I am Woman Bold and Fearless Magazine

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Rochelle Walrond CO-Founder & CEO

Editor's Note


Introducing the new 2023 Mothers' Day edition of I Am Bold And Fearless Woman Magazine.

It gives me great pleasure to present this new edition to you. This year we are featuring bold, fearless, resilient mothers from all around the world. You will read about women who have been through hard times but by the grace of God, they are still standing today as mothers who have made a difference. Some women in this edition are giving themselves the needed pat on their backs and others are simply celebrating the great effects of their mothers on their lives.

They are not only mothers, but they are wives, entrepreneurs, business owners, founders, and so much more. They have dedicated their entire lives to making a difference and doing great things in the world.

My deepest prayer is that you remain blessed as you read. Whether you are a mother or not, each page is designed to keep you inspired and motivated to always be and give the best in every relationship.

May you continue to fill the hearts of those who surround you with love. May you continue to comfort, heal and bring peace with your words. My desire is that you continue to be someone's angel who brightens up their entire life when they come into contact with you.

From all of us at Queensmindset: HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!

KimishaKing Publisher & Editor-In-Chief

Table of Contents

Kimisha King is the Founder and CEO of Queensmindset. Queensmindset is a brand created in 2017, as she was inspired to educate, empower and encourage women from all backgrounds about their power. Her recently created platforms are Queensmindset YouTube and Real TableTalk Podcast featured on Anchor and other platforms. In 2021, Kimisha started a series on YouTube titled “Battered, Bruised, Not Broken.” This highlights the strength of women who have overcome various adversities in life. At a time when there is a need for bright, passionate,andethicalleaders,Kimishaemerges as a trailblazer. She brings a fresh excitement to thebusinessprofession.

Kimisha is an author, publisher, podcaster, motivational speaker, content creator, life purposecoach,andentrepreneur.

Editor'sNote SpecialFeatureon:KimishaKing StrikingTheBalanceasM.O.M GLOBAL MOMS ON THE COVER MothersArePhenomenal It'sNotAlwaysEasy AResilientMother&WomanofGod ATributeToTwoGreatMothers Motherhood,TheBestGift AMotherImpactingLoves WeOweItAllToHer Mom,Wife&BusinessOwner CelebratingAMotherSavingOthers FromThePainSheEndured AMomWithVision ATributeToMarjorieSharpe ProudToCallHerMummy ShamelleRice:AGreatWife,Mom& Non-ProfitFounder WhatMakesAResilientMom SophiaParsons-ImpactingLives Everyday What'sNextForQueensmindset AMother'sIntuition MothersAreBlessed 01 03 07 13 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 29 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 43 WOMANMAGAZINE FEARLESS BOLDIAM AND I AM BOLD AND FEARLESS WOMAN MAGAZINE 02
KimishaKinghasbuiltareputationthroughher volunteerism Sheisanauthor, publisher, podcaster, internationalspeaker, contentcreator, certifiedmaster trainer, internationallifepurposecoach, visionary strategist, andentrepreneur.

hisexceptionalyoungwomanfrom theislandofBarbadoshas dedicatedherlifetofacilitating successinthelivesofwomenand youth.

Asavisionarystrategistandlife-purposecoach, shehelpswomenbirththeirvisionsandwalkin purposebyequippingthemwithpracticaltoolsto accomplisheverygoaltheyhaveforthemselves, despitetheirdysfunctionalbackgrounds. Her missionistoprovideheraudiencewiththetools andstrategiestoreachtheirgoals

AsthefounderandCEOofQueensmindset, Kimishacreatedaplatformthroughwhichwomen aretaughttoredesigntheirliveswithher framework, reimagineyourreality™

Over 500+ mediahouseshavefeaturedher throughouttheUSAandNigeria.

WhyisKimishasopassionateaboutwhatshe does?


Icamefromafamilyofdysfunctionandhumble beginnings Iwouldusetelevisiontoescapethe painoftherealityIwasexperiencingdaily ButI hadaresilientmotherwhowasdeterminedto ensureIreceivedthebestoflifeinthebestwayshe knewhow

Mymothertaughtmethisresilienceassheovercamelife’schallenges, butInoticedthat noonewastheretocelebrateorhighlightherforallshecouldovercome Why?Because beingastrongwomanisexpected Youdon’tgetabadgeofhonorforthat; atleast, that’s notthenorm.

So, attheageof 4, IdecidedasIwatchedthosetelevisionshowsandimaginedhaving thelifeoftheactors/actressesthatIwouldbecomegreatonedayandthatIwouldalso celebrateandhelpwomentoseetheirworthandgreatness

Ihavecreatedashowcalled, "BatteredBruisedNotBroken," tohighlightwomenfromall backgroundsworldwidewhohaveovercomevariousadversities Throughtheshow, I sawaneedtohighlightandcelebratewomenevenmorefortheirsacrificesand resilience Itjustgivesmegreatjoytoseethesuccesstheseremarkablewomenfrom aroundtheglobehaveachievedinlightofallthehardthingstheyhavebattled.


She can & she will






Today, Iamalsothepublisherofthe, " IamBoldandFearlessWomanMagazine," first publishedin 2022. Theideaforthemagazinecamefrommyloveforseeingwomenwin Inaddition, itspeaksaboutstrength, boldness, fierceness, andtenacity. The publicationwasdesignedtoencouragetheaveragewomanstrugglingtoovercome

Idailyinteractwithwomen, andmosttimes, theyareamazedtoseethatsomeoneso youngcouldbesowise Ihavehadwomenwhoreachedoutandthankedmeformy laborofloveandobedience, andIwillneverforgetmyencounterwithaladylastyear whotoldme, “Becauseofyourvideos, IdecidednottocommitsuicidebecauseIhaveso muchmoretolivefor."

