Reiki World Autumn 2020

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REIKI WORLD UK Reiki Feder ation Ma gazine

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2020 UKRF Conference and Reiki Celebration Week Monday 21st to Sunday 27th September A great opportunity to share with other members and hear about the latest UKRF news See inside for details

Boost your wellbeing Autumn tips to help you rebalance

Reiki Principles & Qiki Gong New moves for you to try Distance Healing Great ideas for new methods

Reiki Medic-Care

An amazing initiative for Reiki Practitioners to help our nation’s medical staff





16 Animal Reiki course approval updates


18 Autumn Tips

20 Self Healing

with Reiki

Meet our team - Marketing Team & Area Reps


2020 UKRF Conference & Reiki Celebration Week


Distance Healing Network & Online Reiki Shares


Animal Reiki updates - course approval updates


Boost your wellbeing this autumn


Self Healing with Reiki


Reiki Medic-Care - an amazing initiative


Book Review - Plant Spirit Reiki by Fay Johnstone


UKRF Vacancies and Opportunities


UKRF Merchandise


Reiki Principles - Self care and Qiki Gong


A Study in Self Distance Reiki


My Reiki life in lockdown


Reiki Sharing Groups


Approved Courses


Reiki Principles & Qiki Gong

2020 UKRF Conference & Reiki Celebration Week Monday 21 September – Friday 25 September after 5pm & Sunday 27 September 2020 from 10.00am – 4.00pm Access online via ZOOM

FREE TO UK REIKI FEDERATION MEMBERS (registration required) We have a great line up of speakers throughout the week, please see pages 10 & 11 for full details

10 UKRF Conference &



Reiki Celebration Week

Dear Members, “In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.” Marianne Williamson Having a sense of community connects us. Being part of a community can make us feel as though we are part of something greater than ourselves. Being part of a Reiki community provides us with the opportunity to collaborate, to share ideas, to support each other and to be part of a wonderful global healing community. Let us pause for a moment to celebrate our wonderful Reiki community and use this wonderful Reiki energy to bring even greater light into the world.


Key Updates:

Online Conference September 2020

The UKRF continues to be busy and continues to expand into new and exciting areas. Since the last publication of Reiki World, we have been busy working on the following:

We are pleased to announce that we have an exciting line-up for our online conference in September. We are pleased that so many members of our Reiki Community will be joining us.

IHC – Integrated Health Care Collaborative

Reiki shares are a wonderful way of connecting with our Reiki community. Jo Fellows will be hosting monthly online Reiki shares. Reiki Awareness Week is being held from the 21st to the 27th September to coincide with our Conference.

The Integrated Healthcare Collaborative continues to lobby Parliament on our behalf, and has been a great support during this Covid pandemic; as has our connection with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).

COVID-19 The Guidelines continue to be updated on a regular basis. We do hope that members have found these guidelines to be beneficial. The guide is available on the members’ area of the UKRF website.

Area Representatives Sarah Robinson, our National Coordinator, has been busy attracting new Area Reps and is creating GDPR compliant ways of working with our Reps and members.

European Reiki Group Wendy Hick has joined the European Reiki Group, [ERG] as International Coordinator and has recently attended their online Conference. The European Reiki Group has recently formalized its structure and has a new statute. Only one organization per country can become a representative. The UKRF is the organization that represents the UK. In total, there are 10 member countries, who have been voted onto the ERG board. This is an exciting way to engage and collaborate with our European Reiki Community. Francis Vendrell, the ERG president is a Reiki practitioner and also a REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - AUTUMN 2020 physicist. He has been undertaking some important research into Reiki. This will be presented at our online conference.

Animal Reiki Sue Malcolm is still working towards launching of Animal Reiki Membership and Course Approval.

Research Team The team have now uploaded some interesting articles on our website under the Research section. Do take a look to see what they have to say. They are also looking for volunteers to join their team, see page 8 for more information.

Education Team The team have now established themselves very well and work closely with the CNHC to process member and non-member registrations as well as approving Reiki courses. We do hope that you enjoy reading the range of articles that we have in this edition of Reiki World and we look forward to the next few months as the UKRF continues to grow.

Stay safe everyone and look after yourselves and your loved ones. Anne-Marie Carratu and Wendy Hick Chair and Vice Chair

2020 UKRF Conference & Reiki Celebration Week Monday 21 September – Friday 25 September after 5pm & Sunday 27 September 2020 from 10.00am – 4.00pm Access online via ZOOM

FREE TO UK REIKI FEDERATION MEMBERS (registration required) We have a great line up of speakers throughout the week, please see pages 10 & 11 for full details 4



Meet our are a few more of our lovely team members “Hi everyone, it’s an absolute pleasure to join the UK Reiki Federation’s marketing team. I’m a Reiki therapist, recently launched my own practice in North London. I enjoy working to high ethical standards and look forward to continuing raising awareness of Reiki, particularly now as the world seems more open than ever to the prospect of embracing the notion of healing energy. I particularly enjoy assisting others achieve rebalancing and a sense of wellbeing through Reiki and hope to highlight these aspects alongside the Federation’s core values..” Kevin Sollitt (UKRF Marketing Coordinator) email: “I am excited to become part of the UKRF Team, and as the new Marketing Strategist I look forward to finding new ways to engage with UKRF members, as well as grow the existing membership. As a qualified Reiki Master Teacher, my spiritual journey began in 2017 and not only has it been enlightening but it has also allowed me to meet some truly wonderful people along the way.” Debbie Tate (UKRF Marketing Strategist)

email: “My Reiki journey started in 2010, just after qualifying as a Solicitor. I worked through to my Reiki Masters in 2015, added Sound Therapy, a Gong Masters and my Reiki Drum to the mix and started up my therapy practice which runs alongside the day job. I always felt that my Reiki and Solicitor qualifications could work well together and as the newly appointed Legal Coordinator for the UKRF Committee they finally are; the perfect balance.” Kimberley Maiyh (UKRF Legal Coordinator)





Nationwide UKRF Area Representatives The UKRF supports a network of Area Representatives who volunteer to act as the local contact for our members. Our group of Area Reps provide great support to our members out there all over the UK and often run regular Reiki shares allowing more members to meet each other.

Meet our Area Representatives...

Sarah Robinson UKRF National Coordinator

“Hello everyone! I am the new Area Rep for East Riding of Yorkshire. I am a Reiki Master practitioner and live in the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds. My first experience of Reiki had a profound life changing impact, in that I was able to cope in situations that would usually cause me to panic. It seemed logical and natural to learn more about this simple but effective therapy and to share what I have learned with others. My career background was in Learning and Development Design and Knowledge Management. This experience allows me to understand our many different approaches to learning whether the subject be baking or Reiki!


I am really looking forward to getting started in my role as Area Rep and sharing my 20 years of experience!” Lorraine Scarth (Area Rep for Yorkshire East Ridings)

“Hi everyone. My name is Sahm Venter and I am the Area Rep for County Down. I am a Reiki Master practitioner based in Northern Ireland, to where I relocated from South Africa a year ago. I first encountered Reiki when, at a friend’s funeral, I had a bad headache and one of his neighbours introduced herself as a Reiki practitioner, placed her hands on my head and the pain disappeared. I vowed to discover more and finally did from 2011 when Karen Lange began to train me in Usui Shiki Ryoho from Level 1 up to Masters Level (2014) and certified me in Jikiden Reiki (Shoden & Okuden) in 2019. I am excited to connect with other Reiki practitioners in my area and believe that we can help each other to navigate these strange times. Please contact me on for any queries and any ideas you might have.” Sahm Venter (Area Rep for County Down, NI) 6



MEET OUR TEAM “I’m very honoured to be the Gloucestershire representative for the UK Reiki Federation, and have been running monthly Reiki Shares since January 2015. These are a lovely opportunity to get together with like-minded people and give and receive Reiki. The in-person shares are always on the first Wednesday of the month at the Isbourne Holistic Centre in Cheltenham. I’m a Reiki Master and Reiki Teacher who first worked with traditional Japanese Reiki in the early 2000s. Following this I took further Master level courses, and intensive courses. Through my training I discovered that Reiki was one of my spiritual paths, and I was amazed that one can actually feel the connection to spiritual energy. Initially stunned by the effect of physical healing and relaxation, my studies brought me to realise that Reiki was in fact a complete system of spiritual awakening and a gateway to discovering our spiritual selves. I’m also both an Advanced Yoga Teacher and Meditation Teacher.”


