Powerful Women Today Magazine Spring 2023

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EST 2023 | Vol 2 | Spring 2023 Publisher Carolina M. Billings Editorial Director & Content Curator Melanie Herschorn Creative Director & Multi-Media Strategist Dortha Hise Subscriptions bit.ly/powerfulwomentodaymagazine
publisher@powerfulwomentoday.com Powerful Women Today TM Magazine
Publisher’s Note .............................................................................................................. .................................. 4 Shine the Light on Your Shadow ............................................................................................................... 9 How to Boost Your Personal Energy & Uplevel Peak Performance... While Having FUN! ..... 11 Think Like a CEO, Earn Like a CEO: Leveling Up Women Entrepreneurship ............................. 13 Expand Your Business Productivity with These 7 Best Productivity Hacks ................................17 Why Does a Healthy Scalp Equal Healthy Hair? .................................................................................. 19 Does Menopause Belong in Workplace Policy and Discussion? .................................................... 21 How to Dress Like a Powerful Woman ................................................................................................... 23 Confidence Sells: People Always Buy You First .................................................................................. 25 Four Powerful Ways to Build Trust ....................................................................................................... 27 5 Ways Your Estate Plan Protects Your Family .................................................................................... 29 Missed Learning Disabilities ...................................................................................................................... 31 Cinco De Mayo Celebrated! ...................................................................................................................... 33 Featured Interview: Stacey Hall ............................................................................................................... 34 Featured Interview: Youssef Skalli ........................................................................................................... 36 Profit First: Renew Your Commitment to Your Own Paycheck ....................................................... 39 ChatGPT: An Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 41 Become an Everyday Negotiator .............................................................................................................. 43 The Power of a Webinar: Why it Should be in Your Marketing Strategy ..................................... 45 Featured Interview: Gina Marie De Leon ............................................................................................... 48 Before You Say Happy Memorial Day ..................................................................................................... 53 The Transformational Effect of a Little One on Health, Work, and Relationships ................... 57 Empowering Single Mothers ...................................................................................................................... 61 Raising Neurodiverse Children - A Psychologist’s Perspective on Motherhood ....................... 63 The Extraordinary Life of Martha Gellhorn, the Woman Ernest Hemingway Tried to Erase ..................65 The Magic of Tree-Hugging ........................................................................................................................ 69 Editor’s Note ............................................................................................................................... ..................... 71 A Story for Non-Writers. How becoming a writer was the key to my dream life ....................... 77 10 Speaker Bookings in 10 Days .............................................................................................................. 81 Fiction Series .............................................................................................................................. .................... 83 Creative’s Note ................ 87 Coaches’ Corner: What is a Coach? ......................................................................................................... 89 Research by Powerful Women Today’s Experts .................................................................................. 93 Be Our Guest: Tips to Be a Great Wedding Guest! ............................................................................ 95 Breaking the Mold: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Redefine Success Through Love & Credibility .. ........ 97 Powerful Women Today’s Mentor Experts ........................................................................................ 98 Powerful Women Today Magazine 3

Spring is a time for renewal, growth, and expansion ; we feel it in the air. Even though we can do this anytime during the year, it feels just right to do it during Spring. We have that extra energy and focus on getting physically active, making decisions, and creating change.

Spring is an excellent time to let go of the old and make room for the new. This can apply to traditional spring cleaning, but most importantly, we need to apply it to let go of old grudges, resentments, and anger that hold us back from enjoying inner peace and more happiness in our lives. When we hold on to the old, we keep ruminating and re-visiting old wounds, and they keep us stuck. And sometimes, we don’t even know it. When we let go of the old, we make room for the new and open the door to endless possibilities waiting for us.

People often use Spring as a reason to “spring clean” their homes—to tidy up and make things feel fresh and

One thing I love about Spring is the spirit of awakening. Awakening from slumber. Awakening what lies already within.
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new. Reorganizing all your closets, cupboards, and drawers can help you feel re-energized, but cleaning your mind and brain can help you feel like you are starting the season with a clean slate.

In this Powerful Women Today Magazine issue, I invite you to also awaken the energy centres and bodies and the respective energy intelligence within each one. These energy centres are already in you. Some may be dormant some may be nurturing and feeding a vicious cycle which, with knowledge and self-work it, can be created into a virtuous cycle.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount unless it’s added from the outside, which often results in an addiction to stimulants—hardly a safe and healthy long-term strategy. The only way to use energy is to transform energy from one form to another.

East AND West. Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory, The Seven Chakras and the Body’s Energy Intelligence. It’s a myth to think practicing meditation leads the way to becoming a yogi or monk. Albeit, it helps to lead a balanced social and emotional life. The renowned Maslow’s hierarchy theory in psychology was introduced in 1943, a doppelganger depiction of the ancient Seven Chakra philosophy. This theory is based on human needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom, and other ancient philosophies and scientific research into the Body’s Energy Centres.

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I hope it clarifies that meditation is not passé. It’s a way to Mindfulness, and Mindfulness is a way to Personal Power, Independence and Fulfillment.

Shine the Light on Your Shadow

Are you connected to your Shadow? Or are you controlled by your Shadow?

Is Shadow even real?

These are some of the things we’ll be exploring here and in the Reclaim Your Shadow Empowerment Circle.

One of the many interesting things about Shadow is that it is both real and not real. Which makes it a paradox, or perhaps, a mystery of life.

It’s very real in the sense that when you’re disconnected from Shadow, it rules your life. All those dark emotions that lurk and linger in the shadows of your mind, that grow and fester, and express in ways that are inconsistent with you living your best life.

Those motivations, drives, and urges that float just below your conscious awareness. The wounds you hold inside from trauma, abuse, and past hurts.

The parts that dominate the unconscious mind and spill out into your life in suboptimal ways, sometimes creating havoc and drama.

Yet, just like Shadow in the external world, this internal Shadow is also not real. Because Shadow is an illusion. The absence of light. The image that’s cast when an object comes between another object and the source of light.

When the in between object is removed, or the light is repositioned, the Shadow disappears.

And so it is with your Shadow parts. When you turn your knowledge and understanding on those aspects of yourself, they disappear into the full light of that wisdom.

The full light of your knowledge and understanding dissipates the Shadow and creates a new sense of safety and security within you.

As you integrate all of those parts of yourself, you gain a greater and deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself and of others You connect to your authenticity, resilience, intuition, creativity, freedom, and personal power.

You fully integrate those parts into the whole fabric of your life, the whole vessel of your life, beautifully adorned, decorated, celebrated at each point of integration, as you create and live the life that makes you come alive!

You recreate and reframe the supposed “flaws” of your life, adorned with gold dust, silver dust, platinum dust, star dust – the brilliance of all of creation.

Your What’s Next Strategist, I guide you to identify & get rid of unwanted habits, behaviors, beliefs, and decisions so you can live the life that makes you come alive . . . and LOVE What’s Next!

Connect with Sallie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/sallieintentionallifecoaching/

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How to Boost Your Personal Energy & Uplevel Peak Performance... While Having FUN !

Welcome to the best years of your life! Why do I say that? Because never before this moment have you had the amount of knowledge, insight, and awareness into the person you are today. With each passing day, we become more self-aware. Not in the same way we fear that Artificial Intelligence becomes self-aware but similar.

Many of us work like robots. We go through the motions, collect our checks, pay our bills, and live our lives. We sometimes become like the frog who was put into a comfortable warm pot of water… he does not realize he is being cooked until it is too late! However, what if someone threw a cold pot of water on you? Wouldn’t that wake you up? What if this article was the cold pot of water? What new choices would you make going forward?

Wondering why it says “…while having fun!” in the title? Why not? Most full-timers work approximately eight hours per day (American Time Use Survey, 2021). Between work and sleep, that would total 2/3 of your life, leaving only eight hours for all other activities. How might your performance change if your activities were draining? Energizing? How would that affect work/life satisfaction?

You’re probably thinking, “well that’s a nobrainer.” Still, at times we end up in roles (either personal or professional) that drain us. When that happens, we may end up feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or even depressed (Building Workplace Resilience, 2022).

That said, here are a few tips to help you manage stress and regain your energy in a way that yields positive, productive results!

1. Do something you love. It will help you manage stress more effectively. Even if it’s only for 1 to 2 hours per week. Fit something into your life for you!

2. Spend some time in nature. The healing effects of nature is a science, not fluff. Even adding more greenery in your workspace can help you feel peaceful.

3. Get outside and move more. Listen to trainings while you go for a walk. Go for a hike with a business associate. Join action-oriented groups to network with like-minded individuals.

It is vital that we do what we can to stay happy and healthy in life and in business. If we “get up, get out, and get going,” more than likely we can reach our destination and shout out how thankful we are that we enjoyed the ride.

Please visit my website www.elisamagill. com and contact me for your free gift to build momentum, energy, and endurance in life and business; and for the link to a peer-reviewed journal article that analyzes these principles.


American Time Use Survey (2021, June 23). News Release, Bureau of Labor Statistics: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/atus.pdf

Building Workplace Resiliency: How to Feel Better at Work. (2022). Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship, 13(9), 288–289.

Dr. Elisa is a Transformational Success Expert, Organizational Training, Learning & Development Specialist; Corporate Wellness. Virtual/Global

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Connect with Dr. Elisa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/elisamagill/

ink Like a CEO, Earn Like a CEO: Leveling Up Women Entrepreneurship

While people start businesses for various reasons, one of the most common is the ability to earn more and create financial freedom for themselves And while the gender gap in entrepreneurship is slowly closing, women entrepreneurs still face unique challenges when it comes to experience, resources, and support.

One of the solutions for women is to learn how to think like a CEO. Because if you think like a CEO, you can earn like a CEO.

So, let’s take a look at four key areas in your business where you need to learn to think like a CEO.

Financial Goals

Without financial goals, you’re just going to wander around aimlessly without ever making a profit. To help you set financial goals and think like a CEO:

• Get comfortable with basic financial data. Just start with your monthly P&L reporting, creating a budget, tracking actual income and expenses, and calculating your profit margin.

• Think of your financial data as feedback, not a report card . Your financials are not a score of how well you’re doing. Think of your data as clues that help point out areas of opportunity or improvement for your business.

People Management

No matter what business you’re in, your business runs on people. CEOs know that to position a business for growth, you must:

• Focus early hiring on entry-level utility players . They are able to do a variety of things and adjust what they’re working on as your business model shifts.

• Hire one subject matter expert for every five utility players. Hiring people with 3 to 5 years of experience in functional areas will move your business forward, and they can mentor your entry-level utility players.

Sales Process

Everyone wants to drive sales, but almost no one wants to sit down and develop a sales process. If you just do this one thing, you can walk all over your competition. You need to:

• Know your primary and secondary lead sources and focus most of your efforts there.

• Map out your buyer’s journey so you can identify where people get stuck and drop off.

• Pick a closing rate goa l and create a process that supports that number.

By focusing on financial goal setting, people management, marketing, and establishing a specific sales process, women entrepreneurs can level up their businesses and achieve the success they deserve.

As more women entrepreneurs adopt a CEO mindset, we will see a shift in the gender gap in entrepreneurship, and more women will be able to achieve success in their businesses.

So, think like a CEO, earn like a CEO, and level up women’s entrepreneurship!

Valerie provides done-with-you practical and results-oriented solutions to help small businesses overcome challenges, implement new programs, and achieve their goals.

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Connect with Valerie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/valerie-hayes-fractional-coo/
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Expand Your Business with ese 7 Best Productivity Hacks

If you’re eager to expand your business, scale, and bring it to the next level, raising your productivity is a good starting point . Here are my personal top 7 tips to be more productive, based on working with hundreds of clients and saving them time.

1. Determine Your 3 Most Impactful Actions

Start your day by working on the 3 Most Impactful Actions [MIAs] of that day, and you’ll feel amazing! You get so much more done, and you take aligned action. It works even better when you determine your MIAs the night before.

2. Set a deadline

Have you ever wondered why you get so much more done before going on a holiday? It’s because you have a fxed deadline and get super focused on what needs to happen. Use this and set deadlines.

3. Schedule

If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening. So put it in your diary. Don’t like planning too much and rather be spontaneous? Plan the must-dos and remember to block out time for you. During this blocked-out time, you get to do what needs doing.

4. Time block

Block off time to work on specific business items or tasks. Monday is reserved for finances and administration. Tuesday and Thursday are for clients. Friday mornings are for clients, and afternoons are for margaritas. Designate time.

5. Take a break

Yes, you can take a break! Feeling stuck or tired? Take a break, and you’ll come back refreshed. As a direct consequence, your productivity will rise. Manage your energy, not your time.

6. Batch

Group recurring activities such as answering emails, making phone calls, creating content, and writing blogs. Plan them after each other for an entire day or week and work on them -you’ll get in a rhythm and get more done.

7. Stop disruptions

Switch off notifications, put your phone on airplane mode, and tell people you can’t be

disturbed for a certain amount of time. Each distraction takes you 23 minutes to get back to your original task. [Yes, read that again.]

Bonus – your health is your wealth

Take care of yourself! Your health determines your energy and your productivity. So get a good night’s sleep, exercise, and eat (healthy). Don’t skip lunch; eating behind your desk was never a great idea. This may have the biggest impact of all.

