juego de Estrellas, las Series Divisionales, las Series de Campeonato de la Liga Americana y la Serie Mundial, la UFC®, la USGA’s U.S. Open, NASCAR, el fútbol colegial y programación de fútbol soccer incluyendo la MLS, la Bundesliga, y extensivos partidos de la Liga de Campeones UEFA. Los programas originales incluyen LA ULTIMA PALABRA, CENTRAL FOX y FOX DEPORTES EN VIVO. FOX Deportes Digital alcanza mensualmente 17 millones de visitantes en su pagina y plataformas moviles.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




Noticias via



on discusiones y arrestos, así fueron los primeros días de la protesta que encabeza Shia LaBeouf contra el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump.

El 20 de enero comenzó la protesta “He Will Not Divide Us”, que consiste en una cámara en las afueras del Museo de la Imagen en Movimiento en New York, donde las personas pueden expresar su malestar repitiendo

la consigna “he will not divide us” (Él no nos dividirá). La idea del proyecto es mantener la cámara encendida durante los cuatro años que dura el periodo de Trump en la presidencia. En los días que lleva la manifestación, a la cual asiste constantemente el actor, ha tenido varios altercados, siendo el más relevante, el momento en que

Shia fue detenido por la policía. Según señalan medios estadounidenses, la detención ocurrió luego de que el actor de Transformers posara junto a un sujeto, el cual de un momento a otro le dice “Hitler no hizo nada malo”. LaBeouf se separó inmediatamente y le dio un empujón, a lo que el sujeto le responde “¿Por qué me atacas?”. Pero este no ha sido el único altercado en el que se ha visto envuelto Shia. En otro momento un sujeto que se acercó a la cámara para entregar un mensaje neo-nazi fue “perseguido” por Shia, quién le gritaba en su cara el mensaje de la protesta: “He will not divide us”. Según señaló a AP el actor, la protesta no es sólo contra Trump: “Somos anti división acá. Todos están invitados”. Fuente:

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017






he 2017 Buick Encore received a modest facelift that includes revised frontend styling, upgraded interior materials and a new technology interface that offers Apple CarPlay and Android Auto smartphone integration. • 5-star Overall Vehicle Score safety** by NHTSA • LED lighting accents • Buick IntelliLinkTM infotain-

ment system with 8-inch color-touch screen

• Premium interior with soft-touch


• Available All-Wheel Drive • Available 4G LTE Wi-Fi Hotspot

INTERIOR Step into the new 2017 Encore, and you’ll find premium materials, carefully sculpted appointments, and a quiet, spacious cabin that makes every drive worthwhile. Also included in the new interior are the 4.2-inch diagonal Driver Information Center and 8-inch

diagonal color-touch screen display that give you complete control and information at a glance. From comfortably seating your friends to loading the spacious cargo area with your belongings, you’ll be ready for anything life throws at you in the Encore. EXTERIOR From tight spaces to crowded streets, the maneuverable Encore fits in perfectly while turning heads wherever it goes. The beautifully sculpted front fascia and grille flow smoothly to the rear of the compact SUV, giving it a sleek, sculpted look. The Buick tri-color shield and horizontal wings demand a second look. No matter where you set out in the Encore, you’ll arrive in style. SAFETY Because safety shouldn’t be a luxury, Encore helps to protect you in many different ways, from 10 standard airbags† to available advanced safety technologies. Safety features are no substitute for the driver’s responsibil-

ity to operate the vehicle in a safe manner. The driver should remain attentive to traffic, surroundings and road conditions at all times. Read the vehicle’s owner’s manual for more important safety information. TECHNOLOGY Control your media with ease in the new Encore with the beautiful 8-inch diagonal color touch screen. The available builtin 4G Wi-Fi Hotspot lets you stay connected, even on the go. Use your voice to play your favorite music or make hands-free calls on the Buick IntelliLink system with

compatible smartphone integration. Enjoy quiet drives thanks to Buick QuietTuning™ and Active Noise Cancellation technologies. PERFORMANCE The Encore’s maneuverable handling and tight turning radius makes for a fun drive. With available all-wheel drive you can rest easy, even in changing driving conditions. The standard efficient 1.4L turbocharged engine or the available 1.4L turbocharged engine with Start/Stop technology and Direct Fuel-Injection make it easy to enjoy every twist and turn the road brings.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




