Powerful Women Today Summer 2023 Issue

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PWT Publishing is a division of The Hive Consulting Group Inc. dba Powerful Women Today www.powerfulwomentoday.com publisher@powerfulwomentoday.com

EST 2023 | Vol 3 | Summer 2023 Publisher Carolina M. Billings
Director & Content Curator Melanie Herschorn
Director & Multi-Media Strategist
Dortha Hise
Powerful Women Today TM Magazine
Publisher’s Note............................................................................................................... .............................4 Feature: Mission Possible..........................................................................................................................9 You Do You, and There’s No One Better Than You..........................................................................15 Unleash Your Potential: Conquering Self-Doubt in Business......................................................17 How To Talk About Money In Your Relationship..............................................................................19 When You Focus on Your Purpose, Amazing Things Can Happen! ............................................21 Learning to Embrace the Superpower of Nuerodivergence.........................................................23 What is Your Energy Broadcasting?.....................................................................................................25 Luxury Wedding Trends...........................................................................................................................27 How to Achieve Maximum Client Attraction from Your Podcasts.............................................29 Featured Interview: Valerie Hayes.......................................................................................................33 Featured Interview: Judy Cirullo..........................................................................................................36 Blooming in the Midst of this Crazy World........................................................................................39 Celebrating Fathers Around the World..............................................................................................43 PWT Negotiation Expert & Author Pens Children’s Fable, Released on Mother’s Day......47 How to Bloom Where Your Business is Planted..............................................................................49 The Three Pillars to be Mindful & Enjoying Long-Term Success.................................................51 The Evolution of Diversity & Inclusivity in Bra Sizing ...................................................................53 5 Mindset Shifts to Negotiate the Job Market & Beyond.............................................................55 I’m Blooming! ................................................................................................................. ............................59 Harness the Power of Thought to Accelerate Your Business Success......................................61 Success by Design......................................................................................................................................63 Nature Blooms in its Own Time: Embrace the Power of Patience.............................................67 Limitations to Liberation.........................................................................................................................69 How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls.....................................................................................................................71 A Brief Story of how Lilli, Ruth, and Barbie Changed the World................................................75 Creative’s Note...........................................................................................................................................79 Editor’s Note.................................................................................................................. ..............................81 In Her Own Words.....................................................................................................................................87 Indoctrinated: Chapters 5-8.................................................................................................... ...............91 About Powerful Women Today’s Research........................................................................................97 How can AI Chatbots Bard and ChatGPT help Generation X women entrepreneurs with content creation?......................................................................................................... ....................99 AI Chatbots Bias Towards Women Entrepreneurs Disruption or Innovation?...................103 Powerful Women Today Mentor Experts........................................................................................108 Powerful Women Today Magazine 3

For the Love of Summer & Mother Earth

With its powerful light, summer is associated with heroism and female receptivity. This season’s stories depict heaven and earth’s reproductive and spiritual union and fruit.

Most mythologies depict the highest deity as masculine . But incredibly old artifacts like this “Venus” (c. 20,000 BC) reveal that previously the Earth—the most venerated of the gods, giver and taker of life— was portrayed as a woman and mother. Mythology, like history, has been mostly written by men. The woman being considered the second sex, a newcomer to creation, inferior, and possibly malevolent. Myths about personal transformation rarely feature a heroine. Eros and Psyche are rare. In mythology, women are both lifegivers and deadly temptresses.

I have to admit, as a professional woman, witnessing grown women call themselves goddesses in public makes me uneasy. Imagine how a male calling himself god/gods would land right now. That said, Spring and Summer feel like a female awakening to me . Mythical Mother

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goddesses worldwide are considered givers and takers of life, earth personifications, producers of animals and vegetation, and goddesses of love, marriage, and pregnancy. They are called Kali (India), Inanna (Sumeria), Ishtar (Babylon), Astarte or Anat (Canaan), Aphrodite, Demeter, and Artemis (Greece), Cybele and Venus (Rome), Isis (Egypt), Ma (Anatolia), and Freya (Scandinavia).

The myth of the Abduction of Persephone by Hades explained the season s . To the ancient Greeks, spring and summer signified the six months when Persephone returned from the Underworld, and her mother, Demeter, made the earth bloom and grow bountiful after her absence. Ancient Romans honoured Vesta, the goddess of home and family, before the summer solstice. The wisdom of the ancient philosophers still informs us in areas of science and math, all men.

May the wisdom of the ancient myth and worship of female energy and Summer’s warmth awaken new development, experiences, and opportunities under

Mother Earth’s loving gaze, flora and fauna, and all nature’s gifts from the universe, great and small.

What is Your Mission Possible?

When someone tells you that you can’t do something, is your first instinct to agree with them and wilt like a sun-deprived flower, wondering how you could ever have set such pie-in-the-sky and downright silly goals for yourself?

Or do you immediately feel the defiance welling up inside you like hot popcorn kernels in the microwave bursting in the bag and you find even more resolve to accomplish what you have set out to do?

I wish I could say that I’ve only ever been like popcorn. But the truth is, shrinking violet has always been the safer option for me.

Until now.

One morning in March, an idea woke me up with a start (and I am not a morning person). It told me that I could help women entrepreneurs in their first 5 years of business avoid the common mistakes and reach heights they had only ever dreamed about by creating THE MANUAL on successful entrepreneurship. To make it so rich in value, I would curate a group of brilliant women who could all speak on to their expertise. This book would have been so beneficial to me back when I was starting out.

Almost immediately, my inner voice told me that this is way too lofty a goal. I didn’t even need to share the idea with outside naysayers. I was capable all by myself of shutting the idea down and saying, ‘Why would anyone want to be part of this book project? Just forget it.’

But I couldn’t shake it.

So with severe trepidation, I put my faith and trust in this mission to help women entrepreneurs. And sure enough, 11 brilliant women have put their faith and trust in the mission and joined the journey with me. It is with great honor that I introduce you to some of these world-changers whose wisdom and unparalleled expertise are making this Mission Possible.

My mission possible is that all people have the courage and confidence to show up as their REAL selves both in their business and in their life. -

My mission possible is to revolutionize sales for buyers and sellers. Sellers never need to feel like they’re selling and buyers never need to feel like they’re being sold. Instead it’s a transparent conversation about what’s in the best interest for the buyer - even if it’s not what the seller is “selling.”

My mission possible is to build a business that supports the life I want to lead and with fun, joy, and ease and brings the same results to the women I impact along the journey.Jenny

My mission possible is to help women recognize their superpower as an entrepreneur, business owner, executive, human in the world by finding adventure in every day and I show them how partnering with the right coach can help to elevate and leverage those efforts. -

My mission possible is to support female coaches to learn how to create predictable profit by launching their offers to the market using a simple, repeatable process that they can manage on their own or with a small team. -

Our mission possible is - growing your business the way you want is possible when you surround yourself with the right community! - Jen

My mission possible is that anyone can earn exposure in the media. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, how big your team is, or how long you’ve been in business. If you have an expertise in something and you’re

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confident enough to share it, you have what it takes.

My mission possible is running and growing a business, and recognizing and claiming your value, while reigning in your inner peoplepleaser.

My mission possible is to show women in business that being coached will help them learn, being challenged will help them grow, and finding someone to believe in them will help them win.

My mission possible is to never apologize for being yourself, going after what you want and being a fierce defender of your happiness.

Mission Possible: Successful Women Entrepreneurs Sharing Step-By-Step How to Become One is a labor of love and a treasure trove of guidance for female entrepreneurs in the first 5 years of business.

We are moms to fur babies and humans, wives, partners, sisters, and daughters, who understand that you should not have to go it alone. We are here to help your business grow and become your Mission Possible.

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You Do You, And There’s No One Better Than You

Have you ever felt a bit different than those around you?

Have you ever thought, “That’s not my way at all”, to do it that way anyway – as most people seemed to do it “that way?”

If you answered yes to both questions, you’re not alone. Many of my clients, successful CEOs, and business owners, have been or are feeling differently. They come with this huge drive.

A drive to do it their way, only to be stopped by society, the rules, the consensus, and “the way it should be”.

Have you ever given in and done it the way it should be? Instead of how you thought it should be done?

Maybe because you heard your Mother’s disapproving voice in your mind, you got that angry stare, or hell, perhaps you even heard your own voice in your mind telling you “not to be silly, not to risk it but rather to be responsible, and do the smart thing”.

If so, I’m going to share something incredibly important with you now. Something you can’t live without. It’s so powerful, you wish you’d heard of it before- and now you’ll never go without it.

“The F*CK IT switch”

Yes, a switch that you can flick anytime and anywhere. A switch you do not physically need but is there nonetheless.

Feeling like you need to act against the grain, doing it your own way, but doubting whether it works – as it has never been done before? Flip it! Do it your way.

Feeling like you should run your business according to what all experts tell you to do,

even though deep down you know you loath it? Flip it! Go for what works for you.

Wondering whether you should wear that beautiful dress now or wait until you have lost some weight? Flip it! Look in the mirror and observe your beauty.

Wanting to speak your heart, go live, or write a social media post stating exactly what you think without holding back? But you’re worried it may backfire? Flip it! Respectfully tell them how it is.

It’s a relief, and you’re worth it! You deserve it. No more hiding – it’s time people start seeing how amazing you are.

So what are you waiting for? Flip the f*ck it switch, and do you!

Be the CEO of your life, work less, live more, Yvonne Yvonne Dam is an international executive coach for driven CEOs who have too little time and crave to take their business to the next level.

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Unleash Your Potential: Conquering Self-Doubt in Business

As women, we are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we’re not good enough. We’re told we need to look and act a certain way in order to succeed. These messages can be overwhelming, and it’s no wonder so many of us struggle with selfdoubt.

One woman who knows this struggle is Sarah. Sarah is the owner of a successful marketing agency, but her journey to success wasn’t easy. When she started her business, she was full of passion and excitement. However, as her business grew, so did her self-doubt.

Sarah would constantly second-guess herself and worry about whether she was good enough to run a successful business. She felt like she was constantly fighting against an inner voice that told her she wasn’t smart enough, talented enough, or deserving enough to succeed.

Despite these doubts, Sarah refused to give up . She knew that she had a vision for her business, and she was determined to make it a reality. She sought coaching and worked to improve her business decision-making skills and confidence. She worked tirelessly to build her business, even when the doubts threatened to overwhelm her.

And slowly but surely, Sarah’s hard work paid off. Her business began to flourish, and she became a respected leader in her industry. She had proven to herself that she could achieve her dreams, despite the doubts that had once held her back.

Sarah’s story is one that many women can relate to. We all have our own inner voices that tell us we’re not good enough, and it can be incredibly difficult to silence them. But Sarah’s story is a reminder that you can achieve amazing things, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

It’s also important to remember that self-doubt is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it’s often a sign of bravery and ambition. It takes courage to pursue your dreams, even when you’re not sure if you’re capable of achieving them. By acknowledging and accepting self-doubt, you can start to move past it and reach your full potential.

So if you’re struggling with self-doubt, know that you’re not alone . It’s okay to feel unsure of yourself - we all do at times. Seek out support from others, challenge negative self-talk, and focus on building your skills and knowledge.

With time and determination, you can bloom fully and unapologetically in your business and in your life.

to eliminate self-doubt and achieve success.

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Valerie Hayes is a COO and business coach who provides practical advice that delivers results empowering business owners
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How To Talk About Money In Your Relationship

Remember, nobody likes to be ambushed!

Couples often argue about money for various reasons, but they can create a stronger financial plan by approaching the topic with understanding and communication. Money conflicts can lead to serious consequences, so it’s essential to address them proactively.

Starting the conversation by setting a dedicated time allows both partners to mentally and emotionally prepare. Ground rules, such as avoiding blame and past disagreements, should be established to ensure a productive discussion.

Sharing values and motivations behind spending decisions is crucial. It’s essential to listen to each other without judgment and let partners express their perspectives. Assumptions should be set aside because people’s spending motivations may differ from what is expected. Understanding each other’s values can prevent misunderstandings and disagreements.