Jo Fellows (Area Rep for Gloucestershire) “I have recently become the Area Rep for Norfolk and am looking forward to connecting with many of you. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and Holistic Therapist and work from my therapy room based in South Norfolk. I have been enjoying working with the Reiki energies for over 10 years now and have a passion to share it with like minded people. Reiki changed my life, all for the good and to be able to share Reiki with others is an absolute joy. I love seeing the change that is created when my students begin their Reiki journey. I am hosting an in-person gathering at a local venue to me in South Norfolk and anyone is welcome, if any of you in Norfolk would like to join me then please get in touch. It would be lovely to connect with some of you and find out how I may be of help. Reiki has and continues to be a huge benefit and presence in life hence I wanted to become the Area Rep for Norfolk and reach out to those that may need a helping hand.” email:

Hayley Pearson (Area Rep for Norfolk)

“I am the new Area Rep for South Wales. By way of background, my working career started as a maths teacher, but in 2006/7 I retrained as a reflexologist. Having always been aware of energy, it was during this time of training that I became even more aware and felt the need to develop this. It was suggested by my tutor that I receive my Reiki attunements and in 2011 I became a Reiki Master and Teacher. I love the freedom of Reiki and how it can help in so many different situations. It has been extremely beneficial during this period of lockdown, where I have been unable to continue with reflexology and Reiki treatments from my clinic here in South Wales, but am still able to support and help my clients with sending distance healing when needed. I would love to connect with any members in this area, so feel free to email me.” Cath England (UKRF Area Rep for South Wales)




Would you like to join our network of Area Representatives? The UKRF supports a network of Area Representatives who volunteer to act as the local contact for our members. We have lots of lovely volunteers but still have vacancies for some areas of the UK, including: Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire & Surrey. Please do contact our National Coordinator, Sarah Robinson if you are interested in representing any of these areas by emailing Sarah at

The UK Reiki Federation Research Group is looking for volunteers to join! The UK Reiki Federation Research Group is currently working on compiling a comprehensive list of scientific studies on Reiki. They are looking for two or three volunteers to join and help with the time-consuming work. It would be ideal if applicants had experience in working with scientific papers and research. Over time, the group will also be conducting their own studies on the efficacy of Reiki in different areas. If you are interested in helping, please send an email to: and include a brief summary of your experience and motivation.

Grapes must be crushed to make wine. Diamonds form under pressure. Olives are pressed to release oil. Seeds grow in darkness. Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation and transmutation. - Lalah Delia 88


MEET OUR TEAM My name is Julie Livesey and I am the new Area Representative (Manchester West) for the UK Reiki Federation. My background is in teaching, but I have always had an affinity for spirituality. My life was very busy with my career as a Business Development Manager and then as a teacher. Somehow, I never got chance to explore my spiritual side. Then after contracting viral meningitis and becoming very poorly, a chance for me to research Reiki came to me. I had received Reiki many years previously and remembered how wonderful it was. This started me on my journey in Reiki and holistic practices. I am now a Master Reiki Practitioner and working towards my Reiki Teacher.


I am passionate about Reiki and the role the UKRF has in promoting best practice for all practitioners - as an independent organisation of individuals who have been attuned to Reiki, with the objective of providing support and guidance to Reiki professionals with particular reference to education and training and the practice of Reiki.

I am really looking forward to getting to know you all in the near future. If you need any help or support with your Reiki journey you can contact me direct via Julie Livesey (UKRF Area Rep for Manchester West)

My personal Reiki journey began in 2002 and am a Reiki Master Teacher (since 2004) as well as a Certified Life Coach. I found that over the years of practising, combining Reiki with Life Coaching has helped me tremendously to understand people that I have treated and enabled me to give them not just Reiki Healing but also a way forward through Coaching. With regular practise I see the difference Reiki makes to people’s lives and health. Feedback from clients helps me to continuously learn and enhance the healing that I provide. A large part of my Reiki sessions are on a pro-bono basis as I strongly believe that Reiki should be offered not only to those who can afford to pay but to those who would genuinely benefit from the healing. With the current situation a lot of clients are also requesting distance Reiki. The feedback from this has also been hugely positive. Looking forward to continuing healing through Reiki and to working with my area members in and around Solihull. Please do not hesitate to contact me.


Archana Somaiya (UKRF Area Rep for Birmingham)

“I would like to thank the team of Area Reps that are doing a great job across the UK. If you would like to know more about becoming an Area Rep, please contact me on”

n o s n i b o R h a Sar X




2020 Conference and Reiki Celebration week Monday 21 September – Friday 25 September after 5pm and Sunday 27 September 2020 from 10.00am – 4.00pm Access online via ZOOM

FREE TO UK REIKI FEDERATION MEMBERS (registration required) The 2020 UKRF Annual Conference will be held via ZOOM during the evenings of Monday 21 – Friday 25 September 2020 and all day on Sunday 27 September 2020. We are offering this free to our members as a thank you for your continued support and we understand that this The conference will bring together leading year has been a difficult time for you. experts within the Reiki field and provide space to connect and discuss Reiki within a positive There will be a £15 registration fee for nonrelaxing environment. The Conference aim is members (which can be deducted from new to bring together Reiki professionals, facilitate Practitioner or Master Teacher membership paid learning, encourage development and create before 30 November 2020). opportunities for positive discussions and relaxation. The UK Reiki Federation warmly invites you to our 2020 Annual Conference and Reiki Celebration week, which we have created in an online format to ensure all members are able to access and enjoy the programme.

For further information and booking via website: Please note registration is required to enable us to email you the link and passcode each evening for the following day’s event, so that we can manage the number of attendees.

PROGRAMME * We are delighted to be holding our conference online allowing us to bring together Reiki professionals from all over the country to celebrate Reiki, giving you an opportunity to ask questions from leading experts. This year we are honored to welcome highly respected and knowledgeable speakers, with something for everyone. 10 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


Monday 21 – Friday 25 September evenings • • • • • • • • • • • •

These will encompass talks, information and relaxation including: Animal Reiki with Sue Malcolm “Reiki is not about energy but entropy” with Dr. Francis Vendrell Qigong Shibashi with Warren Swartz Reiki Education Reiki in Clinical Practice: A Science-based Guide with Ann Baldwin, PhD “HADO” ~ The Message from Water with Kyoko Atsumi (donation requested) CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council) with Meghan Mari Reiki Medic-Care with Rosemary Pharo Benefits of membership and the work of the UK Reiki Federation Reiki Meditation with Wendy Hick Sound bath with Hayley Pearson

Sunday 27 September – full day Guest Speaker: Johannes Reindl, Lineage Bearer for Usui Shiki Ryoho - Reiki self-healing - Reiki principles - My Reiki journey and your opportunity to ask questions • Torsten Lange, Founder of Reiki Science: ‘What you always wanted to ask about Reiki’

Johannes Reindl • Anne-Marie Carratu, Chair of UK Reiki Federation leading open discussion on Reiki in Medicine

Lineage Bearer for Usui Shiki Ryoho

This conference will build on our vision and mission to achieve the highest possible level of professionalism in Education and Training, Animal Reiki and Research to raise the level of Reiki training and delivery. The week will encompass what UKRF has achieved and exciting plans for the future within a loving community. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet Reiki professionals to learn, share and build communities. If you have any queries please contact:

We look forward to welcoming you all UK Reiki Federation Team

*this programme is subject to change



Reiki Celebration Week: 21-27 September The purpose of Reiki Celebration week is to promote awareness of Reiki in our local communities. We at the UK Reiki Federation have planned a week of online events for you all to attend. It will be a great way to get together, albeit online, to celebrate all things Reiki. We will be treated to talks from various people, and some updates on Animal Reiki, Reiki Research and Reiki Medic-Care, hopefully we’ll see you there! Here are some tips on how you could celebrate ‘Reiki Week’... • Consider offering online Reiki sessions to a local community support group of carers? There are lots of stressed people out there right now - so this is the perfect time to reach out to them. • If you have your own Reiki practice, why not create a post on your social media pages explaining the basics of Reiki and how it has changed your life? • Why not write an article for a local publication or newsletter to let people know how Reiki and mindfulness can help them in their lives every day? Or perhaps post it on local community pages? Suggest that anyone interested can find a Reiki practitioner by searching the CNHC register in their area.

