Princess Helena College Prospectus - Information Booklet

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Information 2013/14 1

Contents 3 Welcome 4 Academic Curriculum Class Size and Setting Prep The Libraries Reports and Communication Enrichment Programme Careers Special Educational Needs Examination Results 6 Extra-Curricular Art & Design Dance Drama Media Music Sport Clubs and Activities House Events 8 Boarding and Day The School Day Day Girls School Buses Boarding New Facilities 9 Community Governors and Advisors Teaching Staff 12 Pastoral Citizenship Responsibility Worship 13 Old Girls’ Association 13 Parents’ Fundraising Committee 14 Admissions Scholarships and Bursaries 16 Fees 17 Registration Form 19 Location & Directions 2

Welcome from the Headmistress Choosing a school for your daughter is an important decision, and I hope that this booklet will provide you with the information to help decide whether Princess Helena College is the right school for her. At Princess Helena College our commitment is to each individual girl; we demonstrate this through our approach to teaching, pastoral care and extra-curricular activities. We actively work with each girl to support her and help her to reach her full potential. Our small class sizes enable each girl to flourish in her academic studies; we offer a wide curriculum, and the flexibility to allow all pupils to choose the subjects that are right for them. Pastoral care at Princess Helena College has been judged as “outstanding” by Ofsted in the last inspection. All girls benefit from our extended day and boarding facilities,whether they are day pupils, full, weekly or flexi-boarders. Your daughter will be able to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities from dance, music and drama to horse-riding and trampolining, whilst enjoying the friendly environment of the school. It is my desire that your daughter will leave us with excellent academic qualifications, broad experience gained outside the classroom and many personal qualities which will enable her to succeed, whatever her future may hold. Mrs Jo-Anne Duncan MA (St Andrews) PGCE

Please see our website for full details of our aims, our values and our Mission Statement. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Please see the College’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies for full details, available at or from the School Office.


Academic Developing Potential The progress of each girl is monitored closely to ensure that she is engaging with her learning and developing appropriately in all areas of the curriculum. Each year group is overseen by a Head of Key Stage who works closely with the Form Tutors and parents to monitor all aspects of girls’ learning and development. Every girl will be engaged in a programme of study and enrichment which is specifically tailored to meet her needs. Girls in Years 11-13 are also supported by Academic Mentors. Years 12 and 13 meet them on an individual basis each week to discuss their work, time management and post A level decisions, while Year 11 have group sessions. The Senior Teacher is responsible for the Scholars’ Programme.

Curriculum The curriculum at Princess Helena College is broad and balanced with a genuine focus on making learning enjoyable, rewarding and challenging. Lessons are well taught by experienced staff in modern facilities. The curriculum is overseen by the Deputy Head, who works closely with teachers to ensure the highest standards. Key Stage 3 – Years 7 - 9 All pupils study: Art and Design History Computer Science IT Skills Drama Mathematics English Language Music English Literature P.E. French Religious Studies Geography Science German Spanish Careers, Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education In Modern Foreign Languages, girls study French, German and Spanish for one year before choosing two to take from Year 8. The curriculum can be adapted according to individual needs. For example, for some pupils, extra English classes aimed at improving basic English skills may replace a Modern Foreign Language. Very able girls participate in the Scholars’ Programme in addition to these subjects.


Key Stage 4 - Years 10 – 11 Girls continue to study English Literature and English Language, Mathematics, Science with Additional Science or Triple Science, General Studies (Health Education, Careers, Current Affairs) and PE. Beyond this core curriculum, girls choose three or four additional subjects from the list below: Art and Design German Business Studies History Computer Science Music Dance Religious Studies Drama Spanish French Sports Science Geography Latin is offered as an extension subject and taught outside of timetabled hours. Citizenship is offered to all girls as a short course GCSE and the majority take this option in addition to their chosen subject. In order to give pupils maximum choice, we try to accommodate all subject combinations. In Key Stage 4, girls are encourage to gain greater independence in their learning and have a dedicated separate work area for prep and study periods, as well as their own common room and kitchen. Key Stage 5 A wide range of subjects, taught by highly experienced teachers, are on offer. Please see our Sixth Form booklet for full details. Class Size and Setting Girls of all abilities benefit from small classes and an excellent teacher to pupil ratio. In Key Stage 3 classes rarely exceed 18 and examination classes are often considerably smaller. Class sizes ensure that value is added to each girl’s achievements whatever her ability. On entry, girls are set in Mathematics, English and Science based on their entrance test results. Sets are regularly reviewed to ensure all girls are in the appropriate class for their ability.

