Powerful Women Today Magazine Spring|Winter 2024

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Powerful Women TM Today Magazine EST 2023 | Vol 6 | WINTER 2024

Publisher Carolina M. Billings Editorial Director & Content Curator Rosie J. Etson Creative Director & Multi-Media Strategist Dortha Hise, BSc, BA, C.Graphic Design Subscriptions

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Publisher’s Note …………….....………………………………………….…………………………………………………....... 4 Not All Innovation is About Technology …....…………………….…………………………………………………… 6 Investing in Your Business: Preparing to Meet with Your Lender ………...……………………………... 8 Empowering Women: Mastering Executive Presence for Professional Success …………….…. 10 Booming Women: Are You Living Into Your True Power? ……………………....…………………………. 12 Love & Money on Valentine’s Day ……………………………………….………......…………………………………. 14 Reignite Your Impact in 2024 ……………………………………......…………………………………………………….16 Let’s Talk Privacy Law ………………………………………………...……….......…………………………………………. 18 Rewrite, Respeak and Reimagine Your Story for Intentional Success ………......…………………… 20 Switching to a Blue Ocean Strategy …………………………………………………..…….......…………………….. 22 From Chaos to Calm: A Guide to Decluttering Your Space and Mind ………....……………………… 24 Energy and Biofeedback – The New Trend ………………………………………....……………………………… 26 Re-learning About Hair and Scalp Care ………………………………………....…………………………………... 28 Making Time to Clear Your Mind is a Business Strategy …………………...………………………………. 30 API – What is it and What Can You Use it For? …………………………….....…………………………………. 32 Featured PWT Boutique Accelerators ……………………………...……………………………………………….. 34 Celebrating …………………………………………………………………….....…………………………………………......… 58 Innovators You Want to Know ……………………………………....…………………………………………………... 62 Publishing: New Releases ……………………………………......……………………………………………………….... 76 Bestsellers ………………………………………………………........………………………………………………………........ 78 Calling Speakers & Authors …………………………………….....……………………………………………………..... 79 Fiction Series …………………………………………........…………………………………………………………………...... 80


n our dynamic world of innovation, women are not just breaking barriers; they’re redefining the rules of

the game. Powerful Women Today is buzzing with the energy of female entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders who continue to innovate and elevate industries, communities and lives, proving that the sky’s not the limit — it’s just the view. Women innovators embody a spirit that goes beyond convention. We don’t just embrace change; we drive it, carving new paths in sectors where our brilliance has been historically underrepresented. From tech to fashion, science to sustainability, women are leaving an indelible mark on every landscape we touch. In the tech sphere, visionary women are coding the future with brilliance and resilience. Their algorithms are not just lines of code; they are narratives of progress, breaking through the digital ceiling and proving that the tech world is not just a boys’ club.

Fashion is no longer just about style; it’s a canvas for female creatives to express their stories. Designers are weaving fabrics of empowerment, breaking away from norms and showcasing that fashion is a powerful medium for self-expression and societal change. In laboratories and research centers, female scientists are pushing boundaries, unlocking mysteries, and challenging preconceptions. Their discoveries are not just scientific breakthroughs; they’re testaments to the fact that innovation knows no gender. Sustainability champions among us are turning eco-conscious dreams into reality. Women entrepreneurs are leading the charge in creating businesses that not only thrive but also contribute positively to our planet. They are proof that profitability and sustainability can go hand in hand. The more technology changes our lives, the more our Emotional Intelligence, becomes the core of our humanity for both men and women. Women are leading the way in social sciences, wellness and mental health. Not just for us but for our entire circles of influence. As we navigate the realms of innovation, let’s celebrate the brilliance, resilience, and creativity of women who continue to uplift industries. Women’s Emotional and Financial Independence is not just a moment; it is a movement. It is our core, our true North and most of all our love letter to female leadership present and future globally. So, buckle up for a journey through innovation where the only constant is the unstoppable force of women who innovate and elevate. Stay inspired, stay unstoppable! Big Love Dr. Carolina M. Billings, Ph.D., MA-IS, SHRP-SCP, CHRL, CPP, CPCC


nnovation extends beyond the mere integration

media and investment. However, merely

of cutting-edge technology into organizational

inventing a feature, like a heated steering

systems; innovation, fundamentally, transcends

wheel in a car, does not qualify as innovation

technological aspects. It is, at its core, a mindset,

unless it significantly improves upon existing

underscored by the assertion that “innovation is a

elements and has the scalability to meet

state of mind.” This mindset manifests in various

widespread demand.

forms, where novel approaches to problemsolving redefine established practices within an organization. For instance, innovation might be

Taking a New Approach to Solving a Problem

reflected in reimagining how employee performance

How can new ideas be adapted to solving

reviews are conducted or in reshaping the

existing problems? As posited, innovation

dynamics of customer interactions by salespeople.

can be as simple as changing the way

“Innovation itself has nothing to do with technology. Innovation is a state of mind.”




performance reviews, leadership styles or the way salespeople interact with customers. Or using better materials or less packaging.

The process of fostering innovation involves more







developing new ideas, theories, or products is a necessary precursor, true innovation requires additional practical and scalable components to transform invention into meaningful impact. The practical arises from the imperative for innovation to enhance existing practices or meet demands. This blurriness often attracts


See “Innovation” on page 86


he past few years have significantly impacted many Canadian businesses, causing business owners to re-evaluate strategies, adjust plans, and pursue new investments to remain competitive. Before

discussing financing options with your lender, take some time to examine the current financial health of your business by asking the following questions. This will help you be fully prepared:

See “Investing,” page 87


n an era defined by evolving work norms,

varies in definition across different organiza-

where remote and hybrid schedules have

tions. However, it remains a crucial aspect for

become the new normal, it’s time to elevate ourselves and present our best selves to the professional world. Unfortunately, some

professional growth. Why Executive Presence Matters:

women seem indifferent to their profession-

Executive presence is the key to unlocking op-

al image, attending virtual meetings in work-

portunities, fostering innovation, and driving

out clothes, and wondering why they miss out

positive organizational change. For women

on promotions. Over the past few months,

aspiring to climb the corporate ladder, devel-

my clients, mainly women in executive roles,

oping a robust executive presence is essential

have struggled to maintain their positions af-

for several reasons but we pulled out the top

ter securing them. A crucial factor in women’s

few to for the purpose of this article.

success in the corporate realm is cultivating executive presence. While organizations emphasize the importance of employees being their authentic selves, there’s a need to redefine this concept. Let’s shift the narrative from an authentic self to the Best Self – a version that maintains authenticity while showcasing the highest potential. Understanding what executive presence means to your organization and its leaders is pivotal. The term is subjective and

See “Executive Presence,” on page 87

Booming Women: Are You Living into Your True Power?

environment, it is often difficult to shake free and

Living life authentically and centred in our true power.

become independent and powerful.