Other key dates for your diary: 20th September: National Recycle Week 10th October: Mental Health Day 2nd November: National Stress Awareness Day Why not create posts to tie in with these events and use the opportunity to create awareness and also connect with potential clients?

This is a chance to use your imagination and come up with something new to have a more dynamic approach and bring Reiki to the attention of a larger audience. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you take photos and if you think it’s something other UKRF members would be inspired by or like to read about, then please send them to Kerrie Baker at We are looking forward to seeing what you all get up to! UKRF are available in many ways, including through our social media channels. You can interact with us through any of these platforms by using the details below. It’s a great way for us to stay in touch with our members and to continue to support you. .com/UKReikiFed .com/ukreikifederation 12 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


Returning to Practitioner Work by Victoria Palmer

I was away on holiday with my family when I saw the email come in asking for articles for the Reiki World magazine. It was asking for input on how you have returned to Reiki Practitioner work, kept Reiki in my life and reached out to the community during lockdown. I started my business, Ask the Angels in 2015 after becoming a Mummy at the age of 43. Prior to that I was a Senior Manager in an international role working lots of hours and travelling around the world! Don’t get me wrong; I was grateful for what I had, but it just didn’t fulfil me anymore. I also wanted to flexibility of working for myself so I could be around to bring up my daughter. I am now a certified Reiki Practitioner and Teacher and a Celebrant; offering Reiki Healing and Teaching plus the development and delivery of bespoke and personal ceremonies like Baby Naming, Weddings, Vow Renewal and End of Life. The time over the last few months has been really surreal and different, but I will be honest in that I have actually enjoyed it. I have enjoyed the slowing down, more time with loved ones and having more time to just be present. I wondered initially how I could continue my business and work and fear did start to creep in, but I have learned enough about spirituality in the last decade to trust my path and surrender; whilst still showing up and trusting.

I then started to offer Guidance Readings and support through Zoom and more and more people started to book in for Distance Healing. I was blown away by the support, but also the incredible connection and guidance and therefore healing that I was able to offer. I also continued to offer support through End of Life ceremonies locally. Slowly, as things started to become clear re physically going back to face to face; I carried out a Risk Assessment and changed several things in my healing room; chairs, items I use on my healing bed, and put measures in place to ensure the areas are clean and disinfected. I also developed some online forms, invested in PPE and made sure all clients would be safe, but also still feel supported. I also had a visit from the Mayor of MK to see my local business; how wonderful to have such local support and cheerleading for businesses in Milton Keynes. As things start to move in a more positive direction; I will continue to trust and see how it progresses. I am up for whatever the journey will be. I feel so grateful and blessed for the life I have today. Victoria Palmer UKRF Member

So as a way of giving back to the community; I started to offer Distance Healing and support to those that were struggling and asking for help. I also continued with daily motivating quotes, guidance and support through social media and to subscribers of my emails.



Calling out to all Reiki Level II & Level III Practitioners Help us make a difference Join the UKRF Distance Healing Network today No matter the distance Join our network of like-minded spirits and distance healing professionals from wherever you are Become part of our Distance Healing Group or Distance Reiki Shares....or both! Send loving, healing energy to each other, all people, animals, all living things and our beloved planet Earth Help us hold the vision of a healed world Help us hold the vision for those who can’t

Simply drop us a line at with your name and your UKRF Membership Number, confirm you are insured to practise and we’ll be in touch.

Alone we are strong...Together we are stronger Join us today

Laura Vismara UKRF Distance Healing Coordinator 14 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF


Distance Healing with the UK Reiki Federation The UK Reiki Federation offer their Practitioner members the opportunity to become part of a large distance healing network, with a choice of two groups to join.

Distance Healing Group UKRF Reiki Practitioners give their time each week to send Reiki healing to anyone who makes a request from anywhere in the world. How the group works is that each week the volunteers receive a list of those people/animals/events that have requested healing and we all collectively send positive Reiki healing to everyone on the list, at a time that suits each one of us.

Reiki Shares Online Every month via Zoom

Next sessions: Mondays 5th October, 2nd November, 7th December 7pm - 45 minutes of Reiki healing Run by Jo Fellows, Reiki Master Teacher & UKRF Area Rep for Gloucestershire

A lovely opportunity to join with like-minded people to give and receive Reiki UKRF Members: please let us know if you will be attending on and you will be sent a link via email

The UKRF Team



Animal Reiki Update by Sue Malcolm

We are getting closer to Animal Reiki membership and course approval. We’re not quite there but as I write this, we are testing the Animal Reiki Practitioner application and evaluation process as it is going to involve more than the Reiki membership application. We do want to know that you have skills, knowledge and expertise to competently offer Reiki to animals but we are also here to offer help and support if for example you are not aware of necessary legislation. The next stage will be to test the course approval application, after which we will be ready to launch. As soon as application forms are live for Animal Reiki Practitioner, Master and Teacher membership, also Animal Reiki Practitioner course approval, supported with course content and delivery guidance for teachers, we will let you know.

We will also expect you to have basic knowledge and understanding of the animals you intend to work with, in order that you can competently offer Reiki safely and for the best outcome. * A minority of situations may exist where members have received no formal training but have all of the expected skills and knowledge through other training and years of experience regularly offering Reiki to animals. In such cases, you may complete the Animal Reiki Practitioner application form; however additional criteria will have to be met in order to demonstrate your expertise. Following my 10k run last October in which I raised over £500 to kick start a UKRF Animal Reiki Research Project, Debbie O’Hara, owner of Highland Animal Reiki and one of our animal loving members has spent much time investigating research studies that exist for Reiki (or similar energy work) with animals. More details will follow in due course.

Pre-requisites for application will be as follows: • Minimum 9 months since Reiki I • Reiki (as opposed to Reiki for Animals) Attunements/ Initiations/Reiju must have been received in-person. • A Reiki for Animals level II (or equivalent) certificate should be held* This will need to be submitted with your application. Your Animal Reiki training should have included in-person practical sessions. • A valid insurance certificate (or a letter from your insurance company) which must stipulate that you are covered for offering Reiki to people and animals. Without suitable insurance your professional recognition is not valid. This will need to be submitted with your application. Insurance companies will typically add this additional cover if you contact them with this request and send a copy of your Animal Reiki Practitioner certificate. Typically, there is no extra charge.


This was the first stage in what we hope will be a serious research project. We are now looking to build an Animal Reiki Research team of members with interest, knowledge and handson expertise, and to set up our own research project. If you are interested please send a CV to detailing your relevant Reiki and research skills and experience/contacts that would make you an asset to this team. It is a voluntary role and will involve a number of hours and possibly detailed work but should we be able to set up the envisaged project, it could be extremely rewarding.

