Princess Helena College Prospectus 2013

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great girls dedicated staff can-do attitude traditional values warm community stimulating curriculum challenging education huge range of opportunities

a wonderful place

In the pages that follow you will experience a little of Princess Helena College through photographs and the words of girls who live and study here. This is an exceptional school with a strong identity and a long and distinguished history. Established in 1820 in London, the College is now located in a beautiful environment in 183 acres of Hertfordshire countryside. Our location enables easy access to London and the major airports and our academic and extra-curricular programmes are greatly enriched by this. Princess Helena College is a dynamic and exciting place to be; expectations are high and learning is fun. Academic success is a priority but we are not simply an exam factory; teachers are in the privileged position of developing the minds and characters of young women. We recognise that your daughter is unique and has her own strengths and talents. Our size means that every girl in the school is known personally by staff and friendships are formed across, as well as within, year groups. The quality of pastoral care is outstanding and is underpinned by the boarding ethos. All girls benefit from an extended day, wider opportunities and genuine sense of community whether they are full, weekly, flexi boarders or day girls. Our aim is to give girls the skills they need to live their lives well – through building high self-esteem, enabling independent thinking and problem solving and allowing each one to find her own role in life, sure of the positive contribution that she can make. Princess Helena College is indeed a wonderful place and I am proud to be Headmistress here. Jo-Anne Duncan

great girls At Princess Helena College we want our girls to be themselves. Here, they are given space and time to grow up and the support that they need as they navigate their teenage years. We wholeheartedly celebrate being a girls’ school and endorse the benefits of single-sex education, believing that it enables girls to flourish academically and personally. To be educated here means more than academic success and achievement; it is to develop as a whole person. We care deeply about the kind of young women our girls become, and we seek to help each one to have genuine respect for themselves and others, real inner confidence and the courage to do the right thing when faced with difficult choices. Princess Helena College girls are characterised by their energy, commitment and laughter. They are encouraged to have high aspirations; they know that they

can achieve amazing things and that they will be helped and supported by others as they seek do so. From the moment they arrive our girls are on an exciting journey of discovery. When they leave us, they leave as down-to-earth but self-assured young women who have had many opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Each one is fully prepared to move on to the next chapter of her life – each with a circle of friends who, we hope, will help and sustain her for the rest of her life, whatever her future may hold. The most important people in any school are the pupils and in this prospectus we have chosen to let the girls speak for themselves. In the pages that follow you will read their words as they reflect on the different aspects of school life and what Princess Helena College means to them ...

There is a great atmosphere in the classroom, and, because the classes are small, you get to ask all your questions so you are always involved. The teachers encourage you to take a risk and try things you find hard; this has changed the way I feel about myself and how I look at the world. I’ve developed so many new interests too. I’ve never thought of myself as particularly sporty but now I play tennis, lacrosse and netball, as well as doing trampolining. My teachers have picked up on my strengths and have built a programme around these. Libby, Year 7

Libby’s story

After less than a year at PHC, I feel as though I’ve always belonged; I think it’s because I can truly be myself here.

I’m an art scholar and I have seen my work improve so much this year with the encouragement of my teachers. I also really value working with the older girls; when I see the work they produce in the Sixth Form, I feel truly inspired. But art here isn’t just for the most able; everyone is encouraged. That’s one of the best things about this school - every part of you is important and the teachers support you to develop all of your talents. I’m so busy here; there’s so much to do. I’m a keen runner and also love playing piano and singing. However, with the extended day, I can do my activities and prep at school, with none to do when I get home. I know my parents appreciate this too. Molly, Year 7

Molly’s story

It makes me feel very proud to be part of a long tradition of girls studying at PHC; it’s inspiring to be part of so much history, and the beautiful surroundings really help you to concentrate. I feel anchored down here. There’s such a strong sense of community too; I think it’s a second home for us all, day girls or boarders and we are all motivated to do our best. With such passionate teachers, it would be hard not to achieve! One of the reasons I wanted to come here was the fact that I felt that I would be valued for who I am and what I can give to the school. People don’t just pass through here and leave, but they have an experience which will stay with them forever. Kitt, Year 10

Kitt’s story

PHC girls are incredibly enthusiastic and they take part in everything. This attitude has definitely changed me, and I wouldn’t be the same person somewhere else. I’m involved in Model United Nations, film club and, as drama scholar, I’ve set up a drama club for younger girls. I’m also auditioning for the National Youth Theatre. But mostly, we laugh a lot here - it’s just that kind of school! Jess, Year 11

Jess’ story

People join PHC from many different schools, and even different countries but there’s a really strong bond between us all. We are accepted for who we are and there’s no pressure to be a certain kind of person. I think this ethos is set by the teachers; they show us how to value and respect each other through their actions.