Wow, doesn’t that sound amazing?

However, if anyone can handle the pressures of

Just when the world had moved boomers aside divine

the business world, lead with confidence, and

intervention said otherwise. We are witnessing a

enhance society as a whole, it’s Boomer women.

renaissance of the last generation that got to live

We have lived through some of the most powerful

and continues to live the American dream. Boomers

decades that, when faced with courage and

are one of the most economically stable segments of

intention, prepared us for dealing with the biases

society having so much to offer. It is time we reclaim

and discriminations that still exist today. We have

our passion and power.

watched as women gained more and more access

Rising out of the Ashes. Go boomers Go! All women are capable of this, but in this article, I want to focus on the Boomer Women having #BoomingLives. I am a Boomer woman. As boomer women, we grew up in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Popular TV series included Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, the Donna Reed Show and many more.

I remember seeing women

vacuuming wearing dresses and pearls. They deferred to their husbands for major decisions and were primary caretakers of the children and their husbands. You know, when I say that and look around me, those behaviours still exist for many. I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but just that when raised in this type of

to jobs that were only available to men for years. Many women have grown from caterpillars to beautiful butterflies. But even so, that mindset we grew up with is still deep within us, and this impacts our confidence and our belief orselves to follow our passions. Two characteristics that I found essential in attaining success are strong, clear intentions and commitment. See “Booming,” on page 89


alentine’s Day and talking about financial planning at the same time doesn’t sound very romantic. Yet, having a heart-to-heart about money can help you avoid serious conflicts in your relationship. So how do you find financial bliss with your honey? The more effectively you can communicate and plan for your future finances, the better.

beliefs about money. And, “different” can

Here are my top 5 dos and don’ts to building an

aren’t handled in the same way as you

aligned and prosperous financial life:

would handle them. Many arguments start

sometimes mean “wrong” when people fight about money. 3. Do find balance. It’s easy to see your partner’s financial actions as wrong if they

when one feels the other is spending too 1. Do talk. There is no one right way to handle

much money. Another area of conflict is

money in a relationship. However, you or your

when one partner feels controlled by the

partner may think there is! The first step in smart

other with respect to spending money. This

planning is to open the lines of communication.

is not an easy one to tackle. There is no

To start the discussion, ask open-ended, probing

one right way to handle cash. The trick is

questions. Make sure you share your answers to

See “Love” on page 90

these questions, too. You’ll gain an understanding of each other’s values about money. 2. Don’t slight your partner. Instead of deciding they’re nuts when it comes to money, learn your partner’s money story. According to cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, we develop most of our subconscious beliefs between conception and age 7. This includes our beliefs about money. We are all brought up with different attitudes and


023 blew by so fast! How are you feeling

just look at doing more of what you’re already

about the progress you made last year?

doing. Look for opportunities to amplify your

Don’t just count your completed tasks and

mission and expand your impact. What kind of

income. Be sure to look at the bigger picture of

new approach can you take to transform your

what you have accomplished. What impact did


you create? What are the new levels of personal development you have reached? What are your next big dreams?

Listen to your intuition to follow the path ahead of you in the new year. Make decisions based on your big dreams, not on your old, limited beliefs.

I focus my business on creating new

Build your community to create a supportive

anthology projects. I create opportunities

group of friends who inspire you and keep you

for women to step into new possibilities

accountable as you follow your path. There is a

as an author. My book projects give

whole world filled with wonderful people just

women a platform to become international

waiting help you step up.

bestselling authors while building their authority





network. Looking into 2024 I am expanding my reach and adding massive new value to my programs. I focus on building my success by supporting other women on their journey to build success on their own terms. As you look into 2024 are you opening up your self-beliefs to make room for nextlevel growth and new possibilities? Don’t

I would love to support you on this journey. Have you been dreaming of becoming a published author? An international bestselling See “Impact” on page 90


he first thing most people think of is

California Privacy Rights Act, (CPRA), which

celebrating the new year, of course! However,

took effect on January 1, 2023.

on December 31, 2023, Utah’s Consumer Privacy Act takes effect - are you ready?!

On January 1, 2023, the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act took effect. Colorado and

If you have a website, you are no longer

Connecticut’s Privacy Acts took effect on July 1,

a small business as you are advertising

2023. Utah is the next state to go live with it’s

nationally and internationally. When it comes

privacy law in 2023.

to privacy law, “WHO” lands on your website may determine with which privacy law(s) your business must be compliant. The USA does not have one all encompassing privacy law like the European Union (EU)

On July 1 2024, Florida, Montana, Oregon, and Texas privacy laws takes effect. On January 1, 2025, Delaware and Iowa privacy laws take effect.

known as the General Data Protection

On July 1, 2025, The new Tennessee privacy law

Regulation (GDPR). The USA has different

takes effect. Indiana’s privacy law takes effect

federal acts that address privacy issues

on January 1, 2026.

in certain industries such as healthcare, hence the HIPPA law. Due to the lack of a

Why you should care?

comprehensive consumer privacy protection federal law, states have been passing their own laws. The first state to pass a such a law was California, which implemented the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) on January 1, 2020.