Prep Prep is the homework timetabled for girls. It is intended to allow girls to work independently and in more depth on their academic subjects, as well as encouraging self discipline and time management. From 4.15 – 5.45 pm, the Library is a quiet, supervised work area where any girl may choose to study. Year 7 girls are expected to undertake one hour of supervised prep during this time if they opt to stay in school until 6pm. On average, girls will receive prep in two or three subjects per night Monday to Friday: 20 minutes is allocated to each subject for Years 7 and 8 rising to 45 minutes in Years 9 and beyond. The Libraries The Learning Resource Centre includes dedicated fiction and reference libraries. Girls benefit from a wide range of constantly updated media resources, magazines, periodicals and books; all of which enhance their learning. A new e-library is being developed, allowing girls access to a wide range of material on computers or tablets. Our dedicated Librarian encourages the girls to use the well organised facilities to support their academic studies but equally to lose themselves in a great book. Reports and Communication Parents receive information about their daughter’s progress in the following ways: • Half-term grade cards outlining each girl’s attitude and attainment in each subject area. • Full written reports commenting on each girl’s academic and extra curricular achievements and her social development. • Annual Parents’ Meetings. Internal reports are also produced for the Sixth Form regularly. The Heads of each Key Stage will raise any specific issues as necessary and parents are welcome to contact us to discuss their daughter’s progress at any time. These comments can be directed to the appropriate Head of Key Stage or the Deputy Head.

A Level Results

Enrichment Programme We believe that our girls should experience far more than an excellent academic education. We wish them to develop interpersonal and practical skills that will stand them in good stead in later life and also to take the chance to broaden and deepen their wider interests. We encourage girls to try out new activities, as well as improving and expanding existing passions. In order to ensure that all girls participate in a balanced range of activities and to show the a good balance and to ensure a well-structured and focussed timetable for all year groups, our SCITLLE programme has been developed. The SCITLLE programme is designed to enhance every girl’s education by offering a variety of activities at lunchtime and after school, along with longer term projects and one-off events, to ensure she develops the skills that will equip her to achieve her ambitions in life. Careers Careers education and guidance forms an essential part of the education we offer. We aim to develop in each girl the skills necessary for her to make informed decisions. This is achieved through our tailored careers programme for girls from Year 7. Substantial individual support is offered by staff. Work experience is undertaken by all girls in Year 10 and specific, focused, tailored work experience is organised, as appropriate, for Sixth Form girls. Special Educational Needs Each year the College accepts a small number of girls with Specific Learning Difficulties. These girls receive weekly oneto-one lessons from our excellent specialist staff, who tailor learning support as appropriate. There are also support groups for reading and drop in sessions for various skills.

GCSE Results













A* - A












A* - B






A* - A






A* - C






A* - B






A* - E






A* - C







Extra Curricular Life at PHC is busy and there are many opportunites for every girl to extend her skills and experience beyond the core curriculum. The departments of Art and Design, Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Sport offer all girls a wide range of activities. Art and Design Girls of all ages and abilities benefit from the breadth and vitality of the College’s Art and Design Department. Girls are inspired by working with enthusiastic staff and by experiencing works of art and architecture first hand. Girls experiment and express themselves through fine art, ceramics, textiles, 3D design, graphics, computer-aided design and photography. Art and Design is offered at GCSE, AS and A Level where it can either be taken as an individual subject entry of fine art, 3D design, graphics, textiles or photography, or as a combination of two of these areas. Photography is also available as a GCSE, AS or A level. Many girls go on to take a variety of Art and Design courses at degree level. Dance In recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of girls participating in Dance (Ballet, Irish, Jazz, Modern and Tap). Excellent tuition, new facilities and opportunities to take examinations (including GCSE, AS & A Level) have contributed to this growth. Girls enjoy dance clubs, lessons, working towards school events and participating in the County Dance festival. Drama Drama is one of the most popular activities on offer at PHC, with girls of all ages being given the chance to perform. Pupils achieve excellent standards in a variety of ventures, such as Extras (the annual performance with a neighbouring boys’ school), the Shakespeare Schools Festival and, of course, our own school plays and musicals. Girls have the opportunity to take LAMDA examinations, as well as drama at GCSE and theatre studies at AS and A2 level. PHC has the privilege of working with professional companies, running workshops in all areas of drama, from performance to stage management and design. We also run frequent theatre trips giving all girls the chance to see new and innovative shows.