Themoneyisn’tthebestpartofwhatIdo, buttheimpactIhavebeenmakingand seeingthewomenwhoarenowaccomplishingtheirdreamsbecauseImadethebrave decisiontousemyvoice

IambeyondgratefulthatGodhasentrustedmewiththeabilitytoleavesuchan imprintonwomen’slives; thisisinvaluable


STRIKINGTHE BALANCEAS M.other O.wnerof Business M.inister

Balancing the responsibilities of motherhood, running a business, and serving as a minister can be a challenging task for any woman.Itisimportanttorememberthat

while these roles may seem conflicting, they can actuallycomplimentandstrengthenoneanother.Here are three keys to striking a balance as a mother, businessowner,andminister.



Asamother,businessowner,andminister, your time is a premium, so prioritizing your timeiscriticaltoachievingbalanceinthese roles. One of the keys to effective time management is to prioritize the most important tasks and make sure they get donefirst.Thisiswheretheconceptof"first fruits"comesin.

InProverbs3:9-10,itsays,"HonortheLord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over withnewwine."Inthiscontext,thefirstfruits refer to the first and best portion of the harvest, which was offered to God. The principle of first fruits can be applied to our time as well. When we give the first and best portion of our time to God we will find that our other responsibilities fall into place moreeasily.

Asamother,prioritizequalitytimewithyour children.Asabusinessowner,prioritizethe most important tasks that will move your business forward and as a minister, prioritize time spent in prayer and study of theWord.Byputtingfirstthingsfirst,youwill beabletofindbalanceinyourvariousroles.


It is important to seek support from others. Thismayincludedelegatingtaskstoothers, seeking advice or mentorship, or finding a community of like-minded individuals who canprovideencouragementandsupport.

In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, it says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." This verse emphasizes the importanceofhavingsupportfromothers.

As a mother, seek support from your spouse, family members, or trusted friends. As a business owner, consider hiring employees or outsourcing tasks that are outside of your area of expertise. As a minister, seek the guidance and support of other ministers or church leaders. "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."-Proverbs27:17

By seeking support from others, you can find balance in your roles and avoid becomingoverwhelmed.


Asamother,businessowner,andminister,itisimportanttomaintainahealthyperspectiveand mindsetonyourrolesandresponsibilities.Itcanbeeasytobecomeconsumedbythedemands ofeachroleandlosesightofthebiggerpicture.

In Colossians 3:23-24, it says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." This verse reminds us that everything wedoshouldbedoneforthegloryofGod.

Asamother,rememberthatyourchildrenareagiftfromGodandthatraisingthemisanoble and important task. As a business owner, remember that your work can be a way to serve others and provide for your family. As a minister, remember that you are serving God and sharing His message of love and hope with family and others. By maintaining a healthy perspectiveonyourrolesandresponsibilities,youcanfindbalanceandfulfillmentineachone.


Lisa J. Crawford through LJC Motivations speakstothepainpointsintheserviceindustry. The return to the workplace has flatlined the necessity for communication, positivity and respectforthetruefirstguestsofthecompany, the employees. Ms. Crawford has turned leadershiptraumaintoaplatformfor growthforthehospitalityindustry.


Shakera Trotman-Chase is the manager of Touch of Serenity Beauty Box which provides a wide range of beauty services from full body waxing to pedicures. Consistent, professional, effective, timely service and competitive prices is what you get with us here at Touch of Serenity Beauty Box. Simply a touch beyond beauty.

Dr.JenniferJonesBryantisa multi-international bestselling author, multi-award-winning certified life,personalandprofessionalleadership coach, career consultant, mentor, adjunct instructor,andglobalspeaker.


LotoyaJean is a Financial Freedom Coach and the owner of At GogetterMotivation Consulting where we help aspiring entrepreneurs develop the right tools and strategies to structure their passionsforbusinesssuccess.Wehelpwomen take control of their finances and build selfconfidence to become an empowered and financiallywealthywoman.

Creating Ambassadors Of Peace LLC which provides leadership professional development (transformational leadership), coaching for individuals on living in their purpose, and the observation process in schools. Dr. Theresa is also an international motivational speaker and bestsellingauthor.

Dr. Rhonda M. Wood is an award-winning international keynoter, bestselling author, and a leading authority on mental health. She trains individuals and organizations worldwide to create open, inclusive, and supportive cultures around mental health so they are equipped to shatter mental health stigmas and embrace compassion, awareness, knowledge, and acceptance.



I watched my mom, Queen Esther Baxter, with a 5th grade education raise my brother and I after my dad died in a horrific construction accident when I was 5 years old.

She showed up for us each day in spite of her severe depression. When I was 17 years old, I noticed her challenges of dealing with mental illness.

Each day she pushed through a cruel world to fight through an illness she couldn’t control even with medicine. I lost her to choking aspiration over a decade ago. I learned through her resilience that I am stronger than I think, self care is key, and the power of compassionate, agape, unconditional love.

I was fatherless during my childhood and spent my later teenage years caring for my mentally ill mother - a time during which my only sibling was incarcerated.