Sue Malcolm Animal Reiki Coordinator


“All animals no matter how large or small can benefit from Reiki”



Boost your wellbeing this autumn Jo Fellows’ top tips to help you rebalance and rejuvenate with the change of season. As the leaves change colour and the trees let them go, we’re reminded that nature has a plan for healthy living. As the leaves fall they create fertile ground that gives potential for growth come spring. It’s a good time to practice this letting go in our lives too, so that we can embrace exciting new beginnings. Our breath is a constant reminder to be aware of that which needs to be released and let go. Take a moment to sit quietly and notice your own breath – as you breathe in sense the cool air on your nostrils. Feel that breath flow down to your lower belly as your tummy rises. Then as you exhale release the tummy back towards the spine and notice warm air leave your nostrils. Pay attention to the quality of your breath – smooth inhales and smooth exhales will help your body to release and relax. With the busyness of summer over, now is the perfect time to declutter. Start by going through

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everything you own and ask yourself whether items are useful or if they bring joy. If the answer is no, then recycle or give them away so that someone else can enjoy them. Once only your most useful or joy-giving belongings remain, put them where they’re accessible, rather than squirrelling them away. The impact of living in an organised environment will help you feel more in control. Mainstream scientific studies prove that nature heals. Connecting to our natural environment in natural light has immediate positive effects on stress, depression, blood pressure and our immune system. So, whenever possible, get outdoors and use all your senses to appreciate the wilder side of nature that autumn has to offer. Being in touch with the seasons will help you be more mindful of the present, and you’ll become more resilient to the ups and downs of life. It’s probably safe to say that you’re aware that exercising is good for you. But this word may be weighed down with feelings of obligation.


So, instead, think of it as just movement. This is one of your body’s basic functions, not only improving mood, but also helping us to combat stress, anxiety and depression. It helps to keep us healthy, helps make bones strong and improves cognitive performance. You don’t need to go for a marathon run, everyday movement such as dancing, gardening or taking up a new class such as yoga will all help. Just keep moving!

wherever possible. Foods that will nourish and care for our bodies in autumn include root vegetables, green leafy vegetables, autumn fruits, legumes and whole grains.

Too little sleep can cause high blood pressure, a tendency to be overweight and emotional imbalances. One reason why people find they can’t sleep is because they’re worrying about things. Frustratingly, this then turns into worry about not getting enough sleep! Sleep is the ultimate way of releasing and letting go. While we sleep, our systems cleanse and organise our brains. If you’re having difficulty with sleep, try the breathing technique above or counting your breaths.

Jo Fellows

As the days get shorter, considering taking a Vitamin D supplement. This vitamin is produced by your skin’s exposure to sunshine, and is essential for healthy strong bones, immunity and to stop us from feeling fatigued.

UKRF Member, Advanced Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master and Sound Therapist. Discover more about her classes and treatments for wellbeing on Instagram at jofellowswellbeing, or at

Aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fewer sugary processed foods. Nature provides the right foods at the right times, so try to eat seasonal, locally-grown produce



Self Healing with Reiki by Charlin Morgan

One of the most rewarding aspects of being able to channel Reiki is that it can provide comfort and help to those in need. If one of my children come to me in tears, I love being able to soothe and restore them with a healing cuddle. A very important but less discussed aspect of being attuned to Reiki is the act of self-healing; something that is often overlooked but is actually an essential part of the practice. Healing isn’t just for other people; in healing yourself, you become stronger in your ability to help others. Over time, I discovered that this was true.

As I got older my responsibilities increased, I now had three children and a lot less time on my hands. I was constantly juggling school runs, homework, after-school clubs, social activities, work, study and never-ending chores. Trying to fit in time to care for myself was not easy, and modern life means that we all expect a lot of ourselves. We are all supposed to make time to meditate, enjoy hobbies, spend time outside, exercise and learn more to better ourselves on top of everything else! Self-healing with Reiki was still there, but only when I could fit it in! What happened when I didn’t self-heal often enough?

Using self-healing

The result was that I was channeling less Reiki.

When I started learning Reiki my teacher explained that I would have to self-heal every day for 21 days to allow the attunement to integrate fully. The new energy needs time to work on each of the seven chakras: a full day for each one and the cycle repeats itself three times. As a new student, I diligently stuck to this and I kept this up for much longer than three weeks because I was so excited to learn more.

Gradually I realised that I could hardly feel it anymore when I was giving treatments. In the beginning, I always perceived Reiki energy as an intense heat coming out of my hands, and clients would comment on how hot it was. That sensation was very validating for me, I needed to know that it was working and that I wasn’t imagining it. Now that I wasn’t feeling it so much I was starting to get worried. Why was this happening?

Eventually life got in the way, and after a few years I noticed I was only managing it a few times a week. I knew that I would always be attuned to Reiki so I didn’t worry about it too much, it wasn’t as if I could lose this ability. In the meantime, I continued to give treatments to others.

Re-opening the healing channels I wrote to my teacher and she advised me to selfheal with Reiki every day and not to worry, as the ability was still there. Conscientiously, I began to give myself healing every single night. By forcing myself to do it daily, I realised that I could fit it in; I just needed to find a regular time. For me, this was as soon as I got into bed, and I could even do it while I was chatting to my husband. It really relaxed me and helped get me to sleep. This meant that I didn’t always finish giving myself a full treatment, but before I began I made an intention for the energy to continue even if I was unconscious.


REIKI WORLD Over time I could feel the Reiki channels opening, as if they were streams turning into rivers. The energy seemed to glow and flow more powerfully than ever before.

Stronger Reiki flow I can’t remember how long it took, but it was after about a month or two of regular self-healing with Reiki that I got my power back. I noticed that heat was coming out of my hands again and it felt quietly forceful; it flowed and pulsed with a much higher intensity than before. When I put my hands on myself I could really feel it. The next test had to be on someone else. It wasn’t long before I had a lovely client who described my hands as being a ‘reverse iron’, because the heat from them was creasing his shirt! I had to admit, it was a particularly powerful healing and my hands felt so warm that my client said he could feel the heat from several inches away. This

Think about your daily schedule and the times when you are sitting/lying still and you can place your hands on yourself. For example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

lying in the bath getting ready to fall asleep in bed watching television meditating waking up

You don’t even have to be thinking about Reiki for it to be effective, so doing it while watching a film might not be as relaxing but will still work.

Using distant healing on yourself Have you thought about sending Reiki to a virtual ‘energy bank’? You can ‘withdraw’ healing when it suits you, as long as you ‘top it up’ now and then. If you have Reiki 2, you can use the symbols and imagine sending it to a place of your imagination, like a piggy bank or huge vault of energy with the intention of being able to use it when necessary. At times of stress and hurry this can be a good method, but to get the most out of this you should find a quiet moment to receive it. A second way of using distant healing is to use a proxy. This means a teddy bear or cushion will stand in for your body. This is really good if you can’t comfortably place your hands on areas that need healing. A lot of people think you can only do this for others but it works on yourself too!

Conclusion man had never experienced Reiki or any other type of energy healing before, so this was proof to me that self-healing made a difference to my Reiki practice.

Ways to fit self-healing into your day If you are attuned to Reiki, do you self-heal most days? If not, here are some tips for fitting this into your routine more easily.

If you are attuned to Reiki, self-healing should be an important part of your day. If you can do it daily, that is fantastic, but please don’t feel bad if you can’t manage. The road to healing is a journey and as long as you head in the right direction, that is what matters. However, if you have found like I did, that the energy is not as it should be, healing yourself is a great way to bring it back. You just have to find a method that fits into your schedule. I hope some of my tips help you get back on track.