Media Media offers a range of new skills to girls of all ages. They are given opportunities in cinematography, sound, lighting, editing and acting. Every year the school produces a film for Speech Day and all pupils have the opportunity to appear in, help create, or compose the score, for this unique look at the year. Media is a creative subject where girls can feel free to express themselves without the pressure of performing in front of others, and so it is important to the life of the school. Music The Music department offers exciting opportunities to girls at all levels, with most of the College involved in some form of musical activity. Instrumental and singing tuition is provided which can lead to The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, Trinity/Guildhall, or Rock School examinations and GCSE, AS and A2 courses are taught. The College Orchestra, Senior and Junior choirs and a variety of groups (including the Rock Bands) rehearse and perform regularly in and outside the College. Girls are offered opportunities to participate in music tours and visits to concerts and operas are arranged. Sport We seek to include and challenge girls of all abilities. Competitive sport forms a vital part of our curriculum and we are justifiably proud of the success of our girls at district, county and national levels. Physical Education is offered at GCSE, AS and A2 Level and girls can take part in the Community Sports Leaders Award in the sixth form. An extensive extra curricular programme complements the core curriculum and offers girls a wealth of recreational opportunities. The Princess Alice Sports Hall provides all year round facilities for tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton, gymnastics, netball, indoor lacrosse and trampolining.

Clubs and Activities Activities available throughout the day and into the early evening include: General Music Sport House Events Art Club Chamber Choir Athletics Art ATC / CCF Composing and Music Theory Badminton Athletics Charities’ Committee Flute Ensemble Cross Country Chess Chess Club Junior Choir Dance Cross Country Cookery Orchestra Fitness Training Dance Craft Club Senior Choir Gymnastics Drama Debating The Band Horse Riding Lacrosse Drama/LAMDA Wind Band Lacrosse Music Duke of Edinburgh Netball Netball Eco Schools Rounders Public Speaking Investment Club Swimming Rounders Life Drawing Table Tennis Swimming Life Saving Tennis Tennis Media Studies Club Trampolining Trampolining Model United Nations Yoga Photography School Magazine Volunteering House Events Each new pupil is allocated to one of three houses: Gloucester, Windsor, York. We hold regular house meetings in preparation for house events, which run throughout the school year. The house system offers a platform for girls of varying ages to work together creatively, whether it be choreographing a house dance or researching for public speaking. House points are awarded for each event and girls can also earn points for their house by producing outstanding pieces of work in class or for prep. We like to think of the houses as families where each girl can offer support and guidance to others in a safe and creative environment. Each house has their own ethos and spirit and every year, regardless of who wins the Cockerill Trophy, Gloucester, Windsor and York celebrate the talent, dedication and commitment of their pupils with comments, cards and house colours. The houses embody the warm and light-hearted nature of the school and PHC would not be the same without them.


Boarding and Day We are proud of our flexible approach which extends to the way we organise the curriculum, the extra curricular activities, the length of the school day, transport provision and boarding. The School Day The formal school day lasts from 8.25 am to 4.00 pm. With prior arrangement girls may arrive earlier for breakfast.The lunch break is 80 minutes to allow girls to participate in clubs and activities. Tea is available for all girls between 4.00 and 4.30 pm. Between 4.00 and 6.00 pm girls may choose to do their prep in one of the libraries/ study rooms or to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities. A majority of these activities incur no extra cost. Day Girls Approximately 60% of girls are day girls. Day girls using school transport will leave the school at 6.00 pm. Other day girls may be collected at any time between 4.00 and 6.30 pm. Alternatively, by prior arrangement, they may stay for supper and be collected later in the evening. School Buses We run an extensive and efficient bus service. Routes include Ashwell, Brookmans Park, Cuffley, Digswell, Enfield, Gustard Wood, Hadley Wood, Harpenden, Henlow, Henlow Camp, Hertford, Hitchin, Kimpton, Letchworth, London Colney, Luton, Potters Bar, St Albans, Stevenage, Stotfold, Welwyn and Wheathampstead. For more detailed information of routes please contact the College or visit our website.


Boarders Experienced and caring House Staff ensure that our boarding environment is very well run and friendly. Boarding encourages independence and provides the skills and qualities needed to live within a community. In the Sixth Form, girls are expected to take more responsibility for themselves which is excellent preparation for university life. We offer a range of boarding options and families can choose the right type of boarding to suit their needs. Full boarders stay in school throughout the school week and there is a lively Weekend Programme of activities which all girls are welcome to participate in. During holidays, full boarders go to stay with family, friends and guardians. Weekly boarders usually arrive on Monday morning and return home on Friday afternoon, spending four nights in school. For other families, flexible boarding is a popular option; it allows families to decide which nights and/or weekends they would like their daughter to board. This allows girls to gain the experience of boarding without being away from home full time. Occasional boarding provides the opportunity for girls to board for a limited period e.g. a weekend or a week.This is often whilst their parents take a holiday or fulfil a work commitment. New Facilities Life at the school has been enhanced by the development of many areas including, a new photography suite and the fitness centre (2007), and the refurbished dining room (2008), new assault course donated by Old Girls (2010) a refurbished kitchen in the Princess Alice Hall (2010) and an upgrade to fibre optic broadband and HD touchscreen whiteboards (2012). Our new Sixth Form centre is scheduled to open in Sepetmber 2014.