Creating a joint money management plan may require multiple discussions. It’s important to acknowledge that complete agreement may not always be possible. Couples can start by agreeing on a few aspects, such as organizing finances with separate bank accounts or setting spending limits. There is no one-sizefits-all approach to budgeting and managing money together, so couples should leverage each other’s strengths and focus on progress rather than perfection.

Debt-proofing a relationship involves open and honest communication about spending habits and financial infidelities. Sharing credit card and bank statements, pay stubs, and income tax information builds trust and allows for better decision-making. Managing money together reduces conflict and brings shared successes and a sense of relief from being supported in resolving debts.

Planning for the future is crucial , and a spending plan or budget becomes a valuable tool. It should incorporate both partners’ goals, outline spending limits, ensure bills and debt payments are covered, and provide a vision for the future. Regular financial appointments allow for ongoing discussions about expenses and prevent arguments with no positive outcomes.

Effective communication about money is essential in a relationship . Understanding each other’s values, creating a joint money management plan, and addressing financial challenges together can lead to a stronger future. By actively discussing finances and seeking professional help if needed, couples can break patterns of arguments and build a solid foundation for their financial well-being.

In a relationship, money is like a third partner. It is essential to communicate effectively with your spouse about your household finances, regardless of whether there is sufficient money to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, insufficient money to make ends meet, or a balance between the two. Rather than engaging in retribution spending — your version of golf clubs or high fashion — try comprehending how your spouse’s values influence spending decisions.

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Although money cannot buy happiness, it can pay the mortgage, purchase groceries, and make enjoyable times possible.
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When You Focus on Your Purpose, Amazing Th ings Can Happen!

Have you ever wondered the following: Why do you do what you do? Why you gravitate towards certain people or places and away from others? Why are you passionate about some things and not others? Why you and your co-worker or even family members clash on different things? Why do you feel stuck in a rut and can’t move forward or need more clarity about what you want to accomplish next in your life or career? You are not alone if you answer yes to any of these questions. These questions create curiosity and impact your mindset about what you can accomplish and how you accomplish it. What does mindset have to do with purpose, growth, and decision-making?

The Golden Circle, created by Simon Sinek, defines not only your WHY, your purpose, your motivation, but HOW you’re motivated, your direction, and WHAT you are motivated to do, what you deliver to others.

The combination of these 3 components make up your own operating system. Discovering your WHY Operating System is the first essential step in propelling you to the next level of your own success. You see, many people with a goal or aspiration stop, stall, or give up prematurely. Why? They lack clarity on their sense of purpose, their WHY. Here is a story. As a 4-x business owner, I knew my passion, and what I wanted to do in my career.

I was driven to accomplish this and did so very successfully, with many bumps in the road. Then, I sold my businesses and lost my purpose.

My purpose was tied to my business, so how did I lose it? You don’t lose your purpose. Your WHY is one-dimensional and comes from the inside out; it is your driver. I left the structure where I expressed my WHY. My businesses provided the environment where I shared my WHY with others; having the business gave me the direction, my HOW, and my WHAT. Once I discovered my WHY Operating System, everything made sense.

My mindset changed; I didn’t need a title, or position to define my WHY or purpose. Everyone has a WHY Operating System. Once you gain clarity on what drives you, motivates you, and WHAT you deliver to others, you have the direction, focus, and courage to move forward step by step with conviction and confidence. Discover your WHY Operating System and amazing things can happen.

Judy Cirullo, PT, ACC, CPC, C-IQ Certified specializes in helping CEOs, Leaders, and Managers Build Stronger Teams | Founding Actuator™ at the Culture Fix Academy™ | Speaker | Executive, Business, and Team Culture Coach. Book a discovery debrief session with Judy - $99 special offer for readers of Powerful Women Today Magazine: https://calendly.com/growstrongteams/why-osdiscovery-debrief.

Connect with Judy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/judycirullo/

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Learning to Embrace the Superpower of Neurodivergence

Ihave always been a fan of the Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken” about the paths we take in life. One of my favorite lines in that poem is “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” As defined by dictionary.com, the word “diverged” means “separate from another route, especially a main one, and go in a different direction.” The question remains is being different a bad thing or a good thing? Is it necessary to go in the same direction or is it exceptional to take a different direction? A neurodivergent individual is defined as “someone whose brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered the norm.( What Does It Mean to Be Neurodivergent? (verywellmind.com)”

Historically speaking, someone whose brain differs from the norm was considered to eccentric, freakish or deviant, but could it be that being “different” from the norm is actually a superpower? The traditional expectation has always been that each person will become a “cookie-cutter” version of one another to find societal acceptance; however, the neurotypical can be even more exciting? If we think about cookies, each cookie comes in many different flavors, but all have their own taste of delicacy, richness, and flavor.

In the field of education, I studied Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, which states that students fall into 8 categories of learning: visual-spatial, linguistic-verbal, logicalmathematical, body-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic (Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (simplypsychology.org) and each of these categories has its own strengths and challenges in instruction . Furthermore, we were encouraged to create measures of differentiated instruction to ensure that each student was maximizing their academic potential. If we embrace the genius and encourage the exceptional, instead of

judging the differences, we can help all neurodivergent individuals to find their own measure of shine and magnitude.

Diverging from the norm is what has created such incredible geniuses as Johann van Beethoven, Steve Jobs, Eminem, Stevie Wonder, Thomas Jefferson, Emily Dickinson, Albert Einstein, Simone Biles, Amanda Gorman, Maya Angelou, etc.; all of whom are neurodivergent. Instead of seeing the typical cookie cutter measure as the norm, perhaps we can learn to be excited by the differences in each cookie in the batch and embrace the deliciousness of each individual cookie and each neurodivergent genius.

Publisher’s note: At the author’s request, this article had not been edited and it appears as submitted for publication.

Lisa Ford is an Educator | Psychoeducational Consultant | Mental Health Therapist and Advocate for Individual Growth |Empowerment and Success! Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisaford-12526454/

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What is Your Energy Broadcasting?

Do you have a sense of how other people view you when they first meet you? Are you transmitting subtle messages about yourself that convey anxiety, negativity, confusion, worry, desperation, or fear? Or are you communicating confidence, passion, trust, and accountability?

I witness professionals who focus on selling their company or their products or services but pay little attention to how they show up to sell and present themselves. Everything you say and every move you make either pulls clients toward you or pushes them away. Your words and communication style either attract or repel. You are an integral part of the package and part of what customers are buying.

Today’s consumers are skeptical and don’t put much trust in the words you use, so they look for other ways to gauge your trustworthiness. They assess you to determine if they can see themselves working with you. They evaluate how you make them feel, and if you carve out the time to connect with them.

You may think that prospects are buying your brilliance, your reputation, your expertise, your prestige, or your high-end office space. Think again. It is all you.

Business is not won at the end when you ask for the sale. It’s won at the beginning when you show up in a way that conveys that you care and that you’re there with your heart and your soul, not your head and your ego.

Stay in the present, manage the moment, and don’t let your energy and focus get too far down the lane to closing the business. A lot has to happen in between, It’s nice to meet you, and thank you for your business. Pay attention to your intention. When you communicate with the energy

of wanting a specific outcome, you appear desperate and needy, and the client may sense an insecure vibe. This happens most often when you need and want the business more than your prospect needs to solve his problem. When you care more about closing the sale than you do about addressing his issues, prospects can feel it.

When people sniff a whiff of your neediness cologne or desperation perfume, whether delicate or pungent, they will shut down, because humans are good at picking up on the intentions of others without trying.

You’re sending out signals that you are there for the sale. Prospects never buy in that situation. If people are not calling you back, not returning your e-mails, and otherwise evading your communication, it’s because they read you correctly. This is the buyer’s way of stating, Get lost, move on, I will never do business with you.

If your energy is off, change it. If your intention is wrong, correct it. If your mind is frazzled, calm it down. You are in control of how you appear. Are you showing up as self-centered or as your best self? Be honest, and make the necessary adjustments.

Liz Wendling is a nationally recognized speaker, sales consultant, and author of 6 books~The Heart of Authentic Selling and Sell Without Selling Your Soul. Connect with Liz on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizwendling/

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If your energy is off, change it.
If your intention is wrong, correct it. If your mind is frazzled, calm it down.

Luxury Wedding Trends

Wedding season is here, and luxury weddings are set to embrace a range of new and exciting trends. From lavish floral installations to interactive food stations, the year ahead promises to be a truly spectacular time for couples looking to tie the knot in style. Here are some of the top luxury wedding trends that we can expect to see in this summer and beyond:

1. Sustainable Weddings : Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword. Ecoconscious couples are expected to make sustainability a key focus of their weddings. From reducing waste to using locally sourced, organic produce, sustainable weddings will be all the rage this year.

2. Interactive Food Stations : Interactive food stations are a fun and exciting way to keep guests engaged and entertained during the reception. Think DIY cocktails, make-your-own-taco bars, and dessert stations where guests can customize their own sweet treats.

3. Bold Colors and Textures : Bold, vibrant colors and textures are dominating wedding décor. From jewel-toned flowers to velvet table runners, couples will be embracing bold and eclectic styles that are sure to make a statement.

4. Luxe Lounge Areas : Lounge areas are becoming increasingly popular at weddings, providing guests with a comfortable space to relax and unwind. Expect to see plush seating, cozy blankets, and chic lighting in these intimate spaces.

5. Over-the-Top Floral Installations : Florals have always been a staple of luxury weddings, but now, couples are taking things to the next level with extravagant floral installations. From hanging floral chandeliers to oversized flower walls, the possibilities are endless.

6. Bespoke Wedding Attire : Custom-designed wedding attire will continue to be a popular choice for luxury couples this year. From intricately embroidered gowns to bespoke suits, personalized wedding attire adds an extra touch of luxury to any wedding.

7. Destination Weddings : With travel restrictions eased up, destination weddings are making a big comeback this wedding season. From tropical beach weddings to European castle weddings, couples are embracing the opportunity to say “I do” in exotic and far-flung locations.

8. Intimate Gatherings : The trend towards smaller, more intimate weddings is likely to continue . Couples are opting for more intimate celebrations with their closest family and friends, rather than larger, more elaborate affairs.

9. Unexpected Venues : More couples are choosing to host their weddings in unconventional locations, such as private estates, vineyards, and even museums. These unique venues provide a oneof-a-kind backdrop for the special day.

10. Digital Enhancements : Technology is playing an increasingly important role in luxury weddings. From virtual reality tours of wedding venues to live-streaming ceremonies for guests who can’t attend in person, technology is being used to enhance the wedding experience.

As couples continue to push the boundaries and embrace new and exciting ideas, the future of luxury weddings looks brighter and more exciting than ever.

Follow Stephaney on instagram at: inspired_weddingsinc or email hello@inspired-weddings.ca for more tips or inquiries.

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How to Achieve Maximum Client Attraction from Your Podcasts

It’s great when you get booked on a podcast or radio show, but it’s even better if you can convert from the virtual stage. Getting people to either opt in to your free offer or accept your paid offer from a podcast is the golden ticket.

Once you’ve established your credibility; related a story that begins the process of getting people to know, like and trust you; offered great value; and given people action steps they can take, now is the time to provide them a chance to get even more from you.

The following are the key elements you must have in place to ensure that your appearance achieves the maximum client attraction!

Hit their “Pain Point.” What you are offering on the air must satisfy or solve a critical pain point for the audience of listeners. Whatever offer you craft, whether it is paid or free, needs to create urgency for them… the faster they get a solution, the faster their pain recedes. Be their hero!

Have a compelling title or name for it that encapsulates the benefit. Get creative. Put a moniker on it that is memorable and pierces right to their festering sore. Give them a reason to download it – whether it makes them laugh, creates recognition in their inner core, eases pain or gives them a sigh of relief!

Work up to its presentation, seeding the conversation. You can begin seeding the conversation early on by saying things like “and before we wrap up, I’ll have a simple way you can do this for you,“ or “there’s a resource for you that we’ll be discussing later on that will provide some ways to help you.” Get them hyped up to hear what you’ve got.