stimulating curriculum The academic curriculum at the College is extremely broad, offering an impressive range of choices. Girls work hard, enjoy their lessons and are motivated by well-qualified staff who are passionate about their subjects and keen to ensure that all their students succeed. Every girl is helped to reach her full potential through excellent teaching, small class sizes and additional help and support where necessary. Each age group is overseen by their Head of Key Stage. Girls in Years 11 –13 meet frequently with their Academic Mentors who guide them in their studies. In addition, the Scholars’ Programme ensures that very able girls are stretched and challenged well beyond the requirements of the curriculum. Sixth form girls are individually advised and supported in their applications to university; girls regularly achieve places on highly competitive courses at their first choice university, including Oxford and Cambridge. Every year girls apply to and are accepted by

prestigious art, drama and music schools throughout the country whilst others embark on an adventurous gap year. Learning can be a messy business and girls are encouraged not to be afraid to make mistakes whilst setting ambitious goals and seeking to be the best that they can be. Excellence, not perfection, is the aim here. The academic curriculum is supported by a diverse range of exciting extra-curricular activities, clubs, visits and events. All pupils are encouraged to read a wide range of material, keep up to date with current affairs, and participate in discussion groups and societies outside the classroom. It is our desire that girls will not only achieve their personal best in meeting the demands of their classes and examinations, but that they will be inspired to see over the horizon, to become intellectually curious and to value knowledge for its own sake. This will enable them to find the pleasure and joy of being a life-long learner.

I also feel that I’ve thrived in my academic work. The size of the classes means that the teachers can focus on what I need to do, and I know that they genuinely want me to get the very best results. I’m spurred on by my classmates too; we all encourage each other to work really hard. I’ve definitely seen the improvements and I’ve also gained a lot of confidence. There are so many opportunities outside the classroom here. I play the cello, dance, do the triple jump for athletics, and I’ve also made films for Speech Day in Media Club. Khadie, Year 11

Khadie’s story

I’m a full boarder at PHC and, although boarding is different from home in London, I’ve discovered that boarding creates friendships that are almost as strong as family. I’ve learnt a great deal from being a boarder about myself and other people.There is always lots to do, and the weekend trips are great.

If you asked me to describe PHC girls, I’d say we are all-rounders with a really strong sense of community. We are ambitious and want to do our best, and we are also very supportive of each other; there’s a great respect for everyone’s different personality. I find it really refreshing to be at a girls’ school, after moving from a co-ed school; there’s no pressure to be a certain way. I’ve found that the teachers here don’t just know your name, but also your strengths and weaknesses, and this means that they can tailor the lesson to how you learn best. They bring the lessons to life and use lots of technology to do this. This way of teaching has had a positive impact on my results, and made me realise what I am good at. For example, . I love maths now and I’m hoping to take it at A-level. I know you can’t redo your school years so you have to make the most of every minute. At PHC, you do just that! Alex, Year 11

Alex’s story

I have just become a Foundation Scholar, which is a great honour. I am so excited about the excellent support I will get, which is really important when you are planning to go into law or medicine. I have developed a lot of confidence in my subjects plus I have tried so many things that I never expected to: from Duke of Edinburgh with all my friends, to public speaking and Global Young Leaders in New York and Washington DC Music is an important part of our school and my teachers encouraged me to return to playing the cello, which has meant a huge amount to me. I think that this is the real strength of PHC: that every girl has the chance to find something that she will shine at. Maria, 12

Maria’s story

I am very lucky to have a long connection to the school, as my grandmother was Head Girl in 1955 and her grandmother also came here. I moved here as a boarder from Russia in Year 8 and was very shy when I arrived, but I soon settled in. Now, I love everything about boarding from trips out to lazy Sunday afternoons. There is also a real connection across the year groups throughout the school, and I am proud of the responsibilities I have for looking after younger girls.

When I first started, I was nervous about the demands of my academic studies but I soon realised that the teachers wanted me to ask for help when I needed it. In fact, what they have helped me to understand is how much I know already, and my confidence has really grown. As a full boarder, I’ve settled in really quickly to life at Dower, which has a strong sense of family. It’s a great place for day girls and boarders to study, and a fantastic place to relax with friends. I feel very lucky to be able to study the subjects I love, in such a lovely environment. Hong, Year 13

Hong’s story

I joined in Year 12 from Singapore and have found PHC to be a very caring school. Now, as Pastoral Prefect, I am able to uphold the school’s values, and I am really looking forward to making a difference. I have been impressed by how much input the Sixth Form have into the life of the school, and I can see that our opinions matter.

The teachers know all the girls as individuals. For example, although I started off as a keen swimmer, my teacher spotted my potential in athletics and I now compete in the 800m. I was so thrilled to be invited to warm weather training in Lanzarote, where I got to work on my technique, but I was also able to coach the younger girls. It was great to give something back. Service is one of the key values of PHC, and I have been proud to be able to support this both within the school and beyond. I think this is just another element that makes PHC such an amazing community to be part of. Jess, Year 13

Jess’ story

I joined PHC in Year 9 from a local prep school. The girls made such an effort to welcome me that by the end of day one I already felt part of things. The size of the school is a real benefit, as it means girls don’t just know their year group but also have friends of other ages.

come and see us We hope our prospectus has given you an insight into life at Princess Helena College. However, we firmly believe that the best way to know which school is right for your daughter is to come and visit. We hold frequent open events throughout the year and we also welcome individual visits at a time that suits you. Your daughter can also get to know the school herself by taking part in the regular activities we organise for prospective girls. We encourage you to ask lots of questions to girls and staff and to come to see us as often as you would like before making a decision. For more details, please visit our website at or contact our Registrar, Mrs Heather Baim, on 01462 443888 or

Princess Helena College Preston Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 7RT Tel +44 (0) 1462 432100 Fax +44 (0) 1462 443871

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