Thereafter, California passed the

See “Privacy” on page 88


hat do you have to say to the world that’s

A quick way to get new people into your

new this year? Or have you been hiding

pipeline are speaking opportunities, virtual

and now you are ready? The beginning of the year is the time to refresh—to rebrand, reimage, rewrite and step out!

can actually plan a calendar of these in January, leaving room to fill in for more. When we start the year at SpeakerTunity®,

Stop expecting this year to be a similar outcome to last year…that’s limiting your possibilities-- leave the way open for grander goals, achievements, results and impact.

we have a game plan for at least six month in advance…what are we promoting when, what products will we introduce, what webinars will we host, what giveaways are we participating in, what major events will we attend, exhibit or speak at. And I slot the

If you wish to be delivering your messages on more stages, to new audiences, with a fresh presentation and new products, don’t hesitate.

summits and collaborative giveaways. You

Change your perspective:

deepen your focus on your existing market, simplifying your message and action options -- or expand to a wider world if the one that you’ve been mining isn’t working.

other speaking opportunities, summits and podcasts in between these. See Intentional, page 91

Blue Ocean Strategy, a groundbreaking

one-for-one model, donating a pair of shoes

concept introduced by W. Chan Kim and

for every purchase, differentiating itself and

Renée Mauborgne, encourages entrepreneurs

creating a socially responsible brand (Kim &

to chart their own course in the business

Mauborgne, 2005; Mycoskie, 2011). Here are


some ways to get started:





spaces. Instead of competing in crowded “red oceans” with existing companies, women

Identify Untapped Markets:

entrepreneurs are urged to explore “blue

Conduct market research to discover unmet

oceans” where competition is minimal or

needs or overlooked segments. Understand

nonexistent. This strategy fosters innovation

customer pain points and seek opportunities

and allows for the creation of unique value

where competitors are scarce.




businesses stand out. For instance, a female entrepreneur might consider introducing eco-friendly and sustainable products in an industry dominated by traditional offerings (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). In this approach, value innovation becomes pivotal, emphasizing the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low-cost strategies. An inspiring example is how beauty brand Glossier disrupted the cosmetics market by focusing on simplicity, customer engagement, and direct-to-consumer channels (Smith, 2018). Similarly, Toms Shoes implemented a

Innovative Value Propositions: Create a unique value proposition that stands out from existing offerings. Develop See “Blue Ocean,” page 91


o you have piles of physical clutter within

have to think about those items again until I

your environment?

am ready to take action.

Piles tend to accumulate during periods

Are you willing to schedule 15 minutes each

of time when we have ‘stuff’ clogging up

day to clear your clutter?

our mind…the ‘stuff’ we continually ponder and worry about…without taking action or identifying solutions. Do you have social media messages and emails that stack up along with the ‘shoulds’ (I ‘should’ call that person back; I ‘should’ sit down and answer emails, etc.)?

Imagine how much trash can be thrown away – physically or virtually – in just 15 minutes! I helped a friend of mine to de-clutter her father’s home after he passed away. Since she had so many memories and emotional responses to each item, she felt she needed me to help her to make the toughest decisions.

For example, I receive an abundance of

I supported her by ensuring the only items

announcements and invitations from people

she kept were items she truly loved or made

through various social networking sites. To

her happy. Everything else was put into one

keep this information from overwhelming

of three areas:

me, I schedule time each day to review this information to determine if I want to take immediate action, save it or delete it. I’ve created Folders on my computer to categorize the items I want to save for future reference.

Once in those Folders, I don’t

See “Decluttering,” page 95


art of medicine is moving towards energy

Genius Biofeedback

medicine. What is that? The Genius Biofeedback System is a technology

As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the

that analyzes your voice and interprets it as

secrets of the universe, think in terms of

a frequency to evaluate your energy system.

energy, frequency and vibration.”

Your voice is compared to other frequencies

The foundation of everything, including your body, is energy. You are an energetic being,

to give personalized information. Benefits of Biofeedback

composed of electrical and magnetic energies that form a complex electromagnetic toroidal

You can assess various wellness factors

field known as your aura or biofield. This

and understand yourself as an energetic

system contains a vast amount of information

being. The waveforms and frequencies tap

your DNA reads to construct and maintain

into your body’s innate healing intelligence.

your body.

This enhances mental clarity, boosts energy levels, and improves sleep quality. Genius

The health and function of cells and organs

Biofeedback helps release emotional blocks

reflect the quality of energies within your energy system. Each has a specific frequency measured in hertz. We can compare the frequencies of healthy and unhealthy tissues. By sending the frequencies of healthy cells to






and harmonize. This facilitates healing and healthier functioning

See “Biofeedback,” page 94


ow to Achieve and maintain a Healthy Scalp

brushing, and regular detoxes into your hair care regimen.

If you’ve managed to achieve the ideal

scalp balance which is not too oily, not too dry, and isn’t irritating or itching then you must be doing something right. If not, rather, consider it time to change up your hair and scalp routine for better results. Here are some tips for achieving and maintaining a healthy scalp which then leads to healthy

Choose the Right Hair Products There’s a laundry list of ingredients to avoid if you want to maintain a healthy scalp. Harsh chemicals like sulfates and phthalates can stick to the skin and cause irritation. Look for hair care made with real, natural, clean ingredient.


Massage or Brushing Your Scalp

Keep Your Scalp Clean

Massaging the scalp has many benefits. It can

A balanced scalp should be washed every three or four days, but you might have to shampoo more or less frequently if you suffer from excessive oil, then you may wash at least once a day. For brittle or dry hair then I recommend washing once a week. No matter what it’s important to get the scalp thoroughly clean on wash days to prevent product buildup, which could become the source of problems. In addition to your everyday shampoo, you should also incorporate scalp detox scrubs , scalp

help lift dead skin cells and product buildup off the scalp, allowing it to breathe, and also improve circulation. Increased blood flow to See “Re-learning,” page 96


n the fast-paced world of business, where

It is not just about slowing down; it’

deadlines loom and decisions are constant,






carving out time to clear your mind may seem

mindfulness practices into your routine

counterintuitive, and I will encourage you to stick

isn’t just a personal indulgence—it’s a

with me: it’s a powerful strategy for success.

shrewd business move.