Community Governors and Advisors Patron Her Majesty the Queen President HRH The Duchess of Gloucester Vice-President Miss Mary Beattie MBE JP DL Visitor The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of London

Board of Governors Chairman Mr Nicholas O’Sullivan MA Vice-Chairman Major General Andrew Ritchie CBE Treasurer Mr Ian Chambers BSc FCA Dr Helen Barefoot BSc FHEA PG Cert HE PhD Mr Michael Beare EUR ING, BSc, CEng, MICE, FlStructE, CARE Mrs Helen A. P. Bourne BA, QTS Mr Richard Genochio MA (Cantab) PGCE FRSA Mr Manfred Kuerten LLB LLM Dr Sue Parkins B.Pharm (Hons) MRPharmS PhD Mrs Gita Patel BSc (Hons) Mr Peter Roberts Dr Noelle C Stallard MB BS FRCA Mr Nigel S Terry Mr Jonathan Watts MA BPhil (Oxon) Mrs Verity White BEd MEd

Panel of Advisors Governors, staff and girls are fortunate to have the support of a prestigious panel of advisors who enrich the girls’ education in a variety of ways. Archaeology Adrian Havercroft Archaeological Consultant Cookery and Gastronomy Michel Roux Chef Patron Environment Jonathon Porritt Special Adviser to Friends of the Earth Trustee of the World Wide Fund for Nature House and Garden Design History Jane Brown Author specialising in 20th Century gardens and landscape design Trustee of Lutyens Trust

Interior Design Jenny Gibbs Principal, KLC of London, School of Interior Design Literature Frederick Forsyth Author Millinery Frederick Fox Milliner, by Royal Appointment to HM The Queen Protocol The Honourable Diana Makgill CVO Former Ceremonial Officer, Protocol Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Theatre Peta Stratford-Johns Director/Producer of conferences, exhibitions and events Special Advisors Lady Laing Chairman of the Board of Governors 1991-1996 Sir Martin Laing CBE Chairman of John Laing plc, Council Member of World Economic Forum, Trustee Emeritus of WWF UK, former Chairman of British Overseas Trade Board and WWF UK Informal Chaplain The Revd. Michael Roden MA The Revd. Elizabeth Bunker MSc (London)

Teaching Staff Senior Management Team Headmistress Mrs Jo-Anne Duncan MA (St Andrews) PGCE Bursar and Clerk to the Governors Dr James Bentall MA (Cantab) PhD MBA ACII ACMI Deputy Head Ms Rachel Poston BSc (Cardiff) PGCE Marketing Manager Ms Sarah Atkinson BA (Sussex) MSc


Senior Teacher


Mr Keith Miller MA (Herts) BEd

* Dr Stewart Faulkes BA History (Sheffield) MA PGCE PhD

Art and Design

Information Communication Technology

Art and Design *Mrs Brioney Donlevy BA (Northampton) PGCE Art Technician Miss Lucy Prosser Photography Ms Isobel Scott BEd (Warwick)

Careers *Mr Lynden Astill BSc (Birmingham), PGCE

Dance *Mrs Elizabeth Newland BA (London Studio Centre) GTP Mrs Cheryl Mayhew LIST DDip CDE RAD

Drama and Theatre Studies *Miss Elizabeth Pollard BA (Aberystwyth) PGCE Mr Keith Miller MA (Herts) BEd

Economics and Business Studies *Ms Rachel Poston BSc (Cardiff) PGCE Mrs Virginia Parton BSc (York) PGCE

English *Mr Keith Miller MA (Herts) BEd Miss Margaret Warren BA (Natal) HED DSE MEd Mr Alexander Garner, BA (Brunel), PGCE Mrs Anna Fells TESOL (Trinity College London)

English as an Additional Language *Mrs Anna Fells TESOL (Trinity College London) Mrs Maria Perez-Luis MA (Northern Illinois) Miss Sarah Pawley BA (Sheffield) PGCE MSc Cert TESOL

