1 minute read

A few comments on our growth Plenty of scope for investment and acquisition

Many observers expect high inflation and rapidly rising interest rates to stabilise during 2023, before falling during 2024. Various indicators clearly point to an economic downturn, with a weak recovery expected next year.

For the Proton Group, the economic situation has left its mark in the form of fewer orders, especially from the building sector, while the automotive sector continues to show strong demand. Financial performance remains good since the second half of 2022.

Turnover for the second half of 2023 is forecast to be just over SEK 430 million, an improvement of SEK 38 million on the same period last year. Projected operating profit for the second half of 2023 is SEK 23 million, which is SEK 3.7 million lower than the same period last year.

A continued healthy cash flow in combination with a low debt-to-equity ratio leaves the group with plenty of scope for investment and acquisition.

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