With two decades of experience in strategy

In a world where

and mindset work, I have witnessed the

is put on a pedestal, remember: the

transformative impact of mental clarity on

most successful entrepreneurs know that

business outcomes. Amidst the chaos, taking

making time to clear the mind is not just

deliberate moments to pause, reflect, and

self-care; it is a fundamental pillar of a

recalibrate creates a space where sharper

winning business strategy.

the idea of “hustling”

decision-making and strategic thinking can happen. This intentional pause is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. By prioritizing mental well-being, entrepreneurs are able to tap into a reservoir of creativity and resilience.

See “Clear mind,” page 93


You (User): You want a specific dish

PI stands for Application Programming Interface.


It is a set of rules and protocols that allows

(information or service) from the restaurant

different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. Think of an API as a bridge that enables the exchange of information and functionality between different programs, services, or systems. The user of the API does not need to know the implementation details. To illustrate it, here is a simple analogy. Imagine you are at a restaurant. You sit down at your table and look at the menu, which provides you with a list of dishes you can order. The kitchen, where the food is prepared, is like a computer system, and you, the customer, are like a system user.

(computer system). 2) Menu (Interface): The menu displays the available options, just like an interface provides a list of functionalities an API can perform. 3) Waiter (API): The waiter takes your order and communicates it to the kitchen, just as an API takes your request and communicates it to the computer system. 4) Kitchen (Computer System): The kitchen prepares the dish based on your order, similar to how a computer system processes your request and generates a response.

Think of the waiter as the API (Application Programming Interface). The waiter takes your order (requests) and communicates it to the kitchen (the system). The kitchen then prepares the dish (performs the necessary actions) and gives it back to the waiter, who serves it to you. In this simple analogy:

See “API,” on page 92

View my services and get in touch with me to discuss your next design project!

SEVENTEEN continued Sadie nodded. She braced herself. She told herself, no tears, no reaction. “Back where we used to go to church,” Jim looked at her to see if she was paying attention. Sadie nodded. “Well, there was a girl. She was sixteen at the time, but she looked twenty. Well, you were sick, and we couldn’t have sex, so this is really your fault… Anyway, we were at the church late one night and one thing led to another ,and we didn’t really do much but then her dad found out and he was threatening to make it a big deal. So, I went to Pastor Cliff, remember him? And he said not to worry. Well, Dave paid off her dad, Cliff talked to the girl, and she agreed to forgive and forget and that was that. Cliff found me this church here in San Francisco where I’d be safe from, well, whatever. So, if somebody asks you about it, you have to be cool. You have to let them know that it’s no big deal, in the past, nothing to worry about. You got that? It’s over, we will never speak of this again, you have to forgive me, I’m your husband. You understand? It’s done.” Jim looked at Sadie. She nodded obligingly. She understood. In a flash, she understood that what she had held on to for comfort and purpose, trying to ease the loss of Mickey, was nothing, it was all an illusion. None of it was real. Religion, church, marriage, all the smiles, friendships, it was all fake, false, counterfeit, fraud. The magnitude of what Jim just said was overwhelming, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, there was a roaring in her ears, and she felt like she was watching it unfold rather than being a participant. “Do you understand?” Jim was speaking but she heard him differently. “Do you know what to do if someone asks you about this? Do you know what to say?” “Yes,” Sadie replied softly. “I have to get to the church. I’m going to change. You finish getting this mess cleaned up. Don’t go anywhere, don’t let anybody see you, don’t answer the door.” Sadie nodded. She was not moving on the outside. Inside, her mind was racing. Fraud. Fake. Liar. Cheater. All of the past six years welled up inside and she vomited it all up into the trash can. When she finally stopped throwing up, she got a kitchen towel and wiped her face. Sadie heard Jim leave through the front door, heard his car drive away. All the fear, anger and hate filled her with rage. What a dope she was, what an idiot. How could she have fallen for such lies, it was so obvious now, what a moron, what a fool. “What do I do now?” she sobbed. EIGHTEEN Sadie fixed herself a cafe au lait. Lots of milk, sugar, just the way she liked it. Then she had another one. She felt her individual

self-rising from the ashes of pain, she realized she had become false too, to herself, to everyone around her, to the world. Most of all, she felt a courage she had not known for years rising up within her. She finished cleaning the kitchen. She looked around. She hated what she saw, she hated what she had become, and yes, she hated Jim. He had given her hope that life could be okay but what he actually gave her were lies and deceit. Worse, she believed him, she allowed herself to be deceived. What was wrong with her?! How could she be so stupid?? The house suddenly felt claustrophobic, Sadie felt she had to get out, she had to go somewhere. She ran upstairs, packed a bag, grabbed her purse and keys. Leaving Jim a note saying he could tell people she was going to visit her sick mother because she was going out of town til the bruises went away, she got in the car and drove away. Maybe, just maybe she could think if she was somewhere else. Somehow, she remembered the way to Cindy’s house. It was not a conscious remembering, it was instinct, and that’s how Sadie was operating now, instinctively. She felt her instincts returning to her, she was beginning to remember who she was, who she really was. Sadie pulled up in front of the house with the daisies on the door. This was the only place she knew to go for help. NINETEEN Sitting in the car in front of the house, Sadie thought to herself, “this is stupid, why am I so upset, I can handle this situation myself, I don’t need to intrude on strangers, well, not entirely strangers, they will probably just laugh and tell me to go home….” And there was Cindy standing outside the car, knocking on the window. “Hey Sadie! It’s so good to see you again! But, Jesus, what happened to your face, why don’t we park your car across the street, come on, let’s talk…” and with that Cindy was sitting in the car with her. Cindy noticed Sadie’s bag in the back seat, grabbed it and walked around the car to help Sadie out. Sadie began to feel the pain of the beating all over her body, her face ached, her limbs hurt to move, but the fear was beginning to be replaced with anger. Once inside the house Sadie relaxed but with that relaxation came the inevitable tears. Mary grabbed her in a confident hug and whispered, “it’s alright, everything’s gonna be alright.” Alma walked into the living room, pronounced, “that bastard,” and took Sadie’s bag from Cindy. They all sat down; Cindy handed Sadie a glass of whiskey. Without hesitation, Sadie drank it in one swallow. Powerful Women Today Magazine