After going through sexual assault and domestic abuse throughout my early twenties, I looked past my challenging beginnings and reached within myself to find strength. Later in life, I faced losing my mom, best friend, and brother(only sibling). I learned to be resilient, find solutions to problems, create and follow through on an action plan, and leverage my resources.

My relationship with my mother impacted me and it taught me how to love my children unconditionally. I cultivate a solid and positive relationship with them in order to instill confidence, provide security, as well as promote a healthy attachment style that fosters positive relationships, and builds upon other attributes such as patience, flexibility, perseverance, resourcefulness, and assertiveness.


https://www.ReachingWithinEmpowerment.com https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.j.bryant reachingwithin2017@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/ReachingWithin/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-bryant


Mothers are our first teachers. There are things that we learn from them that are ingrained in our hearts, minds, and souls. I learned many things from my mom, but there were a few things that molded me inside into the woman that I am today.

Saturdays at my house were filled with cleaning, music, and food. One such Saturday, mom was not in a cleaning mood, but she was cooking up a storm and the house was full of sunlight, smells, and laughter. Around 2 pm in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door and asked for food. She said, “Wait right here, I will be back.” I asked, “Do you know them?”

She said, “NO.”

She took them a bag with a drink, sandwich, chips, and cookies.

An hour later, someone knocked on the door and asked for money. She said, “Wait right here, I will be back.” She gave them a 10-dollar bill and a soda. As the sky turned into a sunset, there was a knock on the door.






A girl asked if she could use the phone. She said, “Wait right here, I will be back.” She pulled that long curly cord out and gave the girl the phone and she dialed the number. My mom, Gloria Crawford, looked down at me and said, “We must help people that are in need, keep your heart open to see past the outer appearance of a person.”

My entire life was shaped on that Saturday and many additional days of her showing love for those that are in need. I will forever be grateful for that day.

My mom has experienced great tragedy, but she always kept room for love and helping others no matter how her own heart ached.



"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also praises her." (Proverbs 31:28)

This Scripture is the epitome of what makes me a resilient woman and mother. Despite the many challenges faced as a young kingdom woman in ministry, I feel comforted knowing that my identity is found solely in Christ Jesus, knowing and having that fulfilled feeling that with Him all things are possible, and I can still smile and have unspeakable joy in the midst of my storms.

I have experienced many valley experiences as a young mother, but through my experiences, no matter how much I was stretched, twisted, or torn, my comeback was always greater than my setback. I grew up seeing my mother fighting hard with the little that we had, and this plays a vital role in the woman that I am today. I wasn't raised with a golden spoon in my mouth as we say, but we were rich with morals and values that I now have the opportunity to pass on to my generation and generations to come, letting them know, my scars tell my story, but my smile exhibits endless victories.


Touch of Serenity Beauty Box tpemove@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/touchofserenity_beautybox 13


I am a resilient woman because I have strong faith. I am a kingdom woman who takes bold moves and helps others live their lives boldly as God designed for them.

I am a problem solver and care for the needs of others and always looking for ways to genuinely help people. I am a nurturer, a loving mother to three children and others who I consider as add-ons who I help financially. I am not only a mother but a minister of the gospel, entrepreneur, philanthropist, coach, and mentor. I believe that all women have what it takes to live an abundant and fulfilling life. I am my sisters cheerleader and biggest support.

A resilient mother is someone who never gives up or who cannot give up because she has little ones who are depending on her to live. As a resilient mother I have had many days where I am tested with a lot of difficulties and challenges while raising my babies and building my legacy. Quite often I want to give into my feelings of defeat, even strong people break too. However, I realize that even though I am faced with difficulties I would be a selfish mother to give up because my children are depending on me.

My mother is a resilient woman who taught me to be a strong independent woman as herself. She faced many defeats as a single mother but she never gave up. She has taught me that even in the face of adversity, loneliness and hardship, you have to keep focused and do what you have to until you can do what you want . Today I am a resilient and confident woman for my children. They are watching and learning, I stay strong because of them.








What makes me a resilient woman is my ability to overcome all the obstacles thrown my way to knocking down brick walls that tried to keep me stagnate. I followed my heart, discovered my divine assignment, and I am now living my purpose.

My late mother, Hazel Moseley, was married at 17 and had 5 children by the time she was 25 years old. She made sure we had perfect attendance in school. That’s difficult to do, especially in the winter during cold and flu season and in the spring during allergy season, however, my mom was resilient and tough. When we got sick, we recovered quickly because she had a remedy for everything. Listening to my mom talk about the importance of education had an impact on how I raised my four girls. We all are college educated and living in our purpose.

Today I help people discover self, their passion and purpose which helps them become successful, fulfilled, prosperous, and have inner peace. My gift is my voice. My passion is serving others. My purpose is to make this world a more peaceful place. I am a UN Peace Ambassador. They call me the Peacemaker.








At the end of 2016, Dr. Rhonda M. Wood was overworked, overwhelmed, and undervalued. She was juggling a demanding corporate career and raising a teenage daughter. When her daughter began to show symptoms of major depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations and attempts, she knew it was a sign that things needed to change. Her breaking point came when her therapist said she was close to having a nervous breakdown. She heeded his warning, and through the hard healing work and by the grace of God, Dr. Rhonda prioritized her mental health through talk therapy, support groups, and other mental health resources.