Why even the best productivity hacks may not work

Did you know that productivity hacks themselves do nothing? Yes, they make you more productive, BUT they don’t make you work less. Increasing your productivity to only work more hours, works counterproductive and, in the end, will burn you out.

If you want to make productivity hacks work for you, be sure to determine goals, set priorities based on those goals (keep them), and take aligned action. But most importantly, know when to stop, outsource or delegate to scale your business.

Be the CEO of your life. You can work less and live more.

Connect with Yvonne on LinkedIn: https://www. linkedin.com/in/yvonnedam/

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Yvonne Dam is a business coach for driven CEOs who have too little time and crave to take their business to the next level.

Why Does a Healthy Scalp Equal Healthy Hair?

When you plant a seed, if you take care of it properly, a/ it will grow into a beautiful strong plant. That is the same for our hair. If your scalp is clean, clear, healthy, and maintained, the follicles will grow healthy strands of hair. If the follicles are blocked with dead skin, dandruff, or scalp issues though, this blockage can prevent the hair from growing or even stop it from growing altogether.

How do you maintain healthy hair and scalp?

Buy using products that experts recommend for scalp and hair health, which are plantbased, free of harmful chemicals, and healthy for you.

We maintain the skin on our face with serums and lotions, yet we tend to ignore our scalp. My recommendation is a scalp facial, scalp detox, brushing your hair, scalp massage, and even using a scalp massager. Make sure to use organic products that will gently exfoliate dry dead skin, remove excess oils and free radicals, and leave your scalp refreshed, with increased circulation and unclogged hair follicles.

What ingredients should you avoid for optimal scalp health?

The majority of people’s scalps can handle most products; however, many products will work their way down the hair shaft to the scalp, clogging hair follicles, causing scalp irritation, dry scalp, dandruff, or even an infection.

As a Holistic Hairstylist, I recommend avoiding ingredients that block or suffocate the scalp from breathing. These ingredients include triclosan, diethanolamine, Cocamidopropyl betaine, alcohol, sodium hydroxide, synthetic colors and dyes, formaldehyde, parabens, phthalates, benzene, polyethylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate, PVP/ VA copolymer, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, silicones, and trimethicones, which are added to make hair feel softer and

moisturized but can block the hair follicles. Gels, mousses, and hairsprays with a high alcohol content can also cause extreme dryness to your scalp.

Get ready for healthier hair!

Connect with Monika on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/monika-greczek-3710b225/

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Monika Greczek is a Hair Coach & Holistic Hair Stylist that teaches the benefits of products that are toxic free& healthy for over all well-being.

Does Menopause Belong in Workplace Policy and Discussion ?

There’s a new hot topic of conversation brewing in Europe these days . Spain just passed a policy that allows for “menstrual leave”. There is a bank in Ireland that offers paid leave for menopause symptoms. The UK, in particular, is having discussions about the impact work policies have on menopause and the senior female workforce.

The U.S., which has yet to pass a policy relating to postpartum leave, hasn’t entered this conversation yet.

No matter the age or stage of life, there are some realities about hormones and hormonal balance that permeate conversations related to both women’s health and women in the workplace.

As a society, we tend to ignore “women problems.” While we’ve come a long way from the days of being wary of discussing our “unmentionables”, the stigma against talking about it still exists. Due to that still present stigma and a desire to separate work and personal life, I understand the reluctance for something we’re just learning to actually talk about in the health world to be a topic of discussion or a reason for what may be seen as “special treatment” in the world of corporate.

The lack of discussion, research, and understanding of women’s health and hormones means we’ve also normalized symptoms of hormone imbalance to the point that the majority of women don’t recognize them for what they are until they reach menopause.

Hormone balance is a product of our environment, regardless of your hormonal stage and journey. This includes both our external environment AND our internal environment. The majority of hormone imbalances develop from stress due to imbalances in other parts of our lives.

If you are in a work environment that:

• Feels unsupportive

• Is passive aggressive

• Has a culture that lacks clear expectations and boundaries on time

• Makes promises for change but consistently fails to deliver

Any of these issues can impact you both physically and emotionally, thereby impacting your hormones.

More than one million women also left the corporate world in 2021, with half of those citing the reason as a lack of support for the changes to work and life that the pandemic brought on.

Are menopause and hormones topics for workplace discussion?

I say yes, but not in the way it is being proposed in some circles as a means of special treatment or new health policies.

Rather than focusing on things like Menopause Leave, the symptoms, or putting every woman in the world who dares to have an outburst or speak directly in the office into a box labeled “menopause” or “on her period”, we should instead be focused on the things that help to create hormonal harmony, regardless of age or gender for that matter.

What are your thoughts? Connect with me on LinkedIn @dralexridley and let me know!

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Dr. Alexandra Swenson-Ridley, is an internationally recognized speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader and mentor to high achieving women. Connect with Dr. Alex on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/dralexridley/

How to Dress Like a Powerful Woman

Excerpt from: How to Dress Like a Female CEO: The Complete Guide Plus Shopping

Source: Global Image Group


Are you looking for ways to dress like a Powerful Woman? Dressing in a way that expresses your power and confdence is key to feeling empowered and respected.

Whether you’re a CEO, entrepreneur, professional or an aspiring leader, here are some tips on how to dress like a powerful woman:

• Wear tailored pieces. Tailoring conveys authority and sophistication. Structured jackets, trousers with good fts, and wellftting skirts all exude poise – so invest in some timeless classics such as blazers in navy blue or black.

• Avoid overly revealing clothes. Showing too much skin can be distracting and dilute your message of professionalism and respectability. Select modest hemlines and keep your cleavage covered

• Incorporate colour into your wardrobe. Power dressing doesn’t necessarily mean wearing all black. Adding a pop of colour to your ensemble with tops, scarves, or even jewelry can effectively make a statement without being over the top. Vibrant hues like red, teal and purple are especially great for conveying authority and command.

• Pay attention to accessories. Accessories such as glasses, bags and jewelry can add depth and personality to any outft while still maintaining an air of professionalism and poise. Keep it subtle but stylish!

• Elevate your shoe game. Shoes play an important role in power dressing – low heels are great for adding height without sacrifcing comfort, whereas heeled boots are great for creating an aura of sophistication. Select classic designs such as pointed toe pumps or patent leather brogues to add a touch of modernity to any outft.

• Invest in high quality fabrics. High quality materials can elevate even the simplest outfts and create an overall polished look. Stick to fabric such as fne cotton, silk or cashmere and select darker colors that won’t show too much wear and tear.

• Mix and match your fabrics. Don’t be afraid to mix textures – this is a great way to add interest and dimension to any outft. Play around with different fabric combinations such as tweed jackets over wool trousers or cotton blouses with tweed skirts for an effortlessly chic look.

• Invest in the basics. As a powerful woman, it’s important to have a few timeless pieces that you can rely on for any occasion. Invest in quality items such as blazers, white dress shirts, black trousers and tailored skirts that are sure to last for years to come.

• Understand your body type. Knowing how to dress for your body type is crucial in achieving the perfect power look. Pay attention to what works best for your fgure and fnd clothes that fatter and enhance your curves or play down certain areas if needed.

By investing time into understanding what looks good on you and mastering the art of power dressing through classic wardrobe staples, you will be sure to command respect and attention you deserve. Remember, your wardrobe speaks louder than words – dress for success!

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to exude confdence everywhere you go. Dressing like a powerful woman does not only make you look the part; it can also help you feel invincible and give you that extra boost of self-esteem. Now go forth and dress to impress! ( See “Dress” on page 100 )

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Confidence Sells: People Always Buy You First

When someone makes a buying decision and chooses to work with you, it’s not because you have the best service, the lowest price, or you delivered the best presentation. Your potential clients buy professional services from you because they see and feel your confidence and believe in you. People ALWAYS buy you first.

Your ideal client cannot see your service, so they judge your services by what they can see. People don’t buy how good you are at what you do. They buy how good you are and who you are.

If you don’t have rock-solid confidence or believe in what you sell, no one else will either. Service-based professionals, who are the most secure and comfortable in their skin, understand that they are the most significant part of the buying process .

You first and your stellar intellect second. Your potential clients are not responding to what you do; they are responding to who you are being and how you show up.

Don’t hold back. Let them see the real you. Allow yourself the freedom to show off your personality and style. Showcase your sense of humor, reveal your resilience, and display your compassion. Give prospects a complete picture of your abilities and personality and allow them to decide between working with you or your competition.

You are often the differentiating factor in a prospect’s decision to buy . While fees, delivery of services, and the solution are significant, what makes a prospect choose you over your competitors is You.

Selling is about human relationships. Whether online or offline, selling is about people, and always will be. Technology will continue to change and enhance some of the routine activities used in selling professional services,

but the one thing that can’t be replaced is the human (YOU-man) element. Your best dealclosing tool is and always will be you.

Your thoughts and actions can change confidence levels. You’re in complete control of your confidence level.

A shortage of this precious commodity can be hazardous in business. In selling services, it is a career killer.

People with high confidence levels know their strengths and weaknesses, take full responsibility for their actions, choose continuous self-improvement, own positive attitudes, exude action-oriented behaviors, and create atmospheres that draw in other people.

You can set yourself apart and stand out in your industry. Fine-tuning your skills will help you to compete in an ever-evolving business world.

Building up your confdence levels can happen at any time. It’s never too late to make a massive deposit into your confdence bank.

Liz Wendling is a nationally recognized speaker, sales consultant, and author of 6 books~The Heart of Authentic Selling and Sell Without Selling Your Soul.

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Connect with Liz on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ lizwendling/

Four Powerful Ways to Build Trust

At a time when uncertainty is rampant, the need for reliable relationships has never been greater, especially in sales. Unfortunately, TRUST is at an all-time low. The ability to trust each other in society and business transactions continues to be critically important.

If you search the Internet for the challenges that businesses are facing today, Trust is always at the top. What has happened over the years, causing the trust to dip so low that you can walk over it?

Where has Trust Been Broken?

Businesses often falter when trust has been damaged, and this can manifest in various ways. Poor product development due to corner-cutting, misrepresentations from management during recruitment processes with prospective employees, or sales reps not being fully transparent– these all contribute to a breach of confidence. Thus, trust has eroded.

What are businesses doing to gain the trust of their potential prospects and retain the trust of their clients?

It is critical for businesses to take proactive steps to build a reputation of trustworthiness among potential prospects and existing clients. They must boost their transparency and reliability in an effort to demonstrate integrity throughout the customer journey.

Establishing trust is integral to solidifying long-term client relationships. Here are four powerful ways to create strong connections with your customers and prospects:

#1 Think before you speak : Before delving into the conversation, take the time to critically consider your words. Being deliberate with communication will help cultivate professional relationships with clients and prospects alike.

#2 Be Impeccable with your Words : Make sure each word you utter is both meaningful and of the highest quality. Ensure your words reflect a positive attitude, show respect for others, and ultimately inspire greatness in yourself as well as those around you.

#3 Be Impeccable with your Actions : Make a lasting impression in all that you do. Make sure how you show up reflects your integrity, ethics, and mutual respect for clients and prospects as well as yourself. Every day is an opportunity to demonstrate professional excellence by making decisions that are aligned with your personal values! Our outward action reveals our inner heart, What is your heart saying?

#4 Create an Inspirational Experience : Establishing strong relationships with clients and prospects is an essential piece of building a successful business. To do this, it’s important to focus on developing trust by treating them as more than just another source of revenue. This will inspire loyalty in the long term that can last for years!

Creating an inspirational experience can be as simple as keeping the promise you’ve made to your client/prospects (for example returning a call or sending an email), or sending a personalized card or treat, especially when it’s unexpected. A smile or a warm greeting will show just how much you value those around you. How will you create an inspirational experience for your clients/prospects?

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Jackie Joy is an inspiring executive coach and sales trainer. Her vision is to transform the current sales culture into one of trust and authenticity.
Connect with Jackie on LinkedIn: https:// www.linkedin.com/in/jackiejoy28/

5 Ways Your Estate Plan Protects Your Family

When you work hard to provide for your family, you likely think a lot about the future and the legacy you will leave for them. You are diligent with seeing your dentist and doctor regularly, your accountant and financial advisor, too. But do you also include regular visits with your lawyer as part of this plan?

If a natural disaster hit tomorrow, or if you unexpectedly passed, would your family be prepared? Do you have peace of mind, knowing you have established a solid plan that ensures they will be prepared and financially protected in your absence? Here’s where an estate plan comes in.

There are key components to establishing a plan that will protect your family and legacy.

1. Communicate with your loved ones early Most people avoid the topics of death and disaster. Many even think that speaking about death makes it imminent. But the reality is death is inevitable, and avoiding conversations around it creates confusion and leaves a mess.

One of the best things you can do for your family is have conversations about what everyone has, needs, and hopes for, early and frequently. I often see families where one person knows about their financials and investments, and the other partner is clueless about the bills, how to pay them, the bank accounts they have, and so on. Well, what happens if that ‘in charge’ partner suddenly gets sick or dies?

If you are part of a blended family or have young children, it’s important to discuss what would happen if one of you passed or became ill. Do you agree on who will take care of your children or manage things while you are unable to? If you’re a single parent, it is all on your shoulders and you must talk with your support system to make sure your children will be taken care of.

Ultimately, nothing good comes from delaying these conversations, and heartache and financial loss are prevented by planning. In short, the discomfort is well worth it in the long run.