Geography *Ms Sylvia Hutchinson BSc (Coventry) MSc PGCE Dr James Bentall MA (Cantab) PhD MBA ACII ACMI 10

*Ms Audrey Wooller MA (Oxon) PGCE

Languages German *Mrs Catherine Baker BA (Dunelm) PGCE French *Mrs Fleur Harvey-Keenan BA (Dunelm) PGCE Mrs Susan Vinther MA (Cantab) PGCE Spanish *Mr Harvey Ross MA (London) BA PGCE Language Assistant: Miss Erika Sanchez-Escobar MA (Grenada) Miss Rebecca Razzano

Library Mrs Jane Chapman CISCO (IT Tech) Diploma in Law C& G Qualified Librarian

Mathematics *Mr Geoffrey Williams BA (Essex) MA PGCE Mrs Rita Bobbin BEd (Calcutta) PGCE Miss Loleen Kwee BEng (Leicester) PGCE Mrs Virginia Parton BSc (York) ACIB PGCE MA

Media Studies *Miss Elizabeth Pollard BA (Aberystwyth) PGCE Mr Keith Miller MA (Herts) BEd

Music Director of Music *Mrs Cynthia Neaum MMus (London) BMus ARCM Cert Ed Mr Rufus Frowde MA (Oxon) MMus ARCO (Dip CHD) A wide range of instruments are taught by our visiting music teachers.

PSHE and Citizenship

Heads of Key Stage

*Mrs Jane Chapman CISCO (IT Tech) Diploma in Law Mrs Annie Duffill RGN Mrs Lucy Taylor-Dixon BA (Lancaster) RGN

Head of Key Stage 3 Mrs Anna Fells TESOL (Trinity College London)

Physical Education *Mrs Deborah Keenleyside BA (Loughborough) PGCE Mrs Deborah Hammond Cert Ed (Dartford) Mrs Elizabeth Newland BA (London Studio Centre) GTP Miss Sarah Robertson BA PGCE (Marjon University)

Psychology *Miss Samantha Mee BSc (Reading) PGCE

Head of Key Stage 4 Mrs Catherine Baker BA (Dunelm) PGCE Head of Sixth Form Mr Lynden Astill BSc (Birmingham) PGCE

Heads of House Gloucester Miss Elizabeth Pollard BA (Aberystwyth) PGCE

Religious Studies

Windsor Mrs Elizabeth Newland BA (London Studio Centre) GTP

*Mrs Elizabeth McCaul BA (Lancaster) PGCE Mrs Jo-Anne Duncan MA (St Andrews) PGCE

York Mrs Jane Chapman CISCO (IT Tech) Diploma in Law


Boarding Staff

Head of Science Dr Nicola Norris BSc (Cardiff) PhD PGCE

Senior Housemistress (Sixth Form) Mrs Elizabeth Bot

Biology *Mr Christopher May BSc (London) PGCE

House Mistress (Main School) Miss Jan Haines

Chemistry *Mr Lynden Astill BSc (Birmingham) PGCE Mrs Jacqueline Dean BSc (Herts) GTP

Assistant House Mistresses Mrs Carolyn Hill Miss Loleen Kwee BEng (Leicester) PGCE Ms Audrey Wooller MA (Oxon) PGCE

Physics *Mr Jeremy Brown BSc (Coventry) PGCE Science Technicians Mrs Janice Murdock Mrs Rosalind Norris

Special Educational Needs *Miss Margaret Warren BA (Natal) HED DSE MEd Mrs Susan Leone-Kenneally BSEd (Leslie University, USA) MA

House Staff Miss Zuni Garcia-Clarkson Miss Sarah Pawley BA (Sheffield) PGCE MSc Cert TESOL Miss Rebecca Razzano Miss Erika Sanchez-Escobar MA (Grenada) School Nurse Mrs Lucy Taylor-Dixon BA (Lancaster) RGN Mrs Annie Duffill RGN

(* Head of Department)