Charlin Morgan is a member of UKRF and has a background in teaching and education but has always had a keen interest in health, nutrition and spiritual wellbeing. She lives in Surrey with her cycling obsessed husband and three crazy children. She works as a Reiki Master/Teacher at REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 21


Reiki Medic-Care - a groundbreaking service to support our NHS medical professionals

by Rosemary Pharo

I was recently reading “Light on the Origins of Reiki” by Tadao Yamaguchi where he comments that “In the past Usui Sensei and Hayashi Sensei promoted Reiki in the hope of applying it in medical treatments”. He goes on to say that he would like to introduce Reiki to medical professionals as well as reintroduce the original Reiki to those who have learned different Western forms so as to demonstrate its practical uses. I think this is what many Reiki practitioners feel, the degree to which Reiki could, and will, support conventional healthcare to the benefit of both staff and patients. It is true that Reiki is present in some hospitals or medical settings in the UK and around the world, in a few places in a formal way, and some places, less so. What I think we would all like to see is for Reiki to take root more widely and flourish as a wholly integrative practice in line with the vision of the founders of Reiki and the many of us who have found Reiki enhancing our physical and mental wellbeing. Whilst it seems that more medical professionals, especially nurses and midwives, are learning and using Reiki at work to whatever degree is possible in their situation, the fact remains that in today’s, rightly, evidence-based healthcare settings, Reiki has to prove its case.


This was one of the reasons of course that Connecting Reiki with Medicine was set up, as a way to bring in-hospital clinically trained Reiki practitioners onto wards, not as tolerated visitors, but as welcome team members, building up data for research at the same time and creating a transferable model for Reiki in medical settings everywhere. It was at our Connecting Reiki with Medicine site in London last year that a chance conversation sowed the first seed for Reiki Medic-Care when a senior nurse who had seen the benefits (and positive energy) that Reiki practitioners brought to patients on her ward, mentioned she would like every one of her nurses to benefit too. Their long shifts, however, gave them no breaks where they could receive treatments at work. It was just not an option for hands on except for the occasional short taster. The eureka moment was to suggest that they could simply receive Reiki distantly. Fast forwarding to COVID-19 and many of us in the Reiki world felt a pull to support our NHS staff, seeing so much stress and severe illness. Responding to this pull of compassion, which seemed to come from the heart of Reiki itself, the two impulses came together and began to coalesce as Reiki Medic-Care.

REIKI MEDIC-CARE From the start, we knew that we all wanted to build something that was evergreen and long-lasting, that could even serve as a model in other parts of the world. This meant creating something that could bring together large numbers of Reiki practitioners quite easily in a sustainable and manageable way. We have designed a system which is automated – quite a challenge to say the least – it will also gather data for research purposes as a secondary aim. We are very lucky in the experience, knowledge and contacts of the team behind the project – you can find them on our Reiki Medic-Care Facebook page. In the last few months, we have set up a charity to sustain funding Reiki Medic-Care and Connecting Reiki with Medicine, created a bespoke IT system, two websites and recruited over 200 Reiki practitioners. It being 2020, of course things have, as everywhere, taken way longer than expected. The effects of COVID-19 slowed all the normal processes of company registration with Companies House, setting up a bank account, charity registration and insurance down to a snail’s pace and its effects go on. This year, the world has slowed down, big time. All of these obstacles have or are being overcome with persistence and determination and a ‘just for today’ attitude. The easiest part of the journey, however, has been the amazing response from Reiki practitioners in the UK. To all those who are part of UKRF and have already joined us, we are so grateful for your commitment and patience. We had a feeling that many would feel a pull to join us and they did. We also had a feeling that it would suit practitioners who wanted to do something practical to help, for example: practitioners who were no longer running public practices but loved sending Reiki to highly

deserving cases; practitioners who simply prefer to work distantly; and practitioners who see their future in clinical settings. Our Reiki practitioners are currently divided into teams of 8 which is intended to give some flexibility as well as concentrating Reiki in the 20 minute each medical professional receives for four days consecutively, which can be repeated. Every month we have been running team meetings and Reiki shares and energy at the shares has been absolutely incredible, it is important to us to see that our teams come together, meeting each other and sharing Reiki. We have been in live testing mode with the system and the website is open for medical professionals to take advantage, we are keeping the launch fairly soft. Some exciting news is that we have linked up with NHS Wellness Boxes who have our specially printed leaflets to distribute directly to medical professionals and who have also become one of our seed funders. None of this is possible without significant investment. We are immensely grateful to all our seed funders and also wish to say a special word of thanks to the UKRF for becoming one of them – which is why you will find the Fed’s logo permanently at the bottom of our website.

To join us go to: and look for Practitioner Sign Up. Rosemary Pharo Reiki Medic-Care Co-Creator

m the ‘Hello fro -Care Reiki Medic Team!’



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Book review: Plant Spirit Reiki by Fay Johnstone Plant Spirit Reiki: Energy Healing with the Elements of Nature

Enrich your Reiki practice by connecting with the healing spirit of plants and the natural world Explore a new way of channeling Reiki energy for both personal healing and professional practice by intuitively connecting with plants and the natural world Intuitively work in partnership with plants to hone your intuitive senses to explore new relationships with plants as guides; with simple exercises, meditations and Reiki practices Gain confidence and feel inspired to raise the vibration of your community and the planet by connecting with green spaces, nature beings, and habitats under threat

This great new book provides simple exercises, meditations and Reiki practices to help the reader intuitively work in partnership with plants as part of their Reiki practice.

explains how to include plants and nature in your Reiki practice, both the spiritual/etheric components of plants and the physical plants themselves.

Explains how to raise the vibration of your community and the world by connecting with green spaces, nature beings and those habitats that are under threat.

Fay offers many practical exercises, techniques, and meditations as well as case studies and personal experiences to show how best to harness the power of plants on all levels, along with other energy flows, to support the healing process in much the same way that crystals are used as energetic healing aids. She explains how plants connect with the Reiki principles and explores plant spirit allies, chakra work, and healing with the elements of nature. She details how to enhance self-healing and Reiki treatments for others through “bringing the outside in,� creating a healing space, use of plant preparations, and other sacred forms of plant medicine.

Emphasises healing exchange with plants and the self-practice of Reiki in partnership with the spirit of plants to heal our essential nature. In this practical workbook, Fay Johnstone demonstrates how energy healers and Reiki practitioners can partner with plant spirit allies and the forces of nature for powerful healing for themselves, others, and our planet. She

Plant Spirit Reiki will be available to order from Amazon in November, but can be pre-ordered now. REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 25

Insurance cover for members of the UK Reiki Federation REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - SUMMER 2020


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Remotely Relaxing by Jo Peirson

Before Covid I was very much about treating inperson. I’m a sociable people-person and enjoy welcoming clients into my home to receive their Reiki treatments. Remote Reiki wasn’t something I wanted to promote. Then the lockdown hit and normal life stopped overnight. Everything moved online and with no definitive end date. Still I resisted. I continued my own self-Reiki practise - thank goodness for it - as me and my family navigated our own lockdown experience. It appears the Universe had other plans however, as I received an enquiry from a client about remote Reiki and how it all works. I went through the details of how I set up my sacred space the same as I would as if they were visiting me in person, and about how Reiki works remotely. I decided to offer the client a complimentary remote treatment. We did the session via FaceTime and it was a huge success. The client reported experiencing the same benefits they usually do from our in-person sessions. They enjoyed all this from the comfort and safety of their own home.

Since then I’ve completed more remote sessions, one for a client who’d never had Reiki before. Prior to each session I’m tuning in more to my intuition allowing me to tailor it for the client and their specific needs, with great results. Going forward my choice is not to treat in-person for the remainder of 2020. I’ll revisit this after Christmas. Until then I’m focusing my energy on promoting my remote sessions using the incredible feedback from my wonderful clients; sharing the many benefits Reiki offers us all during this challenging time. Covid has been the shock the world needed to wake up and push us beyond our comfort zones. To encourage us to embrace new concepts in all areas of our lives. To step up, evolve and change the world for the greater good of all. Never have I been more grateful to be a Reiki practitioner.