2. Make it official ! Once you’ve had these discussions, next you need to convey your wishes to your trusted legal representative so they can write up these plans. They will help you set up your powers of attorney and wills, plan for your business succession and set up trusts for you, where appropriate.

3. Create a Mission Statement and Emergency Plan . Your family’s mission statement is a description of its reason for existing. It describes your values and sets out your purpose, goals, and standards. In essence, it unites your family by creating a joint vision of where you want to go and how you want to live. This mutual understanding can prove to be helpful when family members are left to decide certain matters in the event of your passing.

Your Emergency Plan prepares everyone for catastrophe. It includes escape routes, meeting places, plans for minors and pets, important contacts’ information and locations of important documents and items. Having one in place makes sure everyone is aware of these details and alleviates worry and anxiety. (See “ESTATE” on page 100).

Marlenne is a Partner at Aion Law Partners specializing in Wills, Estates, Estate Administration | Estate Disputes. Real Estate Immigration Law | Business Immigration, Visas | Express Entry | Sponsorships | Civil Litigation |Business Law | Trademarks | Contracts/Contract Disputes |Notary Public/ Commissioner of Oaths. Connect with Marlenne on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/marlenne-doss-90564120/ Powerful Women Today Magazine 29

Missed Learning Disabilities

With the Individualized Educational Disabilities Act (IDEA) estimating roughly 7.2 million or 15 % of children have special educational needs, and that 1 in 6 children in an average classroom of 24-30 students, it is not surprising that the Learning Disabilities Association of America estimates that 60% of adults have “undetected or untreated learning disabilities.” When a learning disability goes undiagnosed, an individual is very likely to struggle as an adult. At present, there are 37,529 confined youth in the United States, with 33% of those youth estimated to have learning disabilities. When a learning disability is discovered early, a child has a much greater chance of success; without proper detection, a child is at risk for such things as: “an increased risk of greater psychological distress, poorer overall mental health, unemployment, underemployment and dropping out of school with race and economic status being some of the strongest indicators of missed detection. ( Psychiatry. org - What Is Specific Learning Disorder?”

Missed Mental Health Diagnoses

Additionally, The National Alliance of Mental Illness, NAMI estimates that 7.7 million, and 1 in 7 youth, is struggling with mental health disorders. There is a current uprise in mental health numbers in having a mental health diagnosis. According to a study by Penn State University, there were “43,098 college students seeking treatment at 137 counseling centers” during the pandemic, while the average adolescent waited “4.6 days” for a bed in an inpatient psychiatric institution; this is an increase from 50 to 60% from 2019 to 2020. This trend continues to grow even post-pandemic with new school initiatives in mental health becoming commonplace. What does this mean for the next generation of adults?

As a Clinician, I am seeing a growing trend in my own clients in with young adults who have missed learning disabilities and missed mental health diagnoses, and therefore now struggle with what I am calling “a new failure to thrive.” In this sense, these adults are having

difficulty with understanding what it takes to do some of the basic tasks such as: drive a car, hold a job, pay bills, live on their own or create an identity separate from their parents. The Pew Research Institute estimates that “55% of 18 to 9-year-olds” feel that finding a job is difficult, with 58% of individuals continuing to live with parents.

How can we change this trend?

As a society, it is frightening to imagine that we are creating a generation of individuals who are not only struggling with learning disabilities, but also with mental health disorders. It is my professional opinion and the opinions of many in my field (as supported by NAMI and IDEA), that undetected learning disabilities can cause the trauma that leads to mental health disorders, and that the trauma of undetected mental health disorders can in turn create the brain imbalance that becomes a learning disability; therefore, if we recognize that the two do in fact overlap, then we can understand the importance of early detection in both.



Publisher’s note: At the author’s request, this article had not been edited and it appears as submitted for publication.

Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/ in/lisa-ford-12526454/

Powerful Women Today Magazine 31
Lisa Ford is an Educator | Psychoeducational Consultant | Mental Health Therapist and Advocate for Individual Growth |Empowerment and Success!

Cinco De Mayo Celebrated!

More than just Tequila and Beer

Cinco de Mayo, like other holidays across many nationalities and ethnicities, has evolved into an excuse for a big party. A widely held misconception is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence day It’s time to dispel the myths because this holiday is much more than a tequila and beer celebration.

In 1861, the country of Mexico was financially unstable, and defaulted on debt payments to European governments. A well-armed French army then launched an attack against Mexico, a conflict known as the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Mexico’s army was poorly equipped and smaller compared to France’s army, but they managed to defeat the French.

What are we really celebrating?

Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of MexicanAmerican culture, that began in California and has spread across North America. While this day is a minor holiday in Mexico, it has become a major reason to party in the US, with S with 7 in 10 of Americans polled indicated that they celebrate the day, while only 1 in 10 of people polled knew the real reason for celebrating >> with 70 percent of the population happily participating in a celebration that only 10 percent know the significance of! It’s estimated that 87 million pounds of avocados are purchased annually on Cinco De Mayo, too. This day, like so many diversity days, represents an opportunity to learn more about the Mexican people, their culture, country, music, food, strengths, and struggles.

A symbol of resistance

Mexico’s win against the French army was a morale booster. How often are we faced with a challenge that does not appear to be solvable? Our choice to either confront those challenges or hide from them impacts our approach and outcomes. Sometimes we feel that we are alone, but really we are not. That feeling of being alone causes us to “suffer in silence”–

afraid to be vulnerable with others by asking for help. Instead we choose to either sit still or remain on the hamster wheel, without any significant gains forward.

How do we resist the urge to remain in our comfort zones?

Lead from our hearts and embed empathy, curiosity, and courage in our communications and actions with others. This is the social risk. The risk is engaging with others who may think and look differently from you. Ability to listen to others and share your views in a civil manner. The ability to treat people with respect, ensure they feel valued, welcomed, and have a sense of belonging. We each have an opportunity to learn from each other. As we forge new relationships, drop the judgments, and shift our mindset to a willingness to learn and share.

Simone is CEO of Your Choice Coach, a DEI Consultant & Executive Coach. Her mantra, Voice, Power, Confidence. She holds an MBA from Howard University. Connect with Simone on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ simonesloan/

Powerful Women Today Magazine 33

PWT: How did you get interested in sales?

SH: My dad was a salesperson most of my life. He and I were very close and since his work hours were flexible, he would drive us to school and play sales tapes. I knew who Zig Ziglar and (legendary sales trainer) Tom Hopkins were. And I loved what they taught. My dad did too.

He’d get up in the morning and he’d be excited. Often though, he would come home very dejected. Not because of his customers or his prospects, but because he’d be excited about how he had started creating friendships with them and then his bosses would tell him he wasn’t making sales fast enough. Through his experience, I saw how I could make the lives of salespeople easier.

After I worked for an ad agency, as the manager of marketing for a car corporation, and in marketing and sales for FedEx, I wound up going to work for a university, thinking I was going to be raising money for education. But the money kept going to athletics. Soon I had the smart idea to go into business for myself.

PWT: You hired a coach and soon began building up your own business. How do you help your clients?

SH: I turn entrepreneurs into wisdompreneurs. My mission is to help you get paid for your wisdom and the products you have that support your wisdom. That way you get paid twice instead of once. With marketing, it’s important to note that social media is

just one avenue. There are all these others that nobody is really teaching. Whether they want to do public speaking, blogging, podcasting, writing books, there’s a bigger world than just writing the post on Facebook or just doing the dancing video on TikTok.

PWT: How does your book Selling From Your Comfort Zone weave into the work that you do?

SH: Our passions are always connected to our core values in some way. I teach about why getting outside our comfort zone separates us from our core values of our passion. It puts us back in our head trying to figure out what am I supposed to do now? I’m outside of my comfort zone. When we get ourselves back inside our zone, that’s where our values, passion, skills, gifts, and our knowledge lie. The more we do what we love, the more we expand, the more confidence we have, the more powerful we feel to do more and more. We still feel cocooned, we still feel comfortable. We still feel safe, and we’re growing. A rubber band has give, but at a certain point, you stretch it too much and it breaks. Then it’s useless to everybody, including itself. It’s lost its purpose.

There’s a phrase that I live by, do what you love to do and the universe will support. People who do not feel the universe is with them, it’s because they’re doing something they were not meant to be doing.

PWT: Who do you hope to inspire with your book?

SH: There are people who have within a message that they’re dying to let out. If they’re already entrepreneurs, they’ve been taught the way they make money is through their products. They have no idea that they could be making money instantly. All the knowledge they’ve acquired and the research that they’ve done to create their product can be turned into a webinar or an eBook or blog that other people would be happy to pay for on the right sites.

Selling From Your Comfort Zone is a step by

step process. It’s first identifying what your true passion is, rather than what other people have told you. Then based on that, how you get into alignment with your audience.

You have the opportunity to learn concepts from Selling From Your Comfort Zone in the Sales Academy at Powerful Women Today. You’re also invited to join my empowerment circle called Speaking and Visibility for people who want to learn how to monetize through speaking.

Stacey Supports Leaders with Simple Strategies to Inspire and Manage Their Teams to Achieve Sales, Satisfaction and Success! Stacey is a TEDx and Keynote Presenter, and Author of 3 #1 Global Best-Sellers.

Learn more about Stacey: https://www.staceyannhall.com/ about

Get a copy of Stacey’s book, Selling From Your Comfort Zone: https://www.staceyannhall.com/selling-from-yourcomfort-zone-book

Check out Stacey’s Ted Talk https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=M-o3piURD0U

Powerful Women Today Magazine 35

PWT: What drew you to empowerment coaching?

YS: After 20 years of a corporate career in finance and human resources, I decided to take a break. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many people in my network started reaching out for advice and guidance while they were reviewing their priorities. I decided to make coaching the next chapter of my career.

PWT: So how do you help executives right now?

YS: I deliberately chose empowerment coaching because I find it more holistic. Instead of focusing on one specific goal, it really helps my clients to focus on their inner self, their strengths, and to define themselves and the goals that they want to achieve.

I help them by accompanying them along this journey of self-discovery. For me, it’s really to give my clients the environment where they can identify their goals, align their goals with their values, and take action to work on the next steps.

PWT: Who are the kinds of executives that you work with?

YS: I work mainly with senior C-suite and corporate professionals, both men and women, especially those who are in a career transition phase.

PWT: You also help newcomers to Canada. Tell us more about how you do that.

YS: Very often immigrants, who have a professional background, find themselves starting at ground zero when they arrive. I work with them by collaborating with immigrant networks and utilizing my networking platform. In the coaching space, I work with senior professionals, who have just landed in Canada and are looking to take their careers toward the next step. We partner together to help them identify what they can do in a new country and in a new environment. They often face some mental barriers, especially when it comes to the feeling of being invisible. They are coming from an environment where they were shining, and I help them to get that spark back.

PWT: How long have you lived in Canada?

YS: I arrived in Canada in 2021. I was based in Barcelona, Spain for six years and before that, I was based in several different countries. My Canadian experience is my first North American experience.

PWT: How do you think that your background helps you with your clients, especially the new immigrant clients?

YS: Mainly through cultural humility. It’s a powerful ingredient in any leadership situation, and truly in any human situation, and more specifically, for integrating into a new environment. For me, integration is not about getting out of our past experiences and our past beliefs wherever we come from, rather taking the best from both sides and bringing it all together.

PWT: You are also a big advocate for improving men’s mental health. What led you to this?

At a time when I was feeling very strong, and I was a success story, I became burned out. It took me a while to acknowledge and admit that I was going through burnout, which is a real mental health challenge. During that

time, I came up against the stigmas and a lot of negative self-thoughts. I would try to open up to the males around me, and in response, they would often just propose we go have a drink or suggest I just let it go. The women surrounding me would invite me to let it out.

Men face unique challenges around the stigma of burnout and mental health as a whole. There’s a lack of understanding that doesn’t allow men to speak up or seek help because of the fear of judgment. I think women and men together can play a really vital role in supporting and creating a non-judgmental environment that allows men to open up about their mental health. It makes me really sad that the most common indicator of mental health in all countries is the suicide rate for men. Why? Because we don’t have enough statistics on men going in and seeking professional help.

PWT: What would you say is the role of women in supporting men’s mental health?

YS: Men may feel ashamed or embarrassed to open up about their mental health. And women have this capacity to create an environment where men do not feel that they’re being judged, or that women think less of them because they’re facing a mental health challenge. I’m not talking only in the context of a romantic relationship or a mother-son relationship, either. Some men may find it easier to talk to their women friends than to their partner, so I’m talking about any woman-to-man relationship, in general.

Connect with Youssef on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/myskalli/

You’ll find information, articles and perspectives that he publishes regularly and be able to contact him to book a discovery call.

Powerful Women Today Magazine 37

Profit First: Renew Your Commitment to Your Own Paycheck

Prioritizing your own paycheck can be hard as a small business owner. If you struggle with this, you’re not alone. I’ve worked with thousands of businesses over the years as a bookkeeper and consultant. And despite great revenue, most business owners wonder why their bank balance is still so low at the end of each month. As a result, paying themselves well stays at the bottom of their priority list.