Have your offer down; don’t ramble. Practice your delivery, you are very clear on what it will do for them. You can briefly review what its components are, but stay focused on the outcome. Be able to deliver it 1, 2, or 5 minute… you’ll have an idea how much time is allowed when you see how much time is left on the interview clock. If it’s an audience participation show, leave a few minutes to answer questions. People may want to know more.

Keep it simple. Make it easy for people to understand. Remember you are talking the lowest possible denominator here, so stay as simple as you can in the explanation and the call to action. Any confusion will minimize action.

Don’t forget the call to action! Don’t make the mistake of giving a great description of what you are providing and then forgetting to make it a call-to-action. Tell them where to get it and how. Urge, invite, and encourage them to move forward and take advantage immediately.

Make it easy for people to access. Have an easyto-remember URL where they can retrieve your gift or your product/service for sale. Repeat it a second time so people who are writing it or putting it into their phones can capture what you are saying.

Have a follow-up sequence. Whether you are giving them a free informational gift, or getting them to purchase some resource from you, you must have a follow-up sequence set up to deliver with auto-responders. With a free gift, you begin to nurture them and lead them toward a purchase or enrollment. With a purchase, you’ll have a thank you and product delivery sequence. Have these all in place before you ever hit the airwaves.

Start small. If you are offering a purchase or enrollment offer, with podcast and radio, one great strategy is to start with something small, well under $100, lowering the resistance barrier.

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Then, through personal conversations and follow-up sequences, you can move them forward to more high-ticket offerings.

Strategy and consultation sessions are great for coaches. One very effective strategy for coaches—if you have the time to do this—is to make an offer to do a 3- minute strategy or consultation with prospects. In that short time you should be able to:

1. develop rapport

2. get clarity on their problem and what you could offer that would benefit them

3. introduce them to the program you offer, tailored to their needs

4. present them with a way to take advantage of it

Have an easy way to book strategy or consultation sessions. If you are making an offer of a strategy or consultation session, make it easy for them to schedule with you. Have an easy-to-find spot on your website where they can access a scheduling app that automates your appointments. Or buy a simple two or three-word URL that you can point to that calendar.

Make sure your website is streamlined. Some people will simply forget your free offer URL or your calendar invitation, so streamline your website so that people can find them easily if they simply go hunting for you. Keep your home page uncluttered, and if you offer your gift from there, give them a simple form or send them to the landing page. Your scheduler can be on your About page or on your Contact Page. Make sure to mention your website in the interview, too.

Invite them to follow you on social media. While your gift or offer is your #1 call-toaction, you can also invite them to follow you on social media—if there is plenty of available time in the interview. Don’t do this if you are on a time limitation. Just focus on your main objective.

Give out your email. Depending on whether you want to make your email public or not,

you have the option of inviting people to email you for a direct conversation. I like to do this on virtual summits because it goes to a closed audience, and I will have built up an intimacy with the summit attendees and the host.

In summary, have a resource with clear benefits and an outcome, a compelling call to action, and an easy way for folks to find you!

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Jackie Lapin is the Founder & President of Speakertunity supporting Authors, Speakers, Get Leads, Get Booked. We Help Authors & Speakers Find Speaking Opportunities in Their Market. We Get You Booked on Radio & Podcast Shows. Follow us on TikTok

PWT: As a fractional CEO who helps people grow their businesses, what kind of businesses do you tend to work with?

VH: I work with small businesses that are typically somewhere between $500,000 a year and $2 million a year, who have hit a plateau. They’re stuck. They’re trying to grow. They can’t move the needle and they can’t figure out why. I enjoy working with professional services businesses, like a digital marketing agency or financial services, legal services, something like that. It sounds kind of quirky, but the issues that people experience in their business, no matter what they are industry, are all the same. And typically, what you have to do as a small business owner to get to $500,000 is not the same as what you have to do to get to $1 million.

PWT: What makes the growth process so different depending on how much revenue your business makes?

VH: Once you get to somewhere between $1 million and $2 million, growing your business actually becomes much easier. How bizarre is that? Right? It’s really hard to grow. The first tough space is getting $200,000 a year – $10,000 a month, roughly. You can hang on to that pretty much and get to $500,000 or $750,000 but you can’t get to $1 million it’s just not going to work. Processes and procedures don’t scale. You have to delegate. You have to fill up teams. And so I help people do that.

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PWT: What is your process when you work with businesses?

VH: I go in and I evaluate everything that’s going on and figure out where things are getting stuck and essentially how to make things work together. Oftentimes I’m simplifying. I’m increasing communication amongst people on the team. Sometimes I’m moving the staff around to different jobs. Sometimes we’re hiring new people and letting other people go because people don’t always necessarily grow along with the business. They may have been a good fit when the business when they came into the business it may have been a good fit for them. But if the business goes in a different direction, or they don’t grow their skill set as fast as the business grows, it’s no longer fit and then there’s tension there.

PWT: Why is it similar work no matter what industry businesses are in?

VH: Because businesses run on people. It doesn’t matter what business you’re in. The ability to leverage the people in your organization is the best predictor of success. It doesn’t matter if you have a trucking company, or if you’re manufacturing widgets, or providing professional services. It’s how well am I establishing the marketing vision how well do we provide customer service? How well do we produce our product or service? How did we deliver it? How do we make the internal things work? And that’s why people break down at that $500,000 to $750,000 mark. They’ve been able to fly by the seat of their pants on the internal workings of the organization. The best advice you can give to a small business owner is put those things in place before you start to grow, then you’ll be able to grow faster and it will be less painful.

PWT: What are some of those pieces that businesses should have in place?

VH: Interestingly enough, most small business owners do not have a strong marketing vision. When I start working with a client, that’s one of the first things I

address. Knowing your client avatar is critical to developing a marketing strategy and a marketing message. And most people who can’t get beyond that $500,000 do not have a well developed marketing message. When you don’t have a well developed marketing message, you have nothing to sell. In fact, marketing is the foundation of sales. They aren’t two separate things. If you have a good marketing message, you know who your target audience are, you know what your offer is, the offer is competitive, and you know what sets you apart from the other people in the space, then you can go out and sell.

PWT: At what point do clients usually bring you in to fix things?

VH: People typically bring me in when there’s a problem in sales. Kind of the light bulb is like, ‘I’m not growing, I plateaued or I fell back this year. I don’t know what to do.’ Unlike a coach or consultant, I actually work with the team as part of the team. I teach people how to do the work. I teach people copywriting, customer service. I help people write templates for customer service email responses. I coach them through the process so that we’re developing the skill set that we need, at the same time that we’re improving processes and procedures. In a perfect world, within a defined period of time, I would work myself out of a job.

PWT: What is your career background?

VH: I had my own business from 2002 to 2020 and I was an expert in the public speaking coaching niche. I was helping people prepare for interviews where they would have to answer controversial questions. When COVID had that niche imploded for obvious reasons. I decided to ake advantage of this sort of break in the business and learn learn some new skills myself. I was taking some marketing classes and did a couple coaching programs, and I was seeing that the other people in the groups were really having a hard time implementing the concepts that were being presented to them. They couldn’t implement them and were getting frustrated and disappointed. The coaches couldn’t recognize or identify what the problem is. And it was just really obvious to me that the

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reason why they couldn’t implement these things is because their business was at one level and they’re trying to they’re trying to implement things with no foundation for this at all.

At that time, I had a professional acquaintance whose friend’s business needed a new general manager and he wanted to come have someone come in and do an evaluation of what they needed to do. So I went in and worked for them for three months, and then they offered me the CEO job at the end of the three months. And so I’ve been with that client for two years now.

PWT: What’s the most rewarding part of what you do?

VH: I love to see these incredible transformations for the business. And it’s really fun to help someone do something that they wanted to do but weren’t necessarily convinced they could. I just like helping people be successful.

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Valerie Hayes is a COO and business coach who provides practical advice that delivers results empowering business owners to eliminate selfdoubt and achieve success.

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PWT: Tell us about your business.

JC: I’m a healthcare professional, a physical therapist of 40 years. I’ve had four businesses in four different states and became a certified professional coach in 2015. I help business owners and leaders come together and work with their teams, so that they can really create a culture that drives the business forward. In an environment where people are happy to work there, they feel valued, they feel motivated. Bringing the honest perceptions of the owner and the employees together is very important piece because oftentimes they’re perceiving things differently.

PWT: How do you help your clients reach that level of communication to make their businesses great places to work?

JC: I help them take large amounts of information and I simplify it down into something that makes sense for them. I craft a picture of clarity for communicating, conversing, putting things in an order that they can then expand upon and build upon. There’s so much overwhelm, our brain bandwidth can’t handle anymore. We’re inundated and we all feel it no matter what field that we’re in. So it leads to being pulled in all these different directions and not feeling like you’re actually accomplishing anything. I listena lot. I asked a lot of questions and try to find out where they are right now and where they want to go. I help them make sense out of the complex issues that they’re discussing, and that are in the way, and then ultimately what happens is, they can

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count on my contribution to their success.

PWT: Why did you feel called to help business owners?

JC: Small to midsize healthcare businesses are my sweet spot. Why? Because I’ve been there done that. And it was a challenge for me. As a clinician, you are trained to take care of your patients, you aren’t trained to develop others, motivate others, bring them forward. At one point in time, I had three clinicians leave within two weeks. So I that was kind of a light bulb for me. I had a successful, busy practice, but times were shifting and I wasn’t shifting with those times.

PWT: How important is it for business owner to have good communication strategies?

JC: Retaining staff is a biggie because people are so worried about that in this day and age, but it all revolves around having conversations that are impactful for both sides, where people share perspective. They end up having trust and can craft and create a solution together. And it puts people in charge it takes the onus off the owners and the leaders to have to solve all of the problems and carry those burdens. It puts accountability back into the staff, but it also puts accountability onto the owner to be aware, ask the questions, and be responsive. So it’s a two way feedback system, but each person is accountable to each other. Thus then the business starts to thrive.

PWT: What advice do you have for business owners who are struggling with these issues right now?

JC: People need to rediscover their purpose and their why and what drives them because then if you can do that, you can say, “This is really what I bring to the world. This is how I bring it and this is what people can count on me for.” Because when we get caught up in all of this minutia, we sometimes temporarily give up our values and we have to be brought back to our home base. Then they have conviction. They have confidence in who they are. And then we can have we have a conversation from there and take it from

there. Human skills are vital because they are skills that everyone needs to embody.

Judy Cirullo, PT, ACC, CPC, C-IQ Certified specializes in helping CEOs, Leaders, and Managers Build Stronger Teams | Founding Actuator™ at the Culture Fix Academy™ | Speaker | Executive, Business, and Team Culture Coach. Check out Judy’s free gift in the Powerful Women Today Swag Bag.

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38 Powerful Women Today Magazine

this Crazy World

Are you stressed out? Overwhelmed? Fearful? You are not alone. It seems like every time we turn on the TV or radio we are hearing about yet another shooting, stabbing, or killing. Of course, we are all feeling out of sorts.

As I investigated what is going on, I realized that we are being bombarded every day with negativity and complaints. Either we are being negative and complaining or the people around us are negative and complaining. It seems like it is everywhere. Yikes!

But there is hope. Hope that we can turn things around and reframe our thinking and what we say to ourselves and to others. This is not the time to wait for things to get better or for things to be perfect. The time is now to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones. It is time to look at what we can control and that is us and our thoughts. We can’t control others, but we can control how we react to things that are happening all around us.

I can hear you saying, “Oh Mindy that is so easy to say but so hard to do.” You are right. But what’s harder and worse??? It is not changing. You can’t expect to have a positive life with negative thoughts and complaining. We must train our brains to first recognize that the thoughts we have are negative. We all get negative thoughts, but it is what we do with them that makes the difference.

Many people are shocked when I tell them that I used to be the most negative person and I complained A LOT. I was also very angry. My mother said that I was born angry. I didn’t realize that I was the reason why people left or didn’t like me. It was ME! Holy moly. It was ME! I sit here holding back the tears because I am so grateful that I am not stuck in that toxic negative trap that I used to be in. The trap that I created.

If you are wondering if this could be you, let me give you a couple of examples that you may have experienced but did not realize that you were the toxic person.

