Gender analysis of the accompaniment provided by Cáritas Ecuador

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Presentation The human mobility objective of Pastoral Social Caritas Ecuador is to address migration, refuge and forced displacement as a permanent social fact that often leads to violation of rights, discrimination, and rejection, focusing its efforts to work with groups in conditions of vulnerability. Our work seeks to include men, women, and people with gender diversity, migrants, refugees, returnees, and applicants for international protection. Social Pastoral Caritas offers humanitarian attention and legal and psycho-social accompaniment, training, livelihood training, and local integration, as well as activities with the local community and inter-institutional networks, strengthening migrant and refugee associations and socio-political advocacy. This intervention responds to the migratory reality that is framed in a national context, in recent years Ecuador has received a large number of displaced persons, refugees, and in a situation of human mobility. According to United Nations data, as of November 2021, it is estimated that 508,935 Venezuelans reside in Ecuador. Meanwhile, according to figures from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, between 1968 and 2020, 69,897 people have been recognized as refugees, of which 96.7% are from Colombia, 1.63% from other countries, and 0.73% from Venezuela. However, this proportion has been changing and, up to the end of November 2021, 47,311 asylum applications were counted, of which 13,377 correspond to Colombian citizens and 33,936 to Venezuelans, with a significant increase in the latter.

In this sense, it is important for Pastoral Social Caritas Ecuador to generate analysis documents that consider its experience working in the territory, the challenges, and good practices during these ten years of work with the population in human mobility. The generation of knowledge from Caritas seeks to contribute to the



The increase in migratory flows has also meant new faces that join these transits, among them women, thus, the feminization of migration has taken relevance and interest in recent years. In addition to the conditions of vulnerability faced by the migrant population, which disproportionately affects women, there are high rates of gender-based violence experienced in both countries of origin and destination. Gender-based violence against women is a widespread problem in the region and in the world that violates the human rights of girls and women, with serious repercussions on their families, communities, social environment, and, above all, on their own life projects.

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