Todo Sobre Autos



ith a standard 170-hp turbocharged engine, the Golf SportWagen has the power and handling to get you where you want to go. Go ahead, widen your horizons. The Golf SportWagen has a turbocharged engine under the hood. Which means it’s a guaranteed good time behind the wheel. For all its sportiness, it’s easy to forget how versatile the Golf SportWagen really is. With a 60/40-split folding rear seat, it offers the cargo space of an SUV while still having the enviable maneuverability of a car. DESIGN For all its sportiness, it’s easy to forget how versatile the Golf SportWagen really is. With a 60/40-split folding rear seat, it offers the cargo space of an SUV while still having the enviable maneuverability of a car. Expand the cargo space inside by simply dropping the rear seatbacks and start loading up all that roomy 66.5 cubic feet of space.

Roof rails. Designed to help you take gear of all kinds with you, roof rails also enhance the look of your VW. It’s multitasking at its finest. TECHNOLOGY

Volkswagen CarNet® App-Connect maps, messaging, music, and more are right there on the touchscreen for easy display and use with Apple, Android, and Mirrorlink.8 It’s everything you need to stay more connected in more places. The available touchscreen navigation locates your favorite destinations, gives you turn-byturn directions, and even helps find new destinations with ease. Stay on the right track no matter where you go. With 400 watts of power, every pulsating beat that pumps out of the available Fender Premium Audio System can deliver clear, concert-quality sound to make sure you rock while you roll. Technology is at its best when it makes life better for us. Which is why we equipped the Golf SportWagen with important things

like VW Car-Net and a Rearview Camera System to help you be more confident on the drive.

given the 2016 Golf SportWagen a 5-star overall safety rating. Safety is in the stars.

The available Forward Collision Warning system (included in Front Assist) has a sensor in the front to help monitor traffic and can alert you to a potential collision with the vehicle ahead. If a collision is imminent, Autonomous Emergency Braking (included in Front Assist) can help brake the car.

We take safety seriously. Which is why every Golf SportWagen is equipped with an Intelligent Crash Response System (ICRS) and a rigid safety cage.

SAFETY We take safety seriously. Which is why every Golf SportWagen is equipped with an Intelligent Crash Response System (ICRS) and a rigid safety cage. The National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) has

Safety Cage. Front and rear crumple zones help absorb crash energy, while a rigid safety cage helps deflect it away from the driver and passengers. We’ve got you covered on all sides. High-strength steel. Specially alloyed high-strength steel is used in certain exterior body panels to help enhance its sturdiness. Smart thinking down to the sheet metal.

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017






un momento dado y cerrando el tercer cuarto con 34 puntos, ocho rebotes y 11 pases de canasta. De locos. De MVP.


oce segundos fue exactamente el tiempo que tardó Joel Embiid en conseguir que los aficionados amortizaran sus entradas. 12 segundos tardó en recordar al mundo, por si a alguien se le había olvidado (casi