I used to regularly have lunch with a work friend and when things got bad in my marriage I would dump all of my troubles on her. I would complain about my husband and talk about everything that he did wrong. After a while, I noticed that my friend’s calendar was booked during the lunch hour. She would suddenly have a work meeting during lunchtime. Soon the only people I could find to eat lunch with were the other complainers and negative conversations.

Making and keeping friends was difficult for me . I would always talk about myself and not ask them about themselves . When they did share, I would quickly chime in on how I had experienced something similar. While this may seem like a way to connect, what I didn’t realize is that I was stealing their thunder and making it all about me. I was doing the proverbial “oneupping”. I had this deep desire to connect but was going about it wrong.

Invitations to events stopped coming... I was being overlooked or not included. To make myself feel better, I decided that the lack of invites was due to my being a woman or because of some kind of bias that others’ had.. The real truth was that I wasn’t being included because I was a toxic person. I spewed negativity everywhere I went. No wonder I was not being invited, not being included, not being heard!

So many of us walk around all negative and complaining and then wonder why we are no one wants us around. So why am I sharing all of this? It is because I know there is a better way. First, you must realize that YOU are part of the problem. If you could own 5% of the problem that you are complaining about, what would it be? I know I was 99% of the problem but could not admit it.. My ego continued to get in my way.

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in the Midst of

My hope is that you read my story and see yourself in it and see how you may have been the one holding yourself back all along.

What we focus on, we get. If you focus on the negative, you’ll get more negative circumstances. If you focus on the positive and reframe then you’ll start moving towards a more positive outlook and life.

What can YOU do to turn things around?

Start a daily gratitude journal. Every day, write down 10 things you are thankful for. It is best to do this in the morning to get your mind started off right. When you start your day with gratitude, it helps you to start looking for the good in life instead of what is wrong with it or what you don’t have.

Start to notice how people act or react around you. If you say something at work and then everyone is silent, it might be that you said something in a negative way, or it came across as a complaint. Look at people’s facial expressions and body language after you speak to see how they may be reacting to you.

BIGGEST TIP: When you are around others, do not talk about yourself . Ask them questions and then listen. Resist the need to chime in with your stories. Only share about yourself when someone asks you about yourself. It is amazing how much more interesting we become to others when we are interested in them.

Overcoming negativity and reframing takes consistent effort and time. I know this because I did it myself. One thing that I feel differentiates me from others is that I have conquered all the issues that my coaching clients face. I can help them find their own solutions and share my story.

If you’d like help with changing your mindset, I’d love to help you. You can find me at www. mindyscoaching.com

Mindy is the CEO and Executive Coach at Mindy’s Executive Coaching, LLC. Connect with Mindy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindygillis/

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Celebrating Fathers Around the World

Powerful Women Today

Father’s Day, like Mother’s Day , is bound to mean different things to different people. There are good relationships and bad ones, those who row up without a father figure and those who have suffered the loss of one. Negating their existence to be politically correct is negating all the incredible men, fathers, brothers, sons, and figures that make a difference in many people’s lives. Especially women.

Fathers and little girls. As a woman, to have had the privilege of a loving father means that you learned what safe love and respect by a man meant. While mothers are considered natural caregivers and nurturers, we can’t simply overlook the fathers’ role in a child’s life. And although most people recognize this as particularly true for young boys, girls also need a positive male role model.

A daughter’s relationship with her father can play a key part in her psychological development. It can affect her confidence and self-image, her opinions of men, and her ability to trust later in life. Fathers who constantly make an effort to connect with their daughters can have a true and lasting impact. Research suggests that the relationship girls have and have with their dads can impact the daughters’ ability to sustain or maintain satisfying relationships, be effective parents, find fulfillment in life, and speak up for themselves.

Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, created Father’s Day to honour her father, a veteran and single dad of 14 children. Since 1910, it’s been celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June because ministers in the early 1900s wanted to be sure they had enough time between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to write two excellent sermons for services held on the holidays.

And while we may be most familiar with our traditions like giving Father’s Day cards and hosting a Father’s Day brunch, the holiday

isn’t just celebrated in the United States. For Father’s Day international celebrations, Dad is honoured on different days and in many ways.

Here’s how families celebrate Father’s Day in countries across the globe: The United Kingdom Father’s Day always falls on the third Sunday in June in the United Kingdom, just like the United States and Canada. The holiday is celebrated with cards and Father’s Day gifts.

Australia and New Zealand In Australia and New Zealand, families celebrate Father’s Day on the first day of Spring, which falls on the first Sunday of September.. These two countries chose September because the time of year when much of the world observes Father’s Day was already too full of holidays. The day is typically spent showering Dad with cards and gifts, as in North America.

Brazil Brazilian Father’s Day is observed on the second Sunday in August in honor of St. Joachim, the father of the Virgin Mary in the Christian tradition. Children spend the day writing Father’s Day cards and letters with words of thanks to their dads and father figures.

Spain, Portugal, and Italy Many predominantly Roman Catholic countries, including Spain, Portugal, and Italy, celebrate Father’s Day on the Feast of St. Joseph, an annual religious holiday that honours Joseph of Nazareth, Jesus’ father. The holiday is celebrated on March 19thand in addition to church services, there are gifts and cards for Dad.

Sweden, Norway, and Iceland Most Scandinavian countries celebrate Father’s Day (or Fars Dag) on the second Sunday in November. The tradition initially came from the American Father’s Day observance - it was celebrated in June - but businesses advocated moving the holiday to November, a typically slow economic month. Because of this, Father’s Day gifts are customary, as is a weekend spent celebrating with family.

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Germany In Germany, Father’s Day (or Vatertag) is celebrated on Ascension Day - a Christian holiday celebrated on the 40th day after Easter so it always falls on a Thursday in May. Vatertag is a national holiday, and in most areas of the country, the following Friday is as well, so many celebrate with a 4-day weekend filled with outdoor Father’s Day activities and a few beers.

Thailand The country of Thailand celebrates Father’s Day on December 5th, the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The ruling king typically gives a widely-broadcast speech, and children hand out Canna lilies to their fathers and grandfathers.

Russia Russia’s Father’s Day began as a military celebration, which became a holiday dedicated to men. Over time, the celebration of men has evolved into the country’s modern Father’s Day. Because of its military roots, the holiday is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. It’s celebrated annually on February 23rd with parades in which many men participate.

Fathers serve as the first male figure and role models in their daughter’s life. This is why a loving and solid father-daughter relationship can positively impact a girl’s assertiveness and self-confidence.

PWT Negotiation Expert and Author Pens

Children’s Fable, Released on Mother’s Day

S. Lucia Kanter St. Amour

As an eight-year-old in 2013, co-author Thanael Kanter was quite the chatterbox. His favorite way to start a sentence was with the word “Imagine...”

“Imagine a flying car with a holographic steering wheel.”

“Imagine a dog collar that translates your dog’s thoughts to words you could hear.”

Thanael had so many fantastic ideations to share that his mother (and co-author), Lucia, would have to remind him to take bites of his food at the dinner table.

“Imagine a man who wakes up one morning and gold coins fall from his hair . . .” Thanael mused to Lucia one autumn morning in 2013 over a bowl of already-soggy Cheerios . . . and then he continued chattering his imaginings as Lucia listened . . . and began typing. Thus was born this whimsical and transcendent fable, “The Money Fairy.”

It’s the chimerical chronicle of an ambitious family man, Armando, in the “Olden Times” living a pleasant life in the fictional Italian Alps village, Cuor della Terra. He awakens one morning to gold coins tumbling from his hair . . .

It’s a careening tall tale that whisks you from the Italian Alps to Paris, to the Midwest of the United States, and from Brazil to the craggy, breathtaking shores of Sicily - all in the span of a bedtime story. It “breaks the fourth wall” by directly addressing the reader, and combines old-world folktale elements with contemporary references. It is an utterly enchanting journey that reminds us how magic all around us - every day - is afoot!

Meet The Characters

Armando and his wife, Elisa - a content and industrious couple living in Cuor della Terra, Italy with their four children

Elisa’s grandmother, Lucia - a tennis champion from Brazil (but before tennis was invented)

Francesco Bugatti - a Sicilian tennis champion who is challenged to a match by Lucia, and falls in love with her

Marco - Armando’s brother, who has sailed across the ocean and lives in Illinois

Abraham Lincoln - friend of Marco’s and 16th President of the United States

Giuliano Cantore - a famous calendar savant

Natanieul Gutriey - a famous Parisian weaver

The “puttifurbi” - mythical gnomes

The prevailing question, “Dear Reader,” is: can you figure out “what’s really going on?”

(wink wink)

Lucia is a VP for UN women USA, attorney, and law professor. “The Money Fairy” represents a playground for her boundless, passionate, style and caprice.

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How to Bloom Where Your Business is Planted

All throughout each day, most people are comparing themselves to others. Especially in these days of social media, comparison can be all-consuming.

Why did that person’s post get more reactions and comments than mine?

Why did that person get the sale instead of me?

I avoid comparisons with other people by remembering that what I see on the surface in their presence does not tell me what has happened in their past – the trials and tribulations the other person has experienced, the amount of training they have received, the entirety of their world.

Just like a rose bush that starts from a seed placed deep in the rich dark soil that eventually blooms many times through its lifetime,I believe everything goes through stages of growth over and over throughout life.

When in the ‘seeding’ stage , there is no guarantee that beautiful roses will bloom from it one day. Because I can’t keep digging into the area where I planted the seed, I must trust I will eventually see a shoot popping up above ground.

During the ‘seeding’ stage, my job is to keep watering, feeding and nurturing the soil in which the seed is planted. During this stage, I also consult with people who have a ‘green thumb,’ who may be able to give me gardening tips.

Right now, you may feel you are in the ‘seeding’ stage of a sales project because it is a new ‘seed’ that you would like to see help your business grow and develop. You can think of ‘sprouts’ as the leads and prospects that you attract as a result of ‘planting’ the seeds.

And in keeping with the symbolism, the blooms are the sales you harvest as you consistently nurture your prospects.

Now, back to comparisons.

When I tap into the metaphor of seeding, sprouting, blooming, and resting, it’s impossible for me to compare myself to anyone else. I simply tend to my own business and watch it grow.

Stacey Hall is the author of the #1 global best-seller, ‘Selling From Your Comfort Zone,’ which has helped thousands attract more sales, satisfaction, and success.

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Th e Th ree Pillars to be Mindful & Enjoying Long-Term Success

What life challenges have defined you?

I have had many and without a doubt, the most challenging, gut-wrenching times have been due to illness or lack of income. Each of these challenges on its own can be extremely difficult to navigate. However, when both decide to join forces, your mental and physical state are tested.

After eight years of being a stay-at-home mom, my husband became unemployed. My side gig with a direct sales company became my full-time employment and within a couple of years, I was part of corporate America earning a salary with benefits, along with ten-plus hour workdays, seven days a week. I missed spending time with my family and I was always exhausted but kept telling myself it was a temporary situation until we got back on our feet. Less than two years later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although I had great health insurance, it did not cover all the necessary costs. Once again, savings were gone and a mountain of debt piled up. I’m happy to tell you that in 2023 I celebrated my 5th-year cancer-free.

I have nurtured and coached hundreds of women in direct sales to enhance their leadership skills and build a thriving business from their side gig. However, long-term sustainability and financial freedom require three distinct pillars: a strong mindset, a healthy brain, and body, and the financial know-how to be able to ride the unforeseen challenges life may throw at you. Developing multiple income streams, with safeguards to protect income earned and smart investments for it to grow, is a smart way to have peace of mind and live the lifestyle of your choice, long term. Here are the steps for you to build these pillars into your life:

Strong Mindset

Mentally strong people tolerate temporary discomfort. They don’t avoid the rough patches; they face them down and extract

strength from their challenges and learn to view problems from a positive perspective. Build a strong mindset by starting each day with a period of silence and stillness to help you have the calm clarity needed to focus on what is most important. My silent time includes prayer and gratitude. You may prefer meditation, reflection, or deep breathing. Consistency is another great habit to build a strong, resilient mindset. What steps will you take to build a strong mindset?