Depression. Anxiety. Post-Traumatic Stress. Childhood Trauma. These are a a few of the adversities Dr. Rhonda has boldly broken down. She is inarguably the epitome of what it means to be an overcomer. One of the most compelling attributes about Dr. Rhonda is that she does not look like what she has been through. While this statement may sound, “churchy” or “cliché,” it is nonetheless accurate. This is not due to her meticulous makeup that covers external imperfections or a smile that successfully hides her pain; it is instead due to her unwavering commitment to healing from past traumas and difficult circumstances so that she can help the healing, empowerment, and transformation of others.

Fueled by a strong sense of faith and courage, Dr. Rhonda shows us the power that just one individual can have in the lives of many. She is undeniably fruitful wherever she sows the seeds of her experiential and Godly wisdom.

She applies the sources from her past pain that she has had to conquer to flourish the lives of others. Whether in mental health advocacy, women’s empowerment, motherhood, sharing her testimony or serving in her local church, Rhonda is an agent of true healing and empowerment.

Dr. Rhonda’s gifts have made room for her, and she has ministered alongside famous and influential people. No matter how bright the lights are, Rhonda stays extremely humble, using her faith as her guide as God continues to use her to make a difference in the lives of so many people. God’s grace is working through Rhonda’s faithfulness and dedication to healing. Not only has she found her voice, but she has also found her purpose. Dr. Rhonda now travels worldwide, openly sharing her mental health journey through speaking, writing, and advocating for mental health.





https://www.instagram.com/DrRhondaMWood DR. RHONDA M. WOOD
Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom." – Jim Rohn

Mothers are Phenomenal

Mothers are phenomenal and need to be supported, empowered, and celebrated more. My mother taught me things in her silence, with her words and her deeds. As a mother, I recognize the impact I have on my children and how my mindset plays an important role. That is why I say, every mum is a Supermum not because of the things she does but because of the superpowers she possesses within.


It's Not Always Easy

Entering mother-hood was scary especially because I was a teenage mum, but I had to suck it up and do it. I welcomed my daughter at 15 years old and had to pause my teenage life to become the mother I needed to be . It wasn't easy but I did my best. My daughter is now 27 years old with a daughter of her own and I am now the proud mother of 4 children and 2 beautiful granddaughters .

Being a mother, although I was far from ready at such a young age, is a job I enjoy and even though many days I wished parenting came with a manual, it has taught me to become the best version of myself for those that God has entrusted to my care.

I cried, I laughed, I loved, and I also became angry, but I would never trade my, "brady bunch." Yes, I think I might have missed out on some important years but I also believe that as my children grew, I also grew up with them, so anything I thought that I was missing, I saw through them.

Parenting has many challenges such as dealing with different personalities and moods. Trying to maintain your sanity most days is a struggle, but I owe it all to God. His grace and mercy has kept me.

It wasn't always happy times. I often think that I have let my children down with some poor choices I have made but I thank God for keeping me. My children are grown up now and I have reached the stage in my life where I want God to use me for His honor and glory and to become a better wife, mother and grandmother. Through it all, I have also learned to trust in God and believe that with Him all things are possible.





Nat’sPrayerCaféwaslaunchedonJune 5th,2022attheSeabreezeHotelin Barbados.Thismobilecaféwasanidea fromGodtomeetpersonsfromallstrataof societytoofferhope,encouragement,and prayer.OurvisionistostartaPrayer RevivalinBarbados,globallyforthe churches,families,communities, businesses,andindividualstoprioritize prayer.


Mypassionforthismobilecaféstemsfrom knowingfirsthandthepowerofprayerafter survivingabraintumor.Thankfully,withthe coachingandsupportofMs.KimishaKing,Dr. Collins,andnumeroussupportivefriendsI decidednottoactformyself,butforthatboy orgirlwhothinksthattheworldisinchaosand needshope,forthathomelessmanorwoman whowouldhavegivenupcompletelyonlife,for thatindividualwhoprobablywouldhave gottenabaddiagnosis.

NatalieMurray(Founder) www.instagram.com/natspraye rmovement/ natprayercafe@gmail.com CONTACTINFO:

A Resilient Mother and Woman of God

Although my mother transitioned forty-six years ago, her memory has left and will always leave an indelible legacy and impression on my life. She is the one who taught and instilled the values and morals that I needed in order for me to become the woman and mother that I am today. I remember my mother always taught me at an early age to pray, trust and believe God for everything. Now as a mother of a beautiful daughter, the Scripture I still hold onto is, Proverbs 22:6 which instructs parents to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Despite the life changes and challenges of a divorce, I still managed to keep my faith and raise my beautiful daughter, Natia.

Watching her grow up has been such a joy to my life. I often ask myself the question, "Where did the time go?" It seems like yesterday she was just a toddler and now she is all grown up to be an amazing woman of God, who I am so very proud of. I know without God, I could not have raised my daughter and accomplished anything in my life. It is in Him I live, move and have my being and can do all things through Him because He strengthens me. Today, I am a retired educator, inspirational speaker, international best-selling author and mentoring strategist.

My resilience comes from never letting my circumstances take control over me, but taking control over them and walking fearlessly and unapologetically into my God-given destiny. I want my life to exemplify Christ to everyone I meet and to be the change in the world that I want to see. This can only happen when I continue to pray and read God’s Word to keep me rooted and grounded in the center of His divine will.


A Tribute To Two Great Moms

Motherhood is not a brand of mediocrity; it is the noblest of callings and transcends all other experiences. To be entrusted with the very life, health, and well-being of a tiny human person is a great gift and honor. There are many great moms, but today I choose to honor my mom, Donna, and my sister, Chantelle who are both exceptional in their own right. There are no perfect mothers but you are both perfect to me. You both have and walk different paths, however, you'll truly exemplify a sacrificial spirit and have showed up daily as the epitome of selfless love, and abounding care.