“Well, tell us what happened,” Cindy demanded, and waited for Sadie’s answer. So she told them the story, from beginning to end, how she tried to be perfect, how she wanted to hold on to something that didn’t even exist, how she ended up with such a harsh bunch of people in the first place, how she was criticized and changed to please an unpleasable husband and church members, and finally how she came to be a victim, sitting there, beaten, bruised, and starkly snapped out of her years long fog to realize she was holding on to nothing, to things that were not real. Sadie told them she felt like she had been brainwashed, indoctrinated with lies and deceit. And how stupid she was for falling for it all, for allowing it all to happen. The women nodded, whispering “yes,” and, “uh-uh.” They seemed to know this story well. As Sadie had spilled her soul into the room, Alma went to get the first aid kit, Cindy asked whether they should take her to the hospital, and Mary poured another whiskey. As the women once more cleaned up Sadie’s face and brought her ice packs for the bruises, they did not press Sadie to take action, they listened and showed Sadie the compassion she had not experienced for what seemed like forever. When there was no more to say, Alma showed Sadie to a small room and told her to rest, sleep, and they’d talk later. Mary left for work, Cindy just sat and observed. So, Sadie slept.

outlined the situation, from the lies about putting her through college to the emotional abuse, the kind of church doctrine Jim lived by, the recent physical assaults, and finally the allegations of a relationship with an underage girl, Cindy realized how angry she had become. She didn’t want to be angry, she wanted to be clear-headed and purposeful. By now, Cindy was fully caught up in the matter, and she could see what Sadie could not, that building an empire, whether secular or religious, was a way to control people and get them to do what the person in charge wanted them to do. And she was pretty sure she knew who was in charge because she knew who comprised Jim’s organization. Jon sat still and quiet, eyes penetrating the words, listening for truth. He said nothing. When Cindy had spoken all she had to share, John quietly said, “Let me talk to some people I know. I’ll give you a call, and we’ll talk again shortly.” Cindy breathed a sigh; grateful she had enlisted his help. With a quick hug, Cindy was out the door, headed back home. She didn’t want Sadie to leave, at least not yet. TWENTY-ONE Jon closed the door to his tiny windowless office. He dialed a number to a close friend on the East Coast. “Hey Toby, how are ya, my man?”

TWENTY Cindy locked the doors and stepped out onto the front porch. She needed to talk to Jon in person. Jon was the pastor at the Peoples’ Church on Haight Street; he had connections on the East Coast. Cindy had been around the block a few times, and she knew there was way more to the story than Jim had shared with Sadie.

“I’m still breathin’! Better than groovy, man! What’s up, dude?” “I need the low down on a guy that you might remember...” Thirty or so minutes later, Jon hung up the phone. He sat in his chair, not moving, just thinking for another thirty minutes. He had shared bad news plenty of times during his time here at the mission, but this was different. Even he was shocked.

Cindy walked to the church, and as always, the doors were open and inviting. Cindy called out to see if anyone was around and Jon appeared from the side door.

He had to choose his words carefully, he wanted to speak the truth, but this was hard, heartbreaking. This would change lives.

“Cindy! Haven’t seen you in weeks, what’s happenin’?!” and he gave her a big hug. Jon was a huge man, commanding respect with his size and booming voice, emphasized by his long blond hair and piercing blue eyes, he looked more like a surfer than a pastor.

Jon stood up, put on his jacket (true fringed buckskin left over from his band days) and walked purposefully out into the California sun. At the corner he took the bus to Ocean Beach. At the beach he took off his shoes and walked until he was alone and sat down on the sand. He came here to think, to get down with the truth. This truth was a nightmare and he wanted to share the nightmare as gently as possible.

But when he spoke, he was clear and precise, what he cared about was saving people, saving them from drugs, from war, from poverty, from violence, from themselves. He was not complicated, he was completely transparent, and wanted to change the world, one person at a time. “Jon, I need your help. There’s a girl I want to help, and I need some information.” “That sounds ominous. Explain.” They sat on uncomfortable folding chairs but once they began talking, both were absorbed in the Sadie saga. As Cindy 82

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As the sun breathed fire into the dusky sky, Jon stood up and sighed. No point in putting this off. He set out for Cindy’s place.

TWENTY-TWO “Hey, Cindy, is Sadie here?” Jon went straight to the point. “Yea, we’re in the kitchen.” Jon followed Cindy into the kitchen and sat at the table. Cindy didn’t offer him a drink because she knew he was in recovery and gave him a glass of water. “Sadie, I need to tell you some things that are gonna be hard to hear. I thought about not telling you but then I thought if things were reversed, I’d want to know. So, I’m just going to give it to you straight up. You can choose to believe me or not, act or not. I swear I’ll keep it real. It’s heavy and I want you to try to be chill until I finish. Cool?” Sadie nodded apprehensively. Jon began by telling Sadie who he had spoken to earlier in the day. It was a name Sadie had heard before, but she didn’t know the person, only that he was respected for being what Jim and his friends called a boy scout.

fucking stupid?” And on and on until she ran out of expletives and sank to the floor sobbing and yelling. They didn’t know what to do. Finally, Alma sat down next to her on the floor and cradled Sadie in her arms. “I know, I know, I know…” was all Alma could say. Jon sat at the table, waiting. He looked grieved. He hated delivering devastating news. He’d done that enough to know Sadie had to do what she had to do. Cindy got another glass of whiskey and swallowed it. Mary kept saying, “what a goddamn bastard…” By the time Sadie stopped crying and screaming, everyone else was crying. Sadie had been abused and deceived. Girls and women had been assaulted. And not once had that man been held accountable. Sadie stood up slowly as if she carried a ten-ton weight. She held onto the kitchen counter to steady herself. “I’m sorry, Sadie,” Jon said. “I didn’t want to tell you, but...”