Jo Peirson Intuitive Health and Wellness Warrior & UKRF Member



Reiki Medic-Care

A groundbreaking service to support our NHS medical professionals Through the last few months of dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak, many of us in the Reiki world felt a pull to support our NHS staff, seeing so much stress and severe illness. Responding to this pull of compassion, which seemed to come from the heart of Reiki itself, the two impulses came together and began to coalesce as Reiki MedicCare. See pages 22 and 23 for the full article. To join us go to: and look for Practitioner Sign Up.

Reiki World articles... We know our members are sometimes part of really amazing local (and sometimes not so local) Reiki-related intiatives which others would love to read about, and be inspired by in Reiki World magazine. If you have any articles or stories (big or small as small pieces are useful for half pages) that you think would be interesting to our members, then please send them to our Reiki World Editor, Kerrie Baker at

Approved Courses Did you know we have a list of Approved Courses on our website? This directory of approved Reiki courses and also approved CPD Courses (including the Covid-19 Awareness for Therapists Course, run by Brighton Holistics and recommended by the UKRF) can be found on our website. If you are interested, you can find them on this link:

UK Reiki Federation & Reiki Guild Members’ Guidelines We regularly update our Covid-19 Safety Guidelines document which can be found in the Members Only area of our website (as one of your membership benefits). We recommend that you check frequently as all relevant information released by the UK Government is reflected in this comprehensive document as soon as possible. 28 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

On your mobile: Click the arrow to access the Members Only area





We have a range of clothing and other merchandise available on our website, all of which bears the UK Reiki Federation branding to add professionalism to your therapy business. The t-shirts, hoodies and polo shirts are available in various colours and sizes.


Shop online at

Ladies’ t-shirts, polo tops, hoodies and fleeces.

Men’s t-shirts, polo tops, hoodies and fleeces. We also have notebooks, wrist bands, lanyards, heart squishies and tote bags! REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 29


Reiki Principles, Self Care, and Qiki Gong by Ruthie Moriarty and Alan Sanson

Ruthie: My daily mantra includes “Remember you have a Duty of Self Care”.

rebalance - just for the day. Incorporating this into my daily routine has helped me emotionally and physically and, as we begin to very cautiously ease back into something like a “new normal” way of living, it is one of my lockdown habits I will continue.

What exceptional and turbulent times we have seen and continue to live through in 2020. Lockdown, isolation, confinement and, for many, tragedy when they lose a loved one and cannot Alan and I have worked to find the most effective even be there to hold their hand. I am sure I am movement to reflect each principle. We use them not alone in finding this terminology, as well as the and suggest them to clients who have been everyday reality, highly negative and distressing. unable to come for treatments/sessions. Rather There has been so much global anxiety, feelings of than describe the movements in depth, you can being overwhelmed and a access them through the video whole raft of huge, negative link in Alan’s section to watch “Unless we treat emotions that have been and play along with if you are difficult, if not impossible to ourselves with love and reading online. If you have avoid, especially if we are compassion, we cannot the beautiful magazine in your empathic and attuned to the hands, you can enter this link reflect the same in energies surrounding us. to see the video.

others.” Buddha

In efforts to redress the balance I, like many others, have been involved in (global) meditations, sending Reiki, distant shares, volunteering (including what I believe will be the very powerful Reiki Medic-Care) and powerful intentions for us all. Working with Diligence has not been overlooked.

Do not anger

‘Drawing the Silken Threads’

However, the “Duty of Self Care” William Lee Rand promoted when I trained with him in 2005 seemed to be out of kilter with the care I have been offering to others. I found much of the recent solitude very challenging and sometimes, far from the peace of sitting in my quiet space, it was increasingly difficult to relax and just Be – to offer myself Reiki healing. I began to seriously wonder what I was doing about the other Reiki principles. Coming back to them has been hugely important for me and using them in a different way; physically feeling them through the gentle, meditative movements we have developed in Qiki Gong. (See Reiki World Spring and Summer 2020 issues for an explanation of Qiki Gong)

I found as I moved and repeated the principle it quietened my mind allowing me to refocus and 30 REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF

Feel the energy of the silk thread in your hands, drawing the positive energy to you. As you extend out gently push the negative energies away and draw in the positive again.

Do not worry


Be grateful

‘Parting the Clouds’

With every fibre of your mind and body engage with soft clouds. Gently move the worries up and away, opening to fresh, positive energies.

‘Gathering in’

The world is there, nature is there, embrace it, take in the view, either real or one in your imagination, take in the Ki/Qi and let it flow through you with deep gratitude.

Be kind to others

‘Offering Out’

This speaks for itself – feel the positive energy from your heart chakra emanating out to others and the world in waves of energy. Smile at everyone, at everything.


My daily mantra includes “Live life now”. Play is freedom. Be. It is all of the Reiki principles rolled together. No anger, no worries, I’m grateful for what is. The joy and smiling spreads a feeling of being kind to others. All that is negative drifts away. Allow yourself to Be, play with movement, feeling, nature and energy. Energise your hands. Focus on the Rei-ki. Release and renew the energy. The video link in the photo (accessed as before) will give you an idea. But is it just one idea. Do what feels right right for you to re-energise with the Reiki Principles. It works and we invite you to try it. Even those who are not Reiki trained have found the calm and peace that “just for today” brings. I gave my Mum a copy of the recent Reiki World magazine. She was highly impressed with the Reiki Principles and has written them down to keep handy and use. She admitted that in the night she wakes with aches and gets annoyed (she is in her 90s). However, having remembered the “just for today…no anger” she repeats that to herself and goes back to sleep, rather than lay there as she had in the past. Mum is a great example that when we open our minds and try something new, we will find there is something there to help us to Self Care.


Alan Sanson is a Qi Gong facilitator Ruthie Moriarty is a Reiki Master Teacher and UKRF Member, both with over 20 years’ experience in their fields. Email: REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 31


A Study in Self Distance Reiki by Hilary de Vries

At the start of this year I began a study of using Distance Reiki on myself. I regularly gave myself hands on Reiki, but found it hard to switch off my mind and fully relax into the session. I knew the sessions were benefitting me, but also felt I’d hit some kind of plateau and needed a way to move things on. So I decided to give Distance Reiki a try. We are taught how to use it with other people, yet I’ve come across no mention of giving ourselves Reiki this way. I’d seen how much other people gain from Distance Reiki sessions I’d done with them and wondered if I could benefit similarly. During the study I kept notes for each session, separating my roles as practitioner and client. In my role as practitioner I would intend the session to be received by myself as client at a chosen time later that day, usually in the evening before sleep. I carried out the session as I would for any other client, going through the same preparation steps, letting my hands be guided by the Reiki to where they were needed, and following my standard closing routine at the end. I would make notes afterwards, noting any observations, sensation, visualisations etc. experienced during the session. Then I would close the note book and carry on with my day. Come the evening, especially if I was tired, knowing that there was a session waiting for me and I didn’t have to do anything except lie back and relax was wonderful. Then the next morning I would make a note of what, if anything, I’d experienced during the session and afterwards. There were a lot of lessons learnt in both roles, some of which are outlined below.