Healthy Body, Healthier Brain

We all know that exercise, consuming the right foods, and getting a good night’s sleep will give us power, energy, stamina, and focus for excellence. Yet, many of us continue to lead high-performance lives while lacking all three of these basic healthy habits. Some illnesses are genetic and some are caused by stress and our lack of self-care, including insomnia, depression, chronic pain, cancer, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular disease just to name a few. When it comes to the food you choose and the times you eat, do you think about the fact that you are feeding your brain? Take breaks and be sure to go for a walk on one of those breaks. Don’t overthink it, grab your sneakers and just do it!


I was shocked although not surprised by the statistics of a recent article regarding women and their finances. Sixty percent of widows and divorcees regret not being more involved with long-term planning and over 40 percent have less than $100 in their savings account. I hope this is not you, but if it is, t is never too late to build your confidence when it comes to money and reach financial security to live and provide the life you dream of for yourself and your family.

Gina is CEO of Direct Sales Blueprint, Transformation Strategist and Lifestyle Coach. Connect with Gina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gina-marie-de-leon

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Th e Evolution of Diversity & Inclusivity in Bra Sizing

According to Zion Marketing, the global lingerie market is projected to grow from $38 billion in 2017 to $59 billion by 2024. The shift in sales and consumer preferences is evident, with a focus on better fit and comfort rather than solely enhancing cleavage, as seen in the 90s. The history of the bra reveals its evolution from a practical undergarment to a fashion statement. In the early 20th century, bras emerged at the same time as women entered the workforce during World War I, seeking comfortable clothing. Mary Phelps Jacobs invented the first bra, replacing the restrictive corsets. However, beauty later took precedence over comfort, with the introduction of padded and push-up bras in the 1940s.

The pendulum swung back towards comfort in the 1960s , reflecting the changing attitudes of a new generation. Bra designs prioritized comfort, aligning with new silhouettes and trends. Despite these changes, the marketing practices of lingerie brands remained largely unchanged until recently. Traditionally, the industry lacked inclusivity, but brands like Savage X Fenty and Skims (from Rihanna and Kim Kardashian, respectively) are now leading the way by promoting diversity and catering to different body shapes and skin tones.

Nevertheless, the issue of incorrect sizing persists , as 81% of women wear the wrong bra size without realizing it. To address this, Wacoal, a leading lingerie brand, partnered with Sizer to develop an app that accurately measures breast shape and size for online shoppers. The app utilizes computer vision and deep learning algorithms, achieving a 300% increase in measurement accuracy compared to standard industry practices. Wacoal’s mybraFit™ app provides a user-friendly experience and recommends the ideal size and style from their range, enabling every shopper to find a perfectly fitting bra online.

The emergence of sizing technologies is set to revolutionize online bra shopping. Whether prioritizing functionality or enhancing form, modern digital measuring technology ensures comfort is a key consideration. By focusing on individual sizing needs, the lingerie industry can better serve diverse body shapes, sizes, and ethnicities, whether customers are shopping in-store or online.

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5 Mindset Shifts to Negotiate the Job Market & Beyond

As an employment attorney of 25 years, law professor teaching negotiation, international negotiation coach, and the author of For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation, negotiation is a topic I’m passionate about. As a VP of UN Women USA, it’s also one that has left many women out of discourse and feelings of confidence - and it is hurting you in specific, measurable ways.

• Negotiation is a pervading zone of discomfort for a lot of people - especially women! It is often equated with “conflict,” felt by women as “greedy” or “selfish,” and viewed as some other-worldly and specialized skill best left to those with particularized training. This is utter nonsense. If you’re avoiding negotiation, you’re dodging a skill that will actually create more comfort in your life - if you start practicing it in small, low-stakes, everyday ways.

• How to negotiate salary is the #1 request I get from women who feel panicked about the prospect of doing it. Well, of course, you feel that way. It’s a high-stakes negotiation, and if you haven’t been practicing negotiation skills in familiar ways on a consistent basis, no wonder you don’t feel ready and competent to do it. Negotiation is a muscle. If you want the 6-pack abs, you don’t get them by sitting on the sofa and watching the workout video. You start with basic crunches. Every day. For example, start asking in a live chat or at the checkout counter, “Are there any other offers or discounts that apply to my purchase today?” Then add bicycle crunches (call your insurance agent. Are you receiving all the discounts you qualify for?); next plank twists (negotiating vacation dates, assignment delegations/timelines at work / a fundraiser for your child’s school).

• For starters, let’s change up the vocabulary . Instead of “salary negotiation,” it’s “compensation package negotiation.” Salary

is an important aspect of the total compensation package - but just one. Once you shift your mindset this way, it opens up other avenues for negotiating. How about title, hybrid work schedule, paid time off, a transit pass or parking space, upward mobility opportunities within the organization, continuing education courses, the option to bring along your current assistant, equity stake, a childcare subsidy, etc.? The list is long!

• The negotiation has already started in the interview! YOU are interviewing the organization just as much as the organization is interviewing you.

When the inevitable “Why should we hire you?” question usually pops up early in the interview, here’s a response tot consider:

“I don’t know yet that you should, or that I would accept an offer. I need more information so that we both determine if this is a good fit. So, I’m hoping to explore some questions and have an opportunity to speak with some other people in the organization, too.” Recognize that the interview is an information gathering process for both of you; that you have leverage in this process (because they need someone, and it’s costing them every day that they don’t fill the position!); that when they ask if you have any questions, you better have some; and that the great big open-ended “Tell us about yourself” question is a test of your confidence and your ability to present a succinct, salient, organized story. As for the “What’s your salary range?” question, flip the narrative with: “I think we can have a more productive discussion and determine if it’s worth continuing the interview if you inform me

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of the salary range you’ve budgeted for the position.”

• Also, it’s a point of gender inequity. Did you know that women negotiate their compensation packages 8 times less often than men? Then, there’s a global wage penalty per each child born for women of 7% (in the U.S. it’s 4%); the inverse wage reward per child for men is 6%; this difference is never made up over time. The ROI you’re missing out on by avoiding this single negotiation in your life adds up to about a million dollars over the course of your career. Now think of how avoiding that discomfort zone

is limiting family vacations, home-buying power, retirement fund contributions, and a bevy of other options - not to mention your confidence.

The great news is, the power to negotiate is totally analog and portable. You have it inside your mind and heart and can take it with you anywhere. But it’s the superpower women are not using, and you need to be practicing it every day!

Lucia Kanter St. Amour is a VP for UN women USA, attorney and author of “For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation.”
Powerful Women Today Magazine

Who knew I was going to Bloom into the person I am today?

Someone once told me that I work in one of the most toxic industries for women because of all the chemicals we work with daily. So when I was in massage therapy school,I began my mission to educate myself on the products I was using on my clients and myself.

Back then, we didn’t have computers to research, so I would go to the library and try to read the labels on the bottles. Have you ever looked at the ingredients listed on your products? Do you know what they even mean? Most of them are hard to pronounce and when you look them up, you still may not understand what they are.

I have decided to only work with companies that make plant-based products without all the toxins because I found out that your skin absorbs 60% of what you put on it and anything you put on it is absorbed into your bloodstream within 26 seconds .

After I heard about CBD and how it helps the Endocannabinoid System, I began researching it and decided to start my own company. Now I work to educate people on the importance of knowing that it’s not just what we eat, it’s what we absorb into our bodies. “Nutrient absorption is fundamental to the whole process of optimal cellular health.”

As I am learning more and seeing what CBD is doing for me and my clients, I am grateful for this plant and its amazing benefits. I am also happy that I took the time to educate myself and not listen to people who were telling me it was an illicit drug. CBD does not get you high. Instead, you will feel balanced and calm. Keep Blooming!

For 36 years styling hair has been Monika’s passion,during this time, she also learned the importance of taking care of our hair and body. Get my free report here: https://www.cbdpdf.com/?m=extasyhair.

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I’m Blooming!
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Harness the Power of Th ought to Accelerate Your Business Success

In the world of business, success is often attributed to savvy strategy, hard work, and a little bit of luck. Did you know that success is also shaped by something much more intangible?

The idea that we create our own reality, and that our thoughts shape the world around us, is gaining increased attention.

Whether or not you believe in the power of thoughts to create your reality, there’s no denying that a positive mindset can have a profound impact on your business and your life . You don’t have to believe in the Law of Gravity – yet it affects everyone.

Essentially, by focusing our thoughts and energy on positive outcomes, setting clear intentions, and visualizing success, we attract those outcomes into our lives. What we put out into the universe is what we will receive in return.

Many successful entrepreneurs swear by visualization techniques and positive affirmations to set their intentions and manifest their goals. So, if you’re looking to take your business to the next level, it’s time to focus your thoughts and start believing that success is possible.

How does one shift their thoughts to achieve success? Although it is easier said than done, it is all about mindset and paying attention to the thoughts and energies that you are emitting.

If your mindset is filled with self-limiting beliefs, it has the power to paralyze your abilities and prevent you from unlocking your full potential. If you believe you’re not capable of achieving certain goals, or not deserving of success, you’ll build mental barriers that hinder your progress.

These beliefs will lead to:

• a lack of confidence

• missed opportunities

• self-sabotage

And that will lead to feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and unhappy.

Breaking free from self-limiting beliefs requires self-awareness and a willingness to challenge and reframe negative thoughts . By adopting a growth mindset, you can break through barriers and achieve your full potential.

Approach your business with gratitude, positive affirmations, and abundance, and a whole new world opens up to you. You will also receive additional mindset benefits including more confidence, more opportunities, as well as happiness and fulfillment... You will also notice it positively impacts those around you.

If you are feeling stuck and unfulfilled, reach out for a complimentary consultation.

Jackie Joy is an inspiring executive coach and sales trainer. Her vision is to transform the current sales culture into one of trust and authenticity. Connect with Jackie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiejoy28/

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Success by Design

If someone had told me 10 years ago where I would be right now in my life, I wouldn’t have believed them.

And yet, here I am. Having my own business as a Success and Mindset Coach, working on my first summit to empower women to go beyond what they think is possible.

I have manifested so many things over the past few years which seemed completely out of reach but became true.

I have spoken about my experiences on podcasts and summits and met lots of interesting female entrepreneurs with great knowledge to share.

That sparked my desire to host a summit on my own. I had a clear picture in mind. With “Success By Design” I wanted to bring together 28 experts over 14 days, to share their top secrets on how powerful mindset techniques and unbeatable strategies will skyrocket your business revenue.

Because business is more than just strategy or mindset. Strategy alone won’t get you anywhere, mindset alone won’t either. But once you combine both, there’s no limit to what you can create.

I wanted to bring in many experts to talk about all the important strategies for having a successful business:

• How to effectively create goals,

• Speaking the buyer’s sales language.

• How your habits will influence your results.

• Enneagram and DISC type understanding and implementation.

• That collaboration and networking will drive you forward, not hold you back.

• Why PR is such an important part and how you can become an authority in your field,

• And many more topics.

There are so many different areas in your business, all important in their own right, and once you combine them with the right mindset, your numbers go through the roof.

Now it’s happening. I’m extremely excited about this event – not only because it’s my first summit, but also because we have amazing experts joining us.

It was so much fun to get in front of the camera to interview and get to know the speakers, learn new strategies from them, and find out more about their expertise... What an incredible experience.

Miriam Villegas is a Success and Mindset Coach. She helps female entrepreneurs to multiply their income by applying powerful mindset techniques. Join the Success by Design summit here: https://bit.ly/SBDPWT

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Nature Blooms in its Own Time: Embrace the Power of Patience

As spring gives way to summer, my husband and I have been thoroughly enjoying watching wildflowers blooming all around us. I’m so easily inspired by the natural world. On a recent trip to the mountains which are still covered in snow, I was struck by the thought that nature blooms when it is ready, at its own pace. And various animals and other species in nature have their own timetable to bloom, just as we humans do. Whether it is a seed turning into a flourishing plant or a chrysalis transforming into a beautiful butterfly, every process takes time.

I believe one of the most powerful lessons we can learn from nature is the importance of patience . Nature doesn’t compete with anyone or anything; everything happens in its own time. The virtue of patience is one that nature knows all too well.