Mom, there is nothing you would not do for your children and grandchildren, and we cherish every sacrifice you have made for us. It’s a legacy of extraordinary strength, perseverance, generosity, and love. Oh, and I just love your all-knowing , "mom-ness." You are always right on time to help without us saying a word. You are beautiful inside and out and you did an amazing job. No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of the love you give us daily.

Sis, you are the baby in the family, and I have to admit you gave birth to the most handsome nephews ever. Chan, you too are the essence of love, responsibility, and warmth. I know this journey of motherhood can be filled with mixed emotions as you navigate life, so on those hard days remember to give yourself grace and a full dose of self-compassion. Even though we are worlds apart we will always be connected by the heart. Wherever you are, I’m there with you. I smile every day because you’re my sister and I laugh because you can’t do anything about it.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom and Sis!

"You will be defined not just by what you achieve, but by how you survive." ― Sheryl Sandberg

Motherhood, The Best Gift

I am a mother of 3 young women, aged 33, 29, and 22. I was a teenage mother and had my first daughter at the age of 16. Any regrets? Many ask. No, I think having my daughter and becoming a mom was the best gift God could have ever given me. I did not have a normal teenage life. I couldn’t attend many of my high school functions and I could not run off to college right after high school.

I remember my dad saying to me, “don’t even think about giving up your baby or giving it away. You did grown things, now you gonna live with grown up responsibilities.”

Even though I was nervous being pregnant so young, those thoughts never entered my mind. I never regret having my daughter, even though it was a life threatening delivery. God had me then as He continues to have me now. My daughters have been my lifeline and my reason for living. Everything I do is to be an example and role model not just for myself but for the glory of God. He has blessed me to be an entrepreneur, kingdom influencer, business owner, minister of multiple ministries, fashion stylist, preacher, teacher, and Christian counselor. God is good ALL the time.


A Mother Impacting Lives

I am a strong, fun-loving individual who has always been eager to learn, grow and excel in everything that I do. What I have learnt thus far is that life can really throw you some curveballs, but what is important is what you do when this happens, how you recover, and how you rise up.

My daughter Christina, is the joy and love of my life. As a single mother from day one, my goal was to be an exemplary example for her and raising her to be a resilient, strong child and a young lady. I speak to her regularly on setting goals and the importance of hard work, consistency, discipline, and having an unwavering determination not to ever give up. What I love and enjoy the most is how she in turn pours that positivity into me too.

This is the reason why I am so passionate about my academy, 'The Perfectly Poised Etiquette Academy' and how much it can benefit not only girls, but all children. Teaching and exposing them to areas like affirmations, public speaking, table etiquette, dressing for the occasion are just a few of the courses to help them to be outstanding adults in the future. The Perfectly Poised Etiquette Academy is a school that embraces educating, refining, and empowering children and adults to be comfortable and confident in social and professional settings. There is also a special program created and designed just for girls.

What stands out most in my mind was navigating the challenges that came with preparing her for the Common Entrance in 2021 (a secondary entrance exam in Barbados) and still coping with everything that came with the pandemic. I worked full time, used my evenings and weekends to teach and test her, took her to lessons 3 days a week, working on my other interests, all the while keeping her calm and focused to achieve the goal set. She accomplished her goal and results day was one of the best days in my life.


We Owe It All To Her

All I am, I owe to my mother. She ignored her comforts and worked tirelessly to keep me clothed, sheltered, and ensured that I had the best education. Without her hard work and upbringing, I wouldn't be half the woman I am today. I inherited all her undebatably wonderful cooking skills and her great characteristics; including her attitude (lol if you know, you know). Because of her, I have grown to be a positive person and able to keep my head up even when things get a little rough. She taught me that faith can be and is my strongest weapon when it comes to any battle I’m faced with. But most of all, she taught me how to have a big heart for everyone regardless of their circumstance.

My mother’s contribution to my life will remain immeasurable. Regardless of what life throws at me, I will always give respect and pay the highest regard not just because she is a mother or I’m supposed to, but for her unmatched motherhood and incredible sacrifices. Everyone has a story and my mother helped me write mine. ~

Thank You Mummy

There are so many words I can use to describe what you mean to me but none of them would do justice. You are simply remarkable; a woman of virtue and astounding resilience! I am beyond grateful that I get to call you mum. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me over the years. You are a fortress of love and today I honor you! I highlight your resilience and tenacity and keen ability to teach us how to overcome and develop faith to weather each storm life may bring. I am reminded by your words daily, “People see you but they don’t know who you are!” You are my #1 inspiration. Mummy, I am the woman I am today because of you. I love you to infinity. Thank you for being the best mother to me! ~


Mom, Wife & Business Owner

I would like to highlight myself as a mom because as a mom, wife and a business owner of 3 businesses we don’t get the opportunity much to pat ourselves on the back. Self love and care is the best reward we can give.

Celbrating A Mother Saving Others From The Pain She Endured

As a child, my mother, Marlene Crichlow, experienced chronic child abuse and maltreatment. However, she purposed in her heart to love, care and protect her fourteen children, of whom twelve are still alive. Additionally, she fostered numerous children who experienced what she did. She worked tirelessly together with my father to ensure that her children were provided for in all the ways that she was denied. Today, some of her children and grandchildren work within the area of human services. All of them credit her love for her children and others who were left hurt and broken by others, as instrumental in their passion to serve others.