imposible...), que lo que está pasando estos días en Philadelphia es realmente especial. Recibió en la línea de tres puntos un balón de T.J. McConnell (héroe de mil batallas en el Wells Fargo) y se fue hasta la cocina gracias a la ventaja generada por el pick&roll. Boom. El póster se lo llevó Nene, regalo de bienvenida a la ciudad del amor fraternal, y encendió a una grada que se nutre y nutre a un equipo en racha y a un gigante extremadamente talentoso convertido en ser superior. El Proceso es una realidad irrefutable. Embiid hizo un auténtico partidazo, dando rienda suelta a ese nuevo gen de los pívots jóvenes para producir estadística (32 puntos, cuatro triples, siete rebotes, cuatro asistencias, tres robos y dos tapones). Pero James Harden está en otro nivel; en otra pelea. La Barba, que vio varias veces cómo su equipo caía en la trampa de los Sixers (una defensa que arriesga mucho en transición y que roba y pierde a un ritmo vertiginoso), se fue al descanso con 15 puntos y acabó el partido con 51. Lideró un 17-0 de parcial entre el final del segundo y el inicio del tercero, anotando 21/25 en

Embiid contestó. De rookie tiene poco o nada a estas alturas de la temporada. Contestó con ocho puntos consecutivos (8-0 él solo), dos triples frontales seguidos que hicieron explotar por enésima vez a la parroquia Sixeriana (el nivel de interacción es

increíble: él pide y ellos le dan, desde el minutos uno hasta el 48). Pero los Rockets aguantaron lo suficiente como para que Harden volviera el partido, y ahí se acabó todo. Nadie puede parar a La Barba. Nadie... Al final, 51 puntos, 13 rebotes y 13 asistencias, su quinto triple-doble de al menos 40 puntos en lo que va de temporada y su segundo de más de 50. Nadie había logrado algo semejante en la historia de la NBA. Nadie... Un partido de lo más entretenido entre dos equipos que llegaron al descanso por encima del 60% de acierto (no me quiero olvidar ni de Luwawu, otro rookie con buena pinta que anotó 12 puntos importantes en la primera parte a través de cortes) y que terminaron por encima del 50%. Pero un partido entre dos equipos que perdieron más de 40 balones en tres cuartos... Dos estrellas, un Rookie del Año y un MVP. Un Proceso que crece y un Pick&Roll que mata (38 entre Capela y Nene...). La fiesta está en Philadelphia. Fuente:


on 37 años de edad y con gran experiencia en Liga MX con Toluca y América, el delantero uruguayo Vicente Sánchez regresa a la MLS con el Houston Dynamo. Más allá de jugar, su rol tendrá mucho que ver con ayudar a desarrollar a la joven plantilla del director técnico Wilmer Cabrera. Y por supuesto, uno de los focos importantes es el de relanzar la carrera del mexicano Erik ‘Cubo’ Torres. “Mi rol es de jugador, pero claro para transmitir mi experiencia a los jóvenes en el vestuario, en el terreno de juego. La tranquilidad que les pueda brindar. Entendiendo que uno está grande y con la edad se hace más importante lo que pueda aportar en la parte grupal. Veremos qué parte se da dentro del campo y cuál afuera”, dijo el veterano delantero. La llegada de Sánchez a Houston se facilitó por la relación que tiene con Cabrera desde su paso por el Colorado Rapids entre 2013 y 2015 (55 juegos, 11 goles), además del hecho de tener propiedad de sus derechos deportivos. Con otro con quien Sánchez va a reencontrarse es con ‘Cubo’ Torres, a quien dice conoce de tiempo atrás. “Desde su época en México y al llegar a Chivas USA ya teníamos contacto, intercambiamos periódicamente mensajes por teléfono y conversaciones. Tenemos una amistad y lo veo contento de volver”, dijo