Even bears, squirrels, lemurs, and wood frogs have learned to come out of hibernation based on cues from nature. They wait for warming temperatures and snow melt before emerging from their slumber . They understand that nature will guide them when it is time to act.

Plants are another great reminder of blooming in their own timetable . If it is a flowering plant, they go through a germination phase, and then bees and butterflies pollinate them. After fertilization comes dispersal, courtesy of bird and animal poop, people carrying parts of the plant on their shoes.

This is a wonderful time to remind yourself that wherever you are in life right now, it is exactly where you are meant to be. If you are feeling impatient or frustrated, I encourage you to take a nice long deep breath and remember that everything happens in its own timing and it will for you, too . Embrace the power of patience and trust that your own

growth and transformation will come in time. One of the recurring gifts that nature provides is its ability to teach us so many valuable lessons. By observing and appreciating the natural world around us, we can learn to cultivate a deeper sense of patience, trust, and inner peace . Let us take a cue from nature and embrace the power of patience, allowing ourselves to bloom in our own time, just as nature does.

Dortha Hise is the Chief Overwhelm Solver of Pretty Smart Virtual Services and the Director of Adventure at Summit to Your Success, a choose-your-own-adventure-focused healing portal where she helps others to learn about the healing power of nature. Connect with Dortha on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorthahise/

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Limitations to Liberation

We all have big dreams. (I had dreams of being a dancer and a teacher. – Can she elaborate on this? But she doesn’t do this? or she does? Otherwise, we cut it out because there is no context!) However, we often find ourselves held back by limiting beliefs - those pesky beliefs that seem to come out of nowhere (family, friends, society). But no matter where they come from, they prevent us from reaching our full potential. These beliefs act as invisible barriers and stunt our growth.

By recognizing and overcoming these limitations, we can experience a powerful transformation embracing our potential.

Below are five key steps to take toward your transformation:

Self-Awareness . Take a moment to reflect on beliefs that have been holding you back. Do you have recurring thoughts or doubts that have become roadblocks on your path to success? When you can identify any of these types of thoughts then you can gain clarity on the areas where you need to focus your efforts.

Challenge These Beliefs . When you question their validity, you begin to weaken their power over you. Begin by making a list of all of your accomplishments, awards, and successes. And look at them every day.

Support Network . Seek out mentors, friends, and/or colleagues who inspire and motivate you. Their belief in you can help counteract the negative influence of your limiting beliefs. Also, collaborating with others who share your goals and aspirations creates a positive environment that fosters personal growth and unlocks hidden potential.

Take Action . Break out of your comfort

zone. Challenge yourself to step beyond the boundaries set by your limiting beliefs and create new and better ones. Each small step you take towards your goals will build your confidence and prove to yourself that you can achieve more than you ever imagined.

Embrace Your Full Potential through perseverance and self-compassion. As I look back over my journey, I realize that my courage and persistence enabled me to succeed. Of course, like all women, I had setbacks and obstacles. Instead of getting discouraged, try to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Celebrate your progress and stay committed to pushing beyond your perceived limitations.

Breaking free from limiting beliefs is an essential step in embracing your full potential. Love yourself and know that you can unlock the doors to liberation. There is no one stopping you but you. You can do this!

Dr. Patricia Suggs, CEO, ARISE Leadership Consulting, LLC, international speaker, and best-selling author, Conflict Reconciliation expert. She helps women ‘ditch the ladder for the elevator.’ Email Dr. Suggs at patricia@ pksuggscoaching.net to book your 1:1 strategy call valued at $500.

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How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls

Preparing a will is crucial to protect your loved ones and preserve your legacy, but creating it can be riddled with potential missteps that may lead to unintended consequences. As a legal professional, I always aim to guide and educate clients on the intricacies of will drafting and help them avoid common mistakes.

Having helped individuals from all walks of life for many years, I have encountered the following several common, yet avoidable errors that people make in the estate planning process:

1. Putting it off until it’s too late: I always emphasize the importance of planning and creating your will as soon as possible because (unfortunately) life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can occur at any time.

2. Failing to have conversations with family and/or chosen representatives: Frequently, I find that families do not have conversations they need to be having. My first questions to my clients are “Do your family members know what you are planning?” and “Has your choice of executor agreed to the responsibility?” The best way to avoid problems down the road is to have open conversations.

3. Naming executors that do not get along : When selecting executors, it is vital to choose someone trustworthy and capable of carrying out your wishes. However, if you are naming more than one person, it’s crucial to consider whether they will get along and work well together. Otherwise naming co-executors can lead to delays, disputes, and additional expenses.

4. Using online will kits : While these seem like a convenient and affordable option, they are risky as they often do not ask the necessary questions to address individual needs or unique family situations. I always recommend sitting down with an experienced professional to discuss your desires in detail.

5. Not planning for digital assets : In today’s age, it is vital to consider your digital assets when creating a will. These include cryptocurrencies, valuable emails, social media accounts, cloudbased accounts, and other assets that may hold sentimental or financial value.

6. Not having sufficient funds for estate taxes : A significant piece of estate planning is considering the different taxes that must be paid after death. I always ensure my clients plan so there are sufficient funds to cover these expenses and avoid burdening their loved ones.

7. Not planning for a business: If you own a business, it is critical to consider what will be done with it after you are gone. This may include selecting a successor, outlining management responsibilities, and ensuring that there are sufficient funds to continue operations.

8. Not planning for common law partners or blended families : It is important to ensure that your wishes are clear and legally binding if you are in a common law relationship or have a blended family. Without proper planning, your assets may not be distributed as you intended, and your loved ones may be disinherited.

9. Failing to understand assets properly : Different assets trigger different taxes when they are disposed of. It is important that my clients understand their assets and how they will be distributed after they are gone. This helps ensure that their wishes are carried out and their estates are preserved.

10. Failing to update estate plans : Life changes, and it is crucial to update your estate plans accordingly. This may include changes to your financial

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situation, family situation, or personal wishes. Failing to update your estate plans can lead to outdated or inaccurate instructions that do not reflect your true intentions.

By familiarizing yourself with these mistakes and understanding the implications they may have, you can take proactive steps to avoid them. Look at estate planning not merely as a legal formality but as an act of care, love, and responsibility for those around you. Avoiding these 10 common mistakes and seeking professional guidance can help ensure that your wishes are fulfilled and your loved ones are protected.

Marlenne Doss is a Real Estate Immigration Lawyer | Business Immigration, Visas | Express Entry | Sponsorships | Civil Litigation |Business Law | Trade-marks | Contracts/ Contract Disputes |Notary Public/Commissioner of Oaths in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada

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Let’s get social

A Brief Story of how Lilli, Ruth, and Barbie Changed the World

Powerful Women Today

Barbie was born in 1959. Ruth Handler , a mother, and visionary entrepreneur found inspiration for Barbie while watching her daughter project her dreams and aspirations onto paper dolls. The California stenographer then created the doll that would become an American icon and a mult-ibillion-dollar business.

It was that same year that Handler went to Germany and saw a doll called the Lilli Doll. It had adult female features and was actually patterned after a prostitute and designed for men. Handler, however, had another idea.. She had noticed that her daughter and other young girls had lost interest in the traditional baby dolls and had begun playing with paper dolls that looked like adult women.

At that time, the only three-dimensional dolls for girls were baby dolls, so Handler saw a gap in the market. She then invented the fashion doll category with a three-dimensional doll for girls to imagine their future selves.

Handler’s mission for Barbie was to help little girls understand that they could be anything they wanted to be. They had choices. Manufacturers of the ubiquitous baby dolls, on the other hand, assumed that girls just wanted to grow up to be mothers. Nothing more.

She arrived two years after Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space and four years before Neil Armstrong and his team landed on the moon. Barbie helped young girls imagine their futures in fields with far too few real-life examples.

In 1962, before women could open their own bank accounts , the Barbie doll bought her first Dreamhouse and became a symbol of independence and empowerment. Just three years later, Astronaut Barbie made her debut.

The philosophy behind Barbie was that through the doll, a little girl could be anything she wanted to be and that she had choices.
Photo credit: Mattel

The American mass-produced Barbie doll has seen massive success, and over the decades, she has taken part in many professions, from a doctor and an archeologist to a rock star and a computer engineer. Barbie also enjoyed stints as a model for major fashion designers such as Oscar de la Renta, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Maison Margiela, Ralph Lauren, Anna Sui, and Burberry. Not to mention, she’s been a CEO, a presidential candidate, a vlogger, and an advocate for diversity and inclusivity. In recent years, Barbie has also expanded to include several different body types (curvy, tall, and petite) as well as having a more ethnically diverse offering.

Barbie has evolved to reflect the modern woman’s style , attitude, dreams, and ambitions. Although the doll has also sparked her fair share of controversy for alleged racism, sexism, and body image issues—like Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyanova turned real-life Barbie lookalike—she has learned from the past and grown as a role model.

More than just a toy, Barbie has been a mirror of our culture and its evolution throughout the years, immortalizing the zeitgeist of every passing era in an easy and accessible way to millions of young people. This year, a new Fashionista line-up of Barbies is centred around diversity and inclusion. It includes a doll with a prosthetic leg, a Ken doll with vitiligo, and a range of dolls with a variety of body types. Moving away from the original Barbie body (If Barbie were an actual woman,

she would be 5’9” tall, have a 39” bust, an 18” waist, 33” hips, and a size 3 shoe) new dolls will take different shapes and sizes.

We may judge Barbie by our standards today, but 60 years ago, she rocked our world, shattering all boundaries and norms as a woman entrepreneur and visionary for generations of women present and future.

Photo credit: Mattel
Over 60 years, Barbie has empowered girls to imagine themselves in aspirational roles, from princess to president.
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Creative’s Note


As a naturepreneur and a Powerful Women Today Certified Empowerment Coach , I can’t tell you how much I love the theme of “blooming.” I love to see and celebrate people when they are blooming and they are proud of an achievement.

No matter where we are in life, there is a cycle. I like to think of planting seeds in preparation for getting them into my garden. I appreciate that I sow the seeds into the dirt and however many days later, there are signs of growth - those seeds have started to sprout.

Just as those seeds hang out in the darkness, perhaps with uncertainty about what may happen, there is an inherit amount of trust in the process. With the right conditions, the seeds do their thing and bloom over time

As humans, I think we have navigated away from following nature’s queues and cycles. I look to the summer as an opportunity to have fun, plan outdoor activities, explore, and sloooow down the normal day-to-day.

As a kid, I remember the summer months being leisurely and slower-paced. Yes, we crammed in all kinds of activities and family visits, still there was general sense of things slowing down.

In the blink of an eye, the summer months will be behind us and the hustle and bustle of the fall activities will be upon us.

So... take a nice deep breath in and hold it for four seconds. Exhale and hold that for four seconds. Ahhh...

I encourage you to flip through the pages of this beautiful bouquet of articles, interviews, features, and more, I hope you do so with intentional and purposeful slowing down - thoroughly enjoy it.

Hugs, Love, and t. Rex always, Dortha a.k.a. Rexie

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
~John Muir, My First Summer in the Sierra
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Editor’s Note

As a summer solstice baby, this season has always been my favorite. Flowers are in full bloom, the air is sweeter, and longer days of sunshine abound.

When I was a kid, I lived for this season. Because truthfully, it represented freedom.

Freedom from school, homework, responsibilities… And the opportunity to explore, imagine, and be still.

Being an entrepreneur can zap that childlike sense of wonder if you’re too busy working in your business and you don’t give yourself the time to be a visionary.

One of the reasons this happens to women in their first 5 years of business (yeah, burnout is a real thing) is that we put so much pressure on ourselves and we don’t have a true guidebook on how to do it right the first time.

That’s why this summer, I’ve got something very special blooming too: Mission Possible: Successful Women Entrepreneurs Sharing Step-By-Step How to Become One.

Not only is this the first time that I’ve produced a book with PWT Publishing, but this could be the first-ever manual for women entrepreneurs that’s written by women!

In this issue, you’ll get to meet some of the amazing authors who are helping other women entrepreneurs every day with their unique gifts.

