1 minute read

the feeling after a workout, when you are tired but elated”

In all likelihood, few readers are familiar with Kangoo Jumps, a sport that uses boots with springs for a trampoline effect. The boot was invented by a Canadian doctor with the intention of aiding the rehabilitation of sports injuries and to reduce the impact on joints when doing exercise such as running. The sport appears to have caught on at certain gyms, although far from all.

One of those who is active in the sport is Inga Petreikyte, quality and environment manager at Proton Engineering in Lithuania. Once or twice a week, she trains with a group of women. Inga decided to give it a try after seeing and advert while on holiday and after only a few sessions, she knew she wanted to continue.

Kangoo Jumps is a very effective workout with a number of benefits, including being gentle on the joints. Training normally involves choreography and good music, almost like a dance.

“Kangoo Jump gives me loads of energy and helps me to improve my balance and coordination, improves my posture and burns lots of calories into the bargain.

The sport is not very common in Lithuania, which according to Inga is because it is relatively expensive. The boots and accessories are expensive, so only a handful of gyms offer the sport. Bur what is it about the sport that keeps her coming back?

“I love exercising and all the good things that go with it. By training with others, you learn about teamwork, leadership and community. Constantly challenging oneself to improve and achieve a goal leads to personal growth. I also love the feeling after a workout, when you are tired but elated.”

Exercising with others has a lot of benefits. Training with this happy crew has taught Inga a great deal about teamwork, leadership and, above all, community.

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