A Mom with A Vision

Being an entrepreneurial mother like me, one of the questions I get asked by many young mothers is, "How do you do this?" "How do you do that"? "How did you build your business?''

Growing up l have always dreamt of a beautiful marriage, a loving family, a rewarding career, and a successful business. It’s good to have all that on your vision board. Buttttttttttttttt.......You have to put in the effort to make everything work.

Don't just dream! Take action and make it a reality. When that's built on a foundation of everything G.O.D, can you imagine how far you and l can go? My tips would be to set goals, prioritize, work smart, rest as often as you can, have a positive outlook and growth mentality.

"We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free." – Kavita Ramdas

A Tribute To Marjorie Sharpe

Marjorie Sharpe is the best mother on the planet. She took me in at 3 months old. She loved and cared for me as though I was her own. I am ever so grateful for her kindness. My mother holds such a special place in my heart. I have been taught many lessons just by how she lived.

My first lesson was patience. Raising me took patience. I am not sure how my mother dealt with all the trouble I gave as a teenager. Her empathy has equipped me with the ability to see deep into the soul of young people. I always say, “my mother took a chance on me.” It is only fair that I take a chance on another teenager. Now that I am an educator, I have no choice but to show the love that was shown to me by my mother.

My love for people and love for education came from how my mother lived her life. I remember seeing her give strangers food to eat and teaching children in my community to read. What a GEM she is.

Mommy, if you are reading this, I pray God blesses you from the crown of your head to the soul of your very feet. There is nothing I could ever do to repay you. I will settle for THANK YOU!

I'm so proud to be your daughter. Right from the start, you supported me in everything. I am so grateful. I love you!


Proud To Call Her Mummy

What can we say about our mother? There are so many things about her that we value, but we will start with two of our favorites. Our mum constantly tells us that she loves us, this is something that a lot of children don’t receive from their parents.

We can talk with our mother about anything without judgment. She created that space for us to be ourselves. You see, our mum experienced a number of childhood traumas and as result her heart is filled with compassion and she allows us to be individuals, with some guidance of course.

There’s something unique about our mother and even others have noticed it. Our mother has a propensity to behave very childlike. It is fun though and comforting to see. However, it saddens us that this may be a consequence of her not getting the opportunity to be a girl in her childhood days.

Mummy has faced many adversities in her life but looking at her you can’t tell; she doesn’t wear it for the world to see. On many occasions when our “world” looked like everything was going good, something negative would appear and knock us into a tailspin. Our mum will launch into praying and worshiping God as though this trail facing us didn’t just happen.

Don’t get us wrong, she is human and she is allowed to break down and this we have seen a handful of times, but she didn’t stay defeated, she pulled herself together and kept going. This strength is something we admire about her.

She just released her first book and we are proud of her for getting to the stage of bravery and courage to tell her story. In essence, she is a lady we are proud to call mummy.


Shamelle Rice: A Great Wife, Mom & NonProfit Founder

My wife, Shamelle, is one of the most enterprising persons I know. She always has a plan or an idea floating around in her mind. Furthermore, despite her extremely busy schedule running her non profit organization, Jabez House, and her other businesses, she never allows these things to take priority over her responsibility to her family. How does she do it? I do not know. All I know is that she is truly amazing. I love her with all my heart.

Through her organization, Jabez House, she has touched the lives of hundreds of women across the Caribbean. The organization seeks to help women transition from sex work to alternative economic opportunities. She was recognized by the Queen of England in 2016 for her work and she has also received countless recognitions in our home country of Barbados. Yet despite all of this, I can say without even thinking twice, that her family is the most important thing in her life. My wife Shamelle Rice is truly amazing.


What Makes Me A Resilient Mom

The birth of my daughter was life-threatening but a fruitful experience for me. I thank God daily for His divine protection over me and the life of my daughter because we are an example of a miracle.

This encounter has caused me to reconfirm the Word of God over my life. Today, I consider myself as an overcomer, a conqueror and a woman of resilience who has the strength to recover from any difficult situation that comes her way. My daughter because of delivery complications which almost took both our lives, had to be taken from me through a C-Section procedure, but the prayers of my family kept us through that time.

My Relationship With My Mother and Daughter

The relationship with my mother has impacted me in a great way. It has fashioned me into the mother that I am today and has encouraged the love I have for my beautiful daughter.

My mother is a role model and a super heroine to me because of her resilience as a woman who has overcome many trials and tests. At a very testing time of my life, I forgot who I was and did not understand the greatness on the inside of me. Having such a great relationship with my mom, along with her teachings and then being a young mother to my daughter reminded me how to overcome obstacles and encouraged me to continue to build foundations for my daughter to build on.

The love and appreciation we have for each other is one that cannot be destroyed as we have been tested and won every time. We are stuck together like glue, and this love and joy we share will definitely be passed on not only to my daughter but also my niece, and to their children in the future.