Don’t forget to pick up your copy today!

“This summer, I’ve got something very special blooming too: Mission Possible: Successful Women Entrepreneurs Sharing Step-By-Step How to Become One.”
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Melanie Herschorn

My Dad was in sales all his life and I had a front-row seat to watch how the stress took a toll on him.

He was forced to use the old-school tactics most sales trainers still teach today. With this approach, people are known as ‘targets,’ which just did not sit well with my father. He enjoyed people. He was a good listener and did his best to find a solution to their problems.

He did not enjoy the war-like, win-at-allcosts approach they taught because it was not in alignment with his nature. It has never been with me either.

I began my career in marketing and sales management positions for Fortune 100 corporations. I was successful because I designed my own ‘Alignment Marketing Formula’ which resulted in my team achieving every revenue growth goal we were given.

About 20 years ago, I had the opportunity to leave the corporate arena and coach small business owners instead. I attracted clients by forming alliances and affiliate collaborations with life and? personal development coaches.

I facilitated business strategy workshops and group coaching programs. I developed a private mentorship program, too.

My clients said they hired me because they were tired of disrespecting their core beliefs and refused to use ‘pushy,’ ‘spammy,’ and ‘targeting’ sales approaches. I taught them my ‘Alignment Marketing Formula’ and my coaching business grew quickly. Soon it became time to share my Formula by writing a book to train many more business owners and sales professionals.

Since there was already an audience waiting for my first book, ‘Attracting Perfect Customers - The Power of Strategic Synchronicity,’ published by Berrett-Koehler,

it became a global best-seller and has been translated into multiple languages.

As a result of this book, my keynote speaking career expanded greatly. In fact, I was even a featured presenter at the National Speakers Association International Conference.

Over the years, I have written 4 more booksall of which have ranked #1 globally.

My 5th book, ‘Selling From Your Comfort Zone,’ is a sequel to my first book and is also published by B-K.

Instead of preparing sales professionals ‘to go into battle’, I reveal a unique process for getting into alignment with our prospects by identifying our ideal audience and their problems, knowing how and where to meet them, and what to say to them so they want to say YES to the solutions we offer.

As a result, we discover our power, confidence, and profit by expanding our comfort zone…not by getting out of it!

The audience for my book is people in these positions:


*Vice-President of Sales

*Sales Director

*Sales Manager

*Business Development Specialist

*Inside Sales Account Executive

*Outside Sales Account Executive

*Marketing Director

*Marketing Manager

*Relationship Manager

*Team Leader




It is gratifying to know that thousands of people are practicing this strategy to stay in their comfort zone to make sales, feel a greater sense of satisfaction, and achieve the success they desire and deserve.

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If you have questions about my writing process or getting published, you may enjoy my e-book: ‘Does It Make Sense To Be An Author’ at https:// www.dropbox.com/s/2zapjlzx8r12c98/Does_ it_Make_Sense_For_You_to_be_An_Author_-_ eBook.pdf?dl=0

Reach out to me through my website at https://www.staceyannhall.com/

I am wishing you an abundance of YES’s every day, every week, every month, every year and for all the years to come.


Quantico was a charming little town in the middle of a woodsy bend in the Potomac River populated by Bald Eagles, otters, squirrels, and birds, especially cardinals. When Sadie saw a cardinal, it made her think of Mickey. Maybe he was somehow still with her. Maybe he would be in her heart forever, and when she walked in the woods, she could feel him beside her.

Sadie and her parents lived in a historic house (it was Virginia after all) on the Navy base, right on the bank of the river, on a rise that made it possible to see far up the river. From the backyard, you could see a railroad bridge in the distance and its haunting train whistles and rumbles drifted into Sadie’s room at night, reinforcing her loneliness and heartache. In the daytime, she could see a boat dock at the bottom of the bluff and she would watch people fishing for blue crabs on the dock and putting their gear into the small boats. It was numbing to watch people she didn’t know do things she didn’t care about.

What she did care about was walking through the woods, listening to the quiet. It was the only thing that made her pain less, the only thing that mattered. In summer there were birds everywhere, they weren’t afraid of her, and Sadie chose to believe they were there to talk to her. Since Sadie didn’t have any friends, she told the birds they were her friends now, and sometimes she’d bring grain to feed them. She kind of felt like Snow White in the Disney movie. Part of her thought she was losing her mind, becoming a weird woman of the woods, and part of her relaxed and, in brief moments, began to feel normal.

Autumn brought another kind of beauty to the woods; walking through the trees, Sadie could smell the damp earth and fallen leaves. The light was golden and dappled and the air felt magical and cool on her cheeks. Squirrels and chipmunks frantically hid food

for the coming cold, and birds chattered loudly planning their migration south. Once in a while she’d see a fox or a coyote. They’d just look at each other and Sadie would smile. The animals recognized her and let her be.

Even in winter, Sadie found solace there. It was cold and sometimes snowy, and she discovered beauty in it all. As long as she could be in the woods, she could feel happiness beginning to grow in her heart, a tiny spark of hope began.


Although Sadie was beginning her long journey back to herself, she was still filled with unfounded guilt that she could have done something to keep Mickey safe. There was an enormous hole in her heart and the feeling of loss that is unexplainable and unimaginable. Alone, vulnerable, and sorrowful, she was the perfect target for the predators.

Those kids at school seemed so very nice. They were kind and were constantly inviting her to come to this and go to that. Finally, she said she’d visit the church and went the next Sunday evening. She was not prepared for the service; she was quite surprised, in fact, and mentally compared the preacher to Johnny Carson. It felt like he was doing a monologue, not a sermon. It was “Look at me, I’m funny” for about 45 minutes and then he used the guilt tactic. “If you love God, you will come forward now and rededicate your life to Him!” And suddenly everyone in the “Youth” section of the pews walked out of the pews and up to the front where they knelt and prayed and wept. There were about fifty or sixty teens there so it made a noise a bit like sheep trying to be first at the trough. This all felt contrived to Sadie and she made the decision to not return. Of course, like the true, well-brought-up Southern Girl that she was, she would be gracious and smiling while in her mind, she was thinking, “Really?”

As she walked out of the foyer, she encountered Betsy, the one who had invited her to this service, who was bubbling with enthusiasm,

Indoctrinated : Chapters 5-8
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“Wasn’t that a great sermon! It was so moving and inspirational! You’ll probably want to come forward next time! It’s always a good thing to rededicate your life!”

And then Betsy grabbed a tall, short-haired young man dressed in a suit and tie.

“Come over here Jimmy! I want you to meet someone!”

Jimmy looked like a cross between James Dean and Ricky Nelson; he acted like he was Mr. Good Guy but was sullen just under the surface. He was good-looking enough, but there was just a hint of I’m-better-than-you and the rules don’t apply to me about him.

“Hi, good to meet ya, why don’t you come with us to Denny’s?” He said it in a way that made saying no impossible. Then he took Sadie’s arm and steered her out to his car, opened the car door, and ushered her in.

The drive was thankfully short because Jimmy talked nonstop about himself and what he liked and what his life was about. She thought he was self-centered but politely smiled and nodded at all the right moments. At Denny’s, there were about twenty church kids who were loud and laughing and ordering cokes and burgers and mountains of fries. It was almost too much. Betsy was there and motioned for them to sit by her. “I ordered for you,” she said and introduced the entire table to Sadie. They were all laughing and smiling. Sadie wasn’t comfortable around them, but it was something new, friendly, and seemingly kind. So she tried to laugh with them.

Sadie’s mom seemed pleased at times that Sadie was going to church. At other times, she would wistfully make comments, “You don’t dance anymore…” or “Don’t you like music anymore?” because this new church immediately pressured her to “surrender” rock and roll and dancing. And wearing pants. God’s purpose for her life could only be found through giving up things. God intended for men to wear pants and women to wear skirts. And, by the way, read these books. And read the Bible every day, for at

least 30 minutes. And memorize these verses. And go forward at every church service and kneel at the altar and act like you are praying sincerely. Sadie felt like she was sucked into a spinning wormhole and there was no way out.

These people were captivating. Charismatic and demanding. Sadie would read the Bible dutifully but her mind was busy remembering her real loves, poetry, music, and freedom to be herself. There were many times that the actions and words of her new friends were contrary to what the Bible actually said. While that may be true, she also found that for her to question what she was being taught was adamantly forbidden, one did not question the church doctrine. If you did, you were immediately and publicly shamed for it. Especially if you were a girl.

Girls were expected to be completely submissive. Men were the leaders, men made the decisions. This was reinforced in the music sung, the prayers spoken, the sermons and lessons presented, and in conversation. Pressured to conform, pressured to be “godly,” pressured to dress and act a certain way whether one believed it or not was subtly, constantly, effectively changing Sadie.


Sometimes at school, the others would refer to Sadie and her new friends as “Jesus Freaks” but mostly everyone left them alone. Mainly because they wanted to avoid being proselytized or told they were going to hell. Sadie felt part of something bigger than herself, and she began to almost feel like she belonged. She thought she must be where she was supposed to be. They even told her that Mickey’s death was God’s Will. There were a lot of things that were God’s Will that didn’t sit right with Sadie but she chose not to acknowledge it. She chose not to think for herself because when she did, she felt broken and sad, and alone.

All this time, Jim was there, always there, explaining to her how to be, how to look, what to do. And telling her it was God’s will for them to be together. She was grateful to have people to distract her from the pain. She didn’t have to

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think, she just had to follow silently. Still, in the quiet moments when she was alone, she couldn’t pray, she couldn’t think clearly, and life was empty. Jim wasn’t what she wanted but he was better than the darkness of sorrow. He told her what her purpose in life was and she didn’t have to figure it out. It was too painful to think, to face her pain. So she floated along smiling and agreeing and becoming perfect.

Jim was the same age as Sadie, so as graduation approached, he applied to a Bible College. He also proposed to Sadie. She didn’t say no. Jim made a big deal of asking Sadie’s father for permission to marry her. That appealed to her father, who was a bit old-fashioned and thoroughly military. And so once again, Sadie had purpose and direction. Sort of. Her parents were pleased at least.

Sadie had always believed she would go to college. When she brought this up, Jim said, of course, he would go to Bible College, she’d work and pay the bills and for his school, and when he completed his studies, he’d go to work and she’d go to school. That’s not how it actually worked out.


Graduation came and went, the summer was all about the weddings. Sadie was a bridesmaid in seven weddings. And in August, she had a big wedding, in church, the whole nine yards. And as she sat in the back room of the auditorium, alone with her thoughts, she knew this was a mistake. She wanted to run away, she knew she should just walk out, she thought about how she could get to the woods she loved so much, and she wondered if she could survive there and just hide. She also knew that she couldn’t let her parents down, but she could not figure out how to stand up, put one foot in front of the other and just leave. She wanted to run but her feet seemed cemented to the floor.

The wedding looked beautiful to everyone but Sadie. It was all perfect. The reception was perfect. And as she looked around, she realized it was all utterly fake, false, and

phony. It was a nightmare. The religiosity was unreal, like big cardboard images instead of real people. Her family, parents, and grandparents, all seemed happy. But everyone else appeared one-dimensional. It made Sadie dizzy.

They left for a two-day honeymoon. Time with Jim was all about him, always, even sex. He got what he wanted, turned over, and went to sleep. Not even an “i love you.” Sadie finally fell asleep and her dreams took her to the levee, in the grass, on a summer night, the first night she spent with Mickey. Mickey is generous, loving, and gentle Mickey. Mickey, her soulmate. Who was gone?

A week later, they packed their belongings into a U-haul trailer and drove three hours away to college. Jim was starting his Bible studies and Sadie had to find a job. It was sad. She thought, “it should be happy.” But it wasn’t, it was just, empty.

They arrived at the Bible college campus. There were new buildings and people everywhere but it all felt gray and lifeless. Jim had rented an apartment just off campus. It was an old servants’ quarters, part of an antebellum plantation. The owners had small, cheap apartments made from the quarters, added on, and rented out to students.