“Sadie, look, this is a bad trip, I know, but like I said, I’d want to know. Jon paused, giving Sadie time to brace for the impact. “Jim is known by his inner circle to have had multiple affairs with underage girls and married women. He had to move out here to avoid charges of indecency with a minor, statutory rape, rape, and coercion. My buddy has proof and has spoken in person to some of the victims. Jim left a trail of pain, and he deserves to be in prison.” Again, Jon paused. Sadie just stared at him. “There have been rumors that Jim has tried to take advantage of some girls at church, but apparently, they reported him to parents or deacons. Whatever happened the board of deacons has cautioned him that he will be fired if this behavior continues.” “It’s also been rumored that he has visited hookers.” Sadie just sat there. She picked up her glass of whiskey and drank it in one gulp. She stood up and walked to the window. Suddenly she ran toward the kitchen trash can and threw up. And threw up again. Cindy, Alma and Mary stared at each other in disbelief. None of them knew what to say. All of them were afraid to break the silence. So, they waited for an eternity and Sadie finally spoke. Suddenly Sadie threw her empty glass into the sink where it exploded and screamed, “shit fuck damn... Why am I so

“Don’t be sorry,” Sadie said a little more forcefully than she intended to, “I deserve the truth, and I haven’t had the truth for years. I’m done with lies, I’m done with this church, I’m done with that man, and I will testify in court that he beat me. And Cindy has pictures.” Sadie looked fragile and frail and walked slowly to her room. She lay down on the bed and cried until she slept. TWENTY-THREE Before dawn, Sadie was awake. She showered, dressed and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Jim had forbidden ponytails for some unknown reason (along with bikini underwear and sandals), and this was a good way to reinforce the idea she was done. She sat at the kitchen table in the quiet semi darkness before daylight and made a plan. As she sipped her sweet cafe au lait, she thought through everything she was about to do. She felt a sense of courage and a resolve she had not felt in a very, very long time. She was angry, and the anger gave her energy and power. By the time Cindy was up, Sadie was ready. “Will you go with me?” Sadie asked. “Of course, I will,” replied Cindy with a slight smile. “And I’m asking Alma and Mary to come too.” See you in the next issue!

Powerful Women Today Magazine


Innovation, continued from page 7 Often, innovations such as these can make a

solving, and information access, it reshapes not

huge difference in the long run.

only our behaviours but also our understanding of what it means to be human.

The practical component comes from the need The rapid integration of artificial intelligence,

for innovation to improve something.

automation, and augmented reality challenges Women play a crucial role in innovation across

traditional notions of human capabilities, raising

diverse domains, showcasing their unique

questions about the ethical implications and

perspectives and contributing groundbreaking

societal impact of these advancements. In

ideas. In addition to their impact on non-

navigating this evolving landscape, it becomes



imperative to recognize and address the potential

extends into the technological sphere, where

consequences of technological innovation on our

they bring fresh insights and novel approaches.

collective humanity.



For example, in the field of artificial intelligence, women have been instrumental in addressing

Valuing the emotional way to cope with change

biases and ethical considerations, ensuring

alters and innovates us as human beings.

that technology reflects a more inclusive and

Innovation can be simple, opening our hearts and

equitable worldview. Moreover, women-led

minds to alternative possibilities.

startups often prioritize solutions that address societal needs and foster positive social change,

The official definition of innovation reads:

showcasing the intersection of innovation and

“Innovation (in something) is the introduction of

social impact.

new things, ideas, or ways of doing something

“Women-led startups often prioritize solutions that address societal needs and foster positive social change, showcasing the intersection of innovation and social impact.” Technology




way we think and perceive our humanity. The fusion of human intellect with technological advancements





changes in our cognitive processes and societal structures. As we become increasingly reliant on technology for communication, problem-


Powerful Women Today Magazine

in an age of technological innovation. i.e. The company is very interested in product design and innovation.” Perhaps a better or more innovative definition ought to be

“Innovation, a transformative change resulting in greater meaningful long-term impact for the greater good. The process of introducing novel and meaningful changes that enhance the human experience, addressing unmet needs, and fostering positive advancements in various aspects of life”

Investing, continued from page 9 Next, decide where financing could be leveraged to support your business moving forward. For

Executive Presence, continued from page 11 Confidence, Credibility, and Communication:

example, do you need to invest in technology,

Executive presence emanates confidence, a

upgrade your equipment, fund new R&D efforts,

trait significantly influencing how women are

or expand your staffing?

perceived in the workplace. Confidence forms

Be fully prepared when approaching lenders so you can present a full story in terms of numbers, relevant anecdotal information, market/competitive conditions, and your plans moving forward. Have a business plan, which is a living, breathing document based on current goals and aspirations for your business. ‘Must haves’ in that first meeting include:

the foundation of credibility, building trust among colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. Crossing into leadership roles requires a shift in behavior, as highlighted by Marshall Goldsmith in his book, “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.” It’s crucial to adapt and refine skills to match the expectations of higher leadership levels. I recently worked with a healthcare executive

❖ At least three years of financial statements

facing challenges due to outdated behaviors. By

❖ Aged accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory listings

making subtle adjustments, such as managing

❖ Interim financial statements ❖ Ownership and organizational charts ❖ You should also be prepared to share your financial projections and forecasted cash flows. ❖ ‘Nice to haves’ include: ❖ Management reports or qualitative information that is readily available, including sharing information on top customers and top suppliers ❖ Overview of product sales mix or summary of products/services offered Be clear on expectations concerning how much you are asking for, where you plan to spend it, a timeline of how you plan to use the funds, and your repayment plan. Your accountant can help you navigate the available financing options and help you prepare to speak to your lender to optimize outcomes

workload, responding promptly to emails, and preparing for meetings, she was able to overcome these hurdles. Elevating executive presence is imperative at higher leadership levels, where minor issues can impact credibility Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Moving






overcoming specific challenges. Taking on too much, neglecting email responsiveness, unpreparedness for meetings, and inadequate presentation





Elevating executive presence is crucial for those aiming to ascend the corporate ladder. At Powerful Women Today, we recognize the need for women to excel with executive continued on the next page

and terms. Powerful Women Today Magazine


continued from the previous page presence, and we’re developing a tailored program to address these challenges and foster professional growth. By empowering women to master executive presence, we aim to pave the way for their success in the corporate world. 1.