Changing this reality starts with a vision for your future financial well-being and for the well-being of your loved ones and your community. You also need commitment to that vision plus an effective method to follow.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re finally seeing the days lengthen . Spring is on my mind. I’m thinking of the strong drive birds have to ensure the well-being of future generations and of their hard work and preparation, gathering materials, and building their nests.

Like those colorful birds, now is the perfect time to envision and commit to your future financial well-being and to commit to a method that gets you where you want to go.

I work with hundreds of clients each year, helping them implement the Profit First® cash management method. Profit First® puts your future financial well-being front and center. It’s a proven process that ensures you are able to pay yourself well and build a strong financial foundation.

your goal and know exactly where you are heading. Gathering nesting materials when you don’t know how many eggs you want to hatch or where that nest is going to be located is just... Exhausting. A general vision of financial well-being isn’t enough, though. You want concrete numbers.

How much exactly is a thriving wage for you?

What revenue would you need to bring in each month to make that possible?

The more concrete your vision and commitment are, the more likely your success.

My clients transform their business and personal finances by using Profit First®. One of the first steps is to identify those numbers.

I’ve created a mini-workshop that teaches you exactly how to do just that. I call it “Designing your Dream Paycheck,” and it’s available whenever you need it. In under an hour, I teach you how to fgure out your thriving wage. And more importantly, how to calculate what your goal revenue would need to be.

If that is interesting to you, please email me at ean@moxiebookkeeping.com for signup details!

Ean Price Murphy teaches successful entrepreneurs a simple cash management system to become permanently profitable so they can focus on impact, not spreadsheets. Connect with Ean on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/eanpricemurphy/

The core element that ensures your success in implementing Profit First®, is to identify

Powerful Women Today Magazine 39
Like anything worthwhile, it takes some work and some time to see the effects of the Profit First® method. And that’s where commitment comes in again.

ChatGPT : An Introduction

Have you wondered what ChatGPT is all about? Or, if it is potentially dangerous? This free tool is worth some exploration. Input “ChatGPT” into the Google search engine, and it will return over 500 million results, including some extraordinary claims, such as security firm CyberArk’s report stating that “the chatbot from OpenAI is mighty good at developing malicious programming,” and the fact that ChatGPT passed several graduatelevel exams at two prestigious business and law schools. Navigate to chat.openai.com or search for “How to Create ChatGPT” on Google to create an OpenAI account, and confirm your email to begin.

First, we ask a simple question: Who are you?

Answer: I am ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. I can answer questions and have conversations on a variety of topics. How can I assist you today?

Not bad; next question:

Q: Introduce yourself.

We can continue the dialogue to get more details about the subject of interest.

Q: How large is your training data set?

Q: When did OpenAI launch ChatGPT?

Q: What technology is ChatGPT using?

Q: Is ChatGPT based on a neural network?

Keep asking questions until our goal is accomplished.

ChatGPT is a model that generates human-like responses and is optimized for dialogue with humans. It is based on a remarkably complex neural network that attempts to mimic the human brain. Here is a good analogy: If your mother attempted to make her mother’s signature soup, no matter how great Mom’s sense of taste is in correctly identifying several ingredients, she would not be able to determine the precise amounts of ingredients to use.. Now imagine that your mom is impatient to learn what she needs to replicate the recipe so she limits the experiment to ten attempts, or ten epochs, (as in the case of neural networks.)

Next, she will need specific amounts of salt, spices, and tomatoes, known as weighted input in neural networks. Ultimately, she needs feedback, so after ten epochs, or ten attempts of tasting the soup and adjusting quantities of ingredients, Mom may be satisfied with the final verdict. ChatGPT is a far more complex example of this network (Mathew, 2022).

However, ChatGPT does have some limitations:

• It may occasionally generate incorrect information

• It may, at times, produce harmful instructions or biased content

• It has a limited understanding and knowledge of the world and events that occurred after 2021

• ChatGPT is not connected to the Internet

Keep exploring ChatGPT by asking additional exploratory questions, such as how can ChatGPT help me, and how can ChatGPT help children to more effectively learn academic material?

Here is the final question we recommend you ask: How can ChatGPT empower women?


Mathew, J. (2022, August 1). Artificial Neural Networks explained to 5-year old. Medium. https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/ artificial-neural-networks-explained-to-5-year-old5ceb532c11cc

Jiri Medlen , Ph.D., is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience in the high-tech industry.
Powerful Women Today Magazine 41
Patrick Medlen is a technology enthusiast with a passion for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Become an Everyday Negotiator

Spring is doing what it does best - springing! And it’s time for you to add a little bounce to your step by clearing out the cobwebs in your mind and heart that prevent so many women from harnessing an everyday superpower.

As an attorney, a VP for UN Women USA, an international negotiation expert, and the author of For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation, I have personally witnessed and experienced just how left out of negotiation WOMEN have been. Now is the perfect time for you to spring ahead with an attitude that you are a confident and competent everyday negotiator!

Many people think of negotiation as an otherworldly skill; one that you either “have or you don’t”; or as a skill for the business context for attorneys and C-Suite executives. Nonsense.

Negotiation isn’t just for business. It’s everybody’s business. The way you become a super stealth negotiator is by PRACTICING every day in small, low-stakes ways in familiar settings.

Here are 3 exercises to practice each day to build your everyday negotiation muscles:

(1) Rapport. Rapport. Rapport . It never goes out of style. You’ve heard the Golden Rule of treating people like you want to be treated? Wrong! Treat people how THEY want to be treated. Take an extra minute with a neighbor, your child’s teacher, a co-worker, or the juice barista at the gym to learn what makes them tick. It doesn’t have to be mundane small talk. Ask about the meaning of a tattoo, if they can recommend a good travel podcast or playlist for working out, or what shows they’re binge-watching in their downtime.

(2) Practice the art of QUESTIONS : asking the right questions, the right way, at the right time. Distinguish between curiosity questions versus questions designed to persuade, the timing of questions, questions as a stall tactic or deflection or to guard information, information-gathering questions, “magic” questions like “What would happen if . . .” and recognizing statements that are dressed up as questions (“Are we there yet?” “Are you ready yet?”kids and spouses are particularly good at this one.)

(3) Piggy-backing on that last oneHAGGLE! Scary? I’ll help you get over that! Start asking this at the checkout counter of a store (or with an online purchase via Live Chat or an email inquiry to customer service): “Are there any other discounts or offers that apply to my purchase today?” At the flea market or for a NextDoor or CraigsList item, ask: “Do you have any wiggle room on price?” rather than just immediately paying what they are asking. Rinse. Repeat. Track your results.

The key is to do it consistently. By practicing these everyday skills in low-stakes, familiar environments, you’ll be more confident to take on the larger stakes negotiations that come along.

If you want the 6-pack abs, you don’t get them by sitting on the sofa and watching a workout video. You gotta get down on the floor and perform the crunches.

Now go practice being your super selves!

Get a copy of Lucia’s book, For the Forces of Good on Amazon - click here. Connect with Lucia on LinkedIn: https:// www.linkedin.com/in/ luciakanterstamour/

Powerful Women Today Magazine 43

e Power of a Webinar : Why it Should Be In Your Marketing Strategy

In the new online landscape, companies are always looking for ways to be more visible and stay relevant. \One of the most promising solutions to that challenge is webinars. So why should you adopt this strategy for your current business model?

There can be a bit of confusion about webinars, online conferences, and even online courses. The combination of “web” and “seminar,” a webinar is an online event hosted by a company with a group of panelists and selected participants. Most of them tend to be educational, but those who host them are free to promote products, services, or their company.

Webinars for Effective Marketing and Branding

Here are a few reasons why you should consider making webinars part of your company’s marketing strategy.

1. Wider Reach

One of the biggest advantages of webinars is how far-reaching they can be. Their closest equivalents are physical conferences and seminars. However, real-life events can be limiting because participants have to travel and spend money just to reach your event.

For a webinar, on the other hand, participants can join from anywhere in the world. All they need is an Internet connection and an app like Zoom or Google Meet to join That means you can invite more participants without having to coordinate logistics, lodging, and other matters.

2. Generate New Leads and Nurture Existing Ones

The more people that attend your webinar, the more leads you have. So, make sure that you have the means to gather information like names, contact details, and company positions from your guests. These will be high-quality leads since they’re already participating in your event. In fact, more than half of attendees convert into

sales after they attend webinars.

Webinars are also a great opportunity to nurture existing leads. By inviting them to your event, you’re rekindling their interest in your company and offerings, improving your chances of converting them into sales. You can also strengthen their perception of your company through the new ideas they gain from the webinar.


Establish Yourself as an Authority in the Industry

A webinar is a good way to position yourself as an authority in your field or industry. If you’re a member of the panel, then your audience already places a certain level of trust and confidence in your words. Just being on the stage does wonders for a person’s reputation in the industry, but getting a chance to discuss topics with the audience can skyrocket your professional marketability.

Not only will you impress the audience, but you’ll also be able to include “keynote speaker” and other similar titles in your resume or LinkedIn profile. You will boost your reputation and make prospects more likely to engage with your company as a whole.


Increase Brand Awareness

A cohesive brand is essential to making a solid impression on your target audience. In fact, brand trust is a major deciding factor for 81% of consumers. It takes a lot of effort and planning to establish a recognizable brand, so make sure t to incorporate your company color, logo, and other visual elements into your slideshows and presentations. Email campaigns, social media posts, and other promotional material for the webinar should have the same elements, as well. This practice is one of the best ways to increase brand recall.

Powerful Women Today Magazine 45

5. Promote Company Products and Services

Although webinars are mostly educational in nature, these online events are also a time-tested way to promote your company’s products and services when you frame your offering as a solution to a problem discussed in the event. In addition, the webinar itself can be about the product, and you can talk about its features, applications, and other topics that showcase its capabilities.

Work With Webinar Specialists

If you’re planning to incorporate webinars into your marketing strategy, you’ll want the help of experts to make the investment and effort worth it. At White Glove Webinars,e provide comprehensive solutions such as webinar strategy sessions, market research, graphic design, and automated webinar solutions. While you work on the topics you want to discuss, we’ll take care of the rest. Schedule a strategy session today!




https://www.livewebinar.com/blog/webinar-marketing/ webinar-statistics-2021-70-webinar-stats-you-needto-know# :~:text=The%20average%20webinar%20 conversion%20rate%20is%2055%25

https://canapii.com/blog/benefits-of-hosting-a-webinar/ https://www.flowapp.com/benefits-of-a-webinar/

David Helps Influential Leaders & Leading Organizations Dominate Their Market Online KingdomSocialMedia.com .

Connect with David on LinkedIn: https:// www.linkedin.com/in/ daviddsimons/

46 Powerful Women Today Magazine

PWT: How would you defne direct sales?

GMDL: When someone says direct sales, there’s always that thought of pyramid schemes and all these horrible, negative connotations. The reality is direct sales, very simply put, is face-to-face selling or if over social media, it is just selling directly to someone else. It could be selling directly to a person or directly to a business. It is hugely important for me to take away that negative feeling of pyramid schemes.

It is possible that people have gotten duped. This is why it’s important when you come into direct sales – also known as multi-level marketing – to do your due diligence just like you would with any business. You can do a Google search, look at direct selling news or the Direct Selling Association, which regulates a lot of these direct selling companies.

PWT: How did you develop your passion for direct sales?

GMDL: When I was a teacher, I really wouldn’t work the business, but I would take the catalog and just throw it somewhere and the rest of the teachers would come in and shop from them. And like most direct sellers like that, it was good to make an extra $100 here and there.

However, that changed when my husband lost his job. When that happened, I had to make my side gig bring in more money. To

48 Powerful Women Today Magazine

my surprise, there was a lot of money to be made in direct sales.

PWT: Can you share with us some secrets to having a successful direct selling business?

GMDL: There are two major parts of having a successful direct sales company as multilevel network marketer. Yes, the sale of the product or service, and if you really want to be successful, you have to focus on recruitment. That’s really when you start working as a business. First people become your clients, and then you work from your pool of clients to bring people in as part of your team. The reality is it’s so much fun when you are able to bring family and friends to work with you, because you gather to do events, you’re selling together, and you’re supporting each other. This must be built. It’s like any business. You want to be successful. You have to put the work in.

PWT: Do network marketers only have to work a few hours a week to reap all the benefits?

GMDL: When you hear flexible schedule, you know, this is how most direct sellers sell it. It’s an amazing business opportunity. It’s a flexible schedule, and flexible does not mean work less hours. Flexible means exactly that. You have a family so for mompreneurs, it’s an amazing opportunity to get your feet wet as an entrepreneur. You’re able to take care of your family during the morning and afternoon. Maybe you have a couple of hours in between while the kids are in school before you have to make dinner. Then you can sit down and work your business again, and then maybe you have a few more hours after everyone has gone to sleep. Maybe that’s 10 o’clock at night. That’s what it means to have a flexible schedule. You can work on your own time and still take care of your wife and motherly duties.

PWT How do you coach direct sellers to have a better and more viable business?

GMDL: The word sales, no matter how you hear it, is another word that no one likes to hear. Here’s the thing: We all sell, and all aspects of our life. Even as a mom, when you don’t feel like cooking and you want to go out to eat. Everybody is deciding where to go and you come in and say, “we had Mexican last week. So how about we do

Italian?” You’re selling your family on Italian food. That’s a sales job. The difference is that you’re doing it in a loving way.