Never be afraid to admit that you need help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but it is a sign of strength!" - Kimisha King

Sophia Parsons: Impacting Lives Everyday

When I think of Sophia, the word 'resilience' comes to mind. I've witnessed her withstand many adversities and bounce back from unimaginable life events. My admiration for my forever friend is beyond words. I can make an attempt at putting it in a nutshell and say that she has tapped into a divine strength and overcome challenges and problems like a 'Boss'. I must also mention that all the while she's willingly and lovingly been a blessing to others despite the odds. There's no denying that God's mercy, grace and favor have been running her down over the years. Sophia is BLESSED!!! ~

My mom has a very strong personality. Part of her strong personality is that she knows how to express and defend her perspective on things. I have seen her go through extremely tough times and because of how much faith she has in God, I have always seen her come out on top. Her ability to maintain her composure during difficult times just shows how much God nurtured her into the woman she is now. Before my mom would cry about everything, but I have seen her become stronger and now whenever a situation arises, she just tells us God will work it out and provide a way, and leaves it in God's hands. She is very ambitious, organized, practical, and goaloriented. She always tells us we should have seven streams of income and she also lives by that and leads by example. She encourages us to take advantage of our business ideas and helps us in our endeavors. She is also forgiving, very caring and a noble mom, and we are proud to call her mom. ~


What's next for



Queensmindset community trainingMay20,2023


7 dates of Intimacy 7-day challengeSeptember18-25,2023

7 dates of Intimacy Bootcamp (ongoing basedonnumbers)

Queensmindset Talk show - Battered Bruised, not Broken Season 5 (looking for womentotelltheirstories)


Liveyourtruthprogramacrosssecondary schoolsinBarbados(ongoing)

Sisterhood Blog - Ongoing we are always looking for writers. All topics are women related


Dr. Karen Hills Pruden is a living example that a ‘dream deferred is not a dream denied.' Dr. Pruden transformed her life from a teenage bride to a well-known global powerhouse. She has motivated thousands of female professionals to elevate their competencies and pursue career goals that they once thought were dead or impossible. Her blueprint is simple, ‘No Excuses, Make It Happen!’

Dr. Pruden has decades of experience in leadership, influencing others through global speaking, coaching, workshops, and authoring bestselling books. A multi-preneur, Dr. Pruden works as a Chief Human Resource Officer for Norfolk State University, an 86 year old HBCU. She is the CEO of Pruden Global Business Solutions Consulting, and the CEO/Founder of the Sister Leaders Conference. As if any of those roles are not a full-time job alone, Dr. Pruden rose in the ranks of the NAACP to become president of the Virginia Beach Branch for the largest city in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There she protects, fights for and advocates for 450,000 citizens. She was re-elected unopposed to allow her to continue the important work of civil rights advocacy within the city.

Dr. Pruden has been interviewed on the Kim Jacobs Show, Believe in Your Dreams Television, Roland Martin Unfiltered, ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates. She has been a featured speaker at Virginia Society for Human Resource Management, Society for Diversity, Black Wall Street, SpeakerCon, Virginia Commonwealth University, Norfolk State University, Thomas Nelson Community College, Christopher Newport University, Global Fluency, EmpoweringHER, NAACP, You Are Enough Conference sponsored by Les Brown and Dr. Cheryl Wood, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Black BRAND. Dr. Pruden has graced the same conference stages as Shawn Fair, Lisa Nichols, Gloria Mayfield Banks, Dr. George Fraser, Nikki Woods and Keri Murphy.

Dr. Pruden serves on several private and government committees namely the Legacy Council of Black Brand ®; MomAdvocate, LLC; City of Virginia Beach Police Citizen Recruiting Task Force; City of Virginia Beach Mayor’s African American RoundTable; City of Virginia Beach Police and Community Relations Panel; Greater Williamsburg Tourism and Alliance Education Committee; Mayor’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Commission; African American Political Action Council (AAPAC); Junior Achievement of Hampton Roads; Citizens Review Task Force and the Virginia Beach Public Schools Ad Hoc Achievable Dreamers Academy committee.

Not one to be put in a box, Dr. Pruden graduated from Yale University’s Women’s Leadership program. This Ivy League professional development exposed Dr. Pruden to the fact that there is a commonality of challenging business and people issues, even internationally. No longer known as the teenage bride, Dr. Pruden is now known as The Career Elevation Expert. Dr. Pruden uses her education and expansive experience to assist female professionals in corporate and entrepreneurship. She is a nationally recognized keynote conference speaker and 10X published author with books reaching #1 on Amazon’s Best Sellers List. One of her hottest publications is Pruden Principles: 10 Strategies to Propel Women to the C-Suite. Dr. Pruden was recently recognized by the Governor Northam (VA) for her commitment to work in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

An advocate of multiple streams of income, Dr. Pruden is a testament that hard work and education can open doors which in turn has allowed her to open doors for others through the sharing of her knowledge. She is an award-winning multifaceted entrepreneur who helps the female Sister Leader Community achieve prosperity through developing competencies to excel in career and financial satisfaction.



It was a workday, like any other day, when I received a textfrommydaughter.Hermessagestatedthatshewas attheemergencyroomwithmygrandson.Mydaughter begantotellmetheeventsthatledtothehospitalvisit.I shared kind words and prayed while we waited. The doctorenteredtheroom.Thetestsshowedmygrandson hadcancer.

Later,anuncomfortablememoryhitme.Mylastmemory of CHKD was with my daughter, Monet. That was three decades ago. The memory was vivid. My husband had watched the children while I went to bingo. When I arrivedhome,allthechildrenappearedtobeasleep.

When conversing with my husband, he said that Monet did not wake up at all while I was out. Monet was a newborn.

I walked into the children’s bedroom and watched Monet. Her body was slightly rising from her breathing. I could not shake the thought that she had been sleeping for fourteenhours.Igentlypickedherup.