Pastoral Princess Helena College is characterised by mutual respect between the girls and teachers, with all expected to accept responsibility for their own actions and to behave with care and consideration towards others. The formal pastoral structure is provided by Form Teachers, Heads of Key Stages, Academic Mentors, the School Nurse and Boarding House Staff. All new girls are helped to settle in by their Godmother. For Year 7, this is a pupil from the year above, who acts as her mentor and friend. Our successful Guardian Angels system, organised by Sixth Form pupils, offers help and advice on any subject. The Deputy Head oversees pastoral care throughout the school and is supported by the Headmistress. Enrichment/Co-Curricular Through Personal, Social and Health Education, Citizenship and our enrichment programme, girls are encouraged to participate in activities such as charity work, community service, volunteering and Duke of Edinburgh. These foster a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others and focus their attention on the world beyond school. Responsibility Girls leave Princess Helena College with the ability to look for solutions to problems and to make a positive contribution whether at work, at home or at both. Girls throughout the school have opportunities to set standards and to provide ideas to continue to improve school life. The Prefect Team and the School Council enable girls to have a real input in the running of the College. Worship We believe in the importance of a spiritual and moral education. Our allegiance is to the Church of England but we welcome girls of all religions and support their wishes to observe festivals, diets and traditions. Opportunities for Confirmation classes are offered by our informal Chaplains, the Reverend Michael Roden and the Reverend Elizabeth Bunker. Assemblies are held for the whole school on Wednesdays, with year group and key stage assemblies on other days and services are held in our local Church, St Martin’s, with our annual Carol Service in St Mary’s Church, Hitchin.


Old Girls’ Association At Princess Helena College we value strong links with our Old Girls and it is wonderful to see the Association go from strength to strength under the leadership of Mrs Carol Murray, Chairman, and Mrs Susannah Goodbody, Secretary. We aim to provide continued support for our girls as they move on to the next phase of their life. Old Girls are welcomed to the College for several events each year, along with other reunions organised off site. Recent events have included drinks in London, lacrosse matches against current pupils and reunions at school with tours. Former pupils are kept up to date with the College’s progress and news of their peers through regular newsletters and the biannual OGA News. The OGA continues to play an important role in supporting the school and generous donations from Old Girls have recently paid for gaming equipment for boarders, a new assault course and Jubilee benches and badges. The OGA has also raised funds to pay to replant the historic orchard which will be a wonderful addition to the grounds.

Parents’ Fundraising Committee Chairman Mr Peter Heppelthwaite The College benefits enormously from the work of this dynamic and committed group of parents who organise social events and help fund raise. Fundraising events have included: Quiz and Curry Evenings, Art Festival, the Christmas Market, Family Fun Days and Run, and the Summer Ball. Most recently the fundraising projects have allowed investment in: Fitness Suite ICT Facilities 2 New Minibuses

Sound and Lighting Equipment Outdoor Pursuits Equipment Sports Pavillion


Admissions We warmly invite you to visit us and to meet the Headmistress, staff and girls and tour the school. Open Events are held throughout the year and you are also welcome to make an individual appointment. There are a number of events for prospective pupils including our summer Campover and autumn term taster sessions giving them the chance to get to know the school. Please see our website or contact our registrar, Mrs Heather Baim, on 01462 443888. The admissions process is as follows: 1 Register your daughter The registration form is found at the back of this information booklet. The non-returnable £100 registration fee should accompany the form. The registration fee is waived for daughters and granddaughters of Old Girls. 2 Meet the Headmistress Before a place is offered the Headmistress likes to meet each girl informally. 3 Sit entrance exam Girls in Years 7-10 must either sit the College’s own Entrance Examination, which will be held on Wednesday 15 January 2014, or the Common Entrance Examination. The College’s Entrance Examination includes papers in English and Mathematics, a Verbal Reasoning Test and team exercises. Girls must achieve a satisfactory standard in the examination before a place is offered. Entry will also be based upon a report/ reference for each girl obtained from her prep/primary school. Princess Helena College offers priority to siblings and daughters of servicemen and women and the clergy. 4 Confirm your daughter’s place After the formal offer of place is made, to confirm and secure the place a deposit of £650 is required for resident UK nationals and £1,500 for overseas parents and returned to the College with the completed and signed ’Acceptance of Place’ form. Once your daughter’s place has been confirmed you will be sent all the necessary information e.g. uniform list, term dates, medical forms, clubs and activity details. You should normally receive these in the summer prior to your daughter joining. New Year 7 girls are invited to an introductory afternoon in the term before they join us in September. Most girls join the school at 11+ (Year 7) but there are some entrants at 13+ (Year 9), Sixth Form (Year 12) and occasionally in other year groups. In special circumstances we are prepared to be flexible when considering the age of students and their entry into year groups. However, girls should not turn 18 before the end of the first term of Year 12. 14

Scholarships and Bursaries Scholarships Scholarships are awarded for potential excellence. The following scholarships are available: Academic Scholarships (15% of fees) Art (10% of fees) Drama (10% of fees) Music (10% of fees) Sport (10% of fees) The academic, art, drama, music and PE scholarships are awarded in Year 6 (for Years 7 to 11), Year 9 (for Years 10 and 11) and Year 11 (for Years 12 and 13). The headmistress may also award discretionary scholarships to girls joining the school at other times. Academic Scholarships The academic scholarships for Year 7 entrants are awarded on the basis of the entrance test and an interview. The academic scholarships awarded in Year 9 are assessed by means of an interview together with performance in school examinations (for internal candidates) or entrance test and school report (for external candidates).