This is what I refer to as transformational sales, or transformational recruiting. The significant difference between this kind of selling and transactional sales is you’re going to get a lot more fulfillment. Is it going to take you longer? Yes. A transformational sale usually requires you deeply caring for the person you are selling to. You want to help that person and you deeply believe that your product or service is going to either improve their health, their business, or their emotional health, whatever that service or product is. The wonderful thing about it is it doesn’t make you feel bad when you sell that way, and the customer will also learn to trust you. When a customer trusts you, your sales become easier. That person will also bring in more customers for you. Even after a purchase, when you continually check in, it takes time and you are building that trust will ultimately really take you to the next level in your business.

PWT: Why are you called to help others?

GMDL: I’m called to help others because of the challenge that I lived through financially when my husband lost his job. With direct sales, you do have the opportunity to make a six-figure income. It is sad to say less than 5% of direct sellers even make it to $50,000 a year. Those that make it to six figures, we’re talking about 3% or less. ( See page 50)

Connect with Gina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/gina-marie-de-leon-484035127/ Powerful Women Today Magazine 49

There can be several reasons for this. Maybe you didn’t pick the right company for you, and it’s not aligned. Number two, you’re not working your business as you ought to be, and you’re not focused. Number three, you’re doing transactional sales. Of course confidence plays a role in that as well.

PWT: How does your coaching help direct sellers to create those transformational sales?

GMDL: Although I’m coming in to help them with their business strategy, the majority of the time, I am helping them develop their emotional stamina. Learning how to be courageous, dealing with the discomfort of the transition of starting a business, making the necessary changes, and overcoming those obstacles. With sales in general, sometimes our challenges do not have to do with the business itself. Sometimes our procrastination or lack of interest in moving forward has really more to do with our emotional stamina. And I have noticed that my clients’ businesses have grown in proportion to their personal growth.

#PowerUp Removing Barriers to


Women 100% of proceeds go towards PWT Scholarships helping Single Moms
(from page
Powerful Women Today Magazine 51

Before You Say Happy Memorial Day

More than a million American military men and women have lost their lives, more than one thousand last year alone. This Memorial Day, let’s honor service people in a meaningful way.

On Decoration Day, as it was originally called, which began during the US Civil War, citizens would place flowers on the graves of soldiers who were killed in battle. After World War I, the name was changed to Memorial Day and our recognition branched out to any soldier who died during their time serving their country.

My sister didn’t die during active duty or from battle. Instead, she died from the battle in her heart and mind after serving as a Military Police Officer in the United States Army.

Katie was 22 years old and fought a silent battle that ended in her taking her own life. I was five months pregnant with my oldest daughter. During a time that was supposed to be happy and looking forward to a hopeful future, I was painfully mourning the death of my only sister and my best friend.

The family members and loved ones will always feel the pain, the absence, and the loss, so before you say “Happy Memorial Day”, please remember this:

Memorial Day commemorates the people who died while serving in the US Military, particularly those who died in battle or as a result from wounds sustained in battle. It is not a celebration. It is a remembrance.

On Memorial Day, Do Not:

• Wish anyone a “Happy Memorial Day”. There are many other ways you can honor America’s fallen heroes.

• Thank the current troops.

• Disregard its importance.

• Forget it exists.

• Let politics keep you from rendering respect.

This Memorial Day, here is what you can say and do to show your honor and respect:

• If you have an American flag, fly it half-staff from sunrise until noon and then raise it briskly to the top of the staff until sunset.

• Visit cemeteries or memorials, hold family gatherings, or participate in a parade.

• Say “I wish you a meaningful Memorial Day” instead of “Happy Memorial Day”

Katie’s Mission is an “Army of Angels with Boots on the Ground” and we very proudly honor, respect, and serve our military.

If you or someone you know is suffering, visit KatiesMission.org to explore our wrap-around services and resources to end the stigma around mental health.

Powerful Women Today Magazine 53

E ect of a Little One on Health, Work, and Relationships

(Originally printed in the Powerful Women Today anthology, 30 Days to Transformation)

The term “giving birth” is often thrown around loosely, particularly in business circles. What entrepreneur doesn’t feel the magic of the creation of something brand new? Songwriters birth songs, and sculptors’ birth artistic feats, but rarely is actual, biological birth a part of the conversation in mainstream society. I believe it should be.

My baby boy was born four months ago, and he has simultaneously turned my life upside down and crystallized what was most important for me: keeping this wondrous, tiny little boy with ever-growing cheeks fed, clean, happy, and content. A personal development junkie, I immediately set to work determining what my goals would be in the areas of my health, work, and relationships, and then re-assessed each in light of my trusty baby sidekick. I am excited to share my transformational takeaways in each of these areas with you.


I admit it. I thought that being pregnant would be a breeze, that childbirth would be just fine, the natural, unmedicated way that women have been doing it for millennia, and that I would bounce right back to my pre-pregnant weight immediately, because hello, breastfeeding. Things didn’t quite work out that way.

A quick preface about me – I love goals. More specifically, I love crushing them. And so, I made goals around conceiving, birthing, and my body. One constant theme that I came to truly respect is the idea of giving myself grace - the permission to forgive myself for not quite reaching those lofty goals, but instead either landing somewhere close, or somewhere even better.

As a pregnant woman, I adored bread. And potatoes, and basically any and every kind of dairy that I was permitted to eat. All of my life, my mother told me again and again how she only gained twenty pounds with me, and she lost all twenty the moment I popped out of her.

Especially in those last days of pregnancy, having gained over forty pounds, I counted down the days until I would meet my little one, and also be able to fit into my formfitting tea party dresses. Spoiler alert – four months later, I still do not fit into those tea dresses, but my body produces the food my baby needs to flourish, and those dresses (and jeans) can wait. Being able to properly provide for my baby, as only a mother can, has taken such greater priority over the clothes that I will one day fit into that it’s not even funny.

Ah, pregnancy. I was convinced that I, like my foremothers before me, would have an easy go of it. Contractions hit three days before I actually gave birth, and my baby was perfectly comfy to just stay in my tummy a few days past his due date, thank you very much. I did the sideways walking. I did the room temperature bath with the OBGYN-approved bath salts from Whole Foods (room temperature baths suck). I downloaded the app that timed my contractions. But I was determined to do this thing unmedicated. And then I got to the hospital. The contractions did not let up, but it was four hours before I allowed myself to deviate from my plan. I got the epidural. After 4 jabs in the wrong part of my back, the blessed relief I felt at finally getting a chance to let out a deep breath is indescribable. I pave my own way, and I am allowed to change my mind. That was a revelation. I don’t have to do it as others have before me. I’ve always known this to be true in the business world, and in the networking world, but this idea applied even more so in the delivery world.

Another of the bigger revelations upon becoming a mommy was how finicky this whole making breast milk thing really is. Turns out I had to eat way more post-popping out baby than I ever did while pregnant, which blew me away. Even more surprising

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“healthy eating,” such as only having a salad or a smoothie, would completely eviscerate my next pumping session. Apparently, it was well-balanced eating, complete with flour, grains, and carbs, that helped up those ounces of breast milk that I produced.

Stress was one more surprise area as it related to breast milk production – it absolutely tanked milk supply! I needed to figure out stress-busting techniques, and fast. My husband really helped me with this one. Getting the stressful, annoying, scary, anger-inducing stuff out of my head, whether just by telling my husband about it or writing it all down, served to instantly take a huge amount of pressure off. Once the fretting about it part was done, I could do something about it, putting me in the driver’s seat. Now, even texting my husband about something that’s bothering me serves to make me feel better, because I know that I will get to explain in far further detail that evening.

In short, by growing and having my baby, I re-evaluated my health by looking through the lens of how I can best provide for my son. I gave myself permission to take charge of what my baby’s birth would look like and how I would get there, regardless of what others close to me had done. Once baby was out, I transformed my definition of healthy eating so that I could best provide for him.


Baby-making and work. What an adventure. From the get-go, I knew I would go back to work sooner rather than later after baby boy was born. The moment he was out, however, I knew the focus would have to be on him. The key was reprioritizing my life such that baby was front and center.

I am the Founder and Managing Partner of a ten-employee law firm that helps folks in New York and New Jersey with their family law needs. I had two key goals as they related to work and my baby:

1. My baby would be nourished almost fully with my milk; and

2. I wanted to maximize my time with my little love to the greatest degree I could.

The regular, insurance-covered pump meant I was a prisoner to the closest wall with an outlet, and I would need both hands to do this, one to hold the pump part to my breast, and the other to hold the bottle. I was shocked by the old-fashionedness of this process. Surely, something had been invented that could help women continue to serve as members of the 21st century while still pumping. A few conversations and one wireless pump purchase later, and I became the proud, relieved owner of a set of devices that let me travel to bathrooms throughout courthouses in New York and New Jersey galore in order to pump. One place that became almost a pumping haven for me was Uber rides to and from the courthouse. I could pump, speak to clients, opposing counsel, and employees, all while providing for my baby, conveniently under a nursing cover. The flexibility to ensure that I could pump enough and on my own schedule was there; I just had to do the legwork to make it happen.

Breastfeeding turned out to be one of the most counterintuitive things I had ever experienced. Turns out you don’t just stick the pointy end into the baby’s mouth and let him do what he needs to do. I am still convinced that my child’s first word will be “bigger,” since that was the main thing I was telling him for the first weeks. We had to make sure his latch was big enough that he was getting enough milk and wasn’t hurting me while he breastfed.

As I returned to work, I thought hard regarding when I could get in time with my cutie. A big chunk of time during the workday couldn’t work, because of the unpredictability of my court schedule. I settled on early mornings, as soon as he woke up, evenings from 5:30 – 7:00 pm, around his bedtime, and Saturdays and Sundays. These evening times and weekends in particular have become my safe havens to love on my little honey, have adventures with him, and get in much needed us time. These times and days have also become my favorite parts of the day and week. Getting to see that little face, wide gummy smile, and those kicking feet is everything. No matter how hard the day,

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knowing that my little boy needs me, loves me, and is so gosh darn happy to see me floors me every time.


People talk about how much of a burden a new baby puts on a relationship. Heck, I see it in my law practice all the time. But surely that wouldn’t happen to me.

Turns out that caring for a whole new human, coupled with way less sleep than we had ever had before, meant that the pressure hit us, even though I did not expect it to do so. Communication was key. My husband asking me in those first post-birth days how I was feeling, really, made such a difference. Taking the time over dinner, or whichever five-minute meal we could grab before baby let us know he was up again, to share our worries, best practices, latest Internet or Facebook mommy group discoveries we had learned, and plan together, made all the difference. It was when one of us shut down or bottled up that would hurt us the most.

So, we continue to have a nightly dinner together, where we discuss our day. My lovely husband continues to brew the most perfect cup of coffee each morning, with a few sips for me, of course. We continue to do relationship review every Sunday evening, sharing with the other all of the ways the other went above and beyond, specific instances of what could have gone better, and what we need to do so that those incidents never happen again. We continue to do all we can to find things to giggle about, be they poopy explosions or how baby’s latest night swaddle makes him look like an astronaut. Most importantly, we continue to give each other grace, more than ever before, understanding that this child-rearing thing is a first for both of us.

Regarding relationships that are not between my husband and myself, we have gotten better and better at boundary-setting. The perspective that our child will be learning and soaking in words, behaviors, and even potentially beliefs from those with whom we surround him have made us very selective about who we permit into our inner circle. I only wanted my husband

present during our baby’s birth, and so we conveniently forgot to tell everyone that we were on our way to the hospital and only mentioned it to our closest people once baby was born. We are just too busy for certain folks at this stage in baby’s life. With some others, we only go for walks together. What is key is that my husband and I control the narrative, and no one gets to change it but us. It is our duty to instill in our son the morals and values that will guide him through his life, and one big place he will learn those is by the company we keep. (See “New Baby” on page 101)

Leona Krasner, Esq., MBA is a family attorney, mediator, and bestselling author committed to providing compassion, solution-focus, and flawless execution for each client. Connect with Leona on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/ in/leonakrasner/

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Empowering Single Mothers

As a single mother, I know exactly how difficult being alone can be. It is not easy juggling the responsibilities of raising children while also trying to provide for all that comes with that.

However, it is possible!

My experiences as a single mother have allowed me to realize that success is not defined by whether you have a partner in life; success is determined by the grace that you give yourself. It is the ability to live judgment free in your own mind, to overcome challenges, and to continue to push yourself forward, while learning new lessons along the way.

The strength that comes from single motherhood is something special. We learn to fully rely upon and trust ourselves for everything. From making sure our kids are cared for to providing financial stability, we do it all. On the most difficult days, I am constantly reminded that there is no better person than myself to trust with these tasks.

Single mothers possess incredible resilience, which allows us to overcome any obstacle that comes our way; when we persevere, we achieve and often exceed the expectations of others and, most importantly, of ourselves.

Single motherhood has taught me many lessons ; the most important one - is never to take yourself for granted.

You matter!

You deserve everything good life has to offer, even if it means you need to find it for yourself.

The journey is long; however, that duration is a blessing . This expedition of single motherhood is time given to us to learn and prepare for whatever comes our way. Resilience and determination come from being a single mother.

Be your biggest cheerleader!

No matter what the day will bring, you can and you will handle it. Surround yourself with those that build you up and genuinely invest in your success and do not forget to celebrate every victory no matter how big or small.