Without opening her eyes, she let out a piercing scream. My intuition strongly registered that something was wrong. I raced to the hospital. Monet was now whimpering instead of screaming. I walked up to the registration desk and told them why I was there. The patient registration representative ran around the desk and looked at her. We were immediately escorted to the back. After tubes of blood drawn, andaspinaltap,wewereinformedthatMonethadbacterialmeningitis.

IlaterunderstoodthattheemotionaltriggerthatIexperiencedwatchingmydaughter andgrandsonwent3decadesbacktothehelplessnessIfeltasaparentwithmyown daughter.Monetisahealthy,thrivingadultnow.Mygrandsonisinremission.



Our company is driving you to a regular and common people needs by the services www.kearncherry.com

All About Kearn

Kearn Cherry is a speaker, coach, author and owner of KKonnections with over twenty years of creating and planningevents.KKonnectionsassistotherswithcreating events, visibility, creating your own anthology, your own magazine, membership program, and more. She is the ownerofPRNHomeCarewhichis26yearsoldandassists caregiversintakingcareoftheirlovedonesathome.She has over 35 years in the healthcare field and holds a degree in Occupational Therapy. She is also the creator and director of the Level Up Summit and Power Up Summit which will be held in London. She is co-founder anddirectoroftheSuccessWomen'sConference.

Mrs. Cherry is a twenty-two times bestselling author and has been the visionary author of four #1 Bestseller including, “Undefeated," “Make It Happen,” and “Trailblazers I & II." Kearn Cherry has been featured in Essence Magazine twice as the “Comeback Queen," confirming her commitment to exemplify dynamic business agility. Recently featured on Black Enterprise, VIP Magazine, Speakers Magazine, Sheen Magazine, CourageousMagazineandherveryown,areamongsther favorites.In2022sheofficiallyreleasedherownmagazine publication,KKonnectionsMagazine.

Mrs. Cherry is a community activist who engages in developing community activities. She has sat on numerous boards: Gulf Coast Heart Association, Lighthouse Business & Professional Women,Gulf Coast CaseManagement,MentalHealthAssociation,GulfCoast Gospel Music Awards and other organizations. She is currently serving as Vice President of the Girls Scouts of GreaterMississippiStateandseveralotherboards.

She has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Leading Business Women in Mississippi and the Governor's GIVE Award for Outstanding Achievement in Empowerment Initiatives. She has received numerous awards from chamberawardstohumanitarianawards.

Mrs. Cherry and her husband/business partner, Dennis, have been married 37 years. They are proud of their extended family which includes threesuccessfulchildren,son-inlaw, daughter-in-law, two grandbabiesandoneontheway. Their son, Dannan Cherry (Sharee), who is the owner of HandyDandyMovingServices;Dr. Jasmine Padgett, MD (Korian); andDr.DeniseCherry,DMD.

Book a call with Kearn! https://calendly.com/kearncherry/ visibility

www.kearncherry.com www.powerupsummit.com


Mothers,itisourresponsibilitytomakeourchildrenhave a solid foundation. As parents, we must be involved in our child's activities. Sometimes that means making sacrificesinourcareersandbusinesses.

My husband and I realized that we had to make some financial sacrifices in order to ensure that our children hadplentyofopportunitiestobesuccessful.Wedidalot oftravelingfortournamentswhichreallyhelpedwithmy daughters getting scholarships. Of course it also meant no family vacation, delays in shopping, and many other things.

Beingamotherinvolvesalotofsleeplessnights.I’msure my mother who raised five children alone while working twojobsworriedaboutusnightandday.

Lookingback,Irealizeshewasdeterminedtokeepusoutofharm’sway.Inowrealize shepassedthatontomeaswell.

Though being a mother sometimes can be tough, the rewards can be endless. As mothers we sometimes give up everything for our children, from our freedom, sometimes our career, our passion, and even our figure. Mostly we do this so our childrenareabletobecompletelyindependentandsuccessful.

Even though as mothers we do sacrifice a lot, many of us become caregivers to our parentsaswellwhilestilltakingcareofourkids.Thereisagreatrewardformanyofus. An experience that I like to call priceless. That’s right, grand-babies make all the hard workandsacrificesworthit.BeingamotheristrulyaBLESSING!



I am 27 years old Kadedra King, qualified Makeup Artist, Cosmetologist, and Entrepreneur. I am the founder of Beautified Secrets Studio and Edible Secret Treats in the beautiful island of Barbados, West Indies. Beautified Secrets Studio (my baby) was established six years ago but has been in operation as a business for the past four years. I never expected this would be my path, but this is clearly a part of my purpose and I totally love and enjoy every moment of it.

After developing an interest in the beauty industry at a young age, I pursued Makeup Artistry and later acquired qualifications in Cosmetology and Massage Therapy. I have spent my time improving and learning new skills to add to the beauty bag and enhance my career and craft. My #1 goal is for my clients and students to enjoy their experience and to leave feeling completely refreshed, revitalized and ten times more confident whenever they sit in my chair. Additionally, my focus is to provide the most astounding service and to ensure that every client gets the best consideration.

Edible Secret Treats was established in January 2021 and currently specializes in cheesecakes in all types. This business sprung from an experiment during quarantine and it was at that time that I discovered a new skill and enjoyment for baking sweet treats. After receiving compliments from colleagues and family members about how great my cakes had tasted and overwhelming encouragement from my sister, I then decided, why not make it a business and see where it takes me?

To follow my journey as an entrepreneur, follow me on Instagram @beautifiedsecretstudio


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