Goldsmith, M. (2007). What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People

Become Even More Successful. Hyperion. 2.

Hewlett, S. A. (2014). Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success.

HarperBusiness. Privacy, continued from page 19 There are consequences for non-compliance. USA federal laws that are industry specific have a combination of potential jail time and/or expensive fines for violations. For example, HIPPA, the federal law covering the healthcare industry, can be as expensive as $25,000.00 PER violation. However, willful neglect of the law can lead to maximum of $1.5 million per year.

Under HIPPA,

there could be up to 10 years of jail time. Of course, this is an over simplification of just one complex federal law. Here are the State’s privacy law fines PER violation: Up to $5,000.00: Connecticut Up to $7,500.00: California, Colorado, Indiana, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Up to $15,000.00: Tennessee Up to $50,000.00: Florida Montana: not set The basics for business owners 1. If you have a business website, app and/or online presence, you are required to have a Privacy Policy, which is a legally binding contract between your business and users. continued on the next page 88

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continued from the previous page 2. Privacy Policies MUST give users information regarding the Personal Identifiable Information (PII) being collected 3. Privacy Policies must explain to users the rights they have under different privacy laws to protect themselves and their PII, including opt-out. 4. Businesses are responsible for protecting all PII collected 5.

Businesses MUST have a strong cybersecurity policy in place that must include breach

notification process. 6. Privacy Policies MUST be updated as laws change, which is often. 7. Be AWARE of AI and it’s effects on your business practices, especially privacy and cybersecurity Any questions? Reach out to me. I gladly give a 15 minute free consultation. Booming, continued from page 13 These intentions and commitment can be utilized to strengthen our innermost being, allowing us to become grounded in our power. We can then fully incorporate the feminine strengths of vision, vulnerability, care, intuition, empathy, collaboration and humility. And we are better able to bring in the more traditional masculine leadership skills: daring, decisive, resilient and assertive (Monique Svazlian, Leading Gracefully, 2016). As women wake up to their power, they realize that true power lies not in their ability to control others but in their ability to inspire others. I know because I have been there. Often I received push back when I would attempt to utilize a participatory style of leadership, listening to others’ suggestions and then making a decision. When I was on faculty in a medical school and headed committees, it would drive the doctors crazy when I didn’t just say we are going to do this and I need you to do that. Over time as I grew in leadership I became more effective at utilizing both types of leadership - male and female. This takes time and skill, practiced over and over. My passion is guiding women, especially boomers, into becoming authentic successful leaders. There are always going to be obstacles but I found I actually enjoyed overcoming the obstacles placed in my way. Now this isn’t to say I enjoyed the obstacles! But exhibiting the strength to fight and overcome them? Well, that is whole other story! Boomer women have the wisdom, knowledge and the compassion to be true leaders in this time of crisis and change. Often all we need is some gentle guidance along the way.

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Love, continued from page 15 to find the way that works in your marriage. Discuss and design effective ways to handle cash and spending together. 4. Don’t ignore the money talk. Set up a monthly meeting to talk about family finances. And why not make these meetings fun? How about planning brunch at a favourite restaurant and making these meetings something you look forward to! Planning your future lives together can be one of the most meaningful and important steps you can take as a couple to create a happy financial relationship. Here are some questions to think about when you set financial goals together: 5. Do be honest. Come clean with all things financial, instead of hiding money secrets. Money secrets will drive a huge wedge in your relationship. It’s like having a financial affair. Solid communication about money and effective planning as a couple will help you and your partner share many happy years together. Source:



Impact, continued from page 17 author? Imagine the impact it will have on your business and on your personal growth. Share your wisdom and experience. Please help yourself to these free copies of my recent books. https://inspiredtenacitygifts.now.site/home Click here now to book a 30 minute chat with me. Let’s get you started on your journey as an author: https://calendly.com/inspiredtenacity/30min


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Intentional, continued from page 21 Your outreach shouldn’t be haphazard—piece-mealed together. It should be part of a plan that exposes you to your ideal audience consistently—throughout the entire year!. Start booking your speaking ops, summits, podcasts, masterclasses to other people’s communities now. Our experience is that some people will jump the first time they see you, but more often it’s the fourth, fifth or sixth time…so let your community see a lot of you! Want a great way to grab your opt-ins from EVERY appearance on your calendar? Watch this powerful masterclass: 44 Ways To Seduce Your Next Client from Stage, Podcast, Radio, Virtual Summit or Virtual Networking here: https://speakertunity.com/44waysvideo/ or get the eBook version here: www.SpeakerTunity.com/seduce Don’t leave your success to chance this year! Be deliberate, intentional, efficient, AND opportunistic, too! Rewrite your story in 2024! Blue Ocean, continued from page 23 products or services that provide distinctive benefits to customers and differentiate your business. Cost-Effective Strategies: Implement cost-effective measures to provide value without compromising quality. Streamline operations and optimize resource allocation to offer competitive pricing while maintaining profitability. Embrace Technology: Leverage technology to innovate processes and enhance customer experiences. Embracing digital solutions can lead to efficiency gains and novel ways of delivering products or services. Collaborate for Synergies: Collaborate with non-traditional partners to create synergies that lead to new market opportunities. Look beyond industry boundaries to find innovative ways to enhance your business model. Focus on Sustainability: Integrate sustainability into your business model to attract environmentally conscious consumers. Offering eco-friendly products or adopting sustainable practices can open up new market spaces. Invest in Customer Experience: Prioritize customer satisfaction by investing in a positive and memorable customer experience. Creating emotional connections with your customers can lead to brand loyalty and differentiation (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005).