Sara is a Business Leader in the Cosmetic industry, a makeup artist, and a single mom with a passion for inspiring others. Sara is Driven by the ability to make a positive impact in people’s lives while following her passion of sales and building businesses. Connect with Sara on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saranotarfrancesco/

Know your worth and do not let anyone tell you differently – you are capable of amazing things!
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Raising Neurodiverse Children - A Psychologist’s Perspective on Motherhood

Parenting is a very humbling experience. When I first became a parent nearly five years ago, I felt sure that I had this. After all, I had worked with children my entire career and thought I had all the answers. How wrong I was!

Over the past half-decade, I have tried various approaches, taken advice I didn’t believe in, and let other people’s opinions influence me too much.

The most important lesson I learned is to be gentle with myself —which is what I ask of you. This beautifully chaotic parenting journey is not for the faint of heart, so give yourself grace

When I became a mother, I needed to reflect on my own upbringing. I had to decide what I wanted to bring forward, and what to release. This intense introspective process is a valuable one, so we may be intentional about how we “show up” as parents.

Along the way, society provides us with plenty of messages about how to “do it right,” and mothers, especially, are inundated with worries that they are messing it up.

For parents of neurodiverse children, the complexities of raising these magical little humans are even more intricate. The parents I work with—most often mothers—experience a variety of emotions, from shame and embarrassment to joy and pride. But to care for ourselves, we must acknowledge these feelings and allow them to exist for our mental and emotional well-being.

As a psychologist working with parents of neurodiverse children , I often see their struggle to balance societal expectations with the unique needs of their children.

It is important to remember that neurodiversity is a strength, not a weakness . Our neurodiverse children bring unique perspectives and gifts to the world that we can all learn from. Learning to filter out the “noise” around us is paramount

to your well-being as a mother. We must also move towards being “good enough” as mothers. Striving for perfection is a losing battle.

One of the most vital ways to care for yourself as a mother is to create a community of your choosing. Community does not simply happen, it is curated. Be bold, go out on a limb, be consistent, and know that you need support, connection, and deeply loving relationships too. Although it may not be easy, the benefits are immeasurable.

We all have a desire for connection and belonging. I encourage you to create that local community group that fits your needs – meet your neighbors, start a book club, invite other parents to coffee, and get vulnerable.

From one mother to another, I encourage you to reflect on your values as a parent, build your community, and embrace the beauty of imperfection. Let’s all release our fear of not being good enough. Choose to move towards the moments of joy in between the challenges. Here’s to all of you amazing mothers on Mother’s Day. We see you.

Shelly is a licensed clinical psychologist, mom of an amazing four-year-old, and fierce advocate for women. Her practice focuses on women and mothers in CA. Connect with Dr. Shelly on LinkedIn: https://www. linkedin.com/in/shelly-wold-psyd/

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Extraordinary Life of Martha Gellhorn, the Woman Ernest Hemingway Tried to Erase

Article summary: A maverick war correspondent, Hemingway’s third wife was the only woman at D-Day and saw the liberation of Dachau. Her husband wanted her home in his bed.

There were 160,000 men on that beach and one woman. Gellhorn.

Fear Activated Her Rather than Suppressed Her . In a journalism career that spanned 60 years, Gellhorn’s particular brand of the nerve was rare as radium. Fear seemed to activate rather than suppress her, and it taught her courage in the face of injustice instead of despair. Sharpened by rage and wielded in the service of others, her voice became a sword. I’m not sure we have encountered its equal, even today. We could use an army of such voices, in fact. And precisely now.

At 80 Years Old She Was Still Reporting . She was just 28 when she took on her first war and in her early 80s when she took on her last (the U.S. invasion of Panama), Gellhorn covered virtually every major conflict of the 20th century. After the Spanish Civil War she reported on the Japanese invasion of China, the Czech Crisis, the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland, and all significant theaters of World War II (including the liberation of Dachau).

There was no “other” in Martha Gellhorn’s world And no “later.” Only us. Only now.

She took Personal Responsibility for “The sufferers of History”. Later she covered the SixDay War in the Middle East and the conflicts in Vietnam and Nicaragua. And always, she told the stories of others, those “sufferers of history” whose lives, she sincerely believed, were our direct responsibility. Eschewing both sentimentality and “all that objectivity shit,” she wrote vividly, with fire and indignation, trying to shake the larger world awake to the truth of

mutuality: that what affects one affects us all. For beneath the battle, statistics lay people.

It was only by chance that she met Hemingway. She was on vacation in Florida with her mother and brother, and she all but walked into the author in a Key West bar, where he was reading his mail. He was 37 and she 28, and he was arguably the most famous writer anywhere, having published The Sun Also Rises (which was both bible and lifestyle manual for an entire generation) in 1926 and A Farewell to Arms (which further raised the standard for American literature) in 1929.

Hemingway was a complicated man to love and one who demanded absolute loyalty. After they had been together for six years (they married in 1940, a year after moving to Cuba), the war in Europe escalated, and Collier’s sent Gellhorn to London, which was nearly unrecognizable after the Blitz. But Hemingway complained of being abandoned, sending her a cable that said, “Are you a war correspondent or wife in my bed?” In his mind, there wasn’t, and couldn’t be, any way those roles could coexist.

He had watched his father be cowed by his mother, a tank of a woman named Grace Hemingway, and felt ashamed for them both. His first wife, Hadley Richardson, had no career, and Pauline Pfeiffer quickly stopped being a journalist for Paris Vogue to be Mrs. Hemingway instead. But Gellhorn was an utterly different sort of woman.

They quarreled; he was like “a housebroken cobra,” and she just as explosively so that they sometimes frightened each other. But to Gellhorn, capitulation felt like an “odd performance.” She wondered if she were happiest at war because it was nothing like

“Be advised, love passes,” Gellhorn once wrote. “Work alone remains.”
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life, though you had to risk yours to be there. She hypothesized that war made more of her, and marriage made less because there was no fear in it. In marriage, the fear came from within.

The breaking point came in the summer of 1944 . Livid with Gellhorn for choosing her work yet again, Hemingway offered his byline to Collier’s. At the time, each magazine or newspaper could send only one correspondent to the front, and Collier’s chose Hemingway. Gellhorn now had no credentials and no marriage to speak of. Love had turned to hate. Paradise felt airless, deadly.

After D-Day she stayed in Europe and became one of the first journalists on hand when the Dachau concentration camp was liberated in April 1945. Hemingway stayed, too, with Mary Welsh, a pretty young journalist with bylines for Time and the Daily Express. When the war ended, he took Welsh home to Cuba; she would become his fourth and last wife.

Legend has it that after Welsh arrived, the house manager, René Villarreal, came upon some graffiti, perhaps painted by one of the less loyal servants or by someone from the village. It read, “Let’s see how long it will last.” It lasted until the terrible end, in fact. Welsh was still with Hemingway in July 1960 when he was forced to leave Cuba. He was by then a broken person, struggling with deteriorating health, depression, alcoholism, and memory loss. Pictures from that time show a man closer to 80 than 60. Within a year, he would take his own life.

Gellhorn was Hemingway’s only equal, if not his intellectual superior.

He resented her bitterly for it. She was the only woman ever to leave him behind.


https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/ a22109842/martha-gellhorn-career-ernest-hemingway/

“Because when you agreed to ‘polish all the edges and keep [your] voices low,’ you sometimes lost yourself as you knew yourself, on the inside.”
66 Powerful Women Today Magazine

e Magic of Tree-Hugging

Have you ever hugged a tree? I’m talking about REALLY hugging a tree. Where you set an intention, and with wide open arms and a wide open heart, you embrace a tree like a long-lost friend?

I’m a proud tree-hugger. Lots of animals do it too – think koalas, sloths, giant pandas, and orangutans. If you haven’t hugged a tree, I hope this article will encourage you to join me in making tree hugging part of your self-care and connecting with the Earth.

What happens when you hug a tree?

The first thing that happens to you when you hug a tree is an increase in the level of oxytocin in your body. Oxytocin is responsible for happy feelings and feelings of emotional bonding.

According to my research, and explained in much more detail in Peter Wohlleben’s gorgeous book, The Hidden Life of Trees , trees communicate with each other – most likely by scent.

Humans think since a tree doesn’t “speak” that it doesn’t communicate but just like we use scent to connect with other humans, trees do it too.

Have you ever picked up the fragrance of a tree when you are in the forest? Some of them have the most amazing aroma (can you add in a description like “Fresh pine needles like Christmas morning or something). Trees don’t release these scents for the benefit of humans. They do it to attract the bees to their blossoms for pollination and to perpetuate each species.

Trees know when we hug them

Energy is everywhere and in everything. When we consider this at its base level, we recognize this means energy flows through us, as it flows through all living things around us – including trees, plants, flowers, and more.

Interestingly enough, there is much evidence that suggests a tree knows when we hug it energetically.

When you hug a tree, you are connecting to the tree’s energy and it is connecting to your energy. There is an energetic exchange of positive and negative ions that happens in that embrace. If you’re having a particularly bad day, go hug a tree! You’ll walk away from that embrace feeling uplifted and more positive.

The next time you’re out and about – even if it is in your backyard – consider hugging that oak tree, maple tree, elm, or aspen, or whatever other tree is in your midst. When you hug it, really embrace it. Think of hugging another person in a real embrace. I close my eyes and take a moment to reflect on what that tree has seen and experienced.

How to hug a tree

There are different ways you can embrace a tree in a hug. Find your style and go with it! I like to put my arms around the tree I’ve chosen and embrace it in a full-body hug.

Depending on the size of the tree, you may not be able to get your arms around it… and that’s ok. Relish in the amazingness of the age and wisdom of that tree.

Some trees have lovely-scented bark. For example, if you’ve ever seen a Ponderosa Pine, the bark has an incredible vanilla or butterscotch scent. It’s heavenly and a tree I particularly love to hug when I see one.

Consider a group or family tree hug, too. Tree hugging isn’t just for adults. Get your kids involved: you can hold hands around the tree and all lean in for the full embrace.

I hope you join me in hugging a tree today!

Dortha Hise is the Chief Overwhelm Solver of Pretty Smart Virtual Services and the Director of Adventure at Summit to Your Success, a choose-your-own-adventurefocused healing portal where she helps others to learn about the healing power of nature. Connect with Dortha on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorthahise/

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Have you ever had a moment where you’re lying in bed, on the verge of falling asleep when all of a sudden you get an idea that makes you practically jump out of your skin with excitement?

That happened to me last month.

I knew at that moment that I had to see this idea to fruition so the next day I got to work.

Women entrepreneurs are in the minority in America and most of those who own an independent business started it from scratch, according to Guidant’s 2022 Women in Business Trends report. What’s more, it can take as many as three years for a small business to become profitable but 49% of businesses owned by women in the US are less than 5 years old.

These stats tell us in black and white (and pink) that women are bold, inspired, and powerful. But what we lack is a manual –the manual for success. No amount of free webinars and Google searches will supersede the effectiveness of a mentor who’s been there, done that, and come out the other side.

With the help of some amazing women entrepreneurs in important fields, I have set out to create that guidebook .

The sky is the limit on the impact you can have as an entrepreneur, but being a business owner can feel like a roller coaster ride. Some days you are riding high with fabulous clients, cash in your bank account, and marketing that is attracting leads to fill our pipeline. Other days, you are curled up in a ball wondering if this business is viable and maybe you should just go get a 9 to 5 to spare yourself more agony. We have ALL been there.

But if you are newer to entrepreneurship or you are struggling to keep going, I caution you not to try it alone.

Y ou would not raise a baby all by yourself if you didn’t have to (hello sleepovers at Grandma’s house!) You do not have to grow a business alone either .

Mission Possible: Successful Women Entrepreneurs Sharing Step-By-Step How to Become One is a first of its kind book project. I have curated group of passionate women entrepreneurs whose businesses are thriving to offer their hard-earned wisdom, insights, and lessons learned along with strategies for success in their given field.

These women’s roles do not overlap. You will not get three opposing “funnel building” strategies that leave your more confused than you were before you began reading. This is the real, foundational stuff–growing your profits, branding, knowing your numbers, public relations, launch strategies, marketing messaging, and so much more.

Powerful Women Today is publishing Mission Possible and I could not be more thrilled to share this with you!

Want to be the first to know when you can get your copy? Click here to join our private FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ authoritymarketingforauthors

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A Story for Non-Writers . How becoming a writer was the key to my dream life

Iam not a writer is a sentence I often hear when meeting entrepreneurs and professionals at different levels of expertise. My present self cannot help but think: How is that possible?

Ten years ago, I was not a writer either. That is, until the day I became one.

Writing to engage, tell a story, and create was not something I had ever considered . I was proficient at academic writing. I still have APA-induced PTSD. In what turned out to be my last corporate job, I was the newest kid on the leadership team. Although the CEO was preparing for expansive growth and needed a change agent and business growth strategist (which is what my passion and expertise were and still are), the existing leadership team had zero interest in changing the status quo. They were a welloiled machine, highly effective. A tight-knit group doing the work old school . I had to go slower than I was used to, as I had to prove myself and break through the resistance to change.