In Sport, pupils will have an interview where performance, aptitude and knowledge of sport will be discussed and assessed. Sixth Form Scholarships up to two academic scholarships (15% of fees) and Art, Drama, Music & Sport Scholarships (10% of fees) are available. In addition, the Foundation Scholarship is awarded to a girl who wishes to go on to study law or medicine at university. This prestigious award combines work experience, mentoring and advice on university applications and also provides 15% remittance on fees. Scholarship Details and Conditions 1 Scholarships are awarded on the clear understanding that a recipient will complete her education to the end of Year 11 if awarded a scholarship in Years 7 or 9, and to the end of Year 13 if awarded a scholarship in Year 11. The discount on fees under a scholarship will need to be reimbursed if a scholar is withdrawn prior to the completion of the appropriate Key Stage.

2 Scholars will be provided with appropriate extension activities and be mentored by a Senior Teacher who will The academic scholarships awarded in Year 11 are see them on a regular basis to help facilitate their assessed by means of a candidate’s performance in the progression in their studies. An award may be withdrawn scholarship examinations, as well as an interview, predicted if a scholar’s performance, behaviour or contribution to the GCSE grades, and, in the case of external candidates, a College fall below the standard expected. report from her current school. Art, Drama, Music and Sport Scholarships In Art, pupils are asked to present a portfolio of work, produce a piece of work under examination conditions and attend an interview. In Drama, pupils will attend a practical session to explore reactions and responses to various stimuli (acting, mime, verse, reading, working with a group, creating etc.) In Music, a candidate will be expected to have reached an appropriate standard in her chosen instruments: a minimum standard of Grade 3 in Year 6, Grade 5 in Year 9, and Grade 7 in Year 11. In the audition, she should be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces and scales, and be given aural tests and an interview. Music and drama awards (towards the cost of instrument or LAMDA tuition) given on the basis of practical ability are also available.

3 The College reserves the right not to award scholarships in any particular year. 4 All Scholarships are awarded at the Headmistress’ discretion. Bursaries Bursaries of 10% of fees are available for daughters of clergy and members of the armed forces from Year 7 onwards. Sibling bursaries of 5% of fees are awarded from Year 7 onwards to the younger daughter(s), ceasing when only one daughter remains. Means tested hardship bursaries are also available for prospective pupils. Please contact Mrs Heather Baim for further details on 01462 443888 or


Fees We aim to make our fees as inclusive and clear as possible to allow parents to plan in advance. All our fees include: • Break, lunch and afternoon tea • Extended day and prep supervision • Stationery (except art materials) • Most SCITLLE clubs and activities (excluding paid extras) Boarding fees include all the above and: • Breakfast and supper • All laundry Overseas fees include all the above and: • EAL lessons • Weekend activity programme • First airport pick up

Extra Subjects and Extra Tuition 40 minute lesson Learning Support – English £29.30 Learning Support- Mathematics £29.30 See full fee list for further details.

Day Girl Fee Years 7 and 8 Years 9,10,11 and Sixth Form

£4,725 per term £5,855 per term

Weekly Boarding/Full Boarding Fee Years 7 and 8 Years 9,10,11 and Sixth Form Overseas Years 7 and 8 Overseas 9,10,11 and Sixth Form

£6,745 per term £8,450 per term £7,960 per term £9,640 per term

Other Boarding Fees Flexible Boarding Years 7 and 8 £45 per night Flexible Boarding Years 9 to 13 £55 per night Emergency Boarding (unforeseen circumstances), including supper and breakfast £55 per night Overseas Short Stay Years 7 and 8 (less than one term) Boarding Students (per week) £755 per week Overseas Short Stay Years 9 to 13 (less than one term) Boarding Students (per week) £885 per week

Sundry Charges Day Pupils - lunch Boarders - all meals Boarders - laundry


Paid activities are all charged per term but are based on 30 x 40 minute lessons throughout the academic year Musical Instruments £247.50 per term Speech and Drama £245 per term Dance £237.50 per term Tennis £247.50 per term Photography £190 per 10 sessions Touch Typing £95 per term Trampolining £25 per 5 sessons Horse Riding to be advised

no charge no charge no charge

Minibus Rates From Hitchin and Stevenage £2.30 per trip From Kimpton and Old Welwyn £2.65 per trip From Digswell Viaduct £2.75 per trip From Welwyn Lemsford £3.40 per trip From Henlow, Stotfold £4.15 per trip From Ashwell, Brookmans Park, Chase Farm, Cuffley, Enfield, Grange Park, Gustard Wood, Hadley Wood, Harpenden, Hertford, Luton, Potters Bar, St Albans, Wadesmill and Wheathampstead £4.35 per trip