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API, continued from page 33 5) Dish (Response): The prepared dish is what you receive, similar to the response from the computer system after the API processes your request. An API acts as a mediator, enabling different software applications to communicate and exchange information, just like a waiter facilitates your communication with the kitchen to get the dish you want. APIs allow different programs to work together, sharing data and functionalities without users needing to understand the complex technical details behind the process. Generative AI (ChatGPT) will be able to generate a program that women entrepreneurs can use in lots of ways. 1. Empowering Creativity: APIs empower women to unleash their creativity by providing access to various services and resources. Whether you are an aspiring app developer, a content creator, or a businesswoman looking to expand your online presence, APIs can help you integrate innovative features into your projects without the need for extensive technical knowledge. 2. Building Community: APIs foster collaboration and community building. For women entrepreneurs, APIs offer opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, share resources, and create innovative solutions. By leveraging APIs, you can build platforms that address specific needs within your community, fostering a sense of belonging and support. 3. Driving Business Growth: They facilitate the integration of third-party services, allowing businesses to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and expand their offerings. Whether you run an online store, a blog, or a social media platform, APIs enable you to integrate payment gateways, analytics tools, and social media services, boosting your online presence and driving growth. 4. Educational Opportunities: APIs provide a wealth of educational opportunities. Women interested in technology can explore APIs to learn programming, develop new skills, and participate in coding communities. With numerous online resources and tutorials, APIs are a gateway for women to enter the world of programming and technology, empowering them with valuable skills for the future. Continued on the next page


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Continued from the previous page Conclusion In essence, APIs are the keys that unlock the potential of the digital world, offering women the opportunity to innovate, collaborate, and succeed in various fields. By understanding the concept of APIs and their applications, women can harness technology to fuel their creativity, expand their businesses, and contribute meaningfully to the digital landscape. Embracing APIs opens doors to new opportunities and empowers women to shape the future of technology, making their mark in the digital realm. So, ladies, embrace the power of APIs and let your creativity and innovation soar to new heights!

“Clear mind,” from page 31 Here are three quick tips to incorporate into to help clear your mind and harness this business strategy into practice for yourself: ❖ Micro-breaks for macro results - Schedule short breaks throughout your day - put them on your calendar. Step away from your desk, take a short walk, do some mindful breathing, etc. ❖ Digital detox regularly - Set a time each day when you turn off your notifications and are away from screens. ❖ Mindful moments in meetings - Start your meetings with a meditation moment or by sharing a mantra. Encourage team members to share a positive thought. This atmosphere creates a collaborative environment and brings positivity to all areas of your business. I invite you to schedule a discovery call with me to explore what this practice can look like in your business: https://calendly.com/virtual-dortha/coaching-connect-call

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Biofeedback, continued from page 27 and supports mental wellness. It provides essential information for self-regulation and inner harmony, contributing to your success in life. What Prevents Harmony? Health issues that are caused by 1) malnutrition, and 2) toxicity within your internal and external environments. Like: ❖ Chronic acidic pH, inflammation ❖ Parasites, microorganisms, bacteria, viruses ❖ Chemical poisoning from food, liquids, products ❖ Diet devoid of nutrition ❖ Toxic chemicals in air, soil and water ❖ Fear based emotions, unresolved past traumas ❖ Self-sabotaging beliefs, negative mindset ❖ Unhealthy relationships and lifestyle habits The inevitable result is breakdown and disease; a consequence of living out of harmony with Natural Law. The Essence of Healing Healing is learning to live in harmony with Natural Law. It involves nourishing, cleansing and detoxing your mind, body and emotions to undo the damage caused by living out of harmony. It means cultivating a more loving relationship with yourself, your body and others. Healing is about redefining who you are and adopting a higher personal code of ethics of Do No Harm. To yourself, your body and all other living beings. Would You Like To: ❖ Find and correct the root causes of imbalances within yourself. ❖ Learn principles of holistic nutrition, cleanse and detoxify your body, mind, and emotions. ❖ Have the confidence that you can heal yourself. ❖ Receive weekly individualized biofeedback frequencies to balance you mind, body, emotions ❖ Support to stay accountable to yourself so you can achieve your goals. ❖ Learn Natural Laws of Health and how to live in harmony with them. If so, then schedule a free 15 minute call with me here at this link: https://calendly.com/loralee1/30min


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Decluttering, continued from page 25 ❖ Area 1: Items to give to relatives. ❖ Area 2: Items to be given to charity. ❖ Area 3: To be taken to the dump. We cleared four decades of memories in less than 2 days! There are many ways to de-clutter. Here’s just a few: 1. Put a ‘Clutter’ box in each room of your home. Each time you walk into that room, select an item to be put into the Clutter box until you are ready to file or throw it away. 2. Assign each room a day of the week and only de-clutter that room on that specific day. 3. Hire a professional organizer to set up an organizing system that you can then maintain. 4. Create a Game with a friend and take turns jointly clearing out the clutter in each others’ homes and offices. Which one will you choose to do today? Re-learning, continued from page 29 the scalp stimulates nerve endings and nourishes the follicles to promote hair growth. General stress relief is an added benefit. To massage your scalp with your fingers, apply light to medium pressure and work your way across the area going in small circles. You can do this technique dry or with conditioner in the shower. You can also employ a rubber massage tool or scalp brush, and doing the same as massaging. Eat a Healthy Diet and Supplements A balanced diet packed with vitamins and minerals is essential for skin and hair health. For example, nuts and oils rich in fatty acids can improve cell function and make your strands shine while vegetables high in beta-carotene help the scalp retain moisture. A Hair, skin, and nail supplements or Collagen is also recommended. Stay Hydrated Drinking water keeps the skin hydrated, and that goes for the skin on your head just the same. Dryness, itchiness, and flakiness could be signs that you’re dehydrated. How much water you should drink a day depends on your lifestyle and weight. I take my body weight and divide in half and that’s how many ounces I drink. Powerful Women Today Magazine


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