Sánchez. Respecto a lo que debe hacer el mexicano para retomar el buen rumbo deportivo, Sánchez dijo que es muy poco. “Le costó al principio adaptarse a la ciudad, luego tuvo el problema de las lesiones que le puede pasar a cualquier jugador profesional. Le ocurrió aquí y de vuelta en México. Pero si está saludable, ‘Cubo’ es un delantero que puede estar en cualquier liga”. “Yo simplemente le voy a dar tranquilidad en los momentos que lo requiera, y a medida que se entrene como se quiere jugar, vamos todos a dar lo mejor. Él es un gran delantero y con esas cositas extras va a estar muy bien”, apuntó el uruguayo sobre lo que debe hacer ‘Cubo’ Torres. Tras su paso por Defensor Sporting en Uruguay, Sánchez retoma la competencia en Houston con un objetivo personal claro. “Yo seré feliz con estar disponible para cada fin de semana, que el entrenador decida y poder ayudar a desarrollar a los chicos. Soy un agradecido por la oportunidad y espero poder retribuir con todo lo que se espera de mi”, aseguró. Durante el tiempo de vuelta en su país, el delantero uruguayo dice haber notado un cambio grande en la forma como se mira a la MLS. “Hablar de la MLS en Uruguay ya impone respeto. Se sabe que han pasado jugadores muy buenos y que no han rendido, tenemos claro que no cualquiera puede llegar aquí y jugar bien. Es diferente como se habla ahora de la liga en Sudamérica”, dijo. Fuente:

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017



TEXANS NEWS brought to you by



he defensive end underwent a procedure at the end of September and spent the bulk of the fall and early part of winter going through the rehab process. But during a Wednesday morning press conference at the Gatorade GX Gym in downtown Houston, Watt explained he’s moved into a new phase of preparation for 2017.

sure that I really solidify my core and make sure that that’s fully locked in to protect my back again in the future, but other than that I’m fully training like I’ve regularly been training in the offseasons,” Watt said.

“We’re now past the whole rehab process,” Watt said. “So, from this point forward my offseason is really a regular offseason now. So, it’s full training.”

“I’ve changed my workouts,” Watt said. “I’ve tweaked my workouts to make sure that I do everything possible to be smart about the way I do things moving forward.”

The 3-time NFL Defensive Player of the Year recorded 1.5 sacks and eight tackles in three 2016 contests before he was placed on injured reserve. The road back to the gridiron now is focused on strengthening a select part of his body. “There’s a lot of added core work to my workouts just to make

2017 will be his seventh season in the NFL. Watt doesn’t intend to rush back, though.

Watt and the Texans will begin the team’s organized offseason conditioning program in mid-April at NRG Stadium and the Houston Methodist Training Center. Source:



ead coach Bill O’Brien knew he wanted Romeo Crennel to remain on his coaching staff. Crennel, whose contract was set to expire, helped develop the Texans top-ranking defense last season that finished No. 1 in the NFL for the first time in franchise history.

“We have a good relationship,” O’Brien said. “He loves football, I love football, we talk about a lot of different things as it relates to things that he’s had to deal with in his career, even when he was a head coach. You can bounce things off of him - he’s had a great amount of experience.”

“He had been a former head coach, had great success as a defensive coordinator in a similar system in pro football that I was familiar with,” O’Brien said Jan. 12. “I knew that having a guy like him on our staff with all of the different experiences that he’s had in football both on and off the field – forget about the X’s and O’s – just all the other things he’s had to deal with, I knew that he’d be a valuable member of the staff.”

The two never worked together in New England, but O’Brien brought Crennel aboard in 2014 to help him accomplish what he was trying to build in Houston. In 2016, the Texans defense allowed just 301.3 total net yards per game, the fewest first downs (17.0), and the second second-fewest net passing yards per game (201.6), despite losing J.J. Watt and Kevin Johnson to season-ending injuries.

After three seasons as the Texans defensive coordinator, Crennel will still oversee the defense but also serve in his new role, as assistant head coach. With no new offensive coordinator named after the exit of George Godsey, O’Brien will lead the offense moving forward and lean on Crennel’s 35 years of NFL coaching experience, plus five Super Bowl championships.

As the injuries mounted, the defense got even better. Crennel vowed to improve the team’s ability to stop the run heading into the Week 8 bye, and did. From Weeks 8-17, Houston led the NFL in rushing defense too, allowing a league-low average of just 71.9 net rushing yards per game and just three rushing touchdowns. Source:

02 DE FEBRERO - 09 DE FEBRERO | 2017




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