The government will be spending £59.6 billion on education in 2023-25 - this is an increase of 3.2% compared to 2023-24
The government will be spending £59.6 billion on education in 2023-25 - this is an increase of 3.2% compared to 2023-24
The education system in the UK has undergone significant changes in recent years. Different operating models, such as academisation or free schools, have given schools greater powers to run more independently and free from local authority control. But whichever model is used, all schools have the same fundamental goals – to offer the best possible education for pupils. And today, a greater focus has been placed on levelling out the playing field, so that children from disadavantaged backgrounds or poorer areas are given the same possibilities as their wealthier peers, and that those with special educational needs or disabilities are not held back from achieving their academic goals. What’s more, schools must ensure pupils catch-up on any lost learning caused by pandemic-related lockdowns.
There is a huge expectation on schools to provide an outstanding education against a backdrop of rising energy costs, pandemic recovery, RAAC issues, shrinking budgets, rising pupils numbers, and teacher recruitment issues. To help schools with essential purchasing decisions and for advice on more efficient practices, Education Business magazine provides a unique bridge between schools and those that supply them. The magazine, and its accompanying website, helps head teachers and other decision-makers find out about the latest goods, services, and innovative technologies available, as well gain bestpractice advice from other head teachers and industry experts.
In-depth features from education experts cover:
British Educational Suppliers Association
Institute of School Business Leadership National Association for Special Educational Needs
EB Magazine reaches a controlled circulation of top level educators including headteachers, school business managers, and department heads
Our website, educationbusinessuk.net, is updated daily with the latest news and features, and wider exposure is gained through our strong social media presence. As well as being a member of the BESA (British Educational Suppliers Association), Education Business is partners with ISBL (institute of School Business Leadership).
EB also supports high profile exhibitions including BETT and the Schools & Academies Show. EB’s coverage of education news is always timed for maximum impact. Our policy ensures that our advertisers are seen at the right time by the right people – education decision makers.
Headteacher 40.2%
Finance/Business 14.3%
HR/Marketing/Communications 10.7%
Development/Planning 3.7%
Director of Education 2.7%
CEO/Chairman/Chancellor 15.4%
Director of ICT 3.2%
Director of Operations 5%
Director of Technical, Estates/Facilities 4.4%
Primary 55%
Secondary 21.4%
Secondary/Sixth Form 15.3%
College 4.6%
University 4%
Academy – 26.1%
Free/Independent – 0.9%
All other different types – 1.4%
Academy Trusts – 5.0%
Academy Trusts Senior Management – 17.7%
Academy Trusts School Staff – 54.4%
Billboard (per month)
Leaderboard (per month)
Super Skyscraper (per month)
MPU(per month)
Bespoke Email Shots (per mailing)
Newsletter Entry (per mailing)
Display/positions and sizes below
VIDEOS - There is no limit on the length of a video and these can be set to automatically play when the reader reaches your page, or started manually.
Incorporate video in your pages!
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FULL PAGE EDITORIAL WITH VIDEOConsists of 400 words, company logo, contact/social media details and video. 2 page (800 word) or DPS also available.
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FULL TEXT PAGE WITH VIDEOTemplated full page with up to 200 words, company logo, contact/social media details and video.
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FULL PAGE WITH VIDEO - Unlike the full text page with video, this is not templated and does not need to follow a set design.
HYPERLINKS - All website URLs, email addresses and social media icons/links will be clickable and take the reader directly to that destination. Hyperlinks can also be inserted into any specified word in your text such as “click here for...”
Cannot decide? Why not have a half page advert and the other half as a video. Send us a MP3/4 or a youtube link.
RATE CARD: £3,750
Product Finders are our lowest priced product which allow you to showcase your company’s information in a simple and easy-to-read format. BIG, BOLD AND TO THE POINT WITH LINKS AND QR CODE GENERATED IF YOU HAVE A SQUARE LOGO.
Target your market with the Education Business GDPR Compliant e-mail Database . For more information on our databases please call 020 8532 0055
The Education Business GDPR Compliant e-mail Database contains approximately 10,000 names, job titles, organisation names, postal addresses and contact details of key department heads within the public sector. This information forms the base from which Education Business is distributed and is updated regularly.
The job titles and responsibilities range from head teachers, business managers, facilities managers, heads of department, and MAT CEOs.
The organisations within which they work include primary, secondary and independent schools, as well as Multi Academy Trusts, colleges, sixth form providers, and universities.
The database has been used by many private and public sector organisations to target potential buyers using direct mail and telemarketing. As most successful advertising campaigns adopt a mixed media approach, combined with a series of advertisements in Education Business, and internet exposure on educationbusinessuk.net, the Education Business Database allows organisations to use any mixture of methods they choose to reach their audience.
Approx 10,000 names, job titles, organisation names, postal addresses
COMMISSION 10% to recognised advertising agencies SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES
Package: £13,495 Section Sponsorship: £4,595
Full Page: 210mm x 297mm
Double Page Spread: 420mm x 297mm
1/2 Page: Horizontal 178mm x 125mm Vertical: 125mm x 255mm
1/4 Page vertical: 86mm across x 125mm deep
Other mechanical data is supplied on request. We can assist with your advert from complete design to amending existing copy for an additional cost. Just supply us with all the components that you would like us to feature on your advertisement. Email design@psigroupltd.co.uk for more information.