Frustration was something of a recurring theme in my life. My professional circle of influence and impact was negligible, and my ability to bring about much-needed innovation was moving at a glacial pace. As a Director of Finance and Human Resources of an emerging business, I dealt with mainly internal stakeholders, the bank, the government, and auditors. Yes, it was as painful as it sounds…

Trust When the Teacher Arrives . At this time, I met a journalist and media strategist who worked for a large conglomerate of trade magazines within the supply chain industry. During our conversations, I would speak passionately about what keeps corporations from growing, why people resist change, and what to do about it. I am Hispanic by heritage—a proud, passionate race. Of course, passion informs everything

I do, every opinion and perspective. Add to that a passion for debate and discourse. Not long after our initial meeting, he invited me to write a blog for one of the magazines.

But I’m not a writer, I said. Especially a public writer, a published writer. No, thank you. To which he replied: Everyone is a writer. If you can speak, you can write.

And so I’m here to tell you that you, too, are a writer . Especially with the ease of technology now. You can talk about your written content. Record yourself and get the transcript—quick edits and boom! You have a written piece. To become a good writer, you must realize that writing content for public consumption takes a village. There is a whole team…the talent and creator (you), the proofreader, the editor, and the publisher. By the time your written work reaches your audience, you are putting your best face forward along with your powerful message.

My little blog became a column . Most importantly, it became a form of creative expression about topics I was passionate about professionally. And professional passion, wellinformed and expressed, catapults your career like nothing else will.

From a blog to my first Book! My confidence, professional influence and the length of nonfiction I could write kept growing. Only one person’s opinion matters whether you are a good writer or not: Yours. When you write from the heart, and you write with the passion for sharing your journey in service of others, the only next person who cares is whoever is waiting for such an answer or shares the same problem. There are 8 Billion of us. Trust me; someone shares your pain. Anything they can learn from you is your human footprint. It’s your legacy.

I never thought of writing a whole book. I went through a signifcant life-altering decision about ten years ago. That is what started Powerful

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Women Today. After almost 20 years of marriage, I knew I had to go. I was 40 years old and had spent all my adult life not knowing who I was and what I could do. Not knowing what my calling and my true potential were. I stood alone for the first time. I was terrified. It had been the right decision, yet there was a knot in my stomach saying: “So what, now what.” I kept asking every day: Did I do the right thing? Little by little, that answer became Yes more often than not. But I would lie if I told you I still did not harbour any doubts.

The day my question got answered. Ten years have gone by since my divorce. For ten years, I kept asking myself that question. More and more, the answer was a Yes, Carolina, but it was not yet a 100% “Hell yes! You did the right thing for you.” Three years ago, during the Christmas break, I got sick. Nothing major, a cold, in winter. A sort of Health Tax in Canada. I was out in bed, bored to tears. And I began to write….and write…and write non-stop about the last ten years of standing on my own two feet. I wrote an entire book in three weeks. The person I am today, the lessons I have learned, and the impact I have had through Powerful Women Today. None of today would exist if I did not dare to fly. To choose me. Unapologetically. When the book was done, I got the definitive answer I had been seeking. 100% Hell Yes. Carolina, you did the right thing for yourself. And that was the last day I felt the need to ask that question.

When the book was done, I got my answer: 100% Hell Yes!
Carolina, you did the right thing for yourself. And that was the last day I felt the need to ask that question ever again.

10 Speaker Bookings in 10 Days

How to Cascade Your Actions Into a Fast Start & Steady Flow of Speaking Engagements

The biggest enemy for most speakers seeking stages is inertia–not following through on your intention to find and secure speaking opportunities. As busy thought leaders, coaches, experts, entrepreneurs or authors, there is always something else commanding your time.

And what’s the result? Your business will stagnate, if not decline. You’ll be in a constant struggle to attract new clients. You’ll risk burnout because client acquisition one-onone is so time intensive.

You can’t pray your way to more gigs, just dip your toe in occasionally, or feel overwhelmed because the task of finding and rounding up these opportunities is time-consuming— there’s a cost to that inertia!

So what about a kickstart? A strategy to get you off your behind and in front of a steady flow of stages and clients?

I call it 10 Speaker Bookings in 10 Days! Get ready, we’re going to roll fast!

Day 1. Identify the three presentations that can you offer—one primary signature presentation and two others that have great appeal, and may be offered to different audiences to increase your odds of success with different bookers. Then create a spreadsheet identifying the various types of audiences to whom you wish to speak for each one. For example: women’s business meetings, real estate agents, spiritual centers, mom and parenting groups, service groups, veterans, or doctors’ associations.

Day 2. Get your tools in order. Do you have an updated speaker one-sheet, your two page showcase that establishes your professional status? How about your 3-5 minute video that shows how dynamic you are on stage? Both of these will be part of the package you email to the speaker booker. You’ll need a knockout 5-7 paragraph proposal letter with

these elements included, too.

Day 3. Here we go. Let’s look at opportunities for leads that you may have overlooked. Speakers often forget that they have incredible connections that could be within 6-degrees of separation…right there in your own community. It’s all in who they know! Check out the following:

Ask friends, family, church members, or people at civic groups, social or business organizations where you are a member if they know of people you can contact about speaking.

Contact your local convention and visitors’ bureau to find what conventions are coming to town. Meeting planners would much rather book someone local than pay for a speaker’s travel expenses.

Post your request for speaking opps to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. You’ll be surprised by what turns up.

Ask previous bookers to refer you to three people. If they loved you, they are highly willing to make introductions to friends or colleagues. (See “Bookings” on page 100)

Jackie Lapin is the Founder & President of Speakertunity supporting Authors, Speakers, Get Leads, Get Booked. We Help Authors & Speakers Find Speaking Opportunities in Their Market.

We Get You Booked on Radio & Podcast Shows.

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Indoctrinated : Chapters 2-4

Someone, probably Beau, called Mickey’s father and the Priest. The house was filled with people. Then it was filled with food. A doctor came and gave Mickey’s mom some medicine because she couldn’t stop crying, and even when the tears no longer fell, she kept sobbing.

Sadie sat on a chair in the corner. Her friends showed up, they brought her whiskey which she swallowed in one gulp. Beau and Ace were close by. Still no tears.

It didn’t feel like days passed, just one long dark, gray sadness. The funeral made Sadie dizzy. At the graveside at St. Louis cemetery, Mickey’s mom received the folded flag. His dad cried, the soldiers fired the salute, and everyone walked back to the house.

There was food and drink and so many people. They told stories of Mickey’s childhood and how much they loved him and what a wonderful guy he was. There were toasts and songs. Somebody put on a demo record of the band, but it was too much, and Sadie went outside. And then there was nothing more to say, and people drifted off to their own lives. Sadie just sat and stared. She couldn’t feel anything.

When she walked outside, it was cool and dark. There was a misty rain. She found herself near Cafe Du Monde where she and Mickey always had caf é au lait. She walked up on the levee and sat down in the wet grass. The lights on the river were shining like always. Sadie heard someone screaming and slowly realized it was her own voice.

STOP, STOP, STOP! He’s dead, they killed him, and he’s never coming back! STOP!

Sadie fumbled for tissues and instead, in her pocket, she found Auden’s poem. She read it out loud, sharing her grief with the universe.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead, Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffc policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good.

She sobbed herself to sleep in the rain, murmuring “nothing will be the same,” clutching a photo of him. Blue eyes, wavy blonde hair, and that ever present look of hope and life. But hope and life were over. Nothing could ever come to any good.


Agray dawn and tugboat horns woke Sadie. She stood up, not caring that she looked like the wet, bedraggled girl that she was. She was thin anyway, like Twiggy, and she was soaking from the rain. Her long straight blonde hair was wet and a mess with grass and leaves sticking in it. She walked to the cemetery and stood in front of the family vault. She found a crack in the door and slid the poem into the tomb. She kissed the door and rested her head against the cool stone. And then she walked to the ferry.

When she got home, her mother started, “we’ve been so worried about you, we didn’t know where you were, why didn’t you call, where have you been?”

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Sadie silently walked upstairs, left her wet clothes in a wet heap, and took a hot shower to get warm. She put on dry pajamas and went to bed and stayed there for a week. When she slept, she dreamed about Mickey. He spoke to her, he was there and she could feel his presence. But when she woke, she was alone. Alone, with no future, no plans, nothing.

The rest of the school year was a haze. Her friends would look at her with such sadness and pity that she stopped looking at them. No one knew what to say. The band dissolved, along with her future. She could barely get out of bed, much less function as a musician or even at school. The nuns would offer occasional words of advice or try to comfort her. She just stared at them, their words were meaningless.

At last, the school year ended; it was a relief. But she had one more year to go, one more year of keeping her emotions under control in public, one more year of facing people who cared about her and telling them she was just fine when she knew and they knew she wasn’t fine. She wasn’t ok. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to keep on living.

At that point, her father (a Navy man) was transferred to Virginia. Her parents offered to make arrangements for Sadie to finish high school in New Orleans. And all she could think about was what was the point. Mickey was gone. Life was over, so what did it matter?


ecause she didn’t know what else to do and didn’t want to face the kindness of her friends, Sadie moved with her parents to Quantico. She was full of hate and anger and didn’t know where to put it. Perhaps because of the darkness in her soul, perhaps, because it was not New Orleans, perhaps, because she felt lost. Sadie spent her time making signs and protesting war and violence. This made things awkward at home given that her father was a Navy man. She didn’t really think about it, and she didn’t care. She hated the war, she hated the government, she hated life, and she hated herself for being alive.

Sadie made posters and plastered her room with giant yellow and orange daisies. Her favorite slogan was “Make Love Not War” and her favorite songs were Eve of Destruction. And For What It’s Worth. And Fortunate Son. And The Fish Cheer. Any anti-war song. She stayed in her room, played her music, and worried about her parents, especially her mom. Her mom knew she was walking a fine line between survival and being shattered beyond all hope.

All this time, Sadie thought and dreamt and felt that she could have prevented Mickey’s death somehow. If she had done this or that if she had insisted on Canada. Nothing, absolutely nothing she did would relieve the ache in her soul. There was a gaping hole inside of her and nothing filled it.

September arrived and Sadie was faced with a new school. No friends, no close-knit family atmosphere, no nuns, no nothing. She sat in the back of her classes and stared sullenly forward. When she did speak, people asked her where she was from and called her a hick because of her accent. She stopped talking.

Seemingly by happenstance, she met some kids at school who seemed happy and cheerful and who didn’t make fun of her Louisiana drawl. She opened up, just a little. They invited her to church, which seemed like an okay idea. Sadie realized she longed for something, anything to make the pain go away. She ached to belong to something, to someone, to feel whole again; she was exactly the kind of person who would believe anything.

Rewriting history to include her story!

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As I type this note from my desk in Northern California, we are preparing for another series of atmospheric river systems to dump more rain in our area. We have been checking the snow conditions and the Sierra Avalanche Center website regularly to see if there might be a break in the weather to allow us to get out for a snowshoeing trip, and it just hasn’t happened. We are starting to feel smothered in the cocoon of our house!


So, I turn that energy toward something useful… decluttering !

I love to use the energy of the changing seasons to embrace clearing and decluttering around my home and office.

In particular, when my desk is clear, my thoughts and creativity are much more freeflowing.

And when my creativity is free-flowing, there is more where that came from!

We spent the winter getting ready for our summer hiking and backpacking tripssecuring permits, doing research on various locations, etc.

Now that it’s spring, we shift into more of a training mode. We added a weighted vest to our neighborhood’s 5-mile hike. I add endurance training with my workouts - it’s what those long hikes in the mountains require, nay, demands.

Along with the physical training, we are also mindful of our mindset with these outdoor endeavors. I believe that every outing in nature is as much mental as it is physical. I have a mindfulness practice that helps me to keep my mental game sharp. This is something I’ve always practiced and imparted more into practice after reading David Goggins’s book, Can’t Hurt Me. One of my favorite quotes from that book is about something Goggins talks about with mental toughness, he calls “ callous your mind. ”

I love that calluses can also be found in nature - according to Merriam-Webster, a callus is defined as “a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin or bark.”

In terms of hiking, calluses are developed in various parts of our feet as a sign of our feet toughening up from walking.

So by this same token, Goggins talks about callusing our minds the same way we do in other areas, and he shares that self-talk is where callusing the mind begins. And I agree! It’s why I come up with and recite a mantra daily during my workout. It’s why I write in my gratitude journal every morning. It’s why I spend time in nature.

By the way, if you haven’t read David Goggins’s book, I highly recommend it - it’s very good!

Hugs, Love, and t. Rex always, Dortha a.k.a. Rexie

“The reason it’s important to push hardest when you want to quit the most is because it helps you callous your mind. It’s the same reason why you have to do your best work when you are the least motivated.”
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What is a Coach ?

The word “coaching” is overused these days. People with very little coaching training call themselves coaches, and while they might be good at their profession, that doesn’t mean they know how to coach.

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as:

thought-provoking and creative partnership that inspires clients to maximize their potential, often unlocking previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.”

Coaching is not advising, consulting, or teaching. Instead, coaching is asking really good powerful questions that help the client remove barriers and focus on the forward movement toward their goals. It’s about listening and listening to understand, not to respond.

My role as a coach is to help my client find their own creative solutions to their problems. When people come up with solutions to their own problems, the engagement with the solution is much stronger than if I had simply given them advice.

Just because I might think about a solution doesn’t mean that it will work for my client.