Student renters weren’t allowed on the main property but used a separate entrance. Whereas the main house was stately and well maintained, the apartments crammed into one building, a gray clapboard building in need of paint. Sadie and Jim’s apartment was at the end of the row of dark gray doors. They unloaded the u haul and carried their belongings into the tiny apartment.

The carpet was the first thing Sadie noticed. It was a dull brown, stained and unfortunate looking, obviously many years old and carelessly cared for. The wallpaper was historic, not in a good way, and was probably left over from the 1930s. It could have been cute but it wasn’t. The living room was big enough for a chair and a sofa. They squeezed in a tiny table because there wasn’t room in the kitchen which was also from the thirties, a small refrigerator, a tiny

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stove, and an almost cute farm-style sink with tin cabinets. There were 3 cupboards above the sink and 2 below. Sadie thought it looked like a closet stuffed with the basic necessities of a kitchen. There were grease stains on the wall and a faint greasy smell.

The bathroom was an odd turquoise-y color with mildew in the shower. A very small sink was hung on the wall alongside an old toilet. And that was it. Well, and the one closet.

Sadie felt sick. But this was her choice and she was stuck with it. If everyone else was happy, that would have to be enough.

Jim asked, “So, you like it?” and didn’t wait for an answer. “It’s super cheap, fifty bucks a month, and bills included. Isn’t that great!”

“Hey I’m going over to Roy’s and see how he’s doing, I’ll be back later,”

And he left. Truthfully, Sadie felt relieved. Jim seemed to suck the very life out of a room, so when he was gone, she could think, she could write, she could feel. She unpacked a box, put it away, and wondered where the kitchen stuff was. Rummaging through boxes until she found what she needed, she made a pitcher of tea, sweetened it and poured a glass. She opened the windows and took in the view. It was a crappy little apartment but the big windows looked out across a beautiful valley. Looking out, Sadie grasped a tiny bit of hope.

As Sadie unpacked a box, a small white feather fell onto the floor. It was the dove feather Mickey had sent her from boot camp. To remember me by, he said. As if she could ever forget. There had been a sprig of rosemary with the feather, was it in the box too? Thank God Jim wasn’t home, he was so possessive of her and couldn’t stand things from her past. And there at the bottom of the box was the dried rosemary. She stared at it, remembering. Then Sadie took the feather and rosemary and put it inside a book of poetry that they had shared, and read to each other out loud. But she would never tell Jim about that, he’d make her burn the book. She placed the book in her drawer.

Numb with the grief that still held her prisoner, she put things away, ate a sandwich, and cleaned the shower. She got ready for bed and by 10, Jim wasn’t home, so she laid down and fell asleep.

About an hour later, Jim blustered through the door with Roy behind him.

“Hey, is there anything to eat? Why are you in bed? Get up and fix us something to eat!”

Sadie was bewildered. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. Still half asleep and still numb, she silently got up and fixed some ham sandwiches.

“Can you at least make ‘em grilled or something? Geez what’s wrong with you?” snarled Jim.

So she grilled them in a frying pan. Jim and Roy were on the porch, laughing and joking like middle school boys. Sadie took the food and some tea out to the guys who did not say thanks and who barely acknowledged she was there.

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About Powerful Women Today’s Research

The purpose of this research, conducted by Carolina M. Billings, Ph.D., is to provide a fresh perspective on the challenges faced by female business owners in Generation X and explore how marketing aggregates and AI technology can support women entrepreneurs in this generation .

The research aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge, fill knowledge gaps, and offer new insights into the issue. It is part of my Doctoral Thesis: Artificial Intelligence Chatbots and Marketing Aggregates’ Impact on Women Entrepreneurs Generation X and Baby Boomers.

The study targets a broad audience, including academics, policymakers, business executives, and female entrepreneurs themselves. Academics can benefit from the fresh perspectives and information provided by the research, which can lead to the development of new theories and ideas in entrepreneurship and marketing. Policymakers can utilize the findings to create more effective policies and programs that support women business owners in Generation X. Business executives can implement the study’s suggestions to foster female entrepreneurship within their organizations. Female entrepreneurs themselves can use the conclusions and recommendations to develop new approaches and strategies to overcome challenges and enhance the success of their enterprises.

The research findings have implications for designing inclusive programs that empower women entrepreneurs in Generation X . They offer insights and recommendations that can benefit various stakeholders. By promoting entrepreneurship among women in this generation, several advantages can be realized, including advancing gender equality, fostering financial independence and autonomy, stimulating economic growth and job creation, and enabling social impact.

The significance of the research lies in its potential to inspire fresh tactics and methods for supporting female entrepreneurs, thus closing the gender gap in entrepreneurship and promoting gender equality. Additionally, it aims to create a business ecosystem that is more diverse and inclusive, allowing women entrepreneurs from Generation X to thrive. The novelty of the thesis lies in its focus on the convergence of AI technology and marketing analytics in the context of female entrepreneurship in Generation X. The practical implications of the research include providing suggestions and methods for utilizing AI technology and marketing aggregates to support women entrepreneurs. Policymakers, corporate executives, and women entrepreneurs can use these recommendations to develop initiatives and strategies that benefit women entrepreneurs in Generation X.

While women in Generation X have made significant advancements in education and the workforce, they still face obstacles and financial pressures. These include barriers to job progression, wage disparities, workplace discrimination, and caregiving responsibilities. Addressing these challenges is crucial for advancing gender equality and creating a society where women can actively contribute to the economy.

In summary, this research aims to provide a fresh perspective on the challenges faced by female business owners in Generation X and explore how marketing aggregates and AI technology can support women entrepreneurs. It targets a wide audience and offers insights that can contribute to the development of inclusive programs, promote gender equality, and address the economic struggles faced by women in this generation.

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How can AI Chatbots Bard and ChatGPT help Generation X women entrepreneurs with content creation?


This study explores the possibilities of AI chatbots for Gen X women business owners in content development. The study examines explicitly how well two chatbots, Bard and ChatGPT, produce high-quality material for marketing reasons. We employ a mixed-methods approach that combines a quantitative examination of the chatbots’ performance with qualitative interviews with business owners. According to the findings, these entrepreneurs may considerably increase their content generation with the help of chatbots, giving them a quick and inexpensive way to produce marketing content. Future research directions and implications for marketing practice are highlighted. The primary purpose of this article is to introduce ChatGPT 3.5 and Bard to the audience and show their abilities in a broad spectrum.

Research Question: What is the effectiveness of AI chatbots, specifically Bard and ChatGPT, in assisting Generation X women entrepreneurs with content creation for their marketing efforts, and how can these chatbots be optimized to improve content quality and efficiency?

Keywords: Bard, ChatGPT, Content Creation, Marketing, Women Entrepreneurs


Numerous challenges must be overcome by brands when organising the content function of digital marketing. They have to deal with issues such content proliferation, uneven and haphazard content production, a lack of strategic direction in the content insights process, and consumers’ challenges in locating current and relevant material. (Cole, 2017)

Entrepreneurs as Content Creators

The reality is that most people fall short because they don’t persevere long enough to put in the effort necessary to develop their unique voice. Everyone wants to bypass that portion because it’s the most terrifying part of the journey—singing without knowing whether or not you’re any good. Watch any now-famous YouTuber’s early videos, and you’ll witness an eager and unseasoned vlogger approaching their profession with wide eyes. Read any fulltime blogger’s early blog postings to see their chaotic writing style and lack of direction.

This arduous process separates those who intend to become “Internet famous” from those who sincerely want to master their skill and benefit others; the latter always triumphs. It takes time to develop into someone worth reading, watching, or following. It takes time for people to discover your work, and it also takes time for you as the creator to fully grasp your voice and style. Finding out which subjects most appeal to the audience you are attempting to target takes time. Finding the styles that garner the greatest attention requires patience. It takes time, and being patient is a skill many people find difficult in today’s world of distraction. But everyone is aware that this is the way to success. Famous YouTubers frequently discuss how they produced videos for a year or more before anyone took attention. Many well-known bloggers mention that they blogged for years before getting any form of substantial readership.

Even well-known Instagram users can tell that it took a lot of time and effort to grow their followings, despite how new the network is. They put a lot of effort into producing worthwhile material every day for weeks, even years, and they still put in the effort to keep their audience interested and expanding. This requires endurance, time and money,

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something entrepreneurs do not always have. There is no quick fix. No “fast track” exists. Because figuring out who you are as a content creator, what you’re excellent at, and how to properly provide that distinctive value to readers and followers is the key to making it all work.

The maturing and changing landscape of Content Creation

In 2023, a ‘set and forget’ strategy is no longer an option. Social media strategies need to be reviewed regularly to ensure brand alignment with any developments on platform, as well as to capture any opportunities for engaging in new ways.

Many businesses worry excessively about producing the ideal piece of content. Or they worry about just producing the material that their sales team, employer, or customers desire.

The true objective is to continuously provide content that is aligned to the consumer journey.

Every day, buyers look online. Their search habits also show the need for a foundational education. Exactly the stuff brands are reluctant to share because of fear that their intended audience already knows the fundamentals. Or perhaps being unaware of just how many individuals the business’ target market needs to be persuaded to purchase your goods.

Content must be regularly updated, depending on the buyer’s journey, and linked to keywords pertinent to the industry. Consistent publication in content marketing is never easy to do. This may result from lacking tools, concepts, structure, and other factors.

Increasing the number of high-quality leads is the top objective of content marketing for businesses. This has been cited as the entrepreneur’s most significant difficulty.

We must remember that AI chatbots do help with the question of how to generate high content creation, the question remains: What is the quality? Furthermore, content creation is not a marketing strategy.

To read the complete research paper, visit www.powerfulwomentoday.com/research

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AI Chatbots Bias Towards Women Entrepreneurs Disruption or Innovation?


This study explores the possible Bias of AI chatbots toward Generation X women business owners. It assesses whether using chatbots as an emerging technology for content creation for digital marketing is disruptive or a new kind of innovation. The study examines the ways in which chatbots may display gender prejudice and how this Bias might influence the marketing methods used by women entrepreneurs of Generation X, drawing on prior research on AI chatbots and gender bias.

While AI chatbots may produce biased content against female Gen X entrepreneurs, this bias may open up new doors for disruption, innovation, and creativity. Businesses may be able to develop new marketing tactics and boost interaction with a previously underserved market by utilizing chatbots to target this specific demographic, explicitly calling out chatbots to create content with inclusive and non-biased language. The study does, though, note the possible drawbacks of this bias, such as the reinforcement of gender stereotypes and the potential exclusion of specific industries. The study contends that even while AI chatbots may present new chances for the support of women entrepreneurs from Generation X, it is crucial to recognize and deal with any possible prejudices that may emerge and to work towards developing marketing tactics that are inclusive and varied.

Research Questions: How does AI chatbot perpetuates gender biases towards Gen X women business owners? Are Chatbots Innovation or Disruption for women entrepreneurs Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Bard, Bias, Chatbots, ChatGPT, Generation X Women Entrepreneurs, Digital Marketing.


With the development of technology, businesses are now using artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots to improve their marketing tactics. The marketing sector is continuously changing; it is, however, experiencing accelerated innovation not previously experienced.

There is growing worry that these chatbots can show bias towards Generation X women business owners, which might restrict their options and impede their development.

Previous studies have demonstrated that chatbots and AI algorithms may be biased toward women, harming women-owned businesses. As a result, it’s critical to comprehend how these biases could influence marketing tactics and the general success of female Gen X businesses.

(European Council, 2023)

This research paper looks at the potential bias of AI chatbots toward Women Gen X Entrepreneurs. It assesses whether or not this bias is disruptive or a new kind of marketing innovation. The research thoroughly examines the possible consequences of this prejudice on marketing strategies and the success of women entrepreneurs from Generation X born between 1965 and 1980 (McKenna, 2023), by relying on current literature on AI chatbots, gender bias, and marketing. In doing so, this paper hopes to add to the continuing conversation around gender bias in marketing and offer suggestions for how companies may develop more diverse and inclusive marketing plans that will help women company owners from Generation X enhance their marketing plans and contribute to the development of a more fair and just society by addressing this problem.

To read the complete research paper, visit www.powerfulwomentoday.com/research Or download it from Amazon.com here .

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