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I had to put on weight for a movie once. I was melting Haagen Daz and drinking it when I was thirsty, and that was fun for about a week.

Une star discrète

Did you learn to ride a motorcycle for this movie? Yeah. Is that you riding the bike in the globe? In the globe? No. No, that’s our stunt rider, Monty. I had two guys who were helping me with the bike but it takes at least two and a half years to learn how to even start to do the globe and even then most of these guys have been doing it their whole lives, so that’s my defence and why I wouldn’t do it. (laughs) Also, the insurance company wouldn’t let me try it. And then Rick Miller was my other stunt teacher. You know, when Batman rides a motorcycle, it’s Rick Miller in a suit, so he’s the best and he tried to teach me what he could. And I had to do some things, like the last bank heist, I had to ride up, rob the bank, come out, ride off, dodge traffic, and all that stuff, so I had to do some of those things, but a lot of it I didn’t do. This role shares some similarities with your role in Drive. Were you worried about that, that critics would compare it to that role? No, I mean, I feel like they couldn’t be more different. I know that there’s the stunt riding element so there’s that, but they are very different kinds of men. This character is filled with shame and regret and that character is way more like a pop song. Drive is more of a pop song; whereas this is more of a Bruce Springsteen song. Did you want to play this character, or did you think of Bradley Cooper’s character? Well the way that this came up was when we were prepping for Blue Valentine, Derek (director) and I were talking about how one of my fantasies were, I always wanted to rob a bank, (laughter) and

that I had been thinking way too much about it, but I had this plan of how to do it but I was just too scared of jail, so I wasn’t going to do it. But, I said, ‘This is how I would do it,’ and Derek said, ‘You have got to be kidding me, I just wrote a script about that.’ And so I said, ‘I’m in.’ And then years later I read it, and then I realised that I wasn’t really in it. But that I was in. I’ve never seen people so angry that you didn’t get an Oscar nomination last year for Drive. What were your feelings about that? People stood up for you. I didn’t realize that they did that. Did they? Were there riots? Was there riot gear? Was anyone arrested? No? Then it wasn’t a protest. (laughter) No, I mean look, when you do these things, you never expect that stuff and so you really just can’t expect that kind of thing to happen, and with Drive, we were just happy to get it made, honestly. We were trying to do something and we were just lucky to have the opportunity to do it, and I was so happy for Albert Brooks, just for all the attention that he was getting. Did you ever see that thing where they cut that scene from Downfall? Where Hitler is getting mad and everyone is getting mad because Albert Brooks had not been nominated for an Oscar? That was the best thing that came out of the whole thing. What motivates you to work as an actor? You know, it’s like dancing. It’s like, you don’t know what song is going to make you want to dance. Well, I don’t know what it is about that song that makes you feel that way, but that’s the closest feeling I can associate it to when it comes to acting.


Né au Canada, élevé par des Mormons, l’idole d’Hollywood Ryan Gosling, 31 ans, est à Toronto pour la promotion de son derrnier film, The Place Beyond the Pines, dans lequel il partage l’affiche avec sa petite amie Eva Mendes et Bradley Cooper. Cet acteur nominé aux Oscars (en 2006 pour Half Nelson) est également musicien et se produit avec son groupe, Dead Man’s Bones. C’est un ancien danseur de ballet et durant son enfance, il a fait partie du Mickey Mouse Club en même temps que Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake et Britney Spears. Il réside actuellement à New-York. Étonnamment, cette star du cinéma réservée et timide possède un restaurant marocain à Beverly Hills pour lequel il supervise les menus et il trouve également le temps de créer des vêtements. Côté vie privée, Gosling est sorti avec plusieurs de ses co-stars. De 2002 à 2003 il était avec Sandra Bullock (qu’il a rencontrée sur le tournage de Calculs Meurtriers), suivie par une relation de deux ans avec Rachel McAdams de 2005 à 2007 (à qui il donnait la réplique dans N’oublie jamais). Ils se sont brièvement remis ensemble en 2008. Depuis, il a décrit cette dernière comme étant « l’un des plus grands amours de ma vie ». Il serait également sorti avec Kat Dennings, Blake Lively et Olivia Wilde.


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