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Successful roll-out of new business management system

The change of business management system within the Proton Group is in full swing and several business areas have already implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365. Proton Technology is very pleased with the results. “We can see many advantages to the new system, which has further improved the structure of our work,” says laboratory engineer Femmy Fällgren.

With its focus on quality and testing, Proton Technology is a business that truly appreciates orderliness. According to Femmy Fällgren, if possible, the situation is now even more conducive to keeping things shipshape.

“Among other things, it has become easier to keep track of multiple items that the customer wants to test simultaneously within the framework of each project. We will also be able to follow the items’ path through the various test cabinets to see exactly where they are at the moment.”

Appreciative customers

Proton Technology’s customers have also noticed the change, including even better information. The new business management system auto-generates an email to the customer when their goods arrive in Bankeryd. Eventually, it may even be possible to allow customers to follow their products’ path through the process, so that they know exactly how far they have progressed through the test procedure.

“We’re not there yet, but we’ve received very positive feedback from our customers about emails confirming incoming goods, so this type of information is clearly appreciated,” says Femmy, who notes that, while some fine-tuning remains, for its part, Proton Technology feels that the switch to a new business management system has gone well.

Effects soon visible

Stefan Karlsson, business developer at the Proton Group, underlines that introducing a new business management system demands a great deal of work and energy from all involved.

“Switching business management system is a tough journey and everyone has given it their all. In fact, we are on schedule.

It has been rolled out to Proton Services, Proton Technology, JL Safety, Cedoc and Weldin and we have begun work at Proton Lighting.

Proton Lighting should be ready in spring 2024, Proton Finishing in spring 2025 and Proton Engineering in spring 2026.

In a couple of months, once routines are settled, I think most people will begin to see the effects. It requires a little patience, so hang in there!” urges Stefan, who is well aware that change takes time and hard work.

“This type of change may feel like a burden and one can’t expect everything to always go smoothly. But once we’re done, we will have raised the business to a higher level.” Because change pays, of that he is convinced.

“I usually ask people after a year if they would like to go back to the old business management system. Usually, the vast majority say no. The benefits of the new system outweigh the inconvenience.”

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