As Practitioner As mentioned earlier, at the start of each session I would go through the same preparation steps as I would for a client. This included asking permission and asking if the client wished to receive Reiki. . It therefore came as a surprise when on occasion I would offer a session and my client self would decline. This rather took me aback as I assumed my client self would be ready and waiting for a session that evening, but when the reply came back no I accepted it as I would with anyone else. It was an interesting lesson in experiencing and respecting my own boundaries. There would also be sessions where I would get many visual experiences and narratives, some of which were incredibly emotional or symbolic and it was hard not to get drawn into it all. Any ego had to be put aside in the service of the client. This all felt like incredibly useful practice and a powerful learning experience to bring to my Reiki work in general. As the sessions continued it felt more and more that the experiences and insights I was gaining in my role as practitioner would carry over into my work with all my clients and would be all the stronger for it. One other lesson was regarding outcomes. We are taught that we can experience profound healing happen for a client during a session and really feel the Reiki working in them, only to hear from the client that they didn’t really notice anything at all. I would see big healing steps being taken by my client self and experience their emotional and spiritual journey, only to have my client self note

REIKI WORLD that they didn’t really notice anything, except not sleeping particularly well that night. This happened repeatedly, and still does! When comparing the notes from either side very rarely did the two experiences match up. This reinforced for me that what we experience as practitioners, while valuable to us in our work, isn’t what really matters: it’s what the client experiences that really counts.

As Client

Summary As practitioner I have learnt so much from the self Distance Reiki that I can bring to my work with clients. This includes consciously making sure to always let the Reiki guide me, however much I may think I know what’s needed, and to let go of any expectations during a session. It has also strengthened my confidence in my work and shown me that I needn’t worry that the Reiki won’t work; it will, just not always as expected.

Knowing I had a Reiki session waiting for me at the end of the day felt like a real treat. I could lie back, relax, and let the experience wash over me, sometime even falling asleep during it. I found not having to think but just ‘be’ extremely beneficial. I was also able to shut off what I’d experienced as practitioner and enter fully into the client role. In my notes I would often mention being vaguely aware of something, of different sensations and feelings in my body, and of either sleeping well or badly afterwards. I’d also often mention not noticing anything at all, but would then go on to describe how I felt during the following day, without always connecting the two.

As client the Distance Reiki has given me an increased awareness of my own needs and how to respond to and support them through Reiki. I still alternate between hands on and distance sessions in my self-healing and find self Distance Reiki an extremely valuable technique to draw on. I encourage you to give it a try and see what benefits and insights you gain. After all, you’re in safe hands!

Interestingly it was my husband who noticed the difference in me more than I did after starting self Distance Reiki. This included having more energy, becoming more solid, and overall sleeping better, even if my own notes didn’t give that impression! I also sometimes found myself craving a Distance Reiki if I hadn’t had one for a few days or a week, whereas at other times I preferred a hands-on session.

Cherry Blossom After Rain

Hilary de Vries is a Reiki Master Practitioner, UKRF Member and composer/musician near Inverness



The new CD from composer, harpist & Reiki Master

Hilary de Vries Music for relaxation & reflection ‘it has a lovely musical flow…an Oriental minimalism about it’ Alison Kinnaird, harpist REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE - UKRF 33


My Reiki Life in Lockdown by Alistair Elliott

I have gone through a number of emotional phases in lockdown and there may well be more to come. I heard someone refer to this experience as the corona-coaster. I started with a sense of gratitude and awe that I had some peaceful time to go on a mini retreat whilst normal life stopped. This was then overlaid with guilt for not doing enough to help others in their time of need.

the worry drain away leaving another small pile on the ground. Cleansed, I then feel myself fill up with gratitude, diligence and kindness.

Every morning I count on my fingers ten things to be grateful about from the previous day. Even during the pandemic there has been no shortage of things to give thanks for. Many are simple pleasures such as “I have felt a real an exquisite moment of the sense of community and warmth of the sun on my face. Each day has ended closeness to others with me giving myself Reiki around the world whilst with one hand on my heart the other on my stomach we meditate from the and which I find a very relaxing comfort of our own way to slip into sleep.

My self-nurturing activities felt self-indulgent whilst so many people, such as the frontline NHS workers, were making heroic sacrifices to help others. Then everything changed as my very fit mum got a sudden illness and died within a week. One homes.“ Prior to lockdown I organised constant throughout the ups and downs has been the the Brighton and Hove Reiki comfort I received from my Reiki self-treatments. Share every fortnight and I do miss giving and receiving Reiki in person. Instead I have sent distant Over the early weeks of lockdown I got into a Reiki to specific individuals who have been unwell. routine of self-nurturing practices to help keep While physical Reiki shares were banned, I have calm in these turbulent times. Lockdown became enjoyed attending the on-line Reiki shares run by an extended retreat with most days featuring a mix Fabrizio Romano of the International School of Usui of yoga, qi gong, Reiki self-treatment, meditation, Reiki. They are a unique meditative immersion in walking, and TRE (trauma release exercises – Reiki with a strong focus on the unity of all beings. I great for releasing stress and tension). I have also have felt a real sense of community and closeness enjoyed the Reiki sound healing chanting that to others around the world whilst we meditate from was given away free to UKRF members by UKRF the comfort of our own homes. member Torsten Lange as a gift to help sustain us through this time. The guilt about enjoying lockdown evaporated when my mum became unwell. I was away for a During lockdown I have continued my daily few days on the Isle of Wight when I received an morning ritual of saying the 5 Reiki principles to early morning text from my sister that she was in an myself on waking. As I tell myself not to anger I ambulance to the hospital with my mum. Two hours visualise anger draining out of my feet, leaving a later another text to say that mum was very poorly. little pile of black dirt on the ground. Similarly, I feel Another hour later, another text to say that I should


REIKI WORLD get to the hospital as soon as possible. I packed and left on the next ferry to the mainland. My mum had experienced a massive abdominal haemorrhage that was inoperable and all the hospital could give was palliative care. Having been very fit, my mum survived for a week in hospital with no food or drink. We were blessed that my mum was conscious for the first few days in hospital and all the family could say goodbye to her. Previously my mum had never been interested in Reiki, but in her final days as she lay unconscious in her hospital bed, I felt an irresistible urge to give her some Reiki. She did not respond externally in any way but I have a strong sense that the Reiki helped her on her onward journey. Of the hundreds of Reiki treatments I have given it is the one I am most glad to have given and I will always treasure the memory of that peaceful time with my mum.

Photo: Alistair’s wildflower garden, grown during lockdown.

Now, as lockdown eases and the shielding rules relax, I am able to spend time helping my sisters with looking after my dad and my earlier guilt at not helping others has receded. In times of crisis, Mikau Usui is a role model for us. In September 1923 there was a great earthquake in Japan and a conflagration broke out. It is said that everywhere there were groans of pain from the wounded. Mikau Usui went out every morning to go around the town, giving Reiki to as many people as he could. If lockdown’s legacy for me is that I can become a more generous and kind person, then that will be something positive coming out of this awful pandemic. Alistair Elliott UKRF Member



Reiki Sharing Groups We now have information about many Reiki Sharing Groups all over the country so we have collated the information and you can access it by following this link: Or follow this path on our website:





What is a Reiki share?

Holding or attending a Reiki share is a wonderful way of meeting other Reiki students, Practitioners, Teachers and all those interested in finding out more about Reiki. The concept of a Reiki share is for everyone attending to both give and receive Reiki healing in a supportive and loving environment. There maybe three or more people to each treatment couch, and whilst one person is laying on the couch everyone else is giving Reiki to them. When that session is finished someone else will then be treated. This rotation continues until everyone has received a treatment. Please observe social distancing measures in place at the current time and wear appropriate PPE.

Reiki share benefits For those who may wish to build their confidence in giving treatments or for those who have little or no experience of using Reiki, the shares are a good way to build their confidence and knowledge. Reiki Practitioners can also benefit enormously from attending Reiki shares as by nature they are very giving people and wish to heal others, sometimes forgetting their own needs. Reiki shares are an opportunity for them to receive Reiki themselves. Reiki shares are also a good way to meet other like-minded people and discuss experiences of using receiving or training in Reiki. The UK Reiki Federation holds a list of members who currently hold shares in that area so if you are interested in attending a share then do please see the list and contact the member holding it. If you hold a Reiki share, please contact the office to get your share added to our list. Reiki shares are usually held once a month and serve to be a focal point for ongoing contact and support. Participating in a Reiki share is very beneficial to the individual and to the whole group collectively, it is an amazing experience to be part of a group meeting together to heal and be healed.