Registration form Please complete and return to the Registrar Princess Helena College Preston Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 7RT, together with the non-returnable registration fee of £100 (payable to Princess Helena College). An offer of a place will finally depend on the candidate’s results in the Entrance Examination and a report from her present school. Pupil Pupil’s surname Pupil’s forenames (Please underline preferred name) Address Postcode

Date of birth

Proposed date of entry (eg Sept 2014)

Proposed Year of Entry (e.g. Year 7/ Year 9)

Religious denomination, if any


Please indicate your preference Day


Weekly boarding

Full boarding

Please list the details of your daughter’s present school School name Headteacher’s name Address


Attendance dates Does your daughter have specific learning difficulties or special needs of any kind and / or has she received extra support lessons for any reason?



If Yes, please give details

Parents Mother


Full name

Full name





Home telephone number

Home telephone number

Work telephone number

Work telephone number

Mobile telephone number

Mobile telephone number





Guardian details if applicable. For all overseas pupils, full details of a UK-based Guardian are required. Full name Address Postcode

Telephone number 17

Additional Information (optional) Which other schools are you considering?

How did you first hear about Princess Helena College? Internet Friend or family recommendation Agent Current school’s recommendation Exhibition Reputation

Advertisement (please specify)

Other (please specify)

Do you have any current or previous connection with the School? If you are an Old Girl, please provide your maiden name (Please note that we waive the registration fee for daughters and granddaughters of Old Girls)

Is your daughter eligible for a Forces or clergy award?



When the offer of a place is made, the Acceptance of Place Form and the Terms & Conditions document will be sent to parents to complete. A deposit will be required and the clearance of this payment is formal acknowledgement that a girl has been enrolled. Please ensure that both parents sign below. First signature Full Name Relationship to pupil

Second signature Full Name Relationship to pupil Date


Location Our beautiful, safe, rural setting lies just 5 minutes from the bustling market town of Hitchin and 35 minutes from central London. We are served by excellent transport links ranging from our minibus and coach services to Ashwell, Brookmans Park, Chase Farm, Cuffley, Digswell, Grange Park, Gustard Wood, Hadley Wood, Harpenden, Henlow Camp, Hertford, Hitchin, Ickleford, Kimpton, Letchworth, Luton Parkway, Potters Bar, St Albans, Stevenage, Stotfold, Wadesmill, Welwyn (Lemsford and Old Welwyn) and Wheathampstead to international links via Luton (15 minutes), Heathrow (50 minutes), Gatwick and Stansted.

Directions From London and the South 1. Leave the A1(M) at JUNCTION 6 direction A1000 WELWYN. 2. Take the SECOND EXIT at the next two roundabouts. 3. At the third roundabout turn LEFT direction B656 HITCHIN and CODICOTE. 4. At the next roundabout turn RIGHT direction B656 HITCHIN and CODICOTE. 5. 7.3 miles from this roundabout, having passed through CODICOTE and LANGLEY, carry on past the turning signposted WHITWELL and KING’S WALDEN, then turn LEFT at the next crossroads marked PRESTON and PRINCESS HELENA COLLEGE. 6. At the next junction turn left up the hill. Pass the exit from the College, turn RIGHT at the first junction signposted PRINCESS HELENA COLLEGE. The main entrance to the College is 365 metres on the RIGHT. From the North 1. Leave the A1(M) at JUNCTION 8 direction A602 HITCHIN. 2. At the first roundabout take the exit direction GOSMORE.

Princess Helena College

London l

3. 3.7 miles from this roundabout, through GOSMORE you will see the sign marked PRESTON. The main entrance to the College is 365 metres on the left, past the Dower House on the left and the Red Lion and the green on the right.

This booklet, together with the prospectus, describes broadly the principles on which Princess Helena College is presently organised. Whilst we have made every effort to ensure their accuracy, the prospectus and associated documents do not form part of any contract or agreement between parents and the School. Changes of specifications and fees may occur during any given year and the School reserves the right to implement the changes.


Princess Helena College Preston Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 7RT Tel +44 (0) 1462 432100 Fax +44 (0) 1462 443871 Email Registered Charity number 311064 20

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