Imagine this: you have a friend who comes to you for advice all the time. You give them advice but notice that they never implement the advice that they asked for. Then they keep complaining about their problem and ask for advice from you again. Frustrating, right?

It is possible that the advice we give is not going to work for them but they are not able to share why that’s the case. This is where coaching comes in. With coaching, we ask questions like “What future state are you hoping for?” “What would success look like?” and “What is getting in your way?” These kinds of questions allow the person to

broaden their perspective and see things in a different light. That is the magic of coaching.

If you are looking for the right coach for yourself, be sure that they are trained to coach you. Here are the four steps to finding a great coach:

Step 1. Find out if they are certified, and by whom. My belief is that becoming a certified coach through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the gold standard for rigorous coach training and examination. It is what many people look for in a qualified coach.

Step 2. Determine how many coaching hours have they completed. At ICF to become a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) you need 500 + hours of coaching and 120 hours of coach training.

Step 3: Look at their LinkedIn references and how they show up on LinkedIn.

• Do they have many followers?

• What kind of content do they share?

• What is their coaching niche?

Step 4: Ask a friend or colleague if they have a coach they’d recommend.

Mindy is the CEO and Executive Coach at Mindy’s Executive Coaching, LLC. Connect with Mindy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindygillis/

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Fake News & New Social Media

International Conference of LIGS University

Peer-Reviewed Published Research Proceedings.

The issue of fake news, hoaxes, and disinformation and how much influence it has on social events has been resonating more than ever lately, influencing the way people perceive the world. Fake news, and in particular its ability to go viral - thanks to means which break down all barriers of time and space - through the new social media, significantly influences decisions that fundamentally affect the life and direction of society, be it decisions about one’s health or voting preferences. The fourth LIGS University conference addressed the phenomenon of fake news from several perspectives, which you can read more about in these proceedings.

Fake News & New Social Media and the Impact on Women Entrepreneurship

This paper aims to identify the impact of fake news on womenbusinesses operating on social media platforms. The findings show that men’s and women’s perception of difficulty in identifying fake news is similar. In contrast, women are more concerned than men about the harmful effects of misinformation on society. This article’s main objective is to investigate users’ perception of fake news, as well as identify the criteria on which their recognition strategies are based and the effect on their choice of the social media platform for their business strategy as well as the correlation between fake news content and the changing demographic of platforms such as the boomerizing of Facebook, and aging of Instagram and TikTok and the migration to new platforms. The results are based on the analysis of interviews where participants were asked about their competence in determining the veracity of the information, misinformation vs disinformation and their ability to identify false content. Their consideration of changing their existing social media platform for emerging new social media as a result. Benefits are related to a better understanding of the effect of algorithms on business marketing as a result of mitigating fake news.

Keywords : Algorithms and Marketing, Fake News, Gender and Management, New social media, Women Entrepreneurship

JEL Classification: M1, M3, 035

Read full paper: https://powerfulwomentoday.com/research-by-women-for-women

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Be Our Guest: Tips to Be a Great Wedding Guest!

Spring has sprung and wedding season is on the horizon . Being invited to a couple’s special day is always an honor; however, with great honor comes greater responsibilities, so here are several key tips to help show off your wedding guest etiquette:

RSVP on time: One of the most common pain points couples struggle with is their guest not responding to the RSVP in time. Please read the invitation in detail and go to the wedding website if one is provided. Many guests tend to skim over the details and proceed to bombard the couple with questions weeks or days before the wedding. Grace note: If a plus one is not listed on the invitation do not assume you can take one.

Dress Code/Attire : The topic of what to wear to a wedding is an entire category of its own. Let’s keep it nice and simple. Typically the invitation will set the tone of the wedding. I would encourage guests to avoid bridal party colors, avoid being too casual or skimpy, and not wear white or black. Some brides are opting for their guests to wear all white for uniformity and aesthetically pleasing pictures, so be sure to adhere to that request.

Drinking : Let’s party! Everyone’s favourite part of the evening is when the dance floor opens up and drinks begin to flow. Do: Drink and enjoy the festivities, and avoid mixing different types of alcohol to prevent a horrible hangover.

Don’t: G et too drunk or risk embarrassing yourself or the Bride and Groom.

No vulgarity : This tip is personal! When my husband and I got married in the Caribbean in December 2021, we hosted 75 guests (despite getting married at the height of the pandemic). Let me spare you the details and thank goodness for our stellar wedding planner, but…days after the wedding we learned one of our guests and his plus-one

were intimate in the garden and a few of the guests unfortunately witnessed it.

Speeches : If you are asked to give a speech, try to keep it to a minimum roar of 2-3 minutes. This is also not an opportunity to make personal announcements such as pregnancy or propose to a significant other. Grace note: Keep opinions to yourself and don’t ask other guests when they’re getting married, having children or why they are still single.

Turn off phones : Putting your phone on vibrate and not on silent can still be distracting and tempting. Do not take pictures of the Bride and Groom during the ceremony without their consent (especially if the couple requests their guests to be unplugged). Posting selfies or pictures with friends during the reception is welcomed.

There is a lot of guest etiquette to be mindful of when attending a wedding. One obvious tip I can’t stress enough is to please be on time! Arrive 15-20 minutes before the start time. Guests who creep in just before or after the bride walks down the aisle get caught on camera.

Planning a wedding can become overwhelming, but doing our part as a guest contributes to the overall consideration of the couple.

What other etiquette rules do you think guests should always follow? I would love to hear from you!

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Follow me on Instagram at inspired_weddingsinc or email hello@inspired-weddings.ca for more tips or enquiries.

Breaking the Mold: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Redefine Success rough Love & Credibility

As a female entrepreneur, you face unique challenges in a business world that is often dominated by men . You may feel pressure to conform to a certain mold of success, to prioritize profit over purpose, and to put on a tough exterior to compete in a cutthroat industry. But what if there was another way? What if you could redefine success on your own terms, and create a business that not only thrives financially but also brings you joy and fulfillment? The answer may lie in two key principles: love and credibility.

Love in Business? It’s Possible!

Love may seem like an odd word to associate with business, but it’s actually a crucial component of success for women entrepreneurs. When you love what you do, you’re more likely to pour your heart and soul into it, to work harder and smarter, and to persevere through the tough times. Passion is contagious, and when you genuinely care about your product or service, your customers and clients will feel that energy and be more likely to support you.

But love isn’t just about what you do - it’s also about how you do it. When you approach your business with love, you prioritize authenticity, integrity, and empathy. You’re not just in it for the money; you’re in it to make a difference, to solve a problem, to contribute something positive to the world. This mindset can be incredibly powerful, both for your own sense of purpose and for building a loyal customer base.

Credibility: The Foundation of Success

Love alone isn’t enough to build a successful business. You also need credibility - the quality of being trusted, known, and liked. Credibility is built through consistency, transparency, and follow-through. When you say you’re going to do something, you do it. When you make a mistake, you own up to

it and make it right. When you interact with customers or clients, you treat them with respect and professionalism.

Credibility is especially important for women entrepreneurs, who may face greater scrutiny and skepticism than their male counterparts. By demonstrating your competence and reliability, you can establish yourself as a trustworthy business owner and leader.

How to Embrace Love and Credibility in Your Business

Now that you understand the importance of love and credibility in building a successful business, how can you start incorporating these principles into your own work? Here are a few tips:

1. Define your purpose

2. Show up authentically

3. Be transparent:

4. Prioritize relationships

5. Follow through

Breaking the mold of traditional business success can be scary, and it’s also incredibly rewarding. By embracing love and credibility in your work as a woman entrepreneur, you can redefine success on your own terms and create a business that is aligned with your values and passions . You can build a community of supporters who not only respect and admire you but also share your vision and are invested in your success. And most importantly, you can find joy and fulfillment in your work.

Mitchell is the Global Credibility Expert CEOs Flying Like Eagles | Credibility Nation Community Engager | Clarity Superpower | Credust Sprinkler | Executive Coach at Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches. Connect with Mitchell on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ mitchelllevy/

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In conclusion, becoming a powerful woman starts from within, but it can be reflected in how you present yourself. Power dressing requires an understanding of what looks good on you and investing in quality basics that will last for years. Add a touch of colour with accessories such as bags or jewelry, elevate your shoe game with statement pieces, and don’t forget to mix and match fabrics for an effortlessly chic look. With these tips, you’ll be sure to exude confidence everywhere you go!

“Estate” from page 29

4. Don’t forget a plan for your digital assets .

When I speak with clients, their reaction is frequently “Oh, I never thought about this!” Digital assets encompass many things, the most recognized being cryptocurrency. Because cryptocurrency is decentralized, there isn’t a customer support centre to contact when someone becomes disabled or dies. Having the key is ‘key’. Your plan needs to ensure someone has your encryption key and keeps it safe.

You should also know the tax implications of gifting, donating, or transferring cryptocurrencies.

Digital assets also include family photos, travel reward points, social media accounts, and e-mail accounts. Without the proper plan, you’re leaving things up to chance. Not only will it be questionable whether these can be accessed at all, but also who they’ll be left to.

Start with writing a list of your digital assets and think about what you want to happen to each if you became incapable or passed. Then decide who the best person would be to manage these types of assets for you.

5. Schedule Regular Check-Ins.

Revisit your plan regularly, at least every 3 years. Things change – you gain wealth, people die or are born, and relationships end. You want to ensure your estate plan always suits your current circumstances and values. Review it with your legal representative regularly and sleep a little better at night knowing that whatever life brings, you’ve got a plan!

Set up Call-for-Speakers Alert on Google, check on Twitter & LinkedIn

Ask colleagues who are speakers for suggestions or referrals. Most will be generous in sharing the wealth, as long as they’ve already made their appearance on those stages previously.

Ask your mastermind members or fellow people in coaching programs. They are all looking for gigs, too, and most are willing to share.

Contact your local Chamber of Commerce for suggestions. Executives here may well know what else is going on in town and who books speakers including nonprofits, corporations, civic groups, etc.

Day 4. Whew! Now you should have tons of leads. What will you do today? Send emails to all of them, of course! Get out your proposal letter, personalize it and send it off.

Day 5. What’s next? Look local! There are tons of live and virtual stages right in your neighborhood and what’s great about that is with an organization that meets regularly, they are always looking for speakers. How do you find them? Google keywords for the kind of meeting, venue or association you seek and your market. MeetUp is another great place to find recurring opportunities, as is EventBrite. Start collecting the leaders and speaker contacts from the websites for the ones that align with your message, mission and target audience.

Day 6. What do you think follows that? Sending emails, of course! Your Day 6 is another day of intense emailing of your proposal letters to all those folks you secured through your local search.

Day 7. Find your NICHE . Undoubtedly you’ve heard it said “The riches are in the niches” and this is true! There are likely to be numerous national organizations that serve your target avatar across North America and even beyond. Can you identify just three

“Dress” from page 23
“Bookings” from page 81
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“Bookings” from page 100

of them? On this day, you ( Continued on page 101) will then go onto their websites and mine for all of the chapter leaders at every chapter where you might want to speak (and today with so many organizations STAYING virtual, you don’t have to worry about traveling to get there!) These are all there for the picking Build your spreadsheet.

Day 8. What you think is on the agenda? By now you’ve got the picture… It’s emailing day!

Day 9. Now dig in. This is the day you begin phone calling all the decision makers who didn’t respond back. Yes, it can be a bit arduous, but hopefully, you’ll already have some “yeses” starting to flow in to incentivize you to go after the rest. Just remember to hydrated and take periodic rest breaks!

Day 10. So they didn’t return your calls or you don’t have a phone number? This is day to get social. Start reaching out to bookers on LinkedIn or Facebook Direct Messaging. Not sure what to say? Grab this cheat sheet of 10 Speaker Follow-Up Social Media Messages: www.SpeakerTunity.com/FollowUp

So what do you do on Day 11? Celebrate your wins, of course! With all this activity, you should be confrming details and setting dates.

Burt there is one shortcut that will save you all of the research for either local gigs or the niche stages! SpeakerTunity®, The Speaker & Leader Resource Company has created 75 REGIONAL speaker lead directories with up to 3000 speaker leads in any one market, as well as 60 NICHE SPECIALTY directories. All include name, phone and email for the decision maker. To explore which ones might take your hard work out of Days 5 and 7, go to www.SpeakerTunityDirectories.com

“New baby” from page 59


Having a real baby, as opposed to my business baby, or any other kind of entrepreneurial project, has been the most life-changing thing to ever occur for me. Becoming a mum has served to make my life that much richer, more colorful, and certainly more full of gorgeous sunrises for which I am now awake, feeding my love.

The lessons that have made the biggest impact on my life after having a baby are:

• You are the boss. Even with a peeing, pooing, burping, drooling, spit-upping little one, you still wield the paintbrush of your life.

• Let it out. Share the feelings, the worries, the hurt, the annoyances, so that they are out of your system, and you can focus on the beauty of a little hand holding your finger, a brand new little noise, a smile, or a giggle.

• Give yourself grace when you don’t knock out absolutely every single item on the list. You made a baby. That should top every single list you create from here-on in.

• Communicate. Make clear what does and does not work for y ou. It’ll be hard sometimes from so little sleep, but be as clear and articulate as possible about what is and is not serving you.

Powerful Women Today Magazine 101
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