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Offering the best of both worlds

At the turn of the year, the two companies Gunnar Hansson Svetsteknik and Teknikrör i Kinna merged to form Weldin Gothenburg. The reason for the merger was to create a more efficient, flexible and stronger organisation, thus improving conditions for the further development of the company and customer offering. In conjunction with the merger and name change, the company received a new graphic profile and a new website, as well as moving into fresh new offices and workshops on the Storås Industrial Estate in Gothenburg.

The merger of these two companies means that they can now offer the market the best of both worlds: pipe engineering with welding expertise. With almost 30 years of experience in technically advanced holistic solutions and installations of pipes and steel structures, Weldin can offer a wealth of expertise and highly specialised skills.

“Our pipe engineers are both pipefitters and welders, so our customers are mainly in process and manufacturing industries, the food industry, medical technology industry and companies working with infrastructure,” says Weldin CEO Peter Fahar.

Peter was appointed CEO of Weldin in April this year. He is also business area manager for Proton Structure, Weldin’s parent organisation. In his role, Peter has strategic responsibility for the company’s development and, above all, operational responsibility for sales, marketing and project management. He can also call on an extensive network built up during many years working in various management positions, primarily in the building industry. So, how did he come to be working at Weldin?

“I came here because I wanted to work in a medium-sized company that retains a sense of family, something the Proton Group certainly has. I am really enjoying working at the company and my experience and extensive network and the expertise and know-how Weldin’s employees create optimal conditions for us in the market. We have big plans for growth and place great store in customer care, and we see that we can grow organically with our customers. We are investing heavily in honing our customer offer and, through dialogue with our customers, becoming the best at what we do in the industry.”

The umbrella – the symbol and heart of Proton

An umbrella may seem like a simple, everyday object, something we often take for granted. However, since the beginning of 1990, it has symbolised and reflected the diversity of our business, expertise and people.

Just as the umbrella shields us from both the rain and sun, so our various business areas offer services and solutions in several fields. The characteristics of the umbrella make it adaptable to different weather conditions. It can be large and robust enough to deal with high winds, or small and light enough to conveniently carry. Similarly, Proton offers unique solutions and expertise to meet varied challenges and needs.

Structurally, the umbrella also requires various components and mechanisms to function effectively, just as working life demands a mixture of different skills and knowledge. We need diverse competences and abilities that work together to achieve success.

Thirdly, the umbrella represents a diverse workforce. We are convinced that by embracing diversity and including a variety of perspectives and experiences, we can create a richer and more dynamic corporate culture. And world. All of these components are vital pieces of the puzzle that contribute to the whole. They are what makes Proton what it is.

So, next time you see an umbrella, we hope that it reminds you of the importance of diversity. With us, every business, competence and individual can bloom and collaborate.

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