The UK Reiki Federation is happy to highlight courses offered by their Teacher members, which, in their opinion, are appropriate for training purposes. The directory includes courses which are suitable for professional Practitioner training, recorded as “Practitioner” and those which are suitable for CPD (Continuing & Professional Development), recorded as “CPD”: “Practitioner” courses have been checked against the National Occupational Standards for Reiki to ensure that all topics are included. “CPD” courses (members only) are those which we feel would be beneficial to Reiki Practitioners. Please also note that this list is not exhaustive and that our Teacher members all over the country also offer training courses and you may contact any of those Teachers. Professional Usui Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Wendy Hale In The Pink Therapies & Training Caerphilly Phone: 01633 614329 Reiki Professional Course Course Provider: Simon Bailey Shavington, Cheshire Phone: 01270 260200 Email: Reiki Practitioner Course (including Reiki 1 & 2) Course Provider: Gaia School of Natural Health Ellesmere Port, Cheshire Phone: 07932 063576 Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Course Course Provider: Deborah Cordery (Rejuvenating Hands) Leigh on Sea, Essex Phone: 07989 318790

Reiki Master Teacher (including Reiki 1 & 2) Reiki Master Practitioner (including Reiki 1 & 2) Professional Reiki Practitioner Course Provider: Anne-Marie Carratu Banstead, Surrey Phone: 01737 557944

Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III & Reiki IV Course Provider: Carolina Starre Epsom, Surrey Phone: 01372 878606 Email:

Professional Reiki Practitioner Course provider: Ruth Handley Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales Phone: 07748 446060

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma incorporating Level 1 & 2 Course Provider: Michael Kaufmann Location: Central London Phone: 07801 284073

Reiki Practitioner (Usui Tibetan Reiki) Course provider: Christine Sutton Solihull, West Midlands Phone: 0121 246 9448

Reiki Second Degree Course Provider: Brighton Holistics (Jon Matson) Brighton Sussex Phone: 01273 672690 Email:

Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Second Practitioner Level Course Provider: Fiona Heath Southleigh, East St, West Coker, Nr Yeovil Professional Reiki Diploma Phone: 07713 915416 Course Provider: Reiki Master Academy Hove, Sussex Reiki Practitioner Diploma Phone: 07795 553038 Course Provider: Ann Pigott Email: Stourbridge, West Midlands Phone: 07929 634051

Reiki Professional Practitioner (including Level 1 & 2) Course Provider: Sue Malcolm Wakefield, West Yorkshire Phone: 07737 396948 Email: Reiki Professional Practitioner Course Provider: Wendy Radford Crowborough, East Sussex Usui Reiki Ryoho Practitioner Course Phone: 07921 837807 Course Provider: Heidi Fawkes Email: wendy@radford-holistictheraRipon/Bedale, North Yorkshire Phone: 01677 988264 Reiki Level 1 & 2 Professional Practitioner Certificate Course Course Provider: Harshani Lori Curbishley-Brown Islip Northamptonshire Phone: 07941 841485 Email:

Professional Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Surrey School of Reiki & Susan-Emma Complementary Therapy Addlestone, Surrey Phone: 07789 681775 Email:

Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Mandy Goddard Worcester, Worcs Phone: 07878 712212 Email:

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma (including Reiki 1 & 2) Course provider: Susan Baker Taunton, Somerset Phone: 01823 490521

Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III, & Reiki IV Course Provider: Shaylini Popat London, Harley Street Phone: 07546 048659

Reiki Professional Practitioner Course Provider: Julie Rennie Craghead, Stanley, Co Durham 07990 753300

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Academy London - Torsten Lange London SW13 9HE Phone: 07774 590211 Email: Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Provider: Reiki Academy London - Rupert Fawcett London SW13 9HE Phone: 07774 590211 Email: Reiki Practitioner Course Course Provider: Sarah Presley Bristol, Wiltshire Phone: 07590 621495 Email:


Hello there

to all and thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this autumn edition of REIKI WORLD magazine. We are so pleased to have had so many positive comments about the articles and information content. It’s lovely to see members helping to put together a magazine that helps fellow members. I have included part three of the popular ‘Qiki Gong’ series, so many thanks to Ruthie and Alan for all their hard work putting these together. As many of you have already, or will soon be returning to Reiki practice, we would like to hear about how you’ve been getting on, any tips you would give to fellow new members, spiritual trips you’ve been on and new skills you’ve learned to add to your business and remember to take photos of these interesting things too. Please send articles and stories to together with your membership number by email in a Word document. Articles always look better with accompanying pictures, so please include photographs and artwork as separate attachments to go with your articles if possible, and please ensure that you have permission to publish any photograph from everyone in it. All images must be high resolution (300+ dpi), and suitable for printing. All members receive an e-magazine, and hard copy glossy magazines are available at an extra £10 per year on your membership. Great value for a whole year! The deadline for submissions for the winter issue of REIKI WORLD magazine is 1st November 2020. We are looking forward to seeing your articles.

Reiki Celebration Week 21-27 September




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Kerrie Baker Publications Coordinator / Editor of Reiki World Email:

Please note: Contributors to Reiki World magazine do not necessarily express the opinion of the UK Reiki Federation and the UK Reiki Federation accept no responsibility for views expressed. The UK Reiki Federation does not accept any responsibility for the independent advertisers or their services featured in this magazine. All content of Reiki World is © Copyright to UK Reiki Federation. Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this magazine and any material published (including text, graphics, logos, images) is the property of the UK Reiki Federation. We authorise users to copy articles from this magazine only for personal, non-commercial use, clearly acknowledging the source. ISSN (printed): ISSN 2633-5115 ISSN (digital): ISSN 2633-5123


ADVERTISING RATES FOR REIKI WORLD MAGAZINE Would you like to advertise your courses, retreats, holiday accommodation, supplies, books, new age items etc. to like minded individuals? Please send your adverts to


Eighth page (105 x 70mm) Quarter page (portrait 140 x 105mm) Half page (landscape 140 x 210mm) Full page (portrait 285 x 210mm) Full page back cover (when available)

£25 £50 £75 £100 £125

Courses and retreats to be advertised by members only.

LEAFLETS The new colourful UK Reiki Federation ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets and ‘Information for the Carers of Animal & Pet Clients’ leaflets are an ideal way to explain about Reiki to clients and to anyone who would benefit from receiving information about it. They are available for purchase by members. £1.50 each or: UK


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Brochure UK Reiki

25 leaflets ….…..£ 8.00


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50 leaflets ………..£12.00






100 leaflets ……..£18.00 200 leaflets……….£30.00











Prices for ‘Client/Patient’ leaflets include postage and packing. Members may also request 25 copies of the UK Reiki Federation promotional leaflet free of charge, with a contribution of £1.50 for postage and packing if being requested without any other purchase. The UKRF information leaflets are popular with Teacher members who use them to advise their students about the UK Reiki Federation. TO ORDER Please visit our website and can be found by clicking on ‘Shop ► Publications’ or type in this link into your browser: K


Reiki Principles The UK Reiki Federation prides itself on working to these principles and values.

The Reiki Principles To bring the spiritual depth into everyday life, Mikao Usui, the founder of the system of Reiki, created a set of five principles (or precepts). They can be found on his memorial stone in the grounds of the Saihoji Temple in Tokyo. He called them...

‘The secret method of inviting good fortune. The marvellous medicine for all sickness.’ Just for today: Do not anger Do not worry Be grateful Work with diligence Be kind to others Every morning and every night sit in Gassho (palms placed together) and speak these words out loud in your heart - Mikao Usui

UK Reiki Federation Suite 437, 4th Floor, Davis House, Robert Street, Croydon CR0 1QQ


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